#shrimp tag
skrimply · 1 month
tryna appreciate some random little things rn. im genuinely very happy to have a silly little interest that i enjoy and makes me smile and gets me captivated even if its just my favorite animal. im annoying about it but im just glad that my passion for it shows through to the point my roommates who i don't know too well are aware of it and made a silly comment abt it. im glad that when we caught mantis shrimp on our trawl, the interns said "who wants to try holding one?" and my best friend said "skrimp doooes" because obviously i did (and they took a cute video for me, for the second time). i'm glad another friend asked me to help identify a different shrimp species, and yet another got me to help her pick one up. i've had a pretty bad time lately and im glad something exists for me to love. im glad everyone liked the stupid names i gave our shrimp and im glad that everyone would ask me who was who because im the only one who could tell them apart (riceroni is bigger, milkshake is more purple. but don't be tricked, because riceroni's telson is very purple. milkshake is more light purple on the rest of his body). i'm glad i have this silly little thing about me because i have felt for a long time like i don't have anything distinguishing me as a person. and maybe its kind of stupid that "is obsessed with marine shrimp species" is that thing but i dont mind
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riceroni :3
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shimp-simp · 6 months
Loving the shrimp update to valorant
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helen-high-water · 6 months
Me waiting for the bus in rain in the rain waiting for the bus in the rain
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deityofhearts · 5 days
My creatures got haircuts today :)
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Ohhh they look so lovely!!
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shrimpathizer · 4 months
Hands u a goober
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A GOOBER!!?!?!?
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What is your favourite genus of shrimp? Mine is probably palaemon. I finally managed to find palaemon paludosus in my country(completely outcompeted in the pet trade by Caridina and neocaridina as they are not expensive here) but managed to find some as live food from a place specialising in ponds. Apologies for the info dump on those silly goobers
I think id have to go with lysmata. Cleaner shrimp have such great personalities and theyre so great to have around a reef. Also fire shrimp and peppermint shrimp look so incredible it's amazing.
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guess what
they've doubled again
Oh my! What am I to do with all these shrimp *already preparing my shrimp-doubling magics*
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
Queen of the blankies :)
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her kingdom,, it’s glorious
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ancenth · 2 months
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Do you love occults? Do you wish occults had significantly more eye swatches? Do you hate that spellcasters got cheated and didn’t get any special eyes? Boy, do I have the cc set for you!
New swatches for all existing occult eye types, mostly my existing patterns in new colors, but also a few completely new ones, plus an entirely new set for spellcasters! Full info, previews, and download under the cut
96 total new swatches
The occult only versions are enabled for random, but the for everyone and contact versions are disabled for random
For all ages, unless otherwise noted!
The genetic swatches are available in two versions; original occult only (vampire eyes are only for vampires and spellcasters, alien eyes only for aliens, etc.), or for everyone! The notable exception here is that the werewolf swatches are only available for werewolves, and none of the others are available for werewolves! Download just one of the genetic swatch options for each occult, they’ll conflict otherwise.
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Across the Stars
6 new swatches of the spiral galaxy pattern, 6 new swatches of the ring pattern, and one brand new supernova inspired swatch! Available for Aliens only, for everyone, and as contacts.
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Dead of Night
Cat eye pupil in additional brights (there’s a lime green in the default swatches), plus some naturals, and then some more black sclera brights! (Red and icy blue are part of the defaults). Available for Vampire/Spellcaster only, for everyone, and as contacts.
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Under the Sea
All the existing mermaid eye swatches in new colors to round out the palette! Available for Mermaids only, for everyone, and as contacts. The mermaids only version is not available for infant-child, as it is only available in mermaid form!
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Through the Portal
SPELLCASTER EYES!!! I will never forgive EA for not giving spellcasters their own eye set, so I’m doing it myself. 20 Swatches of two different variations of the fantastical starry-eyed gaze!
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In the Moonlight
tbh I’m actually pretty happy with the existing werewolf swatches! But here is a set of 10 new brights with a cat-eye pupil, and both white sclera and black sclera options. These ones are a bit different, as they are only available for werewolves!
DOWNLOAD (SFS, no ads)
Let me know if you encounter any issues or bugs!! Enjoy :)
Another link to the rest of the 9PM Eyes just in case you missed them!
@alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds @mmfinds
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shrimpin-aint-easy · 20 days
Good afternoon my shrimping friends
I have fallen on really really really difficult times. I lost my job on august 16th, and despite being on my way out due to an extremely toxic and emotionally abusive work environment, I was hoping to get something lined up first. I legally can’t talk go into details right now, but I can say that a coworker who had it out for me for some unknown fucking reason threw me under the bus and effectively ruined my life, as well as putting my family in debt in over $30k in attorney fees. We’ve had to take out credit cards and I am beyond thankful my dad has good credit or we’d be royally screwed. I have been nothing but nice to her in the year and a half I’ve worked there, bringing her food and random little gifts that made me think of her. I can’t wrap my mind around how someone could be so conniving and fucked up to stab me in the back the way she did, I did NOT deserve any of this. She knew I am in a bad place mentally and financially, yet still chose to do what she did. I will hopefully be able to elaborate more in the near future. I have a court date coming up on the 6th, so we will see.
I have my car insurance due at the end of the month, but my phone bill is due now and it’s already on a payment schedule pushed out as far as i could make it. I’ve been doing survey apps to make a couple of dollars, it’s better than absolutely nothing. This has been the absolute worst year, it’s progressively gotten worse with each month. I’m so deeply depressed and I have never felt more worthless and alone in my life. But I’m trying so hard to remain hopeful. I have two job interviews this Wednesday, please wish me the utmost luck. If anyone has any suggestions to make a few dollars in the meantime please let me know.
Im writing this because im pathetically requesting if anyone is able to throw some change my way, I would be so forever grateful. I am no way expecting anywhere close to my surmounting legal fees but any little bit that I can put towards food, general necessities, my medication for the month, pet food, gas, etc. I plan to find another job before the end of the month but I’m absolutely desperate now.
I have a ko-fi, shrimpinainteasy
Cshapp - $metacat4
Vnmo- @sara-parkour
If you are unable to donate anything, I completely understand, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you guys could share this, I’d deeply appreciate that just as much.
I’d be happy to provide any proof of whatever, I don’t even know, im sorry, my brain is mush. I’m so overwhelmed beyond words.
Again I’m really REALLY sorry to ask. Im so unbelievably desperate and so far in this hole of depression and financial debt, I don’t even know where to begin besides trying to keep my phone from turning off and staying on the road legally so I can find another job. I really wanted to refrain from begging for money online, but I need help so bad.
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humbuns · 2 years
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i want him
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shimp-simp · 11 months
Another shrimp? I've searched for so long
We are many. Together we shall become strong🦐
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helen-high-water · 4 months
just woke up and im sleepy but did you know that youre so cool and have so many cool thoughts about books dragons etc. also i love you. gnight again
Hehe I think you're pretty cool too , love you
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salthien · 8 months
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the vessel discovers one of life's simple joys: small plush toy.
a little doodle of a scene from ch 18 of @queruloustea's that makes two of us, then - please please read this fic, it's so lovely. i want to do something nicer and more involved for it but i am still adjusting to drawing Bugs and Bugs Interacting so it will have to wait until i'm more confident :')
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If you ever die, after your funeral I'm driving straight to god's door, knocking up a storm and chanting "shrimp! heaven! NOW!"
Thank you for your service. For that, I'll make sure you're served some great fried rice at the funeral
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scuddlez · 5 months
"I miss anomalocaris..."
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"I'm still here!"
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