#basically been inhaling it
our oven is broken rn but when it’s fixed im gonna bake so much. what is life without a little treat
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kittykatninja321 · 10 months
When people say “Jason wouldn’t smoke because he died of smoke inhalation” I respectfully have to disagree, because if there’s one thing Jason is going to do he’s going to take aspects of his trauma and use them for himself and push on them like a bruise (he takes the name red hood, he uses explosives and guns, the crowbars were lame but they weren’t out of character), so I don’t think that would stop him from smoking. The way I see it I think Jason would be one of those people who occasionally smokes a cigarette when things are Particularly Bad, even though they swear they stopped smoking, like a maladaptive coping mechanism basically
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ladykyriaa · 7 months
Jinshi always having his favourite things taken away is such a fucked up memory actually can we talk about it more please???
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tomatoluvr69 · 5 months
Ohhhhhh my goddddddddd so I’ve basically been to the doctor three times since turning 18 and aging out of the pediatrician because of my horrible doctor fears and issues. So it’s a MOMENTOUS occasion and the culmination of years of glacial self-work that I felt ready FINALLY READY to sit down and make a doctors appointment for a routine visit!! Like that is give or take a decade in the making…….and all the ethereal alchemical elements were correct so I could finally do it this morning. But the clinic is closed and you can only do it weekdays ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ ok guess I am going to the doctor in 10 years probably. See you 2034
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hella1975 · 1 year
my mum picking me up this morning: you're not as hungover as i thought you'd be
me, just yacked in an alleyway: yeah haha
#it's 3pm now and i still cant believe that happened that was. an experience#basically my mate's 21st coincided with her sister's 30th so they both had this big joint Event last night#where they literally rented out a farm house and the field nearby and set up a whole campsite and barbeque and everything#it was really random but also really good esp bc ive been friends with this girl since we were super young#and our mums were friends so ive just got. lots of connections to her family and it was nice seeing them all again#but there was fully like 60 people at this thing and i DID drink more than i meant to but i wasn't paralytic which is good#and my hangover ISNT that bad in terms of how bad my hangovers can get#it's just that my mate's dad picked us both up at 9am this morning which was already going to be... rough#and then proceeded to do the bumpiest drive down the country lanes ive ever experienced#i was literally grinding my teeth like i am NOT about to throw up in this man's car please if there is a god do not let me throw up#and i didn't! my mum picked me up from this (thankfully very quiet) road that has this rickety old alley coming off it#and i had the very humbling moment of 'im actually going to be sick aren't i' and had to WAIT FOR AN OLD WOMAN#TO FUCKING MEANDER OUT OF THE ALLEY AND WALK FAR AWAY ENOUGH FOR ME TO AT LEAST HAVE A SHRED OF DIGNITY#and proceeded to throw up. in a public alleyway. at 9:30am on a sunday. so of course i needed to tell you guys about it#im now force feeding myself garlic bread. im going to manchester tomorrow. i have a flight at the crack of dawn on tuesday#what is even going on anymore#also fully did just do nos last night with some 30 year olds. i cannot express how fucking odd a thing that is for me to do#actually no i can express it bc youse know that im funny about drugs so for me to not even be that drunk#and get offered a fucking balloon of all things and be like 'yeah why not!' is.... odd#i know i inhaled wrong though bc it didn't do a thing which honestly im happy about <3#hella goes home
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
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essektheylyss · 2 years
#[sharp inhale]#I will not argue with people on the internet about how the tv industry works I will not argue with people on the internet about how the tv#like. here's the fucking problem. every time you try to talk about business models of tv and why certain things are different than others#it's just impossible cuz no one wants to operate under the assumption that tv is in fact a business from start to finish#and there are better and worse versions of that#and right now we have the WORST version of that#down to 'a strike has been considered every single damn time contract terms are up for review'#like tv has always been a business and that has give and take but you have to start at that basic understanding#the fact that showrunners are now begging people to watch immediately is a symptom that regular people are feeling#but it is WAY larger than that. and creators of all types and actors and below the line folks need to fucking eat.#which means you HAVE to acknowledge that this is a business and then regulate it as such#but you get can't do that cuz internet leftists will be like 'um all government intervention in art is morally horrible—'#yeah go fuck yourself. you sound like an right wing asshat building a backyard militia.#'but megs!' you say. 'no one yet suggested that today!'#yeah cuz I'm not starting the fucking discussion BECAUSE every time anyone has the leftists crawl out of the woodwork#to rebrand what are basically altright talking points to fit their narratives.#sorry but if you try to go 'this should just be way less regulated and everyone should do what they want'#you are giving the state and the market free reign to steamroll over whomever it likes. and I can tell you who they'll go after first.#anyway. idk who you are or what that is. ama closed.
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jedi-bird · 1 year
Cats are fed and medicated. Doors and windows are closed and as sealed as I can make them. Air filters have been cleaned and replaced. Inhaler is at the ready. Bring on the night of never-ending smoke and noise so we can get this over with.
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battleshot · 2 years
Small health update !!
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thethingything · 4 months
so the thing about medications is that they typically don't include the full list of side effects and drug interactions on the information leaflet and we've been fucked over so many times by this (special shoutout to the antibiotic in 2019 that gave us permanent side effects and the IBS medication last october that we're still dealing with side effects from) that we have to look up the side effects and interactions and stuff every time because if we don't it can go so fucking badly (we forgot to do this with the IBS medication, for example).
the antibiotic we're on can cause bronchospasm. this isn't mentioned at all on the information leaflet. we're asthmatic. guess who's spent the whole fucking day dealing with the bronchospasm that isn't mentioned at all on the information leaflet
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absentlyabbie · 11 months
seriously, though. i work in higher education, and part of my job is students sending me transcripts. you'd think the ones who have the least idea how to actually do that would be the older ones, and while sure, they definitely struggle with it, i see it most with the younger students. the teens to early 20s crowd.
very, astonishingly often, they don't know how to work with .pdf documents. i get garbage phone screenshots, sometimes inserted into an excel or word file for who knows what reason, but most often it's just a raw .jpg or other image file.
they definitely either don't know how to use a scanner, don't have access to one, or don't even know where they might go for that (staples and other office supply stores sometimes still have these services, but public libraries always have your back, kids.) so when they have a paper transcript and need to send me a copy electronically, it's just terrible photos at bad angles full of thumbs and text-obscuring shadows.
mind bogglingly frequently, i get cell phone photos of computer screens. they don't know how to take a screenshot on a computer. they don't know the function of the Print Screen button on the keyboard. they don't know how to right click a web page, hit "print", and choose "save as PDF" to produce a full and unbroken capture of the entirety of a webpage.
sometimes they'll just copy the text of a transcript and paste it right into the message of an email. that's if they figure out the difference between the body text portion of the email and the subject line, because quite frankly they often don't.
these are people who in most cases have done at least some college work already, but they have absolutely no clue how to utilize the attachment function in an email, and for some reason they don't consider they could google very quickly for instructions or even videos.
i am not taking a shit on gen z/gen alpha here, i'm really not.
what i am is aghast that they've been so massively failed on so many levels. the education system assumed they were "native" to technology and needed to be taught nothing. their parents assumed the same, or assumed the schools would teach them, or don't know how themselves and are too intimidated to figure it out and teach their kids these skills at home.
they spend hours a day on instagram and tiktok and youtube and etc, so they surely know (this is ridiculous to assume!!!) how to draft a formal email and format the text and what part goes where and what all those damn little symbols means, right? SURELY they're already familiar with every file type under the sun and know how to make use of whatever's salient in a pinch, right???
THEY MUST CERTAINLY know, innately, as one knows how to inhale, how to type in business formatting and formal communication style, how to present themselves in a way that gets them taken seriously by formal institutions, how to appear and be competent in basic/standard digital skills. SURELY. Of course. RIGHT!!!!
it's MADDENING, it's insane, and it's frustrating from the receiving end, but even more frustrating knowing they're stumbling blind out there in the digital spaces of grown-up matters, being dismissed, being considered less intelligent, being talked down to, because every adult and system responsible for them just
ASSUMED they should "just know" or "just figure out" these important things no one ever bothered to teach them, or half the time even introduce the concepts of before asking them to do it, on the spot, with high educational or professional stakes.
kids shouldn't have to supplement their own education like this and get sneered and scoffed at if they don't.
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sleepyjupz · 9 months
i dont think i've (intentionally) spoken on this tumblr in a bit and i, like basically everyone else, am so so tired and so so sad
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tarrynightss · 8 months
what happens when sukuna’s precious little jewel actually does get pregnant ???
I’m so glad you asked Anon hehe
Concubine!reader x Sukuna thoughts part 1 here
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Tags; Pregnancy, Concubine!fem!Reader, smut below cut, breeding kink, size difference, bit of lactation kink
Sukuna is not surprised when it happens after all the hard work you both put into realizing his dream. He notices a subtle change in your smell, in the energy that pulsates around you when he caresses his hand over your body. A wide grin splits on his face as he lays his hand over your lower stomach, his chest sturdy against your back. He can’t help but nuzzle his face against the side of your head, inhaling more of your intoxicating smell. “It took.”. Those simple words have your eyes widening and your heart pounding in your chest, looking back at him to ensure you understood correctly. “You’re with child.”
He’s overjoyed with the prospect of having a baby, an heir of his own. He’s more affectionate than he ever was, taking time to settle you close against him, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the growing bump on your stomach. He even caresses your hair and kisses you in an attempt to comfort you when you feel pain, all of it shockingly gentle for Sukuna. In his mind there’s a simple explanation. You did as he wanted, and you continue to do your duty well, ensuring his child is safe and growing strong inside you even when it hurts you, so you should be rewarded for it.
Sukuna has always been wary of others, but with the pregnancy he turns outright paranoid. With the amount of enemies he has he worries that one might now lash out and target you and your baby. He focuses more on maintaining barriers around the house, has someone sample your food in front of him before it’s allowed to be served to you, and you never sleep alone anymore, him always curled protectively against your side. He also decides to dismiss a large portion of his harem, not trusting them to have your best interest in mind. He knows how jealous humans can get, had seen women scratch each others eyes out just to get ahead of the other, and so the only other concubines allowed to stay are the ones you claim are your friends. He still keeps a careful eye on them, only truly allowing it because he knows that when the time comes, you will need women to aid you through it, and he doesn’t trust random midwives more than he trusts them.
Sukuna will spoil you more than ever, making sure you are comfortable in whatever way he can offer. The pregnancy is clearly taking a toll on you, your stomach having grown large and heavy, and he almost worries the size difference between you that excited him so might become the death of you. He carries you basically everywhere the last two months, wrapping you up in his strong arms and doing anything you need of him. It’s quite ironic; you used to be the one helping him get dressed, fawning over your master, and now he does the opposite for you. Though you know it’s out of necessity, it still makes your heart flutter.
That Sukuna is stressed out when you finally give birth is putting it lightly. He waits outside as customary, trying to appear stoic but panicking on the inside at your pained screams. As soon as he hears a baby cry, he barges in, watching as another concubine places the child against your bare chest. He quickly finds himself on his knees beside you, brushing one large hand over your sweaty forehead to comfort you as the other joins you in holding your baby. It’s a daughter, but she’s healthy and strong, screaming her lungs out for a minute more before calming down. You laugh, and he breathes in deeply, knowing you both made it. Relieve makes him bend forward and press a kiss to your forehead, leaning back just in time to see the child’s eyes open. Four in total, just like her father, but with the scarlet stare replaced by the lovely color of your eyes.
It surprises everyone, including you, how much of an involved father he is, holding his baby as often as he can, a large finger prodding at her pouty lips till she smiles and coos. When you apologize to him for not giving him a son, he stares at you blankly, gesturing for you to rise from where you kneel before him, putting one hand on your cheek as two others still cradle your baby. “I don’t need your apology. The child is healthy, and you will give me a son next time.” The surprise is evident on your face as your eyes snap to his. Not only is he being benevolent, but he also just said he wants another child with you. You were afraid he would discard you like a broken toy after this, no longer interesting enough to him, but it seems you still manage to hold your position as his favorite, bringing a smile to your face.
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It has to be said that Sukuna can’t take his eyes off of you from the moment that tiny bump appears on your stomach. There’s something about it, about you, that makes every fiber of his being crave touching you. Maybe it’s that famous pregnancy glow, or maybe it’s the fact that he knows he’s the one who fucked a baby into you. You’re his, more clearly now than ever, and it excites him beyond his own comprehension.
Luckily for Sukuna, the hormones coursing through your body have you seeking him out desperately throughout most of your pregnancy. The first few months he fucks you like he wants to ruin you, rutting into you like an addict, but as soon as you really start showing he becomes more gentle. He wouldn’t risk seriously hurting you or his child, often seating you in his lap as he thrusts into you, his mouth lapping at your sweet neck. You still mewl so sweetly for him, so eagerly, and he already knows he might want to do this all over again after you’ve given him his first child.
Sukuna takes such good care of his little jewel, even massaging your poor sore breasts, teasing your aching nipples with his tongue. The changes to your body have him drooling all over you, his hands constantly on your growing breasts or belly. It becomes a guilty pleasure of his to touch you there, enjoying just having you on his lap as he rolls your nipples between his fingers, loving the way you squirm against him.
You find some of the changes quite embarrassing, especially when your breasts start leaking milk as you enter your third trimester. He only grins wolfishly when he notices the wet patches on the fabric covering your breasts, tutting as he pulls you to his chambers. “You need to relieve the pressure, little one.” And of course your benevolent master knows just how to do it, massaging your breasts till more drops come out, making sure he’s right there to help you through it all. This definitely gets far worse after you’ve given birth and your milk fully comes in, aching painfully to be released, Sukuna hot on your heels after ensuring your baby is fed to ‘help’ you.
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mommypieck · 9 months
⌗︙・choso finding your panties ⸜⸜・
choso feels ashamed of what he's about to do but it's your fault you let your panties laying on the ground. he runs his fingers on them, thinking about how your pussy was touching them just a minute ago. choso presses it against his nose, inhaling the sweet smell of your pussy. he's been fantasizing about you for so long and now he finally got a sniff of you. what about a taste? can he-? he lols his tongue out, gently swiping it against the panties. he almost moans at the taste, although he doesn't know how you taste, this is enough for him.
"what are you doing?!" you yell out from the doorway. choso lets the panties fall to the floor as he stands speechless in the middle of the room. you look him up and down, there's no way he wasn't licking your used panties .
"you're such a pervert." you say, walking closer to him. you grab him by his hair, bringing his hair closer to you. he winces a bit at the pain, but he doesn't care, he's so close to your lips.
"get on the ground if you want a taste." he doesn't understand what you mean until you yank him to the ground by his hair. you hike up your skirt, pushing your panties to the side so he can see your pussy. he salivates just at the view.
"eat it." you order, not giving him any time to think as you press his face into your cunt. you're not being gentle when you start riding his face. you're basically dripping from this whole situation, making him choke at your juices. he's inexperienced and he doesn't know how to eat a girl out properly but he's feasting. he's feasting on your juices like a madman, slurping your juices down. you don't try to explain to him that he should focus on your clit to make him feel good, because he just looks so pretty like this.
"gonna cum, open up." you say and he happily obeys. choso looks adorable just sitting in front of you with his tongue sticked out. you grind your cunt against his tongue,chasing your orgasm. he's mesmerized by you, his eyes wide and watching your every movement.
"im cumming." you moan out, squirting your juices inside of choso's mouth. he's suprised at firt but he swallows it. you giggle at him, he's so dirty. he's so hard in his pants that it hurts.
"oh poor baby. maybe I'll let you ride my boot so you can cum too.'
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starr-ofthevoids · 7 months
I love the “Mumbo’s some kind of supernatural creature” headcanons, and I love the “Mumbo’s just a guy” headcanons, but may I propose: “everyone thinks Mumbo is some sort of creature thing but he’s actually just a bit strange”
“His eyes are so red they basically glow!” My guy inhales enough redstone to power a small machine on the daily.
“He’s nocturnal! He’s always up at night!” Insomnia.
“It’s like he teleports! He just appears behind people” he’s just naturally very quiet and people don’t hear him walking up.
“He knows so many random facts, there has to have been around for ages to learn all that” he’s just a nerd.
Mumbo gets nervous anytime someone tries to interrogate him, making the hermits even more suspicious, but in actuality he’s just worried they’ll be disappointed and he’s starting to realise they probably won’t believe him no matter what answer he gives.
There’s a server-wide bet going for who can figure out what he actually is. Grian, who’s known him for years and knows full well that’s he’s 100% mortal and human, shows up and starts egging the hermits on by “dropping hints” as to what he may be, much to Mumbo’s dismay. Grian thinks the bet is utterly hilarious.
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sandymybeloved · 1 year
i always forget how horrible asthma attacks are until I'm having one
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