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indignantlemur · 2 months ago
You mentioned Shral having siblings in a previous ask and I was wondering if we could get more of his childhood and home life, and if we’re ever going to meet any of his family in the story!
Hope you’re doing alright!
Hello, hello!
Shral's family is a decent size, as Andorians consider such things, and while we'll be meeting some of them in Emigre we likely won't meet all of them. Part of the reason for this is that many of them are scattered around the quadrant in various Imperial Guard postings or as civilians.
In list format, here are Shral's parents! (Ages are as of Ch 1 of Emigre.)
Pekel zh'Hrisvalar - Andorian, 60; Shral's biological/birth mother, nee Hrisvalar. Information broker, civilian.
Zhyrah sh'Hrisvalar - Andorian, 58; Shral's secondary mother, nee Tesaal. Former science officer in the Imperial Guard, medically discharged to due injuries sustained in the line of duty.
Gelsyrn th'Hrisvalar - Andorian, 62; Shral's biological father, nee Sannev. Duelling master, noted for mastering multiple Clan styles.
Tovar ch'Hrisvalar - Andorian, 59; Shral's secondary father, nee Ivos. Weapons specialist in the Imperial Guard, active.
Shral's siblings are as follows: (Ages are as of Ch 1 of Emigre.)
Enan Hrisvalar - Andorian, 28; Shral’s youngest brother. Imperial Guardsman, logistics, located in the Northern Wastes.
Dalrhyss Hrisvalar - Andorian, 29; Shral’s youngest sister. Imperial Guardsman, nurse, posted to the IGS Nichaa. 
Thithta sh’Hrisvalar - Andorian, 31; Shral’s older sister. Chirurgeon, neurosurgeon specialist, located in Laibok.
Shyranni zh’Hrisvalar - Andorian 34; Shral’s oldest sister. Imperial Guardsman, academy trainer located outside of Laibok.
Anlel th’Hrisvalar - Andorian, 37; Shral’s oldest brother. Master Duellist, mobile/on Andoria.
As you can see, three of Shral's siblings simply aren't in the general area, and aren't likely to be able to show up to visit outside of getting leave, which can be kind of random depending on their jobs, their postings, and how much leave time they're owed.
As for Shral's childhood... it was relatively decent. As Shral would tell it, he was born to a good family, and during his childhood suffered no deprivation or major losses. He might go on to point out that all of the children born to his family unit survived to adulthood and went on to become respectable members of society. Indeed, his extended Clan was prosperous, though not so much as to be gauche. His parents, Shral might continue, were stern, but fair, and none of the children ever doubted that they were loved.
What Shral would not say was that he had the misfortune of being born an introvert in a species that cultivates extroversion and robust social connections. He would not mention feeling overwhelmed by his relatives on a daily basis, or haunted by the powerful need to escape somewhere quiet and still. He would certainly not speak of how his elder cousins seemed to know that there was something a little bit different about Shral almost as soon as they met him, and that they dedicated a remarkable amount of time and energy to 'fixing' him, or that they failed to do anything but reinforce Shral's introverted behaviours.
Shral's parents, biological and secondary, all knew that their middle son was born a little different from the others. Not strange, precisely. Not ill-formed of mind or body, certainly - if anything, their son was a little too smart at times and perfectly healthy. It was just that... well, Shral was a little different.
They worried - of course they did - but ultimately it was Shral's biological father who sat him down one day for a talk when Shral was about eleven years old. Gelsyrn asked if Shral was happy as he was, if he was lonely at all; if he wasn't getting something he needed from them; if he needed more space, or less, or something else entirely; if, most importantly, Shral needed help. (It was no secret that Shral's older cousins were a menace and regularly interfered with Shral's lessons, from schooling to duelling, but the boy had yet to ask for any kind of help at all and that concerned Gelsyrn. Perhaps, his father thought, the boy simply needed a nudge.) Shral just asked his father to look over his twenty-year career plan - which he'd finished that morning and was very proud of. Of course, that hadn't been what Gelsyrn meant at all, but nevertheless he took the datapad and reviewed everything. He'd expected to find a rough, choppy outline with vague notions of how much time should be dedicated to equally vague goals. Instead, he got a nearly professional outline detailing certifications, acceptable competency levels and grades, and a full battery of extracurricular coursework, including preferred instructors based on their specializations, notable accomplishments, and career histories. All of this, from a ten-year-old. "It looks good," was all Gelsyrn could say. "Very thorough - but, son, this isn't quite what I meant." "I know," was young Shral's response. "But you can't fight my battles for me, and you can't fight my cousins at all. This is something you can do. I thought it would be more helpful than listing all of the things I have to do by myself." That was about the time that Gelsyrn figured that Shral didn't actually need anyone's help at all most of the time. If anything, it was starting to look like all Shral needed was for people to get out of his way. That, at least, was something Gelsyrn could do something about. "I'm going to have a word with your duelling instructor," Gelsyrn decided then. "And have you placed solely under my tutelage so you can learn in peace. Let's give your cousins a nasty surprise the next time they decide to throw their weight around." "Oh," Shral blinked, surprised. "...I hadn't thought of that." Both parties walked away from the conversation reassured, if somewhat exasperated.
Shral's cousins did indeed get a nasty surprise the next time they tried to 'help' their cousin about a month later, and Gelsyrn was smug about it for a week.
Shral ended up helping his siblings figure out their career paths, too, once they figured out that constantly meddling in his affairs and trying to 'help' was only irritating their brother and driving him away, rather than acting as a bonding experience between siblings.
(His eldest sister Shyranni actually uses the career plan Shral drew up for her when they were young as an example for her students at the Imperial Academy. His youngest brother still refers to his career plan religiously, because sometimes Shral accesses the file remotely and updates it with current postings and opportunities as they crop up. Their brother is weird, but he cares, in his way. All they ever wanted to know was that he cared.)
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indignantlemur · 10 months ago
It's so pretty and shiny and nice! I've said it before, but I really like how you handle light and glare effects! And the light effects on his eye! So pretty! ❤️
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A gift for @indignantlemur
Thank you so much for everything! (The art, the fics, sharing our ideas etc) So glad to have found u!!
This is their character Shral from Emigre- a fic that they wrote! (And is on their page!)
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borbzaby · 11 months ago
My phone just autocorrected “Disturbing” to “Dust Being”. Awesome.
But come on, everyone knows that the great dust being Shral-Garth Tav won’t come until the moon bleeds and the stars align with the eternal centrifuge. Duh.
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444names · 2 years ago
(Should I discontinue the Mystery Post series?)
Acese Acitions Adery Admaz Adposil Adposs Adyst Agod Alay Alcoh Alcompaint Alit Alve Amommaw Amos Ampechy Andartys Anlochy Anlonow Anrall Ansfe Applithast Argual Arien Arnitiong Arresus Arrod Arry Artiner Artion Artyn Aryk Aryo Asdong Asom Ason Aspe Aspelatle Assithion Astive Ativer Audin Avnuv Baces Ball Basp Bleanyb Boilaryn Boileal Botalt Brearrom Buhavel Búshab Cable Cakh Calarns Cang Canrakh Cape Capplu Capply Cappoill Cappopús Cappú Capt Carek Caryk Case Casheany Caspez Cass Cassapeve Casupture Catain Catcham Cate Cated Caten Catig Cativeive Cativies Cavnuv Chab Chat Chate Chectureak Chyadv Cland Clarguq Cleand Commav Complat Craseirmy Crativlont Cray Dakhze Dalve Danvies Dard Darm Dartiv Dary Dataingul Dayo Debat Debtage Denvatent Dishepsal Docate Doilar Dombolurah Doolian Ducall Ducat Ducatib Duchamtate Durnapply Easid Entang Entheav Examet Eximat Exprograim Fabilizew Fabity Faccom Fact Fake Fakvús Faso Fassinere Fationow Felat Finvatux Fiymazkeb Forga Frand Frate Frax Frothaveol Fula Fulang Gakeq Gakvú Garge Gases Gating Geclayod Gicav Gliall Goak Goakiq Gocan Gocap Gonaming Grak Gral Gralt Gramtal Granses Grant Grappy Grat Gread Grearrya Greasses Gregall Gronabit Guage Guagecoh Hable Hablead Hamo Hanrakeno Hanseet Hanyb Hapell Harder Hase Haseirm Hasentener Hash Hasin Hasubt Hasukh Hate Hater Hatext Hatin Hation Hativlout Hatlen Hatlet Hatta Heatell Heaver Helatur Hetaterse Higvateb Huhammuc Huhear Huhuha Illab Indax Istram Ivial Ivlial Kameth Ladvel Laindrep Lang Larrel Larroned Lart Lary Laryk Laryouser Later Lazkebou Ligva Lonatch Lotall Lottarty Ludista Makhuh Mannou Mannuv Marn Masest Mastion Mazkeemo Meallaz Meap Meavnun Milear Mobtake Mona Munconass Nable Nabún Nalt Nalve Nans Nase Nast Nate Nativli Ninda Nizaw Nomealth Nratle Nrax Numplar Nunwela Nutrocall Nuvulary Oalotte Ongracell Oreat Orlditiva Othrulan Otrah Paccu Pace Pacites Pacti Paima Paina Paineem Painu Pakebt Palve Pance Pang Panvid Parell Parro Parryn Partive Pary Pasdom Pase Pasese Pasess Pasictive Pasind Pasitem Pasoq Pasot Pate Pentivat Plabuter Plat Play Prah Preal Preat Pregal Pulabition Pulan Pulandly Pulart Pulealow Pulessary Pulfa Pulfakhúr Pultheake Puppeap Puthatle Putrady Qakhhuh Qave Qaves Qual Rahyoz Rainde Rakew Rameak Reaf Reang Reark Rearry Reaste Reav Reguleark Remas Rescatar Rexam Rotragfart Rowelableq Rroreand Rularns Rulash Rumar Rumplat Ruttar Sall Sape Sark Shab Shabit Shable Shamoho Shante Sharne Shatux Shral Sigvarget Silanva Silgeta Simethans Sionetan Smark Smasig Smazke Snam Snappu Somompaste Stal Stan Stral Stran Stregakh Sumaingue Swoviary Syar Syater Sylla Syllabing Symaw Systerat Tage Tained Tainifes Tall Tando Tanguq Taryn Tatlurema Thar Thavol Thilatent Thillard Thractib Topart Totebal Trah Trahyev Trakhwer Tram Tranter Treakh Trutricula Tual Tuall Tuchya Turame Turnam Uhkeramply Ulan Urammun Usal Ushiticlar Úkamez Vare Vary Vasit Vatint Verain Vollarty Vulandiste Wableattle Wadme Wadv Wage Wamenowet Wamer Wang Wangulig Wanify Wanlosicle Wase Wasymavnue Wavinify Wavock Wear Weas Wheart Whechante Whectualm Wilar Winizab Wipaste Worgachy Wousap Xampev Yakh Yovialans Yuriessap Zableng Zaterchy Zatle Zistaryk Zystomplay
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10kseniya10 · 4 years ago
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Meet the cast of SEASON 2!!!
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indignantlemur · 1 year ago
As someone who's really into perfumery and scent, this is the perfect question! Lemme break it down!
Dagmar: If Dagmar were to actually wear a specific perfume, she'd probably go for BPAL's They Shut Me Up In Prose (sweet bourbon vanilla, pale sandalwood, mallow flower, osmanthus, and shards of frankincense). Otherwise, she'd most likely smell of clean cotton, whatever she might have baked recently, coffee, and something faintly sweet.
Shral: Shral wears minimal personal scents, but we know his hair product is a particularly attractive scent to Dagmar. I loosely headcanon it as smelling kind of like oak or sandalwood with something to brighten it up a bit, and it would blend well with the natural musk that Dagmar has noticed before. On the rare occasion where he might be in a mood to wear something, I think Shral would go for something close to the skin, unobtrusive, like Iso Super E - a woody, musky, ambery aroma-chemical which smells a little different on everyone.
Thelen: When he's off-duty and not keeping a wary eye on Dagmar, Thelen's scent of choice is something spicy. Dior Sauvage (Calabrian bergamot, black pepper, Sichuan pepper, lavender, pink pepper, vetiver, patchouli, geranium, elemi, ambroxan, cedar, labdanum) is an excellent fit, and a prime candidate for going out for a night on the town. Otherwise, he'll smell like the leather of his uniform, the sharp scent of ozone, and a faint a persistent musk that all Andorians have (according to Humans, at least).
Vrath: Vrath doesn't strike me as someone who wants to fuss over smelly things overly much, though she also doesn't seem like someone who would ignore perfumes entirely. I think something versatile and easy, like Glossier's You (Iris, ambroxan, pink pepper, ambrette) would be her go-to. Failing that, she'd most likely smell of whatever shampoo she uses to cleanse her hair and katheka.
Thoris: Thoris doesn't need to command a room's attention - but that has yet to stop him from doing it anyway. I could see him reaching for something like Tom Ford's Ombre Leather (violet leaf, cedar, jasmine sambac, orris, leather, woody notes, and tobacco) when the occasion called for it. Failing that, he'll most likely have a clean skin-scent and little else.
Miraal: Miraal's perfume would probably have to be Guerlain's Shalimar Millésime Tonka (bitter almond, bergamot, iris, jasmine sambac, rose, tonka bean, vanilla) but she wouldn't be at all adverse to bright citruses or bold spices either. She wears what she feels in the mood for, though only when she's not working. During work-days, Miraal keeps it simple - a soft, sweet floral-musk that clings close to the skin and won't bother her clients.
This was fun! Thanks for the tag!
So, I assign distinct scents to characters I like to write about. I’m interested in what y’all imagine your favorite Romulans or Vulcans or Andorians might smell like. For instance, I imagine my husband, Letant, smelling like Thymes Eucalyptus cologne and my other husband, Vreenak, smelling like YSL la Nuit de L’Homme. What do the rest of think about your favorites?
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@bigblissandlove1 @deepspacedukat @kalennatheromulan-blog @maybeamultiverse @indignantlemur
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kagomemoonstar · 4 years ago
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fabioquartararhoe · 2 years ago
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me every time they talk about leclerc tank on the news
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awesometothe3rd · 5 years ago
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“Ah, Miss Zhou. I thought I recognized that voice. A word of advice, a good officer needs to get along with all kind of personality. Those you like, those you don't. Other species you can't even begin to understand.”
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hivebreed · 5 years ago
link to part two 
Some notes about syntax: Because titles are immensely important in their society, most sentences are formulated in third person. There is no “to be” verb and no articles attached to nouns except those that denote possession. Generally, Irken follows a standard SVO (subject-verb-object) order except in the case of conditions or prepositional phrases. E.g.: “To conquer, Tak wants to go” or “Now, Zim wants Dib to leave.” 
Now, with regards to pronunciation, all “s”s are drawn out like a snake’s hissing, and all “z”s are drawn out like a buzz. All consonants at the end of words are always stressed, e.g., “ziM” or “taK.” Similar to many Pacific Island languages, all vowels are voiced. For example, “a’zue” would sound like “a’zzzzooee.” All vowels make the long sound except for “a,” which make the short sounds like the “a” /æ/ in “cat.” All i’s are rounded (/î/) rather than short like the “i” in “sit.” Apostrophes denote a clicking sound similar to Yautjan or Poleepkwan. 
Now, let’s get into it! 
hello- asha (informal) 
hello- a’shoha (formal, used when addressing superior officers, the tallest, the control brains, etc.) 
goodbye- ore’za (informal) 
goodbye (i will heed and obey)- (name) shral z’out eshi a’zue
good morning (may mach shine upon your steps)- soz shmen etash / etash’am (pl.), dia mach klar 
good night (may yuri/takshi safeguard your rest)- dia yuri/takshi bakar shmen lishnu/lishnum (pl.) 
who/whom- onz
what- ki’shu
when- ki’zu
where- koze
why- pou’kisha
how- ze’sea
which one- ki’yesh nun
Tenses are very easy to remember. You simply take a verb (of which many only have two conjugations: one for singular and one for plural) and add a pre-fix before it. “Shral” is used for future tense, “ze’se” for past tense, and “ken” for past perfect tense. There is no present perfect tense in Irken. Imperatives are simply conjugated verbs that are spoken with greater emphasis and more assertive body language. And the word for must is “kanu.” 
to go- al’eza / (plural; spoken when referring to “we” or “you guys”) al’ezam 
to fly (spaceship)- vosh / vosham 
to walk- etash / etash’am  
to run- kou’su / kou’sum 
to sit- shmiz / shmizam 
to rest- riz’oshe / riz’oshem 
to sleep- lishnu / lishnum
to eat- nash / nasham 
to drink- zwesh / zwesham 
to speak- ol’esu / ol’esum 
to work- trazu / trazum 
to pray- puli / puli’am
to serve- zav’so / zav’som 
to protect- bakar / bakar’am
to bow- besh / besh’am 
to stay- rez’ea / rez’eam
to leave- kit’es / kit’esam 
to follow- shmiv / shmivam 
to fight- haz’aza / haz’azam 
to die- kam’azai / kam’azaim 
to give- hazae / hazaem 
to take- lash’me / lash’mem 
to know- tashmach / tashmach’am 
to want- vles / vlesam
to need- bezwe / bezwe’am 
to like- remze / remze’am 
to hate- rash’ayi / rash’ayam 
to love (romantically)- ren’zea (old irken; no longer in use) / ren’zeam 
to love (brotherly/familial)- ke’ashea (old irken; no longer in use) / ke’asheam 
* After ten, all subsequent numbers are sequenced. For example, “eleven” would be said as “one-one” and “eighty” would be said as “eight-zero.” Likewise, 1,000,002 would be spoken as “million-two.” 
0- osh
1- yo’ush
2- ze
3- za
4- ska 
5- shen
6- shis
7- sez
8- u’ish
9- nu’ash
10- zes
hundred- sash
thousand- shmiz
million- shmil
billion- sil 
trillion- zril 
(roughly translated to) liter- mez’on
shmekak- something similar to our Celsius 
meter- mis’a 
gram- zra’ze
second- fwaz
minute- fwaz’e
hour- es’ake
day- shaz
night- rashti
year- liz’ye
lightyear- as liz’ye
century (dynasty)- shik’ti 
now- ku’se
later- pise 
soon- shek’zo 
never- pa’rasim 
always- kou’shu 
again- aka
before- avas
after- asavre 
at- nak 
above- pi’soa 
across- atra’se
against- shon
among- mizan
below- anbas
behind- kesu
beneath- azba
beside- akos
between- ans
in front of- vedas
during- pazdas
down- desa
up- leze
from- sozna
into- naz
near- prez
toward- dizek’so
or- z’ie
of- az
off- kouz
on- soz
to- pos
too- ok (pronounced like “oak”) 
for- pu
by- pa
under- azbas
within- nazra
with- ka 
past- shak’se
outside- dek’shi
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indignantlemur · 11 months ago
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Larger image (STRONGLY recommended): HERE The resolution on this is painful, so I'm including detail shots below the cut.
This meeting room was furnished many centuries ago by a renowned artisan who could carve stone and shells in stunning detail, and could shape and colour glass in a way that was never seen before and has never been replicated since. He took the secrets of his techniques to the grave, dying at an unexpectedly young age in a duel with a public safety official over the seizure of a rare and extremely toxic pigment imported from a Clan to the far south. His name was Kelenthor, and he was the only Clanless to ever attain such a high level of renown and fortune purely on his artistic talent. He lived during what would eventually be called the Post-Unification Andorian Renaissance. While this artisan was alive, he had a somewhat adversarial relationship with various officials and was known to use his art as a medium to mock and criticize his social betters. He was beloved by the general populace for exclusively taking on students from the lower social classes - almost as much as he was resented by the upper classes for his habit of hiding subversive messages in his commissioned works. Regardless of where one stood with Kelenthor, none could deny his talents. If you wanted the best of the best, Kelenthor was the one to commission. As such, he was eventually commissioned to design and create furnishings for a number of rooms and even entire buildings which are now used exclusively by government officials today or otherwise preserved as precious cultural works.
This particular room is widely regarded as his best work: the walls are conspicuously and almost insultingly plain, barely carved at all. At the centre of the room lies a heavy and imposing table of solid marbled stone - also barely ornamented, save some bevelling along the edges. The surface was treated with a substance which renders the stone almost entirely impervious to damage. No matter how one might rain blows upon it, barely a scratch remains to remember them by - much like many of the politicians who have sat at this table since its creation, which many believe was the subversive message behind the thing in the first place.
The focal points are the throne-like seats arrayed around the blunt instrument of a marble table, intricately carved and inlaid with precious shell and glasswork, iridescent and shining under even the faintest rays of light. Each scatters prisms randomly around the room, illuminating the shadows and often causing quite a few headaches when meetings stretch too long. More importantly, every single one of them was deliberately carved to be as uncomfortable as possible. No one in a position of power, Kelenthor once said, should be comfortable there.
First up, courting and wedding bands! Shral and Dagmar are only courting, so they have simple rings with minimal ornamentation, with Dagmar's being modified to fit as a cuff earring.
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Thoris is married, so he has two bands on each antennae. Quite often marriage bands are more decorative and ostentatious than his, but Thoris isn't one for baubles and it's bad enough he has to wear these ridiculous robes. Frankly, if he could get away with just wearing his old Guardsman uniform to these meetings, he'd vastly prefer to. As such, his wedding bands are almost incongruously plain for his rank and status.
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Next up, the lady and gentleman in the foreground! These two are Ministers, and high-ranking Andorians besides, so they ornament themselves rather loudly in comparison to our main cast's more sedate preferences. The lady on the left is Minister Zaathi, who we will be meeting in-fic very soon, and she's very fond of gemstones and carved hair beads - and not afraid of losing any, if she sheer number she's wearing are any indications. It's a weighted fashion statement, if nothing else, from a woman whose home province is small and relatively modest otherwise.
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By comparison, Minister Bhael - on the right - is much more conservative in his ornamentation, but his robes are heavily embroidered and that is quite a lot of Andorian silk to be toting around. A closer look will reveal that his sleeves are embroidered with an ocean wave pattern, which is particularly interesting given the relationship Andorians have with the sea. Is it some kind of political statement, or just an odd choice of attire?
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If those two are making statements with their sartorial choices, then Thoris has them all beat for layered meanings.
The silvery outer robes of office are closer to a cloak than a robe, with an inner layer that is belted around the waist and a loose outer layer that is joined to the inner layer at the shoulders and seams along the upper arms. This permits the maximum range of movement for the wearer. Being made of Andorian silk, which is several times stronger than Terran silk, it is an excellent means of protection against slashing and stabbing weapons. Despite their merits, however, Thoris loathes them. They're lightweight, sure, but they're still long and ostentatious and entirely too liable to get caught on something in a real fight. Sadly, they're also mandatory, or he'd have binned them ages ago.
The vibrant blue mid-layer is a heavy material, durable Andorian silk woven through with tiny filaments of something very similar to a carbon fibre composite, providing a measure of protection against many forms of projectiles, though less so against phase weapons. The innermost tunic is more obviously armoured than the other two layers, with panels mimicking an extensive chitin pattern along the length of the torso and forearms. The sleeves in particular draw attention to a very vibrant yellow flash - much like the chitin of the predatory veeg he is known for hunting in the past.
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Next we come to Shral, who is obscured partially by shadow at Ambassador Thoris' right hand - and ready to draw his ushaan-tor at a moment's notice.
This is not standard armour for an Andorian, but rather something one might wear while sparring or training in their personal time. The armour takes the form of layered, almost beetle-shell like layers, layered over a long, cowl-necked tunic. The cowl is an unusual choice for sparring attire, as it provides a potential hand-hold for an opponent - only a very arrogant or a very skilled duelist would wear such a thing while sparring.
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In contrast, Dagmar stands in the light on Thoris' left. Her working attire is lightly embroidered, and features large, pearly buttons - but otherwise she's almost conspicuously plainly dressed. Hyper aware of how shockingly pink she is in comparison to everyone else in the room, Dagmar wears muted and neutral colours to try to off-set how glaringly alien she is - which, ironically, only serves to highlight her differences even further.
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@the-lady-general  @starrynightgardens  @emilie786  @horta-in-charge  @emochook  @velvet-luvie  @creature-of-the-stars @unknownfacelessfanfictions @auroramagpie
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 10 months ago
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A gift for @indignantlemur
Thank you so much for everything! (The art, the fics, sharing our ideas etc) So glad to have found u!!
This is their character Shral from Emigre- a fic that they wrote! (And is on their page!)
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wisdomganga · 5 years ago
Shral.club Scam orLegit? [Shral.club Review]
Shral.club Scam orLegit? [Shral.club Review]
Shral.club Review: An Introduction
Welcome everybody to Shral Review. We hope you and your family are healthy and safe. A Coronavirus Pandemic has lockdown us all. It also set the right ground for scammers. Therefore, before using any unpopular or unknown website try to look for its review. Is Shral Scam Site?
Well, we looked into the Shral website. There are some major faults found in the…
View On WordPress
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daringtobebold · 8 years ago
anyone know what the first song is?
BEST MUSIC MIX 2015 ♫ 1H Gaming Music ♫ Dubstep EDM Trap [www.MP3Fiber.com] by Shral on #SoundCloud
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marcelsmusicjournal-blog · 8 years ago
Lockbox - “SHRAL”
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After dropping a new album under his DJ Toonami Demon alias for HVRF, experimental producer Lockbox (aka Jesse Briata) shares this brief new track via Soundcloud entitled “SHRAL”:
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10kseniya10 · 4 years ago
Pandora | Season 2 Sneak Peek | The CW Pandora premieres Sunday, October 4. Stream next day free only on The CW!
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