#shit even the side characters were interesting
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angst, no comfort, everyone involved in this fic got hurt including the author
inspired from: this song, (english) + this old indonesian song (from reader's perspective) (english)
tw : Dead dove: do not eat, infidelity, depression, mention of abuse, mention of PTSD, implied suicidal thoughts, self-harm, dark theme, heavy ass shit, toxic relationship, one-sided hatred, one-sided love, self-loathing, major character death, violence, mention of blood, probably inaccurate medical scene, implied past-Ghoap, post-Soap's death
last warning : it started bad and it got worse before everything burned in flames
Thanks to @ahobaka-trash & @herdarkangel for beta-reading :3
word count : 9187
rated : E
You can't fix him
Ghost x f!Reader
The sun was shining brightly in the sky, specks of white decorated light blue. Everything was too bright, too colorful, that he needed to squint his eyes and pull his hoodie to cover his face more. He hadn’t worn his mask for a while now, not since he was discharged. He just couldn’t be bothered to anymore, not finding any use for it when he didn’t need to separate himself between two lives.
But he regretted not wearing any now.
Despite the warm temperature, he was dressed in all black, with his jacket zipped up all the way. His appearance was a contrast to the pretty thing holding onto his forearm. You were skipping beside him, smiling cheerfully as you cooed at babies and greeted every dog passing by.
He made a mistake by glancing at you, to which you responded with a bright smile that made him grit his teeth.
“Don’t be so grumpy, Simon. We’re almost there” You said to him in such a sweet voice that sent a shiver down his spine- not the pleasant kind.
This was not a scenario Simon thought he would ever be in.
It all started when he first met you. His neighbor who wouldn’t leave him alone ever since he moved into the flat beside yours. He didn’t know how you even had the courage to approach him, he knew he was huge and imposing, intimidating everyone in and out of field. He was not charming in any way like you were, he was broody, even more so now that he was medically discharged from the military.
He got his heart punctured in a fight—a near-fatal wound. He was rushed to a field hospital, then airlifted back home, where surgeons fought to keep him alive. Hours of open-heart surgery. Internal bleeding. A cardiac patch to repair the damage. But somehow, he survived.
“Your heart took too much damage. Even with the surgical repairs, any extreme exertion could worsen the scar tissue, cause arrhythmia, or lead to heart failure. If you push too hard… you’ll need a transplant.” He remembered a doctor explaining it to him.
The very last thing he liked about himself, his strength, was now useless since he couldn’t get his hands dirty. He was angry, but he knew there was nothing he could do, couldn’t argue with Price to at least get him to have Johnny’s revenge and kill Makarov.
You kept pestering him. Starting with knocking on his door to offer him some baked goods, approaching him for small talk even though the most he would respond with was an annoyed grunt.
It was very obvious that you had a not-so-little crush on him. And he tried to make it obvious that he wasn’t interested, that you were better off trying to charm some better bloke out there that wasn’t full of emotional baggage.
But he was starting to learn that you were a stubborn little thing, and it started to get on his nerves.
And so, that’s how he got here. Letting you drag him to some cozy cafe in the city, you looked so pretty in your flowy sundress and white wedges. He hated it.
You clearly made an extra effort to look pretty for this date. For him.
While he couldn’t even be bothered to shower.
He only agreed to this date so you would see how uninteresting he was, so you would finally leave him alone for the better.
“So.. we talked a lot before.. but you rarely talked about yourself” You said to him after you both were sat at a table by the window. He had to hold back the urge to roll his eyes at that, because no- we didn’t talk a lot, you did, while he just endured listening to you.
“Why should I talk about myself..” He responded while looking down at his tea, stirring it so he had something to do with his hands to make this whole thing less awkward.
You giggled at that, and while he was used to you being such a sweetheart all the time, it still irked him. “Well.. this is a date.. so, that’s kind of the thing you have to do..” You replied.
“Only if you’re comfortable of course..!” You quickly added when he looked at you with his soulless eyes.
He grunted in response. Like he always did in every interaction with you.
“Well.. let me go first then” You uttered before rambling about yourself like he hadn't heard it all before already. You worked as a vet and often volunteered at various local shelters, you liked baking and always shared some with the others, especially him even though he still had quite a few stuffed at the back of his cupboard, uneaten.
Now, Simon knew he had been really cruel with you, especially with how you’ve been nothing but nice. But he couldn’t help it, he didn’t know why but the way you looked at him like he mattered,when he thought the total opposite, just rubbed him the wrong way.
You clearly fell hard for him for some reason, but he didn’t feel the same way. And he was not a total asshole, he made it very clear with his words and action toward you. “I’m not interested,” He said curtly when you asked him for a coffee yesterday. “..Please? Just this once, then I’ll leave you alone..” You responded. So he only agreed because he hoped you’d keep your word and leave him alone after.
But he couldn’t say that he hated you either. It’s what you do that pissed him off. He was not used to being treated this way, receiving this much affection, when he didn’t deserve it. He felt like a feral animal being forced to wear some cozy sweater. Made his skin itch, Irritating, left him wanting to tear it all at the seams.
It was him that he hated, not you. He shouldn’t be receiving this kind of attention for being the person he was.
“So.. that was all about me, your turn,” your voice snapped him out of his head.
“..Fine, what do you want to know?” He responded, then took a sip of his tea that tasted horrible on his tongue. But he gulped it down anyway.
“Um.. what do you do for work? I don’t think I’ve seen you out much..” You asked with a tilt of your head.
“Was in the military.” Simon’s answer left out as many details as possible, telling you it’s classified when you asked questions about it.
He still had a lot of savings to survive living without working for a while. Until he got himself sorted out at least.
A soft giggle left your lips at his secrecy. “Well.. alright, how about things you do in your free time?” you asked in a gentle tone, being so patient with him as always.
“Nothing much” He answered as he looked anywhere but at you who tried to blind him with your sunshine. He wasn’t lying, he spent most days distracting himself from his thoughts by working out, and when he wasn’t, he was content staying in his flat to zone out at anything playing on tv, at full volume to drown out the voices in his fucked up head. He was sure you could hear him from your place whenever he did that, but you never complained so he wasn’t really sure.
You didn’t respond for a few seconds, which was odd because you were usually so quick to fill the silence with anything you could think of. It was as if you were being more careful with him now in hopes that he would open up to you more eventually.
Stupid thought.
“I noticed you work out a lot, ” you then said with a cheeky smile as you eyed his biceps that were still obvious under his thick hoodie. “Once I saw you went on a run at 2 am,” you added.
He grunted again.
Yeah, he did that sometimes.. woke up in the early hours from nightmares, then tried to tire himself out by running. At least until his body deemed it enough, he didn't want to put a strain on his heart like the doctor had said.
And when he couldn’t bring himself to go outside, he’d just stare at the wall while unconsciously picking on the stitches from some of the wounds he got from the last deployment. Finding comfort in the sting that distracted him from the heavy weight in his chest. Sometimes it caused him to bleed slightly, but it’s not like he couldn’t stitch it up again himself. If anything, the pain he felt when doing so grounded him.
But he couldn’t say that.
“Last time I did so much of a workout was when I got chased by a dog, ” you joked and laughed at yourself. Simon gave no reaction, he was staring at you in the eyes but it was obvious his mind was elsewhere.
You fidgeted in your seat at his lack of response and put on a smile. “So.. if you need a workout buddy, I don’t mind being one.. been wanting to start exercising regularly anyway” You then said shyly, looking up at him with those damn doe eyes.
Simon shrugged. “You wouldn’t be able to keep up”.
Wrong answer.
Because instead of taking it as a rejection, you took it as a challenge.
And you totally broke your promise to leave him alone after this date.
His time of solitude was filled with your sweet voice and giggles.
“Hey, why don’t we rest a bit..” You suggested the first time you invited yourself to his early morning run, panting and sweating already even though it had only been a short while.
He rolled his eyes and kept running at his pace. “Told you, you wouldn’t be able to keep up, ” he responded without looking at you, keeping his gaze forward.
Expecting you to give up and leave him alone, he was surprised when you instead started sprinting, laughing at the way his eyes widened. “Race you..!” you yelled over your shoulder.
Your footsteps kept getting farther and farther, and he could feel himself relaxing again. Finally some peace and quiet.
Simon didn’t bother to race you, content with being with himself along with the feeling weighing him down in his chest. From the damage he got on his heart, or something else, he wasn’t sure.
And as he continued with his run, he caught up with you eventually, sitting on a bench.
“I won! ” You teased him with a grin.
Simon didn’t respond, didn’t say that he wasn’t even interested in participating in the stupid race.
You didn’t take the hint of him wanting to be left alone, like usual . And so, Simon had to endure with your yapping the whole way back to the flat.
“That was fun, Simon. I’ll join you again sometime, yeah?” You headed inside your own flat without waiting for his response since you were used to it by now. And for the first time, Simon appreciated your act of kindness.
It was not surprising when you kept tagging along with his morning run despite him being obviously bothered by it. He was pissed at first, but then your presence became familiar to him, so much so that he found himself looking for you when you didn’t show up.
He quickly shook his head. Damn, you were starting to invade his mind.
Grumbling under his breath, he dumped the thought of you before resuming his run.
Without your cavity-inducing voice to accompany him, he found himself lost in thoughts. Drowning in the cacophony of noises in his head: his dad’s yelling, his mum’s cries, the sound of gunshot to Johnny’s head.
“I said, I already have a boyfriend!” Out of nowhere, your voice snapped him out of his head. Just then, his eyes locked with yours.
“See? That's him!” You looked relieved and immediately left the guy who had been bothering you to stand by Simon’s side. With a simple stare from him, the guy immediately tensed before hurriedly walking away. He didn’t mean to intimidate him or help you, but you thanked him anyway.
Boyfriend. Him.
He didn’t think much of it, no. It was obvious that you only said it at the time so the guy would leave you alone.
That was until he heard you telling everyone else that. He overheard you talking to some neighbors who were curious about him, the brooding loner who lived beside you. He didn’t know why he stood back and refused to say anything when you told them you’ve been dating him. Maybe it didn’t matter to him what you or everyone else thought , or maybe he didn’t mind the thought of it. The former was more likely.
He thought about it when he was back at his flat. Since when did you start thinking that? Was it since that so-called first date? He probably should say something about it. Not probably — definitely.
But then he remembered how fucking stubborn you were. How you kept pestering him even though he clearly ignored you, how you managed to convince him to go on a date with you, your uninvited presence during his morning run, the insistent knocking on his door whenever you wanted to share your baking with him.
He could already feel his head pounding at the thought of your reaction if he were to make it clear to you. Initiating a break-up already felt like a chore, especially with someone like you. His life already felt like hell ever since he was discharged, he really didn’t need another shit on his plate, and didn’t want to start any drama.
Alright, he’d play along for now. Your silly little fantasy would eventually pop after you saw what a burden he truly was.
“I can tell you never had anyone over, huh? Well, I feel honored..” You beamed when he invited you over. Big eyes sparkling as you took in the mess that is his apartment, piles of laundry he didn’t bother to fold after getting them out of the dryer, some leftover takeout on the coffee table swarmed by a trail of ants, dust particles in the air, the stench of it all.
“Go sit wherever.” His voice rumbled before he went to the kitchen and prepared the only thing he could even be bothered with: instant noodles.
When he got back from the kitchen, he found that you had tidied up a bit, windows opened for some fresh air, and you somehow found some trash bag to put some of the mess in, which was now gathered in the corner. “I hope you don’t mind me touching your stuff..” You said with an apologetic smile.
“‘S fine” He responded. It was not fine, he didn’t like having other people in his private space, and now you had made it worse by messing up his familiar surroundings. But he didn’t feel like arguing.
He sat on the couch and ate in silence, didn’t even bother to hand you your plate, instead letting you get to it yourself.
“Is this what you eat every day?” You asked when he felt your presence beside him. The tone indicated that you were genuinely curious and not judging. You probably noticed the trash in the kitchen was filled with instant noodles packages when you were retrieving your food.
He answered with a hum.
“Well.. you know, I like to cook so I don’t mind doing it for you too..” He heard you say and grunted in response.
But of course, you took it as an invitation to invade his personal space even more.
Simon’s previous plan of getting you to turn your nose up at him backfired. Now you didn’t only come over from time to time to give him cookies, but twice a day to feed him proper food.
And you didn’t stop there, no. Because when he opened the door to receive whatever it was that you were giving him,as always, you had now begun inviting yourself inside to eat with him, telling him about your day without him having to ask as he tried to not show how much he enjoyed the food. But you seemed to pick it up with how you started bringing larger portions, packing up the leftovers to fill his empty fridge.
You also turned his dump of an apartment livable. No more trash scattered around, his clothes are contained in his wardrobe, smelling of flowery laundry conditioner rather than the musty smell he was used to, the layer of dust on his furniture is gone, and the nasty stench that used to linger in his apartment has been replaced with sweet lavender.
He didn’t like it at first, not a fan of his world being flipped upside down. To some people, the state he was in was miserable, sure. But it was comforting in a way because that was his personal sanctuary isolated from everyone, he was used to the darkness consuming him that he recoiled at the blinding light that was you.
Now however, he had just accepted his fate. His previous expectation of finally having you leave him alone once you see how miserable he was had failed. Does it frustrate him? It probably should, but he was used to how stubborn you were by now.
You took his lack of response as acceptance. But is it? Not really.
Being around you still made him feel on edge since everyone would see how much of a sweetheart you are, which automatically meant he was an asshole. He pushed your hand away every time you tried to touch him because even just the thought of it made him want to flay himself alive.
Why do you even like him? Do you really like him? Or do you have this hero complex and saw him like one of those poor animals you rescued at work?
Well, he doesn’t know, but if he paid attention to the way you looked at him, he’d notice how you never looked at him with pity, just pure adoration like how despite everything he was worthy of love.
He eventually found the answer when he slept with you for the first time. It was something that he did just to get his needs filled. He was only a man after all, and you were there, pretty and willing. He saw faint marks on your thighs, some neat lines from cuts that told him you did it yourself.
Leaving your sleeping form on the bed, he went to the bathroom and saw more confirmation of what he suspected. At one of the cabinets, he found some pills, anti-depressants. A few of them were left in a cylinder container with a label that was fading like it’s been left untouched for a while. Did you give up trying? Or maybe did it not help you the way that you thought it would?
You two weren’t as different as he thought after all.
So perhaps you saw yourself in him in a way that he couldn’t. That you were so kind to everyone,even to an asshole like him, to make you hate yourself less. How you were so nice and patient with him to make up for how you couldn’t treat yourself that way.
You thought his life was worth more, so you didn’t care if loving him took pieces of your own.
He didn’t say anything about it, but he found himself being less hostile towards you.
“-They’ve been ganging up to bully me, acting so tough until I stand for myself?” You vented to him about your day at work one night, lounging on his bed as he scrolled on his phone.
“Can’t believe people like them exist. Adults —some of them married with children — but act so childish. ” You continued despite his lack of response.
“I know I should tell HR about it.. but doesn’t it just make it worse? Basically everyone at work is in on it.. plus I don’t know if HR would actually do something about it anyway-”
“Why don’t you just quit your job?” He mumbled, cutting off your sentence which made you look up at him, surprised at his response. And then you smiled with a faint blush on the high of your cheeks, like you were happy that he was actually listening.
Wow, you really need to raise your standard if having your partner doing the bare minimum made you gleam.
He didn’t push you away when you snuggled to his side.
“Well.. the thing is, I’m really stubborn. So resigning feels like I’m quitting the battlefield, losing. And I don’t lose.” You answered with a cheeky smile that actually made him snort. What a ridiculous mindset, but it was not odd for you.
Your smile widened at his amusement.
“What are you gonna do then?” He asked when you didn’t say anything and just stared at him with those loving eyes. Ugh, he was still not used to being looked at that way.
“Well.. I’m gonna act like an adult unlike them, be professional and show that their words don’t affect me.. kill them with kindness and all. Maybe it won't stop them, maybe I’ll get fired eventually.. but that’s the only realistic thing I could think of..” You rambled again.
“Am I pathetic?” You then added in a more somber tone, like you already thought that about yourself. That usual shine in your eyes dimmed and for a second he thought he saw the you that was hidden from the world.
“Yeah,” He thought to himself out loud without meaning to. And seemed like it was an incorrect response from the flicker of disappointment seen in your eyes before you hid by nuzzling your face to a pillow. Were you expecting him to comfort you? Did he raise your expectations of him just because he listened?
Simon looked away, he was never good at comforting people so he didn’t know what to say. After a moment of silence, he heard you snoring softly.
As he too closed his eyes, he thought to himself about what he had been feeling. While he still found himself disappointed waking up another day, the thought of you feeling the same void in your chest made him feel better because he knew he wasn’t alone. He didn’t know how you could live everyday with a smile,everyday which made him respect you a bit.
He was used to your company by now, you cleaned his place, fed him, and fulfilled his sexual needs, and he was content with that.
But did he start feeling the same way as you?
Receiving your affection still gave him goosebumps, he never touched you tenderly like a boyfriend should, he was still as grumpy as ever around you. Though he didn’t push you away like he used to, he let you touch him, let you talk his ear off. But did it really mean anything? He merely tolerated you. No more loathing, but he couldn’t say that he liked you. He just didn’t care to feel for you, positively or negatively, indifferent. So perhaps not.
He can’t love you anyway. It was one thing to be loved, it was another to love. The latter would give you power over him.
He can’t let himself be vulnerable again. He remembered how it was with Johnny, the hurt he felt when he got taken away in front of his eyes, dying in his arms.
He didn’t want to feel that loss again, so he settled with not having.
But then he let you kiss him.
It wasn’t like you two never kissed before but this was different, it was not something that would end up with the two of you having sex.
He was smoking outside late at night, watching the flickering stars, and thought of the time he did the same thing a long time ago. He was on deployment, . taking a break at a hideout after a long day of fighting and running.
He had felt more alive then , despite the horrors he’d seen everyday, compared to the peaceful yet boring life he had now.
Johnny was with him that night, yapping his ear off like he always did, exchanging shitty jokes. He kissed him that night.
So maybe that’s why it happened. When you somehow found him and invaded his solitude- like you always did, filling the silence with whatever rant you had in store from the day.
Then the conversation slowed down, and he noticed you kept glancing at his lips. And when you stopped talking, you leaned in.
And he didn’t move, didn’t turn his head away.
Didn’t reciprocate the kiss and just stood still as you kissed him.
But it still made you smile. And you told him how life had never been great to you for a long while. How the universe has been testing you harder lately.
And then you said that he was the best thing you had at the moment. You thanked him for whatever reason.
And he felt his heart stop .
He was half-listening to all that, was lost in thought about why he let you kiss him so softly, why hadn’t he pushed you away. But this? It made it all clear.
He had , in a way, developed feelings for you. He didn’t want to call it love, but he cared at least.
If not, he wouldn’t have reacted so negatively to that remark. Would’ve stayed nonchalant and stayed there, continued to smoke, and acted indifferent.
Instead, he left. Leaving you who only stared at his retreating figure.
Because you were wrong, he wasn’t the best thing you had in your life. But for some reason, you saw him as your savior. He gave you a purpose, loving him was giving you some kind of fucked up hope. A reminder to yourself that your heart wasn’t broken because it was still beating.
He had to stop you there because he was the last person on earth who was able to give anyone salvation. He couldn’t save you, you couldn’t save him. He needed to get away from you.
You would be better off without him. That was proof that he cared about you, not wanting you to chase after some false hope. You deserve better.
But he could just leave, move out, and go far away. It would give him a nasty itch that would bother him wherever he goes. And he had a lot of shit haunting him already.
No, he needed to get it to your thick skull that whatever this was, was not happening.
He still didn’t like the thought of initiating a break-up because it was such a fucking chore. But he had to do this, for your sake.
And so the next day, he knocked on your door.
When you opened it, you looked up with those big eyes sparkling and beamed like you didn’t just spill your heart out last night.
“I want to talk,” He said as he looked you in the eyes.
He was hoping you’d get the message with how intense his stare was but you just smiled and nodded. “Sure, come in-”
“No,” He cut you off immediately. It was better this way, so he could leave immediately after.
“I want to break up,” he continued.
He watched you stay silent, not showing any emotion, and then blinked before smiling again.
No hint of surprise, anger, or sadness. Like you had been expecting this conversation for a long time. Perhaps you’ve been hurt too much and more, and now you just felt numb.
“No,” you said with a giggle like he was just telling a joke.
“What do you mean, no?” He asked incredulously.
“I meant no, Simon.” You responded a bit more firmly.
“Why? I’ve never even loved you,” He said harshly. Cold and sharp, masking the feeling that was starting to bloom poorly in the cold vessel that was his heart.
“I don’t care..” You said in a softer tone, locking your eyes with him for a few seconds before looking down. “I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way, Simon. Being with you makes me happy”.
“I’m being selfish, I know, I’m sorry..” You added, looking up at him again.
“How?” He couldn’t help but ask, feeling bewildered.
“It just is.. I can’t explain it, can’t really explain love..” You answered with an empty chuckle.
“No, why do you even love me? ” He asked again.
You smiled and tilted your head, the smile reached your eyes as you looked at him with adoration. “You didn’t need to do anything to deserve love, Simon, ” you answered.
And he wondered if you could say that to yourself.
Simon let out a long sigh, letting out all the frustration he felt ever since he first met you. “I’m not really in a state for a relationship right now..” He didn’t mean to say anything about himself, it left his lips before he could stop it. But he hoped it would do something.
“Just give it some time..” You responded.
He frowned.
“I’m not giving up on this relationship, Simon.. or you,” You then continued and looked him dead in the eye.
Stubborn little thing.
He shouldn’t be surprised, should be used to how stubborn you could be, but he was.
He wondered if there was a limit to your stubbornness.
He really regretted agreeing to that first date, he was stuck with you now.
And if he was hurting you before by simply being himself. Now he would actually put in an effort.
Being back to square one where everything you do irritated him. He did his best to avoid you, shut you down with a look whenever you tried to talk to him, not leaving a gap for you to have any hope of things changing.
But despite all that, you still loved him.
Still looked at him like he hung the moon, somehow always managed to find him when he was out for some fresh air. And so he tried leaving his flat less often, but you still knocked on his door every day. He didn’t answer, but when he eventually opened the door, he saw your homemade food packed nicely with a little note.
Like you thought this was just a little fight that would eventually pass if you kept treating him nicely,as you usually did, and kept apologizing.
Always so fucking stubborn.
You were too kind, never cried, didn’t know when to quit, and never run away.
That's why you’d just hurt each other. That's just the way you two lived.
And It really pissed him off.
If being loved made his skin crawl before because he didn’t think he was deserving, wasn’t used to receiving any, like a feral snarling and hissing at some innocent girl that tried to pet it. Now he felt even worse because you made him treat you like this, made him an even more horrible man than he already was . For him to be so cruel to such a sweet little thing, he hated himself even more.
There were worse things he could do. He could make it very clear if he put a hand on you, slapped you across the face just once. But he couldn’t, no matter how horrible he thought he was, how irredeemable his soul was, there was always a voice at the back of his head saying "Don't be like your father" eerily similar to his mum's.
He doubted it would work anyway, seeing his mum still stayed with that piece of shit.
So he did the next worst thing he could think of.
Heavy boots stepped into the dimly lit bar, and with a slow, deliberate motion as he settled onto a stool and ordered a glass of whiskey. The air was thick with cigarette smoke and the low hum of conversation. His eyes flickered sideways, scanning his surroundings with a sharp unreadable look. The bar was filled with a mix of tired regulars and weekend wanderers. He made no move, but there was something in his posture, in the way his fingers drummed lightly against the bar, that suggests he was waiting for something. Or someone.
His presence attracted attention immediately when he stepped in. Curious glances strayed to him before trailing away at the sight of his intimidating demeanor. He was used to that, he was not new to this game. And as expected, soon enough a pair of eyes lingered. A woman, confident and clearly interested, slid into the seat beside him, nursing a cocktail. She glanced his way, smirking slightly.
“You look like you got a lot on your mind..” She purred with a tilt of her head.
“Maybe.” He lifted his glass, voice still quiet.
The woman took a long sip of her cocktail, humming with intrigue.
“You waiting on someone?” She asked.
“No,” He responded.
And then there was silence, not uncomfortable but thick with something unspoken. He let her watch him, feeling her gaze trailing from head to toe, admiring his physique, and seemed to like what she saw.
But he didn’t meet her gaze directly. Taking another sip of whiskey, he then set the glass down.
“Just.. seeing who’s around.” He mumbled before he finally looked at her.
The woman raised a brow, interest sparking. She then smirked, stirring the ice in her glass with a lazy flick of her wrist. And then leaned in slightly, testing the waters.
“So, just looking? Or hoping to find something?” She asked as she fluttered her eyelashes.
His eyes settled on her like a slow burn which made her blush. Even though his mind was somewhere else, she didn’t seem to notice though.
He lifted his whiskey, taking a slow sip. “Haven't decided yet.” He spoke, not quite answering, not quite denying.
She exhaled a soft laugh. “Mysterious. That your thing?”
He responded with a shrug. “Just don’t waste words”
She watched him for a moment, like she was trying to figure out if he was a challenge worth pursuing. “And if I wanted to waste a few?”.
He didn’t smile, but he set his glass down, turning his body just a fraction more toward her. She was pretty enough, and clearly interested in him. He wasn’t picky anyway, just needed anyone to get this done with.
“Guess that depends on how you’d do it.” He responded.
“Well... I could start with a name..” She said before telling hers and asking for his. But he couldn’t care less. His mind was a mess, making it a struggle to pay attention.
Without hesitation, he gave her an old name he hadn’t used in a while. A name that separated who he was and what he did. And what he was doing right now, was almost as horrible as what he had done in the military.
“Ghost?” She asked playfully like she thought he was joking.
He took another sip of his whiskey and said nothing.
“Alright.. Ghost,” She purred and leaned in even closer, being bolder. “What’s a man like you doing here alone?”
“Maybe I was waiting for someone worth wasting time on,” He answered bluntly.
That seemed to intrigue her even more rather than discourage her. She tilted her head, grinning. He was quiet, but not passive. He was waiting, watching, letting her step into his space but not too close. It was a different kind of confidence. The kind that makes people lean in without even realizing it.
“Lucky me, then,” She said before taking another sip of her cocktail.
The conversation stayed slow, measured. He didn’t flirt the way most men do, didn’t try to impress. He just listened. Let the silence stretch when it needed to. And somehow, that made her want to fill the spaces with more.
Another drink. Another shift closer.
“You gonna make me do all the work here?” She said after a lull in the conversation, tilting her head playfully, teasing.
He blinked at her, slowly. “Thought you were enjoying yourself.” He mumbled, keeping his eyes on her.
She laughed, shaking her head. “You gonna take me somewhere quieter, or are you just going to keep watching me like that?”
Finally. He didn’t know if he could take another back and forth. He just wanted to get to the point.
He didn’t answer immediately. Just finished his whiskey, set the glass down, and stood up.
“Let’s go,” He said. She followed.
The rest of the night was a blur. Lips locking with each other as soon as he opened the door to his flat, his feet moved on their own, stumbling in a dance that led them to his bed. Her hands pulled on his clothes, and soft giggles escaped her lips when he went down on her.
Came to think of it, it was the first time he had brought a stranger over to this flat he now called home. It wasn’t like he was a stranger to one-night stands , but he never could be bothered to ever since he moved here. There had been too much going on in his head, even more so when you started invading his mind.
He regretted it.
Regretted not doing this sooner.
It felt good, to be able to release some steam without feelings attached. To be lusted at without being loved, engaging in pleasure with some faceless stranger he wouldn't meet again. He didn’t need to endure a loving whisper of ‘i love you’. It didn't make him feel vulnerable like when he did it with you, he was fully in charge.
The morning light slipped through half-closed blinds, casting long streaks across the room. The air was thick with the remnants of last night—alcohol, perfume, the quiet warmth of tangled sheets. The woman stirred, stretching languidly before she turned towards him, only to find his back facing her as he stood by the balcony, tending to a cigarette.
“Morning,” She said softly, still drowsy.
“You should go,” Simon uttered flatly.
While he couldn’t see her face, he could hear the frown in her voice. “..What?”
He ran a hand through his already messy hair before finally meeting her gaze, his expression unreadable —cold. “Time to go” The words are clipped, no room for argument.
She sat up, gripping the sheet around her, studying him. “Wow. Straight to that, huh? No coffee, no small talk?”
He exhaled sharply through his nose, but it’s not quite a laugh. More like an acknowledgment of how predictable this must look. “This wasn’t that.”
He kind of forgot how the morning after was. How some people expected something more and didn’t get the hint from the get-go. He was used to you who tolerated his behavior, never expecting him to be soft or tend to you after. You’d get up and prepare some breakfast , while he laid there and stared at the ceiling.
He turned his head and watched as this stranger’s face contorted in irritation. She was searching for any trace of the man from last night, the one who let her in just enough to make her think there was something worth chasing. But now he’s a wall, solid and immovable.
“Guess I should’ve seen this coming,” She said harshly, a pity to herself.
“Probably,” He responded just as blunt.
That probably stung more than it should. She exhaled, shook her head, then threw back the covers and stood up, grabbing her clothes from where they were carelessly discarded the night before. He didn’t turn away, didn’t offer to help— because why should he?
She pulled on her dress, shoving her heels onto her feet before facing him one last time. “Are you always this charming in the morning?”.
“Just honest,” he said flatly, flicking his cigarette.
“Honest? Please. You act like you don’t want anyone close.” She sneered.
Then, he finally turned around to face her. “Now you get it” he said as his soulless eyes met her fiery ones.
Just like that, it’s over. She didn’t say another word, just grabbed her things and walked out, he followed her behind to lock the door.
And then he saw you.
What happened last night was obvious from his appearance alone, looking disheveled, shirtless, with some lovemarks across his chest. And he let you take it all in, he waited for the pang of regret to appear in his chest, for you to react, cry, yell, run. But instead, you just sighed and smiled at that woman when she passed you by.
“I have to go to work earlier today, but I already made you some breakfast,” You said and handed him a Tupperware, kissed his cheek before walking away. Like he didn’t just cheat on you, like you were used to pretending everything was okay.
There was a lump in his throat and he swallowed it down immediately. Regret.
He shouldn’t feel any regret, didn’t allow himself to feel it.
It was cruel to pull the knife out after he’d stabbed you deep. It was better to leave the knife in so you wouldn’t bleed out.
So he didn’t call out to you to apologize or explain himself. He simply turned around and got back inside, closing the door behind him.
Because he knew if he were to change for the better you would just forgive him, and that would be horrible. He didn’t deserve to be loved by you then and even more now after what he just did.
Best thing he could do right now is to continue what he’s doing. To hurt you so you’d eventually hate him and leave.
This is for your own sake.
And so, he continued. Bringing strangers home each night and fucking them without making an effort to be subtle. One time, he did it when you were home, when you could surely hear every noise through the wall. However, it didn’t affect you in the slightest bit. You still brought him food, still greeted him with that fucking smile, still talked to him with endearment. Like nothing happened, or that you refused to acknowledge anything had happened.
His only hope is the almost unnoticeable flicker in your eyes as you tried to hide how this had started to affect you, how you approached him less and less.
But you never left him.
So he’d keep doing what he could do best, to hurt. And maybe, eventually you’ll get it. Hopefully.
The night was calm, draped in a velvety darkness that stretched endlessly above, safe for the moon shining brightly. Its light poured through the window, stretching long, pale streaks across the floor, illuminating dust motes drifting in the still air. A distant murmur beneath the hush of the wind. The air was cool, slipping through the open window, carrying with it the faint scent of rain on the pavement.
Outside, the world was at peace, yet his room was steeped in shadow. The air was thick, heavy, pressing down like an unseen weight. The curtains swayed slightly from the draft, their slow movement the only sign of life in the dimly lit room.
He laid on his bed, zoning out as he stared at his ceiling. The stillness around him wasn’t peaceful—it was hollow. The kind that settled deep, coiling in the spaces between breaths. It was one of those days when he didn’t feel like doing anything, content to stay in one place all day.
So he didn’t go out for another conquest tonight. But he did need to eat, so when he heard a knock at his door, he let you in.
Now, the silence was filled with a sizzle of oil, the quiet clatter of a pan being shifted. The warmth of it seeped into the air, cutting through the lifeless stillness that had settled over him like a second skin. He stayed on the bed, while you were there, just beyond the doorway, tending to whatever was on the stove. The soft scrape of a spoon against a bowl, the rhythmic chop of a knife against the cutting board—it was all steady, unhurried, you’ve done it a hundred times before after all. Made him feel like he wasn’t alone.
His breath came a little slower now, his mind drifting between the weight of exhaustion and the quiet pull of that warmth beyond the door. He didn’t get up, not yet. But with you around the corner, the dark didn’t feel so endless.
Whatever bit of calmness he felt then was taken away when he heard another sound coming from the door.
Not a knock, but an insistent banging.
There was a feeling of unease at the back of his head, but he ignored it.
Which he soon realized to be a mistake.
“Coming..!” He heard you yell and approach the door. Being so understanding since you knew he didn’t want to meet anyone at the moment.
He closed his eyes and couldn’t help but listen to the conversation.
When you opened the door, you saw some men dressed in all black towering over you. Their expressions were hard, sharp eyes pinning you in place, giving you goosebumps.
“Is Simon Riley around?” The one at the front asked.
Your hand gripped the handle of the door, wanting to slam it shut but you knew it would make it worse, might get them agitated, and would try to break in anyway.
“Who..? I think you got the wrong place- sorry..” You said as calmly as you could, but it seemed like you failed with how they didn’t seem to buy it.
“Don’t think we do, sweetheart.” The other said and pushed the door open with his feet when you tried to close it. His eyes caught a pair of large boots, Simon’s boots, and then glanced at the other.
Despite your best efforts, the men made their way in and immediately scattered around to search the place. Furniture pushed around, drawers were pulled out to spill all of its content onto the floor.
Eventually, they headed to the other rooms in the flat. And you made a mistake by trying to prevent one of them who approached the bedroom.
You sighed in relief when you saw the bed was empty. But it was too late, they noticed your reaction and knew you were hiding something.
They were now gathered around you, talking in a language you don’t understand. And then, your arm was yanked, you were being pushed around, forced to follow them as they exited the apartment.
“W-wait, where are you taking me..!? let go..!” You screamed in panic which made one of them clasp his hand to your mouth.
“Don’t worry about it, if you’re important enough to him he’ll come to us immediately to save you..” He said, before clicking his teeth when you kept struggling.
“If not- well..” The other one behind you chuckled and reached out to grope your curves. “We could have a little fun before getting rid of you.. you’ve seen too much anyway”.
You froze at the way they leered at you. Tears welling up in your eyes before you fought back like your life depended on it– because your life depends on it.
You bit the hand on your mouth hard, kicking around, pulling, and hitting anyone at arm length.
Didn’t need to win the fight, just needed to keep struggling, make some noise until hopefully someone– anyone noticed and called for help.
They overpowered you easily, and you were starting to give up hope when a damp cloth was pressed to your nose and mouth. But of course, you were stubborn and made them struggle as much as you were.
Everything went in a blur. Suddenly, you were tossed aside when something huge rammed the one holding you to the wall. You laid on the floor, holding your head which was pounding as you tried to focus on the scene in front of you while the world spun. Black dots danced in your vision.
A masked figure moved with lethal precision. You couldn’t see his face fully but you were certain of who he was. A knife gleamed in his grip, flashing under the dim light as he drove it into the first man’s throat. Blood sprayed, and before the others could react, he turned, slashing across another’s chest. The man screamed, stumbling backward, clutching at the gaping wound.
He moved like his old name, slipping between them, dodging fists and blades, his knife finding a home in the flesh over and over again. His body still remembered who he was before everything. The Ghost.
One man lunged at him, but he ducked, driving his knife up into the attacker’s ribs. Another came from behind—too late. The stranger spun, slashing his throat in a single, fluid motion. Bodies fell around him, the floor slick with crimson.
It was a massacre.
Simon was hiding outside all this time. He climbed out the window and kept himself flat to the wall as he waited. And he should have just stayed hidden, should have just waited until the help he called would come. That would be smarter, safer.
But he couldn’t bring himself to. Hearing your screams, your cries. He just couldn’t bring himself to do nothing. Perhaps, it was because it was the first time he saw you truly break. And he didn’t like that, even though all this time he tried to break you. Hypocrite.
For the first time ever he wanted to see that damn smile on your face.
It was as if his body moved on its own, slipping inside and going on a rampage.
You didn’t run nor hide, looking around for something to do, to be useful yourself despite how you lacked any knowledge in combat.
A click.
The last man standing, who was trembling, raised a gun. Aimed it at him.
And you didn’t think—you just moved.
He watched you throw yourself between them. A deafening gunshot rang through the air. And white-hot pain exploded at the side of your head.
His eyes widened at the familiar scene flashing in front of his eyes, from when the one he loved died the same way.
Your knees buckled and you fell.
Somewhere in the distance, someone screamed. His own voice that he didn’t recognize, low and furious, filled the air.
He could feel his heart thumping in his ears as he froze.
Another mistake.
Simon was too shocked, too focused on you to pay attention to the last man.
A blinding pain exploded in his chest. His breath hitched as he stumbled, the world tilting. The force of the impact sent him to his knees. He pressed a shaking hand to his shirt, feeling warmth bloom beneath his palm.
He gritted his teeth, forcing himself up. His body protested, his heart hammering wildly—too wildly. His pulse was erratic, his vision blurred, but he wasn’t done yet.
The gunman aimed again.
With the last of his strength, Ghost lunged, knocking the weapon aside just as it fired. The shot went wide. Knife lodged deep into the man’s throat, sending him gasping to the ground.
His legs gave out, his body slumping against the bloodied carpet. His breath came in short, uneven gasps, blowing warm air beneath his mask. The wound was bad but worse than that—his heart was failing. He could feel it, every skipped beat, every strangled attempt to keep going.
The last thing he heard before slipping into unconsciousness was the distant wail of sirens.
When he woke, everything hurt. The sterile scent of the hospital filled his lungs, monitors beeping steadily beside him. He found himself disappointed for waking up once again, for surviving everything, to live another day. Just when he thought it was all over.
His former captain and sergeant,who had been waiting outside, were allowed in after the medical staff checked on his condition.
“How are you feeling Simon? ” John asked as he pushed his former lieutenant back down when he tried to sit up.
“Horrible,” He responded curtly.
John then explained everything that happened. Some old enemies he made in the past seeking revenge. How everything was taken care of during the time he was unconscious.
Simon just stayed silent the whole time. Not relaxing a bit at the news.
Then, John’s voice softened, as if to speak more carefully as he told him about your condition.
Brain death.
Just then, he finally relaxed. His shoulders sagged and he had to hold himself back from sighing in relief
Finally, you were gone.
A cruel thought. But really, it was better for you to not be around him anymore. You would only get hurt more whether he tried to be better or worse, it didn't matter. And if death was the only thing that could save you from him, then so be it. Your life was torture anyway from what he’d seen, as much as his life was. If anything, he was envious.
But then John didn't stop talking.
Simon felt his heart stop as he processed every word, his limbs went cold, and his throat felt constricting.
“The gunshot had torn through scar tissue from your previous injury, weakening your heart even more. The doctors had stabilized you, but your heart wouldn’t last much longer. Without a transplant, you were living on borrowed time.” John explained his injury to him, which made Simon turn his head to look his former captain in the eyes.
John smiled, not noticing how Simon looked at him with horror. “You would’ve died if it wasn’t for her, Simon”.
You were an organ donor.
Of course you fucking are.
He was in need of an immediate transplant and you were there, compatible with him in a way that you two weren’t before.
His ears drowned every word after that. He caught fragments—something about them trying to reach your family, but no one responded, and the consent form you’d filled years ago from when you signed up for the program, became a greenlight to save his life. To give up yours entirely.
"You're a lucky bastard Simon, a rare bird she was." Kyle finally spoke up beside him, and Simon looked at him who sported an apologetic smile. He wanted to punch that smile, because no- he didn’t feel lucky at all.
His heart- your heart, thumped in his chest. Climbed up his throat, to his skull, defeaning.
Simon Riley considered himself to be a level-headed man, all the way from his childhood to his days in the military and after. He wasn’t one to make a scene.
So he didn’t recognize who was being held down to the bed by the men beside him as he started screaming and trashing the bed, almost pulling the tubes that were attached to him.
You were a part of him now.
He could never get you away from him, huh?
taglist : @niazrzl, @iiriam, @defronix
#call of duty#call of duty x reader#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#simon ghost x reader#mbe write#Author has depression#so should you#wrote this during depressive episode#im sorry#simon riley#simon riley x you#simon riley x reader#cod fanfic#call of duty fanfic#fic : you can't fix him
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for a mosterfucking manga, this was actually pretty wholesome
#it's called Dai ja ni Totsuida Musume // The Great Snake's Bride#i stumbled into a rabbit hole abt nagas because i didnt know snakes had 2 dicks and i came across this manga#i had zero expectations going in i thought it would b smut but it turns out it has well written charas n stuff#shit even the side characters were interesting#i mean theres still the fucking part which was nice and i think i discovered something about myself and im not sure how to feel about it#overall i really liked it !!!!#frambling...?
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Thinking about Margrace as Joshua's name post-Phoenix Gate.
In FFXVI the Undying choose their own names (Cyril explains this in-game), and many of them have names drawn from Final Fantasy XII, including their leader 'Margrace' himself, from Al-Cid Margrace. The page for Al-Cid notes that Margrace is likely an alternate form of the title 'margrave', an old title for military commanders on the border.
That aside. This is the name chosen (by the boy himself?) for the boy who should have rightfully been known henceforth as 'Your Grace', 'His Grace'.
Grace (style of address), from the Oxford English Dictionary:
With a possessive adjective: a title of respect, esp. for a person of royal or noble rank. Frequently (in 'your Grace') as a form of address. Now archaic or historical. Formerly (in England until the reign of Henry VIII and in Scotland until 1707) used for a monarch or prince; now replaced by Majesty or Highness. Even so, "Majesty" for the sovereign of England was not used exclusively; it arbitrarily alternated with both "Highness" and "Grace", even in official documents, until "Majesty" finally became the official style to the exclusion of others (source).
Grace (other meanings):
1. Divine favour, benevolence, or providence bringing about worldly benefit or advantage. 2. A person's lot, destiny, or fate; luck, fortune. 3. The quality of being pleasing; attractiveness, charm; esp. (in later use) refined elegance of manner, expression, form, or movement, esp. regarded as natural or effortless; gracefulness.
Whatever the etymology of margrave, the name Margrace in-game is probably meant to call to mind the meaning of 'mar' as in damaged, spoiled, ruined. All the grace that ever belonged to his family, his home, his birthright—marred, of course.
Mar+Grace, the last heir of the oldest unbroken ruling dynasty in the Twins at the time of the opening events of the game**.
The living ghost, carrying the desecrated corpse of his legacy in his new name. Introducing himself by his humiliation: "Hello, I am Margrace", "Hello, I am the ruined dignity of my house." "Call me Margrace", "Call me the wreckage of one fallen from divine favour." "My name is Margrace", "My name is blemished fortunes and diminished nobility".
It's appropriately brutal and dramatic for such a character, especially since the game is frustratingly silent on how Joshua personally feels about the loss of his duchy which is a rant for next time.
In the Year 860 (Prologue year/Phoenix Gate), Rosaria is about 260 years old (est. Y600). Older, if you count from the time of the Rose Alliance (est. Y550). The Rosfields have been on the Rosarian throne since the inception of the duchy in Y600, and prior to that House Rosfield was already known to be the chief of/the preeminent house of the Seven High Houses that united to found the duchy. House Rosfield has held ruling power for 260-310 years at a minimum.
For reference, England's longest-reigning dynasty was the Plantagenets, who held on for 300+ years. Rosfields aren't doing half bad!
Veldemarke would have been older had it not been overthrown by Barnabas; therefore Waloed is the youngest nation state at the time of the prologue (only 17 years old). Also we do not know much about the governance of Veldemarke, although as a 'kingdom' it was likely some type of monarchy.
Sanbreque was formed 100 years after Rosaria, and at any rate is not actually a hereditary monarchy. The Holy Emperor is voted into office by his fellow Cardinals, likely the five who form the Council of Elders. We are also explicitly told that Sylvestre 'won his throne' in 865; there is no indication either way that his predecessor emperor was a Lesage. The wording suggests the throne is not Sylvestre's by lineage or birthright. How this is supposed to relate to the concept of Sanbreque having a 'crown prince' (Dion) is unclear and contradictory, since an emperor by election should probably not have the authority to unilaterally decide on the succession of the throne, and his issue—legitimate or no—should not automatically be in the line of succession.
Dhalmekia is a republic with elected officials.
The Iron Kingdom apparently has a royal family, but nothing else is known apart from it being impotent and sidelined by their state religion.
The Northern Tribes likely do have hereditary rule, and Jill is referred to as a princess, but once again little is known.
Ergo—and I am ceaseless in this propaganda—Clive and Joshua are really, properly posh! Absolutely baffling that Anabella would allow anyone to put down the pedigree of her sons when they are so blue-blooded precisely because she is! For someone with such entrenched ideas of blood purity she should not stand for it, no matter how she feels about her eldest.
#sure i'll accept the game just gave josh this name because al-cid was from rozarria#but i like it to have additional meaning because it gives joshua depth#every time you say his name you call him a failure and a stain on his family's proud history!#how long is it until he can accept being called by his proper title#how long before it means something beyond a painful mockery or a reminder of weakness#i rather vehemently thought ffxv could have done more to showcase noctis' feelings as a king in exile#but ffxvi somehow manages to do bugger all for joshua#sorry xv i was too harsh on you#please stop creating royalty if there is no interest in exploring how that character relates to sovereignty and leadership#don't say oh but xvi did explore that with clive because yes i know they did but consider this clive is not rosaria's sovereign#ffx had no sovereigns in the main party and every relationship was solidly crafted#it's such a frustrating business because we literally know how so many other side characters feel about their kingship#yes you barnabas you made benna and sleipnir do all the talking at the consult where you were bored out of your mind lol#yes you elwin ready to send your 10-year-old into war for your people#yes you sylvestre you don't give a shit about the replaceable riffraff#we even know how martha and l'ubor feel about leading their little towns ffs#but we have only the tightly clenched fists and the cold shaking hands of a boy who died at ten#okay okay okay okay i'm not salty#ffxvi#final fantasy xvi#joshua rosfield
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unpopular opinion - the ddlc girls are great and i love them and its totally understandable why everyone loves them - theyre incredibly well written in so many ways - but
i want more protag-kun content also :(
#he's got a character arc too!!!! cmon :(#monika and the player are using protag-kun as a window to view each other how does this level of existential horror#in addition to everything he sees happen when shit gets fucky#not get more attention#like he starts off as a dick and with the support of the girls gradually opens up to show a caring sweet and mischevious side#and then BAM. trauma conga-line#and based on how ambivalent about everything - even bitter - at the start#just not interested in anything or anyone#i wouldnt be shocked if he has some depression going on there too - which starts to lighten with the power of friendship - only...... :"(#i cant get over how he was just. stuck in that classroom for that entire weekend with yuri's body. thanks to monika screwing with the code#like. what must that have been like.#ofc everyone is rightly interested in the sheer power of sapphism going on here but he can like. be there as a pet or something a;dkfa#team lesbian mascot - the generiboy lmao#ill grant i havent looked at the fic just the fanart tho#like hes not just a blank wall. he reacts based on his personality and experiences and the cause and effect#hes just as real as the girls even if he is protag-kun#the realization that he only exists to be projected upon too as monika and player are having that conversation...... man#especially with so many of his decisions being controlled by the player#its extra free-will commentary#hell make her trans and boom now theyre ALL lesbians#the other club members were just preordering lmao
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This shit is so ass I just want it to be over
#the moment i saw it has FFX But From Wish.com my intelligence 100% just feels insulted#it was already boring this entire time but disrespecting X's point by turning it into a cheap commodity device is kicking my nuts#just spitting on Sakaguchi by trying to copy his homework in the hopes idiots will clap like seals bc they recognize the reference alone#but when hasn't msq's point been pushing out nostalgia and by the book trope slop for the sake of illiterate's money#gameplay and collectables is all this shit has ever had aside from the occasional side story or side character#i like the collectables. the gameplay is interesting enough. i have a story of my own at home.#they even ripped off IX for more HEY YOU REMEMBER FF9 RIGHT? BUY OUR GAME BC WE SAID ALEXANDRIA & MIMICKED SOME BUILDINGS#YOU'LL BUY IT AND LIKE IT JUST BC IT SAYS SOLUTION NINE LIKE ZIDANE EVEN WHEN IT HAS NOTHING IN LINE WITH FF9- YOU DUMB TOOL#the solution 9 plot is just the twist from ff9 but if it had nothing to do with anything aside from being one giant reference#it's never made to fit xiv itself and it only appears at literally the last quarter of the story with virtually zero mention of it before#and then to drag it out even more they added a sprinkle of ffx fayth but make them disconnected from the themes and have no personal connec#with the protagonist (s)#everything before this is pure seasonal anime lowest grade shounen tropes with no seasoning bc it's played so predictably flat and straight#zero novelty beyond fringe ideas that just get mentioned w/o much writing behind them which this game loves doing#they love mentioning shit just to postpone it to the last second when it's suddenly important despite having no depth attached before#saves money on actually having to write a complete story#they even got Wish.com Steiner in here lmao#if anything the time for them to rip off IX was in EW because those stories actually have themes in common to make some sense#also the way characters are expendable to the story in the sense the game forgets they exist after they play their role#is at the worst it's ever been- they drop even long time main characters like flies once their exposition is done#it's so abrupt too just when you think a character might contribute more they're already gone#this expac is everything bad about the game which makes it worse than bad- it's unbearably boring and tedious#even characters that were HYPED IN THE TRAILER literally only show up for a few lines of dialogue then leave
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common kendall L
#THIS IS CRAZYYYY#loved the last episode actually#also rare roman W ?????#when he said youre bullshit we're all bullshit we're nothing like wow FINALLY?????#anyway i found watching the series kind of. insufferable 😭#and like what the hell is this tomgreg endgame lmfao 😭#whatever they have going on i dont wanna know anything ! dont care if it's pride month#roy kids are just a bunch of losers wbk !!!!!!!!!!#not saying logan roy is a good person or that i like him i dont like any of them but according to this show he was a good business man so ?#shivtom ok then!!!!!! shiv though still a nepo baby (semi capable???) i cant really find it in me to hate her#piss babiest award goes to kendall roy idc#ok real talk theres room.... a house for nuance here#ultimately this boils down to logan being a shitty dad to all of them and building a company that encourages toxic shit to fester#but even that piece of shit had his own demons#logan roy unforgivable unreedemable literally hell if it were a man#still... i liked that the last episode at least tried to show his good side (? lol 😭) the scene was the warmest a succession scene can go#also the scene of them acting like children. it was good. it reminded me of the boat scene in s1 at shiv's wedding (probably intentional)#if i could say which character i... didn't like necessarily but people i found interesting/captivating it would be...#kendall tbh... gerri shiv stewy caroline tom (he is SO weird and fucked up) greg??? frank? roman i was on the fence Always#it's bad that in his mind he's the middle child bc im the middle child 😭 I don't identify with this i don't claim it i don't approve of it#........but sometimes........ yeah#logan was right about one thing and that they are just unserious people lmfao 😭 nice parting words huh#unblocking the tag now!!!!!!! wow finally i can see what people were thought of this show/the characters#maybe my view is more cynical and too vanilla i'm sorry i just cant excuse the heinous shit these people did hence i don't have a favorite#it's just a fictional show (!!!!!!) well ok but i just didn't love them as characters!!!!!!! 😭#succession#izza💭
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If you are a teen drama with a definitive Main Character you can't have a 5-7 person main friendgroup in season one. You only have 10 episodes and 20% of each one is dedicated to party scenes, you have GOT to streamline some of these characters babes.
#this is about everything now#which is good! i like Mia a lot. love that she's a total disaster.#and she's gayyyyyy.#but I want to get to KNOW these characters more and I still barely even know why they're friends#because there's too many of themmmm#it's a general drama problem though. if you don't have time for all these guys have less guys.#my fix would be to merge Will and Cam into one guy. have Becs ''betrayal'' be#hiding how much of a strain her parentification is on her. bc that barely been touched on.#or have it be her relationship with a side character. just felt like the same conflict over and over with mia not being told shit#and almost identical scenes of how becs and cam were pining for each other#mia made up with her brother and still doesn't spend any time with him#i don't know why alison has a crush on her. which feels important and like something she would have said.#why not have Jenna and that other guy in the therapy she was friends with be the same character.#why did we drop the steven fry therapy scenes almost immediately. well I know why. steven fry money.#anyway. genuinely do like the show and think it's good and interesting! i just engage with things I like through critique.
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Why The Arcane S2 Finale Fumbled, Part I
arcane season 2 was artistically beautiful and thematically cheap. every interesting and meaningful thing it did with its characters (even in season 2 act 2) was reduced to romanticized bullshit, utterly divorced from its season 1 roots. it's so bad it can be considered pro-status quo propaganda (and i do mean that). good ships aside (and i do mean the caitivi, jayvik, timebomb holy triad), this season squats and shits on every zaunite character in the show. not just their zaunite-ness, but how it literally shaped who they were as characters.
Let's start with Vi:


Vi and Vander:
Vi's loyalty to The Lanes always went beyond Powder. Zaun was her father's, Vander's dream. Zaun was her friends and her family. When she's giving Caitlyn a tour of The Lanes, we see how much she embodies and revels in Zaunite culture (esp in the food scene). She took responsibility for the vulnerable, like Vander taught her to. Her "protective" trait extended to ALL the vulnerable in The Lanes, because Vander taught her that. It wasn't EVER just Powder. Zaun is her HOME. As a child, she wanted to make a name for herself IN ZAUN "one day, this city's gonna respect us." You can make the excuse that Vander's death meant that side of her died, but it clearly didn't because of how she regarded it while showing Caitlyn around. "Family" to Vander, extended to the vulnerable of Zaun, which is how Vi and Powder came to be his "daughters" in the first place. Because Zaun was for THEM. Zaun WAS THEM. Vander and Silco "weren't allowed to fail" at Zaun (i.e. the two daughters).

Additionally, Vi and Jinx were supposed to succeed where Vander and Silco hadn't: forgiving each other and uniting so they could realize their dream for a free Zaun. A big reason why Zaun struggles to be free is because of their own internal divisions (the different gangs fighting for scraps). But if they united, they would be able to liberate themselves from Piltover (who is still the enemy). The whole reason the others are prosperous in the alternate timeline Ekko and Heimerdinger travel to is because Vander and Silco reconcile (not because Vi dies).

Vander also passes on his sense of responsibility to Vi. He tells a repeatedly vengeful Vi how her ambition to show up her oppressors can overshadow the more pressing priority of looking after those more vulnerable than her i.e. Powder. Like Silco, his advice to his daughter is steeped in his own trauma of getting so zealous he didn’t stop to think what it would cost.
Vi and Caitlyn:
Caitlyn was an interesting development for Vi, particularly because Caitlyn mirrored Vander's care for all people. Caitlyn was an enforcer that wanted to truly understand and help people. This challenged Vi's biases and also gave them a common goal. Caitlyn appealed to Vi because she gave Vi renewed hope for peace in The Lanes. That Zaun could be free through co-operation instead of violence. Her whole teaming up with Caitlyn, romance aside, was predicated on Vi brokering for peace between Zaun and Piltover (and getting revenge on Silco).
The first break-up between the two (Season 1's "Oil and Water") centred around Jinx, more or less. Vi believes Silco is a threat to peace between Piltover and Zaun (even though The Lanes aren't known as Zaun to her, I'm just using the names interchangeably). She believes Jinx is acting out due to Silco's influence, as well (and she isn't wrong). Had Caitlyn not been injured on the bridge (and had Jinx not felt betrayed by Vi), Vi was going to leave her in pursuit of Jinx. Vi has also never fit into Piltover (and that's also shown in Season 2 act 1-2). She makes no connections with Piltovians besides Cait and (an already disillusioned) Loris who we see for like two seconds.
Vi and Jinx:
This show was ALWAYS about a tale of two sisters/cities. When Vi becomes an enforcer, it isn't because she's switched loyalties. She wants peace for The Lanes, she just wants to take Silco's creation--Jinx--out of the equation so it can work. Her priority, like Vander’s, is to keep the vulnerable of The Lanes safe, and both were willing to co-operate with Piltover to protect the people they loved. She believes, like Vander did with Silco, that Jinx (and by extension Zaun) is her responsibility. That the reason bad things happened to Zaunites (Vi’s and Powder’s parents dead on the bridge, Jinx’s mania) is their fault.

Vi blames herself for creating Jinx as Vander does for creating Silco. The only reason Vi agrees to Caitlyn's plan is because, again, their two goals align: get Jinx. The difference is Vi wants to kill Jinx to kill Silco, while Cait wants to kill Jinx to get her city (mother) back. Vi is still explicitly concerned about Jinx, who she has come to see as a threat to other people she loves (e.g. Ekko, Cait, etc). Vi became an enforcer to protect The Lanes and the (appearance) of peace. Vi internalized Vander’s words and doesn’t want war, even if it means Zaun never becomes independent. But she is doing it as penance for what she feels she didn’t do that led Jinx to become what she is.

The show in season 2 TOTALLY LOST THIS FOCUS. Vi's guilt at hunting down her own people with enforcers is ALSO ignored a lot by fandom, especially because her post-breakup scene where she goes full goth is framed as regret for letting Cait down (rather than the self-disgust she would feel for joining her oppressors). Vi played a part in creating Jinx and her enforcer-arc is still centred around Jinx. This gets shoved aside for romance with Cait. All the time we could spend post-breakup focusing on the sisters, quickly circles back to Cait.
Cait, who, literally became a dictator and weaponized the air ducts her mother had created to SAVE ZAUNITES. The whole thing is viewed as Vi betraying Cait instead of Vi betraying Jinx/Zaun/her family and Cait betraying Vi ("promise me you won't change") and her mother. Cait was the one who sought to help Zaun (like her mother) but betrayed who she was when she was willing to kill Isha, an innocent child.

Vi would feel even more guilty at how she is literally in an enforcer's suit when she is about to kill Jinx, the only family she has left. She is literally hunting down Jinx, a Zaunite, like the enforcers had her parents. But we barely explore that. It’s just off to chasing Vander/Warwick only for it to not matter anyways!
(ALSO IMPORTANT: Just to further prove my point on how integral the sister's love for each other was, every show started with a record playing. The cover of the disc was Vi and Jinx. They were always the center focus of the story. The song that the record played? Likely "Our Love" by Curtis Harding and Jazmine Sullivan which goes "Our love is a bubblin' fountain, our love, that flows into the sea, our love, deeper than the ocean, our love for eternity." This love deeper-than-the-ocean can apparently crumble in the face of a dictator girlfriend you've known for less than a year lmao).
Summary of Fumbles:

-Vi's and Jinx's relationship becomes secondary not just to the entire plot of the show but to Vi's arc. Zaun and Piltover's conflict was set up to be the epitome of the show, and the fact that it got shelved for some (ahem military propaganda) epic battle between humans and robots is very telling about the writers and showrunners.
-Vi forgives Cait easily and prematurely, trashing Vi's true loyalties as established in earlier seasons/episodes and robbing Cait’s actions of their appropriate weight.
-(above is an excerpt from Amanda Overton's interview with TheGamer) The culmination of love for Vi's character ends with Caitlyn and not Jinx. Vi's character, whose love is explicitly centred on Zaun and her family, reaches its peak in romance with a Piltovian. To quote Amanda further: "If Vi had no one left to protect, she would fall in love." As if Vi had no ambition outside of protecting her family. As if her dream since she was a kid wasn't tied so much into Zaun. As if the reason she wore an enforcer outfit wasn't because of Zaun. As if Zaunites aren't suffering right under her nose. As if she was the only kid in Stillwater Prison and struggled to survive the whole time she was there. I can't pretend to stomach it. (Again, it's not that Vi shouldn't be happy, it's that the ship had to shove this aspect of her character aside for it to work). If they wanted to really commit to the Vi-in-video game origin story, they should have set it up better and stuck to it.
-Vi herself takes a back seat in most of season 2, and becomes a passive, guilt-riddled yes-man to Cait
-Vander's re-introduction is almost completely worthless to the plot and narrative (he comes back just to die), and he is used as a cheap way to re-unite (and then separate) the daughters in a way that has no significance to the themes (also, Silco as Jinx's father is completely ignored during this time)
-Cait's deferral to fascism should have been permanent. Idc about the shippers at this point. Vi and Cait should have never come back from Cait shoving the back of her gun into Vi's injured side (let alone the gassing of the ducts). Vi would've never forgiven her, attraction or no. The fact that Cait could become a dictator after losing one parent is proof of their class divides (after all, Vi held onto hope despite losing all her parents to enforcers and Jinx was all she had left of her family). That should have cemented the death of that relationship (and it would have made for more compelling storytelling on class). I’m thinking it was kept because it matters more to white Western audiences to have a Romeo x Juliet rendition that assuages their classist sensitivities. Cait becoming a fascist made sense and was true to her character and the world. Vi forgiving her (and then having sex with her in the prison she was thrown into as a child?) destroyed both her character and the narrative.
Yeah, yeah, Vi was overwhelmed by the breadth of love and forgiveness Caitlyn had in letting Jinx go, but that's bare minimum shit. Vi "always choosing wrong" because she *checks notes* keeps trying to reconcile with her sister instead of letting her go since she isn't Powder anymore? So she resolves her guilt by choosing her own pleasure and putting herself first for once. Okay, I don't have a problem with that except that Vi and Jinx were supposed to succeed where Vander and Silco hadn't--by reconciling! And you still won't get me to like the fact that so much of Vi's character arc gets held up in a Piltovian who encouraged her to do the worst shit to her OWN PEOPLE and then fucking turned on her when she couldn't kill her sister. It is frankly amazing how we're supposed to celebrate Caitlyn literally coming between the sisters. I'd rather Vi forgiving Jinx than Caitlyn. And if the whole appeal of Vi's relationship with Caitlyn is that she was overwhelmed with love for how Caitlyn forgave Jinx after she killed her mother, I don't see how a relationship with Cait automatically makes Vi feel less guilty, since Cait also makes her feel guilty for choosing Jinx (remember her accusation "you will always choose her" like sorry I don't want to kill my orphaned, traumatized sister who I ripped into for making an honest mistake as a child and who has carried that since). Caitlyn (as others have pointed out) got a whole ceremony for her mother and instantly turned on Vi's people. The Vi I know would have been like, "You really are all the same," and FUCKING DIPPED. And there's a little acknowledgement of this in act 1 where Vi accuses Caitlyn of acting like Jinx.
Both Jinx and Caitlyn are emotional labour for Vi. Vi still wants to protect Caitlyn from Jinx. There's not that much of a difference, lol, except that Caitlyn is a privileged Piltovian and Jinx is a victim of the abysmal childhood she suffered at the hands of enforcers. Yet the show is more or less saying Vi pursuing reconciliation with Jinx was a bad choice for Vi and the reason the cycle of violence continued (for some reason). The sister reconciliation was what I was here for, personally. Cute ships aside. But noooo, Vi should forgive Cait (not Jinx) to stop the cycle.
And having jail sex is a liberating act for her because it's where they had their meet-cute. (And we're all good bc Caitlyn gave up the Kiramman seat, lmao, like sure okay).
It's frankly made the ship that much more unpalatable. If Vi had to be destroyed as a character for the ship to work, then the ship wasn't all that good (even though it started off that way). It's honestly left such a bad taste in my mouth. What a fuck you to oppressed groups that whole subplot was. (And it's made worse by the fact that the creator thought that was somehow an empowering and liberating act for Vi, like fuck that).
Let's Talk About Victor:

Viktor and Heimerdinger:
Heimerdinger and Viktor were the most polar of opposites. Heimerdinger was not only a privileged, ulta-wealthy Piltovian, but he had a comparatively endless lifespan while Viktor's own human life-span was cut short due to being a Zaunite, born at the bottom of the barrel and raised on toxic fumes that led to his terminal illness. Viktor's desperation to unlock the Arcane was explicitly about him overcoming his circumstances, his illness, his premature death. It wasn't merely about his internalized ableism, but the unjust way in which he had to suffer. Heimmerdinger could afford patience because he had all the time and resources in the world, but Viktor didn't. Not merely because he was a mortal, but because he was a Zaunite.
Viktor and Singed:
Viktor's arc with hextech is foreshadowed with his childhood interaction with Singed. I understand that in the games, Viktor is a villain-type character and his catchphrase or whatever is "Join the Glorious Evolution," which the show hinted at from Season 1 when Singed explained his experiments to Viktor. While Viktor is horrified by Singed killing the creature that he eventually uses for shimmer, Viktor later says, "I understand," hinting that he saw the sacrifice (and death) necessary to "heal" the world of its ailments. Both Viktor and Singed grow up in The Lanes, and both have ailments they want to cure (for Viktor it is his lung cancer and for Singed its his daughter's dying). In season 2, Viktor tells Singed that while he understands what healing all those people could cost him, he will not sacrifice their humanity for Singed's cause. This is because of Sky’s death (which is partly why it is her who is in the Arcane with him).
Sky’s death is what makes Viktor beg Jayce to destroy the hex core, since he couldn’t do it himself. He is willing to die if that means no more innocent people do. But here’s where I get a little touchy. VIKTOR didn’t KNOW she was there. Viktor was simply desperate to live. Sky’s death was not malicious (even if it’s true to his character that he’d feel guilty anyways). It is at this point that Viktor has Jayce promise him to destroy the hex core (and by god is this where a lot of my contention with the finale comes from). Also, it is important to note that Viktor’s self-loathing is depicted only in regard to Sky’s death (NOT HIS BAD LEG). Now Viktor feels guilty not just for Sky’s death, but also necessarily for trying to live (AND PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND). TRYING TO LIVE is subtly treated as an AMBITION that, for Viktor, interfered with his ethics. (And please note that in the end, Singed, who repeatedly embraces unethical practices for reviving his dying daughter gets what he wants).

Anyway, in S2, Jayce blasts Viktor in the chest and all that conviction goes out the window. All this despite Sky (his conscience and “humanity”) being there with him in the astro-nether. Now Viktor's idea of becoming a higher being is just getting rid of emotion (apparently because Jayce did it or something). Jayce killing him without explanation was all of a sudden all he needed to become a divine dictator. The same Viktor that looked terminal illness in the face and preferred to spare others instead of himself? The same Viktor who's immediate action after waking up with a new body was to go and use the arcane he wished had been destroyed to help others? Because the arcane is corrupting him? That’s convenient for a certain political narrative. Especially because anyone would hesitate pressing a button (in Viktor’s case smashing the hex core) that would guarantee their death. Viktor was being human, not corrupt.

Viktor and Jayce:
Now, I think Jayce's speech had some merit and could have been framed better with a little more time and thought. The philosophical idea of perfection or a perfect world (one which Piltoverians strive toward) being untenable, maybe even undesirable, is a fascinating concept worth exploring. BUT MAKING IT ABOUT SOME INTERNALIZED ABLEISM FROM VIKTOR IS FUCKING STUPID!!!! I'm sorry, but Piltover being the city of progress until it actually included becoming progressive with Zaun was absolutely one of the things Jayce and Viktor's sub-plot was trying to explore.

Viktor WANTED TO LIVE. Viktor wanted his people to STOP SUFFERING. Viktor WAS RIGHT. He wasn't merely eliminating "imperfections" (and of FUCKING COURSE A PILTOVIAN WOULD SEE IT THAT WAY), he was trying to cure sick and dying people who did nothing to deserve it. He was buying them time that people like Jayce and Heimmerdinger had in spades, but Viktor and Zaunites had stolen from them.

Children dying of disease and violence in The Lanes was by Piltovian design! It was not some predestined cosmic necessity. Viktor WAS RIGHT TO HATE HIS FUCKING TERMINAL ILLNESS ARE THESE GUYS INSANE??! Wtf kind of message is Viktor embracing it as part of himself sending to vulnerable, impoverished and ill people? Is that supposed to be some kind of fucking comfort? Fuck off right to hell!
Like I'm glad if it resonated with any disabled people, but Viktor's struggle with his body was a protest against Piltover, not himself, and I hate that the writers gutted that character development. Viktor's and Jayce's paths "diverged a long time ago" because Jayce had the luxury and time of pursuing his dream while Viktor didn't. Viktor, even up there as a scholar of Piltover, was still getting the Zaunite treatment.

Jayce had the time to pursue a better world, while Viktor had to struggle for a little more time. When Viktor becomes part of the arcane, suddenly he has all the time in the world to realize HIS OWN DREAM. Why would wanting a better world for others have to result in "dreamless solitude"? Why does wanting progress equal wanting perfection? You are changing the subject and that is cheating!!!!
Viktor becoming obsessed with fixing what ailed humanity was warranted, and his extremism was hinted to have been due in part to the effect the arcane had on him, but it still made the themes of arcane a joke. There was so much potential and the writers (and showrunners) just squandered it for some more romantic bullshit.
The Glorious Fumblings (A Summary):

-"Humanity, our very essence, is inescapable. Our emotions, rage, compassion, hate. Two sides of the same coin, intractably bound. That which inspires us to our greatest good is also the cause of our greatest evil.” That's a neat quote, but wars don't start simply due to emotions or whatever. This lacks class analysis, and it's annoying that the writers made this the whole theme of season 2 (and retroactively the show) in a story on class divides. Cait did not merely gas the Zaunites because of her mother, but because of her privileged upbringing that made it more acceptable to her to view Zaunites as animals (remember Ekko telling her enforcers “hunt us down like animals"). Cait knew the humanity of Zaunites was real. She just chose to ignore it because she could afford to. While it is interesting that Viktor would come to see being human as a flaw that destroys any hope of achieving peace (conflict theory would like a word with you), it ignored that fascism is not an inherently human trait and detracts from how or why it persists in the first place. It's almost the same as saying men/white people oppress women/poc because the latter were mean to them. It's victim-blaming (and false lmao). The British didn't colonize the Americans because the natives did anything to them. All prejudice is unjustified, that's what makes it prejudice. Again, Cait became a fascist when her mom died, but Vi still drew the line at killing children and even council members despite losing every single one of her family members to Piltover's violence against The Lanes. AND THAT’S JUST IT. Why the Zaunites do what they do isn’t simply because of love and hate, but because of the desperate circumstances they are forced into by their oppressors. Why the Piltovians do what they do, isn’t because of love or hate, but because they are bread in luxury and affluence. Pretending that’s not the case is an insult to the work put into Arcane’s first season (and anyone with a brain and basic empathy).
-Jayce's speech would have been cute in another story, but it's downright insulting in Arcane's. Yes, yes, Jayce's words would have been the only ones to have broken the real Viktor out of Arcane Viktor's grasp by appealing to this deep childhood wound, but Viktor's desperation was not to belong (because his leg kept him from playing with other children) but TO LIVE (because he was dying of an illness). Jayce's speech isn't bad, just misplaced. Like most of the finale.
-Viktor did not have to become a fascist-aligned deity in his quest to heal people. It is a typical MCU thing to have a "villain" that's technically right and then destroy their entire character to make their (correct) philosophy untenable by making them do something extreme. Typical pro-status quo propaganda trope. I DON’T CARE if it was so we could get some game version of him. Viktor was right in bringing progress and his discoveries to The Lanes instead of devoting his efforts to Piltover, the fake city of progress.
-While I am annoyed that the climax of the show hinged on Jayce and Viktor and hextech (a tool to explore the inequalities of Piltover and Zaun) instead of Jinx and Vi, I think it kinda makes sense. Hextech built what Piltover has now become. Jayce, Viktor and hextech kinda represent Piltover (what it could be) and Jinx and Vi represent The Lanes (and the Zaun it could be). Both would have been integral, but the story shouldn't have hinged on hextech, IMO. Hextech should have remained a tool to explore the politics of both cities, but instead it overshadowed everything, cheapening the story's themes, characters and world-building.
-Jayce calling the Zaunites to arms was downright absurd. But not as absurd as Zaunites volunteering.
And Then There's Jinx:
Jinx and Isha:
Isha's only use, as far as I'm concerned, was to be a reconciling force between the sisters. When Cait was willing to shoot her to get to Jinx, that should have stopped Vi right there and brought her back to defending Jinx 100% I DON’T CARE. When Isha sacrificed her life to save Jinx, that should have been Jinx's wake-up call right there and helped her understand why Vi kept leaving her out of missions as a kid. But instead what do we get? Depressed, suicidal Jinx and an astoundingly even more resentful and indifferent Vi. Now Jinx sees herself as even more of a poison to those she loves (because she can’t protect them like Vi can and frequently kills them while trying to do so). Jinx, who has always wanted to be useful to those she loves. Who pursued her own hextech inventions in order to give her siblings a fighting chance when facing down Silco. Who wants to give Zaun a fighting chance as Silco's daughter (and Isha’s surrogate mother). To be useful to the goals and dreams of her family. Isha was the perfect opportunity to bring the sisters together and get Jinx to embrace all she is (both the Jinx that Vi rejects and the Powder that Silco rejected), but no. Instead, the kid was some kind of foreshadowing to Jinx's own heroic self-sacrifice for her sister (a message that left both sister's arcs unfinished). Or perhaps, Isha was a commentary on the cycle of violence. But that this sub-plot really wasn't needed given what we'd already established in Season 1.

Why do I say this?
Because the cycle of violence is not a "Jinx" issue, but a Piltover one, and the writers making it an interpersonal issue instead of a political/sociological one damaged the story and what Jinx's character could have meant to mentally ill people like her. It wasn't illogical storytelling, just far less meaningful than it could have been. It would have been more powerful and moving and impactful for Jinx to realize where the true cycle of violence (as established the whole fucking show from the dead parents on the bridge, to Vander and Silco, to Jinx and Vi, to Jinx and Ekko, to Isha and Warwick, to Cait and Vi, etc) was coming from.

Jinx needed to accept herself and the love others showed toward her (Silco, Vander, Ekko and Vi). Jinx keeps blowing things up because she repeatedly rejects herself (both Powder and Jinx), ignoring the good she's done and tried to do. Isha was a call back to the good Jinx has done and can continue to do for Zaun and others. Isha and Sevika understood (even though Silco unfairly set it up) that Jinx was actually their good luck, their hope, more than just a hex (pun intended) on the city. After all, Jinx made Sevika her new arm (even though she's the reason Sevika lost her arm in the first place), which further proves that Jinx had the capacity to fix some of what she broke. It would have been better for her to embrace responsibility and have the faith to try and fix things (ESP her relationship with Vi). While it is not unrealistic or necessarily bad writing that she would fake her own death to run away and start over (or just die) trying to save Vi, the arc people she represented deserved was her embracing Vi back, not accepting that she was a curse in Vi's life. And most definitely NOT romanticizing her pain.
Jinx and Ekko:

Ekko's and Jinx's relationship is precisely an exploration of how Piltover's violence against Zaun forced these children with entire futures ahead of them (they are both child prodigies) into endless war and hellish heroism. Ekko and Jinx are repeatedly shown to be hesitant and even unwilling to participate in violence against others, especially their own. Ekko does not hate Jinx, though he wants to, and Jinx does not like who she is when she's violent. She is trigger-happy because she already expects Vi and Ekko to want to kill her (projecting her self-loathing on them, but not entirely unreasonably). She doesn't have faith in their love or mercy because she doesn't see any part of herself as redeemable or loveable, which is why she consistently sabotages her life (but not without help from Vi and others).
Ekko and Jinx are symbols of progress for Zaun AND Piltover (and Heimerdinger saw that, especially when Ekko insisted he had to go back to his timeline, even if the one he had landed in was better). Heimmerdinger saw what they could have been in the alternate timeline, all the genius that was squandered in The Lanes. Jinx and Ekko are the ones most willing to put an end to violence and injustice because both of them are nostalgic for their families. All that’s ever kept them going is the love of their families. Jinx just doesn't have the same faith in her ability to be their hero as Ekko does, but Ekko manages to convince her for a moment anyways.
Ekko recognizes (like Silco, Viktor and Isha) how integral Jinx is to the creation of a new world. She injects colour and life and hope into Zaun and is the only one who can unite all warring factions in Zaun in the first place. I know people have gripes with this Jinx being the hero of Zaun when she literally killed Silco, opening the market for other gangs, but her most famous act is the bombing of the Council, which pretty much all Zaunites were unaware was about to grant them independence. To the average citizen of Zaun and Piltover, Jinx was the symbol of a revolution (even if Jinx didn’t see herself that way and didn’t really want to be). Both her and Ekko are rebel leaders, but that is hardly used in Zaun's interests in the end. (ALSO THAT WHOLE CONVERSATION WITH VIKTOR AND JINX WHERE HE SAID SHE COULD BE USEFUL TO HIS WORK. This show would have won with a Viktor and Jinx team-up to unite Zaun--also in parallel to Jayce and Vi's team up. We could have had it all!)
Jinx and Silco:

This, is only second to Vi in the most FUMBLED things about Jinx. Silco was her guide once Vander died and Vi ran away. Silco not only took care of her, but gave her purpose (someone to love and be loved by and protect) and nurtured her talent (one that many others scorned). Silco accepted Jinx even though he weaponized her (which backfired for him). As much as Silco WAS WRONG to lie about Vi (manipulating Jinx) and even try to kill Vi (which was a dumbass move on his part), he wasn't wrong about Jinx's path to healing: self-acceptance and self-forgiveness. And even though Silco's own stupidity led Jinx to "embrace" Silco's version of Jinx to the point that she bombed the Council right when they'd granted Zaun independence (I wanted to fucking kill myself watching that), Jinx was still not ENTIRELY a jinx as Jinx (e.g. when she rescued Zaunites from Stillwater Prison). This fucked up dude did a whole John-the-Baptist thing where Vander tried to drown him with Jinx so she could embrace her Jinx-ness. But I don't think he was telling her to embrace that she was a curse like Vi meant it, but to embrace her new life (baptism is all about death and rebirth) and her new self and take responsibility for it.

Silco, like Ekko, was the one who saved Jinx from death and offered Jinx a home. While everyone else patronized Jinx for her own childhood trauma, Silco was gentle, understanding and provided space for that, even when her psychosis killed him. He showed zero resentment toward her. But when Silco dies and Vander returns, Jinx just . . . oopsie, doopsie! Forgets about Silco until one final hallucination she has of him in the jail cell. The only one she has where he talks. And what does he say? She needs to break the cycle. How? Not by eliminating Piltover or gaining Zaun's independence like he'd talked about and dreamed about. Not by accepting herself as Jinx and Powder, the inventor, the fighter, daughter of both Silco and Vander, but by offing herself? Leaving her family to think she's dead? Embracing the lie that she really was the poison in their lives and the reason none of them could be happy? The reason they died? NICE! SWELL! WHAT A SATISFYING, INSPIRING CONCLUSION! Even worse, they made her "death" staged. I'm sorry, but do we really believe that this same girl who killed herself multiple times in front of Ekko just 24 hours ago somehow found the will to live and escape into air ducts when she was falling with Vander? She decided to live right when she was about to die? And let's not forget that she was falling to the same song that was playing when she was trying to commit suicide. Why? And why would a heroic death (staged or not) be any form of character growth for Jinx in the first place? When her whole thing is distrusting the love offered to her? Or was she accepting herself by being the one to kill Vander because she knew Vi couldn't? Either way, it's cheap!
I Wonder Who Put All Those Holes In You (Fumbling Summary):

-Vander's letter to Silco could have been why she hallucinated Silco talking to her about forgiveness, but breaking the cycle here is about forgiving (unapologetic) Piltovians instead of herself, which needed to happen to complete her arc.
-Isha and Vander misery porn
-Jinx being the reluctant Girl Saviour of Zaun after clinging onto her identity as a jinx so she didn't have to take responsibility for Zaun should have been the completion of her arc, IMO. As far as Jinx's arc is concerned, she was meant to reject the identity of jinx that Vi gave her and embrace the identity of Jinx that Zaun gave her. Loveable and capable of doing the right thing and saving others. Using hex-tech, something Jayce and Piltover had levelled against her people, against them. And she does this to some extent, but we don't even get a hint as to why Ekko's speech worked (and how he got her to fight alongside him and the Firelights in the first place). We know she does so for Vi, but she so quickly gives up once she and her sister are back on the same team. She allies herself with her sister just to die and then fuck off to another land? BRUH! Like act 3 is SO FRUSTRATING!
If the focus had been on the coming war between Zaun and Piltover, then we could have better explored the internal struggles happening with Vi's and Jinx's characters. Using Isha and Vander as misery porn for Jinx was a bad move. I stand by that. Isha didn't need to die that uselessly. Jinx did not need more "trauma" for any character development (positive or negative). It's not unrealistic that Jinx would be depressed after Isha's death (and that Isha was likely meant to symbolize the constant cycle of violence), but that this sub-plot really wasn't needed given what we'd already established in Season 1.
These are where my gripes with Jinx's and Viktor's arcs in S2 really lie: the story tries to strip the political from the personal! Viktor, on waking up with the arcane in him, goes back to The Lanes, and what does he see? The cycle that Silco mentions in Jinx's hallucination in the cell. This cycle is not merely coming from the interpersonal struggle Zaunites have, but rather, the forces behind those struggles: the starvation, the lack of resources, the poverty. All caused by Piltover. Where Season 2 fails while Season 1 succeeded, is it points the camera away from Piltover as the origin of all this mess, and instead, makes it a stupid cosmic clash between chaos and order (kinda fascist ngl). Zaun lost, and Arcane Season 1 had the tits to show why those in The Lanes were always on a losing streak: Piltover. The commitment to saving Piltover instead of destroying it ruined so many arcs, most notoriously Vi's and Jinx's. This should have ended in a war between the two cities, not one where both fought against robo-people and Ambessa.
But what, instead, do the writers brandish as this solution to the cycle?
Fucking forgiveness (of those who harm and oppress you) and acceptance of your (physical) imperfections (like that's what we were apparently talking about, which no, it wasn't). By refusing to acknowledge Piltover's hand in the desperation and violence and struggle the Zaunite characters find themselves, the show inadvertently ends up excusing Piltover.
TLDR: Bad message to send to oppressed people, mentally ill people, and people dying of terminal illnesses, lmao. The Zaunites ALL LOST with this one.
And I'm going to make a Part 2 to really get into it, but from the perspective of three Piltover characters (and one Zaunite) that really prove my point: Jayce, Mel, Caitlyn and Ekko.
P.S.: It's okay if you think the show is good because it succeeds in many other things, I just think it drops the ball in the places I've mentioned. But if your main criticism of my criticisms is going to be defending your ships, please find another post. Oppression is a serious reality that deserves serious depiction and it's insulting to have such necessary political discussions devolve into dumbass ship wars.
EDIT: I honestly did not expect this post to get more than 20 likes lmao, and i must admit that this was more of a thought dump than a super-deep analysis, but i'm glad a lot of it has resonated with so many of you!
#zaun#arcane#arcane season 2#jayvik#timebomb#ekkojinx#caitlyn kiramman#vi#vander#silco#jinx#ekko#isha arcane#jinx and isha#caitvi
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Have you ever taken anyone’s virginity before? Nope. Are you about to? Yep. or the one where jake has a streak of bad luck in bed and his friends make fun of him for it, you find him advertising himself on a dating app and decide to help him out.
minors dni! | if you read it, reblog it
PAIRING― jake sim x afab reader
CONTENT― virgin guy who lives with his parents!jake, he’s not shy but he is very clumsy, a lot of texting so be prepared for that, facetime-sex, real life sex
SIDE CHARACTERS― jay as reader’s best friend and roommate, heeseung briefly as jake’s friend.
NOTE― if you've read this before it's because im the person who wrote it [ncteez] and im revamping it for jake, pls don't send me messages on either account about stealing a work that's already mine!
smut tags under cut::
smut tags―big huge dick jake, phone sex (ish), face time sex, masturbation, pet name: baby, making out, he eats you out twice, fingering, whining and whimpering, deep throating, premature ejaculation, desperate man wants his dick wet lmao, grinding, tit fondling/licking, clit stimulation, he bites the fuck out of his tongue to try and distract himself from coming too soon again, no condom aka cream pie, jake gets feelings like immediately when u touch him
“Check this shit out,” you laugh, presenting your phone to Jay with a chuckle. “yes or no?”
Jay snorts, nearly spitting out the bite of food in his mouth as he reads the bio of the man you’re showing to him.
“Depends, you trying to take his innocence or are you trying to get railed so hard that the entire building can hear?” He narrows his eyes at you, making a point to call you out for keeping him awake last weekend.
You wave him off with an apologetic look. To be fair, the dude from before knew how to make a girl moan, it’s not your fault that you managed to find a decent lay in this city. Even if he ghosted you, you assume you may have been a bad lay for him, if anything.
“I wouldn’t mind trying something new, dude seems desperate.” You swipe through his photos, seeing that he appears to be just a normal dude with normal interests. “He’s cute too, so I’m gonna say yes.”
Jay groans this time, slapping a hand to his forehead and glaring at you.
“You’d better warn me if you end up bringing him home, I’m not about to listen to some guy start crying over a blowjob.”
You nod to him, sending a message to the eighty-two-year-old Jake and feeling delighted at his near-instant response to you.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll make sure you’re out of the apartment if I invite him over,” You wiggle your brows as you stand to your feet and turn toward your room, eyes now glued to the open dating app’s messages. “Maybe you should go out and find a nice girl to rail to get back at me.”
“You’re so fucking weird.” Jay laughs but feels kind of shitty because it’s not like he hasn’t been trying to get back at you for the loud sex. Guess he just doesn’t have the magic dick to make girls moan the same way you do.
Not that he wants to make you moan or anything, he definitely doesn’t. If anything, he wishes you were more like the girls he brings home.
Fucking quiet.
You: i’ve never seen a virgin grandpa on this app before
Jake: ….i’m 21, it says that in my bio
You: I think you’re lying.
Jake: do u know how to change it, my bitch friends won't tell me lol
You: why would i help you lie to other women
Jake: i’m not lying!!1
You laugh to yourself as you text the new sex interest in your life, wondering if he’s lying about his presumed virginity.
You: ok, twenty-one-year-old “jaeyun” who is five miles away from me, you’re actually a virgin? Like for real?
Jake: yea….are u here to make fun of me for it too? all the girls here just turn me down even if i offer to cook for them after
Jake: maybe it's the playlists idk
You: send me the playlist
Jake: [spotify link to a playlist titled “NUT”]
You try not to snort, but you do. Given, he does have decent taste, but why anyone would have dynamite by bts and never say never by justin bieber on their sex playlist is beyond you.
You: surely it’s not your playlist…….
You: anyway
You: you’re really just looking to get laid for the first time, like, ever? and you’re offering to cook dinner too?
Jake: yea
You: you’ve never had a blowjob or anything like that? you can’t seriously think I can believe you’ve never been laid, it’s not like you’re ugly or anything
Jake: u don’t think im ugly? :)
Jake: and yea I’ve had a blowjob before
You: why didn’t you sleep with her then?
Jake: can we stop talking about why im a virgin
You: sure but you know im gonna bring it up again, right?
You’re smiling at your phone, finding him charming and awkward in how he communicates with you via messenger. Of course, you’re curious as to why he’s a virgin, even more, curious as to why he’s on a dating app looking to lose said virginity.
You: do you want my number? it’s embarrassing to have the app open in public if i wanna talk to you.
Jake, on the other hand, is quite literally kicking his feet and checking your profile every few minutes just to look at you. He didn’t even think too hard about you calling him attractive then not following up on it, because the fact that you just offered your number to him in case you want to talk to him? Butterflies. Given, it’s juvenile for someone of his age to still be experiencing the typical high-school crush feelings, would anyone blame him? It’s just how he is, with or without having had sex. He can’t imagine not feeling giddy inside when he’s talking to someone that he thinks is pretty.
Jake: yea :) u can text me whenever [redacted phone number]
You respond to him by texting his number rather than using the app messenger, screenshotting his contact info, and sending it to him with a sly smile.
You: [screen shot// contact name: grandpa jake]
Grandpa Jake: :|
Grandpa Jake: im 21
Okay so, here’s the thing. Jake is undeniably funny, witty, and kind. Another thing, he’s wildly attractive. Especially upon fulfilling your request for a workout selfie from him. So, what gives? You read the texts he’s sent that made you laugh out loud, you look at his pictures, stare at the workout selfie, and you genuinely cannot understand how he doesn’t have women waiting in line to have at him.
You: it’s been like four days since we started talking
Grandpa Jake: yep, almost five
You: four days of being friends but no mention of your bio on the app, yknow, where you’re begging to have sex for the first time ever?
Grandpa Jake: right, yea. you wanna do it? i didn’t wanna assume lol
You: not answering that til you explain why. i mean, it’s totally ok that you are but like, you’re a green flag all around so im a little worried you might have like a micropenis or something
Disclaimer, if he had a micropenis, you’d still let him use it on you. After all, hooking up is something you enjoy doing regardless of size.
Grandpa Jake: i do NOT have a micropenis
You: prove it
Grandpa Jake: right now???
You laugh to yourself but also like, it’s the first time the two of you have done anything more than bully each other. Or rather, you bully him and he defends himself constantly.
You: answer my question first
It takes a few minutes for him to respond, but you’re doing coursework anyway so it’s not a huge deal. Totally not like your ears perk up and a smile creeps across your face every time your phone goes off or anything. Definitely not.
Grandpa Jake: um… i still live with my parents and before u make fun of me for that pls understand that its not like i wanna be here
Grandpa Jake: i have a job and everything!!! im not a mooch!
He’s getting off track again. You could honestly care less if he still lives with his parents. You wish you still lived with yours, to save money at least.
You: they won’t let you have anyone over?
Grandpa Jake: well, that too but
Grandpa Jake: listen this sounds real stupid but it just never happened? even when i tried or things almost happened, it never did
You: damn, you’re unlucky. so what happened with the girl who gave you a blowjob?
Grandpa Jake: her boyfriend walked in
You’re trying to pity him, honestly, but damn. Did he go for a taken girl? Yikes. You hate to admit the ick that just flooded your mind.
Grandpa Jake: its not like i knew she had a boyfriend
You: phew
Grandpa Jake: so yea. do u wanna help me out or not?
The whole reason you started talking to him was specifically to help him out. Now that you know he’s not some weirdo, and is definitely super hot and funny, hell yes.
You: yeah, sure.
You: about the micropenis though,
Grandpa Jake: right…um
A few minutes of silence, your coursework is long forgotten in the anticipation of receiving your first dick pic from Jake. You wait, and you wait, and you wait.
You: i mean if you can’t prove it that's ok
Grandpa Jake: just give me a sec damn
He’s doing his best to get the most attractive angle. It’s not like he’s never sent nudes to anyone or anything, but like– this is you. The first person to actually agree to take his virginity. Should he hold it? Put a remote next to it for size? Should he have his face in the pic? Take a mirror pic?
Of course, as he’s taking several pictures of his length to try and impress you, he had to get hard first. He can’t imagine you’d want a flaccid cock pic in your inbox, and that would also mean that he’s working himself up with the amount of touching, holding, and groping throughout the past sixteen photos he’s taken and deleted. It’s at the point that now it’s actually hard to care about taking a photo, pre-cum already dripping out of him as he continues to try.
He’s entered the realm of his regular horny self, only this time he’s texting you. Someone who wants to see what he’s packing. Taking a dick pic is insanely easy once he stops thinking with his brain, and he’s quick to send you a photo of himself this time. His chin at the top of the picture, face entirely hidden, hand wrapped around his thick and leaking cock, sweatpants shoved down.
Grandpa Jake: [image attachment]
In all fairness, you’ve never actually cared much for dick pics. Men always look too confident even with the smallest of girth being offered through the pixels. Jake though. He looks a bit desperate even with his face hidden. His cock looks desperate, his fingers wrapped around it look desperate, the way his sweatpants hug against his thighs look desperate. And now, you feel desperate. You keep your cool though.
You: oh, you were jerking off, got it.
Grandpa Jake: sorry can’t help it
Then he doesn’t text you back. Which is kind of a drag because he looks to be quite big in the photo alone. Maybe you’d be okay just this once to look like the desperate one. Mostly because you’re about ten seconds from trying to figure out which direction five miles away he resides so you can go palm his cock for him. Plus, the idea of an absolute simp virgin like him seeing you act a little desperate would probably be one for the books.
You: you know i can help you out with that, right? especially since you definitely don’t have a micropenis
You’re still being ignored. The silence from your phone makes your belly flip around inside of you at the image of him doing it too. He probably does it a lot. He’s probably desperate to feel good and watches porn like 24/7. You can imagine how he’d act if you were in front of him right now, the very idea of taking his virginity becoming entirely too attractive.
Shrugging, knowing full well what he’s doing right now that’s causing him to ignore you, you press the call button and wait. You’re a little bit nervous, mostly because you’ve never actually heard his voice before, or better yet how he sounds when he’s getting off. You’re shocked that he actually answers.
“Hello?” He says, muffled through the phone and trying to sound not-so-out-of-breath. It’s not like he looked at who was calling him anyway. With his luck, it’s probably Heeseung or some shit.
“Don’t hello me,” You gripe, narrowing your eyes at yourself in your mirror. “You’re just gonna jerk off without me after I agreed to help you fix your little problem?”
The silence on his end is a bit nerve-wracking until you hear the frantic sound of his palm clearly wreaking havoc on him. You smirk, leaning back on your chair and sighing. On his end, processing that it’s you on the other line sends his entire body into a state of burning with arousal. Your voice is sweet even when you speak with the same sarcasm as you do via text.
God, this alone is enough for him right now.
“Were you at least thinking of me?”
He hums into the phone, indicating that yes, that’s exactly what he’s doing. His voice is kind of soft despite only hearing one word and a hum, you want to actually hear him talk to you, or moan, whichever he decides.
“Were you looking at my pictures?”
He nods his head, forgetting that you’re not able to see him and instantly responds with a small and breathy yes instead. It’s a bit difficult for him to talk right now, especially now that he can put a voice to the photos he’s been jerking off to. It’s a bit overwhelming, actually.
“Do you want better ones?” You ask, encouraging him to speak a bit more.
“Oh god, really?” He asks through the speaker, his hand pausing on his length as if to hold off until you confirm. “Like, nudes?”
“Mhm, yeah. If you want.” You smile as you speak to him, already standing to shimmy your pajamas off of you and stand in front of the mirror. “Or, you know what would be better?”
“Letting me come over and actually do it?” That’s what he wants to say to you, but he doesn’t, he simply raises a brow and bites his lip, trying to contain his excitement.
“What?” He asks, still keeping his responses short because despite how into this he is, he’s a bit shy about it.
“I can facetime you.”
He panics. That means you’ll be watching him too, right? Sure he’s sent nudes, he’s received nudes. He’s sent videos too, and received them. But never has he like, you know, live masturbated on facetime so someone else can watch.
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay.” You backtrack at his silence, but you’re cut off almost immediately.
“No! no, we can facetime–”
Your stomach flips again as you fix yourself quickly in the mirror before setting your phone against your desk and rolling back a bit in your chair to determine if it’ll work this way or not. It’s not like he’s expecting you to do it too, he probably just thinks you’re gonna sit here naked for him to stare at. You’re kind of excited to see him in action, to hear him in action for you.
You hit the button to switch the call over to facetime and once again adjust your phone as you stare at yourself in the camera. Then you’re needing to catch your breath at the image of him.
Oh fuck.
There he is, his camera angled towards his face and not at all toward what's going on below his waist, but you don’t mind at first. Looking at him, the lighting clearly shows that he’s a fan of mood lighting. You watch his eyes briefly, staring through the screen at you before moving your eyes to his arm, the one that clearly isn’t holding his phone because you can see it moving as he continues to jerk himself off. It’s an interesting feeling to have only seen him in photos until this moment, and it’s insanely attractive for some reason. Seeing him in motion, knowing what he’s doing, knowing that he feels good right now because of you.
“Let me see,” you say quietly, adjusting your bra strap and preparing to slip it off of you if he so much as asks. “Prop your phone up somewhere like I did.”
He nods, his eyes still staring straight through his screen at you as he moves around and the image becomes a blur of movement rather than his face. He settles in quickly, somehow looking even more attractive with the way his eyes no longer stare at the screen. You can almost sense a hint of shyness from him at this moment and it kind of floors you, given how easy he is to talk to and how easily he sent a dick pic to you.
“Feeling shy?” You ask, spreading your legs wide and cupping the seat of your panties, hiding the small spot of wetness forming there. “You act like I’m not going to be touching you at some point soon.”
You see him perk up, his eyes looking to you on the screen with more fondness than arousal. At the same time, his hand grips the base of his cock as he holds it straight up, erect and glistening proudly for you to look at.
“You look pretty big, bet you could fill me up so nicely,” You try to compliment, boosting his confidence and ego as best you can simply because he looks pretty with a smile on his face. Especially when his cock twitches at the words. “Would you want to do that for me, Jake?”
“Oh god,” He groans, hearing his name come from your mouth for the first time. His hand jerks up his length once, almost aggressively as he winces at it. “This is going to be so embarrassing.” He admits now, sliding his palm up and down shamelessly as he watches between your spread legs.
In a way, he wonders if you can see how desperate he is. There’s no way you can’t, right? Like, you can see how badly he wants you, right?
“Embarrassing, why?” You chuckle, tapping now at the spot between your legs. “Can you not see that I’m just as turned on right now?”
He groans again with deep breaths, releasing his length and using that same hand to swipe his hair out of his face, then immediately grimacing at the fact that he now has pre-cum in his hair. Embarrassing, all of it.
“Well,” He tries to avoid you bringing up the fact that he just did that and only shoots his hand back to his cock in order to distract whatever off-hand shit you’re about to say. “You don’t even have your panties off yet, and I could probably get off right now.”
You laugh, not wanting to ruin the mood with the whole cum on his own face thing, so you save that for later. Instead, you instantly slip your panties off and present yourself to him much like he’s doing for you.
Jake watched with his breath stuck in his throat, now finding it harder to breathe at the image of your pussy and the way he hopes he can touch it one day.
“Can you–” He pauses, not being used to dirty talk towards anything other than the porn playing on his phone. He thinks hard, and you can see it based on the way he, once again, neglects his cock with an unmoving palm.
“Can I do what? Go on,” You urge him, running a hand up to your chest and fondling your nipples right there in front of him, but not yet moving the fabric. “What do you want me to do for you, baby?”
Baby. You called him baby. Not that he’s into that but the fact that you did it makes him wonder if he is now. Maybe it’s because he wants you to take him for all he’s worth at this point. One, to get rid of the virginity looming over his head, and two, because you sound so fucking smooth when you’re watching him get off.
“Can you spread your pussy for me?” He whispers at first, uncaring of how dirty it sounds falling out of his throat with a moan.
His eyes are boring a hole through his screen as he watches one of your hands tease at your hidden nipples, and the other hand sliding up and down the wet folds there. So badly does he want to see it. He wants to see your hole pulsing for him, leaking, needy. Just like him.
His cock twitches wildly the second you do it for him. Two fingers spreading your pussy open and tensing your hips just to move it closer to the screen for him.
“Is this what you want?” You start, making damn sure he can see every part of your glistening cunt. “You want to fuck this?” You chuckle now, slowly dipping a finger into yourself and pulling it back out to present the wetness for him.
“Oh,” he sighs, now fucking into his fist at a pace that proves he’s most definitely never fucked a woman before. “Fuck.”
You nod at him, urging him to keep admitting his attraction to you. You’re aware he doesn’t see it though, as his hips continue to move quicker and quicker each time you press your finger into yourself.
“You gonna act like this when I’m riding you?” You ask with a tilted head, studying how hard he’s fucking against his hand. You can imagine how good it would feel if it were you, and quite frankly, this one finger isn’t enough at this point.
“God. You’re gonna ride me?” He moans, eyes rolling only slightly as he imagines it, mouth falling open at the mere thought of it.
“Mhm,” you hum, now sliding in another finger and scissoring yourself open with them. “Would you want that?”
Before you can even work yourself up, and before he can even answer that question, you see him release. His cum shooting out in spurts across his stomach and nearly up to his chest. His labored breathing shifts the lighting against his abs and makes him look so entirely delicious. You’ve never wanted to lick a man clean so badly in your life.
You’re not even upset that he didn’t make it into the knitty gritty, considering he’s a virgin and all and you’re literally fucking yourself in front of him while implying riding him. You’re actually flattered.
His release caused him to see white for several moments, forgetting he’s even on camera for you. When he comes back to reality, watching you continue to finger yourself as your eyes scan your screen, all he can do is feel bashful.
“S-shit, sorry,” He comments with a half laugh, looking down at his cum covered chest before looking at you again. Honestly, he could probably go again if you let him watch for a bit longer, but he’s embarrassed now. “I uh, didn’t mean to come that fast. It just kind of happened.”
“It’s okay,” You comfort him, slightly out of breath as you wonder if this is all you’re gonna get tonight. “It was cute.”
After a few moments, you sense his embarrassment and slowly slip yourself back into a sobering headspace, closing your legs and trying to ignore how wet you still are.
“Are you, um, done?” Jake says, disappointed.
“Mm, no.” You smile. “But it’s okay, I’d rather make you come first anyway.”
His face lights up despite the disappointment in his gut of not being able to see you get off.
“You still wanna see me after this?”
You nod with a smile, endeared by his need to give, but inability to do it.
“When are you free?” You ask, wondering if he’s ever going to clean himself up.
“Whenever you are.” He laughs, scratching the back of his head with, once again, the same cum-stained hand.
“I’ll text you later then,” You smile through the screen and give a small wave before your genuine smile turns into a smirk. “After I take care of my little problem though.”
You notice him sitting up in protest, but you hang up with a satisfied laugh and head to the shower to both finish yourself off and clean up.
Grandpa Jake: what about 3pm on thurs?
You: you want to lose your virginity at 3pm….on a thursday???
Grandpa Jake: my parents have plans so ill have the house to myself for a few hours
You: or you could just come here?
Grandpa Jake: if ur comfortable with that? i thought u were supposed to come here lol
You: im comfortable, plus my roommate will kick your ass if you’re weird
Jake contemplates hard on that last part but shrugs over it. Probably a girl thing, and it’s not like he’s an actual creep or anything. You’d be the one with power over him when the two of you are alone anyway.
You: what about tomorrow, 8pm?
Tomorrow. Hell yeah, tomorrow. God, he’d show up right the fuck now if you let him. He may live with his parents but he’s got a car.
Grandpa Jake: send ur address, ill be there :)
“Tomorrow, you’ll be a man.” Heeseung croaks through the speaker at Jake, totally assuming that this whole virginity loss dating app plan was actually just a joke.
“Why do you have to say it that way?” Jake groans back, slapping his hand over his forehead and rubbing his temples. “I didn’t think anyone was actually gonna come through, she’s the first one.”
“What makes you think she’s actually gonna send you her address?” Heeseung laughs, once again placing more pity onto his best friend than anything else. “She’s probably not even a real person, you’re gonna end up at some old guy’s house.”
Jake laughs, or snorts really.
“Oh, she’s real.”
Heeseung sits up in curiosity this time, switching his phone to the other ear with interest.
“Hm? Have you already met her?”
“Kind of. We like, um,” Jake pauses, wondering if he sounds way too excited to tell him or not. “We facetimed a few hours ago.”
“She got naked.”
“Oh ho ho!” Heeseung encourages him. “So you guys did some stuff on facetime and she still wants to meet you?”
“That’s what I said–wait,” Jake smiles to himself, about two seconds from kicking his feet before realizing what Heeseung just said. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re kind of a loser, we’ve been over this.” Heeseung laughs yet again. “Call me when you get your cherry popped or whatever.”
Then he hangs up.
Grandpa Jake: do u think im a loser?
You: yeah kinda
You’re laughing at his text as you sit across the table from Jay.
“That him texting?” Jay quirks a brow, watching you smile at your phone and practically ignore him.
You laugh again at Jake’s string of defensive texts before responding with a short “it’s okay, i like losers”, and putting your phone down to finish telling Jay that he’s gonna get kicked out tomorrow for the night.
“So,” You clap your hands in front of yourself, glaring at Jay. “You’re gonna have to be gone tomorrow at eight because I'm about to literally obliterate this guy.”
“Jesus, I’m scared for him.”
“You should be scared for me. Because, well…” You trail off for a second, scrolling up your texts to see the dick pic Jake sent before the facetime call. “He’s huge and–”
“I did not need to know that.” Jay sighs, scooting back in his chair and standing to his feet.
“You act like you don’t ask every time I fuck someone.” You roll your eyes at him, smiling. “Weirdo.”
Jay stands there awkwardly before shrugging and lunging for your phone.
“How big?” He laughs, not actually trying to see the dude’s dick but always way too curious for his own good despite never wanting to be around to hear what the big dicks do to his best friend.
“Stop prying, you’ll get jealous.”
He scoffs, brushing off his pants of invisible dust and crossing his arms.
“I’ll have you know, my dick is perfectly sized.”
“I’m sure it is. Anyway, tomorrow, be gone.”
He nods, sauntering to the living room and flopping down on the couch.
“Keep it in your room, please. I don’t want to sit on any cum when I get home.”
It’s Thursday. It’s approximately seven in the evening on Thursday and you’re well aware that Jake is probably bubbling with anxiety if his texts are anything to go by.
So many “are you sures,” so many “you can tell me to leave if you decide you don’t want tos,” and even more “i can’t wait to see yous.”
“Jay, aren’t you supposed to be leaving?” You ask, opening the fridge to pull out a bottle of water.
You’ve already showered again today, primped yourself up for him really. Everything smooth, soft, and ready to be touched. You wonder if Jake is doing the same, and smile.
“Hm, yeah. But I kinda wanna see him before I leave.”
You turn your head to him with a curious look, glaring only slightly.
“I swear to god if you scare him off, I’m kicking you out.”
Jay laughs, patting the couch as if to invite you to sit with him to ease your own anxiety. He can smell the familiar lotion you use before dates, and he notes that you’ve really tried to look good today.
“I think you might kill him, if I’m being honest.” Your best friend laughs softly, complimenting you.
“Thanks, that’s the plan.”
And so, the two of you sit together laughing at stupid comedy shows until your phone lights up at around seven thirty.
Grandpa Jake: i’m a little early, is that ok?
“Oh shit, he’s here.” You immediately feel nervous, which is pretty normal for you anyway so it’s easily overlooked by Jay.
He jumps up, brushing off his clothes and walking toward the kitchen to grab his keys and wallet.
“Let him in then, I’ll leave when he gets here.”
You give him a knowing look before nodding.
You: second floor, take a left when you get to the top of the stairs, third apartment on the left.
Within minutes, there’s a very gentle knock on the door and Jay is throwing himself at it to get a look at him. Unfortunately it’s a bit more awkward than he expected it to be.
Not only did Jake think your roommate was a woman, but he, at the very least, expected you to answer the door. He was preparing himself all day for this moment, to knock on your door and have you open it. At first he thought that maybe he even got the wrong apartment.
“Oh, I think I got the wrong place, sorry–”
“Nope, you’re in the right place.” Jay smiles, stepping to the side and opening the door wider for him. “You can come in.”
Jake does, awkwardly. Avoiding eye contact with Jay and barely even looking into the apartment before stepping inside.
“She got all cleaned up for you.” Jay whispers, throwing Jake a wink before stepping out and closing the door behind him.
Jake still hasn’t really looked up from the floor yet, and you make quick work to make him feel more comfortable.
“Don’t mind him, that’s my roommate.” You say, making your way toward him and trying your best not to stare because, okay, wow. He’s kind of ten times more attractive in person, which is fucking insane considering how good he looked through a screen.
“Have you and him ever like…” Jake immediately starts, realizing he might have made things weird.
“Jay?! Oh, god no.” You laugh, reaching for his arm and feeling him lean into it with relief. “You’re allowed to look up by the way. You’ve been staring at that crack in my floor since you got here.”
Immediately Jake moves his eyes up to you, the eye contact feeling more intense than it should, but you’re locked in too. The awkwardness dissolves almost instantly, he feels no need to question you further about anything really, especially with the way he feels his throat run dry at the very idea of this whole plan actually happening at some point.
When he made his profile on that app, it was kind of a half joke until like, people started talking to him. Given, no one ever followed through but you, he’s happy he stuck with it. Happy you came out of the works from said dating app, happy you picked him.
Really though, he picked you. Part of you wonders about why you want to take this from him. For power, for control, to be praised, to feel like you’re his entire world of desire for a brief time? All of those things, yes, but you can admit now that he’s in front of you that it’s a bit intimidating.
He’s not shy at all, just a bit awkward. He seems confident, he seems ready, and you find yourself lucky for being the one to get to do this for him, or with him. If at all, Jake is the type of man you could see yourself hanging out with often, with or without having sex.
Given, upon seeing him face to face for the first time, the only thing you thought about was how attractive he is. Now though, as you look back at him along with the silence of this apartment offering nothing more than awkwardness, it’s not. Because you’re seeing him for all he is and he appears to not be able to help it. Is this what people mean when they say there’s an instant spark between two people? Despite how attractive he is, you find yourself thinking of how many times he’s made you laugh in the short period of time you’ve known him along with how many times he’s willingly embarrassed himself
And now for the first time, he’s right there and all you want to do is…give him exactly what he wants.
“Okay, listen,” You start, swallowing around a lump in your throat as you feel your body heat up at record speed by just having his eyes looking into yours. You know by this point that you’re not going to be keeping your hands to yourself at all. And for his sake, he’d probably prefer it that way. “If I move too fast, just tell me to stop.”
Jake tilts his head with a dopey smile, eyes still fixed on you, scanning you, coming to terms with the fact that you’re absolutely everything he thought you would be and more.
“I don’t think that’s gonna be an issue,” He admits, feeling his length confined within his pants twitch wildly at the fact that this is happening. “I struggled not to get hard just driving over.” He laughs, looking away from you for the first time with flushed cheeks.
You find that painfully adorable. No man would ever admit that to you. Especially after just a few minutes of meeting in person for the first time, but this is Jake and in the short amount of time you’ve known him, you’re kind of expecting him to be really forward and say things that will have you frozen in thought.
“Oh yeah?” You ask, grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen. You’re pretending that his apparent inexperience isn’t getting to you, but you’re not really fooling anyone. “Let’s get you some water or something, I can see you drooling.”
Jake laughs, shrugging because yeah maybe he’s drooling a little bit. You smell fucking immaculate, your hand is small in his but still manages to overpower him, your skin feels soft and slightly cold. Honestly, it’s dangerous just having you stand in front of him right now because he could absolutely blow his load just by you looking at him. Embarrassing? Always.
He follows after you, very nearly crowding up to you as the comfort sets in and the last bit of awkwardness leaves his mind. All he can think about is how you sounded over that facetime call. He’s seen what’s between your legs, and during that night all he could think about was touching you, fucking you.
Now he’s here, and you’re right there.
It’s hard not to crowd up, it’s hard not to cling to you, it’s hard not to be excited. Seeing your hand wrapping around that bottle of water to give to him, seeing you lean just before grabbing it– of course he’s staring. Of course he’s crowding closer, almost to the point that he’s up against your ass when you lean back up from the fridge.
You turn after grabbing him the bottle and are shocked by his close proximity when you face him. He looks down at you with a soft face, one that shows he’s not embarrassed by how he immediately attaches to you. His smile is just as clumsy as he is, you can tell he knows exactly what he’s doing too. You’re glad, because it makes it entirely too easy to drop the water bottle, grab his face, and chase his lips all the way until he’s against the counter and kissing you back.
He sighs instantly into it, wincing at the way the kitchen counter hits his back, you pressing against him so harshly just to get that first taste of his lips. He’s excited that you seem as eager as him, maybe even as desperate as him.
For you, a man has never been this eager just to kiss you, nor has a man ever kissed you this good. You can imagine that he’s probably got a lot of experience in terms of kissing, not much elsewhere though. You can tell by the way he moves his hands to all of the right places, but his blatant virginity shows through all of it as he becomes a horny mess almost instantly.
His tongue is warm and wet, small whining sounds coming from his throat as you press yourself against him briefly. His hands never leave your body and he shows no shame in touching where he wants to touch. Rubbing, groping, and caressing every inch of your waist, ass, and even moving up to your face to deepen the kiss. His hips press forward almost constantly, and all you can do is brace yourself on the counter behind him to try and tame his relentless hips and obvious attempts at rushing what he wants right now.
If you’re going to sleep with him though, he’s gonna get the full experience, not a quickie. Plus, you agreed to keep it in your room for Jay’s sake.
“Hey,” you sigh, trying to pull back from the kiss but he isn’t having it. Still kissing against you and running his lips down to your neck when you continue to speak. “We should go to my room, your first time isn’t about to be in my kitchen.”
“Why not?” He groans against your neck, kissing harshly with faint wet sounds, his hands wrapping tightly around your waist now. “I don’t care where we do it, i just want you like, really bad.”
Still, his lips don’t leave you, nor do his hands. You find yourself giggling against him with a shake of your head at the way he protests when you pry yourself from his grip. Of course, though, he’s immediately clinging to you and chasing after you to your bedroom before practically throwing himself at you again.
You barely get the door closed before he’s pressing you against the wall, hand running down again to your waist and easily snaking up your shirt just to feel the warmth of your skin. You let him, enjoying the way he kisses you for just the second time, enjoying more the way you can feel him lose his composure every few minutes from this alone.
You’re kind of in love with the fact that he doesn’t seem to want to pull back even for a breath. He seems to love kissing, and you wonder what else he’ll come to love doing tonight too. From the way he moves his tongue and his lips on you, you can imagine he’d be fucking heavenly at eating pussy.
Successfully you push him away again, rushing to your bed before he can make you melt against his lips for a third time, and you’re instantly trying to present yourself to him much like you did over camera.
“You’re really going to let me?” He asks with a deep breath, brushing his hair out of his face and wiping his mouth. His brain malfunctions at your presumed answer to that question, watching you take your panties and shorts off in one go and leaning back to spread your legs for him.
At this moment, you’re all his and you make it a point to spread your pussy out for him like he asked you to do before. You can practically see his knees buckle that very instant.
“To think I wouldn’t want to do this is insane,” You say, wiggling your hips for him to see. “Look how wet I am.” You pause, studying the hungry look in his eyes. “Do you wanna try eating me out?”
He doesn’t even nod. He’s immediately on his knees against your bed and gripping your thighs to pull you toward his face. You yelp only slightly at the movement, a chuckle coming out shortly after as you sit yourself up properly to take in the image of his eyes sparkling up at you.
It looks like he’s been wanting to do this to someone all his life, with his needy body proving it time and time again. Your breath is caught in your throat, a small groan coming out at the image alone before you’re able to process words again.
“Can’t believe how good you look down there,” You say softly, brushing his hair out of his face for him like he did to himself earlier. “Have you ever done this before?”
He shakes his head, eyes shifting from your pussy to your face. You can feel his nervous yet eager breath against you, making your eyelashes flutter at even that slight sensation.
“Go on then.” You sigh out, trying to prepare for what he can manage with that pretty mouth of his.
You watch him and the way he doesn’t seem to think at all when he does it. Once again, he’s adorable. His tongue goes everywhere, only grazing your clit briefly every few licks, never staying on it presumably because he’s in the process of finding the clit based on how your body reacts.
He has a general idea of where it is, but the feeling of having your pussy spread out like this on his lips alone is enough to overwhelm him with arousal, to the point he genuinely doesn’t know what he’s doing. All he can do is taste and smell the mixture of your warmth along with the soap and lotion you must have used before he came here.
He’s quite literally tasting the entirety of you and loving every second of it. The way his hands grip your legs, both spreading them further open so that he can tilt his head and lick at different angles, and then hugging them to where they almost lock his head in place.
It feels like he does this for ages, learning your body and what makes your legs shake. He sucks in different places, kissing your entire pussy to the point that it’s almost impossible for your legs not to shake in a reaction at what he’s doing to you.
Dare you say, a man who is inexperienced at eating a woman out somehow feels better than one who knows exactly where to go.
“Fuck, knew you’d be good at this,” You compliment with a shaky voice, reaching down to his hair and holding his head in place. “Keep licking there, and use your fingers too.”
He hums without stopping, taking note of where you place his lips and reminding himself that this is the clit, just as suspected. He attaches his lips there, kissing it much like he kissed you in the kitchen.
You can feel his fingers make their way into you shortly after, each bump of his knuckle sending a delicious sensation throughout your body. You’re tingling from your head to your toes at this point and your face heats up beyond what you thought it would. Your hips move on their own in response, experimentally fucking against his fingers as he keeps his tongue flicking at you.
“Just like that,” You encourage him, running your hands through his hair and looking down at him. Seeing his head move with each little thrust of your hips is only more arousing in this moment. His eyes half open, watching you, tasting you, almost smiling around your clit when he makes eye contact with you.
It almost seems like he’s asking if he’s doing well, and goddamn is he. He’s doing amazing.
“So good,” You say shortly, trying to give him the praise he needs while scratching against his scalp as a thank you, still fucking your hips up just to feel his fingers plunge deeper.
He, on the other hand, is fucking feral right now. Tasting you, dipping his fingers into you, feeling that warmth for the first time, the small clenches— he’s swimming in a fantasy. Every time you move your hips up, he can smell the entirety of you, he can feel your pussy squeeze his fingers, and god. He doesn’t think he ever wants this to end.
All day. He could do this all fucking day. No wonder men make fun of other guys for not giving head. Why wouldn’t they? He can feel your legs tensing up around his head, your gentle fingers running through his hair, the sounds coming from your lips. He’s in love, he’s in love.
He doesn’t stop, tongue flicking your clit so beautifully, fingers slowly fucking in and out of you, not even in time with your jerking hips. Shockingly, you approach orgasm so fucking fast that you can barely warn him, you’re not even thinking when you put pressure on his head, pressing his lips so harshly against your clit— his moan sending a vibration straight through you.
“Faster, with your fingers—“ You choke out in a drawn out and pornographic moan, curling your toes and feeling him do exactly as you say.
There, you release with his fingers plunging in and out of you, the wet sound of your pussy only sounding more messy by the time you begin to release. In the midst of it all, you feel him pull his lips from your clit and lick around his fingers before coming back up and continuing his ministrations, working you through an orgasm you’re not even sure he knows you’re having right now.
Insane, really, that he needed to taste the messy relief before resuming.
Strings of curses, little tugs against his hair, legs shaking, all of it happens at once until the feeling of his fingers become sensitive inside of you, until his tongue is flicking a bundle of nerves begging to be left alone.
You swat him away with a smile, leaning up quickly and grabbing him by the shirt.
He doesn’t really know what the fuck is going on but he laughs with you, being pulled to his feet and falling onto the bed on top of you. You can feel his cock in his pants, so fucking hard, probably leaking and feeling quite neglected.
“Did you…?” He asks softly, dipping his head shyly with his wet chin shining in the light of your room.
You smile at him, leaning up to kiss him square on the mouth before you flip him over and get between his legs.
“I did,” You laugh in a daze, starting to work on his button and zipper. You’re reeling from the recent orgasm and want nothing more than to let him feel the same way you do right now. “And now, I'm gonna do the same for you.”
He chokes out a nervous laugh, holding your hand in place from pulling his pants down.
“Unless, you don’t want that?” You ask, tilting your head with a bit of a frown.
“N-No! It’s not that!” He reassures you, cheeks flushing more than they already were. “It’s just that– like, what if I don’t last very long? I’m kind of sensitive.”
His eyes avoid yours when he says it and once again, most adorable man award goes to fucking Jake.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing?” You lean forward, kissing him again. “You just gave me some of the best head in my life.”
The light in his eyes returns and instantly he’s flashing a nervous smile at you.
“Jake, I’ve never gotten off that fast from being eaten out.” You reassure him again, making a point to use his name loud and clear. “If you don’t get off from me sucking your cock, I might actually cry.”
Well, he can’t have that now, can he?
He releases your grip on his jeans, allowing you to pull them down. For some reason unable to look at you despite knowing you’ve seen him jerk off before. It’s the fact that like, what if it’s suddenly not big enough? What if his cock is ugly or curved in a way you don’t like?
Before he can even start to doubt himself more, he feels your lips on the tip and instantly his eyes are looking down at you. You’re the one smiling now, using one hand to hold his base and the other hand already scooping up his balls for added pleasure.
You make a point to look him in the eye as you let the saliva collect in your mouth when you pull back slightly. There, you let it fall from the tip of your tongue, all the way until you feel the wetness against your fingers wrapped around his base.
He thinks he’s going to go fucking insane watching you like this, and god, does he. You don’t even show him your struggle of taking in the sheer size of him. Lowering your mouth until you’re taking him in as much as you can. You try to keep eye contact up until you have to close your eyes.
It’s not shocking that by the point you get half of his length into your mouth, he’s fucking up without full intention and letting out a choked apology. Still, you try to force your stretched lips to smile for him, even through the gag, even through the harsh feeling of his cock hitting the back of your throat.
How the fuck has a cock this good not been worshiped before? By a mouth? A hand? A pussy? You’ll be damned not to choke on it. You’d rather eat glass than to let him leave this apartment without being completely emptied and praised for every drop.
He’s actually struggling already not to come, holding himself back but failing each time his hips chase the warmth of your throat. Each time you gag, it stimulates the fuck out of his cock and he nearly wants to cry each time it happens. Even with that other girl who went down on him, she didn’t even attempt to fit this much in her mouth. Most of the pleasure came from her hand jerking him off while she suckled against his head, but you. You’re down there, slipping your mouth up and down on him like that, gagging, tearing up, and still fucking smiling about it.
He’s in love.
He holds his hands back at least, keeping them against your sheets and gripping them so hard that he fears he’s ripping through them. Everything feels hot, you look hot, you sound hot, your tongue still manages to move against the base of his cock with what little room it does have, and god– your other hand, massaging his balls.
“Wait, wait wait–” Jake groans, fucking his hips into your mouth once again until you pull off with a concerned look.
“Were my teeth hurting you?” You ask, gasping a bit for air.
“No!” He heaves out with fluttering lashes, trying to regain sanity. “I was just getting really close.”
“Hm?” You sigh in disappointment, this time going all in at once and not letting yourself stop until he’s releasing into your mouth.
You feel his shaking fingers brush your cheek when you do it, hollowing it out just to fit more, more, more into your mouth before lapping your tongue against his base again.
His groaning turns into frantic moans, his hips jerking wildly, unable to escape the clenching muscles of your gagging throat, and he’s honestly in heaven once again.
“Ah–wait–fuck.” He tries to protest, not wanting to finish so quickly, but there it goes. There he goes.
Never in his life has he felt an orgasm so satisfying. His eyes roll back and his fingers go numb when he releases, pumping himself deep into your throat and not stopping until he’s dizzy. The fact that you kept your mouth on him through it, the fact that he could still feel you gagging, swallowing, and moaning all at once through it– how?
“How–” he takes a breath, pulling you off of him so you can breathe. “How did you do that?”
You shrug with a confident smile, wiping your tears and crawling up to meet his face.
“I don’t normally do that for guys.” You say with a rasp in your voice. “I certainly don’t just swallow for anyone.”
He feels special, and fucking spent but god does he want to keep going. His softening cock twitching in a relieving way, probably glad to have finally been touched by something other than his own hand. Part of him wonders if you’re done though, because by now you’ve both gotten off and usually that’s the end goal, right?
But he hasn’t lost his virginity yet, and when he looks at you hovering above him, he already knows you’re not done with him.
“We need to let you rest until you can get hard again,” You say, kissing him more easily than before and letting him taste himself, letting you taste yourself mixed with him. “What’s something you wanna do to get you back into the game?”
He sighs out a laugh, fucking amazed that you’re his first. How lucky is that? He thinks hard, watching the way you lift your shirt off of yourself. God, he forgot tits existed for a solid part of this day and that’s a shame because instantly his sensitive cock throbs at the image of them coming into view.
You watch him stare, trailing your hands down and lifting his shirt off of him as well.
“I– I don’t even know at this point.” He admits with a stammer, ignoring the fact that his hair is definitely sticking up all over from you taking his shirt off of him.
“I’ll just love on you while you think, then.”
He gives a short nod, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside at the way your gentle hands caress his chest and abs before you start kissing against the muscles and soft skin there.
He relaxes his body, feeling your hands and lips on him. You were right when you said you’d love on him as he thinks about it. The hard part of it is actually thinking about what’s going to get him harder the fastest. You doing this could be enough, but your tits. And fuck, your pussy.
He lets out a whine, one that feels entirely out of character and it causes you to pause your gentle kiss against his nipple and pull back.
He shakes his head, staring straight at your chest and then down to what's between your legs.
“I want to, um…” He shifts his eyes away from you. “Can I eat you out again?”
That’s new. Twice in one session?
“Oh yeah? Did that get you going?”
You receive a small nod from him before his hands are reaching out for your tits and warming them up.
You relax into the feeling of his fingers on your chest only for a moment before you pull back again, this time adjusting yourself onto the bed face down, ass up in front of him. Might as well try a bunch of different positions for him too, right?
“Whenever you’re ready.” You sigh, already grabbing a pillow to hug through this.
You can feel the bed shift behind you, the weight of his body dipping right behind you before you feel his warm breath against your core. Only now do you realize that you already missed the way he ate you out the first time, you can barely contain yourself knowing he’s going to do it again.
His hands snake between your legs before his lips get any closer, spreading them before pulling his hand back up and spreading your pussy open with his fingers on his own this time.
“It’s really the prettiest.” He says in a clear and shaking voice, watching the way your hole pulses at the air that hits it. “And I've watched a lot of porn.”
You’d tell him to shut up, but you’re not gonna because it’s cute how forward he is with his thoughts. If anything, he’s treating you right now by doing this, so he can say whatever he fucking wants right now.
“Yeah? You just gonna stare at it?” You try to urge him, and it works.
Because of course it works.
You do your best to contain any rising orgasm, solely because you don’t want to spend yourself before you actually let him inside of you in full. But goddamn, he’s just as eager now as he was the first time…if not more.
He thinks back to the things he did before, mimicking that and hitting all of the perfect spots without fail. Still, you hold back, pushing and pulling yourself away and toward him just to feel his tongue chase. He eventually holds you in place against him, big hands holding you firmly against his face with a bit of force. And now? He’s licking you deeper than you’ve ever been licked before. It’s a different kind of sensation, and the way he groans into it is entirely too much for you right now.
You need more, you want more. You want all of him by now, so aroused by every touch, breath, and moan that it’s becoming unbearable to just be eaten out. The thought that he’s doing this to get himself hard again is flooring, and the feeling of his fingers replacing his tongue much like before is intense.
After just that one time, he knows exactly how to make you cum this way and it’s dangerously attractive to realize that. He goes straight for it too, pulling back to watch his fingers slip into you up to the knuckle.
He hums out a rumbled moan at the sound of your cunt squelching around his fingers. So wet. More wet than any of the girls in the porn he’s watched for years. You’re dripping around his fingers, and the smacking sound is so fucking arousing to him.
And yeah, he can’t reach your clit with his mouth this time so he thinks hard about how to fix this little dilemma and you’re floored even more by the fact that he solves problems without questioning. You feel his fingers leave you and land on your clit, and right then you feel his tongue again, just as deep, licking into you and all over you.
The sound of your pussy amplifies when it’s against his tongue, and honestly, he could cum right now if he really wanted to. Already he’s hard again, but god feeling you, hearing you, seeing you like this for him? For some guy who has never once been able to give a girl his all like this?
He’s so focused on you.
Which for you, is a bit of an issue because he’s really not going to let you hold it in, he’s going to have you fucking unravelling again and it’s too good. Thankfully, when you try to lift to look behind yourself, you take note of his other hand working himself.
He’s hard again, and god knows how long he’s been doing that.
You pull your body away from him quickly to let your rising orgasm subside, his protesting moan doing nothing but heating your body up more when you flip over and watch him.
“You were really just going to get me off again and not try to fuck me yet?”
He looks down at himself and then back at you, smiling and running his hand through his hair.
“I like doing it, I wanted to see if I could make you–”
“You absolutely could have but I’m going to be honest,” You start, interrupting him and pulling yourself up to crawl over him. “If you’re ready, I’d like to live up to my promise.”
His eyes are much sharper than they were before when you say those words. This is actually it. He would have been perfectly happy just eating you out, getting head himself, or whatever. Over and over again. Any and all of it is better than being in his room alone, but you’re really–
“Really?” He asks, knowing full well the answer..
“Lay back, get comfortable,” You instruct with deep breaths, scooting up the bed with him, keeping yourself planted on his legs despite the discomfort. “You still want me to ride you, yeah?”
He nods almost frantically, landing his hands on your tits without hesitation and groping them in a blatant show of how ready he’s managed to get himself for this.
Not that you want to rush, but you’re so fucking turned on by this point, the only thing you want is to be filled by him. His is cock likely bigger than any you’ve taken before, and to be fair, you don’t even care if you’re the desperate one at this point. You’ve almost forgotten he’s a virgin.
“Wait,” He stops you when you slide over his cock, bare pussy coating his length in a languid grind. “Oh, fuck, wait- no,” He breathes in a sharp breath and grips your hips. ”Do that again.”
You smile at his frantic thoughts pouring from his lips, sliding against him again, and again, up until he’s leaning forward and attaching his lips to one of your nipples and suckling against it hard.
You groan as you grind, feeling the head of his now, fully hard, cock bumping against your previously stimulated clit. He groans with you, almost at the exact same time but continues to try and leave his mark on you. In love with finally getting your tits in his mouth, your pussy on his cock, and most of all, in love with the fact that you’re not laughing at him for any of it. You seem to melt into it much like he does and he can’t help but want to email the creator of that fucking app and personally thank them for this.
You rub yourself against him until it’s even more unbearable than before. By now, you’ve completely soaked his length and he’s completely soaked your chest in saliva and tiny swollen bite marks. Not that you mind the biting, his little rumbled grow-like moans only made this all the more arousing.
“Ready?” You finally sigh out, deliberately grinding against him slowly now, with almost your entire weight behind the grinds.
He groans out a “please” before immediately gripping your hips and stopping you. Pulling his head back so hard and so quickly– he kind of forgot to unlatch from your nipple and it sends a sharp pain throughout your body, one that only makes you want to ride him hard. Right now.
“Hold on, there’s a condom in the pocket of my jeans–”
“Okay, and?” You laugh, sliding forward again and grinding your clit against him. “I’m on birth control, and I’m clean.”
He looks at you, his sharp eyes falling back into the sparkling doe eyes as his mouth falls open at the very idea that he gets to hit is fucking raw for the first time?
“Unless you’re lying, and you’re not really a virgin?”
He’s quick to silence your doubt. He’s 100% never had his cock inside of anything other than his own palm and– malfunction. He’s blank again, staring up at you and wincing at the feeling of you pleasuring yourself on top of him.
“Please?” He manages to get out, gripping your hips so tightly by now that he’s sure it’s hurting you.
You smile, humming at him when you lift from him, standing on your knees to grab his cock and position him in the right place.
“You sure you want it too?” You ask, only now realizing that you’re genuinely about to take a man’s virginity, and it’s only fair that you give him one last time to decide if he wants you to take it from him. Despite how turned on you are, and regardless of how badly you want to fuck him, it’s not right to just do it without making him really think about it.
“Fuck, yes.” His fingers tighten against you, his eyes squeeze shut, and his voice comes out as frantic and quite frankly, a bit annoyed. “Just do it already.”
You can’t help but smile at him when you do. Lowering yourself slowly on him and feeling the stretch of it. His face is something that you don’t think you’ll ever forget. He appears to be lost in it, eyes rolling back, his chest heaving, his teeth showing through a half-smile as he moans out at the sensation.
He can’t get over how warm it is inside of you, the constant clenching of your pussy dragging along his entire length. He can’t help it when he moans, he doesn’t care that his voice cracks, or that it sounds like a pathetic sob.
By the time you bottom out and sit like that for a moment, you almost feel like he’s the one who needs to adjust. Of course, you’re needing this moment to adjust too but god– just watching him makes you that much more wet and it’s insane how into him you are right now. As if you haven’t been since you started talking to him.
“Feels good?” You ask, involuntary clenching around his size, letting out a small sigh yourself at the feeling of his leaking cock inside of you.
He hums at you and then takes in a deep breath before fully opening his eyes again and looking at you. Technically, he’s no longer a virgin now. It’s fucking happening, and you’re hot? So fucking hot? You feel so good? You smell so good. You sound so fucking good.
Everything is overwhelmingly good, all he can do now is press his hips up and instantly moan out at the new feeling.
You take that as an invitation to absolutely obliterate him, much like you knew you would. So, you do. Lifting yourself up and sliding him almost entirely out of you before sinking down again.
His hands shoot to your waist, then he lifts slightly to grab your ass from behind you, and then he flops himself back– seemingly unable to know what the fuck to do with himself at this feeling.
You opt to grab his hands, intertwining your fingers with his and holding them above his head, all so you can lay chest to chest with him, lips right at his neck. You start kissing, riding him so smoothly and doing nothing but listening to his little sounds that he tries to keep inside.
“You’re really cute, you know that?” You whisper against his ear, kissing there too before pulling back to look at his face.
That half-smile never leaves his face, and his fingers squeeze against yours so tightly that you actually start to worry that he may break them. Thankfully, he begins to relax after a few minutes. Adjusting to the overwhelming pleasure and now losing himself to the arousal rather than fighting it.
You nearly squeak when you feel him release your hands and grab your face, pulling you up to him as he kisses you mindlessly. Breathlessly, moaning into your mouth all while moving his own hips now. You can feel him jerk his hips, imagining how he fucked his hand through facetime. This is better than that.
You prop to stand up on your knees, offering him the space to fuck you as hard as he’d like, and god. It’s hard. It’s deep, and it’s so clumsy. No rhythm, no thought behind it at all, you can fucking tell he’s purely running on adrenaline as he plunges into you.
He’s actually going so hard, that your moans sound more pained than pleasurable, but that’s not the case at all. You actually can’t stop moaning, it’s just the fact that each time he slams into you, your throat lets out a broken sound.
For a moment, you think you can actually hear him unintentionally growl against your slack lips as he does it. Already he’s lasted longer than you thought he would, especially without a condom, and you’re so fucking impressed by it.
You slide your hand between your bodies, easily rubbing your own clit and drying out your throat even more with the consistent loud moans of how good he’s doing. After a few moments though, his hips stutter and you take that as a sign that you should take over again.
“I don’t know how the fuck you’re doing this to me,” You laugh out of pity for yourself, “I really thought I could last longer than this.”
He barely hears you through his ringing ears and rapid heartbeat, but he chuckles at the compliment. Feeling like he must be doing something right to have a woman say that to him. There’s one issue. He’s about two thrusts from cumming again and he will be damned to ruin this for you.
You take over, riding him harshly and rubbing your clit even harder. He takes a moment to try and distract himself from how good your pussy feels clenching him and takes it upon himself to bite down hard against his tongue. Something to hurt enough to keep his orgasm from bubbling over, but also not something so awful that he’d lose his arousal entirely.
You continue, pushing yourself back up from him and watching the way he tries to focus on anything but what’s happening. You ride deliberately to get him off though, knowing that the second he does, you’ll let yourself go too. He doesn’t seem to be picking up the hints.
“Are you close?” You ask, out of breath and riding him so consistently that it’s becoming more and more difficult to hold your own orgasm. “Let it go, do it with me–”
Instantly, you hear him whimper out a moan as he releases the bite on his tongue. Shooting himself forward and hugging you so tightly that the pressure of your fingers against your clit is entirely unbearable.
“Oh, god. I’m–” You start, moaning against his hair as he hugs against you.
He’s so fucking relieved, already releasing into you as you say those words. All he can do is breathe through it, feeling your pussy pulse around him as he continues to empty himself into you.
It’s entirely too intense, his ears popping and heart threatening to send him to a hospital. Never did he think having sex was this intense.
Little does he know… it’s not. But even you, for some reason, find yourself wondering why the fuck that was so good.
By the time you pull yourself off of him, both of you wincing and trying to ignore the mixture of cum running down your legs, all you can do is look at him with curiosity.
He can barely open his eyes to look back at you, but he tries, he really does.
He’s not going home tonight. Of course he’s not. Like, how fucking rude would it be to take his virginity and send him on his way? Absolutely the fuck not.
In fact, you made him some food, wobbling on spent legs throughout the kitchen as he lays on his death bed in your room. (He’s being dramatic.)
All he can do is listen to the sounds of you in the other room and think hard about how he just felt. Physically, it was a lot. Surely if sex is like that all the time, he’d rather not do it as often as Heeseung does. Honestly, his sanity would be at stake.
But like, you’re kind of amazing. Given, the two of you barely know each other past lame texts and bullying each other. Physically, you know him more than any other woman and that’s a block he didn’t think would be an issue until it became one.
You made him cum twice. And he thinks you did too, unless you’re lying just to make him feel better. There’s no way you didn’t feel the intensity of that though. There’s no way your wobbling legs were lying to him when you got up and told him you wanted to have a snack before bed.
There’s no way you would let him sleep over if you didn’t feel the same way he does right now.
And by the time you’re back, handing him a plate of food, he can’t help but believe that nothing will ever taste as good as you.
The thing is, that’s one of the main reasons you did this. To be praised, to have a man think you’d be the best he will ever have until he eventually meets someone else and they do better than you did. Now though, you feel weird.
This is a one night stand. A charity-fuck, as it still stands at least.
“So,” You start, taking a bite of your food still as naked as can be regardless of how stupid it must look to be eating in a cum-soaked bed like this. “I guess you should change your bio in the app now.”
He looks at you, and then at his food.
“Yeah, I guess I should…”
“I’ll help you fix your age on it. Now that you know what you’re doing with a woman and all.”
It’s silent for a minute.
“Is it too forward if I say that I’d rather just delete the app and keep calling you?”
Thank fuck Jake is forward and embarrassing with it. You’re not ready to give up the single life but on the other hand, after that, you’re not exactly ready to share him with other women just yet either. If he wants to attach himself for a while, you’re going to let him. Purely because, like, look at him. Everything is endearing, and when he’s not being adorable he’s just being fucking hot.
Maybe you will be ready to give up the single life if it’s with Jake.
You nod with a smile, wondering if he expects you to delete the app too. Because you’re not so sure about that, but also you think you probably would if he asks with those stupid doe eyes.
Strangely enough, he doesn’t even ask. He just starts eating the food with a content look on his face. Sweat having dried up but left his hair a mess, his skin is glowing– you think…oh no. Why are you looking at him like this?
“Hey, I should probably call Jay and tell him not to come home until late tomorrow or something.”
Jake nods, lifting his eyes to you and watching you take your phone out.
“I should call my friend too, he told me to let him know when I get my cherry popped.”
You snort at him with a laugh right as Jay answers the phone, and honestly, you’d rather listen to Jake’s friend than Jay whining about having to spend even more time with his overbearing parents.
“Hey Jay, don’t come home 'til I call you tomorrow, bye.” You say quickly before hanging up.
Instantly you’re setting your plate on your table and launching yourself at Jake and his phone.
“Put him on speaker.”
Jake does just that, laughing at Heeseung’s reaction when he hears you speak rather than his best friend over the line.
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attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)

nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
#blue lock#bllk#blue lock headcanons#nagi seishiro#nagi x reader#rin itoshi#rin itoshi x reader#barou shouei#barou x reader#michael kaiser#kaiser x reader#reo mikage#reo x reader#hiori yo#hiori x reader#shidou ryusei#shidou x reader#oliver aiku#aiku x reader#alexis ness#ness x reader#yukimiya kenyu#yukimiya x reader#julien loki#loki x reader#isagi yoichi#isagi x reader#chigiri hyoma#chigiri x reader#noel noa
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One thing that kinda frustrates me about Shen Jiu fics is that they so often try to sanitize him. Make him nicer/more misunderstood than he actually is.
Like, he was definitely very misunderstood in source material, but he also was straight up a terrible person too, y'know? Both things can be true at once.
The biggest thing is his treatment of Luo Binghe, playing on the idea that it wasn't *as* bad as the characters thought it was. Now, this is just plain wrong cause we know from the extras that SJ gave Binghe the fake cultivation manual with the intent that it would literally explode him. He really wanted to murder that kid, yall. Loony toonz ass villain. Keep this man away from children
And he was definitely a total asshole to all his coworkers, even during disciple days. The other Peak Lords are under no expectation to like him nor tolerate his behavior, especially since they (except Yue Qingyuan) don't know about his backstory (very intentional on SJs part)! SJ very deliberately ostracized himself. His nasty reputation didn't just spring up out of nowhere. He has agency even in other people's opinions of him.
This is particularly notable in his interactions with Liu Qingge. It wasn't "LQG bullies poor SJ and spreads nasty rumors about him." It was a rivalry, a give and take between the both of them. They were both assholes to each other, but clearly, despite the animosity, there was some deeper feeling (SJ being so affected after LQG's murder accusations and then later death). Again, agency is key here.
He's also completely unrepentant until the very end! He will never apologize ever, so no sudden "oh god, what have I done?" heel-turns for him, buddy. If it was that easy, then he wouldn't have gotten human sticked in the first place.
SJ is tragic and sympathetic. SJ is also an awful person and a complete asshole. He's allowed to be both, and both of these sides of him are what makes him an interesting and engaging character.
Edit: holy shit stop interacting with this post everytime I open my notifications I think I’m getting reactions to my more recent shit and instead it’s just this bs. Anyways thanks for 1k notes
#anyways if anyone has any recommendations for good shen jiu fics#please let me know#shen jiu#svsss#svsss meta#mxtx#mxtx svsss#qijiu#liujiu#bingjiu
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I understand and agree with a lot of the frustrations about the shortcomings of Inquisition as a story. but sometimes when I hear people complain about the chosen one narrative in it I do want to just be like... you know it's a deconstruction of the concept more than anything, right. the inquisitor isn't actually chosen by anything except stumbling into the wrong (right?) room at the right (wrong?) time because they like, heard a noise or whatever. or if you think they are chosen, as many do in-universe, that's something you have to take on faith, the maker-or-whoever moves in mysterious ways indeed-style. the Inquisitor isn't actually a Destined Chosen One, they're a Just Some Guy in a fancy hat, self-delusions of grandeur to taste as you'd prefer.
a running thread that goes through all of the personal quests of the companions is the concept of a comforting lie vs. an uncomfortable truth, upholding old corrupt structures vs. disrupting them, and the role of faith in navigating that. (blackwall the warden vs. thom rainier the liar and murderer. hissrad vs. the iron bull, or is that the other way around? cassandra and the seekers -- do we tell the truth about what we find, even if it means dismantling the old order of the world? and so on.) and your inquisitor IS at the same time a comforting lie (a necessary one, in dark times? the game seems to ask) and an uncomfortable truth (we are the result of random fickle chance, no protective hand is held over the universe, it's on us to make a better world because the maker sure as hell won't lift a divine finger to help anyone, should he against all odds exist). faith wielded for political power... where's the point that it crosses the line into ugliness? is it before it even begins? what's the alternative? will anyone listen to the truth, if you tell it?
interesting how you also get a mix of companion agency in this -- you have characters like dorian who ALWAYS choose one side of the comforting lie vs. uncomfortable truth dichotomy. he will always make up his own mind to go back to tevinter and try to dismantle the corruption of the old system no matter what you say, or how you try to influence him. meanwhile iron bull is on the complete opposite side of the spectrum -- so psychologically trapped and mangled, caught in an impossible spiritual catch-22, that his sense of identity is left entirely to you and your mercy. you cannot change dorian in any way that matters; you can be his friend or not, support him or not, but he is whole no matter what. you are given incredible and potentially destructive-to-him power over bull's soul. it's really cool (and heartbreaking) to think about.
this is a game about how history will eat you even while you're still alive, and shape you into whatever image it pleases to serve it, and for all your incredible power right now you are powerless in the face of the gravitational force of time -- of more than time, of History. you won't recognize yourself in what History will make of you, because you belong to it now. you don't belong to yourself anymore and you never will again. the further you were from what it needs from you to begin with, the more you will find yourself distorted in its funhouse mirror. (why hello there inquisitor ameridan, same hat!)
and to me this is so much the core of what Dragon Age is about right from the Origins days -- how and by whom history gets written, the inherent unreliable narration of it all. I hope you like stories, Inquisitor. You are one now.
I do think it's probably still the weakest of the games narratively, and it's hampered by its structure and bloated systems. but I also find it disingenous to say that there's nothing deeper or actually interesting going on with it, thematically. if you're willing to engage with it there is Some Real Shit going on under the high fantasy-tinted surface.
#dragon age#dragon age inquisition#it's so weird to have been around long enough to see the 'worst of the series!!' sentiment change targets from da2 to da:i haha#I was a 'da2 rules' truther before it was cool and by god I am a 'da:i does some cool shit' defender now that she's fallen from grace#I am an underdog supporter at heart I suppose#dragon age meta#meta#baby I'm yet again thinking insane galaxy brain thoughts about adoribull as thematic mirrors it's good to be back#I was never truly off my bullshit but I am completely back on it again now
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「your intentions」 - s.rintarou x f!reader



what happens when a notorious manwhore, stoner, and player, encounters someone who doesn't seem all too interested. or: you piss suna off so much that he wants you
✧wc: 5.2k
✧au: college!au, freshman!suna, freshman!reader, miya twins side characters
✧ tags + warnings under the cut | ao3 link (sentence case) |
♪♬ intentions - starfall
✧warnings: explicit smut, minors dni, bratty!reader, experienced!reader, sadist!suna, dom!suna, fuckboy!suna, stoner!suna, sexual tension, alcohol consumption, fwb, suna is an asshole with standards,
✧tags: fingering (f.), oral (m.f.), teasing, degradation, pet name (kitten/ princess), unprotected sex, rough, edging, mirror sex, dubcon, creampie, face-fucking, cum swallowing
frat parties themselves were frustrating—loud, crowded, sweaty. but on the bright side, they always accompanied themselves with free booze and weed. a lot of the guys here played for various sports teams on campus, most of them on the volleyball team.
one in particular, suna rintarou. the guy you so happened to sit next to in the blunt rotation and the very guy your friend warned you about yet also praised. rumour has it suna rintarou only calls up girls when he's high but he was an insane fuck. you didn't take much notice until it was your turn in the rotation. with a tap on your shoulder, you turned to the tall, foxy-featured volleyball player.
“hey. you want some or not?" rintarou suna said lazily, expression blank. his sharp, foxy features complement the entire vibe he was exuding. plus, you were surprised that you could smell a sexy, earthy cologne on him and not just the weed.
you turned around, meeting his eyes with a similar blank expression, not really vibing with his tone. you might have had a resting bitch face... but, you didn’t say anything as you took the offered blunt, taking a big puff and blowing it at his face, saying, “thanks," clipped with a fake smile and then turned back to your friend, dismissing the surprise on her face.
what you didn't notice was how suna raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by your boldness yet intrigued. as you blew smoke in his face, he had taken a slow, deliberate breath, his eyes never leaving yours. even when you turned away, he kept his gaze drifting lazily over your body in a way that was both assessing and appreciative.
leaning back casually against the couch, he pulled out his phone but continued to sneak glances at her from the corner of his eye. a slow, sly smile spread across his lips.
meanwhile, your friend yui was erratically sputtering about your passive-aggressive interaction with the known ‘manwhore’. honestly, you didn’t get the big deal and continued sipping at your drink and making conversation with the other sports guys, purposely ignoring suna.
sure, you'd be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive but he was surprisingly not the kind of guy you usually go for. suna’s and your mutual friend osamu was more up your alley since you shared an elective with him and he seemed way more of a green flag than a notorious womaniser.
yui was in the middle of not-so-quietly warning you about him, no doubt painting him as some kind of villain suna thought. with that, you felt as though a certain someone was staring a hole into the back of your head causing you to shift your gaze briefly—mr hotshot himself already looking with that same lazy, blank yet sharp expression of his. he quirked the side of his lip. you rolled your eyes at him, something suna definitely wanted to see again.
you were alerted to a ringing and a name that pissed you off reading. “shit… sorry, I gotta take this call.” you told yui, putting your drink down and leaving the group, trying to find your way through the crowded living room and up the stairs into a hopefully unoccupied room.
you waltzed upstairs and managed to find an empty room where people weren't fucking in to take the phone call. it wasn't a very fun one.
"christ, anzai, I told you not to call me again. do I really have to block you?" the conversation was pointless and getting on your nerves. you sat down on the bed, rubbing your temples out of frustration. sighing and about to cuss out your ex-fwb over the phone, the door opened, letting a bit of light into the dark room.
suna rintarou. your eyes grew at the coincidence but you needed to end the phone call. suna was just quiet, watching you with that blank expression and stare of his.
"you're blocked. don't call me."
the invader leaned casually against the doorframe, watching you with keen interest as you hung up. you sighed as you rubbed your temples which probably struck a chord in him—you're sure he knew this feeling all too well. the room fell silent except for the muffled noise and shit music from downstairs. wordlessly, he pushed off the doorframe and moved further into the room, closing the door softly behind him. suna came to sit beside you on the bed, close but not quite touching. reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a joint and lighter.
"trouble in paradise?" he asked quietly, sparking the lighter. his tone was devoid of its usual sarcasm, surprisingly gentle. he took a long hit before offering it to you, exhaling smoke slowly through barely parted lips. his eyes, usually sharp and mocking, had softened as he regarded you in the shadows. for now, the game was on hold - it seemed he was simply offering a moment of quiet understanding.
this was the infamous manwhore on campus people were dying to get in bed with? you glanced at the joint that he offered. you didn’t take it, saying, "can't a girl get a little bit of privacy? I prefer escaping the party alone, actually."
"this is my room, actually," he replied calmly, taking another drag from the joint.
“shit- sorry.” you started, about to stand up and leave but he didn’t seem bothered or react as if he was so... you slowly sat back down.
suna exhaled slowly and shrugged. "don't worry, I'm not going to try anything. just thought you could use someone to vent to, if you want." his tone was casual, non-threatening. holding the joint out to you again, he added, "or... we could just get high and forget about our problems for a while."
his expression gave nothing away as usual, but his eyes were open and attentive, implicitly letting you know he was genuinely offering an ear. the ball was in your court now - you could take the outstretched joint as a peace offering and relax in comfortable silence, or tell him to fuck off.
“well, guess I'll take you up on that,” you said in reply, the faintest hint of a smile on your glossy lips.
a ghost of a smirk tugged at suna's lips as you accepted said peace offering, brushing against his fingers slightly (intentionally or not), clearly pleased with himself. he leaned back on one arm, mirroring you, close but not quite touching and watched the end of the joint glow orange as you took a hit.
"so, what's with the aggressive call?" he asked casually, your brief contact sent a subtle spark through him, though his expression remained as bored as ever. "ex giving you trouble?"
he took another long drag, holding the smoke for a moment before releasing it. his hooded gaze remained fixed on you, waiting patiently. there was a comfortable silence as the weed started to take effect, blurring the edges of discomfort.
during the brief silence, you took him in, only now realising how long his legs were and how huge he actually was without that oversized jacket- arms, hands, fingers; everything.
averting your eyes, you instead noticed a few things about his bedroom. one - a massive wall-to-ceiling mirror on his built-in wardrobe and a volleyball as well as some trophies on display on the shelves. some of his clothes were thrown about, as you would expect in a first-year guy's room. not to mention his impressive PC set-up.
suna had followed your gaze around the room, catching the subtle once-overs of his physique and belongings.
you finally indulged him by replying to his question, “not that big of a deal. just an asshole that begged to tap again despite being a one-minute wonder," you smirked through the confession - subtlety not being one of your strongest suits.
"really? wouldn't know what that's like." you could practically hear the smirk in his voice too, confidence oozing through.
you rolled your eyes at his comment, "though, seems like you're the same in that you don't know how to take the hint. heard all about you." you continued before you could really think over what you had just implied.
he hid a smirk by taking another drag.
"hmm, really?" he replied lazily, "and what exactly have you heard?"
of course, suna knew the rumours that circulated about him - manwhore, player, only calls girls when he's high and or drunk. but he was curious what impression you in particular had gotten. his hooded gaze watched your expression closely.
the joint was starting to take effect now, softening the edges of his usual sharp demeanour. a pleasant buzz hummed through your veins.
letting out a soft chuckle, closing your eyes and replying with shrug, "you only call girls when you're high or drunk. and… you're an 'insane fuck'. a friend's words - not mine."
as you spoke, suna reached his arm past you, leaning over your thighs to stub out his joint on an ashtray atop the bedside table. your eyes grew wide at the sudden proximity.
"hmm, your friend isn't entirely wrong," suna hummed, his breath ghosting over your ear. he took his sweet time stubbing out the joint, not missing and clearly enjoying the subtle tension of your body.
when he sat back, he turned his head to meet your eyes, mere inches away. his gaze, usually sharp and mocking, had softened into something molten under the haze.
"but, what do you think?" he asked quietly, a hint of challenge in his tone. one of his long fingers came up to brush a lock of hair from your cheek, lingering there for a moment as his eyes dropped to your lips. the game was still afoot, but the rules had changed - this was no longer just casual banter.
this was an invitation.
and, your own gaze failed you too. for a split second, your eyes flicked down to his lips and then back up to his greyish-yellow eyes. you decide not to swat his hand away.
“well, shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and so on...” you whispered low and sultry, “as for ‘insane fuck’… let’s just say I don’t have the experience to give my own opinion.”
"wise words," his thumb tracing soft circles on her cheek. your admission both surprised and intrigued him. he liked the way you talked.
leaning in slowly, giving you ample time to pull away, he brushed his lips against the shell of your ear once more. "what do you say we change that?" he breathed, letting the question hang tantalizingly in the air.
his free hand came up to tangle gently in your hair, tilting you enough to expose the long, column of your neck. suna pressed a lingering kiss there, feeling that pulse quicken under his lips and forced a breathy sigh out of you, the pressure feeling so good.
"or d'you wanna continue our little game of cat and mouse?" he whispered, hot breath ghosting over sensitive skin. his eyes, when they meet yours again, gleam with promise and challenge.
"that depends,” you whispered out, “who’s the cat and who’s the mouse?” contrary to conflicting words, your own hands moved to slide up his shirt—to the back of his neck, fingers tangling into his brown locks. hands on his bare skin sent sparks through his veins, sharpening his focus.
"good question," suna murmured just above your lips, eyes half-lidded with intent.
in one smooth motion, he pushed you down, caging you against the plush mattress. his knee parted your thighs, making that tight mini skirt ride up just enough, pressing against your core, eliciting a gasp.
"for now, I think it's safe to say the mouse has been caught. but, I have a feeling you're more kitten than mouse," he gazed down at you with hooded eyes, taking in your flushed cheeks and sweet curves. "so you gonna let me kiss you, or...?
that shit-eating grin on his face made the idea of denying him so much more tempting. alas, suna rintarou was stupidly good with his words. but, so were you.
"I'll let you do more if you hurry up."
you could hear suna curse under his breath right before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. he rolled his hips against yours, grinding his hard length through the thin layers of fabric. a low groan rumbled in his throat at the exquisite friction.
breaking the kiss, he trailed his mouth down your jaw and neck, nipping and sucking marks into the tender skin. “so you’re the impatient type, huh?” he teased, hands making quick work of that skirt. "alright, I’ll give you what you want.”
not a second later and you’re stripped bare. he’s settled between your thighs. no more teasing—he delved right in, lapping eagerly at those dripping folds. his reputation precedes him, ministrations focused and skilled, clearly well-practised in the art of reducing his flings to a quivering mess.
you didn’t know what to expect but suna going full-throttle was definitely not on the list. either suna really was a god with his hands and tongue or the weed in your system was making you feel pleasure tenfold. you hoped it was just the latter.
you couldn’t even stop to think about trying to avoid the mounting orgasm. suna didn’t help with the way his tongue perfectly circled your clit. or how his fingers curled and prodded that sweet spot in your tight, soaking wet cunt.
it wasn’t your fault how your thighs quivered and threatened to close around him—but suna kept you spread, happily lapping up the slick and wetness from your cum.
you cursed and could feel his fucking grin, taking his time kissing and nipping down your inner thighs. only when you stilled did he crawl back up your body, grabbing at the flesh of your curves.
his lips and chin glistened with your essence, kissing you once more and letting you get a taste of yourself on his hot tongue.
suna nipped at your swollen lips, erection straining painfully against his jeans. “your turn,” he said, taking your hand and guiding it to the tent in his pants.
your brows frowned and smirked somewhat irritably. that nonchalant, confident arrogance of his really did a good job at pissing you off (and turning you on). two could play at that game.
recovered from that mind-blowing orgasm, you pushed against his chest, making him sit up and lean on one arm. “you really are full of yourself, aren’t you?”
you claimed his lips once more, undoing the belt and unzipping his pants with practised ease as he helped by kicking them off.
his grunt out of surprise was delightful to hear as you gripped him by the base, cock twitching eagerly in your grasp.
“guilty as charged,” he breathed when you parted, watching with that lazy grin and hooded eyes. “but you seem to be holding your own just fine,” he reached down to stroke your cheek. suna’s expression softening from his usual mocking edge into something almost tender. almost.
now that you were quite literally face-to-face with his cock, you couldn’t think anything else other than, ‘fuck, he’s big’. stupid volleyball players and their stupid big hands, big build and big dick apparently.
“you’re not the only one who’s been around,” you confessed, teasing the tip, flicking salty pre all around, all while looking at him doe-eyed through your lashes.
suna sucked in a sharp breath, hips twitching slightly from the teasing touches. “mm, I’m learning that,” he replied, voice roughening with barely restrained desire. what he would give to shove his cock down that diabolical mouth of yours. the mental image of your full, pouty lips stretched wide around him might have been enough to send him over the edge on its own.
his fingers tangle into your hair, not pushing but definitely encouraging, giving it a light tug. you took that as the go signal, licking up a stripe from the base of his cock. your spare hand, already coated with the juices from your cunt came up to pump once and then twice.
and, just as you finished licking up that stripe, you closed your mouth around the tip, bobbing your head and experimentally hollowing out your cheeks.
the throaty groan suna let out was more than satisfactory, head falling back as you sucked harder. “fuck, just like that…” he growled encouragingly, hips wanting to jerk up into that perfect mouth but he held back, letting you set the pace.
furrowing your brows at him, you swallowed him deeper until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, moaning, sending waves through his cock. he was in so deep. you could feel it twitch inside your throat and taste what was uniquely suna rintarou.
"f-fuck," he stammered, hips bucking up helplessly at the sensation of your throat fluttering around the head of his cock. oh, you were taking him so well, like you were made for swallowing his length. "so fucking good," he praised roughly, stroking your cheek. his release was coiling hot and tight already.
just before sending him over the edge, what could a little more teasing do? with a lick of your lips, you gazed up at him from below and with a smirk saying, “you holdin’ back or somethin’? I’m not a stranger to being face fucked," and licked another swipe down his cock.
suna scoffed. his eyes flashed dangerously.
in a flash he flipped you backwards, pinning your wrists above your head with one large hand. his cock jutted heavy and eager between you, glistening with his pre and your saliva.
"you asked for it, kitten," he warned, a wicked gleam in his eyes. without further preamble, he plunged back into your mouth, setting a punishing pace as he fucked that perfect throat.
suna's hips snapped forward relentlessly as he took what he wanted. one hand tangled roughly in your hair to hold you in place for his merciless punishment.
"such a naughty little slut, begging to be face fucked," he growled, feeling his release coiling tighter with each slick thrust. "swallow it all when I come, got that?"
his groans and grunts were honestly music to your ears. a few more hard thrusts and he was spilling down your throat with a guttural groan, pounding into your mouth through the entirety of his climax.
you weren't immune to having tears well up in your eyes as white hot cum spurted down your throat, closing your eyes to focus on the feeling and to not choke around him.
when suna ‘generously’ (not) pulled out of your mouth, you puffed your cheeks and swallowed hard, turning to cough. you faced suna after, licking your lips and swallowing all while looking at him dead in the eye almost defiantly, “people usually stop fucking moving when they blow,” you complained, voice slightly hoarse but that just made suna even more prideful.
he just chuckled at your complaint—that same evil laugh accompanying that shit-eating smirk. "dunno who you're tryna convince since..." he shifted, fingers tracing your hips and tapped your sopping wet cunt, wetness practically dripping down your thighs. "you're ruining my sheets."
you detested that suna rintarou face-fucking you made you wet to the point where you dripped all over his bed. it was now clear to him exactly how he should continue treating you.
rolling smoothly atop you, he caged you in with strong arms and settled between welcoming thighs. "I’ll clean that up for you," he purred, dipping his head to sample the sweet flavour lingering on his tongue.
suna let his fingers do most of the work stretching you out, making you mewl, moan, and arch your back. “s'that what you say to all the girls you fuck?”
suna chuckled darkly against her slick flesh, tongue delving deeper in response. "not always," he replied, lips and chin glistening when he pulled back to meet your eyes. two fingers scissored inside you, curling to stroke that sweet spot, while his thumb circled your aching clit in lazy eights.
"now quit your yapping and enjoy the ride." he resumed his oral devotion with renewed vigour, determined to reduce you to a quivering mess once more before claiming you fully. only when you were sobbing his name and gripping the sheets in abandon would he deem you ready for his cock.
fuck— his fingers really were magic. you were questioning why he was so adamant on stretching you out. though, after taking his cock in your mouth, you were actually wondering how it’d fucking fit inside. you were so, so close to coming for the second time that night. but, you oh-so badly wanted to cum on his cock. you’d rather die than admit it though, stubbornly biting your lip, muffling cries so as to not give him satisfaction.
suna hummed, smirking around the mouthful of flesh his lips and tongue were lavishing. he could feel your inner walls fluttering, body coiled as tight as a bowstring on the edge of release.
pulling back with an obscene pop, he withdrew his fingers to your disappointed mewl. "tsk, so impatient," he chided, nipping at your inner thighs. "don't you want the real thing?" he purred, rubbing the thick head of his cock through your slick folds in slow, teasing circles. he was fully hard again, ready to plunge deep.
"beg for it like a good girl and I'll consider it," he challenged, grey-golden eyes glittering with mischief. his thumb returned to rub tight, fast circles around your clit, keeping you right on the razor's edge.
your brows furrowed, eyes closing tight in hopes to stop yourself from coming. you swallowed hard and managed a smirk despite your hazed eyes, closing your legs around his torso, pulling him in, playfully nipping at his bottom lip. "not until you ask me for my name, asshole."
suna growled low in his throat. little minx was going to be the death of him. his cockhead nudged insistently at your entrance, aching to breach that tight heat.
his voice was low and smooth, lacking its usual teasing edge. for once, his full attention was focused solely on you, "alright then, kitten. what's your name?" you waited on his question, and then you'd give your answer, along with the fucking of a lifetime.
whispering your name into his ear, you continued, "but, you can call me your slut if you let me cum on your cock this time. and, if you’re good I might even let you have my number."
the way your voice stayed low and sultry almost lulled him into some sort of spell. it didn't help suna's patience when your legs tightened around his waist, making his cock kiss the entrance of your cunt.
suna's eyes darkened at the sinful proposition, cock twitching eagerly. oh, he was going to make you beg for release before the night was through.
he purred your name, tasting it on his tongue as he rolled his hips, "such a pretty name for a dirty slut." he chuckled, nipping your lobe.
in one swift thrust, he finally sank home, burying to the hilt in one smooth stroke. your velvety heat clenched so tight around him. it was exquisite torture. the moan you both shared together was downright diabolical and the proceeding muffled cries that you let out in your mess of a kiss felt delicious on suna’s tongue.
bracing himself on muscular arms, he set a punishing pace, hips snapping forward to grind against your clit on every pass. "you'll probably be begging for mine once I'm done," he mumbled against your lips, grey eyes alight with primal hunger.
with the way your pussy clenched down on him, the way your nails dug into his shoulders and the way you moaned his name: how could he not feel like he was running on pure ecstasy.
suna gripped your hips and flipped you over, leaning over your arched body. he nipped the shell of your ear with a smirk. his free hand gripped your chin, pulling your head up, making you look up at that full-length mirror on his wardrobe, "remind me how you want it, again?"
you wanted to curse him out so bad with how badly your walls fluttered achingly around nothing. biting your lips, you let out a shaky sigh as your cheeks flushed an even deeper red. finding the strength to lift a hand to turn his head and whisper devilishly into his ear, "rough."
with a breathy chuckle, he replied, "sure thing, princess." without further warning, he gripped your hips once more and slammed back in. you cried out, whether in pain or pleasure or a sick mixture of both, you neither knew nor cared. all that mattered was the feeling of suna wrecking your insides.
suna's hand tangled in your hair, yanking your head back, forcing you to look at the debaucherous reflection in the mirror. the muted sounds of the frat party downstairs faded, replaced with the noises of sex and slapping skin.
your skin flushed pink and red from the marks he left on your body. looking up for a brief second, you met his blown-out pupils in the mirror, managing to get out, "a little fucked in the head, aren’t you-"
suna's lips curled into a feral smirk at your words, meeting your gaze unflinchingly in the mirror. "takes one to know one, princess," he growled, angling his hips to drive even deeper. his thrusts were relentless, pounding into you so hard the force shifted you forward.
leaning over you and reaching around, he splayed his large hand over your lower belly, feeling the bulge of his cock. "feel that?"
of course you fucking felt it—he was practically splitting you open. and you'd hate to admit it but you felt high and it was definitely not the weed.
he caught your mouth in a bruising kiss, all teeth and tongue. his eyes bored into yours in the mirror, a feral challenge gleaming in their depths.
you couldn’t stay up. you lowered your head, body high on firey pleasure as suna pounded a second orgasm into you. you cursed and sputtered out, "f-fuck...! I'm gonna..."
his own face twisted in ecstasy. fuck, he needed to fill you up. your cries raised an octave and walls began to spasm around him, making him groan deeply into the crook of your neck. as much of an asshole he was, he found a slither of control inside him to care enough to ask.
he cursed, his control hanging by a thread, "you on anything?"
his cock pistoned in and out of your walls, hitting that spongy sweet spot every single time. the slap of skin filled the room along with your mingled moans. suna's orgasm was coiling tight, ready to explode.
somehow summoning the last shreds of willpower, he panted against your skin, "hurry, tell me before I lose it…" the decision was yours, but he wasn't sure he could stop even if you said to. not when you felt this fucking good.
part of him wanted nothing more than to spill deep inside, and claim you as only his. a few more erratic thrusts were all he could manage, hanging on the razor's edge for your reply before the dam broke.
“f-fuck... just— fill me up…!” you couldn’t even think straight as you peaked. your back arched like a pretty moon with a death grip on the sheets, trying to at least hold on to a bit of your sanity.
a guttural groan tore from suna's throat at your permission, the last of his restraint shattering. he slammed home one final time, spilling hot white cum deep inside your clenching walls with a full-body shudder.
wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him as he pulsed into you, your climax dragging his out for an agonizing eternity. your velvety heat milked him for all he was worth, and he swore he saw stars behind his lids.
coming back to himself, he collapsed heavily over you, panting for breath. suna buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your intoxicating scent as you both floated down together.
"fuck…" was all he could manage in a gravelly rasp, still nestled inside.
the previously faded noise of the party had now become slightly audible and matched with the beating of your heartbeats and panting breaths. holy fuck. suna rintarou really was an insane fuck.
pulling out slowly, he watched his seed leak from your abused cunt with a satisfied smirk. rollling onto his side, he tugged your limp, well-fucked body towards him, tucking you under his arm.
was he still high? cus the way he was looking at you was kinda dangerous… you didn’t say anything else and pressed your lips against his again, wanting to forget about everything else and enjoy the ‘insane fuck’ that was suna rintarou.
suna readily returned your kiss, losing himself in the feel of your pretty soft lips. for once, his mind had gone blissfully blank - all he knew was the girl in his arms and the taste of you on his tongue.
reluctantly breaking the kiss, he pressed his forehead to yours, noses brushing almost intimately as you both caught your breaths. his fingers traced idle patterns along your flushed skin, committing every curve and plane to memory.
his eyes cracked open to meet your gaze, and for a heartbeat, something almost tender flickered in his usual sardonic depths. "stay the night?" he murmured, voice uncharacteristically soft. fingers tracing the bow of your lips, he awaited your answer.
“what, can’t get enough of the girl that accidentally walked into your room?” you teased, biting the finger that traced your lips.
suna huffed out a soft laugh at your retort. he replied, "can you blame me? think I hit the jackpot with you." his fingers combed idly through your tousled locks, gaze roaming your well-fucked form with unabashed hunger and appreciation.
"besides," he purred, nosing along your jawline to nip at the spot below your ear that made you gasp, "you still need to answer my question."
his voice had dropped to a low, gravelly rasp that went straight to your core. he smirked against your flushed skin. "do I live up to my reputation as an 'insane fuck'?"
yes, you answered mentally—but you weren't about to feed his ego even more.
trailing his fingers down your spine, he purred, "and I believe someone promised me her number? for being 'good' and filling her up.”
despite the way you shivered at his touch once more, you huffed and pushed against his chest. “your volleyball friends not gonna miss you?” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes at him.
"probably too busy getting shitfaced to notice I'm gone," he replied with a lazy shrug. "I'd much rather stay right here and wreck you a few more times before calling it a night." his hand slid down your stomach to tease that oversensitive clit, smirking at your involuntary gasp.
“you’re impossible.”
unfortunately for you, you did surrender your number to suna in the end. and, you even stayed the night, surprising a few of suna’s house mates from the sight of the smoking hot girl he managed to somehow get into his bed. you paid them no mind as you left his place. well- apart from giving your classmate, osamu miya, an awkward greeting before leaving.
it wasn’t long before you and suna would meet again, and again, and again…
#suna rintarou#suna rintarou smut#suna rintarou x reader#suna rintarou x reader smut#suna x reader#suna x reader smut#suna smut#haikyuu smut#hq!! smut#hq x reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x reader smut#potentially doing more with this au#what happens when suna begins to fall in love with his favourite fwb?#honestly he's probably already started falling#follow for next instalment o/
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Well, the last line of this was accurate-
Okay, losing my mind over the Capitano is Mavuika's dad theory, actually, because. Oh my god. Spoilers under the cut.
He's trying to save her, it's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point, he's trying to save her he's trying to save her he's willing to damn all of Natlan to save his baby girl his precious baby girl with not just stars but the whole ass sun in her eyes his precious baby girl who dodged the Hilichurl curse because she was born after it was enacted (which would also give us a plausible explanation for KAEYA HI YES YOU EXIST TOO-) who I'm pretty sure I'm getting the timeline a little messy here but it works it works he wants to stop a second Khanreiah but he wants to stop his daughter from sacrificing herself again even more he joined the Fatui to burn the world that would be so cruel as to give him a second home only to take it again, to take his daughter for their heavenly throne-
I hate Cappuccino if his motive is anything but this. Anything but this, and he's a pretentious asshole who's ignoring the wishes of the people of Natlan because He Knows Better, but this, this, a father willing to damn the world for his child, I would be willing to like-
(also. We've noted the trend of contrasting Archons per region, but... The Harbingers have to. And a 'Father' who cares so much it burns fighting the Archon out of violent desperation to save her children, to a father who forces his heart to be cold, so he can betray his daughter who's plan he knows and which's cost he will not allow her to pay...)
(also, calling it now, Mavuika's gonna survive because Capitano's gonna find a way to replace her as the Cost, and only reveal he's her dad in like, his final breath-)
#My timeline guesses were not and it made my whole theory fall apart#And I absolutely hate Cappuccino as a result like he could've been SO COOL and he ISN'T he's chosen the MOST BORING option at every turn-#Like. The issue with Cappuccino is that I Don't Care. Yeah he did some Cool Shit but#The only characters he has any kind of meaningful dynamic with#Are the ghosts who ONLY exist in the context of 'people Cappuccino cares about'#Childe#(and even that's like. Barely interesting 'he looks up to exactly one senior')#And Ororon#Who. Honestly I like my precious grandson but I do wish he'd been like. MORE involved in the Fatui.#And even then that's more interesting on his side than Cappuccino's#Like I genuinely don't understand people who ship him with Mavuika cause like. They don't even hate each other??#Theyre courteous and respectful and happen to be on technically different sides but have enough in common to work toget-SNORE.#SNORE SNORE SNORE I'M ASLEEP#The most interesting thing he does is talk over and ignore her valid strategy because He's A Big Strong Solider and Knows Better#WHEN HE'S NOT EVEN THAT MUCH OLDER THAN HER IT TURNS OUT?#LIKE. BETWEEN MAVUIKA TECHNICALLY LIVING THE FIVE HUNDRED YEARS ON AN EMPTY ROAD#AND BEING CONFIRMED TO HAVE FOUGHT IN THE CATACLYSM#THEY ARE THE SAME AGE#The difference is she's Natlan's Archon who deeply loves her land#He's a Schneznayan 'diplomat' trying to steal her gnosis in the middle of a crisis- yes for his alternate plan but also to just steal it.
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❝ I Reincarnated Into a Shitty Chirstmas Romance Movie and My Love Interest is a Yandere?! ❞
✎ featuring my creature, Ezra Valentine :3 this is just ezra being a weirdo, some lore for my game? idk blawg just read it and you'll find out
✎ special shoutout tags to these people @yandere-yearnings @forbidden-sunlight @moyazaika @bun3333s @yanderenightmare @cumtastiics @ozzgin

Your "childhood friend" is a bit of a weirdo, you think.
Staring at you for far too long, lingering touches that suggest that he's more than just a bit interested in you, and the weird random confessions about how he wants to get crushed under the heel of your right shoe...
It's just weird.
You've reincarnated into a shitty christmas romance movie. And your "childhood friend", aka the love interest, aka Ezra Valentine, has a crush on the main character, you. Obviously.
You don't even know why you watched this movie in the first place. Boredom, maybe? Yeah, probably was because you started dozing off after hour 1 of the movie. The movie was... 1 and a half hour long? It wasn't even rated that high. Like a... 6.9 at best.
And now you're stuck here all because you watched this shitty movie with an even shittier plot. Where the main character left the small town for a big city, came back home to celebrate christmas and meets childhood friend, decides to give up big city life because they both fall for one another.
Just like every other damn Mallhark movie. Predictable, boring, absolutely TRASH.
You don't even know why or how you got reincarnated into this damned movie in the first place! Did you fucking pass away in your sleep??? Actually just die from fucking boredom???
Well it's no use thinking about that now because you've been stuck in here for a while now. You think that you're maybe about halfway through the original plot, where Ezra and the old mc were supposed to have some bonding time together and shit. But that's not the case now, because you've changed the plot.
And you're realizing that this "childhood friend" of yours... Is acting a little bit differently.
You don't remember him being that much of a weirdo in the original movie. If you remember correctly,he was just like, a little bit of a shy loser boy who was infatuated with the MC and liked gaming. But now... Now he's, what, a masochist? Or did they just not add that fact into the movie? You couldn't have forgotten. If the love interest was openly a weirdo like he is to you, you wouldn't have dozed off in the first place. Just now, he literally asked to be crushed under your right shoe. Crushed. Under. Your. Shoe. How the hell is that boring? You'd be 101% AWAKE. You love freaks more than anything, damn!
Now that you think about it, he's more than just a bit of a weirdo.
He's been calling and acting like he's your boyfriend. Hell, he acts like a CLINGY boyfriend too. Asking where you're going, clinging to you, giving you those damned boba eyes everytime you talk to others, specifically dudes. Fun fact but you wish he'd stop abusing those eyes of his because fuck, how can you resist him when he's looking at you like that?
Worse of it all, you can't do anything. Not when your key out and helper, Ai, said to act cool and to not arouse any suspicion from him.
Ai's also another character in this movie by the way. His character trope: the hot side character that barely gets screentime and is also sentient. And right now, he's helping you find a way back to your world... Meanwhile you've been stuck in Ezra's apartment under the guise of a mandatory childhood bestie sleepover.
It's been days since you've actually last seen Ai in person because of how much Ezra, your "childhood friend", has been clinging to you. In just the past 3 days, he's made you watch the entire fnaf lore theory THRICE. And not once have you stepped outside his apartment. Not because you don't want to, but because he'd always find some bullshit excuse to keep you with him.
"O-oh but kitty you'd miss this very important scene... Where freddy goes hurhurhuhr"
"Kitty! Kitty you can't leave now! We have to watch it again! What? We watch it more times so it gets engrained into our brains! That's just common sense!"
"Keeping you h-hostage?! I'm not! All friend do this! It's just u-um, friend bonding time! We haven't been around each other in so long you know..."
It's weird. Just plain weird.
Thankfully you still have your phone so you could occassionally sneak a message or two to Ai, informing him of your current situation. As long as that black haired man baby doesn't see everything is fine...
y/n: currently watching a new video, thank gyatt for that
y/n: would actually jump if i have to watch more fnaf
y/n: erm... lowkey think this is worse though... its a video about danganronpa
Ai: don't worry, i'll be there to save you in a bit
Ai: i might have found a way to get you out of here
y/n: fr? ty for that silly goober :3 all while im chilling on the couch having some me time :333 ur so skibidi
"A-ahem! y/n who are you texting..?"
Shit. This damned guy! What does he think he's doing? Just popping up the second you finally have some alone time?! Wasn't he passed out from lunch just minutes ago???
"Erm... Just a friend?"
Ezra stares at you with wide round eyes, lps turning down into a frown before he sits uncomfortably close, pressing his long, lanky body against yours. Always the tall skinny guys that are the biggest weirdos man.
"Just a... friend?"
"Yeah, just a friend."
I mean, it wasn't wrong. Ai really was just a friend to you. Or at least that's what you think. To Ezra and his fucked up mind... Maybe you were abandoning him? And now he's jealous and might want to go batshit crazy on AI?
Haha! No way that would happen! Ezra, no matter how crazy he is, wouldn't go that far! He's just a loser who has an added interest in you now after all!
The look in his eyes say otherwise though.
"But I'm your friend, aren't I?"
Cold, dark, obsessive.
The way he stared at you sent literal chills down your spine. He had never looked at you in such a way before. Pathetic and needy, yes. But never this... Whatever the hell this was.
You back into the fabric of the seat, feeling a cold sweat line the skin of your forehead. All of a sudden, the room feels all too small and it's like you're trapped in his apartment with no way to escape.
It was suffocating.
"I'm the only friend you need. The only one you need, y/n."
You don't really recall a time where he's called you y/n so easily. It's always some stupid petname like kitty. And goddamn it, you wish he'd just say that instead. Hearing him call your name while he's staring into your very soul like this is making you feel like you're about to shit your pants.
"U-uh, okay dude chill out. You're my dearest friend, alright? Look let's jsut go back to watching that danganronpa analysis..."
And just like that, the terrifying aura IMMEDIATELY disappears and you're left with a sopping wet puppy of a man. You decide to make the first move, fiddling with the remote as you stand up and move close to the coffee table. Anythinng to gte away from this weird bipolar guy. How the hell did he develop this? A new character arc maybe?
In the midst of you trying to look anywhere but Ezra, you fail to realize that he had already taken your phone, leaving you with no way to contact Ai now.
"Now you'll never have another friend again..."
"What was that?"
"O-oh I said now you'll never be bored again! Haha!"
Right, totally what he said.
#yandere#tw yandere#yandere x reader#yandere drabbles#yandere scenarios#yandere imagines#yandere concepts#yandere childhood friend#yandere childhood friend x reader#suiana rambling#suiana brainrotting#ezra valentine#The Time I Got Reincarnated Into a Shitty Chirstmas Romance Movie and My Love Interest is a Yandere!
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pairing; kim mingyu x f!reader x jake sim (enhypen)
genre; smut (minor dni), mild angst, toxic themes, fluff, comedy
summary; When your boyfriend's stepbrother spends the summer with you things get a lot more interesting for you and a lot more complicated for him.
content warnings; reader is around the same age as mingyu, jake is younger, college au, stepsibling au, poly themes, "cheating" themes, teasing -- eating/drinking, alcohol, sunghoon/heeseung side characters, other cameos mentioned.
smut warnings; Dom!mingyu, sub!reader, sub!jake, mild stepcest, some mild mlm, semi-protected sex, unprotected sex, double penetration, pet play (names and degradation), fingering, oral (m & f receiving/giving), masturbation, accidental exhibitionism/voyeurism, purposeful exhibitionism/voyeurism, choking, impact play, cum eating, praise/degradation, pet names/degrading names, dumbification, panty fetish, sub/Dom themes -- patreon bonus has it's own warnings
w/c; 27.1k and some change (34k ~ patreon)
a/n; thank you to @junkissed for proofreading for me and as always giving me the courage to finish something when i feel like it's going to crash and burn. this one is a lot and i didn't mean for it to be as long as it is. it's very dirty and heavy on kinks. if this isn't for you, i completely understand. i just let myself enjoy writing and getting into a story, but i do hope if you read you enjoy it!
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
“Baby… He's lived in a fucking dorm room for half a year. He’s not gonna give a shit if his pillows are fluffed.”
Making a face as you mock Mingyu’s words, you continue what you were doing. You didn’t care what his stepbrother Jake was used to. You were only concerned with what he was going to get while he was staying with you and Mingyu for the summer. “Gyu, can you please put extra towels in the spare bathroom like I asked?”
Scoffing, Mingyu leans his head back and nods before turning out of the room to do as he is told. He loved you and he had a deep respect for his family; that was the only reason he was willing to deal with this shit. Getting a place with you—that was a simple decision—but you turned into hostess of the year when someone came to visit and it was even worse when you found out the guest was staying long-term. To Mingyu, the guest in question didn’t need the red carpet laid out for him—it was just his little brother; more than that, he wasn’t even that close with Jake.
Mingyu's mother and Jake’s father had met when Mingyu was in his first year of college; Jake had been in high school so there had never really been that time to connect. It wasn’t that Mingyu didn’t want to see Jake as his brother, but it was just easier to be his friend. You, on the other hand, had been in Mingyu’s life almost as long as Jake had. You had always adored Mingyu’s stepbrother. It was all too easy for you to harbor a soft spot for the awkward teenager who seemed to have a small crush on you.
“He’s not even getting here until later this evening…”
You could still hear Mingyu sulking from across the hall as he folded towels and placed them in the cabinet. This was going to be an adjustment for everyone, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit excited about it all. You had finally gotten the house exactly how you wanted it and now you were going to have one more person to share it with. On top of that, you hoped that Mingyu and Jake might bond a bit over the summer before he would head back to his dorm and back to barely answering texts or calls.
“Well, when he does get here, I’m sure he’s going to appreciate the towels and the comfy bed.” Sliding your hands around Mingyu’s waist, you smile against his back, feeling him take in a deep breath at your touch. “Thank you for letting him stay.”
Sighing, Mingyu turns in your arms to slide his hands along your hips, taking a step towards you. "Well, he’s my family, so I don’t know why you are thanking me.” Watching your lips pull up into a smile as he leads you back towards the sink, Mingyu narrows his eyes, letting his fingers tighten on your hips over your leggings. “He’s not a kid anymore, Y/N, so don’t treat this like I’m giving you a doll to play with. I know that look.”
“Gyu, I’m not! I know he’s not a kid.” Pouting into your words, you furrow your brows when Mingyu lifts you from the ground, placing you on the countertop next to the sink. “I never treated him like—”
"Oh, I know exactly how you treated him. You babied the hell out of him.” Settling between your thighs, Mingyu reaches up with one hand to brush his fingers along your neck, letting you lean into his touch. “I’m not upset at you, honey. I’m just sayin’, he’s 22 years old.”
“You were still a baby at 22.” Shrugging, you smile into your words, making Mingyu narrow his eyes playfully at you. Fingers grip your thigh tightly as he sighs your name, brushing his lips against yours before pulling away, daring you to chase him.
“Yeah? It’s only 6 am, baby... I got two hours before I have to be at work. How about I show you how much I’ve grown up, huh?”
Squealing in delight, you cling to your boyfriend’s shirt as he lifts you once again, this time putting you over his shoulder so that you feel the blood rush to your head with each one of his large steps towards the bedroom. “Ming—Ah! Gyu!” The sting of Mingyu’s hand coming down hard on your ass has you kicking your legs under his strong grip before he uses the back of his heel to kick the door shut.
Resting the phone between his shoulder and his ear, Jake wrinkles his nose, doing his best to balance the bag on his arm and put in the door code he was given. “Nah, man… They both work until like 6 or something. Mingyu told me they’d bring home food at least.”
“You got it fuckin’ made, that’s all I’m saying.” Wiping down another table, Sunghoon swipes the cash left under a plate and pockets the tip before sighing loudly. “You don’t gotta be at your folks place; you aren’t spending your money, and you get to see Y/N.”
Glancing around as he kicks his shoes off next to the door, Jake drops his duffle bag and furrows his brows. “Yeah, whatever. I—I haven’t seen Mingyu in a year and Y/N…” Your name made Jake feel like his mouth was dry. It was stupid that he still had some ridiculous crush on his stepbrother’s girlfriend, but you had been like a sexual awakening for Jake. “I haven’t seen her in forever. She didn’t come to the house the last time he did, so it’s whatever. I gotta go. Gonna figure out this place and put my shit away.”
Sunghoon wasn’t an idiot; he knew that Jake still had a thing for you. No matter how many times Jake tried to date or even just get his dick wet for a night—they weren’t living up to the legend that was Y/N. “Yeah, sure. Let me know how it goes later. I wanna know how fuckin’ hot Y/N is now.”
That was enough to get Jake to hang up the phone. It wasn’t the first time that he had hung up on his best friend and it wouldn’t be the last. Shoving the phone into his jacket pocket, Jake picks his duffle bag back up and purses his lips before slowly making his way through the house. It was nice—nicer than what he would figure his stepbrother would be living in, but then again, you were living with him now and it was so obvious. It smelled good, like candles and perfume. There wasn’t shit laying around everywhere, but Mingyu had never been one to be messy either.
Finally moving up the stairs, Jake glances to the right down the hall and then the left. Mingyu had told him that he was to the right and that his bathroom was across the hall. If that was where he was staying then—curiosity often killed the cat. Adjusting the bag on his arm, Jake glanced back down the stairs before taking a left and slowly opening the first door he came to, only to be hit with a strong wave of the perfume he had picked up on downstairs.
The bedroom was a bit less neat than the rest of the house, as if you and Mingyu had been in a rush this morning—probably his fault Jake realizes as he looks around a picture catching his eye. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen pictures of you and Mingyu recently; he followed you both on Instagram and his stepbrother was addicted to attention, but there was something about this one and it being on the bedside table. You were gorgeous and Jake could feel the lump in his throat getting stuck as his eyes followed the way Mingyu’s arms protectively wrapped around you. He understood why... if you were his, he’d probably act the same fucking way.
Closing the door behind him, Jake shakes his head to clear it before finally moving back down the hall and opening the doors that would belong to him for the entirety of the summer. He hadn’t expected much, just a bed and a shower, but what he found was so much more. There was no way that Mingyu had gone through all this effort to make his room look this comfortable and to stock his bathroom with this much stuff; no, this had to be your doing.
Laying his bag on the bed, Jake runs his hand over the comforter and then pushes down on the pillow, feeling how it springs back up under his palm. This was nicer than his bed at home and a hundred times nicer than his dorm; he was already feeling spoiled. With one glance across the hall, Jake couldn’t help the way his lips pulled up into a smile before he tugged some shorts and a t-shirt from his bag and sighed in relief at the idea of a comfortable shower.
You weren’t exactly sure what you expected when you got home. Mingyu was bound and determined that you were not going to change your routine just because Jake was staying with you and him, but you couldn’t help feeling a little nervous as soon as you stepped through the door and saw the extra pair of shoes. Taking a deep breath, you shake out your hands and nod once before dropping off your purse like you always do and jogging up the steps, only stopping long enough to glance towards Jake’s room, seeing the door closed.
Another thing you had promised to do was not to crowd him or make him feel like anything was expected of him. If he wanted to hang out with you and Mingyu, he was welcomed to, but neither of you would force it—but as you looked at his closed door, you couldn’t help but think of the sweet boy that you had last seen before he started college. Swallowing hard, you press your lips together and work up a bit of confidence before letting out a breath as you turn towards your bedroom. “Hi, Jake! I’m home.”
Glancing up from his laptop as he hears your voice, Jake’s eyes widen when you say his name. He has to instantly fight the urge to slide off the bed and go find you, but that wouldn’t be very chill of him and Jake Sim was a chill guy—at least that was what he was reminding himself as he steadied his breath and stared at the video on his laptop screen. “I—ok!”
You’d take it. That was better than nothing; at least you knew he was alive behind the door. Mingyu said he wasn’t your doll, that he wasn’t a child you were taking care of, but right now he could have fooled you into thinking he was the same kid that you knew back when you first got together with Mingyu. “‘Kay…cool. Gyu will be home in like an hour; he’s bringing home some dinner. I’m gonna shower and then watch something downstairs.”
What did you want him to say? What was Jake supposed to reply to after learning that information? He already knew that his brother was picking up food, but learning that you were going to shower and watch television—did you want him to watch something with you? By the time that Jake decides that maybe that’s what you were hinting at, it’s been long enough that he’s heard the water turn on and then turn off; your shower finished before he is on his feet and pacing at his door and opening it, trying to keep his mouth closed.
Fuck. Holy shit. No picture could do you justice. Especially not when you were standing in the hall in short cotton shorts that barely peeked out from under what was probably one of Mingyu’s shirts as you ran a towel over your head to dry off.
Seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, you hum in surprise and out of happiness that Jake decided to come out of his room, but it’s short lived when you see him for the first time. What happened to the awkward, almost geeky-looking kid that you knew? This wasn’t that kid; he had been replaced by someone who had grown into his features and his looks seemingly overnight—Mingyu had been right, he wasn’t a kid anymore. “Oh… Hi—hey Jake. How was the bus here?”
Taking a breath to get over your nerves, in an attempt to push past the shock of seeing Jake all grown up, you toss the used towel into the hamper and flash him a sweet smile before heading towards the stairs, not waiting for him to answer you. It was better than staring at him like an idiot and you could hear him following behind you down the stairs, his accent a bit thicker as he swallows hard, letting his eyes travel along your backside.
“It was alright. Uh, thanks—thanks for letting me stay here and for all the stuff in my room.” There was more that Jake wanted to say but as he worked his eyes back up your legs, moving into the living room, you turned to sit on the couch and he had just made it back to your stomach before looking away quickly.
“No biggie. I wanted you to be comfortable while you were here with us.” You pull your legs under you as you reach for the remote on the coffee table. Tilting your head, you watch Jake stand awkwardly between the living room and the kitchen as you pat the couch beside you. “You can sit. Here, or if you want the recliner. Your brother loves the reclin—”
“Here’s good, Y/N... Thanks.” Plopping on to the other side of the couch, Jake holds his phone tightly in his palm as you study him for a long moment before finally looking towards the television and scrolling through apps. When you finally settle on a show, Jake lets out a breath and relaxes into the cushions, biting at his bottom lip as he scrolls through his phone, seemingly not paying attention to the television in front of him.
Jake: I’m not gonna make it dude. SOS
Hoon: What’s up?
Clearing his throat, Jake glances at you from the corner of his eye as he shifts on the couch so that he can rest in the corner to get more comfortable. Watching you over his phone, he carefully takes a picture of you letting out a breath before switching his phone back over to his messages, sending the picture to Sunghoon and waiting for his reaction.
Hoon: Nothing can be done. RIP
Hoon: Where's Mingyu?
Jake: Not home yet. She wanted me to watch something with her. He’s gonna kill me right? Seeing her dressed like that with me here
Hoon: In the ground, 6 fuckin feet
Jake: Worth it… 🥵
Pushing the door closed, Mingyu leans his head towards the sound of the television as he balances the takeout bags in one hand and his work bag in the other. Normally you’d be at the door saying hello to him but maybe you just hadn’t heard him come in? “Baby?”
Jake watches, a small disappointed breath slipping from between his lips when you jump up from the couch so fast for his brother. Of course you would; it was stupid for him to think otherwise. You had been with his brother for years; his family was expecting Mingyu to put a ring on your finger at any point now, but that still didn’t make it any less disappointing to watch you whine his name as you moved through the kitchen towards him, leaving Jake behind.
“Hi! Oh my god, the food smells so good, I’m so hungry.” Moving to your toes, you kiss Mingyu before taking the takeout from him. “I missed you.”
Mingyu doesn’t even try to hide the grin on his face when you fawn over him. You acted like his pretty little wife already, even without a ring on your finger. He loved getting a kiss from you when he got home from work and hearing about your day, but today was already different as he followed you into the kitchen after putting his bag with yours in the foyer. Nodding to Jake on the couch, Mingyu’s brow raises as he lets out a soft breath, sliding a hand over your hip. “Hey, Jake. Hungry? I got pasta; it’s Y/N’s favorite.”
It was clear that you and Mingyu, but mostly you, were trying to keep the vibe chill and not let any tension build, but that felt almost impossible. Swallowing hard, Jake runs his fingers through his hair, drawing your attention to the longer length ending at the nape of his neck.
"Uh, yeah, I’m hungry. Pasta is great.” Sliding from the couch, Jake puffs up his cheeks with a deep breath before sitting at the kitchen island while you work to plate some of the pasta for each of you. “How—um, was work okay, Mingyu?” Jake wasn’t great at this, and neither was Mingyu. It wasn’t either of their fault, just a product of their mistimed relationship.
Jake had another brother; he lived with his mother back in Australia. Mingyu’s little sister was his pride and joy, even if he rarely got to see her as she studied abroad. To you, that meant that Jake and Mingyu should have tried to make the most of their situation, but it wasn’t something you’d ever really understand. It was easier for them to talk about sports, music, chicks—nothing deep like real brothers, and that was okay for the most part in both of their opinions.
“It was good. Same shit, different day.” Smirking a bit at his own words, Mingyu sighs when you give him a disappointed glance. He knew what it was about; he wasn’t trying hard enough. “I mean, I—it’s just a lot of office politics and shit, dude. It’d bore the fuck out of you. Tell me about school. How are your friends? How’s the girls?”
That was more like it, and yet at the mention of girls, you can’t help but roll your eyes. Sliding a plate in front of Jake, you almost coo in appreciation when he smiles at you and thanks you under his breath. “‘Course Jakey. Eat up…” Putting a plate in front of Mingyu, you pick up your own fork, trying to keep up with their conversation, even as Jake stumbles over his words hearing you call him the nickname you used to call him before he left for college.
“It’s—ya know, school. It’s okay.” Pushing the fettuccine around on the plate, watching the sauce spread along the ceramic. “I—my friends. They’re good. Sunghoon stayed close for the summer too. He might come by some time if you guys don’t care.”
Before Mingyu can even speak, his mouth full of fettuccine alfredo, you wipe your lips and hum in appreciation. “Of course. It’s your house too, Jakey. As long as you are staying with us, you don’t have to ask things like that, okay?”
That was going to be easier said than done, especially when Mingyu sighs and gives you a long look before faking a smile at Jake. “Yup, what Y/N said.” Taking another bite of pasta, Mingyu sighs out of his nose as he chews, wanting to keep the conversation lighthearted. It was almost as if Jake was avoiding things and like he was embarrassed. He had never been embarrassed to talk about girls before. “Glad classes are going well, but that’s not all uni is for. Spill, dude, got a girlfriend we should be worried about you inviting over too?”
Jake had been doing okay with the conversation. You were so sweet,besides being incredibly distracting by just existing. He was able to eat and when he had started to take a big drink of his water, that’s when Mingyu asked him that question. Coughing as he feels the water start to burn his chest, Jake shakes his head and blinks moisture from his eyes as you look at him with concern, while Mingyu just chuckles and leans over to smack him on the back hard.
“Breathe… Jesus christ. You alright? The conversation that difficult to—”
“No! I—no, Mingyu. I don’t have a girl—girlfriend. I wouldn’t invite a chick over here anyway. That’s not—that’d be rude to Y/N, right?” Shaking his head, Jake looks down, avoiding Mingyu’s eyes, but mostly yours as you tilt your head.
“‘Kay, no girls. I’m picking on you, Jake.” Picking up the beer in front of him, Mingyu takes a long sip before clearing his throat and sitting back to watch his stepbrother push his food around a bit more. "But I appreciate you worrying about Y/N and if she’s comfortable with who you might bring around. You know—” Meeting your eyes, Mingyu sits forward, resting his forearms on the countertop, even though he hears you sigh, having a feeling where this is going. “This might be a good time to go over the house rules.”
Jake should have known it wasn’t going to be as easy as just showing up and getting a room. Swallowing hard, he nods before taking another sip of his water, hoping it will calm his growing nerves.
“Cool. First, like Y/N said, you can have guests over; we apparently don’t care, however—”
It sounded a lot like Mingyu cared and it was making Jake wish he could crawl into a hole.
“Just don’t have parties in our house. I know I sound like Mom and your dad, but sorry to be an asshole. You don’t pay the mortgage, and once you do pay one, you’ll get it.”
Leaning your head back briefly, you sigh and slide off your chair, feeling full from not only the food but Mingyu’s bullshit. You loved him completely, but you knew this whole dominance act was coming and it was the one thing he asked for you not to get in the way of. It was taking everything in you not to call him an old man and to tell him it was probably getting close to him for him to take out his dentures and crawl in bed. He treated Jake more like a child than you were.
“Two, I know you have your part-time job. I don’t expect you to pay for anything while you are here, however—”
Oh my god. Jake was literally sinking down in his chair as his stepbrother kept saying however with each rule. Glancing towards you, he says how you were mocking Mingyu and that was the only thing keeping him sane, though it was almost causing him to crack a bit of a smile.
“If there are special things you want to eat, buy them yourself. If you see something with my name on it, or Y/N's, use your brain.” Furrowing his brow at Jake’s shit eating grin starting to spread across his face, Mingyu glances in the direction that his brother keeps looking only to see you mouthing along with him, mocking him. “If you two are done? I’m trying to be the fucking responsible one and lay some foundational rules so this house doesn’t become chaos and my girlfriend and brother seem to think I’m a jo—”
“No! What! No, man. I’m listening. No parties. Get my own snacks. Don’t eat shit with your name on it. See!” Sitting up quickly, Jake slides his hands over his knees and grimaces into his smile as Mingyu stares at him.
You, on the other hand, just laugh and hold up your hands as if you are surrendering. “I’m sorry, baby. Go back to your rules. I’ll leave you and Jake to talk and finish cleaning up.”
Watching you move out of the room with a smirk on your face, Mingyu sighs and shakes his head. “Brat… Anyway, I’m glad at least one of you was listening to me. That brings me to the most important rule, alright?”
Jake had been watching you leave too. He couldn’t help it. You were in those little shorts and they hugged your leg right under your ass cheeks. God, how was Mingyu okay with you wearing them with him around? This was crazy! Hearing Mingyu say his name, Jake blinks and meets his brother’s eyes, nodding along with him.
“Don’t make Y/N clean up after you, got it? She already is trying to baby you. She thinks you’re still a kid.” Waiting to see the acknowledgement in Jake’s eyes, Mingyu nods and sits back in his seat, bringing his beer to his lips and taking the last couple of sips. “If anything, I don’t know, show a little respect and appreciation and help her—us out? I like that you’re here, okay? I really do. I’m just not babysitting. I’m spending time with you.”
The other rules had made sense to Jake, but this last one got to him. He really understood why Mingyu had needed to say it. If the situation were reversed, he probably would have done the same thing. Nodding, Jake slides off his chair and picks up his plate, using his foot to open the trash can so he can slide the last of his pasta into it. “I’ve gotten pretty good at taking care of myself, Mingyu. I’m not gonna take advantage of you and Y/N. I’m thankful you all are letting me crash here, alright? Seriously. I know I’m not a kid.”
Watching Jake move to the sink with his plate and glass, Mingyu sighs into a nod, feeling like his words made the impact he wanted them to despite your reaction. “Good, and like I said, happy you are here, man. Looking forward to the uh—what did Y/N call it?”
Glancing over his shoulder as he opens the dishwasher, putting his dishes into it like a puzzle piece, Jake can’t help but smile as Mingyu makes a face recalling your words.
“Our brotherly bonding time over the summer.” Shaking his head, Mingyu finally gets to his feet and starts to take care of his dishes when Jake reaches for them, muttering he’ll do it. “Thanks… You don’t have to.”
“I don’t mind. You worked all day and like you said, ‘help out’ and shit.”
Smirking, Mingyu ruffles the top of Jake’s hair and sighs into a long breath, feeling the length of the day weighing on him as the silence of the house starts to set in, knowing you are upstairs. “Alright. I’m heading up. I need a shower and as lame as it is, we turn in kind of early since we get up early.”
Carefully fitting the last of the dishes into the dishwasher, Jake snorts out a laugh and pulls his head away from Mingyu’s hand before glancing towards him as he gestures towards the stairs. “It is lame; you sound like our parents... but I get it. I’m pretty tired today anyway. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Gyu.”
It had been a long time since Jake had called Mingyu anything other than his name. Hearing the shorted version of his name made Mingyu’s lips pull up into a bit of a smile as he rolled his eyes at the parent comment. “Yeah, night Jake.”
By the time that Jake made it back up to his room, it seemed like everything was pretty quiet. Either Mingyu had taken the quickest shower possible or he had changed his mind. Settling back on his bed, Jake sighs, propping the pillows under his head as he balances his laptop on his stomach, getting ready to press play on the video he had been playing earlier when his brows furrow. He had to be hearing things. There was a linen closet separating your and Mingyu’s room from his but as another moan and the sound of the headboard smacking into the wall reach his ears, Jake knows it’s not his imagination.
Wrapping his hand around your throat, right under your jaw, Mingyu groans low against your lips as you whimper underneath him. He hadn’t taken the time to prep you, but after fucking you this morning, you didn’t need nearly as much help to take his cock as you usually did. “Being so fucking loud, baby.”
You weren’t trying to be. It wasn’t your plan for this to happen but the moment that Mingyu had come upstairs and seen you in just his shirt and your panties laying in the center of the bed, there wasn’t much to be done. You had been a brat downstairs and though you hadn’t meant to rile him up, that was exactly what you had done.
“Such a pretty little slut, aren’t you? Taking my cock so good.” Mingyu grins against your bottom lip as he brings his free hand under your thigh, pushing it up towards your stomach so he can bury himself into you deeper. With one hard thrust, the bed meets the wall hard and Mingyu thinks about the sound for a moment before it leaves his mind at the sound of you sobbing his name. “What, brat? Just a bratty little slut who only listens when she’s stuffed with a cock, right?”
Staring at the ceiling, Jake takes a deep breath, realizing just how much of his stepbrother’s dirty talk he can hear and how each one of your breathy moans goes straight to his cock. It was enough that he looked at you and lusted after you; this was another level. This was so fucking wrong. Jake knew the moment he realized what he was hearing; he should have put his headphones over his ears and tried to forget about it, but then you cried out like you were seeing heaven and Jake wanted to know what you looked like right now.
“Shit—” This wasn’t his fault. Sure, headphones, whatever, but he wasn’t the one who was fucking with a guest right down the hall. Surely both of you realized that he could probably hear... right? God, why did that make Jake’s cock twitch harder in his shorts? Biting his bottom lip, Jake considers for a split second taking his cock out and wrapping his hand around it—giving into temptation—but one loud cry of Mingyu’s name as him putting his headphones tightly over his ears.
Not his. You weren’t his. You’d never be his.
Goddammit, Jake wanted just one fuckin’ chance to make you scream like that.
Closing his eyes tightly, Jake turns his movie up as loud as possible and tries to ignore how hard his cock is and how he can still hear every single time the bed hits the wall.
“Look at this, you brute." Whining at Mingyu, you lift your dress up to your hips to show him the bruise forming on your ass cheek from where he had gripped you so hard the night before.
With a cup of coffee in his hand, Mingyu leans against the counter and smirks at his handiwork, admiring the bruise rather than feeling bad about it. He loved seeing his marks covering your body. He knew there were more, but that one was probably the most tender at the largest for now.
“I—sorry!” Turning around quickly, Jake averts his eyes, seeing you with your hand holding your dress up and your ass exposed to Mingyu. If he had been smarter, he would have stayed quiet and enjoyed the view for a moment longer, but panic had set in.
Mingyu laughs and helps you smooth your dress back over your ass, purposely pressing into the tender area, watching you muffle a whine as you stumble away from him and towards the fridge. “No harm done, Jake. Why are you up so early? Work today?”
Checking over his shoulder that you are covered, Jake hopes his face, ears, and neck aren’t turning as red as they feel. He watches how Mingyu sips at his coffee like he has no troubles in the world; he’s on top of the world, and Jake realizes that he probably is. Jake kinda knows what that feeling is like—getting some really good pussy—the kind of pussy that makes you feel like you've conquered something impossible, but Mingyu gets you anytime he wants.
“Not until around noon. I have a short shift today and then I’m gonna hang out with Hoon for a bit." Meeting your eyes, Jake starts to shy away when you smile at him so sweetly he can’t do it. Instead, he matches your smile and takes the glass of juice from you, whispering a thank you. “You both work today, right?”
You start to slide on to a seat, but grimace, only sitting on one side, feeling the tender spot on your right side that causes you to shift uncomfortably and glare at Mingyu. “Gyu does, but I work from home on Friday’s. So you’ll have me annoying you unfortunately, Jakey.”
“Oh—you’d never… I mean, I don’t want to be in the way of you working, Y/N. I can go hang out in my room.”
Stepping closer to you, Mingyu sets his empty cup on the counter so he can slide his hand along your right hip. You hear him chuckle when you jump slightly at his touch and mutter his name before meeting his eyes before his lips brush over yours. “What? I’m trying to say goodbye, beautiful. Give me a kiss?”
Jake starts to look away, but he doesn’t fully. His eyes only glance away and back when you sigh a small fine on Mingyu’s lips before giving into the tender kiss. The air felt different than it had last night. Maybe the conversation he had with Mingyu had made a difference in their relationship—maybe Mingyu getting laid had put him into a better mood, but as Jake watched you smile into the kiss, he couldn’t help but furrow his brows curiously.
“Love you, baby. Have a good day.” Mingyu loved leaving you breathless. He knew he was being a bit rude to Jake with all the PDA, but it wasn’t really public. It wasn’t Mingyu’s fault that Jake was in his kitchen and he wasn’t going to change his affection for you when he was madly in love with you and you made him feel insane by just existing.
Sighing softly, Mingyu presses one more kiss to your cheek before stepping back and picking up his jacket, finally meeting Jake’s eyes, surprised to see him looking in his direction. He had half expected him to be looking away like he had when your dress had been pulled up, but no—Jake wasn’t shying away this time. Interesting. What was that about? With no time to figure it out, Mingyu smirks slightly and tilts his head, half challenging the look on his brother’s face. “Have a good day, Jakey. Remember the rules.”
Mingyu had never called him Jakey; he could feel the lump in his throat, but Jake just nodded and muttered his goodbye. That had been weird and slightly unsettling. There was a lot of work out mentally, but Jake didn’t have time when your sweet voice brought him back to reality as you both heard the front door shut.
“That good for breakfast?”
Blinking a few times, Jake tilts his head and you smile into a laugh at how cute and puppylike he looks. At times like this, he really reminds you of Mingyu and it’s almost possible to see a “family” resemblance without there being any blood shared. “You are so cute, Jakey. I was asking if pancakes sounded good for breakfast. I’m craving something sweet.”
Jake sighs, his cheeks once again heating him as he licks his lips, trying to hide how much your works effect him. “Oh. Su–sure, Y/N. Whatever you want.”
Shaking your head, you giggle as you turn back to the fridge, taking things out for breakfast. Glancing over your shoulder, you find Jake still watching you, his eyes moving over your back and you almost swear lower, before finally he meets your eyes shyly. “Careful, don’t spoil me like that. I’ll get used to you giving me what I want and then you’ll be trapped.”
You were kidding, right? Obviously… but Jake’s stomach was flipping and his heart was in his throat. He would; he’d give you everything you wanted. Did you want him on his knees for you? Just ask and he’d crawl for you everywhere he went. Did you want him to bring you treats from the restaurant every day? He would. He wasn’t even supposed to use his discount for shit like that—but for you… fuck management.
“Well—” Scoffing, trying to sound nonchalant, Jake swallows hard and brushes his fingers through his hair unconsciously, drawing your attention not only back to it but also to the definition of the muscles in his arms. He wasn’t as big as Mingyu, nowhere as close, but he wasn’t the scrawny little teen that you knew before. God, you were being reminded at every turn that Jake was all grown up. Using the thin hairtie on his wrist, Jake pulls his hair up into a low bun and smirks slightly at you. “Doesn’t sound half bad. Mingyu seems to be doin’ alright.”
Oh, you hadn’t expected an answer like that. He was teasing you back? God, why was that making you want to push your thighs together? It was because his words instantly made you start to feel wet. That was crazy. And watching him tie up his hair, you were almost salivating. You were salivating and getting wet over your boyfriend’s stepbrother in your kitchen on a Friday morning when you were supposed to be making him pancakes. This was pathetic. Or was it? He looked like a walking wet dream. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t like you were doing something wrong. It was just your body’s natural reaction.
“That so?” Pouring ingredients into the bowl, you watch Jake as his eyes almost boldly move over you now until you meet his eyes and the confidence seems to falter. You see him lick his lips and how he looks down his phone on the counter, fidgeting with it. Maybe he was all talk, but he had started it. “You think Mingyu does anything I want him to? I snap my fingers, say bark, and he answers like a well-behaved dog?”
Scrolling through Instagram as if it’s a lifeline, Jake’s eyes widen almost theatrically at your words as he glances up at you, then back down at his phone to take a deep breath. “I—what are we even talking about, Y/N? Kinda a weird way to imagine my bro—”
“You started it, Jakey. Is it too hot in the kitchen?”
That was fair. You had him there. Smiling as he keeps his head down towards his phone, Jake nods before finally meeting your eyes and holding up a hand as if he’s surrendering. “I’m sorry. I was out of line.”
You laugh, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you stir your pancake batter, watching Jake come to terms with his own teasing. “You weren’t. I was having fun.” Humming softly, you pout at your bowl and look up at Jake before tilting your head. “Chocolate chip pancakes, Jakey?”
God, you were going to be the cause of his death. Jake’s head was spinning with how you could tease him and then flip the conversation back to breakfast just like that. Nodding, Jake lets out a slow breath and licks his lips, turning his attention back to his phone. “Yeah, sounds yummy.”
Staring out at the road, Jake shakes his head as Sunghoon turns yet another song off before it finishes. That was one of Park Sunghoon’s fatal flaws and subsequently Jake’s least favorite thing about his best friend. “Dude, if you touch that phone one more fuckin—”
“What is stuck up your ass? This is my car and my phone.” Sunghoon glances at Jake as he drove, trying to split his attention between the road and his friend. Jake could be moody, but today he had been in a weird mood all day. “You not sleep or—”
“Sorry.” Jake’s voice was meeker than he meant it to be, but he had a lot on his mind. He was replaying his first week at his brother’s house on repeat in his brain and it was giving him a headache and other issues. “Thanks for the ride home again. Gyu keeps sayin’ that he’s gonna let me use Y/N’s or something, but that feels weird.”
Shaking head, Sunghoon sighs as the reason for the weird mood comes to light. Jake hadn’t been less open about shit since he had gotten to his stepbrother’s house. It was starting to make Sunghoon worry. Was Jake like a live-in servant or something? Was this a cry for help? Or was something else going on? “I say use it if they are gonna let you. I mean, not like I care driving you around but you’re gonna have to dish out for gas eventually.”
Groaning under his breath, Jake leans his head back against the headrest and nods along with Sunghoon’s words. “I’ll get you some money, asshole. I just—it’s hard to be around her and her shit, ya know?”
Finally. The first night was the only night that Sunghoon could get Jake to talk about you and how it was being around the dream girl. It had been radio silence after that and any prodding had only made Jake mad. "Sure, but why? What happened? Did Mingyu get pissed off about something?”
Jake wished it were that simple. It would be so much easier if his brother were biting his head off about him looking at you or saying something wrong, but no. Shaking his head, Jake knocks his head back against the headrest again and sighs loudly, finally realizing he has to talk about this or it’s going to eat him alive. “I don’t know what I expected living with them. I mean, even you know the stories about Mingyu and how much of a—”
Snorting into a much-needed laugh, Jake nods, starting to relax in the seat even as they start to get closer to your street, knowing he would have to go inside and see you. “Yeah, a slut. He’s practically a legend at uni, but then he met Y/N and blah blah, love of his life; he’s only got eyes for her.” Seeing Sunghoon nod with a small smirk on his lips, Jake sighs and continues. “And you know how much she gets to me. It’s like being put in front of a buffet and being told, ‘Just look at it but don’t touch it.’”
It had always been that way with you. From the moment that Mingyu had brought you home and introduced you to his family, Jake had been obsessed with you. He dreamed, wished, and prayed to find a girl like you that would take his mind off of you, but that girl so far didn’t fucking exist. “They fuck constantly, Hoon. Loudly. Excessively.”
While Sunghoon had been paying attention and ready to listen to whatever Jake had been telling him, he hadn’t quite been ready for that. Swerving slightly as he looks at his best friend, Sunghoon opens his mouth and closes it before finally laughing at not only how he had reacted but also Jake's face. Jake looked like he wanted to die or be buried and that was so dramatic.
“What? So… Let me get this straight.” Glancing into each mirror, Sunghoon hits his blinker and pulls off to the side of the road just outside of your house to park. “You can hear your brother and Y/N fucking on a regular basis?”
“Almost daily. My headphones block out most of it but their fucking bed hits the wall.” Jake knows he sounds pathetic. He must also look pathetic because Sunghoon is no longer laughing; instead, his brow is raised as he looks towards the house and shakes his head.
“Dude… It’s weird, but... the spank bank material you are gathering will keep you running for years. Can you hear her?”
Sunghoon had to be Jake’s strangest friend, and yet he was his best friend for a reason. Jake was lying to him and himself when he gawked at him, his mouth wide in faux horror and disgust, muttering out excuses of why he couldn’t jerk off to you and his brother fucking.
“I would. I’m just sayin’! The girl of your motherfucking dreams is screaming for more a room over and you aren’t going to picture it’s you while you can and get off to it? Missed opportunity in my humble, fucked-up opinion.”
Fucked up was right, but correct. God, Jake wanted to scream as he glanced towards the house, seeing the porch light on for him. You always left it on for him when he was coming home for work later.
“Text me later?”
Sunghoon’s words bring Jake out of his daze and back to reality as he nods and mutters he will before pushing the car door open. Glancing back at the car, Jake waves before heading up the driveway and finally the steps as he digs out his key with you still on his mind.
“Just like that. What a good girl.” Groaning under his breath, Mingyu tightens his fingers around your hair as your fingers dig into his thighs. Your throat constricts as you gag around his cock, feeling him thrust his hips up towards your mouth. This hadn’t been the plan, but being home alone with you gave you both the opportunity to enjoy each other like you used to.
Before Jake was spending time with you and Mingyu, it didn’t matter what room it was or what time of day you might find yourself turned over and your panties around your ankles. It was kind of nice to have a moment of normalcy and to feel completely exposed and overwhelmed as you choked on your boyfriend’s cock in the living room, forgetting about the time.
Yawning, Jake turns the corner into the kitchen, going towards the fridge to look for leftovers, when he stops in his tracks at the sight in front of him. He had maybe started getting used to hearing Mingyu fuck you, but seeing you with a cock in your mouth was a completely different story.
“Shi—all of it. Swallow it, baby.” Groaning your name, Mingyu leans his head back as he cums into your mouth, his chest rising and falling quickly, feeling you swallow around his hard cock. He thought he had heard the front door open, but his attention had been clearly elsewhere; that had been until his eyes met Jake’s in the kitchen, seeing his brother’s eyes move from his over you and back up.
What was there to say or do? Mingyu could move you quickly and get the slowly softening cock out of your mouth, but you were warm and wet. Why would he do that? Especially when Jake wasn’t moving. He looked stunned and something else. Smirking his eyes fixed on Jake’s, Mingyu runs his fingers over your head, whispering praises to you as you giggle, happy to have done a good job. It’s only then does Mingyu see Jake move quickly out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.
“Pretty girl, enjoy sucking my cock?”
It was quiet by the time that Jake came out of his bedroom the next morning. He felt a bit mortified about the entire situation. Not only did Mingyu very clearly know that Jake had seen them, but he knew that Jake had watched. The thing that was killing Jake was that Mingyu had let him watch and he hadn’t come in his room to cuss him out or to tell him to pack his shit; there was none of that.
But the worse part was that Jake had stuck to Sunghoon’s advice after the visual inspiration. He had been so hard that he had no choice. He felt like if he didn’t cum, if he didn’t think about you, his cock might fall off. So he had done just that. Jake had laid back on the bed you had set up for him and he had wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked it hard and fast until he came hard, cum covering his hand and the front of his shirt as he whispered your name like a prayer.
Now as he carried his dirty clothes in his hands, Jake glanced around the seemingly empty house timidly until he knew he was actually alone. Relief washing over him, he moved into the laundry room and opened the washer, dropping his clothes along with the freshly cum-stained shirt in. It was a dream come true to have all the amenities of home accessible to him while he was staying with you and Mingyu, especially if he was going to keep fucking up and ruining the limited amount of shit he had brought to wear.
Pursing his lips, Jake narrows his eyes as the washer settings, hoping he’s done it right before starting to turn out of the room when his eyes land on the basket of laundry in the room near the door. A quick glance inside tells him what he already knew; clearly it was your dirty clothes mixed with Mingyu’s. If he was nice, Jake could have thrown some in with his own. He still could.
Weighing his options, Jake carefully picks through a few of the clothes to make sure the colors match before bringing the basket closer to the washer, stopping the load he had started adding some to his own. It isn’t until he brings out a lacy pair of your panties that he stops in his tracks, almost dropping them back into the basket before stopping.
The normal, gentlemanly thing to do would be to either figure out if he could add them to the washer or drop them back into the basket, but Jake was neither a gentleman nor normal as he stared at the lace between his fingers. Taking a breath, he glances towards the open laundry room door, listening for anyone, knowing he’s still alone, before giving into his urges and bringing the panties to his nose and closing his eyes.
Furrowing his brows, Jake groans under his breath, leaning against the washer with the lace still against his nose even as he opens his eyes. You were perfect. This wasn’t even close to the real thing and it had Jake getting hard in his sweatpants. He didn’t want to add the panties to the washer or the basket so he didn’t. Instead, Jake closed the washer, letting it start, and pushed the basket back where it was before slipping the lace into his pocket. You’d probably wonder what happened to them at some point, but things got lost in the laundry all the time.
Pouting as you glance over your shoulder at your floor-length mirror, you stretch your fingers but just can’t quite reach the zipper of your dress to zip up your favorite dress. A smile quickly takes the place of your pout when the crack in your door slowly widens and Jake’s eyes meet yours in the reflection before he glances over your body, swallowing hard.
“Yeah, Y/N? You okay?” God, what were you trying to do to him? It was supposed to be another evening where Jake was going to have the house to himself for most of the evening. You and Mingyu were going to some business dinner with Mingyu’s boss. Sunghoon was going to be over any second, and here you were with your clothes half off...
“Help me, Jakey... My fingers are too short to reach.”
You had no idea, or maybe you did, the effect of your words on Jake. The way you phrased things, the way you smiled so innocently while looking so incredibly sexy in a dress that hugged your curves so well. Jake stiffles a groan and nods before moving into your bedroom and towards you as you turn towards the mirror. “You look—you are really nice, Y/N.”
Biting at your bottom lip, you lower your lashes as you meet Jake’s eyes in the mirror, feeling his fingers run along your spine until he finally reaches the zipper, working it up for you. “Thank you. I was hoping I might look better than nice. Pretty maybe? Sexy?”
Scoffing, Jake has to bite his lips in order not to make any more sound than that when he meets your eyes once again, seeing you holding a necklace up and expecting him to clasp the chain around your neck for you. “You are pretty and sexy. Beautiful even. I’m sorry I didn’t use any of those adjectives before. You make me kinda—” Shaking his head, Jake laughs and furrows his brows, focusing on the small clasp and managing to get the necklace secure for you. “Nervous.”
Your cheeks heat up slightly at Jake’s compliments, the words reminding you of Mingyu’s and even when the two of you first got together—that new love excitement. “Oh?” Turning towards Jake, standing almost too close to him, you smile, reaching up to push his bangs from his eyes as he takes a deep breath to calm himself. “Why? Do you still have a crush on me, Jakey?”
Opening his mouth in surprise, Jake wants to answer you—to defend himself when he’s saved by the bell, literally. Turning his head towards the sound of the doorbell, he whispers Sunghoon’s name and you laugh sweetly, leaning to press a kiss to his cheek close to his lips. “Go on. I’ll be down in a bit. Thank you for zipping my dress and helping me with my necklace.”
If Jake’s face hadn’t been red before, it was now. Running his fingers over the spot where your lips had been, Jake gives you a dopey smile as he takes a step backwards, hitting the end of your bed before almost tripping out of the room and towards the hall. "No—yeah, no problem.” Another ring of the doorbell has Jake moving faster even as you laugh again, enamored by him. “Yeah! Coming! Stop touching the fuckin’ bell, Hoon!”
Surprised when the door flings open quickly, Sunghoon’s eyes widen and he takes a step back, giving Jake a once-over, seeing how flushed he is. “Were you jerking off? I don’t want to be part of it. Not without a 24-hour notice.”
"Oh, my fucking god. If you don’t get in the house and shut your fucking mouth—”
“Fine! But seriously, why are you—oh...”
Holding onto the banister to keep balance so you can put on your heels, you smile at Jake and Sunghoon, feeling both sets of eyes on you. Jake made you feel a certain way, but Sunghoon was just adorable with how he was gawking at you. “Hi Hoonie! Why don’t you come over more often? You must have girls crawling all over you.”
You were speaking but Jake couldn’t really keep up. Sunghoon, on the other hand, just smiled sideways and let out a disbelieving breath that you thought he could pull in girls like that. “You—you look hot as fuck, Y/N. Where are you off to?”
Grabbing your coat, you slip it over your shoulders and hum in appreciation, hearing the door opening again as Mingyu slips inside, already dressed for the night. “Gyu and I have dinner with his boss. Have to make a good impression so he can keep making enough money to afford me.”
There were a lot of people in his foyer currently, but Mingyu’s eyes quickly found you and moved over you with a mixture of lust and appreciation. “She’s expensive and worth it. Goddamn baby, you look beautiful. You ready to go?”
Taking his hand, you smile against Mingyu’s lips, having to push him away when his free hand wraps around your waist, trying to deepen the kiss. “Apparently even more than you.” Turning back towards Jake and Sunghoon, you lift your shoulders and meet Jake’s eyes specifically. “There are leftovers in the fridge for you both.” All three watch as a slight pout forms on your lips. “You’ll probably be in bed when we get back, so night Jakey and, oh, bye Sunghoon.”
Mingyu shakes his head letting you slip out the door before him before he turns back towards Jake barely glancing at Sunghoon. “Probably early morning before we’ll be back, but if you need us just call.”
“Dude… I’m 22.”
Laughing, Mingyu starts to turn towards the door before he holds up his finger and leans out the door. “Baby, I’ll be right there. I need my cuff links.”
Jake and Sunghoon watch Mingyu jog up the stairs, both slightly dazed, before Sunghoon scoffs and pushes Jake’s shoulder. “She’s so fucking hot. Literally, no fuckin’ wonder no chick at uni meets your standards; they have to live up to Y/N? Who’s gonna do that?”
Starting to tell him to shut up, or at least to lower his voice, Jake starts to speak to Sunghoon when he sees Mingyu back at the end of the stairs with that same smirk on his face that he had seen from the couch. The lump in his throat is hard to swallow but he manages to swallow it as his brother moves back towards him, ruffling his hair and winking at Sunghoon, telling them both to have a goodnight before closing the door behind him.
"Oh, my... god. Do you think he heard me?”
“Fuckin’ obviously you, moron.”
You had enjoyed just enough wine to make you sleepy and feel that euphoric fuzzy kind of numb feeling in your brain. Mingyu’s hand was resting on your thigh as he drove back from the city towards home and you were smiling at the color of the sky. The sun wasn’t quite rising but the moon was starting to set. It was such a funny thing, but so beautiful.
“Did you have fun, sweetheart?” Mingyu could hear your soft, sweet hums and breaths as you looked around, finally meeting his eyes briefly before he looked back at the road. Giving a gentle squeeze to your thigh, he grins when you giggle under your breath. He loved you all the time, but there was something about you when you were completely relaxed like this. He loved seeing you without a care in the world.
“So much fun. Do you think your boss liked me? Did—” Hiccuping, you giggle again, putting your fingers to your lips and whispering an apology, finding Mingyu still smiling at you. “Did I make a good impression for you?”
Mingyu knew what you were asking, but that was the first time in the past hour that you had made his smile fade even slightly. He never wanted you to feel like you had to put on a face or a show for him or anyone else. He knew why you might think you needed to, but that was another reason he hadn’t pulled the ring out of the top of the closet yet and gotten down on one knee. It would put even more pressure on you to perform and to be Mrs. Kim. He wanted to give you more time to just be Y/N. His sweet, precious, perfect Y/N.
“You are perfect. I don’t care what Mr. Lee thinks of me... and I—baby, it’s not that I don’t care what he thinks about you, but I don’t value his opinion. I only value you.”
Your lips form a pout and Mingyu can literally see the tears forming on your eyes. He knows you are an emotional drinker. He hopes the tears aren’t from disappointing you or making you sad—
“Why would you say that to me? Right now? Gyu!”
His eyes widening, Mingyu checks his mirrors and pulls off the side to the side of the road, putting his car in park so he can cup your cheeks in his hands wiping your tears away. “I’m sorry. Baby… sweetie. Aww… no. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Weakly smacking at his chest, you sob, fat tears falling over his thumbs as you take a deep breath and let it out as you say his name. “You’re too sweet. I don’t deserve you. Oh my god.”
Staring at you, Mingyu presses his lips together as you lean your head back dramatically and he knows you aren’t sad, but once again just overly emotional with the alcohol running through your system. "Sweetheart, you aren’t mad at me?”
Feeling your stomach twist with anxiety, you turn your head towards Mingyu and sniff hard, seeing him smiling at you. His handsome face almost breaks your heart in that moment. “Oh my god! No!”
That told Mingyu all he needed as he laughed through his nose on a breath, forcing himself not to let you know he was amused by you. Leaning across the center console, he presses a kiss to your warm, wet cheek, whispering that he loves you before checking his mirrors once again and pulling the car back out onto the road heading towards home.
“I don’t know why you’d think I’m mad. I could never be mad. You are handsome and perfect and the love of my life.” Whining out the words, you feel your tears finally start to dry up even as you hold Mingyu’s hand in yours tightly, hearing him laugh under his breath. “Don’t laugh at me. ‘M serious. Why are you so pretty? How are you and Jakey so pretty? Oh my god… It’s crazy to be in the house with you both.”
Lifting his brow at your words, Mingyu slides his thumb along your palm, hearing you sniffling once again. Jake was pretty too, huh? That was interesting. “Is it, baby? Are Jake and I too pretty to live with? Do you want me to have Jakey leave?”
Smacking at Mingyu’s arm, you whine his name and shake your head. “No, please. I like having him around. ‘M sorry, Gyu. I won’t look anymore. I’ve been bad, right? Shouldn’t look at Jakey.” Lifting your hand, you cover your eyes and Mingyu can’t help but grin at how cute you are and how innocent it is with such an obvious sinful meaning. You were ashamed of something. He knew he should wait until you were sober to talk about this, but you were being so forthcoming now...
“Oh, you’ve been looking?” Pursing his lips, Mingyu turns at one of the last redlights that counted down the minutes until he could get you inside the house and into a warm bed. “Tell me, bad girl... how have you been looking? Elaborate.”
Lowering your hand, you glance over at Mingyu, feeling the warmth in your stomach spreading as you think about Jake and watching him tie up his hair. You think about his fingers trailing up your back; you picture sitting over his lap. “He’s not a kid anymore.”
That wasn’t what Mingyu had asked you. That was what Mingyu had told you several times. Narrowing his eyes at the road in front of him, Mingyu slides his hand from yours and slides it along your thigh, feeling you take in a deep breath at the contact. “I’m well aware. I told you to elaborate on how you’ve been looking at Jake.”
Was Mingyu mad at you? He didn’t seem like it. You were enjoying how his fingertips were kneading into your flesh at the end of your dress as he urged you to talk. “Mm, like I look at you, Gyu.”
That told Mingyu what he needed to know. “Oh. That's why you don’t want me to tell the pretty Jakey to get out of the house? You want to keep looking at him? Rubbing your thighs together while looking at him?”
He could read you like a book and you were doing that right now—rubbing your thighs together. Whining Mingyu’s name, you nod and lick your lips, hoping he will give you something—anything that you’d want—but then the car pulls into the driveway and Mingyu’s hand slides from your lap.
“Time for bed, darling.”
Phone propped up against his water bottle, Jake lifts a spoon of cereal towards his mouth and sighs around the bite. He doesn’t take his eyes off the screen in front of him until he sees you out of the corner of his eyes. It isn’t even just that; he sees your skin as you lean against the fridge door, taking out a bottle of water with a pout on your face.
You couldn’t be bothered with much of anything once you woke up. You hadn’t even wanted to be awake but you had a boyfriend who, even on a Saturday morning, had a desire to stay in shape. So at 8 am, his alarm clock was going off and your head was busting. Now you found yourself standing in your kitchen with a dry mouth in one of Mingyu’s shirts that reached just under your ass and a pair of panties. It hadn’t even dawned on you that Jake was in the room or that he would be awake. You only thought was the water to wash down the ibuprofen waiting for you in your bathroom.
“You want a picture, Jake? It’ll last longer.”
Mingyu’s teasing voice brings you back to reality and you wince at the light shining from the window behind him as you turn around to see him and Mingyu both watching you. "Sorry, my fault. Just wanted—” Holding up the water in your hand, you don’t find it necessary to finish the sentence before you pout at Mingyu and trudge past him back towards the stairs.
Laughing under his breath, Mingyu runs his fingers through his hair before taking out a bottle of water for himself and meeting Jake’s uncertain eyes. “She’s hungover. She’ll be fine in a couple hours.” Mingyu watches Jake nod slowly as if there is something else he is waiting for, and then it dawns on him. Jake is probably waiting to get bitched at for how he was looking at you. It probably should piss him off; honestly, he had threatened to beat someone’s ass for less, but it was something about who it was and what had been said just a few hours earlier that had Mingyu holding his tongue. “With that said... I’m headed to the gym with Jungkook. Can you check in on her in a bit? Make sure she eats something. I’d owe you.”
Jake nods and lets his eyes follow his brother all the way to the front door until it closes behind him, leaving Jake alone in the house with you. Glancing towards the stairs, he listens for sounds of you being alive, but at first there is nothing and Jake wonders if perhaps you had gone back to sleep. Maybe that was what you needed. He had never seen you quite like that before. Yes, you had walked around in tiny little shorts, but that look on your face—Jake had never seen that one before. You didn’t give a shit because you felt like shit.
Hangovers were something that Jake knew all too well. Mingyu wanted you to eat something and maybe, just maybe, this was where he could come in handy. Sliding off his chair, Jake cleans up his dishes and moves to the fridge to take out a few things before moving to the stove to get to work.
Forcing yourself back out of bed, you whine at the persistent headache that clings to the back of your eyes. You could smell something from downstairs but as bad as you felt, you couldn’t even think about food right now. All you wanted was a shower and to get back in bed. Mingyu had told you to take your meds, drink your water, and eat, but his ass had gone off to pick up heavy things with his best friend so you could do whatever the fuck you wanted to do. Right now that was to stand under hot water until your skin melted off. Okay, maybe that was dramatic, but at least that was how you wanted it to feel.
Dropping clothes on your way across the hall, you leave the door to your bathroom cracked as you turn on your shower and step under the hot water, letting out a relieved sigh when the water starts to massage your sensitive skin. You always felt like you had 92 extra feeling receptors on your body when you were hungover. You didn’t care if Mingyu told you that didn’t make any sense; it made sense to you. Everything felt better or worse depending on what it was, but this shower was perfection.
Sliding the avocado toast to a plate, Jake bites his lip and opens the fridge one last time, looking at the different juices and water you and Mingyu stocked. He had doubts that Mingyu was the one buying all of them, but then ones labeled “extra protein” made him second guess that you were the one buying them. Grabbing the coconut water, Jake pulls a glass from the cabinet and pours it 3/4ths of the way full before glancing around for how he was going to carry all of this up to you when his eyes land on a tray tucked into one of the bottom cabinets. Apparently he wasn’t the only one who thought of this sort of thing.
Eyes focused on the food in front of him, Jake balances the tray on his hands as he walks up the stairs towards your room, stopping at the top when he sees clothes on the floor. Those hadn’t been there this morning. It’s only then that he hears the shower and notices the steam billowing from your cracked bathroom door.
“Oh fuck—” You hadn’t closed the door? Glancing behind him, Jake sucks on his bottom lip, making sure his palm is firm under the breakfast tray in his hands before he starts towards your bedroom and tells himself he’s not going to look in your bathroom. He won’t disrespect your privacy like that, but then you sigh so pretty and sing under your breath. It’s like a siren’s song pulling Jake towards the door.
Leaning your head back under the stream of water, you close your eyes and hum along with the song in your head, starting to feel the medicine kick in. You don’t notice Jake standing in the crack of the door, his eyes moving over your body through the steamed-up glass shower door.
Jake watches for a few seconds longer, his breath quickening as his eyes walk the shape of your breasts down to your hip, where the glass is too steamed up for him to see you clearly. He wants to stay longer and watch you the entire time, but guilt sinks in when you lift your hands to your hair, squeezing water from it and Jake worries you’re going to catch him. Taking a step back, he takes a deep breath to calm himself, not realizing you had opened your eyes, catching a glimpse of him just before he is out of sight.
Leaning his head back, Jake curses at himself under his breath for how much of a perv he is being when it comes to you. He thinks about your panties tucked safely away in his duffle bag, soiled with his cum. He considers dropping your food off on your bed and locking himself away in his room with them beating out the latest growing problem, but he’s too late.
“Oh, Jakey! Hi…”
Hand on your bedroom door, Jake closes his eyes and sighs before opening then and glancing back at you. What the fuck was going on today? “Y/N…”
Tucking the towel under your arm, you smile at Jake and lean down to pick up your discarded clothes, feeling water dripping down your legs as you do. You could feel Jake’s eyes on you right up to the point that you straightened your body in front of him and his tray of food. “What’s all this?”
Licking his lips, Jake attempts and fails to keep his eyes on your face when a bead of water rolls from behind your ear and down the side of your neck to your collarbone. “We—I thought—well… Yours. Your breakfast. Gyu told me to make sure you ate.”
He was adorably flustered and it was going straight to your head. How much had he seen of you? God, why was it turning you on so much wanting to know? Smiling sweetly, you push your bedroom door open with the tips of your fingers. “That’s so sweet, Jakey. You made me breakfast in bed.”
Jake takes a deep breath, a half-dopey smile on his face, feeling proud of himself as you walk in the room before him. “I—yeah. Um, he said—he said you had a hangover and I know that when I wake up feeling trashed, this kinda helps me.”
You had glanced at the food on the tray. You could see the fatty, oily avocado toast with an egg and you had smelled the coconut water—electrolytes. You could almost picture him on the phone with Mingyu getting the after-party cure-all recipes because you had gotten similar breakfasts from your boyfriend before.
“Mm, it looks so yummy.” Dropping your slept-in clothes into the hamper, you lift your brows as Jake stands in the doorframe of your bedroom staring at you. He really was so cute and oblivious. “You can leave it on the bed, sweetie. I gotta get some clothes on, unless you are dying to see me naked.”
God was he... But you asking him that outright made Jake’s face flush instantly and his feet move. “Oh shit, sorry. Here you go.” Setting the tray safely on your bed, Jake shyly lifts his eyes back up to you as you rest your thumb under your arm, ready to unwrap your towel. Would you take it off? It was wrong of him to hope so.
Biting your bottom lip, you keep your eyes locked on Jake's, almost daring him to stay where he is until he chicken’s out and whispers he’ll see you later closing your door behind him. The moment the door is closed, you let the towel drop to the floor with a pout.
You weren’t really paying attention to the movie. You had other things on your mind as you leaned against Mingyu’s chest, feeling his fingers press into your waist. Glancing towards the end of the couch where your feet brushed against Jake’s thigh, you bit back a smirk watching him take another deep breath as you “stretched” and “got comfortable” between the two men.
“You okay, baby?” Mingyu could tell you were a bit restless. It wasn’t like the couch was massive, but when Jake had offered to sit on the recliner, you had almost thrown a fit. Moving his eyes along your body, Mingyu purses his lips, seeing your toes tucked against Jake’s leg and Jake's hands wring with nerves. “Stretch your legs out. I’m sure Jake won’t care, right, dude? You don’t care if she puts her legs in your lap, do you?”
Oh good, they were both trying to murder him. Slowly meeting his brother’s eyes, Jake shakes his head no and fakes a nonchalant look. “Nah, course not.” But the moment you giggle, happy to have seemingly gotten your way, able to stretch out over top of them, Jake wants to die. Resting one hand on his chest and the other on the arm of the couch, Jake hopes and prays to every god listening he won’t pop a boner from just the weight of your legs.
“You don’t have to be so rigid, Jakey. I’ll move... You look uncomfortable. Am I making you uncomfort—”
“What? No!” You had started pouting not even after a full minute of seeing Jake move his hands around anywhere but on you. Resting one hand on your calf and the other on your ankle, he taps your leg, showing you he’s fine. “I’m so comfortable, see?”
Meanwhile, Mingyu smirks behind his fingers, rubbing his lips. You were causing Jake to spiral and Mingyu knew that feeling all to well. You had played him like a well-tuned instrument, and now he knew the song and dance seeing it with someone else.
“Okay, thank you.” You giggle into your words, nuzzling against Mingyu’s chest. Sighing happily, you stretch your legs over Jake’s lap even more, causing them to drag over where he had hoped they wouldn’t.
Leaning his head back, Jake brings one of his hands up, closing it into a tight fist as he forces himself to stop breathing until you stop wiggling. His other hand holds your calf firmly, but not so tight that you realize something is wrong. It’s Mingyu who catches on first when Jake takes that first shaky breath and he watches how his fist relaxes.
“You good?”
Jake wanted to lie and stay where he was, but it was like you were moving on purpose. Any hope that he had of trying to keep himself from popping a boner of his brother’s girlfriend was basically out the window as you flexed your toes and sighed at the movie, not really paying attention to either Jake or Mingyu.
“Ye–yeah. No… I mean yes, but I have to use the bathroom. Sorry.” Carefully moving your legs, Jake doesn’t meet your eyes even when he hears your whine before he’s quickly out of the room and up the stairs.
Mingyu’s eyes follow Jake as he keeps his arm around you, not letting you sit up too far. You had done enough damage for one night. “Stop it. Are you that needy?”
Pouting, you pull your legs close under you, drawing invisible shapes on Mingyu’s stomach over his abs as he teases you. “I don’t know what you’re talking—” The sharp slap to the side of your thigh causes you to yelp and stop lying. “Should I apologize to him?”
Warm fingers rub over where he had spanked you just seconds before, soothing the burn as Mingyu’s attention returns to the television and the last few moments of the movie you had barely watched. “Not tonight. He’s busy dealing with a problem you caused, I’m sure. Besides… you’re about to be busy too.”
Your panties were beyond ruined at this point, so much so that Jake hadn’t even pulled them out of his duffle bag. Instead he had his face buried in his pillow as he rutted his hips against his bedding, his palm against the outline of his hard cock, remembering how it felt to have your legs rubbing against him. Did you really not know what you had been doing to him? Were you that naive?
The sound of your bedroom door shutting pulls Jake back to the present and has him lifting his head for a breath of fresh air. The movie must be over. Fuck… He felt bad now. He had lied about where he was going, but there was no way he could have stayed on that couch with you and Mingyu, letting his cock get harder and harder under your pretty legs.
Pushing his hand into his shorts, Jake wraps his fingers around his cock and grunts softly to the feeling. He had done this so many times at this point that his wrist was starting to hurt. He jacked off at school, but in the couple of weeks at your house he had done it every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.
Giggling and then the bed hitting the wall. Fuck. Fuck his life. You and Mingyu were fucking again. Jake was going to need a wrist brace and you two were going to need to patch the fucking wall with how many times the two of you fucked.
“Gyu, ah! Yes… I’m sorry, daddy.”
Daddy? That was new, but it had Jake kicking his shorts across the room and him pulling one of his pillows further down in the bed between his legs so he could rest his cock against it. You were whining so loudly tonight, almost like you wanted him to hear you. Jake felt like his skin was on fire as he rolled his hips against the pillow, slowly at first enjoying the drag of his cock against the cotton.
Groaning loudly against your folds, Mingyu pushes your legs up towards your stomach. You were so fucking wet. He knew you would be. You always were after teasing him or anyone. You had felt Jake getting hard, you knew exactly what you were doing and you had played dumb. He’d treat you just like you were acting, like a dumb little slut. His dumb little slut.
“Taste so fucking good, baby. This is what you are good for, right?” Leaning back enough to admire your soaked pussy, Mingyu smirks before spitting right on to your folds, watching the glob of spit mix with your slick. “All dumb sluts want is to be fucked? You’d lay here like this all day and let anybody do it, wouldn’t you?”
Shaking your head no, you sob out Mingyu’s name when he sucks hard at your clit, not letting you have any wiggle room. In the position you were in, there was no where for you to go, no getting away from him. All you could do was hold on to his hair and beg for mercy, not that you wanted him to stop. You loved it. You wanted it. “No! No, not true. Ah! Daddy… no! Just you.”
God, what was Mingyu doing to you to have you whining and screaming like that? Grunting out your name against his arm, Jake rolls more on to his stomach and thrusts into his pillow before falling onto it. Each one of your yelps and moans has him chasing his high, humping the pillow pathetically almost like a dog.
“Don’t lie to me." Licking your cum from his lips, Mingyu untangles your legs and pulls one over his shoulder as he lines up his cock with your clenching entrance. With one smooth motion, he buries himself completely in you, relishing in your loud moan of his name. He knew at the end of the day no one else mattered for you. He was your earth and sun, just like you were his moon and stars, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t like to play and want playthings. "But it’s cute when you try.”
You were lying and you’d keep lying if it kept Mingyu’s cock inside of you like it was now. The moment that Jake had gotten to your house, the sex had been even more mind-blowing. At first you had been convinced that it was Mingyu’s possessive nature, but now it was something else. He enjoyed watching you pursue Jake. He enjoyed watching Jake get flustered and panic over you.
Kissing the shell of your ear as he ruts his hips against yours, Mingyu grins into his words, keeping them low. “Wish that he was in the room, hmm? Want Jakey to watch your pussy get ruined?” God, you were squeezing the life out of him. It was tempting to tell Jake to stop fisting his dick and get his ass in here, but Mingyu instead groaned loudly to the feeling.
There was no slowing down now. Jake was panting and moaning your name with every bang of your bed against the wall until finally his cum was sticky painting his pillow and stomach. Turning over on his back, Jake tries to catch his breath listening to you scream out Mingyu’s name one more time as you cum, followed by a loud groan from his brother as he seemingly follows you over that edge.
This was so fucked up.
“Mm, thank you, Jakey. Mingyu hates helping me do laundry.”
Jake smiles at you until you bend over in front of him, your tight jean shorts gripping your ass perfectly as you dig in your laundry basket. “It—it’s no biggie. I said I’d help out around the house. Wan—” Taking a deep breath, Jake has to take a step back when you stumble backwards against his hips, making him catch you, hands on your waist. “Woah, you okay?”
Giggling, you look over your shoulder at Jake, moving from his lips to his eyes, nodding. “Yes, I got a little lightheaded bending over like that. Sorry…” You could move, you should move, but you are enjoying feeling Jake’s body against your back and his fingers pressing into your sides.
“Oh… You wanna sit down? Are you feeling better?”
He was so precious. He believed you no matter what you said. It was like he actually bought your innocent routine, but that is what made this so much more fun. Nodding, you slide your hand over Jake’s forearm before taking his hand and letting him lead you out of the laundry room and into the kitchen towards one of the chairs.
“Up you go, beautiful.”
Now Jake had your face feeling warm and flushed. He had started doing that, calling you beautiful or pretty, but never around Mingyu. “Mm, you are so sweet, Jakey. You make me feel so pretty. How many girlfriends do you really have on retainer back at school?”
Laughing, Jake starts to step away when you turn the kitchen island chair towards him, catching him between your thighs. Fuck. Looking down at your legs resting on either side of his hips, Jake takes a steadying breath and tries to keep his cool, resting his hand on the counter beside of you. “You are pretty, the prettiest. Mingyu tells you all the time so... don’t need me to remind you.” Your sweet smile and laugh make Jake feel like he’s floating, your fingers timidly walking along his, doodling absentmindedly as you listen to him talk. “I don’t fuck around much at uni, Y/N. College girls don’t do it for me.”
You could feel his eyes move over your face and along your neck to the v-cut of your shirt before he met your eyes again. “Oh? You breaking their hearts?” Jake laughs, rolling his eyes as he glances away from you, shaking his head as you keep prodding about his relationships. “If college girls “don’t do it for you," what kind of girl would? Just curious, what my Jakey might bring home one day.”
Licking his lips, Jake scoffs, keeping his head turned away from you as he considers how to answer you. Your Jakey. Fuck. He wanted to be yours. In truth, in every way that he could be, he already was. He had been in bed with girls at parties before and muttered your name, leaving them crying and asking who Y/N was. If Jake had found himself in a relationship, it never lasted for more than a couple weeks before she was annoying him with how immature she was. “I’m not looking for a girl. Too whiny and—” Jake’s smirk gets wider, another scoff slipping from his lips as he lifts his free hand to brush through his hair you like so much. “Young. I want a woman. I’m not bringing anyone home.”
Oh, that was interesting. Tilting your head, you nod along with Jake’s words, circling his knuckle with your nail before biting at your bottom lip. “I see. What am I going to do with you, huh?” You watch Jake’s brows furrow, the confusion settling in on his face as he meets your eyes once again. “I’d say it makes me sad that you aren’t getting any at school but..." Biting at your lips once again, you let your eyes move over Jake openly and he feels exposed and raw.
Shifting uncomfortably, Jake isn’t sure if he should try to escape from between your knees or if he should step forward, but you don’t give him the option to choose. Sliding forward in your chair, you sigh his name and Jake groans quietly, feeling the warmth between your legs. “Y/N… shit. Uh… I—the laundry, I’ll switch it out.”
Jake tugs his hand from under yours, and you watch with a smirk as he adjusts his shorts, heading back for the laundry room, muttering under his breath.
“Thanks for the help, sweetie.”
“She was practically on me. I’m projecting, right?” Whispering loudly into his phone, Jake paces in front of his bed as he tugs at his hair, holding his phone with his other hand.
Sunghoon was getting to wonder if he should double major in psychology as many times as his best friend was coming to him to interpret his life lately. He should start charging him for sessions with all the great advice and therapy he was providing the motherfucker. “From what you told me... it depends. Probably. What like some hot little pre-milf is going to present her ass to you? Empty handed? I doubt it.”
Making a face as if he tasted something sour, Jake moves to lean against his dresser, looking at himself in the mirror. Sunghoon was probably as on point as he was disgusting. Calling you a “pre-milf” was insane, but it was also insane to think that you were coming on to him. You were is stepbrother’s girlfriend. Hell, you were practically Mingyu’s wife at this point and Jake had no business looking at you like he was. “Nah—no, you’re right. I’m stupid; there’s no fuckin’ way Y/N—”
“Yeah, Jakey? You calling for me?”
Gasping at your voice, Jake’s eyes widen, wondering how much of his conversation with Sunghoon you had heard. Had you just come upstairs, putting things in the linen closet and just happened to hear your name? Or had you been at his door for longer? “I—no, Y/N.”
“Dude… What is going on?” Confused, Sunghoon sits up at his desk, sliding his computer mouse away from his hand, hearing the panic in Jake’s voice and your name.
“Oh, you sure? Can—can I… Actually, can you help me in my room? I have a bunch of laundry to fold. Some of it is your towels. I was going to just do it on my bed.”
Now Sunghoon could hear your voice and it was making sense. “I’ll let you go.”
“No, man! I can’t—”
“Grow some fuckin’ balls!”
Hearing the beeps in his ear as Sunghoon hangs up on him, Jake leans his head back and closes his eyes when you say his name again. “I—sure. I’m—yep. Coming.” Fridays were becoming the bane of Jake’s existence. You working from home consisted less of you "working," taking a phone call here or there, checking your email once or twice, and more of being around to make his head explode.
Taking a deep breath, Jake knocks softly on your cracked bedroom door before pushing it open to see you sitting in the middle with laundry piled at the end. At least he would have a task to help you with again. He wouldn’t be staring at your tits or feeling your warmth against his half-hard cock—
“Hi! You never came back; I thought you got mad at me. Here, sit. If you can work on towels, I can work on undies and stuff for me and Gyu.”
You were pouting at Jake again. Sitting down on the side of your bed, Jake sighs under his breath and reaches for the first towel as he watches you fold some of Mingyu’s boxers before you pick up a pair of lace that reminds him of now a few stolen pairs hidden in his room. “Could never be mad at you.”
“That’s a relief.” Smiling, you purse your lips and shake your head as you look over your laundry before scoffing in disbelief. “I can’t believe I need to buy new panties already. I swear to god the dryer eats them worse than the socks. Meanwhile, I can’t get Mingyu to throw out his underwear.”
Jake should feel bad seeing you pout over your missing panties, but instead the rush of knowing he had used a pretty red pair just the night before, covering them with his cum makes his heart race. “Throw them away when he’s not home.”
“That’s really smart, Jakey.” Smirking, you pick up a faded pair of Mingyu’s boxers, tossing them into the floor. “Fun what you can get away with when Daddy’s not home, right?” The look on Jake’s face makes you laugh before you reach over and shake his shoulder playfully, getting him to laugh a bit in disbelief with you. "God, I have to get you to loosen up. You look like you’re going to throw up.”
Jake did feel like he might throw up. He could hear you screaming Daddy through the walls and now he was sitting on the bed where Mingyu made you cum night after night after night... It was making him feel like he was going to pass out if he thought about it too hard. "No. I won’t—I’m not—I’m loose.”
That was the biggest lie that Jake had told while he had been here. Shaking your head, you laugh under your breath as you move to your knees to grab a different bit of laundry, sliding it to you on the large bed, feeling Jake’s eyes move over your body. “Yeah, okay, Jakey.” Sitting back, you shake out one of Mingyu’s shirts you use as a nightshirt, meeting Jake’s eyes. “This is what happens when you don’t get laid every once in a while, baby boy. You get all wound up. You wait and you wait for a woman to fuck and suddenly you are made of glass.”
This wasn’t happening. You were not saying these words to him and you did not just call him what Jake thought you called him. Blinking a few times, Jake visibly swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he does while he shakily folds another towel. “N–no… what? I don’t… I’m fine.”
“But you aren’t, are you?” Putting the shirt on your lap, you pout at Jake sympathetically. “When was the last time someone touched your cock?” Watching his mouth open to answer you, you speak first. “That wasn’t your own hand?” Jake’s mouth closes and you coo at him, feeling your panties getting wetter thinking about how needy he must be. “Jakey… I’m so sorry. Is it my fault? You can tell me.”
Jake tries to speak again, but you are moving on the bed, your fingers pushing his hair away from his cheek as your knees press into the comforter. Every time he tries to look anywhere else, his eyes find yours or your lips; if he moves them lower, its the cut of your shirt and the peek of your breasts spilling out of your bra. “I—yeah. It’s your fault, Y/N.”
Faking sympathy, you scoot closer to Jake, feeling a pile of your laundry fall off the bed and into the floor as you do. “Oh no… The girl’s weren’t good enough cause—”
The shock of feeling your fingers on his thigh sliding upward causes Jake to gasp. His fingers wrap around your wrist, but he doesn’t dare stop you. “They aren’t you. Wait, Y/N—” Biting his bottom lip, Jake groans, feeling even the slightest pressure of your touch over his half-hard cock. “Shit… Mingyu will murder me.”
Your warm, sweet breath lulls Jake as he tries to calm down, his other hand grasping at the comforter under him as if it will ground him and bring him back to reality out of this dream. “Daddy isn’t home, Jakey.”
This wasn’t happening. Taking a shaky breath, Jake laughs in disbelief when he feels you sit over his thighs, your hands resting on his shoulders. He was asleep and this was the most complex and realistic wet dream of his entire life. He would surely wake up any second now, but no… Instead of waking up, Jake feels your lips brush over his cheek as you rock your hips over his.
“Do you want me to move? You don’t want to play with me? I thought I was what you want—” A rush of excitement runs through your veins when Jake finally gives in to your teasing. His fingers grip the back of your neck tightly as he hisses against your soft lips before claiming his first kiss from you. The kiss is urgent and messy while Jake’s free hand slides over your ass to squeeze as you feel his cock hardening between your legs.
Jake knew he was dead. There was no fucking way that this was happening and he would survive the rest of the summer around you and come out alive. Mingyu would find out and he would murder him. Not only would he lose the girl of his dreams but his own stepbrother would bury him in the backyard and tell their parents that he moved back to Australia or something. It all starts to seem like too much, not worth it… But then you moan into Jake’s mouth and his cock literally twitches in his boxers. It was worth it.
Yawning, Mingyu shakes his head as he shrugs his work bag off his shoulder and pushes the door closed with his elbow. He was exhausted from work and all he wanted to do was stay at home with you but dinner plans had been made and he knew you were looking forward to it. “Baby? I’m home. I talked to Wonwoo before I left the office. He said that he and Anna are gonna meet us at Luxe at 7 pm instead of 8.”
No answer. Glancing around through the kitchen to the living room, Mingyu furrows his brows and starts to head for the stairs when you smirk at Jake rolling your hips over his one last time. “Mmkay, Gyu. I’m finishing up laundry with Jakey and then I’ll get ready.”
Jake was freaking the fuck out. Mingyu’s voice sounded close and you were practically laughing at him as you took your time to slide off his lap and back on to the bed to pick up the discarded laundry, talking to his brother as if nothing was going on. You were too good at this; it was scary.
Meeting Jake’s eyes, you lift your brows and gesture to the towels with a nod of your head. “Unless you want to be sitting on the bed with a tent in your pants, Jakey... maybe you should take your towels to your bathroom.”
That was a good idea, brillant actually. Nodding quickly, Jake swallows the lump in his throat and picks up the folded towels, managing to unfold half the stack as he groans under his breath, slipping out of your bedroom door and down the hall away from your bedroom before Mingyu makes it halfway up the steps.
Lifting his brow to the door slamming on his left, Mingyu sighs and turns to his right and towards you. “He needs to stop slamming the fucking doors. I get why it used to piss my dad off now.” Mingyu takes in a deep breath as he sits on the bed behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting you fold a shirt in your lap.
“You are such an old man. Leave him alone. He’s had a hard day.”
Mingyu could hear the smirk on your voice and it had him narrowing his eyes. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Just has…”
You weren’t fooling him. Mingyu knew you better than anyone. You thought you could play coy and use word play, but Mingyu saw right through it. “So that means you have been torturing him—”
“That’s so dramatic.”
“It’s what you do when you get your claws in a new plaything, but remember this one comes with strings attached.”
Turning your head to meet Mingyu’s eyes, you pout at him, letting him kiss you softly. You knew the warning was real, but you knew what you were doing. “Stop being so serious, Gyu. You said I could.”
Sighing against your lips, Mingyu nudges his nose against yours and nods. “Play fair. Just don’t break him.”
Glancing into the bedroom from across the hall, you look back into the mirror with a half smirk before picking up your perfume and spraying some on to your wrist. Mingyu was finishing up getting dressed, finishing touches just like you, but you weren’t done just yet.
“We gotta get going. Are my good socks still in the laundry room?”
Mingyu sighs, his brows furrowed as you lean your head back to tap your wrist against your neck before nodding. “I didn’t get around to bringing them up. They should be in the dryer or in one of the baskets. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
You knew that you and Mingyu might be a few minutes late, but you had heard Jake’s door open and the sound of water from down the hall. Curiosity was getting the better of you. The heat in the pit of your stomach was getting the better of you.
It had taken close to an hour for Jake’s boner to go down and it still wasn’t what he would call gone. One stray thought about you on his lap and his cock would be right back at attention so Jake’s only saving grace was that you and Mingyu were going out.
Humming along with the song playing through his phone on the bathroom counter, Jake sighs as he leans into his shower, turning on the tap. He had already heard Mingyu jog down the steps so it seemed a good time as any to jump in the shower and try to relax. Had Jake been avoiding you both since Mingyu had gotten home, absolutely, but how was he going to face his stepbrother with a tent in his pants? He could have gone into his room and rubbed one out, but that routine was starting to get old, especially after feeling the weight of you on his lap.
“Jakey?” You smile at the soft sound of Jake’s humming and water hitting the shower tiles as you push open the bathroom door carefully. The water had just started running, so you hoped you might catch Jake before he got in. Tell him goodbye. Maybe see him for just a moment to ease that fire in you but you got more than you were bargaining for. “Oh, I—”
“Shit! Y/N—I…I’m—” Turning his back to you quickly, Jake feels his heart threaten to beat out of his chest. You had already been easing back into his mind, but he hadn’t meant to practically summon you out of thin air. Any chance that he had of keeping himself from getting hard again was off the table. Jake could feel his cock coming back to life no matter how hard he willed himself to behave. “What—why? I thought you and Mingyu were going out.”
Glancing over your shoulder to the crack in the door, you bite your bottom lip before taking a step further into Jake’s bathroom, unable to convince yourself not to. “Yeah, we’re going. I was just checking on you. ‘M sorry, Jakey. Are you okay?”
Nope. No, Jake was not okay. How was this okay? How could he possibly be okay standing completely buck ass naked in front of you? Shaking his head, Jake glances over his shoulder at you and finds out quickly that is a mistake when he meets your eyes and sees your teeth pulling at your pretty bottom lip. “Fu—fuck, no. I’m—”
You could tell Jake wasn’t okay. You weren’t stupid. You knew exactly what you were doing and you knew you didn’t have time to do any of it—yet here you were stepping even closer and trailing your fingers along Jake’s back near his hip. “Oh no. Can I help? Since it’s my fault?” You mimic the way Jake furrows his brows, the lust and confusion mixing together. “Please, Jake. I can help and it’ll be quick.”
“Wh—” He should say no. Jake knows that he should refuse and ask you to leave, but instead he finds himself nodding along with you. Letting out a slow, shaky breath. Jake’s brows knit together tightly when your smile turns into a smirk and you whisper his name, turning him so that his ass can rest against the bathroom counter. “This is so wrong, Y/N.”
“Shh, Jakey. Don’t talk, just enjoy it.” Brushing your lips over his, you laugh under your breath when Jake gasps against your lips, feeling your hand wrap around his mostly hard cock. He was big—bigger than you had anticipated, and you weren’t complaining. You had been with Mingyu for so long that you were used to a man who was well endowed and knew how to use his cock so it would have almost been disappointing to know that Mingyu’s little brother couldn’t hold his own. “You are so pretty, baby. God, I’ve wanted to touch you since you got here.”
It was taking everything in Jake to not groan as your hand moved over his cock. You knew what you were doing. It wasn’t like Jake was surprised that you knew how to handle cock; clearly you would, but assuming, hearing, and experiencing were all different. “You—please, Y/N. Can’t say that shit to me, not right now.”
Nipping at Jake’s lips, you pull back from him just far enough that you can watch your hand move. You marvel at the amount of pre-cum oozing from his tip that you use to make the slide of your hand easier, letting you speed up your strokes. Soft, urgent grunts mixed with your name bring another smirk to your lips as Jake’s fingers claw at the counter for something to ground him. “Why, Jakey? I’m just telling you the truth. You don’t like it? Don’t want to know all the other things I want to do before summer is over?”
Mingyu sighs, glancing around the living room and up the stairs when he doesn’t see or hear you. There was no telling what you were doing but it didn’t really matter; plans had been made and you knew that. “Baby, hurry your ass up! We are already going to be late.”
Jake was starting to panic; he had never gotten to his climax this fast in his life. The idea of you wanting to do more with him before the end of the summer had him panting for air, but then Mingyu’s voice and the reminder that he was in the house sealed his fate. Muttering your name on a breathy groan, Jake leans his head back and thrusts his hips towards your hand until his cum drips from your fingers and on to the tile floor at his feet.
Smirking, you lift your eyes from your fingers and to Jake’s eyes as you carefully unwrap your hand from his softening cock. “I’m coming, Gyu! Stop being so impatient.” Knowing that Jake is watching your every move, you lift your fingers to your lips and lick them clean before sighing. “I’ll miss you, Jakey. We’ll be home in the morning.”
Jake wants to say something, anything—that he’ll miss you, thank you for the most amazing hand job he’s ever received—but instead he just gives you the same dopey smile that he always does as you wash your hands. “Uh huh… Have fun, Y/N.”
Waving at Jake, you push his bathroom door closed and bite your lips, feeling the rush of what had happened really hit you. You were soaked, practically dripping through your panties as you made your way down the stairs, but that was the thrill of it. Meeting Mingyu’s eyes and seeing the raised brow of suspicion has you putting on a sweet, faux innocent face as you lean to put on your heels, letting him hold you steady.
“Took you long enough, darling.”
“Did it? I wasn’t the one who changed the time. If we were still meeting at 8 instead of—”
Sighing to cut off your words, Mingyu helps you stand back up straight, his eyes meeting yours before he playfully narrows them and leans to kiss you gently at first. With a nip to your lips, Mingyu hums into the kiss and groans low, almost a growl as his kiss becomes more forceful. The dampness in your panties all that more apparent as your knees buckle and his hand wraps around your waist to keep you upright against him. “You taste like cum, little slut.”
Instead of feeling shame, you rest your palm against Mingyu’s chest and smile into the kiss, causing him to groan once more. “We’re going to be late, Daddy.”
With one sharp slap to your ass, Mingyu rolls his eyes and opens the door for you, ushering you out towards the car. “Oh, I know, baby…”
Hoon: LOL later?
Jake: You know it.
That had been the plan, but then the plan went off the rails. Jake was seconds from throwing away the plan because, while Mingyu had gone “out with the boys,” you were pouting.
“Jakey I won’t bother you; I’ll just hang out with you while you play your games. That’s okay, right? I watch Gyu play games on his Xbox all the time…”
So that was how Jake found himself sitting at the small desk in his temporary room, headphones halfway on his head as you lay on your side on his bed scrolling on your phone. Glancing over his shoulder, hearing you take a deep breath, Jake quickly turns his attention back to his laptop when he hears another of his and Sunghoon’s friends, Heeseung, complain in his ear that he is letting the team suffer because he’s distracted. “Sorry…”
“We’ve barely got a chance to play since you’ve been at your brothers and now you’re dragging everyone else down, dude. Get your head straight.”
You could see the way Jake’s shoulders were tensed up. He didn’t seem to be enjoying his game. Was it your fault? Did you make it that awkward to play or was it sitting at the desk in that shitty chair? “Jake…” Trying to keep your voice low, you sit up on your elbow and lean forward, another pout forming on your lips when Jake doesn’t seem to hear you.
“Hee… Chill the fuck out. He’s been workin’, just like I have. You haven’t been up my ass about it.”
Jake appreciated Sunghoon coming to his defense when it came to this. While it wasn’t just work that had him distracted, it had played a factor. “I’m doing my best, for real, but—”
Your voice comes through a bit louder, finally getting not only Jake’s attention but those in the party with him. Turning his head towards you with his eyes widened slightly, Jake dips his head down as if it will keep the conversation more private. “Yeah? You—You okay, Y/N?”
“Who the fuck is—wait? Mingyu’s Y/N?” Hearing Heeseung say your name, the realization in his tone made Jake’s cheeks flush instantly and spread to his ears. Now he could hear the teasing in his friend’s voice. “What’s Y/N need, Jakey?”
God, Jake wanted to die right there and then, but you looked so sweet and devastatingly hot all at the same time as you lay on his bed so no amount of teasing was going to make him go anywhere.
“Oh… I’m okay. You’re so sweet.” Sitting up more, you tilt your head, letting your eyes move over Jake’s slumped shoulder and bent spine, knowing how he was leaning over his laptop just a moment before. “Your back looks like it hurts. I was just going to suggest that maybe the bed might be more comfortable? And I could see your game more. I wanted to watch... It’s hard to see all the way over here.”
“She wants to watch him game, Hoon. That’s so cute.”
Swallowing hard, Jake clears his throat and lets his eyes move over your body back up to your expectant eyes as Heeseung and Sunghoon both tease him.
“I’d move to that bed so fucking fast my laptop might not even make it.”
"Honestly, I get why you are distracted.”
“Dude, you don’t know the half—”
“What was that?” Nodding along as if he were listening to his friend’s explain something, Jake makes a sound like he is disappointed before putting a faux pout on his face. “Really? That’s too bad, Hoon. We can play again later.”
“What the fuck are you talkin’ about, man?”
Watching Jake turn back around to his laptop, you lean back on the pillow as Jake mutters under his breath, hoping you can’t hear him. “Shut the fuck up. I’ll text you guys later.” Without waiting for more response than a sigh or a huff, Jake ends the party call and exits his game with an exaggerated shrug. “Hoon had to get off so...”
You weren’t stupid; you could tell Jake was lying, but you also weren’t going to call him out on it—not this time. “Oh, I’m sorry, Jakey. What are you gonna do now? Wanna watch a movie or something?”
Blowing out a slow breath, Jake puts his headphones on his desk and looks towards the open door. “I—sure. We could go downstairs—”
“No! We could just use your laptop, silly goose.” Turning to sit on your butt, you pat the bed beside you before adjusting the pillows against the headboard, waiting for Jake to join you. “I love watching things in bed. Mingyu and I do it all the time; it’s so cozy and fun.”
Fun. That’s not the word that Jake would use for something like this. Torturous would be a good word and yet he managed to force a smile and pick up his laptop to move over to the bed with you. Keeping a good distance, Jake sits back against the headboard and puts the laptop between the two of you, opening one of the many streaming apps he has borrowed from Mingyu, gesturing for you to go ahead.
"Well, that isn’t very cozy, Jakey.” Sighing as you pick up the laptop, you wiggle closer to Jake to put the laptop on his thighs before curling against his side. Only when you are snug against him do you start to run your finger over the trackpad to scroll through the site and search for a movie.
It was bad enough that Jake had you pressed up against him, but now he had the reminder of your hand on his lap as you slowly scrolled through movies and sighed, seemingly disappointed with every single one. “Anything is fine, Y/N.”
“But it’s not. They are all so boring. I don’t want to be bored.” Meeting Jake’s eyes, you give him the same pout that you have had on display since Mingyu walked out the door for boy’s night. “Why are you trying to bore me?”
Gasping in disbelief at your question, Jake furrows his brows and shifts against you. “I—what? I’m not. We can watch whatever you want. I’m not going to bore—”
“Okay, do you just look things up on Twitter, or are you more of a pay-for-porn kinda guy?”
Stunned once again by your question, Jake stares at you until you meet his eyes, a smirk growing on your lips until you look back at his laptop.
“You strike me as a Twitter guy. Mingyu’s a Twitter guy too…”
Jake’s brain is misfiring; he doesn’t remember how to function or what words are until his eyes move back to his laptop screen to see you scrolling through his Twitter. You weren’t wrong, not even close to it. He was shocked at how easily you read right through him, but the shock wears off when he sees you click on his profile and then likes. “Woah, Y/N!”
Sliding the laptop from Jake’s lap and onto yours when he panics, you bite down on your bottom lip as you scroll. “Interesting.” Taking note of the types of videos that Jake took the time to press the like button on, you lift your legs, keeping Jake’s fingers from siding underneath the laptop. “I like seeing what you are into. Tits and thighs, typical... but you sure do like watching girls get eaten out, Jakey.”
Clearing his throat, Jake shifts uncomfortably beside you before shrugging at your commentary. “I—what guy doesn’t.”
“That’s fair, but isn’t eating pussy yourself better than watching someone else do it? Don’t you get bored fucking your hand? I mean, baby... You keep treating yourself like a priest; you aren’t gonna know how to handle a pussy the next time you see one. You won’t know how to go down on a girl.” You were being cruel and you could see the shift in Jake’s eyes. Finally, he looked annoyed. How long were you going to have to push and poke until he finally took?
“I don’t just watch, Y/N. I know how to handle pussy just fucking fine; better than fine, I’ll have you know.” Who did you think he was? A virgin who had never made a girl cry on his tongue before? Jake had girls begging him to fuck them but they bored him; he had already explained this to you; maybe you just needed a demonstration.
“Sure, okay, Jakey!” The last syllable of Jake’s name comes out an octave higher when Jake narrows his eyes at you and finally takes the laptop out of your lap before putting you on your back. “Fuck…”
“You talk so much, Y/N. You are always teasing me and I keep telling you this is fucked up, but I can’t—” Humming into a groan, Jake grips your thighs as he kneels between them, letting his eyes move up your body. He had dreamt about this exact thing countless nights. This didn’t feel real seeing you on his bed on your back in front of him at his whim. “Tell me no.”
Taking a deep breath, you smile at Jake’s words as you enjoy the feeling of his hands through your leggings. He was shaking slightly and you could tell he was trying to hold himself back. He wanted you to tell him no—give him any reason to walk away, but why in the fuck would you do that when you were finally getting something you wanted? “Mmm, please, Jakey? I’ll never tell you no.”
“Fuck, Y/N.” Pushing any thoughts of Mingyu from his head, Jake slides his hands to the waistband of your leggings. You weren’t only giving him permission; you were lifting your hips; you were wiggling your hips side to side as he worked your leggings down your perfect thighs. “You are so goddamn gorgeous. You’re ruining me.”
That was the first time that Jake made your stomach twist, but not with fear or worry but instead with desire as it mixed with pure lust. That was something that Mingyu would make you feel, but nothing that he could ever say to you. There was nothing you could do that could ruin Mingyu. He had ruined you. You had been a sweet, innocent rose until you met Kim Mingyu and now you were happily tainting something of your own. “Yeah? You want me to, Jake?”
Pressing his lips against your thigh, Jake groans not only to the feeling of your soft skin against his lips but also to your words. He was already struggling, his cock twitching in his sweatpants, but if you kept that up, he would cum untouched. “Yeah. Fuck, yeah. I want that, Angel.”
You could get used to that, Angel. Jake was so sweet, even as he whispered curses under his breath, his fingers working their way back up from your ankles to your thighs as you spread your legs. “You are such a good boy. You gonna prove something to me?”
Licking his lips, Jake has to force his eyes from your panties and the damp spot at the center so he can meet your eyes. “Mm, yeah. Can I? That okay?” Jake had a feeling he didn’t need permission; perhaps you didn’t even really want him to ask for it, but he wanted it. Scooting down in the bed, he groans, massaging his fingers into your soft skin and taking in a deep breath of you. He had stolen so many pairs of panties that looked just like the ones you were wearing now, but none of them had looked, smelled, or probably tasted as good as they did while you were wearing them. “Please, Angel. I’m good at it, I swear.”
There was no doubt in your mind that Jake would be good at eating you out. You were soaked from anticipation, but meeting Jake’s puppy dog eyes from between your thighs as he begged you for permission had you clenching around nothing. “Fuck. Of course, Jakey. Show me how good you are, hm?”
That was all Jake needed to hear. Your words were like a dinner bell and his meal had been in front of him like a puppy waiting for a treat. Burying his face against your clothed pussy, Jake groans quietly at first, his thumbs pressing hard into your thighs to keep your legs spread. You were heaven, truly his angel, and your pussy was his one gift from God. He wasn’t going to waste it.
Just when you were about to tell Jake to do something, anything, the warmth of his tongue through the cotton of your panties rendered you silent. Instead, you sigh his name and run your fingers through Jake’s hair, furrowing your brows as he groans louder, able to taste you when your panties mold to your wet folds.
“So sweet, fuck, angel. Trying to savor this, but—” Jake wasn’t lying; he wanted to enjoy every sensation—the taste of your panties on his tongue, your skin, your cum, your fingers in his hair—but he was already rutting his hips into his bed from just a few swipes of his tongue over your pussy and he hadn’t even seen it yet. He had to see you—really see you. Pulling the center of your panties to the side, Jake rests his cheek against your thigh, almost in awe of how perfect you are. “Unfuckingbelievable. I only get this probably one goddamn time—”
“Better make it worth it then, huh?” Mingyu had come home probably twenty minutes ago. He had started to call out to you or Jake to see where you were, but the moans and groans told him everything he needed to know. He had been missing you. You had looked so sad when he left so he had cut his boy's night short and now he came home to find you in a much better mood with his stepbrother between your legs looking at you like a three-course meal. At least he had been, until Mingyu had spoken and all the color had drained from Jake’s face when he met his eyes as Mingyu leaned against the doorframe.
“I—Mingyu—it’s not! I’m not tryin—I didn't mean to—I’m so sorry!”
Jake really was the cutest boy you had ever seen in your entire life and Mingyu had the worst fucking timing you had ever seen. Leaning your head back in annoyance as Jake sits up quickly, you whine loudly before meeting Mingyu’s eyes as he smirks at you and then shifts his eyes to Jake as he tries to side back on the bed before falling off of it and having to quickly stand up.
“Didn’t mean to what? Bury your face in my girlfriend’s cunt?" Shrugging, Mingyu looks at you again for clarification and you know he’s going to be even more annoying before this goes the way you want it to. “How does one accidentally do that? Did you trip and fall into her pussy face first? Is that what happened, sweetheart? Did Jakey stumble into your slutty little cunt?”
Sighing loudly, you sit up in the bed and reach your hand out to Jake, who gives you a shocked, scared face, only shaking his head as if you don’t also see Mingyu in the room. “He’s being an asshole, Jake. Come back, baby…”
“I might be being an asshole, but I’m enjoying it and I wanted to know the answer because it’s entertaining.”
Opening his mouth, no words come out as Jake looks from you to Mingyu and back when Mingyu moves to kiss you and you slap him playfully, making him laugh. Was this some sort of joke? Was Jake the joke? “I don’t unde—I don’t get what’s happening right now.”
Taking an exaggerated breath, Mingyu doesn’t meet Jake’s eyes as he speaks; he instead sits down beside you and slides his hand along your inner thigh. “I know, you’re behind and I told Y/N not to torture you, but she doesn’t listen well. Do you?” When a gasp slips from your lips as Mingyu’s hand comes down hard on your thigh, his lips pull up in a smirk. “I know, baby. You really are just a needy little slut, right? Can’t keep your hands to yourself?”
If everything leading up to this moment had been a wet dream, now Jake was stuck in a fever dream. This was worse. He could run away. He could run right out the door, down the steps, and out the door and forget any of this happened, but Jake couldn’t take his eyes off Mingyu’s hand as he traced the same path he had taken earlier, leading up to where Jake wanted to be most.
“You are soaked, darling. I know that isn’t all for me. Was Jake doing a good job?” Nodding along with you, Mingyu smirks barely pushing his fingers between your wet folds, feeling two sets of eyes on him. “And I was mean and interrupted him? Such a bad guy, huh?”
“Yeah, that was mean. Let me have him.” You pout at Mingyu, lifting your hips towards his finger until he shakes his head, causing you to start to whine before his hand comes down hard on your thigh again, leaving it hot. “Please! ‘M sorry, daddy! Please? Please, can I play with him? He’s like a puppy.”
That made Jake’s mouth feel dry—not just your words and hearing you call him a puppy, but watching Mingyu’s hand slap your thigh over and over again. He’d never have the strength to do that to you, but seeing it be done to you... Pre-cum was dripping down his thighs and he was barely holding back his whines.
“You want a pet that bad, sweetheart?” Looking towards Jake, Mingyu smirks, seeing him practically drooling over you. He understood why. You were perfection, especially when you were like this, all laid out and wanting. Meeting your eyes once again, Mingyu nods along with you and mocks your whines before cooing in faux sympathy and patting his hand over your wet pussy after putting your panties back in place. “Fine, but we aren’t staying in this tiny ass room and this bed. We are moving the party.”
Whining once again, you lean your head back, hearing Mingyu laugh at your reaction. You didn’t know why you couldn’t just stay where you were. You and Jake had been doing just fine, but then he had rudely interrupted.
“You see the shit I have to deal with on a daily fucking basis?” Rolling his eyes, Mingyu moves to one knee, sliding one arm under your knees and the other behind your back, pulling you into his arms. “And this is the woman you fantasize about? A bratty little princess…”
Nodding quickly, Jake swallows hard and moves towards you and Mingyu. “I–-you want me to carry her? I don’t mind.” He knows he sounds pathetic, too eager but the pleased look on your face makes it worth it, even as Mingyu scoffs at your reaction.
“You have him whipped, sweetheart.” Shaking his head, Mingyu laughs under his breath as Jake waits for him to make up his mind. “Tell you what, Jake, I’ll carry her this time. Wouldn’t want to risk you dropping her. Hit the gym with me a few times and then we can talk about it.” Not waiting for Jake’s reaction, Mingyu narrows his eyes at you playfully as you lean your head back on his arm, enjoying the attention. “He’d fucking crawl to the bed if you asked him to. Are you pleased with yourself?”
It only takes a few long strides from Mingyu for you to bed in your bedroom and to be laid on your own bed. Smirking up at him, you bite gently on your bottom lip and nod in response to his question. “Incredibly pleased. I’d love to watch him crawl. You’d never do it for me.”
Scoffing once again at your words, Mingyu’s brows furrow. "No, I fucking wouldn’t but I’d make you crawl until your knees are sore.” You had gotten so cocky he might just make you do it and not make such an empty threat, but the sound of the wooden floor creaking reminds him that the two of you aren’t alone. “Come here, Jake.”
This was fucking torture. You had been torturing Jake before, but Mingyu was doing something else. Jake had been ready to eat you out and then he had been ready to carry you, but then his fucking brother had taken both of those things away from him only to keep them dangling like a promise in front of his face. Biting at his cheek, Jake moves closer to the bed when Mingyu speaks to him, even as his heart beats hard in his chest, causing his head to feel heavy with each loud thump. “Y–yeah?”
Meeting Jake’s eyes, Mingyu rests his hand next to your waist, still leaning over you. “If we are doing this, you do as you are told, got it? Don’t make me fucking regret it. I don’t want to hear about you fucking my girlfriend from your horny little friends.” Jake nods, but that isn’t enough for Mingyu. You and Jake watch as he takes a deep breath and stands up straight in front of his stepbrother, tilting his head. “What did I say?”
Had Mingyu always been that fucking tall and wide? Opening his mouth once and closing it, Jake’s eyes widen before he nods again and lifts his hands. “You said to do as I’m told and not to talk to my friends about it!” Shaking his head quickly, Jake starts to panic, his eyes moving from Mingyu to you and back. “I swear, dude.”
Smacking Jake’s shoulder hard, Mingyu feels Jake move a good inch and a half from the force as he smirks at him and his understanding. “Good, I believe you. I know you like Y/N, but I love her. There’s a difference. That’s all I’m gonna say.” Clapping his hands together, a smile on his face, Mingyu turns to look at you, seeing a fond smile on your face even though you try to look annoyed. “Let’s fuck, huh? Jake, shirt off. Give her something to look at while you eat.”
You wanted to keep that same look on your face but the moment that Mingyu tells Jake to take off his shirt and moves to slide the chair from the corner of the room closer to the bed, you fail. Instead of looking half annoyed, you look hungry as Jake nods, his shirt quickly being pulled over his head before he shakes his hair back out, letting it settle around his face. “God… He’s so fucking cute.”
Rolling his eyes, Mingyu sinks into the chair beside the bed and lets out a deep breath as you ogle Jake. You were rubbing your thighs together like a cat in heat; it was pathetic and had Mingyu’s cock rock hard in his jeans. “Yeah? You like him that much? Take your panties off, sweetheart. Hand ‘em here.” Leaning forward to take the lace from your fingers, Mingyu smirks when he meets your eyes. “Good girl, now you lay back and let Jakey eat. I think he deserves a good meal after all the shit you’ve been putting him through, don’t you?”
Falling back against the pillows, you pout at Mingyu even though you know he’s right. You had been putting Jake through it for the past few weeks and over the last few days you had only amplified your teasing. “Yes, daddy.” Spreading your legs, you attempt and fail to hide your smirk when you hear Jake curse under his breath at seeing you laid out in front of him.
Jake wished you were completely naked, but this was pretty damn good. Your shirt was pushed up near your tits and he could see how wet you really were without your panties in the way. You were literally dripping onto the comforter and Jake’s mouth was watering so much that he was having to swallow his saliva in order to keep himself from drooling.
“You gonna fucking stare all night or are you gonna get in there? Do you know how to—”
“He said he knew how. Didn’t you, baby?” Lifting your hand, you gesture Jake closer to you, happy to see him follow your wishes as he crawls on to the bed, moving to his knees between your legs. “He said he was good at it. Right? Gonna show me and be a good pet?”
Nodding quickly, Jake whispers your name, his brows furrowed. He loved this. This was better than anything else he had ever experienced in anyone’s bed. Jake could have a girl choking on his cock and he wouldn’t feel as high as he did right now with how you were looking at him and talking to him. “Fuck—mhm. So good for you, angel.” Scooting down in the bed, Jake wraps his arms around your legs, one pulling you closer at your hip and the other resting on your stomach as his mouth hovers over your pussy. “You smell so fucking good.”
You knew that Mingyu was watching you and Jake closely. It made everything better, from running your fingers through Jake’s hair to feeling his nose nudge against your clit for the first time—Mingyu’s eyes burning your skin heightened the experience. "Ah, do I? You like it that much, Jakey?”
Groaning so deep in his chest that his body shakes, Jake nods to answer your question before he gives in and finally uses his tongue to spread your folds apart. He knew it would be life changing but he hadn’t expected his entire body to react. From his head to his toes, Jake felt like he was standing beside a live wire and the worst part was his cock. He knew as he buried his face against your soft lips and let his tongue explore that he wasn’t stopping the inevitable. Pushing his hips hard against the mattress, Jake grunts and hisses against your pussy, listening to how you whimper his name, causing him to cum untouched.
Mingyu knew that desperate feeling—he could see the way Jake was humping his bed and practically eating you alive. It had been a long time since Mingyu had experienced it himself, but if anyone was going to make someone cum in their fucking pants, it’d be you. “You better make her fucking cum since you didn’t wait or ask.”
Tightening his grip around your hips, Jake leans back to take a breath. His eyes meet Mingyu’s for a split second as he acknowledges what he had said before his mouth is right back on you. Jake wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and he was dying to make you cum. You tasted too fucking good for him to stop anyway. If Jake could die between your legs, that’d be the way to fucking go. He’d go out of this world the happiest man that ever lived.
“So good, Jake! Oh, my god…” Throwing your head back, you whine as you tighten your fingers in Jake’s hair, feeling him trying even harder than he had been after Mingyu opened his mouth. You weren’t in a rush. You were enjoying having such a handsome boy between your legs and having his mouth on you. You didn’t know why Mingyu was so insistent that you had to cum right in that moment, but Jake was on a mission now and your body was giving in. “Fuck! There! Right there, baby! Don’t stop!”
If there was one thing that Jake had learned from other girls, it was if they told him where to go and not to stop—he kept going and he stayed where he was. Sucking hard on your clit, Jake only releases long enough to take a breath, humming in the process and sending a vibration through you that sends you barreling over the edge. Thighs close around his head and Jake slides his palms along your soft legs, enjoying the feeling, not caring that his lungs are screaming for air because the moment that he feels lightheaded, your ass falls back to the bed.
Taking a deep breath of your own as you come down from your orgasm, you reach back between your legs to guide Jake to rest his head on your stomach. Eyes closed, you lick your lips and run your fingers through his hair, enjoying the feeling of Jake’s warm breath and wet lips against your skin. “You are so good.”
“And as cute as watching you two cuddle is—” Mingyu smirks against his fingers as he moves his eyes over you and Jake. He wasn’t lying; he had enjoyed it all, from watching you cum on Jake’s face to wondering if Jake was going to make it from between your thighs alive, but enough was enough. “Get the rest of her clothes off, and yours.” Standing up from his chair, Mingyu stretches his neck from side to side before he tugs his own shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. “Then look in the bedside table and grab a condom.”
Feeling Jake slide from your hands, you pout into a whine but it’s quickly replaced by a smile when he grabs your hand, helping you sit up.
“I’m not leaving you.” Biting his lip, Jake lets his eyes linger on your lips for a few seconds before sliding his hands along your sides, pushing your shirt up your torso. “I really want to kiss you again.”
Lifting your arms, you let Jake slip the shirt over your head, a groan escaping his lips once he realized that was the only layer left keeping him from the rest of you. “Then why aren’t you kissing me?”
“Because he’s supposed to be getting naked and getting rid of his cum-stained pants, Y/N. Stop fucking distracting him and get your ass over here.” Shaking his head as he kicks his pants and boxers from his foot, Mingyu sighs watching you pout at him. “Whose damn bedroom is this?”
Crawling across the bed towards Mingyu, you glance back at Jake, feeling his eyes move along your body as his thumbs press into the top of his sweatpants. It isn’t until you are close enough to Mingyu that his hand is on your jaw, turning your face back towards him, that your attention is fully back on him. “Ah… Yours. ‘M sorry.” You weren’t scared of Mingyu. He was rough with you, but only because he knew that you liked it. You had begged for it when the two of you had first gotten together and he had teased you with the idea. Now you were spoiled with it.
He wasn’t sure if he believed you were sorry, but Mingyu smirked anyway when you apologized. Sliding his thumb along the column of your neck, he presses ever so slightly, feeling you swallow under his grip as he takes a step towards the bed, knowing you won’t move until he tells you to. “That’s right, it is mine, and who do you belong to?”
Swallowing hard once again as Mingyu’s hand wraps around your neck loosely like a necklace, you close your eyes, enjoying the feeling. You were already wet from cumming once, but you were leaking down your thighs at the feeling of his hand on your throat. "You, I belong to you.”
Jake was swallowing hard too watching Mingyu with you like this. It was like getting whiplash. With you, Jake wanted to do everything little thing you said, but then Mingyu spoke and you were like putty, ready to be molded. Jake just watched and admired you both in awe. He’d never have the guts to talk to you like that. He wouldn’t want to. You were were precious to him and he couldn’t get off on it the way he could hearing Mingyu do it…
“Whose bedroom is this, Jake?”
Fuck, it was as if thinking about him had reminded Mingyu that Jake was in the room. Jake’s eyes widen at the question and he moves to the bedside table, picking up a condom as he answers. “Yours, Gyu.” Barely meeting Mingyu’s eyes, he moves back towards the bed and turns the foil square over in his fingers out of nerves.
“Damn straight it is, and she’s mine. I’m being generous, Jake. What do you say to me?” Looking up from your eyes to meet Jake’s, Mingyu lifts his brows and waits until Jake straightens his back and nods.
“Th—thank you.”
Sliding his fingers back up your neck to your jaw, Mingyu tilts his head carefully, leaning your head back so he can look into your eyes. “How do you want to do this? One at a time?” He should have known you wouldn’t like that suggestion when you pout up at him and shake your head. “No? Such a slut… Fine. You want someone in this hole?” Letting go of your neck, Mingyu leans over your body to slide his hand between your asscheeks, feeling your body go slack under him.
“Nuh, uh... not tonight. Can’t I just—both of you?” You knew what you wanted, and you knew it was a lot to ask and to handle, but the look on Mingyu’s face and the sound of Jake’s breath made it worth it.
“Shit… Say it if that’s what you want. Gotta be able to ask for something properly like a big girl if you want something like that, sweetheart.” It wasn’t like Mingyu didn’t know exactly what you wanted and from the look on Jake’s face, he did too. In that moment, Mingyu was wondering if Jake had ever done something like that. It wasn’t like Mingyu had done it often, but for you, he had done a lot of things he never thought he would do.
Whining Mingyu’s name, you fall on your stomach and pout as you roll to your side, looking up at him and feeling his fingers brush over your cheek. You were being a brat and not exactly acting like a “big girl,” but this was half the fun. Watching Mingyu’s brows raise and seeing the smirk on his lips has you blowing out a breath. “Fine. I want you both at the same time.”
That wasn’t exactly what Mingyu had meant, but it was a start. His smirk growing a bit bigger, he nods along with your words before glancing up at Jake. “She wants us both at the same time. Know what that means?” When Jake doesn’t answer right away, instead he takes a breath and nods as if he might explode. Mingyu laughs, grabbing your arms and turning you on your back, causing you to gasp in surprise. “Means she wants us to stuff her pussy full of both of our cocks, Jakey, ‘cause she’s a greedy little whore tonight.”
Jake’s eyes fall from Mingyu to you as his cock twitches almost violently at the thought. That was something else Jake wasn’t ready to do—call you degrading names; to him, you were this perfect angel. It didn’t matter how many cocks you wanted in you at the same time; you’d still be his angel, and he’d make sure you were filled to the brim.
Shaking his head, Mingyu smirks down at you as you try to feign innocence after being called a whore. You weren't fooling him in the slightest, but he could play along for the fun of it. “Do you both need to be walked through it?” Letting out a breath, Mingyu tilts his head, watching a smile pull at your pretty lips. “My poor girl, already fucked dumb by some tongue? Can you take one cock in this cunt?” Tsking as he palms your wet pussy, he carefully pushes two fingers into you, feeling you instantly clench down on him. “How can you take two?”
“I—oh fuck!” Rolling your hips over Mingyu’s fingers, you dig your fingers into his bicep, throwing your head back to the feeling of him finding your spot almost immediately. “Please? I can. You know I can.”
Mingyu tilts his head to the other side, listening to the wet sounds of his fingers fucking into you almost brutally. “I know a lot of things, baby.” Glancing over his shoulder to Jake, who still looks dumbstruck, Mingyu rolls his eyes and gestures towards the bed. “Sit beside her on the bed. Once I make sure she can handle us, you can be under her. Don’t say I’ve never given you anything.”
Watching a third finger being worked into your tight pussy, Jake groans under his breath as he quickly nods and moves to your side, swallowing hard. You were moaning so sweetly as you dripped down Mingyu’s hand. Jake was so hungry again. All he wanted to do was beg Mingyu to crawl back between your thighs and lick you clean; maybe Mingyu would even let him have what was left over on his hand, but fuck that was insane—but it seemed like such a waste to see it left on his hand. “Feel good, beautiful? You full?”
Jake seemed shy as he spoke to you, but that made it even sexier. You could hear the slight lisp drawing out the end of his sentence that reminded you of Mingyu, and that only made you push down harder on Mingyu’s fingers. Nodding quickly, you turn your head towards Jake and whine his name as you lift your hand to cup his cheek, urging him towards you, feeling his fingers slide over your stomach towards your breast, where he timidly circles one of your nipples, enjoying the feeling of the pert bud.
"Ah—Jakey, if you don’t kiss me right now..." Moaning, your head falls back, drawing both sets of eyes to your face. You smile and lick your lips as another wave of pleasure rips through your body, finding yourself on the edge of your orgasm. "Jake, I won’t let you fuck me if you don’t kiss me.”
Fingers cup the side of your head, pulling you back upright as your lips are brought to Jake’s urgently, causing Mingyu to scoff in amusement. You were good at getting what you wanted when you wanted it. Jake wasn’t immune to that at all; it seemed as his tongue glided over yours and his cock leaked obscenely on his thigh to just the taste of your mouth.
“Two sluts.” Pushing down on your thigh, Mingyu circles your clit with his thumb, making you whine loudly into Jake’s mouth. He knew you were cumming. He had felt you cum around his fingers, tongue, and cock so many times that he could almost tell when you were closer easier than he could sense his own climax. “Give it to me, Y/N—” Smirking, Mingyu quickens the thrusts of his fingers, mimicking your words back to you. “Or I won’t fuck you.”
While you knew Mingyu was lying, there was almost no way to stop your orgasm as it hit you in waves, his fingers not slowing down until you closed your thighs around his hand. “Ah—enough, Gyu.” The feeling of Mingyu’s thumb on your clit had become almost painful as your thighs tensed and jerked at the slightest touch.
Bringing his fingers to his lips, feeling Jake’s eyes following his every move, Mingyu smirks around his fingers as he sucks them clean. “Can’t handle it, sweetheart? You still want our cocks?” He knew the answer before you even started whining, but even if you had said no, Mingyu wouldn’t have been disappointed, and he had a feeling that Jake would have gotten over it eventually too. You were already tired, and what you were asking for was going to ruin you, but you were greedy. “Alright, baby, come here.”
You let Mingyu lift you in his arms, taking the time to rest and have your body moved into place. You only realize that Jake is lying where you were when Mingyu ushers you onto his lap. Smiling at him, you press your lips to Jakes and slide your hips forward, furrowing your brows to the feeling of the latex against your skin before you break the kiss to pout. “Don’t need it.”
Jake groans under his breath as you trail a finger along his shaft over the condom. At first he’s confused by your words until you look back at Mingyu and continue to pout at your boyfriend, who climbs back onto the bed behind you to look between your legs.
“It’s just a condom, Y/N. You’ll get used to it. Don’t complain; be grateful. He is…”
That wasn’t a lie. Jake was incredibly grateful. Did he want to be inside you raw? God yes, but he was just stunned; he was still sitting under you right now, knowing he was getting to fuck you.
Meeting Jake’s eyes, you pout at him before sighing and leaning to kiss him again. You feel your hips being lifted by Mingyu as he runs his fingers through your wet folds. “Mmm, stop teasing me, Gyu. Wanna be full. Put it in, Jakey…” Running your nails along Jake’s neck, you smile at him, staying close to his face as Mingyu smirks behind you, squeezing at your hips and watching you leak over Jake’s thighs. “You wanna fuck me, puppy? Put your cock in me.”
“Fuc—” Hissing between his teeth, Jake squeezes the base of his cock as he looks over your shoulder, meeting Mingyu’s eyes as his stepbrother nods, giving him the okay. “Yeah, yeah, I wanna fuck you, angel.” While you were good at pushing Mingyu’s buttons, Jake was hearing his words over and over in his head and being reminded to be grateful, and as you sank down on his cock, he had never been more grateful in his life. “Oh, my fuckin’ god.”
Resting your forehead against Jake’s, you whine as he bottoms out in you. It felt good; you could feel full if you wanted to. This would satisfy you, but you knew there was more waiting for you. You knew it was a bit insane to be sitting on a rather large cock as you had an even bigger one waiting for you. “Please—ah…”
Mingyu wasn’t a believer in letting someone adjust. Adjusting meant you could get used to what you had, and in this situation that meant your body might just want Jake’s cock and you had asked for two. Fingers tightly holding your hip, Mingyu bites at his bottom lip as he nudges the head of his cock at your tight hole, pushing in next to Jake’s cock. At first the resistance makes him wonder if he had stretched you enough, but the moment his head slips in and you sob out his name, the rest seems like a dream. “Holy shit, baby... You are so goddamn tight like this.”
Both men knew that it wasn’t just your walls clenching around them that made it tight, but their cocks pressed together, but that was something Jake was trying very hard not to think about as Mingyu groaned low and pulled your hips down over them. It felt good—great even—but there was something that kept it from being perfect—though Jake wasn’t going to complain. Instead of Jake being the one to complain about it, first it was you; even though Mingyu’s brows furrow, feeling the latex against his cock, making the slide almost uncomfortable.
“Gyu… It’s not—” Shaking your head, you push down over both of them, trying to push past the feeling of both of them not feeling the same inside of you. No matter how wet you were, something didn’t feel right. “The fucking condom. I told you. Why don’t you ever listen—”
Pressing his lips against your shoulder, Mingyu rolls his eyes and thrusts up hard into you from behind, hearing you cry out in pleasure just as Jake whines to the feeling. He could make it feel good; it could work, but your complaining and the fucking feeling of that condom against him... “Fine! You fucking brat.”
Jake hadn’t expected Mingyu to suddenly pull out of you, so when he did—bringing him with him—it not only left him wide-eyed but gasping for a deep breath. “What the—”
“She gets everything she wants." Grumbling under his breath, Mingyu shakes his head, and with one tight stroke from base to tip, he rolls the condom from Jake’s cock and tosses it on to the floor. “There, everyone fuckin’ happy?” When Jake just stares at him in shock, Mingyu rolls his eyes and looks back down, muttering once again. “Making me regret this. Put it back in, dude.” Even though he tells Jake to do it himself, he doesn’t wait; instead he pushes forward, letting you rest on Jake’s chest as he lines Jake back up with your entrance and then himself before slowly pulling you back down over them both like a toy. “That better, princess? Everyone fuckin’ happy?”
You were happier, but you could also tell that despite the display and dramatics that Mingyu was too. From the way he was fucking you to the groans coming from his chest, everything about this was better. “Uh huh, god, it’s so much better. Harder, daddy.”
Meanwhile, under you, Jake was trying not to lose his mind completely. From what had just happened to feeling you on his cock like you were now, he couldn’t help but thrust up into you, matching Mingyu’s movements. He was chasing his high now as he teetered on the edge of a cliff with your name slipping from his lips like a prayer. “Plea—please, I gotta... I’m gonna cum. Can I cum?”
You enjoyed hearing Jake begging to cum. Mingyu had never asked you before; it was always the other way around, so this was different and empowering. Gasping between moans, you nod and scratch lightly at Jake’s chest before glancing over your shoulder at Mingyu, who smirks at you holding your hips tightly. "Oh, yes, baby. You can cum. Nothing stopping you now; I want you to fill me up!” Feeling Mingyu’s hand come down hard on your ass, a possessive growl slipping from between his teeth, you reach a hand back to find his as you meet Jake’s eyes. “Can you do that for me, hm?”
Mingyu hated the idea of someone else cumming inside of you, but as he linked his fingers with yours and pulled your arm behind your back, he couldn’t help but lift his brow to how this was making him feel this time. Maybe it was okay this time. He could handle it once with Jake. Maybe it was because he was inside of you too, and he could fuck the cum out of you and replace it with his own. Yeah, that had to be it. “Do it, Jake. Don’t make her wait. Don’t make me wait.”
He didn’t want to make either of you wait, or himself at this point. The moment that Jake has permission, he lets go. Soft groans slip from his lips as he spills cum into you with each deep thrust. “So good, fuck—wait." Jake wasn’t sure what he had expected to happen once he had finished; he didn’t think he would outlast you or Mingyu, but what came next hadn’t occurred to him. All he did know was that now his cock was starting to soften inside of you and Mingyu wasn’t slowing down. With each thrust into you, Mingyu was overstimulating Jake and had him digging his heels into the mattress as he held on to your waist tightly, begging for mercy.
“You wanted this, Jakey. Now we get to finish.” Groaning, Mingyu throws his head back and chuckles as you clench down on both of them again, your eyes closed. “You feel that? She’s gonna cum. You didn’t wanna last long enough to feel her cum around your cock? Pathetic, pup.”
That was so far from the truth. That was all Jake wanted to feel, but now he was afraid his cock was going to fall off before he ever felt it, but as soon as the thought comes to him, you let out the hottest sound that he’s ever heard. Cum drips onto Jake’s thighs and down onto the comforter as you go limp between him and Mingyu, relying on mostly Mingyu to keep you upright as he grins against the shell of your ear.
“Such a good fucking girl. I’m right there; keep being a good girl. Shit—ahh, baby.” Gasping into a groan, Mingyu tightens his arm around your waist as he follows you and Jake over that edge and finally makes you feel as full as you’ve wanted to be all night.
Waking up to the feeling of fingers brushing over your cheek, you whine and lean into the touch, causing Jake to smile as he rests on his side beside of you in the bed.
“Sorry. You’re just really gorgeous. You feel okay?” Jake had been watching you sleep for a while now. After you had passed out, Mingyu had assured him that was okay and you were okay. He had helped Mingyu get you cleaned up and back into bed, and now he was tasked with keeping a close eye on you while Mingyu cooked food.
“Mm…” Nodding, you lazily wiggle closer to Jake, burying your head against his bare chest, feeling him take a deep breath to the feeling. “”M tired. Where’s Gyu?” You weren’t lying; you were exhausted, even after your impromptu nap. You could tell that it was late, but the growl from your stomach causes you to pout. You glance up at Jake, finding him staring at you still. “Why are you looking at me like that, Jakey?”
The entire evening had felt surreal, but this—this felt like a dream until Jake lifted his hand and ran it over your head, feeling you tuck against him once again. This was bittersweet and was sort of making Jake’s chest hurt, and yet there was nowhere else he wanted to be. “Um, Mingyu’s making some food. We got you cleaned up, did the same for ourselves, and he told me to watch over you.” Clearing his throat, Jake furrows his brows and lets out a mostly believable chuckle. “I just—I don’t know, this is different. I thought I’d get tossed out and we’d forget this happened, or he’d hate me.”
Shifting in Jake’s arms, you sigh, having to use more strength than you’d like and that you really have to sit up so you can meet his eyes. When Jake frowns at you and moves to sit up so you can have more support, you offer him a smile before finally speaking. “First of all, weird as it is in this context, you are family, and we aren’t going to toss you out. Secondly, I enjoy you a lot. Mingyu clearly enjoyed that. We don’t do that on a whim, Jake. Yes, I was a tease, and I was playing with you, but I don’t do that with just anyone and often.”
Swallowing hard, Jake nods and looks down at your hand before tracing your fingers with his to both distract and focus himself as he thinks before speaking. “Okay, so this wasn’t just an experimental thing? Like a one off?”
You turn slightly against Jake, taking your hand from him to push his hair from over his eye, enjoying the way his hair has a slight curl. “Not unless you want it to be. I mean, clearly, you are going to be going back to school so you have your own life, but you are always welcome with us.”
“Because she always gets what she wants.” Sighing loudly, Mingyu moves into the room towards the bed with the same tray that Jake had found a couple of weeks ago. Placing it on the bed, he gestures towards the food he had made—some chicken and rice with vegetables on the side—before he sits on the other side of you, offering Jake a fork. “No sense in denying her at this point. Happy wife, happy life, or whatever that saying is.”
Taking the fork from Mingyu, Jake gives you both a confused look before laughing and shaking his head. He starts cutting into a piece of chicken as Mingyu offers you some rice. “This is fucked up, you know?”
While you shrug, not caring about what others think, Mingyu nods, swallowing a bite of food before he wipes his mouth clean and sighs into his words. “Yes, it is. Which is why there are rules. Same that apply from before we did this. Don’t tell your stupid, horny friends or anyone else. I can take away the fun just as easy as I gave permission, got it?”
Swallowing a bite of chicken harder than was probably necessary, Jake feels the burn in his throat as he meets Mingyu’s eyes and nods. He didn’t want to fuck this up. He wasn’t even sure what this was, but he had gotten what he wanted when you lean to kiss the corner of his lips. Where this would lead, he didn’t know, but he had a good idea it was back in your bed sooner rather than later.
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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