#should i tag Fatima. is that Fatima...
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picspammer · 1 year ago
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A beloved animal returning from the dead, now we've seen this before... Ohhh, ghost dog. No no no, no ghost dog, resurrected dog!
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buttercuparry · 3 months ago
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I generally do not post pictures of the families I write for, but Ghada Alanquar ( @ghadaanqar) requested that I include the pictures of her nieces and nephews today. These children here are, Lama, Nabil, Amir, Fatima, Eman, and Noor. They are very young and at a time when they should be busy with their schoolwork or playing, they are having to live through unimaginable horrors.
It has been more than a year of genocide...the holidays are approaching again and what ideally is a joyous occasion for children, there are millions in Gaza who won't be celebrating because they are suffering under the violence of occupation. We cannot normalize the unchilding that has been going on for months. In fact, please remember that Palestinian children are being unchilded for decades!
Ghada and her family currently need funds to continue surviving through this genocide. The last donation was nineteen hours ago! The fundraiser is barely progressing, so please boost and please donate if you can.
Please remember that the campaign supports fourteen people, and the forced scarcity created due to the blockade and destruction of resources through bombings, have shot up the cost of living ( flour bags are now costing as high as €500 ). Please help Ghada's family however you can, for every little bit counts. The family is vetted by gazavetters and is number 6 on their list.
Tagging for reach 🙏🏽
@tamamita @vampiricvenus @punkitt-is-here @2spirit-0spoons @paper-mario-wiki
@omegaversereloaded @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @ot3
@killy @prisonhannibal @aimasu @anneemay @dirhwangdaseul
@neechees @memingursa @b0nkcreat @certifiedsexed @afro-elf
@11thsense @sawasawako @vamprisms @girlinafairytale @spacebeyonce
@skipppppy @beetledrink @schoolhater @3000s @annevbonny
@fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns
@valtsv @postanagramgenerator @feluka @rhubarbspring @khanger
@neptunerings @lesbianmaxevans @tumkaafiho @fleshdyk3 @sivavakkiyar
@imjustheretotrytohelp @sylvianritual @theropoda
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specialmouse · 3 months ago
Every morning when I wake up, I check for a message from Khaled, Ghada’s young brother who helps her run the campaign. Together, we coordinate campaign efforts and outreach. He is only one year older than me; he should be enjoying his life like me, having fun and making the stupid mistakes that come with being a young adult. Before the war, Khaled had just received his bachelor’s degree and was planning to get married and study abroad—now he must fight to save his entire family from bombs, illness, starvation, and the bitter cold.
And yet, do you want to know the first message Khaled sends me every morning? He asks me how I am, if I am happy. He praises you all endlessly, the people who have helped him and his family. He asks if the people who have been kind enough to make posts for his campaign are doing well.
We are now over a year into the Gaza Genocide, but it has not stripped Khaled of his kindness or his hope. I am continually touched, sometimes to the point of tears, at how thoughtful and sweet he is, despite everything he has seen and continues to go through. I want you to take pride in the fact that this true for YOU as well. I have seen even more beauty and generosity in friends I already held dear to me, and the wonderfulness of strangers whom I will never talk to. I am in awe at the support you all have shown, not just to the Al-Anqars, but to all Gaza campaigns. You are making a difference in the lives of so many people. Despite the horrors we see on our screens every day, the headlines we read, the images that haunt our minds—the world is full of love. You have proved it.
As the new year quickly approaches, I want to thank you all for helping the Al-Anqars, from the very bottom of my heart. You are helping the Al-Anqar siblings (Khaled, Ghada, Mohamed, and Ahed), their parents (Nabil and Fatima), and their little ones (Lama, Nabil, Eman, Amir, Fatima, and Noor).
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(Khaled and his nephew Amir ⬆️)
So, I do not mean to scare you when I say this, but time truly is of the essence, now more than ever. Ceasefire talks are stalling, the Rafah border crossing is still closed, and babies are freezing to death in their parents’ arms. Khaled tells me of the biting winter winds and the burning cold that seeps through the nylons they have taped over the windows. The half-constructed school they have taken refuge in receives no aid. They are a mere kilometer from “the corridor of death,” or the Netzarim Checkpoint. I wake up every morning fearing the worst for them, but, thank God, they are still here, still fighting.
Donations of just €5 make an entire world of difference. These funds go towards food and supplies, which have risen to astronomical prices, as well as saving for the cost of crossing the Rafah border, provided that corridor reopens. The goal is €20,000, and we are at €7,736. When I began helping this family on December 16th, it was at €5,801. I am inviting you to donate and share as much as you can to reach the stretch goal of €8,250 in the next two weeks. I think this is more than attainable if we all come together. You’ve done it before!
Again, I’d like to thank everyone for their enduring support of this campaign, and I wish everyone the best as we come into the new year. Please, please, please consider helping my lovely Khaled and his family.
€7,736 / €20,000 - 39% — STRETCH GOAL: €8,250
Verified by GazaVetters, #6
Tagging for reach:
@rickybabyboy @sayruq @officialspec2 @nabulsi @valtsvolts @komsomolka-blog @r0zeclawz @teaboot @chokulit @3000s @ot3 @90-ghost @apas-95 @punkitt-is-here @i-am-a-fish @b0tster @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @tamamita @omegaversereloaded @catsgifsarefun @teaboot @sawasawako @feluka @spongebobssquarepants @skipppppy @paper-mario-wiki @xgoldenlatiasx @postanagramgenerator @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @spacebeyonce @fools-and-perverts @dailyquests @neechees @evillesbianvillainarchive @taffybuns @nyancrimew @thatdiabolicalfeminist @beserkerjewel @tpwrtrmnky @beetledrink @spaghettioverdose @grox @minmos @paparoach @jackalopescruff @slimetony
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funds-for-pali · 6 months ago
New blog alert!
Hello everyone, this is Kobi. You may know my primary blog, @keezychid. I recently looked at my inbox on that account, and realized I have been terribly neglecting many of the families of refugees and displaced peoples who have reached out to me for help. By posting about Palestine on my main blog, I signaled to these families and people that I could help, and by not checking my messages enough and leaving their voices unheard, I have failed to fulfill my duty as an ally. So I'm making this blog, and dedicating it to sharing resources, fundraisers, and vetted pages of families from Palestine (or other countries, should those people reach out). I swear to update about at least one family or cause at least once per day.
I know we can make a difference in the lives of these people, let's fight for them!
Tagged below are some of the blogs of those who have reached out to me. If you can, please reblog, donate, and share. I will include more blogs later
@mohamed-mikki (https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=EKWGJQPP5NNXC)
salem baker
@salem-baker ( https://gofund.me/1a1829cd)
abd elmutei
@abdelmutei (https://gofund.me/bdcea611)
@sarazidan (https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-amir-get-back-to-walking-donate-today)
@asmaamajed2 (https://www.gofundme.com/f/8wewmz-help-asmaa-to-continue-school-outside-of-gaza)
@dinamahammed99 (https://gofund.me/6c684011)
Mahmoud Ayyad
@mahmoudayyad (https://gofund.me/fe3cd6dc)
@mariam-gaza (https://gofund.me/2cbfba4f)
Ahmed hilles
@ahmedhelllis (https://gofund.me/728d2627)
@abedallhferwanagaza (https://gofund.me/f9b4c293)
@mahrahpalestine (https://gofund.me/19e0f69f)
Mustafa Zaqout
@dutifullymykid (https://www.gofundme.com/f/from-conflict-to-peace-aid-the-zaqout-familys-journey-out)
Ola Adel (and family)
@olaadel-ouf (https//gofund.me/7470ae9c)
fatima albalawi
@fatimaalbalawi2 (https://www.gofundme.com/f/Stand-With-AlBalawi-Family)
Aya Hamdan (and family)
@ayameq0 (https://www.gofundme.com/f/fm8uf-khan-younes)
Anas Al Burri (and family)
@anasfamilys (https://gofund.me/e15adce5) https://www.tiktok.com/@anasrwaa?_t=8pHonyHUiAb&_r=1
Mohamed Saker
@mohameddsaker (https://www.gofundme.com/f/My-name-is-mohammed-saqr-from-north-gaza)
Ahmed Khalil
@ahmed0khalil (https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-ahmed-khalils-family-evacuate-to-safety)
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malinaa · 1 year ago
tagged : @hmsharmony ty jennifer this was SOOO hard oh my god like. genuinely agonized me for days to think about what to choose but it was SOOO fun tho <3 tagging : @rosesau | @evcndiaz | @pendrgcn | @gayarthur | @the-tenth-arcanum | @oretsev | @wherepoetsdie | @bellamyblakru | @ryekat & anyone else who wants to do it !!! rules : list your top 9 books obviously. i cheated a little and put series as as one option because that's just who i am as a person. most of these i chose at random from my 5 star reads from the past few years btw
1. percy jackson and the olympians (series) by rick riordan
i was never a big reader in elementary school—or at least not to the extent that my classmates had been. my sixth grade english class required us to bring a personal book from home for silent reading and i stole my brother's spine-cracked copies of pjo and brought them to class. i finished the whole series in less than a school week (i had to scramble to the library to pick up another series because the single novel should have lasted me at least three weeks). pjo literally kickstarted my love for reading as a hobby and i truly don't know how to state the importance it had on my little ten-year-old brain fr
2. on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
i have never read a book more beautiful in prose and so uncommonly human than this. there's just something so incredibly heartbreaking knowing this whole book is the narrator's letter to his mother who can't read! like what the fuck
3. alone with you in the ether by olivie blake
this came as a surprise to Me when i first read it. i meandered through the first quarter, loving the writing style but feeling disconnected from the characters until the Church Hand Scene™ and it was hook, line, and sinker at that point (i have since come to love the disconnectedness in subsequent rereads, knowing that the feeling was the Point). i have read this book four (4) times since i read it first last year. LAST YEAR!!! olivie has like... fundamentally altered my brain chemistry or something because i feel like everything i have written since having read this book has been somewhat influenced by it.
4. much ado about nothing by william shakespeare
what can i say! this is theeeeeee romcom ever. i have watched so many adaptations of this play, read it countless of times and can recite some iconic lines, and still the banter between benedick and beatrice is sooo elite. cannot be topped!!
5. a place for us by fatima farheen mirza
fun fact: seed rec'd this book to me and has been reccing it to anybody who would listen. the prose is so lush and melancholic. it's one of those books where nothing Really happens, but you feel Every Emotion Under The Sun and you're just like. altered by reading it
6. the song of achilles by madeline miller
obviously.... OBVIOUSLYYYYYYY this had to go here. if i had two nickels for every greek myth retelling i read during school that fundamentally changed me etc etc u get it. i read this as a junior in high school when we, yet again, had to bring a personal book to read durin class. i think at that point of my life, i've never read something that tragic yet so beautiful at the same time and now i am always looking at the beautiful and tragic in media. so! there u go! brain cells rewired and whatnot!
7. the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo
this is funny because i . technically did not rate any of these books 5 stars i'm sobbing. but like, considering the fact that my url is what it is and the way i always have them in the back of my mind, it's no wonder that i put them here. i have such an odd attachment to these books and these characters. i had copies of these books since their release but didn't touch them until ... before the sab tv release which is so fucking funny. like i don't know what i would be like if i read this as a t(w)een. i would've been so fucking insufferable ngl
8. when my brother was an aztec by natalie diaz
i actually read this for an assignment and had to write a report on it and i had SO much fun doing it. diaz plays a lot with hunger and her imagery is literally unmatched. i think about the way she contructs sentences and am filled with such envy. my beginning sentence for my paper was a nod to her style (though i failed miserably). it was: "in a paradoxical sleight of hand, hunger feeds in natalie diaz's debut." she is just. so fucking good at words i need to CHOMP on it
9. sharp objects by gillian flynn
you know the thing where you see a really popular author for a really long time and they have their work adapted to the screen and it's so good but you still haven't read their actual writing? yeah, that was me with gillian flynn (specifically about gone girl). i read gone girl, i read sharp objects, i read her short story the grownup, i'm currently reading the last novel of hers that i haven't read, dark places, and flynn is just so... incredibly good at constructing harrowing stories. it's no wonder why all three of her novels got adapted to the screen! her prose is so grounded. vivid. there's this ease to her writing that, whenever i concurrently read another novel, i always find the other piece to be lacking. i slink back to flynn's prose and immerse myself in her awful, human worlds.
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edenofeve · 1 year ago
Sorry to mess with anyone's timeline but this is serious. Biden has ignored the deaths of over 30,000 Palestinians children. We as a society should shame him for having such a negligent behavior towards something so horrible. I had two Palestinian friends who had been by my side since 2015. We shared great stories of our cultures and they even shared a recipe or two with me as I've done with them. Not being able to message them because this was their same fate, it's fucked. One was going to college and the other was going to be flying to the US for a better life, kills me. There has been no real Justice for what the people of Palestine are going through. If I found my child dead because of ignorant people who would rather act like Notsees than to face their own prejudices I'd riot and possibly be even sh0t for my t3rr0r1stic behavior. Please if you're in support for Palestine please keep doing what you're doing and keep up the fight!!! If you haven't supported Palestine yet and don't know how please please please check out some of the tags in OPs post. Please, it's better to stand against them and stand with Palestine than to be silent.
I proudly stand with Palestine. For my friends, for their families, for the people of Palestine, and in hopes that when they are freed, we can free other nations in similar situations as them.
Fatima, Dari, you both are amazing people and I hope we are reunited soon I miss you both.
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Never forgive. Never forget. World leaders, world-famous celebrities, and all those who are silent will answer.
via eye.on.palestine
TW ⚠️: Child death
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eadanga · 11 months ago
AME: The Reunion Part 2
Summary: A year after they left the show Adam and Anna return for a reunion show what new challenges await them
Parings: AdamxMC
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Adam heads downstairs with the last of the suitcases a limo pulls into the driveway and Adam nods as the driver comes to get the bags
“Honey you ready?”
Anna comes down the stairs “Ready babe”
Adam kisses her cheek “You look beautiful”
“Thanks baby”
“Ready to head back to Miami?”
“Yes it’s special to me mainly because” She smiles “I met you there”
Adam grins “Yes it’s our special place for you and me place where I proposed where we got married” He kisses her forehead “Our home”
Anna wraps her arms around his waist “I can’t wait for this”
“Me too” He takes her hand and they head to the limo
The limo drives to the mansion and Anna grins “It hasn’t changed”
“Nope I missed it”
“Me too”
They pull into the driveway and Jen comes out the house “Hey guys” she hugs them both “So glad you two could make it”
“Glad to be here Jen”
“Now you guys head to makeup and get yourselves ready”
They nod and head to makeup where Fatima grins “Anna and Adam so glad I can dress you both again!”
Anna giggles “I missed your fashion ideas”
“I’m glad cause I’ve got the perfect dress for you”
She pulls out a shimmering purple dress Anna grins “I love it”
“Knew you would put it on girl”
Anna quickly changes and struts for Adam “What do you think?”
Adam pulls her close and whispers “I think if you keep moving like that I’m gonna rip it off you”
Anna blushes “Cutie” She dusts herself off “Let’s head out there shall we?”
Adam offers his arm “Of course my beautiful wife”
Anna takes his arm and they walk outside to the stage where Carson stands and waves at them “Hey guys welcome back!”
“Nice to see you Carson”
“It’s great you two are here now it won’t be long just like 7 episodes and then the new cast will arrive and you guys will meet them”
“That sounds nice”
“And we’ll bring you back when it’s the finale for the new cast”
Anna grins “Special guest stars”
Adam chuckles “I know this is gonna be fun”
“It’s gonna take a while to start so you guys have free time”
“Thanks we’ll be around” As Carson walks off Adam takes Anna’s hand “Come on I wanna show you something”
He guides her upstairs and stops in front of a bedroom “Adam isn’t this your bedroom during season 10?”
“Yeah you have know idea how many times I want to bring you here and do so many things to you and not gonna lie” He whispers “I was this close to losing control”
Anna giggles “If you don’t stop talking like that you’re gonna lose control right now”
Adam laughs “I just wanna tell you what was on my mind before we got together”
“I was thinking the same thing”
“The night in the dream suite I couldn’t stop thinking about it I was glad when you felt the same way”
“Aww you should have known how I felt about you”
“I did just was afraid of”
“Getting your heartbroken? Never”
“I’m glad I love you”
“I love you too”
Adam opens the door “Now can we do all things I was imagining in here?”
“Adam we have to be out there soon”
“Plenty of time” He lifts her up as she giggles and carries her to the bedroom
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite
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gnomewithalaptop · 1 year ago
Ok, finally getting to those other Asks I wanted to do. So the TAU blog reblog of ur "The last time I saw you (you were so young)" fic post, u said this: "'LISTEN I know I’m meant to be working on that one longfic but my mother told me a story about my deceased grandmother & then I just blacked out and wrote this idk what to tell you", I thought for a sec, u were talking about: "The Man Who Knew the Future You" (I love the idea of Alcor meeting a past Mizar; prob. so weird for both, lol), 2/?.
(Continuing on from my Last Ask(s)): , but then I realized u were prob. talking about "Cue the Sun" instead actually, which I found out from the Ask from toothpastecanyon asking: "What is cue the sun? 👀" (having trouble linking links), & now, I am obsessed w/ that idea/it. Like, a civil war, a R!Ford Mom having a R!Gideon (of all people) Troubled teen of all people (it's also cool to see more Ford & Gideon stuff in TAU & R's of them too), trying to find something to win the civil war 3?/?.
(Continued from Last Ask(s) again, sorry for how many Asks): , but then them finding like a 2016 (I think it was 2016) Gravity Falls and meeting a skeptical and/or sus. Stan (Stan meeting reincarnations of his brother and enemy and/or past enemy, man, oh man) and the OG Mystery Twins (Dipper and Mabel, right? Awesome. That/This should be very fun), and they all think it is 2016, and not, 7098 (man, the year differences is gonna be strange &/or confusing for everyone), &/or etc. 4?/?
(Continued from my Last Ask(s) again): Like, sign me up for "Cue the Sun"! And it is gonna be a longfic (probably)? Like, even if it wasn't, I would still be interested in it, but it being a longifc is even better (as a Gravity Falls, TAU, and/or etc. fan even more esp.). The map(s) u did for "Cue the Sun", & the thought u are putting into "Cue the Sun" is amazing. 4 or 5?/?. The next 1 should hopefully be my Last Ask. I didn't realize the/my Asks would get this many.
(Continued from my Other Asks. Just 1 more after this): Is there any more "Cue the Sun" posts besides that Ask I mentioned in my other Ask(s)? When I try searching up "cue the sun" on ur blog, this is all I get "Sorry, no results for cue the sun". I didn't even get that Ask I talked about, that literally has "cue the sun" in the Ask. Tumblr's Search can be so bad sometimes. Anyways, really excited for "Cue the Sun", whenever that is. & I love ur other TAU fics and posts too! 5 or 6?/?.
(original cue the sun post)
Oh dude. Dude. Never apologize for sending too many asks -- getting this in my inbox literally made my day. To your first question: yes! The longfic in question is Cue the Sun -- I'm still working through it rn, and I'm hoping to start publishing sometime this summer/fall -- woot woot graduation time! Right now, it's looking to be about 6-7 long-ish chapters? Which is def a longfic in my book lol (I'm trying to get it all written out before I start posting -- that way I can keep with a consistent update schedule)
I am SUPER excited about it though -- I've been having a blast working through the twists and turns of it all and making sure all the pieces fit together (and dropping Easter Eggs to as many other pieces of TAU lore as possible lmao)
But yes! OG Mystery Twins are 16-17 y/o Mabel and Dipper Pines, Stan is extremely sus (but lbr that's par the course for him), and Olya and Fatima (r!Gideon and r!Ford) are about to have the worst week of their lives.
Featuring: dead sisters who haunt the narrative, utopian society models gone wrong, weapons of mass destruction, the long-term effects of magical radiation (i.e. what happens when you stick a Chernobyl disaster inside Gravity Falls), and narratively significant golf carts
FINALLY: you can find all my writing posts under #this-is-gnomes-writing-tag, but since you're the second person to express interest in this fic, I'll start tagging Cue the Sun stuff with #cue the sun. Right now there isn't really much there (read: it is a barren wasteland) bc I tend to just vague post about things, but I'll make sure to tag any future excerpts/asks/milestones
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ao3feed-ncislosangeles · 1 year ago
The Sinkhole
by ncislashipper317 “Where should we go? We can’t stay here, we’re too exposed.” “To what, Tree? Exposed to what? What’s going to get us? We don’t even know where we are!” Fatima tried unsuccessfully to hide the fear in her voice. “Hey,” Rountree whispered. He put his hands on her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I know you’re scared. I am too. We’re gonna figure this out, okay? We’re alive, and we have each other. We’re gonna be okay.” Words: 557, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Los Angeles, La Brea (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Fatima Namazi, Devin Roundtree, Ty Coleman, Paara (La Brea), Joseph (La Brea), Leyla (La Brea) Relationships: Fatima Namazi/Devin Roundtree, Ty Coleman/Paara Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Time Travel, Action/Adventure, Adventure, Adventure & Romance via https://ift.tt/yBromQ1
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madstars-festival · 2 years ago
[NEW STARS Interview] 2022 Gold Winner: Dupla Lipa
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I had the pleasure of interviewing the gold-winning team of the NEW STARS MAD competition, Dupla Lipa.
These rising stars have proven their mettle by wowing the judges with their creativity, innovation, and business acumen. In this interview, we'll delve into their journey, their inspirations, and the secrets to their success.
So without further ado, let's meet Dupla Lipa and discover what sets them apart from the rest!
1. Could you introduce yourselves, please?
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Hi! I'm Fatima Quiroz, but you can call me "Pachis". I work as a Copywriter at MullenLoweSSP3 México, and I'm originally from Mexico City.
Hello, my name is Sofía Valdez y soy directora de arte en MullenLoweSSP3 México. I work as an Art Director at MullenLowe SPP3 México, and I’m a visual artist in my free time.
Also, Sofi and I are both Cancers, which is a fun fact because we feel like that's why we're such a good creative match.
2. Last year NEW STARS competition, you participated as a team, name of Dupla Lipa.
Could you explain the meaning of the team’s name?
So, in Spanish, "Dupla" basically means "partner" or "couple" and it's used a lot in the industry to describe the tag team between a copywriter and an art director.
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Source: Dua Lipa Instagram (@dualipa)
But get this, we both love Dua Lipa and think "Dupla" kinda sounds like her name. That's why we came up with "Dupla Lipa" - it's a punny tribute to the British singer.
2-1. Also, what was the reason that you two made a team? And what was your motivation to participate NEW STARS competition?
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Just over two years ago when we were both working at VMLY&R, we decided to team up and enter the Young Lions competition in our country. It was our first time working together and we've been inseparable ever since.
We're stoked to enter New Stars because we think it's one of the most innovative festivals in the industry. Plus, it's all about supporting young creatives like us - the briefs they give, and the categories they have all show they're really trying to help us out as we start our careers.
3. Last year's theme was "A suggestion of ad campaign ideas to attract successful 2030 Busan World Exposition" which led to the development of the "BE THE FIRST TO MEET THE FUTURE" campaign. Your purpose was to show the amazing possibilities of the 2030 Busan World Expo by answering about what will actually happen in Busan in 2030 through artificial intelligence. Why did you incorporate AI into your idea? Were you always interested in AI? AI technologies related to advertising marketing have been developed recently, so what is your opinion as a creator?
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This question is funny because not long ago, for a project, we were questioning the same thing: the impact of AI on creativity. We even asked Chat GPT if it could be creative, and it said no because it doesn't have feelings - which totally makes sense. Don't get us wrong, we think AI is one of the coolest and most promising tools out there, not just for our industry but for the world as a whole. But when it comes to creativity, we believe it's something very human that comes from feeling and connecting. So while AI is a fantastic tool we should totally use (like in our campaign), we still think the future of creativity is in human hands.
4. What's the biggest change you've made since winning NEW STARS' Gold in August last year?
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We think the biggest thing that happened was us switching agencies after winning that festival. We got some job offers after that, and the main change was switching to a new agency (MullenloweSSP3 Mexico) to take on bigger challenges for brands that we really look up to.
5. Where can you usually get inspiration to come up with creative ideas? and How do you compromise and develop your ideas if you have different ideas when you work as a team?
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We're lucky to be Mexicans and born in one of the coolest countries for inspiration. Creativity isn't just for us so-called creatives, it's a natural skill that's in everyone. That's why we love getting inspired by our community, and our culture, to connect with insights that help us build our ideas.
6. What new challenge or interest do you have these days?
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To find new ways of doing creativity with all the tools that we have right now.
7. What Are Your Career Goals?
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Our main goal is to make this industry better for us and the people around us. We want more women to be part of it, so we work hard to keep learning and become a kickass duo of creative directors who make a difference.
8. As Gold winner of NEW STARS, would you like to give any advice or tips for this year’s NEW STARS participants?
Have fun! The best thing about these types of contests is that we can think of ideas that excite us, stepping away from our day-to-day, where budgets or other issues that can sometimes limit us don't exist here because what really matters is the idea. And of course, always trust in your team.
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Calling all junior advertisers!
Are you ready to showcase your creativity and take your career to the next level?
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andrcw-archive · 5 years ago
just read ur about page, have come to the conclusion that we're roughly the same person :peace sign emoji:
legends only 😌
there's a phrase in romanian (and idk if it has a counterpart in english) that goes something like “people who are alike, come together” and i'm glad it applies here 🤭💕
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gryffindormischief · 3 years ago
Hey if you are still looking for requests for Hinny fluff can you please write something about Harry being hit on by muggles and him being confused because he is not “the chosen one” in the muggle world, and Ginny having to explain that he is good looking?
A/N: idk what even happened to this lol xD I hope it brings a laugh or two.
"That looks amazing on you.”
Harry startles and turns, putting an end to his examination of his own reflection. “I - thanks.”
Refocusing, Harry fumbles for the tag. It’s a bit too pricey, honestly. He just saw it on the mannequin in the window and Harry nearly mistook it for Sirius. It feels childish, really, to impulse buy a coat because it reminds him of his godfather.
Then again he does need - 
“Especially with your styling.”
His fan club has grown - two women linger just off to the side, watching. All Harry can think is this is one of those fancy shops where salespeople earn commissions.
“I’m not quite sure but - ”
“Well you should be,” the dark haired woman steps closer and brushes her hand over his shoulders, “It fits like a glove.”
Harry stiffens and sidesteps away, pulling the jacket off and reclaiming his own. “What’s your return policy?”
“Return - ” shoulder toucher shoots a glance toward her friend, “Oh well we actually don’t work here.”
Harry pauses his retelling and ruffles his hair.
“So then what happened?” Ginny prompts.
“They asked me to dinner!” Harry yelps, earning a couple of odd glances from patrons nearby.
Dinner arrives and Harry barely registers any of it until his napkin-bundled silverware nudges his hand. “It actually is dinner time Potter.”
Harry glances up at Ginny, who’s currently buttering a roll, apparently without a care in the world. “Why are you - ”
“Did you buy the jacket?” Ginny asks, eyes rolling back a bit when she bites into her roll. “You won’t like these - I’ll go ahead and eat them. Spare you.”
“You aren’t - ”
“Surprised? Upset?”
He grabs a roll and breaks off a piece, the scent of baked cheddar tickling his nostrils. “Well. Yeah. I was,” a pause while he chews - the roll and the thought, “it was a muggle shop!”
Ginny finally does look surprised and perhaps a bit upset, pausing halfway through her second roll to stare across the dimly lit table. “Are you - ” she blinks slowly, “You’re not fucking with me?”
“Well - ”
“Don’t say ‘not currently’ and wriggle your eyebrows.”
Harry pouts.
“Do you not know you’re fit?” Ginny finally asks after a few false starts.
“I’m alright - less scrawny than I was at Hogwarts,” Harry shrugs, sipping his cider.
“No I mean you’re fit Harry,” Ginny says with a shake of her head, “Like brooding rockstar throw you my knickers fit - you get knickers owled to you!”
“Maybe don’t shout that in a muggle pub, dear,” Harry laughs, “But really that’s my point. Those women didn’t know I’m The Boy Who Lived. I get knickers because of my reputation.”
The waiter chooses that beautifully perfect moment to check in about the status of their entrees and Harry barely manages to carry on the back and forth. It’s essentially a one man conversation as Ginny has dissolved into giggles and poor Henry is blushing head to toe.
Once he departs with promises of imminent food delivery and a refresher on their drinks and Ginny’s tears let up enough for her to dab them away, she pins him with a long look. “Harry, Boy Who Lived or no, you are an absolute treat for the eyes.”
“I’m a treat?” Harry smirks.
“Delicious,” Ginny nods with an answering grin.
“I could eat you up,” Ginny confirms with an exaggerated wink.
“Am I lickable?”
A choking sound followed by the clattering of some dinnerware comes from somewhere over Harry’s shoulder and he turns to find Henry covered in what appears to luckily be two fresh ciders as opposed to a roast chicken and accompanying sides.
When said meal does appear, a nervous busboy does the honors, and later the expected bill is brought by Fatima, who apologizes for Henry’s abrupt ‘personal emergency’ and subsequent departure before the close of their dinner.
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yansurnummu · 3 years ago
A Variation of the Truth (3/?)
Auredil wasn’t always like this. He was a hero once, a good mer; but things don’t always go the way they should.
(View on AO3 for tags)
After their last encounter, Lindir hasn’t seen Auredil in a few weeks. He tried not to let it get to him, he really did. But after the third week of no sign of him, he can’t help feeling like he’s being avoided. He sort of respects it, in a way; the mer can really stay out of sight when he wants to.
“You seen Auredil around?” he asks Fatima one night, down in the cistern.
“Not for a few days, no,” she answers, holding out her open palm when he approaches the bar. Lindir rolls his eyes.
“What’s the tab?”
“Eight gold,” she says and Lindir groans, digging through his pockets and placing the coins in her hand. “Ask Andarri at the docks. She’ll track him down if it’s urgent.”
“Ugh. Thanks, Fatima,” he gives her a nod, but still feels rather dejected as he turns to leave. He’d really rather not have to deal with Andarri.
“Oh, one more thing,” she stops him, and when he turns back she’s reaching for something under the bar. “I found a couple High Elves in town named Naemon, but none that fit the bill. However,” she pulls out a book, setting it on the bar. “I found something… wild.”
“History of the Aldmeri Dominion?” Lindir reads the title, giving her a skeptical look.
“Yeah, hear me out,” she chuckles, flipping through the pages before landing on a page filled in with a copy of a painted portrait. The painting appears to be a group of soldiers, in front of the wheel of a ship inlaid with an Aldmeri script. “So, these guys were a big deal, right? I mean, the Auridon Marines were like, super elite.” 
Lindir reads the caption while she talks. 9th Squadron of the Royal Armada aboard the Grace of the Queen, 2E 582. Below that, there’s all the crew members’ names–
“Captain Auredil of Lillandril?” he says in quiet disbelief, and Fatima scoffs.
“I was getting to that!” she pouts at him. “Fine, just, look at him,” she points out the Captain in the portrait. He looks young, clean-shaven, long red hair pulled back away from his face. He’s lightly armoured in shades of gold, teal, and brown, his posture tall. It’s a bit of a stretch, but Lindir can almost see the resemblance.
“So, you think this is our Auredil? The guy who you’ve found sleeping under the docks with the rats? Who’s bar tab I keep picking up?” Lindir questions, his brow furrowed.
“Honestly, I dunno. But ain’t it just such a coincidence?” she argues, flipping the page to the next. “I only opened this book ‘cause I was revisiting the records about the Prince. The 9th Squadron was there the day he died, and according to this, their Captain just… vanished, a few days later,” she shrugs, shutting the book and sliding it towards Lindir. “And that’s kinda it. No more mention of him after that.” Lindir stares down the cover of the book for a moment, contemplating.
“What do you make of it?” he asks, fixing Fatima with a serious look. She sighs, shaking her head.
“Well, it’s a bit odd, honestly. These High Elf texts rarely paint anyone of authority in a negative light, so, to me, it seems… intentional? The way they’ve described his disappearance,” Fatima leans against the bar, her chin in her hands. “Like they tried to cover something up. My favourite example of this was Rilis XII,” she says tangentially, her tone becoming excited. “High Elves do this thing a lot where they say oh, yeah, he disappeared, died, whatever, when it turns out they were either into some really fucked up shit, or just didn’t live up to some ridiculous societal norm, and it’s always a lot of fun to dig up which it is.”
“Hm,” Lindir scratches his head, frowning. He barely even understands the politics of where he came from, let alone of a place he’d never been. It all seems very pointless and convoluted to him.
“Look, I know the look of someone drowning their sorrows in liquor; I’ve known that about him since the beginning,” she leans forward, her voice taking on a softer tone. “Lots of folks lost things in the war, we both know this. Your parents, my wife. Shit, even Andarri lost her eye on the front lines.”
Fatima takes a breath, frowning. “I don’t think it matters what they might’ve covered up. You can’t judge people based on where they came from, or where they’ve been. You have to meet them where they are now.” Lindir thinks on this for a moment, nodding.
“That’s… actually very insightful.” he comments, earning a shove to his shoulder. “No, really!” he laughs, and Fatima shakes her head, going back to tidying up the bar. 
“You can take that with you, but it’s a loaner,” she nods her head towards the book.
“Thanks,” he tucks it under his arm, giving her a smile. “I’m gonna go before I feel the need to say something sappy.”
“Oof, yeah, go, please,” Fatima grimaces in mock disgust, shooing him away.
He felt nothing, for the longest time. Had it been days, weeks, years? He couldn’t, for the life of him, recall.
Life – funny thing, that. He was dead, wasn’t he? There was a person, a dagger, a sharp pain, and then it was cold, cold, cold. 
He could remember that much; a mer with pale blond hair, and a feeling accompanying him. Did he love him? Hate him? Fear him? He wanted to scream, but his actions felt foggy, his mind untethered.
There was a low, guttural horn, rhythmic as it echoed through stone halls and metal bars. There was a tall warrior, her grip on his arm firm as they ran. 
Only a few of her words stuck with him. Coldharbour. Lyris. Molag Bal. Prophet. Invasion.
He could remember a creature made of bone, all wrong in its configuration. White-hot pain as it tore into him, pleading with Meridia to give him her aid to no avail. He needed her now more than ever, but she did not hear him.
Auredil awoke suddenly, his body wracked with pain. He felt faint as he tried to get up, unsure of his surroundings, trying to climb out of the cot he was in. 
Panic began to cloud his mind as he hit the floor instead, staring at the ceiling, and he had the creeping realization that his right leg felt numb from the knee down.
He forced his gaze away from the ceiling, a whimper escaping him when he finally looked down. It wasn’t numb; it just simply wasn’t there. His breathing came rapid as he covered his face with a trembling hand. 
He thought it had just been an awful dream.
“You’re up,” Auredil snapped his attention to the door he hadn’t noticed crack open in his panic. There stood a Khajiit he didn’t know, but thought looked vaguely familiar. “You have Raz’s condolences about the… hm,” he gestured, and all Auredil could do was stare at him, wide-eyed.
“What happened? Where am I?” he asked, trying once more to sit up. “Who are you?”
“So many questions,” he looked over his shoulder before shutting the door behind him and taking a step into the room. “This one does not believe we ever formally met. Razum-dar,” he held out his hand, and Auredil took it, wincing as he was helped onto the edge of the cot, steadied by strong arms.
“Auredil,” he offered as the recognition struck him. “You’re one of the Queen’s agents.”
“Yes, and you are the missing Captain,” Razum-dar left him to cross the room, seating himself in a chair. Auredil gave him a worried glance. “It’s been about two weeks since Lieutenant Cennewen reported you were gone.”
“Oh, Gods, Cennewen,” he muttered. He couldn’t help feeling like he’d made an ass of himself last time he saw her.
“She’s fine. Received a promotion, in fact,” Razum-dar assured him, but he couldn’t deny the guilt. “So… missing Captain falls from the sky into the sea. Care to explain?”
“I…” Auredil’s eyes fell to the floor. “I was in Elden Root,” he thought aloud, trying to put the pieces together. He remembered Naemon, a wave of nausea coming over him, his words stolen by the tightness in his throat. He heard Razum-dar sigh across the room.
“The Lieutenant told me as much,” his voice was sympathetic. 
“There was… a woman?” Auredil stumbled, his eyes widening as he looked back at the Khajiit. “I died. Am I dead?”
“That is above Raz’s paygrade,” he shrugged, “you look alive enough. More so than when this one’s associate pulled you from the sea.” 
Auredil could feel himself listing with only one foot planted on the floor, and for his own sanity, he dared not look back down. He lost himself in his own head for a moment, lamenting his situation. He couldn’t help feeling as though the mourning never ended.
“What am I to do?” he asked softly, and it was more rhetorical than anything. Razum-dar hummed, standing.
“You could always retire. Maybe open a vineyard in Russafeld,” he offered, his tone sarcastic as he paced, and Auredil grimaced at the idea. “Or, you can come work for Raz.”
“But…” he trailed off, not wanting to admit how useless he felt in the moment.
“You’ll have a prosthetic built. Give it a few weeks, you’ll be good as new,” he assured Auredil, coming to stop in front of him. “So, what say you?”
He looked up at Razum-dar. He supposed he didn’t really have any choice.
Sometimes Lindir misses Valenwood. He misses the graht-oaks, the endless green of the jungle, the dense canopy above him. As a child, he would try to climb to the top, to get above it all, but it was always too far for him to reach. 
He remembers when his youngest sister broke her arm falling from the base of one of those trees, how livid his mother was with him. He was always the bad influence, always getting into trouble.
Reaching the top is easier in the city, he thinks. He pulls himself up over the ledge of the roof without much issue, turning back to face the harbour. The blue is nice too, he supposes.
Sometimes he wonders what his life would be like had he stayed, had he not lost his home, his parents, his sisters. Are they rolling in their graves? Do they approve of the life he’s chosen?
It doesn’t matter to him, not really. He doubts he’d be happy as a Spinner, always staying in one place and telling the same stories over and over again. He thinks, hopes, they may have understood that. Their little girl growing up to be their son may have been a bit of a surprise, he thinks, chuckling to himself. 
It doesn’t matter; but part of him wishes they could see him now.
His mind wanders back to Auredil, as he sits with his journal in his lap. Before he really thinks about it, he starts drawing an image of his face. He isn’t a great artist, not like Coralantar, but he supposes it looks like him. A little.
He sighs to himself in annoyance, resting his head against the heel of his hand as his eyes bear into the crude drawing. He’s in love with Auredil, isn’t he?
It isn’t something he wants to admit to himself. He just doesn’t fall in love with people. Besides, he doubts Auredil would feel the same, not with the way he’s avoiding him. Lindir probably crossed some line and fucked up his chances, like he always does. He’d never been very good at keeping people close to him. He was always too loud, too intense, too hot-headed. Not to mention all the partners he’d had who simply just didn’t care for what’s in his pants.
That always stung the worst, he thinks. He could try his best to be more gentle, more kind, but in the end, it’s always the thing farthest from his control. And with that knowledge, it’s difficult to want to try at all.
They can take him as he is, or not at all. He rips the drawing out, crumples it up into a ball, and throws it off the roof.
It wasn’t nearly as easy a transition as Razum-dar made it seem. The trip back to Alinor took two weeks, where he spent his time mulling about the ship on crutches, entirely miserable.
He then spent a week in an apartment he was given on behalf of the Queen, a gilded prison cell where a physician would visit him every other day. He still couldn’t bring himself to look, even as they inspected his leg and took measurements.
It felt like an eternity before the physician finally returned, accompanied by a mage carrying some sort of heavy case. He didn’t really understand the mechanics of it even as they explained it to him, but he let them fit him with the new limb. It was some combination of magic and clockwork, the metal lightweight but sturdy, and he could see that it contained many small, complex parts as they assembled it.
For the first time, he looked down at it without anxiety. The mage clicked something into place, and suddenly he could feel it again. It was odd, different, but it was the first time since he woke up to it that he didn’t feel dreadfully hopeless.
He walked with a cane for another week, but he’d never been so relieved to be walking at all.
Soon, he ventured as far as the market, though he couldn’t help cursing the amount of stairs he’d never really paid much mind to before. He wandered through the shops and stalls, without any real intention besides getting out for a bit.
He passed a silversmith’s cart, the various pieces of jewellery glinting in the sun catching his eye. One piece in particular drew his attention, like it was something he’d lost long ago and forgotten about. It was a medallion the size of a gold coin, a faceted golden sun encircled with silver rays, hanging from a pressed silver chain. He’d seen it before, he could recall; it was the same design etched into Meridia’s statue he’d seen so long ago now.
Auredil paid the jeweller quickly and left the market. He walked down past the city gates, ignoring the way his injury began to ache. By the time he made it to the beach, he was leaning heavily on the cane, pushing past sharp bolts of pain with every step.
Finally, he allowed himself to collapse in the sand.
“Meridia?” he tried, his voice meek, clutching the amulet in his hand. “I know I angered you. I was so foolish,” he admitted, tears pricking his eyes.
The pain in his leg frustrated him to no end. He wanted nothing more than for it all to just stop. And he realized, if he hadn’t pushed her away, perhaps none of it would have happened in the first place. Perhaps he would not have lost all that he had to Coldharbour.
“I was wrong,” he pleaded, hoping she would hear him this time, “I’m sorry.”
He sat there in the sand for a while, resigning that he would not hear a reply. He cursed his injury, knowing deep down that he had pushed his body too far, and he would have to remain until the pain faded at least a little.
“My poor child,” he heard, and he gasped in relief. Through his wallowing, he had not noticed the warmth emitting from the amulet he held. “I so regret what he has done to you.”
“My lady,” Auredil breathed, “I’m so sorry. I did not mean what I said.”
“You have suffered much. I hope you see now that you need me,” her voice was softer, comforting.
“I do. I pray you can forgive me.”
“I cannot change what has been done. But I will keep my promise, if you keep yours.”
Auredil shuddered as the warmth washed over him, and he could feel that small spark of power return to him. His eyes widened as the pain in his leg subsided, overwhelmed by the relief of it. It wasn’t gone by any means, but it was reduced to a dull ache where it had once been a searing, sharp pain.
“Thank you,” his eyes fell to the amulet in his hand.
“Get up,” she urged, though not unkindly, and Auredil did, planting his cane as best he could in the sand to get to his feet. “You are my warrior, and I expect you to act like it.” 
He nodded and straightened himself, like she was his mother reprimanding his posture. “I will call on you in time. Until then, continue serving your mortal Queen. Aid those who would fight against Molag Bal.”
“Yes, my lady,” he dipped his head, before sensing her presence dissipate.
His gaze found the amulet once more, and he almost felt as though she wasn’t gone entirely. He slipped it over his head, letting it rest against his sternum under his shirt, before beginning the trek back to Alinor with a newfound purpose.
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ms-trickster · 3 years ago
✨ Missy’s Fanfiction Extravaganza✨
A shout out to some fics that I've read, fallen in love with, and believe deserve more recognition. Stories not restricted by fandom or website, though I will stick to either AO3 or Fanfiction.net. Please pay attention to the tags for triggers/squicks!
Arthur Enchanted by platonic_boner (1/1)
Arthur is cursed to obey Merlin’s orders.
Obviously this has very little impact on their lives, since no servant would ever dare give orders to a prince.
Wanted: One Merlin. Big ears. Memory of King Arthur optional. by watchriverdale (1/1)
Merlin had been having quite a good day, actually, until some bloke calling himself King Arthur turned up and tried to get him to run away with him.
Winning A Battle by OhFantasyWorld (1/1)
“Arthur,” he said softly. ”There’s something wrong, isn’t there?”
Arthur nodded slowly, still not looking at him.
Merlin stepped closer to him.
“Will you tell me? I’ve been worried,” he said earnestly. “I promise not to tell anyone.”
Arthur bit his lip. Then he closed his eyes. “No.”
Into the Spider-Verse
refract, reform by puppyblue (1/1)
I should go up there and help him, Miles thinks, and stands up straight to stare at where Green Goblin and the Prowler have Spider-Man pinned down.
And in the five seconds between the thought and the realization that hey, maybe not, all Miles can think is, but I have no way to get up there.
So he throws his phone instead.
Down the Waterspout by Mockingone (9/9)
Peter Parker hightails out of the particle collider with Miles Morales tucked under his arm.
Or: Spider-Man lives, and the consequences thereafter.
It's Not The Violin by copperbadge (1/1)
Somewhere between Alejandro and the fistfight, John Watson became someone Sherlock Holmes would kill for.
The Peter Paradox by Potrix (1/)
“Sherlock has never been good at sharing, so it’s really no wonder that things go a little awry when Mycroft decides to bring a friend home for Christmas.”
In which Sherlock is jealous and not amused, Mycroft has a mysterious ‘friend’, the Holmes parents are not doing a very good job and the author decided it was time for some Christmas fluff in July.
Miraculous Ladybug
Sweet Dreams by SailorChibi (1/1)
Marinette and Adrien kill Gabriel Agreste.
big brother moment by lawltam (1/1)
“Why do you have a Nightwing hoodie and not a Red Hood one?”
“Well, maybe if you stopped killing people, they’d make more merchandise of you.”
Tim and Jason are the self-proclaimed "second-best duo of the family."
if it's all in my head tell me now, tell me i got it wrong somehow by gaysupersoldiers (1/1)
“No one who does that is good.” Fatima insists. “We have to tell Mistress. She won’t stand for it.”
And wasn’t that curious? What had Ra’s done that would inspire such wrath? Fatima had been more than ecstatic to work with ninjas, a youthful excitement prevalent as she was able to watch them train. She had been privy to the carnage Ra’s had left behind- after all she was the one to scrub the throne room just last week. And what could have Ra’s done that she thinks Talia would go directly against him?
Farah gave her companion another sharp glance, “We must do no such thing.”
Fatima sighed, crossing her arms and glaring at her sister, “There is a child in Master Ra’s bedchambers.”
knowing by mipmap (1/1)
In which Damian knows something the rest of his family does not.
can't lose another life by dottie_wan_kenobi (1/1)
Part 25 of Batfam Fics
He tries to move his arm, and pure blazing pain shoots through his whole body. Biting down on a scream, he tells himself he has to get up. Has to move. Jason is waiting for him at the hotel. If he takes too long, then Jason will come searching, and this mess is the last thing he wants his boy to see. Nevermind the fact that Bruce doesn’t have a good grasp on anything about it, he knows it’s bad.
Fire, burning flesh, crying. It’s bad. Not something a child should see.
Reverse Ethiopia AU
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solongdaisymayy · 3 years ago
What a fun thing to be tagged in — thanks so much @ashesandhackles and @thecat-isblogging-blog!! 
1) Did you reach your reading goal for this year (if you had one)?
I did not set any real reading goals for 2021. I just... read what I could and when I felt like it. 
2) What are your Top 3 books this year?
A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza (brb i’m not done sobbing over this masterpiece!) The Guest List by Lucy Foley Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
3) What's a book that you didn't expect to enjoy quite as much going in?
My Lady Jane by Brodi Ashton et al. — basically, this YA novel is about Lady Jane Grey’s brief spell as queen of England buuuuut reimagined as a magical romance. Look, it’s a silly, light-hearted book that I was sure I was not going to like when I started it. But... *shrugs* it was surprisingly witty, and I’d never read any sort of historical comedy before, so I ended up really enjoying this book! 
4) Were there any books that didn't live up to your expectations?
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid — don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great book that everyone should read once. Evelyn’s character and story had gripped me from the get-go. The whole thing is glamorous, raw, insightful. But while I do love it, I think by the time I finally read Evelyn Hugo, I’d heard so so much about it that for me this just didn’t live up to the phenomenal hype surrounding it. 
5) Did you reread any old faves? If so, which one was your favorite?
I reread The Hunger Games trilogy after almost a decade and wow. I definitely underrated how good these books were when I first read them. Especially Mockingjay!! It used to be my least favorite book in the trilogy, but now? It’s definitely my favorite! It nicely balances all the different themes of the series, has good plot and character development, and delivers an impactful finale. Overall, Mockingjay was a really satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, one that I appreciated far more as a 24 y/o than I did when I was 14.
6) Did you DNF (=did not finish) any books?
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr — this book has gorgeous prose, and I’ll never stop raving about that, but I just couldn’t get invested in the story enough to reach its ending.
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman — I liked the writing style and characters, so I’m not sure why i never finished this book tbh. It’s one I want to go back to this year.
7) Did you read any books outside of your usual preferred genre(s)?
Not really? I didn’t read too many books, and the ones I did read were all fiction and within genres I tend to prefer. My reading list wasn’t super adventurous this past year :/
8) What was your predominant format this year?
Print, I think. This amazing little used books store run by a group of elderly friends opened near my house last year, and not only is their selection of books incredible but everything is heavily discounted as well. Naturally, that also means I ended up buying wayyyyy more books than I could read in a given year. Oh well.
9) What's the longest book you read this year?
Can I say... Order of the Phoenix? All the other books I read were in the 300-450 page range, so this book definitely takes the prize for being the longest book I read last year.
10) What are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases?
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir
11) What books from your TBR did you not get to this year, but are excited to read in 2022?
The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams How To Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie Circe by Madeline Miller The Stationery Shop of Tehran by Marjan Kamali The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
TAGGING — @shes-a-gryffindor @starlingflight @mayakovskies @welsh-green @fightfortherightsofhouseelves @hinnyfied (sorry if you’ve already been tagged!)
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faaatima · 8 years ago
psst do you know this amazing and wonderful and talented and nice person called jackaboy-trash ? They're pretty fricken awesome so you should totally follow them ^-^
Oooh really ?? I haven’t heard of them but they sound pretty cool, I should check them out.
Let’s spread some positivity !!Send me the url of a blog you love :D !!
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