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msterpicasso · 3 months
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Mundo Shava
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sinofwriting · 3 days
Summer - Nico Rosberg
Words: 531 Word Prompt: Summer Note(s): Implied Sugar Daddy Nico Rosberg, Implied Age Gap
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Masterlist | Support Me! | Sin’s Sept. Blurbs
“I hate summer.” She moans, hiding her face in the pillows. Nico hums, eyes gliding along the naked expanse of her back. “So horrible.” “The humidity, it was like it was trying to kill me. And I had to wear sneakers and my feet,” she whines, turning over and he hungrily drinks in the view of her top half bare before him. “They even got all hot, Nico.” “I’m sorry.”
She pouts at the distracted tone in his voice and sits up, watching as his eyes stay glued to her breasts. She huffs.
She knew she was being dramatic. But Nico had invited her here because he wanted to spend time with her and then on her first day here he hadn’t spent any time with her. And she had only managed to get one of her two bags from his car before he left, which meant that she had to wander around in the 35 degree heat with sneakers instead of the cute but supportive sandals she had brought.
It was fine though, he had things to do tomorrow as well now and she could just get her revenge on him then.
Nico frowns as he enters the apartment he was renting and sees quite a few bags in the living room. They were nice brands, luxury brands, and normally the sight would never bother him, but he struggles to remember ever getting notifications for any of them.
Pulling out his phone, he quickly opens his banking and frowns seeing nothing there.
“Liebling!” He calls out. “Nico! How were the meetings?” Her voice is a bit faint. “They went good. You went shopping?” “Yeah,” her voice is louder and his attention shifts to where the hallway for the bedrooms and bathroom connect to the living room.
His breath catches as he gets a glimpse of her. She was so breathtakingly beautiful it had been a miracle when they first met that he managed to wait a few months to ask her out.
“I got some new tops and a few dresses. Oh, and more of that perfume you like.” He makes a slight humming noise, eyes back on the shopping bags. “You didn’t use my card.” “I have my own money, I didn’t need to use it.” The words feel like a slight stab to the chest. He was aware she didn’t need his money, her father more than made sure of that, but she had never said that before. “But it’s yours to use.” She shrugs, “it was just a bit of shopping.”
The words, I’ll use it next time, don’t follow and that hurts as well.
It must show on his face because she softens and comes closer, her arms wrapping around his waist, lips brushing along his neck.
“Ignore me again, Nico Rosberg, and I’ll cut your card up and buy that necklace you’re wanting to get me for my birthday.” After the last word, she places a sweet kiss to his lips, leaving them a little sticky from her lip gloss before pulling away completely. “Got it?” He nods, tongue darting out to lick his lips, to taste the gloss she left on them. “Got it.”
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x-uno · 1 year
Stolen Glances and Culinary Charms. PT3
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notes : DREAMY SIGH FOLLOWED BY AGONIZING SOB. this took me awhile to write oml ( had writers block ;v; ) butttt I managed to finish it tonight !! sooo yay me!!
<< 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 >> | 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃
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THE GOING MERRY WAS CURRENTLY DOCKED AT A QUAINT ISLAND'S HARBOR, the scent of adventure lingered in the salty sea breeze, and the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of food wafting from the nearby restaurant. It was a sight for sore eyes after days at sea. 
The crew disembarked, their eyes wide with wonder at the charming coastal town. A Restaurant was perched on a cliff overlooking the bay, and its soft, golden lights beckoned like stars in the night. 
Nami gathered everyone around and issued a gentle reminder, ''Everyone meet back here by 6, okay? - And please, try not to get into fights.'' she added with a pointed look at the male members of the crew, eliciting a soft chuckle from you as you stood by her side.
The boys nodded in agreement, with some grinning sheepishly at Nami's warning about avoiding fights. With that, the group dispersed to explore the town, leaving you and Nami to head off together.
She had insisted on helping you get ready for the evening, promising that the right outfit would make a lasting impression on Sanji. 
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as you followed Nami through the winding streets of the coastal town. The soft glow of lanterns illuminated the cobblestone pathways, casting dancing shadows on the walls of charming shops and cafes.
Nami led you to a small, elegant boutique tucked away in a quiet corner. It was a treasure trove of beautiful dresses and accessories. She combed through the racks with the precision of a skilled treasure hunter, her fingers occasionally stopping on a particular dress, considering it before moving on.
You couldn't help but admire Nami's expertise. Her discerning eye seemed to pick up on every detail, and her sense of style was unparalleled. 
After some deliberation, Nami pulled out a dress that seemed to capture the essence of the coastal town itself. It was a flowing, pristine white dress adorned with delicate lace that mimicked the frothy waves of the sea. The fabric felt cool and luxurious to the touch, and you couldn't help but smile at the choice.
''This is the one,'' Nami declared with a satisfied grin. ''It's perfect for tonight. Just wait until Sanji sees you in this.''
With Nami's guidance, you selected a pair of elegant sandals and a necklace that complemented the dress beautifully. The transformation was remarkable, and as you looked at yourself in the boutique's mirror, you felt a newfound confidence.
Upon returning to the ship, you were met with admiration and awe from your fellow crewmates. Luffy gave a thumbs-up, Usopp praised your elegance, and even Zoro managed a rare, appreciative nod. But it was Sanji's reaction that left the deepest impression.
Sanji's eyes were widened, his cigarette nearly slipping from his lips when he caught sight of you. He was known for his impeccable taste, but he seemed genuinely captivated by your appearance. “You look absolutely breathtaking,” he said in a voice that was almost a whisper, a hint of awe in his eyes.
Your heart fluttered at his words. ''Thanks, you don’t look bad yourself.''
As the crew entered the restaurant, the scent of freshly prepared seafood filled the air, and the evening was filled with laughter, delicious food, and shared adventures. The restaurant's interior was just as enchanting as its exterior, with dimmed lights casting a warm, intimate glow over the wooden beams and nautical decor.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and gratitude as you settled in at the long, polished table with them. Nami regaled everyone with tales of the island's history and culture, her eyes occasionally meeting yours with a knowing twinkle.
As the night continued at the restaurant, you found yourself drawn to the bar, its soft, warm lights casting a gentle glow on the polished wooden surface. It beckoned you like a siren, promising a moment of solitude and reflection amidst the lively atmosphere.
Leaving the laughter and conversations of your fellow crewmates you excused yourself from the table with a polite smile, before making your way through the bustling restaurant toward the inviting glow of the bar area.
Taking a seat on one of the cushioned stools, you found yourself lost in thought, gazing at the array of colorful bottles lining the shelves. The bartender, a friendly and experienced soul, approached with a warm smile.
''What can I get you tonight?''
You contemplated your choice for a moment before deciding on a signature cocktail of the house. The bartender nodded appreciatively and set to work, expertly mixing the drink. As he worked, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over you, as if the world outside had momentarily ceased to exist.
Sanji, ever watchful, couldn't help but notice your departure from the table. His concern for your well-being overcame his hesitation, and he decided to join you at the bar. With a quick excuse, he left the table and made his way toward you.
However, just as he was about to reach your side, he paused abruptly. His heart sank as he noticed you engaged in lively conversation with a stranger. You were laughing, sharing stories, and seemed entirely engrossed in the conversation.
As he stood at a distance, watching you engage in conversation with a stranger at the bar, a mixture of emotions washed over him. Concern for your well-being had driven him to follow you, but now he found himself feeling a bit uneasy. He didn't want to intrude on your moment of solitude, but the sight of you enjoying yourself with someone he didn't know raised questions in his mind.
He decided to give you some space and waited nearby, keeping a watchful eye on the situation. As the minutes passed, he observed your body language and the interaction between you and the stranger. Sanji knew you could handle yourself, but he couldn't help but feel protective.
As Sanji continued to keep an eye on you from a distance, he suddenly felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he was met with the sight of a young woman standing before him, a warm and inviting smile on her face. She looked to be about his age, and her presence was both confident and charming.
"Hey there, I couldn't help but notice you standing here all alone. Would you like to dance?"
Sanji, who had been focused on watching over you, was taken aback for a moment. However, he couldn't deny the allure of the moment, and he appreciated the girl's courage in approaching him. With a suave smile and a slight bow, he replied, "Well, it would be my pleasure."
You took another sip of your cocktail, your gaze lingering on the dance floor. Sanji's graceful moves and the easy chemistry between him and the girl were impossible to ignore. You found yourself torn between wanting to see him happy and feeling a pang of envy at the connection he was forging with someone else.
The woman’s laughter and Sanji's charismatic charm only intensified your conflicting emotions. You tried to push the jealousy aside - After all, you were having your own engaging conversation at the bar, and there was no reason for you to feel this way.
However, despite your best efforts, the jealousy lingered, gnawing at the edges of your thoughts. 
"You really should slow down with that," Dos, the kind stranger you had been talking to, spoke in a gentle but firm tone.  "It's a strong drink, and you don't want to overdo it."
You waved off his advice with a carefree gesture, taking another swig of your drink ''Let’s dance!''
The effects of the cocktails you had consumed began to take hold. Your movements became a bit unsteady, and your laughter grew louder and more exuberant. 
As you danced, the world around you seemed to blur, and the music's infectious rhythm took hold of your senses. You twirled and swayed, laughter spilling from your lips.
Sanji watched you and Dos from a distance, concern etched on his face as he observed your intoxicated state. He couldn't help but worry about your well-being, and when he saw you stumble slightly while dancing, he decided it was time to step in.
With a determined stride, he approached the pair, his voice polite but laced with a hint of concern. "Hey," he said, addressing Dos with a friendly smile, "Mind if I steal her from you for a moment? She's had a bit too much to drink, and I'd like to make sure she's okay."
Dos, understanding the situation, nodded with a kind and understanding expression. "Of course," he replied. "Take care of your friend. She's a great dancer, by the way." He gave you a nod and a pat on the shoulder before stepping back, allowing Sanji to take over.
Sanji's eye twitched in irritation before turning his attention to you, offering a supportive arm. "Come on, darling," he said gently, "let's get you back to the ship. We wouldn't want you feeling too rough in the morning."
“What? No!”
Sanji sighed inwardly, recognizing that your intoxicated state might make you a bit stubborn. He maintained his composure, trying to reason with you in a patient tone. "I know you're having a good time, but you've had enough to drink, and I don't want you to wake up with a terrible hangover," he explained, his concern still evident in his eyes.
You pouted and swayed a bit on your feet, clearly not in the mood to leave the lively atmosphere of the restaurant. "But the music is so fun, and Dos is a great dance partner!" you protested, clinging to the bar for support.
Sanji visibly frowned at your response, continuing to try to convince you to leave the restaurant and head back to the ship for your own well-being. He couldn't help but feel a bit envious of the attention you were giving Dos and the time you were spending together, especially in your drunken state.
However, just as he was about to insist more, you surprised him by wrapping your arms around him. The sudden embrace caught him off guard, and he blinked in surprise, his irritation now forgotten.
You looked up at him with a playful glint in your eye, your smile a bit mischievous. "Sanji," you said, your voice warm and inviting, "Why don't we dance together for a little while? I promise to go back to the ship after this dance."
Sanji's heart skipped a beat at your unexpected invitation. He couldn't resist your charm and the genuine affection he saw in your eyes. His irritation and jealousy melted away as he reciprocated your embrace, holding you close.
A smile graced his lips as he nodded in agreement. "Of course, my dear," he replied, his voice softening. "I'd be delighted to dance with you."
As Sanji led you in graceful twirls and elegant steps, it was clear that his skill as a dancer was remarkable, even in his slightly tipsy state. His movements were fluid and precise, his confidence shining through as he guided you across the dance floor.
"You know, Sanji," you began. "if we ever get tired of the pirate life, we could always become a dance duo. We'd make a fortune!"
Sanji couldn't help but play along with your mischievous idea. He flashed a grin and replied, "Well, my dear, I've heard rumors of the Grand Line hosting various dance competitions. Perhaps we could establish a reputation as the most stylish pirate dance duo to ever grace those waters."
You both chuckled, the idea of swaying and twirling your way to fame in the pirate world sounding both ridiculous and enticing.
You continued, "And just think, our crewmates can be our backup dancers. We'll be unstoppable!"
Sanji nodded with enthusiasm. "Exactly! Nami could handle the finances, Zoro could... well, maybe not Zoro. But we'll figure something out."
Your head tilted back, and the room was filled with the sound of your laughter.
Sanji, in the midst of his actions, came to a gradual halt, his eyes locked onto yours. You, in response, blinked and offered a soft smile in his direction. The feel of your skin against his, the warmth of your gaze, it all etched itself into his memory like a haunting melody that grew louder and more insistent with each attempt he made to forget it. 
There was nothing in the world as beautiful as the sound of your laughter, he realized.
"Sanji?" Your voice, a soft and affectionate whisper, flowed effortlessly from your lips, reaching his ears like a melody he couldn't resist.
His name on your tongue was a sweet symphony, a cherished melody that he longed to hear over and over.
He leaned closer, his fingers gently entangling in your hair, savoring the intoxicating sensation of being close to you. In this moment, nothing else mattered but the warmth of your presence, the tenderness in your voice.
...and just as he was about to close the distance between your lips, the world around you seemed to blur.
In that suspended moment something inexplicable happened. It was as if time itself had taken a sudden twist, and reality slipped through your fingers like grains of sand. Everything became fragmented, and your consciousness spiraled into darkness.
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@narutoskz @honnelander @browneyedhufflepuff
taglist: reply to be added !
© 2023 x-uno ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. 
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djbunnie · 5 months
I Am Curious?...How Much Money Would Damian Spend On Raven!!!
In scenario 1, Damian and Raven were in the living room of the Titans tower on the weekend. Raven was scrolling through Tik Tok and accidentally expressed her thoughts out loud, saying, "It must be so fun to be a wealthy fashion influencer." and continue scrolling.
The following day, Raven woke up to a pile of luxury brand shopping bags outside her room.
Hermes Special Order (HSS) Kelly Sellier 25 Rose Sakura and Nata Brushed Gold Hardware: $45,500.00
Burberry Leather Bay Sandals: $1,290.00
PLUME DE CHANEL EARRINGS 18K white gold, diamonds: $28,150
PLUME DE CHANEL RING 18K white gold, diamonds : $19,450
PLUME DE CHANEL NECKLACE 18K white gold, diamonds: $19,850
PLUME DE CHANEL BROOCH 18K white gold, diamonds: $63,000
Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4: $2.64 million
And etc
lol Raven would not know what to do with this 🤣
lol idk what do you guys think??? would Damian spend that much on her??? and what would Damian buy for Raven??? I'm curious??? I would love to read and share ideas lol!!!
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badkitty3000 · 3 months
what kind of clothes do you think five would like on his s/o?? what casual clothes would he like for himself?? ik we saw a bit in s3 but i need more vest five😭😭
So, as usual, I feel like I can go a couple different ways with this answer, but I'm going to mostly focus on my own personal headcanon version or we're going to be here all day. In my own little Five world, he's a uniform guy. He wore a uniform as a kid in the academy, he wore a (I assume) company-issued suit in the Commission, again with the academy uniform, and then when he actually had a bit of a choice he got to relax in his retirement clothes for about 12 hours before it was back to business again, and then...suit. So, to me, this is just easier for him. He doesn't have to think about what to wear every day, matching colors, and shopping for new clothes. He is stylish, yet practical, and it's clear that looking put together is a priority for him. After wearing whatever he could get his hands on in the apocalypse, and having to dress for extreme weather, it's probably a luxury for him to be able to dress the way he wants. But there's also a second, very important reason for this headcanon of mine and that is....HAVE YOU SEEN HIM IN A FUCKING SUIT!!???
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*wiping drool off my chin* Sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Ok, as I was saying...it is also a headcanon of mine that once he's finally settled down, maybe married, has a family, etc, his casual outfits consist of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. This is his new "uniform" and again, it's stylish but he doesn't have to think about it. He wears this every day, unless he's going out somewhere nice or maybe having to perform a random assassination, then it's back to the suit. (also, if you're wondering, and I'm sure you are...black boxer briefs...always).
Now, retirement Five in his little hat and vest is adorable, don't get me wrong, and is much more in line with his character's age and personality than how I write him. I could totally see him embarrassing his kid by showing up to their softball game in black socks and sandals, wearing his dorky weird old-man glasses.
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I could also see him wearing a sweatshirt with the name of his kid's school on the front and "Hargreeves" on the back. Oh my god, let's just stop and imagine that for a moment, shall we?😭😭😭
You also asked about what he would like his s/o to wear. I covered this a little in my nsfw headcanons, but I'll elaborate a little more. I definitely think he checks ladies out. Dancers, strippers, random women at the grocery store; I think deep down Five is a sex-starved freak that has a lot of lost time to make up for. However, even though a nice body and skimpy clothes is going to catch his attention, that's not really what he cares about. He would be just as happy with his girl in frumpy sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt as he would be with her in a tight cocktail dress. Now, given the choice, if you were really going to press him on it, I'd say he would want to see her in a tight skirt that shows off her ass and tall heels to accentuate her legs. But again, it doesn't really matter what she wears, he's going to think she's the prettiest/sexiest woman on the planet regardless. And ketchup-stained sweatpants and a Garfield shirt are just as easy to tear off and throw on the floor as a tight dress is. 😉
I do think Five would take time and try and find and buy something for his s/o for her birthday or Christmas that he knows she would like. He would pay attention to her style and if he was out somewhere and came across an outfit, or hat and scarf, or even lingerie that reminded him of her, he'd buy it and then watch expectedly and nervously as she opened it in front of him. Then he would be so happy every time she would wear it, even though he'd pretend he was too cool to notice. He took the time to make sure Dolores was going to get a new outfit and knew she liked sequins, so that just proves he actually pays attention to what his girl likes.
In conclusion, I think Five wants to be stylish, comfortable, and practical with his clothes, while not having to think too hard about it on a daily basis. He has much more pressing matters to deal with, and even though wearing a three-piece suit while trying to kick ass and save the world is a bit impractical...
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Thank you so much for this question! ❤️
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theriverspath · 4 months
Ineffable May 2024, Day 17: Inspector Constable
Rated General Audience
Muriel gently closed the book they'd been balancing on their lap, and ran their hand over the cover.  The distressed human faces printed in shades of gray were such a contrast to the bright rainbow lettering used for the title. The angel noticed how stark the white of their trousers looked behind it, and their gaze wandered over to their equally colorless helmet hanging from the hat rack. From this angle, they could just make out the large badge affixed to the front.
There had been little to do once Mr. Fell had left with the Metatron. Even though they'd so desperately wanted to explore this little piece of Earth, Muriel had been reluctant to leave the shop unattended until they received further instructions as to their new role here. So, they set to learning about this world through what was readily available around them: books. This particular one had shed light on a specific interaction they'd had with the coffee shop human just after their arrival.
Get out. Now.
No wonder Nina had been angry when they'd asked her about her love life. Muriel had been so excited to try out their human disguise in service to Heaven. But after reading about the complicated relationship some humans had with the ones they'd been ordered to emulate, they weren't so sure they wanted to continue wearing it.
Muriel thought hard about what to do. They'd been told to adopt the Inspector Constable persona to observe Mr. Fell and his demon friend, but that didn't seem applicable anymore. Maybe they should miracle their Heavenly uniform? That didn't feel quite right, either. They weren't in Heaven anymore.
Instead, they thought about the way the humans of Whickber Street dressed: a riot of textures and patterns and colors. Muriel didn't know how the humans even managed to create all the different combinations, but they wanted to give it a try.
The book made a thunk as the angel hastily deposited it on Mr. Fell's desk. Their shoes clomped up the stairs, and across the upper landing until they reached a door tucked between two bookcases. They'd discovered Mr. Fell's Room for Human Clothes not long after he'd left, but hadn't explored it. Afterall, they wore the same miracled outfit every day. They'd had no need for that sort of thing ... until now.
The door swung inward at their touch, and a pleasantly sharp, floral scent wafted over them. Muriel took a step forward, not even noticing the way their feet sunk into a luxuriously deep carpet. The twinkling crystal chandelier above them was also ignored. Their entire attention was on the seemingly endless collection of artfully organized and displayed garments.
Wooden shelves and cabinets glowed under tastefully hidden lights. Within them were neatly stacked or hung all manner of shirts, trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets, coats, robes, shoes, boots, sandals, and hats. The styles and shapes ranged from simple to extravagant, but the colors all fell within muted creams, grays, or blues.
A few were displayed on life-sized mannequins inside glass-fronted cases. Muriel walked past one with puffed-out short trousers and a white frill around the neck. Another featured a jacket with a line of buttons down the front and lace spilling out from underneath huge cuffs. These looked special somehow, and they thought it best to leave them alone.
Muriel trailed their fingers along the clothing as they walked, admiring how the different fabrics felt to the touch. They wondered if Mr. Fell would mind if they miracled some to look more like the outfits worn by the humans who walked by the bookshop every day. They were considering what they could try in the color orange when they caught movement in the edge of their vision. They spun around, ready to apologize to Mr. Fell for even thinking about making changes to his...
Muriel stopped short when they realized the person they saw was moving along with them. It took a moment to register that they were standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror.
Is this what my corporation looks like? There were no mirrors in Heaven, and they hadn't really paid attention to the transparent reflections they'd made in the various store front windows they'd encountered outside. Muriel twisted around, trying to see their current body from every angle. They decided they liked the look of it, and really wanted to decorate it with something other than white. Muriel turned their back to the mirror, scanning the clothes in their immediate vicinity for something to modify.
Right, they thought to themself. Time to stop being Inspector Constable. Time to start being ... me.
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kingofthe-egirls · 9 months
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BUTTERFLY: LUFFY x Y/N (modern au part 7)
modern au
(cw: mma!luffy, celebrity, dress shopping, flirty banter, food mention, interview w Teen Vogue reporter, reader is a camgirl)
(a/n: help)
Songs: “The Louvre” by Lorde
words: 1.4k
“I’m not askin’ what I look like,” Luffy drawls with a crooked smirk. His hands are loose in his pockets as he steps closer, space minimizing between his heated body and yours. “I’m askin’ if ya like whatcha see. Cmon, kitty, how’re the threads?”
He leers at you in his fitted black suit, paired with a deep red, satin button down the color of a dry cabaret sauvignon. A silver chain with a skull-and-crossbones hangs around his neck. It glitters between his exposed collarbones. You want to take it off with your teeth.
He snickers, and rushes back into the changing room. “Awesome,” is all he says as he finishes redressing.
You’re standing outside the velvet curtain holding the socks, tie, and pocket square that match the suit.
He adds a Rolex to the mix.
You both check out of the swanky menswear shop, and head down the sparkling strip to find you a dress.
You stand in the fitting room, obscured by a black door with a chalkboard sign that says “#2” in a curly, squiggly font.
You’d decided to hit one of the local thrift stores, decked out in miniature Calico Critter toys, porcelain tea sets, vintage dresses, and strange plants. Luffy seems comfortable enough, chatting with the elderly saleswoman at the counter.
You squirm.
You’re wearing a deep red velveteen dress with a gathered waist and a slit up the side. It’s heavy, and smells like mothballs. You shimmy out of it; the texture is abhorrent.
“How’s it goin’, dollface?”
Luffy asks you through the kitschy little door. His sandals scuff the uneven floorboards on the other side of the fitting room. You’re tangling your limbs in an emerald green
cocktail dress with too-tight sleeves.
You huff with an honest sigh.
“What’s wrong? Need my help?” He asks cheekily, and you snort.
“Not yet, Prince Charming.”
He laughs, but lays off the banter. It’s a sorta sweet balance that you two have found with each other.
Luffy knocks on the door.
“How’s this one? Saleslady said—,” he stops as you open the door, still half-dressed in a champagne gown. It’s pale pink with diamond shimmers. The sweetheart neckline dives between your breasts, tapered empire waistline revealing the goddess-like, Boticelli version of your pear-shaped body. The long, flowy skirt wraps around your legs in waves. There’s a subtle slit to your thigh, and you found a rose gold clutch to match.
You slowly turn, sweeping your hair to the side so he can zip the back of the slinky, incandescent gown.
His fingers are slow as he clips the zipper up your exposed back.
“What jewelry d’ya want?”
He asks, raspy.
You decide on a single, Swarovski swan pendent with a rose-quartz center. The wings of the silver swan are outstretched behind her, with a diamondesque eye sparkling at the center of her graceful face.
You spray Daisy by Marc Jacobs at your pulse points. You curl your hair. You apply eyeshadow, lip liner, and gloss. You contour and highlight: blush, false lashes, winged eyeliner, everything.
You stare at yourself in the mirror of Luffy’s luxurious bathroom.
The dinner lasts so long.
You find yourself picking at the fabric napkin in your lap: undoing scratchy threads as you fiddle.
There’s so much social labor.
You have no idea how your boyfriend does it. It’s so many hours of smiling, chatting, answering questions, social media marketing, and more.
Everything said is scrutinized. Laborious. Every single face you make has a chance to be photographed. Immortalized. Tweeted. Instagrammed.
Commented on.
You scrunch your nose to the side, staring down at your green tea sorbet. A dessert that is so light and refreshing actual tears spring to your eyes as you taste the light green ice.
The champagne is sweet.
Your stomach is sour.
Luffy is standing off to the side, doing an interview. The reporter is smiling, seemingly kind.
Luffy kicks ass at interviews.
The social media burnout seems to roll off his back. Like staring into flashing lights doesn’t dizzy his head. Like he can still focus through the humming buzz of food, conversation, drinks, and laughter.
You feel like a scared rabbit.
Someone bumps your elbow, and you squeak out a frozen gasp of terror. Someone laughs, and the tension leaves your body as you force yourself to breathe. You’re safe, here.
It’s just new, is all.
“Sorry bout that,” someone says, as they hover next to your seat. You force yourself to see past lights and sounds and system overload. Person. Individual. Someone is standing next to you and you must learn their name. “Is this seat taken?”
You shake your head, and shift so they have room to sit in Luffy’s vacant seat. They’re lovely: dressed in sky blue and silver accents.
You smile wide at hearing her name, her pronouns, her career as a social media manager. She’s working at Teen Vogue, something you particularly respect. “Is it okay if I ask you some questions? It’s super interesting to see your social media presence as an egirl,” she smiles, “And I’d love to see what you have to say about it! It’s okay if you’re a little overwhelmed,” she allows. She had a gap between her front two teeth.
She is sparkling.
“Sure! I’m an open book, really. My social filter is all outta wack,” you admit, shyly. But you hope your open body language and softer voice help get the “friends” message across.
Expression. Communication.
She starts:
“So, how long has it been since you started camming?” She licks her lips, iPhone recording the conversation. She sets it on her knee, face up. She had a daisy-patterned pop socket.
“I started in 2020, once the pandemic started. I started an OnlyFans, and I haven’t really looked back since. Although, I take some breaks now and again.”
She smiles, “Breaks are healthy,” she assures you, as someone starts filming you over her shoulder. You scoop another bite of sorbet.
“So, what would you say is the most interesting thing about your career?”
“Mm!” You hum through a mouthful of green tea ice, “So many things! It’s so creatively expressive. I get to assign myself whatever roles I want,” you start bragging a little, “Since I choose whoever I wanna cosplay. It’s also so sweet to see what content people vibe with. Like, someone said they listen to my ASMR as they fall asleep! It’s amazing, seeing that someone sees you as their comfort content, y’know?” You smile, rambling a bit.
She smiles, though. She seems to enjoy listening. So you smile, too.
“Awesome, that’s super cool. What are some challenges about sex work?”
You nod, sober.
“The shame. People want to criticize me so much for showing my body onscreen, but burlesque has been around for centuries. The art of the striptease, the art of pornography, the skills of prostitution—it’s all so gorgeous. It’s got its shadow side, like everything, so when I speak about sex work as a career, I am always only ever speaking about consensual sex.”
She nods sagely, listening.
“So, um…ah—is it okay if I speak more on this?” You ask nervously. The napkin is scrunched into knots in your fists. The reporter—Maria—nods. She is smiling, and focused. Her eyes are deep brown, with fluffy eyelashes even without mascara.
She is not wearing makeup.
You smudge at your own lipstick, wishing you could swipe it off.
“Okay, so…it’s a way for me to flirt with strangers on the internet. It’s like, a very fun thing to do for me,” you smile, honestly. “And that’s how I met Monkey D. Luffy! Oh, I hope that’s okay to say,” you suddenly fret, social filter glitching out. “It’s so hard to understand censorship,” you confess, “I’m an adult performer so like…all the stuff I say is gonna be, like, eighteen plus. Or like, how do you decide what’s private and what’s public? It’s all so discomfortable,” you huff.
She smiles, laughing softly.
“I understand. Is there anything else you wanna say?” She has her hands folded in front of her, with several silver rings on her slender, piano-player fingers.
“Don’t say he met me through my day job, please.”
She meets your eyes, scanning.
She nods, satisfied.
“Thanks so much for your time, Miss Hero Butterfly!” She smiles, and stands up. Her dress rustled around her. She has a butterfly pendant in her hair. You smile, and stand to shake her hand.
“I love your butterfly necklace,” you say, grinning.
She winks.
“I wore it for you.”
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eleccy · 1 year
something something kristoph and his luxury nail polish and when phoenix said “i know appearances are really important to you” and his perfect suit and hair
but then klavier being like all but confirmed to wear lipstick, and he would totally wear alita’s sandals (and rock them) and being a fop
being gnc is like. the major thing that they share in canon. and you know where klav got it from, it’s just so obvious. it’s canon. it’s right there. you know they bonded over cosmetics and klavier stole kristophs hair straightener and won’t give it back and they both use a lot of the same brands that they trust and kristoph taught klavier which brands are the best when they went shopping together. and when apollo brought the bottle of nail polish out klavier realized it was ariadoney and knew immediately who it belonged to. klavier has been pawing through kristophs makeup since he was knee high to a duck, he would know that bottle anywhere.
...im unwell
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sleekervae · 1 year
Past Lives [0.1]
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A/N: Hi, and happy Sunday! I've been wanting to expand my writer-verse for a while, and I've found it's tough depending on the person I'm writing about. However, I thought this was a cute idea and Austin fit it perfectly. Just bear with me :)
Summary: As the filming for Elvis wrapped, Austin found himself flush in an identity crisis. His body ached, his head hurt, it was tough for him to get excited about anything. However, his interest was peaked when he found he was in the same city as Jade Theodore, a once good friend whom he'd been separated from thanks to time and circumstances...
Warnings: some mentions of InFiDeLiTy
Two years is a long time in hindsight. Add on sleepless nights, countless injuries, little to no contact with your loved ones, and a pandemic? It was any wonder Austin hadn't checked himself into a psyche ward when filming had wrapped. That last day, when the cameras were finally shut down and all the make up came off, he locked himself in his bedroom. He was positive he'd slept for almost three days, but it still didn't feel like enough.
By the end of that last week, Austin stared at himself in the mirror, poking and pulling with unfamiliar curiosity at his own face. His stubble was beginning to grow back, a mismatch to the black dye that would need time to fade from his usually burnt blonde hair. His eyes were opaque and his skin felt raw and plasticky, almost like a doll. He couldn't explain it then, but never had he felt so unnerved to stare into the mirror, and for once in his life, not recognize the person who was staring back at him.
This was the shell of Elvis Presley. Where did Austin go?
It was a week before Austin had gathered enough of his faculties to get his shit together and pack up. And before his eyes, he had traded the long, hot and humid country landscape of Australia for the rain-filtered stone neighbourhoods of London. His manager had afforded him a break before he would be whisked off to shoot his next project. It was a small break; three weeks to recover from two years. It seemed like a joke to most, but a break was a break. Any time he could take for himself was greatly welcome.
Austin's eyes cracked open, for once not at the behest of a blaring alarm. His brain was still wired to expect sun and native birds chirping away, though instead he woke up to rain pattering against the windows and traffic echoing from below his apartment.
He had taken to walking up and down the neighbourhood, exploring the hidden shops in small streets and wandering Trafalgar Square. Nobody paid him any mind, masked up and avoiding touching him and each other. He had to wonder, if this movie was as big as Baz had promised, how would this all change for him? Walking down the street would become a luxury he could no longer afford without becoming mobbed, if not by fans than by paps. And they would all watch this movie, all of them with the highest of high expectations...
On a bleary Wednesday morning, Austin sat by the window in an obscure little cafe. His coffee was becoming lukewarm and his breakfast sandwich only partially devoured as he scrolled through his phone. His mind was empty, colors and eye-catching headlines only holding his focus for mere moments before he'd move on to the next. However, he stopped suddenly at a particular paparazzi post of a singer.
Jade Theodore Sports Pleather Jacket with Sandals in London
He couldn't give a damn about whatever fashion fad the news outlet was focusing on, Austin stared intensely at the blurry photo. Slender, small, her usually long chestnut hair was cut short and a mask hid half of her face. But Austin was struck by an odd twang of nostalgia. He hadn't seen Jade in years, it felt like a whole other life since he had.
Jade Theodore had been conquering Billboard hits since 2014, exploding onto the alternative pop scene after ditching a go-no-where career at Disney. She was a force of musical talent to be reckoned with, speaking the most beautiful truths in her music that could vary from tasteful and classic to raw and raucous. Austin had seen her perform a couple times and he had a few of her songs on his phone. But he hadn't spoken to her in years.
And she was here in London, too...
Austin had spent the last two years in near full isolation from his friends and family. He felt like a stranger in his own skin, unaware of himself and trying to root himself back to who he was and why he did what he did. So it was a familiar comfort to him as he looked her up on instagram. Her page was full of gorgeous selfies and shots of the food she made. He remembered how much she liked to cook and she was good at it, even at a young age. And of course, she had pictures of her dog; a golden mini doodle that she took everywhere with her.
Jade's most recent photo was a window selfie with downtown London in the background. Her large green eyes twinkled in the reflection of the light, some makeup stained just beneath her lashes and pushed the grunge aesthetic she toted. She was younger than him by a couple years, she had to be twenty-six or twenty-seven by now, and yet she still held that teenage mischief in her stare.
His fingers moved before he could realize just what the hell he was doing, and he stared at the message he had ready to send in her DM.
Hey Jade, saw you're in London. How are you?
Austin stared at the message long and hard, his mind spinning with the fret of whether or not he should send it. And furthermore, would Jade bother to read or respond to it? Nevertheless, his thumb twitched once, twice, and then he pressed send.
Not two seconds later, he slammed his phone down on the table screen down. His rationality told him not to worry; she'd see he wasn't just a random user awaiting a response. Maybe she'd be happy to catch up with him? The irrational part however of his brain was screaming at him, wondering why he would message someone who was a point blank stranger to him. And he was to her, too. They hadn't spoken in nearly a decade, there was a slim to fair chance that Jade wouldn't give Austin the time of day. After all, she was probably really busy with her music and --
His phone buzzed, and Austin would admit he was a little too quick to turn the screen over and check. His heart dropped when he saw it was just a message from his agent checking in on him. He set the phone down again and his gaze shifted out the window again. He was being utterly ridiculous, but the constant thumping of his knee would easily give away his flicker of anxiety. He should just delete the message, she probably wouldn't see it anyway --
The phone buzzed again. Austin huffed, figuring for good reason it was just his agent again. However, his eyes blinked swiftly, and he stared in almost disbelief as he read Jade's response.
Hi Austin! Wow, it's been a while! I can't really complain, how are you?
He could still hear her voice in his head as he read the message over again, her honeyed Canadian accent penetrating his ears. His lips began to curl up in a small smile and he began to type back.
I know, it's been too long. Guess I can't really complain, either.
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Austin considered himself an introvert, he had never been the type to throw himself at people or at social gatherings. However, he seemingly jumped at the chance when Jade offered to get a coffee together the next day. She had some off time and wanted to catch up a bit.
That Thursday afternoon Austin found himself sitting on a bench, overlooking the lush rolling hills of serene Regent's Park. Jade had texted him that morning telling him where to meet, and Austin kept looking to the same dented lamppost just to be sure he was in the right spot.
His knee continued bouncing, his long fingers tapping incessantly against the cold wooden bench planks. He didn't pay any mind to the footsteps crunching on the gravel trail before him, keeping his eyes glued just to his phone before the familiar honey voice took his attention.
"Austin?" his head snapped up, and his bright blue eyes met Jade's lush green ones. She smiled politely, one ankle locked behind the other as she stood there, and suddenly a rush of old memories flooded through him.
He stood up slowly, wiping his clammy hands on his jeans quickly as he approached her. Her eyes immediately went to his hair, needless to say she hadn't expected him to dawn a drastically different color to the burnt blonde she had come to know earlier.
"Jade, hi," he rasped out. Jade noted how his voice had changed, too; husky and thick. If smooth bourbon had a voice, Austin's voice would be it.
"Hi," she continued to smile, her cheeks tinting red despite the cool breeze whipping through the park.
Austin looked her up and down, he could see the small curls of her tattoos peeking out just below the cuff of her sweater. His smile suddenly curved into a playful smirk.
"Were you always this short?" he raised his hand to her height; the top of her head would just barely graze his chin, "Or was it my imagination?"
Jade scowled, her scorned grin still plastered to her lips as she rolled her eyes, "You know, I was gonna' hug you, but I could punch you instead if you want," she offered.
He began to laugh, taking a stride forward and pulling her in for a hug. She smelled of flowers and citrus, a reminiscing scent of seasonal turnings with the promise of spring break and refreshing decadence.
There was a quaint coffee stand at the end of a trail they stopped at, and Austin surprised himself with the fact that he could still remember Jade's typical order: black with two sugars. They took a seat on a bench shortly after. The sun was shining down so that was an added bonus, and they watched with little interest as other people lay out over their picnic blankets and played rounds of soccer football in the fields.
"So, how long have you been in London for?" he asked.
"Well over a year, now," she replied, "I had an opportunity to take up a residency for some work, and I had a friend who lives here so I've been rooming with her. Figured with all the bullshit going on back in the states, could England really be worse?"
"Wow," he simpered, "How long are you here for?"
"Two more weeks. My agent gave me the word, label wants me back in the pacific time zone," she said, "It's nice here, but it's not Australia,"
Austin smiled, "Yeah, it's absolutely beautiful over there,"
"Did you meet any koalas?" she asked with some giddy.
"Truth be told, I didn't have a chance," he replied, "Everything was shut down for about six months, so I mostly spent my days on the beach during that time. And when filming opened up again, I didn't really have much time for tourism,"
"Damn," Jade shook her head, "How hard did they work you over there?"
"Oh, we had eighteen hour days. And I maybe got three or four hours of sleep a night. I can't complain, though," he admitted, "Everyone on set was great, and the experience was just once in a lifetime, you know?"
"I suppose," she shrugged, "Not just anyone could pull off the King of Graceland,"
He huffed, "Yeah. It was a lot. I feel like I've been cramming for an exam the past two years and my body is finally coming out of it,"
"I'm glad you said so, because I didn't want to sound heartless," she said.
"Why would you sound heartless?" he popped a brow.
Jade smiled sheepishly, "Because -- you look like shit,"
"Oh, thank you. I looked in the mirror this morning," he smirked back.
Jade began to laugh, "I'm sorry. Okay -- but aside from physically, are you okay? I heard how intense these biopics can get. I mean, at least with Rocketman, Elton could give his notes if needed,"
He understood where she was coming from, "I got advice from the right people when I needed it. I'm just starting to come out of the fog, though. I need to either put my focus on something else or just not think about Elvis for a little while. At least until the press tours start,"
"I get it," she nodded, her lips pursing, "Is that why you messaged me out of the blue?"
He simpered shyly, "Well, no, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I just heard you were in town and thought it might be nice to catch up,"
"Well, of course! It's only been... what? Nine years we last spoke?" she suggested, watching him carefully.
"Five," he noted, "I watched you perform at Coachella in 2017,"
Jade popped an eyebrow, "Oh? Why didn't you come say hi?"
That one, Austin didn't have a good answer for. His circumstances at the time were different, he was distracted to put it lightly. His social circle looked much different and his priorities were aligned elsewhere. It wasn't a very valid excuse, though.
"I don't know," he replied truthfully, "That's a shitty excuse, but the truth is I don't know why I didn't. I should've. I don't even know why I messaged you in the first place,"
Jade cocked her head, her gaze averting to the fields. The echoes of football games and chatting passerbys intermingled with the distant drawls of traffic in downtown. Regent's Park however was quieter. Jade turned to Austin again.
"I think I do," she suggested, "And correct me if I'm wrong: but from everything you've told me, coupled with some... unsavoury things that've come out in the past year, I think you're lost. Not just with yourself but in your reality as a whole. You've spent over two years pretending to be somebody else, and it's not exactly a children's game of dress up and make believe. So, when you saw that this familiar stranger," she stopped and pointed to herself, "you haven't spoken to in a while is suddenly within arms reach of you, you jumped for it like a seal doing circus tricks. You have to rebuild yourself, and how fortuitous you happened to stumble upon me,"
Austin sighed, nodding slowly as her words sunk in, "Does that make me a selfish prick?" he asked.
"Not at all," she shook her head, "It does make you a little whiny, I'm not gonna lie," that got a chuckle out of him, "I'm not exactly innocent, either. But still, I'm honoured you picked me,"
"I'm honoured that you even came out to meet me in the first place," he grinned, "Does it make me whiny to admit that it's really good to see you again?"
"Then we're both pretty whiny," she bumped his arm, "It's good to see you again, too,"
Time wasn't a thing as Austin and Jade continued to talk. It was as though years hadn't passed and it felt just like it used to when they were sit on set together. He told her about some of the upcoming projects he had in the works, including a possible call-back for the sequel for Dune. Jade had been a fan of the books as well as the newest movie, and regardless to say she was excited to hear about that prospective venture.
Jade meanwhile had a show coming up, her first in nearly two years at the Brixton Academy. After so much time lallygagging around she admitted she was a little flustered putting a set list and rehearsals together. Though the tickets were close to being sold out, Jade's nerves had a way of getting the better of her as the show loomed closer and closer.
The early morning soon turned into late afternoon and then the evening. Jade was surprised when she checked her watch and saw the time was bordering on five o'clock. Austin noted the time too, and he looked both ways up and down the park as he realized the crowd had thinned down considerably.
"It's getting dark," he said.
"Time always flies, I guess," she replied.
"Yeah," he collected the discarded cups, his mouth moving before his brain could register, "You wanna' get something to eat?" he suddenly asked.
Jade shrugged, "I mean -- if you have no where to be..."
"I have no where to be for another week and half," he told her.
"Alright," she stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, fluffing up her hair, "There's a little pub down the road that make the best truffle fries. And I'm not even exaggerating," she chuckled, "They're deadly,"
Austin laughed as well, "Can't say no truffle fries now, can I?"
They ventured out of the park together, jacket sleeves occasionally brushing up together and the conversation kept flowing between them. He regaled her with a story from filming, some on-set shenanigans between him and his cast mates that helped lift the pressure. Jade watched him curiously, picking out the mischievous glint in his eye, the way his fingers fiddled with his coat pocket, how his smile was still the same as when he was seventeen. It felt so strange, content that she knew him and he seemed just the same, and yet he looked and was so different.
The gastropub was relatively empty at the time, a dark interiored venue that smelled of hops and fresh leather. Austin and Jade were given a booth in the back, a single candle accompanying the low dimmed sconces across the walls. Two pints of beer sat on the table, in between them a plate of steaming truffle fries.
"So... would you chew me out if I asked?" she asked meekly.
Austin had an unsettling feeling in his gut, but he nodded nonetheless, "Ask me what?" he asked.
Jade huffed, giggling nervously to herself, "About you... and a very long term relationship that didn't go the distance?" she was trying not to squirm in her seat.
Austin tried to put on a smile, but his fingers tapped slowly against the hardwood table, his eyes averting just the same. The side of his face was lit eerily by the candle, he was hauntingly mesmerizing.
"You know what? Forget it," she said quickly, "I shouldn't of -- I mean it's none of the my business --"
"No, it's okay," Austin assured, though his fingers continued to tap on the table, "Truth be told, I fell out of love," he scoffed, "Not as Lifetime as it sounds, I guess,"
Jade wasn't sure what she was expecting when he answered; probably something scandalous like one of them cheated, or there was a major fight. But what wasn't heard very often was the very thing he described, and seemed to still feel guilty over.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I get it, though,"
"You're one of very few people," he admitted, "Even my dad thought I was crazy when I told how I felt,"
Jade picked at another fry, "Ten years with somebody is a long time, Austin. But it's not a lifetime, either. And at the end of the day, you have to make a choice for yourself," she said, "Do you regret it?"
It was a question he had been asked often, and every time that relationship flashed through his head like a movie reel. He reminisced the good, the bad, and all the beautiful moments in between. However, his answer was always the same.
"No," he shook his head.
Jade shrugged, "Then, you can lift that burden off your shoulders," she said, "You know what's best for you, public opinion be damned,"
"I never thought of it that way before," he said, "As a burden, I mean,"
"I've found responsibility and naivety can be confused in situation-ships; whether that's for us or our significant others depends," she explained.
Austin sipped from his beer, "You sound like you've had some experience," he spoke before drinking.
Jade simpered, somewhat bitterly, "Suppose this the part where we discuss my failed relationships?" she asked.
"You asked me first," he smirked.
"Fair," she sighed, sitting back in the booth seat, "My partner and I are currently on a 'break'," she made air quotes with her fingers. Austin simpered with intrigue.
"Okay, Rachel. What happened?" he asked.
Jade shook her head, "Well, the shorter version is he caught covid really badly. So badly to the point where he had to be ventilated. His mother is a super sweet lady, but she's also super religious. She was concerned about his sins or whatever, so she told me -- while he was under ventilation -- that he had cheated on me,"
Austin popped an eyebrow, "Fuck..."
"Hold on, lemme' get this straight," he said up, "He cheated on you, didn't tell you, told his mom, and now that he's in a coma his mom told you?"
"Oh, he's out of the coma now. He's fine," she replied.
"Holy --" Austin was at a loss for what to say. Not even the most twisted Hallmark movies could come up with such drama, "I can't imagine -- Jade, I can't even imagine what that must've been like,"
"So, you are blessed," she grinned.
"I assume though, that you did tell him?" he asked, "That you knew?"
"When he was well enough, I confronted him. And then he gave me the classic excuse 'she meant nothing!' and all that. Nothing concrete enough to forfeit him another chance, anyway. And don't even get me started on his mom," she squirmed in her seat.
Needless to say, she couldn't have dreamed up a more stressful situation. Jade had been so torn up, so angry with her boyfriend, and then guilty for being angry because he was so sick. But she also wanted him to pull through, partly because she needed the opportunity to confront him. And when she had, it still wasn't enough to satisfy her. Never before had she felt so violated, not just by her boyfriend but also by his family.
Though, she wondered in the back of her mind if she perhaps deserved it?
Austin was baffled, nonetheless, "When did all this happen?" he asked.
Jade's smile was bitter, regretful even, "About a year ago," she replied sadly.
He nodded, "So, when you had the opportunity to move to London amid a mass pandemic..."
"Like a seal in a circus," she admitted, "I'm nervous to go back because he's going to be waiting for me and promising over and over that he's changed and realized he can't live without me and all that bullshit,"
"So, break up with him!" he said.
"I have. Twice. He won't accept it," she stared off into space, teeth chewing thoughtfully on her bottom lip, "He's telling all our friends and family that we're just on a break..."
Her hand rested over the table, her index finger tapping impatiently. Austin couldn't help himself, he slid his own hand across the table and folded it over hers. Jade met his eyes again.
"I'm really sorry, Jade," he said, "If there's anything I can do..."
"Don't worry. I'll have him off my back soon enough," she shrugged, then her lips upturned into a gleeful smirk, "And hey, I'm a B-list celebrity! I could have a restraining order on him with a snap of my fingers if need be!"
He began to laugh, "Fame and its perks knows no bounds,"
The night dwelled on, the conversation moving on to more pleasant things. However, neither were privy to the fact that one hand always seemed to be in close contact with the other for the rest of their meal.
The restaurant filled up with people, endured its dinner rush, and then settled down again for closing. Austin and Jade were still in their booth, lost in their own bubble. That bubbles was popped however as a server came by and dropped off their bill. Austin felt a little guilty as he looked around, realizing they were the only table left in the place.
"Guess we became those people," he joked as he pulled out his wallet.
"Means we had the best time," she popped a brow, "What're you doing?"
"I'm paying the bill," he answered simply.
"Not by yourself," she countered, "At least let me get half!"
"Nope," he couldn't help the smug leer on his face as he pulled out some pound notes, "I invited you out, it's only fair,"
Jade opened her mouth to argue, but he had already closed the money into the booklet and gave it to the server. She relented nevertheless, following as he slid out of the booth and they made their exit.
The evening was chilly, but the sky remained clear, its pale visage looming down over central London. The streets were clear for the most part, though a good amount of cars were still driving up and down the roads. Austin and Jade walked side by side in the general vicinity of his apartment.
"This has been really nice. I almost hate to leave," she told him, chuckling bashfully, "But Cam is gonna bop me in the head if I'm late to another soundcheck,"
Austin simpered, "I understand. How long does your soundcheck run?"
"About two hours," she smiled politely, they both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, "What are you doing next Wednesday?" she asked.
He shrugged, "Nothing, I guess," he replied.
"Why don't you come to the show? I can get you a ticket," she offered.
"Are you sure?" he asked, "I mean, I'm good for the ticket,"
"And you just bought me dinner, so you'll take it. I mean, the vibe's not exactly Mean Woman Blue, but..."
"Jade, I would love to come," he nodded.
She started rocking back and forth on her heels, "Cool, I'll send you the information," and she put her arms out for a hug. Austin obliged her happily. Her head fit snugly under his chin and his sharp cologne tickled pleasantly at her nose, "Thanks again -- for reaching out,"
"Hey, thank you for coming," he grinned, "And I'm sorry it took me ten years,"
Jade shrugged nonchalantly, "Hey, until the next ten years," she started walking backwards, "Bye Austin,"
A renewed excitement flooded over Austin, a shy smile on his lips as he began to turn, "Bye, Jade,"
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msterpicasso · 4 months
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Shava High Summer
“Blue Iris”
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Amongst Friend: Chapter Two
One of the perks of being besties with The Satoru Gojo is that the man was loaded. You were able to graduate from college debt free. He also found you a job at one of the most well known luxury auto body shops in the city. The cars you worked on every day were the type you thought as a kid you would never see in person.
Suguru was given his own tattoo shop in the same area of town. You wondered if he did this on purpose to keep track of you all. Satoru never really thought that deeply so you always dismissed the idea.
You spent years trying to convince Satoru to stop throwing around his money on you both. In the end you had to accept that was how he showed his affection.
You were now stumbling towards Suguru's shop like a newborn fawn. Damning the creator of high heels while simultaneously pulling down the short velvet dress you had been forced into. You always had a respect for women who made walking in outfits like this majestic.
"Y/N cursing like a sailor is not very ladylike!" Satoru scolds as he walks by which causes you to give him your most intense glare yet. He gulps and decides to run into the shop. Smart man...
A chuckle from behind you makes you turn. Suguru takes hold of your arm steadying you and opens the door. "You look fucking hot. Stop worrying so much." You grumble as he helps you walk through the door. You hated that you felt so dumb in this attire. Dressing up like this made you feel like you lost a bit of yourself, foreign.
"OMG! Y/N!! Is that you?!" A shrill squeal diverts your thoughts. The beautiful receptionist runs from behind her desk pushing Suguru away. He gives you one last smirk as he walks back to his office. Feeding you to his wolves.
The bubbly woman spins you around excitedly and you hold onto her arm. Your cheeks felt hot as the other artist emerged from hiding to check you out. You froze in an awkward stance not sure how to respond as they complimented you. You throw up two thumbs up and say thanks repeatedly.
"What? Y/N! You clean up real nice." One of the artists gushes.  You could not identify anyone at the moment because your mind was in fight or flight mode. In a panic you shout a loud thank you and pull away from Lilly's clutches towards the back.
You do catch a glance at the piercer, Leo as you stumbled past. His jaw was nearly on the floor. Suguru was always saying he had a thing for you. You never trusted his judgment. The look in his eyes said maybe he wasn't wrong.
You open the door to Suguru's office and slam it closed, greeted by hysterical laughter. "I'm so glad my suffering amuses you both." You mutter pushing Satoru over to sit on the large couch.
"It's rare to see you so vulnerable. I have to savor it while I can." Satoru smiles but rubs your shoulder in an effort to console you.
Suguru continues to laugh as he pulls out hid iPad to finish up a sketch for a customer. You want to watch but do not want to risk falling and furthering your embarrassment. Used to your curiosity as he works, Suguru turns and sighs. "Satoru..."
"Ooo fine..." Satoru says pulling out a backpack. You raise your eyebrow and he opens it to reveal flat but stylish sandals. He hands them to you and your thankfulness out ways the anger, knowing he had them the whole time. You switch out your shoes and rush up to observe Suguru, who is grinning pleased with himself.
You always felt a sense of peace when you visited the tattoo shop. Everyone got along well for the most part. You did not have trouble conversing. They made you feel a part of the environment. You were often the therapist of the group. Easing any small tension that would arise.
As you watched Suguru fill in the design you tugged on the short dress once again. "Why couldn't you have had Suki come here after Suguru closed..." You complain to Satoru.
"I did contact her at the last minute. Had to repay her kindness with a quick session of my own." Satoru hummed and you gagged. "Hey you asked!" He shrugged and you rolled your eyes.
You knew that your two friends got around quite a bit. What you weren't expecting was that their behavior would rub off on you. Being around them gave you a sense of confidence you had never had the ability to feel before. You became dominant in your intimate relationships without realizing it. You expressed your wants clearly. Unlike in the past where you felt your needs were a burden. Hearing men whimper easily became one of your favorite addictions.
Being able to not have to hide yourself was empowering. You have always been thankful to Satoru and Suguru for helping you find your voice. You picked on their promiscuity but you would never judge them. They created a safe space.
"Y/N..." Satoru whispers standing beside you, pulling you from your thoughts. He lifts a blunt towards you and you smile. "I told you I'd reup for you." He winks handing it over. He pulls up a chair and you light it up. Easily falling into a discussion while Suguru finished up.
Small timeskip
Being at the shop was not as difficult as most social situations. The people there were friendly and welcoming. One artist in particular was your favorite, Yuta. He was a bit reserved but you both had found a common interest, Dungeon and Dragons. You both had a fascination with cool looking dice and exciting stories.
"I hate the new class. It's way to overpowered!" You complain as you were currently looking at some of his drawings of monsters. Yuta laughs and nods in agreement. So engrossed in the topic you did not realize Satoru had snuck behind you until he wrapped himself onto your back.
"Satoru... not every conversation has to involve you." You tease as he nuzzles into your neck and you ruffle his hair.
One thing you had discovered about Satoru Gojo was though he was always the center of attention he felt a sense of utter loneliness. Growing up in a well to do family where his parents often left him by himself he never really received normal attention and caring as a child. As his friend you always tried your hardest to be there and to reassure him.
After you pat his head, Satoru grins sheepishly and stands. Content with your affection he now sauntered over to flirt with Lily the receptionist. You laugh as her cheeks flush red and she twirls her hair shyly.
"Doesn't that  annoy you?" Yuta says watching the interaction at the front desk. You look at him confused.
"Why would it?" You question and he shrugs.
"I don't know. I just don't see how you can live with those two. They are cool and all but their personalities can be so intense. You're always so chill. Like the opposite." He explains as he begins cleaning his station.
"I've known them a long time. I understand them. Under all of that abrasive energy they are very kind." You say with a far away look as you stand and stretch.
"Y/N! I'm ready for you!" You hear Suguru shout from down the hall. You pump your fist excitedly.
Yuta sighs, "I guess..." You hear him mutter but you were already racing towards the back. In any group personalities can clash. Suguru and Satoru both had a very large presence. You knew you were a buffer when things got heated and you didn't mind. As a child you sat amongst chaos of shouting and manipulation. This was easy.
You enter Suguru's studio and jump onto the tattoo chair. He smiles at you as you observe him preparing the inks. He already knows what you had been wanting. It had to be small because your body was a canvas for his art already. You loved everything he created so being a human portfolio never bothered you.
After an hour you lifted a shot glass in cheers with your best friends. The rest of the crew had left and you had just finished cleaning when Satoru decided you all needed to pregame. "To a great night. Thank the higher powers for Y/N finally agreeing to join us!"
You down the liquor and are wrapped up in a bear hug. You giggle, unable to contain your joy. With a positive mindset you all make your way out into the night.
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
Girl P1
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Media The Last Legion AU
Character Romulus Augustus (Age Up)
Couple Romulus X Reader
Rating Dark Smut
The winners write history, is a phrase I'm sure many are familiar with. and It's something many of us have to remember whenever looking at any recorded history, It's always a massive asterisk that needs to be remembered. That history is recorded by those who win, by those who control and rule, and who want the world to look favourably on them.
That and history books often skip over smaller things deemed less important.
I walked the blood-stained cobbles of the once beautiful city, through the bustling market littered with wooden stalls graced with sweet cotton fabrics and the various items being offered. The tall buildings looming over us all create a shade for us all from the intense sun and merciless heat. I wore my little grey sandals laced up my legs well, my little cream dress, with my wicker basket in hand filled with the items I had already picked up. I continued with my shopping and did my best to stop myself from purchasing things I didn't need.
As I turned the corner in the market I stopped short a moment as I saw the blood red and shimmering gold on the amour of city soldiers at the foot of the statue of Mars, three of them stood one clearly a commander barking orders to the others, the other two stood hassling a young girl in green. She couldn't have been much older than me they were trying to take her to a nearby cart but she was scared and trying to argue with them but that was a useless display as the soldiers were too strong merely picking her up and forcing her onto the cart where I noticed many other girls sat. I didn't want to pry into what was going on, perhaps some kind of round-up over some new law. But I trod carefully as I continued my shopping.
I stopped to check over some pears and oranges when suddenly my basket was forced from my hand and the guards began to take me to the cart.
"What- Where are you taking me!?" I complained trying to get out of their grip but they just pushed me into the cart with the other girls. "What's going on?" I asked one of the girls
"I don't know, they've been gathering up girls all day," she says
Soon enough they led the cart through the city, I did my best not to panic looking at the city, people bustling about their business, the soldiers at every corner.
They took us to the tall gates of the palace, they took us inside the palace and forced us into a line in the high luxury corridor. I didn't know what was going on but anytime someone tried to speak to each other soldiers would force their silence. There were only women in this line and I was at the end of it. I was fearful, unsure of what I had done or why I was here not being helped as the line moved deeper and deeper into the palace's grand halls. Finally, the hall opened up to the grandest room I had ever seen in my life.
The room was huge bigger than the temples with pillars of marble and curtains of glistening gold the walls were lined with guards in red and gold uniforms, the line of girls being marched across the floor. At the head of the room two souls sat, the first in a small wooden chair graced in white robes with red embellishments was the balding, sickly-looking man, I knew who he was from announcements and other such things. The royal advisor, he was the highest of the senate and the man who had to carry out that which the emperor demanded you could tell the role of this weighed heavily on him. And the other soul.
I had rarely seen him, no one had. But he was identifiable all the same. He sat on the throne of Roma and her empire, but he sat on it sideways so his head dangled off the armrest, his legs off the chair so the back of his knee sat on the other armrest, he was barefoot, in clothes worth more then everything I owned tight black trousers and a shirt of deep royal purple with gold lining and rope around cut-outs that went down the top of each sleeve even if the sleeves only reached his elbows, his face shockingly youthful and a head of the golden blonde hair he was well associated with.
Romulus Augustus and several other names that I honestly didn't know. He was a Cesar... apparently. I imagine if Cesar had royal blue blood this boy's blood would be a pale sky blue at best, as his relative to the Cesars was thin some even doubted if he had any at all. But supposedly he was the last living Cesar, he was sworn in as emperor when he was only a boy and his parents were killed not long after.
I suppose in another world the young emperor may not have lasted long perhaps overthrown by another or raised merely as a political show with the senate in true control. But that was not the world we live in. He was sworn in as a child, raised in secrecy and spoiled beyond measure. And because of that or perhaps just because, he was cruel. He was known in the city for Being mercilessly cruel, oftentimes your life would hang in the Balance of his childish whim, his name was known and feared across the empire for his downright evil tactics. And even guards and senate members knew better than to question him.
I had not been this close to him since his coronation when I saw him in the streets, but I was so scared my blood ran cold.
He had a small knife in his hand and was using it to file the nails on his other hand.
They brought a girl from the line directly In Front of the throne
"Your grace" the advisor began
"No" he snapped not even looking up
So they threw that girl to the side and brought the next one
"No" he snapped again not looking up from his nails
This went on until I was pulled In Front of him as scared as I was confused, and at that moment the advisor snapped
"Your grace!" He began "Forgive me, but we have been at this all day. Will you please at least look at them"
He pouted stuck his knife into the throne and turned to sit normally looking me up and down "No. Next"
"There is no next we've run through every girl in the city. You're having this one"
"You don't get to tell me what I am or am not doing!"
"Just look at her. Please"
He rolled his eyes getting up from the throne he came closer to me and paced around me like a hungry vulture,
"I don't like her"
"Perhaps you shouldn't have done that to your last one"
He turned sharply "She got what she deserved"
"Be that as it may"
"she's too chubby."
"she can be thinned"
"she smells funny"
"We can wash her"
"I don't like her hair"
"We can cut her hair"
"fine" he sighed returning to his throne "Show me her teeth" He demanded and the guard beside me grabbed my jaw hard forcing me to open my mouth and slow my teeth he rolled his eyes and sighed "Fine," He sighed "Lift her dress" He demanded and the guard let my jaw go grabbing the hem of my dress lifting it up to expose my pussy which made me scream covering myself up "Better then I expected" He smirked and the guard let me dress go "Alright. she'll do. Take her to the baths"
Immediately the guard grabbed my arms and forced me along with him no matter how much I protested
"What's going on? where are you taking me!"
"Quiet. You belong to the Emporer now" the guard told me 
They threw me into a hot steamy stone room with tall arched ceilings painted with gold, a few luxurious baths and waterfalls, along with areas to relax and a sauna in the corner, it even had a deck out to a garden with another hot spring pool with a waterfall of stone. They locked me here so I just took a seat and tried to come to terms with all that had happened.
Until the doors opened and the Emporer arrived and my blood again ran cold.
"Name?" he glared as he slammed the door shut
"I'm sorry"
"Okay," he sighed rolling his head back a little "First lesson. Do not make me repeat myself. Name. what is it?"
"Y/n y/l/n"
"Y/n. Fine. Take your clothes off and have a bath" He demanded as he slipped off his clothes leaving him utterly naked, his body as thin as I imagined but his erection half hard, I quickly looked away, I didn't want to argue and carefully slipped off my clothes and climbed into the water before he could see me
"What's going to happen to me?"
He sighed rubbing his eyes his arm leaned on the bath his body surrounded by the water"I will explain this, Once and only once." He says "Yes?"
"Yes Your Grace"
"Good girl, Now. Here's the deal. I get bored. This place is boring, the work is boring, it's just fucking boring so I need something to entertain myself or I'll end up killing somebody. So I need something to keep me entertained, And the advisors are constantly shitting themselves about bastards, terrified over another succession fight. So our way of dealing with this is they let me keep... a girl. For my amusement. You get room, food, and medical if needed."
"What would I have to do?"
"You do what I tell you. You belong to me body and soul. You do as I ask Without question. Without argument. silently if possible. You do as I say no matter what I say."
"And If I don't?" I asked
He smirked "Then I'll make you wish you were dead." He said "We clear?"
"Yes Your Grace" I nodded in fear
"Good girl," he smirked "Get out of the bath."
I didn't want to argue nervously getting up and climbing out of the bath using my hands to cover my body
"Hands," he demanded with a smirk
I gulped but took my hands away
"Humm. Not as nice as my last one. But... fantastic tits." He smirked "Jump up and down"
I sighed but did as he asked making him chuckle
"Good, here now" he smirked suggestively running his hand through the water so I moved climbing in and moving close to him, he smirked and grabbed my waist pulling me into his lap "I think you and I are going to have fun" he smirked
"I hope so your grace"
"ah ah" he warned "This mouth. Is for one thing and one thing only. My cock. if my cock isn't in your mouth it needs to be shut. I don't want your opinion. your conversation. or your goddamn voice. That mouth is for my cock and my seed nothing else. Understand"
"Ye-" I began but stopped short and simply nodded
"Good girl." he smirked his fingers dug into my skin as he turned and threw me against the edge of the bath I did my best not to complain as the edge hurt my stomach he grabbed my ass and dug his nails in tightly as he spread my cheeks as far as possible "Legs open" he demanded 
I bit my tongue and did as he asked me to, and he quickly forced himself inside me, I quickly put a hand over my mouth to prevent making any noise as he buried himself deep inside me almost enough to make me scream, he held me tight and moved fast and hard with very little concern for me even if it felt unbelievably amazing the sound of our skin connecting and water splashing I did my best not to squeal from the pleasure until he got slower and sloppier pulling himself out and forcing me to turn back to him my body sinking back into the water and he took his cock in his hand for a few strokes before he came sending his seed across my body immediately I grimaced at the substance now all over my body but he only smirked more seeming amused by my disgust
"Lick it."
"No-" I began
"Excuse me?"
"No, that's revolting!" 
"You belong to me. and if I say you do something you do it." 
"Yes your Grace" I sighed
"Now lick it off" He demanded 
I hated it but did as he asked licking and swallowing the horrible stuff as quickly as I could which only amused him more
"all of it" He demanded but I was perfectly clean I looked rather confused and he just glanced down at himself and the amount that remained on his shaft I did my best not to hurl but did as he asked licking it off and swallowing quickly even if I at one point gaged so hard my eyes welled with tears which made him chuckle "I own you girl. better get used to it" He smirked heading off to another part of the baths "Now clean yourself get that peasant stench off you" 
"Yes your grace" I sighed 
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barbaraspinozzi · 6 months
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💖💖💖 𝘿𝙤𝙡𝙘𝙚 & 𝙂𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣’𝙨 𝙁𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 24/25 𝙁𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬. 💖💖💖
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙚
Maya Jama wore #DolceGabbana to the unveiling of the #DGFW24 Women's Collection "𝙏𝙐𝙓𝙀𝘿𝙊".
Maya Jama wore a refined draped dress with a sexy bra bustier. A seductive garment, an indispensable ally for having a very feminine silhouette, for showing off the décolleté and waistline and underlining the curves. She completed the look with sensual ankle strap sandals, coordinated overcoat and a bold and fashionable leopard print #DGSicilyBag for an even more glamorous outfit. In the second photo with Michele Morrone.
Photos 📷 2 and 3 from mayajama (Instagram)
Discover more exclusive content and rewatch the Dolce & Gabbana show at
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