#short film: happy birthday to me
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Some Roger Clark wallpapers for your viewing pleasure
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okaycoolthanks · 7 months
Happy Birthday Deare blurb (I think it’s called that idk.)
Cover art: (posting it twice so it doesn’t take up the whole screen lmao)
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Happy birthday Deare is a 70 page comic about a young boy Deare! It’s his birthday and his friends set up a scavenger hunt in the woods he lives in. You meet a lot of his friends as he goes from place to place helping his friends with something to get a hint to the next location to go to.
As the story progresses you learn a little more about Deare and why he acts some of the ways he does, and about some of his friends (and even some hints to later comics ;) )
If I had to age rate it I think it’d be pg13 at MOST. I tried to write/draw it like a children’s book but it is supposed to be creepy at parts and there’s a page or two with some gore. And I guess some descriptions are scary and a character looks scary and that’s all I can think of to mention
I’ve been writing it since around the middle of September in 2023 but I had the characters thought out a bit before that. I’m still working on it and I’m hoping to get it finished by April? I am one person working on it and I have other things to do and “school” so it might take longer.
I may get it published, idk how that works but my mom said that she’d help and she knows someone who can do publish things so until I get more info abt that that’s all we know for now
Hope you enjoy the little snippets and drawings I post of the process :)
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ducktracy · 2 years
A VERY HAPPY 110TH BIRTHDAY TO FRANK TASHLIN! i genuinely went into a cold sweat at the prospect of forgetting—one of my all time favorite directors, cartoon or live action, as well as creative influences as a whole. every time i see his work i’m left thinking “you can DO THAT?” like above.
he’s one director where i genuinely struggle to think about any duds in his filmography (outside of some select pieces aging poorly, but even those often are tight on a wholly technical aspect .)
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whether it be cartoons, stop motion, live action, or illustration, he has a transcendent tone that consistently leaves me spellbound. so much energy, so much ingenuity, so much boldness, and none of it ever feels pompous or stuffy. as an influence, i’m seriously indebted to him.
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someonefantastic · 2 years
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GIFMAS ❅ Fav Part of the ATW10 BTS ↳ for @avasrhodes
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Happy birthday, silent film icon Lupino Lane! (1982 - 1959)
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miraclewoozi · 1 year
ELECTRIC. - y.jh
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your best friend is many things. smart, funny, empathetic, a complete and utter pain in your ass to name but a few. and on the evening of his twenty-eighth birthday, you discover something a little unexpected: jeonghan is very afraid of thunderstorms. 
pairing : jeonghan x fem reader. content : f2?. smut. fluff. a bit of angst. comfort. (MINORS DNI) w/c : 6.3k warnings : swearing. jeonghan has astraphobia / a fear of storms (for a brief period, he's a little fragile). intentional lowercase. smut tags utc. PLEASE let me know if i've forgotten anything. notes : happy birthday to this sweetest of sweethearts. i would chew my right arm off if he asked me to. (barely proofread. if you see a typo, no you didn't.<3)
smut tags : pussy drunk jeonghan (my beloved), no real power dynamics but jh is a cocky mf and a bit of a dick, panty sniffing hehe, fingering, oral sex (f rec), reader is turned on by the storm. they're very unserious about it.
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the lead actors meet in a kiss. the screen fades to black. so ends yet another round of your annual birthday movie nights.
jeonghan reaches for the remote and silences the end credit theme to the film you’ve just finished watching at the same time as you lift your head up off his shoulder, stretching high above your head and letting out perhaps the loudest yawn (-stroke-moan) of your life. your joints ache from too long spent in one, rather cramped, position, your eyes feel heavy in the late hour. the room falls almost silent around you both, save for the harsh splashing of rain against the windows. 
(this really doesn’t help the fact that you’re seconds away from falling asleep.)
“what did you think?” jeonghan asks, stretching his long legs out in front of him. 
“not my best pick,” you say, scrunching your nose a little. “not my worst, either.”
your best friend gives a short ‘ha’ of agreement, finally standing up off the couch. “couldn’t have said it better myself.” 
he gathers up the takeout boxes currently decorating his coffee table and grabs the now empty drinks glasses with his free hand, grunting softly as he stands fully upright again. you see him trying to roll out a kink in his neck and laugh from where you’re still settled comfortably in the couch cushions.
“you’re going stiff in your old age,” you tease him, grinning brightly. he fires a look at you that simultaneously dares you to keep going down this path, and yet also, tiredly agrees. “remind me to book you a good massage for your birthday next year.”
he grunts something that sounds suspiciously like an instruction to go fuck yourself as he takes his leave from the room, carrying everything that needs to be thrown away or washed up into the kitchen. you busy yourself on your phone while he’s gone, deciding to check in on your weather app. you quite like the rain and you’re really not that worried about driving home in it; you’re just curious how long it’s going to last for. 
in the delay of the app opening, a series of bright flashes bounce off every single wall in the living room. when you glance outside, the rain is falling harder than before; barely ten seconds later, a thunderclap roars through the ajar windows and you feel it all the way down into your tummy. 
you don’t have a chance to excitedly run across the room to get a look at the storm, though. a loud swear and the sound of crashing glass stings your eardrums before the rumble is even over. instead, you’re bolting through in the same direction jeonghan disappeared off in just moments ago, your heart having taken dangerous residence your stomach.
“what’s wrong?!” you ask as you skid around the corner in your socks, just managing to catch yourself from sliding straight into the wall at the end of the hallway. “i heard a—”
you freeze, then, falling silent. jeonghan is gripping onto the kitchen counter like his life depends on it with both shattered glasses laying at his feet; he looks like he’s seen a ghost, all white-knuckled and clammy and pale-lipped. it’s terrifying. 
“hey,” you say, slowly making your way into the room, mindful not to startle him and even more careful not to stand on one of the many shards on the laminate. “what happened? are you okay?”
he nods, weakly. swallows hard. blinks a few times, curls and uncurls his fingers, steps back from the counter. 
“yeah,” he breathes eventually, uncertain and still visibly shaken. he wipes his palms on his sweatpants and looks over at you, forcing a smile, but you’ve known him for entirely too long to be sold on this terrible performance. “i, uh-...”
but jeonghan stops short, shaking his head, running out of words to say. for a moment, you think maybe he’s about to apologise; that’s the shape his lips make, anyway. you cut in before he gets the chance.
“it’s okay,” you say, leaning one hip up against the counter. “go sit down, i’ll clear all this up. watch where you stand, though.”
“you don’t have to–” he starts, but you interject before he can even entertain the idea of cleaning the mess himself.
“i know i don’t, but i want to. go. i’ll only be a minute.”
begrudgingly, he agrees; you grab the broom from his kitchen cupboard and start slowly sweeping the broken glass into a dustpan while he carefully steps on the safe parts of the floor and makes his way back through to the living room. you make reasonably quick work of everything, emptying the fragments into the bin on top of the takeout boxes – all that’s left by the time you’re finished a couple of minutes later, is to try and figure out what caused all this in the first place.
jeonghan isn’t an easily shaken individual; you know this from years of experience. he seems to be able to catch you every time, without fail: whether he’s just popping out at you from behind a door and making you yelp, or he’s near-on giving you heart failure by texting you that something terrible has happened and that you need to come over, immediately, only for said ‘terrible’ thing to be that he got really comfy on the couch without making any popcorn. but regardless of all the numerous ways he manages to terrorise you, you’ve never, ever managed to do the same back to him. 
he’s always shrugged off your attempts, bragging that he just isn’t afraid of anything. so… you’re not really any closer to finding an answer at the time of going back through to the living room with your backpack slung over one shoulder.
“you wanna tell me what happened in there?” you ask, sitting down next to him on the couch. you’re sure his posture is supposed to be an attempt to convince you that he’s absolutely fine, now, but jeonghan looks stiff and is outright refusing to meet your eyes, despite your best attempts. again, unfortunately, you aren’t so easily fooled.
“i just came over dizzy,” he lies, doing his best to play it down. “maybe i stood up too fast and had a delayed reaction, i don’t know.”
“i’ve known corpses get up faster than you did, hannie,” you deadpan, laying one hand by his knee. “come on. that’s crap.”
he doesn’t quite jerk away from you, but you do feel his thigh muscles tense under your touch. you slide your palm down onto the couch between you instead in an effort to make him a tiny bit more comfortable. 
“it’s nothing,” he tries. “really. it’s–”
the room around you falls silent, both of your stubborn personalities at a stalemate. he won’t talk, and you won’t let him stay quiet. it’s been this way for years. since you were teenagers, even. you’d think he would have learned by now. (he hopes that you might have, too.)
but, there is a fact at play that makes you stop staring him down, and you relax your shoulders slightly as you sit forwards.
“i’m only letting this go because it’s your birthday,” you sigh, clasping your hands together. “if it was any other day of the week–”
“yeah, yeah. trust me. i know.”
there’s an edge to his voice that almost sounds like your jeonghan. like the teasing menace you know and adore. almost. it’s missing something. missing his usual spark.
“i swear to god, though, if i find out you’re sick and you’re not telling me,” you mutter under your breath. not quite under your breath enough, mind – he hears you perfectly, and you can see, out of the corner of his eye as you start to rummage through your backpack for your car keys, the way his ears prick up.
“don’t be stupid, i’m not sick,” he says. the truth in these words, specifically, is evident in the weight of his voice, in the way his fingers brush against the small of your back. “i swear.”
“pinky swear?” you ask, turning to look at him over one shoulder.
he holds out his little finger on his right hand for you, both eyebrows raised in a silent challenge. you pinch your lips tight before hooking your own pinky through his, leaning in and pressing a short kiss to the pad of your thumb. the way you used to when you were kids. ‘you really can’t break those.’ he used to say. ‘they’re like, triple the strength’. saved for really important promises. when he does the same, you know you can believe him.
“okay,” you concede, going back to your search. “in that case – i think i’m gonna head on home before the roads get flooded.” you had to learn the hard way that the drains in this part of town aren’t known for their ability to handle much more than a middling rainfall.
somehow – always, somehow – buried at the very bottom of your backpack, you manage to find your keys and your hand curls around them as soon as you feel one of the rough edges against your fingertips. it’s barely been three seconds since your announcement, but jeonghan has managed to shuffle right into your personal bubble anyway and is now sitting with one arm pressed fully against your own.
“i don’t know if it’s safe to drive when it’s like this,” he says quietly. “it seems dangerous.”
“i think i’ll be okay if i leave, like, soon,” you try to reassure him. 
“you think,” he repeats, narrowing his eyes at you. 
“i’ve driven in so much worse, believe me,” you say. “don’t worry, i’ll be careful.”
“why don’t you just stay the night?” he offers. “you’re not working tomorrow, are you?”
“i’m not,” you confirm, and you do genuinely consider the offer for a moment before deciding to decline. “but i need a shower, and–”
jeonghan interrupts you, a little too quickly. “you can use my shower, i’ve got spare towels. i’ll sleep on the couch. don’t drive in this.”
“hannie, stop worrying,” you laugh, starting towards the door. “i promise, i’ll go slow and i’ll text you the second i’m home.”
“y/n,” he sighs, stepping towards you, jaw tense. “please. just this once.”
you swallow, looking all over his face, trying to figure out what train of thought the cogs behind his eyes are turning in tune with, why he’s so stressed about this. you’ve never known him behave like this sober. (you’ve only ever known him to be like this once, at all, and he tried to kiss you, then, so–)
“i really…” you start, only to be interrupted by another brilliant white flash. your eyes dart to the window just in time to see the lightning bolt through the clouds, and you feel your face noticeably soften in wonder. barely four seconds later – it’s getting closer – the loudest thunder clap you think you’ve heard in your life drowns out every thought you’ve ever had. 
every thought, except the sudden pressure of jeonghan’s fist around your forearm. every thought, except the stuttered gasp he lets slip. every thought, except the sudden fear in his too-wide-eyes.
oh, you think, realisation dawning on you as the blunt press of his nails grows just a fraction softer in time with the end of the rumble. that’s…
“it’s okay,” you say softly, taking a step closer to jeonghan and opening your arms for him to step into. “it’s okay. i’m here.”
he falls against you like an unsteady house of cards, his arms tight around your back and his head buried into the place in your shoulder where it fits the best. you’ve never seen him like this, and you’re not really sure what to do with yourself; he’s always been the sturdy one, between the two of you. he’s always been your rock. there’s a little bit of an irony in how he’s always been the one to help you weather the storm, but with the shoe on the other foot…
“how can i help you?” you ask, trailing your fingers up and down his back, not really sure that he can feel you through the thick material of his sweatshirt but you’re trying your best, anyway. 
he squeezes you tighter, buries his head further down into your shoulder, takes a few shaky breaths in through his mouth and screws his eyes shut a little more before he makes his request. 
“please stay with me.”
if your heart wasn’t aching for him before, it most certainly is now. you nod to the room at large, hoping jeonghan can feel the movement even a little. you don’t loosen your hold around him, though: you let your best friend cling to you for as long as his muscles will allow before they start to ache and he has to step away. 
“come with me,” you say once he’s finished running his fingers through his hair, trying to set it back to rights. “it’s okay.” you hold one of your hands out to him and he takes it, albeit apprehensively; giving his palm a squeeze with your own, you guide him through the apartment towards his bedroom.
“what are you–?” he asks, and despite his earlier hesitance to hold onto your hand, he doesn’t want to let go of you now you’ve reached your destination. he just stands next to you, fingers threaded through yours, looking at your face with tired eyes and a lifted brow. 
“grab your bedsheets,” you tell him, shaking your hand free. “and your pillows. we’re gonna make a fort.”
“a what?”
“a blanket fort,” you say. “to hide from the storm.”
he doesn’t say anything for a moment, and for a brief second, you think maybe the idea has offended him. his face hasn’t lifted into the smile you sort of expected it to; instead, he’s just staring down at his bed as if he’s trying to will himself out of existence.
“we don’t have to do all that,” he says. “it’s… that’s way too much?”
“it’s your birthday,” you counter. “and i want to make you a birthday fort. like we used to, when we were kids. it’ll be fun!”
he gives a little sigh, but it’s not one of sadness or exasperation with you. it’s defeat. except, you think if you could taste it, you’d be able to pick up a tiny lacing of sweetness in his exhale. 
“fine. you’re building it, though.”
you think it’s safe to say that perhaps, you’re a bit out of practice. you distinctly remember this being much easier when you were young: throwing bedsheets and blankets over the couch and propping them up with chairs or broomsticks. the forts that you would make as a child were, truly, a sight to behold: you used fairy-lights to decorate one, once, and it still remains one of your most prideful projects to date. the slight catastrophe that sits in jeonghan’s living room by the time you’ve finished laying out the last few pillows is… more a cave, in your opinion, and not a very pretty one, but you emerge from it smiling anyway and jeonghan looks at you so fondly that no matter how rubbish it is, it’s worth the half an hour you spent putting it together.
“what do you think?” you ask, sitting back on your heels.
“it’s not your best,” jeonghan teases as he walks towards your monstrosity masterpiece, critically eyeing the ‘roof’ that would definitely fail any kind of health and safety audit. “but it’s not your worst, either.”
a bright smile lights up your face as he drops down to his knees and crawls inside the space alongside you, letting the ‘door’ (a particularly thick blanket) fall down behind him. one of the (many, many, many, many, many) problems you encountered was trying to make one of these to fit two grown adults, but with him tucked away inside with you and a few flashlights to prevent you from being plunged into darkness… ignoring the potential for it all to come collapsing in on you at any given time, it’s surprisingly comfortable. 
you lay back against the pillows first and jeonghan follows soon after, a weirdly gleeful smile playing at his lips as he does. he curls into your side and you talk, and talk, and talk. about everything. about nothing. it doesn’t really matter.
you’re not quite sure why, but the deep roars of the storm outside don’t seem to bother jeonghan quite as much in here. maybe it’s because he’s not alone, and there’s no imminent threat for him to be: maybe your company really is making a difference. he still reaches for you every time there’s a particularly loud clap, still closes his eyes and takes a series of deep breaths until his stress passes, but for whatever reason, he feels significantly less tense.
and when, after the third boom, he decides just… not to let go of your hand? who are you to try and force him?
there’s… just one problem, though. you’re ecstatic that the storm isn’t bothering jeonghan as much, now. that he can talk absolute nonsense to you in your private little hideaway, that he can lean his head against your shoulder and chuckle at your bad jokes and even crack a few of his own. genuinely, you could not be happier. for him.
but there was more reason than wanting to sleep in your own bed that had you desperately trying to get home before you realised the gravity of your best friend’s situation. 
with every new growl of thunder outside, something low in your stomach twists, accompanied by an ache, a warmth, a throbbing between your thighs. at first, it was easy enough to battle through. you kept telling yourself that the thunder never lasts too long, that you could get through this without jeonghan being any the wiser, that everything was going to be fine. but now, almost an hour later, the buzz of electricity in the atmosphere and the entirely-too-addicting scent of your best friend’s fabric softener has you feeling hot enough you could faint.
you twist and shuffle over and over, hoping to find a position that eases the throbbing. it’s fine, you think, taking a deep breath and praying to every deity you can recall by name that jeonghan doesn’t notice your discomfort. i can do this. it’s fine. just a little while longer.
a spectacular boom sounds through the apartment and jeonghan’s fingers tighten around yours so much that, against all your better judgement, you let out a loud gasp. not out of pain, though – no, you wish. if only it was that easy. ha. no – as he squeezes your hand, images flash through your mind of him being the one to relieve you of the tension building up beneath your skin. of him gripping and grasping and tugging, thrusting, tasting, adoring. your throat runs dry and you squeeze your thighs together desperately, pinching your lips tight, willing your pounding heart to calm the fuck down. willing your cunt to stop drooling into your panties.
“fuck,” you breathe when he finally lets go. you feel him shuffle at your side and prop himself up on one elbow, looking down at your face with mild terror written into the lines of his own.
“i’m so sorry – did that hurt?” he asks, searching your eyes for any kind of clue. you wish he wouldn’t. surely, you think, pressing your tongue harshly against the roof of your mouth, surely my pupils are blown to oblivion, right now.
you shake your head, not trusting yourself to speak.
“are you sure?” he asks, slowly running his fingers down your arm, moving to take hold of your hand again if you’ll let him. you flinch, the drag of his nails akin to an electric shock – like being struck by lightning, you tell yourself – and he snaps his hand back straight away. “what’s wrong?”
“nothing,” you hurry, pushing yourself up to sit (almost head-butting him in the process) and groaning at the way the seam on your jeans rubs against your clit. who wears fucking jeans to a movie night? what absolute moron–
“do you feel okay?” jeonghan questions, sitting fully upright now too. “do you think it was the foo–”
“oh my god, please,” you whimper, bowing your head, letting your hair fall around your face, shielding you from him. just a little. not quite enough. “please. i’m fine. stop asking. i’m fine.”
“said everyone, ever, who was in fact – not fine,” jeonghan quips. “do you need water? i can help, just talk to me–”
“jeonghan,” you snap, whipping your head back up. your face feels hot and you don’t know if you’ve ever felt this tense before in all your years on this earth. all your muscles are tweaking in anticipation for something that most certainly is not going to happen, and you really need him to stop talking in that deep, smooth, caring voice. with immediate effect. for the love of god – 
…and heaven above, the penny drops. 
jeonghan’s concerned expression turns to one of complete shock and you cover your face with both hands, trying so desperately hard not to be perceived by him in this most humiliating of moments. he doesn’t say anything for a second, and you tell yourself that he’s probably trying to find either a terrible joke to ease the tension or a way to tell you to go home. you don’t know which would be worse, but it’s only a matter of time until you find out.
therefore, you definitely don’t expect him to pry your hands away from your cheeks, and for his shit-eating, impishly charming, handsome-as-fuck grin to be the first thing your eyes land on when you open them.
“really? thunderstorms?” he asks, close enough that you feel the breaths that his words don’t quite steal. “that’s your kink?”
“it’s not a kink,” you whine, throwing your hands down either side of you. he doesn’t release his hold on your wrist, though. “come on, don’t be–”
“of all the things you could be into,” he says. oh, he’s back. he’s back with a vengeance. you suppose, really, you should be glad that he’s feeling more like his usual self, but the fact that it’s at your expense? that there’s no-one else around for him to turn on instead? that this is your topic of conversation at ten past midnight on his living room floor?
“hannie, please,” you huff, lips drawing downwards into a frowning pout. the ache isn’t going away. why isn’t it going away? why is this cocky, smirking version of your best friend making you feel even hotter under the collar? what’s going on? “don’t you think i’ve suffered enough?”
“not even nearly,” he says, sitting up on his knees, resting his palms on his thighs. “since when? how did you even fig–”
and his jaw falls slack, watching you squirm.
you’re quite literally fighting for your life. or, at minimum, for your friendship. because, really, you could jump jeonghan’s bones right now and you don’t actually think he’d turn you down (something to be filed under: thoughts that are not making this any easier). but that’s not what you’re trying to do; you’re trying to help him feel better, and take his mind off his fear, and when he pulls his bottom lip between his bottom teeth before speaking –
“okay, wait. hear me out.”
to both of your surprises, you do. you don’t try and protest, which he was sort of expecting you to do. you don’t tell him to shut up, you don’t try and get away from him. you sit there, eyes wide, hands curling into the blankets beneath your slowly numbing ass, and you wait for him to continue.
“i can help you.”
your heart shoots up into your throat and you struggle to swallow around it. your breaths are heavy, laboured, your lips parted and a little swollen from how you’ve been biting at them for the past hour and a bit.
“you don’t have to–”
“shut up, y/n,” he says dismissively, crawling in front of you and lifting your hands away from the bedding you’re kneading (pathetically, in his professional opinion) like a cat. “listen. you’ve helped me so much tonight, you don’t even know. let me return the favour.”
“hannie,” he whines, in a poor imitation of your voice. “hannie, i only helped you because you needed me– is that it? look at you, y/n. you’re a mess.”
if this were anyone else, you’d be livid. not only at the way he so effortlessly makes fun of you, but at the fact that he accurately finished your sentence without having anything more than an affectionate nickname to work from as a hint. you don’t know what to say, suddenly stunned into silence, but it’s all right. you don’t need to say anything; he keeps going.
“you need me. let me help you – look. it’s my birthday.”
he wants this, you think to yourself, growing slightly concerned by the way your heart continues to hammer in your throat. he wants… me.
you give one slow, but definite, nod of your head and jeonghan’s grin grows from cocky to genuine. he crawls until he’s right up in your space, lifting a hand to your cheek, and you forget how to breathe for a moment as he looks you in the eyes with more heat than the mid-august sun.
“lie down,” he says, pushing that last little bit closer and capturing your lips in a kiss. it’s short, but mind-boggling. your brain goes totally blank when he pulls away. “it’s okay. i’ve got you.”
but you do as he says and shuffle around the little fort so you’re on your back, head resting against one of the many pillows you’re grateful you brought in here with you. he crawls on top of you, then, caging you in with one hand either side of your head, settling with one of his knees slotted between your just-parted thighs. 
“okay?” he asks, searching your face for any signs of discomfort or worry. he doesn’t find any, though – he’s met only with a perhaps too enthusiastic nod and your hands playing at the hem of his sweatshirt. he chuckles, bending down to kiss you again, a little deeper this time, a little longer. open-mouthed and hot, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip, dropping onto one elbow so his torso lies almost flush against yours. 
“easy, tiger. taking care of you, right now.”
you sigh as his lips start to descend down the column of your throat, and you press your shoulders back into the blankets to try and push that little bit closer to him. one of his hands slips beneath your own shirt and his palm comes to rest flush against your hip, dragging his thumb in small circles over your skin. 
“this,” he mumbles into your collarbone, tugging the neckline of the garment between his teeth for a moment so you know what he’s referring to. “off.”
“bossy,” you mumble, your body cold all of a sudden as he sits back away from you and you tug your t-shirt off over your head. as you do, he reaches behind his neck and tugs off his sweatshirt as well before he tosses it up near your head, out of the way.
now, this is certainly not the first time you’ve ever been around jeonghan without anything covering his top half, but it is something that you rarely get the chance to see. if it’s not the fact that he’s chronically freezing cold, it’s because he’s grown emotionally attached to some of the baggiest tops known to mankind, or he’s worried about getting a sunburn so is still covered up at the beach. for one reason or another, this just isn’t something you’re blessed to see very often, and he looks so good you almost forget that it’s him.
of course, that only lasts until he says something really fucking dumb. in other words, all of about three seconds.
“how… practical,” he says, eyes trained down on the bra covering your tits. in a way, it’s probably a good thing you’ve snapped back to your senses, because you once again find yourself thinking that if this were anyone else, you’d have told them to get off you and never call you again.
but why is jeonghan, of all people, criticising your choice of comfy underwear… weirdly endearing?
“sorry,” you grunt, making no effort to hide the (flesh-toned, full-coverage, entirely too old) bra that he’s looking at like it’s personally offending him. “didn’t expect to need to impress, tonight.”
“don’t be sorry,” jeonghan says, shaking his head as he unpops the button on your jeans and tugs them down over your hips. “just… do better next time, yeah?”
you laugh so suddenly, so abruptly, so loudly that you choke on your own spit and end up coughing a little, propping up on one elbow to try and relieve the burn in your lungs as he continues to work your pants off your legs. by the time he scrunches them into a ball and puts them to the side, too, you’ve managed to catch your breath, and gasp out, “next time?”
“next time,” he nods, making himself comfortable between your thighs. he lays one palm on the inside of each knee, pushing them as far apart as your hips will allow, before he brings one hand over your covered cunt and drags his thumb up and down your slit.
you don’t even get a chance to ask why he’s so sure there’ll be a next time. he skillfully works you through the material and in seconds, has you tipping your head back into the pillows, moaning at the overwhelming feeling of finally being touched.
“so fucking wet,” he sighs, feeling your arousal through the cotton of your underwear, pressing the material between your folds. his thumb circles your clit over and over, the pressure just right – not so light that he’s teasing, not so hard that you’re squirming away from him. hell, if you knew he was this good, you’d have dragged him into bed years ago.
“come on, hannie,” you gulp as he starts to work his thumb faster, starts to massage at your inner thigh with his other hand. “need more…”
well, he doesn’t need to be told twice. you lift your hips and he tugs your panties down your thighs, unhooking them from around your ankles. you expect him to, you know, return to business, but he does something just a little bit unhinged first and brings your soaked underwear up to his face. you hear how deeply, how loudly he inhales, the subsequent groan he gives even louder, and you swear the reason you end up bumping his hip with your knee is to bring him back to earth, because it actually feels like he’s forgotten you’re lying right there.
“i’ll do it myself, in a minute,” you threaten, and jeonghan grins wickedly down at you as he lowers your panties down to join the rest of your discarded clothes. 
“no you won’t,” he tells you – he tells you? – , finally now lying down between your legs, just inches away from your glistening cunt. “god – as if i’d ever let that happen.”
“i swear– ” you start, half a second before one of his fingers presses against your hole. you stop talking with a gasp, a hand flying to your chest and squeezing against your tit. just like that. in a heartbeat, you’re done for. 
he seems intent on gathering as much of your arousal on his fingertip as he possibly can, running it through your folds, pressing it inside you, smearing your slick all over and then some like a fucked-up painting. only once he’s satisfied does he finally start to work his finger in and out, pressing his lips just above where your clit is begging for his attention.
“don’t play stupid,” you chide him when he looks up at you through his lashes, eyes wide and feigning innocence. “if you can find it through my underwear, you can find it now.”
“bossy,” jeonghan tuts. “what’s with the rush, huh?” 
and he adds another finger to the first, both long and elegant and reaching spots inside you that your own physically can’t. you keen against your will, hips reacting of their own accord, trying to fuck your pussy down against his hand. he makes no effort to stop you.
“m’not gonna beg,” you tell him. “just – fuck, get your mouth on me. now.”
to his credit, he does.
and more to his credit, being eaten out has never, ever felt this good.
the hand not grasping at your chest shoots down to tangle in his long, silky hair, and jeonghan moans loudly against your pussy as he laves his tongue everywhere he can. over your clit, between your folds, slipping it inside your hole in place of his fingers – he’s relentless, slurping and groaning and finding some sort of insane stamina from somewhere deep in his soul. you swear to god, this is not the man who sometimes falls asleep with his light on because he doesn’t have the energy to get up and turn them off.
within a matter of minutes, you can feel the coil in the pit of your stomach growing tighter and tighter, your walls fluttering around his fingers, your moans and whines only getting louder by the minute. your legs are shaking. your thoughts are little more than static, and him. at some point – you don’t know when –, jeonghan reached around your hips to pull your thighs together and clamped them around his ears, mumbling against your clit something to the effect of to help with the thunder. (you don’t mention that there hasn’t actually been another thunder crack since he started making out with your pussy. it doesn’t feel relevant, somehow.)
every time you tighten your thighs, every time you squirm, he hugs you tighter against his cheeks and you just end up humping against his tongue. something tells you maybe that was the plan all along? 
sparks of energy start to prickle all over your skin as you teeter on the edge of your high. your fist tightens in jeonghan’s hair, your breaths become fewer and further between. it’s frankly a bit of a miracle you’ve even managed to last this long – you held back as long as you could, determined to milk as much of the pleasure his hands and his mouth so skillfully bring as you can. just in case there’s no next time, but… hell, do you hope there is.
“hannie, i’m–” you gasp, his fingers curling upwards again and resuming their earlier assault on your g-spot. “fuck, hannie, i’m so close–”
“mm, have been for a while, huh?” he asks, drawing his mouth away from you, licking his tongue over his arousal-slickened lips. “you’ve been holding out on me.”
“yeah, but-... i wanna come so bad,” you swallow. jeonghan flicks his tongue out over your clit again and you jolt up into the touch. “please, don’t stop.”
“won’t,” he promises. and it’s the last thing he says before his lips meet your pussy again and he brings you over the edge into the most electrifying of climaxes.
by the time you’ve stopped twitching with the aftershocks of your orgasm, jeonghan is sat up on his knees again, softly massaging at your hips with his thumbs. your vision is still kind of fuzzy at the edges when you glance up at him, and for a moment, with a hazy outline and an amber glow behind him owed to the flashlight you set at the entrance to the fort, you think he looks a little too much like an angel.
“where the hell did that come from?” you ask him, fighting against the squirming in your belly. fighting against the sensation that feels a little too much like butterflies. 
“really?” he asks in a breathy laugh. “that’s-... i mean, do you actually want to know, or…?”
you mull this over for a moment before crossing your arms over your eyes and concealing yourself from his view, shaking your head. one part of you is morbidly curious as to how he got so good at giving head. the other part of you is too busy trying to gather the brain cells he just sent flying across about eight different dimensions.
“i think you’ve broken me, jeonghan,” you breathe, feeling more than seeing him lie down next to you again. his lips press sweetly against the curve of your shoulder. warmth radiates from that one spot, all over your body. you smile, like a complete loser. 
what’s worse is that you really don’t mind.
“is that a yes, then?” he asks, slinging an arm over your waist. you turn your head to look at him, eyes crossing a little with how unexpectedly close he is. 
“yes to what?” 
“to next time,” he says. his grin matches yours and you nod your head at him, yes. in your peripheral vision, you notice how he lifts one hand, extends his little finger. straight in front of you, you see both of his eyebrows raise.
you pinch your lips tight before hooking your own pinky through his, leaning in and pressing a short kiss to the pad of your thumb. the way you used to when you were kids. ‘you really can’t break those.’ he used to say. ‘they’re like, triple the strength’. 
saved for really important promises.
“to next time.”
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thank u so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed this. as always, your likes/reblogs/comments and feedback are always deeply appreciated.&lt;3
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etfrin · 11 months
⤷❝TEASE | Ethan Landry❞ˎˊ-
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⇢☾Warning: NSFW | semi public (movie night), hand job under a blanket, dom sub undertones, masterbation (male), cunnilingus | lmk if I missed anything!
⇢☾Pairing: Ethan Landry x fem! Reader
⇢☾Summary: You have been edging the poor boy for awhile, then finally you allow him to go to his room for relief before checking up on him and finding he needs your cunt to cum :D
⇢☾A/N: i need a whiny, needy, subby, desperate, filthy Ethan, lol <3 oh and happy birthday Jack Champion!
< masterlist > < bc: @cafekitsune >
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You supposed that you were being a tad bit of a tease when you squeezed his cock harder than you should. His teeth sank into his bottom lip to stop that desperate whimper that wanted to escape. But he couldn't let the sound play out in the room, not when the room consisted of all of your friends, their attention on the movie.
Your attention however was on Ethan, you were watching him from the corner of your eyes, his forehead having a sheen of sweat, his lips red from biting and his ears equally crimson. You ponder if his tip was this red as well, the hard cock twitching in your fist.
He lets out a whisper, “Please.” “Please what?” “Wanna cum,” he whimpers, so needy that it makes your heart wonder if you're pushing him to his limits. “They'll know,” you hush.
He turned to you, his hips bucking into your fist, not enough to be obvious to others but enough to give him momentarily relief. “Don't…” he whispered, his eyes wandering towards Chad and the others. He knew he was probably going to get teased by Chad if they realized him and you left to be in his room.
But you have been edging him since the beginning of this film, your hand snaking into his jeans, gripping his cock like it was your right. Your fingers formed a tight fist around his hardening length just the way he liked and when you started to stroke his length, slow at first then a tad faster before changing your pace again and again until he was a mess. His mind scrambled, not even caring that you both could get caught.
“Please,” he whispered again. “Baby, please, I can't- I can't-” He pleads. “Go to your room and finish yourself,” you coo, “I'll cover for you.”
He gives you a thankful look before he slips away quickly from the blanket and speed walks to his room, shutting the door softly. It doesn't take you long to come up with an excuse that he's sick and you go to check on him.
You knock on the door, the tap style that was only known by you and Ethan. He opened the door, wide enough that you slipped inside. You find a spot on his bed to sit down, your eyes on his hand that was desperately stroking his cock, the red tip profusely letting out pre-cum which Ethan used as lube. It was as obscene as it could get. Ethan was so easily worked up, it was adorable.
“I need you,” he whines, he was on his knees in front of you. His head on your thighs, his face nuzzling into your inner thigh like a cat finding solace in their owner’s lap.
“You have me,” you tease him, a Cheshire smile playing on your lips. “No,” he whimpers, pathetic and shaky. “Need you,” he whispered again, his lips now latching onto your inner thigh, his sinful mouth sucking the skin.
“My pussy, you mean,” you said. He nods in reply as you unbutton your shorts for him. Meanwhile, his hand was still stroking his cock at a slower pace than before, his pre-cum coating the floor.
He pushes your shorts along with your underwear down to your knees. He groans at the sight of your dripping cunt, “Thank you, baby.” He dives in, his mouth finding your clit and sucking the bud with fervor.
The moment his tongue swipes over your folds, tasting your juices in his mouth. He could feel his eyes roll back, you were heavenly and he spilled all over the floor.
His cum made a mess on the ground while he made a mess out of you with his tongue. Your hand finds a home in his curls, pulling him closer, suffocating him with your pussy just how he likes it.
It doesn't take long for him to make you cum on his face, his lips shiny with your arousal, chin covered. His eyes glossed over and his dick was hard again.
You wondered if you should play with him or let him fuck you. You decide on the former.
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hooniebaekgu · 4 months
For me?!?
Or when you gift enha hyung line their favourite accessory
PAIRING : Enhypen hyung line x gn Reader
GENRE : fluff, headcanons
Warning : kissing? lmk if i missed smtg
Yukki's Notes : requested by my wifey @sungvrhs 😼 hope you liked it bae mwah
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●He's being eyeing an accessory for months, and just when he was going to buy it, it was sold out.
●Mans was so disappointed, like he tried to console himself 'it's just an accessory'
●But it's rare for him to be so emotional over smtg so small
●So imagine his surprise when you put on the same accessory he was sulking about on him
●Staring at you wide eyed, then starts giggling and giving you tons of kisses <33
●Spoils you sm over it, you're so surprised as to why he's behaving like this
●He was out in a mall to film a vlog, and came across an accessory that really caught his eye
●He wanted to buy it on the spot, but as he was filming so he thought he'd return for it later
●But we'll he forgot about it after some time, and got busy
●Only for you to give him the same accessory on your anniversary
●He's so shocked as to how you know his choices and likes so well
●So shocked that he forgets that he told you to not buy him anything, but he's happy nonetheless
●He's a hopeless romantic you can't convince me otherwise
●He wanted to buy promise / couple rings for sooo long
●But thought it was too soon or that you wouldnt like it
●Only for you to gift him the same rings that he was planning to buy
●He's so happy and relieved ☹️
●Like literally giggling and blushing, looking nothing short of a happy puppy
●One heck of a possessive man
●He loves anything and everything that basically announces that he's yours and your his
●Consequently you have a ton of accessories that have like his initials or name on it
●And he won't say it, but he really really wanted something with your name on it
●So after eating jakes brain as to what hoon would like for his birthday, you finally gave him what he wants
●Literally wears anything with your name on it on the daily, he's so proud that he's you bf :((
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217 notes · View notes
lila-lou · 2 months
✨His true fate - Part 12/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Language, age gap
Word Count: 6511
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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The next few days were a blur of tension and frustration for Jensen. Danneel’s constant presence and the ongoing strain in their relationship drove him to seek solace in his messages and calls with you. Each interaction was a lifeline, providing a brief escape from the chaos at home. You both kept each other updated, sharing moments of your daily lives and maintaining the connection you had built.
When Jensen finally left for the set, he felt a sense of relief, but it was short-lived. The demands of his work increased, and as soon as he got immersed in filming, his messages and calls grew less frequent. You noticed the change, feeling a pang of disappointment and worry. It seemed as though his interest in you was waning, and the silence stretched between you.
It had been six weeks since your night together, and Jensen hadn’t called or texted for the past three days. The uncertainty gnawed at you, making you question the bond you shared. In a moment of vulnerability, you reached out to Jared, asking if he was free to meet up. He responded positively, and the two of you decided to get a drink to catch up and take your mind off things.
Now, as you waited for Jared to pick you up, you couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety. You wondered if you had misread the signals from Jensen, if maybe the distance and his busy schedule had taken a toll on your budding relationship. The anticipation of seeing Jared provided a small comfort, knowing you would have a friend to talk to.
When Jared arrived, he greeted you with a warm smile. “Hey, how are you holding up?”, he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
You shrugged, trying to mask your worry. “I’ve been better, honestly. It’s just… complicated”.
Jared nodded, understanding. “I get it. Let’s go get that drink and talk it out”.
The two of you headed to a nearby bar, the atmosphere lively and welcoming. As you settled into a booth, Jared ordered drinks for both of you. The environment helped you relax a bit, and you felt grateful for his presence.
“So, what’s been going on?”, Jared asked, leaning forward with a supportive expression.
You hesitated, biting your lip as you considered how much to share. You knew Jared was probably Jensen’s best friend, and you didn’t want to cross any lines or betray Jensen’s trust. The weight of your thoughts made it difficult to find the right words.
Jared sensed your hesitation and gently urged, “Hey, it’s okay. You can talk to me. I promise, whatever you say stays between us”.
You took a deep breath, still feeling uncertain. “I just don’t want to come across as too clingy”, you began, your voice wavering slightly. “But honestly, I’ve been feeling really worried”.
Jared’s expression softened even further, and he nodded encouragingly. “It’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on”.
“Well”, you started, trying to organize your thoughts, “Jensen and I had been talking regularly, and everything felt so good. But ever since he started filming, his messages have become less frequent, and now it’s been three days without any contact. I can’t help but feel like he’s pulling away”.
Jared frowned slightly, considering your words. “I know it’s tough”, he said slowly. “Filming can be really demanding, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with personal stuff. But I’ve known Jensen for a long time, and if he’s not reaching out, it’s probably because he’s genuinely busy, not because he’s lost interest”.
You looked down, feeling a bit ashamed of yourself for doubting Jensen. “I know he’s busy, but it’s just hard not to worry”, you admitted softly.
Jared reached out and gently placed a hand on your arm. “Hey, it’s okay to feel that way”, he said reassuringly. “Filming days can be really intense. They can stretch on for twelve, sometimes even sixteen hours. By the time he gets back to his trailer or wherever he’s staying, he’s probably exhausted”.
You nodded, understanding but still feeling the weight of your concerns. “I just don’t want to lose what we have”, you said quietly.
Jared gave you a warm smile. “I haven’t seen Jensen this happy in a long, long time”, he said earnestly. “He actually texted me a while back about how he can’t stop thinking about you. He was so excited and asked me for advice, but then he made me promise not to tell you because he didn’t want to seem, in his words, ‘like a pussy´”.
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, the tension easing a bit. “He said that?”.
Jared chuckled. “Yeah, he did. He’s really into you, trust me. Sometimes, he just needs a little nudge to remember to show it”.
Jared sipped on his drink, taking a moment before he continued. “You know, he even finally took the first step and set an appointment with a lawyer to get information about a divorce”, he said, his tone serious. “He’s going to do it when he’s in Austin for the convention in two weeks”.
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Really?”, you asked, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension.
“Yeah”, Jared confirmed, nodding. “He hasn’t done anything like this in over six years. You’re the reason he finally wants to change something about his life. He’s tired of the facade, and he wants to be genuinely happy”.
The weight of Jared’s words settled over you, bringing a flood of emotions. “I had no idea”, you said softly, feeling both overwhelmed and relieved.
“He didn’t want to put pressure on you or make you feel like you were responsible for his decisions”, Jared explained.
You nodded, absorbing the gravity of what Jared was saying. The idea that Jensen was making such significant changes because of his feelings for you was both exhilarating and daunting.
Jared continued, his voice gentle but firm. “Whatever this is between the two of you, Jensen definitely wants to see where it could lead. He’s not the kind of guy who throws around the word ‘love’ lightly or labels things too quickly. If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that he needs time. He always has”.
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. “I understand”, you said quietly. “I’m willing to give him that time”.
Jared smiled, his eyes warm with encouragement. “Believe me, he’s never cared about anyone the way he cares about you. Like, ever. I always told him that at some point he would meet his equal match, and I think he finally has”, He grinned, a playful glint in his eyes.
You couldn’t help but smile back, the weight of your worries lifting slightly. “Thank you, Jared. Hearing this from you means a lot”.
He nodded, taking another sip of his drink. “Anytime. Just hang in there, and things will work out. Jensen’s a good guy, and he deserves to be happy. So do you”.
The evening continued with lighter conversation, the heavy topics giving way to laughter and shared stories. By the time you said goodbye to Jared and headed home, you felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.
After Jared dropped you off at your apartment, you thanked him again for the evening and his reassuring words. Once inside, you got ready for bed, feeling a mix of exhaustion and lingering hope. As you settled under the covers, you decided to try calling Jensen, hoping to hear his voice and maybe get some reassurance directly from him.
You dialed his number and listened to the phone ring, but after a few moments, it went to voicemail. Sighing, you tried not to let disappointment creep back in. You reminded yourself of everything Jared had told you, about how busy Jensen was and how much he cared about you.
Determined to stay positive, you typed out a message: “Hey, I hope everything on set is going well. I miss you and can’t wait to see you. It’s only two weeks left! Take care”.
You hit send and set your phone on the nightstand, feeling a bit lighter having reached out. As you closed your eyes, you focused on the promise of seeing him again soon, letting Jared’s words of encouragement replay in your mind.
As you woke up the next morning, you reached for your phone with a sense of anticipation, hoping to find a message from Jensen in response to your text. However, as you unlocked your phone and checked your messages, there was still nothing from him.
A pang of disappointment washed over you, despite your efforts to stay positive the previous night. You stared at the screen for a moment, trying to push away the creeping doubt and insecurity. You reminded yourself that Jared had emphasized how demanding Jensen's schedule could be.
Taking a deep breath, you decided not to dwell on it. Instead, you focused on getting ready for your day, hoping that Jensen would reach out when he had a moment. You busied yourself with work and errands, trying to keep your mind occupied and not let the lack of communication affect your mood.
Throughout the day, you periodically checked your phone, hoping for a message that didn't come. Each time, the absence of a reply caused a twinge of anxiety, making you wonder if something had changed between you two.
As the hours passed, you tried to distract yourself with other activities, but Jensen's silence weighed on your mind. You found it hard to shake the feeling of uncertainty, wondering if your message had been too much or if something else was bothering him.
By the evening, you decided to give him a bit more time before reaching out again. You knew he had a lot on his plate, and you didn't want to add pressure by bombarding him with messages. Instead, you resolved to be patient and trust that he would respond when he could.
As you prepared for bed that night, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing to hear from Jensen. You hoped that tomorrow would bring a message from him, reassuring you that everything was okay and that he was still looking forward to seeing you in two weeks. With that hope in your heart, you settled under the covers, hoping for a peaceful night's sleep despite the lingering uncertainty.
It wasn’t until midnight, when you were barely awake anymore, that your phone buzzed, rousing you from the edge of sleep. Groggily, you glanced at the screen and saw Jensen’s name flashing. Your heart leapt with a mix of relief and exhaustion as you answered the call.
“Hey”, you murmured, your voice heavy with fatigue.
“Hey”, Jensen’s voice came through, sounding equally tired but warm. “I’m sorry for calling so late. It’s been a crazy day on set, and I just finished up”.
You sighed, a mixture of relief and lingering worry in your breath. “It’s okay, I’m just glad to hear from you. I was starting to get worried”.
“I know, and I’m really sorry about that”, he said, his tone sincere. “I didn’t mean to make you worry. Things have been intense here, and I’ve been trying to catch up with everything. I miss you”.
“I miss you too”, you replied softly, your eyes closing as you listened to his voice. “I was just hoping everything was alright”.
“Everything’s fine, just really hectic”, he reassured you. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot. It’s just been hard to find a moment to breathe, let alone call”.
You smiled weakly, feeling a bit better hearing his explanation. “I get it”, you replied, sympathy lacing your tired voice. “I know filming can be crazy. Just hearing from you now makes it all better”.
Jensen sighed softly on the other end of the line, his fatigue palpable even through the phone. “I wish I could be there with you”, he confessed, his voice tinged with longing.
“I wish that too”, you murmured, your heart fluttering at his words. Despite the distance and the challenges, you felt a deep connection with him, one that seemed to grow stronger with each conversation, even if they were infrequent lately.
There was a brief pause before Jensen spoke again, his voice softer now. “Hey, I have something to tell you”, he began tentatively.
Your curiosity piqued, you propped yourself up on your elbow, suddenly more awake. “What is it?”, you asked, a mix of anticipation and apprehension coloring your tone.
Jensen hesitated for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. “I… um… I’ve been thinking a lot about us”, he admitted slowly. “About what we talked about before, and… I think… I want to talk about it more when I see you”.
Your heart skipped a beat, the weight of his words sinking in. “Okay”, you replied softly, trying to keep your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you.
“I just…”, Jensen paused again, his voice slightly husky.
Your heart raced at his words, a mix of excitement and anxiety flooding your system. Despite the warmth in his voice, a nagging self-doubt crept into your thoughts, making you question the depth of his commitment.
“Jensen”, you began hesitantly, your voice barely a whisper, “you don’t want to end whatever this is, right?”.
There was a moment of silence on the other end, and you could almost hear the gears turning in his mind as he processed your question. When he finally spoke, his voice was firm and reassuring.
“No! No, absolutely not”, he said, the conviction in his tone clear.
Jensen let himself fall back onto the couch in his trailer, still in his Soldier Boy suit. The weight of the day and the intensity of the conversation seemed to melt away as he heard the relief in your voice.
“Thank you”, you whispered, feeling a surge of affection for him. “I needed to hear that”.
He smiled, though you couldn’t see it, the warmth in his expression evident in his voice. “I promise, we’ll figure this out. Just hang in there a little longer”.
“Okay”, you agreed softly, feeling the exhaustion of the day starting to catch up with you again. “I trust you”.
There was a short silence, comfortable yet charged with unspoken emotions. Wanting to lift the mood, you decided to tease him a bit. “So, how’s it going being Soldier Boy? Does the suit still fit after all these months?”.
Jensen chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. “Barely”, he admitted with a playful groan. “You’d think they’d make these suits a bit more comfortable. I feel like a stuffed sausage half the time”.
You laughed softly, the image of him struggling with the tight suit bringing a smile to your face. “Well, I think you look great in it”, you said, your voice filled with affection. “But I might be a bit biased”.
“I appreciate the vote of confidence”, Jensen replied, his tone light. “Though I’m pretty sure I’m going to have permanent marks from this thing”.
“You’re tough. You’ll survive”, you teased. “Just don’t forget to take it off before you go to bed. I can’t imagine it’s comfortable to sleep in”.
Jensen laughed again, the tension from earlier melting away. “I promise I won’t. But now that you mention it, I could use some help with the zipper…”.
You rolled your eyes playfully, even though he couldn’t see it. “Nice try, Ackles. I’m sure you can manage”.
“I guess I’ll have to”, he sighed dramatically, though you could hear the smile in his voice. “But I’ll save the real struggle for when I get to see you”.
“I’ll hold you to that”, you said softly, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought.
“Goodnight, Jensen”, you added, your voice filled with affection.
“Goodnight Baby”, he replied, his tone equally tender.
As soon as the nickname slipped out, both your hearts skipped a beat. You had already ended the call, but the word hung in the air, leaving a lingering sense of intimacy and affection. Jensen stared at his phone for a moment, then slapped his face lightly in annoyance at himself. “Nice going”, he muttered under his breath, a mix of embarrassment and amusement coloring his thoughts.
Meanwhile, you lay back on your pillow, a broad smile spreading across your face. The nickname, though simple, made you feel all giddy. You couldn’t help but feel like a love-drunk teenager, the excitement of your relationship making everything seem brighter.
Jensen took a deep breath, the exhaustion of the day starting to catch up with him. Despite his slip-up, he couldn’t stop smiling. Grabbing his phone again, he texted Jared: “Thanks for the hint, she really was a bit off. Should have texted her sooner. I’m so fucking bad at this”.
Jared, relaxing at home, chuckled as he read Jensen’s message. He quickly typed back: “No problem. Yeah, she did seem a bit lost so I thought a heads-up would help you. No wonder, Ackles, your dating life—like real dating life—was a bit rusty”.
Jensen laughed softly at Jared’s response, appreciating his friend’s honesty and support. He typed back: “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for having my back, man”.
Jared smiled as he replied: “Anytime, buddy. I really like her. There’s no way I’m gonna let you sabotage this relationship”.
Jensen read Jared’s message with a mixture of amusement and gratitude. He knew Jared always had his best interests at heart, and hearing his friend’s approval of you meant a lot. Typing back, Jensen said: “I know, man. I’m not letting this slip away".
Jared’s response came swiftly: “Good. Just keep communicating. She’s a great catch, and you know it”.
Jensen sighed, feeling a mixture of relief and determination after reading Jared’s message. He knew his friend was right—communication and honesty were key. Determined to keep things on track, he set his phone aside and headed to the bathroom to shower.
The hot water cascading over his tired muscles was a welcome relief, washing away the stress and fatigue of the day. As he stood under the spray, Jensen let his thoughts drift to you. The memory of your voice, your smile, and the warmth of your presence brought a smile to his face. He couldn’t wait to see you again and make things right.
After his shower, Jensen dried off and climbed into bed, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up with him. He grabbed his phone one last time to send you a message: “Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Can’t wait to see you”.
With that, he set his phone on the nightstand and turned off the light, letting the comforting darkness envelop him.
The next few days, Jensen made a concerted effort to text you more frequently and call you whenever he had a spare moment, even if it was just for a few minutes. You appreciated his efforts, feeling more connected and reassured by his consistent communication. Meanwhile, you met with Jared twice that week, catching up, grabbing food, and just enjoying each other’s company. Jared’s presence provided a comforting distraction, and his insights about Jensen’s busy life helped ease your concerns.
One evening, it was pretty late when your phone buzzed with an incoming video call from Jensen. Your heart skipped a beat as you answered the call. The screen lit up with Jensen’s face, and you instantly sucked in your lip at the sight of him in his Soldier Boy suit. He was lying relaxed in bed, the dark green fabric accentuating his strong build and making him look effortlessly alluring.
“Hey”, you greeted him, trying to keep your voice steady despite the rush of emotions. “You look… intense”.
Jensen chuckled, the sound rich and warm. “Yeah, still in costume. It’s been a long day”, he said, running a hand through his hair. “I just wanted to catch you before you fell asleep”.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. “I’m glad you called. It’s been a while since we did this”.
He nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. Things have just been so crazy. But I’ve missed seeing your face”.
“Me too”, you admitted. “How’s everything going on set?”.
“Busy, but good”, he replied, adjusting his position slightly. “We’re making progress, and I’m happy with how things are shaping up. But a bit more time to spend with you would be nice”.
“We’ll have our time soon enough”, you said, trying to keep the conversation light. “Only a little longer, right?”.
“Yeah, only a little longer”, he echoed, his gaze lingering on your face through the screen. “I can’t wait”.
The two of you continued to talk, catching up on the details of your lives, sharing stories, and enjoying the connection that had been hard to maintain amidst his busy schedule. Jensen’s presence, even through a screen, brought a sense of comfort and closeness that you had missed dearly.
“Can you show me more of the suit?”, you asked teasingly, wanting to lighten the mood and see more of the costume that made him look so imposing yet irresistible.
Jensen grinned at your request, amused by your playful tone.
“Alright, here we go”, he said, chuckling softly. “Just remember, it’s not exactly designed for comfort”.
As he moved slightly, adjusting to give you a better view, you couldn’t help but admire how the dark green fabric accentuated his physique. The suit looked sleek and formidable, yet seeing Jensen in it made you feel a mix of pride and admiration.
“There”, Jensen said finally, settling back against the pillows. “That’s about all you’re gonna get. It’s not the most comfortable thing to lounge around in”.
You grinned, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. “Well, you sure look pretty hot in it”, you said, your voice playful yet sincere.
Jensen’s eyes twinkling with amusement. “Glad you think so”, he replied, his tone teasing. “Though I’d much rather be out of it and comfortable”.
“Do you still have to film tonight?”, you asked softly.
Jensen nodded, brushing his hand over his face. “Yeah, just a 30-minute break right now”, he mumbled, his voice heavy with fatigue.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”.
Jensen raised an eyebrow, a small, teasing smile playing on his lips. “You really want to help?”.
“Of course”, you replied earnestly, feeling your heart swell with affection for him. “Anything to make it a bit easier for you”.
Jensen’s grin widened, his eyes brightening with a mix of appreciation and playful mischief. “Well, since you offered… how about a little distraction? Something to take my mind off the exhaustion for a bit?”.
You chuckled softly, relieved to see him lighten up. “What kind of distraction do you have in mind?”.
He leaned closer to the camera, his gaze intense yet playful. “Well, you and your perfect little tits are quite the distraction”, he said teasingly, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, but you couldn’t help but smile at his compliment. “Oh really?”, you replied, your voice playful and flirtatious. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that”.
Jensen’s grin widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Definitely can’t argue with that”, he said, his tone light but filled with genuine appreciation.
Feeling a surge of boldness, you adjusted your position slightly and started slowly unbuttoning your shirt. As the fabric fell away, leaving you in just your bra, you saw Jensen’s eyes darken with desire. Your hand slipped inside the cup of your bra, teasing your own skin as you watched his reaction.
Jensen groaned, taking a deep breath. “You’re going to be the death of me”, he muttered, his voice rough with longing.
You smiled, feeling a thrill at his words and the power you had over him. “I aim to please”, you replied softly, your fingers continuing to tease your skin. “How am I doing so far?”.
"You’re doing more than perfect”, Jensen replied, his voice husky with desire. As he watched you, his free hand moved to the belt of his suit, starting to undo it slowly. His eyes never left you, the intensity of his gaze sending shivers down your spine.
“Show me more”, he urged, his voice low and commanding.
Your breath hitched at his request, feeling a surge of excitement. Slowly, you slipped your bra strap down your shoulder, revealing more of your skin. Your fingers traced over the curve of your breast, teasingly tugging at the fabric.
Jensen’s eyes darkened further, his hand now fully focused on loosening his belt. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and you could feel the connection between you growing stronger with each passing moment.
“Like this?", you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mix of shyness and boldness.
“Yes, just like that”, Jensen groaned, finally freeing himself from the confines of his suit. His hand moved to his already stiffened erection, stroking himself slowly as he watched you.
You unclipped your bra, letting it fall away completely, exposing your bare chest to Jensen’s hungry gaze. The cool air made your nipples harden, and you brought your hands up to squeeze them gently, rolling the sensitive buds between your fingers. The sensation sent waves of pleasure through you, and you let out a soft moan, your eyes never leaving Jensen’s.
Jensen’s breath hitched, his hand moving more purposefully along his length. “You’re so beautiful”, he murmured, his voice filled with raw need. “Keep going. Touch yourself for me”.
Obeying his command, you brought your hands back up to your breasts, gently squeezing your nipples and rolling them between your fingers. The sensation sent ripples of pleasure through your body, and you let out a soft moan, watching the way Jensen’s gaze intensified as he watched you.
“Just like that”, he encouraged, his breath coming quicker. "Turn the camera”, Jensen groaned, his voice rough with need. “I want to see all of you”.
You bit your lip, feeling a thrill at his request. “Only if you do the same”, you replied teasingly, your voice low and seductive.
Jensen’s eyes darkened further with desire. “Deal”, he agreed, his voice filled with anticipation.
You adjusted your phone, angling the camera to give him a better view of your body. As you slid your hand lower, your fingers grazing the sensitive skin just above your panties, you watched as Jensen’s expression grew even more intense.
“Now you”, you whispered, your voice trembling with excitement.
Jensen complied, adjusting his camera so that you could see more of his body. His hand continued to move rhythmically along his length, and the sight of him pleasuring himself sent a fresh wave of desire through you.
“I wish I could touch you right now”, he murmured, his voice filled with awe and longing.
Your fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your panties, finding your most sensitive spot. You let out a soft moan. “I wish you could too”, you whispered, your breath coming in short, quick gasps. “Tell me what you want to do to me”.
Jensen groaned deeply, his eyes darkening with lust as he watched you touch yourself. “I want to feel your tight pussy wrapped around me”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “I want to stretch you out, feel you struggling to take me in”.
Your breath hitched at his words, the memory of that night flooding back. You had struggled to take him, the feeling of being so full and stretched turning you on even more. “Jensen”, you whispered, your voice trembling.
“Fuck, you were so tight”, Jensen continued, his hand moving faster on his erection. “I could feel every little squeeze, every flutter, trying to take me in”.
You moaned softly, your fingers slipping deeper, mimicking the sensation of him inside you. “I remember how full you made me feel”, you said breathlessly.
Jensen’s eyes were locked onto you, his breathing growing more ragged. “I love the way you look when you’re trying to take all of me”, he murmured, his voice rough with need. “The way your body arches, the way you moan my name. It’s the hottest thing ever”.
Jensen’s breathing grew even more ragged. “Pull down your panties”, he urged, his voice a low growl.
Your body trembled at his command, the anticipation sending waves of desire through you. Slowly, you hooked your fingers into the waistband of your panties and slid them down your legs, revealing yourself fully to him. The cool air heightened your arousal, and you could see the intensity in Jensen’s eyes as he watched your every move.
“Good girl”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “Now, let me see those fingers”.
You bit your lip, feeling a mix of shyness and boldness. Your hand moved back between your legs, and you let out a soft moan as your fingers slipped inside you. The sensation was electrifying, and you couldn’t help but arch your back, your body responding to the pleasure.
Jensen groaned, his hand moving faster on his length as he watched you. “That’s it”, he encouraged, his voice a husky whisper. “Show me how good it feels”.
Your breath came in short, ragged gasps as you continued to pleasure yourself. “It feels so good”, you moaned, your voice trembling. “I wish you were here”.
“I’d fill you up so completely. Make you come so hard”.
Jensen’s eyes darkened with a primal hunger as he gripped his dick harder, his hand moving faster along his length. The sight of you pleasuring yourself intensified his desire, every moan you made driving him closer to the edge.
“Show me”, he urged, his voice rough with need. “Show me how wet you are”.
You felt a shiver of anticipation run down your spine as you obeyed, your fingers slipping out of your wet folds. You brought your fingers up to the camera, glistening with your arousal.
“You’re so fucking sexy”, he groaned, his strokes becoming more urgent. “I can’t wait to feel how wet you are around me”.
The heat between you was palpable, the distance only heightening the longing and anticipation. Your free hand moved back to your clit, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles as you continued to watch him.
“You wanna come for me?”, he asked, his voice a low growl.
Your breath hitched, the intensity of his gaze and the sound of his voice pushing you closer to the edge. “Yes”, you whispered, your voice trembling with need. “I want to come for you, Jensen”.
He groaned, his hand moving faster on his length as he watched you, his own release building. “Then do it”, he urged. “Come for me”.
Your fingers moved more urgently on your clit, the pleasure mounting to an unbearable peak. “Jensen”, you gasped, your body trembling. “I’m so close”.
“Come for me, baby”, he commanded, his voice rough with desire.
The wet sounds of your pussy filled the room as you came, your body trembling with the intensity of your orgasm. Your cries of ecstasy echoed through the phone, your fingers working frantically to prolong the waves of pleasure that surged through you.
Jensen’s breath hitched, his strokes becoming more urgent as he watched you come undone for him. “You’re so beautiful when you come”, he groaned.
The sight and sound of your orgasm pushed Jensen over the edge. His body tensed, his hand moving frantically along his length as he found his release. “Fuck”, he groaned, his own orgasm hitting with an intensity that left him breathless.
As the waves of pleasure slowly ebbed away, Jensen lay there, his chest rising and falling heavily. He watched you, a contented smile forming on his lips. “There’s something about the way you moan my name”, he murmured breathlessly, his voice filled with a mix of awe and satisfaction.
You smiled back at him, still catching your breath. “I guess I’ll have to do it more often then”, you replied teasingly, your voice soft and affectionate.
Jensen chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement and warmth. “I won’t complain about that”, he said, his tone light. “You’ve got me hooked".
You blushed and bit your lip, feeling a wave of warmth spread through you. The intimacy of the moment, even through a screen, was overwhelming. “You know”, you said softly, “I never thought I could feel this connected to someone from a distance”.
Jensen’s smile widened, his eyes filled with affection. “Me neither”, he admitted. “But there’s something about you… It’s different. Special”. You watched as Jensen cleaned himself up, pulling up his zipper and closing his belt.
Just as he finished, the door to his trailer swung open and his colleague Karl Urban stepped inside.
“Ackles”, Karl called out, a grin spreading across his face. “You ready? We need you on set”.
Jensen turned to face Karl, his expression shifting from affection to professionalism in an instant. “Yeah, just give me a sec”, he replied, flashing a quick smile.
Karl’s eyes flicked to his phone and back to Jensen, a knowing smirk on his face. “Say goodbye to your girl. We’ve got some ass-kicking to do”. He didn't know it was you on the phone and not Jensen's wife.
You chuckled softly, “Go be a hero, soldier boy”.
Jensen grinned at your words, feeling a rush of affection. “I’ll catch you later”, he promised, his eyes lingering on the screen for a moment before he ended the call.
As he set his phone aside, Karl raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “You’re whipped, mate”, he teased, but there was no malice in his tone.
Jensen laughed, shaking his head. “Maybe I am”, he admitted, feeling a warmth spread through him at the thought. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way”.
Karl clapped him on the back, steering him towards the set. “Come on, lover boy. Time to get to work”.
The transition from the personal moment to the professional was seamless for Jensen, who slipped back into character with practiced ease. As he stepped onto the set, the weight of his responsibilities returned, but the memory of your voice and the connection you shared gave him a renewed sense of energy and focus.
Meanwhile, you lay back in bed, the glow of your interaction with Jensen lingering. The promise of seeing him again soon, and the intimacy of your conversation, filled you with a sense of contentment and anticipation.
Back on set, Jensen delivered his lines with intensity and precision, each action scene executed with the dedication of a seasoned professional. But even as he fought fictional battles and faced onscreen challenges, a part of his mind remained with you, counting down the days until you could be together again.
Hours later, as the day’s filming wrapped up, Jensen finally had a moment to himself. He grabbed his phone and found your message from earlier, rereading your words with a smile. He quickly typed a reply, letting you know he was thinking about you and couldn’t wait for your next call.
“Just finished for the night. Thinking about you. Can’t wait to see you soon. Sleep well”.
Two weeks later, Jensen lay back in his bed, still in his trailer on set, feeling the fatigue of a long day’s work but also the excitement of knowing he’d be flying to Austin tomorrow. He had his phone propped up, and your face filled the screen as you both enjoyed a late-night video chat.
“I’ll be there around noon”, Jensen said, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched you bite your lip, clearly eager for his visit.
“It feels like we’ve been waiting forever”, you replied, your voice a mix of excitement and anticipation.
“Tell me about it”, Jensen agreed. “These last few weeks have been torture”.
You bit your lip again, feeling the nervous flutter in your chest as you hesitated to ask. "So, are you going to stay at Jared’s or at a hotel?".
Jensen chuckled softly, his eyes warm with affection. "Actually, I was hoping you might invite me to stay at yours", he replied, his voice gentle and teasing.
Your cheeks flushed at his words, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Oh", you murmured, trying to hide your excitement. "I mean, if you want to…".
Jensen’s grin widened, the playful glint in his eyes intensifying. “If I want to?”, he echoed, teasingly raising an eyebrow. “You mean you don’t want me to stay with you? Maybe I should reconsider that hotel…”.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “No, no. I definitely want you to stay with me”, you said, your voice filled with both nervousness and excitement. “I just didn’t want to assume anything”.
“Good, because I was planning on monopolizing your time”, Jensen replied, his tone light and mischievous. “I don’t want to give you any excuses to escape”.
“Trust me, I wouldn’t dream of escaping”, you said, your voice dropping to a soft whisper.
“Oh, really? You’re going to be stuck with me, then”, he teased, leaning closer to the camera. “You sure you can handle that?”.
You laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and playful tension. “I think I can manage”, you replied, trying to match his teasing tone. “I might even enjoy it”.
“Might, huh?”, Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to do my best to make sure you do”.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you at his words. “I’m looking forward to it”, you said softly.
Jensen’s expression softened, his eyes filled with affection. “Me too. It’s been too long”.
“I can’t wait to see you”, you said, your voice filled with sincerity.
“I can’t wait to hold you”, Jensen replied, his tone matching yours.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 13
Taglist: @cheynovak @chriszgirl92 @jenniferr0323 @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @muhahaha303 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never @mayafatimakhan @ladysparkles78 @viviandarkbloom06 @jassackles @evasmlp @acklesaddict67 @mostlymarvelgirl @emma1998sblog @mishaesque @headinthemoon87 @hobby27 @winchesterwild78 @impala67rollingthroughtown @manicjk @kr804573 @zaratahir @djs8891 @winchesterwild78 @jamerlynn @whimsyfinny @libby99hb @deansimpalababy @deans-queen @kawaii-arfid-memes @faephoria @stoneyggirl2
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stayconnecteed · 1 month
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🪐˓⠀˚⠀hold on tight⠀@⠀han jisung.
synopsys: it's the birthday of the twins in the group and the usual plan is to celebrate it at the amusement park. everything was going as always until they got to the roller coaster and noa had to sit alone. thankfully, the rules say that everyone who has no one to go with will be paired with other single ones. that was how han jisung ended up screaming and squeezing the hand of an unknown pretty girl who he quickly caught feelings for.
SEE MORE.⠀⠀⠀⠀10 . 5 k words⠀⠀skz mlist.⠀⠀series mlist. 
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⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀pairing ★ han jisung x f!reader.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀about ★ original characters guide.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀genres ★ idol au, found family, angst, fluff & smut ; love at first sight, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, not really enemies but end up lovers, friends with benefits to lovers, polyamory. also, boy x boy subplot with original characters.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀hold on tight's warnings ★ first chapter! full into the spanishverse! this is the beginning of an amazing adventure, and there are practically no warnings. just jisung's anxiety. it will be his pov, so you know what to expect. mmm, and then fluff. lots of fluff, because he's afraid of heights and noa isn't. also, it's pretty clear ( me thinks ) but everything is in english minus the italics text - that would be spanish or korean depending on who's talking.
⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀author's note ★ hehe, hi lyra, happy ( late ) birthday!! i told you i was going to try and finish this by 14th y por mis cojones que lo intenté akshjaskd. you deserve it. hope you still like it by the end of it, and all the waiting was worth it <3
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Everyone knew that the moment Jisung pulled on his hood and picked up his phone, his social battery was below zero. Unfortunately, at the moment he had no hood to hide from the rest of the world, and his anxiety told him that unlocking his phone screen for anything other than taking pictures would make him look terrible. He was wearing a custom-made black Balmain suit that felt soft against his skin, he was surrounded by strangers who were surely more famous than he would ever be, and there were hundreds of cameras pointed at him, waiting for his reaction to every outfit on the catwalk he'd been invited to.
Well, at least he wasn't alone. He had his manager, Jaehyun ーalso known as his older brotherー, sitting right behind him, Felix chatting quietly with another guest three seats to his right, and he knew that their leader was somewhere in all the chaos, also displaying an extroversion that overwhelmed Jisung. He couldn't understand, no matter how many years he had been witnessing it, how the two Australians in his Kpop group could strike up a conversation with anyone outside of them with such ease. And it wasn't even that he envied them for that ability, he just stared at them in horror and prayed that the panic wouldn't show on his face. But he had travelled all the way from Seoul to Madrid just for this, so he had to leave a good impression.
Stray Kids was starting to grow in fame, even if he wasn't really aware of the magnitude, and apart from music, his company wanted to explore other fronts. They were going to shoot a sort of short film by the end of summer, with one of the songs from their second comeback in the year as the soundtrack, and in addition to advertising, they had been considering the world of fashion for some time. The Louis Vuitton brand had snatched up his sunshine twin almost instantly, showering him in French clothes and affection, just as Versace had done with Hyunjin. It seemed that Fendi wanted to see how Bangchan's image would look in their campaigns, and it was rumoured that they wanted to make them international ambassadors.
He was grateful that Balmain had chosen him, of all the idols in the industry, to represent them in this collaborative event between Balenciaga and Zara for the winter campaign. He knew it had been an amazing opportunity for the group, and for him as an artist, but he hadn't been given the option to refuse, and perhaps it was that lack of choice that was making his perspective on the situation so negative. He was almost thirteen hours away from his family, his boyfriend, the rest of his band, in a place he knew nothing about, and every second he allowed himself to think about it, his heart pounded faster against his chest.
‘First time?’ whispered someone to his left, causing him to startle.
Jisung narrowed his eyes, focusing his gaze on the girl he had greeted nervously as he had sat next to her, in the seat assigned to his name. Her locks were slicked back and parted in the middle, all defined lines and gleaming aura, though the rest of her long hair fell down her back in a smooth cascade of chocolate-coloured strands, and her gaze was fixed on him, expectant, as if she couldn't help but let the almond shape of her eyes acquire that sharp edge. He merely nodded, smiling the closest thing to a gentle grin, his curved lips making hers reflect a more enthusiastic copy.
‘Me too!’ her shoulders twitched as he heard her poorly masked giggle, and for a moment he feared that the people around them were going to tell them off because of the easy, melodic way the laughter left her glossy lips. It was evident that she was a girl who caught attention without even being aware of it.
And then he realised that they were both speaking Korean. He frowned, because he knew that most of the people in the audience were Spanish ーand she certainly seemed to be, with her tanned skin and foreign accentー but the level was pretty good. He turned slightly towards her, knowing that they had been photographed together already, and approached her, leaving a respectful distance between them, clearing his throat.
‘Are you from here?’
‘More or less,’ she replied, leaning towards him, as if she were telling him a secret. ‘I'm from Spain, and I live here, but I'm from a town to the south, down at the bottom of the map.’
‘Oh,’ he murmured, his mind blank.
‘From your reaction, it's as if I've spoken to you in a completely different language’ she giggled.
‘The truth is, it's my first time in Spain,’ he told her, smiling more confidently, as if making small talk with that nice girl distracted him from the rest. ‘It's been from the airport to the hotel, from the hotel here and not much more.’
‘I can imagine,’ she whispered, nodding. ‘When I arrived in Madrid I felt the same way, but it's a city that has its charm. I got to know it through my uni friends, who taught me a bit about it. If you want, I can give you a tour.’
Jisung opened his eyes wide in surprise and gave a quick glance at his manager, in case he had overheard them. Maybe he'd gone too far in talking to a stranger, he had to find a polite way to turn down her offer without making her feel bad, and he had to do it fast, because staring at her with that look on his face wasn't a good idea.
‘Huh... The truth is... Well, I…’
‘Hey, it wasn't obligatory to accept the offer’ she soothed him, resting a hand on his arm gently, ready to remove it if it made him uncomfortable. ‘My best friend always tells me I have no filter, which is hypocritical because she acts the same way, but I'm sorry if it was too much. Do you want us to introduce ourselves first?’
He saw her smile as he nodded slowly, his heart still trying to escape from his chest, feeling the warm palm of her hand through the expensive black suit. But it was all right, wasn't it? She was a nice girl, who had a clear problem with trust ーof depositing it in total strangers, that isー but who apparently had no bad intentions whatsoever. And he was in a room full of people anyway. Nothing could go wrong.
‘My name is Abril’ she said, bowing his head slightly, ‘I studied at EID, the European Institute of Design, I have a little silly vlog acc on You Tube and I really like make-up and Paris.’
‘I'm Jisung’ he replied, mimicking the bow. ‘Han Jisung, and I'm an idol, and... well, huh…’
‘Nonono, you're doing it wrong,’ she corrected him, denying firmly. ‘I know you're an idol and what brand you're representing. That's usually known to anyone who's been slightly informed. Introduce yourself for real, like I have.’
‘Like you?’
‘Mm-hm,’ she made eye contact with him, and indicated the beginning of the sentence. ‘You're Jisung, you come from…’
‘Oh, yeah,’ he nodded, already more enthusiastically, understanding where she was going. ‘I'm Jisung, I live in Seoul and I'm a Kpop producer and singer. I like music a lot, anime, and watching documentaries.’
‘See, a fantastic presentation,’ she said, clapping quietly, but with a big smile on her face. ‘So it's your first time on a modelling catwalk.’
‘And yours,’ he replied, unable to bite his tongue. ‘Can I ask you a question?’
‘Of course’ Jisung realised that they were fully turned towards each other, and that with how focused he was on the conversation he had stopped stressing over the myriad of thoughts that anxiety was sneaking into his mind.
‘If you're from here how come you speak Korean so well?’ his frown was furrowed, lips forming an adorable pout, and she found it endearing because it was the same gesture her best friend used when she didn't understand something.
‘I like to listen to Korean music,’ she replied, hoping she didn't scare him off, ‘occasionally’.
‘So you know who I am?’ he asked, his leg starting to move up and down.
‘I know what group you belong to,’ April said, her smile taking on a relaxed, casual gesture. ‘And I know you're not the boy with the foxy eyes, or the one with the freckles, which are the most recognisable.’
‘Oh,’ Jisung murmured, exhaling a relieved sigh that he didn't know he was holding back. ‘Jeongin and Felix.’
‘Yes, that was it’ he heard her crystalline laughter again, ’I saw him around earlier, he came looking very handsome.’
‘Louis Vuitton is doing an awesome job with him, and they're very nice and attentive’ he explained, cracking a smile at the thought of his best friend. ‘He's been very welcomed, and our fans love it.’
‘No wonder,’ April replied, nodding, ’Louis Vuitton has a very good reputation.’
There was a pause, and Jisung looked away from the Spanish girl, suddenly self conscious. She knew who he was, not because she was a fan but because she had studied the guests at the event, but he didn't know her at all and it was starting to become less of a problem to talk to her and more a reason to feel bad. He wasn't good at starting a conversation, and he doubted that in a situation like that asking her about her favourite colour was the best approach.
He opened his mouth, determined to ignore the anxiety bubbling in his chest, but let all the air in his lungs escape as soon as the lights dimmed. His manager tapped him gently on the shoulder, alerting him that this was the first sign that the catwalk was about to begin, and the insufferable twitch of his knee going up and down uncontrollably became present as soon as the murmur in the room died down.
He had barely had time to talk to the girl, Abril, and just when it seemed he was finally able to make a friend of his own, he was interrupted. He wasn't even able to concentrate on the introduction to the event, on what songs were playing as the first models came out. All he could think about was how sweet she had been to him, and how unresponsive he had been in return, even the impression he must have made on her, and all the phrases he would have said if he could go back in time.
But then he felt April's soft hair brush against his arm, her bright eyes still following one of the girls around the stage as she whispered excitedly about how much she loved that specific outfit. And somehow, all the voices in Jisung's head quieted down a bit. He cleared his throat, as if he could reset the reaction he'd had, and tried to locate the model she was talking about, offering his opinion on the jumper she was wearing.
It didn't take long for them to start gossiping, choosing a classic one-to-ten point system to evaluate the clothes, whispering numbers to each other between models, slyly pointing at them to discuss outfits. Jisung had a good time. He didn't feel judged when April made him giggle and his laughter sounded slightly louder than it should, and he didn't worry about the image he was giving, even when Felix gave him a look full of affection when he saw that anxiety hadn't crept up his chest until it choked him.
Even as the catwalk came to an end, and the CEOs of each fashion brand came out to greet the audience, Jisung was still glued to the girl, clapping but exchanging murmurs, and asked her to accompany him outside, to the small terrace hidden from the eyes of the people and Stays on the street, to say goodbye. Or meet Chan and Felix, whichever made her feel more comfortable.
‘Actually, I have to take a taxi home,’ said the brunette, clutching her small bag with both hands. ‘I have to get there before the pizza delivery guy.’
Abril's laughter at the joke Jisung hadn't understood hung in the air, the Korean's face turning somewhat serious. After nearly two hours with her, maybe letting her leave so quickly didn't sound so good to him.
‘Maybe we can drop you off at home,’ he proposed, forgetting to glance at his manager to confirm that he could do that.
‘No way, don't worry,’ she replied, resting a hand on his arm. Her smile was genuine, and Jisung wondered if she really didn't care if she had to pay for the taxi or if she was just saying that to avoid compromising him. ‘It's right here... huh, well, near here. And my friends are waiting for me.’
Jisung looked at her, letting her know with a raised eyebrow that precisely because it was nearby, even if it wasn't, it was no problem for them to drop her off.
‘If your fans see me get into your car, my public career is over,' she added, this time with a compelling reason.
Jisung deflated, knowing she was right, and gave her an apologetic smile. Maybe in Spain the fans weren't as controlling as in other countries, but there were freaks everywhere, and a photo taken out of context could ruin her life and force him into hiatus.
‘Anyway,’ Abril continued, averting her gaze, but letting him notice the mischievous glare that didn't promise anything good, ‘if you're going to stay longer in Madrid, the tour offer still stands. Signing whatever NDAs it takes to make you feel safer, just as a friend showing you around town.’
‘For real?’ 
Jisung saw that as possible. It wasn't the first time they had attended events in other countries and seized the oppotunity to visit the city or go out with friends. It wouldn't be anything they hadn't done before. Even his company could run Abril's digital footprint if they didn't trust her. The city looked very nice, and he knew he wouldn't be bored with her. He could even invite Chan and Felix and introduce them.
‘Tomorrow is the birthday of two of my best friends,’ Abril explained, making calculations with one finger, counting days in the air. ‘We're going to Warner's, which is an amusement park very close by. I know Lucas won't mind if a few extra friends join us. And then I think we're going to Murcia for a couple of days, but you can join us. We're good people, I promise.’
And he knew she wasn't lying. A soul as pure as hers could only get along with people just as fantastic. The plan sounded good, and even if his managers wouldn't allow him to travel with strangers, they couldn't deny them a visit to an amusement park, so he was going to be able to see her the next day. That was enough for him.
‘I'll have to consult about the trip,’ he announced, taking a breath of air to pretend he didn't feel guilty about making decisions without the input of his hyung and his sunshine twin.
‘Mm-hm,’ she murmured, nodding. It was fair, she understood that.
‘But I'll see you tomorrow at the Warner.’
‘Oh my God, that's fantastic!’ she exclaimed, tightening her grip on the young rapper's arm, her touch warm in the Spanish capital's night breeze. ‘If you need anything, text me on Instagram!’
Before he could react, the girl threw her arm around his shoulders, pressing him against her body in a light embrace, and hurriedly said goodbye, unlocking her phone screen to check the time and blurting out a string of what sounded like really aggressive insults in Spanish. Jisung believed that Spaniards dined very late if they pretended to have pizza at eleven o'clock at night, but he himself usually made himself ramen if he got home past midnight from the studio, so he couldn't say anything about it.
He saw her white lace dress flutter behind her as she walked down the stairs to the main entrance and disappeared into the crowd, but he heard a loud whistle followed by an unmistakable ‘Taxi!’ in a strong, musical Spanish accent, so he assumed she would have gotten a ride the first try.
He turned towards the inside of the building, looking for Felix's unmistakable blond hair, which would be the easiest to spot in the midst of the people, and waited in his corner for his friend to get lost in the area Jisung was in. The staff would wait for all the guests to leave the venue before starting to collect chairs and decorations, but a few people with the organisers' branded clothing and name badges were already guiding the stragglers to the entrance.
Jisung felt that it would be an opportune moment to pull out his phone, and at least try to contact Chan or his brother to let them know where he was. After giving a couple of rather competent directions, it was Jaehyun who succeeded in reaching him, and Felix who greeted him with a pat on the shoulder and his eyebrows going up and down suggestively.
‘That's a rather childish reaction when you consider I'm a taken man,’ he commented, before the blond could say anything.
‘That wasn't why,’ he protested in response, the high-pitched whine catching in his throat. ‘But you could share her number around the group or something, in case anyone's interested.’
Felix laughed at his own words, as if he had told a joke, and Jisung rolled his eyes playfully. He shook his head, giving Felix up as impossible and turned to his leader when he called his name.
‘Did she know us?"
‘She's a Kpop fan, but not Stay,’ he explained, getting defensive. If they had been the ones sitting next to Abril, they probably would have introduced her by now and been close friends. ‘I wish you guys had met her, she has that responsible little girl aura in her.’’
He saw Felix frown, but ignored it. He thought it was a fairly apt description, but it was true that it was a little strange if you hadn't interacted with her. It reminded him a little of the way the blond himself lit up the room he was in, and made you feel special when he gave you his undivided attention. But he couldn't ramble on about what description to use for his new friend. He had more important things to think about.
His priority was to figure out how to introduce the subject of meeting up the next day without causing rejection out of mistrust. Because he knew that no matter how much he could inspire Felix's enthusiasm, the final say would rest with Chan and Jaehyun, his manager, who were directly responsible for him, especially overseas. And while Jae answered directly to Division 1 (and sometimes their mother), Chan would primarily look out for his safety. And Jisung had to admit that it didn't look very safe.
‘Jae hyung, do we have plans for the next few days?’
‘A scheduled visit tomorrow to the Bernabéu stadium for Chan,’ he said, trying to recall the trip schedule from memory. ‘But nothing else. Do you want to add anything?’
‘Can we go in the afternoon to the Warner?’ continued Jisung, waiting for that pause when the question would sink into their heads before they asked what that was.
But they didn't have to. Felix grabbed his arm, his eyes wide with excitement looking up at him, as full of excitement as Abril's had been when he'd told her they'd see each other tomorrow. He knew Felix wouldn't let him down ーwhat had surprised him was how quickly he had reacted.
‘What is...’ began Chan.
‘Do I  want to know what Warner's is?’ interrupted Jaehyun, crossing his arms.
‘It's the amusement park in Madrid!’ exclaimed Felix, doing all the work for him. ‘Can we go? Please, please, please?’
Chan narrowed his eyes, recognising Jisung's gesture of faux innocence, but decided to keep quiet, leaving the decision in the manager's hands. For a few moments the four of them were silent, and Jisung could count his heartbeats in the time it took Jaehyun to contrast pros and cons. Felix had his eyes closed and his fingers crossed, and at the sight of that the manager could only exhale a defeated sigh.
‘I'll take care of getting the tickets,’ he murmured, hiding a smile at the excitement of the younger ones.
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Unable to sit still, Jisung fidgeted once more in the seat of the tinted-window car he felt he had been in all day. It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and although Seoul would soon start to cool down, Madrid was still at a temperature he wasn't used to. It was very hot, and having to wear a mask and a hat to avoid being recognised only made his long-sleeved clothes more uncomfortable. He was looking forward to getting to the amusement park, but sometimes his only wish was to get to the hotel and take a cold shower.
The night before, he had made a video call with Minho, telling him everything he had experienced, from the tense moments to the sweetness of the lovely April. He had listened for quite a while until Jisung realised he had no idea what time it was in Seoul, and when the dancer told him not to worry, that it was worth listening to him talk about his day, Jisung hung up on him, because he knew Minho would answer a call from him even if he was very busy. He believed there were limits.
For example, when he found out that it turned out that eleven o'clock at night in Spain was six o'clock in the morning in Korea, and he was almost certain that he had woken Minho up.
But he hadn't been able to sleep, too excited about what would happen the next day. He had been up late watching videos on YouTube, and by the time he realised he could look up Abril's account it was already one o'clock in the morning. The long plane flight had messed up his sleep schedule, and he didn't really feel tired, so he started watching his new friend's latest vlogs.
He browsed through the covers of all the videos, guided by the images, as the titles were of no use to him ーhe didn't understand them at allー and ended up watching one from the previous week, which featured the logo of his band. As it started, an upbeat tune began to play while the intro was shown: figures of celebrities with the effect of being cut out of paper appearing and disappearing against a light background, and then the same words he had seen as the title. With one difference, however, the small addition of the name of the event he had gone to earlier that same afternoon.
And then April appeared, this time with her hair in a bun, though just as tight, and began to speak. It took Jisung about forty seconds to realise that he didn't understand a word she was saying. He snorted, suppressing a smile, and stopped the video, praying that there would be Korean among the subtitle options. As he searched for it, he found himself thinking that this was probably what all the international Stays were suffering from with their group's content. He should talk to Division 1 to make sure there was a variety of language options before uploading their videos.
When he pressed play, Jisung understood what the Spaniard had meant when she said she had researched which celebrities would represent which brands. The video was basically about that. She had a roulette wheel with the main fashion brands, all invited by the organisers, and throughout the twenty minutes of her explanation he talked about what the event was going to be like, and who she would meet once inside. At the mention of Prada, Valentino and Gucci, Jisung remembered seeing the people Abril was talking about. But the minutes passed quickly, enchanted by her voice, until he realised that she had left Fendi, Louis Vuitton and Balmain for last.
’The new addition to Europe is the three members of Stray Kids coming to Madrid,’ he had heard her say, as the group photos they had taken for Maxident appeared on his screen. ‘It's rare for a Kpop group to show so much interest into send so many of their members to fashion events, but we're thrilled to welcome them.’
Abril had given a short summary of how the Korean music industry worked for those who had no idea, and then had objectively detailed what role each had in the group and which brand had invited them. Jisung had liked the professional and open way she had introduced them, and once again he understood why he had felt so comfortable with her. She made you feel welcome, listened to. She made you understand without making you feel dumb. With one warm look you knew you could trust her.
So he had told Minho, before he noticed he was falling asleep again.
But at that moment, in the car, after a busy morning in which he'd been late for his gym session with Chan and then they'd walked around the city before visiting the stadium of his hyung's favourite football team, it was too hot. He rolled up the sleeves of the oversized jacket he'd bought before the trip once more and turned to Felix, leaning his head against the backrest with a huff. The blond, who had his phone in his hands as he played some Genshin, made an acknowledging noise, leaning against Jisung.
’We're getting close, Ji,‘ his manager said from the passenger seat, picking up on his uneasiness.
He didn't reply, too abstracted to notice that Jaehyun couldn't see him nod. He fiddled with his own phone, removing and replacing one of the corners of the case, deciding if it was a good idea to text Abril. He didn't have an individual Instagram account, even though more than half the members were considering creating one, and he didn't know if they'd let him use the group one for something like this. He hadn't discussed it with anyone, that he wanted to meet the girl at the Warner, and not knowing if it would look bad to his friends made him think too much in his head.
He wasn't even listening to the distracted answers Felix was giving Chan, when the older boy asked him about what kind of attractions they would find, which ones he was most excited about. He went into the Instagram app he had almost unused, then turned off the screen. He looked for Abril's username, which he had memorised from her Youtube videos, then turned off the screen. When he turned it back on, the search box had gone blank, so he had to type it in again. But when he finally had her account in his hands, he had to turn it off again. He wanted to contact her, but somehow it felt wrong.
And then he noticed Felix giving him playfully with his head on the shoulder, as if he didn't have to curl up slightly to do it, as if he were a kitten, and heard him say ‘Do it.’
He didn't even notice the way his own heart stopped, thinking he'd been caught committing a crime. He glanced at Felix fleetingly, his wide eyes colliding with his best friend's soft gaze, and snuck into the Spaniard's private messages, hoping his coy ‘Just arrived at Warner's, where are you? Jisung’ along with the blue symbol next to @ realstraykids indicating his authenticity would get Abril to see it as soon as possible. And then he took refuge in Felix's embrace, the two of them entwined like the hands of two lovers, answering Chan's questions with renewed energy.
Jaehyun escorted them to the entrance of the huge amusement park, letting them wander along the cobblestone paths once he displayed the tickets he had gotten the day before online, and Jisung tried to calm himself, not to look at his phone, to enjoy a moment with his friends. He let Felix, to whom he was glued by their linked arms, guide them to the first attraction, which had a short queue. Chan began to ramble on about the memories the pictures in the place brought back, and Jisung took a breath of air as he took in every person who passed him.
By the time Felix got his attention, Jisung had already had a heart attack for every straight-haired brunette girl he'd seen, and the touch of his best friend's hand in his arm brought him back to reality, to the spinning mugs with Scooby Doo decorations, and to his leader's terrible jokes about how it was a betrayal to be there without his own Mistery Inc. gang's dog, Seungmin. He closed his eyes to relax a little before the ride got started, and then had to hold on to Felix and his manager, looking for support that he could only find on the edge of the giant cup they'd been stuffed into as it began to spin.
It was fun, he thought. And then he let out a shaky laugh, hearing Felix's excited shout to his left, followed by one from Chan in front of him, and stopped thinking. He didn't need to. Not as long as he could rest his mind and fill his memory with moments like this.
And for a while it worked, leaving Scooby Doo's Tea Party Mystery and heading straight for the bumper cars themed on the Joker movie. The park was huge, and what was most striking was the continuity with which people were screaming. It was all conversation and laughter and screaming all around him, until he realised that he too was laughing with his friends, and talking. And he'd be screaming too, he thought to himself, when Felix pointed out all the roller coasters surrounding the hotels and the smaller attractions. The blond was going to want to go on one, probably the one that looked the most dangerous, as soon as they let him, even if he ended up passing out.
And Chan was going to let him go on one, even if it made Felix so dizzy, because it made him happy. He'd say it would be better if he could ride along with him, and that would leave Jisung alone, because Jaehyun refused to participate in crazy ideas like that. 
So after leaving with sore knees, but with his adrenaline pumping, he had resigned himself to it. They used the map they had been given at the entrance to get to the queue for the Stunt Fall, the star of the park, and after fifteen minutes of pent-up nerves, they found themselves first in line at the entrance to the roller coaster. Chan went first, Felix behind him, following the directions in English from the staff, and Jisung waited for them to come back for him.
‘Are you here alone?’ the boy asked him, in a rough accent.
Jisung nodded, his throat suddenly dry, and he began to regret it as he saw that he was being taken to the opposite area where Felix and Chan had been placed. But he said nothing. It wasn't worth it. He didn't feel able to formulate a sound, anyway. His vocal cords were as tense as the muscles in his shoulders, and if the girl in the seat next to him noticed as the staff secured the harness to his body and the belt to his lap, she said nothing too. Jisung closed his eyes and tried to swallow, highly attentive to the remaining people before the attraction was full and they could begin.
‘First time?’ he heard from behind him, as he watched the same staff member lead the couple who had waited behind his friends and him to a spot further down the queue of seats.
‘First time?’ the girl repeated, this time in English. Jisung turned to his left all too quickly, utterly convinced he was experiencing a déjà vu. This time he didn't need to squint his eyes to focus in the dark, but to make sure that the girl he had failed to greet nervously as he sat down wasn't Abril. She didn't really look anything like her, her skin slightly paler and her hair chaotically curly and much darker, but she was the owner of a similar smile. Wide, kind, luminous.
Jisung nodded again, too overwhelmed to do anything else.
‘Not mine,’ she said, as if it were a matter of pride. ‘Whenever I can I come with my friends. It's pretty awesome, but you don't have to be afraid of safety. Nothing's going to happen to you, I promise.’
‘Huh..., thanks.’ he muttered, taking another breath of air.
‘Do you want me to distract you for a bit?’ the girl asked, tilting her head to the side, her hands clasped in the harness, ’Or would you rather I leave you alone?’
Jisung was grateful to be able to choose. It gave his brain the feeling of being in control over something, even if before she finished uttering the second question he was already ready to say yes to the first. He would give anything to pretend he wasn't about to die.
‘A..., a distraction wouldn't be bad, actually,’ he managed to whisper, his words achieving to soften his travelling companion's sharp gaze.
‘Mm-hm, I'll tell you things then,’ she warned him, as if Jisung could back out at any moment. ‘You can interrupt me at any time, or tell me things yourself if you like. Did you come alone?’
‘No,’ he replied, glad to be able to focus on something other than the way the harness was digging into his skin. ‘I came with two friends, but we got separated.’
‘Oh, you didn't see the sign.’ she sighed, frowning as if the information really hurt.
‘What sign?’
‘We didn't see it the first time we came either,’ the girl recounted. ‘While you're queuing to get on, there's a sign that says if you don't have a partner to share seats with, they'll put you with someone who doesn't have one either. That's why they put you with me.’
‘You came alone?’ asked Jisung.
‘Nope,’ she said, smiling. ’I also came with my friends. But there are five of us. One gets dizzy so she goes with the one who doesn't have phobia to highs. And of the other three, last time Lucas went alone, so this time it was my turn. My name is Noa, by the way.’
‘Jisung.’ he spoke, more cheerful. ‘The same thing happened to me. Felix gets dizzy, so he can't go alone. And I wouldn't be much help either.’
‘It's all right, Jisung,’ said Noa, savouring every syllable of his name, ‘you can be helpful to me. Sometimes I need to squeeze someone's hand when the curves are too pronounced. If you need it too, we can make a deal.’
It sounded good. He knew she would gain nothing and that she was proposing it because he was probably so pale he looked sick. It was him who needed to be able to anchor himself to someone so he wouldn't get too overwhelmed, or dizzy, or faint, like Felix. Noa was already being helpful herself, and he would be eternally grateful - it was either trust her or ask the boring boy from before to get him out of there and let him put his feet on solid ground. For a moment he even wondered if she was so kind to all the rookies they put next to her when she went alone, or if he had been an exception.
‘I'd like to make the deal,’ he confided, putting his hand in front of them.
She took it, and Jisung's breathe hitched, feeling Noa's soft palm against his. ‘I promise to hold your hand very tightly and let you know what's going to happen so you won't be caught by surprise.’
‘I promise not to let go of your hand, and to hold it a lot tighter in response,’ he said, finally smiling, letting the air that had caught in his throat come out shakily.
They did not separate their hands once the deal was done. Instead, Noa rested them in her lap, humming whatever song was on her mind, giving Jisung a chance to observe her. She was tan, not as dark as April, but a caramel shade that made the light freckles on her cheeks blend in with the wrinkles that formed in her eyes when she smiled. Her hair was in a high ponytail, but the curls spilled over her bare shoulders like cascades of coffee. The top she wore was red, flashy, with a straight across neckline that clung to her chest, crossed by a black belt pouch.
He let his gaze wander until Noa's voice brought him back to reality, ‘There's a minute left, maybe you should put your hat away, so it doesn't fly off.’
Jisung hadn't thought of that. The clothes he was wearing were loose, just the way he liked them, and he hadn't brought a backpack. All his belongings were with Jaehyun, as were Felix's and Chan's, so he didn't know where he could leave it. Noa probably saw the doubt in his eyes, because with her free hand she reached up to his head, murmuring a quiet ‘May I?’ and waiting for a nod before taking it. Jisung watched her fold it in half and tuck it as best she could behind her back, shoving it between her skin and the secure grip of her bra. His cheeks flushed red when he noticed, but he said nothing, letting her settle back in.
She flashed him a smile and he grinned back, leaning back against the seat, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He felt Noa's hand give him a friendly squeeze, and even though fear was beginning to build in his chest, nerves rising in his throat, vertigo clouding his mind, he was able to return the squeeze, stroking the back of Noa's hand with his thumb.
And when the ride started, Jisung began to scream.
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Once they returned to their point of origin, silence fell. It lasted only a few seconds before trembling sighs and adrenaline-fuelled screams began to sound, reactions that gradually ranged from euphoria to relief. Jisung would consider himself in the latter group, his heart pumping blood at full speed, if he wasn't too busy trying to figure out if all his limbs were still part of his body. His chest was rising and falling in hurried movements that looked too much like terrified hyperventilation, and he was still holding Noa's hand as if his life depended on it.
She belonged to the first group, however. She was a little dishevelled, taking big breaths of air, but her eyes shone with the intensity of someone who had just experienced a great adventure. Jisung wanted to memorise that vision, but he felt a tingling on his skin that made him uncomfortable, so he tried to close his eyes and think of something else. The worst part was over. He should have informed himself before going up, because he certainly wouldn't have set foot on the Stunt Fall if he knew it had a free-fall section of at least fifty metres, but at least he'd been lucky enough to get the ride with Noa.
While he had been screaming, yelling out phrases in Korean and English, thinking that his heart was going to burst out of his chest at any moment and that he was making a fool of himself in front of a beautiful girl, Noa had warned him that the worst moment was coming, and to close his eyes tightly. He had reacted two seconds too late, and by the time he saw the void opening up before him, even though he had curled up in his seat, his imagination had done the rest. It felt like the longest moment of his life, and he couldn't even recover before the ride played another trick on him with a section where the seats spun on their axis and he ended up upside down.
He didn't know whether he wanted to curse Felix for his love of roller coasters, or Abril for mentioning Warner.
He had to check if she had replied to his message. The reminder of Abril's presence at the park hit him like a bucket of cold water, knowing he'd left his phone in his brother's hands and would probably murder him if he found out, and he tried to get up, not realising he was still strapped into the seat by the harness. The restraint caused him to become even more distressed, his hand still numb but gripping Noa's tightly, and he gave her a frightened look.
Noa realised immediately what was happening, and slid her hand from his gently, holding it by the back to leave a quick caress. She removed the safety bar that had allowed them to hold on to something during the trip, and undid her harness before jumping down to the solid ground and starting to undo Jisung's. She removed buckles and loops quickly with the speed of someone who knows how they work, taking Jisung by the arm and escorting him to one of the less crowded corridors nearby. Jisung let himself be guided, his gaze blurring and his chest constricting his lungs, preventing him from breathing normally.
Jisung was losing control of the situation, and being aware of it made him feel even more overwhelmed. The heat wasn't helping, and even though the shirt he was wearing was quite thin, because he could feel Noa's hand on his arm, it clung to his skin with sweat. His legs were shaking, though whether it was his anxiety or the effect of the roller coaster, he didn't know, and he was shivering. The high temperature of the park, with all the people everywhere, seemed to grow by the minute, and Jisung thought it was very likely that he would pass out right there and never be able to return to Korea. No one would find him, no one would come looking for him.
‘Hey, Sung,’ Noa murmured, rubbing his arms, ’can I call you Sung, mm?’
Jisung nodded, eyes closed tightly, concentrating on his breathing. It seemed silly to him that he was having this reaction once it was all over and not when he had no idea what the journey might be like. It didn't make sense. And he knew that focusing on how pathetic he felt wouldn't help this attack to end quickly, but he couldn't help it. All the tricks he knew would disappear, his mind a blank, when anxiety began to bubble up in his chest and he wasn't in the comfort of his room, or with one of his members.
‘Listen, you're doing great, okay?’ he heard again, and tried to focus his gaze on her eyes, trying to distinguish where the brown started and the green ended, losing himself in the depths of her pupils, ’but I'm going to need you to breathe with me, yeah? Do you think you can do that?’
Jisung processed her words, frowning at the insistent dizziness he felt swirling in his temples, nodding again. He could do it, he wasn't losing his mind. He had to do it so he could apologise properly. A girl like Noa didn't deserve to have someone like him spoil a nice May afternoon with her friends. So he pretended that the shiver that crept over his skin had been from anxiety and not from her when he felt Noa's hand slide down to rest on his chest.
He also chose to ignore the way Noa touched him, all gentleness and decency, giving him the sweetest of looks, as if she'd done that routine many times before. Anyone with anxiety who had someone to lean on at times like that was very lucky, but having Noa was a gift. She didn't make you feel like a burden, instead she distracted you enough to make you think it was a team effort. That was why his breath caught in his throat when he felt one of Noa's fingers brush against the skin of his chest, unintentionally slipping through the hole between two buttons.
She seemed not to notice, too busy ensuring his well-being, and continued with her rehearsed choreography. She took the hand that hadn't been abused by the trip, grasping him gently by the wrist, and rested it on her own chest, slowly raising it with a breath, urging him to do the same. Jisung closed his eyes, feeling more clearly how smooth the skin of her collarbone was, soft and delicate under his guitarist's fingertips, and forced himself to mimic the calm rise and fall of her chest. 
No words were exchanged, none were needed, until Jisung felt sane enough to look at her again. They were only inches apart, arms locked and intertwined, her hands in his, and though he could only hear his heartbeat thudding in his ears, he felt her own mirroing his quick race beneath his fingers.
Noa had beautiful eyes. Not only that, but the smile she offered hid an accomplice that made you want to follow her wherever she wanted to take you, and for a moment, Jisung wanted to. But he couldn't. He was trapped, between the wall and her hands, between the wall and her gaze, and he didn't want to run away. Every second he spent memorising all the intermingled shades of mahogany and forest green in her irises, and when he realised that he hadn't once taken his eyes off hers, he was shocked. Jisung was incapable of holding eye contact for more than a few seconds with anyone.
‘That's my girl, now kiss him!’
The spell broke as soon as Noa processed those words in Spanish, and Jisung's body moved a little closer to hers as she pulled away slightly.
‘He was having a panic attack, you moron,' she whispered, her low, strong tone contrasting with the gentleness of her hands against his skin.
Then Jisung snapped back to reality, his chest rising and falling more calmly, and he located the boy who had spoken. He had been cracking a rascally smile until he had heard the word panic - which was not so different in Spanish than it was in English, Jisung had been able to understand - and now he was approaching with a concerned gesture towards them.
‘Do you need ice? Do you want us to find you somewhere cooler?’ he asked, still in the language he didn't understand, dividing his attention between Noa and Jisung.
‘Use English, please,’ she asked him, leaving warm caresses on the back of Jisung's hands absently, ’he's a foreigner and it's not polite to gossip without him knowing what we're saying.’
Then she turned to him, giving him her full attention again, and said, ‘Remember I mentioned my friends earlier?’
Jisung nodded, remembering every word he had exchanged with Noa.
‘This is Lucas,’ Jisung turned to the boy, who had left a safe distance between them, waiting for instructions from the girl. His hair was disheveled, as if he'd just taken a nap, and all chestnut brown except for an unruly blond highlight in his fringes. ‘Her twin sister is the girl who gets dizzy that I told you about. She also has anxiety, so he asks if you need ice or a cooler place.’
‘Huh, thanks, Lucas..., Noa,’ Jisung's gaze flickered between one and the other, suddenly nervous. He wasn't used to that kind of attention, it made him uncomfortable to a certain extent. ‘I'm better now.’
‘Oh,’ Noa murmured, taking a step back and pulling her arms away from him. Jisung wanted to follow them, to place them back on his body, to keep feeling her touch on him. He repressed it. ‘Of course.’
‘I'm grateful, really,’ he repeated, as if that wasn't enough. Noa's gaze had flashed with pain at his rejection, and Jisung had hated it. ‘But I should go, my friends...’
‘Right, of course,’ she repeated, taking a step backwards, towards Lucas, like two planets orbiting on the same axis. ‘I understand, they must be worried.’
‘I didn't mean to...’
‘Hey, we made a deal,’ she reminded him, forcing a smile onto her rosy lips, ‘we've already gotten off the Stunt. Glad I could be of help.’
The deal was to hold on tight to each other, Jisung thought. And now she was letting him go. That wasn't part of the deal.
‘We could always get the groups together...’ Lucas wanted to propose, resting a hand protectively on Noa's shoulder.
His heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name. Behind Noa and Lucas was Abril, smiling as if her life depended on it, also slightly dishevelled but with the same cheerful vibe that characterised her. She had stood halfway, having recognised his slim figure and his dyed ash-blonde hair, and Lucas had turned around quickly, frowning.
‘You two know this one?’ he'd said, receiving a smack from Noa for continuing to use Spanish, ‘Are you swapping me for him? On my own birthday?’
‘We're not, dummy,’ Abril said, and Jisung found it odd to hear her voice a softer tone, using English to communicate and not the Korean they had spoken in the previous evening. ‘This is the boy I told you about yesterday, Han Jisung.’
‘Ahh,’ pronounced Noa, placing him in her memories, ’the nice guy from Balmain. I hadn't actually caught the name, sorry.’
‘That's okay,’ he said, shrugging, processing that Noa and April knew each other. For a person who wasn't used to Korean culture, understanding how names worked or being able to remember one must have been difficult. For him, their Spanish names were.
‘I still don't get it,’ Lucas interrupted.
‘You were drunk yesterday,’ Abril reminded him, reaching their level and bowing her head slightly in respect. Jisung did the same. ‘You made a terrible joke, let me remember... Oh, jamón serrano. Ham in English. Ham, because of Han. He's one of the members of the group that Carla likes.’
‘Carla is another one of our friends, but she didn't come today,’ Noa informed him.
Lucas made an affirmative noise, indicating that he already remembered, and was about to make a comment about it, searching for the right English words, when another shout was heard from behind him. Again an acquaintance shouting his name. This time his brother. Jisung grimaced, and turned slowly, avoiding making eye contact with him, and turning directly into Felix and his hyung, who were trailing after Jae and relaxed as soon as they spotted him.
‘Hey, hey, hey, hey,’ Lucas exclaimed, stepping protectively between him and the other three, ’do you even know each other?’
Jisung paused for a moment, wondering to whom the question was addressed, but before he could explain who they were, or even gazing at Abril fro help, his brother stepped up to Lucas, facing him, and replied in slurred English, ‘I'd like to know if you know him at all, because he's obviously my little brother.
The tension could be cut with a knife, and Jisung shifted uncomfortably under the incredulous stares of Felix and Chan, who couldn't believe they had just witnessed their manager's words. Jaehyun never let his emotions, and especially anger, spill over into his actions. Never. But before Chan could jump in to try and sort out the misunderstanding, Abril and Noa burst out laughing behind Jisung's back.
‘Lucas, he looks an awful lot like Jisung,’ Noa said, stepping forward with her hands in the pockets of her baggy jeans, her face still holding an almost uncontrollable laughter.
‘It's actually kind of surprising that you didn't notice,’ April chipped in, tilting her head to the side, trying to stifle her smile behind Noa's shoulder.
Jisung saw Lucas blush, mumble an apology to Jae, who accepted it with a nod, and step back so that Jisung could approach his friends. The first to move closer when Jisung was near enough was his brother, putting his arm around his shoulders and asking him in Korean if he was okay. He explained that he hadn't been, but thanks to the girl he'd been sitting next to, he was feeling better now. Noa smiled at hearing her name, and Jisung found himself smiling back, adding that she had been the perfect rollercoaster companion.
‘I'm glad you had someone up there,’ Jaehyun stated, looking up at the ride, which had started up again, and feeling guilty for not getting on with his little brother. ‘Are you going to introduce us to the fashion girl and her friends?’
Jisung blinked, confused, thinking that Jae's next action as manager would be to say goodbye and send them back to the hotel, but he nodded and turned to the three Spaniards.
‘Guys, this is my brother and manager Han Jaehyun,’ he began, resting his hand on the one Jae had on his shoulder, ‘then there's Lee Felix,’ he continued, letting the blonde flash one of his brightest smiles, ‘and Bang Chan hyung, our leader.’ Then he turned to his friends, and prayed that he pronounced the Spanish names correctly. ‘Abril I met yesterday on the catwalk, because she was sitting next to me. Noa was the one who saved me just now, and made me survive Stunt Fall,’ he shared a smile with her and then paused, glancing at the third member of the trio, and finished the introduction, ‘and Lucas, huh, the friend who thinks I'm jam.’
‘Ham,’ he corrected him, ‘Yummy, Spanish ham.’
‘They're the ones on the albums Carla buys,’ Abril explained, turning to Noa and Lucas. ‘Stray Kids, the ones she had saved up for the concert in Madrid and couldn't go to because it was cancelled due to covid.’
Noa nodded, as if she already knew all that information, but Lucas was too busy staring at Chan.
‘Luc, that's creepy,’ Abril said to him. ‘Stop, please.’
Jisung saw Chan blush slightly at the Spaniard's attention, but he didn't say anything. He couldn't tell if he was uncomfortable or nervous, but he knew that Lucas's nonchalant nature was shocking him a little.
‘It's just that he rings a bell, but I can't place him,' he explained.
‘Oh, I know!’ exclaimed Noa. ‘It's from the Korean reggaeton music video! He's the one who plays the bodyguard!’
‘Korean reggaeton?’ asked Chan, confused.
‘Maknae on top’ replied Abril, and their leader raised her eyebrows in understanding. ‘Carla, our Stay friend, teaches them Kpop songs if they say things is Spanish or have a Latin beat.’
‘But Lucas recognises Chan because there was a time when you kept playing the video over and over,’ Noa informed, smiling half-sideways, waiting for Abril's poorly suppressed alarmed cry at being exposed.
‘I'm a Seventeen fan, shush,’ she confessed. ‘Besides, they sure don't like talking about this stuff.’
‘Oh, we like knowing that people enjoy our songs, don't worry,’ Felix said, smiling, enjoying the chaos. ‘I'm the one who says ‘Felix Navidad’ in a song called Christmas Evel.’
‘And your name is Felix,’ Lucas spoke, letting out a laugh, ’It’s genius, I love it.’
‘Jisung and Chan are the ones who compose and produce all their songs,’ Abril added.
‘And Changbin,’ Jisung added.
‘And Changbin,’ Abril repeated, apologising with a smile.
‘Oh my God, enough with the work talk,' Noa interrupted, stretching her arms and rotating her wrists, as if standing still for too long bothered her. ‘Do you want us to show you around? We can even go back to Madrid, if you want.’
The three of them looked at Jaehyun automatically, as if waiting for an answer, and he tried to keep a straight face, crumbling the moment Felix tugged at his shirt sleeve, taking advantage of the effect of his adorable pout. Jae shrugged, deflating like a balloon as he exhaled a tired sigh, and Chan put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
‘You know what the limits are,’ he said, in Korean, looking at Jisung, as if he were to blame for everyone's enthusiasm. ‘And that you don't know these people. They can be fans, they can be stalkers.’
‘Han-nim, if I may,’ Abril interrupted in her soft Korean voice, approaching slowly and timidly, as if she didn't want to get Jisung in trouble. ‘It's true that I'm a fan of your work and I know the Kpop world, but we're not sasaengs. I can give you my word, and speak on behalf of my friends, we simply want to leave a good impression of your first visit to Spain. If you don't trust me, I can show you the content I do on my social networks, and Noa's, even tell you what the rest of them are doing or documentation that certifies that everything I've said is true. Nothing proposed is with bad intentions, we just want to have a good time because Jisung is a wonderful person and I would like to share my time with him and let him meet my friends.’
Jaehyun stared at Abril for a good time, a battle of hard, unmoving brown gazes between the older brother and the Spaniard, who was also an older sister, and then held out his hand.
‘I'm going to need you to sign confidentiality contracts, but it works for me,’ he pronounced slowly, his chest warming at the joy gradually visible on Jisung's face. ‘You're a sincere and kind girl, I respect and admire that.’
‘Thank you very much,’ she replied, accepting the compliment with a bow.
Felix hugged Jisung, excited, but Jisung waited to see the way Noa's eyes lit up when Abril translated her and Lucas what she had just spoken to his brother in his own language. He liked Noa. He liked the way the corners of her eyes crinkled when she smiled, and the soft curve of her arms when she held them close to her body. He liked the tendency she had to rotate her knees and wrists from time to time, or the mischievous turn her smile took when you least expected it. And he liked knowing that there were still a lot of details about her to discover.
Lucas whistled, drawing everyone's attention, and said, ‘I'm guessing the manager's going to need three more NDAs.’
Jisung turned, and saw three more people approaching. He assumed they were more of Noa's friends, and she confirmed it as soon as she noticed Jisung's questioning glance at her. One of the girls was undoubtedly Lucas' twin, with blonde hair falling down her back and the same grin. The only boy, also blond, had tattooed arms, and was pacing a step behind them, lost in thought. The other girl, approaching with a phone in her hand, and the terrifying look of an angry mother, was a Latina in a pretty sundress. And she was the first to open her mouth.
‘Oh, you must be so full of yourselves!’ she exclaimed, in Spanish, not realising that there were more people with them. ‘Get off the Stunt, disappear and then give no sign of life! I don't know what you want the phone for! You always have it in your hand but you never use it when you actually have to use it!’
The blond boy at her back cleared his throat slyly, and the soft noise seemed to snap the angry Latina out of her mindset. She interrupted herself, almost swallowing all the words she had been about to blurt out, and looked up at Jisung, her gaze softening instantly and curving her lips in a welcoming gesture.
‘Sorry, I didn't see you.’
‘In English, Nea.’ pointed out Lucas, voice still, knowing when to goof off, picking his battles wisely.
‘Oh, in English then,’ she repeated, switching languages. ‘Sorry about the show. It's just that they disappeared and we couldn't find them.’
‘That's all right,’ Chan pronounced, before anyone could say anything.
‘Who... are you guys?’ she asked, and Jisung knew the mom attitude wasn't a facade, because all her friends seemed to gather around her like chicks chasing their mama duck.
‘Jisung,’ Noa began, ‘the boy Abril met yesterday, sat next to me in the Stunt because they were uneven. Chan and Felix, along with him, part of a Kpop group, and Jaehyun,’ she paused looking at Jisung's brother, waiting for his approval so she knew she had pronounced it right, ‘is his manager. And Sung's older brother.’
‘Oh,’ said the blonde girl, still sheltering next to her twin brother, ‘welcome to Spain.’
‘She is Isabel,’ introduced the Latina, stepping forward and indicating with her hand the names of the newcomers, 'my name is Atenea, and this is Miguel.’ The tattooed boy waved his fingers in greeting, then folded his arms and stood behind Atenea, as she clapped her hands in the air. ‘I'm sure you'll have time to memorise them all. Any friend of my girls is a friend of ours, and that means you are already part of the group. I assume you've invited them to show them around town, right?’
Noa nodded, and Atenea smiled softly at her.
‘I can take care of talking paperwork with the manager while you tell them about the twins' birthday plans, in case they want to join,’ she told Noa, and Jisung smiled when he saw her and Abril give each other a sneaky high-five. If their group dynamic was even the slightest bit like theirs, he knew his older brother and Chan would consider her an equal. She was the force keeping all her menaces in check.
‘I know a food stand that is perfect to grab something to get over the Stunt Fall impression,’ Lucas said, starting to walk, Abril after him, and waited for Noa and Jisung to follow. ‘Your friend Felix is still a little pale.’
Jisung smiled, knowing that his sunshine twin would appreciate a sweet drink to recover from the faint, and also the nice detail from the Spaniard. He took a quick glance back, checking that Chan had found a spot next to Atenea, and that Jae was trying to communicate with Miguel ーit seemed that neither of them knew much English. Felix, who was indeed still a bit pale, had approached Isabel, who had fallen a bit behind, and had just whispered, ‘Happy birthday.’
He could get used to it.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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ROGER CLARK as The Boss and EDDIE K. ROBINSON as The Birthday Boy in:
Happy Birthday to Me (2018) Written and Directed by Michael J.P. Reilly
Watch this film on Vimeo (link above)
(GIF Set: 4/5)
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5985
Jalsa, Mumbai July 7/July 8, 2024 Sun/Mon 12:45 am
🪔 ,
July 08 .. birthday greetings to Ef Abhishek from Delhi (Twitter handle: @Fittey_muh) .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
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जय जगन्नाथ 🚩
इस पावन रथ यात्रा की अनेक अनेक शुभकामनाएँ 🙏
Vivid dreams must have some meaning .. and having read some books and thoughts on it , have yet to reach any conclusion of how they happen and why .. and do they have any finality .. perhaps some Ef may have thoughts on it ..
Efforts on the improvement of the body and mind continue .. for they are the only important element in our existence ..
mind good , body good .. body good , mind good
Nerves are the intricacy of the body and millions of them exist within doing what they have been made for .. one element of theirs withers or gets upset , upsets the entire surroundings ..
Some electronic devices have been designed for the common person like me , to bring relief on its usage .. and it may be safe to say the devices did bring relief - momentarily ..
After all the intricacies of the human body have been designed by that eternal force of which there is scientific research on a continuous basis , and the results bring greater more to discover than to be discovered finally ..
The HOW and WHY still prevail .. and the search is perennial ..
But the search for the loving well wishers remains a constant .. and the fears expressed were overshadowed by the love of the people at the gate ..
my happiness and everlasting best wishes for them ever 🙏
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the outpouring is so emotional .. words fall short of expression on the presence of all that come to my humble home .. may all the goodness be within you all and may the grace of the Almighty ever be you ..
ईश्वर की कृपा, सदा बनी रहे आप सब पर, यही मेरी प्रार्थना 🙏
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ये प्यार मैं सदा अपने हृदय में रक्खूँगा , ये मेरी पूँजी है, इसे मैं सदा सम्भाल के अपने दिल में जगह दूँगा
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ॐ ओम नमः शिवाय
कितना कुछ सीखने को बाक़ी है ; आश्चर्य होता है जब हम और फ़िल्मों को देखते हैं, कितना सुंदर अभिनय, निर्देशन, सब ; मन करता है, मैं वहाँ होना चाहूँगा जहां इस तरह का काम होता है !!
The dexterity of the work done by film makers, the performances of the artists, the work on the Production and presentation, all so awe inspiring ..
Yes inspiring be the right form, for there is so much to imbibe .. creativity has an unending infinite value and life .. each day and hour is a learning graph .. to observe to search to inhabit the creation and be in mode of its representation .. ALL ..
NO .. there can never be any fulfillment .. or a full stop , semicolon or a comma .. creativity remains paragraph after paragraph -
Love and more love .. शुभ रात्रि 😴🌙
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अमिताभ बच्चन
Amitabh Bachchan
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nathsketch · 1 year
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It’s funny, Mulan has been one of my favorite animated films since forever and the first movie I ever watched on a movie theater (and the theme of my 1998 birthday party!), but I never really considered how much I really love this movie until a few weeks ago.
Ok, long story short! I fell down the rabbit hole, which started with kdramas, then I discovered the beauty of cdramas… and bam! I started studying Korean and Chinese as of three weeks ago 😀
I’m trying to manage everything and it’s a lot, but I promise not to leave you all for so long again! New art coming soon!
Meanwhile, have a little peek at one of my favorite leading ladies, even more special to me now because I’ll strive to finally understand her language after 25 years!
Happy June! 🌸
Find me here: Instagram | Website & Portfolio
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xoxokomorebixoxo · 15 days
Into the Madhouse (Yandere!Asylum!MHA x Intern!Reader)
I need everybody to know this wasn’t my fault. The blood that soaks the walls, the bodies stacked on the ground. None of it was me. I didn’t choose for them to become this way. I was only trying to help. I never meant for this madness to happen. I never meant to be the one they kill for…
The sirens blared through the wall speakers. Red tinted the wall through the shining alarm, alerting every one of the dangers breached. Y/N ran, her footsteps stomping over hard tile, ponytail swishing behind her. (Skin Color) hands gripped the clipboard pressed tightly to her chest. How did this happen? They were so careful! They had security all throughout the facility making rounds down each leveled hall. How did someone slip past?!
2 hours prior…
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Y/N- Happy birthday to you!” Candles flickered in the light of the room. Her hands were gripping the side of the table, (Eye Color) eyes shining as the candle flickered, marked 26 to represent the young intern's new age.
Her coworkers clapped and cheered as the young women thought of her wish. I wish for somebody to love me and only me. Then, with a quick breath in, Y/N blew out the candles. The cheers echoed in her ears as they grew louder. Anna, Y/N’s best friend and another intern, hugged her from the side. “Happy birthday, girlie. Say cheese!” The Asian woman held up an old film camera, snapping the shot just as Y/N looked up, a sheepish look growing on her face. Anna brightened as the film was being processed, looking at her camera in excitement. “This is going to look good on our birthday wall.”
”Don’t you dare put it up there! I’m sure I look bad…” Fingers fiddled with the ends of (Hair Color) hair. She twirled the loose strands and tugged out of insecurity and nervousness.
Anna simply rolled her eyes. “Nonsense! I’m sure you look great.”
”Did you hear they brought in a handful or more patients in this morning?” Y/N’s attention turned towards Robert. The man snacked on a slice of the coconut cake brought in for her birthday occasion. At his words, the girl rose a brow.
”Aren’t we close to max capacity by now?” She asked.
Robert shrugged. “I’m not sure, I believe so. Anyways, I overheard some of us are getting more patients in level 5.” A shudder ran down Y/N’s spine. Level 5… The danger hall. “They’re sending an updated schedule any second now for the new patients we’ll be taking on. A guard will have to stand by at all times during those visits. You know how those patients can be.”
Y/N tried not to voice her thoughts as she grabbed a slice of cake and a fork. The fork pressed into the sponge-like dessert, burying deep into the icing before pulling up a large chunk. She bit down on the dessert, eyes pinching closed, a soft moan bubbling in her throat. "Damn, this is good!" 
A sudden ping from various phones caught the female's attention. Y/N's hand slithered into her pant pocket, fishing out her phone. 
13 New Patients Added.
(Eye Color) orbs glanced over the names.
Midoriya, Bakugo, Shoto, Kirishima, Denki, Iida, Shinso, Tamaki, Aizawa, Keigo, Shigaraki, Dabi, Kai.
"That's a lot," Anna whistled," looks like you got the bulk of the newbies."
"They took off my original clients," Y/N frowned, eyeballing the screen. "Also, since when have they let interns into hall 5?" Her attention turned to Anna, frown deepening as the other woman shrugged.
"I'm not sure. I know they've been short staffed lately. Maybe you're making a name for yourself here!"
That was both good and bad news. On one hand, she was excited to be trusted with these new cases. On the other, she's not once stepped foot into hall 5. There were many heard stories of the dangerous that lurked behind those doors.
"I guess I should head over then. They have me with Bakugo in 5 minutes." She spoke, placing her unfinished slice of cake down. With a simple bye and wave, the female left the break room.
Her sneakers squeaked as they padded over the tiled floor. Small parted breathes of air were inhaled as Y/N rushed to her patient's room.
Name: Katsuki Bakugo
Age: 27
Reason for Bringing Here: Katsuki Bakugo, former hero, was brought in after recklessly fighting villains. He had a few civilians get hurt in the past, but never killed. Recently, that changed. Bakugo let a civilian die during a battle when the villain was already stopped. Due to lack of concern and reckless behavior, patient was brought in to teach about protecting others and to work on his ego. Patient brought to level 5 due to fighting and taking some guards down on the way in.
He let somebody die? Brows furrowed as Y/N reread the text. She heard of Bakugo. In fact, she enjoyed him as a hero except for his anger issues and violent nature. He was otherwise a hero she enjoyed greatly. It was no surprise he tried to fight off the guards that brought him here. 
Her eyes slide up the wooden frame of the door as she came to a stop. 
Here goes nothing. 
She opened the door and slipped inside. 
Everything had gone to Hell ever since he stepped foot outside of his own place that morning. Katsuki had just been doing what he always did. Be a hero. Try his very best to protect everyone from harm. Chase after criminals and bad guys alike and beat them to a pulp… without risking their lives in the process.
Given his own lack of self-control, holding back proved to be somewhat difficult for him. More often than not. And yes, he did know he had to work on that. A lot. The nature of his own quirk didn’t help his cause, either. Those blasts of his usually responding way too well to his own bursts of anger and overall explosive emotions.
But now, he’d just gone way too far.
The blonde, 27 year old hadn’t seen it coming. He’d just tried to take everyone to safety, as fast as he potentially could. But there was always something that ended up going terribly wrong. He wasn’t perfect. He wasn’t the number one hero he’d always wanted to be. At least not yet. But he knew he could do better. All they had to do was let him keep trying.
That civilian’s dead hadn’t been his fault, either. At least not entirely. Sure, he should’ve kept a closer focus on the overly sloppy man and should’ve reached out to him before he stumbled and ended up falling. But, then again… he wasn’t perfect. No one really was... right?
Okay, he’d screwed it up. Maybe he’d been a bit too sloppy himself. And sure, he had to pay for letting that poor man die. But he sure as hell wasn’t crazy. He just couldn’t be! No, he’d just made a mistake. All heroes made mistakes, for heaven’s sake! He just… had to learn. Way too much to learn and a lot of room for improvement. Something he of course wouldn’t admit out loud, even if, deep down, he was painfully aware of it.
Still, his hands gripped the sheets beneath him awfully tightly. So much his knuckles went white as his face jerked back to dedicate a particularly sharp glare at the woman who’d just entered the room. 
No matter how one looked at it, Katsuki Bakugo did seem as if he was a cornered and furious animal just about to snap. To lash out at anyone who happened to be in front of him, if he was ever given the chance.
"Bakugo, my name is Y/N. I will be helping you during your time at our facility."
“Hah- you can cut the crap out already.” He finally growled, an overly amused smirk adorning his lips now. “I know you’re a fucking shrink, bitch, and I ain’t fucking crazy. So I don’t have anything to talk with you. Just piss off.” He finally shouted, somewhat angrily, as he averted his gaze from her all over again. Gritting his teeth as an extremely annoyed expression adorned his now far more tense features all over again.
Y/N remained composed, her hands resting gently on the folder in her lap, as Bakugo’s anger filled the room. His words were sharp, dripping with fury and frustration, but she had dealt with these kinds of outbursts before. She was not fazed.
Taking a slow breath, she let the silence hang between them for a moment before she spoke, her voice calm and measured.
“Bakugo,” she began, carefully choosing her words, “I understand that you're not crazy. You’re not here because you're crazy. You’re here because your actions have had serious consequences, and that’s something we need to address.” She didn’t raise her voice, didn’t try to match his energy. Instead, she spoke with a quiet firmness that commanded attention.
“I know it feels like the world is against you right now. You want to be a hero, and in your heart, you believe you were doing the right thing. But the reality is, someone lost their life because of what happened. That’s not something we can ignore.” Y/N's  eyes softened as she studied Bakugo, his clenched fists, the tension in his jaw, the way he refused to look at her. She could see that underneath all the bravado, there was guilt. A deep, gnawing guilt that he wouldn’t admit to, even to himself.
Her lips pursued. "Bakugo, listen-"
Sirens blared, it's shrill shriek cutting through every hall. "Warning, patient escaping. Warning, patient escaping." Y/N jumped to her feet. Katsuki's crimson orbs studied her moves.
"Stay here," she commanded, rushing to gather her belongings before hurrying out of the door. It closed and locked behind her with a thud.
Crimson sparked the hallway walls as the alarm blared, gleaming red. Shaking legs ran through the halls of level 5, gulping as she rushed, looking for the said patient. How did this happen? She stopped, a gasp fluttering past her lips, hand covering her mouth. On the wall, a doctor was knocked unconscious, their lab coat glistening with blood. What was happening? 
She spun around, eyes scanning her surroundings for possible danger.
Who caused this?!
"Warning, patient escaping."
"Patient: Izuku Midoriya."
Tag list:
@your-mum3000 @sharks-r-cool-l
Chapter 2:
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phoxey · 9 months
Talent VS Hard Work
Bebe!Bada Lee x WolfLo!reader (Do I even need to say fem?)
CW: Angst, verbal fighting, bada being lowkey an asshole
AN: the stuff written in cursive are obv flashbacks
Part 2
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Bebe looked at the screen, as they were being filmed reacting to the other dancers being announced. WolfLo came on and of course the Bebe girls reacted excitedly. Every name being a big name in the scene. Halo, Chocol, Mini, Yeni Cho, Haechi Wang and of course everyone screamed when they read the Name Babysleek. Then the last name of WolfLo popped up. One that made Badas excitement immediately drop, and her smile fell. Your name.
“Unnie… is that…?”, Lusher carefully asked, looking at Bada.
“Who is she?”, Cheche asked confused.
“Bada’s ex best friend. They started dancing together back then. Their friendship ended in a big fight.”, Tatter whispered to her.
Cheche looked to her leader and if a look could kill, you would have died then and there.
A similar thing happened in a different studio, where the WolfLo members sat. You and your members had fun and were giggling until Bebe was introduced, starting with the leader. Bada Lee. You could hear a camera zoom onto your face. You clenched your jaw when you saw her face, you could almost hear her taunting voice again.
“Are you okay?”, Chocol asked.
“Yeah… I just thought I would never have to see her again.”, you whispered.
“If you want, I will battle her and embarrass her.”, Babysleek laughed.
“No, no. If someone battles her, it’s going to be me.”, you said determined, you looked into her face again with both hate and tears in your eyes.
A week later filming started. Bebe was the first group to walk into the battle zone, chatting happily as they waited for the evaluation film to start.
Bada expected most of what was said. The comparison between Aikis and her team. That no one knows her members. That only Bada will shine.
Then she saw your face. You had no expression; your eyes were almost empty when a staff asked you what you thought about Bebe.
“I think they must be very talented, if Bada lets them dance with her.”, it almost sounded like a compliment, if you didn’t know what had happened. “But let’s be real, they will only be there as long as they are of use for Bada.”
Bada could feel the eyes of her students on her, scanning for her reaction, and the anger rose within her.
Seething she sat down, the other crews didn’t really faze her, she just waited for WolfLo. She waited for you. And when WolfLo finally did come, her eyes were immediately on you. You in your all-black outfit, looking like some futuristic ninja. You looked so different; you used to be so cute.
Bada wrapped her arms around you from behind and you could hear her laugh as she picked you up. You were almost two heads shorter than her. You kicked your feet into the air in an attempt to break free from her embrace, but you were laughing as well.
“Happy birthday!”, Bada giggled as she let you down.
“You always do that! Stop!”, you grinned, then you pouted. “I hate that I am so short.”
Bada shook her head and kissed your forehead. “You are the perfect height for this.”
You blushed hard at that and even harder when Bada pulled a little box out of her pocket.
“Present.”, she just said and looked away shyly.
“Bada!”, you gasped as you opened it. It was two bracelets, that were definitely made by Bada herself. They were blue and purple. Blue being her color and purple being yours.
“It’s not much, I don’t have a lot of money. Sorry I couldn’t get you something better…”, she mumbled.
“This is perfect! I love it!”, you grinned and helped her put on hers and she helped you with yours.
“I thought you were proposing to me.”, you winked.
“In ten years, I might.”, Bada smirked.
Neither of you knew if you two were flirting or not.
“But! You know what a perfect gift would also be? What would make me happy as well?”, you said mischievously.
Bada’s eyes went big and eager. “What? I want to make you happy!”
“Dance with me.”, you said. “My parents promised me that I can join a dance academy.”
“Do you want to become an Idol?”
You shook your head. “No, I just want to dance. And I want to do it with the person that means the most to me.”
Bada nodded. “Let’s dance. Let’s become a famous dance duo!”
It was ten years later now and both of your wrists were empty. You did not become a famous dance duo. She did not propose. Today was your birthday and the memory haunted you.
When WolfLo arrived in the fight zone, people began whispering, mostly about Babysleek. Only Bebe was whispering about you, but Bada couldn’t hear her students, her entire focus was on you. How you politely bowed to Ladybounce and then turned your gaze to the other side to bow as well, but you stopped in your tracks when you locked eyes with Bada. She did not change at all. Her long hair, her boyish clothes… and the way she poked her cheek with her tongue when she was annoyed. You narrowed your eyes at her, before you rolled them. Why was she annoyed? She had no right.
You decided to ignore her, that was until Kang Daniel called your name, to choose your no respect dancer. You grabbed the mic.
“Today is my birthday. My no respect dancer promised to dance with me ten years ago. On the day exact. So…”, you walked up to Bebe. “I ask you to keep your promise, just once in your life, Bada Lee.”
Bada clenched her teeth but nodded and stood up.
You two danced very differently. You knew she didn’t have any experience in battles, since she was a choreographer, but she was good, nevertheless. Damn you, Bada Lee, you and your talent. She got a draw out of it, so you two danced again together. It showed that you were Babysleeks student then. While dancing to the same song, the judges had a better comparison, there was no doubt that you were an experienced and skilled battler. It earned you a 2:1 victory.
As Bada was walking away to sit down, you grabbed Daniels mic again.
“In the end, hard work will always win over talent.”, you said.
Bada looked at you and huffed a laugh. She didn’t even sit back down with her team but went upstairs to go to their hideout room. Confused the director called out a break.
You signaled to your team that you would go to their room too but wished to be alone. You walked past Bebe’s blue door, briefly stopping, wondering if Bada was on the other side. Then you sighed and went to the WolfLo room. You laid down on one of the sofas and closed your eyes, to concentrate on your breathing.
You heard the door open and shut. “Go away, Haechi. I want to be alone. I am really pissed off.”
“Why? You finally won over me, aren’t you happy?”, an all too familiar voice said, which made you immediately sit up.
Bada stood there, leaning against the door.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”, you groaned.
“I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Your victory was my present for you.”
“It’s not a present when I got it myself. I won fair and square.”
Bada huffed. “As if…”
“You’ll never be as good as me.”, Bada said annoyed.
Tears were rolling down your face. “I am sorry, I swear I’m doing the best I can!”
“To be honest, you should stop dancing. You are clearly not talented whatsoever.”, Bada said.
Your sad expression changed into confusion. “T-Talent? Bada, what are you talking about?”
“We have been dancing for a year now! What takes me five minutes to learn, takes you five hours. You are a shitty dancer… if you can even call yourself that.”, Bada huffed.
“What do you mean?”, you frowned. Surely Bada wasn’t being serious.
“People ask how long you have been dancing, they are shocked to hear you dance as long as me but can’t even get basic steps right. Do you even know how embarrassing that is? You are not even a beginner dancer. Whereas people ask me to join their crew or choreograph with them! Also, when we go to classes together, you hold up the entire class, because you can never get even the simplest choreo right. The teacher is annoyed with you, the other students are annoyed with you, I am annoyed with you! Please just save yourself the embarrassment and stop dancing. Because as long as you are here in the same classes, as long as you are dancing with me, you are only holding me back!”
“I am the reason you even started dancing! You should be grateful!”
“You are also the reason why I can’t get better! If it wasn’t for you, I would be already giving my own classes or win competitions with my own dance crew!”
“Bada, we started dancing for fun.”, you argued.
“I want to make dancing my life!”
“You promised that we would dance together!”
“I am better off without you!”
“Are you saying you let me win?”, you asked, standing up. Bada didn’t look at you, but walked around the room and pretended to look at something. You walked over to her and grabbed her arm to yank her around, so that she would face you.
“Don’t touch me!”, she yelled and shoved you away.
“You know, Bada… the funny thing is: I probably would have stopped dancing out of frustration of not getting better back then, if you hadn’t said anything. But you know me, if someone tells me to not do something, I end up wanting to do it even more. I should thank you. For being my motivation to keep dancing.”
“Oh really?”, she laughed.
You nodded. “In the past nine years, since our fight, there was not one day where I didn’t dance. Even when I was sick, I danced. Every. Fucking. Day. I danced. Just because I didn’t want you to win over me.”
“Yeah sure…”, Bada laughed again. “You are lazy. And dancing didn’t mean anything to you. You just danced around, you never got into it!”
“Dancing meant everything to me! Because I could dance with you.”
“See, you don’t love dancing for dancing! You would have done anything as long as it was with me! Ain’t I right?”, Bada frowned.
“Don’t forget that I loved dancing first, Bada Lee! All of what you are now is because of me! You may have talent, but you would never have found it, if it wasn’t for me! I built both of our careers. But honestly? I wish I would have never taken you dancing. We both would have regular lives, all of this shit would have never happened. Maybe you would have actually proposed today…”
“I guess we will never know.”, Bada said.
Part 2
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writing-rat · 1 month
Movie Sex
Pairings: Joey/Ana x Reader
Content Warning: Porn no plot, Strap-On Sex, Fingering, 18+ Content, Female Reader,
Summary: You decided to celebrate Joey/Ana's clean streak for her substance and drug abuse. Little did you know what see wanted to do.
WC: 913
Notes: Mi puta - My Whore
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It was Joey’s second year of being clean and she was happy. She had a loving son (even though it took months for them to get closer) and a caring girlfriend. It was now Caleb’s 14th birthday and he was celebrating it at his best friend's house, leaving you and Joey alone, or Ana as you knew her as. You were currently on the couch waiting for her. She was sorting out popcorn and drinks as you would be watching one of her favourite films, Scream. After another minute, she finally entered the living room and sat the food and drinks down on the table before she sat down herself, an arm around your shoulder. Cuddling into it, you faced her and smiled. 
“Thanks, baby. You’re the best,” you spoke, still smiling at her.
“I try my best,” she responded with a shrug before her arm slowly went down from your shoulder to your lower back as she started the film. You knew what she was up to, and you couldn’t help but smirk. She was going to finger you right there since Caleb was gone. She wouldn’t risk it with Caleb around after all. 
“You want to fuck me while watching the film, hm?” you teased her, looking at her. Ana shrugged innocently. 
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” she responded simply. You knew she did though. That was when she rubbed your thigh. You got closer to her before opening your legs up, glad you wore a pair of her gym shorts that were oversized on you. She loved it whenever you wore her clothes admittedly, it turned her on. She was smirking as she started to put her hand under the shorts, the film starting. You kept close to her, letting her hand trail under your (her) shorts. She was rubbing your thigh up and down, her hand slowly starting to trail upwards. 
After 5 minutes, she started to rub your crotch as you let out a few gasps of pleasure. You saw her smirk out the corner of her eye as she kept going, soon circling your clit. You couldn’t help the moan that slipped out of your mouth as your legs opened wider for her, her hand slowly pushing your underwear to the side as she touched you with no clothing in the way finally. It had taken what had felt like forever as she was pushing her middle finger in slowly. You let out a few moans as you threw your head back slightly, Ana smirking as she thrusted it inside more. She was determined to make you a horny mess in her own clothes. She wanted you to ruin the shorts, you could tell. You rode against her finger slightly as you were letting out small groans of pleasure, her entering a second one in slowly but surely.
You were still grinding against her fingers as she watched the film, her watching you every now and then as she could tell you were getting close from you clenching around her fingers. “Cum for me, mi puta,” she commanded. On command, you immediately came all over her fingers as well as in her shorts. She loved it obviously from the smile. 
“Thank you, Mommy,” you thanked her immediately, knowing she controlled your orgasms. You loved her control over you.
“Why don’t you sit on my lap pretty girl?” she asked you. You blushed as you nodded, doing as told. She slowly took off her jeans as she revealed her strap-on and the fact she was commando under her jeans. You let out a squeak of surprise but you weren’t complaining as you slowly started to grind against it, Ana slowly tugging the shorts and underwear down. “Such a slut,” she teased, causing you to whine. The film was long forgotten by now as she was quick to lift you and start to put you onto her strap-on. She loved watching you become her slut as she started to thrust inside of you, kissing your neck. You kept your head there, Ana slowly starting to pin you against the couch. She wanted to jackhammer into you already but she knew she couldn’t in that position. It would be too awkward so she would fuck you against the couch. She soon had you pinned against her weight and you knew you wouldn’t be able to get up. She was too strong for you after all, she worked out daily after the vampire incident. 
She was soon starting to thrust harder and faster, reaching deeper inside of you. You knew then it was the 8 incher instead of the 6 inch one. “So big, Mommy,” you moaned out loud as you arched your back. “Such a good girl for Mommy, taking my strap,” Ana teased, moaning in your ear as she was thrusting inside you faster than she ever had. You were a moaning mess for her, clenching around the strap-on. “Can I please cum?” you asked, feeling her hit your G-spot harder than she ever had. 
“Cum with me baby girl,” she moaned. You nodded, her doing 3 more thrusts before she moaned in your ear, getting harder before she soon came. You came with her, throwing your head back before she held you close.
“I love you,” she murmured. 
“I love you too,” you responded, kissing her cheek gently before you drifted off. Ana decided you could sleep, she would wake you up for food and water soon.
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