#shower with the door open as possible to let as much steam out as possible which is VERY HARD FOR ME because
my week got better
monday: mold (this mold is my Broken Window see tags)
tuesday: suspected bed bug
wednesday: walmart account hacked
thursday: it wasn’t a bed bug, we don’t have bugs
( @datasoong47 - thank you for your reply, I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with them before! I have not yet, but have heard horror stories, and I have real bad sensory issues with bugs, and a massive pride of my clean living space so the mortification of having bed bugs alone would have wrecked me, not to mentioned the feeling of the need to get rid of every bit of fabric I own. I’m so SO SO SO grateful that it wasn’t bed bugs!!!)
friday: mold will be fixed on monday
future days: walmart will release hold on $160 from fraudulent purchases and bank will refund $16 for an internet purchase in December that never shipped and the website refused to resolve
bless bless bless bless thank you universe thank you thank you
#lemme tell u a secret abt the mold#it's been there for a loooooong time#i have tried and tried to clean it away without damaging the paint#i did end up damaging the paint and not clearing the mold#i live in an apartment and theres a whole mold addendum in the lease that made me feel like if we reported it after having tried to clean it#that we would be evicted immediately#i am a highly anxious person so this was my worst-case brain in panic mode#i just ..... couldn't deal with it .... so i didn't#and instead i lived with CONSTANT anxiety like doing errands and thinking about mold#going to work and thinking about mold#and i do understand the health risks too#i've altered my hygiene habits because of this#shower a lot less and clean up other ways instead#haven't had a bath in sooooooooooooooooooooooo long and i LOVE baths#shower with the door open as possible to let as much steam out as possible which is VERY HARD FOR ME because#i get cold like cold shock response cold at the drop of my hat because of my shitty thyroid#this mold has been a constant dark shadow hanging over my head for so fucking long because#i was so scared we were just going to get evicted right away because of the mold growth and paint damage#but recently they did apartment inspections and somehow just missed our unit and then we went on vacation for a week#so when we got back from vacation we sent in a work order like heeeeyyyyyyy we've been gone for a week and came back and now there's mold...#idk it was just inspected last month how could this have happened#and they called and were like hey we looked at it and we're going to fix it we just cant get to it until monday because#someone's water heater fucked up and we have to fix that first so sorry it would have been today but is monday okay?#i don't care that we have to wait until monday i don't even care if we do have to pay for the paint damage in the long run this is#this is so many hours and days of worry and stress slowly fading away#do you know there were times last year when i thought#the only thing wrong in my life right now is that mold that is my only issue right now#and it's a GREAT EXAMPLE of the Broken Window story because I could have saved myself all that trouble and guilt and stress and worry just#by dealing with it right away or any time within the past however long its been#we're not getting evicted idk we may get a bill or something but we're not having to find a new apartment at the drop of a hat right now
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remlionheart · 7 months
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“You came.”
“You called.”
✧˚ · .MDNI 18+✧˚ · .
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ WHEWWWW. I had no idea when I first started writing this just how much it was going to suck me in. Sweet/toxic!Megumi had my brain doing fuckin' wheelies. All characters are aged up. 21+. Fem!reader x Megumi. AU where Megumi was raised by Toji and is navigating adulthood while still carrying around those old parental wounds. Hurt comfort / angst / smut. porn with a plot. praise kink girlies, this is for you. 3.6k words. super proud of this, lemme know whatcha think. luv you <3 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
It’d been 4 months since the last time Megumi had seen you.
He’d woken up in what used to be your apartment with the taste of liquor from the night before still lingering on his tongue and unwanted snippets of your latest fight still ringing in his ears. He rolled over to see you curled up on your side, as far away from him as you could possibly get while still sharing the same bed. He ran a hand over his face, regret and nausea churning in his stomach while more flashbacks of the argument that had caused the divide between you smashed through his mind.
His footsteps were heavy as he made his way into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He turned the water up as hot as it would go before stripping out of his boxers. He wanted to sweat out the guilt he felt. Wanted to burn away the insults you’d both thrown at each other. Wanted to focus on anything else besides the way he’d made you cry.
He winced when the water made contact with his skin. It was scalding, fanning across his back with vengeance. But it was vengeance that he felt he deserved.
“Why?” His eyes closed, remembering how hard you were trying to keep yourself together despite the obvious pain that was plaguing your small body. The way your lip had quivered and the way your arms had protectively wrapped around your stomach when you looked up at him. “Why can’t you ever just tell me what’s going on with you?”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to.
God, he wanted to. To open up. To tell you all of the fucked-up things that went on in his head. To voice his insecurities so that maybe they’d finally stop repeating on the same never-ending loop that they had been stuck on his whole life. To tell you that he didn’t think he was enough. To tell you that he was scared to lose you. That it was something he thought about nearly every day.
But it wasn’t that easy. He was only capable of doing what he knew, and he had absolutely no fucking idea how to deal with his own vulnerability. Let alone express it in a way that wasn't damaging to both of you.
Being raised by Toji had been like taking a master class in emotional avoidance and Megumi was very much his father’s prodigy.
He knew how to argue. He knew how to deflect. He knew how to win a fight. He knew how to manipulate a conversation so that he never had to say more than he wanted to. And he didn’t just know how to do these things, he excelled at them.
It was why he had always been so reserved. It was why he’d beat up all those kids in middle school just for looking at him. It was why at 21, rather than saying “I’m sorry” to resolve an ongoing issue with his girlfriend, he’d opted for, “Then fucking leave" instead.
He stepped out of the shower with red welts decorating his back and sweat dripping down his face. He wiped the steam away from the mirror to reveal blood-shot eyes as he wrapped a towel around his waist. His midnight hair was unusually straight and flat, pressed loosely against his forehead.
He let out an exhale, trading in his introspection for detachment when he heard the bathroom door open.
You observed him quietly, noting his reddened skin and his apparent discomfort at seeing you.
Your head tilted slightly, looking over his clenched jaw and the way his shoulders never truly relaxed. It hurt to see him and it hurt even worse to not see him, but as he stared back at you through hooded eyes, you realized that you had wasted so much time searching for softness in a place you’d never find it.
Megumi Fushiguro was beautifully broken. An intricate stained-glass mural that had been shattered by undeserving hands. Mesmerizing to look at but much too rigid to touch. And though he shined perfectly in the right lighting, your mangled fingertips were begging you to finally put the pieces down.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“It’s nothing...” You shook your head, taking in his sharp edges for what you assumed would be the last time. “You just look like him… that’s all.”
His chest tightened, a rare, visible crack forming in his usual cold demeanor as he stared back at you. He’d been able to avoid everything he didn’t want to deal with in life, everything – until he met you.
A pint of whiskey loomed back at him from his nightstand as he ran a hand through his spiked hair, lethargically watching the ceiling fan spin above him.
His vision was hazy, his body tired from training all day. He wanted to sleep. Wanted to close his eyes and drift off for a few hours, but he knew his mind wasn’t going to grant him that mercy.
So, he drank.
Light rain tapped against his window as he held the bottle to his lips, letting a comforting burn travel down his throat while he pulled his phone out from under his pillow.
You had become a ghost in his life after that morning. A memory that he kept buried so far down, he’d almost partially convinced himself that you were actually gone. You were a late-night whisper that he’d ignore. A song on the radio that he’d immediately turn off. A stabbing, fleeting thought he’d learned to block out on his way home from work.
He had given up going to his favorite restaurants and shops in fear that you might be there. He had cut all ties with Nobara since you guys were so close, not wanting to hear anything about you. He had isolated himself to work and his apartment, not allowing himself the chance to accidentally bump into you.
He’d taken so many precautions. Did everything he possibly could to not see you. And yet, he was gradually starting to realize that maybe it’d all been in vain. That even with how much his life had changed, he was still somehow doing the exact same thing he’d done when he was with you.
After all this time, he was still running.
With one last swig, he finished off his pint and grabbed his phone again, not allotting himself enough time to backpedal.
Dialing your number was like muscle memory even with how long it'd been since he'd done it. He wasn't sure what he was going to say if you answered. He definitely wasn't sure what he was going to say tomorrow if you didn't answer. All he knew was that he was finally done avoiding you.
“Megumi…?” your voice was warm, familiar, static against his ear.
“You’re up late.”
There was a pause followed by a reluctant, “Yeah… so are you.”
He mentally kicked himself as an unsure silence settled between the two of you. He had so many things he needed to say but quickly realized that he couldn’t say any of them now that he was here.
His feelings were heavy and important and way too repressed to be spilled out over a late-night phone call. “I know it’s raining, and whatever but…” He cleared his throat. “Are you busy…?”
“Right now?” He couldn’t help but smirk at your snarky, half-hearted laugh. “I mean, it’s 1:30 in the morning. So, no. Not really.”
“Good. Come over.”
“Wait a minute, you can’t just –”
But he already had.
He ended the call, abruptly cutting off your flimsy attempt at protesting him before sending you a text with his address and standing up to dig a black t-shirt out of his closet.
His apartment was damn near spotless aside from some empty whiskey bottles littering his nightstand, but he still made compulsive laps back and forth from his bedroom to his kitchen as he threw them away and cracked a couple of windows open to let some fresh air in. It was an odd feeling, knowing that you were going to be standing in the one place that didn’t remind him of you.
He checked his phone while heading into the bathroom. You hadn't said anything, but he knew you well enough to know that you were probably only minutes away by now.
He ran contemplative fingers through his hair, making sure each spike was pointed and curled up to his satisfaction. He hated to admit it, but your words had been haunting his reflection since the morning they left your mouth. He had become painfully aware of how much his eyes, his mannerisms, his facial structure all resembled the man he didn't want to become.
His past may have already been accounted for but as he heard the knock at his front door, he finally began to see something different in the mirror that once taunted him. He watched his stare soften and his shoulders loosen. He noted how much tension his body had let go of at just the thought of you. He was about to let his guard down in the biggest way possible and instead of having a visceral reaction, he felt ready.
With one last glance at himself, he let out a decisive breath and headed down the hall. The future was in his hands and even if he did have his father's features, he knew his grasp was much steadier.
You were in an oversized grey hoodie with your hair thrown into a loose side-bun, your shorts just barely visible and your skin damp from the rain.
Neither one of you said anything, both too busy studying the person in front of you to bother with words. Your eyes trailed over him with warranted skepticism, an internal battle between logic and emotion arising the longer you looked at him.
He could see it; he could feel it - the way you wanted to trust him but couldn't.
"You came." he finally said, his voice gentler than you remembered it being.
You shrugged, almost embarrassed by your own honesty.
"You called."
The two of you exchanged the same somber smile before he nodded for you to follow him.
The smell of his cologne mixed with spring air swirled around you as you walked into his room. His walls were covered in art - framed line work, oil paintings, black and grey portraits. Everything was strategically placed and organized. His bed made neatly with white sheets and a black duvet. It was all very him.
He leaned against the wall in front of you as you took a seat on the edge of his mattress.
“How’ve you been?”
It should've been an easy question and under different circumstances, it probably would've been.
But it was late and you were on his bed and he looked beautiful and you wished he didn't and the weight of the situation was suddenly hitting you all at once.
“I've been alright.” You lied, repositioning yourself. "Just busy with classes and stuff. What about you...?"
He watched the way your fingers fidgeted with the hem of your shorts. The way you shifted your weight as you dangled one leg off of the bed and held the other against your chest.
You paused, your gaze reluctantly returning to his. “Quit what?”
“Being nervous.” He pushed himself away from the wall and sat down next to you, heeding his own advice. “I just have some stuff I need to say, that's all."
You gave him a slow nod, letting go of the loose piece of thread.
His legs were spread slightly, his elbows resting on his thighs and his chin in his hands as he looked over at you. "You were right."
He had officially gained your attention with that one simple admission.
"I do need to open up more, it's just -" He took a breath, determination flickering through his eyes. "It's just fucking hard, you know? But that's not an excuse. I'm sorry. Truly. I'm sorry for everything I did to you while we were together. I should've said it the last time I saw you. I should've said it months before that. I should've just said it at least a hundred times. But I didn't, so I'm saying it now." His hand was warm as he carefully reached for yours. "I shouldn't have shut you out like I did. You're... the one person I never wanted to push away... I love you."
It felt as though all of the oxygen had been stripped from the room, your heart forgetting how to beat while you looked back at him in awe. Your thoughts were everywhere. The war of logic versus emotion still violently raging on.
His fingers laced into yours and you let them. His grasp felt safe and secure. His eyes were full of a sense of patience and vulnerability that you didn't think you'd ever seen before.
"Don't let him do this to you again." Nobara had warned you on your drive over here. "He might care about you. Hell, he might even really love you, but he doesn't know how and you can't keep making that your problem over and over again. It's not fair."
"Look..." Your breathing was uneven, your voice giving away your internal struggle no matter how hard you tried to conceal it. "I forgive you, but we... can't. I mean, we can't just keep doing this over and over. It's... not fair." It had held so much more conviction when it came from your best friend, but it was the best you could manage.
His hand disappeared from yours, wandering up to your cheek to catch tears that you didn't even realize had fallen. "Okay..." he conceded.
His tone was despondent, but his touch was soft. Light fingertips glided along your jawline, his face only centimeters apart from yours. "Then we won't."
"We won't." You repeated back to him, trying desperately to ignore the way his exhale fanned felicitously across your lips.
"Because..." You swallowed hard, watching his gaze drift carefully across your face. "We shouldn't."
He shook his head in agreement. "Absolutely shouldn't." He whispered, his hand trailing up to the back of your neck.
"And..." Emotion was putting up the fight of its life, your pupils widening as you stared back at him. "I deserve better."
"So much better." he echoed, leaning in closer, his mouth just barely grazing yours. "You deserve the fucking world."
Your body was betraying every bit of your sentiment, your breath hitching in your throat while his fingers tangled into your hair. "Megumi... you can't..."
"I'm not." his voice was like honey, his lips still ghosting yours. "All you have to do is pull away." His other hand began to slide delicately up your thigh, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything else. "Pull away and I'll walk you back to your car. We'll act like none of this ever happened."
"Megumi, please." It was a whimper. A pathetic plea that held no real merit. You weren't sure if you were begging for him to touch you or not touch you.
"I won't call you again. Won't see you again." His nails began to dig into the tenderness your inner thigh, his eyes still locked fiercely with yours. "I'll leave you alone for good this time... That's what you want, right?"
Wetness seeped between your legs as he kept on toying with the opening of your shorts. The warmth of his hand so infuriatingly close to where you wanted it and where it shouldn't be. Your already weak resolve was crumbling.
"Tell me to stop."
His forehead pressed against yours, opposite hand still holding your neck in place. "Tell me." He tried again, but all of your words had been stolen by the feeling of his palm roaming up towards your center.
With only a thin layer of fabric separating his fingers from you, he slowly began to spread you apart. If he hadn't been able to see your desperation before, he could certainly feel it now.
He watched every last bit of composure you had vanish as he started to draw soft, heavenly circles around your clit. Drowning in the little yelps and whines that you were trying so hard to bite back.
"Tell me to fucking stop."
There was suddenly no logic left in your brain. No one in control. No way to fight the way he was making you feel. You were a needy, pining mess and your body was practically groveling for him.
You finally let your lips catch his, shamelessly moaning against him while his grip tightened in your hair. "Don't -" You let out between heady breaths. "Don't stop. Please don't ever stop."
You were lost somewhere between his feral ocean eyes and the way his tongue swirled around yours.
He pulled the fabric to the side, plunging two unexpected fingers inside of you, smirking at the surprised squeal it'd gained him.
"Oh, that's my girl." He groaned, watching your eyes double in size.
Your walls were swallowing him, clenching around him shamelessly while more uncontrollable noises filled the room.
His thumb brushed against your clit, rubbing back and forth with precision as his fingers continued to slam into you. The three of them working together in perfect synchronicity. "There you go, that’s it.”
It had been so long. You knew it wouldn't take much, but you still felt pathetic when you realized you were already there. "Megumi- 'm -"
It almost caught both of you off guard how little it took. Your eyes snapped shut, your bottom lip lodged between your teeth as you soaked him. Your hips were thrusting, your pussy unapologetically dripping all over his hand while you mewled and writhed against him.
"Poor thing. Has it really been that long?"
It was somehow sweet, the way he mocked you.
His movements became more urgent, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to your feet so that he could help you out of your clothes. Your hoodie went first, your nipples hardening as you stood in front of him.
"So fucking pretty." He praised, still sitting on the edge of the bed. His hands were warm against your waist, tugging off your shorts and underwear in one swift motion, admiring the shiny slick glistening off of your cunt.
He took a moment to look you over, quietly memorizing every inch before his own pants were tossed aside.
Your legs straddled him as he guided you on top of him, his hands placed firmly on your hips. You drew in a shallow breath, watching him rub his tip against you, wetting himself with your cum before lining his cock up with your entrance.
You slowly lowered yourself onto him, basking in that familiar, heavenly stretch he always provided you with.
You weren’t sure which one of you had said it, too drunk off of the way he filled you to care.
His hands were still guiding you. Uppp and dowwwnnn, not quite letting you take the full thing just yet but still giving you plenty to keep you satisfied.
You watched his reaction to the way you rode him, smiled when you noticed his eyes starting to roll back. You were grinding against him, drawing out the prettiest sounds from him with your hands clasped behind his neck.
“You’re s’fucking…” he grunted, his words suddenly harder to get out. “tight… Jesus Christ, baby. You really didn’t fuck anyone else for 4 months, did you?”
It wasn’t like you had been trying to hide it, but it was still irritating that your body sold you out before you even had the chance to have that conversation with him.
You shook your head sheepishly, a faint warmth decorating your cheeks. “Didn’t -” he was pulling you down further this time, purposefully going deeper as he watched you struggle to form a proper setence. “Didn’t - want… t- to…”
“Didn’t want anyone else inside of you, huh?” His tone was breathy, condescending almost as he continued to maneuver you to his liking. “Didn’t want anyone else to fill up this tight fucking cunt besides me, is that it baby?”
You shook your head again, this time a bit more feverishly while he continued to force your weight down onto him. Your ass now smacking against his thighs with each pump into you.
“I -” you moaned, unable to hold it together the further down you went. “I just want you. O - only you.”
He kissed you, his tongue gently parting your lips as he slowly eased you down onto his length. “I love you.” He whispered.
You tried to say it back but it was lost entirely by the way he thrusted upward without warning and slammed every last blissful inch of himself into you.
Your eyebrows knitted together, your mouth dropping open at the feeling of his tip hitting your cervix. You were a dizzy, pouty, leaky mess, looking at him with stars in your eyes as he smirked back at you. "You’re okay, baby. You can take it.”
He had you tilted at just the right angle, lined up beautifully with your g-spot. You were taking in all you could, hips hungrily rocking back and forth against him.
"You're doing so good. Just like that."
You were practically delirious, already teetering on the verge of climax when his thumb found your clit again, creating more featherlight circles and more delicious, hopeless yelps from you.
"Megumi," his name practically echoed across the room, your walls starting to smother him. "I - fuck, baby ‘m -" You tried to bury your face into his shoulder, but he wouldn't let you. His free hand was quickly under your chin, forcing your attention back on him.
"Look at me." his voice was low but thoughtful, his fingers still working relentlessly against you. "Let me fucking see it."
It was enough to break you. To have you suddenly spasming around him as you soaked him. He didn’t stop though no matter how much you squirmed against him. No matter how incredibly loud your cries became. He continued to stretch you, bullying himself into you while still teasing your clit until you were both absolutely shaking.
His lips crashed into yours, hand tangled back into your hair when you felt him start to twitch inside you, filling you up as he groaned against your mouth.
“I love you.” You whispered this time, earning an exhausted smile from him.
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, admiring the mess he’d made out of you before kissing you again, lavishly this time as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
It was all so natural, so right. As if no time had passed at all between you two. And maybe you were biased because of where you were currently sitting, but his once rough edges looked pretty smooth from this angle.
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fluffylino · 10 months
you never liked arguments
-very fluffy, pure fluffiness
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water ran down your body. you didn't like this feeling that you felt. nothing made sense anymore. your mind was a mess.
you despised it so much because of how your parents were.
unecessary. things could be cleared quietly without shouting and getting angry with eachother. it reminded you of your father. his harsh words. the shouting. the swearing. the silent treatment.
although what hyunjin did was minor. he would never curse at you or call you names regardless of whether he was annoyed.
what happened today was a mistake. it had escalated to the point that hyunjin was ignoring you. at this point you couldn't even blame him. maybe you were being emotional. but it did bring back bad memories of arguments.
you hadn't even realised your breath had got stuck in your throat. tears blurred your vision. your head felt light as the water became hotter. steam filling up the bathroom.
"baby!" hyunjin yelled, kicking the door open. you hadn't even heard him. his hand tugged you out, before you could even comprehend anything.
"thank god you left the door unlocked. i was searching for you"
he pulled you flush against him. you couldn't hold your tears in anymore.
"I don't like this, i hate it" you sobbed out, shaking against hyunjin's body that was embracing you.
"i'm sorry, my angel...i'm so sorry my sweetheart" you could feel the pain in his voice. you couldn't help it. everything was triggering and you were unable to control your emotions.
"i don't want to fight. i can't...it hurts"
without caring, he pulled you out not bothering if you were naked. he sat you down on the counter near the sink. your legs dangled down, and he wasted no time to hug you. not bothering that his clothes were getting wet.
"its okay you're okay we're okay" hyunjin reassured, his arms wrapped around you. his fingers stroking your back.
"breathe baby..i'm here" he whispered, pulling his head back to wipe your tears.
"we're never arguing again" you shivered, suddenly hit with a cold draft. you wrapped your legs around his hips.
"im cold hyunnie" you muttered, voice cracking while pushing yourself against his body. he was warm and his soft shirt felt nice against your bare skin.
"lets shower together, hm" he suggested, hands steadily holding you. he rubbed your bare back soothingly. you couldn't bring myself to nod, instead opting to try and look at him.
his eyes were teary and his eyebrows furrowed with worry.
"my pretty baby, don't cry please. i'm sorry" he kissed your forehead.
"i'm so stupid. please forgive me." hyunjin softly pecked your nose.
a small gesture that made your heart hurt with how genuinely heart felt he was being. carefully he carried you, making you stand under the shower. it was perfect. you watched as he took his soaking wet shirt off and tugged his pants and everything else off. hurriedly stepping into the shower. to be as close to you as possible. his body pressed against yours in the misr intimate lovely way possible.
"my gorgeous darling" you cried harder when he cupped your face to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
"i'm sorry...i'm sorry for not talking to you. it was childish and dramatic of me to do that"
"i'm s-sorry too" you mumbled. maybe you were being a teeny weeny bit emotional.
"i'm the one whose sorry baby...you did nothing wrong"
another kiss to your face. the water was hot against your skin but his body provided you with a warmth that reached your heart.
"I love you so much, my love...please never forget that"
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fastandcarlos · 3 months
Hot Water Bottle : ̗̀➛ Daniel Ricciardo
summary: periods are never fun, but with daniel looking after you, at least they become a little more bearable
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A sigh came from you, guilt eating away at you straight away as you looked at the deep red stain that soaked into the middle of the cream sheets. With the stabbing in your stomach you had a feeling something was coming, but still you found yourself stood in surprise.
Your body cringed as the bedroom door opened, with Daniel following your eyes, he was able to join the pieces together pretty quickly.
“Y/n,” he whispered, tentatively approaching you and draping his arm across your shoulders. “Come on love, let’s sort you out.”
You allow Daniel to take a hold of your hand and lead you into the bathroom, opening up the drawer. He pulls out the pack of wipes and positions you leant against the bathtub. It doesn’t faze Daniel at all as he pulls your pyjama bottoms down so they sit around your ankles.
As much as you want to push Daniel away and not let him see you like this, the tight grip that he has on your leg leaves you with no choice but to stay. Daniel ignores your embarrassment as he gently wipes the wipe against both of your inner thighs, removing as much of the stains as he can. It shouldn’t feel as intimate as it does, but it’s Daniel’s way of showing you just how much he cares about you.
Your periods had notoriously been bad from day one, it was the week of the month when you were at your weakest. You hated losing the strength, the ability to do the things that you usually do, but worst of all you hated feeling as if you needed to rely on Daniel. Periods were never something that you never got used to, however Daniel was quickly learning how to deal with it all.
It was times like these when you felt most grateful for Daniel, how he’d reassure that it was no big deal and pretend like nothing had happened, although secretly you were sure that he was a little grossed out by what unfolded in front of him.
You couldn’t help but sigh when Daniel stood back from you. “I can take it from here,” you mumbled, too embarrassed to let Daniel take anymore care of you when you were such a mess.
The expression on his face was filled with sadness as he saw how embarrassed you were, unable to bring your eyes to meet his own. Daniel can’t help but worry, seeing you so unsteady, so flustered, kills him inside. He wants more than anything to be able to do more, to do whatever it takes for him to make sure that your period is as comfortable as possible for you.
He steps forward and rests his hand over the top of yours, “are you sure? I don’t mind helping you out if you need me,” he tells you, but your head shakes back at him. Daniel respects what you tell him, so instead he reaches back in the drawer and finds a hairband to be able to tie those loose, sweaty strands out of your face.
You hold onto Daniel’s arms as you push up from the bath, slowly walking towards the shower. “I promise that I’ll shout if I need you for anything.”
“You better,” he jokingly insisted. “Just take as long as you need, make the most of that hot water and try to relax for a little bit.”
“I’ll sort everything once I’m out,” you then tell him, leaning into the shower and turning the water on. You stay out for a moment as the water warms up, beginning to see the steam filling the room. “I’ll go crazy if I come out and find that you’ve tidied everything up Daniel.”
“I refuse to make any promises,” he smirked, pressing a kiss against your cheek, “even though I know your hormones are through the roof.”
Once the water feels hot enough, you lazily lift your foot up and place it into the cubicle. Daniel is there to steady you, offering you his hand as you make yourself comfortable before pulling the curtain across, acting as a barrier between you both.
“Stay in there and enjoy yourself, don’t worry about anything out here.”
“Daniel! I’m warning you!” You shouted, but he had already left the room.
After a few minutes you heard the door open again, peering around the curtain. You couldn’t help but smile as Daniel placed a clean set of comfy clothes for you on the floor before grabbing a clean towel and placing it just beside the exit of the shower for you to use.
“I should’ve known better, shouldn’t I?” You teased, turning off the water and pushing the curtain back, making Daniel jump in surprise.
“Sorry,” Daniel whispered, bending down and picking up the towel. He stretched his arm out, passing it across to you so that you could dry off.
You wrapped the towel around yourself, smiling appreciatively across at Daniel.
“I’m going to go and sort the bed out, I’ll meet you downstairs,” he then informed you, heading for the door.
You wanted to argue, but you were far too tired to even try and protest to Daniel anymore. “Thank you for always taking such good care of me. I’ll be as quick as I can,” you called out as he began to leave you alone to sort yourself out, getting comfy enough to get through the day.
“Don’t rush just for me, you need to take your time right now,” Daniel insisted, beginning to strip the bed, making sure to leave both doors open just in case you shouted for him.
“Daniel, honestly, I’m alright,” you laughed.
You weren’t quite sure where Daniel found the time from, but as you headed downstairs your living room was already kitted out for the two of you to relax in. You barely stepped into the room before a hand slipped into yours and led you across to your sofa filled with cushions and blankets.
Daniel pulls you down with him so that you’re resting against his chest. “Feeling better?” He asked whilst pressing a kiss to the top of your head, watching as you relaxed into him.
“I mean, it hurts, but I’ll be alright,” you replied, resting a hand against your stomach, “I wish more than anything that periods didn’t exist, it’s not fair that we have to suffer like this.”
Daniel nodded in agreement with you, offering a sympathetic smile. “I can boil the kettle and get you a hot water bottle if you want one?”
“You actually have one?” You asked in surprise, impressed by how prepared Daniel was for your period.
He proudly smiled, knowing he’d shocked you, “I got one just for you, I know how much they help.”
“You’re the best,” you complimented, staying exactly where you were. Daniel’s brows knitted together in confusion as you remained in your spot, as much as you wanted that hot water bottle, finding the strength to move your body from your comfortable position was another problem entirely.
Daniel reads you like a book, knowing exactly what you were trying to tell him. “I’m not a magician, I can’t magic it over here y/n.”
Your head nodded as you stretched up ever so slightly, close enough to kiss against Daniel’s jawline. It was the first time that morning you’d truly been able to show him just how appreciative you were for all of the things that he did for you. How he always took care of you without ever expecting anything in return for his kindness.
Reluctantly you lean back, and move your body back with you. “I guess I’ll let you go to get it, as long as you hurry back as quick as you can.”
“You’ll barely notice I’ve gone,” Daniel spoke as he heaved himself up, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you sunk back down into the sofa and tried to get comfortable again.
It felt like a lifetime waiting for Daniel, staring out of the window as you noticed that the day seemed as miserable as you did.
As promised, Daniel moved as quick as he could, soon returning with your prized possession. Your hands reach out, humming in thanks as you place the hot water bottle to the spot where you’re sorest to try and relieve some of your pain.
Your head tilts back in relief as soon as it hits the spot, finally feeling a little bit of comfort again. “This is so good,” you whispered to yourself.
“I’m glad I could help,” Daniel noted as he tucked himself back into your side, moving his hand to rest on the bottle and keep it in place for you.
You went to speak, but stopped yourself as you rested your head on Daniel’s shoulder. Your eyes began to flutter shut, which Daniel was quick to notice, brushing his free hand gently against the length of your arm.
Whilst you got some rest beside him, Daniel reached across and turned on the television. What played was secondary to him, with you as his priority, nothing else really mattered to him.
Every so often you shuffled, never quite being able to find that sweet spot for too long. Each time Daniel looked at you in panic, only to settle again once he realised that you were alright. As soon as you gave him that smile, he knew that things were all good with you again.
What never changes though is the feeling of Daniel watching over you, he’s never quite able to switch off from you. “Haven’t you got work or something today?” You asked, glancing up and meeting Daniel’s eyes.
“Yeah, but I’ve changed my mind on that.”
Your hand pressed against his chest, “you can’t just cancel work like that, practice it’s important to you.”
“And so are you,” Daniel shrugged, as if what he was saying was obvious, as if it didn’t need a discussion.
You went to argue but reminded yourself it was pointless, Daniel was stubborn, especially when it came to you and being the one to protect you when you were hurting.
You reluctantly moved your hand off of Daniel and laid back into his side. He chuckled proudly as you did so, nothing that that was you admitting defeat to him.
For the first time you find yourself sitting comfortably, much to Daniel’s delight. It was all that he wanted, for you to be alright.
After a few moments, Daniel breaks the silence between the two of you. “Can I get you anything else sweetheart?” He asks, pushing the hot water bottle a little bit further into your tummy for you to feel the full effect of it.
“Take the pain away?”
“I wish that I could do that my love,” Daniel smiled weakly in response.
It was wishful thinking, but at this point, you’d do anything to take the pain away and go back to being your usual, excitable self again. “You’ve already done more than enough for me today, I can’t remember how I ever survived a period without you there to lion after me.”
“It’s no problem, I do it because I love you,” Daniel reminded you, but you were already well aware, period or not, Daniel always went above and beyond in order to take care of you.
You’d heard it a thousand times, and yet it still made your heart skip a beat. “What did I do to get so lucky Mr Ricciardo?”
Daniel finds himself lost for words, unable to give you an answer. If anything, that was the question that he was always asking himself.
“I think I might try and get some sleep for a bit.”
“Go for it,” Daniel agreed, pushing you closer into his side. He assured you that he would still be there when you woke up, keeping an eye on you and making sure that you were alright, happy to get anything that you needed from him.
“You should try and rest, you won’t get much sleeping next to me and my cramps,” you teased.
Daniel did as you said, happy to close his eyes for a little bit too.
You weren’t quite sure how long your eyes were closed for, but when you woke up you found yourself back in your bedroom. The cream sheets that met you this morning were replaced with black ones, your hot water bottle was still pressed against your tummy, although seemingly it felt like it had been refilled a couple of times. Everything felt comfortable around you, the light was dim and your duvet had been pulled up so that it was nice and snug around your frame.
After a few moments, your bedroom door slowly opened. Daniel peered round, his smile growing as he realised that you were awake. His hands carried a mug of tea that he placed on the bedside table beside you. Once he had done that, he came and laid himself down beside you, brushing your hair out of your face before pressing a kiss against your forehead and snuggling as close to you as he possibly could.
He studies you momentarily, you look a lot more relaxed than you did earlier that morning when you were greeted with your mess.
You still seemed slightly unsettled, giving Daniel no choice but to press his hand against your hot water bottle and make sure that it was still hot. He was on the ball with everything, quick reactions were needed for driving in formula one, but those reactions definitely came in handy for Daniel when he was around you too.
Once again Daniel didn’t seem to take his eyes off of you, every time your expression changed he’d panic, when your hot water bottle dropped he’d pick it straight back up. You wanted to be used it, but you just couldn’t, Daniel still somehow drove you crazy, even when you were hormonal and being hit with plenty of pain.
He knew all too well that he occupied your mind too, your smile told him everything.
“Stop staring,” you laughed, jabbing your hand against his stomach as he turned to face you.
“Are you alright?”
“My period still hurts.”
Daniel hums in acknowledgement, “do you need anything? Food? Pain relief?”
“Just you,” you mused, much to Daniel’s satisfaction. “When did I even get in here?”
“Not long ago, you were starting to get restless so I thought you’d be comfy here,” he informed you.
“You should’ve woken me,” you argued, but he was having none of it, especially when you were in pain.
“You needed the rest baby.”
You hummed as he spoke, “I still feel sleepy.”
“Go back to sleep then silly,” Daniel chuckled, pecking a kiss against the rosy tint of your cheek.
Your head shook, “I feel like all I’ve done is sleep.”
Daniel paused for a moment, noticing how tired you still looked. “If it’s what you need, then it’s okay to close your eyes.”
“Will you stay here with me?”
He chuckled at the hope in your voice, “if it helps you, then of course I will.”
You nod proudly in reply, “a cuddle from you would make any situation better.”
“I’m supposed to be making you feel better, not the other way round,” Daniel joked back at you.
“You are making me feel better,” you insisted, wriggling your aching frame closer to his chest.
Daniel’s hand came up to run through your hair, “and you’re absolutely sure that I can’t do anymore?”
There was a moment before your reply as a quick yawn escaped from you. “I promise that I’m all good, unless you can take my period away completely.”
“I wish,” Daniel sniggered, moving his other hand to wrap around you and keep you as tight to him as possible.
Silence came into the room as the two of you settled. It took you a moment to find that position that felt comfortable enough to close your eyes, and Daniel waited patiently for you to do so, moving with your body and giving you as much attention and understanding as he could.
“Sleep well beautiful.”
“Daniel,” you whispered as you heard his faint voice, “I love you, you know that, don’t you?”
Daniel nodded against the top of your head, “I do baby, just as much as I love you.”
You immediately shook your head, “no, I’m sure that I love you a little bit more.”
“No way,” Daniel chuckled, knowing exactly where things were going. “Let’s agree to disagree.”
You tapped against his chest, “are you telling a hormonal woman that she’s in the wrong?”
Daniel pondered for a moment as he realised what you were hinting at, “no…I would never do that.”
“Good, because I love you the most,” you smirked, settling back down again. “Sleep well Daniel.”
“And you, my love.”
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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reidmania · 2 months
hi! i’d love a spencer bath/shower comfort fic
pebble proposal | Spencer reid
summary; when sick and sore, Spencer is there to wash away all your pain.
warnings; bathing together, not in a sexual way, talks of proposals but at the very end; mentions being sick, no specific gender mentioned but he does wash your hair and it kinda references longer hair.?? This is just a really really comforting fic tbh its all sweet and fluffy
an/ There wasn’t much detail in this request so i hope i did it justice, but if not feel free to let me know and request again in more detail of what you want so i can get it as close to perfect for you as possible!!
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your body ached as you walked up the stairs of your apartment complex, you could feel your muscles tightening with every painful step you took. You felt like your knees were going to give out on you any moment.
Your hands fumbled with your keys, trying to find the one to your apartment as you approached the door. You felt your head throb as the jingle of the keys clashing together ran through your ears.
Work sucked — there was no better way to put it. Everything was going wrong, papers were put in the wrong spot, things were going missing, you found yourself running around all day trying to fix things and clean up after your coworkers — all while sick.
You knew you were getting sick as much as you tried to ignore it, you were coughing and blowing your nose every five minutes — the headache that didn’t go away no matter how many pain meds you took wasn’t helpful either.
All you wanted to do was curl up in one of Spencer’s hoodies and lay in bed for the entirety of the weekend
The minute the door closed behind you as you stepped into the apartment, your back was pressed against it. Your eyes closed tightly as a heavy sigh left your mouth, melting into the warmth of your home.
“Angel?” Your eyes snapped open to see Spencer staring at you, concern lacing his features. Your lips parted slightly — you didn’t know he would be home, as far as you were concerned he was supposed to be away on a case for the next few days.
“Hi” You murmured tiredly as you dropped your bag to the floor. You wanted nothing more than to walk over and bury yourself in his grasp — but even just the idea of walking just a couple of steps made the ache more.
He opened his mouth to talk before he was cut off by you bursting into a coughing fit, instantly bringing your arms up to cough into the elbow. He frowned.
“Are you sick honey?” He asked, taking a few steps towards you once your coughing relaxed. You sighed again, nodding.
“Why are you home” You asked as he wrapped his arms around your body, you instantly sunk into his embrace, his hand slipping under your shirt to rub your back gently. “Easy case, we got done early” He said softly.
“Im gonna get you sick” You muttered into his shirt, making him hum. You knew about his hypersensitivity to germs. He didn’t say anything or pull away from you, he stayed right in place, holding you comfortably against him.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, you shook your head. The idea of eating right now made you feel nauseous. “I don’t t think I can move” You said. Everything about your tone showed how exhausted you were — not just physically.
“Sore baby?” He cooed slightly, pulling away from the hug to get a look at your face. You nodded as a frown adorned your lips.
“How about I run you a nice warm bath yeah? The steam will help you feel better and the hot water will help your muscles relax” He said, hand falling out of your shirt, making you instantly miss the warmth it provided.
You agreed, letting him wrap his arms around your waist to pick you up — normally you would argue and tell him to put you down, but you couldn’t fine the energy to, one ; argue. Two; walk if he wasn’t carrying you.
He placed you on the bathroom counter, letting you press your back against the wall as he ran the bath, he ran his hand under the water checking the temperature before adjusting it slightly and letting it run.
He lit a few candles, each a basic simple scent that was easy on the senses, as well as setting up the diffuser, you watched him grab the peppermint drops, making you shake your head. “I dont want peppermint” You muttered.
“Yeah? Peppermint helps reducing coughs and throat infections so it might help you feel better” He said softly, not really pressuring you to use it — moreso encouraging you with factual information.
“What does lavender do?” You asked. He chuckled, grabbing the lavender essentials oil out. “Well, lavender could also be good. It helps relieve stress and fatigue, can help with headaches, eucalyptus is good too” He said softly, hand placed on your knee.
“We don’t have eucalyptus” You murmured, he nodded, “We don’t” He confirmed, looking over the essential oils the two of you had. you remembered you had used it all when Spencer was last sick, he was picky about which essential oils he wanted.
“Lavender or peppermint?” He asked, now knowing the information of what each did, you half smiled. “Lavender” Your answer didn’t change.
He chuckled as he continued setting up the bath after dropping the oils into the diffuser. After that while waiting for the bath to finish filling up — Spencer stood between your legs, arms wrapped around your waist, just hugging you.
It was nice.
You were half asleep when he turned off the tap, helping you down from the counter and helping you undress — you instantly sighed as you felt the warm water over your body.
You could see the steam from the condensation it left on the bathroom mirror. Spencer didn’t leave the bathroom as his hands rested softly on your shoulders as you sat up in the bath.
“That okay?” He asked, you did nothing more than nod, letting the warm water rush away the tightness in your body as you let out a soft sigh of content.
“Can you come in with me?” You asked, lifting your head to look up at him, he was standing behind you. His eyebrows clocked softly before he nodded — how could he say no.
He undressed himself before sinking in the bath behind you, his legs on either side of you as you rested between his legs — he was glad the apartment had a large bath.
Your back was resting against his chest as your head fell onto his shoulder, closing your eyes. He smiled softly to himself as he lifted his arm behind him to grab the body wash and your loofah.
You hardly noticed what he was doing as you laid, just appreciating the comfort of his body against yours and the warm water until you felt the slight cold pressed against your shoulders as he began running the loofah over your skin.
His pressure was so gently as he began washing your body, “Sit up a bit angel” He muttered quietly, you did so without question. Letting his hand gently lead the loofah over your back, arms and shoulders before it wrapped around your body gently, rubbing over your collarbones gently, then over your chest with nothing but sweetness in his touch.
“I missed you” You said quietly.
He smiled — you couldn’t see it but you could hear it in his tone. “I missed you too, so much” He said. He grabbed the small plastic cup the two of you kept on the side of the bath, filling it with water before gently pouring it over your shoulders and back — washing away the soap.
Once the soap had been washed away. His hands reached out for the shampoo. “Spence?” You said softly, making him turn his head to find you looking at him with tired eyes, making his head ache in his chest — wanting nothing more than to take away all the bad in your life and keep it for himself, he would be fine with it all as long as he had you.
“Yeah angel?” He said softly, squeezing shampoo into his hands gently, before making a ‘come here’ motive with his finger, which you obliged to, turning your head back around as you shuffled backwards slightly closer to him.
“Can you talk” You asked.
He hummed, “About what baby?“ He asked as his hands began massaging the shampoo into your scalp gently. you shrugged as your head subconsciously leaned back into his touch. “Anything— I just wanna listen to you talk.” You said.
He smiled fondly, he continued massaging the shampoo into your hair. “When an adelie and gentoo male penguin falls in love with a female” He started softly, grabbing the cup filling it with water as he tapped the top of your head softly, encouraging you to lean your head back, which you did.
“He will search the entire land to find the smoothest rock he possible can” He tipped the water gently over your hair, hand pressed against your forehead lightly to stop water from getting into your eyes.
He refilled the cup and poured it over the ends of your hair — making sure the shampoo was completely washed out. “And he will give it to her as a proposal. Its called a pebble proposal” He said softly.
“Really?” You cooed softly.
“Really” He nodded, His hand left your hair briefly as he filled it with conditioner, before working it through your scalp and ends of your hair. “and If the female approves of the rock, they will began their pebble collection — which they call a pebble mound, in preparation for their eggs” He said.
He washed out the conditioner from your hair softly, before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you gently to his chest. “Well If you ever propose, i expect a perfectly smooth pebble” You joked softly, your eyes closing as your head returned to its original place on his shoulder.
He chuckled as he turned his head pressing a soft kiss to the side of yours. “When I propose”
You hummed in confusion, “Hm?”
“You said If i propose, as if theres a chance of it not happening.” He said gently into your ear, “When I propose; you will get a perfectly smooth pebble and a perfect ring.” He muttered, finger tip drawing lines up and down your stomach gently, sending light ripples through the water.
You smiled. “Okay, When you propose”
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anticanonsposts · 3 months
I have an idea and it's kind of silly but I'll ask anyway because I love your writing
But you could do a Konig domestic where he passes out for some reason (not a battle wound or anything) and reader take care of him and then he's SO clingy afterwards
Tks 🤍
omg tysm!!! also i appreciate the requests so please keep making them!!! (i live off of the validation i get on here)
also i have some more stuff in the drafts that i wanna write, and i love the trend thats been going around about nerd!konig and i rly want to contribute so stay tuned!!!
cw: none
König had such a big day. His girlfriend y/n had been working tirelessly for the past couple weeks at her new job. She was definitely more stressed out than normal and König felt so bad. So he decided to run multiple errands that day (Friday) before she got home for the weekend. First he went grocery shopping, a smaller store and Costco to get some essentials. Then he came home and cleaned their apartment from top to bottom, because he knew it wasn’t her favorite and it would be so nice for her to come home after a long week. When he was at the store he also made sure to pick up her favorite snacks, drinks, and ingredients for dinner. By the time he was all done he fell onto the couch exhausted. Flicking his wrist up he saw that it was 4:30 which meant that in a couple hours y/n would be home. He felt pretty satisfied with himself, but also very tired. As he was thinking about getting up to shower and wait for her to get home, the grips of sleep clasped over his eyes and he fell asleep :/.
Some time later, y/n opens the front door to her and König’s shared apartment and walks in, ready to just relax this weekend. Immediately she notices how clean everything is. After putting her bag down she goes over to the refrigerator, knowing there wouldn't be much in it since they needed to go grocery shopping. To her lovely surprise whens he swung open the door she saw all of her favorites. This makes her connect the dots in her mind, König must have done all of this while she was at work today, how sweet. 
“He’ll be getting something nice later” she mutters to herself, smiling as she walks away toward the bedroom. But she quickly stops when she looks over to see Konig, absolutely passed out on the couch. 
Carefully pitter pattering over to him, she pauses and lovingly gazes down at him. His mouth slightly agape, a small snore coming from him. Although he looks precious sleeping on the couch, she knew that if he stayed like that, he would wake up with the worst back pain ever. So gently she started to sit him up, and led him half asleep to their bedroom. König would have absolutely no recollection of this when he woke up, thinking he had either moved himself to the bed or that he had fallen asleep on the bed by accident. 
Once in bed, y/n gently arranged pillows and squishmallows (shameless self insert <3) around König’s body to make him as cozy as possible. Once satisfied she started to strip so that she could go shower. 
About ten minutes later, König gently woke up to a slight steam in the room, and the smell of strawberry and rose from y/n’s soaps. He stirred more, bringing his hands to his eyes to rub them awake. Then, with a sudden jolt, he sat up, feeling panicked. 
How could he let himself fall asleep?? He was supposed to finish setting up the perfect, relaxing evening for y/n. But no, his sleepy ass just had to ‘rest his eyes’ for a second.
But before his thoughts could spiral too much, he hears the shower being turned off. So, quietly he meanders to the bathroom door, slipping off his shirt, hoping to join her in the shower. Giving the door a few soft taps so as not to spook y/n. He’s met with the door swinging open and a beaming (naked) y/n, her body freshly moisturized, hair tied up since she washed it the day before, and in the middle of her skin care routine. 
“Hey baby! I noticed everything in the kitchen, and I really appreciate it.” she says, eyes shining with nothing but love. It is returned by König’s eyes, practically with hearts in them. Nothing made him happier than doing things for her, other than being with her. 
Wordlessly, he steps closer to her, pulling her body close to him by the small of her back and shoulder. He knows from past experience to not touch her face while she is doing her skin care, (he has been reprimanded before). Bending over slightly, he presses his lips to hers taking a breath in as he does so. Pulling away, he sits himself on the closed lid of their toilet that of course has a fuzzy pink cover on it. 
Now taking a moment to scan his eyes over her body. Not quite in a hungry way, but more so admirable. Taking a few moments to appreciate every plush curve, every supple, plump part of her body. She was too perfect, she looked like a renaissance painting, something that an artist created when they were tasked with painting beauty itself. 
Broken out of his haze, y/n says, “Can I do your skincare?” 
“Yes of course.” he responds, giddy inside. Whenever she offered to use her products on him, he was always super happy. It meant that she would be looking at his face, and giving him small, gentle touches. He had never been with someone like this. His past was mostly hook ups, a couple ‘relationships’ here and there but nothing this intimate. Having someone’s gentle hands glide over your face over and over again as truly more intimate and sensual than any sex he had ever had. Now, he had no idea what products she was using on him, she could be painting his face purple for all he knew, if it weren’t for the mirror. But this was part of the trust he liked about this activity. Knowing that she was sharing her products that she spent her money on, that were clearly good enough for her beautiful skin, and she was sharing them for his scarred, damaged skin. 
Once she started putting eye cream on him, König took his large arms and wrapped them around her body, pressing his bare chest to her naked body. Minutes passed as she finished the routine, and all König could focus on were how pretty her eyes looked when she focused on something. As well as how their bodies moved opposite each other with their breaths. 
Y/n, smoothing out the last moisturizer onto her boyfriend’s face, letting each of her hands rest on either side of his face, palms pressed against his cheeks, fingertips gently clasping onto his face. His face has its share of scares, but is warmer and plumper now that he has been out of the military for a while. She appreciates everything about this man, his tenderness, his patience, and of course how obsessed with her he is. Then breaking her own rules after skin care, she starts pressing soft kisses along his cheeks and jaw, then resting her forehead against his when she was done. 
This man’s eyes welled up with tears. He loved how soft she was with him, how kindly she treated him. His mind started to wonder as he started giving her small half blinks, completely enamored with his girlfriend. 
“König?” y/n says softly, it was about the third time she called his name. Bringing him out of his stupor. “I’m gonna fix my hair really quick then we can cuddle ok?” she says raising her eye brows slightly. Earning a small nod from König, she figured he would leave and go wait for her on their bed. But instead, he slightly loosens his grip and allows her to stand up. Facing the mirror again, y/n starts to fix her hair from the various clips she used to clip up her curls for her shower. König, still in the bathroom, chose to stand right behind y/n. Completely behind her, pressing his front against her back, bracing his arms on either side of her body. 
He can be pretty clingy sometimes, but this was surprising, even for him. Nonetheless, y/n doesn’t mind and finishes with her hair before turning her body. Signaling to König that she was leaving. He holds onto her left hand as she basically leads him to the bed. Quickly breaking from his grasp, she goes to her closet and puts on one of König’s shirts, and a pair of undies before climbing onto the bed and pulling König along with her. 
He grabs the tv remote and switches it on, telling her to put on whatever she wants. Then he settles himself in between her legs, now that she’s lying on her back. And nuzzles his face into her chest, wrapping his big ass arms around her middle and sighs contently. She reciprocates by running her fingers through his hair which just brings him past cloud nine. 
Y/n switches on some tv show that she has been binging recently and König soon falls asleep against her chest, feeling completely at peace. 
I know this isn’t exactly what the prompt says?? I rly just wanted to write sm where König does a bunch of little things for the reader 
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dayyydr3amm3rr · 2 months
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Imagine…Almost getting caught multiple times in the dorm bathrooms…and maybe getting caught once
Warnings: sexual contact, nearly getting caught, Horny!Jordan, slight mentions of chocking, Maverick is a warning, overstimulation is stated
Things to Know: reader herself will be female, reader’s powers are not clearly stated, but they do present as a shield type power
A gasp escaped your lips as your back hit the wall, naked, cold, wet skin hitting the cold wall due to Jordan’s rough movements. You hum against their lips, her tongue forcing her way into your mouth, using her hands to keep you against the wall, ignoring the water coming down from the shower head. Her free hand wandered down your body, rubbing softly at your clit, causing you pull away from the kiss to let out a breathy moan. Now this wasn’t the first time that Jordan has snuck into the women’s showers just to fuck you after a long day.
This seemed to be a recurring them with her. The spray from the water kept you wet yet warm as she forced you against the wall, her hands everywhere. She enjoyed touching you in the showers. The thrill of it…the possibility of getting caught…but he mostly liked the echo…Fuck the echo…the sound of skin slapping…your breathy moans mingling with his grunts and groans…his, Fuck…you feel amazing, or her, God, you’re soaked!…Is this from me or the shower?. Jordan especially liked to have you pressed up against the wall…it was his favorite place to fuck you. He liked scaring you a bit…his buff build along with his invulnerability allowing him to plow into you while having your legs hooked over his arms, his stance steady. Didn’t mean you didn’t freak out sometimes.
“J-Jordan…fuck…You’re gonna—oh my god—drop me…!” His answering chuckle did little to quell your fear as he just brought his lips to yours, beginning to rut his hips against yours harder…ever so slightly faster…causing your toes to curl and your mouth to drop…kissing forgotten as a broken moan escaped your lips. Not to say that there wasn’t any softer moments between you two. Some days Jordan just needed to hold you…or be held by you. The warm water washing both of your days away as arms wrapped around one another, wet skin against wet skin. Sometimes the little shit would just decide to shove a few fingers into you and keep them still. Make you work for your right to orgasm.
She’d keep eye contact with you, her free hand wrapped loosely around your throat…slowly constricting the sides of your neck to watch your eyes roll back as you desperately tried to fuck her hand. With the amount of times you two have gotten down and dirty in the showers…you’d think you both knew when the best time to fuck in them would be. That was almost never the case. One time, Jordan was plowing into you, your back arched as he kept you against the wall. He always did enjoy hearing you feel good because of him…and the right grip you kept on his shoulders…his back…even though you could never mark him when he was in his male form—the two of you enjoyed being ever so slightly rougher with each other because of it.
Jordan’s hips had been snapping into yours, his head buried into your neck as he listened to every moan and gasp he pulled from you. “Fuck…you feel so fucking good…wrapped around my fucking dick…” Jordan groaned, feeling one of your hands running through his hair. The warm water rushed over the two of you…the communal shower room all steamed up and bustling with heat. Jordan, despite being engulfed in you, heard the entrance door close, inhaling that someone had come in. Now he had about…six seconds of privacy before whoever had walked in would get an eyeful of their ass and your pleasured face.
Jordan, as much as he loved hearing you moan about how good he felt…his hand covered your mouth but his hips continued to move. Your eyes shot open, your moans muffled as your eyebrows furrowed at Jordan in confusion. Jordan’s gaze focused on you as they opened their mouth. “Hey, can you fucking not, dude?” Jordan’s dick was still rearranging your guts but their voice sounded feminine…you never did get used to the fact that they could do cool shit like that. “Wha—oh! Sorry…but uh…this is the communal showers…there’s more than one shower in there…” whoever it was, she seemed slightly excited to hear it was Jordan Li’s voice coming from the showers.
Your eyes widened as you quietly tapped at Jordan who just grabbed at your hands with his free one and slammed into you, causing you to give a muffled squeak into their hand that covered your mouth as your thighs shook. Luckily, the sound of the water rushing through the shower made your noises unheard. Jordan let out a snort, you weren’t sure if it was in response to this girl or to your reaction. “And?” He questioned, his voice still sounding feminine. “You think I give a shit? Do you know the type of shit that happens in these fucking showers?” His eyes filled with mirth as he looked down at you, his hips still moving.
He looked quite smug about it too. He looked down at you as he kept you quiet as his dick continued to rearrange your insides. “Why? Are you saying that…something might happen between the two of us?” There was a smile in her voice as she spoke, daringly taking another step before Jordan’s scoff had her stopping. “Please…I have my girlfriend for that type of shit…I don’t know where the fuck your hands have been…” It always amazed you at how calm and clear Jordan sounded…even when they were balls fucking deep inside you with your cunt wrapped around him tightly like a fucking ball python.
You had tried something like that once. Sitting on Jordan’s face while answering a phone call from your mother…in hindsight that didn’t seem like such a good idea…since it ended with you orgasming over their mouth with a loud moan of their name…all for mother dearest to overhear it. You can imagine the absolute horror that had crossed your face as your mother began to yell in the phone at you and the absolute downright shitty and smug smirk had crossed Jordan’s as you hastily hung up the phone. Needless to say, your mother had called and texted you a total of 112 times that day, leaving angry and upset voicemails about you and Jordan…family dinners were still awkward to this day.
So seeing Jordan continuing to speak just fine while being buried in you caused you to get annoyed. With as much vigor and annoyance as you could—all while still moaning behind Jordan’s hand—you deliberately tightened around Jordan, causing them to jerk and let out a groan which they tried to disguise as a cough in their feminine voice. “Okay…noted…are you okay? That didn’t sound good…” this girl was still here. You met Jordan’s gaze, your eyes narrowed as their hips continued moving against yours. They rose an eyebrow at you, as if daring you to do that again. Jordan could feel a slight smirk cross your lips from under their hand as they opened their mouth to speak.
“Ye—Yeah…I’m fine…I just—fuck—might be coming down with something…” Fucking success…about time the smug shit got put in their place. “Look-! Can you just fucking go already? I’m almost done here…just—fuck—find a different shower or come back some other fucking day I don’t give a shit just—fucking shit—leave!” You could hear the desperation in Jordan’s voice…the struggle to keep their feminine voice up the more they spoke due to you tightening around them every here and there…you could the girl curse at Jordan before the entrance door slammed closed, signaling that she had left.
Your smugness was short lived as Jordan shifted you, moving their hand off of your mouth and placing both hands onto the wet wall behind you…you could feel the wall crack slightly under their grip. “You fucking brat..” that was all they said before they rendered you fucking brainless, only able to moan out snippets of their name as they rammed into you, bringing one hand up to cup the back of your head so that you didn’t hit the wall behind you. They brought you to orgasm after orgasm…not stopping even after you were shaking and actively trying to escape their hold.
They continued until your voice was raw…until you could barely make a sound…once they began to get overstimulated themself, he shifted, letting your shaking legs drop and following you to the floor, immediately stuffing her fingers into your puffy cunt. She payed no mind to your moan or your back arching away from her as she continued to scissor her fingers into you. She had simply used her free hand to keep your legs spread for her, leaning over you to place kisses on your lips, not caring that you could barely kiss back. “Gunna be a fucking brat again? Huh?…Have you learned your lesson?” She questioned, tilting her head at you. You could only arch your back and nod rapidly, tremors shaking your body as she continued to attack your pussy. “L—Learned m’…Learned my lesson…” you whimpered, thighs trembling. “Yeah?” She smirked. “Okay…I think you can give me one more though…”
They could be a fucking menace when they wanted to be. And most of the time, Jordan had zero patience. They wanted you when they wanted you. And would get huffy or pouty when they had to wait. Which is why they had ambushed you in the showers one day. Grabbing at you and placing rushed kisses down your neck. You had barely turned the water on when they pounced. Pressing you against the wall as they kissed you. “Fuck…can’t wait any longer…” she had panted, almost immediately dropping to her knees and suctioning her mouth to your clit.
You had jerked slightly, your hand immediately running through her hair, a moan being sighed through your lips. “Oh fuck…you really are needy…aren’t you..?” You panted, looking down at Jordan through half-lidded eyes. Her response was to simply hum against you, shoving her tongue into you as her nose swiped against your clit. Her action had you gasping as your hand tightened in her hair, your eyes briefly rolling back. You were quickly getting lost in each other, your noises echoing throughout the showers.
You had thrown your head back briefly before looking back down at Jordan…she was hot…on her knees for you…bringing you pleasure…the warm water from the shower wetting her skin and making it shine…surrounded by the steam…the steam which was…moving weird? No…not moving weird…moving around something…an invisible something…What the fuck…? Jordan didn’t seem to notice as she was face first into your cunt…but your eyes narrowed, breathy moans still escaping your mouth as you waited for a moment to see if your eyes were playing tricks on you…then you heard it…a muffled groan…a manly groan…one that Jordan had obviously not made as they were currently in their female form going to town on your cunt.
Her hums sounded nothing like what you had just heard…and it seemed Jordan had been too preoccupied herself to notice. Fucking Maverick…it had to be! You push against Jordan’s head causing her to grumble angrily, sucking on your clit in retaliation for trying to interrupt her girl dessert. You shudder in response, still pushing at her head. “F-Fuck…Jordan…wait a sec—Mav-Maverick—“ now that had her attention. “Fucking Maverick? Why the fuck are you saying his name while I’m going down on you?” Her glare has always been killer. But now it had no affect as you were trying to keep the creep in your eyesight, your eyes beginning to glow as you warmed up your powers.
“He’s in here! I just fucking saw him!” You explained, glancing around, looking for any steam that was moving weirdly. Jordan was immediately on alert as she stood, beginning to use her energy blasts to try and knock him off his feet. It took a blast or two before a curse was heard and a thud as Maverick fell to the floor. “Fuck! Alright! I’m sorry!” You could hear Maverick fumble and your eyes glowed again, and you held out your hand causing a bright dome to appear over where Maverick had fallen.
There was a full thud from Maverick hitting his head on the top of it. “Ow! Fuck! Hey…hey..” Jordan had taken a threatening step forwards, shifting as they did. “What the fuck, Maverick!” He snarled, stepping in front of you to hide you from Maverick’s stare. “You fucking perv!” Jordan didn’t give a shit about being naked in front of Maverick, their dick hard and throbbing at being interrupted. “…Drop the fucking shield, babe…I’ll handle him…” Needless to say, there was a few gasps and surprised yells when someone who could not be seen was tossed through the entrance doors of the girls’ communal showers.
That was a couple weeks ago. This was now. Your partner…your girlfriend using her fingers to pleasure you, stuffing two fingers into you, still using her thumb to swipe against your clit. You wrapped your arms around Jordan, holding her close as your legs shook. A moan escaping your lips. Jordan chuckled lightly in response. “Yeah, baby? That feel good?” She hummed against your lips. “Y-Yeah…yeah…feels good…” you breathed, gasping as Jordan continued to move her fingers inside of you.
Another kiss was placed on your lips as Jordan continued her motions, wanting to bring you to your orgasm. “Mmm…let’s hope we don’t get interrupted this time, hmm, baby?…I just might fucking lose it if someone else lays eyes on something that only I have the pleasure of looking at…”
TAGLIST: @baeberry-2005, @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @dayylighhtt
Author’s Note// I’M SORRY. I’M SORRY. I know I always disappear after I write an imagine and I’m so sorry! Lots of shit has been going down lately so I haven’t had a lot of time to write lately…hopefully this helps?
Ps// can you tell I was ovulating?
Pps// this one WAS requested but I can’t find the amazing person who was messaging me about this…but this one’s for you boo!
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the-writing-pigeon · 7 months
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Singing In the Shower
Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, showering, nudity, Bucky sneaking into the shower, physical touch, pet names (doll), suggestive/slightly dirty talk (if there is anything else let me know!)
A/N: This is something that I came up with, and since I am revamping some of my old stories, there will be some changes. It’s short but sweet, so I hope you like it:) Again, If you recognize some of these stories, I ask that you please do not interact as if I am the same person. I am trying to stay anonymous.
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Ever since you were a little girl, you have always loved to sing. You would make a tune or rhythm out of anything. Whistle, drum, hum and most prominently, singing. Your family loved the concerts you would put on, your little plastic microphone in hand. All of those memories come flooding in when you start to hum your favorite childhood song: A teenager in love. 
“One day I feel so happy, The next I feel so sad.” 
You continued the song and smiled when you sang the lyrics that followed. 
“Why must I be a teenager in love?” 
You tried to be as quiet as possible with knowledge that Bucky was sleeping in the room right across the hall. He had a very long mission today, and waking up to a grumpy Bucky was not on your to-do list today. 
Your lips pulled up into a smile once again as you sang the chorus. You couldn’t help being a hopeless romantic, and you were so lucky to have found Bucky. The time you met, was a silly incident on a trip to Romania. 
You thought about the first time the two of you met. It was a silly incident while you were on a trip to Romania; 
You had tripped over your own feet and spilled coffee all over the ground. When you went to get napkins, you turned around and a man had come to help you with the mess. 
You smiled brightly and said, “Oh you don’t have to help me. It’s my own clumsy self coming out.” 
The man shook his head and replied, “It’s alright miss. It’s just some coffee.” 
Let’s just say that you haven’t ordered coffee in public since then. You shook off the funny memory as you rinsed your (length, color, and texture) hair. While humming to yourself, you didn’t hear the bathroom door creak open, your boyfriend entering the steam-filled room. 
The shower curtain barely shuffled open, and you could feel the warm presence of your loving, hunky boyfriend behind you. He had taken his metal arm off before hopping in, making sure the technology didn’t get ruined. His lips pressed soft kisses along your shoulder and up your neck, his right hand resting on your soft tummy. With his skin pressed against yours, everything felt right.
“I didn’t know you could sing doll.” His voice is low and groggy, most likely just from waking up. 
The butterflies in your belly fluttered, and a smile grew on your face. “Only in the shower.” You say, leaning back in his warm embrace. He gives your forehead a gentle kiss, and the two of you sway as you continue to hum your favorite song. 
“You know, I bought this album on vinyl when it first came out, it was my mothers favorite.” Your brows raised, almost forgetting that the man you love was born much earlier than you were. 
“Wow… it must’ve been a hit if it is still popular today, hm?” You turn, looking up at Bucky, his blue eyes crinkling with joy as he smiles. 
“It was,” He pauses and cups your cheek, his thumb grazing over the soft and textured skin of your face. “But I think it sounds better when you sing it.” The burly man leans down, peppering your face with kisses until he finally presses a soft kiss to your lips. Even though you have known him for a while, and you live with him, you still get nervous around Bucky. And every kiss feels like the first; Magical. 
His gentle hand helps you scrub your body, and he helps you condition your hair, turning off the faucet once he finished. He reaches out of the shower and grabs your soft towel, wrapping it around your body with his arm just like a big hug. 
“Do you promise to sing more often, doll?” He asks, smirking as adds, “Maybe on my cock next time?” 
With a gasp and a light slap to his chest, you giggle and press a sloppy kiss to his lips. 
“In your dreams!” You say, laughing with Bucky as you both exit the shower, feeling clean and happy. 
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hysteria-things · 17 days
matt is sooo the type to look at his girlfriend and just stare like literally just check her out with no shame
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you’re patting your hair with the damp towel that you had on your head mere seconds ago when you got out of the shower, looking at yourself in the mirror to make sure you dry the wet strands as much as possible. the door is creaked open to let the steam out, but matt can still see you from the angle he sits on the bed.
he watches — or in his words, admires — you as you get ready for bed. you’re wearing one of his t-shirts that looks like a dress on you. now you’re applying some moisturizer, your last step of the night.
out of nowhere, you stop rubbing in the cream, noticing the boy in your peripheral vision. “whatcha looking at?” you say, not taking your eyes off of the mirror before continuing your skin care, a pink blush coating your cheeks.
“you.” he starts. “and how beautiful you look. damn, i can’t believe you’re mine.”
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cheynovak · 2 months
The Road to Clarity - part 1  
Summary: Y/N is a photographer, loving her job in New York. During a shoot she worked with her now boyfriend, Tom. They soon started dating. Now three years later her life takes a turn and when she flies out to Texas, she meets Jensen, a rancher with a teenage daughter Samantha. 
Warnings: slow burn, romantic, nothing to explicit -> yet
English is not my first language  
Words:  3730 
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
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Y/N had always loved the way her camera captured life. In a city like New York, where everything moved at a breakneck pace, photography was her way of freezing time, of holding onto the moments that mattered. Her days were filled with shoots, editing sessions, and gallery meetings, but her nights belonged to Tom. 
She met Tom on a crisp autumn afternoon. He was the model for a high-profile fashion shoot, and the moment she saw him, something clicked. His chiseled features, confident demeanor, and the way he carried himself—it all drew her in. What started as professional banter quickly turned into late-night conversations, shared dinners, and eventually, love. 
They had been inseparable for the past three years. Y/N often marveled at how lucky she was to have found someone like Tom. They complemented each other in every way—her quiet introspection balanced his outgoing charm, her artistic vision complemented his natural talent in front of the camera. When he proposed under the soft glow of the Brooklyn Bridge, she said yes without hesitation. 
But love, Y/N was beginning to realize, could be as fleeting as the moments she captured on film. 
It started with little things—a text message he quickly hid, unexplained absences, and a change in his behavior that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Y/N tried to ignore it at first, brushing away her unease as paranoia. But the doubts gnawed at her, growing larger and more insistent with each passing day. 
One evening, while Tom was in the shower, Y/N's curiosity got the better of her. She hesitated for a moment, heart pounding in her chest, before unlocking his phone. She wasn’t prepared for what she found. Dozens of messages, photos, and late-night plans with someone else. Her worst fears confirmed, she felt her world collapse in on itself. 
Tom emerged from the bathroom, steam billowing out behind him, and saw the look on her face. There was no need for words—he knew she had found out. 
"Y/N, I can explain," he started, but she cut him off. 
"Don’t," she whispered, tears brimming in her eyes. "Just… don’t." 
The apartment that had once felt so warm and safe now felt suffocating. She needed to escape, to put as much distance between herself and this betrayal as possible. Without a word, she grabbed her suitcase, threw in whatever she could find, and walked out the door, leaving Tom standing there, drenched in the silence of his own making. 
At the airport, she stared blankly at the departure board. She had no plan, no destination in mind—just the overwhelming urge to be anywhere but here. Texas. It was the first place that caught her eye. A place far from the towering skyscrapers and the painful memories they held. She bought the next ticket out and boarded the plane, leaving behind the city that had given her so much, yet taken away even more. 
As the plane lifted off, Y/N stared out the window at the sprawling city below, the lights glittering like a thousand broken promises. She let the tears fall freely now, each one a testament to the love she thought she had, the life she thought she was building. 
Texas greeted her with open skies and a warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold she felt inside. She rented a small cabin on the outskirts of a quiet town, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The days passed slowly, the rhythm of the rural life a stark contrast to the frenetic pace she was used to. She spent her mornings walking along dusty trails, camera in hand, capturing the beauty of a world that seemed so far removed from her own. 
One day, as she was photographing a field of wildflowers behind her rented cabin, swaying gently in the breeze, she noticed a young couple lounging near a tree. They couldn’t have been more than sixteen, the girl with long, flowing hair and the boy with a mischievous grin. There was something so innocent, so pure about their presence. Y/N raised her camera and snapped a few shots, the soft click of the shutter almost lost in the rustling of the leaves. 
The couple noticed her, and she waved them over, smiling. They approached, curious and a little shy. 
"Hi there," Y/N greeted them warmly. "I hope you don’t mind—I couldn’t resist capturing such a sweet moment." 
The girl blushed, her eyes sparkling with young love. "No, we don’t mind at all. Can we see?" 
Y/N showed them the photos on the camera’s screen. The girl gasped in delight. "These are beautiful!" 
"You two make a lovely picture," Y/N said, feeling a pang of something bittersweet as she looked at them. They reminded her of a time when she, too, had believed in love that simple and untainted. 
"My mom has a darkroom at home," the girl said suddenly, her voice filled with pride. "She used to develop photos all the time.” Y/N’s curiosity was piqued. "A darkroom? That’s rare to find these days. Where do you live?" 
The girl pointed off toward the distance. "Not far, just a couple of miles down the road. You should come by sometime!” The boy nudged the girl gently. "We should get going, Sam. It’s getting late." 
Samantha nodded, smiling at Y/N giving her hand. "Samantha, Sam for short, It was really nice meeting you." 
"You too, I’m Y/N" She replied, watching as they walked away, hand in hand, disappearing into the twilight. As Y/N stood there, the camera hanging loosely from her neck, she couldn’t resist capturing one last image of the young couple. They walked hand in hand toward the setting sun, their silhouettes framed perfectly by the golden light. She clicked the shutter, knowing that this moment, like so many others, would be one she would keep with her. 
The following week, Y/N found herself at a quaint café in town, her laptop open in front of her. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as she sipped her drink, her focus on editing the photos she had taken over the past few days. The images of the teenage couple were among her favorites, and she found herself drawn to the warmth and innocence captured in each shot. 
As she worked, the familiar sound of a truck pulling up outside the café caught her attention. She glanced up just as the door swung open, revealing Samantha and a man who looked to be in his early forties. He had light brown hair, slightly tousled, and sharp green eyes that contrasted with his weathered face—features that suggested years of hard work under the Texas sun. 
Samantha’s eyes lit up when she saw Y/N. She waved enthusiastically, her smile as bright as ever. Y/N smiled back, motioning for them to join her at the small table by the window. 
“Hi, Y/N!” Samantha greeted her cheerfully, sliding into the chair across from her. The man followed suit, offering a polite nod. 
“Hey, Samantha,” Y/N replied warmly, turning her laptop so they could see the screen. “I was just working on your photos. What do you think?” 
Samantha leaned forward, her eyes widening as she took in the image of herself and her boyfriend walking into the sunset. The colors were rich and vibrant, the mood of the moment perfectly captured. She gasped, her excitement bubbling over. 
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, this is amazing! I love it!” 
Y/N smiled, pleased with the reaction. “I’m glad you like it. I wanted to capture that feeling—you two looked so happy.” 
The man, who Y/N assumed was Samantha’s father, peered at the screen, his green eyes narrowing slightly in thought. “That’s a great shot, but I thought you two had broken up?” 
Samantha’s expression shifted instantly from joy to irritation. She shot her father a sharp look. “Dad, seriously? You don’t understand a thing, do you?” 
Y/N watched the exchange, feeling a twinge of discomfort at the tension between them. It was clear there was something deeper going on beneath the surface. 
Her father sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as if searching for the right words. “I’m just trying to look out for you, Sammy. You’re young, and sometimes boys aren’t as true as they seem.” Samantha crossed her arms, her voice defensive. “I know that, but we’re fine. It was just a stupid argument, okay? We’ve moved past it.” 
Y/N, sensing the need to diffuse the situation, gently interjected. “It’s clear from the photos how much you care about each other. Relationships can be complicated, especially when you’re young, but it’s the love and the connection that really matter.” 
Samantha’s expression softened as she glanced back at the image on the screen. “Yeah… you’re right. We do care about each other. I just wish Dad would stop worrying so much.” 
Her father gave a small, resigned smile. “It’s my job to worry, Sam. 
The moment of tension eased, and Y/N felt a sense of relief. She closed her laptop, feeling like she had intruded on a private moment. “Y/N, would you mind sending me a copy of that picture?” Samantha asked, her voice lighter now. “I’d love to print it out and hang it in my room.” 
“Of course,” Y/N replied, smiling. “I’ll email it to you tonight.” 
As they got up to leave, Samantha’s father paused, glancing back at Y/N with an expression that suggested he wanted to say something more. His green eyes flickered with a mixture of hesitation and thoughtfulness, but after a brief moment, he simply nodded and walked out the door, following Samantha. 
Y/N watched them go, wondering what he had been about to say, but she didn’t dwell on it for long. Instead, she packed up her things and headed back to her cabin, where she spent the evening editing more photos, including the one Samantha loved. True to her word, she sent the image to Samantha later that night, feeling satisfied with the day’s work. 
A few days later, Y/N found herself wandering through the small town, her camera slung over her shoulder as always. The sun was warm, casting a gentle glow over the streets, and she felt more at peace than she had in a long time. As she passed by the local high school, she noticed a group of students gathered around a bulletin board, hanging up posters and flyers. 
Curious, Y/N walked over and saw Samantha among them, carefully pinning up a large picture of a race with bold lettering announcing a charity event. The flyer explained that the race was part of a school project to raise money for a local cause, and the image captured the excitement and energy of the event perfectly. 
“Samantha!” Y/N called out, waving as she approached. 
Samantha turned, her face lighting up when she saw Y/N. “Hey! What do you think?” she asked, gesturing to the poster she had just hung up. 
“It looks great,” Y/N said, admiring the picture. “You’re doing this as a school project?” 
“Yeah,” Samantha nodded enthusiastically. “We’re trying to raise money for a new sports field. The schoolpaper is doing a big feature on it, and we want to get as much coverage as possible.” 
Y/N smiled, already anticipating what was coming next. Samantha’s passion for the project was infectious, and Y/N could see how much it meant to her. 
So,” Samantha began, her tone hopeful, “I was wondering… would you be willing to take some pictures for the schoolpaper? I know it’s a lot to ask, and we don’t really have a budget, but it would mean so much to us. We’re hoping you might be able to do it for free?” 
Y/N didn’t hesitate. “Of course, I’d love to help out,” she said warmly. “I’m happy to do it.” 
Samantha’s face lit up with relief and gratitude. “Thank you so much, Y/N! This is going to make a huge difference.” 
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of fulfilment in being able to contribute to something meaningful. “Just let me know the details, and I’ll be there.” As they chatted about the upcoming event, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. The more she immersed herself in the community, the more she realized that this small town had given her something she hadn’t expected a new home. 
The day of the event arrived with a clear, bright sky and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of grilled food and sweet treats from the stalls lining the field. Y/N had chosen a light blue summer dress, the fabric swaying around her legs as she moved. She’d even bought a new pair of cowboy boots, a nod to the local style, and felt a little thrill at how they clicked against the ground as she walked. She was trying to fit in with the laid-back yet distinctly Texan vibe of the town, and from the friendly nods and smiles she received, she figured she was doing a decent job. 
The event was held at a large open field, which had been transformed into a lively fairground. There was a race track with wooden horses where kids lined up eagerly for their turn, a children’s rodeo that drew cheers and laughter from the crowd, lasso-throwing contests, and a variety of stalls offering everything from smoked brisket to homemade pies. The high school cheerleaders were busy running around in their uniforms, selling tickets for the upcoming football game, their energy infectious as they chattered and laughed, adding to the festive atmosphere. 
Y/N wandered through the crowds, her camera slung around her neck, capturing the vibrancy of the day. She photographed the wooden horses mid-race, the concentrated faces of children trying to lasso a wooden calf, and the rows of colorful stalls filled with local treats. Everywhere she looked, there were moments worth preserving. 
As she scanned the scene for her next shot, she spotted someone who immediately caught her eye. Dressed in all denim—jeans, a button-up shirt, and a well-worn cowboy hat—a man stood at the lasso-throwing area, his tall frame and broad shoulders making him stand out even in the crowd of similarly dressed locals. He had a short, neatly kept beard that added a rugged edge to his features, and as he moved, there was a calm confidence in his every gesture. 
Y/N raised her camera, zooming in slightly, and watched through the lens as he skillfully threw the lasso, effortlessly roping the target. There was something about him that made him different from the countless other men she had seen that day, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. Maybe it was the ease with which he carried himself or the quiet intensity in his expression as he focused on the task at hand. 
She snapped a few shots, capturing the moment as the lasso looped perfectly around the wooden steer. As she lowered the camera to check the images, she noticed him glance in her direction. Their eyes met briefly, and she felt a small jolt of surprise when he nodded and smiled, acknowledging her presence. There was a warmth in his smile, a subtle charm that seemed to suggest he was used to being watched but wasn’t bothered by it. 
Just as Y/N was about to return the smile, Samantha popped up beside her, nearly startling her. 
“That’s my dad,” Samantha said with a grin, clearly proud. “He wins at the lasso game every time. It’s not even fair, really—he’s been doing this since he was a kid, and owning a cattle ranch doesn’t hurt.” 
Y/N looked back at Jensen—now realizing he was Samantha’s father—throwing another perfect lasso. It suddenly made sense why he seemed so familiar, even though she hadn’t met him properly before. 
“So, he’s an expert, huh?” Y/N replied, watching as Jensen accepted a small prize from the booth operator with a casual wave of his hand. 
“Yeah,” Samantha said, rolling her eyes playfully. “He’s good at just about everything when it comes to ranch stuff. Mom always said he could rope the moon if he wanted to.” 
Y/N chuckled, amused by the image that conjured. She turned her camera back to the scene, snapping a few more pictures of the other contestants, but she found herself glancing back at Jensen every so often, intrigued by the man who seemed so much a part of this town yet somehow stood out to her in a way she couldn’t quite explain. 
“Want to meet him?” Samantha asked, noticing Y/N’s lingering gaze. 
Y/N hesitated for a moment. “Sure, why not?” she finally said, feeling a mix of curiosity and something she couldn’t quite name. 
Samantha led the way through the crowd, weaving between people who greeted her with familiar smiles and nods. As they approached, Jensen looked up, his green eyes bright with recognition as he saw them coming. He tipped his hat slightly, a polite gesture that felt almost old-fashioned but perfectly in character. 
“Dad, this is Y/N,” Samantha said, introducing them with a wide smile. “She’s the photographer I told you about—the one helping with the school paper.” 
Jensen extended a hand, his grip firm but gentle. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’ve seen you around town a few times. You’re doing some good work with that camera.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N replied, shaking his hand and noticing how warm and strong it felt. “I’ve been enjoying capturing the spirit of the town. It’s a lot different from New York.” 
Jensen smiled, a touch of humor in his green eyes. “I figured you were a city girl.” 
Y/N raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “What makes you say that?” 
He glanced down at her new cowboy boots, then back up at her with a playful grin. “Let’s just say you’ve got a bit of a city way of dressing.” 
Before Y/N could respond, a group of men called out to Jensen from across the fairground, waving him over. Jensen tipped his hat to Y/N with a slight, respectful nod. “If you’d excuse me, ma’am,” he said, his voice carrying a gentle Texas twang, before turning and heading toward the group. 
Y/N watched him go, her mind still turning over his words. She glanced down at her boots, wondering what exactly he had meant. “What’s wrong with my boots?” she asked, turning to Samantha, a hint of confusion in her voice. 
Samantha burst into laughter, the sound light and teasing. “Nothing’s wrong with them, I promise,” she said, grinning at Y/N’s puzzled expression. “My dad’s just old-fashioned. He can tell those boots are brand new—he’s used to seeing people in well-worn work boots around here. He wasn’t being serious, just poking a little fun.” 
Y/N let out a relieved laugh, realizing that Jensen’s comment had been more about teasing than criticism. “So, it’s not about me looking out of place?” 
Samantha shook her head, still smiling. “Not at all. It’s just his way of saying he noticed. You’re doing just fine—better than fine, actually. You’re fitting in more than you think.” 
Y/N smiled, feeling reassured. “Thanks, Samantha. I guess I’ll just have to break these boots in a little more.” 
“Yeah, maybe do a little more walking in them,” Samantha said with a wink. As the day wore on, Y/N continued to move through the fairground, her camera clicking away to capture the vibrant energy and joyful moments of the event. The wooden horses, the excited kids, the colorful stalls—all provided ample opportunities for great shots. Yet, despite her best efforts to focus on everything happening around her, her attention kept drifting back to Jensen. 
He seemed to have an effortless way of commanding attention, even when he wasn’t actively posing. His tall, broad-shouldered frame and confident, relaxed demeanor made him stand out naturally. Y/N found herself repeatedly drawn to him, her lens finding him almost instinctively, as if he was the centerpiece of her day. 
Jensen moved through the fairground with an easy grace, interacting with people, participating in games, and generally embodying the spirit of the event. Each time Y/N looked through her camera, he was there—his presence somehow adding a special quality to every shot. His laughter was infectious, his expressions genuine, and his movements so natural that he seemed to glide through the day with an effortless charm. 
As she followed him around, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in her stomach. It was as though each snapshot of Jensen was more than just a photograph—it was a moment captured in time that held a kind of magic. Her favorite shot of the day came when Jensen was in the middle of a hearty laugh, his head thrown back, his eyes sparkling with joy. His perfect white teeth gleamed against the backdrop of the fairground, and there was something so incredibly captivating about the way he looked in that moment. The raw, unguarded joy he exuded made the photograph feel alive, brimming with the essence of the day. 
Y/N looked at the image on her camera’s display, and her heart skipped a beat. The way Jensen's laughter was caught mid-air, the way his eyes crinkled with mirth—it was as if she had managed to capture a piece of his soul, and it was both thrilling and slightly unnerving. The fluttering in her stomach intensified, and she found herself smiling, unable to shake the feeling that there was something profoundly special about this moment. 
As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden light over the fairground, Y/N knew that this day would be one she wouldn’t forget. Jensen had unwittingly become the focal point of her photographs, and she couldn't deny that he had also become the focal point of her thoughts too.  
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astromaxi · 5 months
Gojo and his "One Night Stand"
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This was a request sent to me! WHOO
Yall 16 more days, and in officially done with school!
Warnings: Fem reader, broke college student reader, reader, and Gojo had sex but I didn't write it, self-doubt so some angst but it's okay at the end, Gojo being soft, Gojo breaking and entering, etc
Like usual let me know if I miss any tags, and this isn't proofread to awful grammar and wording. I am making my Grammarly work overtime.
word count?!: 1244- DAMN
Fem reader!
My eyes open to the harsh light streaming from the open window, I sit up slightly to get myself grounded as I feel a surge of goosebumps run down my body. I rub my sleep-filled eyes, trying to get a clear image... And oh-
Gojo’s white hair flies over his soft pillows as his naked upper half gives me enough context clues to remember what happened last night. The man before me is lying on his stomach, his arms hugging the pillow his head is resting on. I will take a look at my current situation. 
Underwear on
T-shirt on, but not mine. 
Pants no.
With as much grace as a shaken leaf, I get out of Gojo’s stupidly comfortable bed, as I scan around for my t-shirt and pants. Spotting both articles of clothing in the corner of the room. I hurried to take off Gojo’s shirt. My heartstrings tug at the consideration, but Gojo probably does that for every girl he sleeps with, just common courtesy. Nothing to it, yep. Totaly. I threw on the sweatpants I was wearing from the previous night. I slipped on my shoes and patted myself down to make sure I had my phone and house keys and I walked out of the very comfortable house, and out into the bright world. 
I make quick work walking down the sidewalk and mentally prepare myself for the 10-minute walk to my college dorm. I take the time to check my phone. It's 10:00 in the morning, so Gojo shouldn't be up for a while. I look through my social media and respond to a few friends. Before shoving my phone back into my pocket as my residential hall comes into sight. I grab my key as my phone starts to sound off.
10:00 -Where did you go?
-Why did you leave ;(
I stare at my phone, my grip shaking I stare at my phone long enough for another message to show up
-Did I do something…baby?
I swallowed down the lump in my throat as I unlocked my front door and rushed up the 2 flights of stairs into my dorm room. Luckily my roommate is gone for classes, unluckily I don’t have someone to consult with. I harshly sat on my worn mattress as my fingers danced around the keyboard, trying to think of something to say. 
But as if God was against me, which he probably is, Gojo texts me again. 
-Did you go back to your dorm?
-Please answer me
-You are worrying me
I let out a shaky sigh as I screamed inside my head. I run my head half-hazards, and run my hands through my hair, as I send Gojo a simple ‘Yeah.’ I throw my phone onto my bed, I can’t stomach looking at the metal device. To see what he could respond to, to see the message saying I am worrying him. There is no way he cares this much, we just had a one-night stand. That is, that's all, no feelings, no strings, nothing. Even if Gojo was my first, there isn't any way he feels an ounce of love for me. I am just another virginity he took. I bite back the tears threatening to fall as the self-doubt flows through my core. 
I need a shower, yeah. A hot, very hot shower to help me. I grabbed my shower bag and a clean towel and headed down the hall. As I suspected, the hot steam and burning of the water did help a lot, I slipped on clean shorts and an old hoodie, making sure I grabbed all of my things, and I stepped back into the dingy and old hallway. I brush my hair as I walk closer to my room, but I stop when I see my door wide open. A million thoughts came rushing to my head. Did I leave the door open? No, that isn't possible, it's not. Did someone break it? Or is it just my roommate, the rushing thoughts came to an end when I saw the same snow-white hair man sitting on my bed, my phone in his slender hands. 
My breath came to a stop as I couldn't help but stare at just how drop-dead pretty Gojo truly was. It makes sense why a lot of girls want to sleep with me. I coughed a small bit to announce my presence as I closed the door behind me. The tension between us becomes more unbearable now that the door is trapped me in here with him. I set down my bathroom stuff as Gojo came up behind me, his long arms wrapped around me, as he wordlessly pulled me closer to him. His collage invaded my smell and I couldn't help to become weak at our closeness. Gojo buries his head into my neck, giving me soft, also sweet kisses.
“Did I do something, baby? I was so confused when I woke up by myself.” He whispers close to my ear, the guilt eats me whole as I hear the concern in his voice. Gojo places more kisses along my neck, before ending one at my temple. He holds me, he holds me with so much love and tenderness I couldn't help but break down in his arms. The quiet sobs alert the taller man behind me as he spins me around to hug my front. I bury my head into the comfort of his chest as I don’t want to leave this comfort ever again. Gojo hums to me, cooing and ultimately trying to calm me down. After a few heartbeats, I spoke out to him
“I just… didn't think you would want to see me after last night” A hiccup escapes my throat as my crying creases to a stop. Gojo runs his head through my damp hair as he places a kiss on the crown of my head. “What makes you think that baby hm’?” He softly speaks to me, I shake my head as I finally wrap my arms around his waist. “Just’ you don't like me and” I took in a deep breath to stop myself from crying again. “And you never want to see your one-night stands, and that is what I am.” Gojo stops his hands as he tears me away from his chest, forcing me to look up into his blue eyes.
The seriousness swirling in his eyes, as his hands hold my shoulders. “You are so dumb, baby” I pout at his mean words, one of his hands came up to cup my cheek, running his thumb under my eyes, collecting a few stray tears. “I love you, baby, I would never have slept with you if there weren't any feelings.” He says to me, I make an effort to protest that before Gojo covers my mouth with his hand,
“The other woman I got with, was years ago and it all stopped when I fell in love with you.” Gojo uncovers my mouth, as he leans in to capture them. The kiss was soft and full of love, more tears fell down my face, as Gojo’s thumbs whipped them away. Gojo pulled away from me, as he guided me back into his chest. We stood there for a while, basking in each other's warmth. Unspoken love flowed between the two of us. 
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twice-inamillion · 7 months
Fluff, Light Smut, and Story Building
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Chapter 226
1,060 Words
(The members return home after being on tour for almost a month. Happy moments are shared as the members enjoy their time together.)
It’s been a few days since the members arrived back from the States, and everyone is trying to get some rest or catch up. On the other hand, you have been trying to finish writing the lyrics of a song you’ve been working on for the past month. 
You watch the members interacting with each other, sharing their experiences with Sana. It’s nice seeing her laugh together with the girls after being separated for so long. You know that having a miscarriage, especially knowing that it was Sana’s dream to have a child of her own, was heartbreaking. You did your best to comfort her through the grieving process, keeping her busy, giving her attention, and just being there for her. Now she has her girls, you can tell that she’s doing much better; she’s a fighter. 
Right after arriving from the tour, the members came onto you like hungry wolves, hungry for the forbidden meat. The first one to quench their thirst was your wife, Jihyo. That night after arriving, she jumped you and made you fuck her until morning. Loud moans were heard through the halls, and holes were filled with cum. 
The second person to visit you was Dahyun while Da-eun took a nap. “Oppa, I missed you so much,” she said as she threw herself at you. She placed your hand inside her sweats, letting you know how wet she was. “I want you to fuck me, please. I’ve missed you.” Like a good fiancé, you answered the needs of your girl and fucked her on all fours as she covered her moans with the pillow. You tried to be as quiet as possible while Da-eun slept in her crib beside the bed.
The third person to approach you was Mina. She did it discreetly as you came from your office and pulled you into her room. She shyly closed the door, led you towards her bed, untied her gown, and dropped it on the floor. You don’t need any words to know what she wants, so you take off your shirt and drop your pants. She pushes you onto the bed and gets on top of you. Mina grabs your cock and aligns it to her leaking entrance, and rides you cowgirl style. 
Momo is the fourth one and sneaks into the shower with you. She brings along Chaeyoung for the ride, and the three of you enjoy a steaming hot session as they wash your body with their chest. You take turns using their ass while they kiss and finger each other. 
Nayeon is the sixth member who sneaks into your room. She pulls your cock out and teases you with a handjob, causing you to wake up. The two of you get into a spooning position and insert your cock as you slowly thrust inside of her. Nayeon falls asleep with your cock inside her womb.
Tzuyu wakes you up as she jumps on you while you’re asleep. “Good morning, Daddy!” You lift your head and see it’s Tzuyu, who’s wearing a thin white top and booty shorts. “Daddy. Since the rest got their fill, now it’s my turn.” She digs into your pants and pulls out your cock with a full hard morning wood. “Daddy is all ready for me.” She lowers herself and goes down on you, sucking on your cock until it's completely covered in her salvia. “I want Daddy to pick me up and fuck me silly,” as she gives you puppy dog eyes. She wraps her legs around your waist, and you pick her up and insert your cock inside her tight cunt. She bounces on your cock as you grab her thick thighs and ass. Suddenly, you hear a knock and see the door open, only to see Jeongyeon. You see her completely frozen, watching as the youngest member bounces on your cock in pure pleasure. 
The only break you got from the member's attacks was when they needed to attend the 2019 Genie Awards. Sana and the babies sat down and watched their aunties and mothers on TV. They all pointed at the screen when they saw their mother perform on stage. 
After the awards, some of the girls had some time to relax. You and Jihyo got together and got her caught up with what was going on back home while she was on tour.
You started off by updating her on the progress of the construction and the center that Sana introduced. She liked the layout of the center that both you and Sana came up with and found it cute when you told her about Sana’s idea of riding the kids to school on a bicycle. 
“Also, I was able to find a video of what happened to Sana during that day.”
Jihyo looks serious and says, “Are you doing to do anything about it?”
“Already did. Served them with a defamation lawsuit. I know JYP will not do much about it, but I will.”
“Good, JYP is nice and all, but he doesn’t like involving the law regarding his idol's emotional health.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” 
“Anyways, what about the “thing” you told me about?”
“It’s a secret.”
“Come on, tell me, I’m your wife.”
“It’s still not ready yet. I can only say that if this album does well, the members will enjoy it. Trust me.”
While the members were on tour, you had the chance to finish the last song of the upcoming album. You had a hard time coming up with the title track and had multiple options for the title song, but after spending time with Sana and seeing how much her members helped her during her lowest points inspired you.
You wrote about the emotions of their darkest moments and the hardships of being an idol to them, confining within themselves to overcome any obstacles.
You call each member one by one to record their part of the song, and every time, they tear up when they learn the meaning of it. They each hug you and get excited to shoot the music video for the title track of “Feel Special.” 
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starrylothcat · 9 months
Hello!!! It's eternal-transcience again! I am constantly thinking of smooching Rex's scars, so I was wandering if it was possible to have yet another Rex x Short!FemReader where there's some scar smooching (especially the one on his chest from Season 2)? I get so weak thinking about it!
No obligation and take all the time you need! I love your writing so much <333333
Worship You
Pairing: Rex x Fem!Reader
Summary: You smooch Rex’s scars and smooch other parts of him as well. 😘
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Smut. No plot. Male receiving oral. Mentions of scars. Rex is mentioned as your husband. Fluffy.
WC: ~1200.
A/N: Kim, you wonderful person, you! Thanks for this ask. I was going to keep it fluffy but…I decided to make it spicy as a lil’ treat. I had this take place after the war…everyone lives AU etc. etc…Rex deserves a quiet life filled with BJs. 😌
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Your front door whooshed open and you stepped through the entry, balancing groceries in your arms from the local market.
You strolled to the kitchen, setting down the ingredients for dinner on the counter.
The sound of the shower running signaled that your husband was home.
You quickly put the perishables away, padding into your bedroom. Steam escaped from the refresher, and the familiar scent of Rex’s soap wafted in the air.
“I’m home!” You called, not wanting to startle him, peeking into the refresher.
“I know, mesh’la.” He called back, the frosted glass of the shower blocking him from view. He may not be a soldier anymore, but he was still acutely aware of his surroundings at all times. “Be out in just a minute.” He said, the shower turning off.
“No rush.” You were about to leave to let him get dressed, but you decided to stay. Something about his broad silhouette opposite of the frosted glass enticed you, your mind wandering to dirtier and dirtier thoughts as you waited.
You sat on the bed, which gave you a partial view of the shower. “Just enjoying the view.”
A few seconds later Rex emerged from the steamy room. He had a towel wrapped low around his waist, water droplets glistening as they slid down his tanned skin, catching on his many scars. You met him halfway as he walked toward the bed, capturing him in a kiss. You stood on your tip-toes, wrapping your arms around his neck. You always loved your size difference, feeling so safe against his strong form.
His body radiated heat from the shower, his lips warm as they slid along yours, kissing you back with immediate desire.
Your body ignited, lightly tracing your fingertips down his buzzed head. Rex still kept it short, even after all these years.
You didn’t mind.
Your hands slid down, feeling the raised tissue from his many scars. Scars that told his story, that led him to you. Scars that proved he was a survivor.
Some mornings you’d wake up, sleep hazing your mind and tricking you into thinking you were still in the war. You’d fling your arm over, feeling Rex’s warm and alive body next to yours. Relief would flood your system in realizing that he was there with you not on a mission on some far-flung planet for Maker knows how long.
You were both grateful that now you could wake up in one another’s arms every morning, the war long past.
“Lay down.” You managed to gasp, as the kiss was now fervent, Rex tugging at your clothes as his tongue danced with yours.
“Yes, ma’am.” He smirked, breaking the kiss as he dropped his towel, showing off just how much he appreciated your advances.
You quickly stripped your clothes, climbing on top of him on the bed, his length pressing deliciously against your pussy, sending sparks up your spine. You leaned down, kissing him again, Rex’s hands reverently wandering over your skin, bucking up into you, sliding his cock through your wet folds.
You pulled away from his lips, kissing down his stubbled jaw, giving extra attention to the small scar on his chin. You kissed his neck, intending to find every scar, every mark, every freckle, and give them equal attention.
Rex groaned at the loss of your warm pussy against his cock as you moved down his body.
“Patience.” You murmured, tracing your hand over the large scar in the middle of his chest, kissing around it.
You knew every scar already, knew every story. Some were faded to the point of disappearing, others ragged and deep, part of him always. It still didn’t stop you from worshiping him.
“I love you.” You murmured, meeting his gaze momentarily, which held nothing but pure love in return. “I love every part of you, always.”
Rex opened his mouth to answer, but all that came out was a deep groan, your hand lightly gripping his cock as you made your journey down his body. He didn’t need to say anything.
You knew his answer.
You slowly pumped him, relishing the way his body reacted, and how hot his skin was under your hand, using his excitement leaking from the tip to glide your hand up and down more easily.
His abdominal muscles twitched under your lips, now hungry for something more. You still had more scars to kiss, to love, to worship, before you got to where you both wanted most.
You finally made it to the junction of his hip, nipping at the sensitive flesh, causing him to jolt slightly and sigh your name in a short pant.
You took a moment to admire his cock, flush with color and standing proud with desire.
You lightly licked the side of his hard shaft, a soft moan escaping his lips above you.
“Maker…” Rex groaned, gripping the bedsheets around him.
You slowly kissed up to the tip, wrapping your lips around and sucking gently. Rex’s hand released the sheets to hold your head, his fingers finding purchase in your hair. His legs trembled as you went to work, teasing and swirling your tongue around his thick cock, ever so slowly taking him more and more into your mouth.
You loved how heavy he felt in your mouth, how full you were with him, knowing only you could make him feel this way.
Rex was writhing beneath you, his breath ragged. You knew he was holding back, wanting to buck his hips. You took him as far as you could go, slowly gliding your lips to his tip and back down again.
“K-Kriff…mesh’la…I…” Rex’s utterances were cut with moans as you continued faster, pumping him with your mouth, giving special attention to his head. You could taste his arousal, his cock twitching in your mouth as his body convulsed and his breath hitched.
You hummed, pleased with his reactions. You glanced up at him when you could, the look on his face increasing the ache between your legs. Rex was completely wrecked, brows furrowed, eyes locked onto you, mouth agape as he couldn’t hold back his deep, heavenly sounds.
Fuck, you could almost cum seeing him like this.
You grasped the base of his cock, using your hand to bring him more pleasure, knowing he was getting close.
“Close…kriff, I’m so close, mesh’la…” Rex was lost in his bliss now, you could tell he was going to explode any second. His body was twitching and his control was mostly gone, carefully bucking his hips up into your mouth, still careful to not hurt you.
You squeezed his thigh with your free hand, signaling that it was okay for him to let go.
Rex came hard, letting loose a string of praises and moans that turned into your name. Your mouth filled with his warm seed, and you greedily took it all, swallowing what he offered.
You continued to pump him delicately, careful to not overstimulate him. He panted as he came down from his high, his hands carding through your hair in thanks. You sat up, wiping your mouth, gazing down at him and how lovely he looked. Sweat replaced the dampness from the shower, his chest heaving and eyes ignited with lust and thanks.
You nestled yourself against him, tracing your finger again on his large chest scar.
Rex let out a long, satisfied breath, kissing the top of your head.
“Thank you.” He murmured. “Let me return the favor.”
“I will…can we just lay here a moment, though?” You nuzzled closer into him, breathing in his scent, hearing his breath, feeling his scar under your fingertips.
He was here, he was yours, and always would be.
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Taglist: @crosshairlovebot @sev-on-kamino @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @sleepingsun501 @coraex @din-miller @cw80831 @dangraccoon @mythical-illustrator @eternal-transcience @the-cantina @nahoney22 @moonlightwarriorqueen @skellymom @reader6898
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dollscircus · 1 month
Ghostly Company
Jason Todd x ghost!(Kinda)Reader
Chapter 1
Word: 2.6
Tags: Mild violence. Talks of death, thoughts of insanity. bullshitary
Summary: You’ve always had some psychic powers, nothing to powerful. Nothing ever being able to use in crime fighting or anything however when you’re put into a coma after a car crash, it seems your powers went unstable and latched on to someone who tangled with death.
(Tag list is open)
“There’s another big guy coming around the corner.” I said from my perch on top of the fire escape, watching as Jason, The Red Hood beat out the group of men. Throwing them around like they weighed nothing, sometimes I’d get worried he’d get overwhelmed, but he always came out on top. The big guy was wading through the smaller ones, “Oh he has a baseball bat. How cute. He’s gonna swing up in 3…2…1- Now!”
Jason turned on his heel and slammed his fist into the big guy's face, I winced as I heard the bones break under his fist and sending him tumbling to the ground. I barked with a shocked laugh, clapping my hands and cheering. The fight cleared up quickly, the goons knocked out at his feet. He stood there for a moment catching his breath.
He glanced up to the fire escape where I was perched, he didn’t say anything while catching his breath. He was also aware how crazy he’d look because he was the only person who could see me. “You're welcome.” I said with a cocky grin while crossing my arms over my chest.
I could feel the eye roll from my perch but also hear the ever so deep chuckle he let out which brought a smile to my face, I slipped off the edge of the fire escape and floated to the ground. I’d gotten freakishly comfortable with the whole ghostly thing.
My powers hadn’t ever been anything special, just the usual seeing ghost and minor telepathy. Most I can do it throw a glass across the room, not anything to impressive so I didn’t really tell anyone. I didn’t really care to much, sure every so often I got a weird look from a passer-by after I accidently spoke to a ghost in public, but I’ve learnt how to separate the living and dead even in Gotham, there was plenty of the dead.
The day I died (not really but got put into a coma) started off pretty normally, I woke up normally. Got up for work, dressed and went about my day. Rushing through the usual gloomy Gotham weather, I looked up at the street's lights. Rolling on my boots while I waited for the lights to change, it soon flicked from green to orange to red. I rushed from my spot on the sidewalk, trying to get out of the rain as soon as possible. I didn’t see the car lights cutting through heavy rain until it was too late.
I don’t know why I don’t remember much of the crash; you’d think I would? A car slamming into you isn’t a feeling you would forget but maybe it was just my brain trying to spare me the pain. I suppose I should be grateful. I’m not sure what happened. What my powers did in response to my injury but after my vision was swallowed by car lights, I blinked a few times and the next thing I knew; I was standing in a- motel room?
I blinked a few times once again, looking around with shock and confusion. It wasn’t the best motel room, I looked around trying to figure out what was going on. Glancing around I noticed it just sitting on the bed, the red helmet that I instantly recognised from the news. Kingpin turned vigilante. Red Hood. My lips started as words died on my lips, what in the actual fuck was going on!?
I jumped when the bathroom door clicked open, the light from the bathroom streaming into darker room I was standing along with the steam from the hot shower. To be honest, I always liked to think I’d be the fight type of panic response, but apparently, it’s freeze. I stood still like a moron as the stranger- apparently Red Hood stepped into the room just a towel hanging from his hips. Oh god he was shredded but my eyes caught on an- autopsy scar- what the fuck?
We made eye contact.
Long, awkward eye contact. Both staring at each other in shock. I don’t know if he moved first, or I yelled first but he dashed across the room clearly searching for a weapon. The towel dropped. I screamed and he threw a lamp at me and it just- phased through me. Now that caused me to scream louder and Red Hood to freak out a little more.
So yeah, that’s how my limbo undead state came about. I still hadn’t figured out how I got attached to Jason in particular but Jason, the pretty son of bitch refuses to tell me much about his life. Always changes the subject or goes into the bathroom. Asshole.
I walked alongside him as we returned to- he called it hideout. I called it home. I hummed to myself while letting myself float up into the air, hovering over him.
“You have way too much fun with that.” He said while dropping down on to the couch. The helmet making a metallic click as he took off his helmet. His eyes flicking over to me, and I floated upside down.
“Perks of being in limbo.” I said, twirling my body around and floating down to the ground again. He watched me with an amused expression. Jason still hasn’t decided if he believes that I’m real or just a figment of- what did he say in passing once? The pit? He got pretty grumpy with me when I made a joke about that sounding like a gay bar. He hid in the bathroom for 2 hours after that.
“Don’t you ever feel tried?” He said while flopping back on to his bed, I tilted my head to the side at him. There was a stench of silence. “Oh, right. Coma thing, so you’ve claimed.”
“I’ve given you, my name. You can always go search up who I am.” I said while walking over to his bed, swinging my foot into leg like I was trying to kick him, but my boot passed through his body. Jason huffed and moved his leg away.
“That’s cold.” He huffed in irritation; he leaned back up to look at me. “And I’d not. It would either confirm I’ve gone insane, or I’ve got an actual Ghost haunting me. Remain blissfully unaware.”
I opened my mouth to protest when Jason’s phone rang which piqued my interest, in the- 3 weeks I’ve been floating around. He hadn’t gotten any calls. I perked up and peaked at the phone screen, “Who’s daddy dearest?” I asked before Jason just- walked through me to get his phone in a mild panic.
That was a weird feeling. I groaned while wrapping my arms around myself. “Augh! Don’t do that you ass!” I cursed while floating up into the air while he answered the phone. I pouted while twirling around in the air while looking at him talking on the phone, his back to me making the effort to hide it.
I stared for a moment before ever so slowly floating over to Jason as he stood talking on the phone, I only caught enough to hear the words ‘bat-cave’ and ‘tonight.’ I grinned widely while Jason turned to look at me after he hung up.
“Are you going to see Batman?” I smiled; Jason stared at me. His usual grumpy expression shifted into an amused laugh before he caught himself and shook it off.
“You need to behave while we’re there.” He pointed at my face; this stern expression half hearted. I barked with a laugh while throwing my arms in the air.
“Yes!” I saluted playfully, “I will be on my best behaviour.”
“You are a big liar.” He said, raising an eyebrow at me.
I could tell that Jason wasn’t pleased with knowing I was tagging along with him to the Bat cave, but the pretty idiot had no choice. I had no choice. I wasn’t even paying attention to Jason’s less then pleased expression when we arrived at the fucking Wayne manor. I gasped while looking up at the place. “No fucking way.” I grinned as his bike down through a tunnel under the manor, “Bruce Wayne is batman!?”
Jason grunted, “You-” He trailed off, clearly about to tell me to not tell anyone then remembered that I can’t. I stared at him with an annoyed expression, and he made the conscious effort to avoid my glare as he parked. My irritation wore off instantly at the sight of the Bat mobile, I flung myself across the room. Stared at the car in awe and Jason scoffed under his breath and started walking deeper into the cave. I, however, did not notice this until whatever connection kept me bound to him started dragging me to follow him.
I caught up with him, “Hey, Red. Have you told anyone about me?” I asked.
“Absolutely not.” He said quickly, well, I guess that made sense. Didn’t want to be called crazy but uhh, he runs around is some comicon like cosplay beating up criminals in an ally. That’s pretty crazy but I decided not to comment.
We moved into the much bigger cave, and I squealed in glee while floating up to look around the save, “Is that a fucking dinosaur!?” I gasped while pointing to it, twirling around. “What the fuck is this stuff!?” 
I look down to Jason who was watching me, I couldn’t make out much from behind the helmet as I swooped down to follow him as he walked to a centre platform. There was a big fuck off computer, with massive screens filled with information I couldn’t keep up with. I stared in awe then landed on the ground when actually seeing Batman himself, sitting at the massive computer. 
“Might’ve been something real important to drag me all the way back here.” Jason comment, Batman- Bruce? Shit. What do I call him internally? Bruce. No that feels too personal. Batman? But that also feels weird. Mr Wayne? What the fuck is he? My teacher? Mr Wayne sounds like a spy name. Hello Mr Wayne, you’ll never stop me from ending the world. Mwahaha!
“There’s been strange cases around Gotham.” Batman- Bruce, yeah, we’ll go with Bruce said while he typed on the computer, bringing up hospital files. I narrowed my eyes a little.
“That’s illegal.” I commented, Jason’s head flicked towards me a little, but he caught himself before he could scold me.
“All minor injuries, car crash. Fall down the stairs.” Bruce carried on, “Yet people just aren’t waking up again. The first case was around three weeks ago.”
“Ok?” Jason said, “This doesn’t seem like your territory.” 
“It wasn’t until I noticed each other the victims were members of wealthy families.” Bruce said while typing on the computer a little more. I frowned a little, a pit welling up in my stomach. My usual playful smile fading into a worried expression. I almost stumbled back with a gasp when my own picture got pulled up on the large screen. “They were the first victim, came from a wealthy family. After a minor traffic collision, they slipped into a coma despite no brain injuries.”
As he spoke, the sound in my ears began to feel distant. What is he saying? That- someone did this to me? I think Jason said something, but I didn’t hear it.
“After the next victim well into a coma, her families bank accounts were completely emptied shortly after which is the same pattern with the others aside from the first. I don’t know why.”
“So what?” Jason said with a cock of his head, “You think someone is robbing rich people by putting people in coma’s?”
Bruce scowled; it was a very tried expression like how silly it sounded said so bluntly. I looked over to him, watching him for a few long moments before looking to Jason. A desperate expression on my face.
“I’m aware of how it sounds, I called you here since the area your patrol is the central point of all the victims.” He explained while flicking his eyes back to the room with so much information that it made my already panicking mind swirl. “And well aware that you dislike any of us stepping on your toes.”
“He’s really saying someone did this to me?” I said in a quiet voice, mostly to myself then Jason who shuffled a little while looking at the screen.
“How would someone even put people into coma’s and not leave a single trace?” Jason asked, walking towards the computer scanning over screen. Bruce sighed.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
I’m not sure when I zoned out while scanning over the screen, all the information as the sounds of Jason and Bruce talking faded into the background.
Someone did this to me? To try and rob my family? My life forced into limbo for fucking money?! Why. Why. Why. Why. 
I felt the tug of my connection to Jason start to tug me along while he started to walk away from the platform we were standing on. I blinked a few times after getting dragged out of my anger and confusion filled spiral. This didn't make sense. I opened my mouth to behind to protest walking away. I wasn’t done looking at the screen! This wasn’t fair! Jason tilted his head over his shoulder, I couldn’t see his face, but I could only imagine the angry glare he was shooting me.
I followed along without much argument, head down while we returned. Jason and I were silent while slipping back inside the ‘hide out’, I didn’t say much while moving over to the corner of the room. Sitting on the ground and pulling my knees to my chest, pressing my forehead into my knees.
Time passed; I wasn’t really paying attention to what Jason was doing. I just couldn’t make sense of any of then thoughts rushing through my head, it just felt like it was to much. Someone did this to- what? Rob my family? How many people has this been done this too? It was so- It just didn’t make sense. Why-
Hearing my name snapped me out of my spiralling thoughts, I jolted a little while flicking my eyes over to Jason who was standing on the other side of the room. Clearly during my spiralling, Jason had showered and changed. He was staring at me with a look I couldn't quite read but definitely hadn’t seen on his face before. 
“Yeah?” I said while painfully aware of how meek I sounded; Jason sighed. There was a moment of silence that passed between us before he finally spoke up again.
“We’ll figure out who did this to you.” He said, looking at me. I stared back at him for a moment, there was a look behind his eyes. An intensity that I felt so exposed in front off, like he was reading everything going through my mind. I looked away unable to withstand being under his eyes. 
“I-” I said while looking down at myself, my shape was always a little hazy. “Why?”
Jason’s brow furrowed for a second and I could tell he was holding something back, something he wanted to say but decided against it. He sat on the edge of his bed, running a hand through his hair.
“The bat asked me too.” Jason said, avoiding looking at me. So that’s it?
“You don’t really seem like the type to do as he’s asked.”
“Do you really want to spend time thinking about why or do you want me to catch the person who fucked you over?” Jason said while raising his eyebrow at me before caused me to let out a soft little laugh while looking away from him.
“I guess you’re right.” I said with a tried smile, I flicked my eyes over to him again. “Thanks.”
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ghostboneswrites2 · 5 months
A Mess - Volume 2
Part 1
Summary: Your early days in Alexandria with Daryl.
Warnings: injury, profanity, smut
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        Alexandria was a hard place to get used to, and it was even harder to fit in. Not even a week in and punches had been thrown, lives had been lost, things previously swept under the rug coming to light.
       While you were thankful for the walls and the luxuries within, there was nothing you heard more dear to your heart than the peaceful nights you’d spent with Daryl since your arrival. 
        Once your group was split into two big houses, Daryl was able to lay claim to the basement in one of them, and of course that meant you’d stay there too. With your relationship in full blossom and no longer under wraps, there was no reason not to share a room.
        This particular night was one of the best so far. You’d spent most of the night fucking like rabbits, especially with access to hot running water. With bathed bodies, the possibilities and positions were endless. Nothing held you back from devouring each other like rabid beasts. 
        By the third round, though, you’d both become quite tired, yet still too wound up to sleep. So, you’d just lay there under the covers and chat. 
        “I still can’t believe Merle was your brother.” You said. “You two are so different.”
        “Yeah, well, we didn’t used to be. Used to be just as hot headed as him.” He recalled as his fingers wandered mindlessly through your hair. It was dark in your little basement now, with only the light of the moon casting through the small sliver of a window near the ceiling. 
        You propped your head up on your hand, fondly admiring your love. He fascinated you. He was always so multifaceted. 
        “Yeah. I could see it.” You smirked. He shot you a playful glare, not that you could see it so well in the dark. 
        Nights like those were hard to come by, and somehow always ended sooner than you’d like.
        He yawned and slapped a heavy hand over his face, running it down the length of his chin. 
        “Bout time we got some sleep.” He sighed. With a pout and a groan, you rolled over on your side and got comfortable. He did the same, facing the opposite direction of you, only touching by your intertwined feet at the foot of the bed. 
        Things just worked this way for a while. Until, of course, shit hit the fan, which it always seemed to do. 
        When the Wolves attacked, a lot of lives were lost within the community. Had it not been for you and Carol, it probably would have been a lot more. Despite your knack for surviving shitty situations, you didn’t escape this one unscathed. One of the Wolves you took to bat hadn’t gone down so easily. By the time it was all over, when Daryl found you after the chaos had died down, you had a machete lodged through your arm. It went through clean enough, just barely missing anything too important. You did lose a lot of blood, though, and your arm was out of commission for over a week.
         After you were all bandaged up at the infirmary, Daryl hovered over you like a cloud. Opening doors, fixing plates, tying shoes. There wasn’t a single thing he’d let you do on your own. 
        While it was sweet and chivalrous, it got old kind of fast. You hated being debilitated, and you hated being treated as such even more. 
        You figured at least a shower could be done alone and independently. You snuck off to the bathroom one afternoon and shut the door behind you, wriggling out of your clothes while the water heated up and steamed the room nicely. You took a deep breath and stepped in the hot stream, vowing to release all your frustrations as you bathed. You only had a little while longer to heal, and surely you could manage being babies for just a while longer before you snapped.
        While you were trying to find your zen and enjoy some much needed solitude, Daryl had crept in the bathroom to check in and offer help. He shoved the curtain to the side. You jumped and cursed at him; “Daryl, what the fuck?”
         “Shouldn’t be showerin’. Can’t get your bandage wet.” He said simply as he shut off the water. The absence of heat made you shiver. You crossed your working arm over your chest and clenched your jaw.
        “Daryl. I’m capable of bathing.” You seethed. He ignored your wrathful glare and switched the flow to the faucet before he plugged the drain and motioned for you to sit down. “No.” You pouted. 
        “C’mon. I’ll leave ya alone after the water fills.” He told you. Reluctantly you relented and sat down, back against the far end of the tub. 
        He sat on the side of the tub, hunched over, waiting for the water to fill so he could leave, as promised. For a while you just stared at him angrily. Why couldn’t he let you do anything on your own? He had never been so protective before. Sure, when the situation called for it, but now? It didn’t seem like such a threat to take a shower. All these things frustrated you, yet, a faint smile still rigged at the corner of your lips. 
        Here was a man who had a job, and surely better things to do, yet, every second of free time he had, he dedicated to making sure you were safe and comfortable and taken care of. Had suburban life changed him so much, so fast?
        “Wha’s that look for?” He finally asked, noticing your little smile.
        “Nothin’.” You shrugged innocently. He turned to you and glared.
        “Spit it out.” He demanded.
        “It’s just.. You’re so sweet sometimes. Even when it’s annoying.” You teased. 
        He turned the water off as it covered your body and stood up, staring down at you. His eyes wandered over your bare skin from head to toe.
        “Whatever. Jus’ don’t want ya gettin’ an infection or hurtin’ yourself any worse.” 
        “I can take care of myself, Daryl.” You sighed, shutting your eyes and sinking further into the warm bath while your injured arm remained above the water.
        “I know.” He relented. “But that don’t mean ya can’t be taken care of sometimes.”
        You opened your eyes again to find him still visually roaming over every dip and curve of your naked body. You smirked. 
        “Like what ya see?” You taunted in a sultry tone. He ran his tongue over his teeth.
        “Don’t get no ideas. Don’t wanna hurt ya.” He said, trying to shut you down before you got him going. It was too late, though, as your free hand had already begun to trail over your breasts and down between your thighs. He watched you for a bit as you teased yourself, his mouth just slightly agape. He often found himself wondering how he bagged such a fine damsel. 
        As you traced a finger up and down your slit, he sighed and gave in. He crouched down beside you and dunked his hand in the water.
        “Need some help?” He offered softly. You grinned and chewed on your bottom lip, pulling your hand back up to your breasts to make room for him.
         He wasted no time. His hand found your mound and teased little trails up and down our slit just to watch the way you absentmindedly squirmed for his touch. He always felt a little nervous or self conscious when things started to get heated between you two, but somehow your body language always brought him back down to earth. Your movements always reminded him how badly you wanted him.
        He slipped one finger inside you first, curving it and massaging while his thumb rubbed over your clit. You allowed tiny sounds to escape you, trying to be conscious of the others in the home who might be around to hear you.
        When the second finger joined the first, you gasped. Your hips moved around rhythmically as they reacted to the pace at which he massaged your sensitive walls. 
        “Still wanna take care o’ yourself?” He whispered. “Cause I can stop.”
        “No.” You whined. “Please.” 
        He smirked. Truth be told, your neediness was a much welcome contradiction to your irritation with him since you’d hurt your arm.
        “But I thought ya—“
         He went to keep teasing you but you cut him off again.
         “No. No. I don’t. I want this.” You rambled breathlessly as he built you up more and more. It was like there was a coil in your lower half, winding and winding up until it was so tight you couldn’t breath. 
        He could tell you were getting close so he kept his movements steady. 
        “Sshhh..” He cooed as your sounds got a little louder. You slapped your free hand over your mouth to muffle your voice as you began to teeter over the edge. Voices could be heard outside the bathroom door as the other dwellers of the house came upstairs and got ready for bed. He could just barely make out someone asking who was in the bathroom taking so long. “Y’almost done?” He whispered. You nodded quickly, hoping he’d take you all the way before someone came knocking. 
        Right on cue, your eyes practically bulged out of your head as you sucked in a sharp breath. Tremors quacked through you as you let out a shaky moan into your hand. The coil had snapped, and you hadn’t cum that hard in a while. 
        When your high has simmered back down, he gave you a moment to collect yourself before he was helping you up and drying you down. 
        “Must’ve needed that.” He smirked. “That attitude o’ yours was gettin’ kinda old.”
Masterlist // Taglist
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix
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fushiguroslvtz · 2 years
Bonten thirsts
Characters: Koko, Rindou, Sanzu, Ran
I strongly believe that Koko is a switch. He loves spoiling you in every way possible, but also will melt if you call him a nasty slut and choke him.
“Baby, I’m home” he yelled after walking into your shared home. He made is way through the large house, until he found himself at the bedroom door. He enters the quiet room to see you sitting perched on the bed, wearing his favorite lingerie. “Did you think it was okay to send me those pictures while I was at work?” you questioned. Koko has flashbacks to the rather suggestive photos he had sent you earlier in the day when he was feeling needy. “You’re such a slut, Hajime, anyone could have seen those lewd pictures, but then again, you’d probably like that.” you said in a taunt. He stuttered out a gibberish response, trying not to pay to much attention to the throb of his cock at your mean words. You noticed this and grabbed at his belt loops to pull him in. The tent in his slacks was painfully noticeable, but he didn’t want to admit that he was so turned on by your taunting and teasing. You pushed him down onto the bed a straddled his lap. “Wasn’t very nice of you to leave me home alone, all hot and bothered, now was it Haji?” you questioned while slowly rocking your hips against his painfully hard cock. He let out a moan and before he could get a full answer out, you reached for his throat and began to squeeze. Small diamond-like tears formed in his eyes as he pleaded for relief, but you simply denied. “Nasty sluts don’t get rewarded.” That’s all you had to say to make him cum in his pants.
Rindou likes to talk a lot of shit, but the way his hips stutter when he enters your cunt always say how he really feels.
“Hey love, how was your day?” you call out to your boyfriend as he enters your home. He mumbles out a response and storms off to his office. You followed behind him but upon entering, he scoffs and glares at you, “Clearly I’m in a bad mood, so kindly, fuck off.” he barked out. You backed out of the room giving him his desired space, you decided to hop in the shower to distract your mind from his dicky behavior. As the warm water flooded your back and the steam clouded your senses, you began to feel needy. The sound of the door opening brought you out of you thoughts and soon after, you felt the arms of your boyfriend lace over your shoulders. “I’m sorry for be’in an ass earlier, work was really shitty today. I love you, I’m sorry.” he sounded sincere. “I’ll forgive you this once.” you said in a playful tone, knowing that you would forgive him regardless. His hands roamed further down until his hands met with your breasts. “Need you.” he said breathlessly as he began to kiss and nip at your neck. He pushed you onto the tile wall and gave you a questioning look, seeing if it was okay to proceed you replied back with an affirmation, and he rammed his stiff cock into your plushy walls. “Fuck pretty girl, s’tight ~ngh” he moaned out as he rolled his hips. He kissed your neck and gave a slight tug to your hair which caused a moan to bubble from your chest. He continued to pound into you at a ruthless pace until he felt his cock begin to twitch. “Fuck baby, I won’t last much longer.” he stuttered out. He brought his hand to your clit and began to circle it perfectly. “m’gonna cum, Rin.” you barley managed to say in between moans. “Go ahead baby, let go.” and with that you came, hard. You felt his cock twitch one last time before you felt him paint your inside with his cum. “Ah, fuck baby.” he groaned as he came, abs flexing and hips stuttering. As he is coming down from his high, he whispers something in your ear. “Please don’t leave me.” he says. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Sanzu is like reallyyyy into aphrodisiacs.
Sanzu Called you at 2:00am, which is something that you’ve become used to as your relationship with him progressed. You weren’t quite dating, but you were also more than a fuck buddy. It was complicated. You arrived at Sanzu’s penthouse, only to be greeted by the pink-haired-man eagerly opening the door. The moment you stepped into the house, he was on you. He pushed you up against the door and kissed you hungrily. After a few minutes you questioned him about why he was so horny. “I took these pills that make you really horny, and I’m kind of dying.” God dammit. You were less than content with that answer, worrying about his safety and well being, but you were also worried about your stamina. “This is going to be a long night” you thought to yourself. Haru sat there, eyeing your form. Considering that it was two in the fucking morning, and you came here for sex, you weren’t wearing much clothing, opting for a low cut tank top and a pair of stretchy shorts that hugged your body perfectly. The sight of you alone could have him falling apart. You gaze down at his erection, it looked so painful, and after weighing the pros and cons of this situation, you sink down to your knees and undo his belt. “Please Angel..need you s’bad.” He chocked out. You pull out his cock and begin to experimentally lick the tip. “Fuckfuckfuck yeah baby…jus’ like that-ahh” his hand finds purchase in your hair as you begin to take his length down your throat, he practically screamed when your throat tightened around him. “Baby, I can’t hold out anymore, m’gonna cum.” He whined. He was so perceptive to all of your movements, you actually enjoyed this. With a few more bobs of your head, he came down your throat with a loud cry. “M’so sensitive baby, m’sorry.” Of course you didn’t mind, it was really hot seeing him break in front of you.
Ran reallyyyyyy likes when you call him daddy.
Ran Haitani is a tired man. He works long hours all of the time, has nightmares that prevent him from peaceful slumber, and to top it all off you have a newborn son together. Ran steps into the role of fatherhood surprisingly well. He does his best to let you rest while he does his best to care for your baby. You honestly are great full to have him. He loves your sweet little family, and he stays composed and hardly lets the stress of his life get to him. He usually remains calm and laid back. Usually. He finds his facade crumbling at one sentence leaving your plump lips. “You look tired daddy, let’s go up to bed so we can have some alone time.” That fucking name. “What did you say, doll?” He needed to hear that again, he needed to make sure he heard you right. “I said we should go up to bed?” You gave him a questioning look, confused as to why he suddenly seemed riled up. “Not that baby, you know what I mean.” You realized what he was referring to. You honestly didn’t mean anything by it, you had just become used to referring to him as “daddy” around your son, and it happened to just slip out. “Say it again.” What did you get yourself into. You utter the name again, and suddenly his lips are on yours. He lifts you off of the couch, and carries you into your shared room. “Sit still and look pretty for daddy.” He utters out, as you make your way onto the bed. He removes his cloths, the only article of clothing that remains on his chiseled body is a pair of black boxers. Before you know it, you’re stripped down completely, caged underneath his large frame. “Daddy’s gonna fill you up till your nice and full tonight, princess. Is that okay with you?” All you could manage to do was moan back a response. He moved his fingers down until they found purchase on your clit. You were already soaked. “My princess is all nice and wet for me. Such a good girl.” You allowed beautiful moans and wines to leave your throat, which only encouraged him to continue. He stuck two fingers into your tight cunt and began to scissor them in and out to prep you for something bigger. “Daddy, I’m close.” You moaned out, causing him to flip you over and sheath his cock fully inside of you with a single thrust. “Ahhh, fuck” you wined out, the pain slowly disguising itself as pleasure. “Still so f-fuckin’ tight baby” he set a quick and ruthless pace. “Da-daddy, I’m s..so…fu-fuckin-ahh” before you could finish your sentence you came all over his cock. “Look at my messy -ah fuck- girl” he could’ve came then with the vice-grip your pussy had on his cock. “I’m gonna get you nice and full of my cum, maybe get you pregnant again” the coil in your core began to tighten again, you were close. “Please daddy, I want your cum” “don’t worry baby, I’ll give you every last drop” with that, Ran came deep into your cunt, painting your walls pearly white, causing you to reach your second high. He collapsed on top of you. You tried to get up so you could clean yourself, and him, up, but his strong arms held you close. “I wanna stay like this for a bit longer, please baby?” How could you say no when he looked that angelic. Just like that, you fell asleep in each others arms, with his softening cock still inside of you.
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