#shit doesn’t suck actually it’s not bad rn it’s just almost the month of shitty anniversaries and i don’t wanna think about that
our oven is broken rn but when it’s fixed im gonna bake so much. what is life without a little treat
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poisxnyouth · 4 years
bad influence dave part 2 (d.d)
A/N: i’m sorry this is so short ): i think it’s a vibe tho. enjoy. talk to me while you read & let me know what you think. love u. thank u for reading. grateful for y’allllllll
WC: 5.1k
You see David again a week after you give him your first handjob, and it’s almost embarrassing how much you’ve begun texting each other – about anything and everything. He texts you on his lunch breaks, when he gets off of work, when he’s going into work, when he’s bored, before he goes to sleep – you name it. You text him when work is slow, in the middle of church, during the weekly family dinner at your parents’, anytime — constantly attempting to see each other. 
 At noon, David texts you while you’re about to go on lunch break, usually an uneventful hour:
 It’s so slow rn. Come see me whenever you go on break. Pls. I’m losing my mind. This old woman won’t stop hitting on me. All she wants are mimosas.
 Of course, you tell him you will. Why sit in the break room and waste your own time when you can go see him? 
 He had mentioned to you in passing where he bartends; a few streets up and over, but not too far – speed walking distance if you wanted to see him for longer than thirty minutes. 
 You make it as quickly as you can, composing yourself before opening the door. As soon as David gains sight of you, the look on his face indicates you saved him from a bartender’s Hell. He fakes an excuse to the woman, the only other person in the bar, to come speak with you. He leans against it when he’s in front of you, eyes on yours.
 “Hi, baby. Do I need to card you?” he asks, watching the familiar blush spread across your cheeks, “It’s so good to see you. What are you drinking?”
 “I’m still working!” you excuse, bitching him out playfully, “Nothing!” 
 “That’s no fun,” he rolls his eyes, “It’s on me. What do you want? Actually, don’t answer that. I’ll pick.” 
 “By the way, that’s what you wear to work?” David questions, looking you up and down approvingly as he pours a shot for you, “Sexy.” 
 “If I take a shot, you have to take a shot, too,” you bargain with him, ignoring his comment as you blush even more, “We’re both working!”
 “The only way I can drink on the job is if you buy it for me,” he explains, looking around the room and the older woman, “buuuut...is anyone looking? And I’m not the lightweight here, remember?” he chuckles, “Miss Two Drinks and I’m Drunk.”
 You flush as he places your glass on the bar, “It’s tequila. Salt on the back of your hand, honey.” 
 “I know how to do a shot of tequila,” you gripe, eyes rolling as you lick the back of your hand, “Just ‘cause I’m a virgin doesn't mean-”
 “Okay,” he shrugs rudely, not caring about your defense, “Just do the shot, baby. Cheers.”
 You clink your glasses and David’s eyes follow your tongue when you dump some salt on top of the wet skin. You lick at it, meeting his eyes and downing it. You reach for the lime and suck on it as he finishes his, taking your glass from you.
 “When can I see you again?” you ask, gazing at him as he leans against the counter, “I’m off at five.” 
 “I’m off at six. You wanna go dealing with me tonight? I need some company, and we can go back to my place afterwards,” he questions, eyes on yours, “You can weigh everybody’s shit for me and split it up.” 
 “Okay,” you agree, slightly excited at the prospect, “Do you want me to come back here when I get off?” 
 “Yes,” David replies, “I’m getting you high afterwards, though. Don’t say no. I’ll give you, like, the whole experience. Are you working tomorrow?”
 You shake your head, blushing, before he responds, “Great. Me either, so you’re spending the night.” 
 You gape at him, “I don’t have my stuff-”
 “I’ll take you by your place beforehand,” David offers, shoving his hands in his pockets, “Stop stressing, baby.”
 You sigh, hating how many hearts are filling your eyes as you gaze at him and hating that you have to leave, “Okay. I have to go. I’ll see you in a few.”
 He tells you to wait, slipping out from behind the bar and leaning his head down, kissing you. “Okay. You can go now. I’ll see you later. Wish me luck with that one over there.” 
 Five-thirty seems to be around the time the bar is getting busier due to everyone getting off of work, and the stress on David’s face is evident. He hasn't even noticed your arrival yet, attempting to keep polite conversation with his customers. 
 Six rolls around and he’s immediately clocking out, gruffly wishing his coworker good luck and making his way over to you, “Sorry, sweetheart. Fucking busy tonight. Let’s get out of here.” 
 You do, and David’s immediately lighting a cigarette and unbuttoning his black dress shirt as soon as you step outside. He had rolled the sleeves up since you last saw him, and he slips the garment off while his cigarettes and lighter are still in his hands and out of his breast pocket. 
 His black t-shirt remains, tucked into his slacks which are secured with a belt. He’s guiding you to his car silently for a few minutes, tossing out his cigarette before unlocking the vehicle and climbing in. 
 “I gotta shower before I do anything else,” David tells you, starting the car and pulling out of his spot, “It’s been like that in there since three. I’ve been sweating like a bitch; I feel disgusting.” He casually rests his free hand on the inside of your thigh as he drives, leading the small talk – as he always does. 
 David doesn’t mind being the talkative one; he likes bringing up subjects that are taboo to you, watching you refuse to meet his eyes and blush as he presses the topic, becoming more detailed as he speaks. 
 He usually goes until you tell him to stop, reacting with an affectionate rub at the skin of your thighs, “Sorry, baby, you know I like seeing you get all worked up and not know what to do about it.”
 Once at his place, he quickly showers and changes while you patiently wait on him. It takes him ten minutes, tops, before he’s ready to go. 
 “Alright,” David says casually, grabbing his keys and motioning to his bedroom door, “Come here, follow me. My roommates and I all deal at least a little bit — I’m the best one of all of us — so this is where we keep our shit.” He takes you into another bedroom, turning the lights on and pulling out his phone.
 “Okay, baby,” he sighs, “This is the part that sucks. We gotta go through what everyone wants and weigh this shit. I don’t like weighing as we go. It’s time consuming. It’s gonna take some time. Let me explain how this works. Hand me that bag.” 
 You do, grabbing it and passing it to him, “So, I’ve got a pretty big amount of this shit – for Chicago, at least. I buy from a guy who grows in Iowa, so I can get his bud for cheap and sell it for good cash here. Weed’s legal now, so it’s kind of fucking me up, but kids eighteen to twenty-one can’t buy, so they’re who I sell to the most. I don’t sell to minors — obviously.” 
 He continues, “This is a pound, and it’s the best weed I’ve had in a while. Here, in Chicago, this is worth two thousand.” 
 “Yeah,” he laughs slightly, “I buy it for half that, but the most people usually buy at a time from me is an ounce. I go see him like, once a month? It depends on how much people are buying. It’s a long fucking trip and I always have to do it in one day because of work – maybe you can come with me next time I have to go.”
 “Anyway,” he sighs as you try to not think about how much money he must be making under the table, “We gotta do this, baby. Here’s the list of people and how much they want.” 
 Admittedly, he does all of the work, but talks you through the process and answers your questions. He weighs the weed and puts them in plastic bags according to size, writing their name and amount in Sharpie on the front.
 You get to a certain guy named Luke, and David reacts, “Oh, fuck Luke. He doesn't get the good shit and never will – I hate his stupid ass. I have a whole stash of shitty weed for him in the cabinet right there.”
 David weighs Luke’s weed and describes why it’s shitty and how you can tell, bitching about the kid, “He’s a fucking idiot, though. I overcharge him for terrible weed, and I get texts from him saying how good it is. It takes, like, an entire eighth to feel anything. He’s a rich white nineteen-year-old, so I don’t really feel bad about it.”’
 “So, how much will you make tonight?” you ask as he puts it all in one bag, sighing and doing the math in his head.
 “Fuck, I don’t know – six hundred? Six fifty? Maybe seven at the most? We can count it when we’re done,” he shrugs, “Let’s get going; it’s getting late. This is my favorite part.” 
 David goes down the list in his notes and calls them on speaker phone as he drives, script usually sounding the same for every person: “Hey, man. Do you want me to pull up or meet you somewhere? I can do either one.”
 Before he meets his first guy, David reaches over and gently tucks your crucifix into your shirt, slightly rubbing at it over your blouse affectionately, “Druggies are atheist shitheads. They’ll talk about it if they notice it. Keep it there until we’re done. I’m sorry.” 
 It’s too hot seeing him get out of his car, weed in the palm of his hand as he daps his customer up and sneakily slides the cash into his pocket before bidding them a polite farewell, keeping the conversation short. 
He has to make about fifteen stops before he’s completely done for the night; some of them ask about you, wondering your name and age, before David defends you, “Alright, bruh, just pay me. Stop hitting on my girl.” 
 After every time he says it, he feels the need to immediately apologize once you’re alone again: “Sorry again. I know you’re not my girl, but I know you don't want them trying to talk to you. It’s just easier to say you are. They’re not going to fuck with their dealer’s girlfriend – especially since you go to the parties, too.” 
 David’s parked outside of your apartment building as he quickly begins counting how much money he made, murmuring under his breath as his thumbs do all of the movement. He counts it in under ten seconds, passing the stack of cash to you, “Seven thirty-five. I was close – sold a little more. We didn't even sell that much, honestly.” 
 “Count it again,” you tell him, “I want to see that again.” 
 He chuckles, eyes glancing between you and the cash, biting at his lips as he quickly counts it again, “Seven thirty-five, baby.” 
 David laughs at you and stuffs the cash into the pocket of his shorts, “Let’s get your shit and go home, honey.” 
 It's his first time visiting your place, and he expects it to be littered with misplaced Bible references and at least semi-unorganized, but it's not: you’re as organized as he is and oddly, there’s no clear evidence of your beliefs – something which surprises the shit out of him for someone who wears a cross around their neck every single day. 
 He keeps his eyes mostly to himself as you rifle through your belongings in your room, glancing at your walls and around your living room.
 “Jesus, sweetheart, how long are you planning on staying?” He motions towards your bag once you come out, watching your eyes widen.
 “I mean...you’re saying could stay longer than tonight?” you suggest, bargaining, “Two nights. I’m off the next two days.”
 “Fine,” he gives in, eyes rolling and giggling at you slightly, “I work the day after next, but you can stay as long as you want to, baby. You’re always welcome.”  David takes a step towards you, kissing you quickly, “Put your clothes back. You’re gonna be wearing mine.”
 “No,” you resist, his hands coming to your waist, “Those are yours.” 
 “Put them back,” he repeats, kissing you, “Don’t make me tell you again.” 
 “Ugh,” you groan, listening to him and doing as you’re told – you love when he tells you what to do, and he knows it. It’s his favorite button to push. 
 You return to him, and his fingers gently tug the chain of your necklace out of your shirt, fixing it so the clasp sits at the nape of your neck. “Better. It feels wrong to see you without it.”
 David’s two roommates are home, now, and he briefly speaks with them with you standing at his side, his arm shamelessly thrown around your shoulders. 
 “Dave,” one of them calls out, “Come here. Dude. Ester called the house. Call her back.” 
 “What?” he replies, “Why the house? She has my number. Fuck, okay.” 
 You don't know who Ester is, and David sits on the couch, tugging you into his lap in front of them as he pulls his phone out. His roommates don’t seem to be paying you any mind as they watch TV and smoke, and you wonder how many other girls he’s brought home. 
 “Bro, she didn't even call my phone,” he states, rolling his eyes, “I didn't think she did. Me and Y/N were just out delivering for, like, two hours.” 
 “Oh, shit!” the other one exclaims, “You’re Y/N? Sick. Nice to meet you.”
 “Sorry, baby,” David apologizes quickly, dialing Ester and introducing you, “Dima. Ilya. Both are idiots and shitty dealers–”
 “Heeeey, Ester!” David’s tone changes immediately, “What’s up? Why’d you call the house and not me? Is something wrong?”
 You hear a voice on the other line, his arm draped around your waist as he listens, eyes rolling back, “No, Ester, I can't help you with your Precalc homework. I’m sorry, kid. You know that I took idiot classes in high school. You’ve always been smarter than me. Ask Dad! Or, better yet, why don't you just look it up?” 
 David shuffles slightly with you in his lap and lights a cig, letting you rest your head in his neck, “I’m sorry I can’t help you, honey. You know that I miss you. I want to come up next Friday...I’ll be off. Will everyone be home?” 
 It’s now obvious that he’s speaking to his sister as he listens to her chatter, absentmindedly rubbing at your back, his leg bouncing up and down, “Okay. I’ll be there. I promise. Tell Ma that I’m coming. I love you, Es. You know you can call me whenever. You’re my best friend.”
 He hangs up shortly afterwards, taking a drag from his cigarette and sighing, “Christ. Vernon Hills next week, you guys. It’s official. You fuckers are coming with me, so make sure you’re off,” David demands, motioning towards Dima and Ilya. 
 “Whatever,” he continues, standing and putting his cigarette out, pulling you with him, “We’ll be upstairs. Leave us alone – she’s staying the night and I’m off tomorrow.” 
 David daps both of them up, before Ilya speaks, “Sick. Have fun. Goodnight, bro.” 
 David quickly tells you to ignore him and leads you up to his room, shutting the door behind you. The first thing he does is rifle through his drawers, tossing clothes at you. He’s surprised at how quickly you react, requesting that he unzip the back of your dress.
 He does, slowly, pushing your hair away from your neck and patting your waist politely before removing his touch. You pull on his smallest pair of sweats, still having to tighten the draw string around your hips and slipping on one of his t-shirts. 
 You’re not sure why it feels so easy to be intimate with him in ways you never could with anyone else while only knowing of him for a few weeks; maybe it's how nonchalant he is, or how unabashed he is. Nothing is too embarrassing or unbearable for him, and it rubs off on you. 
 David’s polite, and doesn't judge you over things you’re ignorant about; he’s happy to explain and guide you if you want to know about what he does, and he fucks heavily with your eagerness to please him and learn. 
 He doesn't know if this will turn into casual hook ups or something more, he’s going to leave that up to you, but he enjoys your company and bashfulness. It makes his dick hard. 
 David casually makes out with you on his bed, hands to himself and not grabby, before pulling away and asking, “You wanna smoke?” 
 “Sure,” you reply, sitting up with him. He digs through his bedside table, muttering, “I’m gonna teach you how to roll. It takes a little bit of practice, I guess. I don’t know – I’ve been doing it for so long, I don't even pay attention anymore. Hand me that tray.” 
 You lie down on your stomach, facing him as he sits cross legged on his still-made bed. He breaks open a pack of Berry Dutch cigarillos with his teeth, "So, the first step is to split it. Some people can crack a blunt with just their hands. I can't. I need a blade for it." He grabs a razor blade from the tray before sliding the edge of the blade down the middle of the blunt precisely.
 "You want it to be a spliff or a blunt? You pick, I don't care," he asks you, watching your clueless features, clarifying, "A spliff has tobacco still mixed in with the weed, and a blunt is straight weed.”
 “Um,” you shrug, meeting his eyes, “Blunt, I guess.”
 "Okay," he replies, dumping tobacco onto the tray, "Scrape out the tobacco. I’ll clean it up later."
 David grabs his weed and his grinder, "Grind your weed down into shake – it takes, like, a gram or a gram and a half to fill up a blunt." He stuffs the grinder and closes it, twisting it and tapping the top.
 “I don't smoke what I sell,” he explains, “My personal stuff is from one of my buddies in Vernon Hills.”
 “Oh,” you reply confusedly, “Why not?”
 “‘Cause Biggie said not to,” David shrugs, quoting, “‘Rule Number Four: I know you heard this before, ‘Never get high on your own supply.’ You know, like, Scarface?” 
 “...What are the other rules?” You ask, not getting it.
 He chuckles, scoffing slightly, “Later, babe.”
 “Anyway,” he says, getting back to the subject, “Some people put in a filter at the front, but...I don't have time for that. I’m too impatient for it," he explains, "Hold the blunt wrap and dump it, but make it even."
 He spreads out the shake into the blunt while flattening it against the tray, folding the seams over each other, "Roll."
 "You lick," he demands, leaning down and holding up the edge for you to lick, "Along the line. Not too much, though. Just enough."
 You obey and he watches your tongue, making a soft noise at the sight, "Goooood. Now, we stick it."
 David sticks the seams together, folding and pressing them together, "Okay, now you bake it, baby."
 He fumbles for his lighter, a fancy refillable Zippo, flipping it open and running it over the sides to ensure they stay conjoined. He puts it between his lips, lighting it and blowing out the flame at the end.
 David hits it, placing the tray on the floor by his bed, passing it to you, “Done. It’s pretty easy, just remember: split, empty, grind, stuff, roll, lick, stick, and bake.” 
 You get better at hitting it by yourself every time you smoke with him, exhaling easily as you scoot over to him. You pass it back to David as he lies against his headboard, tugging you into his chest and placing his hand on your waist. 
 “David,” you say after a few minutes of passing it back and forth, him grunting out a Hmm? a response, “Um. You asked me last week what I like. I don't know, but what do you like?” 
 “I’m not telling you yet,” he stifles a laugh, moving to put the roach out in an ashtray on his nightstand, “‘Cause I don't want you to like something just ‘cause I do. You wanna find out what you like?” 
 “Yeah,” you nod, blushing, “For you.” 
 “Okay,” he gives in, shrugging, “Can I touch you?” 
 You nod as he sits up and stands from the bed, “Whatever you wanna do. Go ahead.” 
 David tells you to stay where you are, rubbing at his eyes and grabbing his laptop, tossing it on his bed in front of you, “We’re gonna watch porn. Take the sweats off.” 
 “Wait-,” you say nervously, chewing at your lips, “Nevermind. Okay.” You obey him, untying the string and pushing the garment past your hips, already nervous. 
 “Don’t get anxious, baby,” David reassures as he climbs into bed with you again, “I’ve got you – this is just the easiest way to find out. Sit between my legs.” 
 He leans his head over your shoulder and logs into PornHub, wrapping one of his arms around your torso comfortingly as he feels you already blush against him. You’re visibly mortified as he clicks a video in his recommended tab, his free hand coming to palm you over your underwear. 
 You make a slight noise before he hushes you quietly, “Watch. Don’t touch yourself.” 
 David doesn't move his hand as he reads your body language, not watching the video at all as you buck up into his touch. “You like that or you like me touching you?” 
 “You,” you reply, clearing your throat and repeating yourself, “You.”
 “Stop thinking about me being here,” he advises, voice gruff behind you, “Think about me doing the things to you that they’re doing. Think how you would if I wasn't here. Got it?”
 You nod against him, eyes on the screen as he holds you close to him, your back pressed against his torso. Your breath becomes heavy as you watch the man eat the woman out and finger her, wanting it to be you and David. Your pussy must be thinking the same thing you are as you involuntarily twitch and clench against his touch.
 David murmurs in approval, “Good. Just like that, baby.” 
 He switches to another video, a deep throatfuck, and watches your face as the woman gags around her partner – lips parted and breathing heavily. Again, you want it to be you and David, but you tell him this time, cheeks red: “I wanna be able to do that for you.” 
 “We can work up to that,” he presses a sloppy kiss to your neck, “I like that too.” 
 “That’s enough of that for now,” David says, reaching forward and shutting the computer, “We can do it again tomorrow. We’re not done – I want to touch you.” 
 He breathes over your shoulder, muttering and tugging at the waistband of your underwear, “But can you take these off for me?” 
 You do, slipping them down your thighs and legs before he moves from behind you. David props you against the pillows, where he was, and lies on his stomach between your legs, scooting himself closer.
 “Jesus fucking Christ,” he comments as his eyes land on your pussy, gasping softly and glancing back up at you, “Can I touch you?” 
 You say a quiet yeah before his fingers are spreading your pussy apart delicately with one hand, the other arm wrapping around one of your thighs. He places his free hand on top of your stomach affectionately, eyes flitting between you and your pussy. 
 “Oh, God,” David says to himself, fingertips running over your folds and collecting your slick. You’re so wet he can hear every move his fingers take, and David takes it upon himself to press kisses up along the inside of your thigh, meeting your eyes and watching your face as he slips his middle finger inside of you.
 There's so much resistance that, even with your wetness, he can barely get it inside of you. He watches your mouth drop open silently in response, before he speaks, “Holy fuck. I don't know what I was expecting, but you’re so tight.”
 “If it hurts at any point, tell me,” he advises, moving his arm from around you to spread you apart again, still in disbelief at the sight, “Fuck me.”
 You’re embarrassed as he spits on you for more lube, spreading it around and rubbing it in before trying to move his finger again. You gasp as he hits the knuckle and he glances up at you quickly, not saying anything – he knows the difference between a good and a bad gasp.
 “Jesus,” David advises, pulling his finger out slowly and spreading you apart, “I can literally see your…”
 He cuts himself off and trails, not wanting to finish his sentence, moving from between your legs and into his nightstand. You make a noise before he hushes you, “Shh. Give me a sec. I’m not done. This’ll make it easier.” 
 He grabs lube and settles between your thighs once more, putting some on his fingers and beginning to touch you, “It doesn't even look like you touch yourself.” 
 “I don’t,” you admit, embarrassed as he gapes at you slightly.
 “Oh, my God,” he says simply, slipping his middle finger in easier this time, “So you’ve never cum?” 
 You shake your head and he exhales sharply, beginning to move it in and out, “I’ve got you, baby. Don’t be nervous.” 
 “Relax, babygirl. You’re too tense right now – even with the weed,” he comments, still working, “Stop thinking so much.” 
 You sigh and nod, trying to relax yourself, but it doesn't work, and David pulls away entirely, “Now’s not a good time.” 
 “What? Yes-” you attempt to reply before he cuts you off, shaking his head.
 “No. It’s not,” he moves to lie next to you as you slip the sweats back on, kissing your forehead, “It’s okay. It’s not a bad thing, I promise. You’re just super in your head right now. We can try again later.” 
 “Ugh, I just want to be able to-”
 “I know,” he replies, moving to light a cigarette, “I know, honey. We’re both high, though – maybe when we’re sober.” 
 You move to rest your head in his neck as he gazes at the ceiling, “Your pussy is so nice, no cap.” 
 “It is?”
 “Hell yes,” he says confidently, “Ugh. Wow. I’m gonna have dreams about that one tonight.” 
 “David...” you trail nervously, anxious to ask your question, “Can I ask you something? How many girls have you been with?”
 “Honestly, sweetheart,” he replies with ease, still nonchalant about something so personal, “I don't know anymore. I don’t keep track. Maybe thirty? I don't even remember most of their names. If you’re asking because of, like, STDs - you don’t gotta worry about anything. I’m clean.” 
 “That’s not why I was asking,” you clarify, getting the guts to take his cigarette from him and taking a drag, easily now, “I wasn’t worrying about that, but literally, like...how?” 
 He shrugs as you pass the Camel back to him, “You’re a nice girl, baby. I’m not nice. That’s how.”
 Your eyebrows scrunch together as you move to look at him, “You are nice, though.” 
 David scoffs, “Honey, I’m a drug dealer. Just because I’m a good man doesn’t mean I’m nice.”
 “Yeah, but...you’re nice to me? You don’t even have to be. You could be mean and I’d still want to have sex with you and stuff.” You’re still confused as he takes a final drag and puts out his cigarette, tugging you closer.
 “You saying that is exactly why I’m not a nice guy,” he promises, “Because you don’t even have to tell me that. I know you would.” 
 You don’t understand at all and you sigh against him, David continuing, “I know that I’m nice to you, baby, but that’s because I like you. Why are you even picking me to do this with?”
 You roll to settle on top of him, looking up at him, “I don’t really know. I just trust you. Don’t deflect...You like me? I thought you just wanted to fuck me once and leave.”
 “Ew, it’s so weird hearing you curse,” David reacts, nose scrunching up, “Yeah, I like you. No shame in it.”
 He pushes your hair out of your face and licks his lips as he watches you blush at his words, replying, “I like you, too.”
 “Yeah?” he says, “Your parents definitely wouldn’t.”
 You roll your eyes, “My parents can - Ugh. I’m twenty-two. I can date who I want. I don’t want my father knowing what goes on in bed, and honestly? It’s kind of weird that he feels the need to know.” 
 “Jeez,” David’s eyebrows fly up, “I thought you were, like, devout.” 
 “I am,” you shrug, “But just because he took a celibacy vow doesn’t mean I can’t get laid. He’s not even a priest, ‘cause he has kids. The Church won’t let him be. Ever.”
 “So, what is he, then? My parents are Catholic, but they don’t go to church here. They said they liked Slovakia’s better,” David asks, eyes on yours, “‘Cause, you know, they speak Slovak.” 
 “I don’t even know what he is,” you admit, “He won’t tell us. My mom knows. He’s just not a priest. I think he resents me and my brothers for it.” 
 “Bruh,” David says informally, rolling his eyes, “I’m sorry, but, like...fuck your dad.” 
 “No, I agree. It’s okay,” you shake your head, “Fuck my dad.”
 “Ew,” he reacts the same way, “Stop it. It sounds so dirty coming out of your mouth.” 
 You giggle and move up to kiss him slowly, arms wrapped around each other, before David breaks, “After we fuck, lemme meet your parents.” 
 You laugh slightly, surprised, “Okay. Why? You’re gonna have...to not be you.”
 “Because,” he kisses you again, “I just want the satisfaction of knowing I railed the fuck out of their daughter when it’s something they fear so much.”
 “You’re such a bad influence,” you press, rolling your eyes, “You’re gonna ruin me.” 
 “You want it,” he rolls both of you over, now hovering over you, “That’s the goal.”
 “I guess so.”
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xadoheandterra · 3 years
I’m apartment hunting rn because a: as much as I love them I don’t want to keep living out of my parents home and my parents are planning to sell this place and move elsewhere anyway in the new year and they’re already planning on keeping me with them which I really don’t want because, well, b: my parents are actually a little fucking transphobic and its really hard to keep living with people who constantly misgender and deadname me? c: I don’t want to move over an hour away from work because I love my fucking job and I can’t handle that level of travel time and I def can’t quit because I love my fucking job and my job is actually paying for school?
The issue is I make MAYBE 1600 a month because haha vet assistants make shit pay for the level of risk and work we do and I’m also in school to be a tech. I’m trying to work a second job dog-sitting/walking that hopefully will net me roughly an extra 1k a month if I’m LUCKY but I’m still waiting on confirmation for that.
I want to try to move out by October/November before the places try to hike the rent back up, and I need to have some place that isn’t 500sqft or LESS which is basically...90% of “pet friendly” apartments in my area.
Literally everything is tiny ass 1br 1ba or studio apartments because I live in an area where people just...tiny home shit. The places that have a bit more space? Are a bit more expensive? And then the really good shit for actual decent price all have very strict no pets policies which just...no. Fuck that.
And to live within an hour of my work it is literally around 1500-1700 rent per month which...is a lot. Hence the reason of second job I’m working on getting together, but there’s no guarantee that second job will net me enough in time for my hopeful plan to move because haha rent can easily hike up to 2k per month for these self-same apartments when you get into the new year because apparently that’s just how fucking things are in my area?
I also have to contend with the fact that I have a dog and 2 cats, and my dog will need to be in daycare on the days where I’m working surgery which is about 80-100 bucks per week, on top of groceries, on top of other bills, and my current medical problems.....I might make enough for all this with the dog sitting/walking but I’m nowhere near sure enough that I will have enough to move before rent hikes happen.
Anything cheaper is looking at between 200sqft to 400sqft studio apartments or living well over an hour away which is not a feasible travel time for me. I’m lucky that the cheapest I’ve found is just under 1500 per month before pet rent because pet fucking rent is a goddamn thing.
I forgot how shitty doing this is, and its even shittier cuz cost of living here in WA is different compared to cost of living in AZ and I’m having to completely readjust my own shit and it sucks.
Not to mention until I can get second job off the ground I’m only retaining maybe 200 bucks of my current paycheck due to medical bills although I’m working to shift that to maintaining at least 300 to 400 per paycheck by reducing entertainment spending and I’ve been succeeding at that....and at least some of the bills will finally taper off by October/November this year which is good it’s just...until then I’m kinda hoping and praying an emergency doesn’t come up like with my back last month which killed what savings I HAD made.
Seriously I had almost 400 in savings and 400 in checkings and I spent all of it because I injured myself at work. Which is just BS but whatever I guess. At least LNI is possibly going to cover some of it just not all because haha I have a bad back already before all this. So that’s fucky.
Anyway I needed to rant about this because between my mother being an asshole about me getting a second job and being both very fucking ableist and very fucking tearing me down by saying I can’t fucking do shit at the same time and then having to figure this out which I’ve wanted to do for a while but was hoping I could wait until I finished school but nope parents decided HOA’s suck (they do) and they need to move NOW (they don’t) has basically forced my hand and just.
It fucking sucks.
Goddammit why do I have to live in a rich fucking person location and still get paid shit all.
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kindest-way-to-say · 3 years
okay so. i’m just gonna rant. about some pain i’ve been experiencing for a while. like, we’re getting into it
if anyone would like to put in their two cents, feel free. im kinda just yelling about my problems into a void, but im definitely not gonna stop people who might know what this is from giving me advice.
idk. my brains shutting down a bit.
TDLR: my left arm has been in constant pain for three days. it’s probably nerves or something. i’m very addled rn. i hate the world i want to sleep for a millennia. i also have had similar, smaller pain issues over a course of 4 months. i hate it here. i would very much like this to not be a thing, please.
so this story starts the mid may. my last month of school. i’m suffering through just to end this bullshit. but i notice that p much every time i have to do some slightly more than normal walking, some random body part of mine will just be in this sort of dull pain.
and i just kinda go. huh. okay. ow. and brush it off. this continues. it’s pretty minor, (like barely a 1/10 on a scale) but enough for me to be mildly annoyed by it on occasion.
go to two weeks before my school lets out for summer.
i get appendicitis and have surgery for it. i’m fine. that situation went better than expected, i was just not the most comfortable.
appendicitis pain traditionally presents in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. right next to a shit ton of nerves. and the pain i’m going through starts to affect my leg. can’t really walk without alarms going on.
it gets better. i’m not like. comfortable, but i’m just taking ibuprofen a few times a day and managing decently. 3.5/10 pain level average.
but then, as i start going out and living life as a teenager in the summer (hanging out with one person semi-regularly, and doing weird family lunches), i start to notice that most times i leave the house, i’ll come back home with some pretty decent pain in assorted parts of my body.
like my back will hurt, which i just blame on my shit posture. but then it’ll be a weird muscle connected to my ankle or some shit when i am very well known for hating any and all sports except for hockey. which i don’t play.
so i’m not doing things to pull muscles, but i’m feeling twinges of pain kind of a lot. which sucks.
but i brush it off, now consciously keeping an eye on it and taking ibuprofen when needed.
pain levels steadily rise over time, but it’s still at about a 4/10 for the most part. there’s the occasional spike to a 6, but that’s not frequent.
keep going on to mid-july. every time i leave the house, i’m feeling dull ache/twinges in multiple places and my knees feel really fucking off a lot of the time. almost like if your knees were crooked or something?? idk.
but it’s still 5.5 on the worst day. so i just kinda hesitantly mention this to my mom. who’s used to me complaining anyway, but i make it clear that it’s been going on for a while, and it feels like somethings wrong.
and she says “oh yeah we can think about seeing a doctor.”
and i just. okay! cool. fun. rad. sick. vague pain. that’s my favorite activity. i love everything about this.
but i just grit my teeth and bear it. still doing the ibuprofen thing when my ignore it and distract yourself strategy doesn’t work.
now, end of july. trucking along. i’m at least in mind discomfort pretty much all the time. sucks. hate it. i’m concerned.
go to the 31. i pull a crazy all-nighter because i have chemical imbalances in my brain and shit just happens. i stay up for like 44 hours. wild. i sit at my desk for a while, drawing and i notice “wow my left shoulder doesn’t feel that great. huh. i have been sitting here for a while.”
so i go do something else but it doesn’t feel fantastic. almost like a buzzing in parts of my back and my upper arm. on my left arm. i am right handed. don’t know what that’s about.
go to sleep sunday night, i wake up to it just being worse. (also i have some weird circulation problems because of genetics. just random shit. no pain whatsoever. just funky.)
like wtf that’s a 4 right as i’m waking up. what the actual fuck. don’t like that.
but i was raised catholic so none of us talk to each other. so i just joke about my body organizing a shitty coup d’état to a friend and chalk it up to a fucked up muscle. but it’s like kind of moving?? a bit?? weird as fuck. don’t like it. still dull pain, but certainly something that pops up into my conscious mind like 10 times a day.
i didn’t do anything would result in a pulled muscle (trust me. my school is really intense about theatre and show choir. hard core choreography in everything that i practice 3 times a week during school+whatever play/musical) so i’m really just making excuses to soothe my brain and i know it. full denial.
i took ibuprofen the first and second day. can still tell it’s happening, but it sucks less.
yesterday i play a shit ton of guitar, and i can feel my upper arm cramping up and shit (which. oW. 5.7/10. WHAT THE HELL.) even though there is no strain on my left arm except for pressing my fingertips into some strings. no shoulder shit going on.
so i try to stretch out. no help.
and then the adhd medication instead of sleeping medication debacle happens and i don’t go to bed even though i actively tried to multiple times. i write a poem instead.
hurts mildly the whole time. it starts kind of limiting the functions of my arm. which. what the actual fuck. stiff, a bit seized up in especially bad pain moments.
i get focused on writing a poem and shit i only 20 minutes to get ready to leave for my appointment.
i forgot to take any ibuprofen, and it was already reaching 5.85 levels from sitting in my room.
in the car and in the orthodontist office, my left arm is completely fucking useless to me. half of my brain at all times is focused on like “oW OW OW OW OW” because it’s reached a point where i can’t really ignore it. it’s just there now. moving it isn’t great, it sitting in place isn’t fun either.
i’m at 6.5 levels. from the round trip of like 20-ish minutes, it’s raised that much. a lot of internal dialogue about it.
on the way to the orthodontist, i’m talking to my mom about it. she, sounding kind of annoyed, asks “what, do you want to see a doctor?”. i say “honestly? yes. it’s been 3 days nonstop. steady rise. there’s something genuinely wrong. i’m concerned about it.”
it feels like someone is poking around inside my arm with electricity or some shit. whole arm. shifting localizations and slight fluctuation in pain level. rapid escalation even just today.
i explain what it feels like in less wordy terms. and she says “that’s sounds like it could be nerve-related.”
it’s been three days. i’m exhausted. this has already taken a pretty significant mental toll, let alone discomfort level.
i have a high pain tolerance. i only started actively complaining about appendicitis pain the night before it exploded. that shit festers longer than overnight. i had been i pain for half the week before i said shit. and i just kinda sucked it up until i felt like i couldn’t walk without needing hella support.
but it’s really fucking getting to me. shit ton of weird tension, buzzing. just. constant painful buzz moving around.
i express this. “it’s a non-stop pain bad enough to be something i am fully aware of at any given second. if i stare off, im probably thinking about my arm.” and she kinda dismisses it.
it’s been like an hour, and i’ve gone up to 6.8 levels multiple times. based on patterns, it’s not just gonna stop any time soon, and i’m really good at working around weird problems like this.
like i said. pain every time i go out.
i’m good at hiding when i’m not 100%, but this is beyond me. it’s like someone’s just stabbing me with tacs over and over again. on my entire left arm and on the rare occasion, part of my leg.
i’m so genuinely uncomfortable, and i would this to not be a thing anymore.
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sol-air · 4 years
rant about life rn
im so fucking tired of all this shit. I dont have any close friends anymore, like I have one, but hes also my boyfriends brother so it feels weird to talk about somethings with him. and my other friend is way to busy currently to even to even have feelings
I’m not able to see a therapist about this shit because 1 i didnt like my last one and 2 she took a leave of absence for 7 whole fucking months and never even said a single thing to me about it and then when i could try to find a new therapist covid hit so I couldnt try then, and now here I am almost a year without seeing a therapist and im on waiting lists, but its really hard to find and LGBTQ+ friendly therapist around here because i live literally on the line between the midwest and the south... like its god awful especially because i want to talk about transitioning...
but the main reason im writing this is because it sucks that i dont have friends its really hard for me to make and keep close friends... my last really close friend literally went crazy and went from being cool to straight up a savior complex all because they got really high one time, and they did fucked up shit to my friend who is busy.... also my friend group from last year disbanded because we had a specific discord for all of us but they ended up letting a few people in and then they let in more people so none of us actually had a way to talk to each other... also i was the second oldest in the group and was like the uncle figure and this one specific person like constantly tried to one up me??? but like seemed to make everything into a competition even though i didnt care. OH and they got a job at my work place because my job is really cool, and then got mad because I had my specifics to do there and I didn’t want them following me around all the time... it was weird.
so like yeah i don’t really have anyone close right now besides my boyfriend but he just got a new position at his job and thats all he can think about and it feels like the only time he talks to me about my emotions is when im currently having a break down and i got mad at him earlier because he literally is so fucking focused on his job because they put him in a shitty situation so he can fix it.... but thats all he ever thinks about is how to fix it even though they specifcally told him what he needs to do so he is doing way too much and yeah....
oh also school sucks, i hate this one prof who keeps making my life harder and i literally am writing my director about all the fucked up shit she does and the way that she seems to specifically give me bad grades just because she doesn’t like my wording on assignments. i need to finish this semester and then i’m taking next semester off because this is way too much for my mental health
i’d normally not say this sort of thing on here but like this is way to much specific info to say on my finsta so sorry if you actually read this
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On the edge
I think I am quitting my job.  At the very least I need to get a doctors note for some extended stress leave while I figure shit out.  Any advice is appreciated.  I have worked here for 13 years, and it’s hard to just walk away.  But the complete dread I feel before every shift is so real and it’s becoming overwhelming.
I am very aware I have anxiety issues at the best of times and likely depression.  I am not good at dealing with these things normally because I feel like I very much fall under the functional varieties of both of these and have always been the one who just tries not to be a bother.  Also having always been this way I don’t really know anything else so I just accept it as how it is.
When all this COVID shit started I really thought my job was going to handle it well.  But every week conditions continue to deteriorate.   Numbers in my county in general on increasing, especially hospitalized positives.  Which is great as the county moves into the next stages of reopening and no one seems to actually care about doing it safely.
Bullet point updates on shit that has gone down since my lap work update Racing Thoughts
* They did not replace our Infection Control RN.  Instead they decided to have the LVN (no shade I was one for a long time) from our slightly bigger sister hospital take on our hospital as well.  She is apparently pretty new to the job.  Not once have I seen her come by our hospital or call and check up on us.
*They filled both Charge RN jobs for the unit with people with more seniority.  So that route off the floor is also gone.
*We have totally had a spike in COVID patients.  We are the smallest of the 4 hospitals in the group and have had the highest number of cases.  Days where we are totally out of ICU rooms.  Where we are using every m/s room because PUI can’t be put together.  Results still take 2-3 days.
*We all signed the letter I wrote and gave it to management.  Nothing happened.  They refuse to make the COVID patients 3:1 ratio.  Despite how much we try to explain to them the work involved.  Not just in patient care trying to keep them out of ICU, but in talking to the families who can’t see what is going on.
*Nurses are calling in right and left (I can’t blame them) so we are always short staffed.  I had to work the desk with multiple floaters or registry.
*So many patients dying.  I know death is a part of this job, but not like this.  I mean we can normally go months without a death on m/s but now with the COVID patients 2/3 end up in ICU and dead in a week.  The amount of time you spend with that patient and talking to the family before that happens just makes it even more traumatizing.
*Even on my days off I can’t relax because I get multiple calls/texts asking me to work extra.  I know I can’t, that it would be too much but then the guilt sets in knowing how bad it is when I am there and we are short.
*I agreed to float to ICU one day. Was promised only having non-covid almost ready to transfer out patients i.e vents but not drips.  Having worked years in sub-acute it is something I am comfortable with.  At the time we also had 6 positive COVIDs on the unit.  We ended up having overlapping codes and they both died within the span of 15 minutes.  Both under the age of 60.  Both that I knew from m/s.  During the code they had to emergently intubate someone post op on m/s so I was forced to take that patient and had no fucking clue what I was doing.
*Even when I fill in on the desk it’s awful because I know the work being put on my team is overwhelming and there is so little I can do to fix any of it.
*We had a patient going south on m/s and ICU had no more airborne iso.  They would take him once intubated but wanted it done in the airborne room he was in with us.  We called the RR and it took over an hour for a doctor to come and do it. (Being such a small hospital at anytime after 1700 the ER doc is the only MD in the building).
*My direct boss and others who have no actual contact with patients keep telling us it’s like a slow code.  We just have to accept that if they need ICU they likely won’t survive.  Intellectually I know that, but it’s just not the fucking same spending days trying to keep someone ok and then watching them turn on a dime.  Slow codes are for 99 yo bed ridden people with no quality of life.  The last person we had die was fucking 28.  The one they took forever to intubate was in their 50s.
Every time someone with no patient contact brings up how we aren’t technically maxed out if we are lucky enough to only have 3 at the time, or say crap about just accepting letting them die, or that we still have gowns and 1 N95 a shift and that’s all you really need, it feels like they do not give a shit at all and are belittling everything us nurses on the floor are going through.
Every shift is physically and mentally exhausting.  I cry after every one.  I cried after I hung up with the Charge the other day because she needed my availability for the next month and I didn’t want to give her any.  But then I get hit with these moments where I am like is it really that bad, other places have it worse.  Suck it up and keep being useful.
Every physical manifestation of my anxiety has me paranoid I fucked up while reusing my PPE and I am infected.  I know my weight makes me at increased risk of a worse course and death.  Of course overeating is my shitty coping mechanism.
And yet then I just feel like I am stuck on a teeter-totter because the anxiety involved in applying for jobs that I super assume no one will consider me for and the idea of interviewing and starting in a new place is a huge part of why I have been at the same hospital for 13 years.  It doesn’t matter that people tell me I will surely get hired elsewhere quickly, I just look at job listings and see all the things I don’t have that surely another applicant does have.  Or picture the interview and how even though it shouldn’t matter of course appearance does and that will never be on my side.  I keep trying to get myself to finish updating my resume but even that is awful because it all feels like obvious over exaggerations.  I have no idea how to sell myself because I don’t think anything I have done is that great.
The one possible thing opening up is a different IC job in the hospital.  The state is mandating that long term units have their own dedicated IC nurse.  My old boss wants me to have it.  But at this point all I feel certain about is the company will try to find a way around it and/or push it to the last minute and I don’t know if I can hold out that long.
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m4rkshouse · 6 years
hello hello so vivi [@astrofireworks] came to me a few weeks ago with a prompt/fic idea she had nd i really liked it so here it is in bullet fic form vivi i hope i did your idea justice: 
okay so basically jinjin and mj have been dating since their first year of university
they met when jinjin accidentally walked into a first year chemistry class when he was trying to find his philosophy class
and when he realized he was in the wrong class he was too awkward to leave so he stayed and missed his very first university class ever
cue stressed jinjin basically just sitting there the entire hour long introduction, not listening at all 
and at the end of lecture mj tries to take the advice their professor just gave, and he talks to the kid next to him and asks for his contact info in case either of them ever miss lecture for whatever reason then they can trade notes
jinjin: “i’m uhh... i’m not in this class.... haha”
mj: “.......????”
jinjin: “i actually walked into the wrong classroom and i felt weird leaving, haha” he’s trying so hard to laugh it off but he’s internally dying a bit [a lot]
and mj is like “:oo dude that sucks but i get it, i probably would’ve been too awkward to leave too.” 
and after that they part ways and jinjin gets totally roasted by his roommate eunwoo bc he’s a whole idiot and he can’t believe he did that
but after that mj and jinjin keep running into each other everywhere
jinjin goes to the library to study? mj is a table over also studying
jinjin and eunwoo go to a party? mj is at that party
jinjin and eunwoo go to eat? mj is also there, sitting just down the table from them, eating with a couple of his friends as well
so eventually they just start talking nd cracking jokes bc they ALWAYS see each other and they’re like “haha the universe is trying to put us together”
and after some time, jinjin finds himself crushing on this super cute and sweet and funny dude he accidentally sat beside in the wrong lecture and so he asks him out
and he’s kinda expecting mj to say no bc he’s been on a few dates here and there with this guy in his chemistry class named moon bin
but mj’s like “finally you idiot i’ve been waiting for you to ask me out for forever”
and jinjin’s like “why didn’t you just ask me then????”
and mj’s like “.......... i don’t actually know??” and they’re both shook bc what an idiot but it’s okay bc one of them asked the other now
and they go on a date to a bowling alley and have a ton of fun and mj pouts when he loses but jinjin just smiles at him really big and kisses him on the cheek so it’s all good
and after that they’re pretty much inseparable and they start officially dating a little while later and they’ve been together ever since then
so skip a few years later and mj’s pursuing his Ph.D. and as part of his program he has the opportunity to do a co-op abroad
and obviously he takes it bc why wouldn’t he but it leaves poor jinjin on his own for six months while he’s gone
and obviously he’s super proud of mj bc it’s really awesome but also he’s sad bc the love of his life is gonna be away from him for six months
and he can’t tell mj anything but jinjin’s secretly been planning on proposing to him on their sixth anniversary for almost a year but now mj’ll be away for it
and he’s got a ring picked out and everything and he’s got it hidden in the pocket of this old backpack he has from when he was in university that’s sitting in a closet in their apartment
so mj packs all his stuff up and he needs a carry-on and so he takes the backpack and packs all his carry-on stuff in it and somehow jinjin doesn’t realize that this is the bag until after he’s dropped mj off for his flight and they’ve said their goodbye’s and he’s on his way home
and when he realizes he’s like “shit what have i done” and he’s freaking out and he doesn’t even go back to his apartment but rather to eunwoo’s and he’s losing his mind bc mj’s gonna find the fucking ring shit [and that’s if he hasn’t found it already]
and eunwoo just kinda looks at him like “you’ve always been an idiot when it comes to mj haven’t you?”
and jinjin’s like “this isn’t the time, idiot, what do i do?”
and eunwoo’s like “uhh how the heck should i know??”
and so amidst his freaking out they come up with a plan that they think actually isn’t that bad [it is] and basically jinjin’s gonna casually tell mj not to look in that specific pouch bc eunwoo’s hiding something in there that he doesn’t want ppl to see and then move on with it
so when mj calls him from toronto, where he’s doing his co-op, that night he’s like “!!! jinjin hi i made it safely”
jinjin: “i know, you texted me when you landed and when you got to your hotel”
mj: “i know but idk i wanted you to hear me say it not text it”
jinjin: “you’re so cute i love you”
and mj’s like “stop” and he’s blushing even though they’ve been together 5ever and also jinjin can’t even SEE him
jinjin, lowkey smug: “are you blushing rn??”
mj: “shut up park jinwoo >:/“
and jinjin calls him cute again before they get to talking about their days and what happened after jinjin dropped mj off and then he’s just randomly like
“oh btw eunwoo says he’s got something secret stashed in the left pocket of my backpack but he really doesn’t want us to check it so can you like..... not open that??”
and that’s literally the most sus thing mj has ever heard like first of all why would eunwoo randomly have something hidden in there that they don’t know about
second of all how does he even know mj took the backpack
so he’s like “wtf what’s in the backpack” and he goes into that pouch of the backpack while jinjin shouts in his ear to stop bc eunwoo rlly doesn’t want them to look
and he finds the ring and he tears up and nearly starts crying bc “holy shit jinjin’s gonna fucking propose to me”
and he loves jinjin so much and is literally thrilled by the idea of being married to him so he’s actually really really happy
but he doesn’t want jinjin to know he’s found it bc obviously he’s not supposed to know so he’s like “????? it’s nothing but an empty pouch in your shitty old backpack???”
and jinjin’s like “....... OH ofc he must’ve been talking about a different bag haha”
and part of him is RELIEVED bc mj doesn’t know but the other half is like “holy fuck the ring is supposed to be in there i lost a $4000 ring what the fuck”
so time passes and mj doesn’t tell jinjin he knows but while he’s away he wears the engagement ring 25/8 bc it’s so beautiful and he loves it and loves jinjin and wants ppl to know that he’s engaged [even if he technically hasn’t said yes yet]
and when he finally gets to go back home he just kinda forgets that he’s supposed to put the ring back bc he’s so used to wearing it and he keeps it on during the flight home
and he gets home and sees jinjin waiting for him once he gets to the baggage claim and he’s like “!!!!!!! jinjin” and he’s so so happy bc the love of his life is right there after six months
jinjin: “!!! baby !! i love you i missed you !!”
mj: “i missed you too!!”
and jinjin goes to take his hand to lead them to the belt where his luggage will come off and it’s then that he noticed mj is wearing a ring and he’s like “???? mj doesn’t have a ring”
so he looks a little closer and chokes bc that’s not just a ring that’s the ring
jinjin: “mj wtf you found the ring?!”
mj: “........ fuck i forgot to take it off i wanted to surprise you before i said yes :(“
jinjin, v shook: “b-before you said yes??”
nd mj’s just smiling so big and he throws his arms around jinjin’s neck again and he’s like “jinjin i love you to the moon and back obviously i’m gonna marry you”
and jinjin is kinda sad that the proposal didn’t go how he wanted but he’s also so so happy rn bc he loves mj and that makes him not rlly care about the proposal so he just hugs him really really tightly and tells mj how much he loves him and how much he means to him
but park jinwoo is also a huge sap so he still gets on one knee in the middle of the literal airport and asks mj to marry him and mj is so flustered bc a ton of people are watching
so he shyly says yes again and hugs jinjin so so tight and they kiss nd people are clapping bc this is a literal airport and it’s highkey awkward and mj just starts killing himself laughing at the whole situation
mj: “you’re actually a whole idiot i wouldn’t have checked the pouch at all if you hadn’t said anything”
jinjin: “yeah but i’ve always been kinda dumb whenever you’re involved, you make me unable to think clearly; in a good way though”
nd mj just scrunches his nose at him with a smile and tells him he’s a sap before kissing him once more
they collect mj’s luggage hand in hand and a few months later they get married and jinjin tells the story in his speech at the reception and it makes everyone laugh
and yeah it was kinda dumb but mj honestly couldn’t be happier with the way things turned out
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dresupi · 8 years
(pt 1) hey- i saw you're going through a tough time rn & while i can't say i know /exactly/ how you feel, my family has been in sore financial straits before, & i know, it's hard. we thought were going to lose everything. we were scared, tense. it seemed like we might never make it through. we had to make a lot of sacrifices to get back on track- but we did it. we got through it. you know what? we bought a new dishwasher a few months back, & it was the first time in a long time that
(cont) everything felt normal. such a silly, small thing. this stuff doesn't fix itself, you know? it's hard, it hurts, it feels like forever. but eventually, you pull through. you pull through because of the people you love, the people who love you. you do your best to take care of your family & that's all you can do. i'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear. know that you have so many people, thinking about you, wishing you well. it may not feel like it now, but you can get past this.there are gonna be bad days, but there's gonna be a lot of good ones, too. stay strong. keep fighting. take care of yourself and your family. much love from me.
Omg.  This was actually so very VERY helpful right now.  
We have had such a terrible year.  We almost got evicted in December.  We had to borrow money from family to keep that from happening.  And now like...this happened.  I’m not going into what this is, because I’m just not ready to admit it just yet.  It’s been so rough.  And it just seems like everything’s against us right now.  
My oldest son’s birthday is tomorrow and I went and bought him two small gifts that we probably couldn’t afford, but I just couldn’t let his big day go by unnoticed.  :/ And he’s such a great kid.  I want to get him the world, but he’ll be happy with what he’s getting and it tears me up that I can’t do more for him. 
And even though this happened, there’s still a silver lining, and there’s still light at the end of the tunnel and I know it’s not going to be like this forever, but I just feel like we’ve paid our dues.  We’ve had our shitty first few years and we should be pulling ourselves out now, right?  We shouldn’t be still tumbling down to the bottom of the hill, right?  
And then I look around and I think. We’re not the only ones.  We’re not some failures who can’t get our shit together.  This is happening all over.  We have a few things to be thankful for.  We aren’t in a mountain of debt.  We have maybe a little knoll of debt.  Which isn’t bad.  Definitely not the worst.  
Ugh.  But this still sucks.  And this message really helped me.  Thank you so much.  
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hoebagbasicbitch · 4 years
the sweetest omegle convo i’ve ever had
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like the regrettes.
You: hi!
Stranger: hiii
You: skjakjf my search for the regrettes has never turned up anything until now
You: im so excitel lol
Stranger: RIGHT
Stranger: same
Stranger: wait are u from twitter lmao
You: we are a small but proud fanbase
You: no i am not
Stranger: oh damn
Stranger: even crazier then
Stranger: so true
You: do u have any other socials
Stranger: I have insta! what's urs
You: phoebelink.art
You: hbu? i'll follow u
Stranger: omg I love ur acc
Stranger: I just followed u <3
You: thanks!
Stranger: :))))
You: don't be alarmed if i start peeping thru ur posts to see what other music u listen to i'm desperae for new artists
Stranger: omg no ur ok!!
Stranger: do u want rec
Stranger: recs
You: love them but u can only listen to the regrettes and swmrs for so long
You: yes pls!
Stranger: do u...like wallows
You: yes
You: they are coming to my state in august for a festival and i'm so excited
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: wait what fest is in august
Stranger: I thought they were all earlier
You: hinterlands
Stranger: where's that
You: it is mostly country music but there's some indie shit
You: it's in iowa so it's all hicks lol but i will suffer to we wallows live
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: why have I not heard about this
Stranger: im so confused rn
You: idk
You: it's a smaller sort of festival and it's like in a cornfield
Stranger: damn
Stranger: im bout to go
You: bet lol
Stranger: im like the biggest wallows stan its so bad
You: ahaha
You: the real question is did it happen before or after 13 reasons whyg?
Stranger: when I stanned?
You: ya
Stranger: they actually didn't even become wallows until right after 13rw
Stranger: but
You: oh whoops
Stranger: it was after, but I've never even seen it
You: got it that's more what i meant lol
Stranger: I started liking them through a mutual friend
You: valid
Stranger: if u have never seen them, they're the best
You: i'm not a stan but i do really like their music
You: i have not seen them live but i'm a huge regrettes stan
Stranger: gotcha
Stranger: as u should be
Stranger: tbh maybe Lydia will go!
You: i fucking hope
Stranger: she goes to a lot of shows w them
Stranger: bro
Stranger: speaking of her
Stranger: at my wallows show last month I like saw her and waved at her n then she came and sat behind me
Stranger: like literally. right behind me
Stranger: and I was too scared to say anything
Stranger: :)
Stranger: every time she would laugh she'd like laugh in my ear
Stranger: cutest laugh ever bro
Stranger: her and
Stranger: whoops
You: i saw her live in cleaveland this summer and if corona doesn't cancel it i intend to see them when they tour with the struts
Stranger: wait
Stranger: when is that happening
You: this summer
You: their site has all the dates
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: I didn't know they had us dates
You: they updated it i think cause coachella is getting moved im pretty sure
You: they're just opening but i am for sure buying pit tickets and i will ahve to learn to love the struts haha
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: wait
Stranger: theres only like 3 dates
You: if they cancelled i will be very sad
Stranger: :( which one are u supposed to go to
Stranger: thats how I feel about my wallows shows, I think they're gonna be postponed/cancelled
You: the one on may 31
You: for me it is still on the site
Stranger: oh damn
Stranger: that might be ok
Stranger: I think wallows cancelled their show for may 31
Stranger: they took itoff their website but haven't said anything
You: hmmm
You: we must hope for the best i guess
You: a mosh pit does seem like a prime place to catch corona tho lmao
Stranger: tbh I don't care
Stranger: which is probably bad
Stranger: but lile
You: it would be worth it
Stranger: idk my only happiness comes from touring so
You: yeah i have plenty of bands who i love but they kind of stay in place they don't really tour
Stranger: damn really
You: and unfortunataly i don't live in cali so i can't ever see them live
Stranger: felt
Stranger: I wish I lived in cali so bad
You: and that's on only liking grunge surf punk bads
Stranger: were u like a stan when they did the Fonda show afterparty homecoming thing
Stranger: I've never had such bad fomo in my life
You: i don't think so
Stranger: oh my god
Stranger: it was crazy
You: usually i don't like concerts cause they make me disociate lol but i just let it happen for lydia night
Stranger: oh shit really
Stranger: I love shows
You: no like they are very fun
You: it just is like an out of body experience haha
Stranger: damn
Stranger: idk I never have that
You: it's like an anxiety thing i think
You: it just happens it's kinda odd
Stranger: it's weird I have like bad anxiety about most things but somehow I have like none at concerts
Stranger: like im just the best possible version of myself idk
You: i feel that
You: like in certain situtions i definitely just don't feel it at all
Stranger: right
You: there are so many bands i would give a limb to see live thouhg
You: like one of my all-time favs is SWMRS ugh love them
Stranger: yupppppp I love
You: and hot flash heat wave opened for the regrettes when i saw them live
You: so good
Stranger: omg stop
Stranger: im jealous
You: but i have a whole list of bands to see live on my bucket list
Stranger: I feel like I've lucked out and I've seen almost all of the people I want to see
Stranger: well like all of my favorites
You: that's nice
Stranger: that being said im crazy so I like to see people 5+ times but
You: my main thing is i'm kind of new to the genre like only been super into it for two years but
You: that is still fun tho
Stranger: oh gotcha
Stranger: wait how old are u
You: 16
Stranger: oh and u said u live in Iowa right so I feel like maybe not a lot of people go there
Stranger: aw ur baby
You: ahaha
You: the alt scene is very dead here
Stranger: true
Stranger: tbh no one comes to my state either
Stranger: bc its so far out of the way
You: what kind of area are u in
Stranger: florida
You: ah
You: so the opposite of cali lmao
Stranger: yup
Stranger: yet im prob gonna go to cali when wallows have a show there
Stranger: lmao
You: wirth it
Stranger: yes
Stranger: I also might go for harry styles but idk yet
You: he's coming to iowa i think but i might b wrong
Stranger: omg really
Stranger: u should go
You: yeah we have a fat arena but i don't think i can afford tickets
Stranger: :(
You: i don't have a job RIP and i;m not getting one anytime soon cause all the businesses are closed
Stranger: damn yea I felt that
Stranger: I do have a job but im not going rn
Stranger: like im making them leave me off the schedule
You: probably smart
Stranger: bc im so scared of getting my mom sick
You: yeah that would be shitty
Stranger: yup
You: my mom works for the school district that i go to and my dad works from home so we are all chillin but that prolly sucks
Stranger: oh damn
Stranger: yeah thats good
Stranger: my whole family is staying home
You: we don't have a stay in place order yet but we haven't left the house in weeks basically either
You: my school is about to get cancelled too
You: it's just not good for anyone
Stranger: about to??
Stranger: is it not cancelled yet
You: well spring break got extended to april 13 but the superintendent is making an announcement on friday apparently
Stranger: oh damn
Stranger: yea here it's closed until the end of the year
You: its tough for us cause we are supposed to go online but our district can't afford it
You: like we need to close but only 40% of kids have internet acess
You: so they can't
Stranger: oh fuck
Stranger: idk :/
You: i'm lucky to have it tho
You: me wasting my precious internet acess on talking to adults on omegle lmao
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: treu
Stranger: true
Stranger: oh well
You: i just want to relive middle school while i'm quarantined ya know
You: i was not monitored as a child bahabha
Stranger: omg
Stranger: same
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: I used to be on here all the time
You: like how am i not dead
You: genuinely thinking about all the shit i did in like 2012,,, what??
You: who let me near the family computer and then just didn't look over my shoulder
You: anyway i should probs go to sleep
You: it was nice talking to you tho!
Stranger: omg u too!!!!
Stranger: sorry it took me forever to respond
Stranger has disconnected.
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strawberryspeachy · 6 years
Disclaimer: I’m open to any criticism telling me I’m shit person/friend cause tbh I don’t even know rn
So my best friend of 19 years has a psychotic narcissistic mother who I’ve watched abuse her for years and her dads so distant and apathetic about anything that goes on in the household that it seems he’d say say anything to be able to leave a conversation faster
I wanted to do a teaching in English in Japan program because I want an adventure. I want change. I can’t get a job. And I’ve thought about it being a fun thing to do for years now. But the programs I could find were year long contracts and had bad reviews depending on the schools you taught at. I figured eh...I could try it out and see how it goes. But what would be better is if I could go with my friend. We could be each other’s support and I wouldn’t be alone in Japan and she’s been the only person the past 8 months making me not feel miserable all the time.
She also had the same issues I did and wanted to make connections but her family told her she couldn’t be trusted to leave the area and told her no. (Before I talked about doing it as well)
I’m pretty close to her family and asked her if they’d agree if I was also going since they wouldn’t have to worry about her then. And she said maybe but wasn’t up to actually looking for teaching positions.
So l looked and I found a few and she told me to keep them secret.
The first one I applied to - the recruiter tried to push me through the process really fast while ignoring my friend when I brought up my friend was also interested in the program. They wouldn’t pay for your airfare and they made me go buy professional pics for my visa and get my transcript expediated over. And just generally had really bad reviews. Without even giving thought to my friend they rejected her so I didn’t pay for my background check - they wanted me to fucking pay for it which also. I didn’t like.
It was crappy she got rejected cause I wanted to go but wanted to go together and figured it was fine we can find a better program. And we did.
I applied to the programs that Thursday night and my friend said she’d get it done. She said it again and again for almost a week until I offered to just write her cover letter for her since she felt in a slump and she’s been fighting her depression and having problems coping and such.
Because she took so long to turn in her application we weren’t able to make the sooner group interview (I also told them if we both got it we’d be carpooling)
She said over and over again jokes that I can’t die till we get to japan cause her family wouldn’t let her go without me. And we talked about it on the “if we both get it terms”
Before our interview she told her dad and he agreed that she could go
Well I got rejected (tbh unfairly because she messed up as much as I did and I have more qualifications for both the teaching and business aspect of the job than she does) and was upset and without skipping a beat my friend starts going “if I get accepted I’m going to...”
It made me upset that I never planned to go without her but she now that her dad said he was ok with it planned to go without me. And I tried to just be happy for her. But I legit felt sick and had nightmares all weekend.
So I asked on Monday about us trying again later on and that she could passify her family by getting one for the part time jobs they kept asking her to tell in the area and I could be her reference if she put down my grandfathers produce stand. And that because I had to push her through the process and write her cover letter I don’t just feel like I got rejected by the job but that I instead went in the opposite direction by doing s bunch of work to send my friend to the opposite side of the world.
She didn’t respond. She just changed the subject and ultimately walked away. She said she’d think about it. She didn’t she immediately accepted the offer and had ignored me since.
Well her dad told her mom about and so I got a call frm her sister who I’m also close with. I told her about our initial plan but that I got rejected and she said that if I hadn’t been her and her other sister would be cool with it. But since it’s not the case they’re not.
Now she’s my best friend so I haven’t questioned what happened with her when she moved to another state and got depressed and realized she didn’t like what she was studying and moved back. It made sense to me. And I know her family well enough to know that they overreact to a lot of things.
My friend told me that last summer she got too depressed to continue with her research and decided to drop out but when she brought that up her family forbid her from doing so and told her to suck it up and finish. Then screamed at her for months for being awful and everything. Told her she was worthless without getting her drs degree and brought her home to keep an eye on her.
Her family has told me bits and pieces but they’ve never explained what happened beyond saying “she’s irresponsible and spoiled” and getting mad about her not just getting over her depression. So I’ve sided with my friend on - they’re not reacting to this correctly.
I did however know that my friend took many months to ask her dad - the only person who had enough connections to get her what she wanted for help - despite telling me monthly that she was gonna talk to him
Now her family tells me.
- she stopped showing up to work without telling her bosses and coworkers
- she actively cut off all her friends in that state
- she asked for money for bills but wouldn’t tell them what the bills were for
- when they asked what the bills were for she stopped responding to them
- they’re paying her debts for her but she’s been refusing to set up payment plans for them
- she didn’t send the apology letter to her bosses after her mom wrote it for her which is why she ended up leaving on bad terms
(the way she told me I thought she was just going to drop out and I told her with all the work she’s put in those three years would still look good on her resume and never understood why she kept saying she doesn’t have references since she hid these facts from me)
So even though I thought she was being upfront with me. She wasn’t. She got depressed and she just shut down. I didn’t expect that. I’ve never neglected my active responsibilities no matter how miserable I am. I don’t do them well but I don’t just stop everything and crawl into my room and ignore the rest of the world. She didn’t even tell me - and I’m he only personshe kept in contact with - that she had stopped going to work and that she refused to talk to anyone. I thought she FELT isolated. I don’t know she isolated herself.
She talks about wanting to die but only when she’s depressed. I mean being I legit wanna die whether things are going my way or not, I wouldn’t want my friend stopping me if the opportunity arose for me to die.
But my friend doesn’t. She only feels that way when she’s depressed. And every time she starts to feel better she tells me that “she doesn’t even need to take her meds that often”
She’s been telling me that she thinks she’s an extrovert but that her mom made her into an introvert - which is true - she was very friendly in elementary school.
But the truth is even now 8 months later she can’t tolerate hanging out more than a few hours. She stops talking and goes on her phone. She never wants to go anywhere and meet new people.
And after seeing how when I’ve shared my first news of - something you’re doing hurts my feelings - that insted of responding to me she literally walked away.
Like honestly I do fee selfish in that I wanted to go together and I wasn’t gonna go without her and while applying I thought it was viseversa and I don’t wanna lose my best friend to the other side of the planet because I feel like I had half the work for her. And she also plans to never come back.
But also now that her family has told me more about how bad she got in grad school and the fact that she knew it was bad enough that she never told me.
I can’t help but also agree with her family that. Nah. She really shouldn’t go so far away by herself. when she’s not depressed she’s not suicidal and she’s already told me that she doesn’t plan to take her meds while in Japan.
But this conclusion would work out in my favor so it does make me feel like shitty friend. On the other hand. She’s not a social person. She won’t go meet new people and when she does go out for long times - she recouperates by isolating herself for like 5 days. This job requires you to be peppy and upbeat and constantly talking to many people every day for like 10 hours. Then go home and do paper work. It’s a year contract.
She wants connections out of this.
We were late to our interview and she physically couldn’t run there
She’s had to be exercising back and forth to work everyday to talk to many people in a good mood for an entire year or else she would ruin the connections there as well.
Tbh after hearing that she just stopped showing up for work and didn’t explain to any of her superiors — new information - I’m not even sure that me having gone with her and pushing her would have helped.
There’s been many times in the past few months that she tells me I can force her out of her room to go somewhere but when I try she tells me she’s too sick
And I’m not gonna fight with my friend that she’s not sick so she needs to get up and come. No I just go aw that sucks, how about tomorrow instead.
So like even if we lived together - which we wouldn’t. - and she started doing that there there’s nothing I could really do about.
I can make things sounds exciting to her. I can be her buffer. I can talk to people for her. I can make her food. But I can’t do her job for her.
A few months. I believe she could do it.
An entire year. After this new information I’ve gotten... tbh. No. I agree with them. She can’t do it.
But my friend is like one of the luckiest humans so she does has the high possibility of running into string of good luck that gets her where she wants to be.
Why can’t I be lucky :(
0 notes
del-co-mrade-blog · 6 years
I’m sure at some point I’ll try to morph this blog into something with a theme - maybe communism/activism, maybe aesthetics, I don’t know. Right now I kind of need an outlet, so I guess that’s what it’ll be. I only have two followers, and one of them is my boyfriend, so I guess you two can enjoy the ramblings I’m gonna post here for a while. This tumblr was made because I wasn’t allowed to have one, so I guess I’ll run with the theme of doing things I didn’t think I could do, and actually try to process and be open about my feelings without bombarding one person with them. So, if you’re here for some reason, I guess read on. 
If you’ve made it this far, hi. 
I don’t know what I’m gonna write about in the future but since this is my first post I guess I’ll just go for what’s on my mind.
I’m really sad rn. A bit ago I reconnected with an old friend. Things didn’t end well between us in the past, due to my past relationship and drama in that friend group, but since I’ve grown and some time had passed, we ended up getting along a lot better than I had originally expected. We reconnected to talk about my ex, who was her friend, and who was a really shitty, abusive person, from whom I have plenty of mental and emotional scars (I’m sure I’ll go on about him sometime in the future). We talked about him, and she seemed to agree that he was toxic, and we ended up talking about a lot of other things, and eventually having semi-consistent contact via snapchat/other social media. 
That was so great. I felt like I finally had the friend that I felt I never quite had back in the day, since I think we were both in different places in our lives, and I for one wasn’t able to be honest or genuine with anyone at that point. I had always heard about what an amazing friend she was, especially from my boyfriend, so it was really nice to experience what he was talking about, and be able to connect with someone in the way that we did. 
Fun shit, though, her boyfriend of many years hates me. Not to get into that too much at this point, but there is a mutual disdain between us due to things that happened following my breakup with my ex and the beginning of my relationship with my new boyfriend. He resents me (supposedly) for being shitty to my ex (lmao), ripping my current boyfriend out of his life (which my bf doesn’t regret sooo), and I guess just generally being .... idek to be honest haha. I’m not a huge fan of him for being a horrible friend to me and pretty much anyone else I’ve ever witnessed him be friends with, in my opinion a bad boyfriend, and p much the opposite of someone I’d want to have anything to do with at this point in my life. Oh yeah and sexual assault, but that’s nothing compared to what my ex did I guess. 
Side note, I wanna point out a little lesser known irony. While in a relationship with my ex, I was dead inside to the point of intense suicidal ideation. I was extremely depressed and had endured so much abuse on so many levels, I didn’t know how to get out or what to do. One aspect of our relationship is he had spend over a year convincing me to be okay with “polyamory” (aka he wanted to fuck multiple “flavors” (races) of women while dating me). Eventually, with his knowledge, I started a relationship with a mutual friend (my current bf), which began 3 months of confusion wherein I fell in love with one guy while realizing how horrible my past relationship had been. There was a lot of back and forth, since I was scared of leaving the relationship I had been stuck in for so long, but eventually I left and am now dating my wonderful boyfriend. Here’s where the irony comes in. Both my ex and my friend’s ex (from above) resented me for what happened. Thought I was a cheater, a bad girlfriend, whatever. Here’s the tea. 
My friend’s bf actively pursued me without my ex bf’s permission for a bit. Even while sitting in the same room, he made me feel him up and kissed my neck - not even 6 inches from my bf at the time. When my bf would step out of the room, my friend’s bf came over and tried to kiss me - when I dodged, he turned the lights out and tried again. He liked being physical with me - said it was bc he was on a break with his gf and wanted to touch someone - but did all of that behind my ex’s back. Same ex he was pissed that I “cheated on”, even though that situation was with his permission and much more above ground. It was about a week or so later he sexually assaulted me, jumped on me shirtless and shoved his tongue down my throat after cornering me in the basement alone. (My bf’s takeaway of all of this, after telling him I was kissed and touched against my will? “I wish he would have asked my permission first”.)
Tea #2: After breaking up with my ex, I tried to stay friends with him because I hated myself so much for “hurting him” (no regrets now, tho). I was so apologetic and just wanted him to forgive me, so I was quite a yes man for a while and didn’t want to cause any more waves in our friend group (that didn’t go so well tho haha). To jump to the chase, about 2 or so months after we broke up, he started telling me about who he was interested in. LO AND BEHOLD, it’s this same friend that I just reconnected with, whose bf sexually assaulted me. He talked about how he wanted them to break up, how he thought about her sexually all the time, how he had fantasies about fucking her in an elementary school (how didn’t i see he was a pedo at that point?), all kinds of stuff. He was trying to find out shit about their relationship in the hopes that they’d break up and he could date her. Told me about how he was talking to her at night and trying to find out her kinks and prove to her that he had the same ones so maybe she’d like him. All kind of shit. In retrospect, maybe I should have said something. Ironic that he was actually trying to do what people claimed had happened between the three of us during the breakup. 
The summary of this is: my friend’s bf always had a problem with me since the breakup since I was a “cheater”, and my bf “stole me away” or something. Meanwhile, he was doing the same thing behind my ex boyfriend’s back about 9 months before, AND my ex was doing the SAME THING to him the fuckin second he was single. They’re both shitty, inconsistent people, and I will never have a single good thing to say about either til the day I die.
Getting back on track. My friend’s bf hates me, and since he found out we were talking again, he apparently had a big problem with that. I don’t know many details, but apparently he was v upset with her about it and felt like she was betraying him (I won’t even begin with the levels of irony here). The two of us kept talking for a while, but I knew it bothered her that she was being dishonest with him. One night recently she opened up to me about something going on in their relationship that involved her bf secretly texting his ex behind her back, and one thing led to another and he managed to blame it on her talking to me (fuckin snake). As I have been since we started talking again, I wanted to be supportive of her, and I stand by that because she deserves to know what healthy respect and boundaries look like from someone, but it led to her deciding that she wanted to try to make it work with him, and that we shouldn’t talk anymore.
That’s been it for the most part since then. I’ve checked her social media a few times since (even though we had to disconnect on p much everything) and I’ve refrained from liking any of her posts, even though I’ve wished I could. It sucks because I can tell she’s going through some shit still, or at least was as of a bit ago, but I can’t ask if she’s okay, reach out to her, be a support system - be a fucking friend.
And this is what led me to start typing here as an outlet. We had a tiny bit of contact today, which I felt and feel guilty about since I really don’t want to stress her out or get her into any trouble. I was just reading an article about abusive relationships and “trauma bonding”, which is something that happens in an abuse victim’s brain that makes staying in their abusive relationship almost addicting, making it very hard to leave or see the situation clearly. I read it and very closely identified it, but also read it and saw a lot of things that made me worried for my friend. See, I know her boyfriend. We were friends for a while and I watched him be shitty to other people, and shitty to me, and honestly shitty to her for a long time. He’s not a good person. He reminds me so much of my ex it makes me sick, and especially makes me sick to know that she’s in that relationship and doesn’t feel like she can/should leave. Everyone has known it since high school - she’s better than she thinks, and deserves more. He has never treated her right for longer than it takes to get back into a relationship with her. That’s not to say there aren’t good things he does - all abusers give you something to hold onto so you can rationalize staying. I’m sure he does, my ex did, all shitty boyfriend and abusers do. I read that article and got really sad and really scared for her.
She told me that she doesn’t know how much she’ll let him hurt her. I have the same fear. I let my ex hurt me for so long, and would have let him do it to this day if my current boyfriend hadn’t gotten involved. I know she wants to make it work, but what I don’t think she understands, and I didn’t want to tell her out of respect, and it’s not her problem. 
There is nothing she can do, or should do, to make it work. All she can do is push down how she feels and make excuses in order to maintain an unhealthy relationship. She idealizes who he was in the past, yet admits he wasn’t good to people in the past. She says he wants to get better, yet all I’ve ever heard is that he apologizes and repeats the patterns. She says he is sorry for the things he’s done and wants to make them right, but I know several people he has wronged, and never seen him do anything to make it up to them. He says what he needs to say, and since he’s good at being manipulative, it works. And I don’t blame her. I don’t think she’s stupid. I don’t think a single negative thing of her. I was there, I know how it is. They’re really fucking convincing and can make even the worst things seem okay, turn anything into your fault, or take the blame and yet avoid blame altogether. 
I don’t know what to do. I can’t sit here and watch someone go through what I did. In retrospect I would have wanted someone to get me out, even if it hurt (in fact, my bf did, and I will be forever grateful). I want to help her live her life in a way I bet she doesn’t think is possible. Live truthfully. Surround herself with supportive people. Find someone who truly truly loves her and respects her. Have total control of her body and mind. Be fucking truly happy for more than hours or days at a time. SHE CAN DO IT. I fucking know she can. If she believes that she’s worth it and she wants what’s best for herself, she’ll leave. I wouldn’t say it to her before, but I spend a lot of time studying abusive relationships both because of my past and because of my field of study. She isn’t in a healthy relationship. He’s not good for her. It’s never going to get better. It’s not her fault.
So many people care about her and will be there for her (hopefully) when she decides to leave him. We will all support her and help her be her best self. She won’t be lonely, there’s always someone to talk to, usually someone to hang out with. 
God I wish things weren’t how they were. I want to respect her boundaries, but equally I want to help her get through this and be in a better place.
What the fuck do I do.
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tournesls · 7 years
u probably don't want to read this is just me incoherently rambling on about how I hate school and complaining that life (specifically mine) sucks so maybe don't read
i honestly don’t know how I’m gonna make it through this second trimester. we don’t have semesters in my school or quarters bc we’re k-8 and I’m in 8th and fuck. these are gonna be the worst few months ever. after summer it just gets So Bad. summer is my favorite season GOD I miss her. my skin was clear, I was out doing shit, I was hanging out with my friends, I was pretty healthy and now fucking fall/winter comes and SCHOOL and BASKETBALL and everything goes to shit. I’ve played basketball since 4th grade and this is the first year I’ve been so unmotivated to do it. I love the sport, its the people on my team and the people that aren’t on my team that I hate! the only things Im looking forward to in winter are, my bday which the week after next (yay!), winter break LIKE DEADASS I’m on break rn and I’m anticipating my next one lol, and seeing brockhampton in February, and my best friend’s birthday because we’re gonna do something fun. but my grades are kinda slipping and shit’s becoming harder and I’m going to high school next year, and all my teachers are trying to prepare us and its too fast. my school is oh so special and we get to choose from 5 different high schools, AND MY TOWN IS SO SMALL IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE ONE. the closest one is about a half hour away and it’s like the second to shittiest one (which would’ve been our default school) and the other closest IS the shittiest one and then all the good schools (that I’m going to have to go to thanks mum) are at least 40 mins away AND THATS EVERY MORNING AND AFTERNOON FOR FOUR FUCKING YEARS. and its just so scary. like we’re not even 3 whole months into the school year and next week people are visiting the shitty high schools (not me) to see what a day’s like there and if they want to go there and we have to choose a high school by the end of January and none of them feel right for me and I hate my teachers and I hate this program because its hard for a 14 year old to choose things and I wish we could all just go to this shitty school like every one else has FOREVER this just happened to start a few years before now and UGONGLKSNFKLAHNL. like my best friend who’s visiting the shittiest school next week (bc her brother goes there and her mom is practically making her go) got this question list and it said shit like “what do you want to do in your life/future” ass shit like WHAT? WE ARE 13 AND 14 YEAR OLDS WE DON’T FUCKING KNOW. MY MOTHER DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO SHES 34 WHAT THE FUCK. I hate this, I hate adults, I hate that they had the decision to let us make our own decision. I hate that I’m so stupid and this is literally nothing IM SO LUCKY. I HATE NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER AND JANUARY AND FEBRUARY and I don’t really like march or April BUT I LOVE MAY AND JUNE AND JULY AND AUGUST and September and October are ok. I’m gonna post this under a read more because I’m so annoying and this is pointless and I deadass want to kill myself because I wouldn’t have to go through all this shit and my sister got taken away from my dad and the last time I saw her was a moth ago and I miss her so much and her moms a driggie my dads a SHITHEAD and I love my mom and i wish my dad loved me and fuck I’m so annoying like tonight? I WAS SO ANNOYING I was hanging out with my best friend and we just went to Walmart and tj maxx with her mum and I was just annoying and I love them so much they’re like my second family. and theres this kid in my class who has the stupidest name but he’s really nice and nerdy and called me LITTLE BEAR which is an inside joke but everyone thought he as creepy up until 7th grade when my friend got a crush on him. everyone called her weird and he said no to her when my friends asked him out for her and it was sad. now I think he’s kinda cute, my best friend thinks he’s cute and we talk about him a lot and he GOT SO TALL over summer vacation and he’s so weird but I got to know him over last weekend because me him and these 3 girls from my class are in this adventuring group thing with kids from another school and he never talks to us in class but me and two of the girls talked to him a lot and we went bowling and he was so nice and funny and I talk to him in school and I told him to watch stranger things. my best friend read our texts WHICH WAS JUST US TALKING ABOUT TV out loud to her mum and they said he liked me and that was weird because no one likes me and he likes this other girl I know and I’m literally so ugly and fat and gross but I’m trying to learn to love myself more and its been working out quite well. social media has actually been helping a bit (weird right?) but idk how I’m gonna get through school. if I cant get through fucking 8th grade then how am I gonna get through high school? life in general? idk what I want to do? I honestly can’t imagine myself outside of the school ive been going to for the past 7 years. I can’t imagine myself getting past the age of 14. I’m 13. I can’t imagine myself in college and I just recently went on a college campus for the first time and I loved it! but it was so weird, so scary. this 8th grade year is so different because there are so many traditions that get thrown at you because this is the last year you’ll be going to this school in this incredibly small town. theres going to spend a whole week in the woods with your class with no phones, theres fundraising for the class trip WHICH IS GONNA BE IN A FRENCH SPEAKING COUNTRY AND IVE BEEN TAKING FRENCH FOR ALMOST 7 YEARS AND I DONT KNOW SHIT (its in Canada) and theres so much community service and traveling and in band we have to perform for older people and I wish I could write this much for the essay I have due last week. the essay is about something I like and something that motivates me (lgbtq rights in schools and how to stop people bullying lgbtq students) I still can’t write it I just hate school and everything about it. I don’t want to go to basketball practice tomorrow but I have to and if it was just a practice id be fine but we’re scrimmaging and ugh I fucking hate my school SO MUCH and have I said how much I hate myself? because its a fucking lot. time goes by so quick and I just want to go to sleep but then everything will be wasted and everything sucks and Im sososoosososooooo tired and I’m so overdramatic and fucking immature and dumb and I think yes I am gonna post this maybe privately though just so I can read it after this winter and oh that reminds me of Kieveee when we had to write letters to ourselves that we’ll get before we graduate stg. I’m not ready for graduation I know ill cry . ill cry so much because when say I FUCKING HATE THIS SCHOOL I CANT WAIT TO GET OUT I actually mean I love this school its my safe place all my friends are here my classmates, though some are annoying, I love all of you and god I’m not ready to be a “big kid” and I wish I was a little kid again and I love u mr. m and mrs.s  and fuck Idont want to leave
ok goodnight school sucks and my life revolves around it
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mousepatrol · 7 years
Ok so today wasn’t so bad. I still don’t have internet btw, which is jjust so cool ofc… I woke up at 730 and chilled in bed for a lil b4 I got up and got dressed and got all ready for school. Catherine had to drive me bc my car was in the shop so we left at like 810 and got there around 830ish and we parked at horsebarn hill, which they added more commuter parking to! Yay! My class was in hicks so it was right there and then I had INTERNET! So I posted my replies yaaaaaaaaaay!
The first class I had was wetlands ecology and the guy doesn’t talk very loud but honestly he was kinda funny and seemed like a nice dude so I think its gonna be good and not too hard. We did an activity and for part of it you had to find someone who had been to minesota, and when we finished he called on me bc I had been there. It was weird, he asked weird questions that I couldn’t answer like which suburb was my family from??? And I had no clue… I just said we go to st paul. I guess he did his degree there so he thought I knew shit but im from cali baby sorry
Next class was in the basement of ITE so I had to RUN omg. Its already hard enough to go downhill from there to hicks, and going up sucked. But the second class was intimate relationships and OH BOY im excited for this class! The teacher sounds gay first of all which is cool even if hes not gay, and its about all SORTS off interesting things that I kinda just think I should know about. He specifically noted that hes going to try to be inclusive and we are going to talk about non hetero things which is GREAt. I drafted an email to send when im on campus tomorrow with questions about honors conversion and his research and stuff so I rly hope he replies
So then I went to the gym and did arms, and MAN my pump was awesome. I could pull 100 on the lat pulldown doing chinup grip and I could only pull like 80 last semester! I felt pumped. It wasn’t so busy bc I went at like 1130 when everyone was eating lunch so it was great yaaaaay! So then I showered and I met my dad so that he could get lunch and I could eat mine, and then I had to run nd get my last HPV vaccine shot and it hurt but I did great hehe and now im ALL DONE. No more fuckin needles for a while thank god. My arm is gonna be sore for like 4 dayss though, so that’s why I did arms today lol
Then we went and got my car and the tires apparently are worn down in weird spots so its kind of a bumpy ride but I mean… I will survive I guess. We also ran to target (altho I was fucking dying I was so tired) and we got a bike. We brought it back and at first I was having major issues and it was being shti and I thought it might not be good, but I took it around again and actually I think itll be fine. So hopefully thatll help me get around campus because last year I was fast walking a lot abd honestly like what the fuck. ALSO the buses are fucked up because theres a road closure and basically you cant get anywhere so I wanted a bike to jst be able to go fast. Its in my trunk and im gonna use it tomorrow… wish me luck
I came home and my dad eventually left and he gave me a card that had 140$ in it omg thank god I can actually pay for groceries while I wait for paychecks for a month. I took a shift Wednesday n ight with Meagan so things should get moving in that respect, I hope. Aw shit I GOTTA remember to bring my work clothes on Wednesday then, wow. I should have time to change and stuff. Ill also need two meals… ill figure it out I guess uhh
Btw I was so annoyed bc I cried a little when my dad left because I feel so bad that HE feels sad about leaving and it just makes me feel shitty… im in this weird limbo where like… he is still mean to me sometimes and he does bad things but its not as bad as it used to be but the past still HAPPENED sso I mean? Im not forgiving him and I cant ever feel comfortable around him and I just. I guess I feel like I should never feel sad abt it and im really not I just. Idk. Im not really sure rn.
Made some food and chatted with Catherine a bit, almost burnt my nachos but I saved them. The broiler is quite hot here. Then I excused myself at like 930 because omg I needed to fucking write like, im gonna get nothing done if I just get stuck talking to Catherine for hours every night. But tomorrow im coming home at like 330 and she wont be here for 2 hrs after that so hopefully I can chill and maybe make rice then and get a head start on things… that would be good. I have to do some reading for both of my classes so far but im not good at reading during the week, I might see if I can wait and read it/catch up/read ahead on the weekend when I have more time. Catherine will also be gne then and it’s a 3 day weekend so I think thatll work out well honestly
Well I gotta go to bed now I have a class at 930 and I gotta go early to work out this bike so bye
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