#shut up miyou
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libertatias · 9 months ago
whatever you do don't think about zuko abdicating the throne the same year sokka dies because he can't bear ruling without him 🫠
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freckledsokka · 8 months ago
thank u to my 10 whole followers on this sideblog i love u and cherish u i am kissing u all on the mouth (with an appropriate level of affection)
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libertatias · 1 year ago
this fanfic reminding me why i don’t ship s*m and r*fe lol
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miyouai · 1 month ago
miyou's valentine lore
(the owner kae decided to make lore for valentines for miyou.ai's mascots) during valentines miyou and Angel were off running around in the snowy forest where they lived, during this angel got lost in what seemed to be a very pretty elegant part of the snowy forest, not because of angel being a cat, it was like a maze to her eyes, miyou eventually found her and they laid down cuddle up together whispering sweet little sentences to each other like the animal kingdom couples do (shut up enjoy my lore) and fellmore in love with each other during their time, they eventually fell asleep under the stary sky...
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bisexualeddiethawne · 7 years ago
raise ur hand if u still miss eddie thawne, who deserved and still deserves better
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pikahlua · 3 years ago
MHA Chapter 360 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 緑谷出久はここに居る筈だったそうだろ? みどりやいずくはここにいるはずだったそうだろ? Midoriya Izuku wa koko ni iru hazu datta sou daro? “Izuku Midoriya was supposed to be here, right?”
tagline 届かないー… とどかないー… todokanai--... Doesn’t reach--...
2 なら遠からずここに戻ってくる ならとおからずここにもどってくる nara tookarazu koko ni modotte kuru “Then he’ll return here soon.”
tagline No.360 それでも  堀越耕平 ナンバー360 それでも  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 360 soredemo   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 360 Nevertheless    Kohei Horikoshi (Note: "Soredemo" is the word that often comes before "sara ni mukou he" aka "go beyond".)
3 "個性"が抹消されてて逆に良かった "こせい"がまっしょうされててぎゃくによかった “kosei” ga masshou saretete gyaku ni yokatta “It was unexpectedly good that my quirks were erased.”
4 うるっ uru “Shut-” (Note: This is the Japanese onomatopoeia for an unintentional cry/whimper.) (Edit: After some sleep, I realized this is probably Katsuki trying to say “Shut up” but Tomura cuts him off.)
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1 死体が残る したいがのこる shitai ga nokoru “A corpse will remain.”
2 良いプレゼントになりそうじゃないか いいプレゼントになりそうじゃないか ii PUREZENTO ni narisou ja nai ka “Won’t that likely make a good present?”
3 くし刺しであの怒りようだったからなァ くしざしであのいかりようだったからなァ kushizashi de ano ikari you datta kara naA “Because he seemed so angry when you were skewered.”
(Note: Katsuki’s dialogue boxes are the sounds of him being choked off.)
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1 オールマイトが勝つところに"憧れた"んだっけ? オールマイトがかつところに"あこがれた"んだっけ? OORU MAITO ga katsu tokoro ni “akogareta” ndakke? “You admired All Might [in the moment] just when he wins, right?”
2 現実を見よう爆豪勝己 げんじつをみようばくごうかつき genjitsu wo miyou Bakugou Katsuki “Let’s see the reality, Katsuki Bakugou.”
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1 君はどこまで行こうと緑谷出久の金魚の糞だよ きみはどこまでいこうとOFAのきんぎょのフンだよ kimi wa doko made ikou to OFA (kanji: Midoriya Izuku) no kingyo no FUN da yo “No matter how far you go, you’re OFA’s (read as: Izuku Midoriya’s) goldfish excrement.” (Note: According to @hanashimas​ this is something of a metaphor I didn’t have time to research while translating. If I had to choose an English equivalent, maybe I’d go with “gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe.”)
2 捻れてーーー グリングーーー GURINGU--- Nejire--- (Note: This is the first part of one of her attack names, which in English is usually just pronounced “Nejire.”)
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1 穿つ槍 パイク‼︎ PAIKU!! Pike!!
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1 うわっ uwa “Uwahh!”
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1 混成大夥 こんせいたいか konsei taika Vast Hybrid
2 オクトパスミラージュ+ OKUTOPASU MIRAAJU + Octopus Mirage +
3 スコルピウストキシン! SUKORUPIUSU TOKISHIN! Scorpius Toxin!
4 時代は虫食だ! じだいはちゅうしょくだ! jidai wa chuushoku da! “[Your] era is worm food!”
5 毒…! どく…! doku...! “Poison...!”
6 下らないねぇ‼︎ くだらないねぇ‼︎ kudaranai nee!! “How worthless!!”
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1 僕の身体は適応していく‼︎ ぼくのからだはてきおうしていく‼︎ boku no karada wa tekiou shite iku!! “My body continues to adapt!!”
2 遠くからちまちまと! とおくからちまちまと! tooku kara chimachima to! “From afar and really small/compact!” (Note: Not super confident about this line.)
3 それじゃあ僕は通せないぞ! それじゃあぼくはとおせないぞ! sore jaa boku wa toosenai zo! “Then I can’t let you through!”
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1 ジーニスト! JIINISUTO! “Jeanist!”
2 よしっ yoshi “All right.”
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1 蛇腔にいたなふざけた顔だ じゃくうにいたなふざけたかおだ Jakuu ni ita na fuzaketa kao da “That foolish face was in Jakuu.”
2 ルミリオン伝達と警護担当のヒーローさ ルミリオンでんたつとけいごたんとうのヒーローさ RUMIRION dentatsu to keigo tantou no HIIROO sa “I’m Lemillion, the hero in charge of communication and escort.” (Note: “Escort” is equivalent to “bodyguard” here.)
3 君以外の敵が乗り込んできた時の迎撃とか きみいがいのヴィランがのりこんできたときのげいげきとか kimi igai no VIRAN ga norikonde kita toki no geigeki toka “Like for interception when a villain other than you gets in or”
4 情報を円滑に回したりとかで じょうほうをえんかつにまわしたりとかで jouhou wo enkatsu ni mawashitari toka de “smoothly passing along information,”
5 素早く動ける人間が要るってんでね すばやくうごけるにんげんがいるってんでね subayaku ugokeru ningen ga iru ttende ne “we’d need a human who can move nimbly.”
6 何で壊す? なんでこわす? nande kowasu? “Why do you destroy?”
7 失敗しているからさ しっぱいしているからさ shippai shite iru kara sa “Because it’s failing,”
8 今の���造が いまのこうぞうが ima no kouzou ga “the current structure [of things].”
9 ここ‼︎ koko!! “Here!!”
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1 そっかーーおまえは sokka---omae wa “I see---you”
2 友だちがいなかったんだな ともだちがいなかったんだな tomodachi ga inakattanda na “didn’t have any friends, huh.”
3 あ? a? “Ah?”
4 近付く事は出来ても有効打が無い!だからーー ちかづくことはできてもゆうこうだがない!だからーー chikadzuku koto wa dekitemo yuukouda ga nai! dakara--- Even if I can get in close, I can’t hit him effectively. That’s why---
5 波動さんのエネルギーを零距離まで運ぶ‼︎ はどうさんのエネルギーをゼロきょりまではこぶ‼︎ Hadou-san no ENERUGII wo ZERO kyori made hakobu!! I’ll weild Hadou-san’s energy at point-blank range!!
6 いればわかるはずだーーーー ireba wakaru hazu da---- “If you had, you’d understand---”
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1 壊しちゃいけないものがあるって‼︎ こわしちゃいけないものがあるって‼︎ kowashicha ikenai mono ga aru tte!! “there are things you can’t destroy!!” (Note: This isn’t about unbreakable things but things “it would be bad/not allowed” to destroy.)
2 緑谷くんが来るまで死柄木に何もさせない‼︎ みどりやくんがくるまでしがらきになにもさせない‼︎ Midoriya-kun ga kuru made Shigaraki ni nani mo sasenai!! [We] won’t let Shigaraki do anything until Midoriya-kun arrives!!
3 ダイナマイト右腕を見せろ縫合する ダイナマイトみぎうでをみせろほうごうする DAINAMAITO migi ude wo misero hougou suru “Dynamight, show [me] your right arm. I’ll stitch it.”
4 ……
5 まだおまえの火力が必要だ早くーーー まだおまえのかりょくがひつようだはやくーーー mada omae no karyoku ga hitsuyou da hayaku--- “Your firepower is still necessary, quickly---”
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1 ......!!
2 ……腕を見せろ後は私たちが何とかする ……うでをみせろあとはわたしたちがなんとかする ......ude wo misero ato wa watashi-tachi ga nantoka suru “After you show me your arm we’ll do something about [all this].”
3 死柄木はもう別次元の領域にいる アレはもうべつじげんのりょういきにいる ARE (kanji: Shigaraki) wa mou betsu jigen no ryouiki ni iru “That [thing] (read as: Shigaraki) is already in the realm of another dimension.”
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1 死柄木との接敵経験を活かせる余地は最早ない しがらきとのぜってきけいけんをいかせるよちはもはやない “There is no longer any room to utilize our (enemy) experience of engaging with Shigaraki.”
2 よくやった…もう大丈夫だ よくやった…もうだいじょうぶだ yoku yatta... mou daijoubu da “You did well... It’s okay now.” (Note: “Mou daijoubu da” is the phrase All Might uses to assure people when he arrives.)
3 もうーーー mou--- “It’s o---”
4 右 みぎ migi “Right[side]”
5 指… ゆび… yubi... “finger[s]...”
6 フェイント…… FEINTO...... “feint......”
7 ああ aa Oh
8 まだ… mada... [He’s] still...
9 この男はーーー このおとこはーーー kono otoko wa--- This man is--- (Note: Jeanist is acknowledging that Katsuki has grown into a man like how he told Katsuki to return to him one day and tell him his hero name.)
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1 それでも soredemo Nevertheless
2 まだ mada [he’s] still (Note: This is a sentence cut-off mid-sentence, but there’s an implication that Katsuki is still fighting/still hasn’t given up/is still in the fight.)
tagline 目に宿るのはー… めにやどるのはー… me ni yadoru no wa--... What dwells in his eye[s]--...
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kimonobeat · 6 years ago
Gummy Lyrics: Kirei na Anata (きれいなあなた; you’re so pretty)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
I hate the afternoon sunlight, so I’m just here breathing With my curtains shut. Eventually when the tears brim over, I’ll look at this picture that’s underneath my pillow Over and over again
Why’d we break up? Why am I all alone?
I’m such a crybaby today, aren’t I? I was smiling that day, wasn’t I? I whisper to myself in the picture You’re so pretty
It was true love. I’ll never come across it again My dreams fall to the ground
The two of us should’ve believed That the end would never come
I’m such a crybaby today, aren’t I? I was smiling that day, wasn’t I? I whisper to myself in the picture  You’re so pretty
I tried chasing away the memories all too late Even if I try to fall in love again, I won’t burst into flames, nor would I get all dressed up I feel like an empty shell
I go on living today, with the pain from that day against my chest I whisper to myself in the picture You’re so pretty So very pretty
gogo no hizashi mo iya ka-ten shimeta mama iki wo shite’ru dake nano sono uchi namida ga koboretara makura no shita ni aru kono shashin nandomo miru
doushite wakareta no kana doushtie hitoribocchi nano
kyou wa nakimushi da yo ne ano hi wa egao datta ne shashin no naka no watashi ni tsubuyaku anata kirei desu
hontou no ai datta nido to wa deaenai koborete ochiru yume-tachi
owari nado kuru hazu nai to futari wa shinjite ita hazu
kyou wa nakimushi da yo ne ano hi wa egao datta ne shashin no naka no watashi ni tsubuyaku anata kirei desu
imasara omoide oidashita mita mata koi wo shite miyou to moeagaru koto naku kikazaru wake mo nai nukegara mitai ne
kyou mo ikite yuku kara ano hi no itami wo mune ni shashin no naka no watashi ni tsubuyaku anata kirei desu totemo kirei desu
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libertatias · 7 months ago
hello, i am here to ask you about your clown yaoi hcs <3
a lot of these are based on an rp i did with a buddy of mine but here are some of my faves:
shanks has a box of letters he's never sent because buggy never answered his first one and shanks doesn't want to be a bother :(
(they're both idiots because buggy absolutely read it and wrote a reply but then ripped it up bc no!! he won't let shanks get the better of him!!)
toki taught them how to dance while they were on the oro jackson and after they finally get together post-timeskip, one of the first things they do is dance together the way toki taught them
buggy is immune to and from shanks' haki and always thought this was normal bc they were practically inseparable as kids so why tf would he be scared of shanks (it is not normal. no one can explain it)
(they swore a literal blood oath when they were like 10 that they would always be there for each other. shanks' haki recognizes a piece of itself in buggy. neither one of them is aware of this)
this also means shanks has never been able to sense buggy with observation haki, which absolutely terrified him when he first awakened it as a kid because he could feel everyone and everything too much too loud but not buggy, why couldn't he feel buggy
shanks' observation awakening also happened during the whole shiki shitshow at edd war so not only was there a HUGE STORM and buggy possibly drowning to worry about but so much death and anger and fear and he couldn't sense buggy in any of it
roger had to separate these wet kittens bc shanks was having a mild mental breakdown and buggy was not helping bc buggy has never understood the whole haki thing and shanks was so afraid buggy didn't feel anything about him bc buggy was the only quiet part of the storm but buggy was also safe and it was just a mess and a half until shanks' brain stopped exploding
so much of their miscommunication stems from the fact that shanks is absolutely garbage at reading buggy (and he can't even cheat with haki) and the fact that buggy always assumes shanks means something he doesn't (king of catastrophizing everything shanks says) — especially when he does actually know what shanks meant and can't deal with shanks being so brutally honest
eventually, once they're more established as an Actual Couple (or something close to it) they sort of stumble their way into experimenting with buggy's devil fruit power which results in what i like to call armsharing
buggy lets shanks borrow his arm and through a combination of like deliberately giving his will over to shanks and inexplicable haki nonsense (the intimacy of literally giving a piece of yourself to another person wholly and freely), shanks is able to control the arm, but buggy can still feel it as an extension of his body
while shanks is in control of the arm, he can also use haki on it (like hardening or what have you), but for the first time buggy can also feel shanks' haki (which feels so much like roger buggy almost loses it) and shanks, for the first time, can sense buggy's feelings
he still can't see buggy's aura tho bc it is, in fact, too enormous to be seen by looking directly at it but is radiating every feeling he's ever felt about shanks at full capacity
the first time they armshare shanks cries bc it's like he's seeing buggy for the first time with his eyes wide open and he can finally finally feel the immensely overwhelming love pouring off buggy in waves (that he always wanted to believe was there but never knew for sure)
it only works when shanks is borrowing the arm tho so as soon as buggy takes it back, haki immunity is reinstated :(
they get married post-canon and fuck off to live on a houseboat together until they have a kid and shanks panics bc he can't live at sea with two drowning risks who are also THEE most important ppl in his life
so they move back to karai bari and establish a real town there that isn't just circus tents and it's very cute and domestic but also mildly annoying for shanks bc croc and mihawk just never left and now croc is mayor i guess bc no one else wanted the job
their kid is named giacomo who they call their little jackpot or just jack for short
jack grows up and wants to be just like his dads and granddads and eventually apprentices in shipbuilding so he can build his own ship in homage to the oro jackson that he calls the oro jackpot
shanks and buggy and the rest of roger's surviving crew all have small pieces of the oro jackson that they've held onto all this time and they donate these pieces to the oro jackpot so roger will live on in that ship too
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libertatias · 2 years ago
thinkin about sam accidentally getting involved with the mafia in boston as a teen
thinkin about sam tryna teach himself french in prison by reading the bible in french over and over
thinkin about sam reciting shakespeare to himself in solitary so he doesn't lose his goddamn marbles (the guards think he's crazy anyway bc he does all the voices)
thinkin about sam still defaulting to spanish when he gets frustrated bc he spent 13 years arguing with guards and inmates almost exclusively in spanish
thinkin about sam
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libertatias · 2 years ago
finally writing my fic about rafe taking sam to new orleans after bailing him out of prison to see What Happened to nate and sam being equally devastated and infuriated and betrayed by the fact that nate is off living his ~normal life and then having a lot of complicated emotions about how he can't possibly fit into this domestic caricature and how can he possibly convince nate to get back in the game so of course he begrudgingly decides to partner with rafe (all the while intending to bail the second he has a compelling lead bc rafe was always a means to an end)
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libertatias · 2 years ago
I'm new to uncharted and just completed the second game yesterday, and you were my first choice to ask
Is it noticeable that between the 3 months at the heist Harry Flynn was cocky but like gives you a feeling he's not bluffing? Unlike after the 3 months at every scene he's there, he just gives you the vipe of pathetic liar and a coward hiding under fake bravado?
welcome to uncharted! im honored to be ur first choice on this matter 🫡
without a doubt harry is absolutely cockier in the early part of the game and for good reason: he hasn't seen exactly how ruthless lazarevic can be and he held all the cards up to that point. (he thought) he had a good (mostly professional) thing going with chloe, he knew about the ships before he ever brought nate on board (heh), he was playing nate like a fine fiddle in greece and all the way through the heist, and everything went exactly to plan until nate showed his (very nice, very annoying) ass in borneo and ruined everything 😠
even in borneo, there was little reason to believe he wasn't on the right track bc he did find the ships, but then nate just waltzes in and uncovers the next clue without even blinking and that definitely shakes harry's confidence (and, more likely, lazarevic's confidence in harry), not that he would ever admit that (instead, it only fuels his jealousy and rage)
plus, he witnessed lazarevic stab a dude in cold blood right in front of him and, you know, maybe started to realize that he might be in over his head! (but denial is one hell of a drug)
it only gets worse in nepal bc this is where his control over the entire situation starts to completely unravel: he's got nothing to narrow down the "one temple" clue, lazarevic is actively inciting civil war, and then he finds out chloe (the only person he trusts) has been sneaking around behind his back with nathan fucking drake. and then who shows up again on the train? nathan fucking drake.
so yeah, that brash confidence is all just a front for how fucking terrified he is bc if he doesn't manage to weasel his way out of every bad encounter he knows lazarevic will just fucking shoot him (and chloe, who he cannot lose bc the only thing worse than being afraid is being alone) — beats working against him, love, he says, and therein lies his true patheticness bc he would rather work for a war criminal in an act of self-preservation than have to confront the moral integrity of it and the very real possibility that he could die if he doesn't make nice with lazarevic (and bc at this point he's in too deep and doesn't see any other way out but forward, hence the bravado. like hell he's gonna let nate think he's won)
luckily for him, he's a very, very good liar
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libertatias · 1 year ago
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my list of prompts for kinktober this year — doubling up because i'm a slow writer and i like the idea of writing in pairs ✨
feel free to use this list as you wish, mix n match, single 'em out, go wild! choose from 31 prompts + 2 extras (undated because too much structure makes my adhd brain go BRRR). there are no rules, only kinks.
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libertatias · 1 year ago
i can't be the only one who thinks shanks' relationship with uta makes no sense 😭 like im sorry i understand wanting to draw parallels between roger finding shanks as a baby but roger was also like 39 at the time!! WHY would a 20 yo pirate captain with hardly any years under his belt decide to adopt a baby and raise her on his ship when he knows full well how growing up on the sea with a bunch of pirates messed up his whole childhood — not to mention the sheer child endangerment of it all. i just cannot fathom shanks putting himself through 7 years of panic spirals worrying about this child on his ship. how would he ever forgive himself if something happened to her. why would he continue engaging in high stakes and increasingly dangerous piracy with a small child on board, even if he trusts himself and his crew to look after her!! there is simply no logical reason for him not to drop her off on the doorstep of some nice couple in the nearest port town and be done with it. like. be serious!! u want me to believe he won't let luffy join his crew bc he's too young and isn't ready but he's had a child on his crew this entire time?? get real!! if he became some shadowy benefactor to this girl he left behind with some intention to adopt her when she was older that would be one thing, but to literally raise her himself? get out of here. i see the appeal of wanting shanks to be a dad bc it's probably the only thing he's ever actually wanted in his whole life but when he's barely started his own life? only a handful of years after roger's death? i can't. he's not ready.
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libertatias · 7 months ago
how did it take me this long to realize bato is voiced by the same guy who voices victor sullivan i need to have my uncharted card revoked
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libertatias · 8 months ago
can't believe i never realized narumitsu day is on my birthday (7/3) love is real after all
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libertatias · 2 years ago
harry flynn hcs in no particular order
his mother ilse is german (born in england to jewish german emigrees)
his father andy is irish (moved to london after being disowned by his irish catholic father who was a well-respected bishop in kilkenny)
his dad was a Big Name Director in the porn industry until he got Big Time Busted for trafficking cocaine
his mom was a pinup model turned porn actress; she met andy on a shoot and they had a whirlwind 60s romance
what up im harry im 19 and i never fuckin learned how to drive
also gets carsick very easily rip to him whenever chloe drives
in his teens he ran with a roaming gang of art/jewelry thieves until he found out their leader was a nazi
he lost wind of them after they set him up in portugal and he got his ass arrested
he met sam in jail in lisbon and they busted out together and hauled ass to cartagena
he and sam have matching X marks the spot tattoos right below the navel (u know just totally #hetero things)
he was very close to his mom's parents (oma and opa) and grew up speaking german with them
(and sometimes at home with his mom but his dad was a huge dick about it)
(his dad is a huge dick in general lol we love daddy issues)
(but also mommy issues bc his parents divorced when he was a kid and his mom was forced to give up custody and for a long time he held it against her and was like why did u #abandon me)
(it's fine now he's a momma's boy and spends hanukkah with her in germany when he can)
he has a secret stash of vintage jazz records from his grandfather's collection
true to british form, he cannot handle spicy food at all, give him a poblano pepper and he will cry
his grandfather began researching the holy grail after ww2 and eventually left clues to his findings in his journals using musical code
he can't solve puzzles for shit but music puzzles are Different™
he learned the harmonica during recovery after shambhala
also learned a few magic tricks bc he's just that kind of asshole
and yeah maybe he slept with his physiotherapist! who's asking!
little harry and little sam ~happened to be visiting windsor castle at the same time but never knew it until decades later when sam is going through old family photographs and sees little harry in the background of a photo
ask me more if u feel like it! i'm insane and have his family tree worked out through his great-grandparents! i have faceclaims for his parents and grandparents!
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