forevermisplaced · 3 years
How are you so beautiful? - SB
Because I'm wearing a mask in profile pic lol
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
Covid got me super down now.
No family for a year now.
I just want cuddles, with anyone!!!
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
If you're a lesbian, or girl who likes girls, or gay, or whatever, reblog this so I can follow you.
Doooooo It!
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
Calling all my spooky friends I need advice.
For a few months now I've felt something following me. At first it was just in my house, things were going missing and turning up in plain sight, the cats meowing at the same corner at the same time every night, the dog growing at the same space, footsteps on the floor above when I'm home alone.
Then in work while I was talking to a colleague an old cupboard opened on its own, ikr but this cupboard is held closed with magnets and there was that dull twanging sound you get as they unclick.
Then... Since my nan passed 10 years ago I have always worn her bracket, I have always played with it spinning it around on my wrist to settle me. I do this everytime I go to sleep. On a Friday night I snuggle down on the sofa waiting for my partner to come home (I've been up since 6 so will have a sofa nap around 10 and he wakes me when he comes home at midnight) so I twiddle my bracelet and go to sleep. When he wakes me I go to twiddle my bracelet and its gone, its not on the sofa it's in the middle of the floor in a neat little pile, and the is a link missing. The is no way it would have fallen off there it's at least 4ft away from the sofa. The links are solid with no joins and that was found 2 months after on the side. In plain sight. It's just me and my partner in the house, neither of us put it there.
I had plans to cleanse the house and myself so ordered some sage sticks and crystals. In the mean time my work colleague gave me some sage incense sticks. I paired that with telling whatever is around me that it is not welcome and it needs to leave.
These seemed to work. My kit arrived between Christmas and New year. I told my partner I was going to wait until after New year to cleanse because I didn't want to cleanse the new years luck away (my family is very suspicious about this and no deep cleaning is allowed between Christmas and new year only general stuff) but since it has arrived in the house I have been having dreams that this energy that is following me is going to hurt me. I wake up after a feeling of being pushed. I got the kit out on what I thought was a very calm day and was overcome with an over whelming sense of panic and a crushing feeling in my chest. This went away once I put it away.
So do I cleanse and I'm just nervous or is it sending me a warning? Tia
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
Life's too short to spend it at war with your body
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forevermisplaced · 4 years
Having anxiety is like looking at the world through a dirty glass with one eye closed...everything's dark and a little muggy
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forevermisplaced · 5 years
My life has been infinitely better since I realised,
1. I don't actually have a problem with my body, society does
2. It's not my fault if I'm not societies definition of 'beauty' or 'sexy'
3. I don't give a damn what you think, this bitch knows she is fine!!
Thank you, that is all
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forevermisplaced · 6 years
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forevermisplaced · 6 years
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forevermisplaced · 6 years
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Mell Bernardo
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forevermisplaced · 8 years
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forevermisplaced · 9 years
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forevermisplaced · 9 years
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Check out these bad boys!!
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forevermisplaced · 9 years
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Joining the hotdog club
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forevermisplaced · 9 years
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