#shubble drama
murruspins · 7 months
Guys, immm just gonna say, if you don’t support shubble on coming out as a victim, dni. I’m 100% supporting shubble no matter who the abuser was. And the people saying she’s faking it?? How fucking insensitive can you be?? Always believe the victim unless it’s proven they’re faking. Oh and also, I feel like some people are getting distracted by the fact it may be Wilbur, and are focusing on that instead of the fact SHELBY IS A LITERAL VICTIM. Maybe focus on comforting her, and helping create a safe space for her. Thank you for coming to my pep talk.
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emberdusk620 · 7 months
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Been documenting Wilbur's fall from glory :)
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 7 months
what am I? The devil's advocate?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GIFT OF APPOLLO STRIKES AGAIN FOR ME SPECIFICALLY CAUSE I CALLED OUT THIS CANCELLATION THE MOMENT FOREVER GOT CANCELLED!!!!! Its just so easy! So simple! Of course a male musician is gonna get cancelled and so few listened to me cause you are dumb children because obviously its children who make up the majority audience of a Minecraft roleplay server!!! Ha! At this point its comical! I'm busting a nut on how funny and predictable this all is. Haha, ah sadge. Oh noooos! Are you all gonna burn your merch and delete your art cause you're afraid that u are supporting an abuser creep. Ah waaaahhhh. Like i havent heard that tune the past two months, sing another one. Bitches.
Pft, you all are so pathetic and funny, at this point there really just must be this shadow group or whatever that is trying to destroy the qsmp from the inside out. Like really? Two months, three major creators of the qsmp are targeted by cancellations, and there is plenty of drama in between. So obviously suspicious and coincidental. And it happened so fast and so many people just dogpiled on the accused, i would have to say its almost organized. And that there is just so many jumping the gun, ready to tell these creators to kill themselves, you guys certainly have numbers, holy shit. Ha! I wonder if Forever actually finds and sues that first anti, that he'll be able to figure out who these people are because isnt this also just so conveniently timed? Each cancellation one after another. There is so much drama clouding the qsmp community that how could it not be schemed out at this point? I already predicted that with Forever's downfall and now with attempts I. Cellbit and Wilbur, Im starting to have an inclination that someone approached these girls.
With cellbit's ex it would be easy to deflame him, but i wonder how they got to this sherby whatever. Maybe cause he chose his career over her like i've heard in her video. But being exs is already hot opportunity for scorn of any kind, so its quite easy to jump on one or the other when one of these two accused the other. So really the motive could be anything at this point. anything she said or not said or those requests she asked of him and he never fulfilled. And to me she never delved too deeply in to what those requests were either. Which ok then. Fine, keep your secrets.
But biting is so fucking weird to accuse someone as abuse. Especially physical. Like just biting? That's all. Not that if its true that's not bad, but it would make sense that he was physically violent in any other way at least once. Like hitting, strangling, anything. But no, biting is the best she could come up with when it comes to physical. Mental and emotional abuse is a tricky in cause its not visible and it will always boil down to a he said she said type of shit but if there is no physical text or people witnessing their conversations then good luck with that.
But firstly, if she wants the whole world on her side then physical evidence should be so easy in this scenario. Like as easy as pie! If he bit her so badly every day where he tore skin, or whatever, then damn weren't they in a relationship??? Did they not take couple pictures? Wouldn't these pictures show the obviously horrible bitemarks? That is the first actual physical evidence that she could show that would be so easy to solidify her stance, but no, just hearsay. And nothing like texts either! Maybe a text to a friend complaining about how bad the bitemarks are. But no, nothing. No slideshow of evidence at all, just saying it happened, because words are all she needs to win the internet nowadays.
And then there are her complaints about him financially taking advantage of her, like girl, receipts! Show the receipts at least please, god damn it! Or again, these supposed texts to your girlfriends that he is taking financial advantage of you!!! Anything at all. The male accused is always expected to provide evidence that he did not abuse his ex but the girl isn't expected to show physical evidence that he did it, come on!!!
And I mean the biting in itself is so strange too. Cause like- how did it even start? She says he did it out of nowhere and my brain cant even wrap around that there was no pinpointing starting point. Said that it was a normal affection thing that his parents said was normal. If his family actually said that at all. And that he just randomly introduced it to her like ... Huh? Nothing she could accurately point to and say then, thats when it began. No sexy time or sex or whenever. Just he walked up to her in the kitchen one day and took a bite, huh? Like as far as im aware, to me (and a mutual of mine who pointed this out more accurately) their situation just sounds like a bdsm thing that went south. These two were not on the same wavelength, realized that and went their separate ways. Maybe he didn't follow the safe word every time, maybe she was also mutually into it like Wilbur said. Maybe they just changed their minds on things. Who knows! Not us, that's for sure. Not that their love life should be any of our business, but she yelled abuse so...
And the fact that she acts like biting is such a weird foreign kink. It's tame is what it is. More tame then the feet kinks in my opinion. But if what Wilbur says it's true and it was mutual, 😮‍💨 then fuck, man.
And why would HIM leaking past conversation be power over her? Wouldn't any mutual conversation or evidence they have over each other, negatively effect him in a bad light? Would it not be good if one of these parties showcased a lick of evidence to evidentally prove her right??? Or would it be like Cellbit and explain thoroughly how not everything she said is the truth?
Who knows. There is probably some truth to what she said like he reiterated. About being a slob and that biting happened. But the invasiveness of the bites and the violence of it might not have been accurate. But he needs to absolutely admit it or she needs literally any physical evidence at all to give weight to her claims. But there is nothing because of course there isn't. She could so easily expose him if what she says is true... So why didn't she in her video? If that is what she wants? But then if it is just to bring awareness then she did so in a selfish manner that is only accusatory and not grounded. Ground me Shelby. Show me the bad boyfriend he is. SHOW ME.
But she won't. Will she? :/
Anyway. The qsmp. 👏👏👏👏👏
Like in the past two months, creators have been cancelled or dropped from the qsmp one by one and damn, quackity must be super evil or one unlucky son of a bitch to have hired all these secretly maliscious people. My goodness gravy gracious, how impressive!
I mean come on, really. Like really. Have we not overheard this tune by now? Male creator gets cancelled cause of something to do with a woman, is rushed to answer and is (luckily for cellbit he had an essay on why he was innocent so people are fifty fifty on him at least) then dogpiled by the people waiting to rip his apology or response apart. And then it doesn't matter what they do, anything they do will be seen in a bad light and no one will take into consideration on their stance at all and turn on the male creator. Its crazy how the pattern keeps repeating itself and keeps being successful because everyone is afraid that they are supporting an abuser pedo whatever and have all this time.
It actually makes me sickly relieved that no matter how Forever managed his initial response, he was doomed from the start.
And i mean these younger streamers certainly think they're smart by immediately turning on Wilbur's obviously curated damage control lawyer made response, but ha! That will bite them in the ass soon too. When its their turn. Because its going to be their turn. These cancellers don't care at this point who you are, they just want to see you fall, which is what i predicted and shouted to the heavens months ago! That they should have stayed as a community instead of turning on each other.
Like they think they are so smart responding this quickly, cause the quicker your response to injustice, the more innocent you are 😇. Because if they dont respond immediately (literally hours after the fact), then they will be treated like creators such as Phil and Tommy; be treated like shit and accused for supporting an abuser by the hysterical masses. Because that's who you are if you are against whatever the ex's name is or dont speak up about it at all. And like dont speak up immediately too. You have to have a quick response or there will literally be a ripple effect of cancellations cause if you dont say anything then you are a bad person too. And all i hear from the social media smucks are Wahhhhhh.wahhhhhhhh you're bad if you support so and so! But i already made my side so im a good person wahhhhhhhh
And no, im not even enteraining shit like this anymore when she goes "uwu, i'm finally coming out on social media to spread awareness that my famous ex boyfriend (and it is ALWAYS at the height of their popularity, remember that) used to abuse and bruise me." Like sure- the benefit of doubt for the female victim blah blah but she's like- "oh but this is based on my experience and I'm just here to spread awareness. Anyway, I'm going to hang out with my friends now after dumping that clusterfuck on the internet. Bye~." Like everyone in their collective minds won't go after him and demand answers then judge his response and then turn on him anyways cause lemme be honest, when has an internet open apology ever worked? It never has. And now she has put the spotlight on him, his pr team is scrambling for an escape, he's probably messaging her behind the scenes going what the hell, and his family and friends who wont actively denounce him will be sent death threats. Just like Forever. Forever mi amor. Ah. I miss you bibi.
Anyway, girlie knew she was setting the hounds on him and acted like she didnt. Like she was just going to say her piece and dip. Like the internet wasn't going to explode. Like what the fuck? Whatever her intentions were, whether she was abused or not, she wanted this. She didnt want to get him before he got famous or even during dsmp. She wanted to do this now. For some reason it had to be now. I guess in her mind the bigger they are...
It's always the same.... goes on social media. Verbally accused with no physical evidence. Leaves. The man is left flounder in the mob of social media. Repeat.
And damn, this really makes me doubt Cellbit's ex now like- im starting to really not believe any of them anymore. Cause these cancellations are just all so convientely timed!!! Forever at the height of his lore, Cellbit's weird ex comes out of nowhere with a heavy hitter accusation, but thankfully my guy predicts this and was able to deflect that one with his PHYSICAL EVIDENCE, and now Wilbur's ex is breaking out the easy 'he abused me~' song. Like why are you all still falling for this? Why? Why? Why? Why?!
And hell, i might be a hundred percent wrong, but you might be too, so might aimsey and ranboo and tubbo. This chick might be a sweet angel that didnt mean to release an innocent criminal accusation on her famous ex, oh no~ but like, i dont even care if im wrong and am acting like a jackass.
They cancelled Forever and my man was not a pedo. I stand by that. I'll stand by it until there is a literal mugshot of him commiting said crime. Or literally any lick or shroud of physical evidence! Anything instead of the basic she said he said nonsense. The Forever texts were gross but i've already determined what I have understood from that girl Sol's response. And I've explained it on my tumblr hear before. Right here :)
And these remaining qsmp idiots can be cancelled for all i care at this point. For staying quiet and letting their friend fall into a pit of vipers. I think its hilarious if they all got cancelled. Ive already seperated art from the artist with all of them after what they did to Forever. The only one I didnt do that to WAS Forever.
But they let that shit happen, they let my man get labeled as a pedo, so they reap what they sow.
And yeah i may be a hypocrite and still post qsmp stuff, but like whatever :P. I lost my mind months ago cause of circumstances and Forever was one of the few things keeping me afloat. And i mean like- phaw, these content streamers are funny, what can i say. Even though i dont agree with literally any of the shit they pulled in the last couple of months, they get a hearty chuckle out of me and their character is fun and their lore is (less) interesting. I mean- they are likeable. Thats why they are content creators. Cause they got great personalities. Doesnt mean they are good people though.
And heh, the qsmp really will die soon, i mean really. Just look. Pacfit is cute but it barely holds much in the shipping department, the lore might as well be dead cause many have left or were cancelled or have to deal with the aftermath of their friends being cancelled or leaving. And just it looks like not many people are on and that quackity tried to commercialize it with purgatory 2. Bringing all these new people and having storylines abandoned left and right. Then forever got canceled and quackity chose to throw his friend under the bus (doesnt even matter if forever secretly asked him to) and protect his project which was his first mistake. Now all these creators are getting picked off one by one because of their past relationships. Insteading of standing unified together.
And i will laugh at all of you stupid fucks who whined and cried that ohhh noooo, my favorite creator is a bad person with little evidence, and just the one side talking about it. And it doesnt matter if Wilbur said that was a consensual kink they shared and they met on www.bitemynipple.org, he will be framed as the bad guy, with whatever she said. My god. The fact that everyone takes this shit at face value and dont question anything, and quickly announce that they hate the guy to prove that they are a good person is insane.
Like holy shit, tubbo, ranboo, aimsey, and others. You jumped on him so quickly and literally ranked and ripped apart his apology like it was supposed to win some literary award, the fuck? Why are you so weird?! It's obviously a PR curated response and you are treating it like it is his actual words! The fuck?!
And then y'know, i think there are people who never really were fans and are just part of that well orchestrated alleged anti group that took down Forever and are using what wilbur's ex said to fan the flames. Loudly announcing, 'IM DELETING MY STUFF AND YOU SHOULD TOO UNLESS YOU ARE A BAD PERSON!!!" you want to talk about manipulation? That certainly looks like manipulation to me. Pathetic. Guilting people before the final verdict. My braincells are dead on the floor cause of youm And then the rest of you all roll over, bend your back and just take it. Well lube up your stupid little holes.
But honestly, i called this shit so hard. I more so guessed a fan would damn him later, but its an ex girlfriend who felt like it was a great idea to air out their personal lives to the voyeuristic eye that is the internet. Just peachy. Like this is your own personal shit, and again if there aint even a police report talking about their domestic abuse, i wont take this seriously. It a photo or a screenshot of a text about it. ANYTHING!!!!! The fact she just discreetly brought it up out of nowhere to bring 'awareness'. She knew what she was doing. And if her intentions were to tear him down cause she was angry at him or get her noticed because of his popularity or to use him to lift her agenda of this so called awareness then ok, i guess??????
And what's with this bullshit of not knowing that wilbur is manipulative? That is literally is one of his number one character traits. You can think of it negatively or positively, but unless you are new here, that dude is a manipulative hussy. Like this is a well known fact, how are any of you surprised at this? Its like saying the sky is blue. I mean- if by anything dsmp wilbur is the most manipulative lil bastard ever, obviously he is leaning into a character trait he already knows and has.
But go on, hm, cry. Write your little announcements that you always knew he was a bad person uwu and that you are deleting all your content of him. Go on and do it. Delete your art and fics that you worked so hard on just cause some drama is happening where there is no hard evidence so far except what she said and he said. Heh, I dont stan him. I aint saving this shit. If the art gets deleted, oh well! Too bad, so sad. Thats on all of you who wanted to panic, act out like toddlers and delete your art. Go on. Delete it. Feel sad. Boohoo. Waaaaaaaahhhh. Ask no questions and just side with the 'victim' who conveniently brings this up now.
Who knows. Maybe I'll act up too. Maybe i'll draw Wilbur getting eaten out and bitten and sensually gang banged. Maybe I'll draw art of tntduo chewing on each others' cocks. Bite bite bite. Maybe I'll just make a lot of wilbur biting art just to spite everyone. Who knows?!
Maybe i will also keep the wilbur soot tag alive, like i am doing with the forever, sugarduo, and the 4halo tag. Because you stupid ass bitches just squeal when these creators arent perfect when someone drops dirt on them. Well newsflash you dumb fucks, they all have dirt on them.
Also my next guess on who the cancel qsmp victim will be ... Fit. They havent got anything on Philza yet to my surprise. Maybe the man just surrounds himself with loyal people outside of minecraft server cause obvs those people aint loyal as shit 🤣. And i dont know much about fit outside of qsmp, like i feel a lot of us do. But he totally fits the qualifications. He's a man so he's an easy target. He's older so he has a 'past tm. And he is seen as otherwise good and another pillar of the qsmp. So if he is taken down, many shall follow. It would be another good shock to the community to destroy the server like these antis want. And yeah- i actually think this all stems around the qsmp. Aint no other Minecraft servers are having this level of drama right now, so why is it qsmp that are getting all these leaks and drama bombs at ... At the height of their popularity? I wonder. Or maybe i already know.
But all these pr disaster drama landmines, i even made a funny theory joke in my head that what if the ringleader to these alleged anti groups is actually a pr manager of one of these groups? And thats how they have been destroying everyone from the inside, collecting some OLD dirt, and being able to maybe connect or approach these exs. But that's just a funny theory i have. Like could you imagine???
Could you imagine?
And damn, i just wonder if there is a content creator policy that if one of them is being attacked than the rest have to dogpile on them no matter how they feel or what they think about the situation to save their own assets and finances? Do you think? You think that's in their contract? That would be absurd and hilarious. Imma piss myself from laughing. Look piss.
And no, i will not talk nicely about this. I never should have. You guys all deserve to be spat on and talked shit to. And i mean all. Im talking about everyone. All those that fall hook line and sinker. Dumbfucks
Will i respond to anything from this...? Mm maybe. Probably not. I don't really care what happens :P sucks to suck
(Also yeah this was barely edited, eat my ass)
(And I mean, damn if I'm wrong I'm wrong, but you fucks turn so quick when yeah- there is no physical evidence that she could easily provide)
(to reiterate for those who don't want to read the finer details. I totally think everything that has happened so far as been to rip apart the qsmp and think all these ex girlfriends as well are too conveniently timed. And whether or not they are telling the truth, there are and will always be antis lying in wait to shame and guilt everyone to damn the male accused while no physical evidence is brought forth and that they pressure people to delete their art and fics. Gross)
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mykidneysbuddy · 7 months
just because wilbur is a bad person doesn't mean we have to boycott lovejoy. there are other people in that band who did nothing wrong other than associate with him without realizing that he was a bad person (which many other of your favorite streamers are guilty of as well if you want to use that logic) these people have lives and a passion for making music. boycott wilbur all you want but the band lovejoy doesnt deserve this just because they had bad judgement.
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alliumdykes · 7 months
Ok, im still on my break but this has been in my mind and i wanna fucking say something. Block me after this whatever.
We don’t know if Wilbur is Shubbles abuser, and we shouldn’t force her to tell us her abuser. Because not only is it endangering her, but also her abuser because if you didn’t know. Abusers are people too.
And mcytblr has this fucking problem that when someone is mean to their fave they must send death threats, and im sure if Shubble did that person would be in danger.
As well (take this with a grain of sault i haven’t seen shubbles stream due to my personal mental health issues) From what i’ve gathered is that her ex bit her, had a messy room, and had childhood trauma. Im focusing on the childhood truama thing right now but, yall do know that most abusers have been abused right? This isn’t to say it lets her abuser off the hook no it doesn’t, but to say that the little we know of Wilburs childhood doesn’t mean that he is immediately Shibbles abuser because he has childhood trauma.
Also. This whole thing is a he said she said type of deal. I constantly see people saying “Well this person who worked for lovejoy said this” and “this person said that” AND ITS LIKE. WHERES YOUR PROOF. IM NOT TAKING WHAT YOU ARE FUCKING SAYING AS FACT.
Also. People using “well Shubble didn’t say it wasn’t wilbur” is the stupidest reasoning ever. We have pushed Shubble into a completely lose-lose situation. There are no good outcomes for her, If she doesn’t say it isn’t Wilbur people will send death threats and complain publicly, but if she does say it wasn’t Wilbur people will accuse her of faking her abuse to ruin Wilburs reputation.
This one thing has taught me that mcytblr is so fucking horrible when it comes to situations like this. Instead of thinking critically weve all just assumed and got to completely miss the point of Shibbles stream.
It’s not about her abuser, it’s about Shubble. Shut the fuck about Wilbur right now and worrying about everything you enjoyed of him makes you an evil person. And i cannot believe i need to seriously say this but go outside, touch grass, do your best to find a third place.
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chillychive · 7 months
TW: mentions of domestic abuse, mcyt discourse:
Everyone please remember that supporting Shubble is NOT Just commenting support, it’s NOT attacking Wilbur (although that’s not a bad thing), it’s NOT flocking to her channel to see the drama.
Go watch her videos. Go watch her series. Recent or old, it doesn’t matter. Go support her. Support her channel. Show appreciation for her content.
If you’re someone who only knows her from this situation, please go look at her other content. She’s an amazing creator.
Let’s not reduce her to this Wilbur situation. She’s incredibly talented as an artist, so don’t just go, watch her videos, comment your appreciation for her content.
When the dust settles, lets let Shubble come back to a wave of love and comments, not just for her speaking out but for her as a creator.
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chocokatsicle · 1 year
the way scott said he was hiding in katherine’s room and both joey and shelby were immediately like “what were you doing in there?!?”
and then scott following it up with “katherine’s also not my type” and shelby responding with “she’s everyone’s type” to which scott says “disagreed”
i can’t with this series oh my gosh
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sophietheghost · 7 months
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Shelby <333 I just love how she smiles ______ Okey, now more serious. Nobody propably care about my opinion, but here it is. This is kinda my respond to whatever is happening right now in the mcyt commiunity. i leave the dream smp fandom, some time ago and I will not go back there any time soon. Shelby was so brave telling her story and i have nothing but respect to her I also feel very sorry for what she's been thought, nobody shoud ever expierience anything like that. that said I think it's obvious that I don't support Willbur in any way. I could write paragraphs how sick I fell towards him, but i'm not gonna do that. It's not about him. Go support Shelby she's really lovely.
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argentinasadamsandler · 7 months
I will be vulnerable
I dont fuckikg know what will make you guys happy it seems ill get attacked if I beleive hes abusive or not
Tumblrs literally Twitter 2.0 you cant say shit
Idfk whst you want I csnt even have an opinión I get fucking confused
Im honestly a people pleaser to the point I DONT KNOW WHAT MY OWN OPINION IS ON THIS
Im actually so fucking sick of drama and all of this
Fucking hate me or shelby or Wilbur ALL YOU WANT I DONT CARE
ive been so brain washed into agreeing with people to make them happy im actually so sick of it
And the fucking triggers this has caused is a lot.
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wallsarefun · 7 months
Okay everyone new update, if any of you support Wilbur soot after this fuck off and leave !!!! And for the ones who stay we will watch shubble videos together !! TLDR: Wilbur soots an abuser and any who support him can and will stay away from me and go watch shubble videos because she is the victim!
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murruspins · 7 months
Wilbur stans or supporters dni, he admitted to abusing Shelby, you are not welcome here.
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emberdusk620 · 7 months
I would like to first make it VERY clear that I am entirely on Shubble's side in the current situation. I have stopped supporting Wilbur in any way, removing all of his and Lovejoy's music from all of my playlists and telling Youtube to not recommend his channel.
However, what does everyone think about fanfictions? I've always loved SBI fics; Passerine, TUMOASD, Shrike, His Curse of Binding, etc, etc. All involve Wilbur, and he's typically a good older brother figure.
I even had a fanfic lined up that I was going to write and release to AO3, where Grian was a member of the SBI family. I was very excited about it, but I just don't know anymore.
So, I want to know YOUR opinions. Is it supporting Wilbur to write or read fanfictions involving him? Or can I take comfort in knowing that fictional Wilbur is a much better person than his IRL self?
All my love and support to Shubble. She was so brave <3
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pomboo · 7 months
So you may have watched Shelby's stream and I would like to start off by sending my best wishes to her and I really hope she's doing better. The points she made in the stream about what her ex boyfriend did to her reddit has recently connected to wilbur and now they think it was him. In my personal opinion he is guilty until proven innocent but at this same time this really hurt me. I've been watching Wilbur since Soothouse and it really hurts to see my favourite YouTube and streamer and musical artist get accused of these things. I am not defending him and I would like to make that extremely clear. This isn't about Wilbur and we should respect Shelby and her decision NOT TO NAME HIM. Also I genuinely don't know what to do about Wilbur. I don't know if I should continue watching and supporting him or not. It feels wrong not to since he's helped me through alot of hard times especially with his music but at the same time I don't want to support a potential abuser. Thr lovejoy subreddit (which was my favourite subreddit) has been set to private due to the allegations. I would also like to add imagine if it wasn't Wilbur who did it. I'm not denying proof but there's always a chance. He would probably be so stressed right now. This could be the end of his streaming and music career as we know it. I would like to once again say that I support Shelby and hope she's alright. This is a very personal matter for her and people trying to find out who abused her isn't okay. I know people are trying to help but it's seriously not okay.
If Wilbur publicly says he's guilty of doing that I will most likely take down all posts related to him on all my socials. I do not think lovejoy counts though since I like Mark Broadman alot so I'm technically not supporting Wilbur.
Thanks for your understanding and have a nice day :)
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kylekilljoy · 4 months
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This. Is "Shubble's" proof of being abused by Wilbur, or at least her bite marks. That is not how bite marks work for human bites or how bruising works! This image is/was actually provided by Shubble herself. But it would seem now she's attempting to retract this image and while I've not seen it I'm sure they're is some sort of excuse as to why it is being buried again.
Wilbur didn't abuse shubble. End of story. Shubble is lashing out at Wilbur because he refuses to invest into her traditional Christian family values of marrying and having kids and instead wanting to pursue his passion for his music career. She called him narcissistic for it but also said they broke up on the mutual understanding of having different values and interests and wants out of life. She believes in guilty until proven innocent until it's HER 'abuser'.
She's full of fucking crap and before all of this was being accused of being a groomer. This of course got buried surely under all this Wilbur drama.
I'm not longer interested in supporting Ranboo, Philza, Tubbo or anyone else who threw him under the bus like they did. They're shitty people. They talk about mental health and advocating for getting help until it's their friend who has allegations against him that don't even have my evidence beyond other people who also are friends with Shubble and may have been guilted into 'coming out' and even then they didn't come out with anything of substance beyond yeah he bites people, but didn't claim to have been abused by him like she did.
Sorry boys were never sorry. The only one who's sorry was Wilbur as far as I'm concerned he hasn't done anything wrong.
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shayattorney · 7 months
A thought I had..
I used to be a part of the DSMP fandom- that's how I met one my bestest friends, over a shared liking of it. We both are into Hermitcraft now but anyway that's not my focus here. Wilbur gave off loose cannon vibes, even when not in his Minecraft character and Shelby has been one of my favorite YouTubers. Before I knew DSMP I knew her, so this whole situation just boils my blood.
I watched Shelby's whole situation and her video about this and there was one point she said that he flat out told her that he didn't really care about their relationship and the troubles at the time and he mainly cared about how much money and fame he wanted to get. In his response, he says "hope I continue to be held by these high standards I wish to attain and maintain." To me (and this can be interpreted differently, this is just my thought) it kinda sounds like the same kinda thing. Like he cares more about his image and his celebrity status and he wants it to stay that way. He focuses on himself rather than fully address Shelby and apologize. He wants to maintain his good image rather than actually give an effort into apologizing. Again, that was just kinda of a thought I had, sounds a bit narcissistic from Wil- but anyway Shelby was so brave for speaking out and she deserves so much love <3
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blissfali · 7 months
Final concensus...I will be normal unless something tells me to behave otherwise. thats my decision
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