#shocked hamster
parasolpaper · 15 days
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Washi Tape - Meme Animals 1 - 25mm CMYK
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nvathuw · 8 months
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Drew in class
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lyra664 · 1 month
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No way they referenced the 50k incident 💀💀💀💀
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cchocolatekat · 2 years
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ty to @swimmingferret‘s fic Iron and Ice for showing me the absolute potential that is douma being a single father of two
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sung-hanbin · 1 year
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creepyscritches · 7 months
Hi you would not believe the dwarf hamster I saw yesterday at the pet shop
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waberblobble · 4 months
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Somebody please make a mod that gives the space hamster a bigger enclosure.
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jrueships · 8 months
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he is NOT going back to Vegas ‼️‼️
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tespianmage · 1 year
Listen I am just saying, hypothetically, if by some miracle I ever see an Xavier Rotom model on vrchat or Tower Unite, I will absolutely go ham and get up to silly antics with it
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baalzebufo · 1 year
weird al-cana is your own creation? genius, man.
thanks! i really like doing themed sets of drawings. like, my usual go-to is to make faux horror movie posters based on songs or quotes I like (and to be honest ive got a couple ideas for those I might bust out once i've finished these) but i also love doing other little themed sets of drawings. and the major arcana have some good well-established imagery in em that they're excellent jumping off point for art :V
i genuinely was just listening to my playlist in the car and was like 'what if i drew The Fool but it was Dare To Be Stupid' and in my inability to half-ass things proceeded to commit to the whole bit
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moodycarcass · 11 months
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u know i keep that mf thang on me (silken slug)
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yestrday · 2 years
don't feel guilty!! hamsters are great escape artists and often find themselves in trouble with or without a caretakers help :( it can be hard to catch them so don't feel like you're the reason it happened. i hope your hamster will be okay!! wishing speedy recovering!! :)
thank you for your reassuring words but he just died... I feel so fucking bad rn.. I only had him for a few days and I just allowed him to die... my mom woke me up tonight and told me to look into the cage and he wasn't responding anymore.... I feel so shitty... and then it turns out she bought a new hamster that's exactly like him,, meaning she knew he was gonna die anyway... I was searching this whole afternoon for a vet and then he just died... I can't believe this
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theood · 2 years
I'm trying to think of a shock film I know of and of course google is NO help and of course I'm not a horror aficionado but calling the first Saw one of "the goriest and scariest shock horror films" feels STUPID. No it is not. It's not at ALL the gross dirty nasty horror I meant by shock film!!
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darabeatha · 2 years
#;ooc#ooc#/I SEE THESE ON DASH AND THEY LOOK FUNNY#/not adding ritsu and hakuno bc i cant add a lot of points rip#/spiritually they join ur adventure okok#/PERSONALLY- at first i was like; ok if im going on an adventure then ody or jason would be the most fitting#then i quickly remember ody's journey being a disaster and same with jason ☠️#HONESTLY- THEY ARE ALL A DISASTER IN SOME WAY-#and i cant go by love alone bc i love all of them#TOO MUCH I CANT PICK!!!#there are too many variables to think about-#but if i went with Constantine it would be like a fairy tail bc he has a horse 😳👉👈#but tezca has his -insert model- car with fake jaguar print seats-#and c.amazotz has his fuzzy arms if its cold 🤧🤧🤧#ody has his huge giganormous badoonkazoonkeroongas so u have a pillow there#j.ason has the argo at least- he had to have a positive ok#what if with ash u just get on his weapon and go rolling down somewhere like some huge hamster-#v.lad might not have any means of transportation but- he is so 😳😳😳 that it doesnt matter; i would go walki n g#with Charlie we are gonna get sidetracked; he'll get shocked by something and his attention goes 🏃💨#d.aybit would make a bonfire something tells me he knows how to do camping#like;; he would pull the most random skills and ur like; why does this dude know thissss#the good side of joining mocte: he has these huge guns and warriors around so protection wise ur good#bad side: if u happen to find any comfortable place; ur sleepong outside#hes getting the best of the best; the spare things go to u (maybe; hopefully)
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damned-spaghetti · 5 months
“why did you bother going to grad school if you’re just going to end up working the same job you had before grad school except making more money?”
you just answered your own question, bestie
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