#shuharu posting
I love that Haru is the only one able to keep up with jokers theatrical nature she is the only one living life like a play like he is moving through life in acts and grand themes I love that she is his beauty noir and he is her raveshing thief prince shuharu is BASEDDD
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shuharu-blog-toadstar · 9 months
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why are they like this ❤️💜
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starabsol · 6 months
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contestshipping school AU yay!!!!! May is the uh, stupid weird klutz, and Drew is your average I’m so cool rich guy!! except he sucks at mathematics (I feel u drew)
basically how these two dumbasses meet is by May stumbling into the wrong classroom and realizing that just happened in the middle of the classroom in pure silence while Drew is about to laugh his ass off
i gave them like a trillion redesigns.. Drew’s design now I like, but May not so much. I do like it, just not enough. It needs to be perfect u feel me?? i also made Drews cut slightly more complex n less saturated, imagine some weird ass bright green haired guy at school that would get you second hand embarrassment
yes, i have written everything out. except for the last chapter… 29th chapter out of 30… I’d tell you where to read it, except it’s kind of really humiliating. (for me,)
May is a cutie patootie, we must protect. :3 And with Drew you do whatever he’s cool I guess
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fatexbound · 7 months
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@webbedphantom said: [Valentine's Application for Haru]
Name: Aaron Amamiya Age: 17 (18 in a month and a half) Do you like to cuddle?: W-well, I've never done that before but... I w-wouldn't be against it. Can we make out?: N-no, I don't think I could handle that just yet. A night in or dinner out?: Either one would be delightful, so I'll leave it up to you Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: I enjoy both, but hanging out with Ann has seriously increased my love of chocolate, so the syrup Chocolate and Roses?: If you want to. I'll definitely be bringing some flowers for you. What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm not sure I am one. I'm a bit of a screw up and I'm chronically late for reasons I'm sure you're aware of. But... I will always put you first whenever possible, and I will do my best to ensure you have a good time. Would you cook for me?: Of course! Would you let me cook for you?: If you'd like, though I'd be more than willing to lend a hand if you needed it. Where would you take me on a date?: Well, it would depend on if you're scared of heights or not. If you are, then I'd take you on a casual stroll through the city. No destination in mind, just forging our own path, our own little adventure. But if you're feeling a bit more daring, I'd take you on a tour of the city's skyline, in the way only I can, showing you all my favorite spots to sit back and take in the sights. And of course, we'd get something to eat while we're out and about, either sitting in a restaurant or having a makeshift picnic on the roof of a skyscraper. Who's paying?: I will, if you let me. I know you can afford it, but a gentleman should always offer to foot the bill. What did you get me for Valentine's Day?: I know typically, I'm supposed to wait until White Day to get you something, but... Well, I was working at the flower shop, and I got you a bouquet that I think will suit you very well. [At the bottom of the page is a small illustration of a bundle of flowers, with their respective names written above each one] Calla Lily, Camilla White, Edelweiss, and Gladiolus [Followed by a little note below-] I'll let you figure out what they mean
Valentine's Day application | Accepting
Not everyone but couples cared for Valentine's Day, a holiday of sorts coming from the West to spread joy to the people of Japan. Chocolates, roses and decorations were all around Shujin's halls, making everything appear more romantic, ignoring the huge scandals and mess the school got into last year. Everyone seems to have moved from it, which was a good sign. But what she didn't expect was a card in her locker-- from Aaron.
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The Empress read it carefully, making sure not to miss a single sentence. It was quite long, however, it was almost as if she could hear his voice through it, making her smile as she considered her options. "I am a little afraid of heights, admittedly... a stroll through the city sounds lovely, although I don't mind going somewhere fancy. Yes, the city's skyline is perfect!" She looked around to check if anyone was watching her talking to herself, and kept going.
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Finally, she noted the illustration of flowers at the bottom of the page and smiled even more at each one, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. She knew their meanings by heart, of course, and that made her even happier, since he was so thoughtful. He knew her so well. She couldn't wait for their date.
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tricksheart · 1 year
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She's auburn haired does that count as red? As for his best feature well she just can't pick one thing!
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Are you this silly boy's type? Send one in to find out.
( accepting )
@beauthief said: She's auburn haired does that count as red? As for his best feature well she just can't pick one thing!
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"It's more pink than red, to me anyways. Still cute". A little upset about the eyes thing but isn't that angry. He's sad that she isn't zodiac compatible but hey, Akira's willing to work that out. Gonna cry about the knives thing. Glad she's not Goro Akechi though. A solid 8/10 for him. Of course, it's Haru. What did he expect? <3 She gets the bad recorder titanic theme award.
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dullorangepulp · 4 months
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Inspired by this post from @shuharu-blog-toadstar
(doodle reqs open!)
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thoughts on shuharu/headcanons?
Its not my personal favourite ship for either of them but it's definitely my favorite for Akira/Ren/whatever you wanna call him x any of the other female phantom thieves. I mean to me she was the only one who seemed like she already liked him during her confidant in the game and they do look pretty cute together as well as seem to have a matching temprement. I also feel like I can acc see a future for them as (at least as for what I imagine for Ren) running or working in a small cafe like Leblanc would suit him. As for what I imagine they'd be like in a relationship here's a couple headcannons of mine:
Lots of coffee dates, Haru would make a point of wanting to discover new obscure restaurants and cafes, and of course Ren will follow suit. Not that he doesn't enjoy it mind.
Mans whipped (😏) and pretty much owns it.
In all seriousness, it's more like he enjoys seeing her doing things that make her happy, since he knows she wasn't for so long.
When it's his turn to decide what that do on dates/days out, it's usually movies or the arcades. They're both surprisingly nuts for horror. And the part timer working at the theatre in shibuya knows their faces by now and always seems slightly afraid.
Same goes for anyone in the arcades, naturally, Haru calls out the most horrendous sadistic stuff like in mementos while they play first person shooters. It's like she forgets she's in public sometimes. Ren finds seeing peoples shocked faces pretty funny.
When Ren moves back home Haru winds up coming to visit for a majority of the summer. Out in the country, she stands out like a sore thumb even more than in Tokyo. She hadn't not been in a city before and seemed to imagine it being a lot more different than it actually is.
His parents though mostly absent are incredibly confused by her sudden surprise arrival in a chauffer, with four suitcases of clothes (she knew she was staying quite a while). Especially as they'd never even heard of her.
Ren hadn't brought her up mainly because they didn't need to know, just like they hadn't bothered to call once when he was in Tokyo, he hadn't bothered to say anything.
Honestly, Ren had very few friends at home, even less after everything that happened. And the people who did still hang around seemed to have an issue with Haru. In general she has this level of unintentional classism-- she just kind of forgets certain things are a luxury and not everyday. And it seemed to be the main thing that was putting people off tho her. It really annoyed him but he didn't really know what to do about it except from distance himself.
It was all making him really regret moving home. So much so he wound up making plans for how he'd move back to Tokyo after finishing his 3rd year of high-school and what he'd actually do with himself once he did. Plans Haru and Makoto helped him draw up.
He, like Haru, wants to run some kind of small private run cafe. Sojiro is mentoring them both. They're heavily considering the possibility of going in on the buisness venture together but it's still very much early days.
Both of them have a keen interest in French literature. Which is part of what got them both talking to eachother outside of the group in the first place. They exchange annotated books a lot - haru using purple post it's and Ren using red.
After her "Relationship" with Sugimura, Haru isn't all that comfortable with physical affection. She especially hates feeling vulnerable. It's a very slow process for her to feel secure again. Luckily Ren is very aware of that and incredibly patient. Partly because he feels the exact same way. After being caught in Sae's palace, battered and dosed up, losing his autonomy and feeling out of control. It all bore on his mental wellbeing a lot. That understanding between them is part of what makes them feel safe around eachother.
Ren has a pretty hard time getting to sleep. He thinks maybe a part of him is Afraid he'll wind up in the velvet room again. Most of the time Haru tries to stay awake with him or offer to stay up so he feels less alone and in danger. But 99% of the time she winds up conking out, of course only after half an hour as incoherent slurred talking whilst she denies she's even tired.
In line with all this, Haru still has moments where she gets incredibly upset or distressed and isn't sure how to communicate it. The way Ren chooses to respond is to give her physical space but stay with her. A majority of the time they don't talk and he just sits by her, letting her come to him if she wants/needs anything (usually a hug once she's calmed down).
There's a lot of hand holding between them. If there sat idly somewhere haru tends to grab Rens hand and trace it's edges with her finger out of boredom.
She's definitely a snorer. But it's a cute snore. Like a little toot noise every so often. That actually does help Ren sleep.
Whilst he already has a pretty good sense of fashion. Harus always wanting to dress him up, and a majority of the time he let's her.
One time Ann suggested she should try and get him to wear a dress, not expecting the fact he was more than happy to. Even more so he pulled it off with way more confidence than anything any of them had ever seen. (Ryuji discovered something about himself that day)
When there together they have this peaceful quiet sometimes, both of them enjoy just stopping and listening to the world around them (which cannot be said for some of their other friends). As well as this they have this way of being able to communicate without words. When they're in group settings it drives everyone else insane trying to figure out what the difference is between their different stares at one another mean and how they developed such a language.
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nexttrickanvils · 2 months
3, 10, 11, 16, 17, 24
3. Are there any specific themes you enjoy exploring in your fics?
I think it depends on the fandom? Though I guess I enjoy getting to let friendship and family (found or otherwise) relationships shine?
10. What's your favorite part about the fic writing process?
Finishing it. Lol, joking. I really like writing dialogue especially with snarky/funny characters or two characters with a good rapport.
11. Are there any tropes that you particularly enjoy writing?
Forehead touch, hurt/comfort, I'm sure there's more but nothing's popping up.
16. How important is it to you to stay true to the original creator's vision while writing fanfiction.
I do feel that you need some amount of love or even respect for the source material. Obviously I am not saying you have to like everything. I've read and written fix-it fic before after all.
But it can get to a point where it's like: "Why did you use these characters?" "Why this fandom?" "Why didn't you just write an original story/use OCs?"
17. What's the most memorable comment or review you've received on one of your fics.
Hard to pin down any one specific comment. I adore the big long comments when people really dig into what they loved or even bring up their favorite parts. There were some comments I got on Texts from Home that made my day when I got them.
Also not technically not a review but words cannot describe how thrilled I was when I saw Texts from Home included appearing on the fanfic recs page for P5 on TvTropes.
24. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing fanfiction?
Find something that you're passionate about in your fandom and use that as inspiration. For the longest time, I was insecure about my writing and was shy about posting my stuff. Then I got into P5 and wanted to see more Shuharu and that led to the 5 times fic and here we are.
But yeah think of an idea you want to see or a character or ship you want to see more stuff for and go for it.
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
@gnomeicecream replied to your post “gotta stop pacing around my enclosure and play a...”:
Tell us who you ship in Persona :D
i'm such a sucker for best buddies and loyalty and a bit of unhingedness, so souyo and pegoryu (especially when your best friend is a dumbass and when you get to be Stupid Together)
(y'know, near the end when yosuke's like gung-ho for murder and ryuji when he does the Smirk at the keikaku succeeding)
but i'm not so into it for p3
uh...some flavors are if written a specific way and the concept doesn't interest me, like shuake despite my interest in enemies-to-lovers + the whole playing each other aspect. i don't care to think about them, and yet i've read plenty of fic i love for them. it's def a shining example of why i don't like saying "i like/hate this trope/pairing" without exception
hate dating any of the adults and not in a puritanical way--just not interesting and nonsensical (esp in p5 and the theme of fighting against powerful adults that take socially take advantage of others). shipping needs to have some sort of thread to draw me in...because i also can do shuada just fine when i'm looking for knives
pegoryuann my dumbass ot3, love them
shumako as my legit actual if they were real and i had to advise a friend who should date
shuharu is funny in a trophy husband way. i think they're so cute.
yeah i can't ship anyone in p3 except them and sadness lmao. did read a very compelling (and also sad)
minato (makoto) and akihiko?
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chie and yukiko belong together. not getting in between that, that's up to them, nothing else for it
but i'm thinking annshiho need room to be strong friends and...yeah. i can't ship them.
team balls (kou and daisuke) might have something to work out but as long as we're all allowed to be bros (souji + kou + daisuke) i'm cool
i can sorta get behind kannao in a puppy love type of way (i feel like they gotta grow before there's real chemistry i'm interested in) but their hijinks are hilarious. kanji tatsumi remains my favorite character. my son. i love him.
yusuke and futaba. idc what they are. i want them locked in the same room. i want to study them under a microscope. i want to give them things to argue about nonstop. love them.
sometimes i can do shukita but usually not interested beyond oneshots and stuff. too used to seeing him with ren as "my weirdo art friend whom i love very much and feed my leftovers"
HAWO:UIRHW:A like a sleeper agent, this one fic where minato was the velvet room attendant for souji and woah
so that's another pairing
okay i hope answered to satisfaction
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mysterynoel · 11 months
WIP Game
Shout-out to @dpsisquared for tagging me. Please check out their work! They got some cool things going on!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Personal rules: these are things that I wrote more than two sentences for in this calendar year AND do not already have a posted chapter. This is only Google Docs because I’m not on my laptop. There are some secret ones in the file list; they will stay secrets. There will be less tags than wips. Text in brackets is further classification that can be asked about due to file being a master post.
Let’s go!
Dimileth | Shezleth Haunted Mansion AU
Dimileth Harvest Festival Event (Garden Gala) [Parsely, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme]
Hickering (P5, Shuharu)
Dimileth Fever - Meet Cute
TA Byleth fic
Craxis (Spy x Family)
The Ethereal King
Dimileth Garden Gala master post [red gardenia]
Lockheart (Sym-Bionic Titan)
Tags: @silversdragonemporium, @alice2catherine, @itsmoonpeaches, @theherorosalyn, @flatsuke, @a-stardusted-sky
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nebulaleaf · 11 months
Y, L, E, A, F GO. DO IT.
THAT'S ALMOST HALF MY NAME! (moss)yleaf... Y - What are your secondhand fandoms? Uhhh. Do Darksouls and Bloodborne count? Or league of legends? no? okay uhhh. ummm.. hatoful boyfriend? does that even have a fandom?! wait I think final fantasy 7 counts. i've played bits n pieces but im not huuuuuuuge into it (bcos im not done playing) so im more into it for friends sakes. L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. I hate kasumi yoshizawa with my whole chest but i love her character design so much, (NOT THIEF FORM.) and i think a lot of the symbolism around her false awakening and other aspects of life/gameplay are very intriguing and delicious! mmm foreshadowing, yummy! conceptually its very cool that her pt fit mimics joker because she's always basing her self image on someone else, like a mirror. but. well. [folds hands politely] conceptually. E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? Morally I can't answer that for old fandoms. It's all been deleted now anyway. I can finally rest in peace. For p5 i've made one crack fic but it's not like... Big or anything. i've made a few shitposts that have popped off ig? cunty little akira fig, oug oug? is that anything? A - Ships that you currently like a lot. Ahhhh the classic. I will always love pegoryu and shuharu. and, well, pegoryuharu. them in a post-game domestic setting is really big in the neb economy rn. listen i know im just smushing my faves together but SH. i can see ryuharu working in a romantic setting but ngl? fine ill admit it. i like it when it's just them both dating akira. they can share and hang out but not kiss about it. s'called being really goog friends lea me alone. F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
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[withers to dust] t-ten years i guess. sighs
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I love that haru does this same pose that joker does, that’s her thief <3
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shuharu-blog-toadstar · 8 months
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the crucial third wheel. do not separate them
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starabsol · 5 months
it’s been a while since i’ve attempted to do a candy edit…. i love them so much :,3
crossposted on tiktok, my user is @/.h4rukaa!!
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auncyen · 2 years
A L and R for the ask meme!
a. ships and friendships I like a lot-- for ships this is Shuann, Pegoryu, Shukita and Shuharu. I do like some other ships (polythieves! ...but probably post canon because when would they find the time during lol) but those are the big ones. friendships--Morgana & Ren, Morgana & Ann (esp. with the angle Strikers took, where he's chilled out on the crush but just really wants to make her happy), Morgana & Sophie and like out of the adult confidants I really like Yoshida and Kawakami's relationships with Ren (just. 100% blacking out the part where atlus made it possible to date Kawakami, because I still maintain it does not make a shred of sense for her character.) Also the relationship with Sojiro but that's more family. While not a thing at all in canon it's fun to imagine Kawakami and Maruki as friends like. especially as the year goes on and Kawakami's getting a little relief from her own stress to notice Maruki's weirdness and basically the two of them trying to fuss after each other while being bad at taking care of themselves LOL. (I'd say "ship????" but I can't imagine Maruki remotely going for it, and I think Kawakami would at least need some kind of obvious sign of interest from a guy before she tried starting something herself. so just trying-to-be-functional adult friends.)
l. Makoto's not my fave but I do think she's a decent character and I think the fandom gives her too much flak individually for her plan of changing things as a police officer, so I want to praise her for that. Do I think it's a great plan? No, it kind of sucks, and I'm glad she has a good support network that makes for better odds she could bail out if she needs to and start a new career. But like. 1) she's a teenager and there's an obvious emotional angle to her plan. 2) she is the only Phantom Thief who seems to be planning to try to reform the system at all. This isn't to say the other Thieves' goals are bad (there's nothing wrong with doing something for yourself + some like Ann and Haru still are pursuing goals that aim to help others) but like. they're in Strikers less than a year out from the last near-collapse from society and Yusuke has a comment that's like "the Phantom Thieves will patrol from the shadows" which is. no. NO. some root things need to change society can't keep doing this!!!! (I did recently post about how Persona world constantly narrowly avoiding the apocalypse is...a bit odd for previous Persona users doing very little to help out later lol) So obviously. Makoto is inexperienced and so she has a plan that kind of sucks and will probably need reworking. But I admire her for trying to think about it and will mourn ahead of time that Persona continuity will let absolutely nothing come of it besides her possibly cameoing as a cop in P6. Someone who loves Makoto write the fic where as an adult she keeps working at the goal to make meaningful reform in the justice system, learning over time if/when she needs to change angles. ...This may have been more a rant about how the persona premise of "real world but psychological shadows do magic things" is at conflict with the attempt at continuity than praise. Plus I do like Makoto a bit, she's just not a fave. um. OHYA HAS THE MOST INTERESTING CONFIDANT BACKSTORY GIVEN ITS RELEVANCE TO THE MAIN PLOT. I just wish her confidant perks made sense.
r. morgana and ren favorite friendship PARTNERS IN CRIME PARTNERS IN CRIME
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moonsmultimusings · 9 months
⭐? //check my pinned post for my muse list if needed
Send a " ⭐ " for muses I would be interested in throwing at yours - Accepting ☾
hey, hello!! i've been worried about bothering you b/c you've mentioned that your muse bias is currently elsewhere, but i'm super interested in interacting with your persona muses!
i have a kanji or yu i could write against your naoto, and i haven't had many opportunities to write my joker on this blog yet to pair against the phantom thief muses you have (haru, futaba, yusuke)! if you have any eventual shipping interest, i'm a big fan of both shukita and shuharu! i also love the sibling dynamic that akira and futaba share.
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