#shu being scout
eveh-koko · 2 years
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Blend+ ☕
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4giorno · 2 years
i should be able to save all 30 of the time limited scouts for shu right??? im sweating this is nervewracking
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theladysunami · 2 months
Many other people have already posted their thoughts on the various peaks of Cang Qiong Mountain sect, so I figure I might as well throw my own thoughts and preferred headcanons out there.
First, my thoughts on the peaks we know exist but don't know much about in terms of their specialties:
Xian Shu Peak: Textiles Peak
This is my favorite headcanon for the all women's peak! The textiles industry is a big part of Chinese history, and was traditionally considered to be women's work, so it would only make sense for it to be Xian Shu Peak's peak specialty. It's not just one specific skill either, as spinning, weaving, dying, garment making, embroidery, rope/cord-making, etc. are all a part of the industry.
As they are a cultivation peak, I expect some of the products of their work to be defensive robes with talismans or incantations stitched into the fabric, Qiankun bags or sleeves, spirit trapping pouches, etc. If rope making is included in their preview, they could also be involved in making immortal binding cables, nets, and so forth.
Ku Xing Peak: Rites, Rituals and Purification Peak
We don't know much about Ku Xing Peak except that they live an aesthetic lifestyle. As it's common for individuals to take on certain aspects of aestheticism (simple clothes, restricted diets, abstinence, etc.) before engaging in many types of rituals, I'm inclined to believe a peak that practices aestheticism at all times would be particularly well suited for such tasks.
I tend to imagine their peak being similar to the Gusu Lan Clan, minus the music aspect (music being Qing Jing's purview). They could specialize in things like summoning spirits, communing with the dead, dispelling resentment, exorcisms, purifying objects or locations, properly laying the dead to rest, etc.
Since SVSSS predominantly focuses on demons, not ghosts, it's only natural a peak that deals more in spiritual cleansing and laying the dead to rest wouldn't be involved in the plot much.
Zui Xian Peak: Potions and Elixers Peak
While lot of fanfics make jokes about Zui Xian being a peak for alcoholics (which is completely fair, as this is the dick joke filled world of SVSSS we're talking about), my first thought upon learning of Zui Xian Peak's specialty was the immorality granting heavenly wine in the Journey to the West. Looking into the matter more, I've since learned that wine has actually been a huge part of Chinese medicine since the Han Dynasty. The traditional character for medicine even includes the radical for wine!
With this kind of precedent, it seems only logical that Zui Xian Peak doesn't merely make alcohol for social and/or enjoyment purposes, it's quite likely to be the ‘external alchemy’ peak of Cang Qiong Mountain. I expect they grow and process at least some of their own herbs and ingredients, along with performing other alcohol and potion making tasks like brewing, distilling, extracting, fermenting, filtering, infusing, and so on.
Next, my thoughts on what the three mystery peaks might be:
I am not going to try and name these peaks, as I struggle with naming things even in my own native tongue.
Hunting, Trapping and Scouting Peak
Having read MDZS before SVSSS, I found the distinct lack of archery in SVSSS to be quite peculiar. As the peak of scholars and strategists, I suppose it's only logical Qing Jing Peak focuses on the four scholarly arts (the guqin, strategy games, calligraphy, and painting), rather then the six arts of Confucian gentlemen (rites, music, archery, equestrianism, calligraphy, and mathematics), but that does leave several ‘arts’ free to be claimed by other peaks! This inspired me to think up a hunting and scouting peak, where disciples excel at archery and equestrianism.
Since mounted archers became a significant aspect of Chinese warfare in the 4th century BC, thanks to King Wuling of Zhao, I'd say having cultivators of this sort in a Xianxia setting is perfectly reasonable. Giving Cang Qiong Mountain sect scouts also nicely fills the gap in their martial capabilities. Without this peak they have strategists, weapon craftsman, ground troops, and suppliers, but no reconnaissance forces!
I also consider this peak to be the rough equivalent of the ‘Beast Taming Peak’ so many works are fond of. Who else could breed and control hundreds of spirit eagles for the Immortal Alliance Conference but a group of cultivators focused on scouting missions? As supernaturally superior mounts and spirit (hunting) dogs would be incredibly helpful to them, they'd likely engage in horse and dog breeding programs as well! Their skill as hunters and trappers would also permit them both to provide game for Cang Qiong Mountain sect, and to aid in the rounding up of various living monsters for both alchemical ingredient harvesting and for releasing at events like the Immortal Alliance Conference.
In summary, this peak would produce disciples skilled at equestrianism, archery, falconry, animal husbandry, scouting, herb gathering, hunting, trapping, etc. For anyone familiar with D&D, I did basically make a Ranger peak here, but I stand by that decision!
Artifacts, Arrays and Invention Peak
Every time I read a work with some variation on the "Mad Scientist Peak" I adore it, so naturally I have to include this type of peak as well. This peak would be for the Wei Wuxians of the cultivation world, hoping to revolutionize cultivation society!
Their focus would be mathematics, spell geometry, arrays, talismans, non-medicinal alchemy (aka ancient materials science), engineering and of course artifact recovery, study and creation. The crystal mirror ‘surveillance equipment’ from the Immortal Alliance Conference? These guys would be the ones that developed it!
Agriculture, Earthworks and Architecture Peak
While I admittedly don't know the nuances of feng shui, I am at least aware there is far more to it then what you usually see in western depictions. In MDZS, it's noted that an area having bad feng shui (like Yi City) can cause premature death, disaster, and an increase in all sorts of nasty supernatural phenomena! With this in mind, a peak that focuses on connecting to and harmonizing with one's environment seems perfect for the final Cang Qiong Mountain peak.
I don't imagine this peak doing much of the actual building in the sect (that's An Ding's job) but when it comes to designing the sect's buildings, or altering its geography through earthworks, they're the ones to talk to. I also see them as producing at least some of the sect’s food supply, using their skills to encourage a positively supernatural abundance of plants.
In short, disciples of this peak would be skilled with things like architecture, earthworks, geography, topography, irrigation, agriculture, element manipulation, etc.
If SVSSS’s heavenly realms have anything akin to TGCF’s elemental masters, there is probably an unusually high chance they come from this peak.
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hannahlovesluca · 10 months
Hi! Can I request Luxiem boys(separate) x reader who gets scared very easily and screams when scared? Play the don't scream game live on twitch?
(apologies for my bad English)
(inspired by kubz scout)
hi 🪻 anon! welcome to the family!
Luxiem Boys + S/O playing “Don’t Scream”
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• this motherfucker.
• he will laugh so hard if you scream, but if you’re getting like actually effected he’ll probably make you take a break <3
• probably makes a joke about how you need to go to ike for screamo lessons
• probably adds ike to the call solely because this man is petty as hell
• if you decide to go to the mini market in the game and you get the jump scare where the old man swipes across the screen, he’s most definitely making a lorax joke
• help ive never seen the lorax so i dont know if that context is correct but whatever
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• translation: YOU FUCKER GO BACK TO HELL!
• lots of swears in swedish (from ike… and from me… sorry self insert….again………)
• he genuinely feels bad but also laughs sometimes
• he thinks youre adorable but he also finds it incredibly weird that he thinks someone being terrified for their life is cute…..
• you probably end up saying something so bad that he goes limp from laughing and is in tears (literally, not exaggerating)
• and if you have trouble falling asleep that night he’ll make sure to run his hands through your hair and hum to you!
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• hes such a dick
• will literally whimper with you in discord call while youre playing.
• and still has the nerve to call you a baby
• sir?????
• du är en hycklare.
• anyway he most definitely teases you about it
• literally just call him out omg y/n
• ……but its kind of hot when he teases you so you let it happen
• anyway mid game you probably mute him because he’s screaming so loud LMAOO
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• this mf is even worse than vox.
• will be teasing you left and right
• “y/n…. whats kidamogus backwards…”
• “…luca..”
• his voice is more of a jumpscare than the game itself oh my lawd
• and um… if youre swedish…
• anyways, if you’re seriously seriously scared to the point where you need comfort he is coming ASAP.
• and he brings snuggles <3
• is still teasing you, though
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• he’ll giggle at you every now and then
• but overall he just thinks its cute and amusing
• and if you squeal out a curse his heart is just going to 💥💥💥
• i genuinely dont even know what else to add…. he just giggles at you a lot 😭😭
• will occasionally make a ligma joke if things are too quiet (almost the whole game since you have to be pretty much silent LMAOO)
• he’ll probably send messages in your chat even though hes in call with you
• Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: guys what do i do they’re so focused
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mamadarama · 12 days
Just curious on your opinion here do you have any thoughts on the way Madara is being written? Recently I came to the realization that enstars writers aren't all that great,, and I notice that Madara at least in my opinion has had very little development and progression as a character but I'm genuinely hoping I'm wrong but I don't see much difference. And I do hope I'm wrong cuz I definitely haven't read every single story ever in Enstars and it could just really be Madara's character but it feels like he hasn't budged an inch and when DF rolled around it seems like he's gonna progress only for the writers to make him wanna split up literal months after (SS) and it was fine the first time since we explored that part of his character but right after that we got the Spring event and he's?? Back on his bullshit as if whatever happened during Secret Service didn't have much impact. And I do understand his character and all but I often wonder how much of that is just his character (immovable mountain with deep roots that will take years of continuous effort to move) or just the writers half assing because they can't think of a more compelling narrative for double face other than Madara wanting a breakup. It's especially sad to me with Last Mission because as much as I can understand DF being temporary and meant to end, it feels like nothing has changed in Madara during !! Era. I'm hoping that new gen Madara can change that since he's already featured in the new shuffle and scout story, and it does look like he's changing the vibes a little. Idk what are your thoughts and genuinely no hate here I love Madara and I'd love to hear your opinion :)
i think the writers do a pretty good job with the story actually !! i ended up spending a few hours writing like 3 pages of stuff so this one gets a readmore ^^;
theres a tldr at the end though if you dont wanna hear me talk in circles like some kind of maniac (understandable i dont either)
at this point madaras story is a tragedy and hes not really supposed to be a satisfying character . youre supposed to be some degree of frustrated with him like all the other characters are. the story isnt over yet though and maybe he will get a satisfying happy ending someday , but this is all buildup. having madara go through negative character development while the rest of the 3rd years have significant positive character development puts emphasis on one of the main points of his character: you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped . shu wanted to become more empathetic. eichi wanted to unlearn his bitterness. kaoru wanted to leave his playboy reputation behind. izumi wanted to learn to control his emotions . madara has two sides to him that refuse to coexist— anger and misery. the angry side of him has given up on himself and leans into his perceived role as a villain because he believes alienating his friends is the only way to save them and for once be the hero. the miserable side of him is the sad and "selfish" part that keeps him returning to his friends again and again despite believing hes a bad influence on them, because he still seeks acknowledgment and praise from others and doesnt want to believe its too late for him. he bounces between these like a metronome . (maybe thats another layer of reasoning behind double faces name, idk) so, he doesnt know if he wants to be helped. he thinks he doesnt deserve it. pulling someone out of a ditch that deep requires some legwork on their part too, and if they wont put in that legwork, well... then there's nothing you can do. madara isnt quite a rooted mountain that takes a long time to move... hes more like an injured tiger pacing in its pit , so fixated on looking for a way out that it wont look up and see the entire top is open where its keepers are waiting to take it out and treat its wounds . now suppose this tiger is sentient enough to worry it might hurt someone on impulse when the disinfectant stings its wounds. additionally, lets say the tigers wounds came from falling and cutting itself on something in its habitat while making a risky jump , and it believes it deserves to be hurt for such a stupid misjudgment. so even when it notices the top of the pit is open, it will continue pacing pretending like it didnt. thats where madara is at right now .
madara broke up double face partly out of self sabotage, and partly out of a twisted attempt to "save" kohaku from him. kohaku and madara are an interesting contrast because their characters are set up in a very similar way. the difference between them is that kohaku doesnt hate himself even close to as much as madara does, and as a result he IS getting better. kohaku believes hes always going to be part of the underbelly of society doing dirty work and hes resolved to that like madara is, but he doesnt believe that means he has to do it alone . he acknowledges that hes not alone, he has the rest of alkakurei, the sweets club, jun, his sisters and tsukasa.... and madara. the first part of beating loneliness is recognizing youre not alone. madara thinks no one understands him (which in itself is its own kind of loneliness) and that if his friends understood "what he really is", they wouldnt love him. so in a way their presence eases one kind of loneliness and reinforces another. in his mind the only person who understands him is himself and therefore the only one who can save people from himself is also him.
theres a scene in last mission where madara says his reason for disbanding double face is something along the lines of wanting kohaku to live where he can feel the sun on him , and kohaku asks "what about my feelings?" . that pretty much sums up madaras entire thought process and why he isnt making any positive progress .
tldr; madara does have character development between es! and es!! , but its not positive. to have such a stubborn self loathing character make positive progress without a slow burn of warring with themself and dragging their feet would soften those traits. they want him to stand out and make you to go "ohh ok so this guy is MISERABLE miserable" .
so anyways i dont think its lazy writing its just character loyalty. but the fact that you noticed all that means youre reading him the way hes intended to be read. so congratulations!! you now understand what its like to be kohaku oukawa :) if he does get positive character development i hope its really slow though cuz if its too fast it would feel kinda abrupt. it needs to feel like hes fighting the writers for it to truly be madara
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missydischa · 6 months
Hey... how would Aaron react if he sees a kid getting bullied. And about the time he fought the prototypes cult, could you fill us in on that?
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Aaron doesn't really interact with people a lot, he mostly stays in his little lake and chills with his buddy Mella(the human's name). If he WERE to witness a sight of bullying, he would probably try to scare the bullies off by towering over them behind the victim protectively. Of course he needs to make sure he doesn't freak out the victim, too. (for size reference the tiny creature there is a CHILD, it's hard to keep his height difference consistent TTwTT)
As for the time he "fought" prototype's cult, well... it was a wrong spot-wrong time situation.
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He usually never goes relic-hunting/ruin-exploring on his own because he is PRONE to getting distracted by literally everything. In this case he found a pretty glowing gem with a peculiar shape.
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The issue was the cult sent out scouts to find that gem because it's a mystic relic, similiar to the gem Aaron wears on his tailfin. So yeah, they saw him take it first and were not gonna take that, especially since Aaron was alone...
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Only that Aaron wouldn't stay down for very long. I'm not sure if you saw the tiny detail where the 'amulet' on Aaron's arm actually has an eye instead of a gem. He called it Shu too, that's because that thing on his arm is a parasite. It feeds off Aaron and in return 'protects' him. Protection in this case means that it can temporarily take over Aaron's mind and fight for him without any hesitation its host would have. His fighting style in this state is quite animalistic. As you can see with the unfortunate follower losing her arm and getting crushed under his palm... don't worry, the other followers present were next.
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Since I'm assuming you saw my other posts. Aaron said they were 'in pieces' when he came to. When Shu takes over it's like a blackout to Aaron he won't remember what happened, he only sees the aftermath. He argued with Shu a couple of times because, despite it being sometimes unavoidable, he hates fighting especially the killing kind.
Aaron belongs to me
SpaceRider AU + Prototype Cultists belong to @onyxonline
Yeah so that's all I got right now. ThAnk you so much for the ask, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw the message in my inbox!!!! ♥♥♥
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badh6bit · 1 year
*°:⋆ₓₒ until dawn - luxiem
synopsis: a group of friends are invited to a remote cabin in the mountains for a reunion. things quickly take a turn for the worse as the group starts to realize that there is something in the mountains with them.
content: until dawn au , drabble(?), not really horror, probably VERY short lmao , no shipping , not proofread , im writing for their personas/characters NOT the actual person,
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vox akuma
knowledgeable , giving , humorous
“don’t panic, we have to keep things under control!”
vox does anything and everything he can to help the others
he’ll go out of his way to search for resources or will accompany others to find them
he’s willing to be self-sacrificing, giving things to others instead of keeping things for himself.
and if he’s not helping others with certain tasks, he’s advising them on what/what not to do
vox is not afraid of a fight if it means keeping the group safe from harm. he’s most likely to prioritize the well-being of others rather than himself.
ike eveland
idealistic , gentle , level-headed
“th-there’s something here! i just don’t know what..”
ike is among the first to realize that there’s something wrong with the surrounding area. warning the others frantically
his immediate course of action is protection. make sure everything is in check, secure everything, take extra measures, etc.
he encourages others to not make any rash decisions, although his complaints fall under deaf ears
despite this, he’s caring towards his group and will do whatever he thinks is right for the people around him
when faced against danger, ike is not afraid to fight even if it ends up hurting or injuring himself.
shu yamino
intelligent , reliable , easygoing
“everything’s gonna turn out fine, ill be here to help.”
shu comes off skeptical about the whole situation, believing that the so-called thing they saw in the forest was purely something they had made up
but as the night progresses more and more, shu starts to suspect that the group might be right
shu provides support to those who are in need of it. being the literal embodiment of “ask and you shall receive.”
need someone to fix the lights? he’s there. someone to scout with? he’s already out the door.
shu actively tries to avoid danger as much as he possibly can. but if forced to, he will instead think up a plan that involves him and the others coming out unscathed.
he wants no problems at all and is fixed on trying to get everyone and himself to safety.
luca kaneshiro
mischievous , energetic , sweet
“was i the only one that saw that?!”
luca’s gut tells him right away that something isn’t right.
the spooky atmosphere, the sinister glow of the moon and the sense of impending doom hits him in all the wrong ways
much like vox, he’s action oriented
he’s focused on getting everyone out of here, going out to find help from someone
he’s aware of his surroundings and his gut feelings are almost always right
his fight or flight is mostly mixed
he can put up a decent fight but if he is overpowered, has no problem of withdrawing and fleeing from the fight.
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authors note(s) : OMG.. this was my first post/AU, i got this idea after rewatching a few until dawn streams 💀 I HOPE YGS LIKED IT (might make this a series-
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acanth3 · 2 months
スカウト!スノウドーム / Scout! Snow Globe
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Mitsuru: I'm strong, I can put my mind to it!
Hajime: Yes…! I’m going to do it now, Mitsuru-kun!
Mitsuru: Hajime-chan, that’s a little too much! You soaked the disinfectant into the wound!
But I can put up with it! Because I'm a strong child, a child of the wind…a healthy child!
Hajime: Mitsuru-kun is amazing. I respect you. But don’t run for a while because the wound is quite bad. 
I’m treating the wound now, but be careful because you can get seriously injured. 
…Alright. All done.
Mitsuru: Hehehe, sorry for making you worry~
Huh? Hajime-chan, I can hear your seniors' voice Mika-chan. It sounds like they’re in a hurry.
Hajime: Huh I can’t really hear..
I can’t hear it at all, Mitsuru-kun your ears are really good.
Mitsuru: Mhm! ☆ 
The voice is getting louder? I mean closer and closer to the infirmary.
Hajime: Eh?
Mika: Sagami-sensei! Yeah ,yeah!! Help Oshi-san and Mado-nee!
Huh? Only Hajime-kun and Mitsuru-kun’s here?
Hajime: Wow! Mitsuru-kun is amazing, Kagehira-senpai really came.
Hello, Kagehira-senpai. Mr.Sagami isn’t here now he’s in a meeting, I’m a temporary employee.
Mitsuru: Is Mika-chan-senpai holding Oshi-san-senpai? He looks very limp and in a bad condition~
Mika: Oh..oh! Oshi-san and Mado-nee collapsed! Their words were all strange and his actions were messed up too!
Why is there a staff meeting durin’ lunch break?! That’s not good, this isn’t good! If I wait till lunch ends Oshi-san might die!
That’s right! An ambulance, I have no choice but to call an ambulance!
What’s the ambulance number!?…hmm
I remembered! Kyukyusha! 
Hajime: Please calm down! Kagehira-senpai your words and actions are incoherent. 
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Shu: ….Kagehi…ra...don’t touch…me…this….is…it’s just a cold…huh…hah..
Mika: Oshi-san! Are you okay!?
Hajime: Are you alright? Itsuki-senpai?
Shu: Huh…I can’t stay a..wake..
Mika: Uwaaaahh!? Did you faint again!? Oshi-san, don’t overdo yourself~!?
Or is it a cold!? You said you had a cold, didn’t you? What!? What cold is it!? An incurable disease!?
Hajime: Kagehira-senpai, really! Please calm down~ It’s just a normal cold with usual coughs and fevers. If you just rest, you’ll get better.
Mitsuru: Mika-chan-senpai seems to be very confused! Calm down~ wow, ha~
Mika: Wow~ha~....fu~
Oh…a cold, it’s just a cold…a disease I know..
I was so impatient that it sounded like an unknown disease…I should just wait..
Hajime: It can’t be helped, of course you’d be upset if a person important to you suddenly collapsed. For the time being..allow Itsuki-senpai to take a nap on the bed. 
Mika: Yeah, yeah, I got it! It’s all good. Mado-nee will be sleeping down here on the futon, is this good Hajime-kun?
Hmm, a cold…when I have a cold, I think…
I can’t remember!? I used to take care of children in the past!
Nnnn! What happened durin’ that time!? I’m so upset my head’s gone completely blank! Hmm~ Remember~!
I can’t even remember the care that I gave/or was given! 
I mean haven’t really caught much colds
Oshi-san used to take care of me, before/ or when I caught colds! Just, what is it!?
Mitsuru: Yes! Yes, Ye~s! I know many ways to catch a cold!
I’ve never caught a cold but I heard this from my friend, so it’s perfect info~
Hajime: What? Was it from Tomoya-kun? I know some of it.
Mitsuru: Tomo-chan said he learnt something from his senior, something like ‘Grandma’s special wisom’
Mika: Mitsuru-kun, really!? Can you tell me more about this special thing?
Mitsuru: Okay, well! First, put cabbage on your forehead, pickled plum on the temple, wrap green onion around your neck~ and it’ll seem to be okay~
Mika: Cabbage, pickled plum and green onion! Alright, got it!
Hajime: What!? Kagehira-senpai, please just wait a moment. It’s better not to do something like that.
Mika: It’s okay, Hajime-kun. You’re worried about whether you can collect some too, aren’t you?
But I need to give some power to Oshi-san! Leave it to me!
Hajime: Well no, I’m not worried about that-
Mitsuru: Mika-chan-senpai, you have to dash, dash~!
Mika: I’ll get it right away, Oshi-san and Mado-nee are waiting for me! I’ve got to dash, dash~!
Hajime: …Ah, Kagehira-senpai! Don't run away!
Mitsuru: It’s okay, Hajime-chan! I think Mika-chan-senpai will get everything right away!
Hajime: What? Hmm, that’s not what I’m really worried about. It’s..
Mika: Thank you for waiting! Oshi-san, Mado-nee!
Hajime: Eh, it’s so soon! Did you get it already!? Even if it’s for Itsuki-senpai it’s way too quick/fast!
Mitsuru: Early, so early! Mika-chan-senpai is amazing~ I wanna have a race! Do you wanna compete against me?
Mika: For the sake of Oshi-san, I exceed the speed of sound~ 
I just bought the ingredients from the garden terrace over there.
They were only flexible with it since I’ve got a ' part-time job at school.’
Today’s the day that I’m glad I have a lot of part-time jobs!
Mitsuru: What? That’s still too fast/early, so I was surprised~!
Mika: Time to let Oshi-san and Mado-nee get well soon.
Hajime: Wait a minute! Please wait, Kagehira-senpai…!
Mika: First, I apply the cabbage on your forehead…
Shu: ...That’s enough, you fool!
Hah…wow…There is no proof of credibility for doing what you were just about to do! It’s just an ugly thing..doing such a thing on me and Mademoiselle..just what are you thinking!
Hah…ha..h..originally I didn’t think it was clever at all, it’s stupid!..
Mika: Oshi-san, did you notice all this time! Oshi-san is back to normal too..!
I’m gonna do this special remedy from now on…I’m so glaaaaaddddd!
Shu: Wahh..wow..A while ago I noticed what you were talking about…I just didn’t have the energy to get up, so..
If I had just kept silent like that, me and Mademoiselle…were about to get ‘treated’, with all my power I managed to get up..
Mika: Ahahaha, what I did wasn’t ‘treatment' but …’a remedy’! The meanin’s are very different. Wow Oshi-san…..☆
Shu: Non! How can you think so positively! There’s not a brain floating in your head!
Hajime: Itsuki-senpai! Please, calm down. If you get so worked up you’ll get even more physically exhausted.
Shu: Cough, cough. Listen, Kagehira. I’ll tell you only one, listen to the others for now..
Such a terrible remedy/bad taste in my mouth…I and Mademoiselle..
I order you not to try such things again..
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Mika: WaAAh!? Oshi-san collapsed again!! We needed an ambulance after all!
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mihai-florescu · 8 months
I saw a lot of wataei subtext in performance. The whole thing about forbidden love, dying young, the discussion of what is and isnt a tragedy, the one wataru wrote being the one where they get to be the happiest. Am i crazy or?
Oh man you are talking to the guy who sees wataei in everything, i will never call you crazy. Sunshine peeking out of clouds. A pebble skipping on the surface of a lake. A butterfly's wings. A child's laughter. That one random theatre poster i passed by 2 years ago that had masks. Wataei is in the air and water and soil that keeps me alive. Im being overly dramatic of course, it's part of my persona, and i certainly dont want to reduce either character to the ship, but i Do consider it essential to enstars. Anyway.
There are things in performance that get brought up later in ep:link so it is a story i would consider important for wataei's development even tho eichi isnt even in it beyond being mentioned and in the audience.
Shu fueling eichi's fears by hoping wataru gets too busy with acting and wont have time for fine anymore. Wataru already suspecting and expecting Eichi's feelings on the subject. And of course besides these smaller details Performance shows Wataru's outlook on stories and life, twisting tragedies to find a happy ending in them regardless. Which is what he did regarding the war too. Wataru being the writer of that final performance of romeo and juliet where they break the timeloop to achieve a happy ending, Wataru being the one who has previously brought natsume's proposal to eichi to write a continuation of the story, but this time to succeed in achieving a happy ending.
Performance really is a good beginners story to familiarize yourself with enstars... the pursuit of a happy ending (questioning what a happy ending even is) and rewriting the story to achieve it through trial and error and second chances is a theme in the enstars narrative that gets mirrored in the stories they put on in universe too. I think i lost the original thread of this ask though, i ended up using this as an outlet to try to phrass something i was thinking about after the release of that new crane scout but i still dont really have the right words. It's also 3:30am. There was more i wanted to talk about but i dont have words for that either and i dont think i can even attempt anymore im too tired. But if you would like to talk in dms tomorrow about this im always open!
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verdantcrimson · 1 year
Masterlist + Terms of Use
• You may send in an ask correcting any of my translations or pointing out typos. My goal as a translator is to be accurate, so I take no issue with being corrected. Please don't keep it to yourself if you see something off. I use translation as a means to learn and do it as a hobby.
• You can screenshot translations to post and comment on. You may not use them for ship related quote bots without permission. You can cite them in casual discussions of the text, as long as wording/phrasing is not the subject of the discussion. Translating, especially with a heavily context based language like Japanese, is interpretive.
• Do not add any of my translations to a public masterlist.
• I accept translation requests for any 1-2 chapter stories/minitalks that involve AKATSUKI (and occasionally Yuzuru), even if they aren't featured characters. Longer stories are taken up at my personal discretion.
That being said, I am very slow. Please be patient!
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Scout and Event Stories
Heaven and Earth
Gourmand Fragrance
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Keito Hasumi
Feature Scout story: Lotus & Vows — 1 | 2
With: Kuro, Souma, Anzu
Feature Scout story: Shutter Chance — 1 | 2
With: Tomoya, Kuro, Souma, Anzu
Idol Story: An Exchange of Information between Instructors
With: Yuzuru, Ibara
Management stories:
With: Mao
With: Yuzuru
With: Kaoru
With: Madara
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Kuro Kiryu
Feature Scout Story: Preparations for the Future — 1 | 2
With: Mao, Ritsu, Niki, Sora, Mitsuru, Nazuna, Anzu
Idol story: An Idol's life of Daily Study
With: Keito
Management stories:
With: Shu
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Souma Kanzaki
Management Stories:
With: Kanata
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8th Anniversary Heart to You FES!!
(1) With: Eichi, Wataru, Yuzuru, Tori
(4) With: Keito, Yuzuru, Souma, Mao
(10) With: Souma, Kanata, Ibara, Kaoru, Shinobu
(11) With: BUTOKAI (Kuro, Adonis, Tetora, Jun, Madara)
(12) With: Yuzuru, Subaru, Midori
(23) With: Keito, Wataru, Tsumugi, Nazuna, Hokuto
(26) With: AKATSUKI
(27) With: Chiaki, Nazuna, Kuro, Shu
(28) With: Souma, Mika, Natsume, Adonis
(31) With: Yuzuru, Ibara, Hajime, HiMERU
(40) With: Overnight Outdoors Party (Kuro, Leo, Mitsuru, Niki, Mayoi)
(42) With: Keito, Leo, Eichi, Madara
11/26/23 Tsukisuta Skit
With: AKATSUKI & Tsukasa
Memories of Ensemble 2023 (AKATSUKI)
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ROCK ROAR Lyrics (Game size)
金色千夜夢舞台 Lyrics (Game size)
Unpredictable Reincarnation (Keito Hasumi Solo)
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yuexias · 5 days
bc i'm insane and my muses basically all know one another so here's some random info dump if anyone's interested c:
everything would have to start with the muse i've had for the longest, prob 7 years or more now and it's the all rounder top idol, li siyue or better known by her alias 'queenie' in the co-ed idol group 'royals'
so she used to attend a prestigious art academy, her major was c.hinese traditional music and she did both pipa and guzheng, instruments of which her mother was a renowned professional and even toured extensively
there was where she met an yuche, who specialized in piano
and so the both of them would even busk together at times, and she even learnt her piano from him and they even made a promise to join this audition program/competition and win a chance of debuting with their other two/three bandmates
fast forward to later on after the incident that happened with yuche in which he practically disappeared, and siyue wound up joining that program, and met sheng xuan who was only scouted to the program due to his looks (he probably only knew how to sing one (1) song at that time)
both siyue and xuan got signed with an agency later on and ended up debuting in a co-ed group together that consists of trainees from sk and c.hina and safe to say they were a big hit
seven years down the road it's now approaching time for contract renewal and hence the group was put on hiatus for longer than anyone's expected, and siyue who couldn't stand being out of the spotlight for too long has decided to start her solo career, and xuan is mostly focusing on his business, basically just restaurants and clubs/bars
he has a crush on her though that he doesn't know when it started but he doesn't talk about it and he just tries to do whatever he could for her so when she complains about not having a stage to perform due to the group being inactive, he responds by opening a new bar and making her the invited special guest artist to perform there
xuan's stylist was shu anruo when he was on his personal schedule and the first 'biggest' artist she's ever worked with, and they both had a little situationship at some point but it never got anywhere significant and they don't really acknowledge each other now
the first actor that anruo's ever worked with is lu mengran, and they've worked together for the longest and even became close friends, even though it's more like the latter latching onto the former most of the times
brian sung's first two failed bands were actually formed by siyue and xuan's agency, and as successful 'the royals' were, the bands had similar levels of popularity, but due to poor management, the bands eventually fell apart
both brian and siyue still meet up every once in a while to have a little jamming session, and also write some songs together; they get along surprisingly well despite having completely different music styles and personalities
xia zhiyun's first individual projects after quitting acting was to actually direct brian's indie duo band's music video, and from one video it turned into two and then four and then five. he seems to constantly encourage brian to write more sad songs so he could direct more five minutes film and add as much sadness as possible
joo wooyeon is the female lead of brian's band's music videos and while career wise she's above doing music videos, she still does so upon having developed a certain adoration towards brian's songs, and she may as well as just be zhiyun's favorite actress to work with
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estakes · 20 days
im so curious about your enstars opinions, so (idk if you've answered this already but i still wanna ask) who are some of your favorite and least favorite enstars characters?
ooh!! my favorites actually shift around from time to time, but these are the ones who are usually in the favorite spot:
tatsumi. i love tatsumi! i love how he says the funniest shit unintentionally like in the link clink scout story where he basically says to mayoi, "your hands are very dexterous, mayoi-san. could you help me with a bit of a personal problem?" and mayoi is trying not to combust right on the spot, lol. he's also such a sweet guy, always looking out for everyone around him! probably because he felt like he didn't do enough to help kaname back in reimei and he's trying to compensate for his failures
hajime too! despite looking like a sweet and harmless guy, he's tough and won't back off when it comes to his friends. and i love how much of a weirdo he is. bro eats grass, dammit. and tried to eat tomoya's hair too. it's also really funny and cute that ibara and hajime's nicknames for each other from bogie time just stuck. imagine being the only person in the entire idol industry to have a cute nickname tradition with the vice president of cospro himself!
least favorites are shu, rei, ritsu and natsume for obvious reasons. also koga sometimes, he can be a little bitch.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Self Aware Shu gave me brainrot, so what about self aware Mika, or even self aware Valkyrie as a whole.
Not like I wasn't already planning for their cards anyway...
Awawawa.... self-aware Valkyrie.... thanks for letting me be a self-indulgent ValkyrieP over here♡
I write yandere as horror etc etc
They become self-aware quite fast after one another. Mika tells Shu first, of course, because it's his oshi-san, and Shu would tell Mika first because Mika is the rare person he trusts in the game. They need eachother's support, no matter what Shu might say. They find solace in knowing they're both sentient, not alone nor stuck with someone they can't stand. Instead, they can focus on this new intriguing situation. On the player.
Shu craves to be in control at all times. This situation is the exact opposite of that. Instead of the puppetmaster, suddenly he is one of the puppets, and he hates it. He needs to be in charge, so a self-aware Shu is quick to find ways to manipulate the code, find cracks he can push through and say his own thoughts. At first he's quick to insult the player for even daring to try and control him and his surroundings, but he very quickly starts to grow attached to them. His ego and pride grow when they pull for his cards or put him on their homescreen, and he, after some time, replaces the insults with words like, "Of course, you think Valkyrie is the best, don't you?" and "It's only natural that I'm your favourite!"
Mika, on the other hand, probably starts off rather timidly. It takes a while for him to come out of his shell, as he's a little scared of the player, but the more attention the player gives him, the more they show their favoritism towards Valkyrie, the more he grows... sort of addicted to the validation. He becomes needier and clingier, begging to be put on the homescreen and making little comments like, "My banner is runnin' now... Are ya gonna...?" just slight hinting at what he wishes.
While Mika doesn't want to force his wishes and opinion on you, Shu doesn't mind at all. Shu will make your game bug and glitch, he'll make it unplayable until you agree to scout for him or grind his event. He wants you to know that he's in charge, and that you, too, are just one of his dolls. A prized doll, but a puppet he'll control all the same. He's easy to anger, irritate, frustrate, and his tongue is sharp. Even if you try to kick him from the homescreen, he'll force phonecalls through which he'll barrage you with insults and threats until you bend to his will.
And Mika, being the obsessive worshippy type, is just happy to be by your side. He hates seeing you scout and grind for other characters, but he swallows it all bitterly and pretends to be happy for you when you get the card you wanted. Your smile makes up for it, but he just wishes he could tear the very code that makes that bastard apart. Mika will stalk you, as best as he can while stuck in a game, by going through the rest of your device when you're asleep or otherwise away. You wanted to take a funny pic or share a card CG so you gave the app permissions for your camera and gallery? Mika is now going through all your photos. With time, he'll find a way to even look at your social media and texts, don't worry, but he'll have to work with other, more tech-aware fellas for that.
As for both of them becoming self-aware... Neither would be good with sharing the player, unless it was specifically with eachother. Mika would be happy working together with Shu, actually. Shu less so, but he'd be far more willing to play nice with Mika than someone else. They're more than elated to find that the player likes both of them, Valkyrie as a whole, but it still causes tension - they both want to be n1, after all. They might be able to work together for some time, but it won't last forever. And Shu snapping and trying to manipulate and sabotage Mika is just as likely to happen as Mika snapping and seriously harming his teacher. After all, they both feel absolutely crazy about the player. They've both become addicted to them - Shu to his need to prove his superiority by being this "puppetmaster's" favourite, by controlling them through that, and Mika to their praise and the warmth of their approval. Neither plans to back down.
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mamadarama · 2 months
Just unlocked Antique story idc if it cost me 400 gems I want my son anyways it broke me on so many levels I'm going to kill you Madara it broke my goddamn fucking heart the ending AUGH sobbing crying wailing. For once though Double Face operates like a normal ass unit by that I mean they don't try to break up for the third time. Having another duo unit face them was so important though, a senior member like Madara and Shu, and a younger member like Mika and Kohaku do so well to contrast each other and it also built the way for Secret Service and Shinsekai oh wait I just realized all the SS chapters start with S that's crazy anyways back to topic... Madara lecturing Shu about communicating with his unit mate (eye roll) yeah as if. Thing is both of the junior unit mates are ride or die for their leader in different ways, Kohaku aggressively keeping Madara tied down (in a good way) to remind that giant to stop looking at the lonely clouds and realize that just because he's high up, doesn't mean there's people who care about him at the ground. He quite literally needs to look down more (because everyone else is shorter except Kuro and Rei but you get it etc etc) and see the people who care for him. As impressive as they are they complete each other. I keep feeling like Madara is so much happier and lively in Double Face than MaM. I feel like that sheriff outfit is more himself than his own featured scout outfit... That's just me though. I am aware that the other two is just the idol he wants to he: jolly, festive and someone to liven up the party. But he feels.,,, more true to me as Double Face. That's why it's heartbreaking that they disbanded to me... Ough men will literally do anything but get therapy I hate him
Anyways I rambled again hope you have a good day fifjdkdjdkjd
- Madara yume anon 🍀
youre absolutely right and thats actually been acknowledged in canon too. when double face was first formed arashi said she noticed madara seems much happier now and shes glad hes finally joined a unit . (she was disappointed to find out about the darker side of the unit though, and later to hear about their disbandment)
mam is who he wishes he could be, double face is who he feels he really is.
ive talked before about how madara tends to run away from positive emotions because the feeling is so unfamiliar that its uncomfortable , and thats why he disbanded double face. its not that he doesnt notice all the people that care about him either, he sees them and feels that they dont understand because if they did they couldnt possibly love him . so the love looks naïve from his point of view rather than fully understood (even if it isnt), and being loved without being understood almost hurts worse than not being loved at all.
so he knows hes loved but he cant look the people that love him in the eyes and letting them love him blind to who he "really is" feels wrong of him, so his solution is to not let anyone get too close or truly love him at all. he keeps everyone that loves him at a "look dont touch" distance so if and when he self destructs, they dont get caught in the blast (which in theory would work, but in practice just confuses everyone involved) and unfortunately, he decided that kohaku got too close.
you ever heard the song shake the disease by depeche mode. you should listen to it
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loveregrown · 6 months
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SHU FS2 CAME OUT. He looks balder than ever. I am not surprised nor entirely disappointed at his outfit being nothing to me, though it is a little saddening he’s following the same exact clothing trend he’s had in all his last cards. I like the unbloomed when it’s moving more but I like his little finger on head and his croissants naturally. Ugh, everytime I look at it, I strangely like it more. Why does this happen to me with cards! But also, why do the unbloomeds often eat up the bloomeds…?
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The rose concept was already used on Hiyori you silly goose. Alas, they can share. But neither will be happy about it; he considered burning his shirt simply because Wataru said theirs matched.
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I definitely like the fit more in 3DMV than in live2d, but it seems to often be the case with me so it’s only natural. But it doesn’t Always happen. Perhaps I was simply hating before. Or I am simply conditioning myself to it. The blue accents is very cute I love that shade so much. I like the coloured button-up a loooottttt & the red in the scr is so nice & I just I really like this outfit I do! & I like light colours so despite it being the same as his wedding tour 3⭐️ and his 4⭐️ in the wet Sena scout, it is pleasant nonetheless! It really is not awful, despite thinking he could have something far more unique, it was to be expected from how this round of feature scouts was going, where there seemed to be at most two categories of fashion, if not 3.
One thing I've been hating is the STUPID RANDOM STRIP OF FABRIC THEY KEEP GIVING THE 3DMV OUTFITS WHICH LIKE I GET BECAUSE IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DRAW THE EYES TO THE MOVEMENT OF IT A LOT OF THE OUTFITS SEEM DESIGNED WITH THIS PURPOSE BUT IT JUST LOOKS FUCKING STUPID SOMETIMES. LIKE. TOILET PAPER ROLL TUCKED INTO THEIR CLOTHES OR LIKE A STRANGE CURTAIN FOR THEIR ASS. OR SOMETHING. IT'S NOT RIGHT. But... well I suppose it works here. Especially since the cut of his suit is not at all a novelty but it's okay. But I was reminded of it seeing it in action in his spp... it is just nothing to me. The stupid piece of fabric I mean. it could be removed and I would not miss it. But I Understand It's Purpose therefore I do not despise it I just get find it silly.
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What was the meaning of this. What’s wrong with you? Was there a need for roses on your flat arse. Embroidery on your behind. Though this sort of thing is awesome and cunty when done on like, jeans. And such.
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He has a nice SCR… I like it a lot actually. SCRS aren’t always good & I never Purposefully get SCRS but it’s such a win to me when they are good because then I look at them & I smile. ☺️
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Bwuh… I’m pretty sure Nito’s hair ribbon changes colour in scr to red too… maybe they both do… not okay. They look so, so good next to each other I should just die. I should just die.
It will never have the brilliance his FS1 holds, with it’s interesting silhouette which almost looks like a dress, and really fun boots, and the classic, stupid, gay, yet ever so fun Itsuki Shuu trademark hat on his head! But I am growing fonder of it the more I look at it. At least, everything ASIDE FROM THE BLOOMED. Which I don’t like. On the lower end of FS2s for me regarding bloomed illustration but points for everything else. You win this time despite objectively not being that good. I like the side of Shu it shows too. Even if his face looks stupid.
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I don’t like his FS1 bloomed much specifically when it comes to his silly face & pose, but the outfit makes up for it. Do you notice how this is a pattern. But, either way, many parts of it are so dope, such as the spiral staircase, the dramatic element of the back of his outfit flaring up like that, the paintings on the wall and the chandelier. It’s all very grand. & if anyone deserves and should be expected to be grand, it is him. There’s a lot one can say about it really.
However, I like the lightness of his FS2. The romantic elements such as the shades used, the red roses, his ring. There’s a lot to be enjoyed here.
I haven’t looked at the full illustration for his FS2 yet but I am excited to witness it since often they coax me into liking the card more than when it is cropped/in actual card form. But his face in the bloomed, is stupid and gay. That is all. Otherwise, it’s Perce approved, all things considered. :-) but to be honest. It really does look like something you’d find at a mall. The outfit, I mean.
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aquariaries · 2 years
Reiji Sakamaki 03 - Chaos Lineage + CG
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Yui's Monologue:
It's already been a few days since I came to the Scarlet mansion.
Reiji-san instructs his familiars, as well as Yuma-kun and the others to scout and steadily gather information.
The battle for supremacy ... ... being the reason for a fight to the death among brothers.
Time just continues to pass without any idea of ​​how to stop it.
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Spare Room
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Yui: (*yawn* ... ... While I was thinking, I ended up falling asleep before I even knew it.)
(I keep thinking and thinking, yet I can't come up with a solution.)
(What can I do, to get everyone's memories to return ... ... )
Since then, I haven't been able to talk properly with Reiji-san. You're so close, yet I'm so lonely ... ...
Besides, it hurts my heart to think that they're still preparing to kill each other ... ...
... ... If I went to his room, would he get angry?
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Hallway
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Yui: (I really came to his room because I couldn't just stay put or stand around)
(I don't know what to talk about, but staying still will just make me impatient.)
(It's right here, be bold ... ... !)
*Knock knock*
Yui: Reiji-san, are you there?
Reiji: Is that you, Eve?
*Door opens, he comes out*
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Reiji: To think you'd suddenly come and visit me. What is it that you need from me?
Yui: Y-you see ... ...
(If I talk about anything like memories or Shu-san, he'd likely get mad. What should I say ... ...)
Reiji: ... ... What is it? It's disrespectful to just look at another person like that. If you have nothing you need, I'll be returning.
Yui: N-no! I have something very important!
Uuuh ... ... Right, the battle for supremacy! It's a situation where you don't know who will attack and when right?
Reiji: Yes. I always scout, but you can't let your guard down.
Yui: That's why I thought I should stay by Reiji-san's side instead of wandering around the mansion.
Reiji: ... ... By my side?
Yui: (I wonder if that was a bad excuse ... ...)
Reiji: I see. You chose me over anyone else. That's a wise decision.
It seems that you have finally come to realize who you, as Eve, should remain by.
Yui: (Oh? His mood seems to be better. Is he really this happy to be chosen by Eve ... ...)
(No, I'm glad it's been decided. All he can remember right now is becoming overlord ... ... )
Reiji: Just how long do you plan to keep standing there? Hurry up and come inside.
Yui: Y-yes!
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Reiji's Room
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Yui: Umm, pardon the intrusion ... ...
(This place is Reiji-san's room! It's very calming and organized however ... ...)
(Is there some kind of information on that pile of paper over there? There's lots of books too.)
(They appear to be tactical books.
It's just like Reiji-san to be such a hard worker.)
(As I thought, even with his memories out of whack, Reiji-san is still Reiji-san after all.)
Reiji: What's the matter? Instead of being enamored, why don't you sit down on the sofa?
Yui: Ah, yes. Thank you very much.
Reiji: I'll go and brew some tea. Please sit over there and wait.
Yui: Eh!
Reiji: What is it?
Yui: Is that really alright ... ... ? Even though I rushed in without permission, I'm being treated to tea ... ...
Reiji: I was the one who invited you into the room. It is impolite to not be hospitable.
*He leaves*
Yui: (Even at times like this, he's really still Reiji-san ... ...)
(The side of him preparing tea has not changed at all.)
*He returns with tea*
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Reiji: Here you are.
Yui: Thank you very much. Itadakimasu.
(Wow ... ... It has such a mellow taste. The color is very warm.)
It has very little astringency, and is very easy to drink.
Plus, this flavor is ... ... bergamot right?
Reiji: ... ... Indeed, you know it well. To think you'd have such interests like this as well.
If you drink this tea straight, you can really appreciate the aroma. I've taken a liking to it recently.
Yui: From the second cup, it becomes astringent, so you can mix it with milk.
Reiji: Indeed ... ... However, you are really knowledgeable about black tea. I was surprised by something unexpected.
Yui: (That's because Reiji-san had brought me tea every day.)
(But if I were to say that, he wouldn't believe me would he ... ...)
Reiji: The appearance of you tilting the cup looks really good. My impression of you has changed a little.
Yui: Eh? What kind of impression would that be?
Reiji: Not long after arriving to the mansion, you broke one of my precious plates. That goes without saying.
Yui: Th-that's right ... ...
(Yeah, my first impression really wasn't the best.)
( ... ... Conversely, if we can get along little by little from now on--)
(Would he eventually end up believing in what I have to say?)
Reiji: I have another cup of tea for you, so please tell me when you want to drink it.
Yui: Ah, yes. Thank you very much.
Reiji: However, this is troubling.
I don't mind having you in my room, but I have a big task ahead of me.
Yui: Ah ... ... ! A big, task ... ... ?
(He isn't possibly planning on attacking another family, is he? What should I do ... ...)
(I at least have to prevent that. But, how!?)
Reiji: It's extremely tough work.
It is difficult to cut off the root part of the problem ... ...
But I can't help but give in.They're going to break their bones as time goes on ... ...
Yui: Wh-what do you plan on doing ... ... ?
Reiji: I'll be cleaning up.
Yui: ... ... !? *Yui chokes on her tea and coughs*
Reiji: What are you choking on? Wipe yourself off with this.
Yui: T-thank you very much.
For letting me borrow your handkerchief ... ...
(But, cleaning? "Cleaning is a big task", just what does he mean by that!?)
Reiji: Kino is always going around creating messes and doesn't clean them up at all.
He's my younger brother, but he doesn't know how to clean?
He's truely troublesome.
Yui: I-Is that so ... ...
Reiji: Yuma doesn't even try to clean things up and is as if he doesn't want to live here. And Shu is just out of the question.
Yui: Out of the question ... ...
Reiji: If I don't do the cleaning, then before you'd know it this mansion would be overflowing with garbage and junk.
Yui: That sounds like a picture straight out of Hell ... ...
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-> Why don't you ask a familiar? ♟
Yui: Can you not just ask a familiar to do it?
Reiji: I don't mind letting them do it however unless I do it myself I'm not satisfied.
Reiji: The mansion's corners, the window's sashes. Familiars don't pay attention to even the smallest of details.
Yui: (That's right. Even the Sakamaki mansion had that feel to it ... ...)
-> That's a tough job ♙♡
Yui: That's a tough job. This mansion is very large after all.
Reiji: Yes ... ... However, there is sense of accomplishment when you clean up a room. Nothing can replace that.
Besides, if you don't do it yourself, you'll end up worrying yourself over the details.
Yui: (That's right. Reiji-san was this type of person ... ... But doing the entire mansion seems hard ... ...)
Yui: Um, Reiji-san. Would I be able to give you a hand?
Reiji: You want to help? To want to clean must mean it's something you enjoy doing.
Yui: (Those words, I want to throw them right back at Reiji-san ... ...)
Look, I want to thank you for the delicious tea, and it's safer to stay by Reiji-san's side.
Even so, I'm pretty good at cleaning.
Reiji: Very well. You'll be of much better use than my younger brothers.
Yui: Yes, I'll do my best!
(Even thought my first impression wasn't the best, as I thought if we can talk properly then we'll be able to get along ... ... !)
(Right now, I'm still a stranger to Reiji-san. Little by little, we have to get closer.)
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Entryway
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Yui: Phew ... ... There, I wonder if this is good?
(The hallways and entrance way look beautiful! However, Reiji-san is quite strict after all ... ...)
Just in case, I'll wipe it down one more time ... ...
*Reiji appears*
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Reiji: It looks like you're done.
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: I wasn't expecting much, but it worked out quite well.
Yui: Is that so? Thank you very much.
Reiji: If it's like this, it looks like you'll be entrusted with one room.
I'll tidy up the kitchen, so can I ask you to do the living room?
Yui: Yes, no problem.
(Thank goodness ... ... ! I'm happy to be entrusted with work, as if I truely am trusted.)
(I'll try my hardest with the living room too, I'll make it look beautiful.)
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Living/Dining Room
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Yui: Alright, I think this should do it.
(Everyone gathers in the living room, so if I make it sparkling clean, they will surely be happy.)
Ah, what should I do with this chessboard? Can I wipe it off?
(But even so, it's strange. There are only five pieces. You can't play the game like this, right?)
(I wonder if it's an interior decoration that Reiji puts out rather than a hobby.)
(But, I wonder what it is. I think I've seen chess pieces somewhere recently ... ...)
Huh? In a place like this, strings are falling.
(Hm? It seems to be caught. I can't get it ... ... ugh)
(I'll try pulling it harder. Heave!)
Yui: Kyaaa!?
Eeeh!? W-what is this? What's going on!?
(Even though I pulled the string strongly, things in the room just suddenly fell down and now it's in this state ... ... !)
(Aaah! Even the chess pieces have fallen!)
Eh? W-wait a minute ... ... ! Over there's where Reiji-san takes care of his treasured--
*Plate breaks*
Ah ... ... The plate ... ...
???: Ahahaha! What a great success! A good thing ended up falling.
Yui: Ehh!?
*Kino appears*
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Kino: Hehe. Your expression is the best. Looks like it's the end of the world.
Yui: Kino-kun!?
Kino: You saw that just now? It was hard work. If it didn't fall well, I woulda failed.
Yui: No way, this is Kino-kun's work? W-why, would you do such a thing ... ...
Kino: I've decided to avoid boredom.
After this, it will be interesting to see what happens.
Ah, looks like the annoying one is coming. I'll leave the rest to you, Eve. Later!
*Kino runs away*
Yui: Wa-wait a minute ... ... !
Kino-kun! Let's at least clean it up together ... ... !
*Reiji appears*
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Reiji: What is going on? It's so noi ... ... sy ... ...
Yui: Re ... ... Reiji, san ... ...
Reiji: ... ... I see. This was the cause of all that commotion?
Yui: Um, a lot has happened to lead up to this ... ...
Reiji: Has the storm passed? So far, it's been beautifully scattered ... ...
I never thought you'd break my precious plates again.
Yui: Uh, are you angry ... ... ?
Reiji: Heh ... ... as if.
Something like anger ... ... is long gone.
Yui: (Fr- ... ... From Reiji-san, a black aura can basically be seen ... ...)
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Reiji's Room
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Reiji: When you said you wanted to be by my side, I thought you would be able to make wise decisions however ... ...
As far as I can see from the devastation of the living room, I must change my evaluation.
Yui: (Recieving one of Reiji-san's lectures ... ... Ah ... ... My feet have become numb.)
(But if I break my stance, he'll get even more angry.)
Reiji: Breaking a plate not once, but twice, I can only call you careless.
... ... Are you listening?
Yui: Y-yes!
(Uu, looks like this will continue.
I wonder just when I will be released ... ...)
*Slight time skip*
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Reiji: ... ... That is all for now.
Be very careful in the future. Understand?
Yui: Yes ... ... ! I really truely, am sorry ... ...
Reiji: All right. You will be forgiven this time.
Yui: (Th-thank goodness ... ... He finally was able to forgive me ... ...)
Reiji: Then, if you understand, go to the living room and clean up. Clean everything up yourself.
Yui: Y-yes ... ... Ah!?
(M-my legs are numb and I can't move ... ...)
Reiji: What is the matter? Are you perhaps saying that you cannot stand up?
Yui: ... ... I, I can't stand up. My legs seem to have gone numb ... ...
Reiji: Good grief ... ... Raise your voice over something like this.
Hurry and stand up.
Yui: Hyaaa!? P-please don't pull me up. I really can't move my legs.
Reiji: How pathetic ... ...
At least try to keep the same posture.
Let's say you're standing for a long time at an evening party. Are you allowed to sit down when you're tired?
Yui: It isn't allowed right ... ...
(But I think there's at least some room to rest ... ...)
(I wasn't at an evening party just now, I was receiving a lecture ... ...)
Reiji: You seem to lack patience. It seems you need a little help.
*He gets closer*
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Yui: Kyaah!? If you want to hug something, don't come for my legs ... ... !
Reiji: I will not forgive back talk. For now, sit on the bed. Then stick out your legs in front of me.
Yui: Eh! What are you ... ... !?
Reiji: Being numb is proof of bad blood circulation.
Let's work on improving that.
... ... With some discipline mixed in as well.
Yui: (Blood circulation? H-he couldn't possibly ... ... !)
A-are you going to suck my blood no--
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Reiji: Please keep that troublesome mouth shut.
Nn ... ..., nnn ... ...
Yui: Ah ... ... Aaah ... ... !
(Even though my feet are numb ... ... As he sinks his fangs in and swallows, ... ... It feels, weird.)
Reiji: Don't raise such a shameless voice that loud. Endure it a little.
You have lots of blood pooling in your calves. You can easily understand by touching.
Yui: Ah ... ... Stop i- ... ...
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
*** Rose on Reiji's hand ***
Please do not move. I will imprint on that body of yours all that I have to give. If I don't, would you end up making the same mistake again?
*** Rose on Reiji's mouth ***
Good grief. To someone such as yourself, this is called discipline yet it's pointless if it seems to bring joy.
Reiji: I told you to endure it. Just by stroking it, you will be amazed at how it looks.
Even while being stimulated by my fangs, have it remain still and elegantly upright.
... ... Nn, nnnn ... ...
Yui: Nn ... ... kuh ... ...
(Elegantly he says ... ... I can't do that ... ...)
(From where I was numb, my blood was sucked ... ... it's really, such a strange sensation ... ...)
Yui: ... ... Nn, I can't ... ...
Reiji: Just what kind of voice are you letting out? It's almost like, a prostitute trying to seduce men.
You are the woman who will be standing next to me. Make the effort to strive to become a lady.
Even if you are the legendary Eve, I won't allow vulgar behavior.
Yui: (The legendary, Eve ... ...)
(I thought I was able to find the usual Reiji-san. As I thought, I was wrong ... ...)
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Yui: (Even now Reiji-san doesn't remember the time we spent together, and the many feelings we shared.)
(I'm now nothing more than a mere tool to be used for a higher rank ... ...)
(Just how long will this situation last ... ... ?)
Reiji: Urgk ... ...
Yui: ... ... ? Reiji-san?
Reiji: ... ... No, it's nothing.
Yui: (He's holding his head? Come to think of it, the same thing happened when he sucked my blood before ... ...)
(When sucking blood, does something awaken within Reiji-san's body ... ... ?)
(If that's so, just what is it--)
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