#should i color this. that probably will be more obviously messy if i try tho. this is fine
thousand-winters · 1 month
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That scene felt so Saiki to me that I just had to. Let's pretend I can draw weapons or hands or... yeah.
@hows-itgoagain because you wanted to be tagged askfhkdsg
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retrievablememories · 3 years
stuck with you | yoongi
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title: stuck with you pairing: yoongi x reader, taehyung and jimin as side characters genre: fluff request: “Can you do a idol!Min Yoongi of BTS request of his crush being best friends with Jimin and Taehyung and him and his crush consistently fluster the other but they never realize until one day he does and finally make as move despite everyone telling them for weeks that they like each other?” word count: 3.3k warnings: some cursing, mentions of the pandemic a/n: i’ve been actively avoiding writing anything concerning the pandemic/lockdown cuz let’s be real, we’re all here to have fun, not think about real-life shit...but i decided to try it here
i wasn’t sure how to write their living arrangements tho since most of them seem to have their own places? so i just used the hannam the hill house for reference 🤪
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“How have things been for you guys lately?”
Taehyung and Jimin exchange skeptical looks with each other, which you don’t catch because you’re too busy picking over your food.
“We’ve all been stuck in the same damn place for weeks now, so you tell me.” Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head. 
You visiting their house right before the stay-at-home mandate was issued ended up with the three of you—plus Yoongi, to your luck—being cooped up in the same house for almost two weeks now. It wasn’t wholly a bad thing, since you got to be with your two best friends, but living with three men was pretty much as messy as you’d expected it to be. “Wow. Never thought we’d run out of things to talk about.”
Jimin tries to humor you. “Things have been fine, you know...same as always. Except for Yoongi-hyung acting like a lovesick weirdo. But you wouldn’t know about that, would you…?” Jimin feigns an innocent look.
You look up from your plate. “A lovesick weirdo for who?”
“We’ve been through this like 20 times already, Y/N,” Jimin sighs.
“Yes, and every time I tell you you must have the wrong person because that makes no sense whatsoever.”
“He’s lovesick over you,” Taehyung reiterates, like you didn’t catch the gist the first time around.
“I don’t think Yoongi likes me.” You shake your head and make a face at the notion of it, trying to disguise your irritation at them constantly trying to provoke your emotions.
“Why not? There’s a lot to like about you, don’t downgrade yourself.” Jimin insists.
“He doesn’t even act like he does. If anything, he gets all odd around me.”
“That’s just how he is,” Taehyung says, leaning back in his chair. “You’d think you’d start to catch onto this after being here for so long, but…”
“No, she’s too busy being too embarrassed and intimidated to even get within 4 meters of him.” Jimin and Taehyung both giggle at that, and you shake your head.
“You guys are like little schoolkids. How many more big tales are you going to think up before our quarantine lifts? You could probably write a book by the end.”
Taehyung shrugs, putting his arms behind his head. “I might do that, as long as you let me make you and hyung the star-crossed lovers who are too dumb to tell each other how they feel.” He stretches his leg under the table to nudge your shin with his toes, knowing how you hate when he puts his bare feet on you, and he cackles when you protest loudly.
“Will you stop trying to get my hopes up for nothing—?” 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Yoongi steps out onto the terrace with the three of you a few minutes later. He shields his eyes against the sun’s sudden brightness after he slides open the glass door, holding his other arm up.
“Look who’s appeared!” Jimin says excitedly, his eyes glittering with enthusiasm.
“You’re loud,” Yoongi grumbles, though he’s mostly speaking to Taehyung and Jimin. “I can hear you laughing from downstairs.” Your body tenses up and melts all at the same time, and suddenly you feel like you don’t know how to do anything right—like hold your chopsticks correctly. They shoot out of your hand when you try to use them again and hit the patio floor. You look at them forlornly.
“You good?” Yoongi asks, a smile fluttering across his lips at your clumsy actions.
“Uh, yeah I’m fine.” You can only glance back at him, embarrassed that you’ve made yourself look like a clown. Jimin laughs like he’s just witnessed the funniest thing on Earth. You shake your head and push away from the table, wanting—no, needing—a quick exit. “I’ll just find some more of those…”
Jimin shakes himself free of his sudden bout of laughter and jumps at the opportunity. “Wait, I’ll get them for you.” He bolts up from the chair before you can even think about it and goes back into the house, already planning to take his sweet time on his mission to get you new chopsticks. Taehyung picks up the hint almost instantly.
Yoongi turns back to the doorway after Jimin disappears through it, his movements a few beats too late—as if he’s just now realizing the other man left. “What was that about—”
“Oh shit!” Taehyung’s exclamation cuts into Yoongi’s question. In a sweeping motion, Taehyung “accidentally” elbows your water off the table, sending the bottle splashing out onto the patio in sad little streams. You jerk away from the splash, but the water droplets have already gotten you.
“What the hell?!”
Taehyung shrugs like it was inevitable and gives a sheepish smile. There’s an undeniable scheme lingering in his eyes, though. “Looks like I’ll have to get you another one.” He stands up to get your aforementioned water, though you begin to form the idea that you’re not getting any water at all.
You sigh and rub your fingers across your forehead. The heat of the sun has turned from pleasant to uncomfortable, and you don’t even have your water to take the edge off. Great.
Yoongi turns back to you, his eyebrows creased. “That was weird.”
“They’re just trying to…” Force us together? You’re too embarrassed to say anything like that, and your words trail off in a stammer. Why did they ever think this would be a good idea? Yoongi raises his eyebrows in curiosity at your bitten-off answer. “An-anyway, that doesn’t matter. So...what are you doing out here?”
Yoongi shrugs, smirking slightly. “Well, I do live here.”
You snort to cover the way your stomach cuts a flip at his smirk, and you reach for your food in a nervous gesture before you remember your chopsticks are still gone. “You sorta seem like a vampire, though. I’m surprised you came out to get some sun.”
Yoongi mulls over that thought. “Hmm…a vampire, huh?” He runs a hand through his pitch-black hair, and even though the gesture is just an afterthought, it makes your heart skip a beat. You almost want to roll your eyes at your reaction to that simple movement. “Don’t tell me you were one of those obsessive Twilight fans over a decade ago.”
“And if I was?”
“Would you enjoy being bitten by a vampire?” Yoongi regrets it as soon as he says it, and you ducking your head into your hands doesn’t help the flaming embarrassment. “Fuck, that was stupid—sorry.” Your shoulders are shaking with laughter, and even though it’d be cute in another context, he feels like he’s about to combust. So he decides to make a run for it. Maybe a cowardly move on his part, but it seems like the best one right now.
“Hyung, you can’t be serious—” Jimin calls out to Yoongi as the older man brushes past once he gets back indoors, but the other man tries his best to ignore Jimin as a blush crawls up his neck. “Go back and tell her. It was the perfect moment!”
“There’s gonna be a lot more of that mess until we can leave,” Taehyung says, peering through the glass at your now confused expression and shaking his head. “God, one of them needs to say something before I lose my mind.”
Like Taehyung predicted, there’s a lot more of “that mess” over the next week. You and Yoongi continue to tip-toe around each other, unsure of how to appropriately handle each other and never unable to shake the awkwardness that colors every interaction.
The most notable incident of all, however, occurs when Yoongi does his laundry one day and somehow finds a pair of your underwear mixed in with his clothes after taking them out of the dryer. How the hell did they even get there, and how did he not notice them before?
Bound to his usual fierce overthinking, he stands there for a few long moments, wondering what he should do. Obviously, the only answer would be to return them to you. But then what if you think that’s weird, him somehow having your underwear? Or what if you assume he’s some pervert who’d taken your panties on purpose?
And to his great luck, that’s precisely when you walk into the laundry room. You give him a timid smile and greeting, which melts away into pure embarrassment when you see him standing there as if he’d just been framed for murder—and your deep red panties sitting in his laundry pile.
Yoongi’s gaze darts between the laundry and your eyes, his jaw working aimlessly as he tries to come up with something that makes sense.
He decides on “I didn’t know they were there,” though this feels just as inadequate as it sounds.
“M-maybe I threw them in the wrong bin,” you rush out, and in the same breath you cross the room to practically snatch them out of the pile of his clothes. You know you couldn’t have done it, though, which leads your mind back to those two sneaky men who’ve been trying to exercise their terrible matchmaking skills as of late.
“A-ah, yeah—maybe,” Yoongi agrees half-heartedly, rubbing the back of his neck.
You both pause for what feels like an eternity, for a reason you can’t decipher, and you think you might burst from the sheer discomfort of it all. “Well—th-thanks. One less thing to wash, I guess.” You try to laugh, but the sound comes out high and forced. Similarly, Yoongi’s answering smile is tight around the corners.
The next few days after that, you are both unable to maintain any kind of eye contact. Taehyung and Jimin are endlessly amused by the way you and the older man dance around each other like two ghosts struggling to inhabit the same space.
You make up for it slightly by turning all of Jimin’s white shirts into a splotchy pink once you find out that this was indeed his terrible and silly idea.
You’ve been sleeping in Jimin’s and Taehyung’s beds since you’ve been barricaded in their home with them, which none of you really think twice about. You’ve been friends with them for years and don’t see either of them other than platonically, so it’s not awkward for you or them. Although it was originally intended for you to mostly stay in Jimin’s bed, you end up alternating between the two, climbing into whoever’s bed you feel like that particular night. Neither of them mind the switch-up, and Taehyung likes using you as his personal pillow, so it all works out.
If there was anyone who minded at all, it was Yoongi. It wasn’t a burning jealousy, because he knew he had no right to feel like that about you—not when he couldn’t even admit to you that he liked you. But it didn’t make him want to jump for joy to know you were in either of the younger men’s beds, even just as friends.
He spent many nights imagining you were beside him instead, warming the empty spaces of his bed, whispering to him and telling him about your day. It didn’t matter if he already knew everything you did that day because you’d all been living in the same space for weeks. He still wanted to know. 
But until either of you made a move, he didn’t know when that would happen. If ever.
He didn’t even know if you’d be interested, or if you saw him the way he saw you. You were never as close to him as you’d been with the other two men, and although that could be explained by you being best friends with them for years, he honestly chalked it up to you not liking him as much. Taehyung and Jimin had tried to tell him the exact opposite several times before, but he wasn’t really convinced. Not with the way you seemed to lock up around him—like if you said or did the wrong thing, he’d hate you forever.
If only you knew he could never feel that way about you.
You decide to sneak your way to the kitchen for a late-night snack one night, your socked feet scuffing quietly on the floor as you make your way to the kitchen. However, your plan is derailed when you run into Yoongi in the hallway, who has apparently just taken a shower. He’s fully clothed—thank God, because you’re not sure how you would’ve survived it otherwise—but the towel on his wet hair speaks to his recent shower. Your immediate response is to jump in surprise, feeling like you’ve been caught red-handed; although there’s no law stopping you from getting something to eat in the middle of the night.
“You’re still up?” he asks, pulling the towel away from his face so he can see you better.
“Uh, yeah...I was just getting something to eat, I guess.”
“No crime in that. You’re tip-toeing around like you’re nervous about it, though.”
“I didn’t want to wake anyone up.” You shrug your shoulders, trying to appear more nonchalant than you really feel. “But I see you’re already up…” Your words trail off behind you as you walk into the kitchen. Yoongi watches your retreating back before making the split-second decision to follow you. He’s not really sure why, previously intending to go back to his own room. 
“Were you getting something to eat too?” you ask, turning back to glance at him when you hear his footsteps behind you. You’re admittedly happy at the idea of spending a little more time alone with Yoongi, though you’re still nervous as hell.
It’s probably not the best idea to say I just came because I wanted to be next to you, so he nods to your question. "Uh, sure, I guess. What were you gonna get?”
“I don’t really know, just whatever’s in here…” You open the fridge and stare into it absentmindedly, your eyes raking over the food but not really seeing it—not with Yoongi’s presence hovering behind you.
Eventually you settle on some leftover rice and kimchi—which there’s always plenty of—not wanting to expend too much energy on cooking anything new.
You and Yoongi sit at the table together, using the light of your phone’s flashlight and the under-cabinet lights to illuminate the room instead of the overhead. Maybe it’s a little strange, but you like the ambiance of it more than having the harsh overhead light on.
The room is quiet for a while as you both eat, which you don’t initially mind. But you can’t ignore how Yoongi keeps stealing glances at you, like you aren’t going to notice, like he isn’t sitting right in front of you where you can see. It makes you antsy, but not necessarily in a bad way.
“Is something up?” you finally ask, keeping your eyes on your half-empty bowls, too nervous to look straight at him.
He hums like he’s thinking intently about it. Then he decides to rip the band-aid off and says, “You’re always tense around me.”
He chuckles at your short response. “Why?”
You feel like you’ve been backed into a corner, and you hesitate. “Well, you’re always weird around me. Why is that?”
“Touché.” Another tense pause where he thinks of what to say, and then, “Jimin and Taehyung swear you like me.”
You try not to react so obviously, but your spoon clatters against the side of the bowl. If he’s acting weird because of the idea of you liking him, how can it be possible that he returns the feelings? Maybe he doesn’t know how to let you down easily. You suddenly feel ridiculous, like you’ve been wasting your emotions on nothing. “...I see.”
“I thought they were...trying to play some game. But, since you’re here now...is it true?”
Maybe if you close your eyes hard enough, you can poof yourself out of existence. If you felt trapped before, you really are now. You blurt out the first thing you can think of, trying to save yourself.
“Before you think I’m stupid for liking you, you should know they’ve been saying the same thing to me about you. So. Yeah.”
Yoongi looks at you full-on. “They told you I like you?” A nervous grin fixes itself on his lips, which makes you second-guess yourself. At this point, your head and heart are tangled in a knot. Why does your love life have to be this difficult? “So that’s it, then.”
“What is?”
“We like each other.” That makes your heart rate pick up. “...and didn’t even figure it out until just now, despite everyone else’s ‘help’.”
You take a shaky breath. “You like me.”
Yoongi nods, glancing between his hands on the table and your face. “I should’ve said it sooner.”
Despite yourself, you feel the corners of your mouth twitch into a slight smile—one that’s colored with relief and a tinge of lingering nervousness. “Later is better than never, I guess.” You find yourself laughing from the way all your stress slowly unwinds itself from your body, and Yoongi joins you, his eyes sparkling in the dark.
“So. This means we’re dating now, right?”
“I hope this isn’t considered our first date.” You snort, looking around the kitchen.
Yoongi shakes his head, placing his cheek in his hand with a sleepy smile. “I promise I’ll take you somewhere nice...after the pandemic is over.”
“We might be waiting a while, then.” Finished with your food, you go to quickly wash the dishes in the sink, and Yoongi slides in next to you to do the same. Another silence falls over the two of you, but for the first time, it’s not uncomfortable or pulled taut with words unsaid.
When you finish, Yoongi leans against the counter, his eyes openly tracing over you, wearing just a big T-shirt and shorts. It’s a simple outfit, but it warms his heart.
“Come sleep with me,” he says suddenly. You crack an awkward smile at that, and he’s blushing before the last syllable even leaves his lips, because he understands how that sounds. “I mean, actually sleep. It’s late.”
You pretend to hesitate on it. “I don’t know, Taehyung might miss me…”
“Taehyung and Jimin have had you all to themselves the past few weeks. It’s my turn now.”
And with that, you let him take your hand and guide you back to his room, maneuvering carefully through the dark house. His bed is new to you, but it’s instantly comfortable—like home. The smell of him surrounds you, as does his arms when he pulls you closer. You smile against the fabric of his shirt as you tuck your face into his chest, his chin on top of your head.
“Goodnight,” he murmurs, his fingers curling around your shoulder. His voice is soft and low, already halfway to sleep.
“Goodnight, Yoongi.”
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kaaytea · 4 years
Playing with their hair
⤷Includes: Kenma, Asahi, Hinata
A/n: I might make a master list soon 👉👈 and possibly try taking requests? Idk I start school soon so we'll have to see ✌️
You were chilling in a secluded hallway with the Nekoma team in between matches at the Tokyo Spring playoffs
Kenma was playing on his PSP while you were leaning your head on his shoulder watching
Kuroo asked if the both of you wanted to join the rest of the team, seeing as all of them were gonna go watch one of Fukorodani's matches
When Kenma turned to answer him his hair brushed against your face
It didn't really bother you bc it only happened when he moved his head, you thought it wouldn't happen after he went back to playing his game
Ha ha you fool
Any tiny movement he made his hair would get in your face
Obviously this got annoying after a while, you were just trying to have a miniature cuddle sesh but no
After the 293839 time his hair got into your face you sat up
You were about to push the hair in question behind his ear and go back to his comfy shoulder when you saw how messy it was
Like for real, you'd think this boy played libero with how tangled his hair was
"can I brush your hair?"
"I guess"
And with that, you pulled out the small hair brush you had stashed in his gym bag and started to gently brush through his hair
His eyes never left his game but you could tell he appreciated your efforts from the small hum of thanks he gave you when you finished
Now, you could have stopped there but Kenma was wILLINGLY letting you play with his hair
So you slipped the purple hair tie off your wrist and pulled his hair into a low ponytail, leaving a few strands loose in the front to make him feel less exposed
Once you were satisfied you returned to your spot on his shoulder and to your surprise Kenma leaned his head on top of yours
"Happy now?"
"yes, very"
With exams around the corner, you found yourself on a lot of study dates with Asahi
Just the two of you, cozy blankets, an assortment of snacks, and a hot drink
These dates were usually fairly quiet and uneventful but today Asahi's hair was bothering him
It felt odd to tuck it behind his ear but it kept getting in his face and today was one of the days he forgot to grab a hair tie
He totally could ask if you had one with you but he didn't want to interrupt your studying, so he sat there going back and forth between pushing his hair back and letting it fall loose
Obviously you noticed tho, you couldn't really concentrate with all his fidgeting
You did have a hair tie with you, but decided to let him suffer a little longer just so you can watch him make that cute pouting face
"Are you going to ask me for help, or are you going to sit there for another 30 minutes?"
"I didn't want to bother you......but yes, please help👉👈"
You made him turn his back to you so you could reach his hair
He has sUch soft silky hair so you ran your fingers through it a few times
You decided to put his hair into a French braid so it wouldn't come loose plus he looks very pretty with a braid
Honestly loves when you do his hair because he only knows how to do a bun and a ponytail
When you finished the braid he pulled you into his lap and gave you a kiss 🥺
"I should really teach you how to braid your hair"
"But then you'd stop doing it for me :("
You're at Hinata's house to help him watch Natsu while their mom runs some errands
The three of you were currently sat in the living room with a movie on
Hinata was lying on the couch with his head in your lap and had fallen asleep 20 minutes into the movie
No one was really watching the movie anymore, Natsu had moved to sit on the floor to play with a few dolls and only looked up to watch her favorite scenes
And you were much more interested in playing with your boyfriend's fluffy hair
You were just running your hands through his hair, occasionally twisting a lock loosely around your finger
Nothing that fancy
But that changed when you noticed the small box of accessories Natsu had next to her 👀
"Natsu, can I use some of your hair clips?"
She came over and gave you a handful of colorful hair clips, her eyes widened and she had a wicked smile when she understood what you were gonna do with them
You started with a small pink butterfly clip, you pushed back a piece of hair that framed Hinata's face with it
Natsu handed you a larger clip in the shape of a crown, it was lilac and vEry sparkly
You used this clip to hold back the hair that kept getting in his eyes
With the combined forces of you aNd Natsu, Hinata was decked out in hair clips in about five minutes
He probably would have stayed asleep if it wasn't for Natsu's giggling
Hinata sat up and looked at the both of you trying to hold in your laughs, you also snuck a photo of him
"what's up with you two?"
"You look very pretty Nii-chan~"
"thank you?"
You showed him the picture you took
He imEdiatelY wanted to put clips in your hair too!!
He did your hair and then the both of you did Natsu's :)))
Also he changed the lock screen on his phone to a picture of you doing Natsu's hair 🥺🥺
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Fred x Reader - Not Working Out
Hello! Would I be ok to make a request for Fred Weasley where you guys have broken up but you still wear the bracelet he got you when you were together and like he points it out when you say you’re over him (you’re not) and you get flustered, if possible can it be angst at the beginning and then fluff? It’s ok if you can’t do it tho, thank you! :)) ILY
You couldn’t fathom why Fred would want to do something so final. It seemed to be ridiculous. Well, that was a lie. In reality you understood why he wanted to leave hgowarts and it wasn’t ridiculous at all to make a joke shop with George. They were brilliant, always had been. You were upset because you felt like he was leaving you behind. 
“We can still be together!” Fred reasoned, grabbing your hands as you rolled your eyes and scoffed. “We can write, I’ll visit and you can too! It’s not a goodbye Y/N” 
“It is though! You’re going off and starting your dream life and I’m not part of it!” Fred knew you had always dealt with some abandonment and trust issues, it wasn’t a secret and it had always been a source of struggle in your relationship but he had hoped you would realize he wasn’t leaving you and you could still trust his word was good. 
“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” He said, voice cracking a bit. This was really important to him too, George and him had wanted this since they were little kids with no way of making their dream come true but determined to make it happen anyways. 
“I-” You paused. You could say you were happy for him. But that would be a lie. You were scared and sad and miserable. You were already building up defenses and so you were going to lash out. “I don’t think this is a good idea, you’d do better staying at school,” 
Fred glared you, an indignant huff making its way past his lips. His cheeks were turning red with frustration. “You know that is bullshit, Umbitch is destroying everything here and it’s important for me to go out and try to bring the world a little bit of laughter, a-and if you can’t see that then I don’t think you really know me,” 
Of course you knew him. You knew your words would hurt and that he would be left feeling like you were a mistake. Yet, you were trying to protect yourself so you let him hurt instead. “You’re right. We obviously aren’t going to get over this so why don’t we just get it over with and break up?” 
Fred hadn’t been ready for that suggestion. His jaw went slack and he paused, the anger vanishing. “You really mean that?” He spoke low and slow, afraid of the answer he knew was coming. 
“I do, now run off with George, we don’t need each other,” 
You knew it was a mistake before you had even started fighting. You loved Fred, you didn’t want to break up. You missed him and he was right, Umbridge had cast a shadow over Hogwarts that hadn’t gone away. It had, momentarily, when the twins had made a spectacle, shattering her rules and setting of fireworks as they flew around. There had been laughter and smiles and the school had felt lighter that day. 
It was what he was meant to do but you had let your own problems hold you back from joining him. He had asked you once to go with him but he knew you were too dedicated to classes to do that. It hadn’t been a goodbye though, he had every intention of making it work between you two and it had been your fault that you weren’t exchanging letters now. 
You looked at the caricatures of Fred and George looming out over diagon alley with brilliance. The shop was bright and colorful and zany and so perfectly them. So perfectly him. You couldn’t not visit. You might have burned the bridge between you and Fred but you still wanted to see his success firsthand. You were proud of him, not surprised at all he had been thriving. 
A light jingle came from the door as you made your way in but it got lost in the sound of patrons walking through the wild shop. Kids were giggling and running between parent’s legs while students were inspecting the love potions. The whizzing and whirring, popping and sizzling of their products was almost overwhelming but it all seemed to quiet when you heard the voice you had missed so much over the past couple of months. 
“So, finally come to buy a skiving snackbox?” 
You spun around and looked Fred up and down. He looked delightful. His suit was colorful and tailored well, his hair messy and eyes bright. He looked happy more than anything but there was a tinge of sadness that seemed to be creeping in the longer he stood looking at you. 
“Just came to see what all the fuss was about,” You said airily but you could tell he didn’t buy it. 
“You know you could just admit you came here to see me,” He smirked as you blushed furiously. 
“I didn’t! I’m over you, you know?” You said matter of fact but you could already feel your conviction fading. It was hard to say it to his face. You could tell yourself as many times as you wanted to in your dorm late at night when you were missing him but that didn’t make it any more true, especially now. 
“I’m sure you are,” He teased lightly, lithe fingers coming to encircle your wrist. He held it up to the light and that smirk only grew. “You’re over me so that’s why you still wear the bracelet I gave you on your anniversary,” 
“It’s a nice bracelet is all,” 
Fred was tired of the playing. He wanted you back but the constant back and forth got exhausting. He loved you, every inch of you, including your faults but he needed you to be honest with him. “So, if I kissed you right now, would you tell me you felt nothing?” 
“Um, I-I don’t think that’s a good idea,” You squeaked. 
“Oh?” Fred challenged, his other free arm wrapping around your waist and bringing you close. Only he could make you feel like you were the only two people in the world when you were surrounded by chaos. “Well, if you’re over me like you say you are then one little kiss shouldn’t matter,” 
“That isn’t fair,” You whined, eyes scanning over his freckles to avoid looking him in the eye. 
“It’s plenty fair, do you miss me?” Fred asked, his grip tightening as he shook you a little, forcing you to look at him. 
“I-” You were going to lie. You had to. You couldn’t anymore. “Of course I miss you Fred, I’m not over you and I never meant to break things off in the first place,” You admitted all at once and watched as he grinned like a madman. “But why would you even want me back after all that? Or did you just want to hear me say it? Get some satisfaction from-” 
Your words were cut off abruptly as he placed his lips on yours, they were inviting if a little chapped. He tasted of cinnamon candies. You relaxed immediately and tangled your fingers in his hair but he pulled away. His cheeks were red. 
“The boss probably shouldn’t be doing this in the lobby,” He explained. 
You laughed and rested your forehead against his chest. You were feeling too much at the moment and tears were going to start falling if you didn’t stop yourself. “I’m so sorry,” 
“I know love, it’s alright. I tried to stay positive after... I just kept hoping you’d come back. I’m glad you did. I’m glad I know you well enough to keep that hope,” 
“You do know me well... Do you know I didn’t mean a word of what I said? I am so proud of you and it’s amazing what you are doing, ridiculous but in the most wonderful way,” You needed him to understand that you did support him you just hadn’t done it very well. 
“Would you take me back then? We have a lot to work out I think... But we can do it, yeah?” He said hopefully, stroking your cheek with a warmth you felt you didn’t deserve but you welcomed it all the same. 
“Yes, of course, I should be asking that of you not the other way around,” You said, feeling guilty. 
“Next time all you need to do is let me in Y/N... Don’t shut me out and push me away. I’m stubborn and I’ll come back,” He teased, pulling a watery laugh from you. 
That day you stayed with Fred and talked, really talked, for the first time since you had split about what you felt. No more lies and no more protecting yourself because it only left you isolated and hurting. 
Fred was glad you had come back, glad you had stayed. He promised he would protect and love you so you didn’t have to do it by yourself. He could be the one to make sure you were secure and happy and loved. He had never let you down before and he wouldn’t start now. 
You could both rest easy knowing that you two had worked it out. 
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emu-lumberjack · 4 years
A Text, A Mess, and Some Cookies
Newt wasn’t expecting to hear From April today, or really ever. so when he gets a text from her obviously he’ll help. plus he’ll do a little extra.
Ok so this has been bugging me for about a week, and I decided to finally write it out, it’s just OC work so not any fandom stuff. I feel like this comes in the middle of the characters development so yeah. I want to post it because why not, also just as backround April only likes being called Ril by close friends or family. which is also explained in my head earlier in the story. oh yeah did I mention that this is like the middle of it in my head. anyway here y’all are.
I wasn’t expecting to get the text from April, but sure enough there was her contact picture. It was one she had taken herself when they first met, she had one eye closed was holding up a peace sign and her tongue was sticking out. I loved it, it was so her and not that facade she puts up  around other people where she was perfectly polite and kind. 
Hey, you wouldn’t by chance be at your house? And have Advil present would you? 
Strange request but you’re in luck I’m both home and have advil present 
Thank you! Would you mind bringing it over? You can come through the deck and my room, I’m kinda currently couch ridden.
 I’ll be over in 2
 I went to the kitchen and grabbed the Advil, at this point, I trusted her enough that she legitimately needed it and she wasn’t just trying to annoy the crap out of me.
Once I got through the door I noticed her room was really messy When was the last time she cleaned? I thought to myself, walking through the hallway to the living room wasn’t much better. There were laundry baskets all around with stacks of books and papers thrown in periodically. Walking into the living room I noticed the smell coming from the garbage, not pleasant. The kitchen was right next door and even from a brief glance, I could tell the dishes were piled up high. 
“Hey” a smaller voice than I was used to came from the couch. I walked around to see April with a heating pad pressed to her stomach and a blanket covering her legs, it was then that I realized how cold it was in here.
 “Sorry for the mess, I haven’t exactly been feeling great the last few days.”
 I handed her the Advil and said, “this isn’t exactly a few days worth of mess.” 
“Yeah I know, it’s been a harder few weeks, it’s just most people buy the few days act.” 
“Too bad for you I’m not most people, do you want water for the Advil?” 
“That would actually be awesome.” I walked into the kitchen and my initial feeling about the it was correct, it was a total mess. How she lived like this I had no idea. Fast as I could I grabbed the last clean glass from the cabinet and got some water into it. Walking back I noticed the stains on the counter. 
“Here you go April.” 
“Have I mentioned your a lifesaver?” she cracked a small smile and downed the Advil. 
“So you want to tell me what’s up with the getup?” I motioned to the sweats plus heating pad plus blanket combo. 
“Well uh… let’s just say having two X-chromosomes sucks ass, and this time is particularly bad. I forgot to start taking Advil when I initially felt the symptoms and by the time I really needed it, I couldn’t find any. I was actually looking for a solid half hour before I texted you. Thanks again by the way, sorry I had to text you in the first place.” She looked up at me, and I swear I had never seen her that tired. 
“Hey it’s completely fine I had nothing to do today anyway, you know me the most exciting thing I was planning today was sorting out my colored pens for the fourteenth time today.” we both chuckled at that. 
“Well if you don’t have anything to do want to come to watch the new episode of Doctor Who with me? I recorded it last night I hear that the new fan theory is the Master coming back.” 
“Scooch over you’ve got me invested now.” She sat up and motioned for me to sit where her head had been lying seconds before. 
“I bet you a batch of cookies the Master doesn’t actually show up.” 
“Oh, I’ll take that bet. Chocolate chip is my favorite by the way.” She was looking better but she still looked absolutely exhausted. Over the episode, I guess we must have drifted closer because at about 20 minutes in I felt a small weight on my shoulder. When I looked over I saw April sleeping softly with her head resting right where the small weight was I think that was the first time I’d ever seen her truely asleep. I moved a strand of blonde hair out of her face, she looked so much younger sleeping. I never really noticed before how much stress she carried with her until it was gone. That’s when I got the idea to help ease her stress, if just for a little. 
Careful not to wake her up I gently laid her back down on the couch, before I did anything  I turned off the heating pad and moved it to the table. I started by taking out the trash, then I worked through the kitchen doing the dishes and cleaning the stained countertop. I quickly realized I’d probably have to bring cleaning supplies from my house but that wouldn’t be too much of an issue. I listened to the episode as I worked, and it was on one of my supply runs that I added to my mental checklist to see what she had here for baking and what I needed to bring over. Quickly the kitchen looked less and less like a tornado had just ripped through it, and more like someone just needed to vacuum, which I would do once, she got up. Once most of the kitchen was done I started on the cookies. She had most of the stuff for the recipe so I only had to bring over chocolate chips and brown sugar. While they were in the oven I started tackling the hallway. 
Why does it smell like heaven was my first thought upon waking up, then I remembered. Newt, Advil, Doctor Who. Wait did I fall asleep? Shit! I hated falling asleep in front of people, but I guess the 4 closing shifts combined with the 2 doubles I’d done finally caught up with me. I went to stand up thankful to notice the cramp was finally done, those are probably in my top ten painful experiences and this was definitely one of the worst ones.
 I followed my nose to the kitchen where I saw Newt of all people scrubbing at a mixing bowl, chocolate chip cookies stood on a cooling rack a pleasant vanilla scent rang through the kitchen. In my groginess it took me a moment but I finally noticed that the counter was, clean? When did that happen? I must have made a noise because Newt turned around from his cleaning.
 “Look whose finally awake, have a nice nap?” He tried to put in our usual sarcasm but I could tell it was really just a joke rather than our normal banter. 
“Uh.. yeah. I actually really needed that. One question though, when did this,” I motioned to the clean kitchen, “happen. Because the last thing I remember the Doctor Who theme was playing and it smelled like someone just died in here.” 
“Yeah, so you fell asleep about a third of the way through the episode. I personally wanted to keep watching but the smell was just so bad so I took out the trash, then I realized if you were right I was gonna need space to bake cookies, so I started doing the dishes.” It sounded true enough, but I still smelled something funny, something he wasn’t telling me about. “Then well I couldn’t really walk through the hallway when I came in so I just tidied that up a little, and I needed a place to sit on the couch, so I also put that stuff up and cleaned that a little. I didn’t want to wake you up so I left the vacuuming up to you.”  
 “And the cookies?” “Oh you were right, it was such a twist ending.” there was a twinkle in his eyes and he smiled at me. I gave him one right back. 
“See I told you, anyway I’m sad I missed it.” 
“Ya know I was busy doing this I was only able to listen to the episode, I didn’t get to watch. How bout we rewind it and watch it together? This time both of us staying awake.”
 “Sounds like a plan. How bout you go get it set up, and bring the cookies out and I’ll finish cleaning up. You’ve already done so much.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah tho I think you should take the cookies out of the oven, I have a bad habit of over baking them.” 
“That I remember.” we both gave a shudder of the burned cookie fiasco of October. He produced a cookie platter where he got it I have no idea and started putting cookies on it, I finished up with the mixing bowl and cleaned the electric mixer, there really wasn’t a lot to do after all Newt had done a lot.”
 “Hey Ril which remote is it?” He called from the living room
 “The silver one.” I hollered back. A second later I realized what he called me, and I think he did too because I swear there was complete silence even from the birds outside. 
“Uh… Sorry I didn’t realize if----” he began from the other room.
“It’s fine don’t worry bout it Newt.” A breath and we were all back to normal or at least our version of normal. 
Newt came back in a few minutes later, the timer on his phone must’ve gone off because he was getting the cookies out of the oven. I’m not too proud to admit that when he did I followed the cookies with my nose, they smelled amazing. 
“Careful, these are still really hot.” So he did see me eyeing the cookies. 
“There are cooler ones out on the living room table.”
 “Yeah, but they aren’t as gooey.” I tried to sneak my arm past him to grab one, but hegrabbed my wrist and directed me away from the too hot tray. 
“You’re no fun.” 
“And you’re gonna get burned. At least let me move them to the cooling tray first.” 
“Fine.” I sighed heavily. Once he did I grabbed the cookie sheet and dumped it in the sink to clean it, when that was done I looked over to see the still cooling cookies. Newt had his back turned, so I obviously did the only reasonable thing. I grabbed a cookie and started eating it. “Mhmmm. That is the best cookie I’ve ever had.”
 “High praise coming from the picky eater herself.” back to our usual sarcasm, I could work with this. 
“Well you see, there are slight imbalances with the salt to sugar ratio. I feel as though it’s a little too sweet.” 
“Oh, you’re so full of shit.” We looked at each other and broke out laughing. 
“Come on let’s go finish the show. I’ve got to know how right I was about the Master.” 
“Oh like only nine percent.” 
“Nine?” I raised an eyebrow. 
“That sounds more like it.” he gave a laugh, one I don’t usually hear on it’s own. It was quick but real, one that’s hard to place but will infect anyone around them with happiness. I like seeing that laugh.
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banchoaniki · 5 years
Multiples of 4 then ☠
4: Talk show host: Imma be real w you I havent watched a talk show since attack of the show on g4 and that got cancelled years ago 8: Yankee candle scent: Fresh Balsam Fir. Smells like christmas and being cozy. Pine scents in general are god tier 12: Thing to cook: Anything that puts a smile on the face of those who eat it. Or Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Asparagus. Its easy, nutritious, and delicious. (That’d make a good dating profile header) 16: Book: Hard question. I’d have to go with Colorless Tsukuru and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami. 20: Holiday: Thanksgiving! I was born on it, so I have to like it. Other than that, toss up between Halloween and Christmas. 24: Movie: Uhhhhhhh, for live action, its a toss up between A Clockwork Orange and Apocalypse Now. For animated, Mind Game 28: Band: I dont follow a ton of bands, so Death Grips I guess. Its not like I dont listen to other music, but its mostly individual songs as opposed to deep diving into their discography 32: Athlete: I dont follow sports dude. Maybe like Usain Bolt cause he also has a pet tortoise like me.  36: Vehicle: Triump Bonneville T-100 40: Last person I got mad at: Uhh my former friend who’s girlfriend left him for being a piece of shit basically 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: I’m not missing anyone a whole ton rn. Wish we could meet tho jaz! 48: Ever been in love: Of course, its great and terrible 52: My room is: Fairly messy rn but I’ll clean up soon.  56: Favorite web site: Certainly not tumblr dot com. Idk dude probably like youtube cause I spend a lot of time watching videos or listening to podcasts.  60: I lose all respect for people who: Treat their partners like crap 64: My friends are: Great people! Things have been getting better for a lot of people in my circle of friends recently, and they really deserve it! 68: The worst sound in the world: Nails on chalkboard.  72: Today: Pretty ok day. Need to get a few things under control and still need to work out a bit, but studied hard and met up w a classmate to work on a project together! 76: Right now I am talking to: No one in particular, but ive been talking to friends throughout the day 80: The first person i talked to today was: Probably my dad when he woke me up 84: People call me: a lot of things im sure. Depends on who you ask.  88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Connection to where I live. My family’s owned my house for almost 100 years now, living elsewhere lacks that certain je ne sais quoi 92: Got a peircing: Never! maybe in the future tho... 96: Changed a diaper: also never! didn’t have any siblings or a close connected family growing up so I never had to. When I’m a dad, I’m sure I will though 100: Cried in front of someone: Oh jeez, not really sure. Maybe a few months ago, but I can’t recall what for 104: The future: Its filled with infinite possibilities, I just have to work for a future I want. I’m not too worried about stability, but you never know. Always try to have contingency plans for your contingency plans.  108: Designer Clothes: Generally overpriced trash. I’d rather buy from a local artisan that makes clothes specifically for me. Not like I don’t shop for clothes or like looking good, but theres a lot of issues in the fashion industry that I take umbrage with and like to look for alternatives.  112: Facebook: Boomerbook is convenient website that I use on occasion but I find to be fairly toxic, like most social media, so i rarely post on it. I just use the messenger app to talk with friends. 116: Reality TV: Utter trash! There are a billion other ways to spend your time that are more productive and beneficial to yourself and others that getting caught up in some fake drama with celebrities.  120: Gay Marriage: I don’t believe any kind of marriage should be regulated by the government, as its a religious sacrament. If churches want to allow it, that’s their prerogative that I won’t infringe on, but that’s in an ideal world. As it stands, I don’t have any strong feels for or against it, insofar that I think most marriages are fairly toxic.  124: Disney or Six Flags: Didney Worl 128: Manicure or Pedicure: I’ll take both, thanks 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Whomst’d’ve?  136: Hillary or Obama: Both are genuinely terrible people like most, if not all, government officials in Washington.  140: Mac or PC: I built my own PC but iPads do be kinda fresh tho I can see why people who don’t have the same hobbies or interests prefer macs, their visual design blows most PCs out of the water, and they’re functional for work and video editing. They’re obviously overpriced for the performance, but you’re buying it for the label and the well designed UI (generally, theres obviously some UI designs that are/were less than great by apple) 144: Oranges or Apples: While I like oranges, I FUCKING LOVE apples. So yeah, apples, particularly Fuji apples.  148: Summer or winter: Winter. I live in Los Angeles. Our winters are mild and maybe drizzley. Our summers are hellish. Easy choice. 152: Phone or Online: Uh I mean I like talking on the phone but texting or instant messaging is super convenient and, really, a very different form of communication that I engage in more.  156: Orbs: Do i believe in orbs? What kind of orbs? idk dude this is very nondescript and im too lazy to research this. Orbs as a geometric object do exist yes. Jury is still out on whatever the fuck this is asking tho 160: Soul mates: A distinct possibility that I’d love to be true 164: Heaven: I’m catholic, pretty sure I have to believe in it.  168: Luck: Yeah, I believe in it, but I also believe we make our own luck most times. 172: Are you taller than your mom? yeah shes like 5′2  176: Last YouTube video watched: Sure hope you like smooth japanese jazz fusion  https://youtu.be/6GEI3PpXEAo 180: Marriage is: A great responsibility I hope to be ready for one day. It can be incredible and life-affirming or it can be soul crushing if you rush into things or just have a bad partner. I don’t mean to be cynical, I genuinely believe its a beautiful thing, but so many marriages today end up horribly, so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid of it at the same time.  184: Xbox or ps3: Whichever game console can give me a better user experience with better games and services. Right now that’s playstation, but I sincerely hope microsoft steps up to the plate next gen.  188: My bed is: A queen. Kinda messy rn.  192: I am allergic to: Nothing in particular 196: My eye color is: Green! I’m actually pretty proud of them, its the rarest eye color in the world, so its part of what makes me who I am.  200: My crush’s name is:  Jaz (no homo)  But also I’m not single so I don’t necessarily have any rn
PS: I sincerely apologize for this wall of text y’all 
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Ep. 9&10: “I’m just--------peeing quite frankly” - Madi
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Was I entertained by this tribal and Julia playing her idol? Yes I very much was. Was I about to simultaneously puke and cry at the same time? Yes. Yes I was. Can this game have one single ounce of something that wont make me go into tears.
We are so dumb and stupid and dumb and stupid. I dont know why we would all vote for one person?? ESPEVIALLU if the person knows they are going and especially if that person is julia and shes already rlly good at lying. we were all blinded by our mutual force to get her out and we didnt think it out heck frick. sorry moth this is so unfair. moth was trying to get julia out the most bcs julia targetted moth last season. why julia has a thing against moth in this game? i dont know!! anyway we have to get that girl out next round and we will split vote pls it has to happen we cant give up she has to go
im just--------peeing quite frankly
go off julia, you did that, props to you
Julia playing that idol is the best and most iconic play in this game thus far. The dramatics of the fight to ensure that all the votes landed on her? Keeping the people who she knew would get skittish and snake-ish so she has a higher chance of staying next round? Literally, this all works in her favor. To be honest, I don't even want Julia gone at this point. I want someone like Ginnifer or Rachel gone for future security. Sure Julia will eventually snake me, but keep your enemies close and all that.
Ginnifer admitted ON CALL that she almost voted for Steven WHEN STEVEN WAS THERE. She also wanted an alliance with Julia, Madi, Steven, and I in the same call! Then, DeNara gets on call and Ginnifer ADMITS to wanting to create an alliance without her. I'm just kind of shook. Why would I want to work with Ginnifer anyways if she's been targeting me since the swap? There's no reason to other than being chaotic. Then, Julia transitions to pitching with working with her! And Madi is calling her out! This after-tribal call is a mess. But, now the target is fully off of me. Mwahahaha. These people???
Moth was idoled out yikes but I tried to make a new alliance but it failed
Im trying to figure out what Ginny's logic is. First you say that you wanna target all the winners cause we are the biggest threats in the game. Then you tell me TO MY FACE after a wild tribal that you almost voted for me to leave tonight. Even after all that you then turn around and try to align yourself with the winners that you were just targeting to spice it up???????? Im sorry but Im not following this.
According to DeNara, Elle wants to create an alliance with DeNara, Steven, and I. This could be a good back up alliance for the time being. Additionally, it gives us more numbers on our side if we ever need to turn on Gian and Madi. However, I don't want to do that anytime soon. They are great allies to have. Plus, they are able to think and are going after Julia. So, it should all work in my favor. I love being able to slip by each tribal with my target not being shot. I am thinking of throwing this challenge so Ginny can get the yeet though.
hi its madi and im being messy did I just text DeNara and ask her to be in a tighter alliance with me bc its gonna get to the point where the winners have to go? have I been reinforcing since the merge to anastasia that we are working together and that shes my partner in this game? did I just say “partner to partner” to anastasia that we should start an all girls alliance? did I also ask denara? me, denara, anastasia, rachel, and elle? rachel wont talk to me tho:( bc I “lied” so thats a speed bump denara also thinks she is the only one I told ab this and when I asked if we should tell anastasia she said that anastasia is a “blabber mouth” so “not yet”??????? am I fucking up my game? idkkk come back tomorrow thank the lords I have an idol if this blows up in my face???
That awkward moment when you don't remember what your confessionals say anymore and you are repeating yourself a lot lol
Soooo after Moth got voted out and Ginnifer decided to go a little crazy and try and make new alliances without us, Elle and I have decided to jump ship on the Lucky Charms alliance. She suggested talking to Steven and Raffy which was a great idea. I talked to them and they said they would be down with that so we are going to make a new alliance when Elle brings it up.
TEA. Steven and Raffy want to stick with our alliance of 5 with Madi and Gian because they trust them but Madi messaged me today saying she wanted to make a tighter alliance with me so we can eventually take out the winners. I am not sure if I should tell Steven and Raffy this or not yet, as it could end up worse for me if I do....
You know, I should give myself more credit in this game. I have played the middle so well this season so far. I have an alliance with literally everyone in this game except Julia and Anastasia and Anastasia tells me things when I ask her lol I think I can do well in this game if I play my cards right.
Oooooh so I made an alliance chat with Raffy, Steven and Elle. Sounds like we are gonna try and get Ginnifer out before Julia now. I did tell Julia I would try and spare her a round since she didn't vote me out o.O
✨A New Alliance Has Been Formed✨Me, DeNara, Steven, and Raffy ^_^ Which is great bc I trust DeNara, and I feel really good about Steven and Raf (I don't think?? they would betray us 😂but I am not sure of anything anymore lol ahhhh the post merge paranoia is real) I also feel really good about this challenge. I get to work on my layout designs for the magazine me and Madi are working on which is great! I don't know why I always worm in something I want to be practicing into these challenges lol, probs bc I'm prone to being like "I'll get right on that!" and then... not 😂 so the challenges are good excuses. I also would have Loved to make a tarot deck like the example ugh that seems so cool 😭
So I told Raffy and Steven about Madi bringing up a potential tighter alliance and I regret it. I feel like that was something I should have kept to myself Stevenhttps://youtu.be/dWdKo0iuaV4
DeNara created an alliance with Elle, Steven, and I. Steven and DeNara still don't want to tell Gian and Madi about it. Ok I guess. If they find out though, I am throwing DeNara under that bus so fast. Secondly, it seems Elle wants to target Ginnifer as well this round. I love ur impact. Now, we just need two more votes. One of them being Julia. The others possibly Gian and Madi if I can convince them. Rachel and Anatasia would probably still target Julia. I am trying to not obviously throw this challenge.
The way I ate Steven up on this lip sync. It was so fun to do! Im really happy we did this challenge :)
The judges are judging🎶 (to the tune of "The Lady's Improving" from The Prom) Anyway, I just want to preface that the first ad was supposed to be the only like, purposefully kinda bad layout in the magazine 😂 I was low on time and I regretted the color palette, it was way too saturated but Madi and I had agreed on it and I didn't want to be more annoying than I was already being about the magazine 😅. Also, I need to remember people read these afterward 😂 I'm incredibly bad at not just spewing whatever is in my mind sometimes, I feel like I might've overshared a couple of times but it happens! This probably counts as oversharing bc it's not about gameplay... yes okay back on topic I hope we win, if we don't I'll be okay I'll just be ticked at myself for staying up past 2AM but realistically if I didn't hyperfocus on that it'd be something else 🤷🏽‍♀️ atleast this was productive, I got to work on layouts a little (I mean technically I got quite a few layouts but so many are baddd 😭😭😭 like if a professor saw some of these they'd faint and then kick me out of graphic design lmao). But the point wasn't for it to be professional, so it's okay!!!!! I'm telling myself that so I don't go back and fix everything lol.
The plan as of right now is to target both Ginnifer and Julia. Personally, I want Ginnifer out because she has been a very chaotic mess since the merge started. I would rather want that gone now rather than later when we no longer have the chance. I made the plan to split the vote 4-4 against Ginnifer and Julia. DeNara, Steven, Elle, and I (the secret alliance hidden from Gian's and Madi's view) will vote for Ginnifer. Gian and Madi know about this. They, along with Anastasia and Rachel, will vote for Julia. So, it should not matter who either of them vote for. However, it would be nice if they could vote each other. This plan does come with its risks though. I am willing to take those risks. And, if I get a bad smell, I will use my SWP to get out of the sticky situation.
Well. Today is tribal day. I have been feeling worn down so much the past couple days and part of me just wants to be carried by others for a while. On the other hand, part of me feels like it might be time to make a big move soon because that is how you win. If Julia is still here after the vote tonight, then I feel like I just need to team up with her because clearly she needs to be blindsided. The lack of chatter has me worried.....like why is nobody talking??? Is it because they have all teamed up and are plotting against one of my alliances, or are they just tired and busy like me? I am not sure... I am suspicious that Julia hasn't really been talking. I know she said she had personal stuff going on but who knows if that is all of it, or just part of it. I am feeling the desire to flip on my alliance soon. Idk if I will because I feel tight with Steven and he plays loyal, but if I told him about Madi wanting to flip on the winners soon I may be able to do something... I kind of want to start actually lying to people, like... full blown lies... muahahaha! We shall see what happens if I am not blindsided tonight.
DeNara is so paranoid. This is what she told me: "I am pretty nervous about Julia teaming up with some ppl and making a play tonight. Should we come up with some crazy lie just to scare her? I am not sure what we could say, but I am feeling nervous about her?" Like, do you want to become the target? Doing that is a surefire way of becoming one. Everyone is BUSY. They're DOING things. The situation only becomes dire later on in the day. There's no reason to be doing all this when there is still time to discuss tribal. I might just dip because I am not going to get punished for DeNara being paranoid. Like, if Julia wanted to target us, she would have already done so. DeNara is just... very taxing to work with because she thinks that everyone is against her. I feel like I needed to talk her down from making a move that would have certainly gotten her voted out.
Ohhh girl I’m scared tonight I better not get blindsided because Lordy I got it when moth left and I wasn’t prepared whooo Jesus
So I have been talking to Elle a bunch and someone told her about the split vote between Ginny and Julia. I am trying to play as though she is the one giving me this information, even though I helped plan it. I actually am feeling really close with Elle and hoping I can get far with her. I might make her my real number one with Steven. I like Steven a lot but I am worried he won't turn on Raffy when it is time. Raffy keeps getting a little frustrtaed with how hard I am trying to play this game (which is fair) so he may have to go after Julia and Ginny. I am getting concerned about these newbies though. We should take one of them out soon to even out the numbers. Also, I have been trying to get idol hunt information from as many people as I can and I remembered that Gian got an advantage during a game, so I am trying to get him to tell me what number it was since he didn't add it to our group chart
Me and Julia were paired together for the challenge. Since we're trying to get that girl out I didn't want to win. I was a little worried that somehow ours would win but we got second to last. Julia was sadly going through stuff in real life and struggled. It's good for me but I sympathize with her.. Anyway Julia is out of here tonight.
Ok so last tribal was so sexy the looks on everyone’s faces are now burned into my brain
I’m really hoping it’s Ginny tonight. I’m going to try to pull out some shit and hope and pray put nothings in my hands tonight
i am so happy to be playing with such nice people. i really do be getting in my own head sometimes, but it is so nice to be reassured that i am playing a fun game and no one feels ill will towards me in anyway. i feel awesome to be supported by this group. i had a tragic event happen in my life this week, but plan to move forward and try to have the most fun while playing in his honor.
I’m at tribal right now and I feel like I’m going to puke. It’s definitely me. It’s been a ride friends. Julia out
So I got immunity, Julia went home. Sad but necessary. I really respect her as a player and would love to work with her sometime but just not this game. Also kinda annoyed that raffy called me out at tribal during the revote..... like yeah I came up with the revote but why call my name out for it???? like what is the deal with that. He is my next target tho so like hehehehe raffy its time to go. I am thinking we convince him ginny is going home and blindside him instead??? idk just thoughts
So we just voted Julia out and I am actually sad about it. I am glad the threat is gone, but she was fun for sure. Now my alliance of 5 is standing strong, if I stay loyal...
R.I.P. Julia, Queen of the Idol. The plan went off without a hitch which is pretty boring, but it means I have a lot of control in this game. I am excited for Touchy Subjects as it will be a very revealing challenge. If I had my choice, a newbie or Ginnifer would get voted out next.
My game is borderline UTR/Goat at this point and idk if that’s something I’d want to change lol. I’ve been feeling lazy >-<
0 notes
All the numbers again (second tag reblog)
1: When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More milk than cereal cause I like to drink it!
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yeah, but when I can get into the warmth after that's even better!
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I try to remember the page number instead so usually end on a multiple of 10 or 5.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Tea: Two sugars, milk, hopefully brewed by the gal. Coffee: I don’t!
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Kinda!
6: do you keep plants? Nope!
7: do you name your plants? None to name!
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Oils if I had the money for that so typically watercolours
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? I am right now.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Typically side, but back is fine. Not stomach really!
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? Oh My Gouda.
12: what's your favorite planet? Uranus ;)
13: what's something that made you smile today? My gal surprised me with a beautiful orchid
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Edgy expose brick aesthetic
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Uranus’ blue glow is due to an abundance of methane which filters out red light.
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Spaghetti carbonara probs! Especially cooked by the best.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I don’t! I did want pastel pink in August.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I had a paddy fit in primary school because I used to always sabotage my meals so I didn't eat them but I spilt milk on something I legitimately didn’t mind having... I cried over spilt milk.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I do! I write the days events and my feelings, I draw key points or little objects. Not all the time tho.
20: what's your favorite eye color? A nice hazel-y to chocolate amber brown woop
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. A grey Kanken Fjallraven, if Switzerland counts as hell, there you have it.
22: are you a morning person? Yeah! I’m straight too!
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Exactly that, nothing. With a side of music.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Only the one.
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? An abandoned slaughterhouse. Soz vegans
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Black old skool vans hehe original
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Strawberry!
28: sunrise or sunset? Why not both in a day?
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? I’m not sure!
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? I’m not sure, close calls/
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I like socks. Weird socks are fun. So are odd ones. I do not sleep with my socks, nor do I confine myself to white sock hell.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. We had deep convos for the time, we probs cried, then probs went to sleep.
33: what's your fave pastry? Uh choux just cause I can remember that is one. Hahahaha.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had one called Baxter Bear which was the best, he was quite obviously a bear with a red scarf and his own passport. I threw up on him in the car and he was never the same again, he disappeared short after. Don’t ask about Scrubs the dog.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I do, I just don't use them often.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? The xx
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? A healthy middle.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! Couldn’t possibly. There’s a fair few.
39: what color do you wear the most? Probably black? Emo ik.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? I own a necklace I got for my 16th its very cute and only comes out when I have heterosexual days to masquerade it. It’s nice.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde, it’s my favourite ever. I don’t read as much as I used to, sigh.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! There’s a cute local one. They do unreal Nutella pancakes and its quite central and very aesthetic-y. Yum!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? My gal, typically on the way to my car where I point out Orion or The Dipper. It’d be nice to do it properly sometime.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Two days ago.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? When I need to.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Someone mentions a dog, then I normally incorporate the word ‘ruff’ as a homophone for ‘rough’ and get death stares. But I like it.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Gherkins.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Abandonment/loneliness hahahah yes it is.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I do like buying records yeah! I can’t say until April the 23rd but I’ll have bought another by then.
50: what's an odd thing you collect? I don’t think I do have anything odd!
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Uncomfortable by Wallows, as well as Fast Food by D.I.D and many many more.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? The new Patrick one is doing pretty good.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Nope, nope, nope and nope!
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My dog. I didn't walk him.
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? Hahahah you wouldn’t want to know. 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Feeling secure with them, if you get me.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? CAN YOU DO THE FANDANGO!?!?!
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? K is probs the wine mom bc I'd say A but she’s not as sensible, thus A gets the Aunt role.
59: what's your favorite myth? Bulls hate red, they’re actually colour blind lmao.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I don’t mind a bit of poetry! Marking Time by Owen Sheers is noice.
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? Me and mum put a fancy brooch in a pack of digestives for someone. I’ve received stupid spellings of my name on the birthday cards.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Nope
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Rainbow order woop.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Black.
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? Yep!
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Cutesy and white and blue and stuff idk. But I wouldn't wear one haha.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Serene! Albeit Silent Hill-esque
68: what's winter like where you live? Fun! Cold! Disruptive!
69: what are your favorite board games? The Game of Life/Monopoly/Articulate!
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope!
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? English Breakfast, brewed by the girlfriend.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? I've been known to be.
73: what are some of your worst habits? Overthinking. Nail biting.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Ginger.
75: tell us about your pets! A doggo! A beagle! and a fish...
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Revising!
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Yellow
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? anyone in the fanclub needs natural selection to do its thing.
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Surprised me at work with flowers.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? White, because I’d like grey but we haven’t got there yet or painted the house since its still pretty new.
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. I don't have the time for that shit.
82: are/were you good in school? I was! I still think I am! Who knows.
83: what's some of your favorite album art? Smithsmithsmithsmithsmiths
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Yeah! Quite a few. All tonal, but above all a Venus sign and more importantly the great wave off Kanazawa by Hokusai
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I don't fun fact I used to read them start to feel sick.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I feel stupid for not knowing what they are.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Donnie Darko.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not Gothic. Can’t go wrong with a bit of impressionism.
89: are you close to your parents? I think. Depends on the time of day.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Starts with E, ends in Dinburgh.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Nowhere abroad really, just a couple of good cities.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Barely sprinkles, but I have a drowner with me to compensate.
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Down. Full stop. 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My girlfriend’s. mum!
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Work, a party, a Harry Potter film, a sad Sunday.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I leave them for as long as possible
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? ENFJ/Pisces/Ravenclaw
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Hah idk.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Nude - Radiohead is the one I’m thinking at the mo’ and I can’t think past that.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Future. Don’t need to lament on the past when I hope I have a good one ahead of me. Then from there I'd click 5 back so I’m right back to where I am, cheers.
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sadrien · 7 years
prince of cats
chapter five: to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss
on ao3 || on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
hey everyone, how was your week!
posting wise, we've passed the halfway point of what i currently have written (i have through ch9 written at the moment). i'll hopefully write most of the rest of the fic in august, just at the moment my productivity writing wise is down because i've been drawing a lot and listening to taz!
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      just letting u kno that i hate my boyfriend
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Thats a lie and you know it      Whats he making you do
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      >:(      hes making us go out to dinner with his moms
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Oh THIS dinner
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      yup
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      First of all I talked to Nino about it last time you brought it up and its just a normal dinner      His moms just want to spend time with you two From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      ur sure From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Absolutely      Alya you love Ninos moms      Theyve basically adopted you
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      ur right      im just tired      ninos really excited so i was worried im missing something or am gonna be surprised by something
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      As far as I can tell its just a normal dinner      No surprises just Nino being Nino      And the answer is to take a nap when you get home from work      Did you not sleep much last night?
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      nah i was working on a project      until like 3 cause i hate myself      nino had to drag me to bed
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Thank god for Nino
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      yeah he haaated me last night      speaking of cute boys tho
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Alya oh my god
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      im sorry uve been friends w adrien for how long now??      3 weeks??? more than a month?? literal years!?!!?!??!?!      u talk about him all the time when r we gonna meet him
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      Eventually!!!!!      I promise I just dont want you scaring him away
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      nino and i r great we dont scare ppl
From: fashion goddess To: the Most Beautiful      uh huh
From: the Most Beautiful To: fashion goddess      shut up      also get me his last name
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette puts down her sketch book. “Let’s go to the store.”
Adrien looks up from his laptop in surprise. “What?”
She’s gotten used to weekends with Adrien. He doesn’t expect her to look nice or even all that presentable, and she doesn’t expect him to, they just sit on the couch or in the kitchen and do their own thing. Adrien usually works, because he literally never stops working, and Marinette designs. She forces him to watch her favorite shows with her, even if it means that she has to explain to him who every single character is and the entire plot. In return, he’s managed to get her to watch some of his favorite movies. He randomly shows up throughout the week if he needs something from her kitchen because he always seems to be short something. Marinette is genuinely considering giving him a key to her apartment. Even if it’s just so he can steal from her fridge and cabinets.
“The store.” She pulls her hair up into a messy bun and grabs her purse off the back of her chair.
Adrien stares at her like she’s grown another head.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want, but if you need anything, you should.” She gestures toward the door.
“What do you need?” he asks, apparently having found his voice.
“Fabric,” she says, ticking things off on her fingers, “some thread, ribbon, watercolor paper, brush markers if they have any, and pizza.”
He laughs and runs his hands through his hair. “I do like pizza.”
Marinette picks up her keys. “So are you coming? Because if you aren’t I should probably kick you out.”
“What?” Adrien asks as he stands. “You don’t trust me?”
“You might steal my Jagged Stone poster,” she says with a shrug of her shoulder.
“Fair enough.” He pulls on his coat. “Show me the way.”
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette opts to walk to most of the stores. She asks Adrien if he minds and he just shakes his head and pulls his phone out of his pocket, sending a few quick texts as they make their way down the stairs and out of the apartment building.
“Where are we going exactly?” Adrien asks, pulling the door open.
“Fabric store first,” Marinette says, stuffing her phone into her purse.
He raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you have fabric at work?”
“Yes, but you’re missing the point— turn here. I don’t have fabric at home. At work, I do stuff for the head designer and my boss. I have much more creative freedom when I’m at home.”
“Huh.” Adrien flips his phone over in his hand. “Interesting. I know nothing about fashion so…”
Marinette smiles. “I sort of figured.”
He shrugs. “I don’t know much about how any sort of normal jobs work. I’ve got it relatively easy.”
“Working from your apartment and living off of take out?” she asks innocently.
Adrien rolls his eyes. “Yes exactly.”
Marinette elbows him lightly. “You’re very lucky you have me to teach you how to bake.”
It’s a nice day, not too hot and not too cold, without too many people walking around the streets. She finds herself wishing that she had more free time to spend outside, that she still had a balcony like she did when she was growing up. She misses having time to herself, where she could garden and sit outside and sew. It’s too nice to be stuck inside all the time.
Adrien accuses her of taking the long way and she doesn’t defend herself.
She holds the door open for Adrien when they get to the store, letting the far too cold airconditioning billow out onto the sidewalk.
Adrien wanders around in a sort of daze as Marinette pulls out her sketchbook and meticulously looks for the exact shade of blue that she needs.
“You needed ribbon?” Adrien asks, suddenly popping out of nowhere.
Marinette squeaks and jumps back with a start, dropping her sketchbook in surprise.
“Sorry about that,” he says sheepishly before bending over to pick up her sketchbook. He hands it back to her, rubbing the back of his neck. “Didn’t mean to frighten you.”
She takes a few deep breaths before taking the sketchbook from him. “It’s fine, you just surprised me. Easy to do when I’m concentrating.”
“What are you looking for?” Adrien asks, leaning closer, tilting his head to look at the page she has her sketchbook flipped open to.
“A blue,” Marinette murmurs, pointing to a swatch of fabric she stole from work and taped onto the page. “I mean obviously I have a type of fabric in my mind, I’m just really desperate for this shade of blue because—” Well…she doesn’t actually have a reason. She’s just attached. And that’s silly.
Adrien hums to himself. “Okay,” he says after a moment. And then he vanishes into another aisle.  
Marinette stares at the space he was occupying for a long moment before shrugging and moving on. She decides she’ll find the blue later and starts looking for white lining. She pulls a bolt from the shelf, feeling the fabric between her fingers. It’s a little heavier than she would like, but if she can’t find anything else, she can make it work.
Adrien steps out from around the corner. “Would this work?” he asks, holding out a bolt of blue fabric.
Marinette blinks and takes it from him, running her fingers over the satin-like fabric. “This is…this is perfect, actually.”
He shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. “I have a lot of experience with lots of types of fabrics.” He ignores the confused look Marinette gives him. She has questions, but mostly she’s just glad she doesn’t have to rethink the entire color scheme of this outfit.
Adrien watches over her shoulder as she chooses ribbon and nods as she rambles on about what she’s making. He doesn’t look like he understands what she’s saying to him, but he’s listening and that’s enough.
Marinette estimates how much fabric she needs and Adrien hums to himself as they get the fabric cut and check out.
“What did you think?” Marinette asks as he pushes the door open for her.
Adrien blinks in the bright sunlight and glances down the street before looking back to Marinette. “It was nice,” he says. “Overwhelming, but strangely calming.”
Marinette laughs. “That sounds about right.”
“Where to next?” Adrien asks with a tilt of his head.
✦ ✦ ✦
“Know anything about art?” Marinette asks as she pulls open the door to the art store.
“Hardly,” Adrien says with a crooked smile. “I don’t know anything about most creative things. I know music and that’s kind of where my creative talents end.”
“Music?” Marinette asks. He’s never mentioned anything about music before, though he hasn’t mentioned many hobbies or talents in general.
“Piano,” he specifies. “Took lessons for years, my parents insisted.”
Marinette leads him toward the markers and paints. “So you must be pretty good, huh?”
“Eh.” He shrugs. “Nowhere as good as my father would like me to be, but I’m passable.”
She rolls her eyes. “So that means you’re fantastic.”
“It really doesn’t,” Adrien says with a laugh. “But thanks for your faith in me.”
Marinette studies the brush markers, trying to decide what brand to get and how much money she’s willing to shell out today. Adrien amuses himself by uncapping some of the markers and trying out the testing markers while she Googles reviews on the internet. He’s flipping through an anatomy book when she decides on a set of markers and moves on to paper. She’s running low.
Marinette wanders further down the aisle where the sketchbooks and papers are. She feels someone’s eyes on her, but when she looks up, she sees a worker at the entrance. Marinette picks up a pack of watercolor paper and hums to herself. She still isn’t sure if she likes this paper, but she has very few options she can afford.
Adrien holds up a copic marker. “Why is this seven euros?”
She blinks at him. “Because it is?”
He squints at it. “It’s just a marker?”
“It’s a copic marker,” she says, like that will explain everything. Judging by the expression on his face, it doesn’t help at all. Marinette takes the marker from him and puts it back with the others. “It’s alcohol based and fancy, that’s why it’s expensive.”
Adrien looks at the case of copics in wonder. “Why would you spend so much on a marker?”
“I don’t know,” Marinette says. Adrien raises his eyebrows and she just shrugs. “I don’t usually use them. I don’t need nice markers and I don’t exactly have a lot of money to be spending on things I don’t need.”
“Fair enough,” he murmurs. He narrows his eyes at the copic. “That better be one magical marker if I’m paying seven euros for it.”
Marinette snorts. “Lucky for you, you’re not.”
Adrien gives her a lopsided smile. “Yeah, that’s true. I’m no Picasso. I think the best I can do is a stick figure.”
She elbows him lightly. “I’m sure you draw beautiful stick figures.”
Adrien laughs and for that moment, Marinette’s world gets a little brighter and her heart starts to sing.
✦ ✦ ✦
“Have you ever had pizza here?” Marinette asks as her and Adrien wait in line to order.
“Mostly I just get whatever will deliver,” he admits.
“You don’t leave the apartment much, do you?” she teases.
Adrien rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t usually need to.”
“Do you know what you want or do you just want the same as me?”
“Let’s go with the latter.”
Marinette orders her usual and pays before Adrien can offer, rejecting it when it does come. “My treat,” she says with a smile.
They sit in a booth by the window with their pizza and bags.
“Careful, it’s hot—” Marinette warns, just as Adrien burns his tongue.
“Ahhhh—” He sticks his tongue out and makes a pained expression.
She hides her smile behind her slice, but Adrien catches it and glares at her. She just shrugs. “I tried to warn you.” As she picks up her slice, someone catches her eye.
They’re watching her and Adrien out of the corner of their eye. They make eye contact with her and quickly go back to whatever they were doing on their phone. Adrien hisses in pain, bringing Marinette’s attention back to their table. “That was a mistake.”
Marinette opens her mouth to reply. The strange feeling of someone’s eyes on her passes through her and makes her freeze up and she looks back to the person who was watching them. They’re packing up their things and heading out the door.
“What is it?” Adrien asks.
Marinette shakes her head. “Sorry, I thought I saw someone I knew. I was wrong.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Been there, done that. I’ve walked up to people thinking I knew them before. I did not.” She winces. “It was incredibly embarrassing.”
“I can imagine,” she says, taking a careful bite of her pizza.
Adrien eyes her. “Am I going to burn my face off this time?”
Marinette snorts and lowers her slice. “I think you’re okay now.”
“If I die, my blood is on your hands,” he says seriously.
She rolls her eyes. “Pizza isn’t going to kill you, I promise.”  
✦ ✦ ✦
Adrien trails behind Marinette on the stairs, writing a quick email and carrying one of her bags.
“Come in for a minute?” Marinette asks as she pulls out her keys.
“Hm?” Adrien asks. He glances up from his phone. “Oh! Oh yeah, sure. I left my laptop on your table, anyway.”
She shakes her head as she unlocks her apartment. “You have to have more of your stuff at my apartment than your own.”
“It’s called minimalism,” Adrien says seriously.
Marinette frowns as the door swings open. She glances over her shoulder to Adrien. “I didn’t leave the TV on, did I?”
Adrien shakes his head. “We didn’t have it—”
“Hey!” Alya shouts from the couch.
“—on…” He trails off and hangs back by the door.
Marinette rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, it’s one of my friends. Trust me, I regret letting her have a key to this place,” she stage whispers. She shuts the door once Adrien has stepped inside after a bit of hesitation. She leaves her bags on the table before joining Alya, and apparently Nino, in front of the TV.
Nino pauses whatever show they’re watching and returns to the Netflix home screen.
Marinette crosses her arms and leans over the back of the couch. “Why are you in my house?”
“Apartment,” Nino corrects lightly.
Adrien snorts from where he’s standing awkwardly in the kitchen. He puts Marinette’s bags down on the counter and closes his laptop before holding it to his chest.
“I’ve got a present,” Alya sings, holding up a box.
Marinette rolls her eyes. “Is this payment for breaking and entering?”
“It’s not breaking if you have the key,” Nino points out. He continues to flip through Netflix. “Can’t argue the entering though.”
Alya smiles brightly at Adrien, but Marinette doesn’t miss the way Alya’s eyes sweep over him, taking in as many details as she can. “Hey, stranger!”
Adrien lifts a hand awkwardly, still hanging back by the door.
Nino leans back and nods at Adrien. “Yo, join the party.”
“I should—” Adrien gestures to the door.
Alya jumps up from the couch and hops of the back. She grabs Marinette’s arm as she breezes by, dragging her over to Adrien.
“Alya,” Marinette hisses, attempting to dig her heels into the ground as Alya pulls her along.
“I’m Alya!” she announces, holding out her hand to Adrien. “Marinette’s best friend.”
Adrien hesitates for a long moment before he shakes Alya’s hand. “Adrien. Marinette’s…” his gaze slides to Marinette before snapping back to Alya. “Her neighbor.”
Marinette tries to keep her blush from burning too brightly.
Alya shakes his hand eagerly. “Great to meet you!”
“Nino!” he shouts from the couch. “But I was working all day and I’m tired so sorry, dude, I’m staying put.”  
“It’s fine,” Adrien promises. “I really should be getting back. Plagg needs to be fed.”
Marinette nods and pulls away from Alya. “Yeah, of course! Let me just— I’ll show you out.” Alya puts the box into Marinette’s hands winks. Marinette gives her a little shove toward the couch as Adrien pulls open the door.
“You didn’t have to show me out,” Adrien insists as Marinette quickly closes the door once they’re in the hallway. She leans against it so Alya can’t look out the peephole. “I’m sure I won’t get lost on the way home.” He gives her a small smile.
“I wanted the chance to apologize for…them.” Marinette waves at the door behind her. “Mostly Alya, but both of them. They can be a lot.”
“They seem nice,” Adrien says, and Marinette still can’t read him well enough to know if he’s being sincere or not. “What did they get you?” He gestures to the box Marinette is awkwardly holding.
“Pastries. They’re from my parents’ bakery,” Marinette says quickly. “Tom and Sabine’s— they’re my parents. That’s me, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of Tom and Sabine.” She swallows and glances down at her feet. That was a little too much rambling.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” Adrien repeats softly. “You have a beautiful name.” He’s smiling when Marinette looks up at him.
She bites her lip. “Th-thank you. What about you, what’s your last name?”
“Kersey,” Adrien says, the corner of his mouth lifting in a small smirk. “Adrien Kersey.”
“A nice name,” Marinette says, running it over in her mind. Alya will kill her if she forgets it, but Marinette is fairly certain it’s burned into her brain forever.
“Thanks, my parents chose it,” Adrien jokes. “I’m just stuck with it.” He pushes open his door. “You’ll have to take me to your parents’ bakery sometime. I bet it’s great.”
“Sounds good,” Marinette murmurs as Adrien lifts a hand and disappears into his apartment. When the door clicks shut behind him, she sags against her own door and lets out a sigh.
She really doesn’t know how to handle this boy.
Alya and Nino are staring at her when she reenters the apartment. Marinette feels her face burn as she closes and locks the door.
“Not a word,” she says, putting the box from the bakery down on the kitchen counter.
Nino mimes zipping his lips shut.
“No words?” Alya asks. “Are you sure? Because I have so many words.”
“Yeah, he’s hot,” Nino says.
Marinette glares at him. “Thanks for not saying anything.”
“Alright, now that we are saying things,” Alya says, twisting around on the couch, “where were you? You don’t leave the house without us.”
“I leave the house!” Marinette protests.
Nino raises his eyebrows. “To have fun?”
Marinette turns away to put her keys back.
“Oooo,” Alya drawls. “Silent treatment.”
“It wasn’t fun, anyway,” Marinette says. “I had errands to run.”
“That you decided to run with a cute boy,” Alya points out.
“That sounds like fun to me,” Nino muses.
Marinette glances over her shoulder at him. “Aren’t you supposed to be on my side here?”
Alya gives her an offended look. “I’m his girlfriend.”
“I’ve known him longer.”
“Touché, Dupain-Cheng,” she says, narrowing her eyes.
Marinette sighs. “Speaking of last names…”
“You got it!” Alya shouts, jumping up from the couch. Nino tries to shush her, and she grabs a pillow and covers his face with it. “Tell me tell me tell me— I want to Facebook stalk him.”
Nino pulls the pillow away. “Who uses Facebook anymore?”
Alya turns to Marinette with wide eyes. “Is he secretly a wine mom?”
Marinette stares at her for a long moment. “Why are we friends.”
Alya throws the pillow across the room.
Marinette bats it away and says, “If you want Adrien’s last name, maybe you shouldn’t be throwing things at me.”
“She has a point, babe,” Nino agrees.
Alya sticks her tongue out at him before patting the cushion next to her eagerly. “Come on, Mar! I’ve waited a literal month for this.”
“Hm…” Marinette taps a finger against her lips. “Maybe I should keep you waiting.”
“Fine!” She drops down between Alya and the arm of the couch. “His last name is Kersey.”
Alya yanks her phone out of her pocket and starts typing rapidly.
Nino leans forward to look Marinette in the eye. “How long do you think she’s going to be at this?”
“A long time,” Marinette admits.
“Wanna see what Disney movies are on Netflix?” he asks, picking the remote back up. “We put some takeout in your fridge for later tonight.”
“Sounds good to me,” Marinette says. “I need to do a lot of nothing before work tomorrow.”
Nino types in Disney and starts scrolling through the results. “Are Zoé and Dorian still arguing about that thing?”
“If you’re talking about that jacket thing from a few weeks ago, they’re over that. If you’re talking about fake leather, they spent like an hour ‘debating’ that on Friday.”
“Fake leather,” Nino says in wonder. “Why were they debating that? I thought this collection was all like…dresses and stuff. Flowy soft things. What does fake leather have to do with that?”
Nino stops clicking through movies for a second. “I don’t understand you people.”
Marinette sighs and sinks against the back of the couch, pulling a pillow to her chest. “Neither do I,” she murmurs.
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Yo do them all for Ilde! (If u want!)
 FINALLY these are finished here’s a bunch of backstory about my favorite shitty girl
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
she kinda idolized the guy tbh. she saw him as an ideal to aspire to, someone who was a hero and lived an exciting life, and ultimately he was more of a symbol than an actual person that she remembered (he disappeared when she was 8). he represented freedom & excitement that she didn’t have in her life, and later on what it meant to be a “hero” (alongside mara). the idea of him influenced her path in life a lot, even if she probably would have fucked off to travel around anyway. 
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
it’s…. complicated. she loves her mom a lot, her mom is her favorite (living) family member, but their relationship is sort of muddied by ilde being the Family Disappointment™ (and fucking off at the age of 16 to be an adventurer) and the kind of weird relationship that her dad has to the family (bc she looks a lot like her father and is a lot like him). so. it’s weird. they’re very distant now.
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
She has an older half-sister, who is about 6 years older than her, named Ada. i’d characterize their relationship as… distant? more than anything else? they’re just far apart in age and in personality that they grew apart as they grew older, although when they were younger ilde was a pain in ada’s ass, very loud and always wanting to play. 
at the end of the day though, ilde’s also a little jealous of her sister because she’s everything she couldn’t be– she’s smarter and more responsible and always seems like she’s figured everything out and has found her place in the work. ilde doesn’t regret her life decisions but she know that they made her the black sheep of the family, so sometimes she’s jealous that ada just seems to fit into that life so well.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
i think her mom erred on the more lenient side, trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, or save that try to approach the situation by talking it out rather than going straight to punishment. she probably couldn’t keep it up all the time though, ilde was a troublemaker
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
not really? she had a normal family who took care of her but she wasn’t overprotected by any means
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
a weird mix of the two, and probably not on purpose. her family loved her and cared for her (ada will always say that ilde was mom’s favorite) but ilde, physically and personality-wise, is just a little to reminiscent of her father. this meant her mother treated her with a little more leniency, but her sister and her grandmother saw her father in a much less favorable light (that he abandoned the family or that he was too reckless and a bad example), and through either being compared to him or them obviously not looking highly on his chosen profession (which ilde idolized) she felt somewhat rejected. she just felt like she couldn’t fit their vision of what they wanted her to be, basically.
7. What was the economic status of their family?
they’re middle class, they own a small cobbling business.
8. How does your character feel about religion?
she didn’t like it when she was younger (her family worshipped waukeen but in a very ‘goes to church on sunday’ kind of thing, so ilde just saw religion as just a thing that she was supposed to do and therefore boring and annoying), but she’s grown to respect those who practice religion (hanging out with a paladin for like 3 years will do that to you) although she doesn’t want to have anything to do with it herself. she doesnt want anyone telling her want to do or believe.
9. What about political beliefs?
”fuck the government”
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
street-smart, not very book-smart but that’s a good amount due to a) not liking school as an institution because it’s boring and she’s bad at it so why bother, and b) i think she has a learning disability of some sort, probably dyscalculia or dyslexia which made school difficult for her and thus she figured it wasn’t for her and kind of gave up on it
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
she sees herself as smart when it comes to life skills and street smarts, and sees herself as dumb when it comes to traditionally academic spheres
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
i don’t think she comes across as very educated– she’s very crass and generally doesn’t use a lot of complex vocabulary, and her speech in general tends to be very informal. she probably also has a bit of an accent that reflects where she’s from
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
she hated all of it. too many rules and too much structure, and as a result she got in trouble a lot. she also didn’t have a lot of close friends and ended up getting into fights with other kids
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
i dont think her school had much of that? and if it did i don’t think she’d be interested in much of it.
15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
she’s the equivalent of a high school drop out
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
she’s an “adventurer” which really is just a fancy word for doing odd and dangerous jobs for not as much money as she should be making. it’s tough work and it’s never as stable or safe or as glory-filled as she’d imagined. she wouldn’t have it any other way though– nothing else affords her the same amount of freedom. also in other jobs you dont get to hit stuff w/ an axe as much? what’s even the point then
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
yes, everywhere she can, because staying in one place too long is boring and she needs to keep looking for work. she’s still traveling now, really
18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
a great mentor, new skills, a cool ass axe, and a sense of like... personal responsibility. she remembers what she learned from mara, both the practical skills and the lessons that she didn’t even know she was learning. she remembers bandits and monsters and getting cheated out of money and the feeling of pride in a finishing blow. she remembers seeing mara die and thinking “was it like this for dad, too?”
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
the adventuring life isn’t everything she thought it’d be. it’s kind of thankless, and kind of lonely, and there’s not as much glory in it as one would expect. this doesn’t mean she wont brag about her life like it’s actually really cool tho
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
discovery of the other continent, but that’s about it
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
she’s, uh, kind of an asshole tbh? or at least she can be very rude and crass and really doesn’t care about manners all that much. as for heroes, she thinks a true hero is someone who is willing to give up everything, including their life, for other people. sort of by extension, she hates cowards and people who hurt the innocent. the worst type of people are a mix of those two.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
she doesn’t have many friends, and most of the friends that she does have are friends of circumstance rather than long-lasting relationships. her closest friendship was with mara, but that was also very much a mentorship and born partially out of the benefits of having a traveling partner (and ilde having a bit of a crush) right now though, she’d consider her squad and some of the pirates and prisoners to be sort of friends.
she doesn’t have any lovers lol, but her type tends to be “cute girls who could probably kick her ass”
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
i think she wants someone who could match her & challenge her, push her to be better but also not make her settle down or give up her freedom. really, she wants a romantic AND traveling partner. as for sex, it’s something she enjoys but she’s kinda shy around girls unless she’s drunk so it’s not something she’s having a lot of lol
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
not many? if she’s in a social group she’s usual a part of one because they’re all on the same job (or, as w/ this campaign, all thrown into the same bad situation). in which case she likes to take charge and drive the group forward, even if she’s not the technical leader, although she often just ends up being the fighty one who’s maybe a leader in battle but not in the rest of the mission (or not in a meaningful way)
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
hitting things w/ an axe
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
the closest thing she has to home is her family’s shop, which i think of as being very cozy and well-maintained. her room is probably kind of sparse but messy when she stays there. 
as for personal taste, i don’t think she’s very aesthetics-oriented in general, and will go for usefulness over looking good, although she’ll make an exception for anything that looks badass or has the color red in it. she’s currently wearing her pirate’s uniform with the sleeves ripped off, along with her armor. she has long red hair that she usually keeps up in some sort of bun, or in a braid or braids in her downtime. she is short and stocky, with pale skin and freckles, large brown eyes and a strong jaw. i rolled for it an apparently she’s pretty hot too, although i don’t think she puts much work into her appearance beyond the basics.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
her relationship to clothing is very pragmatic, but she likes anything that will carry across the notion that she’s cool and badass and not to be messed with. she wears her clothing in whatever way is most comfortable, and goes for comfort and quality over anything else.
28. Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice?
she is very single rn (altho she thinks lionheart is cute)
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
a very bad mix of pride and recklessness. she’s incredibly prideful and doesn’t want to ever ask for help and it’s gotten her in trouble before. mix that with a propensity to not think very much before she acts (although she’s gotten better about that as she’s gotten older) and it’s a recipe for disaster and also lying to her mom too much
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
kind of; she’s still holding onto her father and mara’s death, but not really in the sense of holding onto a grudge, more in the sense of holding onto those memories because she admires them, and especially with mara wants to follow in her example to honor her memory. so her holding onto the past grounds her with some ideals and morals, especially about sacrifice and what it means to be a hero
31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?
she has no kids and doesn’t want any
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
very aggressively, put her in a stressful situation and her first reaction is to fight back, either verbally or physically
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health? 
she drinks, mostly to relax in between jobs
34. Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous?
yeah a general feeling of anger is pretty common, right now mostly directed at someone i can’t talk about because spoilers, but she’s dealing with it. she chopped of a worm’s head so she cooled down a little, even if so and so is still a fucking coward
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
unless they’re particularly spectacular failures she just tries to move on from any mistakes she makes and not linger on them too long. her first instinct usually isn’t to blame herself tho
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
she doesn’t like to suffer, but she thinks that all of the struggles (physical or emotional) that she’s had to go through have made her stronger, so she’s okay with having gone through them. she doesn’t like seeing innocents or friends suffer but if it’s the person/thing she’s fighting it’s fine. she’s not going to draw out anyone’s suffering though.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
she tends to live in the present and focus on dealing with current problems rather than be off in her own world, although that’s more of a result of her growing up than anything. when she was younger, she was constantly dreaming about being an adventurer.
38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?
a weird mix of suspicious and enthusiastic? like, she’s constantly seeking out new experiences but at the same time she’s been doing this shit long enough to be aware of potential danger and ready to fight it.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
oh so much. SO much. she generally likes to ridicule people she doesn’t like, especially people who take themselves too seriously or who are very uptight
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
she definitely has a sense of humor but it’s kind of a mean one-- she tends to laugh at other people’s embarrassments and fuck ups
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
she’s gained a bit of this as she’s grown older. she’s not terribly introspective but she’s gained a better sense of her own strengths and weaknesses and is at least able to reflect back on her younger self with something resembling self-criticism
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
she wants freedom, hands down. it’s not a very tangible “want” but it’s the thing that drives most of her decisions-- it’s the reason she rebelled so much as a kid, the reason she left home, the reason she continues to travel and take odd jobs to make ends meet, the reason she want so badly to get off these islands. she’s will to cut ties and even hurt others if necessary.
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
not to the people around her, but she’s been exaggerating how cool/exciting/good her life is to her family for a while because she’s a prideful shit who can’t admit when she’s wrong, and it keeps her from having a closer relationship w/ her family and a stronger support system. (i don’t think she went home right after mara died because of this and just dealt with it by herself because she couldnt bring herself to tell her family ‘oh this life kinda sucks sometimes,’ and she only ever goes home when she’s doing well for herself)
44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them?
she’s a girl of action-- she wanted to be an adventurer so she became one, even not being super prepared for what it would be like at all. she tends to jump in head-first into things
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
she’s grown more pragmatic as she’s grown up, but she’s fundamentally very action-oriented and puts her heart into what she’s doing. she was very irresponsible as a kid but has grown more responsible w/ age.
46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
she’s tall for a dwarf (like 4′11″) but short overall, her body type is pretty broad/stocky and muscular. she has pretty decent posture but it’s only because her grandmother was strict about it– she doesn’t care about her posture much but she tends to fall back into good posture. as for her body, she’s very proud of it! the way she sees it, her body is a weapon that she put a lot of work into honing and mastering, and her muscles and her scars are the result of that hard work, so why not be proud of them?
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
she wants to project the image of someone a little older and very in-control and commanding. she wants to be very visible.
48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
depends on her mood. all of her movements tend to have a lot of weight to them, and her movements are either v energetic or v relaxed
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
uhh kind of on the lower side (somewhat deliberate bc it gives off an air of her being confident and serious or some shit), and she tends to be kinda loud. she talks very casually so she doesn’t care if sometimes her words run together a little. she speaks like she wants to be heard and get her point across. she probably has a light accent that one would probably recognize as being from Drag’t, and vaguely dwarvish (bc that’s probably her actual first language and one she spoke at home a lot)
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
a general expression of “don’t fuck with me”
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mudaxolotl · 7 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well. For the Legend of Zelda ask meme, would you like to answer 1, 2, 5, and 30? Thank you!
Hi! I’m doing pretty good and I hope you���re doing well too! I’d like to preface this by saying that I’ve only played 3 zelda games so my knowledge doesn’t go a whole lot farther than what I’ve played
1. What was your first Zelda game?
breath of the wild because I’m always late to the party. I heard it was supposed to be really good and I love open world games so I went “why the hell not” and got it
2. Which game is your favorite?
I love skyward sword so much it doesn’t deserve the shit it gets like yeah it has problems and people are entitled to their opinions but there’s a difference between people saying “it’s not for me and here’s why” and just absolutely ripping it apart like so many people seem to like to do.
I put an under the cut for reasons I love ss so much because it ended up being a lot longer than expected whoops
5. What is your favorite Zelda moment?
ooooo that’s a tough one because there’s so many and I have a horrible memory. probably when zelda wakes up from the crystal in skyward sword and she, link, groose, and the old lady are all reuinited like I actually cried it was so sweet and everything was just happy and good
30. Who was your favorite sidekick and how did you see their relationship with Link?
I’m assuming sidekick means companion so I’m going with that.
midna was such a good companion and i think she’ll be hard to beat in future games. she was so much more than your usual companion who mostly gives you tips and info (not to say the companions that do that are bad). she was very much her own character and had motives, a goal, went through character development, and so on. hell, the game is even named after her. I loved her personality and I really like both of her designs. and about her and link’s relationship- I just see her and link as really close friends because they obviously care and worry about each other. in the beginning she only saw link as a way to reach her goal and link only listened to her because she was the only one that could help him (I think that was how it was. again, I have a horrible memory). over time they came to genuinely care for each other. 
skyward sword rambling/rant under the cut
this is probably really messy and all over the place but I really don’t care
I REALLY loved the characters in ss. there weren’t many but that can be a good thing. each npc, no matter how little, had a personality that set them apart from the others. everyone was different and I really enjoyed that because I could become more attached to them. groose had really good character development and man if I don't love me some “major asshole to good and caring person” character development. he was jealous of link and zelda’s relationship and was an ass about it, looking to get with zelda in an attempt to make link jealous. then in the sealed grounds after he sees link sealed the imprisoned, he realizes there’s nothing he can do. he walks out acting all calm but then you find him outside banging his fist against a wall upset that he couldn’t help and is useless. like the old lady said, he had his own role to play and he helps you with the imprisoned fights, works hard, and genuinely cares about zelda’s wellbeing. slso his relationship with “grandma” is so good like he really cares about her. also link????? I loved him in this because he had so much personality like the facial expressions add so MUCH. he’s doofy and caring but can be very serious. I feel his expressions above all are what really bring this game to life bc the usual “mostly blank face” we see in the other games isn’t very engaging or interesting. I feel that in games like zelda games, the playable character should be treated the same way as other characters because an expressionless character can ruin the illusion. the extreme rage and hatred on link’s face when ghirahim took zelda off right after link finally got her back? The look of pure anguish on link’s face after zelda sealed herself? good. fucking. shit. do that again nintendo. anyways, not only facial expressions but some of his dialogue options are great like insulting groose’s hair, saying “sounds bad” when peatrice described her symptoms when she thought about him, and saying “am I late?” when he saved impa. I love this sassy loser. I DID like this zelda but I really don’t feel like I can say too much since I really didn’t see enough of her to make an impression on me. I think her being hylia reincarnated is really interesting and I do really like that she and link go way back and are very close (i still don’t ship them tho sorry) which makes link’s motive really believable and is also a good motive for you the player. I really wish we could’ve seen more of her adventure. I thought they did really well with ghirahim both as a character and as an antagonist. I love the constant flip flop between calm and collected and angry/aggressive/violent like one second he’ll be acting all ridiculous and overdramatic and then he’ll suddenly explode or say something really violent. it’s often a mix with the violence and anger thinly veiled by a calm demeanor. it's like he wants to be that Cool and Collected Villain™ but is fucking horrible at it. something I really like is that there’s no bullshit at the beginning making you think “oh this is the ultimate evil of the game” like he straight up tells you he’s trying to bring back the thing that’ll ruin everything (not said explicitly but you know that whatever his “master” is must be a whole lot worse). his motive is clear, he plays a very active roll in the plot, and he gets what he set out to achieve.
Now onto the way the game looks. I absolutely love the colors and style of the game. I also LOVE the animation in it. there are a few moments where it’s not.... very good. but overall it’s smooth, dynamic, flows well, and looks natural. the facial expressions are also REALLY good (again, most of the time) and convey the emotions well are again, look natural. like the faces link makes in the situation I mentioned before- they’re extremely genuine looking and are just REALLY good. these two things work well to bring everything to life and make cutscenes VERY enjoyable and always had me looking forward to the next one.
finally the story. I’m not good at story analysis but I can say that it’s one of the few that really pulled at my heartstrings. fiction doesn’t make me cry very easily and this made me cry 5 times. I feel quite a few things needed more backstory and some things were not given an explanation that needed it but overall I felt it was pretty smooth and worked.
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kelleycubes · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @cloudykent​
Rules: Answer some stuff and Tag Others If Ya Want
1. Drink: Coffee 2. Phone call: Teddy 3. Text message: “are you cry typing me” 4. Song you listened to: Artifice by SOHN 5. Time you cried: idk like maybe a month ago. I was just having a really bad day
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Weirdly enough, twice. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah 8. Been cheated on: Yup 9. Lost someone special: Mhm 10. Been depressed: I AM depressed  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. I also don’t get hangovers. Take that alcohol, my liver is god.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Pastel Blue, Peridot Green, & Magenta
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends:  Mhm! I think just a few, but they’re all rad 16. Fallen out of love: In the last year? No 17. Laughed until you cried: Give me wine and I’ll do it right now 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yea 19. Met someone who changed you: Everyone has helped me grow in their own way. So yea. 20. Found out who your friends are: I always have known who my friends are this is so vague what 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Y u p
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Idk, I don’t use facebook and I’m not about to open it up and look. But I’m pretty sure I’ve at least met everyone on my friends list yeah. 23. Do you have any pets: I have my old kitty Oreo. I love him dearly 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah, I like Josh and I like Kelley. Both are names I’m happy being called interchangably, I don’t think I’d use Tyler apart from being attached to Josh or as a part of JT but yeah. I’ve got a good name I think. 26. What time did you wake up: like 1:30 lmao 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching Archer I think. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I’m excited to go get some money from an account I’ve had since I was like 2. Never opened it up- so that’s exciting. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like an hour ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? More Money 31. What are you listening right now: Sound and Color by Alabama Shakes 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yea, I recently ran into him again at walmart. Weird. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Messy room, but that’s being fixed. It’s not a huge deal really, but I’m in a good mood rn. 34. Most visited Website: Youtube for sure.
35. Mole/s: I don’t know the exact number, I have one behind my ear in my hair that Teddy discovered recently. Which is weird. I now can’t go bald just for this one mole. Doesn’t really change my plans for my hair anyhow. 36. Mark/s: Giant birthmark across my entire right shoulder blade, a scar on my forehead,  a weird tan on my right arm from a silly sunburn, other small scars in various places. Idk. 37. Childhood dream: Superhero was there for a long time. I mean. It’s been artist or writer or director or video game designer since i was like 7, but superhero was a solid one.  38. Hair color: Brown 39. Long or short hair: Shortish 40. Do you have a crush on someone: my gf. I love them 41. What do you like about yourself: idk, I’m funny I guess?? My eyes are kinda neat. I have good hands. 42. Piercings: Kinda want my ears pierced, but I don’t have any no 43. Bloodtype: No clue, I’m really curious. I think AB+ but that’s just a guess. 44. Nickname: Josh, Joshy, Jishy, Kelley, Kells, Das, JT - stuff like that 45. Relationship status: Taken  46. Zodiac: Virgo 47. Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her, He/Him, I’m not picky 48. Favorite TV Show: B99, MR ROBOT, Archer, Rick and Morty, man Idk. I love media 49. Tattoos: SOON 50. Right or left hand: Lefty, but I use both hands pretty often. Mostly ambidextrous 51. Surgery: Uhhh, wisdom teeth? Stitches when I was like 3? Idk. That’s about it I think 52. Hair dyed in different color: No but I think I’d look good with blue hair 55. Vacation: I wanna see the world, I wanna see so much, visit my friends world wide.  56. Pair of trainers: I have a few pairs of shoes. I like my converse, but my Nikes are very Comf
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: What is this asking. I’m not a picky eater? Is that what this question wants. I do enjoy eating yes. This is perplexing me. 58. Drinking: I like milk, coffee, and water 59. I’m about to: Plan more D&D stuff. 61. Waiting for: Teddy to get home so we can watch more archer and clean and stuff. 62. Want: to play some more PUBG, probs gonna in a bit. 63. Get married: idc about getting married, doesn’t really cement anything to me aside from making taxes easier. But, I’m not apposed 64. Career: Entertainer, idealy
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs for me 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes probably, but I do love some good lips so ? 67. Shorter or taller: You’d think I’d say shorter, because everyone I’ve dated is shorter, but I kinda like being tall so who knows. I like reaching and seeing things easier. Though I do miss fitting in things easier 68. Older or younger: Younger because I don’t wanna die or get old.  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach? Idk 71. Sensitive or loud: I’m both. .72. Hook up or relationship: Relationships for me, but I mean I’ve never done a Hook-up so idk. I’m happy where I’m at tho 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m both.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Nope 75. Drank hard liquor: Yea 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Only to the ocean 77. Turned someone down: Maybe? Idk, I don’t think so. 78. Sex on the first date: Nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe. Hope not. Probably have. 80. Had your heart broken: Mhm, but I got over it.  81. Been arrested: HAHA. No. 82. Cried when someone died: I’m not really a crying kinda mourner. But I’ve only lost aunts and stuff. That sounds bad, but my way of dealing with death isn’t really crying I don’t think. 83. Fallen for a friend: I mean I think the whole point is that the people you date should be your friend.
84. Yourself: Not really, but I try 85. Miracles: I believe in luck and coincidences. I guess miracles could fall under that. 86. Love at first sight: It’s dangerous, but it does happen. 87. Santa Claus: I believe that kids should believe in him. It’s a really cool bit of magic to have as a child. 88. Kiss in the first date: Yea 89. Angels: Doesn’t fall under my beliefs no, but it’d be cool if they did exist.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: I have more than one best friend. Tawny, Sterling, Jame, Teddy, etc. 91. Eye color: Blue/Grey 92. Favorite movie: Can’t do it sorry. Wish I would. Baby Driver is in my Top 3 though. Damn good movie. I tag @mortallydankmemes @qwenis @yeeeem @rooster-teeths and whoever else wants to do it
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azurera · 7 years
I know you are supposted to get one in your askbox. but guess what. i dont give a shit, and i’m bored as fuck so i did them all. my memory is shit atm so i dont remember some answers to some of these. and my grammar is shit but do with it what you want. g’night ya’ll ~
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more milk, because i can always drink the extra milk, the other way around you would end up with dry cereal and thats just bleh.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? no
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? everything i can find. most unique thing is probably a 10 Gulden bill (very old dutch currency before the euro) 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I trow as much crap in my coffee as i possible can, sugar, milk. more milk than coffee. give it to me cold, add alcohol. i dont give a shit. thea is just nice to have a little suger thats it. let me enjoy the flaver itself. 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? 9/10 times probably yeah
6: do you keep plants? since a few weeks i sometimes get flowers, so you could say i kind of own plants some times. 
7: do you name your plants? i should 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? i scream into the void
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? no, because i sound terrible 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side mostly. or when im really tired my back. usually not my stomach because .. well.. boobs. 
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? if i had friends.... no idea tho. i have so many jokes, my life included. 
12: what's your favorite planet? PLUTO. VIVA LA PLUTO. the little rings on saturn are also nice. shit this could have been a nice opportunity to make a uranus joke.. 
13: what's something that made you smile today? i didnt
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? lots of pillows
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! 99% of our soular system’s mass is the sun
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? i dont know. but those swirly things are cute. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? every. colour. at. once.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. i try to stack those memories far far away. 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i dont 
20: what's your favorite eye color? i dont have a favorite eye colour. but i love eyes that look like space nebulas. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. i bought a nice leather bag on castlefest. its very usefull nice and small but it can fit more in it than you think. 
22: are you a morning person? if by morning you mean still awake at 4, then yes. 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? lay my dead body to rest on my couch and cuddel with my cat
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? probably not
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? my own house? i dont really break into places. 
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i have to many shoes man..
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? the really over the top fruity onces
28: sunrise or sunset? sunset, (becouse im not a fucking morning person) 
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? im thinking of to many things at once and yet nothing comes up. 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? way to many times. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i only own black socks, becouse then you never have the problem of looking for a pair. sometimes im all for socks, i wear them even when i take of all my other clothes just becouse they are soft and then i wear them to bed and they magicaly disappear. but since i wear dresses a lot i also wear panty’s and stuff. so its not always socks. 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. usually that invloves a lot of alcohol. which means that i don’t really rememeber a lot. (which is also probably for the better) 
33: what's your fave pastry? pie
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i think it was a little lion called simba. and im sure its in a box somewhere. 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? yes i love them. but i dont use them a lot becouse a) not many people write me letters and b) i could. write them first. but obviously im a lazy fuck. 
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? i just really prefer silence right now. 
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i like keeping it clean, but we all know thats not happening. 
38: tell us about your pet peeves! i do not know right now. i think
39: what color do you wear the most? black..... 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? the 3 things I always wear are a ring my grandma got me, a ring my mother bought for my 18 birthday that she switched her old wedding rings for. and a mjolnor necklace. I just saw so many people with one. and i really wanted to have one aswell, but not just any, so i went and looked all over this fantasy event and i’ve honestly seen every single mjolnor necklace they had, and then i picked this one. 
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? the girl on the train was a nice book (the film a little less)  it was just nice to have a book that i could go through quickly. 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! not really 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? god its been to long... 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? i still wish for this day... 
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? mmmaybe
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. i can not make one up right now. i need to have the righ feel in the right moment. 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? PINAPPLE ON PIZZA, PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA, PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? death. yes.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I only own a few CD’s, and a few LP’s the last one i think was a supernatural christmas cd thing.
50: what's an odd thing you collect? those prayer cards with the picture of the person, you get at a funeral. i have quite a lot of them, so you could say i collect them. 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? suddenly
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? i like the “you cant xx if you don’t xxx” memes. those make for some good jokes. other than that i make my own memes, fresh and local. 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? only parts... i should watch them shouldn’t i..
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? u know who u are.. im sorry.. 
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? i secretly moved out in a pretty dramatic way to prove my mom that i couldnt go on like that... 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when they shut the fuck up
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i do not feel like listening to it now, thats how its making me feel. 
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? im both.
59: what's your favorite myth? nice people are my favorite mythical creatures. 
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? im not really into poetry tho, but sometimes there is one thats just nice, discribing beaty in such a subtle way, that i like it. 
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? i don’t give stupid gifts. people either get something epic from me or nothing at all. go big or go home. 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? ive been drinking this strawberry/apple/ bananna juice stuff sometimes, makes me feel like i try to be healthy. 
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i keep them in an organized mess (just like my life) 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? its a lovely gradient of light blue/white/ to a bit darker blue. 
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? so many people, i suck at being social. 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? ALL THE COLORS
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? sometimes its nice to stare out of the window on those days. 
68: what's winter like where you live? shitty 
69: what are your favorite board games? i like playing monopoly and slowly see the light dissappear from my friends eyes. or cluedo you know, murder. 
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? its this one thea they have at the cinema, the pink one. the rosy stuff. its so good. 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? i should note it down. but then i forget to read it. so yeah, ill mess up either way. 
73: what are some of your worst habits? i tent to complain a lot, becouse i always hope it will make me feel better when there is to much going on in my head. but sometimes i just keep going, and i dont even know how bad its getting, and i probably pull myself down into some negative spiral and well then we’re fucked again.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. you fucking pancakes. 
75: tell us about your pets! MY CAT IS THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE SHIT, HE IS SO CUTE. AND LOVES CUDDLES. AND HIS FLUFFYNESS IS. i can keep going forever. 
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? its getting pretty late. i should sleep. 
77: pink or yellow lemonade? mmmpink? 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? i hate them. 
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? im trying to think of one. but my memmory is shit atm. 
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? just white. makes it look bigger. 
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. NEBULAS
82: are/were you good in school? soommeeetimessss
83: what's some of your favorite album art? I do like GACKT his album art tho. the costumes he wears are nice.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? i have been thinking of this design of a music G thingy that looks like a cat. its really cute. but i cant even commit to where i put a sticker let a lone where to put a tattoo. 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? i have quite a lot of constantine comics, to satisfy the fact that the series quit after 1 season. 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? no idea
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? stonehenge appocalpyse
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? not sure
89: are you close to your parents? *crying sounds* 
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i love all cities except the one i live in. Im such a slut for older building and architecture. old gothic churches man. oh my god. 
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? france, for sad stuff, and i hope to see my german potato this year <3 if i can make it... 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? SMOTHER THE FUCKER IN CHEESE. 
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? just long, straight now. or either in like a clip. when its to hot  to have it all down. 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? i saw on my calander at internship that one collegue had his birthday today. 
95: what are your plans for this weekend? convention staff meeting on saturday, looking into something for sunday.. 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? *hysterical laughter*  
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? no idea, leo, huffelpuf
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? in germany i think. to long ago. i love mountains, and walks, and beaches. 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. PIANO’S 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the past to kill myself. :”D absoluutly.
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btead · 7 years
Of Milk and Dark Bars
Pearlmethyst week Day 1 - First Kiss @fuckyeahpearlmethyst
Safe work, Legal drinking. 
guess who decided to actually both to write, AND post something. 
I have actually done this in a very long time, not on my own anyway. 
“Who drinks milk at a Bar?” came a quiet voice from next to where Pearl had been sitting for the last two hours. Pearl didn’t look up from her drink or even give a good side glance to the other person as she analyzed the question. There was a laugh to it, something akin to a scoffing laugh, but the underlying seriousness is what made her finally think to give something kind of reply.  With a heavy Sigh, she placed the glass in her hand down before looking to the stranger finally.
“Someone who doesn’t need to follow the social normalities of other humans wherever they go.” Before she took back to keeping her eyes straight ahead pearl glanced the other person up and down a few times. The first thing she noticed was that the other hadn't made eye contact with her. Which in itself seemed something of a rude thing to do as she was obviously addressing her. After that it was her hair, altho tied back into a slightly messy ponytail it was very….large? I guess that's a good way to put it.
It wasn’t until the other woman looked up at her finally that she noticed the faint scarring under her left eye. Pearl cocked her head just slightly and narrowed her eyes a bit as she took a closer look at her in the dimly lit bar.  Her skin was a light mocha color is Pearl was asked, and it contrasted nicely with the lightness of her, almost a silvery purple color.  It wasn’t Until The other cocked her head a little more than Pearl had and narrowed her eyes almost in a mocking wait at her, that she realized she’d been staring.
“Yo, is there something on my face?” She nearly seemed to snap at the blonde. Pearl instinctively shot her gaze back down at her glass before uttering a quiet “No.” to the other. A slight grunt came from beside her as the other woman stood, pearl thought she might be walking off for a moment before she realized she was actually coming towards her. Her body stiffened as the latina [or so she assumed by the general mannerisms and looks.] Took the stool next to her now.
Just focus on your drink, no more fights, they’ve already banned you at two other bars.
“Why come to a bar at all then?” The other asked after a few fleeting moments of the blonde’s tension growing harsher as she felt the fight or flight instincts kick in, but instantly she relaxed a bit. This woman didn't want to start anything, or at least it didn't feel like she did. The tone of her voice tho somewhat stern, seemed tired and slightly deflated. Pearl wondered about that for a moment but carried on.
“Better than going home.” The comment seemed innocent enough to the blonde as a response, but it wasn’t until the other girl looked up at her with something of slight concern crossing her face that she realized, that probably sounded a lot worse than what she really meant. But just as the glance appeared it dissipated into something of a sympathetic smirk.
“I feel ya there, but sounds like you could use something a lot harder than that.” The comment was a bit nonchalant but seemed harmless as the other pointed to the half full glass of milk in pearl’s hand. Pearl watched as she turned to wave the bartender over to them. Almost immediately pearl turned her gaze to the bar, her focus on the wood grain slipping in and out.
Well, this isn't the most awkward situation that could have happened I suppose.
“Here, try this.” Pearl snapped out of her thoughts as a shot glass was slide in front of her by the other woman. Pearl Glanced at it for a moment then looked to the other wish a wry look. “I don’t really--” she was cut off by the other holding her hand up with the slightest hint of a smirk on her face.
“I figured, but just try it. One drink won’t kill you.” and true as that statement was, Pearl grimaced a bit but considered her options anyway, She could take the offered drink and just be done with it, it was a nice enough thing to do anyway. She could refuse the drink politely, or as the nagging annoyance and pent up hostilities in the back of her mind wanted her to do, she could tell her to go fuck off. Pushing that nagging feeling away in lieu of not be banned from the only other bar in the town, she decided the first option was best.
Pearl Settled the shot between her fingers and thumb softly as the other watched with what seemed to be amused interest. Lifting the shot glass up to her lips she glanced at the latina out of the cover of her eyes and tipped the shot back. The warmth of the liquid was the first thing she felt, then the taste, then the burn as it hit the back of her throat. With a harsh grimace, a light shutter, a slight cough, and a sleeve whipped across her mouth she popped the shot glass back onto the counter.
“Guhh… “ was the only noise that escaped pearls mouth as she stared harshly down at the shot glass as if it had offended her mother or kicked a puppy. The sound of a snort, followed by a failed attempted to stifle a set of giggles. Pearl snapped her gaze back to the short woman and grimaced more.
“Oh god, you should see your face!” the latina seemed to pause for a moment to catch her breath for a moment before she ran a hand through her bangs and rubbed at her eyes a bit. “It’s almost like you’ve never touched liquor before.” She said turning to do what appeared to the blonde as gauging her reaction. It took a moment for Pearl to regain her compose herself before she spoke again.
“Well..there is a first time for everything.” She said with a slight scoff turned to a laugh. She didn’t turn back to the other until she realized it was almost as if the room had gone completely quiet, and all eyes were on her. When she did look The latina was looking her up and down with a look of slight confusion but a hint of something else seemed to linger there.
Pearl studied her for a moment and that's when she saw the realization take over the confusion and the realization seemed to hit the other girl much harder than the blonde expected, when the other broke her gaze away to stare at the counter in front of them, Pearl watched her brows furrow as if concerned, and lost in thought. “H-hey..it’s fine.” pearl exclaimed trying to lighten the sudden awkward tension.
The blonde turned her attention back to the milk in front of her. She tossed the remaining back and set the glass down and signaled for another. That's when she heard an almost wry sounding word come from the other woman's mouth. It was almost as if she wasn’t meant to hear it, a whisper of a secret. “Amethyst.”
“Hm? What was that?” Pearl asked turning her head to stare at the other in slight bewilderment at the turn of the atmosphere.
“My name. It’s Amethyst.”  She said looking up at pearl, the look in this woman's eyes now looked like she was looking for something in the blonde's eyes, recognition maybe? No.. she didn't know her, she’d never recalled seeing someone quite as different as the woman before. So with a wry smile and offering her hand out to the other in greeting she Spoke herself. “Pearl.”
There was a moment of hesitation from Amethyst, and what pearl had thought might have been a look of hurt somewhere in her eyes before she took her hand shaking it softly. After breaking the stiff and all too quick handshake broke off they returned to their own drinks; The bartender having slid her next glass of milk in front of her.
For some reason, things felt very awkward to Pearl, like something was happening that she didn't really understand, and honestly she wasn't sure she wanted to know what that something was. After taking a few more sips of her drink she considered trying to strike back up some kind of conversation with Amethyst to alleviate the situation, but the other Spoke before she had gotten the chance, Amethyst voice cut through the tension.
“So, Why’s this better than going home.” She asked, and pearl couldn't help but notice the sound of slight defeat etching its way back into her voice and words. She cocked and eyebrow for a moment before Pearl thought about the actual question she was being asked. It wasn’t truly a hard question for her to answer, but she was talking to a stranger here, and she wasn’t sure if it would have been the best idea to disclose any information let alone any kind of details. So she opted for an attempt at a way out of the question.
“It’s… complicated.” She finally answered, altho hesitant to even acknowledge the question. She could feel the latina’s eye on her again, almost as if she was analyzing her answer, and trying to poke holes in it, but if she was she didn't say anything or had given up, as soon she returned to drink taking it all down in one gulp.
“Why do you ask?” Pearl finally spoke up as the bartender slid amethyst another drink. She watched as the other seemed to consider this for a moment and then took a small sip of her drink.
“Well, You’re in a bar. Drinking milk. At three in the morning” She answered refusing to look back at the blonde. She honestly had a point, and it made something in pearl want to cave, as the logic in this whole situation seemed to be missing at this point anyway. Before she got a chance to say anything more however she felt a slight vibration against her hip. With a sigh, she set her now empty glass down and stood.
“Please excuse me for a moment Amethyst. “ She offered with the most polite tone she could muster through the slight annoyance as she felt the light vibration once more. She stepped away from the counter pulling the buzzing phone from her pocket. Lifting it to her ear she pointed to it as she made brief eye contact with the other as she left the bar headed towards the restrooms. She barely caught a glimpse of her nodding before she turned and finally clicked the phone on.
“It’s Late, What is it you need,” she asked pushing the bathroom door open. She carefully looked around almost ignoring the voice on the other end of the line as pushed each stall door open to find them all empty. She gave a light sigh and then turned her attention back to the now more annoying voice going on in her ear.
“Well, I don't see how that's any of your concern.” She warned as she leaned her back against the cool wall of the [impeccably] clean restroom wall. She crossed an arm over her body as her eyes closed and her eyebrows came to narrow themselves through pure annoyance and the conversation seeming to carry on forever.
“Yes, well I will be there tomorrow you don't need to worry about that.” she was about ready to through the floor to the ground when the other line finally went quiet. She flicked the phone into sleep mode and slipped it back into her jeans pocket. With a heavy sigh, she pushed herself off the wall of the bathroom and turned to one of the sinks pushing the handle up to run cool water over her hands.
She pushed the sleeves of her jacket up to her elbows and stuck her hands under the water for a moment just enjoying the feelings. She let the water pull in her palms for a moment before leaning forward and running the cool water over her face. She did this a few more times letting her hands slick gently over her hair to push it back and let her bangs fall back into place slightly moist now.
After a moment she turned the water off and just leaned her palms on the edges of the sink. She stared at the water sinking into the drain and then leaned back focusing her gaze to the mirror in front of her. She examined her own face for a moment, Baggy eyes, slightly pale, hair’s a mess, oh yeah she was a looker, not to mention the good size scar that ran down the center of her forehead.
She grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and wiped her face and hands dry. Maybe she would get lucky and amethyst would have left already. Pearl wasn't sure if she would be able to recover the conversation after the interruption if face the other woman after remembering what a real mess she was.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on whose perspective you were looking at it from, she seen her still seated at the bar as she came out of the restroom. She watched her for a moment, the shorter girl seemed to be talking to the bartender as if she had known them quite well. This surprised Pearl a little bit as the entire time the had interacted with the bartender she hadn't given off any indication that she knew them.
Pearl shrugged to herself deciding that she must have just missed it before being lost in her own thoughts. Before she got a chance to return to her seat she saw the bartender place a hand on Amethyst shoulder in a comforting way, and the situation gave off an overly sad aura. It was so strong it seemed to pulse through Pearl's eyes almost as if she could see the aura of sadness spread off them. The moment broke the second Amethyst looked up and seen Pearl standing only half way across the room. The bartender withdrew her hand and returned to her duties and Amethyst shook off the remaining sadness as she let a smile play at her Lips as pearl finally took her seat again.
“Sorry about that,” pearl apologized for having to leave for a moment, then she just thought to ask instead of letting it bug her. “So do you know her?” she asked and the other gave her a look akin to disbelief, that quickly turned to something else, something Pearl wasn’t sure she knew.  
“Ehh..Well yeah. She's my sister--” Amethyst started but paused gauging Pearl’s reaction, which didn't actually exist, she just held a slightly blanket stare in return. “Well, sorta, we might as well be sisters, she's my best friend.” Pearl nodded a moment then smiled.
“It must be nice, having someone close like that.” the statement came out far more bitter the pearl had intended it to sound and she wasn't really sure why. She shook her head for a moment before she looked back at the latina beside her. Amethyst met her gaze with a look of sadness in her eyes, something about those eyes made pearl shrink back in her seat for a moment.
“I’m sorry, That sounds really rough actually.” she paused again for a moment seeming to consider continuing, and sure enough she carried on, “It must suck not having anyone to live with?” the accusation took Pearl aback a bit, not because it was correct, not because it was slightly creepy that this woman seemed to know this without pearl having stated as much or anything that would have given it away. No. What surprised her was the absolute look of sadness that took over the other's face, but as she realized what she had really said hit her, she looked somewhere between devastated and in complete shock.
“I-..I mean I assume.” Amethyst quickly recovered quickly, she instantly turned her attention back to the counter. Pearl looked her up and down for a moment, before shaking her head. “Well, you aren't wrong,” she told her finally if for no other reason than to relax the sudden tension that seemed to surround the whole situation.
Pearl let out a soft quiet sigh and stood from the bar finally. Leaving a  couple of twenty dollar bills under her empty glass. She slowly adjusted the collar of her jacket and zipped it shut. She turned to address Amethyst for a moment after having her hands into her pockets. “Well, it was nice to have met you,” she paused a moment as the other turned to her again, her eyes settling on Pearl in an almost comforting way.
“Good night Amethyst.” Pearl finally said before making her way to the door. She hadn't waited to hear anything from the other woman before exiting the building the door quietly clicking shut behind her. As the cold night air hit her face she clenched her teeth a bit before shifting her hands through her pockets to pull her keys out.  
It wasn't until she reached the car that she heard the footsteps that rounded the corner of the bar after her. She turned to see who it was that had been coming out there at this hour as her care was the only thing in the lot at this time. She spotted the slivers of silvery hair under a flickering light overhead and realized Amethyst had been the one to Follow her.
Pearl stood there, keys poised in her her right hand, and a dumbfounded look on her face as the shorter woman stopped in front of her and stood silent for what seemed like the longest moment. She took this moment examine Amethyst under the full yet slightly eerie light of the lamp post overhead. She was wearing a loose-fitting gray tank top, a pair of slightly baggy jeans that looked like they had seen better days and better days, and a pair of black combat boots. Along her left arm were a lot of faded scars, they looked like over time they might go completely unnoticed even to the most observant eye. That except for one, one that ran the length of her Bicep. Pearl wondered for a moment how she had gotten such a scare, but then she realized it had looked like the other woman wanted to say something to her this whole time.
And of course, Pearl was just standing there with a stupid look on her face staring her up and down.
Amethyst cleared her throat after a moment and stared up and Pearl with her eyes, which the blonde could now see were actually a deep brown, almost red, they were gorgeous. Then she heard her speak, she almost sounded scared she thought. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t.” She said finally, pearl didn't understand and she watched as Amethyst shifted from one foot to the other. And crossed one arm over her stomach.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” Pearl finally started, her tone was soft yet confused, her expression only grew more confused as she watched the woman before her shift her weight once again as if contemplating something more. “I just gotta know for sure.” The short of them whispered finally,  it was so low pearl almost hadn't heard her speak it, yet she still wasn’t sure what she meant.
“I’m s--” pearl was going to repeat what she’d already said but was cut off the moment Amethyst placed a soft hand on the back of the blonde’s neck and pulled hers down just enough for her to press her lips softly against Pearl’s for a moment.
At first, pearl almost jerked herself away but realized the grip on her neck made is almost impossible without hurting herself. But then she felt something, something distant, a pain, familiar, sad even. She almost felt like this was the right thing like this should have been what happened. Like this was just right. What she didn't understand was why.
Before she had time to contemplate the reasoning any further, however, Amethyst released her soft grip and pulled away from Pearl leaning back down her gaze fixed on the ground as if she’d just broken her mother priceless china vase. After a moment pearl raised and eyebrow spoke.
“I’m still not sure I understand.” Her voice was relaxed as if nothing had actually happened between them just in that brief moment. She was sure but it had looked like just this simple utterance had hurt the short latina.
“I..I just had to know what it would be like!” Amethyst played it off. But there was something else, something that told Pearl that was a lie, something that looked like hurt in those beautiful eyes, and for a moment, the moment the short woman had been looking at the ground, she could have sworn she heard her say something.
“You really don't remember me, do you?”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
why aren’t you with your first love? my first female crush was hetero
were you sad when you heard about michael jackson’s death? no have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up? because we’re together again lol how long could you go without cursing? not long if I’m around people :x did anything annoy you today? mostly my computer and thunderstorm  have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? I don’t drink so obviously not have you ever kissed someone who’s last name started with an b? no what were you doing at 8am this morning? sleeping if you were kicked out of your house, where would you go first? I would try grandma and my gf probably maybe my sister? if none of those options would work then I’d be homeless what will you be doing in 3 hours? hopefully sleeping is tomorrow gonna be a good day? what are you going to do? doubt it, nothing much are you satisfied with your life as of now? am not are any of your friends taller than you? of course, I’m very short have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? shitload of times who was the last person you took a picture with? my dad or my gf do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans? I don’t wear jeans or belts  where did you get the shirt you are wearing? got it from my sister as a gift the last two people you kissed, are they virgins? I only kissed one person in my entire life and that’s personal describe how you feel right now in one word? bad anybody tell you they miss you lately? my gf made a post about it if that counts  are you closer to your father or mother? my dad what’s your relationship with the person you talked to last? she’s my mom do you say sorry first? often did you speak to your father today? yeah, like every day what locker number is yours? I never had a locker do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? my bed is too small to have sides do you prefer an ocean or a pool? pool, ocean is more scary do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? yup do you sleep with your closet door opened or closed? my wardrobe is always closed are you capable of holding down a long-term relationship? we’ll see is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? at least my father if your best friend made out with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, what would you do? my father? with my gf?... what is bothering you right now? ugh... do you think someone is thinking about you right now? sure do you like when people play with your hair? I don’t care much  do you miss how things use to be with someone? absolutely
how are you doing today? sigh... sex ruins relationships, right? could say so
do you think it’s a bunch of bull shit when people say “i have no regrets”? I hate this kind of ppl, stay away! who got you the jewelry you’re wearing? I’m not wearing any jewelry atm do you get scared during scary movies? I usually get grossed out  how do you feel right now? *shrug* is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now? I’m fine being alone  do you like hugs? depends two days from today, where will you be? either home or or hospital... or dead are relationships ever really worth it? time will show do you miss your past? badly is the last person you kissed older than you? nope, almost 2 months younger what color shirt are you wearing? black and white stripes with a cat shaped UFO and a pug what do you currently hear right now? nothing, I can’t listen to music anymore because my mom is asleep and I don’t want to use my headphones  what are you planning on doing after this? maybe another survey
are you gonna be home tonight? yup, unless smth bad will happen then I will go to ER - you never know  name the first person you can think of that you know that has a tattoo? I’ve been talking about it today lmfao W. and S. had tattoos do you slam doors when you’re mad? might  is your room messy or clean? organized mess do you tell your best friend everything? it’s not possible but I try my best do you think anyone has feelings for you? it seems did your last kiss take place on a bed? I don’t think so are you someone’s best friend? one of best friends, not the only one have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a z? my name starts with z
when you take surveys, are your answers inspired by the person’s before you? I basically never read their answers, can happen accidentally but it doesn’t change anything
are you a “fan” of a lot of things on facebook? been on my old account, that was one of the reasons I created new profile, the only thing I regret about that fact is losing my Criminal case progress :(
have you ever “spoken” to any celebrities via. twitter? Grimes 
do you like croissants? noooo
do you get a lot of traffic outside your house or not? nah what does the last jacket you wore look like? blue plaid with grey hood, buttons and pockets
do you eat cereal bars? tried some in the past
are you on any prescribed medication? can’t take any meds currently 
how often do you change your bedsheets? rarely because I’m allergic to most of detergents and then I have ever bigger problems with sleeping 
if you haven’t already, are you scared of leaving home? if you have, do you like it? just a little
do you know how to look after yourself away from home? (budget, pay pills, feed yourself, cook, clean, do laundry etc.) not everything, I need to learn some stuff yet
do you drink a lot of juice? nope
what would you do if you found an abandoned baby on your doorstep, with a note asking you to keep it and take care of it? it’s illegal...
how many times have you moved in your life so far? 0
do you have a certain routine in the bath or shower? what is it? I bath my shoulders first (unless I wash my hair then my head goes first)
is there anything that you loved a year ago but just can’t stand now? food mostly
what do you do when people give you mixed messages? I try to find out the truth 
would you ever eat kangaroo steak? ewww, hell no
is there a chalkboard or whiteboard anywhere in your house? I hate chalkboards, I have magnetic board tho
do you like dried fruit at all? what’s your favorite type? meh
how many times have you been to the ER? at least 3 times how has this past week been for you? complicated
when a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go? walks out HOW and WHY?  what do people think about you that isn’t true? long story, dunno where should I even start, plenty of gossips to mention what do you think about internet best friends? why not? how many months until your birthday? half a year does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes? I do that myself but at times it doesn’t make me laugh but hurts me if the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? summer? if somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way to tell you? I’m taken so if we’re not talking about my partner then I don’t think someone should tell me that  when was the last time you cried really hard? yesterday, today only slightly and just once could you go out in public looking like you do now? yes last person you gave something to? parents do you believe that if you want something bad enough you’ll get it? pfft honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear? well I was in hospitals, been visiting many doctors, went to school where we had PE, have a family and am in a relationship etc etc etc would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? that doesn’t really help  when’s the next time you will kiss somebody? not soon, second half of the next month? how’s your heart lately? physically or emotionally? are you a jealous person? a bit do you wear the hood on your hoodie? sometimes can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon? doubt it where’s the weirdest place you’ve changed clothes? not sure which place was the weirdest what are you doing next week? no plans what was the first thing you thought this morning? I was thinking about my dream (me and some strangers were in an abandoned factory of some sort and there were dragons chasing us but I was escaping and even saved a little girl) would you rather have your nose or tongue pierced? nose ever stayed up all night on the phone? not whole night has the last person you kissed ever been mad at you? she was indeed does someone call and talk to you every night before you go to sleep? luckily not has the last person you kissed seen you cry? few times did anyone see your last kiss? we were one on one have you ever kissed someone who was high? I haven’t do you want to please everyone? no way, it’s not possible anyway anything interesting happen this week? mostly interesting bad
do you still talk to the person you last kissed? in general because at this very moment they’re busy would you kiss the last person you kissed again? we're going to  what does that person look like? tall, curly hair, glasses, black clothes  have you dated someone who wasn’t good to you? not that I deserve anything good but... would you ever cut your hair 6 inches shorter than it is now? I would be bald :o when was the last time it rained? today last person you cuddled with dies, are you sad? omg
have you ever helped a blind/visually impaired person to cross the road? there was no occassion
have you ever had a letter get lost in the mail, only to receive it months/years later? I sent a letter to my (now ex) friend and she never received it because someone stolen it 
do you ever feel disconnected from everyone around you? kinda
have you ever had a stalker? more than once
have you ever had to look after someone’s pet when they were away on holiday? sorta
do you know anyone who works as an air hostess? someone I know wants to work as an air hostess but she’s studying 
have you ever found something in your home which belonged to a previous owner? there was no previous owner
^ even if you haven’t, what would you do if you did? would you try and find the original owner? no idea
do you (or does anyone you know) tend to exaggerate any sign of sickness? looks like it
have you ever owned a pet goldfish? no fish, ever
were you ever bullied in primary school? not only primary
have you ever been into any kind of sex shop? online ones count?
when you go to church, do you light a candle for anyone? there were those coin turned on lamp candles in Ełk that I loved but they’re gone
are you/or is anyone you know a really good painter? no one is that good
would you be more inclined to give money to homeless people who play music as opposed to just sitting and begging? that’s true
have you ever traveled by train? if so, do you do it often? at least once a year 
have you ever been diagnosed with any kind of heart condition? when I was born
are you homeschooled? if you went to regular highschool, do you think you’d have liked being taught at home? wish I was homeschooled
is one of your parents very much into diy? my mom likes diy but not obsessively
do you know of anyone who is/has been in a coma? -
do you like skimming stones? I suck at it
would you ever want to work in cafe, even if only temporarily? not even temporarily
how much would you to do to get back something which contained your most treasured memories? damn
do you know anyone who is afraid of butterflies? I heard K. is
have you ever been inside a lighthouse? I don’t recall  do you have any money from different countries other than your own? several coins if you already have your license, how did you feel on the day of your test? I don’t have my license  do you care if you buy things that are ‘made in china’ or not?  I avoid buying some specific items that were made in china  would you rather swim in the pool or play in a sprinkler? none, am against sprinklers actually  if you get your pictures developed, or if you have in the past, do you keep the negatives or just throw them away? my mom kept them 
where were you 2 hours ago? home
are you wearing socks right now? almost always
have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? not since high school  who was the last person to hear you cry? more like saw that I cried/want to cry, not hear have you bought any clothing items in the last week? mother bought a crop top for me this day one thing you hate about yourself? can’t choose one, there’s more what are your plans for the day? day is over did you have fun today? moment  what do you know about the future? that I’ll die someday as every other human being do you have a tan? honey skin is my tan during summer how old do you want to be when you have kids? I don’t want to have any kids! how do you like your soda? I don’t drink soda  who was the last person to make you cry? myself? what day is tomorrow? Friday have you ever worn red lipstick? it was the only one I ever used
do you know who bonnie and clyde are? remind me of Sara
are you christian? I am 
if so, have you ever read the entire bible? I guess
are you generally attracted to more outgoing and loud people or quiet and mysterious people? smth in between
have you ever cried because you couldn’t be with someone? that was dumb of me
could you ever see yourself going to those college parties, getting drunk, fucking some random person and getting an std? u can apparently get std without parties, drinking and sex
don’t you hate it when things are amazing in other people’s lives and you’re stuck in a hole? very
do you have problems with one - or both - of your parents? with one of them way more
do you sleep a lot? barely
do you like drinking water? whatever
have you ever been to a funeral? 1 
do you like writing? when I have smth to write about
are you doing/did you do good in school? got worse with time
do you think moths are bad luck? whaaat? but they’re so pretty! :o
or do you not believe in supersitious stuff? I believe in some superstitions but like five of them or smth
will you date someone that’s not your race? I believe
i hope you aren’t racist… are you? am I? :(
have you ever made yourself throw up? disgusting, not able to do that
do you think you exercise enough? I don’t exercise 
have you ever pierced something on your body, yourself? I’m not stupid
Have you ever listened to the same song on repeat for hours on end? that happened  Do you like staying in hotels? hmm... Are musicals interesting or boring? annoying, besides Cats What is your favorite scent of incense? I don’t burn it
Can you tune a guitar by ear or do you need a tuner? need a tuner Do you like love songs? oh well...
Don’t you hate it when your eyes burn? it’s awful, got that problem last weeks Have you ever sex texted? I’ve sexted 
Would you know who to talk to if you wanted weed? but I don’t want it Have you ever worn leather? fake What is your greatest fear? personal If you could kiss anyone right now, who would it be? my gf What perfume do you wear? none, I hate perfumes Do you smell good right now? I don’t think so What is your favorite energy drink? never tried any and don’t want to
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sleepysplace · 6 years
For a good while i have a very strong desire in my head to just go back to the past, 10 or 15 years ago and just live in a different time, both due to internal and external circunstances.
Im a child of the 90′s tho i dont think i could be considered one of the “90s kids” due to not having almost any memory of the decade itself, but, i did remember the early 2000s to a good extent, not as much as i want to but good enough to have some clear memories in my head. 
Now you could say “The 2000s are another decade” But i cant help but see it as an extensions of the 90s. Think about it, does going from 1999 to 2000 instantly changes the whole culture the second the new decade comes in? Of course not, well maybe a bit but it still takes time for culture to transition as a whole so i got a lot of the 90s merely by being a kid in this transition period so i still got a lot of things that the “90s kids” brag so much about, that includes that olde windows 98 computer, 90s cartoons and even some of the games that came around that decade, i could still feel some of that culture through my early infancy.
Oh boy one of the first things i remember is the fox kids channel, these really different times, instead of some shitty modern minimalistic or realistic visuals we got a nice stylized burst of colors with some goofy ass 3d effects. Instead of trying to look “cool” or modern it just really spoke to kids in their language and even included some goofy ass animations that plended real pictures with silly drawings, i can really describe the way things were announced or narrated but it was kinda loud and goofy (I know i use that word alot but i cant find other way to describe it lol), well, things in the 90s were really loud, just check out any anime dub of that time and you will get that notion.
I also got the “anime boom” of the early 2000s meaning i got to see lots of digimon as well as many crappy anime that never got remembered as well. The fox kids site was really colorful as well and it really showed how limited but also diverse the sites were at the time if compared with today.
Unfortunately fox kids met its end in 2004-2005 when it was replaced with jetix which is better than most garbage we got today but still showed signs of ugly modernization with a limited lifeless color pallete of grays and blues and use of a more minimalistic style.
There isnt much else to say about nickelodeon, most of the same thing except its orange all over that place but i think the visuals of early 2000s nickelodeon was pretty amazing. Instead of this “modern” “clean” pure text logo we had a splat filled with a bazooka font, it was rad and the same messy, colorful and energetic aura could be felt on the whole channel which also had a loud announcer just like fox kids. Nowdays its just a bland, boring modernized text saying “nickelodeon” and thats it, the whole aestethic of the channel was simplified and modernized, same thing happened with cartoon network which i wont talk for now but its mostly the same thing: A colorful channel full of life turned into a modern lifeless shell of its former being.
The internet was also pretty amazing and a big part of my infancy along with 90s informatics in general. We are talking about big fucking monitors with a huuge back end and not a lot of resulution, well, certainly beter than DOS or terminal crap but its shit compared with today. If you could run CS or early tomb raider congrats! You prolly have a gaming pc, so much potency! 
Instead of being stuck to youtube, twitter or furry art sites the internet was an entire world waiting for me to explore, that means i went to every kids TV channel site as well as every kids site i found by ocasion or really anything bright and full of colors that invited me to it, Playing every single clumsy flash game i could find and having a hell of a time just seeing what else could i find.
There wasnt any modern style trends at the time so even as rough as they were you got all sorts of different sites with different identities as opposed to one single site copy pasted probably done on wix or something. The internet was the fucking wild west, no ultramega big corporations (well maybe just a few), no regulations, no SJWs! Just a free land waiting to be explored and colonized by the few who were curious enough to explore it!
The lack of shitty trends and shitty corps also benefited the gaming industry as well, that means more creative games and no fucking empty dead open world copypasta but instead a huge variety of plataformers, rpgs and all kinds of shit, dont get me wrong, we still have variety and creative people but they are being limited by huge shitty companies and lifeless journos.
Being in the ps2 era meant no realistic graphics but it also meant creators had to focus and gameplay and do the best with what they got, just look at shadow of the colossus, that shit looks beautiful even by todays standards and it was pretty exprerimental, shit, the ps2 was the most legendary console to ever exist, point.
It had a huuuge library of amazing games, good fucking graphics (for the time, obviously) and it was goddam easy to run pirate games into it, so much that nearly the entire brazilian market (and i assume the entire latin american market as well) ran on pirated games, seriously, no one would pay 80+ bucks for a game at the time, fuck having 2 games a year, lets have fucking 20! The ps2 also had such good games that it was a nearly monopoly on the console market, nearly nobody had an xbox or gamecube, seriously, all the neightbors and their fucking dogs had a ps2 
I guess you could say what fucked a lot of the entertaiment industry later on were shitty industry trends, big shitty companies becoming shittier every year, excessive modernization of fucking everything and people trying to dictate what should be produced or not.
Shit, this is going to need a part two
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