#short draft
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rose-vybe Ā· 2 months ago
Okay @starsmadeinheaven, I came up with a little piece based on another one of those prompts. I may make it longer and edited for AO3 if I get inspired :)
This was the worst episode of writer block he had ever experienced.
It felt like he'd already gone down all avenues, like all the plots going through his mind these days had already been written before. What if-....
"...what if there are no more stories for me to tell?"
The question mumbled out loud resounded weirdly in the empty room, bouncing off the walls.
He was only twenty-two and it already felt like he had lived too long. Not so many years as many lifetimes, over and over, until all the things experienced had become one and the same, tasteless and passing by too fast, a mere blink of an eye and then they were gone, while he kept searching for that one thing...
Only, Feliciano had no idea what it even was, just that it was missing. A growing sensation of void, numbing everything else around.
He shuffled off the bed and stepped over the prosecco bottle abandoned on the floor, phone in hand. There was yet another message from his mother he couldnā€™t get himself to read. No doubt, sheļæ½ļæ½d want to know if heā€™d gone through the box Nonno had left behind for him and what was in it.
He passed through the moonlit hallway without turning on the lights and saw that the dog was again sitting in the plush basket Feliciano had bought on a mindless impulse. The Alsatian wolf raised its head, ears perked, and watched him curiously, golden eyes gleaming in the obscurity.
Feliciano wasnā€™t sure which of his neighbors the dog belonged to, why it had seemed to follow him around for a long while and how it had eventually made its way inside his apartment. But then again, this old building was weird along with the people in it heā€™d barely laid eyes on, he himself kept odd hours and was more often than not caught up in the to-be-written world inside his head.
He switched on the coffee filter, fished a bowl from the cupboard and filled it with fresh water. He took it to the dog, spying the box on the table near the door, next to his discarded keys. He went back to the kitchen, filled another bowl with dog pellets and returned, and the box still stood there, like an accusation.
Nonno had travelled a lot, and he'd been very religious. Feliciano had not gone anywhere until leaving for university and he'd not set foot in a church for reasons other than pure aesthetics.
'You don't belong here anymore' had whispered the statues and paintings of saints the last time, and he'd taken their word for it.
Ever since, 'here' had gained broader and broader meaning; with his old group of friends, with his parents, in the wide, wide world of the living. It had been different when he was younger, a sunny child surrounded by light and laughter and good spirits, but then-ā€¦
He didnā€™t even know when and what had changed.
Feliciano worked at an obscure newspaper by day and was a promising writer by night - or had been until now, when it felt like he'd reached the end of his inspiration ā€“ and rarely felt the need to do much else aside. He was oddly and effortlessly Ā popular wherever he went, but the interest the world showed him wasnā€™t mutual.
The dogā€™s eyes were on him keenly as he finally decided to reach for the box.
Feliciano took a mouthful of hot coffee, set the cup down and sighed. He proceeded to pull at the string around the package and carefully unwrap the brown paper, from under which a simply carved wooden box came to view. Better get this over with, then finally call his mother and let her know there was no secret treasure to be found inside, he thought flipping the lid upwards. And right he was ā€“ inside, on cheap plush bedding, sat a stack of postcards (a lot of them), a thin envelope with already yellowed corners and a small wooden cross on thin braided string.
Feliciano set the postcards aside ā€“ they were unwritten, just travel souvenirs but old, reminders of more years passed, of more years lived by others, meaningless. As for the envelopeā€¦ when had Nonno written this?
A sense of irreality washed over him as he plucked out the one-page letter, a sense that time was slipping through his fingers, ungraspable.Ā  Ā 
ā€˜ā€¦something bad happened. I have long prayed-ā€¦.ā€™
ā€˜ā€¦ you have changed, become someone else. Iā€™m afraid that youā€™re not my little boy, youā€™re not my Feliciano anymore.ā€™
ā€œNonno, I grew up.ā€ Feliciano pressed his lips into a thin line, with a stir of old irritation. ā€œIs that why you went away?! Because I wouldnā€™t spend all my time with you anymore and I had friends and I-ā€¦?ā€ he asked the empty darkness of the hallway. ā€œI grew up! And you think that if I wear your cross Iā€™m gonna-ā€
The dog jumped from its basket all the sudden and came over, nuzzling his leg as it wagged its tail impatiently.
ā€œWhat is it?ā€ Feliciano leaned in to pet its head and saw the food bowl untouched. ā€œI thought those were your favorite? I went especially-ā€
Suddenly the doorbell rang, unfamiliar and startling, and then the dog barked once, even more excited now.
Feliciano tsked, running a hand through his hair. He padded over and switched on the light, the glare of the bulb blinding as he fumbled for the lock and opened the door, Alsatian wolf in tow.
Outside stood a tall, blonde young man, with his hands casually stuffed into his trouser pockets. He was massive and broad-shouldered but possessed with an odd gracefulness, further underlined by the elegant dress slacks and button shirt, all black.
ā€œHello,ā€ he spoke, thickly-accented and with the shadow of a smile. ā€œI am sorry to disturb at this late hour. My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt, I live one floor above. I understood that my dog might be with you?ā€
Feliciano blinked, feeling lost and breathless. For a long moment he remained quiet and still, and so did the man, until the dog pushed by him to get to his owner, happily wagging its tail.
ā€œOtto!ā€ the other greeted, squatting to pet it with surprising affection, and it finally snapped Feliciano out of the weird state.
ā€œā€¦ his name is Otto, then?ā€
ā€œAh, jaā€¦ Iā€™m afraid he likes to get out and explore if Iā€™m not careful and it seems that when I left for my last trip-ā€¦ Iā€™m sorry for any inconvenience he may have caused.ā€
ā€œUh, no, no. He didnā€™t-ā€¦ Donā€™t worry, he didnā€™t bother me in the least.ā€
The man rose smoothly, his blue eyes on Feliciano with a sort of knowing mischievousness.Ā  ā€œWell, anyway, thank you for taking care of him. I will do my best to make sure it doesnā€™t happen again,ā€ he promised, his voice soft. ā€œWell, good night.ā€
ā€œā€¦yeah. Goodnight.ā€
Feliciano was just about to close the door when Ludwig Beilschmidt, having started up the stairs with the dog by his side, suddenly said ā€œAnd I wouldnā€™t touch any crosses if I were you.ā€
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lamourest-bleu Ā· 1 year ago
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A small continuation of Memories of June. The piece is still in the very early stages and iā€™m still mulling through the rough draft but it seems to flow more easily than other writings as of late so I am really enjoying the process overall
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kitkabam Ā· 6 months ago
Thinking about Lucanis' lack of experience in the romance department added with the fact that he's confirmed as a romantic. Imagining that all these years he's probably longed deep down for such a close connection with someone, a person to be his shoulder to lean on or to wake up to every morning, but had to suppress all of those frilly desiresā€” to not provide his enemies a weakness, because it didn't fit his 9-5 mentality, and because of his duties to the Antivan Crows.
Until Rook comes into the picture.
Rook changes everything.
And that terrifies him.
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warmfuzzyanimal Ā· 9 months ago
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had an identity crisis, prime time for a slight sona redesign!
it's cow! (again!)
+ a closeup because i'm really proud of the eyes
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gabisart Ā· 2 months ago
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It did hurt.
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padmerrie Ā· 1 month ago
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parenting, preventing a murder, etc.
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anony-mouse-writer Ā· 1 year ago
grian as the strange man who appears suddenly on gemā€™s dock with no explanation. no one knows who he is.
no one saw him arrive and he has no car.
heā€™s never bought anything from the store, and a few locals said they saw him simply cooking and eating the fish he catches on the spot.
the only belongings he seems to own are his fishing gear.
when asked where he lives, he points to the cliff. there is a tiny blue house there, balancing precariously on wooden stilts. the house has never been there and no oneā€™s seen it before, but the local gas attendant pulled up a 40 year old photo of her grandma on the beach, and sure enough, the tiny house is there, a wee speck of color hanging like a barnacle on the cold, wet bluff.
the age of his mysterious little home aside, no oneā€™s sure when he visits it. heā€™s at his little dock before the earliest ships cast out, and the sickly glow of his lantern can be seen long into the coldest of nights.
the man has pulled the strangest things from the ocean. fish, to be sure, but other, stranger things. lily pads, far from their native biomes. fishing poles, tattered and worn, of various makes and styles- some look positively ancient. boots. giant shells with twisted patterns to match no living thing. a genuine horse saddle once. bowls. a bone that looked just a bit like a human femur.
and books. perfect, unblemished books, nearly glowing with some kind of energy and filled with a script both unfamiliar and unsettling to see.
he opens them each with a breathless anticipation that tastes like brine or maybe tears.
but whatever he sees in them is not what he wants, and each book is tossed aside with resigned disgust and something like despair, before the weathered pole is taken up to cast a line to sea once more.
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icharchivist Ā· 17 days ago
The thing that keeps killing me about the Veil discourse and the fact Solas was planning on destroying the world by removing the Veil is that, especially after Veilguard, we have the confirmation that inaction would have been worse.
It's made very clear in DAI and Trespasser especially that the Veil is failing. It's becoming thinner in thinner. Each Blight's bloodshed are so terrible that some places have a Veil that never recovered. There are already hole in the veil in DAO for the Warden to try to fix in places where the Veil has been torn into pieces (Soldier's Peak and the Blackmarshes especially). And Arlathan and Sundermont where also regions that were said to have had the Veil permanently sundered because of the terrible horrors that happened then.
Solas acts panicked when he learns the Wardens are trying to kill the last archdemons saying it will make the situation worse, and for years I argued that the archdemons are probably seals that held the Veil in place and if all of them were killed, it will collapse. At the time i thought it was an elaborated plan by the Evanuris - i didn't think there was a bond between them unless it was true the Old Gods were the Forgotten ones, but that by using the Blight from the Fade the Evanuris were trying to affect those seals to thin the Veil and either a Blight will punch a hole in it, or once all the archdemons will be dead they will be freed.
This isn't the conclusion Veilguard took but i still had a point where it mattered the most: The Archdemons' lives were tied to [the Evanuris who's lives were tied to] the Veil and if all of them died [and killed the Evanuris linked to them by doing so while separated from their respective Evanuris, as evidenced by there being only 2 Evanuris left in Veilguard], the Veil would collapse.
When Solas awoke, it was barely ten years after the 5th Blight. He didn't even know until then that the Blight had leaked from the the prison he had made.
Corypheus acted up on the Wardens' mind BEFORE Solas got involved with him. We know that from Legacy since it's when it started for Corypheus (and Solas supposedly awoke a bit before Mark of the Assassin according to the webseries Redemption).
Corypheus was affected by the Blight he got from the Evanuris, and wanted to do anything he could to tear down the Veil to get to the Black City.
If Solas hadn't offered his orb to Corypheus, if he had stayed in slumber even, The Wardens may have killed the two last archdemons in panic. Or, and that even if Solas gave up on his goal in Inquisition, eventually centuries down the line the two last blights would have happened and the Veil would have collapsed.
There is no scenario in which Solas doesn't get involved that doesn't end with "The Veil falls down and the Blight locked in the Fade is unleashed on Thedas".
Solas' plan is specifically to take down the Veil in a way that doesn't unleash the Blight and the Last of the Evanuris. He will try to salvage as much as he can doing so but that's the core of it.
Leaving aside all the others dilemma about the People, about the Spirits, about Slavery, about everything that has motivated Solas on top of it all: IF Solas didn't act, the Veil would have collapsed on its own and the world would have ended in a way worse way.
We can debate forever about how deadly Solas' plan would have actually been. In Veilguard he says a few thousands of people would have died because he took precaution. I still believe one of the major reasons people would have died are tied to the way Curing Tranquility Also Leave People Who Were Tranquil In a Vulnerable State That Easily Get Them Killed and it would have been the same for people to reconnect so deeply to the Fade (re why Solas asks Cassandra if she thinks it's worth it to still cure the Tranquils and why it mattered).
We can also argue whether this was the only possible thing that could be done.
But like one thing is certain: even if Solas killed absolutely everyone except the elves by collapsing the Veil, it would still be less damage than if the Veil just collapsed on its own. Which would have happened sooner than later. It wasn't an IF. it was an WHEN.
The "Elven God's blood can keep the Veil up and fully repair it" was a full cope out that makes genuinely No Sense (they were NEVER gods to start with, and personally the reason i liked the Archdemons to be the seals more than the Evanuris was bc of what Yavana says in the comics about the dragons being the blood of the world, something much, much bigger than the elves ever were) just to punish Solas anyway.
But the fact people still act like Solas taking down the Veil was him planning the End of the World and It's Bad are just not interrogating themselves on what the Veil is doing.
It was either a controlled apocalypse that will avoid as much damage as possible, or one that will happen at random and will leave no possible chances of salvation.
Just letting the world end by inaction isn't exactly any better than trying to do something.
It's somehow the same logic as Rook and Varric never being blamed for unleashing the final blights. Accidentally triggering the end of the world, or just knowingly letting it happen are fine, but trying to actually do control damage is bad actually.
The Alternative should have been to find another path. One Solas was too prideful, too blind to newer ways, too isolated to have considered himself. One that could remove the Veil without this amount of destruction. Not to reinforce the Veil all together.
And i just think it's unfair to look at Solas plan of destroying the world as the basis to judge he's a bad person without ACKNOWLEDGING what the options actually are. Not even in term to defend Solas, but in term of, do you understand what's at stake????
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lamourest-bleu Ā· 1 year ago
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Memories of June 2023
A romance-esque story of two individuals who struggle to navigate their relationship (let alone themselves) and ultimately go on a journey of sorts to do so.
A lot of romance portrayed in writing seems to either be the perfect romance or enemies-to-lovers so I wanted this writing to encapsulate a more realistic approach to the concept of loveā€” that its work and progress not perfection
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afterthelambs Ā· 11 months ago
Ushijima-Oikawa parallels with Kageyama-Hinata
To me, Ushijima and Oikawa are like a tragic parallel to Hinata and Kageyama. If Oikawa had gone to Shiratorizawa then he and Ushijima could've had the partnership that Kagehina had. But because he didn't, they will never know what it's like to make the other feel invincible.
Shipping goggles aside, the parallels have to be intentional (haikyuu is too well-written for it to be just a coincidence): Both Ushijima and Kageyama were framed as naturally gifted volleyball monsters. Meanwhile Oikawa and Hinata believed that they were just average (even though the people around them know that they have their own strengths). Ushijima was the one who kept winning against Oikawa, just like how Kageyama was always ahead of Hinata. Both Hinata and Oikawa went abroad to gain experience so they could finally beat their rival. Ushijima and Kageyama are both awkward, intimidating, and ASD-coded while Hinata and Oikawa are framed as easy-going extroverted chatterboxes. These pairs are literally so similar it's crazy. Look at them and tell me it's not intentional
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It also makes sense when you consider that their playstyles are also complementary. Kageyama and Hinata were a good match for each other because Hinata needed Kageyama's precision and Kageyama needed someone agile to match his own speed. But Ushijima's only requirement is for the ball to be set high and the right distance from the net so it's easy to hit. And which setter is known for dedicating themselves to their spikers, giving them easy sets? Oikawa. They truly could've been a terrifying duo.
I think Furudate was trying to show what Kageyama and Hinata could've been if they didn't team up. They'd still be strong, sure, but not invincible like they were in Karasuno. (as opposed to the Miya twins, who were supposed to show what they could've been like if they had an equal from the very beginning)
But in the end it all worked out for everyone! They all got to play on the world stage together. Ushijima and Oikawa even had their reconciliation at the all stars match (still waiting on the Oikawa-Kageyama reconciliation please please please šŸ‘€). They're all happy so I suppose it isn't actually tragic. I just cant help but wonder what could have been if Ushijima and Oikawa learned what it's like to be each other's greatest ally. Hinata and Kageyama were so lucky to have found each other after all.
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thatdeadaquarius Ā· 2 years ago
So like I just went through almost all your language posts and I was wondering what if like the creator sometimes just switches languages out of no where and everyone is just like:šŸ˜ƒ. Cuz like they donā€™t understand what they mean and it happens randomly too or when theyā€™re irritated and they just start cussing in like 3 different languages at once
but i think ive written some stuff abt this before?
u know what tho.
ive got an even better idea. my ā€œgo-toā€ if you will.
Torture Alhaitham.
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Sun: Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT headcanons-ish?, Language shenanigans!
Stars: Alhaitham (suffer lol)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: None Known & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
heā€™s watching you. constantly.
heā€™s always writing about you.
heā€™s following you around Sumeru City.
heā€™s following you around Port Ormos.
heā€™s at your house-
Alhaitham learns you speak multiple languages before any other akademiya schloar, and heā€™s submitting a thesis about ā€œthe Greatest Lords languages from their home worldā€
before you can even say ā€œIā€™ll think about itā€ in any language u know lol
people have definitely mistaken him as your favored acolyte (not that he does much to deny it)
and talk to him like heā€™s your secretary?? ā€¦oh, welp.
Alhaitham knows your schedule for the next month within a week of following you
mans is willing to do the MOST to get you to sit down and just start talking in a language at him
want food? his specialty dish ingredients are always at the ready at his house
want literature? heā€™s offering to literally break into the akademiya (or giving you a copy of his house key to have access to his personal library all the time)
(tho kaveh is practically hugging you to his chest as you walk around perusing as he talks ur ear off lmao)
Haitham (he sometimes insists you call him when itā€™s just you two) wants to singlehandedly be the first person who understands every word you say when u coo at dogs in another language
or cuss out a fictional character for being stupid
every time u get pissed heā€™s interrupting every other word you say to ask for definitions/clarifications of slang šŸ˜­
send help heā€™s made a red string theory board of all the languages youā€™ve used to try and just- make sense of all their rules and when you use them and how to tell the difference and oh no-
Alhaithamā€™s hanging pictures of you mid-sentence with ur mouth open or even worse when ur yelling.
ā€¦u know maybe its not for an akademiya project, maybe heā€™s just trying to humble you. šŸ’€
thanks again for sending this ask in!! :D
language sagaus my beloved <3
tbh i have likeeeee 54 things in my drafts rn? so needless to say im slow, BUT IM SO HAPPY U GUYS GAVE ME THIS MUCH TO FAWN OVER, REQUESTS OR NO <333333333333
an iced coffee? for me?? :O
Safe Travels Ariasdream,
ā™”the belovedsā™”
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist /Ā @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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vhagar-balerion-meraxes Ā· 3 days ago
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cyber333angel Ā· 8 months ago
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rafe was in his office dealing with a bunch of paperwork about some ā€œgold treasureā€ that you honestly didnā€™t understand, telling you earlier that he couldnā€™t pay attention to you right now and to find something else to do till he was done. you were beyond bored watching the tv, only wanting to spend some time with your boyfriend. so you crept up the stairs quietly, not wanting to disturb him as you opened the door. watching him flip through white papers and scroll through his computer, his face displaying a serious expression. rafe notices your body in the doorway, seeing you watch him carefully. ā€œwhat is it baby? what happened?ā€ he says, you take his words as an invitation into the office as you walk towards him, ā€œnothin happened. i just wanted to see you daddy..ā€ and he rolls the chair wheels towards you, a very welcoming posture. you climb onto his lap, straddling his waist as rafe rest one arm on your back. gently rubbing it up and down while you lay your head on his shoulder quietly hear him work. he gives you your ass a light squeeze here and there when you nuzzle your head in to the crook of his neck, inhaling his calming cologne scent.
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maginnmauvaise Ā· 7 months ago
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he takes nothing seriously man
vamp dia, vamp hunter luci
vers under cut has a dribble of blood and dialuci implications
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sazwritesstuff Ā· 6 months ago
Truth or Dare | bob x reader drabble
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synopsis: a night down at the Hard Deck with the Dagger Squad. Drinking, playing pool, trying to stop Rooster from playing Great Balls of Fire one more time, and Bob feeling shy and staying on the sidelines. Until heā€™s roped into a drunken game of truth or dare.Ā 
word count: 1025
inspired by this post
use of Y/N, dn reader, nervous Bob, alcohol (brief mention), drinking games
It was a fairly typical night down at the Hard Deck. Drinking, playing pool, Rooster trying to get his hands on the piano but being constantly pulled back down into his seat.Ā 
There were only so many times any of you could listen to Great Balls of Fire.
It didnā€™t take long before the squad began playing drinking games. You werenā€™t sure who suggested playingĀ a game of truth or dare. But here you were, sipping on your drink and listening to your squadmates playing a classic from your teen years.Ā 
Most of you had been drinking for a few hours now. Well, expect for Bob.Ā 
The poor spectacled man had been strong armed into playing by Phoenix. Heā€™d been quite happy watching the game of pool between Payback, Bagman, Coyote and Fanboy sipping on his water and munching on his snacks. But he couldnā€™t say no when you joined in, backing up Phoenix to get him to play with the rest of them.Ā 
Setting down a new round of shots youā€™d picked up from the bar, quickly passing them around, Rooster cleared his throat and called out ā€œSo, Y/N?ā€Ā from where he stood by the pool table, shot in hand.
ā€œYeah?ā€ you called back standing between Hangman and Coyote.
ā€œTruth or dare?ā€
ā€œAlright, alright.ā€ He paused looking around the group as if for inspiration before whipping his back dramatically towards you. ā€œI dare you to kiss the hottest person here.ā€
Shrugging, trying to act nonchalant, ā€œHey Hangman?ā€ you asked, turning to the man beside you. Bob felt his heart drop into his stomach. He hadnā€™t thought that youā€™d pick him but it still hurt seeing you chose Jake.
Jake smirked cockliy, ā€œYeah?ā€
ā€œCould you move Iā€™m trying to get to Bob?ā€ the smirk dropped instantly from Jakeā€™s face.
ā€œBob?!ā€ he asked at the same time as Bob choked and spat out the mouthful of water heā€™d just sipped. ā€œW-What?ā€ he spluttered.
Y/N sighed good-naturedly, patting him on the shoulder, ā€œNow, move out of my way Bagman.ā€
Jake raised one hand to his chestĀ ā€œYou wound me, Y/N! I thought what we had was special.ā€ Stepping aside as he quickly downed the shot in his other hand.
As you stepped closer, Bob gulped nervously and sliding his glasses up his nose to avoid your eyes.Ā 
No way this was real. No way could you think he was the hottest person in the room. This had to be some sort of practical jokeā€¦ right?
But you were still moving closer to him. One second you were sliding past Hangman and the next you were standing in front of him. ā€œHi.ā€ You greeted quietly.
ā€œHi.ā€ Bob breathed, his heart hammering in his chest a mile a minute. Palms sweaty he tried to wipe them on his thighs. Mouth dry, his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. Everything had turned into a blur. Everything except you.
ā€œIs it alright if I kiss you?ā€ you whispered to him, your own heart hammering, your own palms sweaty and your mouth feeling dry. You licked your lips. Bob followed the motion of your tongue and swallowed loudly. Not sure what to say other than ā€œYeah.ā€ as he nodded, his voice sounding unsteady to his own ears. Without hesitation you swooped in and kissed him softly on the lips. It was short and sweet. Over before it could truly begin. But that didnā€™t stop it from being met by a chorus of catcalls and cheers.
You quickly sat yourself down on a stool on Bobā€™s right side. He didnā€™t take his eyes off you as you sat and downed the shot still clutched in your hands. You wiped your mouth the back of your hand before setting your shot glass down.
ā€œRight,ā€ you stated, slapping your thighs ā€œJavy; truth or dare?ā€
ā€œUh, dare.ā€ He answered quickly.
ā€œI dare you-ā€
ā€œHold up, hold up.ā€ Jake interrupted ā€œAre we really going to just gloss over Y/N kissing Bob?ā€
ā€œWell, if you want to know why youā€™ll just have to wait your turn.ā€ Turning back to Javy you started again.
The game carried on a few more rounds, until Rooster tried to make a break for the piano again. Everyone seemed to have forgotten you and Bob sitting off to the side, the game now seemingly finished.
Despite your earlier burst of confidence, you had no idea what to do now that you and Bob were alone without the others or the game to act as a buffer.Ā 
Bob cleared his throat breaking the silence that had descended over the two of you.Ā 
ā€œSo, um, about earlierā€¦ā€
ā€œI-I know. Just-Just, um, forgot about it.ā€ Feeling nervous and a little bit worried the reason why Bob hadnā€™t said a single word since you kissed him was because he didnā€™t feel comfortable about what had happened. You didnā€™t want to make him feel uncomfortable and were mentally kicking yourself.
ā€œWhat if I donā€™t want to forget it?ā€ he asked quietly, turning to look intently into your eyes. ā€œBecause I know that if Iā€™d been dared the same thing I wouldā€™ve kissed you, Y/N.ā€
ā€œOh.ā€ You breathed as your face flushed with heat. Then a light bulb went off in your mind and a devious smile spread on your face. ā€œWell then Bob, truth or dare?ā€
ā€œDare.ā€ He answered lightning fast.
ā€œThen I dare you to ā€“ā€ you didnā€™t even get to finished before his lips were on yours.
Bobā€™s hands cupping your jaw as his soft lips descended on yours. The kiss started off gentle until you brought your hands up to grab a hold of the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. Crushing your chest to his. Your mouth opening with a small gasp and you felt his tongue licking lightly at your bottom lip asking for entry. You open your mouth just a little more, letting Bob slip his tongue inside. His hands had moved to wrap around your waist pulling you practically on to his lap.
Moving away reluctantly from Bob, feeling a little lightheaded. You could feel his lips against your as you whispered ā€œSo, your place or mine?ā€
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nonas-third-tantrum Ā· 2 years ago
every so often iā€™ll see a post thatā€™s like ā€œugh the characters in gideon the ninth seem way older than they are, they were obviously aged down to appeal to the YA marketā€
and iā€™m like
their youth is the point!! the fact that they are teens and young adults and the oldest among them are ~30 illustrates just how deeply cruel this world is!! that children are holding up entire houses, dying in wars, obsessed with being the greatest of their generations!!
mercymornā€™s running bit about harrow being so young is not just her being condescendingā€”she is genuinely horrified by how young harrow and ianthe are. especially compared to her ten thousand-ish years. they are infants!!
and donā€™t even get me started on the kids in nona the ninth, which is even more blatantly about how war permeates every aspect of life, even for kids, and makes them grow up too fast
anyway. tlt is not YA and even if it was, arguments about kids in dystopian novels ā€œseeming too oldā€ will never be convincing to me because 99% of the timeā€¦thatā€™s. the. point
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