sauronnaise · 9 months
I've never read 'shibboleth' properly. My brain resorts to 'chipotle', or, in worst cases, 'shitpotle'.
Lo and behold:
The Shitpotle of Fëanor
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fuck-customers · 9 months
Repeat after me.
One more time.
Working my lowly Shitpotle shift right before Christmas, and a dude calls on the phone saying that he put the wrong location into the app for his pick up order and he can't get it, and he wants us to cancel it. I tell him, unfortunately, there's nothing we in the restaurant can do, because it's on the app and all we do is make the orders as they come in.
Guy flips off the fucking handle, demanding to know why we even have an app if we can't cancel orders in stores.
I tell him that we, the restaurant workers, have nothing to do with the app, but if he called 1-800-Shitpotle, all he'd have to do is request a refund, and then he could place the order again at the correct location.
Guy starts SCREAMING at me, accusing me of wasting his time and his money, yelling that he hates the app and "why should I have to request a NEW order, you should just CANCEL IT" and then he begins to call me a "fucking r*tard", to which I cheerfully respond, "Fuck you too buddy!" and hang up the phone.
So. Let's reiterate.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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vamprenn · 10 months
I get shitpotle on
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ed-teach-enjoyer · 3 years
I’m studying to be a pharmacy tech to like better my life or whatever and every night I’m like alright :^) time to hit the books :^) and then by the time fifteen minutes has passed I feel like such an utter fool because I’m dumb as fuck and can’t do any of the math
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wadebachelder · 4 years
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supreme-smokey · 3 years
Thank you animal crossing for providing me with what the bastards at SHITPOTLE couldn’t; good cooking skills
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welshit · 2 years
Chain restaurants that are not worth the hype:
Chipotle: fucking disgusting, overpriced, gives Mexican food a bad name, employees are dead inside, the Stans are the stupidest fucks you’ll ever see
Five Guys: holy fuck this shit’s overpriced, I didn’t know you could ruin fries but by god they did it, the dumbest fucking name in the history of capitalism, significant overlap with shitpotle Stans therefore stupid fucks with horrible taste
Chick-fil-a: literally just mediocre chicken sandwiches and plain-ass basic bitch waffle fries, not worth the religious zealot flavored homophobia, employees and Stans behave like cult members, seriously it’s like Village of the Damned in there
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sourdieseldaddy · 7 years
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bby highlight sparkle jump rope queen + hailey and lahren shitpotle and chill....ps i stole the hotsuace
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fuck-customers · 9 months
Customer at Shitpotle: You know, you look miserable at your job. Maybe you should quit, because your attitude fucks up everybody’s day.
My monotone autistic ass who was nothing but polite to her the entire time: So you’re ableist? Kill youself then
Posted by admin Rodney.
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scorpiogf · 9 years
they r playing alt j at my workplace I feel violated by the indies
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wadebachelder · 3 years
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fuck-customers · 10 months
"Can I get forks from the back?"
"Oh don't worry, I just restocked the front so there's brand new forks and straws right by the drink station!"
"No, I don't want those forks, I want the ones from the back."
"?? I don't have straws in the back? Unless you mean the take out window--"
"No, the ones from the box."
"...Ma'am, the forks up front were just restocked."
"But they're dirty now. 'Cause of germs. COVID's back."
"They're brand new forks. I replaced them five minutes before you walked in."
"But I want CLEAN FORKS!"
Lady, if you were so worried about germs and COVID, then you'd be wearing a mask and gloves. Hell, you wouldn't even leave the fucking house if it matters so much to you. You wouldn't be using our straws that I JUST REPLACED, and then sitting in the fucking dining room eating your food and then leaving a mess on the table to clean up. You entitled fuck.
I hate Shitpotle customers.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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fuck-customers · 10 months
I've called off because of my period cramps before and it used to never be a problem because I've even been sent home due to my period cramps. I feel like my organs are being ripped apart, and I get horrible nausea and diarrhea, and it's so debilitating that I can't MOVE for HOURS. Or, if I have to, moving is so painful that I'm always bending over and barely able to breathe.
So tell me why, suddenly, I get a total of four hours of sleep due to my cramps coming for me, and when I try to call off three hours before my shift starts, I'm told that cramps are no longer a viable excuse to not show up for work? Did my managers just forget how much pain I'm in? Do they forget me running to the bathroom lest I shit my pants? Or keeping a trash can nearby in case I vomit?
Fuck Shitpotle. I'm one of their best dependable employees, I only call off when I know I can't make it, and this is how I'm being treated? It's not my fault my managers keep hiring idiots who don't take the job seriously enough to show up, but I don't deserve to be punished for other people pulling no call, no shows or calling off for stupid reasons. I'M LITERALLY IN BODILY PAIN.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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fuck-customers · 10 months
Every goddamn time someone at my Shitpotle's gets promoted to manager level, I always get a text on one of the two days I Do NOT come in, and I always have to remind them that I don't work those days. It's to ensure that I'm not trapped working more than four days in a row, due to being disabled, because if I work more than three or four days in a row, MY LEGS DON'T FUCKING WORK.
It's even in my file: OP does not work (these two days). AND YET
They will keep trying. They are waiting for the day you give in. The second you do they will NEVER honor another request from you.
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fuck-customers · 10 months
To the cunt who tried to say I wasn't autistic, literally kill yourself.
Working at Shitpotle can be a fucking nightmare. We were in a slow period near the end of a bad shift (9/19), and I was washing some clementines for the next shift, and I headed up front when it looked like my coworker was done with a customer, since I'm the cashier, except The Cunt didn't have any food, just four sides.
So, a little confused, I asked her, "Oh, are you not getting any food today?" because I need to know what's going on, if I need to charge her anything, and my coworker says, "Oh, she has orders in the take out that she's picking up," so I say, "Oh okay," and I take a burrito bag to put her sides in.
And The Cunt says, "He was only helping me, you don't need an attitude over it."
"Excuse me?" I asked, caught off guard. "What attitude?"
"YOUR attitude. If I wanted just four sides, would that be a problem?" she snapped back at me.
"Well, no, but I'd have to charge you if that was all you're getting," I said, still wondering what she was on about. "But you have orders you're picking up, so--"
"So NOTHING. You can drop the snark, thank you."
I just blinked at her. "Ma'am, I'm autistic, so like, I'm sorry, but why are you so angry that I asked a simple question?"
The Cunt burst out laughing. "Don't play that fucking card, you're not autistic."
That was when I got mad, so I all but threw her bag at her and went to the back of the store, and another coworker took her food up to her because if I had to do it, I was gonna slam her bags into her fucking skull. ALL I DID WAS ASK A FUCKING QUESTION, I WASN'T EVEN MAD, I WAS CONFUSED.
Ableists Drop Dead Challenge 2k24
Posted by admin Rodney.
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