matchasilver · 7 months
Mushroom in my heart for fungi...
Ink(y) caps, shittake, puffballs, and more(ls)!
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mundaily · 1 year
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August 10, 2023 | 222/365 - Braniac
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slavhew · 5 months
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shizuo fell off a roof or something
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pure uncut shizaya unmarred by current brainrot hahahhaHAYOU THOUGHT. SIIIIIKEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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inkmaze · 3 months
I should not be let loose in asian supermarkets by myself, I am just too tempted
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donuts4evry1 · 6 months
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Jelly gijinkas vs their food of choice
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elenaferrante · 11 months
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Delicious vegan ramen 🍜
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blapis-blazuli · 2 years
"I'd be immune to Audrey II offering to have me date Heady Lamarr or meet Jack Parr or whatever 🤪" No shit, Sherlock, they wouldn't mention them to you. They mentioned those things because they were relevant during Seymour's time. You think the plant wouldn't update their tactics and references if they were to change the setting to a modern one? You think it wouldn't try to tempt you by making you popular on your favorite internet platform? You could argue that it still wouldn't work on you, but you can't say they wouldn't try that.
Also, those things didn't work on Seymour either. You know what did work? Offering to help him get with the woman he'd been crushing on for years. By the time the plant started talking they had spent enough time with Seymour to know what he likes and what to say to persuade him into doing what they want. Audrey II works like a siren: tempting their victim with what they desire. They wouldn't try to win you over with meeting celebrities from the fifties, they'd offer something that's deeply relevant to you.
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enter-the-darkness · 1 year
"Some Asians say its good, some Asians say its bad"
Where are the ones that say its GOOD? All I've seen are neutral and "interesting" (both of which are "I have a friend" and "someone on reddit once posted", not once have I had an actual AAPI person try to discuss this with other AAPI *and* have this stance), I have not once seen an AAPI say "Oh wow I'm glad "tulpa"mancers are using the term "tulpa"! It helps me and AAPI so much!"
If you have a group of people saying "this is actively hurting me!" and a group of people who say "this is not hurting me" and you choose to continue doing it because its "not hurting some people" then infer what that means about you yourself.
Tell me, what GOOD does white people appropriating and bastardizing the TERM "tulpa" do for AAPI? "Cultural Exchange" OK what did we get in return? Hm? What is the greater good that outweighs the damage done to justify using the term "tulpa"?
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icharchivist · 2 years
no but those shittakes about “ff15 is bad because it’s too modern” annoys me because it hits right on the thing i actually love about ff15 about how, modernity cannot protect you from nature, from the past sins you inherit from your ancestors, from the fact the world is still large and impossible to conquer. 
It’s something i think is extremely effective in ff15 with the whole night mechanism and how it’s genuinely TERRIFYING to be out at night especially during low level, and the gameplay pushes it a little further by having Ignis refusing to drive at night. 
No matter the advancement of technology or modernity, magic and nature are still the primordial forces you cannot control. 
And it’s driven home by the whole deal with the Daemon, re: that it’s people who’s been infected with the Starscrouge becoming those monsters, and how much it’s directly tied to the prophecy the Gods pushed on the Lucis Caelum and specifically on how they screwed over Ardyn and how Ardyn is willing to use it against those who wronged him, and, to the extend, of how the Empire is exploiting this past suffering to weaponize it in their own expansion.
And in a sense i think it’s extremely effective in the sense of, you cannot run away from the past forever. You cannot just ignore the plague humanity, via the empire, is unleashing, and how it destroys humanity and nature alike.
The modernity of ff15 i think serve in contrast about how the primeval elements of this world can be so easily ignored when walled down in Insomnia City but will end up crawling their way and crush this modernity and stuff.
And i mean it’s the whole irony in the narrative structure of the arcs in ff15 in general.
idk i do think the game mostly went modern for the aesthetic, and, let’s be real, so many FF have been a balanced mix of modern and fantasy, each with their own themes associated to this balance, but the specific slack ff15 is getting while i specifically like how the modernity is challenged in a way, is annoying meeeeee.
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thelostandforlorn · 1 year
From: The Garden
To: Home Base
Entry 92601AU:
It is May 6th, 2023 and I feel duped. The Earthlings began to use the term “rizz” and I, in fear of not fitting in, made sure to know what this word meant.
I began to use the Earthling-Creation by the name of Google, very rudimentary in comparison to our system the P̷̪̝̖͔̭̻̻̭͉͊͂́̀̏̆̉̽̾̋̅̒̽̓̽̅̂́͆̈́̅̈́̂̾̓́̌̿͐͂̇̄̚̚͜͝ơ̸̢̡̧̟̭̟̼͖̝̫̤̙̮͉̼̙̜̠͙̱̼͚͖̤͎̦͛̃́̍͑͗̀̔̓̂́͑̈́̃̎̆̀͂̓̇̌̌͋̊̕͘͜͝͠͠c̷̛̛͉̞͎̹̫̳͖͍̤̭̫͓̰͇̼̳͕̭̜̬̀̊̐̂̏̽̓̇̽̂́̓͗͐̐̚͠k̷̡͖͓̘̜̺̣͓̼̟̼̙͖̝̥̳̲͍̇̓́͋̅̋̀͒͗̀́̉̿̑͆͌̊̐̎̌́̍́͋̀͑̈́̕͘͜͠͝ͅͅͅé̵̛͉͙̺͕͔͕͖̀͋̓̒͂̐̂̈́̀̐̉̓̑̿̒͝t̸̢̧̧̨̙̠̥͕̹̼͙͔̲͍̼̝͚̘̺͚̳͙̥͚̺̄́̀ͅ ̷̧͍̳̟͚̦̝̹͈̄̏͌́̄͌̓̈͆̎ͅP̸̧̛͍̭̯̺̱̗̺̪̗͕̠͖̭̗͉̞̝̬͈͚̯̯̱̣͍͎̞̲̳̥̬̈́̍͐̊̑̇͒̍̋̀́̒̈́̐͗̍̇̏̏̀̈́̇́͑̈́̌̄̎̿̕̚̕͘͜͝͝i̵̧̛̛̫̝̞̳̝̳̬͉̭̙̟̺̦̻̝̰̼̲͑̂͌̍̊̒̀͂͌͐̄̊͆̒̎̎̓̓̓̅͑̽͋̅̇̔̕͘͜͜͠͝x̷̛̛͈̂͑̍͊̿̎̄͝͝į̴̢̡̤̼̯͕̩̗̩̙̘̩̭̯̺̖̞͈̥̜͕͍͖͖̫̥͎͗̐̽̅̄͒͆͜͝ͅͅͅȇ̷̛̗̯̠̳͔̖̜̙̤͕̱̝̊̒̾̿͂̅͌͛̈́̿̂̉͒͂̃̾̕͠, and happened upon its definition of highlighting the sapient quality of “charisma” - “rizz”.
I continue to scroll, I need examples, dammit! until I’m shown videos and I no longer need examples.
The Wheel croaked and came to a halt right in front of their eyes and no one seems to bat a lash.
And now, it begins to turn back.
However, they do have something here that perhaps might taste even better than we have there, a confection of the most unholiest sweetness that I desire in my unending quests from the Universal truth:
That’s all for now, Base. This is Ş̸͖͖̫̳͕̫̫̯͕̰͇͙̣͗̿͂̉̓̋͋̔̾̑̐̚͝͠͝͝ï̸̢̢̤͓̙͈̪̲̮͈͇͔͖̩̩̲̖̺̪̠̹͕̝͍͆̈̇̏̊͑͛̀̊̃͑̂͊͗̈̆͆̅̈́̋͒̓̓͐̿̌̀́́̒͒̒͝ͅͅn̶͍̝̦̻̤̜̬̠̈́, I’ll reach out if there is more to be said, more to be done, but as for now.
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onehunnit · 1 year
okay FINE! I finally pre-ordered the album 😭
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14muffinz · 2 years
Plot twist: the thing in the opening scene of thanks to them is really just a fucked up frog and belos was with humter the whole time, waiting
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shi-ttakes · 3 months
I am an island. 
My friends come to visit every now and then, the birds that decide to land as they fly over my trees and shores. I listen as they talk about their lives and suddenly everything feels so distant. 
I am watching from the corner of the room, floating above my body and watching the time pass. I hear the laughter but it’s muffled. 
I am underwater now, and I watch as my friends fly away. They never stay. 
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shitpostroundhouse · 4 months
My very quick shit takes below:
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He's acting insane to establish a plea of innocent "by reason of insanity." Though, maybe more likely to be found guilty "by reason of inanity."
He does suffer from some level of true mental derangement (likely), but only enough to rationalize his own nonsense as if it's based on reason and reality, and to evade the conflicts of logic, ethics, or facts within his worldviews.
He is gay, and has now broken his brain to explain how all men are gay. To completely paraphrase him, "If you (men) have sex for pleasure, then the only logical choice would be to have sex with men. Men are made for pleasure. Women are made for conceiving babies and carrying them to term. Men can just have sex with each other and not have kids, who'll just get on the way of all that terrific sex men men." (One point to his credit, what man wouldn't logically wish he were gay? Having access to others who a) know how to please you and b) have a sex drive based on testosterone. I wouldn't say that hetero sex for pleasure is gay. But gay sex between men is genuinely manly. Hey, if I found the right enthusiastic partner, who knows? But it's pretty late in the game. I don't think I could learn a whole new sport. I'm all conditioned into hetero activity with a partner I'm highly attracted to. Men generally don't attract me. I guess that just makes me pretty gay...)
He's on some trip about procreation being a primary purpose and motivator of straight men. Without that, they are gay. Or, "they may as well just go have sex with men, because women are for making babies, end of story."
He's just goofing around for internet points...
"What if he's right? What if we're all gay? Aaagghhhj! He's in my head! How did he know I'm gay?" Ah, his master plan... to make all other men gay to that he can impregnate more children, I mean impregnate more women with his spawn...
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Other found family tropes are cool and all, but true found family comes when they add you to their health insurance.
Now that is an unrivaled commitment.
Like, "Yeah, I'll pay a bit every month of my entire life/have a bit of my pay deducted to go into a health insurance premium for the rest of the time I'm employed so that in the event you get injured or sick I'll be able to pay for help for you to get better."
*Disclaimer, I'm not in charge of insurance in my household. I've got a few more years before I have to finagle that, but I thought the idea was cute. This might be inaccurate to exactly how health insurance works (I'm basing it off of minimal research and things my parents have mentioned in the past). I just thought that including someone as a dependent in your health insurance is a major commitment, and aside from adoption, it's possibly one of the most major things you can do to show exactly how prepared you are to include this person in your entire future.
It's kind of just a way of saying, "I'm sticking with you, and I'm planning on sticking with you for a long, long time to come."
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okay but on the MAGNIFICENT beautiful side of things. i finally got some of my favorite chinese dish vegetables and after a YEAR!! can finally cook my favorite bulgogi and yuchoy dish 😭😭😭😭😭 idk how i lasted so long living that life
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