#shut up melissa
iheartpeppino · 1 month
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I said yes. And yes, that is a real engagement ring. I am the queen of cringe, but I have never been happier.
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blood-and-pizza · 3 months
At first I was like,
"I can't be a fan of the Daycare Attendant, Sun is kinda annoying, Moon is very creepy, why are so many people obsessed with this animatronic?"
But then I was like,
"Oh, that's actually pretty good fanfiction of them. Okay, I think I'm starting to see the appeal."
And then I was like,
And now I'm like,
"Sun and Moon? Yeah, I'm a fan." *wears a shirt of the two of them from Hot Topic as pajamas* "Eclipse has my heart, though."
I'm still perplexed by how this pipeline went.
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banduckoot · 3 months
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#The Pain In Her Ass Is Now The Love Of Her Life
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Do you guys kNOW how excited I am for healthy domestic kanthony? Kate nervous but determined to support Francesca and Eloise during the season, Anthony in the back like *thumbs up* no, you've got this babe! Kate going to Violet for advice on being viscountess, Anthony paying Edwina's dowry and being just generally way chiller and calmer then ever, Kate forcing Anthony to let her help him with his duties? It's going to ruin me.
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gayestswiftie · 4 months
Guys I want everyone to start posting their wlw (older!character x younger reader) in "shut up bean I know i have mommy issues". Only because Beans my friend I have mommy issues and I love your fics
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lilacthebooklover · 10 months
i know we as a fandom don't like to talk about hey melissa for obvious reasons, but i can't help but have a sort of morbid fascination with it. so many aspects of it are so clever when you think about it. take paul getting hit by a car at the end of the episode and melissa calling out to him, for example. it's such a sickening echo of his retelling of spot's death earlier on. where melissa had been disgusted with him before for letting spot die, she feels that exact same guilt when paul ends up in hospital. i just,, i hate the ending so much because paul should've been able to break that! he should've been able to go back to his own 'loving family'. but he couldn't, because of melissa, who he goes back to. i just. ughfhhjjg
also! during the whole spot segment, the "what do you want, paul?" motif plays in the background. because paul shows very clearly that he wanted to keep spot. he wanted spot to stay with him, to stay alive. but he didn't, and paul blames himself, viewing it as the worst thing he's ever done in his life. so since then, he's not wanted for anything.
the parallels throughout this thing are so good. even the little ones, like ted growing to lowkey hate paul out of jealousy throughout the episode, similar to how paul's cat hated spot. i have way too many thoughts about this unhinged thing
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i'm always a normal girl in my bedroom until i think back to lucy's face when tim was cradling her to his chest after saving her life.
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martinskis-lydias · 8 months
Just had to say “Hey Melissa” to someone at work and almost immediately burst out laughing
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murcielagatito · 7 months
its impossible for black and brown folks to find spaces for ourselves and to have a fandom about a black show be overrun by its white side character... do yall not see how vile that is? how absolutely insidious it is that you obsess over an actress that doesnt care about the lives of black and brown people and supports genocide? do yall not see how that actually fucking hurts us and how it makes us uncomfortable to be in a space that is supposed to be for us? you white bitches have absolutely everything in the world catered for you but fucking heaven forbid something be for black and brown people cuz yall gotta colonize that shit too
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iheartpeppino · 6 months
I think Peppino Spaghetti is very attractive. I like how big his nose is, it's strong-looking. I like how round his body is. I love how expressive his face is. I love his mustache. I don't care that he's old and bald. I'm practically middle-aged myself and I love how mature he looks. I also love how effortlessly he beats the shit out of his enemies, how strong and powerful he is. How manly and impressive he is. Peppino is a damn cutie.
Oh, but let me talk about Pizzahead for a minute! I think he's super-attractive too! I'm as much of a fan of silly men as I am the manly ones. He is shockingly handsome for someone who's supposed be a clown-like mascot made of pizza. I mean... that smile. Those blushy pepperoni cheeks. That cute tomato clown nose. Gosh! And he even has a dapper little bow tie. AND HE'S TALL. OMG! So cute! And his laugh makes me giggle like an idiot.
I am obsessed with these two. They are my pizza husbands and I love them horribly and terribly (that is to say, a lot)!
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blood-and-pizza · 6 months
Seeing people who have a passionate love for specific FNAF animatronics is so cute
Whether it's a wholesome, child-like enthusiasm for them or outright self-shipping, I find it adorable.
I'm actually watching Kwite's video of his KwiteTrap fan art competition he held ages ago and am greatly enjoying myself.
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church-of-lilith · 2 years
I would like to see the neurodivergent Abbott character notes? 👀
hello anon! for those who don’t know, this ask is in response to this post of mine. and i am here to provide you my notes. they’re long but here’s all my musings about each of the characters and my headcanons for them in terms of neurodivergency.
please note that I am in no way qualified to be making any of these headcanons. i’m not a medical professional i’m a teenager with autism & adhd just out here calling it like I see it.
Gregory Eddie
Gregory definitely shows signs of autism, and this is probably the most popular headcanon of the whole show.
- In canon right now I don’t believe he is diagnosed or ever really thought about or explored the possibility of being neurodivergent. His father doesn’t seem like the type to ever support him getting a diagnosis in early life. Moments that stuck out to me as an autistic person to lead me to this conclusion:
- His relationship with Gritty in the season 2 premiere. The whole “I just don’t get Gritty” thing. It’s a common thing for autistic people to not understand elements of culture that are important to most people. Gregory didn’t understand the hype around Gritty, and didn’t anticipate the negative backlash he would get from his coworkers upon admitting so.
- His ongoing problems with food, most notably in the episode where pizza is discussed. He has stated in canon before that there are only certain foods he can eat because of different issues with texture/temperature/flavor. i.e. “fruit should not be hot.” his boiled chicken sandwich, only eating pure dark chocolate. while I would not make these same choices in my eating habits, I understand having the ick towards certain foods. this is an autistic trait.
- Taking things too practically. Often times autistic people struggle to understand metaphors and take them way too literally. One of the examples of this I can think of in recent times was a conversation he had with Barbara in which she encouraged him to work through his problems. She said something along the lines of “This color does not look good on you.” Referring to the way he was acting. Later, he confesses to the camera that he thought he was dressed nicely that day. Clearly misunderstanding what she was trying to say.
- Having to stay organized with absolutely everything. We see this at the beginning of season two where he attempts to plan every day of the year down to the minute in order to stay in line with teaching guidelines. This, of course, before Barbara steps in and helps him realize this is improbable. Just the way he reacts at the idea of getting off schedule is incredibly reminiscent of how some people with autism become overwhelmed at the idea of things not going the exact right way.
- Gregory also really enjoys sticking to schedules. In the fire episode he tells Janine he has the fire drill schedule memorized. And during the teacher’s conference episode his need to have a schedule in order to feel comfortable is mentioned multiple times.
- In the teacher’s conference episode Gregory and Janine have a conversation about romance and relationships. He expresses that he feels like he is the problem in all of his relationships. That he’s the ‘weird’ one, so different that no one ever wants to stay. As an autistic person this one was extremely relatable to me.
In conclusion I wait for the day his neurodivergence is properly explored in canon. Because I do believe the day will come. And so does SLR apparently because at one point she tweeted an article about Gregory being great autistic representation. And then deleted it (😭)
Janine Teagues
Janine is also autistic, and let me tell you why. It all goes back to her velcro shoes (among other things but just let me have this moment real quick).
- In one of the season 2 episodes Janine talks about never learning how to tie her shoes and still not being able to, so as a result she wears velcro shoes. This is a very common (if not universal) autistic experience. It’s also a sign of childhood neglect but that’s a conversation for another day.
- As we know, she also has a problem picking up on social cues. She doesn’t let this stop her, and often does not have the social awareness to recognize when others are uncomfortable with something she’s saying or the way she’s acting until she is explicitly told so. We see this throughout the series but one moment that stuck out to me specifically was in the episode where she goes to Melissa’s house for cooking lessons. When she first gets there she won’t stop talking about her family relationships and doesn’t understand that Melissa wants her to stop talking as she loudly grinds the blender to drown her out. Even Melissa realizes it’s a moot point after awhile and gives up.
- Keeping a proper schedule and staying organized is also very important to her, (not as severely as Gregory) but still notably enough that she would probably get upset at any major variations. During the sick day episode when Ava has to sub for her we see that she has very detailed plans, like.. binders worth of plans. And she keeps her class on a tight schedule with story time, and listening to music, etc.
- Janine has the undeniable urge to fix literally every problem that comes her way. Even if the problem isn’t hers, she is so confident that she can fix it despite anyone or anything logically telling her that hey, maybe she shouldn’t. Once she gets her mind set on something, though, she cannot let it go. She has to be in control of every situation—or at least feel like she is.
Melissa Schemmenti
Probably the next most canon neurodivergent character. Personally I headcanon her as having ADHD, and at this point she canonically has dyslexia.
- Obviously in terms of her dyslexia we have that whole episode where she helps one of her students with difficulties reading.
- The way she talks with the student’s parents about getting her tested/possibly getting a diagnosis and then is clearly upset when the parents react negatively really stuck with me. Obviously when she first realized she was neurodivergent as a kid she didn’t have the resources to figure any of that out. It makes me think that she was initially resistant to getting diagnosed as she grew older (No doctor could tell her more about herself than she could. And if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?) But at some point when she started teaching she realized she owed it to herself and in some part to the students she would be teaching to really figure herself out.
- Melissa strikes me as someone who is very impatient and gets easily frustrated with herself. But she would never get frustrated at a student who’s struggling with reading or otherwise. She doesn’t know how to go easy on herself.
- The reason I headcanon her as having ADHD is because of the way she self stims in some scenes. One that comes to mind specifically is when she’s arguing with Gregory about pizza and rocks herself back and forth.
- In one episode Melissa also has problems hearing things. It’s not mentioned again that I can remember but the auditory processing issues can be a sign of inattentive adhd (although if anything I’d say she shows some signs of both inattentive and hyperactive)
- Melissa’s obsession with firetrucks is something I would be remiss not to mention here. It’s a delightful hyperfixation and I love her for it. Her insistence on sharing this knowledge and trying to get others to enjoy her hyperfixation also screams neurodivergence to me.
Ava Coleman
Ava definitely has hyperactive ADHD. I see this a lot in the way she talks and acts.
- One of the most common signs of hyperactive ADHD is impulsivity. I would say that she makes a lot of impulsive decisions, specifically when it comes to shopping. In early season 1 we see her spending all of the school’s extra money on a large sign, for example. She also has a LOT of clothes to the point that she has her own business selling them. She also jumps into pyramid schemes with great ease.
- Another sign of that is talking excessively (and also at greater speeds). Ava talks pretty fast at times, and is always the first one to jump into a conversation with her thoughts. She has a hard time waiting her turn in conversations.
- The way she acts with the students in the episode where Gregory sends Micah to the principal’s office makes me think that Ava can relate to being ‘the problem child’ when she was in school. Her being hyperactive (unable to sit still, talking incessantly, acting impulsively etc.) makes sense under this lens. Her teachers likely wouldn’t be able to recognize her ADHD and would label her a problem, meaning she probably spent a lot of time in the principal’s office as a child herself.
Barbara Howard
My general analysis of Barbara is that she has OCD and suffers from repressed lesbianism. Both of these are rooted in her extremely religious upbringing.
- I do believe that a lot of Barbara’s OCD comes in the form of fixating on the rightness vs wrongness of things. And that this stems from her religious upbringing. An example of this is with Tamika’s mom and her utter fixation on the woman freely using profanities. This is wrong, so the woman must be immoral, and that’s a problem. When she actually gets to know Tamika’s mom and realizes that she’s actually a pretty great person, she doesn’t know how to comprehend that until Ava puts it into perspective for her. This can apply to herself too, (not wanting to roll around in the mud with melissa or having a crisis learning she’s been in the wrong with lighting her candles on school grounds.)
- Her interest in religion and the church borders on compulsive. This is why she’s very overtly religious, (introducing herself as a woman of god to anyone who will listen etc.) From a very young age I imagine that she’s had the idea of morality and being right instilled in her, which developed into this obsession as she got older.
- Barbara also seems very comforted by following a routine. She and Melissa have had the same spots at their table for years. She goes to the same place to get her nails done every week.
Jacob Hill
I do believe that Jacob suffers from an anxiety disorder of some kind. And also possibly autism but I’m less confident about that.
- Jacob comes across as a very nervous person. I suspect that this may come from his childhood although we don’t know much about it. He strikes me as a kid who was never really heard. That he’s always had a lot to say, but always somehow faded into the background when talking to parents/family. Him joining improv would add up with this, as it would finally make him the center of attention and force people to pay attention to him after being ignored by those closest to him for so many years.
- Similarly to Janine he’s not great at picking up on social cues. He doesn’t understand that people don’t appreciate his infodumping about random topics until he is explicitly told so. We see this most highlighted in the desking episode where we meet Zach for the first time and see his methods of helping Jacob stay on track of the conversation and prevent him from straying too far off topic
- He talks fast which is also something attributed to anxiety. It would also add up if he did struggle to get all his thoughts out as a kid as I suspect. Talking fast is a habit he’s grown into as an adult, so that no one can interrupt him or talk over him. If he gets all his thoughts out he doesn’t have to worry about not being heard.
- In a recent episode he talked about having night terrors, which definitely connects back to having anxiety. (Although we don’t know now frequently he has them or if that was just a one time thing). The way he reacts to the thought of Abbott turning charter also screams chronic anxiety to me. He loses it because it’s a situation he cannot anticipate.
Mr. Johnson
“Is the single most well adjusted man I’ve ever met.”
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.....Has Spider lived on Pandora longer than Jake????
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lizmitches · 2 years
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personally i like to think that barbara and melissa wait around so they can walk each other out every day <3
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