#shioya judgment
one-vivid-judgment · 5 months
Could I please request sfw and nsfw headcanons for Shioya, Izumida, Takano and Morita?
God, I didn't remember how down bad I was for Izumida. It's the Ray Chase effect, I swear. I also didn't remember Takano, but one look at him and he is giving babygirl HARD.
Satoshi Shioya
• Believe him when he says he never thought he'd settle down. Like, ever. He had a great time going to hostess clubs and strip clubs pretty much every night, so why would he change that? Shit, he probably met you at a club and/or had a one night stand with you before you were even official. And then he called you up a second time and he knew he had it bad. 
• Outside of work, he is actually a pretty chill, fun guy. He also has no filter whatsoever, so he can say the most out of pocket shit and it will make you laugh because of how absurd/inappropriate it is. He does it on purpose sometimes, just to hear you laugh.
• Dress sexy. Literally just dress sexy. It doesn't even have to lead to anything sexual (although it most likely will, let's be honest), he just loves the confidence you radiate when you are feeling good about yourself. And if you're not confident? Then he'll make damn sure you become confident—you are the sexiest thing he's ever seen and he will remind you literally every time he sees you.
• Public. Sex. His libido is VERY high, and sometimes a man just has his needs when he is outside. It gets worse when you wear one of your sexier outfits that you know he loves—he just can't help himself, really. He'll be slipping a hand down your back to cop a feel, and that's all it takes to make him hard. And what's wrong with finding your partner so sexy you can't resist them, even in public? 
• Has the dirtiest mouth you've ever seen. He's been around the block A LOT, so he has mastered the art of mixing praise and degradation. Things like, "Beautiful little slut, feel so perfect around my cock". If you like one more than the other, he'll pick up on it, no need for you to say a thing. 
• Unexpectedly, he is into being called Daddy. Shockers, I know. When I say it gets him going, I mean that you need only say the word and he'll be all over you in a second, hands slipping under your shirt and mouthing at your neck. It's already really easy to get him horny, but this is the fastest way. 
Keigo Izumida
• A bit of a show off when it comes to dates. Will try to blow you away making reservations at the fanciest restaurants, in and out of the city. Gets you the biggest rose bouquets you've ever seen to show he doesn't mind spending money on you. Jewelry and clothes are off the table for a while though, until he feels like he knows you well enough, because what if he fucks up and you don't like the ring he got for you? What then? Does he just pawn it off? 
• He can be a bit too headstrong. Meaning, if he feels he's right, he won't be swayed otherwise. You've gotten into a few arguments that way. When that happens, it can take up to a whole day for him to apologize. If he was in the wrong, he will admit he was—if he was not, he will admit he could've handled the situation better despite that. 
• He is an early bird. He's always up before you to get a morning workout or a run, then shower before going to work. You usually wake up to freshly brewed coffee and a kiss from him. You don't get much time together before he has to leave for work, but he never forgets to kiss you goodbye and leave you with a "I'm off, dear. See you later."
• You won't ever talk this man into being a sub. Try as you might, Izumida is just too into being fully in control of the situation to willingly submit like that. It's not that he doesn't trust you, because he does! It's just too overwhelming for him, feeling so exposed. He will let you ride him and entertain some power struggle, but things like restraints or blindfolds are not his thing. He'll gladly use them on you though. 
• Man, does this guy enjoy a good blowjob and coming down your throat. Whenever he comes home after a stressful day at the prosecutor's office, you know to tell him to sit down, tie your hair up and kneel between his legs. Won't force your head down and make you gag though—he'll let you go at your own pace, petting your head and brushing stray hairs away from your face. 
• Angry, make-up sex is pretty common after you fight. He'll be way less delicate than normal, grabbing your hips hard enough to bruise and spewing some filthy lines. Not extreme dirty talk like Shioya, but filthy for Izumida. "Look at you. Where did all that spunk go? You're so hungry for it, you'd bend over and take me even when you are mad at me? You're simply filthy."
Sadao Takano
• He's had very few relationships in the past, too focused on his law studies and then his job to pay attention or properly nurture one. You are the most stable thing he's ever had, and to be honest, he wouldn't trade you for the world. It feels so nice, having someone waiting for him after he's out of work and with whom he can have a nice chat over wine and dinner. 
• Actually a pretty skilled cook. He kinda had to learn by force, since he's lived alone his whole adult life until you. He can make very elaborate dishes, too. Most times you don't even bother to go out for a meal; why would you when you have your own personal chef and you're his self-appointed taste-tester. 
• Dates are actually his favorite way to unwind. It doesn't even have to be fancy—just take him to the movies, or go out for a walk, or go watch the sakura trees together. And then you come home and pop open a wine bottle while some of his favorite music plays in the background. Two glasses in and you'll be tipsy and dancing all over the living room, laughing like a couple of idiots. He loves it, hangover the morning after be damned. He is too much of a lightweight. 
• Fuck the stress out if this man. Seriously, do it. He'll try to play hard to get at first, but a few touches here and there and he'll become putty in your hands. He is like the polar opposite of Izumida in that regard: it's so easy to get him to be subby. He makes the cutest noises and is stupid sensitive to boot, so you know what to do. 
• Much more into giving oral than receiving it. He won't say no to a blowjob, but if he has to choose, he would rather eat you out. It's so much fun to tease him about it, too. Just deny him for a while a d he'll be whining and all but pleading 'Please, let me put my tongue in you?' Just absolutely freaking adorable all around. 
• His guilty pleasure is getting dirty texts and nudes while at the prosecutor's office. He'll stay professional and absolutely not touch himself, but it riles him up regardless, knowing that anyone could catch him staring at a picture of you lying in bed and humping his pillow. 
Kunihiko Morita
• Everyone at the prosecutor's office knows you. Morita doesn't go around showing off and talking about you all the time, vut he doesn't keep your relationship a secret by any means. He has your picture on his desk and will casually drop your name in conversations here and there. What finally convinces everyone that he's definitely dating somebody is when he comes to work with a homemade bento one day. 
• Being chief prosecutor is hard work. It doesn't leave him with much time for himself, but he'll still find a free few minutes to text or call you and check on you. Conversations need to be kept short for the most part, but his voice is dripping with affection when he asks how your day is going. 
• He can keep himself working insane hours at home. Some days paperwork just screams to get done before he gets to do anything else. If it's way past midnight and he is still at it though, all you need to do is come up from behind, hug him and take off his glasses. A kiss on the cheek, a 'Let's get to bed, you need your beauty sleep too', and he'll be wrapped around your little finger. 
• His libido is rather low and he is more on the vanilla side of things. Whatever you like, he is willing to try—so long as it doesn't involve degrading or hurting you. That's the one line he won't cross. You are too precious to him for him to call you a whore or slap you across the face. 
• He loves when you get dolled up for him. Not even necessarily lingerie, just anything pretty—lace, backless dresses, things like that. It just makes him want to get on his knees and worship you. He actually will if you let him. 
• Honestly, it's more love-making than straight up sex with him. He mostly sticks to missionary so he can look you in the eye, and loves kissing your body all over, touching you just where you like it, maybe make you come on his fingers first before he gets inside you. It's all about your pleasure, and then it's his turn.
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watasemasaru · 19 days
shioya was already at the club but he should have stayed there like baby mind your own business and throw ass
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oliver-nova · 7 months
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i am totally normal about him
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nyxqueenofshadows · 3 months
was busy and kinda forgot to make a post about it but i finished judgment last week!
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had a slow start but by the halfway point i was fully invested and by the end i was like why is it over :((((( let me do it again :(((( great game, if you haven't played judgment, go do it
my notes, written in mostly chronological order. they're a bit of a mess but clearing them up would be a nightmare
most random thing to start off with but i really, really like the character intro cards and chapter title cards. sleek af, big fan
yagami combat’s fun. just like flipping over people’s heads and shit
kaito omg i see why everyone got so attached to him. also saori??? very pretty, she’s great, more of her please
i haven’t got used to the controls and combat yet :((( like i keep forgetting shortcuts are a thing and that i don’t have to hold the sprint button
okay i’m gonna admit it took me a while to get into it and occasionally it’ll still throw smth at me that i don’t enjoy at all but i’m here now! i’m having fun! i think it kind of has the kiwami problem where it has a bunch of stuff it has to establish so all the side content gets pushed later than some of the other games
the scene where sugiura steals yagami’s phone is so fucking funny to me he looks so offended asdfghj;kl
everyone’s kind of a dick? like the journalist is sleazy as all hell, then there’s hamura (hoo boy) and the detective guy don’t like him at all, bad vibes
yagami choke count +1
hamura oh my god i hope i get to punch this guy at some point like ‘here’s where you lose your eyes’ なーんてな that’s so fucked up
yagami choke count +3 jesus christ are the rgg team okay
higashi???? he’s the character i’m gonna get most attached to i can see it coming already. sugiura continues to be fun too, very funny to me that yagami’s reaction to bumping into him (the guy who stole his phone and was trying to throw him to the cops) is to offer him a job
it’s new playing an rgg protag who’s actually clever and quick. there’s akiyama, he’s kinda similar, but it’s kinda nice to have a character play the room in the same way yagami can, like when he gets kaito out of losing his finger. kiryu’s great don’t get me wrong but he tends to blunder his way through the plots of his games and he’s never a step ahead of anyone even when he’s acting as a guiding figure (a la 6). yagami’s refreshing
oh no one of the girls you can date is underage (or is she 18? she’s one year too young to drink) you’re kidding me yagami whyyyyy
chase sequence after the wig was hilarious 10/10 would do again << oh hey we did it again but this time with a young child, okay
sorry ayabe i think i misjudged you, keep doing what you’re doing
why is ryan fucking everywhere, i swear i’ve not had a street fight without him ever since finishing his friendship route. help it’s tanoshikatta de gozaru all the way down
intrigued by the crow and ‘jester’ plotline << why did this not get picked up again? did i miss smth?
VR minigame is okay, lots of flashy visual effects tho, it occasionally makes the game go all janky
kaito :(((( deciding not to fight red nose cos higashi was there and he didn’t want him to get hurt :(((
hamura during that flashback scene in the sewers....yikes. like that he essentially would’ve done the same thing twice (to the guy in the pink shirt before suigura comes to the rescue), he’s got an MO
also is the only requirement to be a yakuza protagonist to have a tragic af backstory and no parents, yagami’s is brutal! the most in the series, i’d argue (unless 7 is gonna hit me with the steel chair)
the side case with the cake and the ace attorney parody is cracking me up asdfghjkl i need to write that crossover or au or whatever i NEED
i love how surprised/offended yagami is when kaito not only throws him under the bus when shioya has them at gunpoint but then when kaito breaks free and shioya says to shoot him he’s just like eh? eh?????? asdfghjkl bro you’re about to get shot, get kicking
deus ex sugiura << he does this like 4 times, he’s the real mvp
ohhh skeletons in the closet. ha ha very funny guys (well, onto chapter 5)
nobody liked shintani at all did they, they’re saying mean shit about him even after he’s dead. guys it’s been a couple of hours at most! he even gets the sad/uplifting substory music during his scene asdfghjkl
sugiura really needled yagami about the okubo case, wonder why
the ghost/memory shintani when you arrive at ADDC was creepy, ngl. yagami are you okay
ohhh full flashback sequence, nice. slicked back hair yagami is really disconcerting at first (he goes from yagami to full on kimtak) but i’m used to him now i think
i forgot that emi’s last name was terasawa so when she turned up i was like oh is it? and then it was and now i’m sad. why, why did that happen i need to knowwwww
there’s a lot of names and different factions of people involved in this one, i think i might have to check the case file notes regularly on this one.
like, what does kuroiwa want, why is the director so adamant on the flow of information out of his company being under his control, how are the ministry of health connected to the kansai yakuza wanting to make inroads into kamurocho? what does it meannnnnn
keihin gang annoying. that’s it
the side/main story thing you do with kaito while waiting for sugiura to call and tell you what he knows about the addc, where kaito meets up with a guy he knew when he was younger, that was great. 10/10 character and relationship establishing content. do the fist bump guys
you briefly play as saori??????? okay! (positive) interesting to do what is essentially a very toned down version of the hostess minigame but from the other side. also the option to dress up saori in outfits that characters wore in kiwami 2 is really weird. OH and that saori can’t be pretty without a makeover, like no, she’s very pretty. glad there’s no penalty for keeping her natural hair cos i DID
all these K names are killing me, so there’s kejihara (run by the man himself) who have sway over the kyorei clan who are trying to get in with minister kazami. plus the ceo of the addc is called kido, and there’s kuroiwa in the mix too, never mind kaito (tho he’s special, he’s okay). i know in jp these are all written very differently but did rgg my guys did you have no other syllables to go for?? there’s a good few ‘ha-’ names too, hattori, hamura, hashiki...
i don’t think matsugane oyassan is earning any of dad of the year awards. he’s trying tho, i’ll give him that. genda tho, now there’s a man i can get behind
higashi really levelled up for his second boss fight god damn
someone explain to me how they did the hair for the tashiro-kun disguise, with all the gold and shit. like, that’s clearly not a wig, right? i know it’s just there for convenience and the laughs but come on! (also kimtaku basically has that haircut now so it was really jarring asdfghjkl)
every time i see hoshino with his enormous backpack i can’t help but think he’s a kid going to school for the first time, i think it’s the suit looking like a uniform (plus how he looks generally). same for the boy twin (yosuke? what was it again) cos he’s so short compared to yagami and most of the people around him. (saying this as someone who is basically yosuke’s height)
plot mandated poker nooooooo (oh you don’t have to win PHEW)
i neglected the side content and now i’m drowning in it oh no asdfghjkl i haven’t even touched the drone racing yet
that meeting with okubo is rough. (positive)
oh we’re really in it now folks, people are throwing around theories like it’s nothing! i sort of get how they arrive at the conclusion it was shono but it also kind of feels like they pulled it out of nowhere? the bit with kaito where he happens upon an answer mid-argument was fun but everything before that just felt kinda like vague spitballing.
wait who’s this dick with the sword cane??? hamura must be really upset if this is the guy he’s bringing out (also why is hoshino-kun there, genda’s office is on literally the other side of town)
we’re just waltzing in the front door of the addc??? okay! oh wait no that didn’t work did it asdfghjkl for someone who says it’s his hobby he sure keeps that special electric baton (kamiyama special?) on him during his work hours
shono interrogation was good, even if the mechanics of the chase sequence thingy before it weren’t so much (this is like that one bit from 0 all over again, but making even less sense)
alright chapter 10 let’s GO
chapters 10 and 11 go so hard AHHHHHH after him playfully ribbing you while you’re going around trying to attract attention, kaito getting shot physically hurt me and then yagami’s face when he has to leave him is even worse, then there’s the very very long boss fight sequence where you fight cane man (who is fruity af for no reason, good for him) a bunch and those are all fun fights except the one in the dark and then the hamura fight!!! the QTE for that fight is so cool, i’ve seen it a few times even before playing it and it never gets old and is a completely different feeling when it’s you at the controller.
pacing falters a bit when you get the long exposition bit of how hamura got involved in the mole shit but it was all interesting so i didn’t mind too much. plus seeing hamura in the flashback and how he interacts with people outside of the main cast was fun
ALSO yagami was totally ready to let shioya physically torture hamura for info (i assume, maybe he was bluffing) and my guy that’s a crime you can’t be doing this shit and then standing in court
and the mole’s kuroiwa!!! i kinda knew that going in but part of me was still convinced it was gonna be hattori the whole time. his entrance and fight scene is so cool tho, i can’t wait to fight him for real!
AND matsugane-san... the line about him failing as oyaji and then trying to make it right as oya was really good, and it being the catalyst for hamura to come clean even in the face of his own death (he’s not suriving this game, no way) was nice. who’s gonna tell kaito :(((
my one gripe is murase’s death scene it’s so out of nowhere that it kind of comes across as funny which is unfortunate asdfghjkl OH and why’s mafuyu there when kuroiwa shows up to take yagami in for questioning, did yagami call her or smth off-screen
also when you get back to kamurocho after all that and yagami’s like ‘i’m exhausted, i just wanna crash’ (fair, he’s had one hell of a rough night) guess who fucking texts me. KIM PLEASE FIX THE KEIHIN ON YOUR OWN MAN yagami’s solving government corruption i think he deserves a break from being harrassed inthe street constantly asdfghjkl
cane man has an identical twin??? why are there so many twins in this game, did you have so few character models at your disposal
idk if yagami telling all these people who the mole is is a great idea, like, even just the suggestion of who it might be got shintani killed in a heartbeat. does he really think mafuyu or ayabe are gonna be okay after this?
oh we’re playing as saori again, neat. tho there’s some uh questionable choices in this section... ig they’re going for a ‘this is what it’s like to be a woman seen as a sexual object all the time’ but by sexualising her during those sections it falls completely flat. ah well. not sure what i expected tbh. ganbatte hoshino-kun
ALSO during that bit saori is like ‘flirt for me i’ve never had experience seducing men’ (specifically men, in both the subtitles and original jp dialogue) and yagami AT NO POINT is like ‘neither have i’. bi and lesbian solidarity!
torture pt 2 asdfghjkl love that the actual no criminal background yagami is more morally grey than actual criminal kiryu (or, well, he acts on it more? idk they feel different about it)
sugiura being that pissed off at kido tho, what did he do to you man? spill your secrets
tailing mission for ishimatsu ughhhhh the only one i’ve had problems with, mostly cos we’re going in circles
experience inside of the love hotel: this place is super creepy, they did not need to make it this creepy- ooh vibrator weapon i’ll be taking that asdfghjkl
ohh that’s why sugiura was being so hard on yagami. all those comments about the death penalty and the anger towards kido make sense now. could’ve done with a bit more foreshadowing for him imho (it’s not like it comes out of nowhere but it needed a bit more for it to be impactful maybe? or maybe it needed a proper cutscene, not the in-engine ones). his little ‘chigau?’ to yagami after his rant about how the chief prosecutor covered up the murders for the sake of a maybe future right in front of him is sooo good, excellent bit of character performance.
wanna know where he pulled the name sugiura from tho ngl
higashi reaching for kaito after kuroiwa has just beat the shit out of them :(((
i’m in the finale??? oh shit. i’ve still not touched the drone minigame oops
the substory where the guy is gonna kill himself cos he thinks girlfriend is cheating on him is a kind of a mess in the way these substories always are in rgg games but the bit where he jumps off the roof and it says fall in love on the back of his jacket and yagami’s like :o really got me ngl reminded me of the old school revelations a bit
the guy from the opening came back! good for him (twice!)
i love this cast, i love how they bounce off each other, it feels like it’s hitting all the beats 6 missed in its banter and far far surpassing them.
i got the glitch where the heat action happens and the camera doesn’t do what it’s supposed to! asdfghjkl very funny seeing yagami slam a guy into the ground twice with a teleport in between
I FINISHED IT holy shit that last section is so fun to play through. all the boss fights (aka kuroiwa x3 asdfghjkl) are great, the QTEs are creative and just really fucking cool, and the pay off for the trial was absolutely worth it. and bits of it made me laugh! sugiura being like ‘bengoshi yoroshiku!’ right as he kicks a cop in the face is GOLD and there’s so many moments like that.
it’s occurred to me before but it really struck me in the finale just how many people supporting him yagami has and how he’s so comfortable relying on them, mainly compared to kiryu. like, 6 (which has a similar friend structure tho less based around it) never felt like a lonely game when i was playing it but compared to judgment? night and day. fuck, i wanna play it again just to hang out with the characters again and i’ve only just finished it
also random thing but the ending credits are really good? like the slice of life stuff of kaito and yagami trying to find the cat and it evading them a few times, like even with no dialogue they conveyed so much in that one bit. need more end credits like this
actually thinking about it yagami leaving shono to look after sugiura after he got shot was kind of fucked up? i know it was a ride or die kind of situation but bro! he killed sugiura’s sister! how do you think sugiura feels about this!
drone minigame was okay, feels like a mix of pocket circuit and the taxi minigame. did i do well? no. am i gonna invest many hours into this? also no, but i see how i could.
mad that i need to do both mahjong and poker to access bits of the side content so i’m just not gonna!
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thelocaldetective · 8 months
Judgment and their VAs
Main Characters:
Greg Chun = Takayuki Yagami
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Crispin Freeman = Masaharu Kaito
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Cristina Vee = Mari
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Minor Characters:
Keith Silverstein = Todoroki & Shioya
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James Hong = Kim won soon
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Just beat chapter 10 of Judgment. Every individual fight with Cane Man was tougher than Hamura. His moves are basic and his theme is mid, at least relative to Murase, Higashi, and Shioya's themes. The spinning chair QTE was priceless, though.
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yakuzacasual · 4 years
Dating headcanons for Shioya?? :3c
I want to open up with my best wishes to all the ppl reading this, that may be living in the US (and also are the Destiel fans because damn I am so sorry for y’all). It’s been not only rough, but also an incredibly crazy week all around so I hope you all are doing well, staying healthy and I offer this little piece of writing to maybe make you feel a bit better!
And now, to the lovely Non behind this request, say I SQUEALED when I saw this one and realized who Shioya was. He’s perfect to write for bc he’s got the funky Kaito vibe where I can think up some weird shit that’ll still feel like it holds true no matter how badly do I screw up the writing but also makes me feel so joyful all throughout the writing and just sksksk. It may be a bit of a mess but I. HAD. A. BLAST. Thank you so much, hope you enjoy it and see you around :3c
Not being able to keep his hand in the back pocket of his partner's trousers or just straight out on their butt? Major offense, call the police. See, while some may think he’s just an old perv who doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself in public spaces, Shioya actually takes great pride in having someone such as yourself date a regular thug like himself and wants to openly wear it like a badge of honor. In that way it feels incredibly empowering to know that they are okay with him being slightly possessive of you like that. And in addition to his hand just being very comfortable, it does serve a greater purpose too! No sane person would dare bother you when he’s there latched onto your lovely behind like his life depends on it, after all. You don’t ever have to worry about returning the favour. He is more than happy to provide his own back pockets for your hands and will especially enjoy it if there is a bigger height difference between the two of you - and you are the short one, of course. All kinds of teasing can be expected from him, such as the usual joke of making you his elbow rest or putting things on the high shelves just so that he could see you struggle. It’s nothing but a bit of fun for him though and he will always stop immediately whenever he feels you are getting frustrated or starting to feel real bad about your height. He may not know how to make it better but you can always count on him lending you a hand and maybe even giving you a lift. Also, piggyback rides, a lot of them.
If by some miracle you end up being the highest of you two, he may be kind of grumpy about it at the beginning of the relationship. His alpha male pride is somewhat wounded but at the same time, damn, darlin’, you are the absolute coolest person to ever exist. Not only do you look like a snack, but your height makes it feel like you could snap him in half, even if that’s the farthest one could be from the truth. With time, Shioya learns to revel in being the smaller one, often pulling on your shirt so that he could give you a proper smooch or just act smug about being your partner. See that big ass person? Ye, that’s my baby. All in all it may make keeping his hands in your back pockets harder, but the payoff is definitely worth the price.
Likes to get piss drunk and cause trouble, preferably together with his partner. He knows every bar in the vicinity, from the worst drinking dens with cheapest booze to the most fancy bars serving expensive, albeit delicious cocktails in small cups. You can count on him to figure out a place that would suit you both and if you do actually have a drink with him, even if non-alcoholic, he’ll be elated enough to cover your tab no matter how high or low. And then also the costs of whatever fun adventures will the two of you get into after getting properly intoxicated. While he kind of can’t imagine himself having a partner that doesn’t get wasted alongside him, if you do turn out to be the more “proper” kind in that sense, it’ll turn out that there is nowhere he can feel safer, than in your warm arms, as you - the sober and reasonable one - stop him from doing some real stupid shit. He does, however, realize that his drunk shenanigans may be negatively affecting you and he worries about putting too much pressure on you by this selfish way of using you as his nanny. In that case, Shioya probably won’t stop drinking all together, but he will try to at very least control himself better. It will be a painful process, but he can’t bring shame to his beloved. 
Surprisingly for many, Shioya can turn out to be extremely gentle with you behind closed doors. The rough image he’s got to keep on the outside for everyone to see and fear is one thing, but in the four closed walls of your (or his) apartment when lights are dim, the TV static is the only sounds as he tenderly runs his big hands through your hair it just feels like it may have never happened at all. Whenever he is trying to be more delicate, you will discover little new things that his seemingly clumsy hands can do really well. Shioya turns out to be a pro at braiding hair really meticulously and in various different ways and he is incredibly good at quickly locating and massaging the tension points in your body. And, aside from just being naturally adept at it, he enjoys it a whole lot. It’s the only way he knows how to repay you for sticking around despite his numerous flaws.
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queen-of-bel · 3 years
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hymnism · 5 years
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pixie-mask · 5 years
I feel like every yakuza group has that one guy
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berylb337 · 5 years
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ojisanmansion · 5 years
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teeny-human · 3 years
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oliver-nova · 7 months
oh my boy shioya got done dirty. that was the way you wrote him off? lame
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tlilzhang · 3 years
Judgment yakuza are amazing
ps. giving shioya some love
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draayder · 4 years
Omi Pins Tojo Pins
okay onto the final part: everyone else! as with the previous two, mild spoilers across all the games
Atobe Family
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Do you remember these guys? no you don’t. if you said yes you’re lying. This is a family from Asakusa who shows up for approximately 10 minutes, has their name mentioned once, and you see their pin once. That’s right, this is the family involved with that part in Y1 where you gotta deal with the Florist’s shitty kid. A really great pin, shockingly, very striking and good use of silver black and grey as well as breaking the circle. I would have expected this to be from a major player
Ryudo Family
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Not to be confused with the Omi Ryudo, this is the Okinawan family from 3 featuring Nakahara, Mikio, and of course Rikiya. I.............. don’t think any of them actually wear it though, so you only see it as fight intros. A stellar pin, the use of the shisa is great even if it is a little hard to read. The way it encircles the family kanji really gives off the protective vibe of the shisa
Ueno Seiwa Family
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so normally I complain about gold on gold being hard to read, which is true, but the shape of this is so different than anyone elses’ that you can tell at a glance exactly what family you’re dealing with. A good pin
Yamagasa Family
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This pin has always slapped. It’s bold and geometric, easy to read, and looks great on a formal hakata. It’s very sleek and modern imo, which is once again funny for a very traditional family like the Yamagasa out in Nagasugai, but overall just a top tier pin
Yahata Family
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It makes sense that the direct subordinates would just tweak the design, but adding in the calligraphy 八 clashes a little with the nice geometry, making this a worse pin. It’s also extremely hard to tell from a Yamagasa pin, but that’s fine since they’re part of it and they benefit from people thinking they’re higher up than they actually are. Still a pretty good pin
Kitakata Family
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Y5 really went off on its pins, this one’s for those guys up in Tsukimino. It’s bold and easy to read, but not quite as good as the Yamagasa pin. Very effective still though
Yomei Alliance
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Time for these assholes out in Onomichi. So obv we got that rising sun iconography kind of going on which is Not Great but does tie thematically with what that family was founded on. Definitely very good at conveyance, you’re not going to mistake it for anyone else in the area
Masuzoe Family
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Remember this dude? I sure didn’t. The Yomei guys don’t really stick to a theme, which is fine, and this pin is pretty good. It’s a little busy, I think the center kanji could use a little more room to breathe and feels slightly off center due to how the line on the left almost touches the edges unlike every other part of it
Koshimizu Family
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Remember this guy? Maybe you do, he was a lot more memorable than Masuzoe. His pin is actually really great. I love the evocation of a sword hilt and how the scalloped edges are cut out internally to slot in the calligraphy, it gives a very nice organis flow to the whole thing. The color balance is also very good. 10/10 pin, one of the best in the series imo
Hirose Family
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Simple, effective, unmistakable. Hirose has a good pin. The edges remind me of a government organization, which gives it a nice sense of authority despite being a tiny little group. The use of the grass lines helps break up the space so it’s not just a boring circle and draws the eye up to the top kanji, which has the lines to draw the eye back down. A good pin
Kyorei Clan
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An Osaka based group that isn’t Omi! It’s from judgment and most famously Shioya is a member. Really cool pin! I like the angles a lot, and it’s a very unique shape! very cool, great pin
Seiryu Clan
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what no I totally didn’t forget this one the first time. shut up. So this pin has a lot going for it. The swirling waves leading the eye in, and the fact that it has the full family name + clan sets it apart. A fun fact on this one is that the patriarch is  星野 龍平 (Hoshino Ryuhei) and this family takes the first kanji from his family and given name to make  星龍 (seiryu) which is a homophone with  青龍 (seiryu), the blue dragon of the four legendary beasts (also the one Kiryu is represented by!). However while the blue dragon’s kanji is literally blue+dragon, this family is star+dragon, which is fucking baller as hell. A great pin on that aspect alone, and a solid design to back it up
Non-Yakuza Organizations
Peace Finance
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Okay so all the non-yakuza “pins” are out of Y1 (with 2 exceptions), because they just fucking loved making pins and icons and shit during that game. No one actually wears this one, it just flashes during one of the very early fights in Y1 when Kiryu helps Shinji deal with some shitty loan sharks. It kind of reminds me of a cult? It’s definitely trying too hard to be non-threatening, which ends up making it threatening, which is perfect for the organization it’s used for
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Damn do I fucking love ho-o’s. Nagoshi please put a ho-o on someone’s back. You can have my oc. Please. This isn’t a pin, it’s the floor of the colosseum, and it looks great
Snake Flower Triad
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Another one that no one wears, it’s very effective. You got snakes. You got a flower. There’s three things. Got it in one, everyone go home. The shape is unique enough that even being the worse kind of gold on gold you can tell whose it is
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This one does get worn! It’s effective as a weird government shadow group, with the military look to it alongside the divine looking wings/halo/rays of light. It’s super hard to read from a distance, but that’s okay for a group that isn’t trying to advertise itself to anyone who doesn’t already know them
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Jingu’s personal pin. It’s very government-y, being not far off from the royal family’s pin or a lawyer’s badge, and the kind of purpley look is really nice. A good pin for an awful guy
Dragon Heat
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This is from Kurohyou, and like the Purgatory design it’s what’s on the colosseum ring. It’s got two dragons fighting each other, what more could you want for a bloodsport? It’s scuffed and faded, showing that this place either gets a lot of use or isn’t making that much cash, which is some nice environmental storytelling
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Same deal as before but this time it’s for Kurohyou 2. Another fighting ring, another scuffed up floor, this time featuring an asura, beings in a state of constant battle with the devas of hinduism, which is fitting for a fighting ring that’s supposed to be even more brutal. a good design, though I wish it had a little more of the depth that the dragon heat one had
and that’s all of them! except for whichever ones I missed! But we can ignore those!! I’m sure they’re not important
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