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spacegoathours · 3 months ago
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my anime protagonist irken bbygirl 🩵
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nicolashrooms · 5 months ago
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was looking through my camera roll and got to like 2021 and I realised I never found out what type of bug this was
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solargeist · 11 months ago
re: Redstoners getting into serious accidents
Tango, i'm thinking something with his legs, since I've already drawn him with those big anti-gravity boots, they're support. (you would think his eyes are the issue just looking at him, but they seem natural)
Etho looks fine, he has a scar over his eye but (probably) not bc of redstone. If you consider redstone radioactive, i think his face is sorta messed up from breathing it in for so long, and its why he wears a mask to ventilate/protection.
Doc. i mean, just look at him.
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our-tale · 20 days ago
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Shortie pg. 3 First | Prev | Next Someone landed on a landmine of a trigger.
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famiglia-lealta · 3 months ago
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"I'M your medic for today, and MY advice is to GO AND DIE OUTSIDE!"
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cathalbravecog · 7 months ago
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woww i love gay people mischief gets da leafa outta he hair
for THE LOVELY ONE AND ONLY @lynxsakura ...!
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cry-ptidd · 1 year ago
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something something andercard wallpaper collage
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gauntletqueen · 1 year ago
Having a phobia of dogs fucking sucks because loving them is so expected that so many dog owners don't take it seriously at all or take it as a personal offense when I barely hold back a panic attack because their unpredictable animal that can't understand human speech is jumping and barking at me. Please keep them on a leash please.
I don't dislike dogs, it's not their fault, I just mentally break down when I'm around them because of past traumatic experiences caused by their owners, and I hate how society gives them a free pass where other animals are still treated as wild beasts.
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solar-eclipsed · 12 days ago
Oh yeah I watched the II remaster and I don’t mind it at all it’s pretty good LOLLL. I just have three prayers. Keep everyone mean as fuck. Keep Balloon’s manipulation so bad that it’s genuinely ridiculous how petty these freaks are. And please bring more of Salt and Pepper’s homoerotic codependent friendship I missed them so bad
#nickel kicking everyone off day one was fantastic PLEASE keep them AWFUL#i don’t like how paintbrush’s edges are still literally sanded off (in their design) but nothing has actually *happened* yet so!!!!#also fly low elephant feces ……… you truly were the marker of 13 year old humor for these guys ….#eclipsed.txt#I love salt and pepper so much you don’t understand how delighted I was to see them again#they’re wonderful. i hope they kill someone#if they ever do the season 4 epilogue stuff (though honestly I’d prefer them to leave it open ended)#i would eat Salt development up SOOOOO hard#i saw ‘trendsetter’ and ‘trend follower’ and cheered so loudly#salt is so beautiful to me. i hope she feels normal about the possibility that her crush on OJ is a fabrication#i think that aspect of her character is actually so fucking fun especially in regards to pepper and the follower stuff#because it’s like#the one thing pepper is bothered with openly#i hope they’re so o o o o normal about the reality of their situations#i think a lot of people are upset they changed anything at all but that’s kinda inevitable in a remaster#i don’t really mind ?#i don’t think I have the same insane emotional attachment to season 1 as a lot of people do#i’ve been a season 2 guy since day one#so I don’t really have as strong of an opinion on this as others might. shrugs#i have way more emotional attachment to the earnestness of season 1 of bfdi than II#IMOOOO bfdi season 1 is objectively really good while II is like. fine lmao#bfdi is like … entrancingly good. the fact that it was made by 13 year olds does seep out yeah but it’s also like#13 year olds who clearly REALLY like STEM and don’t rely on offensive or disgusting shock value#II is more classic 13 year old I guess#i could really tell bfdi was made by people who were obsessed with it is all#anyway I love it when these guys suck I hope they can keep doing that
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mymarifae · 9 months ago
i talked about this on twitter but i really... don't understand the way people have been so - for lack of a better word - "bristly" about firefly being the trailblazer's romantic interest. i strongly suspect that this would not be a source of so much complaint if she had feelings for any other character in the cast, and that tells me that the fandom is seriously misunderstanding the nature of the trailblazer's character. they're not a player insert. they have feelings, thoughts, and a relationship to the world and other characters around them completely independent of the player. just because you have the option to name them at the beginning doesn't mean they aren't their own character, and that giving them a love interest is anything more than standard relationship development
obviously there are those who will never accept this and will thus make the whole thing weird but we can just let them be weird in their own little corners. and i knowww about the leaks for that... mmd thing hyv commissioned that's like, a gag video of firefly fighting other girls to win the trailblazer's affections or whatever it was, so that audience is being catered to a little bit, but did you really expect hoyoverse to pass up an opportunity to squeeze money out of every possible avenue...? (they do this fanservice shit all the time come on guys) Scratches Head. maybe it's just me, but i kind of don't caare about occasional promotional gag materials - so long as it doesn't bleed into the actual game and story and characters. which like, it hasn't. for the record.
i think it's fine for the writers to focus on firefly's relationship with the trailblazer even though it seems silly and mundane and trivial in light of all the things like... glamoth's cavalry, the genetic engineering and experimentation, the swarm, the mystery of the stellaron hunters, etc... in fact, i think it's fine ESPECIALLY because it seems silly and mundane and trivial. a major aspect of firefly's character is that she just wants to be a normal person. with normal, average, pointless-in-the-grand-scheme of things concerns. like having a crush on her new (?) friend. she is more than a weapon. she exists beyond the SAM suit. she wants a life that she chose for herself.
i seriously don't know what you guys are talking about because i actually think they've done a fine job of balancing the juxtapositions of her character. her past has its time and place, her budding philosophies and questions about herself have their time and place, and her (probable) feelings for the trailblazer have their time and place. again maybe if the concept of the trailblazer being a player insert held any water there would be more of a point to be had here. but they're not, sooooo there isn't
and y'know. i don't think we have the right to say that the progression of their relationship has been "rushed" given the trailblazer has an entire past life with the stellaron hunters that we don't know about yet. "rushed" - or maybe they're just picking things up from where they left off? and sometimes people just click together like that, so either way it felt fine for me. maybe I would have liked more time with firefly before the sleepie incident occurred so I get more emotional impact out of it, but my feelings =/= the trailblazer's. because they are not a player insert. they do not reflect my will 1:1. their attachment to firefly is solely their own. THEIR attachment to her is what ultimately invoked an emotional reaction out of me and sparked my own attachment to her, actually. it was their shock, horror, and GRIEF that got me
idk. maybe we need to spend less time thinking about ourselves and more time thinking about the trailblazer as an independent character. it might help this whole mess
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zehecatl · 7 months ago
Skywarp's been making a pathetic, low-droning, whining sound for the past who-knows how many cycles.
It's been constant. It's been nonstop. It's been driving Starscream insane.
"What!" he snaps, finally, slamming his soldering iron on the table; pivots on his seat, wings bristling, annoyance so sharp he can taste it.
Skywarp, piled up on his berth, covered in a not-innumerable amounts of blankets, looks at him with what Starscream can best describe as a kicked puppy expression. Optics wide, glimmering, body curled more or less into itself. He looks, frankly, pathetic.
"What," Starscream repeats, leaning back. He knows that look.
Skywarp whines. Kicks the sound up a notch, so Starscream can really hear how pitiful and sad it is, and it doesn't do much but deepen the sneer on Starscream's face.
"Whatever it is you want- no."
Skywarp, somehow, manages to whine louder. He flops down, the sound loud and sharp, entirely at odds with whatever display he's trying to put on, and then turns, pushing up the pile of blankets to make a visible little cove, and no.
"I am not cuddling with you," he sneers, turning right back around. He picks up his smoldering iron, except it's not so much pick up, as lying his servo flat on it, digits curling in. "Absolutely not."
Skywarp repeats the whining sound. And then, when Starscream ignores him, does it again, this time with as much drag as possible, the sound falling over itself, pulled along for much too long.
Starscream swears. Internally. And extremely colourfully.
"Where's Thundercrack," he says, flat, not as much a question as a demand. Behind him, the whine stops, and Starscream does not look, because he knows exactly what he'd see- Skywarp, perking up, like a dog smelling treats, and they have been on this planet for too long.
"Not here," he says, and Starscream winces, because he does, admittedly, sound rough. There's a roughness to his voice, like the words can barely get free, and it's not like Starscream wasn't aware of the fact that Skywarp is, like, sick. Sick-sick. But it was very easy to ignore, especially with the way he had spent most of the day curled up on his berth, deep in recharge, but-
He sighs. Wings drooping. Behind him, Skywarp cheers, and then stops, likely because it hurts to cheer.
Starscream pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Move over," he says, and gets up. There's a clatter behind him, the sound of fabric rustling, and when Starscream turns around, Skywarp is looking at him, grin wide on his face.
Starscream should shoot him.
Instead, he gets onto the berth- it's bigger than a normal one, something Starscream's personally got done, because loath as he is to admit it, Seekers can get clingy- and barely has time to settle before Skywarp pushes himself close, wriggling up into his space.
"Don't infect me," Starscream says, sneering, but it falls flat- especially since he moves his arm out of the way to make more space, and when Skywarp's finally settled in as close as possible, he drapes his arm back down, right over him.
Skywarp's hot. A fever, likely, and Starscream slides his servo up along his back, puts digits to the curve of his neck, and gauges the temperature- it's not too bad, all things considered, but it's still high enough something like worry ticks alive in his spark.
"You better be running some antivirus," he chides, and Skywarp makes a soft little sound against his chassis, wings fluttering. Starscream sighs.
He should, truthfully, be working. Even here, trapped in Skywarp's embrace, Starscream could pull up schematics, could look over plans, could- do something.
Skywarp's a warm weight at his front. Too warm, really, but it's been... a while.
So he settles himself. Slides down a little, loops an arm around Skywarp's middle, and- breathes.
There is nothing to do, he tells himself. You can be here, with Skywarp, safely.
Skywarp nuzzles his helm against him. Makes a low sound, so low Starscream barely recognizes him- a purr, he thinks, and could laugh. Cry, maybe.
The war takes so much from them. But this- this single moment- Starscream thinks he can keep.
So he closes his optics. Vents out, in. And when Skywarp repeats that sound at him, the low sound of something satisfied, happy, Starscream repeats it back- haltingly, rough, but there.
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bunnycara · 1 month ago
cute lil necro couple who own a mortuary. she likes to play dead in the cellar so he can pull out her limp lifeless ‘corpse’ and have his way with it. all good fun. except one day when she plans to surprise him not knowing he wouldn’t be coming into work that weekend. and well, those cabinets lock from the outside. poor little thing pounds and pleads then passes. when her darling finds her- he’s devastated.  pulling her body into him, sobbing over his tragic romance…but he has another reaction too- a throbbing he can’t seem to ignore. really, he can’t help himself. his hands run up and down her perfect cold body, he has to claim her one last time. of course she had always insisted this was only a roleplay before, but now? well it’s not like she can complain 
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solargeist · 11 months ago
grian being the reason xelqua exists and essentially delivering himself into his own fate is interesting to me. Not sure what the long term consequences are to this.
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anendtopursuit · 3 months ago
at my next hrt checkup like yes everything is great ha ha . when do i animorph into leon kennedy tho just checking
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famiglia-lealta · 2 months ago
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Non importano le nostre differenze, la lealtà familiare sopra ogni altra cosa -
- no matter our differences - family loyalty above all else.
Independent Multi-Muse Roleplay Blog {34+ Mun} Katekyo Hitman Reborn Muses; Xanxus & Squalo With Original Character; Nerinda Salvai
With explored themes of morality, emotional drive and determination - a cruel misogynistic violent magic mafia world peppered with hope that better days are only one bright horizon away - if you work hard enough, and stubbornly believe in yourself against perilous odds.
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whomuses · 4 months ago
test muse || astarion ancunin
"What in the sweet hells have you DONE to me?!" the words would almost be comedic if not for the panic that was so clear in them. Astarion had staggered back, the vampire holding up his hands to stare at them - at the black claws he now had. There may have been no mirror to see, but he could feel well enough just what was wrong.
A hand reached up, feeling cautiously - ears, still long, but undoubtedly different. His same curls, but now parted by a sweeping set of - admittedly somewhat majestic - horns, and when he turned, he could see the sweep of the slender tail now emerging from the seat of his pants.
"Turn me back! Right this instance!"
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