#short grass
hannnsh · 1 month
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me saying i wont be active just means more sketchbook drawings i did at school lol..
more college au :3 shortgrass are besties in this au theyre both architecture majors lol
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bakedtato223 · 3 months
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Here’s short grass since people like them lol 😭
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pancho-pinto · 2 months
Too Tall Grass (Not Really)
>>> Ao3 link <<<
Here my @mcyt-co-create fic that definitively did not change at all from the original idea. Nope. Never<3
Characters - Bdubs/Joel Chapters - 1/5 Tags - General Audiences, Fantasy AU, Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort Summary - A glimpse into the lives of two princes as they grow up together while navigating their powers, and the consequences of 'bonding' since childhood.
The sun shines bright, few white clouds against clear blue skies. It’s a beautiful day, a lovely day. Perfect for playing, which is what Joel intends to do. He hugs the red ball close to his chest, protective and careful as he’s been told to be. He walks with small steps, assured and certain, but small. His shoes touch the grass, the breeze on his face. 
He looks left and right, back and forth, looking around the big garden. He is determined, childishly so, to find someone to play with. But not just any ‘someone’, a very important ‘someone’—a most important ‘someone’. 
He doesn’t run, a leisurely walk, careful, always careful. 
“Mummy!” he calls instead, stopping at the center of the garden, feeling the tears prickling at the edges of his eyes. He hugs the ball closer, looking for reassurance, feeling even smaller in such a big place. It’s open and it’s bright and it’s so very lonely. He hiccups, tries again, “Mummy!”
He looks down at his red ball, looks at the green grass, his vision blurs with crystal tears quickly. Where is Mummy? Why is he alone? He doesn’t like being alone. 
He sniffles, another hiccup catching on his throat, but he looks up, looks around, and keeps walking. The tears don’t stop sliding down red cheeks, and his steps stumble with uncertainty. Until—
Joel runs forward, covering the last distance as he approaches the flower bushes, a woman sitting in front of them. Her hair is the same color of tree trunks like Joel’s, and her clothes are pastel green with a big straw hat. The woman turns her head and body, tilts up her hat and smiles as her little boy crashes onto her lap, sobbing and clinging onto her dress as his ball rolls away. She wraps a hand around his back, gently soothes the worry. 
“I’m here, baby. Mummy is here.” 
He hiccups, buries his little face into the fabric further. 
“I thought you were playing with the other kids. Do you not want to play anymore?” She asks softly, gently like the breeze and sweet like the quiet bird chirps. She is safety, his haven. “Oh, my love, one day we will find someone you cannot sneak away from. Our most loyal Ares and Athena aren’t getting any younger, you know? Chasing after you all day. One day. Your father will have a field day looking for a babysitter. The world for you. We’ll give everything to you, the best for you.”
It goes quiet a while—the soft wind making the branches and bushes dance their slow waltz, the birds chirping quietly up in the canopies, and her soft hums as her fingers run through his brown curls. Joel rubs his face into her dress, lifts up enough to rub his eyes with his fists, and carefully he climbs up to her, holding onto the fabric of her corset. 
“Hi, baby,” she greets softly, and when he looks up at her, she smiles so warmly for her baby. She finds big, brown eyes, a little red from crying, like hers—so much like hers. She is as radiant as he is curious, her face, her eyes, his father's lips, the color of his skin, their courage, their strength and their faults. Their boy, their baby. Their son. 
“Hi, Mummy,” he replies just as softly, so much softer and brittle. He raises a hand to her face, touching her cheek, warmth on the small of his palm. Her hand on his back holds him steady. He looks at his hand, looks at the other, looks at the crumpled dress and he flattens it out with minute movements. “Hello.”
“Your ball,” she offers, taking the ball from Ares and lifting it with her other hand. Joel sits back on her lap, grabs the ball before offering it to her. She smiles, “You wanted to play with Mummy?”
Joel nods, lowering the ball onto his lap. 
“Sorry, baby, Mummy can’t play right now.” She caresses the side of his face with the back of her knuckles, pushing his cheek lightly and making him close his eyes before he blinks them open. She chuckles. “Do you want to see what Mummy is doing?”
Joel nods, then leans over to the side, letting the ball roll away from his hands. It stops against Ares, the wolf promptly rolls it over to its stomach as it lays down, keeping it safe as it did the Queen and her only son. She leans down to press a kiss on the top of his head, nuzzling him with her cheek before wrapping her hands around his sides, lifting him a little to turn him around. One of his small hands grabs her dress, her left arm keeping around his stomach. 
She grabs the shears beside her on the ground, showing them in front of him, “These are garden shears. Like scissors but for the garden. I use them to cut things. Like dead branches and leaves and stems—that's called pruning. It helps the plant grow stronger.”
Carefully, Joel places his hand on the rings, patting them before tilting his head back to look up at her. He blinks, his eyes like hers, “Why?”
She chuckles, lowering the shears as she scoots a little closer to the bush. Joel looks between the bush and her, then looks at the bush as her arm around him lifts to the branches. He lifts his left hand too, places it against her arm, holding onto her. 
She moves some branches and leaves, revealing some brown leaves. 
“Well,” she hums, “sometimes plants get sick. Not all of them can take medicine and heal like us, so we have to cut some parts off so the sickness doesn’t spread.” She gently lifts the branch with the dead leaves with the side of her index, then cuts it off. 
Carefully, she moves leaves and branches around, looking for more. “Hm, and sometimes, when certain parts die, the plant sends energy to a part that does not need more energy. So when you cut them off, that energy can go elsewhere. For example, it can help grow flowers, and a lot of times, those flowers grow into fruits.”
“Peach?” Joel looks back again, and she looks down at him, smiling. 
“Yes! Like our peach tree. Do you remember our gardeners? The people who are always up high in ladders working on the trees?”
Joel nods.
“When Mummy is busy, they prune our trees when needed. They look after our trees and other plants in the garden. So when you see them next time, say ‘thank you’, okay, baby? They keep your peach tree healthy and they help the tree make lots of fruits. They help us a lot, so we should always thank them.”
Joel nods again. 
They sit a while long, working slowly on the flower bush. Joel rubs his eyes every now and then, a little yawn escaping his lips eventually. She smiles, continues her work, wrapping an arm around him as she works with one hand. His hands, so small, gently placed on her arm, holding her as she holds him. Tender.
“Yes, baby?”
“Does plant miss leaves?”
She raises her hand and brushes his cheek with the back of her finger, and he holds onto the heel of the palm with one of his. 
“They were useful once,” she starts gently, picking a fallen leaf and holding it to him. “Do you remember your lesson on photosynthesis? Why leaves are useful? They help the plant feed, and that helps the plant grow. But sometimes, things outgrow you, and you don’t need them anymore, so you have to let them go. They were useful, once, but sometimes keeping them when you no longer need them becomes unhealthy and can harm you.”
She hums, “But! I do think the plant might miss it. We all miss things, even when they hurt us. And growing up is learning to let them go, but you are allowed to miss them as long as you remember why you can’t keep them in your life anymore. Remember that, okay?”
Joel nods. “Mummy, Mummy,” he points to some leaves and a branch, discolored.
“Good job, baby.”
The door opens, and Joel steps out into the sunny garden again. He looks back to the maid, bows to her, then waddles out. At the very center, there is a table with a big parasol over them, Ares sleeping under. His mother is sitting there, turns as he approaches, smiles at him so wide, so warm. 
“Mummy! Mummy!” he calls loudly, stopping close to her, his ball bumping the side of her leg as he looks up at her. 
She runs her fingers through his hair, lifting and settling him on her lap once again. She kisses his temple, his cheek, his nose. He closes his eyes with giggles at her affection, scrunching up his small face before opening his eyes to her warm ones. 
“Have something to eat, okay, baby? Say hi to our guest, too. Her Majesty the Forest Queen. She is a Queen, like me.”
Joel holds the ball against his stomach, shyly looking at the woman across from them. Her hair is long like Mummy, and her dress is very pretty and sparkly too. He curls up on Mummy’s lap, squeaking a shy little, “Hello.”
“Hello, love,” she greets back, just as warm as Mummy, “you can call me Mrs Alais, or Aunt Alais.”
He nods, small acknowledgement, clinging to the ball tighter. 
“Is that your ball? It’s so red! And clean. You must take care of it very well.”
Joel looks at his ball, pats it with one hand, then offers it to her.
Aunt Alais smiles, her eyes doing the same thing as Mummy’s, crinkling at the edges, and it’s so warm and safe. “Oh, love, I’m not dressed to play right now. But I think I might know someone who can play with you after you two have something to eat first.”
Joel tilts his head curiously, looking at her with big eyes, beaming at the prospect of playing with someone. He watches her hand extend to the trees, and golden glitter circles her arm, swirling and twirling like ball gowns during parties. The tree branches shake then part as a big flower bud extends out, pink petals with shaded white at the bottom, stopping near her hand and opening up slowly. Joel stands on Mummy’s lap, her arms holding him up as he looks over, eyes going wide when he sees a small boy sleeping inside. The boy’s clothes are like Aunt Alais—garments of greens and golds and browns. 
Aunt Alais wakes the boy up tenderly, the little boy blinking his eyes open, rubbing them as he sits up, looking at his mummy.  She places him into her lap, arm around his stomach as Joel sits down, looking back at Mummy then back to the other boy.  
The mothers take little sandwiches and give them to their respective sons. Joel takes the sandwich, taking small bites as he keeps his attention on the other boy eating too. 
“This is my son, Prince Bdubs. Bdubs, that’s Prince Joel, say hello. And say hello to Queen Joane too, we are guests in their house.”
“Hello!” The boy raises and waves his hand, face beaming with a bright, sleepy smile. Aunt Alais looks at him with a fond smile, looks at Joel the same way.
“Hello, Bdubs,” Mummy says warmly, and Joel only waves his hand. “Baby, is there something you want to ask Bdubs?”
Joel hugs his ball tighter to his chest, shakes his head. He pouts, looks down at his ball instead. Mummy chuckles softly, presses a kiss on his head. 
They sit a while longer, the mothers chatting and having some tea. The day continues to be bright with little wind. Joel watches Mummy peel a mandarin, and he grabs the segments from her hands. They are sweet, slightly sour, and they are perfect because Mummy peeled them. 
Joel eats quietly, peeking over at Bdubs. 
Once again, Joel walks around the garden, their garden. The one everyone takes care of, a community effort. He helps sometimes, Mummy says he does. And sometimes he sits with her, Mummy and Daddy, in the shade eating peaches. Sometimes they play in the sun, until the sun turns orange and it gets cold. Other times he naps, curled up under a blanket, in Mummy or Daddy's lap, rhythmic breeze and humming rocking him to sleep. 
Today, however, he is looking for another. Not his parents, or anyone he really knows, but a friend regardless. He walks slowly, followed by Ares and Athena, and he finds Bdubs sitting near a small tree, recently planted, watching it intently. He walks to him, ball close to his chest, and Bdubs looks at him when he gets close enough. 
It’s quiet outside, and it’s a good day to play. 
The ball turns into a wooden sword, very light and blunt in his hand. 
Joel smacks Bdubs on the head. 
Bdubs cries for a long while after, and unsurprisingly, Joel has his gift taken away for a while longer.
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trashart00 · 2 months
Ladynoir July 2024, Day 15: Soulmates
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(something about them choosing to be each other’s soulmate with the stamps or whatever)
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My other soulmate-y Ladynoir July drawing
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sighcomics · 2 years
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take care
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vimseart · 1 year
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I just love him
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Foul Legacy would love picking berries with you in the summer. they don't really have same thing in Snezhnaya- yes, there are fruit that still thrive in the endless winter, but they're difficult to find and even worse to actually obtain. he's more used to ice fishing at all times of the year, so you're met with a curious chitter and head tilt when you ask Legacy if he wants to go pick some fruit with you. of course he still goes, the sun just beginning to set beneath the sea and the breeze warm and comforting. Legacy's wings begin to flutter when he sees the bushes and trees full of fruit, ripe sunsettias and apples and berries all around, happy chirps slipping from his fanged maw.
it's blessedly cool as the sun goes down, a relief from the warm temperatures of summer. fireflies begin to flicker on and off around the grass and trees, your baskets quickly filling with both you and Foul Legacy's hands at work- although you'll admit that more fruit is ending up in your mouth than in the baskets, and from the little trills and munches you're hearing, the same is true for Legacy. even after the berries are all neatly packed away you stay outside, sitting beside your Abyssal moth monster as he rolls around in the grass, a few lightning bugs perching in his lilac fluff. he lightly tugs you down to join him, a purr immediately starting in his chest as he looks up at you and gives you a slow, adoring blink.
you smile softly, pressing a berry against his maw, and his long tongue flicks as he playfully clacks his teeth together, giving your hand a few cheeky licks under the light of the rising moon.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 months
oh i Will be thinking about this silaha emhira convo for the rest of the week. silaha developing such an affection for the beauty of mortal life, something he has never experienced, that he begins thinking the way a mortal does - how can i make my life here beautiful and meaningful before it inevitably ends. and wouldn't it be poetic and wouldn't it be such a relief if it ended tonight. vs emhira who specifically has ascended from a mortal life to godhood and finds herself preoccupied, perhaps selfishly so, with the future of her newfound infinite life. the one who deals most intimately with mortality also the one who most desperately wants to escape it herself
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tohot4u · 11 months
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the poet and the dreamer
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wangxianficrecs · 6 months
💙 An Inch of Grass, and All The Sunshine of Spring by ChilianXianzi
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💙 An Inch of Grass, and All The Sunshine of Spring
by ChilianXianzi
T, WIP, 1k, Wangxian
Part of Exploring Tropes: Time Travel
Summary:"Did you…Did you know our A-Ying?" Cangse Sanren's eyes are wide and full of hope, and Lan Wangji is suddenly struck by the realization that he is the only one in the world now who would still speak of Wei Ying with fondness. Who knows him enough outside of the wild and hurtful rumors scattered across the land. Just him, in all of his own failings and his poor grasp of words. But Lan Wangji had failed Wei Ying once, and if he could not speak for Wei Ying when the whole world had bayed for his blood, then he owes it to Wei Ying to speak of him kindly now, to let his meagre words tumble out of lips unused still to speech after years of silence. He doesn't expect there to be so much words inside him, doesn't expect that his words would carry him until the sky darkens around them. Doesn't expect the embrace enveloping him after he is done - Warm and firm and safe. Kay's comments: Looking at this WIP with great longing and heart-break. I absolutely adore the idea of Wei Wuxian's parents being trapped inside the Burial Mounds and being freed many years later. Unfortunately, they only get freed here after Wei Wuxian's death, but at least Lan Wangji is the one to do it and also the only one who would ever speak kindly of their son. Absolutely devastating and even incomplete worth a read, this story never fails to destroy me. Excerpt: "It's Lan-gongzi, right?" The woman's face brightens, hand gesturing to her own temples to echo Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon, "You're a member of the main clan? Huh, could have sworn I've never seen you - You're one of Qiren's cousins or something? I swear you look just like him if he'd just shave off that awful goatee of his." "Cangse," the man nudges the woman gently, even as he dips another, almost apologetic bow at Lan Wangji, "Come, let's not take more of Lan-Gongzi's time. A-Ying must be waiting for us, with how long we've been gone-" Cangse, the man said. The woman knows his Shufu, knows him enough to see the resemblance even others often pass over between them, knows him enough to call him Qiren. A-Ying must be waiting for us. It's a well-known story, a tragic, cautionary tale for Cultivators walking into every unknown Night Hunt. Baoshan Sanren's brightest disciple and her cultivation partner, who walked into the Burial Mounds one night and never came back. Oh. Oh.
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, time travel, fix-it of sorts, cangse sanren and wei changze live, families of choice, family feels, grief/mourning, parent-child relationship, fluff and angst, lan wangji/wei wuxian get a happy ending, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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“It is simply impossible to overstate both the importance of the buffalo to the Indian people and the damage that was done when the buffalo were nearly wiped out,” ITBC President Ervin Carlson said in a statement. “By helping tribes reestablish buffalo herds on our reservation lands, the Congress will help us reconnect with a keystone of our historic culture as well as create jobs and an important source of protein that our people truly need.”
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revvethasmythh · 5 months
In Memoriam
In holy commemoration of one we've lost. Metal to metal, rust to rust. They valiantly gave their life so that their friends might live, remembered always in our hearts as a light in our community. A flat earth truther, as flesh tongue haver, and a wearer of wooden feet, yes, but a light nonetheless. May you always be remembered, Faithful Care-Giver, for your endless "Smiley Day's", your chipper outlook on life, your backhanded compliments, that time you told Laudna the only way for her to not traumatize people was to not look at them, and for calling Imogen a hussy for giving FRIDA a hug.
You are, and always will be, remembered and loved. I extend one final "Begone Thot" to you tonight. Smiley Day, sweet king, and may your rest be well 🕯️
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aidigitalfun · 6 months
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Green Grass Col. I
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cairafea · 8 months
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got caught up with the hnk countdown twitter account today and the panel where bortz tells dia that they don't care about fighting and like raising jellyfish better is still the funniest panel of the manga
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lemorgo · 1 year
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starry-907 · 4 days
i did it
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i drew green eating grass for the views
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