#shut up jackie
deancoded-deangirl · 6 months
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diizzypanda · 1 year
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Tagged by @whatevermonkey to create an aesthetic board by searching my name + core into Pinterest. Not tagging anyone else because I’m lazy but this is definitely top tier Jackiecore if I ever saw it 😂
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ultrataintedviolence · 4 months
“my body is a temple” bitch my body is the murder house you’re gonna die in there
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nataliesscatorccio · 6 months
you don't have to believe me but adult Allie is the fulfillment of Jackie's unlived life let me explain. straightaway Allie is positioned under Jackie's wing, both girls absent from the team singing and dancing together between the lockers. Jackie is doing Allie's facepaint and giving her a pep talk like the one she's immediately about to receive from Coach Martinez. ready or not, these girls have responsibilities on their shoulders now that are above their skill level—and if they can't perform they'll be cut out. Allie is too concerned with prom and dates while the other girls are concerned with winning nationals; Jackie eventually dies for prioritizing what the group come to feel are the wrong things. Allie and Jackie, with their preoccupation for the functionally useless achievement markers of society, stand in the way of the team's survival. Allie, like Jackie, obliviously says the wrong thing with good intention, accidentally prioritizes her needs over the needs of the group (and yes i do count Shauna's wellbeing as a need for Jackie), and ultimately will be sacrificed in a horrible and graphic way when the team decides they can't move forward and win (read: survive) with her holding them back. Allie's leg is destroyed, but it's seen as a kindness when compared to the extent of the agony getting on the plane bound for nationals would have brought her. Jackie's death is heartbreaking, but Natalie knows right away that it was lucky for her to die then, because things were going to get worse. it's easy to believe the narrative Shauna later acts out to fulfill Jackie's life. but she's a writer, and a liar, and neither Jackie nor Shauna knew the other as well as they wanted to think. in some ways it's just a story Shauna is telling herself. the not unspoken truth is that Jeff was the high school boyfriend. and at the twenty-five year reunion Jackie wouldn't have been sitting next to him, Shauna did not take her place. Jackie would have been organizing the get together, quoting worddefinition.net (*Beaches) in her speech, offending someone, forcing people into group photos, and making cheesy nostalgiabait slideshows to Enya.
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cynical-canidae · 1 year
I like to think one of the very first things Rose and Jackie do with Metacrisis Doctor/Tentoo is drag him (yes, drag) to the doctor's like when people adopt/find a new dog and immediately get them checked out at the vet.
Like yeah, doc, for no reason at all can you please get a blood sample and maybe let us know how old he is exactly and what breed???? Sorry if he bites. ://
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fistfuloflightning · 3 months
So like, I don't know if WangXian is something you vibe with, but after seeing the way you draw Jiang Cheng I NEEDED to try and see these two in your style. 😭😭
I'm a sucker for awkward teenagers, no matter how painfully realistic—Wei Wuxian teasing Lan Zhan with his not-quite-stubble and baby first's acne? I'll eat it up! Lan Wangji being too self-aware about his growth spurts and keeping quiet so Wei Ying won't hear his voice crack? More please!
Anyways, I know this is an odd request, so thanks for letting me ramble. Even if it is too out of whack for you to actually draw (which is totally understandable), I appreciate you taking the time to read it. ❤️ Keep up the good work!
I think Wangxian is cute. But probably why it’s not really in my ship list is because there’s already sooooo much content out there, it’s incredibly popular and the ground is well-trod. I generally gravitate towards ships/fandom corners where I can hear myself think and where I can actually get to know my fellow shippers (and sometimes it’s just me creating a ship out of thin air ruoqing).
I personally believe lwj probably picked up a few cultivation tips and tricks from his older brother to manage some of the less fun aspects of adolescence. But 100% the rest of the gangly awkwardness and the voice cracking 😆 the TRUE reason lwj just never said much!
Don’t be shy, I love having people ramble at me! And more often than not I just ramble back 😊 
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shadowvestal · 1 year
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Erm anyway *goes feral* 👉🐝
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fanficwritinggirl · 9 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter fanfic)
Chapter 2
"Hey Montana," a voice calls as Josie opens her locker grabbing one of her textbooks. She rolls her eyes knowing exactly who it is. "What do you want Cole?" she asked as she turned and looked up at him. Cole was leaning against one of the lockers beside hers with his blue shirt covered arms crossed in front of his chest, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Well I just wanted to check on my favorite someone," flirtation was clear in his voice. Josie swallows a little before raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, I'm your favorite person, am I? Now how many other girls have you said that to Cole? Because let's see there was Erin, Olivia..." Cole cuts her off by taking a hold of one of her hands, running his fingers over it. His rough skin played against her smooth skin causing her to lose her breath a little. Cole smirks as he sees that and chuckles a little. Josie lifts her eyes and looks into his deep blue eyes.
"I can still take your breath away, can I?" he questions, causing Josie to scoff, pulling her hand away and turning back to her locker.
"None of that," her voice was stern and Cole faltered a little bit, moving back a little and nodding.
"Alright," is all he replies. Josie looks at him from the corner of her eye to see if he was going to anything more but once she sees that he doesn't decide to go back to getting her stuff. Having found the textbook she grabs it and closes her locker, Cole stands watching her the entire time.
"So are you coming over tonight?" Josie laughs at him, pivoting and sauntering towards her class, Cole trailing behind her.
"You know if I had a dollar everytime a Walter boy asked me if I was coming over for dinner, I would have three dollars, I could buy myself... i don't know a jar of peanut butter," Cole chuckles as he watches as she moves her arms and shoulders around as she speaks, taking in the smile that decorates her face.
"Well Montana, I am pretty sure there is a jar of peanut butter at home with your name on it so save your dollars," a giggle leaves Josie lips, turning her head and seeing that Cole's eyes are still firmly set on her, his full attention was hers.
"Well knowing your house is probably all gone, I've never seen food disappear so quickly," Cole shrugs.
"Well we are a big family, if you want something to yourself you are going to have to hide it, and well. And luckily for you Montana, I made sure to get you your own jar of peanut butter, put your name on it and everything and I have it hidden in a safe space just for you," Josie raises her eyebrows.
"Well where is this safe space," curiosity hangs in her voice.
"I'm keeping that a secret. A safe space isn't a safe space if people know about it now," he opens the door for her and leans against the door frame of the classroom, Josie standing across from him.
"But what if I want some? I'm just supposed to ask you for some," she crosses her arms as she asks him. Cole leans forward and lowers his voice. 
"Of course. Give you more reason to talk to me," is all he says before his eyes turn and look at the people sitting waiting for class to start looking at them both.
"And with that, I will see you later Montana," pushing himself off of the doorframe and striding away.
"You have to stop off at my house," Josie calls after him, causing him to turn and raise a knowing look.
"Let me guess, you have to grab your guitar," she knows that he is teasing her, more times than not he has to stop so she can grab her guitar.
"Yes... please" she tells him sweetly. Cole's lip falls between his lips and he bites it slightly, looking her up and down.
"I like it when you say please... should say it more," and then he was off down the hallway and out the door Feeling her cheeks heating up and turning scarlet, Josie turns and walks into class and tries to get her mind off of Cole Walter.
The bell rings, signaling that another school day and all Josie wanted to do was get out of there. Strolling out of the school building is met with the mayhem of the car park where the only thoughts on people's mind was getting home, which she could relate to.
"Josie, hey" Danny shouts from the car to her. Danny gets into the car while she saunters overs towards them. Upon reaching the car she can see that every single one of the Walters boys was there waiting for her. Alex, Isaac, Lee and Nathan sitting in the back. Danny was sitting in the front passenger seat and  Cole was sitting in the driver's seat, his head turned back to her through the window. Walking towards the back door she meets his gaze.
"I'm surprised you didn't leave me behind," she states, causing Cole to smirk at her. "Forget you Montana. Never." Josie shakes her head with her lips pulled in a small smile before climbing into the back next to Alex.
"Hey," he says quietly to her.
"Hey," she replies to him before doing a double take at the car.
"Hey, where is Jackie?" Cole starts the car and reverses. Turning to her, Alex gives her a small smile. "Don't worry she is going with Skylar and Grace to get some ice cream. He didn't leave her behind again. Did you Cole?" Alex pesters him and Cole just shakes his head staying focused on the road, not biting Alex's bait. Soon the car fell into a quiet with the occasional bickering between Isaac and Lee.
The Walter ranch had always been a second home for Josie, having spent most of her time there, more than her actual home. With her Aunt Hattie working with Katherine at the clinic, they had vast working hours which would leave Josie in the house on her own, so it was easier for her to be at the Walter home where she was able to get a well cooked meal and have people surrounding her.
Pulling up to the ranch, it was a scramble to get out of the car with so many teens wanting to get out and do their own thing. Josie to the trunk of the car and opens it grabbing her guitar which they had stopped to get on the way over. "Hey, so I am going to do my homework, so can you teach me that song after dinner," Nathan asks while putting his bag over his left shoulder. Josie nods.
"Yeah that's fine, i have got some homework to do as well," she tells him, he gives her a nod and a smile before walking into the house. Danny leans against the back of the car as Josie grabs her things. "So what homework are we going to start with, i'm thinking english," Josie chuckles.
"Of course you would want to start with English, my best class," she sasses and Danny mouths gaps in pretend offense as they walk up the steps of the house
"Well it is not my fault that you have an understanding of it, and hey music is your best subject and don't argue with me about it Josephine," Josie gasps loudly.
"I cannot believe that you called me by my full name Daniel," opening the front door she walks into the house. "Not my real name," Danny tells her as he closes the door. Walking down the hall, the two enter the kitchen and see George cooking dinner.
"Hey you two, how was school?" he asks the pair, giving Danny a pat on the shoulder and Josie a hug.
"Yeah it was good. Schools, school. Not really that interesting," Josie tells him as she sits down at the small table in the corner. "Yeah well it is very important Jos and you know that, and hey you are doing well aren't you?" he asks as he pours the sauce on top of the uncooked lasagna.
"Of course she is doing well, she's Josie, I don't think you have ever failed at anything," Danny comments while he takes out his text books.
"You are saying that I am getting A's of something. I think the highest grade I have ever got is a B+," she informs them and George shakes his head.
"That's still good honey, don't put pressure on yourself, enjoy it," Josie rolls her eyes and nods.
"Trust me George. I intend to," Josie turns to her bag and pulls out a pen while George picks up the lasagna and places it into the oven. Parker runs into the kitchen with Jordan close on her tail with his camera in hand.
"Jordan, stop chasing me. DAD!!!" Parker shouts as she rounds the table and hides behind her father.
"Jordan, what have I told you about chasing your sister? And put away that camera for five minutes," George's stern voice causes Jordan to turn off the camera and place it at his side.
"I was only having a little fun," he tries to justify and George just simply shakes his head.
"Yeah you might have been, but when your sister tells you to stop, you stop. Got it?"Jordan nodded his head, arguing and that was the end of it.
"Now, you two?" he says pointing at the pair sitting at the table. "Watch the dinner while I work. It shouldn't take me more than half an hour. And Jordan you can come with me to make sure that you don't bother your sister anymore," Jordan groans, putting down his camera and walking with him down out of the house. Parker turns and looks at the teens doing their homework and strolls over.
"What are you doing?" she asks, leaning over slightly to look at the textbooks that are sprawled out across the table.
"We are starting our homework, Park. Got to keep the grade up," Josie tells the younger girl as she lifts her head up to look at the girl, a small smile present on her face.
"What type of homework is it?"
"What do you have to do?"
"Read this book and write a paper on what we think about this character."
"What is the book?"
"Wuthering Height."
"Who is the character?"
"That's an odd name."
"Parker!!!" Danny snaps looking at his younger sister, his face scrunched up causing wrinkles on his forehead and his mouth to be closer to his mouth. "We are trying to do our homework and we can't get that done when you are here asking us a bunch of questions. I suspect that you will someday read this when you get to high school, maybe before. So until then can you please leave us alone," Danny tells her in as calm of a voice as he can. Parker simply rolls her eyes and puts her head back a little bit to emphasize what she was going to say.
"Fine" she sasses before turning. "I'm going to go out and play," she calls over her shoulder before opening the door and going outside. Josie giggles turning to Danny and seeing him shaking his head, his hand on one side of his face as he leans on it.
"I swear, it is impossible to get anything done here," he says looking at his text book. Josie snickers at him.
"It's always like this, why are you so shocked? And hey, she is just curious and at least she is showing some sort of interest in school," Danny just shakes his head again.
"Yeah, but cant she just wait until later to ask these questions, you know, when we are done." This time it is Josie who shakes her head with a smile on her face.
"Okay mister Sas. How about instead of talking about this, we actually do our work. Yeah?" Danny simply nods his head and turns his attention elsewhere. Josie's lips curl into a curve as she chuckles internally. Some things never change.
Disclaimer - I am not following the plotline of my life with the Walter boys as closely and am using the characters and making my own story. I will be taking some plotlines from the series but it won't directly follow the show. Also, this book is not going to focus on the build up to the relationship but the actual relationship.
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deancoded-deangirl · 2 years
being honest to people is exhausting
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zouisexo · 1 year
rpf stands for real people fucking
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ultrataintedviolence · 4 months
love him so much i need him chained up in my basement
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furry-tronics · 13 days
If Jackie was actually the mimic's first look, whom goes with she/her, that'll mean the mimic is transgender, whom I think goes by he/they, and the secret is that Henry and William tried to hide him because they are transphobic.
Boom, that's it, that's the secret, I solved it
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mayhasopinions · 2 years
huntermatic to help y'all cope, yw
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cowboyinternist · 7 months
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more headcanon stuff :3
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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