estakes · 28 days
im so curious about your enstars opinions, so (idk if you've answered this already but i still wanna ask) who are some of your favorite and least favorite enstars characters?
ooh!! my favorites actually shift around from time to time, but these are the ones who are usually in the favorite spot:
tatsumi. i love tatsumi! i love how he says the funniest shit unintentionally like in the link clink scout story where he basically says to mayoi, "your hands are very dexterous, mayoi-san. could you help me with a bit of a personal problem?" and mayoi is trying not to combust right on the spot, lol. he's also such a sweet guy, always looking out for everyone around him! probably because he felt like he didn't do enough to help kaname back in reimei and he's trying to compensate for his failures
hajime too! despite looking like a sweet and harmless guy, he's tough and won't back off when it comes to his friends. and i love how much of a weirdo he is. bro eats grass, dammit. and tried to eat tomoya's hair too. it's also really funny and cute that ibara and hajime's nicknames for each other from bogie time just stuck. imagine being the only person in the entire idol industry to have a cute nickname tradition with the vice president of cospro himself!
least favorites are shu, rei, ritsu and natsume for obvious reasons. also koga sometimes, he can be a little bitch.
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transgender-eichi · 9 days
transgender-eichi pinned post ~♡ !!
(headers by @cosmical-flowers)
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welcome to your local source of ibatomo! i post literally anything about them im obsessed w them rn theyre all i can think about
about me:
malcolm or mal | he/him | american | tomoyaP and ibaraP (mostly tomoya) | ra*bits, flambé, trickstar, and eden liker
faves: tomoya, ibara, yuzuru, mao, mitsuru - talk to me about any of them, or any of your faves, i love talking about enstars characters :D
i draw and write occasionally but not the best sjsj, you can count on me to make hella headcanons tho
loose dni criteria (you can interact if you are any of these, but i prefer to personally avoid it. id still love to interact tho-!): tomoya/ra*bits dislikers, trickstar dislikers, ritsu or leo likers, r*stumao izuleo natsumagi watatomo siblingxsibling or rinniki shippers
again - i dont mind if you do like any of these characters/ships, i just prefer to avoid them. like who you like, do what you want, you're your own person
other stuff: i swim competitively and play water polo, with a huge swim hyperfixation shsjs - i do have a yumenosaki swim team and water polo team headcanon - swim takes up all of my life so
im also a big zombie apocalypse enthusiast so i like to imagine aus for that
- tags -
#ibatomo - anything ibatomo related
#ibatomo asks - asks related to ibatomo
#ibatomo headcanons - any kind of headcanons related to ibatomo
#ibatomo art - art by myself or others related to ibatomo
#ibatomo reblogs - reblogs of ibatomo things
#ibatomo writings - fics of ibatomo
#yumenosaki swimming - things related to my swim team hc
#yumenosaki water polo - things related to my water polo team hc
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pridewishes · 11 months
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250x250 || trans || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
indulgent for 🍒 !!
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cm2tfemotd · 1 year
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Eichi Tenshouin from ensemble stars!
he is a nonbinary gay transfem that uses he/they!
also dating ibara segusa (bigender transfem) and wataru hibiki!
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i love you enstars-popularity-tournament you are so amazing for making this account
I love you too transgender-eichi this made my day <3
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nagichiadmirer · 6 days
guys I brainstormed about some pairs, feel free to drop your rare pairs I'm hungry for more. Keep in mind that I didn't think a lot about these pairs and they all just popped up in my mind
IbaTomo (from @transgender-eichi)
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cosmical-flowers · 23 days
This time yall are getting introduced to the second self insert >:D If you wanna look at the first one, check my oc tag!!! Like before, this is set in the basic! Era.
Tagging @transgender-eichi @maoisarap because yall might be interested!
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Name: 絢火 望月 / Ayaka Mochizuki
Age: 16
Birthday: October 29th
Height: 5’6 / 167 cm
Class: 2-B
School: Yumenosaki Academy
Circles: Sports Survivors, ASOBI club
Club: Track and Field
Roommates: Kokoro Hiramatsu, Sakura Nakamura
Handedness: Right handed
Blood Type: B
Likes: Star Viewing
Dislikes: Paranormal things
Favorite Food: Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Hobby: Photography, riding her bike
Specialty: Playing rhythm games
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“Hey, hey, hey! Give it up, it’s Ayaka Mochizuki! I'm part of Class 2-B in Yumenosaki Academy, and I'm … uh … AWESOME! Bwahaha! My favorite color is yellow because it's bright and erm… What's that fancy word Kokoro taught me … luster! Yeah, it has luster! My blood type is B, and I erm…uh. Uhm, that's it? Oh! Alright! I hope to meet more of my fans soon! Bye bye bye!”
Little bits of lore / fun facts:
- She's a much more energetic student, trying to be as lively as possible. She does her best to appear very confident In front of her fans, friends and family. Because of this, she’s naturally very loud.
- She loves dragging her friends around to bike trails and admiring the pretty views. She convinces Sakura to join her because she can take photos and Kokoro for inspiration.
- She enjoys doing karaoke sessions. Her favorite songs to sing are usually very dark compared to her personality. Whenever she goes, she always sings “Usseewa” by Ado.
- She has an odd fear of the paranormal, convinced that there is a ghost in the vents during her 2nd year. Sakura and Kokoro would usually brush this off due to her being paranoid sometimes.
- She can have small injuries from the endless amount of sports she participates in. Even though these injuries can seem tough, she insists on never going to a hospital.
- She has a tendency to forget words entirely. She chalks it up to them not being as important and there being too many words. Once, she forgot her unit’s name and Kokoro had to remind her.
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maoxrumi · 6 days
MUTUAL WAKE UP (well its probably evening over there, its like noon here) MAO HAS A NEW CARD ON JP FOR A LOOKBACK EVENT
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ei-mugi · 2 years
i have this incredibly specific headcanon that aira had a phase where he went super hard into being a trans Woman but detransitioned after like a couple months, and is now gnc.
like not too long after he becomes an idol hes struggling a lot with his blossoming sense of adolescent identity and clear insecurity-complex, and of course he's in Ensemble Square which is full of gay people, and he's online a lot too in queer twitter communities and it kinda all accumulates into him thinking, MAYBE I AM A WOMAN? so he tries it.
but he has this very narrow and specific idea of what it means to Be Transgender, and to Be a Transwoman by extension, so he just throws himself in the deep end and goes full social & clothing transition immediately. tatsumi and mayoi are supportive (tatsumi is an Ally and mayoi is genderqueer in some form) and this is probably hiiro's first introduction to it but he doesnt care either and is enthusiastically supportive. pretty much everyone he knows is on board with it (except subaru and hokuto are weird about it probably but who cares about them). the Pretty 5 are overjoyed and help by taking him shopping, Arashi especially.
but while aira has an initial euphoric burst of freedom by doing this he very quickly feels very WRONG. but hes fucking committed to it now and like he knows hes not a dude, right?, and he doesnt want to be NonBinary (which is a single third gender identity and not an umbrella term at all, as everyone knows /s). and like, he does like wearing skirts sometimes, and long socks are cute. and he was already kinda feminine, he is ALKALOID's Cute One. so he's probably just not feeling anything at all and he isn't going to address it.
but arashi can fucking tell something is off and tries talking to him. he deflects and denies everything and at someone else bringing it up he only doubles down.
he is wearing FEMALE MAKEUP now! he is looking at tutorials on youtube on how to apply makeup just-so, so he can look like the Cis-Like and Conforming Trans Woman he is. and he is OWNING IT, he is a Girlboss and is now making Activist Twitter Posts talking about his transfem (because that isn't its own thing, either, it's just a synonym for trans Woman! also /s) experience which he is now suddenly an expert on.
and he is fucking miserable just having trapped himself into another stupid binary and now eichi is accounting for this in StarPro's marketing or whatever and now all of ALKALOID's fans are getting it into their heads about being special trans allies and all these things are happening and and and and.
mika tentatively comes up to him one day. he says that hes too nervous to go to pretty 5 or arashi about it, as irrational as it is considering it's fucking arashi, but he just wants aira's help to like, try on some skirts or something like he sees aira doing. no strings attached it doesnt mean anything, just to try.
aira is trying not to have a meltdown in the store while he waits for mika in the changing room. writing twitter posts with hands sweatier than they are after a live is one thing but having to physically be there and act as this ideal image of THE Trans Woman feels like he's standing there waiting for an axe to swing at his fucking head and that it's going to happen any second now. he gets these chills all down his back like some creepypasta character is about to get him. (he's still scared of the creepypastas).
mika says that he thinks the skirt is cute on him, but that he doesn't think he likes it. he says he doesn't know. he says that he doesn't like how it impedes on his masculinity.
"isn't that the point, though? you wanted to be a girl?" aira asks, hair actually wet with how much he's sweating.
"no... nyaghhhg, i don't wanna be a girl. i didn't think just putting it on would make me one, but if it does then i don't wanna wear it anymore."
aira thinks that is a weird fucking thing to say because of course if you're trying on skirts and trying to be feminine it means you're trying to be a transgirl, and he also thinks that if he has to hear mika talk for a second longer he's going to explode from fucking anger. he doesn't think to question why he's so angry, but he says something snappy at mika and it makes mika give up so it all works out and he can go home.
hiiro can tell aira isn't doing well but hiiro can go fuck himself for all aira cares. aira can't even practice anymore, he's just getting angrier and angrier with each day.
eventually he tears off all his clothes in a rage and throws out all his makeup, even the ones he'd been using before his transition. rei comes into their dorm and is alarmed to find aira burning a pile of clothes in the middle of the room. he's attempted to protect the carpet by putting it on top of cardboard. rei has to use the fire extinguisher.
after aira's calmed down a bit rei laughs out of nowhere. aira asks him what. rei says that he thinks aira is the first amab trans guy he's met. aira says he's had enough of all these fucking labels. rei asks if he wants him to inform eichi for him, in regards to the marketing. aira says yeah, thank you...
with touch of feather, aira grows more comfortable in his own skin.
sometime later, mika nervously announces to the pretty 5 that he's genderqueer. arashi helps him come out, and the rest express their support. tori says welcome to the club. (aira wonders how he didn't already know this about tori.)
"in what way?" aira asks mika after congratulating him.
"errr..." mika looks confused for a moment before realisation dawns on his face. "oh. nah, just genderqueer. i don't like all those expectations 'n all that. i just wanna do whatever feels right. that's what humans are, ain't it? just a lotta nonsense feelings."
"oh," says aira.
in retrospect, aira supposes that arashi isn't completely gender conforming and hyper-feminine either. and later, after he and hiiro get together (finally), he asks hiiro if he was still interested in him while he was trans. hiiro says yeah, he doesn't see why that would affect it, and really he was worried about him more than anything else. before aira can make some inquiry about his hometown, hiiro continues that he's been talking a lot to the other idols, so he knows a bit about the city's queer labels (and the variance & nuance in identity) now, and that he's bisexual --- well, he doesn't really like calling himself the labels very much, but that it's the best way to communicate it. aira says huh. he wasn't really expecting to hear that from him.
i think after all that aira would be comfortable just being gnc occasionally, and not worry too hard about being a Boy or a Girl.
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dumbenstarsmemes · 3 months
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welcome to your source of quality enstars content!
we make dumbass enstars memes that may be out of character but they're fun to make and post.
if it's a meme, we will enstars-ify it. textposts, pictures, maybe even videos- you name it, it'll probably happen at some point.
this account is run by two people!
mod tomoyap - @transgender-eichi , he/him
mod maop - @maoisarap , they/them
please like our memes if they make you laugh, and it makes us happy!
every meme includes a tag saying who posted it, and we may sometimes use our colors if we post something different from usual.
anyways, this post really isnt important, just for fun, enjoy!
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estakes · 30 days
anyways i love you also what are your opinions on tomoya? i dont mind if they're bad or neutral, i'm just curious!
omg tomoya! tomoya my guy!! he's so silly! also a little stupid sometimes, but we love him for it. he's so funny, he's always going "i'd date you hajime-kun, if you were a girl of course, no homo" and he'll be like "omg hokuto-senpai!!!! kyah!!!" in the same breath.
also i love how tomoya keeps calling himself as someone "normal" or "just an average guy". tomoya, be for real now! he's just as much of a little weirdo as everyone else in this game lol
i like tomoya, i think he's neat! and salute to you for being the world's strongest ibatomo soldier!
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transgender-eichi · 10 days
user transgender-eichi may i ask from curiosity what got ya into ibatomo? sincerely someone who has taken a liking of their ship cause of you
aufhsvf trying to think..
i think it was because of flambé actually. ive been a huge tomoyaP for a while now and i absolutely love the shuffle. one day i was just kinda sitting there and listening to have you been naughty or nice when i was like '...but what if tomoya and ibara were a thing?'
and then i kinda spiralled from there- i put them in mvs together and realized that they were hella cute as a pair and then went into a deep dive on how compatible they are and why they work together in my opinion
and that kids is how ibatomo came to be, sjsjs
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katsuhiras · 1 year
standing in ur doorway politely for transgender eichi. also funny fun fact when you first did the transgender yuta edits eons ago i think it inspired my persona in a sense with the way you did the highlights so i'm fucking love them so much!
posted! i love when people do fun highlights i am glad you enjoy it :]
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ayato is transgender because it fits his story of having to gain the respect of everyone from scratch. nine is transgender because it fits his themes of feeling like an outsider and an outcast. and wataru is transgender because i like to think that eichi did his top surgery. in case it wasnt clear btw
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corpseaten · 2 days
okay, i'll save a whole bunch for you for later ^_^ i promise i wont actually do anything like that, i wont leave you, the fantasy just soothes me when i'm down. i know it isn't the best thing, but for right now, other than talking with you, it's all i have. thank you for being here for me, i feel so cared for and thats a rare feeling. you're an angel. and cults? does this have to do with eichi? before i started playing i heard eichi was a murderous cult leader HAHA, is that true? and is, i forgot her name... the blonde one... she's in knights, arisa, arisu, something like that? is she really a girl as well? i know a little bit like that. paranoid is okay, as i get quite paranoid myself. you can trust in me, though, but i wont force your hand. i'll let you feel how you feel and soothe you when you're unsure, okay? thank you for being so kind. - 🍀
Yay! I am looking forward to seeing them. You can never leave me now. Ever. I can see why it would be comforting, death is like a nice warm blanket, I will always be here for you, so don’t you go forgetting it, in death you cannot escape me. I do care for you. I sometimes am not good at showing my care for others, but I do , you have been all I can think about as of late. I am an angel! Your very own. Nope! Eichi is just. the main prosecutor of what enstarries call the ‘war’ , Kanata is linked to cults! He has a whole. event about it, he grew up in a cult being addressed as a ‘god’ , and Madara who was Kanatas best friend as a child tried to help him escape but failed so he was stuck in the shinkai cult for years until Chiaki managed to save him when he was older (Madakana better because they have so much angst) Eichi is not a murderous cult leader! He ‘executed’ other idols, but mainly on stage, and this led to the suicide of mass students in the school, but he didn’t want that to be what happened and feels very bad about what he did. Arashi! She is a transgender girl , she’s so girlboss she threatens to beat Shu up in one story. Her recent solo song is called Kiss Yourself and is about loving your true self and it’s so. cute I love her. I am too easily trusting, so just make sure not to eveeer break it! I wont mind if you did that . . Aha! I mean. Hey. Not the time for that. Thank you for being here for me, you are so sweet. Just talking to you soothes me completely. I will always be kind to you.
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cafe-kinnamon · 1 year
" These are the ingredients we use. Only the freshest produce here~!"
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I will do unlisted sources as well! These are just the ones I know best. Oh, and just because it's here, it doesn't mean we support the creator.
Cartoons, Animaga, & Movies - The Owl House - Amphibia - Gravity Falls - Epithet Erased - Helluva Boss - Dr. STONE - Assassination Classroom - How to Train Your Dragon
Books & Comics - Harry Potter - Wings of Fire - School Bus Graveyard (Webtoon)
Games - Sally Face - Pokemon - Ensemble Stars - Super Mario Brothers + Paper Mario - Minecraft (Excl. Legends & Dungeons)
Web Series + Other - Marble Hornets - Creepypasta - Hermitcraft - Traffic Series / __ Life SMPs
More may be added in the future!
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These are things that I would be most enthusiastic to do! I will do things off the whitelist too, as long as it isn't on the blacklist.
Sources: - Dr. STONE - Ensemble Stars - Epithet Erased - Hermitcrft
Ships: - [ Enstars ] Rinne/HiMERU, Mayoi/Rinne, Mayoi/Niki/Tatsumi (+ Variants) Wataru/Shu, Wataru/Rei, Wataru/Eichi, Aira/Kohaku/Hiiro (+ Variants), PolySwitch / Tsumugi/Natsume/Sora (+ Variants) - [ Sally Face ] Ash/Sal - [ Dr. STONE ] Gen/Senku/Tsukasa (+ Variants) - [ Amphibia ] Anne/Marcy/Sasha (+ Variants) - [ Owl House ] Luz/Amity, Hunter/Willow - [ Epithet Erased ] Percy/Ramsey, Rick/Giovanni, Mera/Indus
Themes / Aesthetics: - Cottagecore - Academia - Camping - Fall / Autumn - Song-based things
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Things I will not do for either my or my headmates' comfort.
Characters: - [ Enstars ] Gatekeeper - [ Dr. STONE ] Ibara - [ Harry Potter ] James Potter, Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort / Tom Riddle
Ships: (does not include platonic relationships!) - General problematic ships (pedophilic/abusive/incest/etc) - [ Enstars ] Rinne/Niki, Shu/Mika, Shu/Rinne - [ Harry Potter ] Snape/Anyone - [ Paper Mario ] Mr. L/Dimentio
Themes: - Guns (other weapons are fine!) - Violence - Abusive relationships - Traumacore - Gore - NSFW (we are a minor!) - Trypophobia - Self harm / Suicide / Death in general - Politics - TransID topics (excl. transgender, that one's fine) / General radqueer stuff
This isn't exactly a blacklisted thing, but I may deny requests for things I cannot find enough stuff to work off of or if they don't allow edits. You are still allowed to request things like care kits and moodboards though! Just not things like icons. The only exception to this is if you are able to provide art/a fan artist who allows edits.
This list may change as time goes on.
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Last update: 8/14/2023
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