#should I even resurrect this account?
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[ID: a digital sketch of Eda and Raine from the owl house. They're in their designs from watching and dreaming, pre epilogue. Raine holds out their arm for an injection (given by a disembodied hand and labeled "magic rabies shot") and Eda lays a hand on their shoulder and leans her head on theirs. She says "you're doing great Raine! how'd you get rabies tho?". Raine stares dead eyed at the viewer as a thought bubble connected to them shows Belos biting down on their arm. End ID]
I was gonna post a request today but I feel like it's gonna flop and this is funnier. So request tomorrow, Raine Whispers Rabies doodle today
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steampunkforever · 6 months
I think it's time to gush about Monkey Man.
From a practical standpoint, you can't not talk about this movie without mentioning John Wick. Monkey Man itself understands this, going so far as to itself namedrop the Wick films in the beginning of the movie. Yet the movies are very different.
John Wick is in essence a modern neo noir, minimalist in everything but number of sequels it greenlights. It's slick, well executed, and responsible for resurrecting a genre that previously belonged to Vin Diesel's lower quality projects. It fully deserves its flowers, but ten years on it's time to raise our standards for a good action film. By all metrics, Monkey Man should be that movie.
Monkey Man is Joh Wick but grittier. It's action elevated. It's downright gorgeous. It's Dev Patel's directorial debut. It's a social commentary on inequality and fascism. It's Dev Parel Shirtless because he knows exactly what we want. It's the best release of the year as of the time of this writing. It's a movie you should go see.
Monkey man is a movie that asks "what if modern action movies had pathos?" It's gritty, the tale of a kid fighting his way up from the gutter to the penthouse (literally) in his quest for revenge against Hindu Fascist leadership. And it rips. Not since Mandy have I seen a revenge film so beautifully and profoundly depict violence. This is an altogether beautiful film and it never misses a chance to try and make things as beautiful as Mr. Patel himself.
An important note is that the film focuses heavily on Hindu Fascism, and was almost denied release on account of this. As of the writing of this filmpost it still has not been approved for release in India by the state censors, and that with significant edits already having been made to the movie for its general release. Even yet, it's a poignant sociopolitical critique of the Indian government and the intersection between religion and government oppression. Also Dev Patel bites a guys nose off.
Amazing film. Must see. Highly suggest seeing it as soon as possible. Do it for Dev.
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mayapapaya33 · 10 days
I had sort of hoped Keyleth would have matured and grown past her anger at the Matron over the past 33 years but I suppose it's in character that she hasn't fully dealt with her grief yet. And the Vorb probably isn't helping her issues either. It just sucks because I think a lot of the fandom take Vox Machina's grief fueled blame and fully accept it as fact when the reality is that Vax's situation is almost entirely his own responsibility. The only other person with any remote culpability is Percy. And even Percy is only really to blame for accidentally Killing Vex, not for Vax's choices. But even if you want to hold Percy accountable for Vax's choice in the tomb as well, that still doesn't make him responsible for Vax's death. Vax could have lived a long full life as the Matron's Champion, as shown by the Delightful Purvan Suul and his companion Galdric.
Vax was a borderline suicidal, self-sacrificing character from day one. He always threw himself into danger headfirst regardless of the cost to himself. Between Percy accidentally setting off the trap creating the circumstances for Vax trading himself to the matron during Vex's resurrection, all the way up to Vax CHOSING to come back as a revenant after being disintegrated in order to help defeat Vecna, the choices have always been his. Especially him, fate touched as he is. Ultimately, Vecna killed Vax and Vax killed Vax. I think it's easier to blame the Matron than to be angry with Vax for being who he was.
The Matron maintains the balance of life and death. She accepted Vax's offers both times, do you think she should have refused? The first refusal would have meant Vex's death, and the second refusal would have meant Vax possibly just staying dead after being disintegrated, and not being there to fight against Vecna, which was truly an all hands on deck situation. There was no time to fuck around with a resurrection ritual that might not even work, the whole world was in danger. One life, a life that was already lost, is a small price to pay to save the world. I'm pretty sure Vax would agree with me!
Frankly, Vox Machina were super lucky and privileged to have so many successful resurrections between them. I think they got a little spoilt and entitled about it honestly. Most people have never even met someone who's been resurrected before, they did it like 20 times! Vax was disintegrated, he chose to come back as a revenant to fight Vecna, protect the world, and help his family. An opportunity he was only given due to his allegiance to the Matron. She gave Vox Machina and Vax extra time together and a chance to help save the world.
For those of you shouting "what about true resurrection!?! I hear you, and Matt said it's complicated and didn't elaborate lol. Personally, I think the Matron has quite the special a barrier of entry to true resurrection, if the spell even works at all in Exandria. I think they touched on it briefly in Calamity but I've forgotten. I can only imagine what insane ritual Matt concocted years ago that he's had plenty of time to work on since. Part of the Matron's whole thing is that everyone must eventually go into death, sure they can avoid it for a while, so some resurrection is fine (the DC gets higher every time), but eventually enough is enough and it's time to go. Hence why necromancers and liches are her enemies.
At any rate, I'm really proud of Keyleth for going to therapy and I hope she goes back when all of this moon business is over because she still needs it and that turtle lady in the frog seemed great lol.
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beegomess · 2 months
T.R. || Loving you forever
Summary: Tom and you made a pact that they would be together forever, and you are willing to do so. Even if you have to trick some people into having him in your arms again.
Warnings: The story will take place in the 5thº year.
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You, a brilliant student of Slytherin, carry with you an emotional weight and a story that few can understand. The connection you shared with Tom Riddle transcends mere friendship or romance; it was a union of souls who promised a future together, challenging not only conventions, but also the timelines themselves.
The promise made with Tom was more than words; it was a sealed pact with a love so intense that it seemed immortal. When the spell cast by him projected you forward in time, it was not just an escape, but a way to preserve this connection beyond death and forgetfulness. Every day at Hogwarts, while you keep your Slytherin student facade, it is a silent battle to hide the true weight of your heart — the pain of being separated from the one you love most and the persistent hope of meeting him again.
Current life, with its challenges and interactions, is constantly filtered through the memory of the past. Every step you take is calculated, each action is measured with the intention not only to fulfill your mission, but also to keep alive the memory of the love that once defined your existence. The fact that Tom's diary is the key to his resurrection makes his quest a mixture of duty and desire, an effort to restore what has been lost and, at the same time, a longing for a future where you can be together again.
As you approach Harry Potter, you are not only in search of a magical object; you are struggling to unite two worlds - the present and the past, love and obligation, the real and the imagined. Every moment you spend trying to gain Potter's trust is a step closer to realizing a promise that was made in simpler times, and also an attempt to reconcile what was left behind with what can still be achieved.
Behind his calm smile and the calculated strategies, there is a soul marked by an eternity of longing and a heart that still pulsates for the love that has never been faded. The mission is your redemption and your purpose, and its success is the key to restoring a piece of a past that you have never been able to leave completely behind.
His "frendity" began in a Herbology class. You were still someone unknown to him, which certainly helped you.
Harry began to sympathize with you some time ago, seeing you as an unexpected ally. It didn't take long for an obstacle to emerge in his path. Hermione Granger began to suspect her true intentions and decided to warn Harry about you.
One afternoon, while you were talking to Harry in the hallway, Hermione approached with a serious expression, which made you say goodbye and move away discreetly.
- Harry, are you sure you can trust her? - Hermione asked, her voice loaded with concern. - She is from Slytherin, and this should be taken into account.
Harry looked at Hermione, with a confused expression.
- I see no reason to suspect her. She has been very helpful. - Harry replied, trying to seem convinced.
Hermione crossed her arms, her eyes fixed on Harry with a determined look.
- Besides, she is also born a sucker, just like you. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone from Slytherin around. But don't worry, I know the reputation of the house is not the best. - He paused, as if expecting an argument.
Although it was not true that you were a "born sucker", the lie that you faced prejudice in Slytherin had a convincing effect on Harry. He believed it quickly, making his task easier.
- I just want you to be cautious. - Hermione insisted. - Even if she seems friendly, Slytherins have a reputation and, in my experience, it is always better not to let your guard down.
Despite Hermione's reservations, Harry continued to open up to you, but his interventions added a layer of tension to his plan. Maintaining Harry's confidence while dealing with Hermione's vigilance was a constant game of balance. Their meetings were planned to look spontaneous, always with a welcoming smile and an offer of genuine help. In each interaction, you calibrated your behavior to be useful and reliable, so that Harry did not suspect his true intentions.
On the night of that same day, the library was wrapped in an almost reverential silence, illuminated by the flickering light of the candles and the soft glow of the magic lamps. The tall bookshelves projected mysterious shadows, creating an environment that combined comminess and mystery. Harry Potter was sitting at a table, immersed in a thick book, but his expression showed distraction.
You approached with a calm and strategic posture, your clear goal. Harry was distracted, and you noticed a subtle glow emanating from his bag, which was partially open on the table. With a trained look, you immediately recognized Tom Riddle's diary, shining slightly under the light of the library.
- Harry! - You started, your soft and friendly voice - It looks like you're having trouble with this material. Do you need help?
Harry looked up at you, his expression mixing relief with a twinge of suspicion. He moved slightly away from the bag, as if unconsciously protecting the valuable object it contained.
- Oh, it's you. - Harry replied, a little surprised. - Actually, I'm having difficulties with it. I would appreciate it if you can take a look.
You smiled and leaned over to examine the book, your hand sliding discreetly in the direction of the bag. The diary was there, clearly visible through the opening. You tried to stay calm while adjusting your position, trying to get closer to the bag without drawing attention.
However, Harry seemed to notice the movement. His eyes fixed on his hand next to the bag and he hardened a little, his lips closing in a thin line.
The silence of the library was interrupted by a slight sound of something falling on the floor. Tom Riddle's diary, which was visibly exposed in Harry's bag, slipped from the opening and fell with a deaf thum on the tiled floor. The sound made Harry lean abruptly to pick up the object, his expression of concern quickly turning into tension.
He bent down and caught the diary quickly, his fingers squeezing the object firmly as he straightened. His eyes were now fixed on the diary, and there was a shadow of nervousness on his face. The tension was palpable, and he made a visible effort to hide the book in his bag carefully, trying to stay calm.
Taking advantage of the moment, you leaned a little further forward, watching the scene with a look of genuine concern.
- It seems that this is very important to you - you said, your voice loaded with a carefully calculated empathy. - What is this book? It seems to be causing a lot of tension.
Harry looked at you with an expression of surprise and discomfort. He hesitated for a moment, clearly struggling to decide how much to reveal. The shadow of distrust still hovered in his eyes, but the sincerity in his tone seemed to have created a gap.
- It's just one... a personal item. - Harry replied, his voice a little hesitant. - It's nothing to worry about.
You gave a slight understanding smile, trying to soften the situation and keep gaining your trust.
- I Understand. Sometimes, we all have things that we prefer to keep to ourselves. - You said, tilting your head in a friendly way. - But if you need someone to talk to or help with anything, I'm here for that.
Harry seemed to relax a little, although there was still a pinch of caution in his eyes. He clearly appreciated the offer of support, but was still struggling to balance trust with distrust.
- Thank you. - Harry said, his tone a little more relaxed, but still careful. - It's good to know that.
You took advantage of the moment to take a step closer, but without invading his personal space.
- No problem, Harry. The truth is that I'm here to help, and I hope we can work together to overcome any difficulty. - You paused, watching him carefully. - If you need anything, especially if the book is causing problems, know that you can talk to me.
Harry gave a slight nod, his gaze still a little cautious, but grateful. The diary, now again hidden in the bag, seemed to be a source of great concern for him, and his answer indicated that he was starting to open up a little more.
As you walked away, a feeling of satisfaction and relief mixed with the awareness that distrust was still present. Every step towards Harry's trust was a victory.
The next day, Hogwarts was immersed in an atmosphere of expectation. A timid sun filtered through the windows of the Great Hall, casting soft rays of light on the students' tables. The murmuring conversations and the usual clamor were interrupted when an urgent announcement echoed through the corridors.
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley were summoned to the Flitwick professor's room due to an unexpected situation: the House's Academic Performance Report was severely outdated and there was an alarming discrepancy in the grades of several students. Hermione, known for her perfectionism and dedication, was immediately involved in solving the problem, while Ron, although initially reluctant, was dragged into the task due to his friendship with Hermione and his desire to help her.
The situation was carefully orchestrated by you. A quick manipulation in the academic records and a subtle error in the calculations had been enough to create a distraction that involved Hermione and Ron for several hours. The confusion generated and the need to correct the data urgently caused them to focus intensely on the task, leaving Harry Potter alone and unprotected.
With Hermione and Ron busy, you saw the perfect opportunity to get closer to Harry. The day was clear and calm, and the library was almost deserted. Harry was sitting at one of the tables, studying alone, his concentration interrupted only occasionally by looks of concern.
In the following hours, you adopted a meticulous surveillance strategy, remaining discreet and observant while following Harry Potter's movements. At every moment, you him through the corridors of Hogwarts, keeping a safe distance so as not to raise suspicions. His goal was clear: to wait for the right moment to intervene and ensure that he could follow Harry's footsteps for Tom Riddle's diary.
The library, where you were often nearby, became your observation post. On some occasions, you infiltrated the common areas and spent time in strategic corridors, always with a watchful eye on any sign that could indicate the boy's plans.
It was on a particularly quiet afternoon, while you were leaning discreetly against one of the walls of the corridor near the women's bathroom, that something caught your attention. Harry was alone, his hesitant steps echoing down the deserted corridor. He seemed to follow a voice that no one else could hear, an expression of curiosity and confusion on his face.
The scene aroused your interest immediately. Harry approached the women's bathroom with a fixed look, almost hypnotized, following the inaudible sound. This place, in particular, carried an emotional weight for you. It was the same bathroom where you and Tom Riddle had spent intimate and secret moments during your youth. It was also the entrance to the Secret Chamber, a vital place for his plans.
You hid in the shadows, watching carefully as Harry stood in front of the bathroom door. He hesitated for a moment, looking around as if trying to understand the origin of the voice that called him. His heart beat faster when he saw his interaction with the family environment. The old walls and dusty mirrors looked like silent witnesses of the past, preserving the secrets and history of his love with Tom.
Harry entered the bathroom, and the door closed smoothly behind him. You knew that could be the moment you were waiting for.
With your mind boiling with excitement and a renewed desire to achieve your goal, you waited patiently. The anticipation of finally being able to recover his beloved Tommy and the certainty that the moment was approaching filled his heart with a mixture of hope and anxious expectation.
After a few minutes, you decided to follow Harry. Entering the women's bathroom, nostalgia enveloped him when he remembered the moments shared with Tom there. Each step he took brought her closer to the achievement of his goal. Harry's presence there meant that something important was about to happen, and you were determined to ensure that the plan to bring Tom Riddle back was realized.
You moved forward, your breathing controlled, moving with the grace and caution of a predator. When he entered the bathroom, he saw Harry standing in front of a sink, murmuring words that activated the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. A smile of satisfaction appeared on his lips. The way was open, and you were ready to follow Harry and recover the diary that meant so much to you and Tom.
Harry looked around one last time, then disappeared through the secret entrance. Without wasting time, you followed him, descending through the depths of the Secret Chamber, each step bringing you closer to your final goal.
Nothing could stop you from bringing your boyfriend back, not even the famous Harry Potter. After all, you had promised Tom eternity together, and you were willing to do anything to fulfill that promise.
With the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets open, you followed Harry carefully, keeping yourself in the shadows so as not to be detected. The narrow passage widened as they advanced, revealing a path of stones flanked by statues of imposing snakes. The air was humid and cold, and the smell of mold impregnated the environment.
The tension increased with each step. The statues of snakes, with their eyes fixed and mouths open, seemed to watch you as you advanced. The dim light reflected on the damp stones, creating a gloomy and mysterious environment. In the background, an immense sculpture of Salazar Slytherin's face dominated the space, his stern gaze seeming to judge anyone who dared to enter that sacred place.
You stayed in the shadows, watching as Harry approached the center of the chamber. His heart beat faster when he saw Gina Weasley lying on the floor, apparently unconscious. Harry ran to her, kneeling next to her and trying to wake her up with evident despair.
- Gina! Wake up, please! Gina!
You saw the frustration and fear in Harry's eyes as he insisted that Gina wake up. He shook her slightly, trying to resuscitate her. But before he could make any progress, a familiar voice echoed through the walls of the chamber, making his heart jump.
- She's not going to wake up.
You recognized the voice instantly. It was Tom Riddle, or rather, a projection of his youth. He emerged from the shadows, his imposing presence and cold look fixed on Harry. Time seemed to stop as you watched the scene unfold, the presence of Tom filling the camera with a sense of power and authority.
Harry stared at Tom with a mixture of confusion and determination.
- Tom... Tom Riddle. - Harry stuttered. - What do you mean she won't wake up? Is she...?
- She's still alive, but by a thread. - Your acquaintance and beloved Tom Riddle was finally there.
Tom's footsteps approached Harry, who stared at him with a certain fear.
- Are you a ghost?
- A memory preserved in a diary for 50 years. - Slytherin corrected it.
Tom noticed Harry's wand fallen and picked it up. Harry still seemed worried about Gina, a little distracted to realize.
- She looks cold. Tom, and the basilisk? - Harry looked up and noticed his wand in Tom's hands. - Return my wand, Tom. - The boy used an authoritarian voice.
- Why? You won't need it. - Riddle replied simply.
- Look, we have to go. We need to save her. - Potter insisted.
- I don't think I can do that, Harry. - He paused. - While Gina gets weaker, I get stronger.
It was at that moment that you decided to get out of the shadows. Harry, surprised to see you there, tried to position himself to protect her.
- Y/N, get out of here! He's dangerous! - Harry shouted, the concern evident in his voice.
But you just smiled and took a few steps towards Tom, ignoring Harry's warning. Her eyes fixed on the familiar and beloved face, Tom's expression softening slightly when recognizing her.
- Y/N? - Tom murmured, a mixture of surprise and recognition in his voice.
You nodded, the emotion evident in your eyes.
- Tom... Finally. - you said, the voice choked. - I spent 50 years looking for you, waiting for this moment.
Harry watched the scene, just shocked and confused.
- Y/N, what are you doing? He's trying to hurt Gina!
Tom reached out, and you took it without hesitation, feeling the familiar warmth of your touch.
- Y/N... my dear. - Tom said softly, his eyes fixed on yours. - I missed you so much. Every second away from you was an eternity.
- You have no idea how long I waited for this. - You answered, the emotion overflowing as I hugged you.
Harry, still processing the revelation, was trying to find a way to save Gina and prevent Tom's plans. But Tom's presence by your side and his growing power made it clear that you would not let anything or anyone interfere in your reunion.
Tom held his hand firmly, his dark eyes full of determination. Harry, still trying to understand what was happening, took a step forward, desperate to save Gina and understand the situation.
- Y/N, that's crazy! He's dangerous! - Harry begged.
You looked at Harry, without showing regret, just firmness. Tom, with Harry's wand in hand, turned to you, a cold smile on his lips as if admiring her.
Harry, confused and distressed, continued to look at you and Tom, paralyzed next to Gina's unconscious body. His expression was a mixture of shock and despair.
- Why, Y/N? How can you do that? - Harry managed to murmur, his voice full of frustration.
Tom gave an enigmatic smile.
- Harry, you can't understand. Y/N and I share a past that transcends any notion you may have. We were colleagues at Hogwarts, and our love was something deep and immortal. We made a promise of eternity that nothing and no one can undo.
Harry looked at Tom in disbelief.
- But... how did she not appear in the memories I saw? - Harry questioned, still trying to understand.
This time you answered coldly.
- Tom showed you only what he wanted you to see. There are many things you don't know, many hidden truths. I've always been by your side, even when you couldn't see it. - You pause, but then it continues. - Thank you for making things easier, Harry.
Tom began to resume his complete physical state, his presence solidifying as he again became an imposing and real figure. Harry, paralyzed next to Gina, watched feeling the failure on his shoulders.
xoxo, bee 🫶🏼✨
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katakaluptastrophy · 6 months
"I’ve already pretty much revealed that Alecto begins with the descent of Christ into Hades." - Tamsyn Muir
That's right...it's time for more Bible study for fans of weird queer necromancers!
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It's currently Holy Week, the week where Western liturgical Christians reenact the events of Jesus' death and resurrection in real time. And today, it's Holy Saturday. So Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday. He rises from the dead on Easter Sunday. But what happened in between? His body lay in the tomb...but his spirit was otherwise preoccupied. Because on Holy Saturday, Jesus went to Hell.
But why would Jesus go to Hell? Because the resurrection was not just about saving the people who came after it - it was a bit more...wibbly wobbly, timey wimey.
To be a bit more specific, he didn't visit Hell Hell. The place Jesus visited isn't Hell in the sense of eternal punishment of the damned, but Hades or Sheol or the Underworld or Limbo - a place for those who were mostly good but lived before Jesus' resurrection had made salvation possible. So before his resurrection, Jesus went to make that salvation retroactive. Particularly, according to tradition, to major figures from the Old Testament, including Adam and Eve.
So Nona the Ninth ended with Harrow walking off into the River in search of theological truth. And Alecto the Ninth apparently begins with Harrow in Hell:
Alecto the Ninth, ACT ONE HARROW IN HELL CHAPTER 1 At a point in the slit she was carving through life, Harrowhark Nonagesimus woke to find herself lost in a dark wound. She had been walking when it had all gone black– any path ahead or behind was blotted out; now she was here.  - Tamsyn Muir reading at TorCon
This is riffing heavily on the beginning of Dante's Inferno:
"In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost." - Dante Alighieri, Inferno
But lots of people go to Hell. What's so special about Harrow going there? Because the traditional name in English for Jesus' chthonic salvation adventures on Holy Saturday is "the Harrowing of Hell." "Harrow" comes from an Old English word meaning to attack or despoil - a very martial way of expressing the idea of Jesus as the victor over sin and death.
Harrow ended NTN realising that she cannot trust John's account of metaphysics. That she needs to discover the reality for herself. The faith of the Nine Houses and John's own styling as god rests on the foundation of the Resurrection - John is the "ransomer of death, scourge of death, vindicator of death", his power is understood to be absolute: "Let the whole of everywhere entrust themselves to him. Let those across the river pledge beyond the tomb to the adept divine."
And yet even that prayer - "let those across the river..." - introduces doubt. Magnus jumps in to silence Abigail when she expresses her heretical belief in the River beyond, and Harrow herself scoffs that "it has been thousands of years since anybody bothered to believe in the River beyond." Abigail believes that John knows nothing about what exists beyond the River. And what about Hell? In HTN, Ulysses the First is described as "languishing in Hell" after his run-in with a Resurrection Beast. John himself describes the stoma as "the mouth to Hell", "a portal to a place I cannot touch - somewhere I don't fully comprehend, where my power and my authority are utterly meaningless."
In the Book of Revelation - the Bible's account of the end of the world - Jesus holds "the keys of death and Hell". John may have resurrected the dead, but he does not comprehend what is beyond it. Both the destination of the good, the River beyond to which the souls of little Isaac and Jean should have traveled lightly after their short and brutal lives, and the Hell that lies beneath the stoma are outside of his power. He is a few keys short of the full divine bunch. He can manipulate death, but he is not really its master.
And so Harrow walks off into the River to look for something or someone she can call god. Harrow, who shares a name with the defeat of death across time and space. Harrow, who is of the unbroken line of Anastasia. Anastasia was kind to Alecto, who like Eve is the mother of all and like Adam walked on the empty earth with god.
In Orthodox icons, the Harrowing of Hell is depicted with Jesus triumphant, leading Adam and Eve by the hand from their tombs. The traditional term for this image is an anastasis, the Greek term for resurrection. Adam and Eve, whose sin broke the intended shape of reality, are restored to wholeness with god.
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How will Harrow answer her questions about god? What really is beyond the stoma and what would it mean to conquer it? What does it look like, metaphysically, to restore the world of The Locked Tomb to wholeness, and what will it cost?
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rhyaxxyn · 8 months
a writeblr resurrection
my name is rhyannyn, and i'm looking to get more involved into the writeblr community after a lengthy hiatus of getting myself and my works in order. i'm always willing to follow new people, and reconnect with writeblrs i knew a few years ago when i was consistently on tumblr (going as kennedy :b)
if you write any of the following, are intrigued by any of the following, or just want to hang out and rip my OCs apart (i've got a list of where you should start, by the way) please feel free to follow and I will follow back. i'm really looking to find writeblrs right now who blogs are focused on writing, as i always love finding new things to read, and new stories to support :)
tragic characters--characters who see no way out, characters who are icarus coded and sisyphus coded AND antigone coded, characters caged by their duty and love and faith and it destroys them
in turn, complex characters with really rich backgrounds
stories influenced by slavic cultures (polish heritage plays a large part in one of my fantasy cultures)
queer fantasy stories by queer voices
stories that are anti-colonizer. i like seeing indigenous people win, and i love stories with irish, native american, sammi, and kurdish influences. i like seeing characters cling to who they are and old gods and kind ways while colonizers try to take it away, and i like seeing indigenous people prevail.
worldbuilding with a major focus on family values, religion, and magic.
any and all things dark
slowburn lovers, slowburn friendships, slowburn found family. make it teeth-gritting and loving and heart gouging. i will devour it.
characters who are hurt and traumatized and it isn't the end. characters in the dark who keep going even when there isn't any light in sight.
all things divine and demonic and grimy. i have a taste for violence as long as it serves a purpose to the story and isn't done just for fun
this is a list of things i write, and what i particularly love to read in literature, but i'm willing to follow any writeblrs and hopefully connect with some new and old accounts!
again, i've been off of tumblr for an official two years now (yes my bad, but alas i had the strangest hyperfixation on the job i despise and totally disappeared), but i am holding myself by the throat and forcing myself to resurrect because i am trying to publish a book right now!
oh and my wip page sucks. please avoid it at all costs while i try to edit it :3
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Sit down, Solace, you pain in the ass, I’ll get it.”
Will huffs moodily, trying in vain to continue hobbling towards the cupboards against the infirmary wall. Nico has to physically wrestle him back to his cot, which in theory should be way harder, but luckily he’s weak enough from the pain meds that once Nico manages to shove him against the cushions, he can’t get back up.
Ha. Karma.
“You can’t get it,” says the most dramatic drama queen alive, dramatically, “on account of you not know what ‘it’ is.”
Nico smiles patiently. It resembles, to the outside eye and perhaps the inner one also, the bared teeth of a grinning shark. “Tell me, then.”
“Then tough shit for you.”
“I’m just gonna wait until you’re turned away again,” Will calls against his retreating back. Nico flips him the bird. “So this was futile, really.”
He’s stubborn, but he’s not an idiot, Nico reassures himself. Surely, the many years — formative years — he’s spent as head medic have made him smart. Surely, Mr. Nagging Nag shall heed his own advice, lest the entire camp descend upon him in swathes of shrieking, not quite righteous fury, intolerant or hypocrisy. Surely.
He hears the creak of a rickety bed, a thunk of something hitting the wooden floorboards, and a soft oof.
He closes his eyes and exhales deeply.
For fuck’s sake.
When he turns around, he sees William Andrew Solace, Best Healer in Generations, Paraded Progeny of Apollo, Also Notably Naomi Solace’s Son, That’s Kinda Sick, Isn’t It, sprawled on the floor, ridiculously long limbs outstretched, attempting to wiggle across the floor to the cupboards.
“Solace, I am going to kill you.”
“Some healer you are,” Will mutters, as if Nico is not playing healer right now purely because he is the only one in the entire camp with a half a chance of wrangling the dumbass head medic himself. He continues to wiggle.
Wrapping a hand around his uninjured ankle, Nico drags him bodily back to his cot, ignoring the shrieking.
“One day on bedrest, you dipshit. One. Day. That is all anyone is asking if you.”
“My binder!” he insists, because he is difficult. “I don’t need to sit down and do nothing, I need to run my infirmary!”
“You need to sit the fuck down and heal your body before it schedules healing for you,” Nico snaps. “For fuck’s sake, Will, does it matter to you at all that other people would like to see you safe and healthy, even if you couldn’t give a shit?”
For a glorifying moment, Will stares at him, eyes wide, face frozen. Nico meets his gaze, glaring, his own chest heaving where Will appears to have held his breath.
Then, Will bursts out laughing.
“That!” he says, wheezing. “That is what I have been trying to nail through your thick skull! Karma, you little turd!”
Mouth opening, and closing again, it’s Nico’s turn to freeze.
“Oh, gods.”
The horror in his voice is tangible. Will laughs harder.
“Oh, gods, I’m becoming you.”
He stumbles to the closest cot, sitting down quickly before he gets any dizzier than he already is. Nausea builds up his throat.
Gods, that was a direct quote.
“Not so fuckin’ easy to wrangle you clumsy shitheads, is it!”
Nico cradles his head in agony. No. No! It can’t be! He refuses to lend any credibility to Will’s mother-henning! He is obnoxious, and overbearing, and hell-bent on restricting Nico’s freedom; there is no way Nico is emulating him right now, because that would mean he has a point when he’s bossing Nico around, and — no. Cannot be.
“I told you,” Will says, smug as a godsdamn rooster in a hen house. (Oh, gods, now his stupid cowboy idioms are ringing in his head? He needs to spend less time with Will. Better yet, he should take another dip in the Lethe — willingly, this time. Anything is better than this.) “You clumsy fucks are the sole reason I am going to die from stress-induced heart failure at twenty-two, and then I am going to resurrect myself as a ghost through sheer stubborn will alone to haunt each and every one of you for eternity.”
Nico chooses to focus on the part of the sentence that he can conveniently argue with. “You don’t get to call anyone a clumsy fuck, on account of you shattering three bones in your ankle because you stomped your foot too hard when you were trying to make a point.”
“What was the point I was trying to make, again?”
Nico keeps his mouth shut.
“Something something reanimating entire dragons to scare the shit out of Cecil is going to drain you to dangerous levels of energy and make me have to drag you from the brink of death yet again something something.” He pauses. “Even if it was really funny and he nearly actually pissed himself.”
“Well, whatever,” Nico says, elegantly changing the subject. “You’re an idiot, and if you don’t let yourself heal than you’re worse than the rest of us and can never lecture us ever again. So. And I’ll rat you out, too, they’ll believe me.”
Will glares at him. Nico glares back.
“Get some rest,” Nico orders, still glaring. Will pulls a face and repeats his words back to him, mockingly.
“There’s a difference between me and the rest of you idiots,” he grumbles, petulantly ripping loose the blankets and shoving himself under them. Nico smacks his hands away, tucking them around him for him, checking his pillow, and then his forehead for good measure, just in case his stupid ass somehow gave himself a fever. Will squirms, just to make things difficult, so Nico, as acting healer in the room, has to smack him. “I can feel my limits.”
“And yet you pirouette right on over them. I think that makes you worse, actually.”
Will, son of the god of truth, has nothing to say to that.
“Stupid,” Nico says, fondly, squeezing a gentle hand in his cheek. “Sleep, okay? You can go back to being dictator of the infirmary when you’re healed.”
“Tomorrow,” he insists.
Nico rolls his eyes, smiling, and pulls his hand away. Will darts out and snatches his wrist before he goes far, eyes pleading, and Nico caves immediately. Will’s skin is warm, and smooth.
“If you’re healed by then.”
He traces his thumb across Will’s freckled cheekbone, shivering slightly as his long eyelashes tickle the tip of his fingerprint.
He’s already puffing out small, quiet snores, head lolling against Nico’s hand, body exhausted from working overtime to try and heal.
Shaking his head, Nico ducks down, pressing a kiss to the space between his eyes before pulling away. He watches him for a moment, peaceful, face smooth and un-creased, delicate cupid’s bow pink and poised, skin spattered with paintbrush freckles. Heart skipping, he can’t resist another quick peck, lingering, at the top of his nose, the middle of his cheek; again at the dip of his brow. It furrows, briefly, under his touch, before relaxing again.
“Goodnight, Will.” He brushes a knuckle over his cheek. “Thank you, you dork ass.”
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kimberleyjean · 2 months
The Price of a Life: Death and Dying in Good Omens
In this meta I want to take a closer look at one of the prominent themes I’ve spotted running through Season 2 of Good Omens. While S2 has been billed as the gentle and romantic bridge towards S3, in a few ways it actually had darker tones than S1. If that’s your cup of tea - read on!
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What is the value of a human life? 
This is a question which has been pondered by philosophers far back into the reaches of history. More recently, economists have attempted to put a price on human life, which is then used when justifying the various societal costs associated with governing a population (i.e. healthcare, education). These two different schools of thought are sometimes at odds. Immanuel Kant proposed that humans have invaluable dignity, but not a price - being “not merely something to be used for the ends of others, or traded on the market”[1]. In opposition, value of life calculations, by definition, put a price on the value of an individual.
What side does Good Omens S1 take?
In Good Omens Season 1, one of the significant moral dilemmas, at least for Aziraphale and Crowley, was about whether or not to kill the antichrist.
I've never actually... killed anything. I don't think I could. Not even to save everything? One life... against the universe.
Following their failed attempts to influence Adam’s childhood development, once at the airfield, Aziraphale believes it to be a foregone conclusion that Adam should be killed - eliminate one to save the many. Of course, their attempts fail and Adam faces off against Death, the Four Horsepersons and Satan himself, eventually getting his own way. However, the moral question posed about killing Adam never reaches a definite conclusion.
With the flashback scenes that S1 added to the book, we are shown this same theme when Aziraphale and Crowley attend the crucifixion. The crucifixion is shown in agonising detail here, and gives us an empathetic look at the sacrifice of one life for, presumably, the overall good of humanity. (Although, what metaphysical impact Jesus’ death had in the Good Omens universe isn’t exactly clear). We see Aziraphale and Crowley stand idly by while the Great Plan is enacted.
Does S2 do things differently?
While Good Omens S1 dabbles lightly in the philosophical question about the value of life, Season 2 picks up this thread time and time again - sometimes attaching some numbers!
One of the key mysteries of present-day S2 is the mammoth miracle performed by Aziraphale and Crowley. Registering on the scales at 25 Lazari, this is 25 times the cost of human life in Heaven's accounting system. Presumably, one Lazari is the amount used when Jesus resurrected Lazarus of Bethany four days after his death. As we'll see, this attaching of numbers to human lives is then repeated throughout each of the minisodes.
Firstly we have the flashback sequence with Job and his children. Aziraphale makes the argument that just doubling the number of new children wouldn’t adequately compensate Job and Sitis for the loss of their existing children - since they “quite like the old ones”. The value of human life is not a simple accounting exercise and one life cannot be substituted for another, in the case of the people you love - they’re priceless.
We see this same idea demonstrated again throughout the Resurrectionist minisode. We first meet Elspeth MacKinnon when she is exhuming a body to sell, in order to buy her and her partner a slightly better life worth living. However, the surgeon Dalrymple is not above haggling over human remains. To him this is a business transaction, in which dead bodies are worth no more than five pounds a pop. To Dalrymple, the cost of saving future lives is that others should risk the grave gun gathering bodies which he may then dissect.
Aziraphale is first opposed to anyone being dug up, but then is won over by Dalrymple’s argument, at least until Wee Morag is killed and suddenly for sale. As Crowley says, echoing the Job minisode, “it’s a bit different when it’s someone you know”. In opposition to Dalrymple’s accounting exercises, and, indeed, the 90 guineas with which Aziraphale buys Elspeth's life, Crowley is offering an alternative view. A life is of higher value when it is someone we, personally, know and care for.
We also witness this theme during the 1941 flashback / Nazi-zombie minisode. The magic shop owner warns Aziraphale that he is about to take on a death-defying trick - one which people have died trying, no less! “Your life is worth a lot more than seven pounds five shillings,” argues the shopkeeper. Instead, it turns out that a customer’s life is worth about 27 pounds and five shillings, since he more than willingly accepts that offer - “on your head be it!”.
As human beings, the price we are willing to place on an individual life, how much we are willing to sacrifice for that person, is all dependent on how well we know them.
“He’s just an angel I know”
But it’s the knowing that makes all the difference.
“It’s a bit different when it’s someone you know”
So, for his life, what price are you willing to pay?
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What if it was “one life... against the universe”?
Lastly, death is the price that all humans must pay, no matter what. As the Metatron asks at the end of S2 - “Does anyone ever ask for Death?”. But those are thoughts worthy of a future post.
Thank you to everyone at the @ineffable-detective-agency as always, but especially @lookingatacupoftea and @embracing-the-ineffable for their feedback on this post.
[1] Nussbaum, M., & Pellegrino, E. D. (2008). Human dignity and bioethics: essays commissioned by the President's Council on Bioethics. JAMA, 300, 2922.
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ohgeezlya · 1 month
I want you to read this before reading the series, please and thank you.
Number One -- Luther -Superhuman Strength -Enhanced Resilience
Is able pick up heavy objects without a sweat. Also resilient against any attack after a failed mission. ----+"Spaceboy"+---- "He sent me to the moon for nothing!"
Number Two -- Diego -Trajectory Manipulation
Is able to change the trajectory of any weapon thrown or shot. ----+"The Kraken+---- "Have enough material for your sequel yet?"
Number Three -- Allison -Vocal Manipulation
Is able to manipulate the mind with the words "I heard a rumor..." ----+"The Rumor"+---- "I want to see my daughter!"
Number Four -- Klaus -Commune With the Dead -Self-resurrection
Is able to communicate with the dead, and partially allow the dead to roam as apparitions. Also able to bring himself back to life. ----+"The Seance"+---- "I always wondered why we had an extra room ..."
Number Five -- Five -Time Manipulation/Teleportation
Is able to teleport through space and time either from one place to another or across decades. ----+"The Boy"+---- "I don't know you, despite what you say.
I don't trust you for even a second."
Number Six -- Ben (Dead) - Eldritch Tentacles
Is able to release large tentacles from his stomach . ----+"The Horror"+---- "WEEEEE!"
Number Seven -- Vanya/Viktor -Sound Manipulation -Matter Manipulation
Is able to manipulate sound waves and matter into a physical force. ----+"The White Violin"+---- "I'm glad to have another sister"
Redacted - (Y/N) Clairvoyance Energy Absorption
Is able to see/feel the future and absorb energy/life force with a constant touch. Her body is a host for space and time, whatever happens to the timeline will happen to her. ----+” Timeline"+---- "I signed a contract that cost me...everything."
- I do not own the plot of The Umbrella Academy or its characters; this is purely fanfiction for like-minded people. Remember, if anything that's shown in the TV show and in this book—supernatural elements, violence, blood, death, forced isolation, social ineptness, derealization, and panic attacks—makes you uncomfortable, please click off. Self-preservation should come first before any lame book.
-I will not be descriptive when it comes to the reader, besides the fact that she's intended to use feminine terms. (However, you are welcome to change that to fit yourself) And power related changes to your appearance.
- I also want to say that Viktor will be referred to as Vanya and she/her pronouns until we get to season three. I want to clarify that I am not intentionally misgendering them or dead naming them, I want to keep his progress of figuring out his identity as a trans-man because I believe it to be important.
-My opinion on Season Four is that it was SOOO dogshit that I'll be rewriting it entirely when I get there!YAY, don't you love it when screenwriters and directors shoot their show in the foot?
- Also I accept criticism, I think it would help me with my writing mainly grammar and typos because I'm dyslexic and will fuck up many times. I also love when people comment on my stories because I like interacting with my audience.
- I make sure to write long chapters possibly 1000-4000 words.
- This a slow burn because Five would NOT fall in love at first sight. While on the relationship between Five and the reader, I changed it so that Five joined the Commission at 34 so when Five and you time travel back you both are mentally 34 but physically 14-15 during season 1.
-I also have this book on Wattpad I will be honest and say that this would be much more immersive on Wattpad but I understand that it’s not everyone’s first go-too fanfic app. Account is ‘Ohgeezlya’
Welcome to the commission!…
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chainsawcorazon · 3 months
even tho we know bart has canonically gotten coochie, i don’t know if that’s something mark waid acknowledges considering how much he hates fastest man alive, THEREFORE i think it would be sooooo funny if mark waid took back bart and tried to make him survive the 21st century at the tender age of twenty-three while homeless, insane, and at odds with some eldritch god on account of having been resurrected so many times, the gods probably have him on like a List or something. idk, i just wanna see what waid would do with his baby boy who’s no longer baby but 100x more mentally ill and insane than he was back in 1994. i wonder who bart’s adult love interests would be. waid should write it, as a treat. i also think bart needs a blaster gun and license to kill-
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flowerandblood · 11 months
I'm back
And I'm back with my oneshot with Michael Gavey. He fucking came back from the dead. Some can call it resurrection.
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I needed these 24 hours just for myself to think about why I was writing at all and why I was doing it.
To talk about it with my husband who, as always, knowing me inside out, said that I didn't deserve to have my work and commitment here wasted by people who don't have the courage to write to me under their own nickname.
Just to be clear - it doesn't matter when or if any of you would read my oneshot. When, why or if you will do it is neither something to feel guilty nor proud of, like reading or not anything I wrote or will write.
I remind you that's my space, not yours. Anon asks stays off, because I know who you really are.
From now on, I will be much stricter about what other people "opinion" should and should not be.
I will block anyone, anons, writers or readers, who cannot watch their words - even if it's on your blogs, in your asks, comments, reblogs or statements - I don't want to see any ironic, hurtful bullshit on my wall anymore.
I will block them, but I will never nag them. I just don't need them in my life, in my space. Learn from me, anon haters. I hope me coming back is your stick in the ass and not in the pleasurable way.
I don't care if you think I'm a sweet and innocent author with no flaws - I'm not. I've never been. I don't care about maintaining this image either.
Yes, I can't stand anons who send me and other authors baseless criticism. They were and will remain my enemies. I will never be nice to them, because by hiding they lose the last of my respect.
However, I have never been and will never be unpleasant to people who ask me thoughtful questions with the respect that one person can and should expect from another. Usually it's not about the question itself, but about how it was asked.
Writing anonymously to others that you wish their pets to die, that it's good that they lost their child, or to me that I don't really love my husband and I'm cheating on him because I write fanfics is not the smartest idea.
You are just sad, jealous idiots.
A few of people here are trying to keep this sticky tape glued fandom from falling apart and I sincerely admire them: @ewanmitchellcrumbs @targaryenrealnessdarling @oneeyedvisenya @theoneeyedprince @valeskafics @black-dread
This fandom doesn't deserve you, but there you are.
+ I wanted to say 'thank you' to all of the writers who just reached me to say that they are sorry, to say that I have a right to write whatever I want. Do what I want without being judged.
Finally, I cannot help but mention the wave of anonymous and non-anonymous messages from my fans, to which I apologize for not responding. I've read them all.
Many of you came out of the shadows and wrote to me for the first time, showing me how much my stories mean to you. Thank you for all the memes, photos, drawings and words of comfort, very long and very short messages.
If it weren't for you, if it weren't for my husband who told me that I needed a break - not to destroy everything I created, I would have deleted this account a few days ago. He said that I should care more about my own mental comfort, which I intend to do.
I deleted my Discord account to withdraw from the fandom a bit and to put what happened behind me. I don't have good emotions right now that I could share with you in these groups, which you deserve. I don't want to be a ghost account there.
If you want to talk to me or explain something, you can reach me in private messages.
So. Karawana jedzie dalej, as we say in Poland. Those who want to be tagged, please let me know here or privately.
I don't know when I will publish my other works, but I will.
Welcome back.
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gaarasfiance · 3 months
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem Reader (version of jason isn’t mentioned but i wrote it with his original storyline death from Batman: A Death In The Family, not a later, retconned version)
Warnings: angst but also fluff, reader is a famous singer, use of Y/N, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess, lmk if i missed any), swearing, makes references to other songs (Lover by Taylor Swift, Lucky People by Waterparks, and Favorite Record by Fall Out Boy), i reread this like 8 times but i couldve missed things so don't flame me if theres any fuck ups in there lmao
Word Count: 4,175
A/N: (yes i know cardigan is part of the teenage love triangle songs, yes i made it into somewhat fluff because i fucking wanted to, whats it to you? I was just listening to cardigan (by taylor swift if you were unaware) in the shower and had this beautiful idea of like what if rather than it being about getting cheated on, i make it about the reader experiencing Jason’s death (and resurrection)? also i color coded the dialogue which is something i normally don't do soooo fun little touch i guess.) (originally posted may 22, 2023 on an alternate account)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Italics mean it’s a flashback, bold and bigger means it's a song lyric, regular text means it's happening in real time. (with very obvious exceptions) Cool? Cool. also, real quick, THE FLASHBACKS ARE NOT IN PERFECT CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!!!!
“HELLO GOTHAM CITY!” The crowd roared in excitement. Y/N was excited too, it was her first show in Gotham in a long time. This was her first tour in a long time. Of course, she let the public think that it was just because she was a teenager focusing on school, not because when she was 16 her first love the love of her life had been brutally murdered…
“It’s really nice to be playing a hometown show, and since this is my first one in forever, how about I play you something brand new?” Screams erupted in the audience, people pulling out their phones to get the first recording of a brand new song. 
“This one means a lot to me, it’s about someone very special to me, and how he came back to me when I needed him most. This is a quieter one so I'm gonna need you all to listen, and please don’t judge me if I cry during this. Alright, this one’s called ‘cardigan’ everybody!” 
Rows and rows of people buzzed with excitement as the music began to play.
Vintage tee, brand new phone
Y/N and Jason walked in, strutting about as if they were models in the new vintage tees Y/N had bought for them at the thrift store just days before. They strolled about the mall, eventually making the stop to get Jason a new phone, he had dropped his from a rooftop on patrol the night before. Oops. 
“Jay, baby, you can’t just use Bruce’s credit card without asking all the time” Y/N smiled, knowing Jason wasn’t going to listen to her 
“Says who? Besides, I told him I was taking it. If he didn’t want to pay for me to get a new phone, he should’ve given me a secure pocket in the suit for it like I asked.” Jason shrugged. He wasn’t atrociously rebellious at all times, but he knew Bruce had more than enough money for him to get a new phone, and to treat his girlfriend, and best friend, when he wanted to. “Plus, if I didn’t take his card, I wouldn’t be able to spoil you, would I?” He wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple as they walked out of the store.
High heels on cobblestone
Y/N’s heels clicked loudly against the cobblestone walkway as she made her way to the entrance of the Wayne gala, arm linked with Jason’s. 
“Are you sure I look alright? I’ve never worn a dress this fancy Jason. Should I even be at a Wayne gala I mean–” Jason cut her off.
“Sweetheart you look perfect. And if anyone tells you otherwise I will personally ask Bruce to kick them out.”
“Jay, you can’t do that.”
“According to who? I have adopted Wayne privilege and you’re the one who’s Bruce’s favorite”
“I am not Bruce’s favorite!”
“Yes you are, princess.”
He dragged her into the gala, excited to spend a night with her, and after that, her first Wayne gala was nothing but history, as she attended every single one at her lover’s side.
When you are young they assume you know nothing
“That boy is a delinquent Y/N! I doubt you even know anything about him, has he even told you how he came to meet Mr Wayne?” Y/N’s father shouted. He’d never liked Jason, despite him being Y/N’s best friend for years before things ever became romantic. She used to be able to avoid it, but when her mom moved out of state for work and Y/N wanted to stay in Gotham… well this was her only option.
“Yes dad, I know how he met Bruce! You realize I knew him long before he was adopted by Bruce Wayne right? That I didn’t just go for him because he was rich? You assume because I’m young that I know nothing!”
“Clearly you don’t know anything if you would choose to be with a boy who is a thief! He tried to steal Mr. Wayne’s tires!”
“He was trying to steal them because he was living on the streets and needed money to fucking eat, Dad! Clearly you’re the one who knows nothing here!”
She stormed out of the house, furiously texting Jason and trying to will away the angry tears. 
Sequined smile, black lipstick
Y/N grinned at Jason, her black lipstick fresh as they prepared to go to a party. Bruce had cleared Jason of Robin duty for the weekend and they’d decided to take time to enjoy being normal teenagers. 
“What do you think?” She asked, still smiling
“I think… I’m really tempted to kiss that lipstick right off of you”
“Come do it then.”
Sensual politics
“Do you ever think about sensual politics?” Y/N looked up at Jason, her head in his lap as he read a book.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘sensual politics’?”
“Like the politics of being flirtatious or like building a relationship with someone, but like also kind of a play on sexual politics and people’s perception of the difference’s between men and women and the politics of it, you know? Like they’re both very different things but you can name them the same thing”
“And you’re calling that sensual politics?”
“Yes, what about it?”
“I wish I could understand what’s going on in that brain of yours. You’re such a nerd, princess”
When you are young they assume you know nothing
“Jaybird, if you hurt her, I hope you know I’ll have to break your legs” Dick shrugged as if this was common knowledge.
“I won’t hurt her, Dickwad. She’s the best thing to happen to me.”
“Okay, but you’re young and stupid, anything could happen.”
“Just because you knew nothing when you were young doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”
But I knew you
Years ago, Y/n was 11 and Jason was 10. Y/N was on her way home from the school when she saw someone she recognized. 
“Hey! You’re the boy from the library! You showed me my favorite book!”
Jason flushed, unaware that she’d remember him, or that she’d take the recommendation he’d once given her seriously
“Yeah uh, hi. My names Jason, Jason Todd.” He stuck his hand out to shake.
She placed her hand in his and shook. "Y/N."
Dancin' in your Levi's
Y/N and Jason slow danced in her room, her record player spinning some old collection she’d snagged from Wayne manor.
“I was unaware that Levi’s were ballroom attire, Monsieur.”
“And I was unaware your bedroom counted as a ballroom, Mademoiselle”
Drunk under a streetlight, I
“Jason you’re drunk.”
“No I’m notttt. Please Y/N pleeeeaaassseee be my girlfriend.”
“You’re drunk Jay, if you weren’t then you’d remember I already am.” She laughed, watching her lover shoot up in excitement
“Really? That’s so cool!”
I knew you
"Y/N what do you think? Do you think he'd like this for his birthday?"
"Why are you asking me? You're his brother!"
"Yeah but you know him better than anyone else"
Hand under my sweatshirt
"Jason Peter Todd get your cold ass hands out from under my sweatshirt!"
"What do you mean princess?" He dragged his freezing cold hands further up her back
Baby, kiss it better, I
Y/N carefully finished wrapping the bandages around Jason's waist.
"I can't believe you got stabbed!"
"Kiss it better?"
"Dork." She pressed a kiss to his bandages, before making her way up to his lips.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
“What’s got you down princess?” Jason quirked an eyebrow, the moment Y/N entered the manor there was an unhappy energy on her, like she was faking her smile. He knew her all too well. “Come here”. He opened his arms to her, gesturing that she should come lay with him on the excessively large couch (rich people bro) and she happily obliged, latching onto his side like a koala with her head on his chest.
“It’s just… I don’t know, sometimes I feel like an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. Just… forgotten.”
“I could never forget you. Sometimes people lose things that are important to them. If you’re an old cardigan then I’m finding you and putting you on because the whole time you were my favorite.” He pressed a kiss to her hair.
“How poetic” She could feel his chest shake as he laughed.
“What can I say? I’m a man of literature. Speaking of which! Do you want to watch Pride and Prejudice?”
“Yes, AgAiN”
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend, beaming. “Always.”
A friend to all is a friend to none
“You can’t keep acting like nothing is going on Jason. You love her, so why are you friends with someone like the asshole who ruined her reputation?”
“Dammit Dick, I didn’t even know that he was the one who did that until a like week ago!”
“And you’ve hung out with him twice since then! A friend to all is a friend to none, Jaybird.”
Chase two girls, lose the one
Surely all of Gotham had heard them arguing from their favorite spot on the roof of the library.
“Jason I understand that you want to go meet your birth mother, but why does that mean you have to not be in touch for an undetermined amount of time? I don’t understand why finding her means leaving me!” Y/N hadn’t meant to shout. She wasn’t actually mad at him. She understood why he wanted to go, but that didn’t make him leaving hurt any less. Why should she have to lose contact with him, let him run off to another continent without any knowledge of if he was okay?
“Sweetheart I’m not leaving you, I’m just trying to find my mom…”
“Yeah, at the expense of me! Jay I will never prevent you from doing something this important to you but that will not change the fact that this hurts me. That I’ll be lying awake at night not knowing if you’re okay or if you’re even going to want me when you come home! Not even being able to ask Bruce if you’re okay because you plan on doing this without his knowledge! For fucks sake Jason do you realize how that would feel?”
“God dammit Y/N why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“Because you’re LEAVING ME. You know what, go ahead and go Jason. You’re choosing to chase two girls and you’ve lost this one.” She made her way down, trying not to let her hands shake from all the emotional turmoil, at least not until she was on the ground again. There was no way she would know how much she’d regret saying that to him.
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
“It’s your first heartbreak Y/N, you’ll get over it. It was teenage puppy love, something was bound to happen.” Her father had no clue. It had been days and she hadn’t heard from Jason. Last she checked with Alfred, Bruce had followed him out to the middle east somewhere. 
“This was, this is so much more than that. You’re doing it again, assuming that because I’m young I must know nothing.”
“Clearly you don’t know anything.”
But I knew you
“When were you gonna tell me that you being a literature nerd was knowledge Dick wasn’t supposed to get his hands on?” Y/N gave him a look. The look that says ‘i didn't know this was a secret so you can't be upset i spilled’
“Shit, princess, please don’t tell me you told him… he’ll never let me live it down!”
“Oops?” She shrugged. He started to say something else but she kissed him before the words could escape. “It’s alright Jay, it makes you a romantic. And it means I know you better than him.”
Jason smiled. “I guess you’re right…”
Playing hide-and-seek and
“Do you wanna play hide and seek?”
“Sweetheart, aren’t we too old for that?”
“Who said that? Come onnn"
“You know I can’t say no to you.”
Giving me your weekends, I
“You know we don’t have to spend every weekend together right? You can hang out with your friends or your family if you want.”
“Why would I do that when I could give you all my weekends?”
I knew you
"How did you know to tell Bruce I wanted adjustments on the Robin bike?"
"Because I'm just cool like that. And i know you. Now come on, let's take it for a spin!"
Your heartbeat on the High Line
Y/N pressed the side of her head to Jason's chest as a stranger took their photo on the High Line. The trip to New York had been spontaneous, something they'd decided to do for spring break.
After taking her phone back from the kind stranger and thanking them, Y/N turned to her dear boyfriend.
"I could hear your heartbeat you know."
"Yeah, you'd think it was our first date or something." Y/n grinned.
"Because you make me feel... I don't know, like Pip if Estella was actually good for him?"
"Did you just reference Great Expectations at me as a way of expressing your feelings?"
"Kiss me."
Once in twenty lifetimes, I
Y/N often thought of how her mother had once told her that true teenage love like the one she had with Jason only came once in 20 lifetimes. Although, in retrospect maybe it's twice in two lifetimes, or once in one, for the partner who didn't die.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
"Would I still be your favorite person if I was a worm?"
"Well no cause you wouldn't be a person anymore, but you'd be my favorite worm-"
"You know what? I'll take it."
"You'll always be my favorite."
To kiss in cars
"Jason Todd, you are a menace to society."
"What? How?"
"You brought me out to Bruce's Rolls-Royce to make out."
and downtown bars
"Who would've thought the boy wonder had a fake ID?"
"Maybe his girlfriend who's cousin made it for him"
"What? Which one?"
Jason smirked at her, knowing it was going to eat her alive not knowing yes im projecting how nosy i am onto the y/n "Sorry princess, that stays a secret"
Was all we needed
You drew stars around my scars
"Jason, it's just an old scar from scraping my knee a little too deep, it's no big deal!"
He continued drawing small stars around any scars he found on her, gently dragging the red marker along her skin. "I didn't say it was!"
But now I'm bleedin'
When Jason hadn’t come back, Y/N had done one of the only things she promised him she would never do: taking up vigilantism. She told Bruce it was only temporary. She told herself it was only temporary. But the longer she was in the game the more attached to it she became.
"FUCK!" Y/N yelped as she sat on her bathroom counter, pressing a damp rag to her wound, carefully wiping it off. "God dammit, I used to be patching up Jason's stab wounds, not getting stabbed..." She picked up her phone, dialing the only number she cared to call anymore.
"Yeah, Dick? Can you come over real quick? Need you to make sure this stab wound doesn't kill me..."
The audible "WHAT" echoed throughout the bathroom, despite the phone not being on speaker.
'Cause I knew you
"How'd you know I'd be here?"
Y/N found Jason at their spot on the roof of the library after Dick informed her that he'd had a particularly rough argument with Bruce.
"Because I know you better than anyone else."
Steppin' on the last train
Jason dragged Y/N towards the last train of the night, what they never knew would be their final date before everything went astray.
"Come on! The last train is the best one!"
Marked me like a bloodstain, I
The image of Jason, dead, being carried away by Bruce was forever marked in Y/N's head. He was dead. There was nothing else to say.
I knew you
Speaking at Jason's small memorial was never something Y/N saw herself doing.
"I uh- I really don't know what to say. You all always said I knew him better than anyone else, and I just wish I could've known the way to prevent this."
Tried to change the ending
Y/N tried so hard to change the ending of her story. Make it so she wasn't just the girl who lost herself in grief. But until unless she saw Jason again, nothing was going to happen.
Peter losing Wendy, I
As she sat there writing 'Cardigan' it occurred to her that Peter losing Wendy was a choice, and her losing Jason never was, but it fit. Their love was a magic only to be found in Neverland.
I knew you
"Hey Red, do I know you from somewhere in civilian life? You seem familiar..."
"No way, too new in town, sorry."
She knew she knew him. She just couldn't place why...
Leavin' like a father
Even though she'd told him just to go, Jason still stopped by Y/N's house before he left to find his mother.
"Please don't leave me, Jay." She cupped his cheeks, pressing his forehead to hers as tears streamed down her face
"Don't cry, baby, I'll be back before you know it."
Running like water, I
Of course, Y/N hadn't known the identity of the Red Hood the first time she'd spotted him. All she had time to think was wondering why such a large man, with guns nonetheless, ran from her like she was out to get him.
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
"Why do people love to assume that because I'm young I must know nothing about love or heartbreak?" Y/N had asked one day. No one answered. No one knew. They only knew that they were all too aware of just how much she truly knew about both of those things.
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
"I want a blue jay on my forearm. Full color. Can you do that?"
Y/N had walked into the tattoo parlor like she owned the place. She needed a way to let him permanently linger. The kiss of a needle in her skin the only way to physically represent him.
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
"What if I had made him stay?!"
"Y/N there's nothing you could've done that would change things."
"But what if—"
"There was nothing any of us could do."
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
"Thought you told me that you quit smoking years ago Red."
"Yeah, well, old habits die hard."
"Rough day huh?"
"Yeah. Girlfriend from before all this almost saw me in the library today. She doesn't know about me."
"About you being a vigilante?"
"She thinks I'm dead."
"You know, maybe I'll do this and be totally mistaken and realize i'm delusional, but I swear to whatever fucking god is listening if i tear off that domino mask and Jason Todd is under there I will be pushing you off this rooftop."
"If I've been hanging out with Y/N this whole time I'm throwing myself off."
'Cause I knew everything when I was young
Y/N was playing a show in Los Angeles, touring at age 15 was insane, but then again, she never thought anyone would listen to her music.
"Alright everyone, I may be young, but I also consider myself to be quite versed in romance, who knows, maybe it's my lovely boyfriend, or the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic, but either way, this one's called Favorite Record!"
Even at a young age, she'd known everything she needed to about love, because it encased her every moment she spent with her favorite person.
I knew I'd curse you for the longest time
She sat at Jason's grave in the Wayne family plot for more hours than she could count, swearing at his headstone
"God dammit! Why didn't you come home? Why didn't you come back to me?" Sobs wracked her body. "I was waiting for you to come home."
Chasin' shadows in the grocery line
Every once in a while Y/N would see someone and think someone was him. Maybe it was her brain's sick way of coping. She reached towards the stranger in front of her.
"Excuse me-"
But when he turned around Jason was gone. It was just another high school boy who had vaguely reminiscent hair.
I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired
A knock came on Y/N's bedroom window. She opened it warily before the Red Hood came clinking in.
"Thrill of letting me think you were dead over?"
"Y/N please-"
"Did you sit and watch as I grieved? Stand by while I lost my mind because I thought I'd lost you?"
"Sweetheart, just let me explain–"
"Don't fucking 'sweetheart' me. Get out. Get out of my fucking room."
And you'd be standin' in my front porch light
"Get off my damn porch Jason." He was standing in civilian clothes, shuffling his feet nervously as if he was a little kid again.
"Not until you let me explain!"
"Fine. You get to come in for five minutes. See if you can explain to me how there is any way you can justify this."
And I knew you'd come back to me
Y/N sat with her jaw slack in shock after hearing Jason's story. How saying he died wasn't even a lie, how he'd been brought back, the madness he'd experienced, the resentment for nobody killing the Joker. (she flat out told him she would've if she thought she could do it without getting herself killed in the process)
"i'm such a fucking asshole."
"No you aren't"
"No you went through this whole traumatic experience and I've just been a dick to you!"
"And it's been totally justified! You should've been the first person to find out I was back. Honestly I'm surprised Dick or Bruce didn't tell you..."
"I'm going to ignore the urge to castrate both of them and just be happy you came back to me."
You'd come back to me
"I'll always come back to you."
And you'd come back to me
"Make sure you come back in one piece?" They were on the same mission, much to Jason's dismay, but they had to be split up.
"When have I ever not come back to you?"
"Don't answer that."
And you'd come back
They'd made it out of that atrocious mission. It all worked out in the end but it certainly had taken longer than they planned.
"hey, you came back in one piece, just like I asked."
"I always do, just for you."
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
Y/N heard Jason coming in. His duffel bag clunked loudly against their closet floor, and she assumed he changed out of his gear at a safehouse before returning to their apartment. She flipped over the edge of the blanket, making room for him to crawl in bed with her. Once sufficiently comfortable behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her waist, Jason spoke.
"Hey Y/N?"
She turned around in his arms so she could face him. "Uh oh, you didn't call me any kind of pet name, just my name, whats up?"
"Nothing I just... I just wanted to let you know you're still my favorite."
The tears were flowing freely by then. The audience screamed, cheering at the sweet song. “My favorite person didn’t get to be around for a while, but… he came back to me, and that’s all that matters. Now that's enough crying, I’ve got some much more fun songs, ARE YOU READY GOTHAM CITY!?” And with that, the show went on.
Hours later, Y/N made her way backstage, where she was immediately enveloped by the arms of a mystery man. She wasn’t scared though, she knew who it was. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he spun her around. 
He sat her down gently, beaming. “You wrote a song about me?” “Jay… baby a lot of my songs are about you.” 
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you managed to not know that even though I’ve told you before.”
“I just assumed you weren’t serious!”
“... You really think that Lover or Lucky People or Favorite Record, could have possibly been about anyone else?”
“And if I just like hearing you say it?”
“Then I’ll tell you forever.” When their lips met, it was a promise, one that this, this feeling in this moment, was real, and that it wouldn’t ever go away, because they knew everything when they were young. 
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It looks like the rewind Theory might be coming true
There are many variations of that theory, but yes.
Honestly, it is badly needed in the story if what Horikoshi is aiming for is an ending where the kids and the villains survive.
Introducing a character that can undone damage is always insurance for the author. You have to be careful to not overuse it to the point it loses its impact. If no one ever dies and everyone keeps on resurrecting, the predictability becomes boring.
The good thing is that bnha doesn't overuse Eri. They don't use it to rewind the damage done to the characters when they lose an extremity, for example. It didn't work on Nighteye. They didn't try to use it on All Might—and if they did, I can't remember when it happened.
The point is that I liked that Horikoshi left Eri's quirk to the end of the manga. That way he could make the characters give their 100% without it meaning sure death. It scares the readers, like it should, it creates tension. Knowing that Eri's quirk might not work is another good decision. Even if she shows up after the big showdown, the public doesn't know who is going to survive.
Now, when I say there are many variations...
I'm against the version of it where the villains are turned into kids. Where is the fun of it, uh?
It erases the complexity of each character and all they fought for. What was the point of fighting so much if you're gonna erase what happened? If there's no consequences, no accountability? Any story should grow from the risks of the actions taken. We want to know there's something to be lost, that's where the adrenaline comes from. That's the entertaining part!
The version that completely heals their wounds is also kinda... bland. I'm a fan of bnha because the story doesn't solve most disabilities with magic.
If a pro-hero loses a leg or an eye, they'd have to learn to fight with the cards they were dealt with. Like I said before, those wounds tell a story of the risks they took. Aizawa cut his leg to survive and see another day with Eri and his students. Mirko lost most of her limbs giving her absolute all!!!!
It's the same for villains. It moves you, the way those villains would sacrifice themselves for their goals. Compress' lost arm tells the story of how they lost Magne. Giran lost his fingers when he refused to sell the League, so their absence is the evidence of his loyalty.
I want irreversibility. I want permanece. I want to see the growth that comes with accepting what we do in our lives and how we have to keep going.
My favorite version is the one that heals enough for the person to survive, but not much more. It is not going to take you to step one, it can't erase all you did and all that was done to you.
A second chance, but you have to make it from where you were left. No shortcuts, no easy way out. Either you commit to it or you're over.
I don't want to see Touya without his burns. That is boring! I don't want squeaky clean Touya, all perfect and smooth skinned and whatever. That is not him. He's the boy who burned in the flames of his passion, right or wrong. He's the boy who is supposed to be dead, but survived because he was a stubborn bastard.
The story can lessen them, of course. At this point Touya is more scrap put together by metal than anything else. He cannot possibly survive like that, so he needs to be healed enough to live. The burns can even lessen with time, fading as Touya heals, but I want the memory to last. I don't care if he forgives Enji, I want him to be forced to look at the burns every day knowing how they're there.
Another example?
Tomura's scars tell a story. You cannot resurrect his family, so don't go erasing the scar in his eye or in his lip. Don't go erasing the evidence of his struggle.
To be fair, Tomura has changed a lot since his first appearance. I remember him with yellow teeth, all skinny to the bone. It shows that no one cared for him. Well, maybe enough to keep him breathing, but there was no delicacy involved. It's funny to think how he got better and better the more time he spent far from AFO. That and the surgery he had to undergo...
Which is a wonderful terrible concept. It's about the cleansing, how AFO was preparing Tomura's body to be his. Body modifications to assert ownership, that's a horror favorite. The idea of being "cured" to the point you can't recognize your own body. You know what I mean.
I'm glad that when rewind was used on Mirio, it cost him something. He lost his quirk for a while and he had to make an effort to go back to who he was. I'd say that the nature of the story helped him bounce and that's a chance we didn't see his struggle a bit more.
Anyway, that's my opinion on the matter. I hope it'll be a variation I like and not something that's gonna leave me sweating cold every time I dare to remember it.
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erose-this-name · 5 months
The Lone God and the Loneliest God
Narinder opens the heavy door of the temple, it’s hinges creaking through the empty pews. His footsteps echo through its hall.
Lamb greets him, head down over their desk in their office, clawed fingers running through tangled wool between their horns. “... Hello, Nari’.”
“Evening, Lamb. What still keeps you up, after the sun is down?” Narinder says. 
The Lamb yawns, “Accounting, for the year’s grain crop.”
“You gave such tasks to Heket, did you not? You are not quite a god, yet. That body still requires rest.” Narinder says.
“She’s behind on the paperwork, it’s quicker if I just finished it myself… That’s not why you’re here, is it?” Lamb says, still hunched over the desk, not looking up from their work.
“No. But, I suspect you know already why I am.”
“... We can get by without that sacrifice, Narinder. Don’t worry about it.”
Three eyes are narrowed at the Lamb. “You make me your disciple, yet you refuse to let me perform the duties entailed. You ask me for advice, yet you refuse to listen. The Red Crown needs death, Lamb, let him die.”
Lamb sits up in their desk, staring at the stained-glass before them, “You know, I’ve been running the cult with pretty minimal bloodshed ever since you chose me, it’s worked out just fine. You underestimate the alternatives.”
Narinder crosses his arms, “This fear of getting your hands dirty is unbecoming of the god of death. You should revel in it! Even after slaughtering hundreds, thousands, in your crusades… To think a mere sacrificial lamb has become the last god, still frightened of the headsman’s ax.”
Lamb croaks, "... a 'sacrificial lamb’? … ‘sacrificial’ ‘lamb’? ... Is-… is that really all you think of me, Narinder? S-still?”
Narinder rolls his eyes, “Well, I have not said you were a very good one-”
Lamb turns around, pain across their tired face, “We used to just be sheep… But, I don’t even remember that time. Running and hiding from genocidal sacrifices, in the name of YOUR prophecy, is all I’ve ever known. Because of YOUR rebellion! … T-they forced me to watch my family die, Narinder, and then they killed me. And you didn't even have the decency to let me join them… But… But I DID die, Lambert died. And no matter how many times you resurrected the Lamb, I’ve only ever come back as this… lifeless shell. Devoid of choice, of freedom, of rest. All because of this accursed prophecy. Even as a god, I’m even less free. I have nothing but responsibility, can change nothing. Death can not flow backwards…”
“Why not??”
“I DON’T KNOW!” The Lamb yells.
The cat crosses his arms, “You may blame nothing on me, Lamb. You chose to steal the Red Crown. You chose to betray me. Were you to obey me, you would be with them now. And I would have the Crown.”
Lamb screams, “THAT WASN’T A CHOICE! That was an ultimatum, at best! At worst, igniting years of nightmares… You’re no better than the bishops, not one has thought a word of remorse... I was loyal… I trusted you… I didn’t betray you, YOU BETRAYED ME! Yet… in my infinite benevolence… I saw fit to spare you. AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO COME INTO MY TEMPLE, BUILT BY MY CULT, AND CALL ME A ‘SACRIFICIAL LAMB’? I AM YOUR GOD. WITNESS ME AND DESPAIR!”
“SILENCE !” Bellows the God of Mercy, what was once known as Lamb.
Narinder, through his third eye, sees standing before him not a little lamb, but a towering Bishop. A glimpse of the New Death, the future order, here and now. Summoned by the wishes of the Red Crown.
And that God stares back at former death with four eyes, each smoldering with restless hatred. A predatory ram, the Red Crown between Their spiraling horns. Wool and fleece from the neck down stained black by Their own ichor, and red by the blood of the yet-to-die.
In place of chains, They bear a broken sacrificial blade, symbol of all They will abolish. And in Their hand They wield not a scythe, but a shepherd's cane. Not a harvestman, but a guide. Not an end, but an oscillation. Not a judge, but a jailer, a slaver, a tyrant from which not even death will be an escape from Their flock.
And Mercy’s coming will be heralded by the tolling of church bells hung around Their neck, and the chanting and pounding of war drums of a bloody crusade of the undead and deathless, forever matching across a land where no divine laws of nature will ever again hold sway except for decay and stagnation.
And chief lost amongst those eternal legions and hordes will march a cat, Narinder, forgotten. The lone god and the loneliest god, as much trapped ghosts as the rest.
The Shepherd of Souls will speak back to Their once master, in voices not Theirs, “Nar-in-der?… I remember you, yes. Do you know why I spared you, and the other bishops? Why I continued to allow you five… to live?”
Narinder’s resolve breaks, for only the third time in his eternal existence, he is afraid. “Lamb, I beg of you, calm down. Your body cannot take this… You are not ready, yet…”
“It was not an act of my m e r c y, cat. I wanted to see you five humbled. I wanted you to understand the hope, and the love, and the mourning, and suffering, and the despair of ‘mere mortals’, I wanted you to understand all you’ve done… Were I to slaughter every cat, every worm, every toad, every squid, every spider, I would have been justified. That would have been equal. But no, that is not enough. Perpetual torment would not be enough. No punishment can ever be enough. I will never let you go, One Who Waited. Your soul is mine. Now, bow.”
“… I-… I’m s-sorry…”
“BOW.” The deep command reverberates through the cathedral, shaking it to its foundations.
The former god plummets to the floor, kowtowing before the demon.
“Good… kitty…”
The Shepherd of Souls deflates, retreating back into their physical form, into the Red Crown, into time and possibility. 
The little lamb sways before the cat, spent. The Red Crown sated. Tears roll down their pale, trembling face, over dark bags from twinkling bloodshot eyes. 
Dying words and sobs slip through dry lips, between their pointed teeth and a bleeding tongue, “Nari… s-save me, please…”
The lamb faints, falling into Narinder’s arms.
Narinder sighs, looking down at the wretched creature in his lap. “You're an idiot, Lamb.”
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aislinceivun · 10 months
*resurrects this account to talk about KFP4 real quick bc she has FEELS*
Okay but the second I saw the new poster I was like "Tai Lung?? Who brought you back?? Man, I hope it's not so that you can be a boring repeat villain but so you can end up as a reluctant hero and ally to Po!"
Then I read up and learned that it's the villain who brings him back from the spirit realm, and the plot of the movie is that Po is about to become the new spiritual leader so he is looking for a Dragon Warrior successor. And the way my mind JUMPED on that and I started SALIVATING
Because imagine if Chameleon brought Tai Lung back to be her ally... but throughout the movie Tai Lung gets a redemption arc and makes up with Shi Fu and helps Po... and in the end, PO CHOSES HIM TO BE THE NEW DRAGON WARRIOR
IT WOULD LITERALLY BE SO AWESOME AND PERFECT! A fantastic continuation to Tai Lung's story arc! He was meant to be the Dragon Warrior - but he had to experience loss and defeat and even death before he could grow enough for it to be his time ;-;
He'd be wasted as a repeat villain but THIS?? Please please oh PLEASE dreamworks
Also, I think Shi Fu should die xD I like him, but he's waaaay outlived the usual life span allocated to a mentor lmao. Imagine him living long enough to make up with Tai Lung, see him repent, maybe even as Po choses him? See the utter shock on Tai Lung's face because HIM? He understands now what he did and surely the panda cannot be serious bc HIM?? And Shi Fu is so proud of him, and he TELLS Tai Lung that he is proud, he calls him SON...
... but shit happened and he sacrificed himself for Tai Lung and now he dies in his boy's arms ;w;
Dreamworks I'm begging you
If you don't live with this awesome opportunity you've created here I might have to resort to writing that fic myself jrfnhgjfsnhjf
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aalghul · 6 months
i saw an account post that, unfortunately, if you are a jason todd fan account then you’ve most definitely gotten an ask along the lines of “if you like fanon jason then you’ll definitely like canon helena/steph/mia” and was wondering if you’ve ever gotten an ask like that
I've gotten a few about Helena specifically, never Steph or Mia so I'm going to talk about Helena rather than generalize what I'm about to say to both of them too (because I was actually thinking about this a few weeks ago!)
Those people are right...in a way. If you want christian guilt (that Jason does not in UTRH and should not ever struggle with) and genuine efforts to be accepted by the Bats? You want Helena. A character whose relationship with killing can be benefited by people bringing her into their light without rendering her previous choices pointlessly antagonistic? that's Helena.
Then there's also the factor of Helena often, in canon, being treated as unstable and untrustworthy, no matter what she does to prove otherwise. and that's seen as a continued failing on her part, even if it's others that refuse to believe in her. Jason constantly being pushed into those situations in fanon and canon is very Helena coded. He's got her good and bad.
But if you like the Jason from UTRH era, arguably the best written Jason post-resurrection (which isn't saying much because...we all know how he's written most of the time), then Helena would never work for you because they're so different. Even with fanon, there's only a certain extent it can apply to. Helena's not Bruce daughter, he didn't raise her, she was never family for him outside the costume (or in it. but that hurts me to say), and she certainly wasn't Dick's sister. So those dynamics should be different inherently, even in fanon where they're altered to resemble something like what Helena has. There's still a history that Jason has here that she naturally doesn't.
I think it's too vague and unhelpful of a thing to say if you're trying to make people interested in Helena or change their portrayal of Jason. But I do see the basis of it.
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