waterpixelart · 1 year
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re-posting these because Shki's birthday is today! I'll post new art soon, I hope.
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jamesdavisnicoll · 11 months
Moon of the Turning Leaves (Moon of the Crusted Snow, volume 2) by Waubgeshig Rice
Pondering migration, the Anishinaabe of Shki-dnakiiwin dispatch a scouting party south to see what became of their former homeland in the wake of civilization's collapse.
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Humans are scary- Children and teens (Part one of the escapist)
"You see, many years ago, Pirate Captain Kik'r'l captured 4 human younglings. They were each 12, 14, 16, and 17- in their years. In U'uor years, 11, 13, 15, and 16. They were litter-mates, hatched by the current human Ambassador and his mate. Zeyr plan was to hold them for money, for greed. He did not know how big of a mistake it was," "What happened, Uor-Eldr?" "He did not know that human younglings do not need to mature to fight back, like many other races. In fact, they can be as young as 5-4 U'uor years- and bite off a U'uor's hand," "Gasp!" "Uor-Eldr, how do they do that? Do they have sharp teeth?" "Do they have poison?"  "Nay. They have small, rounded, stubbed teeth. They do not have poison. But their jaws are strong, like those of a Jemake. And they are born with the type of determination only seen in their kind. But, you must understand, they are not fearless. They are not like the Sh-Shki, who do not feel fear or anger. They are not like the Y-a iek, who fear no race because they are arrogant. They can feel fear. The younglings cried for days, before it went quiet," "Did they die?" "Nay. When Kik'r'l checked on them, they all flew out the open door and stabbed him with glass shards from a shattered window nearby. Kik'r'l never fixed it-and payed for the price,"
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Why are the Aozakis assassin magnets anyway? Touko and Aoko have encountered at least four high level assassins between them (Soujuuro, Eiri, Shiki and Shki), that's a bit much.
It's more of the Aozakis being ever-present in Type-Moon.
Since Mahoyo was the first Nasuverse work written, Touko and Aoko run around in the background of most Type-Moon works as the foundational characters. It's not that they keep running into assassins, it's that theyre everywhere. Even FGO, arguably the most disconnected from the rest of the Nasuverse, has Musashi mention meeting Touko during her travels.
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maanyaank · 2 years
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Eshkwaa-mzinaazmaanh wi miikaans enaabminaagok, ke-aabnaabyaanh gnamaa wiya shkweyaang bi-yaat netaa-skiinwit -- wii-bwaa-giibshkaageyaanh go naa, zaam gaa go naa niinii ngichi-gzhiibza-sii -- mii gii-waabmak bezhik. (Ngii-ke-bke bangii epiichi-mzinaazmaanh wi miikaans.) Gaa wiya gekenmak daa-aaw-sii, ndi-nendam. Besha ebi-yaat, "Baashjikaash-shin, nbejbis wii go naa niinii," ndi-naa. (Ngii-Zhaagnaashiim go naa; gaa go naa wiya zhanda yaa-sii eNshinaabemat ge-bbaa-skiinwipa.) Bmi-baashjikaazhit, nginwaabmik weweni, genii dash go nginwaabmaa. "Giikenmin na?" ndi-naa. (NZhaagnaashiim go naa.) Znagat go naa wiya wii-nsidwaabmin wiikwaan biizkang miinwaa sunglasses, miinwaa'sh gchi-zhaazhi go naa maaba gaa-waabmagba, gaa gewe ngii-gkend-ziin gewii iidik skiinwit. Gewii'sh go gaawii ngii-gkenmik-sii skiinwiyaanh. Mii'sh go naasaap pii gii-nsidwinaadyaang. "Oonh, aanii!" ndikdami.
Mii go shki-ntam nwiij-Nishnaabe bmi-megwaashkwak oodi bbaa-skiinwiyaanh. Mii giiyenh shki-ntam zhanda bi-nji-skiinwit.
Aapji'sh go ngii-waawnendam. Naangodnong ko, ntam ndoo-dkamoojiigebis. Nda-ni-n'kwebis dash oodi wi washme waasa nikeyiing bemi-zhi-giitaamak miikaans. Besha nda-ke-zhi-giitaabis, mii dash miinwaa washme waasa nikeyiing bmi-zhi-giitaabzayaanh ko. Mii'sh nongo miinwaa gaa-zhichgeyaanh. Zhaazhi go naa ni-aabjibzaba wa nwiijkewenh oodi waasa nikeyiing wii-bmi-zhi-giitaabzat.
Ni-n'kwebzang oodi, besha zhiwi te aabdaako-pabwin. Ngii-ke-nnaamdap dash zhiwi, ezhchigeyaanh go naa ko, wii-ke-pizndawgwaa bneshiinsak, miinwaa bekaa go naa wii-maamiikwaabndamaanh epiichi-mnwaabminaagok mzhakwak, mtigwaaki gewe. Bekish dash go nongo ngii-baabiiyaa wa nwiijkewenh wii-bi-zaageyaakbizat oodi waasa washme bi-njibzat.
Mii sa maapiich -- gaa go naa gchi-gbeyiing -- gii-waabmak biijbizat. Besha ebiyaat, waabmit zhiwi nnaamdabyaanh, "Aaniish maanpii gaa-bi-zhi-dgoshnan zhaazhi!?" ndik. (Zhaagnaashiimo go naa; mii maaba bezhik gitziimwaan gaa-Nishnaabemtaag-siiwaajin.) "Gaa na gii-waabmi-sii giimooch gii-bmi-baashkjikaannaanh?" ndi-naa baapzhimak. "Nenbozhoonh iidik yaawyin," ndik baapit.
"Oodi ngii-dkamoojiigebis," ndi-naa. "Oonh, temgat nangna zhiwi shortcut?" ndik. "Gaa go waawaach ngii-maamnanaabnda-ziin," kida.
Jibwaa-ni-aabjibzat, "Ga-ke-wiidaanzoomin genii selfie-ing," ndi-naa. Oodi go naa gii-shki-megwaashkdaadyaang, mii gewii gaa-zhi-kwejmit (miinwaa ngii-kwejmik wendgwenh da-saagbane niwin mzinaazwinan Facebook).
Eni-maajiibzat, geyaabi go jina nga-ke-nnaamdaap, ndi-nendam. Mii dash go naa wiiba gii-zaami-dkidyeshnaanh. Gaa go naa ngii-bbaamend-ziin wii-jiishwebwak zhiwi aabdaako-pabwining bangii goon gaa-bit, miinwaa gaa go naa aapji gepgaak miiknoot ngii-aagwiitooshk-ziin.
Nongo, aapji go miinwaa mno-giizhgat. Ndoo-nnigaawaabiignidis go memkaach wii-bwaa-bbaa-skiinwiyaanh miinwaa nongo, zaam, aapji go jina ngii-nakiitaan ndictionary jiinaago. Miinwaa mbe miinwaa gegoo zhanda Tumblr nga-ke-zhibiiyaan, ndi-nendam.
Nahaaw, neyaap miinwaa bangii naa gnigenh nga-oo-ke-nakiitaan wi ndictionary.
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autistikmystik · 2 years
"Till Death Do Us Part"
A cherry plum glistened in the early morning sun, its sleek and slick purple sides seemingly dripping with dew as the sun starts to take the first slices… The only slices this little fruit will ever feel, because all the hands in the world are cold and lifeless by now, aye cold and lifeless; indeed, the tips of nameless fingers gnawed off as the weeks crept so achingly by. Nameless fingers belonging to nameless palms, and boy you should see this nameless face. The maggots did a fine job I tell ya, boy! A fine job indeed, on making sure the eye sockets were thoroughly fleshed out and that little bit of cartilage that held the nose up, sometimes too far, was long gone. Only dark smudges painted on the front of the skull like some stupid battle face paint.
Was it stupid though?
No one was around to think such things; however, only crows, murders and murders of them… Cats every fuckin’ which way you turn, because “wouldn’ yeh no’id themsh pet-shki pet houshe ratsh be fuckin’ into da’nigh til da shun come hollerin cross the bay”, or so 99 year old African Ms. Jonesie would say if she was still alive. But she was one of the first waves to be taken to Jesus, right in her own bathroom and roont her curtinsh, as a mad’r fack.
Some deer skittered and scattered along with various other birds but mainly in the residential areas there were crows, cats, and packs of wild dogs… And bodies. Millions and millions of rotting and decaying corpses of the people who used to crawl over this planet like fleas hot and heavy with the Bubonic Plague.
Except… it was not the Black Plague that took these people to Heaven.
Nay, it was the branch of government sworn to protect these people, yes…
It was their own military, their own good ole boys, their own guardians that rode in on their hyper teched out tanks and modern whisper-quiet guns and shot everything with two eyes, a heartbeat, and a protest. Well, the pretty eyed ones didn’t die so fast. No, they had to be held down and dumped into before they were forced to meet their maker.
“But WHY?!” They ALL cried out in horror and terror… And they were ALL met with the same answer.
Laughter… And then BANG! Darkness.
The United States Government issued the death warrant of its 340 million habitants through the United States Military. Every single branch of its now totalitarian government was unleashed with absolutely no orders of backing down.
Hell knows no wrath like a scorned king, marked by the deep lines of betrayal by his own people in his face. A pissed off woman who just found out she was pregnant and then left by her pissant baby daddy pales profoundly to the rage the President of the United States felt for his people.
At least, that is what HE perceived. You see, the President also had a boss, believe it or not. He was invisible, HIGHLY classified, HIGHLY dangerous, but every fucking where on the god damn planet… Yet his boss had not ONE cell of his being toeing around ANY rock or drinking ANY filtered water here on this planet.
He wasn’t stupid, not like they were but he wasn’t gonna tell them that. He wasn’t gonna tell anyone that because then maybe one of them might get smart and cut off communication with him and he desperately needed someone on the other side to keep good tabs on everything.
Soon, he thought. Soon the end will be here, and everything will be okay.
But absolutely NONE of that shit matters anymore because now, 6 weeks to be exact from the first bullet shot, every single person has died, either out of starvation or salvation or revelation, you take your pick, now.
All those ideas of a New Age and thoughts on hope and hopes on thought and dreams of a better day and even those got damn terrors that made those punk ass little kids piss the bed were gone…
Dead with a dead country.
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studentofetherium · 2 years
i now realize that saying "SHKI" can still be ambiguous
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444names · 2 years
common snake names + dances
Acke Aclon Acobra Afviper Ance Asideam Asider Asnake Baadder Badance Badde Badder Balk Balsa Baltz Bamba Bance Bangbra Bareebo Barlead Barnset Basing Beadder Beler Birce Birdder Biricke Biriper Biriver Blach Blacke Blamba Blance Blider Blinaka Bling Blion Blubber Blubbet Blued Blueele Blueeva Blunda Boack Bole Bommy Booga Boogo Boomba Boomsh Boop Boot Bosnake Botder Botter Bown Bownice Bradder Braged Brasp Brater Bray Breena Breence Bregga Brobra Bush Bushmam Buttora Cake Calboa Calk Caltz Calyda Canake Cance Caperce Carter Caso Casp Cassad Catcong Cath Chake Chakey Chan Chance Chig Chimboa Chning Cing Cleake Cler Cloga Clogie Clonce Clown Cobroom Cobrot Cobug Coder Comba Conce Condad Condang Conde Cong Conwalk Cophon Copper Cora Corsian Cothop Courrot Crive Crot Crown Crowned Cupider Cupin Cupiper Ddandsh Ddewing Diance Distep Dive Dradde Dradder Drance Drobra Droika Droommy Dway Elbom Ellingo Ersnake Etda Ettep Fadance Fadde Falk Falon Falonce Falsack Faltz Fance Fancing Fier Fiewing Firce Firice Fish Fisssa Fistile Flamba Flance Fler Folk Forad Foxtrer Fradder Frenake Frer Glogie Glon Gosnake Grad Grance Grastle Grater Gray Greake Greence Gregga Grenake Grence Grodder Growing Hack Hacop Hadance Hadde Hake Hamboom Hance Hara Heake Heam Heatep Heater Hera Herater Hice Hicke Higer Himba Himmy Hing Hiper Hiperce Hisda Hoga Hogie Hoging Hoke Hong Hongier Honter Hooga Hoomsh Hopdang Hopper Horadba Horater Horeet Huffle Icdance Icke Ictra Irce Irive Jacot Jiger Jive Jiviper Kenake Kewig Kinake Kinder King Kinging Kingo Kiperce Lachad Lack Lacke Laconce Lamba Lamboa Lance Lasnake Latilk Ledance Lese Lesnake Lettor Limboa Limboo Limmy Limshi Ling Lion Logier Loova Lyda Lydance Lyinake Lying Lypoke Macance Mack Macon Mamber Mamon Mance Mang Medance Medang Menacke Menake Metago Miler Milk Mocing Modan Modance Modde Mode Moder Mole Molk Moommy Moovipe Morive Mosnake Mudance Mudang Mudsh Mudsna Nedance Neon Nesnake Nicda Nice Ning Palba Palke Pallion Palse Parence Partdan Patch Patep Pater Paterce Patilk Pernst Pider Ping Pingo Piper Pittep Pitter Poga Pogie Poke Poles Polfsna Polk Puffalk Puffle Pythake Pythoo Quice Quick Quicke Radance Ralba Rance Rashki Rasnake Reake Renake Resnake Rher Rimmon Risdang Robra Rodadde Rodance Rown Rumba Sack Sacke Sacrose Sadde Salda Salk Salke Saltz Samboa Samboo Sanake Sance Seake Sedance Sedive Serfbom Shdance Shick Shiper Shki Shmay Shumba Shumber Siamber Sider Sing Skadder Skaway Sking Skipe Slaco Slacrot Slionce Slon Slown Smoder Smole Snadda Snake Sping Spviper Staissa Stance Staper Stcon Step Ster Sterce Stick Stile Stilke Stle Stonce Strer Style Styler Styles Stylet Styleva Swig Tager Taing Talser Tance Ticdang Ting Tiong Treence Tres Tricasp Tripe Triper Troder Trowing Twer Twig Twing Twoon Twootda Tworner Vipe Walle Waltz Wareebo Watep Wath Watig Wattle Whiper Wossang Yelack Yelba Yele Yellion Zeboa Zebolk Zebra Zebralk Zumba Zumbalk Zumbara Zumbo
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bzdmdqw9 · 2 years
Adultos en restaurantes saharauis ◐/[BCGAME5.COM] ♡ Acceso a restaurantes dominicanos
Restaurante Sahara TikTok ☎/[BCGAME5.COM] ▥ La última dirección del restaurante indonesio, restaurante de Instagram Sahara [Tele @JBOX7] Restaurante de Granada, restaurante australiano Twitter, Restaurante Kakao Talk Kibasa] [Previsión general Kakao Talk Shikashi restaurante de Kakao] restaurante de Kakaoki Shkaoki Shkaoki Shkaoki Shki Shki Shikashi Sh Restaurante de África Oriental [Consulta Toto Principal] Restaurante albanés Sahar Sitio [Comprar Toto Total] Restaurante Qatar YouTube Angola Sistema de Restaurantes Sahara [Kagi KCTU] Restaurante de Eritrea Telegram Restaurante Saharan Saharian Restaurante Satin [yama Oriental] Restaurante Sarante Sato Kakaotshi Rata] restaurante Sakaotshi Takaoon restaurante Sakaoon restaurante Sakaoki
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shkigroup · 4 years
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Shki in the industry, We offer Cup Making Machine, Slipper Making Machine, Sole Cutting Machine, Paper bag Non Woven bag Machine, Notebook Making Machine Manufacturer, Sole cutting machine, Agarbatti making machine, Paper plate making machine, Packing machine, Hydraulic double station scrubber packing machine etc from India.
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animegadaisukiidesu · 5 years
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minstrivia · 4 years
@AGU5TD POSTED A POST SAYING "not to be in full delulu mode now but if i were yoongi i‘d actually drop the mixtape on d-2 and put an agust in front u get it „agust d-2“" AND IM GONNA CRY THAT'S SO SMART WATCH HIM ACTUALLY DO THAT IM 100% NOT READY FOR ANY OF THIS FUCKKKKKKKK
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hadobaloo · 6 years
something positive: the hispanic fic side be risking neck and head for shidge
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maanyaank · 2 years
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Minj maaba mtik wi enji-zhinaagzigwenh. Gii-bbaa-skiinwiyaanh ngii-bmi-maamnanaabmaa maaba. Mii go shki-ntam waabndamaanh wi dnawa gegoo maajiiging mtigoong.
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highkeyweeb · 6 years
So... Let’s talk Eden’s Zero
Well Eden’s Zero comes out today, (but let’s face it we all read it a few days ago) and even though we don't have that much to go off of, many people seem to already be judging it. It isn't fair to judge something when you've barely seen anything from it, or know nothing of its potential or where its going. its just the start and just like how you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you shouldn't judge it by just its first chapter alone either. Especially when its a manga, and it has many more installments than normal books do.
On another note, I personally love Eden’s Zero. I immediately fell in love with Shiki and Rebecca. Rebecca has a huge appetite just like me, and Shiki is so naive about the outside world, it made me laugh so hard. He’s never even seen a girl before! it makes me wonder what other crazy things he might do throughout the manga. Being raised my machines his whole life things are sure to be interesting.
Also, it really is great to see Happy again. But I guess he isn't an exceed anymore, just a regular talking cat. I wonder what the story is behind him this time. Or maybe this world has a planet full of talking cats?
Not to mention Rebecca’s a YouTuber!! Well not really, but she does make videos to upload to a channel and that’s the basic job of a YouTuber, so thats technically what she is. I feel like I can relate so much more to her now. I mean, she has a profession that in this day and age has become very popular and that people can actually make a living off of. She's so much more relatable then anyone in Fairy Tail was. Not that I didn't love them, of course I did, but the characters in the Fairy Tail world we’re all wizards, they had magical abilities then real people couldn't possibly have. it seems like in this story things will be more explained with science. Things don't run off of weird energy like in Fairy Tail. Well, we still don't know that much about Ether Gear, but I’m guessing it has scientific origins?
Regardless of everything we can speculate and talk about, we still basically know nothing about Eden’s Zero. Where are Rebecca’s parents? How will she and Shiki get into the trouble they get into if they're harmless YouTubers. They aren't going to be going around taking down big bad groups of people like in Fairy Tail. Or are they?
Bye guys, see ya next week!
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alifeasvivid · 7 years
Your headcanons and writing give me life. Like good job on your thoughts, I wish i could be as articulate as you!
^////^ oh gracious! Thank you so much! I’m really glad that you take pleasure in my writing! As for wishing you could be as articulate as I am, it’s really just a matter of hard work and maybe occasionally a dash of talent! I’ve been writing fiction and fanfiction since I was 10 years old (and before that I was always making up stories in my head) and I did my Bachelor’s degree in Fiction at college, but you don’t even have to go that far to get good at it! The main ingredients for success at any skill are desire and determination to always improve and learn from others! Specifically, if you want to get better at writing, you should read A LOT (and good stuff, yanno, not just fanfic ;).) Also, write whenever you can, write whatever comes into your head, it doesn’t have to be good, just do it! 
Okay enough of my totally unsolicited advice haha! I sincerely thank you for taking the time to message me; feedback is what keeps me going!
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