#showcase skills
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stockexperttrading · 2 years ago
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apolaskiart · 3 months ago
So what do you get if you combine ep. 43 of ouaw (!minor spoilers) and a hyperfixation for another piece of media (disco elysium)? Trick question, Kremy is still jealous.
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dyke-o-matic · 1 year ago
So you saw fell in love with Lily Gladstone in Killers of the Flower Moon and now you want her on your screen as much as possible? I’m here to help.
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Certain Women directed by Kelly Reichardt
This was the first time I saw Lily Gladstone in anything and I screamed about her specifically for days. The film is segmented into three stories about women living in the northwestern plains region of the US. All three segments are good, but Lily Gladstone’s is by far my favorite. She plays a ranch hand who starts sitting in on a night school law class when she develops a crush on the teacher, played by (bonus!) Kristen Stewart.
Certain Women is streaming on The Criterion Channel, AMC+, and Kanopy (Kanopy is free!). It is also available to rent on the major platforms.
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The Unknown Country directed by Morrisa Maltz
This movie is stunning. Think Nomadland but even more stripped down. Lily Gladstone plays a character on a roadtrip to reunite with her estranged family after the death of her grandmother. Along the way she tries to learn more about who her grandmother was in life and reconnect with her memory. A lot of the film is unscripted, and breathtaking shots of the western US landscape punctuate the brief encounters she has at each stop on her journey.
The Unknown Country is available to rent on the major platforms such as Apple TV, Amazon, and YouTube.
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Quantum Cowboys directed by Geoff Marslett
This one’s for the multiverse fans. A really fun romp that might make your head hurt if you think about it too hard. Lily Gladstone plays a character in the 1870’s southwest who encounters a pair of travelers stuck in a time loop (sort of). She enlists their help (sort of) in a plan to recover land that was taken from her and in return helps them in their attempt to break their cycle. Most of the film is rotoscope animation, so it’s a completely different type of a performance from Lily Gladstone. I had the extraordinary luck of meeting her at a festival screening last year and they said it was such a fun deviation from their usual hyper realistic work.
Quantum Cowboys is available to rent on major platforms such as Apple TV, Amazon, and YouTube.
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Fancy Dance directed by Erica Tremblay
The most recent Lily Gladstone film to blow me away, and maybe my favorite film of 2023. Lily Gladstone plays a character who has been trying to find her missing sister while simultaneously providing care for her sister’s daughter. When it appears she may lose custody, the two hit the road to search for the teen’s mother. It’s sad and sweet and beautiful. I have to warn that the subject matter is heavy and all too real but that’s why it’s an important story. It’s about something that is so pervasive, yet people outside of the community affected turn a blind eye to it.
Fancy Dance can be seen in select theaters and is now streaming on Apple TV+. Erica Tremblay previously directed Lily Gladstone in the short film Little Chief, which can be found on Vimeo.
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dyinggirldied · 10 months ago
Welcome to The Infinite Horror Game
been binging on those mc stuck in horror reality/game/show/etc and has to solve case to survive (supernatural horror app actor, congratulations on your successful escape, i became a god in horror game, etc.) so buckle up your seatbelt.
Danny wakes up in a strange room with many others, who are panicking while a robotic female voice announcing their tasks.
Danny checks for his powers and grins. He teams up with an older boy, whose hair is streaking with some white and eyes as green as his power.
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againstthegrainphoto · 4 months ago
Karts being v normal with Garth and Borgy.
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Get you someone who looks at you like Garth and karts look at each other?
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windydrawallday · 7 months ago
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WHAT?! Is the anniversary of Bionicle?
And here I am, without much to share visually AAAAAA BUT HEY! I decided to compile my fav bunch of art I did during those years of the Reboot/G2 that made me rediscover such a cool franchise (and the last artworks are two of the most modern ones).
Plus, I can really say that without these art experimentations, I wouldn't have developed so many of my modern rendering techniques!
So, cheers to it and everyone that keeps enjoying it and/or found a muse in it like I did x)
This brand too has the privilege of being my true first robot hell bahaha
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omegalerc · 4 months ago
the exploitation of omegas worker clause needs to be reviewed and revisited bc why would they rent him out like this online.
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novelconcepts · 2 months ago
One of the things I love most about Yellowjackets is how it shows the natural oscillation people will slip into in times of crisis, revolving from person to person in a desperate bid for someone to help them survive a hellish situation. They start, naturally, with Ben: the only adult in the room. And, when he starts to fail them, they glance off of Jackie--who is processing her own terror and grief in ways that do not serve the hive team, so who's next? Lottie, of course! Lottie, who has visions, who seems to just know things, who feels preternaturally powerful in a place where less and less makes sense, where starvation is hollowing both body and mind. And when Lottie tries to shuffle backward away from this, because she is unwell, because she does not want their obsessive focus, because she never really wanted it--who's next? Natalie. Natalie, who has been the steadfast foil to Lottie's ethereal tendencies. Natalie, who fixes what she can whenever she can: be it gathering Travis' father's ring, or making maps, or bringing back game. Natalie, who is solid as the ground--or so it seems. Not because she actually is, just like Lottie is not a true messiah, just like Jackie is not innately more capable due to her captainship, just like Ben is not necessarily going to save anyone just because he's over 21. But because the girls need someone. They need to fixate to stay alive. They need a leader, because that gives them someone to look to, not because the leader will actually make a real difference.
So: if Natalie starts to show cracks...of course they'll turn on her. Of course they will. It's only natural to seek out someone, anyone, who might save you. No wonder they build a religion. No wonder they need a queen.
Heavy be the head that wears that goddamn crown. Always.
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year ago
clone danny's accident in the clone^2 au
Im thinking about clone^2 danny's accident in this au. he doesn't have his halfa powers in this au. He has his scary eyes and the ghost sense and the ability to see ghosts - kinda takes up a psychopomp role with his ghost cases - and enough ectoplasm to trigger the ghost defenses in his parents' house. But he doesn't have his ghost powers or his ghost half. He's just very strongly liminal.
And im just mmmmm thinking about how that came to be. When I originally made the clone danny au back in the summer i couldn't think of how he had his accident without putting him inside the portal, and I couldn't put him inside the portal and have it turn on and then just say "oh! he doesn't have any powers. he got hit with the full concentrated power of the sun a dimension with just a scratch"
like - like i can't do it. i just can't. i need some plausibility in my aus or i hit road blocks and can't continue (see: my jason variant au and why that took so long to post). but i was at work today thinking about clone^2 au and it hit me like a lightning shot. I think said in the original clone danny post that maybe he got electrocuted by the on button on the outside of the portal. But i was never really satisfied with that answer - it felt too placeholder-y to me. too simple. Less plausible to me than I liked.
so, solution: he still gets shocked by the portal outside, but its from a wiring issue that he spots outside of the portal. My first thought is; the portal had a wire that was unplugged. His parents, essentially, forgot to plug it in. Or maybe in all of their excitement they accidentally unplugged it and didn't notice. It just sounds like the right amount of cartoonishly silly that the Fentons are known for. "We put a second "on" button in the inside portal" -> "we forgot to plug it in"
Danny notices it while he's showing Sam and Tucker around the lab and the two of them are checking out the portal. Something caught his eye from the corner and while Sam and Tucker were talking, he went over to investigate. If this were canon, this would be just before Sam tells him to put on the hazmat suit and go into the portal so she can get a photo (iirc). (So he's currently in reg clothes)
And im imagining it as slightly off to the side. Its two black cords - an extension cord to the outlet and then the cord to the portal. and danny crouches down over it, frowning. his eyes follow the cord to the outlet, and then the cord to the portal, and he picks both up.
'did they forget to plug it in?' he thinks, turning his head to look at the portal's entrance. and logically he knows he should probably put the cords down and tell his parents, let them handle it since they have the expertise for this stuff. But...
his eyes draw back to the plug. it's just a plug. it'd be fine if he plugged it in, wouldn't it? surely, it'd be fine. he thinks about it for a moment.
he plugs it in.
immediately, the energy that had been building up slowly through the wires of the portal - the latent ectoplasm in the room being funneled through whatever tech his parents used to make it - goes through the cord. Like a dam bursting. In a flash, the portal turns on with a worrying bang.
At the same time, Danny is hit with a near-lethal amount of electricity. While not as agonizing as being inside the portal, danny still mentally checks out with pain. and he blacks out. when he comes to, he's laying on his back, still in the lab, with sam and tucker kneeling over him. they're talking - probably yelling, with panicked looks on their faces.
He can't hear a thing they're saying, his ears are full of the overly rapid, irregular beating of his heart and the pounding of his blood. His chest hurts like he's having a heart attack, and he grasps at his shirt as his breathing comes in short, labored.
"Hospital" he wheezes out, and sam gets up and sprints out of the lab upstairs. everything else feels like a blur - his parents and jazz are by him - his parents completely ignoring their swirling, working portal, someone's calling 911, danny's being loaded onto a stretcher with an oxygen mask over his face.
danny gets discharged from the hospital a week later, and sick leave from school for another two. his parents refuse to allow him back into the lab, stating it was too dangerous, and their work comes to near grinding stop to watch over him. It's honestly kinda sweet, but the hovering is annoying him - stubborn, independent teenager that he is. When he gets back to school he's still relatively sat out for phy.ed - he's been getting random heart palpitations (which had been at its worst when he was still on sick leave) and what the doctors think is a strange case of arrhythmia. Although Danny insists that he's fine - he's breathing, alive. Nothing feels wrong with him.
Then one day in class, Tucker turns to him to say something - a joke -and yelps - "your eyes!"
Danny on instinct turns his head to the window, frowning. And in the faded reflection, his eyes are burning shade of green like that of the portal. He blinks, breathing in sharply, and they're back to the his old bright blue.
Unfortunately, they're in english class, and the entire room was staring at them. "Is there something wrong, Mr. Foley?" Mr. Lancer asks from the front. Tucker is still wide-eyed and in shock, and he looks quickly between Danny and Lancer.
"I- no, um- Danny's eyes- they- were, um..." He looks panicked, confused.
Danny steps in, and leans over to Tucker. "I think he just spooked himself, Mr. Lancer." He says, looking frontward with his brows furrowed. "Sorry, it won't happen again."
Mr. Lancer looks unconvinced, and suspicious, but he lets it lie. "Are you feeling alright then, Mr. Fenton? Do you need to see the nurse?" It wasn't a secret to the school or student body that he'd been to the hospital from a lab accident - and that it'd resulted in heart problems that he was recovering from.
Danny grins at him, and pounds his chest lightly, "I'm fit as a fiddle, Mr. Lancer. No heart attacks here." He jokes, and leans back into his seat. Mr. Lancer stares, eyes squinty, and then returns to the lesson.
It keeps happening. Danny's eyes turn green at the most random of times, and the three of them begin wittling down what was causing it. In general, Danny's eyes were turning green whenever he was engrossed with something, or when he got emotional - when he was laughing, angry, upset, anything. Sometimes it resulted in heart palpitations, sometimes it didn't.
his ears were hurting too, aching, like when they were cold. Danny wakes up one morning and spends twenty minutes in the bathroom turning his head left and right - his ears were beginning to point. Sam thought it was cool - Danny just thought it was concerning.
He was seeing things too - apparently. He struck up a conversation with someone on the street once - a strange looking man who looked terribly pale and wore old clothes. He looked delighted to be talking to Danny - and then Sam and Tucker walked up to him and asked who he was talking to.
("What do you mean? I'm talking to him.") ("Danny, there's no one there.") ("What?")
After multiple instances of this, they configure that the accident had given Danny some sort of ability to see ghosts.
("So you're meta now?") ("Mm... I don't know. That doesn't feel right.") ("Oh come on, that basically fits the name to a tee!") ("I know, but I just- it doesn't feel right to call myself meta.") ("If you don't like meta, why not just call yourself liminal? Since the portal is supposed to access the afterlife and it gave you powers to see ghosts.") ("Huh, good idea, Sam. Liminal it is, then.")
And as time goes on - and his parents begin to catch and experiment on ghosts - danny adjusts to these weird new abilities. It's not so bad, he supposes, its just some creepy eye magic and a ghost sense. He can live with that, and no one needed to know. He could go back to being normal - right. ...Wrong.
Do his parents really have to catch ghosts?
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plus additional sketch that i made at like 3am last night because i needed to draw it down -- aha ignore the inconsistent drawing ability that i have. i'm more of a writer than i am an artist.
#dp x dc#dpxdc#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#dpxdc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp dc#dp x dc au#dc x dp crossover#danny fenton is a clone#danny's accident in the clone^2 au#clone^2 danny before damian's arrival#danny having arrhythmia from the ghost portal - or what the doctors think is arrhythmia. him having health issues from the accident is#interesting to me but not something i think i'll get into too much other than the aforementioned heart problems. mostly bc i dont think#i'd be able to properly showcase it#also im a little embarrassed by my art skills but i just dont draw often so its about as good as im gonna get with a sheet of paper#i can do like. front poses really well but i struggle so much with drawing a head that i like that doesn't fel juvenile or amateurish#so i just gotta keep practicing lol. and find a tutorial that works suppose.#14yo danny's hair being shorter prior to when damian meets him >> its still longer than it is in canon but shorter than it will be.#i think i accidentally gave him a tim haircut. oh well. hair is hard and practice makes improvement#depending on where my motivation is at i may or may not make another post about danny finally becoming phantom in clone^2#half tempted to add a prompt tag to this because mAN do i wanna talk to people about this au and other potential stuff that could happen#like how people will take a prompt and interpret it differently than the person next to them. i love talking about different ideas of#the same thing.#does the comic imply there was something compelling danny to check it out and plug the portal in?.... maybe.
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stockexperttrading · 2 years ago
Welcome to Funded Traders Global, where trading dreams become reality!
At Funded Traders Global, we are dedicated to empowering aspiring traders to reach new heights in the financial markets. With our unique approach and unwavering support, we offer a pathway to success for traders of all levels, backed by our generous funding opportunities.
As a global leader in funded trading programs, we provide a dynamic platform that enables traders to showcase their skills, seize opportunities, and maximize their potential. Our cutting-edge technology and comprehensive resources equip you with the tools needed to conquer the markets and achieve profitability.
Unlock your trading potential with our unrivaled funding options. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to amplify your strategies or a talented beginner seeking to break into the trading world, our diverse funding tiers cater to your specific needs. Gain access to substantial capital and retain a generous share of your profits, as we believe in rewarding your success.
At Funded Traders Global, we pride ourselves on fostering a vibrant community of like-minded traders. Collaborate, learn, and grow alongside a network of passionate individuals, sharing insights and experiences to enhance your trading journey. Our supportive community is always there to provide guidance, encouragement, and motivation every step of the way.
Transparency and trust are at the core of our values. We operate with utmost integrity, ensuring fair evaluations, clear guidelines, and seamless processes. Our expert team of trading professionals meticulously analyzes your performance, offering constructive feedback to help you fine-tune your strategies and continuously improve.
Join our revolution in the world of trading and become a part of the Funded Traders Global family. Unleash your potential, seize lucrative opportunities, and embark on a rewarding trading career. Start your journey today and let us be your trusted partner in achieving financial independence.
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deiaiko · 2 months ago
#24.1 Grace vs Endorsi
"Five minutes. Start!" Dan cheered as he dropped a wrinkled paper.
The moment it touched the floor, a flurry of wind swept through the training ground as Endorsi narrowed the distance between them.
Grace blocked her kick with his shinsu-reinforced arm while manipulating the wave to lessen the impact.
That seemed to have taken Endorsi by surprise, so he took that chance to grab her leg and slam her to the floor with controlled strength.
If it had been the Endorsi that he knew, she would use her needle to break free from his grip and perform a few backflips so that she wouldn't hit the ground. However, this Endorsi hadn't mastered that reflex yet.
She did, however, roll sideways and aim to tackle his foot right after. Grace jumped and summoned his wings out of reflex, then let the wings disperse away. He thought that keeping the spar close-combat would be the best choice to bring out the best of her abilities.
Endorsi twisted and aimed another kick. At the same time, he felt a small movement from behind him. He moved slightly to dodge and a needle flew past his arm.
Endorsi tsked, but she was smirking. "To think that you were able to dodge that. Impressive."
"Hm? What do you mean?" Grace pretended to be confused, but his face must've shown the truth.
Endorsi sneered and flung another kick. "So that's how you're going to play it."
They proceeded to trade blow after blow, fiercer and faster, displaying their best close-combat skills. Dan and Gyetang cheered for Endorsi everytime she went on the offensive.
Given enough time, he was sure Endorsi could figure something out on her own to improve her skills. Currently she just needed some battle experience; the reflex and agility, the skill to read and predict.
Grace refrained from using bangs to attack her directly, but he did use them to block her needles, with a maximum of two bangs at a time. If it weren't for the barrier surrounding the training area, their floating ship would've had some major dents and cracks from the blows.
An alarm rang, followed by "Time's up!" from Dan as he excitedly waved and crossed his arms above his head.
Grace jumped out of Endorsi’s attack range to stop their spar.
When Endorsi finally relaxed her stance, Grace smiled and bowed at her. "It was a good fight, thank you."
Endorsi took a moment to reply, not really returning the sentiment. "I guess." 
Grace knew he had hurt Endorsi's pride with that fight, but he wouldn't have done it any differently were he given the chance.
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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seawitchkaraoke · 6 months ago
Listen the battle episodes of junior year are simply some of my fave battle eps ever, I'm rewatching the last stand right now and man I'll never get over how ridiculously competent each and every one of them are, they're so hot for real for real
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againstthegrainphoto · 4 months ago
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Joey trying to get a coaches challenge on….the whole game I think?? 😆
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owlheartt · 1 month ago
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Through blood sweat and many tears...........
I'm not cutting out another little bitch thing of paper and painting it again
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scarletiswailing347 · 1 year ago
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so i finally started making character notes
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sunsetcurveauto · 1 year ago
im so happy we're getting to see annabeth geeking out! first the arch and then the mechanics of the park, even trying to figure out how to reverse the effects of the golden chair i cant wait to see how more of her interests pop up!!!
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