#ok pettywise
jununy · 5 years
Ok so we know that Bill, Eddie, and Richie are Michael, Jeremy and Christine but what about the other Losers? Personally I see Jenna as Ben, Jake as Mike, Chloe as Stan, and pettywise as SQUIP but that would leave Bev as either Brooke or Rich and neither of those characters really fit her (Side note: Greta is totally Madeline, and maybe Betty as Brooke)
honest to god, i did not think much further than “haha wow eddie and richie really fit a lot of these songs and it would be really fun to see them sing two player game or michael in the bathroom or loser geek whatever”
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clownlike-blog · 5 years
“ why? why would you want me?”
          THERE’S AN OVERWHELMING CHILDISHNESS to the way it stomps its foot on the ground , fingers curled to fists sent downwards with the gravity of annoyance the more questions come out of the boy’s mouth.  finally there’s a second of silence , the earth gone completely still as the jingle of bells fades , distorted , into the air.  but it’s still partially there , the sound , much akin to the ringing of someone’s ears but just enough to drive anyone mad when trying to find the source.
          “ BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS TALK BACK.  BLAH , BLAH , BLAH - ” one hand is raised, cupped to make the shape of a mouth as fingers move together and then separate to give the impression of talking with those last , final words.  “ WASN’T IT NICE FOR THE MOMENT , RICKY ?  THE SILENCE ?  OR WERE YOU STILL TALKING TO YOURSELF INSIDE THAT LITTLE HEAD OF YOURS ? ”  it frowns , stalks forward and bends with arms straight at its side again , “ BUT THIS TIME , YOU DON’T WANNA SHARE , DO YOU ? ”
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fridgeleech-archive · 7 years
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FIRST OF ALL HOLY CRAP GUYS 150+ !!!? I am so blessed to have all of you around && interacting with my patrick seriously. i made this blog when i was trying to get into the groove of roleplaying i was so nervous about entering the IT fandom only ever being in the Supernatural fandom && fandomless ocs but this fandom has been so kind and welcoming && has made me meet some of the most wonderful people. i feel like i’ve known you guys since i beginning of time && i cant wait to meet more of you lovely people 
ALSO NOTE: if i missed anyone its probably because i’m scattered brain af im sure theres more people but tumblr ate the last follow forever post i made so i had to spend another hour on this. feel free 2 come into my askbox if i missed u or somethin!!
@spookcdman CHARLIE, MY DAD MY EVERYTHING !!  You are one of my very best friends on here && i love you so much full homo no homo. i will love you till the end of time && you’ll always be my best dad friend seriously. i feel like i can tell you anything && everything at this point even though we’ve known each other for only 3 weeks. 
@henrybcwers YOU KNOW I FUCKING LOVE YOU !!! I love you i love our ship i love talking to you i love our dumb little plots && rps && EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU I JUST LOVE !!! I LOOK FORWARD TO TALKING TO YOU ALL THE FUCKIN TIME OK !! 
@victheprick bOY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !! I love your vic && and we def need more threads together ok i need more PAT && VIC STUFF. Tbh you’re honestly one of the nicest people && i love talking to you ok 24/7 all day everyday. 
@noteddieble ok we have barely talked but you’re so amazing && i love talking to you && having my patrick stuff eddie into fridges alright like come @ me cause i def NEED to talk to you more 
@hughhoncy OH MY GOD OK !!! I love you so fucking much?? Like?? honestly i love how we both share a love for Dennis && the gang && Patrick && the bowers gang && i love our silly little im rps (?) like seriously they crack me up every friggin time ok && also your dennis is so spot on?? like he’s so close to canon it just blows me tf away every thread i read of yours
@vicviinegar we barely talk but you are so fuckin’ funny && i just love your Mac so much because you put so much love && effort into him && he’s so spot on && we def need to talk more i demand it the silver god demands it
@hockstctter  MY HOCKSTETTER TWIN !!! you know i love you with all my heart !! I won’t lie when i first saw that there was another patrick i was all like “hmmm” && i got jealous @ first cause like yOUR WRITING IT SO AMAZING && GR8  AND IM SO GLAD I FOLLOWED YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE HONESTLY A SWEET HEART && I LOVE THAT WE BOTH HAVE A SHARED LOVE FOR THIS TRASH SON && I CANT WAIT TO START OUR TWIN VERSE !!
@clownlike honestly i love you && your art so much. we dont talk a lot but everytime i talk to you your such a sweet heart && your so fuckin talented with your writing && your art I won’t lie i make THE DUMBEST noise && grin so wide everytime i see you make patrick art for me or just any art in general !! ILY!
@ethrealtrauma AVERY BABY BOY MY BROTHER !!! Honestly first of all, you’re so wonderful to talk to && your such a sweetheart I love talking to you so much even though we haven’t talked a lot so far i can just tell we’re going to be bffs ok. sECOND OF ALL YOU MADE A FRIGGIN AVERY !! Do you know how long this blog had been SUFFERIN WITHOUT AN AVE? Like 5ever ok && im so excited to have all of the awful threads w/ u. some brother bondin. 
@reddreaded​ Ok you are honestly so fuckin hilarious. i love all the patrick memes you send me they legit hurt my sides from laughing && ily for that. we def ??? need to talk more tbh?? cause like you’re just so funny && nice && amazing ?? 
@scarelosers​ OK I’VE KNOWN YOU FOR FOREVER NOW. I’ve know you for how long? For a year now? I’ve known you all the way back when you had a Rick && when I had Marshall. i love you so much && i love how we always find each other && are always in the same fandoms @ the same time no matter what. i love writing && shipping w/ you && your actually the reason i made patrick in the first place && got so into IT  !! I just,,,i love you so much ok?? like forever && ever && you know that already <33
@notrealenoughfor LISTEN GEOFF !! We barely talk but you’re such a nice person && i really wanna talk to you && get to know you better because tbh you’re so nice && funny. also btw thank you for making the group chat so I have somewhere to dump all my pregnant patrick pictures. love u 5ever. 
@realfor ZACH, MY UNCLE, MY EVERYTHING!! u make our little family w/ @papcrman​ complete, u r the bread and butter. you’re so fuckin sweet and i just ?? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH? I LOVE ALL YOUR WRITING && I JUST LOVE U?? Like serious i cant even begin to explain how amazing u are && how much i love you ily 5ever uncle <333 <3 ahem,,,i mean...ur ok bro u chill no homo no homo
@hestorian @inhalingballoons @fuckindildos @fuckingladies @boardwalkbeauty @frespirited @manquln @gazeeebos @lackedfear @wheezydoll @rabbison @desxderium @itisaspook @curisewer @trashbeep @badokdok @pastclosed @falserep @patrickhockstetter @tozcer @tozielous @fucking-trashmouth @neuroticstuttering @scnguinc @trashmouthsister @getsbeeped @s-stutters @derrybcrn @simplywas @zcphira @dollcursed @trashmouthd @angelcfsin (bae<3) @girlsfeared @spookmyfricnds @taintedbone @bloodworship @compcnction @stillcominback @sitched (so what’s the sitch?) @flcted @hornscrown @you-float-tooo @bevcrlymcrsh @celebrityvictim @praechers @ohvnger​ @neverfeared​ @deadmarket​ @hcircut​ @seemscreepy​ @wheeziess​ @godlyfire​ @fuckiingclown​ @fratriciide​ (u kno i love you boo <3) @haystaxx​ @finalslay​ @scribblingstars​ @freeses​ @ssxgeorgie​ @mafclie​ @shadowfound​ @couldadodged​ @urises​ @hystearial​
@trashfear​ @sncrlisms​ @oflosers​ @clownfeared​ @dcgausscr​ @inhalingballoons​ @hauntsboy​ @bloodlovcd​ @foulfear​ @ripsoms​ @soughtballoons​ @ittakesmanyforms​ @barmitzvahed​ @clownfought​ @scabiaus​ @floatn​ @monstrauma​ @derrykat​ @guiltrauma​ @silverawayyy​ @sicklyguilt​ @tinycomedian​ @fearlacking​ @hefloatstoo​ @pettywise​ @bcbysitter​ @thrustsfists​ @lionguilt​ @unholyhunter​ (OF COURSE I LOVE YOU) @frankencasted​ @flutefeared​ @plainaudra​ @clownfearing​ @birdtrauma​ @eaterofwcrlds​ @wiinstons​ @hallowedbethyname​ @abrastcne​ @chariotsofthegodsman@cxrsedlife (my boo<3) 
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no92929 · 5 years
Narrator: This, is Rowan Snow. (Snowe. says rowan). Excuse me? (It's pronounced snowe). Rowan Snow *pronounces right* sorry. She grew up in Mandatory Ln? Is that what that says? *clears throat*. In Mandatory Ln, wherever the hell that is. (No it is not in hell.) Oh.. ok. *silence* And she is obsessed, with penguins. In fact, she has a penguin named.... Sherbet. (It's Sherbert!). Right *clears throat* Sherbert. Rowan would love to be a doctor. Oh! A doctor, what type of doctor? (The one where you do doctor things). Well there's different types of doctors. (Ok). *silence* SO that is the star of Today's show. Is that what I was suppose to say? (Voice in the distance "Yes, Ron").
Anyway, moving on, this is... Vinich?*pronounces name wrong* (It's pronounced, VINEECH. says vinich). Vinich *pronounces wrong* grew up... (EECH!!!!) Vinich *pronounces right* grew up... with the worms? Do I have the right paper?! *silence* (that's none of my business) *clears throat* She loves spinach. She eats spinach every day for breakfast. I wonder what she eats for dinner... (PIE. *in angry voice*). Pie... alright. We only see Vinich *pronounces right* outside about once a month but... (HEY! IT'S ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS!) Oh, so you've been working on that, huh? (Yes.) OK well when she DOES go outside, we only ever see her wear clothing from the 1800s in just the color blue, and always devil horns. That girl is FEISTY. Am I almost done? (Voice in the distance "No.") *sighs*
Next, is Pettywise. I'm not even going to question this anymore.. So, Pettywise.... grew up in a trash can. *laughs* Same. I would think she grew up in a sewer tho... *laughs* Hahhaha, I crack myself up. (No one thinks you're funny. says Pettywise). Haha, ok. Pettywise wants to be a gay marriage legalizer! Huh, I actually think I like this one! Pettywise is very.. (GAY) Gay, yes. And very (SINGLE) Single, yes. Anything else you want to add? (Nope, it's dope. OH MY GOD THAT RHYMED! I am an absolute Alvin Einstein. My rhymes aren't the only thing that's smart *winks* that sounded like it would actually made sense in my head). Alright well that is Pettywise hahaha hahaha. (That is me! And ladies, hit me up. PLEASE!) You heard her! Ladies? *silence* *clears throat*
Yep, so that's it! (Um no it isn't! Did you literally pretend to skip me?! says Timothy Junior). Oh, no... (You totally just did!) Umm... So we also have... *scoffs from Timothy Junior* We also have Timothy Junior! Timothy grew up... (Timothy Junior! It's always Timothy JUNIOR!!) Right, sorry. Timothy Junior grew up in Timothy Junior's dad's city. Timothy Junior wants to be Miranda's manager. Who's Miranda? (MIRANDA SINGS!!!!) Mmmm... Timothy Junior likes chicken... (NO! I don't like chicken... I LOVE IT!!!) Timothy Junior LOVES chicken! And is single.
So... those four are called... Pinky Dinks. *silence* Seriously... what the hell.
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