#shirakumo imagines
angelophanie · 23 days
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Aizawa revealing a softer side of himself when he is around Shirakumo 🥹
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rainbeaudingo · 4 months
I like to imagine that, as Shirakumo was being experimented on and being turned into Kurogiri, he still had enough willpower to fight AFO and his plans. He knew he wasn’t dealing with a regular villain, and physically fighting back didn’t work. Instead, he’d play the part. Be an obedient nomu in front of AFO and the doctor, then delete and destroy information he could get his hands on.
He knew AFO wanted Erasure. If he got his hands on it, everyone was doomed. So Shirakumo would destroy all data on Eraserhead: sightings, weaknesses, etc.. Of course, the ruse didn’t last forever, but he did what he could.
As much as Shirakumo wanted to call for his friends for help, he stayed silent.
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slurpyboii · 2 months
That ended exactly how I expected it to and, as expected, I am entirely neutral on it. Wasn't a satisfying ending or a super hype ending or anything like that, literally just the ending that may as well have happened. Not a single thing surprised me that whole conclusion, it felt unfortunately predictable. You can tell he's excited for it's end though so I'm happy for Horikoshi regardless, hope he can get proper rest now.
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
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god i fucking love mom kurogiri like of COURSE he was going to go to TOMURA going to sensei wasn't even an OPTION to kurogiri. like in no universe would he ever ever go to afo instead of tomura. yeah he's a nomu but kurogiri said fuck afo that's my fucking kid i need to be there for him on his big day. i'm like actually so emotional over this
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Hi, there! 🥰
I'm really, really, really excited to announce you that I'm currently working with my beloved and talented friend @merrymonkey on an illustrated fanfic of Aizawa, starting from his U.A. days and moving into the present when he's the homeroom teacher of class 1A.
This is gonna be kind of long, we hope you enjoy the ride. 💖
Our Hero Academy
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 2k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the U.A.
On the first day of school, the UA’s enormous doors opened earlier than usual. Some teachers, the kindest ones, had come out to welcome the new students. Some of them already knew each other, having grown up in the same neighborhood and lucky enough to be in the same high school class. Such was the case with Hizashi Yamada, Oboro Shirakumo, and Shouta Aizawa.
While the first two talked quite loudly, drawing the attention of anyone who passed by, the last one was not only almost asleep but also remarkably quiet, he looked like a calm boy, someone who didn't look for trouble.
Starting with Hizashi, he was a tall and slim boy with blond hair, which he wore spiked upwards. His eyes were covered with some pretty cool sunglasses, and it was very common to see him with a large smile on his face. Hizashi had an eccentric personality, almost like a radio host. He even often posed when he talked and maintained a certain level of excitement or volume, regardless of the situation. Though he tended to be a jovial individual, Hizashi was capable of great rage, but that wasn't really common to occur, for he was the typical extroverted and popular guy.
Meanwhile, Oboro's light blue wavy hair was his charm, as well as his adorable and bright personality. He usually wore an expression of excitement. Very prone to making jokes and witty comments with innuendos, his energetic and goofy personality was similar to that of Hizashi, although Oboro never quite reached his friend's excitement. Due to his extravagant behavior, he was not the type of person who followed protocol and had little sense of shame, hence just as he was walking with his friends, he closed his uniform shirt as if he were in his room.
Finally, behind came the third of them, Shouta Aizawa. He was a slender and tall, tanned-skinned boy with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hung in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. His worn-out appearance made him often look fatigued, especially because of his tired eyes. He was a very stern and reserved person; actually, he often came off as cold and apathetic, someone who preferred to take naps in every possible place over any other activity. Although quiet, the young hero student was very vocal and bold when expressing his ideas, which lead him to only had two friends. Despite his apathetic traits, he genuinely cared about his friends and was willing to do anything for them. In fact, he had already done it, he had already gotten into more than one problem because of Hizashi and Oboro. Shouta often grinned and even made jokes about his friends' eccentric personalities. Although it was more common to see him serious or rather shy.
While Hizashi spoke, or rather, he shouted expressing his immense emotion, Oboro adjusted his uniform. To tell the truth, it seemed that he was getting dressed, because now he was buttoning up his shirt.
“Do you really have to do that while we walk among so many people?” Aizawa asked.
“I didn't have time to get dressed. If you hadn't held us up for wanting to rescue that cat, I'd have been able to do it, so now you suck it up." He said with a mischievous smile as he tried to find his belt inside his backpack.
“Do you think they assign us the same section? I want us to be classmates again." Hizashi commented when they were already walking through the main gates.
Aizawa listened to Oboro's answer until something else completely stole his attention. Sitting on a bench next to a window, a girl was waiting for the doors of the academy's auditorium to open so that the professors could give them the welcome speech.
He was not the type of individual who paid special attention to admiring another person's beauty, he had had beautiful classmates at high school, and he had even seen some very pretty girls entering the academy, however, none of them had got to awake something on him, as it had happened to Oboro and Hizashi and their numerous dates. 
Yet, that girl just a few steps away had taken his breath away. Aizawa cut the conversation with his friends because, for a few seconds, he couldn't do anything else but admire that short girl with long, wavy pastel pink hair tied in a braid. She had been nervously playing with a pink hair tie while waiting to enter the auditorium. Suddenly, a gust of wind made her look at the branches of a tree through the window, allowing Aizawa to see a bit more of her face.
Possibly due to Aizawa's piercing stare, she realized someone was looking at her, and turning around, she discovered him. Her lovely and expressive green eyes were now fixed on the young man's black eyes. His usual tired gaze switched to a wide-eye one by noticing an undeniable sparkle in the girl's look. Such interaction struck Aizawa to the core; it was so overwhelming, that he was about to break that eye contact. Luckily, he did not do it and did not miss the kind but shy and fleeting smile that the girl gave him. Shota couldn't smile back not because he didn't want to, but because he simply couldn't, he just froze. Naturally, when the girl saw that the guy didn't even react back, she looked away from him and had to force herself to think of something else; otherwise, the auto cringe would have made her leave the place.
"You okay, bro? Are you that nervous? Your face's red." Oboro said looking at his friend, but Aizawa just shook his head.
"Let's go in, the doors are already open." Aizawa replied without forgetting the girl's smile. 
He wasn't the typical guy who got a lot of smiles or kind looks, perhaps because his eyes were usually on the ground, or because his gaze was a tired one, not precisely a cordial one. Whatever the reason, it was not common for him to receive such a kind facial expression like that. All his life he was used to Hizashi and Oboro turning out to be the ones who stole peeks and received compliments. To tell the truth, Aizawa had never minded that since social interactions were not his thing at all.
Yet, he did not have time to think more about it, the professor who welcomed them had already started with his talk. He explained to the students how the academy worked and how they would be assigned to a class. That was how that day, once again fate wanted Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi to be together in the same class. Though that was not the only surprise. When they entered the room, Aizawa saw the girl again; apparently, the four of them would study together from now on.
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That was how they spent the first days at the UA. The professional heroes didn't give them a break, it was training after training, in addition to master classes, of course. Knowing and trusting each one's quick was a must to survive the UA classes; therefore, Aizawa was definitely not having a good time. Meanwhile, Hizashi and Oboro not only controlled theirs better, but they also felt comfortable with their powers and were confident that they would become excellent heroes. However, the shy young man constantly doubted his ability, and when possible, he trained alone so as not to slow anyone down. But that changed the second week when one of the teachers asked them to pair up for the next lesson in one of the many training camps.
"Okay, this is it! I'll ask Hoshino to work with me!" Oboro said, adjusting his uniform and referring to the pink-haired girl, who turned out to be very quiet and introverted. Even though she had all her classmates drooling over her from the first day, she was always alone and studying in her spare time in the library.
"Don't even dream about it, Oboro, I'll ask her," Hizashi replied. "You are very noisy, she won't want to be your partner." 
“What the fuck, Hizashi!? You scream instead of talking! Besides, you'll scare her, you're too aggressive."
"I'm not aggressive!"
"And you're not very bright either, why would the best of the class want to work with you?"
Aizawa, for his part, chuckled upon hearing his friends and continued tying his shoelaces. In the meantime, Hizashi and Oboro were so focused on arguing among themselves that they didn't realize when the girl approached where they were.
Thus, she touched the least expected person's shoulder and spoke.  “Hi... Hum, excuse me, would you mind if we worked together? I've seen your quirk and I think we could make a good team.” As determined as she was to train with him, there was a hint of shyness in her voice.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Oboro and Hizashi asked looking at how she had chosen Aizawa as her partner.
Although the two outgoing boys had come to her since day one to introduce themselves, Aizawa hadn't said a word, preferring to stay behind. So, her proposal was quite unexpected for everyone, especially for Aizawa, who looked at her as if hoping that she would realize that she was speaking to HIM and not to his friends.
"I see... you already have a partner, I'm sorry." Wishing that the earth would swallow her, the girl was about to disappear, she didn't do it only because Oboro was faster and prevented her.
"No, he doesn't have one! It's just that Aizawa's very shy." Oboro replied as Hizashi practically pushed his friend to his feet.
“Did you hear that, Shota? You'll be able to work with the best of the class!” The blonde said.
"Are you sure you want to work with me?"
"Come on, Shota, don't be so humble, your quirk's awesome!" Hizashi said pushing him to such an extent that the young black-haired man almost lost his balance.
That was how Aizawa and the girl ended up teaming up together. The mission they had been given to train was to enter the forest that surrounded the UA and find a hidden bomb as quickly as possible. For that, they would have the whole class, for the terrain was huge.
All the way Aizawa was wondering the same thing. "Why does she want to work with me?" The girl had passed the entrance exam with the highest score, and despite only taking two weeks of classes, all her teachers had already recognized her as the best of her generation.
“So, you erase quirks with your gaze…" The girl said, interrupting Aizawa's analysis. "That's so cool! You have one of the best powers I've ever seen.”
“The effect lasts until I blink. It's not very useful." 
"Have you tried using eye drops? That way your eyes will be moisturized, and you can train them for a longer use of your quirk. Maybe they'll be a little dry, but at least they won't hurt afterward."
Aizawa remained silent, contemplating the option that the girl gave him; truth be told, she made a lot of sense. After some minutes of walking in silence, the boy talked. “What about your quirk? Can you manipulate any kind of energy? If so, you have unlimited potential."
"It's not that easy." She responded by shaking her head. “When I transform energy, I use my own. The more energy I manipulate, the less I have left to fight. Also, it's not unlimited, quite the opposite. If I intend to control some type of energy, I first must know it thoroughly, know how it works, and what risks can come."
"That's why she studies so much..." Aizawa thought.
“If I don't know the type of energy, or if I convert more than what my body resists, things don't end well. It's happened a couple of times and it hasn't been nice." She confessed somewhat embarrassed. "That's why I think we could make a good team, you could give me a hand if things get messy." 
"You barely know me, are you going to trust me that much?"
"I saw how you helped your friend when we floated higher than expected."
The girl giggled remembering how during one of the first practices, Oboro used one of his clouds to float. He was just bragging; yet, thanks to the wind, the cloud flew higher and quicker. It was Aizawa who controlled the situation by erasing his quirk and helping him get back to earth. 
"Oh, you saw that..." He whispered just about to laugh. Not even Shota could deny how funny it was to see Oboro fall over Hizashi. 
"How not to? Your other friend, the blond one, kept yelling at the cloud guy to get off of him."
"Yeah, that's kind of common when it comes to Hizashi and Oboro."
"Well, we'd better hurry if we want to find that bomb first."
The dynamic between the two students turned out to be quite good, not only did they complete the mission successfully, but they also had time to get to know each other a little better, because by finishing before all the other groups, they had almost an hour free. Thus, sitting on some rocks on the banks of a river, Shota discovered that her family lived in the countryside and that to pursue her dream of becoming a hero, she had moved to the city alone. The academy had dormitories for students with similar situations, so she had no problem finding a place to live. That short interaction was enough for Aizawa to judge her as a nice and extremely sweet girl. 
Without knowing how or why, she quickly felt comfortable with Aizawa, so much so that she made a couple of jokes and even imitated him. Apparently, in that week the young heroine had analyzed him enough to discover several of his habits.
“You have a lot of free time in class.” The boy commented unable to avoid laughing just a little when he saw her imitating the way he yawned.
“The first week has been calmer than I imagined.”
“That's because you're talented. I barely approved the physical performance exams.”
Once again, the girl started to play with her hair tie, anyone could tell she was struggling to decide if saying what she was thinking or remaining silent. In the end, she mustered some courage and dared to say it.  “We could train together in the afternoons.” 
Aizawa raised his gaze and looked at her as if looking for any sign that he had listened wrong. “YOU are going to train with me? You, the number one in the class?”
“I also need to train, and I think we could complement ourselves. I mean... our quirks." She corrected herself while blushing. 
Aizawa was the first classmate she actively approached and, to tell the truth, it had been hard for her to summon up the courage to speak to him. Judging by his actions during those two weeks of classes, it was highly possible that he would say no. After all, Shota hardly talked with his two friends, why would he say yes to training with her?
"I mean, it's just an idea. But if you already train with someone else, that's fine." She said feeling how her face was turning even more red.
Noticing that he was making her feel uncomfortable, Aizawa reacted. “It's not what you're thinking. Honestly, I didn't expect you to want to team up with me. You caught me off guard."
Understanding that it wasn't that he was rejecting her, but that this was all very unexpected for him, she felt less embarrassed. “I'm not very good at making friends and many of our classmates already knew each other. Besides…. You seem like a very trustworthy person and your quirk is wonderful. I'm sorry, I think I already told you this a dozen times.” She said between a shy giggling.
The black-haired hero looked at her for a few moments. "She's really cute. No wonder why Hizashi and Oboro say it all the time." 
"Well, I don't want to put you on the spot. If one day you have some free time, we could train together, Aizawa.” She said getting up, it was time to meet up with the rest of the class.
"Shota, call me Shota."
“My name's Kaori. Thanks for working with me today, Shota.” She responded with a sweet smile.
Next chapter
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akemisalem · 1 month
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i swear to God i’m so normal when it comes to them.
(no i’m not and i’m crying over them again)
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arbitrary-numb3r · 7 months
Oboro 💙 Character Playlist
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"The three of us should start our own agency. That's the plan anyway."
☁️ Ostensibly Oboro 💙: Spotify
Other Playlists | Aizawa | Hizashi | Midnight | Midoriya
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Makes me sad that there are fans who genuinely want Kuroboro to completely drop Tomura like a hot potato with zero sympathy and attachment if he regains his memories as Shirakumo. I’m not even talking about people who want him to rejoin the heroes’ side (that makes sense), I’m talking about those who are disgusted at the idea of him still caring about Shigaraki in any positive capacity or potentially wanting to save him even if he does it on the heroes’ side. They think he should just help try to kill Tomura after regaining his memories and that depresses me.
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nerdyquestier · 1 year
What If Oboro (#3)
What if on the third day of UA having Midoriya & co as students, the USJ is still attacked, but by Mr Compress in place of Tenko, a familiar voice making Oboro freeze momentarily and glance to Aizawa as he registered the voice of one of Kayama’s past classmates coming from the villain?
What if Compress similarly froze upon seeing Oboro, looking so similar and yet so strikingly different to how he did during their time at UA, eyes widening behind the mask as he glanced frantically between Aizawa and Oboro before an impatient whine came from beside him?
What if it wasn’t Aizawa who fought a Nomu, but Oboro, who proceeded to have a panic attack about it afterwards, knowing what happens to make a Nomu (even a failed one like himself, his mind echoes continuously), and being horrified that he hadn’t been the last The Doctor experimented on?
What if Compress watched the Sports Festival to get any sort of hint as to whether he caused his Kohai (however many years had passed since Oboro’s “death” and his own disappearance) any lasting pain, only to find out that both he and Aizawa had been forced to co-announce with Mic for the event, after which he couldn’t find it within himself to stop watching?
What if Oboro went down to the staff spectator area after the first event, smiling softly at the sound of cheering of the crowd (heroes, scouts and reporters alike), where he got a call just before the end of the second event that Tensei had been attacked by a villain and was hospitalised, unconscious?
What if he had to take Iida to Hosu in the middle of the event before he could tell any of his friends about having to leave past a message to Aizawa that he would have to look after Tenko (basically just drive him home and give him food, the kid’s 17 at this point but doesn’t trust himself to cook, Oboro doesn’t trust him to not burn himself) for the evening?
What if after over two years of having 3A (Togata & co) as his home room class, they all register and avoid asking about his dour mood when they have class on the following Tuesday?
What if the Hosu attack leaves Oboro with immense guilt, a heavily injured pseudo-nephew (Touya, who was able to get Iida and Native to safety), and a new scar that ran down his left outer thigh?
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stitched-mouth · 1 year
My Hero Academia Students Masterlist
Notes: Anyone you see missing here are characters I do not write for, or might be on another MHA masterlist. They are all here. I don’t write smut or anything nsfw for underage characters and I don’t ‘age them up’ just to sexualise them. So only nsfw for Tamaki and Oboro.
🦋 = Headcannons
💄 = Fem Reader
☘️ = GN Reader
🌷 = Fic
🖤 = Angst
🏳️‍🌈 = Gay
✨= Fluff
🌚 = NSFW
Izuku Midoriya /Deku
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To Be Continued…
Katsuki Bakugo / Ground Zero
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To Be Continued…
Eijirou Kirishima / Red Riot
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To Be Continued…
Hanta Sero / Cellophane
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To Be Continued…
Tsu Asui / Froppy
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To Be Continued…
Mina Ashido / Pinky
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To Be Continued…
Ochako Uraraka
To Be Continued…
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
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To Be Continued…
Hitoshi Shinso
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Hitoshi Shinso’s Firsts 🦋💄✨
Tamaki Amajiki / Suneater
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To Be Continued…
Oboro Shirakumo / Loud Cloud
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To Be Continued…
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bokunodumbassery · 2 years
I feel like Hizashi, at the start of his and Shouta’s relationship, wouldn’t have genuinely believed Shouta loved him.
Like, if you’ve read BNHA Vigilantes, you probably noticed that Shouta had a very obvious crush on Oboro, and Hizashi was generally pushed aside. It also isn’t hard to make the comparison between Hizashi and Oboro as people; both loud and extroverted, a lot of (at least outwardly projected) confidence, etc.
Between that, and how hard Oboro’s death hit Shouta - Hizashi and Nemuri too, but Shouta most visibly - it wouldn’t be hard for Hizashi to come to the conclusion that Shouta was projecting Oboro onto him, but to accept Shouta asking him out anyway.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
If you're mentally percolating soulmate asks for anything, what about a unicorn level crossover of Harry Potter/Shirakumo Oboro with a Oboro Lives because our boys have been hurt enough. Soulmate countdown timer maybe, if Japan did something England didn't and reached out for international heroes for help with their mess, maybe same forced hero background as your WSTS. Cue meet beat up on the field instead of meet cute. Or toss the soulmate part and let the dorks be awkward.
This is good. This is very good. I’m feeling alive but brainwashed Oboro for this so like some angst but they still get their happy ending.
They had been told the smoldering remnants of the HPSC called for backup in its dying throws. They had been told that heroes all over the world had received the call and would be arriving, sooner or later, to bolster Japan’s dwindling ranks. They had been told that some of them were high level heroes, Top Tens from across the world, and one in particular had been second only to All Might in the world wide rankings before the man had retired.
(The part of him that was still Oboro, the part that screamed against the control band around his throat and the unfamiliar quirk in his blood that had corrupted his clouds into something they were never supposed to be, was thankful.)
Still. The masses had expected All Might Two to be the one to touch down in the no man’s land between the two sides, the two armies, not a twenty something man in a leather jacket and a crop top.
Beside him, one of the villains that he hadn’t bothered learning the names of snorted. “Some cavalry.”
The man, for that tiny slip of a thing was a man and not a boy as some of the others hissed, tipped his head up enough for them to see his glowing green eyes (so much like actual All Might Two currently being held back by a black clad arm at the front of the Heroes’ line) and the lines of glowing green lightning stretching down over his face and toward his throat and smiled.
He hit their lines like a hurricane, splintering their ranks and leaving the fallen in his wake unconscious, wrapped in multi colored ropes, and dyed every color of the rainbow for good measure.
(The part of him that was Oboro cheered.)
He cut a path of destruction (not death. Not agony. But destruction nonetheless) through their lines, flickering from one place to another too fast for the eye to track and alight with glowing orbs that erupted from his hands seemingly without thought.
“Kurogiri! Stop him!” The order set his teeth on end as it always did, behind his veil of mist and shadows, but what else could he do but obey? He lifted his hand, the one with the cracked but still ticking steadily downward. Part of him had dispair Ed a few years ago when, in a moment of weakness, he had dispelled the shadows around his hand to check his Numbers only to find spiderwebbed cracks over his timer and frozen numbers. Then, after a second, the numbers had flicked back into motion.
The shadows on his wrist flickered just long enough for him to see.
A little body slammed into him just as the light cut through the shadows on his wrist. An answering light shone from the hand reaching for his collar for the split second before it, before the control he had been living under for so long, crumbled away.
The shadows cleared. He saw a lopsided smile and shining green eyes behind round black glasses.
“Hold on a mo’, mate. I have unfinished business first.”
“Kill him,” Oboro gasped with a voice hoarse from disuse. His voice after so long. “You have to kill him… but… spare Tomura if you can.”
The man’s head tipped to the side as if he wasn’t clinging like a spider monkey to someone on the wrong side of a war begging him to spare one of the leaders. As if they had all the time in the world to talk in the stunned silence that had taken over both sides of the war. Then he smiled again. Softer. Sadder.
“Not my first genocidal maniac, love. Not my first broken kid either.”
Then, with a crack, he was gone.
Oboro realized he hadn’t even gotten the man’s name.
“Hey idiot!” A voice, quirk boosted and so familiar Oboro could have sobbed, cut through the stunned silence of the battlefield. “Now is the part where you run!”
(Later, on a hospital bed with a kind woman with the biggest mass of curly brown hair he had ever seen smiling at him as she promised the last threads of All For One’s control had been broken, and his stunned friends standing guard just inside his room, he saw the man again. Bruised and blood-flecked but smiling still.
“Ouroboros,” Shouta started, but the man only smiled.
“Just Harry. Something tells me we’re going to be family after all.” One of those green eyes winked at him, and for the first time in fifteen years Oboro Shirakumo laughed.)
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misfits-den · 2 years
I had a an out of blue thought: Old Guard AU where Aizawa actually dies during USJ, just to walk it off.
I was not surprised to not find anything on AO3.
But considering the amount of fics I've spotted where Modoriya dies and comes back to life, I was surprised to only find 2 fics with that AU/Fusion/whatever, both with LoV as immortals.
So who do you think would make a good newbie immortal?
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
major bnha spoilers
i need kurogiri to protect shiggy from afo in the war SO BAD. i know it's almost definitely not what's going to happen but imagine it. kurogiri got taken into custody a while before shigaraki went into the tanks for his transformation thing. does anyone actually think that ass for one would inform his servant, a nomu, of his plans beforehand? no. also maybe i'm misremembering but did he ever ask about afo while he was in custody? not to mention, hes like half oboro half nomu rn, and so you really think oboro would let the pinnacle of evil hurt the child he's been taking care of since the kid was like 8??? i think the fuck not good sir! like cmon imagine he sent dabi and toga and the others to afos location not only because they asked but because they could distract the heros while oboro/kurogiri leads afo to where tomura and deku are to helps the hero's end the man that "killed" him and hurt his boy. sobbing kicking the wall eating cardboard
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Our Hero Academy
Chapter 7 - It all started with that first kiss
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Prev. Chapter
Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 3.6k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Once again, thanks to @merrymonkey for illustrating this story. I love you, girl! 🥰
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Chapter 7 - It all started with that first kiss
The two young heroes remained silent for some minutes in which Aizawa's brain was trying to come up with what to say or how to behave. Shota was terrible at those moments, he had never known what to do when someone was down, especially because with his only two friends, he never needed to worry about their mood, Hizashi and Oboro were always laughing and joking. Yet, before getting back to work, he forced himself to act, he cared too much about the girl to not try to do something. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kaori looked at him and couldn't help but find adorable his shyness and inexperience when it came to trying to keep a serious conversation. “I mean, if you don't, you might keep thinking about it while we work and…”
"Shota, why don't you just accept that you're being a good friend and you're worried about me?" Her question caused him to immediately blush and clear his throat.
"Fine, I'm worried about you, it's not normal to see you this blue."
"Do you remember the first time we trained together? I told you that heat and electricity are types of energy I avoid." Aizawa nodded, of course he remembered. "Before coming to the U.A. I was in charge of taking care of my brothers while my parents worked. We used to go to the forest, and while I trained, they played near me. They begged me for days to go to this place where my parents didn't allow us to visit not just because it was far from home, but because it was dangerous. Even for us who grew up between bushes and rivers, it was a risky zone. However, I was so reckless... I thought I could take of them with the control I already had of my quirk, but I couldn't be more wrong." Aizawa continued listening to the girl, anxious to know what had marked her back and forced her to limit the power of her quirk. Just by looking at her, he knew how embarrassed she felt of herself. 
"I took them there, and it was fine for a while until the downpour started. I thought it'd pass and we sheltered under some trees from the rain, but everything got worse with the lightning. That's when I knew we had to go back, or at least find a safer place, but since I was little, lightning terrified me, and that storm has been the worst I've seen so far. Because I got scared, I got lost and it took me longer to find our way home. When we finally made it, I realized that the youngest of my brothers wasn't there. Between the lightning, the rain, and the little control I had over them, I didn't realize when it happened." Kaori lowered her gaze, every time she thought back to that day, she relived how scary she had been. “I immediately went back, he was just a four-year-old kid lost in the woods under the worst storm you can imagine. I tried to decrease the intensity of the rain in the places where I searched for him, but if I did that, I lost what little control I had over the lightning. There came a point where I couldn't take it anymore, the river had overflowed its banks, and trying to control it was impossible. Luckily, I managed to find him, but the landslides because of the flooding blocked the path I had taken before. We couldn't even go around the river, we had to cross it and while we were doing it, my brother got hurt. I was desperate to check his wounds, and when we got out of the water... I couldn't think, Shota, I was a fool and leaned him against the trunk of a tree."
Aizawa went cold when he heard that, anyone knew how dangerous trees were in a thunderstorm.
“It all happened so fast. As soon as I saw the lightning, I tried to redirect the electric shock, but I failed. It wasn't just that, the tree went up in flames, and while I received the electric shock on my back, the fire burned my brother's face. I couldn't help it, I tried, I swear I tried, but I couldn't control the two energies at the same time. I barely managed to keep the electricity from touching him.”
Kaori did not refer to what happened after the accident as it was too painful to remember her little brother in the hospital crying from the pain of his burns. Also, it was terrible to see how time passed and his face kept remembering what had happened that day. Yet, the child loved her and now that he was older, he repeated to her that what had happened had not been her fault, but there would be no words that would make her forget the trauma of that day.
"Fire and electricity terrify me, and when I saw that Oboro received that shock, I couldn't continue with the exam." Despite how strong she appeared to be, Aizawa caught a glimpse of her friend's glassy eyes. “I don't want to see any other person going through that, but I'm still not good enough. Also, when I see my scar, I…”
Once again, Shota looked at her intending to wipe away her tears before they could even run down her cheeks, but he didn't let her, and gently took her hands. The boy did not stop there and Kaori felt how he intertwined his fingers with hers, Shota even caressed her with his thumbs.
"I was so rude to you that day. I'm sorry, I had no idea about this."
"Rude? Shota, you did nothing but take care of me.”
"If there's something I must learn from you, it's how to protect the people I care." Ignoring his shyness just for that moment, Shota gently caressed Kaori's cheek until he reached one of her pink locks and brushed it behind her ear. "You've let fear and trauma cloud what's truly important. Your brother is alive because you protected him, and your scar just shows how brave and kind you are."
"He got burned, his face will be marked forever."
“You were a child too, you did more than anyone, even a professional hero, would've done. Kari, you just need to be in the U.A. to polish your powers, you're already a heroine. You saved me too, in case you don't remember." He said with a sincere and tender smile. 
They both knew that they had little time left before going back to work, but Aizawa didn't want to leave without doing something else. “Let me check your back. It's been hurting you all night. Let me see if it's something serious."
Naturally, her first reaction was to say no; however, sighing, she sat with her back to him. 
"Can you help me with the costume?" 
Kaori didn't notice Aizawa's hands shaking as he moved her silky pink hair to one side so he could unzip her costume. Little by little, the young hero started to see the beginning of the scar that tormented her so much. It was huge, practically cutting through Kaori's skin from her right shoulder to below her left ribs. Aizawa couldn't even imagine how painful receiving that shock must have been.
Meanwhile, Kaori was not able to say anything, it was enough to fight with herself and allow Aizawa to look at her back. The tension the girl felt was so evident that he placed a hand on her shoulder, just where the scar began, to relax her a little.
"It's awful, right?" she asked barely audible.
"No," Kaori already knew him well enough to know that Aizawa was incapable of lying. "But I understand why your back was hurting you so bad. You cut yourself." The student's shyness had almost completely disappeared as he understood that it was more important to help her feel better. "I'm gonna clean those scratches and cover them, rubbing against your costume will be worse." In deep silence, Aizawa took care of Kaori's injuries.
It was the first time he could actually feel how smooth her skin was. No matter how careful he was, every once in a while a faintly audible groan of pain would escape, followed by an apology from the girl. Yet, Kaori knew that her friend was doing the best he could, so she closed her eyes and suppressed any other evidence of pain. 
“Shota, you're very considerate and I couldn't thank you for covering me up in front of the boys without even knowing what was going on beforehand. Also…thank you for staying with me during class, I know it hasn't been easy.”
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One of the courses they took that year was focused on teamwork. At first, everyone wanted to team up with Kaori, they thought that her abilities would make her the perfect match, but she was far from it. While she could convert energy, she couldn't redirect it in such a way that her colleagues could use it. Her teachers hoped she could pass some energy to their classmates and help them fight better, but the truth was that because of the same trauma that she had just revealed to Aizawa, she would get blocked and end up hurting them. 
At first, Hizashi tried to train with her, but he ended up so hurt that he wasn't able to speak for several days. Kaori had tried to pass some energy to him, but she only managed to hurt his throat. Later Oboro came, however, the result was even worse than with Hizashi, as Oboro began to generate lightning from his clouds, and when he did, Kaori lost control and the professor had to intervene, but not before having to take them both to the infirmary. Naturally, that had scared her enough that she didn't want to try working with anyone else. 
“Sensei, I've thought a lot about this course… Hizashi's barely recovering and despite how strong Oboro is, he's still in the infirmary. Please let me do a different task.” She asked after the class ended.
"Hoshino, you can control how you pass energy to your classmates if you practice more."
“I don't want to hurt anyone else in the process. Besides…"
“You're worried because no one wants to work with you, right? Today you stood apart during the whole class. To tell the truth, I don't know how it didn't occur to me before, but yesterday when you stayed in the infirmary with Oboro, one of the boys approached me and offered to be your partner for the rest of the term. He's waiting for you outside, turn around." 
When Kaori looked at the door, she saw Aizawa waiting for her. The boy wasn't looking at them, he had his back against the wall waiting for her to come out so they could talk. 
"He tried to approach you several times, but you didn't notice because you were running away." The teacher commented patting her on the head.
"No." Kaori said sounding more determined than ever. "I'm not gonna work with Shota."
"Eraser, come here!" The teacher did not let Kaori say another word. Averting his gaze as usual, Aizawa entered. “Could you repeat what you asked me a few days ago?”
"But..." The young man's face immediately took on color. "You were supposed to tell her."
"Come on! What's up with you two? You're friends, you're always together! Why is it so hard for you to talk?"
The boys looked at each other for only a second and the teacher couldn't help but laugh at the speed with which they looked in another direction.
“Let's work together, I can erase your power if things get messy, that's what we've always done. The only difference is that this time we can try to incorporate something new.”
"Hoshino, you need someone who can help control you, who better than a FRIEND who knows exactly when to lend a hand?"
"Sensei, Shota, I don't think this is a good idea."
"Are you underestimating me? We've trained together many times and there've been many times that I have left you on the ground." Aizawa commented, unable to hide a somewhat mischievous smile.
"Eraser's getting more and more powerful. Imagine if you managed to transfer a little energy to him, you'd be helping him a lot." Seeing that the girl couldn't make up her mind, the teacher decided to give them some time alone, maybe so they could make a decision.
“Shota, I appreciate your help, but…”
"What's wrong? Am I not as good a partner as Hizashi and Oboro?"
"It's not about that."
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
“There are better companions for you, Shota. We can continue training with the boys, as we've been doing, but we won't work together in this class.” 
"I'm not usually easily annoyed, and I rarely get irritated by anything, but you're starting to get by refusing my help like this." The boy said seriously, he didn't understand why Kaori was so insistent on refusing to work together if she was the one who suggested it from the beginning. “Why did you ask them and not me to work with you? Do you really think that I'm not able to help you?”
“Why do you want us to do this together so badly? You already have your partner and you are doing well.”
"Because I don't want to keep seeing how you hurt yourself."
Despite being quiet, no one in the group had the facility to express themselves that Aizawa had. More assertive than any of them, when the young man wanted to, he clearly expressed his feelings, which showed how mature he actually was. Yes, he was a shy guy, but he was also respectful and considerate, so miscommunication was definitely not something that could happened around him.
“You keep talking about how you hurt the guys, but you don't talk about what happened to you. Stop thinking like a hero for a moment and think about your well-being, or at least let someone else do it.”
“Shota, you already did so much for me that day during the incident in the village.”
“Kaori, none of the times you left that infirmary did you do so with the permission of Recovery Girl. Every time your power gets out of control you're not only exhausted, but you consume all your energy. Recovery Girl told you very clearly, if you're not careful enough, you can hurt your internal organs, it's not just about breaking an arm. Ever since you trained with Hizashi you've had a hard time breathing, and yet you did it again with Oboro. It's not normal to see you so tired, and you have several days that you get agitated just walking from the dining room to the classroom. Besides, who cares about what happened that day? I didn't know there was a limit of times we would help each other. I don't know you, but I'm planning to continue working with you and the guys as long as I can, and if I need to help you every day of my life, I'll do it, Kari."
"I don't want to work with you because I wouldn't forgive myself if something happens to you again because of me, Shota! I've never underestimated you, I know what you're capable of, you're even better than all of us. I didn't choose them first because I consider them better than you, you know that's not true. When the four of us train together I always look for you before the boys. But this is different, this isn't normal training, and I'm afraid of hurting you."
"So you preferred to hurt them." Aizawa joked, managing to get a smile out of her.
“Well sometimes they are very annoying, Hizashi steals my food and yells a lot, and Oboro doesn't stop doing silly imitations. They deserved some of that." Her honest answer and the way she frowned was so funny and cute for the boy, that he giggled.
Those laughs… those sweet and warm laughs from Aizawa that were rarely seen made Kaori's heart lighter. How could she even think of hurting him? She couldn't… she loved him too much to put him in danger. Seeing him hurt once had been enough.
“I can help you, Kari. I can… I can protect you if you let me. I told you in the hospital that I'd get stronger so you wouldn't get hurt again. Everything will be fine, trust me.”
There were numerous times that both got injured, but Aizawa was right, he was the ideal training partner for Kaori, especially during that time when the girl didn't control her power very well.
They became so close that when they got hurt on a mission, they healed each other's wounds. Just like it was happening that night when Shota had taken over her eyes and back.
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Back on the roof where they were resting, Aizawa zipped up her friend's costume and when she turned around, they both smiled at each other tenderly, the step their relationship had taken that night had been huge. Kaori had opened up like she hadn't with anyone, and Shota knew how to make her feel understood and accompanied by him.
“Ready to go back? We still have two hours of patrol left.” Rising to his feet, Shota offered his hand to his friend, who took it, and smiling at him, nodded.
Fortunately, Aizawa healed her friend's pain, because as soon as they returned to work, they had a lot to do. They ran into the bad luck that it had started to snow just as they had to deal with several attempted robberies. In one of those chases, they ended up running down a very narrow alley with minimal lighting. They had come very close to capturing the criminal, but had lost track of him.
"I think he went down the other street." Aizawa commented, leaning on the edge of the wall, trying to look into the distance, but no one could be seen thanks to the snow.
Kaori, who was behind him, tried to look, but since she was shorter than him, she couldn't, so she placed her hands on her friend's shoulders and stood on her toes.
“There's no one there, Shota. We better go back the way we came."
"I think that…"
Aizawa had turned to speak better; however, in doing so, the distance between the two disappeared. They had been so focused looking for the trace of the villain, that they did not notice his proximity. Kaori was still holding onto her friend's shoulders when he turned around and their lips met for the first time. None of them had time to process what was happening, one moment they had been looking at the streets, and the next, they were giving each other their first kiss.
Despite having been an accident and without any intention, that kiss shook every fiber of their bodies. Their lips barely brushed against each other, it was just a peck, but Aizawa felt her hands hold his shoulders tighter, as if she was holding onto them so she wouldn't fall right there. Meanwhile, the shy boy couldn't do anything, his body stopped responding from the moment he felt Kaori's soft lips touch his. That short but sweet first kiss paused and restarted their lives. 
Contrary to what anyone would have expected, including themselves, their shyness didn't make them jump miles away once they realized what had happened. Instead, the couple broke off the kiss by pulling away calmly, as if afraid something would crack if they moved abruptly.
"Kari, I'm sorry." Aizawa exclaimed barely audible, his gray eyes not moving from the ground.
"It was my fault." She responded without even being able to move her hands from the boy's shoulders.
They had no idea what to say or how to act. However, Kaori did dare to look at his face, and what she discovered she would never forget, Shota was smiling, he smiled shyly but lovely. The surprise caused by his reaction moved the girl so much that suddenly, something incredible happened in the area around them. Kaori didn't realize how or when, but she had controlled the energy that came from the snow and for a few seconds she didn't allow it to continue falling.
Aizawa noticed that something strange was going on and finally looked up from her. The boy gasped at the beauty of what was before him. And it wasn't just the snow that left him like that, but also seeing his first love with her beautiful pink hair full of snowflakes. That image became engraved in his heart. 
The same thing happened to the girl, who was spellbound looking at Aizawa. His dark hair was still half-pulled back in a low messy bun, and his black clothes were covered in snow. He looked so handsome that she couldn't say a word.
Taking his hands to Kaori's face, Aizawa tried to move a few flakes from her cheeks, but that was too much for her, and losing control of the situation, she turned the snow that surrounded them into water, causing both of them to be drenched in seconds.
"I'm sorry!" She apologized as she wished to disappear; however, that night Kaori heard an unforgettable guffaw coming from Aizawa, who in the long run, ended up making her laugh too.
Thus, first under the snow, and then under the rain, they had their first kiss and the most intimate and lovely moment. They didn't have to say anything to each other or do anything but enjoy that pleasant accident.
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