#shopify traffic
emmyexpert · 2 years
I will do ecommerce shopify marketing, promotion and ensure quality sales traffic
Hello I am your best bet at getting your Shopify store up and running, and getting unprecedented sales. My job is not done until you are 100% satisfied. As a professional and certified Shopify marketing expert, I will help you drive traffic to your Shopify store and promote sales. for continuously passive income monthly.
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olamide009 · 2 years
I will do shopify marketing,sales funnel, shopify promotion, facebookads to boost sales.
Hello Thanks for having Interest in my Gig.
Do you have an eCommerce Shopify store that you've launched but since launched haven't made a dime and you've spent money on the store's marketing?
Research helps to show that over 90% of Shopify stores are down due to the lack of generating sales which surely makes the store a loss for the owner and it's up to you to get the best strategies that work.
The lack of choosing the best marketing channels, new sales skyrocketing skills
Do you still want your store be a loss to you? while you can scale it and build up good sales.
Shopify advertising
Shopify Sales
Facebook ads
Sales Funnel Set Up
Shopify Promotion
Shopify Sales Set Up
Email Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Instagram ads setup
Funnel/Flow Setup
Klaviyo Shopify Marketing
Ecommerce marketing and traffic etc.
Why choose my service Now.
Fast & Quality Delivery
outstanding service.
Regular Updates about your project
Your brand's management
100% satisfaction
THANKS, Ola_master
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nevaehkaylee · 2 years
Why do you market your Shopify store.
Promoting your Shopify store better is often the key to driving traffic, boosting sales, and maximizing your return on investment.
And yet, many Shopify store owners are often clueless about the proper way to market their Shopify store.
Do you feel like your Shopify sales need a little boost? 🤷‍♂️
Promoting or marketing your Shopify store involves a mix of digital marketing strategies to encourage people to visit your website and lead them towards conversion.
Simply setting up your online store isn’t enough, especially if you're just introducing your brand to the market.
Seems you are interest in market your store Direct Message Me
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hasanxraza · 2 years
What is Shopify?
Shopify is a commerce platform that allows anyone to set up an online store and sell their products. Merchants can also sell their products in person with Shopify POS.
Shopify started over ten years ago when our founder Tobi wanted to sell snowboards with his company at that time called Snowdevil. He quickly realized it was incredibly challenging to sell snowboards online without an easy to use ecommerce platform. So he decided to create it himself, and Shopify was born.
Shopify is now the leading commerce platform designed for businesses of all sizes. Whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the trunk of your car, Shopify has you covered. The first Shopify store was our own, and it’s been our mission to make commerce better for everyone ever since.
How does Shopify work?
Whether you’re a budding jewelry designer and want to start selling your products, or a musician and want to sell your latest mixtape, or if you have an established business and want to grow, Shopify can help you. Hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs from over 175 countries trust Shopify to help sell their products.
Below you’ll find the different products or services that you can sell on Shopify. Even if you know what you’re selling already, it may give you some ideas for other services you could sell to grow your business.
Physical products: A physical product could be something you make by hand, something you have manufactured, or something you dropship to customers. Examples include jewelry, bath bombs, t-shirts, gift boxes, beef jerky, or pins to name a few.
Digital products: This could include ebooks, email templates, audio downloads, Lightroom presets for photographers, e-courses, or clothing patterns.
Services and consultations: Whether you’re an interior designer, dentist or a life coach, your customers can book online and sell online or in-person consultations.
Memberships: If you want to sell subscription boxes or if you’re a yoga studio owner you can use Shopify to sell your memberships and create member-only access to your content on your website.
Ticketed experiences: Experience-based businesses can range from travel and adventure to wine tastings and hands-on workshops. If you’re an artist or running a networking event, you can use Shopify to sell those tickets.
Classes and lessons: Customers can purchase, rent, and book lessons from you all through the online store.
Rentals: Rental businesses are technically service-based, even though a physical product is involved. So if you’d like to rent dresses or props, for example, you can use the Shopify platform.
The sky is truly the limit with what you can sell on Shopify. We recommend taking a few minutes to read our official terms of service to be certain that what you plan to sell is legal where you live. Or you can reach out to our customer support team to speak with someone directly.So now that you’ve learned about what Shopify is and how it works, it’s time to get set up to start selling.
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richybukky · 2 years
Why Pinterest Marketing
Pinterest is a powerful marketing tool with the ability to help your website gain organically visibility increase brand awareness, boost conversions, increase sales, and create long-lasting relationships with your target audience
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platformsforyou · 2 years
Using InstaPage
Publishers and online businesses can create, customize, and optimize their landing pages with Instapage's full-stack landing page platform.
Instapage will demonstrate how to make money from ad clicks if you aren't already. the sole platform designed for large-scale post-click landing page optimization. strong enough to design a really cutting-edge selling system.
Utilize the greatest technologies now available to create original content that will lead to leads and sales. Each Instapage user receives regular content updates from across the web that are fed into Instapage's effective SEO capabilities to maximize SEO and boost website traffic, helping you to further raise your ROI.
A number of third-party services, such as B. analytics tools, email marketing platforms, and webinar providers, can be linked from Instapage landing pages. To take online payments while promoting your products on Instapage, you can link your landing page to either your Shopify or PayPal store.
Using no coding or design experience necessary, creating effective landing pages is simple with Instapage's features. Heat maps, analytics, and split testing tools are just a few of the things you may use visitor information to your landing page design's benefit.
Click here to start signing up and use it!
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hughmunculus · 1 year
the fact that people don't find Mr. Beast absolutely ghoulish baffles me. He's a millionaire (billionaire?) who spends obscene amounts of money on stunts for children's entertainment (who will uncritically see this amount of spending as good and cool) and then he occasionally drops a trivial amount of money to him on something nice for other people.
And then people will be like "HE CURED THE BLIND HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRITICAL???" like. You've fallen for the classic rich man's trick? Throw a penny at the underprivileged and suddenly we're supposed to forget you can feed every hungry child in America, or pay off everyone's student debt, fund the fucking arts. Hoarding of wealth is unethical, period and I'm nobody's fucking fool, least of all some bearded ape who gapes full teethed at his audience while posting something none of us will ever be able to afford in our lifetimes. Fuck that guy
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dratefahmed1 · 7 days
#UnlockTheSecret! 15 Million Digital Products in a Crazy Bundle #Free #Downloads #Design #EarnOnline
#Free #Downloads #Design #EarnOnline #SpecialOffers #Freelance #workonlinefromhome Unlock Unlimited Potential with Our 15+ Million Resell Digital Products Bundle! Art u0026 Collectibles,Drawing u0026 Illustration,Digital,digital products,ebooks,plr,template,digital assets,passive income,entrepreneur,online business,plr templates,adobe photoshop,plr planner,work from home,sell on…
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View On WordPress
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shopifyseoexpert · 1 month
Boost Your Shopify Sales: 10 Proven Tips!
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Here are 10 tips to optimize your Shopify e-commerce store for higher conversions:
1-Optimize for Mobile:
Ensure your store is fully responsive and provides a seamless shopping experience on mobile devices. With a significant portion of traffic coming from mobile users, this is crucial.
Action: Use mobile-friendly themes and test your site on various devices
2-High-Quality Product Images and Descriptions:
Use clear, high-resolution images and detailed, persuasive product descriptions to showcase your products effectively.
Action: Include multiple images from different angles and zoom functionality.
3-Simplify Navigation:
Make it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for with a clean, intuitive navigation structure.
Action: Use clear categories, search functionality, and filters.-
4-Fast Loading Speed:
Ensure your site loads quickly to prevent potential customers from bouncing.
Action: Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and consider using a content delivery network (CDN).
5-Trust Signals:
Include trust badges, customer reviews, and secure payment icons to build credibility and trust.
Action: Display reviews prominently and ensure your site has SSL certification.
6-Streamline Checkout Process:
Minimize the steps required to complete a purchase and offer multiple payment options.
Action: Enable guest checkout, auto-fill address details, and reduce form fields.
7-Effective Call-to-Actions (CTAs):
Use clear and compelling CTAs to guide customers towards making a purchase.
Action: Use action-oriented language like “Buy Now”, “Add to Cart”, and “Checkout Securely”.
8-Email Capture and Retargeting:
Capture visitor emails and use retargeting to bring them back to your store.
Action: Use exit-intent popups, offer discounts for email sign-ups, and set up retargeting ads.
9-Offer Free Shipping and Discounts:
Highlight offers like free shipping, discounts, or bundle deals to incentivize purchases.
Action: Promote these offers on the homepage, product pages, and during checkout.
10-Customer Support and Live Chat:
Provide excellent customer support and consider adding live chat functionality to assist customers in real-time.
Action: Ensure easy access to support via chatbots, live chat, or prominently displayed contact information.
Need to rank your ecommerce store #1 on Google.
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askmetechnologies · 2 months
Scaling PHP Applications Strategies for Handling Increased Traffic and Load https://askmetechnologies.com/blogs/scaling-php-applications-strategies-for-handling-increased-traffic-and-load #PHP #Applications #Traffic #Loadtime #Askmetechnologies #PHPApplications #phpsite #phpscalling
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dotitio · 3 months
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bishalpaul · 4 months
Boost Your Shopify Store's SEO with These Collection Page Tips
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Are your Shopify collection pages fully optimized to attract search traffic? Properly optimized collections can help drive more organic visits and sales!
Here are some key strategies to make your collections more SEO-friendly:
Optimize page titles with relevant keywords - This helps search engines understand the topic of the page. Go beyond just the collection name.
Write strong meta descriptions that include keywords - These snippets can convince searchers to click through to your store.
Use descriptive URLs with target keywords - Customize Shopify's default URL structure to be more SEO-friendly.
Add image alt text with keywords - Optimize text and file names for better image SEO.
Link to collections internally - This facilitates indexing and improves site navigation for bots.
Highlight specific products - Draw attention by featuring popular, new or sale products.
Ensure fast page speeds - Quick load times are critical for user experience and mobile SEO.
Leverage SEO apps - Extensions like SEO Manager can enhance optimization.
Test collections on mobile - At least half of shopping searches are now mobile.
Focusing on both users and search engines is key for collection pages SEO. Follow these tips to help your Shopify store rank higher!
Let me know if you need any other Shopify SEO advice!
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What can I do to increase traffic to my new Shopify store?
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Boosting Traffic to Your New Shopify Store: Strategies for Success
Starting a new Shopify store is exciting, but success depends on more than just setting up shop. To thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce, you need to drive traffic to your store and convert visitors into loyal customers. Here, we'll explore effective strategies to increase traffic to your new Shopify store.
1. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO):
Optimizing your store for search engines is essential. This includes:
Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords related to your products or niche using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush.
On-Page SEO: Optimize product descriptions, meta tags, and alt text for images with selected keywords.
Quality Content: Regularly update your blog with high-quality, relevant content that appeals to your target audience.
Example: If you're running a Shopify store selling eco-friendly home products, conducting thorough keyword research can reveal valuable terms such as "sustainable home decor" or "organic cleaning supplies." By optimizing your product descriptions and blog posts with these keywords, you're more likely to appear in search engine results, attracting visitors interested in eco-friendly products.
2. Content Marketing:
Content marketing is a powerful way to engage and educate your audience. Create informative blog posts, product guides, and videos related to your products or niche. Share this content on social media and email newsletters.
Example: Imagine you're selling high-quality coffee beans and brewing equipment. You can create engaging blog content like "The Art of Brewing the Perfect Cup" or "How to Choose the Right Coffee Grinder." These informative articles not only appeal to coffee enthusiasts but also establish your store as an authority in the field, driving organic traffic.
3. Social Media Marketing:
Leverage social media platforms to promote your store. Create business profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other relevant platforms. Share engaging content, run contests, and use paid advertising to reach a broader audience.
Example: If your Shopify store specializes in handmade jewellery, utilize platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase your unique creations. Post high-quality images, share behind-the-scenes stories, and engage with your audience. For instance, you can run a giveaway contest where participants must follow your page and tag friends, increasing your visibility.
4. Influencer Marketing:
Collaborate with influencers in your niche. They can introduce your products to their followers, creating trust and increasing your brand's visibility.
Example: Partner with a fashion influencer to promote your clothing store. They can create stunning outfits using your products and share them with their followers. For instance, if the influencer showcases your summer collection, their followers are more likely to visit your store to purchase those items.
5. Email Marketing:
Build an email list and use it to communicate with potential customers. Send newsletters, promotions, and product updates to keep your audience engaged.
Example: Suppose you run a Shopify store offering fitness equipment. You can create an email campaign that provides subscribers with workout tips, nutrition advice, and exclusive discounts on your products. By consistently delivering value, you keep your audience engaged and increase the likelihood of conversions.
6. Paid Advertising:
Invest in paid advertising through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. Set a budget and target your ads to reach potential customers based on their interests and demographics.
Example: Let's say your Shopify store focuses on pet supplies. To boost traffic, you can set up Google Ads campaigns targeting keywords like "best dog toys" or "premium cat food." With compelling ad copy and relevant landing pages, you'll attract pet owners actively searching for these products.
7. Retargeting Campaigns:
Set up retargeting campaigns to reach visitors who didn't make a purchase. This reminds them of your store and products, increasing the chances of conversion.
Example: If you have a Shopify store selling high-end fashion, a visitor who viewed a designer handbag but didn't make a purchase can be retargeted with an ad displaying that specific handbag. This reminds them of their interest and entices them to return and complete the purchase.
8. Collaborate with Complementary Brands:
Partner with other businesses that complement your products but don't compete with you. For example, if you sell sports equipment, collaborate with a fitness app.
Example: Consider your Shopify store sells gourmet chocolates. Partnering with a local winery to create exclusive wine and chocolate pairing sets can be a win-win. You both promote the collaboration to your audiences, expanding your reach and attracting wine enthusiasts to your store.
9. Offer Discounts and Promotions:
Everyone loves a good deal. Offer special discounts, limited-time promotions, or free shipping to attract visitors and convert them into customers.
Example: Running a limited time "Buy One, Get One 50% Off" promotion for your Shopify store selling shoes can be enticing for shoppers. This not only increases sales but also draws more visitors as they rush to take advantage of the offer.
10. Leverage Google Shopping Ads:
If you're selling physical products, use Google Shopping Ads to display your products at the top of Google search results.
Example: Suppose your Shopify store specializes in electronics. Utilize Google Shopping Ads to display product images, prices, and your store's name at the top of search results when users look for specific gadgets, such as "latest smartphones" or "best wireless headphones."
11. Optimize Website Speed:
A slow website can deter visitors. Ensure your store loads quickly by optimizing images, using a reliable hosting service, and reducing unnecessary scripts.
Example: If your Shopify store offers graphic design services, optimizing your website speed is essential. Visitors searching for design solutions often demand quick access to your portfolio and service information. A fast-loading site ensures a smooth user experience and encourages more inquiries.
12. Implement Social Proof:
Display customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials on your product pages. Social proof can instil trust and encourage purchases.
Example: Your Shopify store sells skincare products. By displaying customer reviews and before-and-after photos of individuals who've seen improvements in their skin, you create trust and attract potential customers seeking effective skincare solutions.
13. Create a Referral Program:
Encourage happy customers to refer friends and family to your store in exchange for discounts or rewards.
Example: Consider you run a Shopify store offering home fitness equipment. You can establish a referral program where existing customers earn rewards for referring friends or family. This not only incentivizes your customers to bring in new visitors but also fosters loyalty.
14. Offer Exceptional Customer Service:
Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful. Provide excellent customer service to ensure customers recommend your store to others.
Example: For your Shopify store providing tech gadgets, offering top-notch customer service ensures positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations. When customers receive prompt and helpful assistance, they're more likely to share their positive experiences with others.
15. Analyze Data:
Use analytics tools like Google Analytics and Shopify's built-in reports to understand your traffic and customer behaviour. Adjust your strategies based on data.
Example: If your Shopify store specializes in organic skincare, analyze data from tools like Google Analytics. Suppose you notice that a significant portion of your traffic comes from a particular blog post about "Natural Acne Remedies." In response, you can create more content related to natural skincare to further engage this segment of your audience.
Building traffic to your new Shopify store is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to adapt. Remember that results may not be immediate, but by combining these strategies and continually refining your approach, you'll be well on your way to increasing traffic and ultimately achieving success in the competitive world of e-commerce. Start implementing these strategies today, monitor your progress, and watch your Shopify store thrive.
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shopifyagencies · 10 months
Seo for Shopify websites: Information on technical expertise
Digital stores these days compete for consumer attention and visibility. Indeed, the e-commerce landscape has evolved multiple times because of search engine optimisation. Seo is the crucial defining factor that makes e-commerce stores have a distinguished identity and brand value among consumers. Despite myriad Seo platforms to a large extent, Seo for Shopify websites is making a prominent name in the domain. So let's discover a few facts that distinguish Seo for Shopify websites from others.
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Seo for Shopify websites have more Technical expertise
The technical expertise of the Seo for Shopify website is vital as that directly impacts the online presence of the store. Shopify uses platforms that are easy to set up and user-friendly. Ofcourse, a Seo for Shopify websites tends to improve the website's performance on the search engine ranking pages.
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Navigation and structuring of the online store
The Seo for Shopify websites is well optimised, creating preciseness in the product listing, categorisation and pages. It is essential to structure the website rationally as it improves the user's experience. It also makes the search engine crawl seamlessly. Even indexing can be done quite effectively. Seo experts with technical prowess ensure that the URLs are cohesive and concise. Also, it's free of unwanted parameters. Thus, it makes it more search and user-friendly.
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Keeping mobile optimised
You should know that most of the digital traffic comes from mobile devices. That's why it's vital to keep the mobile optimised. In this regard, Seo for Shopify website is imperative. And Seo professionals with technical knowledge use different screen resolutions and sizes to check which is appropriate for the fast loading of products. And ensures that users can shop without any hindrance.
Final Say
It's time to take leverage the Seo for Shopify websites to make your online presence stronger. Thus, Shopify Seo services will put your e-commerce business on the front seat, increasing your earnings.
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naveedahmadawan · 1 year
Bee by WAGZUS.com
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today-review · 1 year
A Shopify store is an online platform that enables individuals or businesses to create an online store to sell their products. A Shopify store can sell a single product or a range of products, depending on the needs and goals of the store owner. Shopify provides all the necessary tools and features to manage an online store, including hosting, payment processing, inventory management, and customer relationship management. It is a popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses looking to sell products online.
To set up a Shopify store, you will need to sign up for a Shopify account and choose a pricing plan that fits your needs. You can then add your products to your store, customize the look and feel of your store, and set up payment and shipping options. Once your store is set up, you can start selling your products to customers online.
If You Want To Create An Optimized One Product Shopify Dropshipping Store: CLICK HERE
Shopify is a hosted e-commerce platform, which means that you do not need to worry about hosting or maintaining your own website. Shopify takes care of all of the technical aspects of running an online store, including security, updates, and backups.
Shopify offers a range of features to help you manage and grow your business. These include tools for managing orders, processing payments, tracking inventory, analyzing sales data, and marketing your products.
Shopify provides a range of customizable themes and templates to help you design and style your store. You can choose from a selection of pre-designed themes or use the theme editor to customize the look and feel of your store to match your brand.
Shopify integrates with a variety of third-party apps and services to help you automate and streamline your business processes. For example, you can use apps to manage your social media marketing, handle customer service inquiries, or automate your shipping and fulfillment.
If You Want To Boost Your Shopify Store's Organic Sales Traffic and Google Ranking: CHECK THIS
Shopify offers a range of pricing plans to suit different business needs. The Basic Shopify plan starts at $29 per month and includes all the essential features you need to run an online store. The higher-tier plans offer additional features and support for larger stores.
Overall, Shopify is a powerful and user-friendly platform that makes it easy for anyone to set up and run an online store. Whether you are a small business owner, artist, or entrepreneur, Shopify can help you sell your products and services online with ease.
In conclusion, Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that allows users to create and manage an online store to sell their products and services. It offers a range of features and tools to help store owners manage and grow their businesses, including customizable themes, payment gateways, marketing tools, and integrations with third-party apps. Shopify is user-friendly and offers a range of pricing plans to suit different business needs. It is a reliable and powerful platform that can help anyone sell their products and services online.
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