visionproductions2008 · 7 months
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Just dropped: the first rough thumbnails for 'The Next Hokage' 🌪️🔥 Witness Narumi Uzumaki's electrifying journey as she embarks on a democratic quest to become the next Hokage. Get ready for a story of power, passion, and politics.
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shinobistory · 4 years
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One day.. I will be like you.. #Naruto #Boruto #Zabuza #ShinobiStory #Ninja #MMO https://www.instagram.com/p/CGTUujtH3ui/?igshid=mxehay0khurk
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@shinobistories​ - One resting on the other starter
It had been another day of aiding in the other’s anxiety.  It was now ending with another therapy session with the incense.  The whole day had been filled with moving and aiding the village that was still being fixed up after Orochimaru’s schemes.  It wasn’t until recently he had received word that they had found the body of the Kazekage, finally, so this would mean Orochimaru had clained two kages during this mission of his.  It was infuriating to think that one whole village had been played a fool along with the remaining Sound nin.  Was there anyone even left? or was that village left for dead? 
Feeling a weight hit his shoulder, he glanced over to Hinata that seemed to be dozing off.  It had been a long day, and he figured her heart had worked a little too hard despite not showing signs of too much stress.  He had done his best to monitor her health through body language alone. It wasn’t much compared to the machines that would fair a better job, but he had to do what he had to do.  At least she was relaxing.
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“Another successful treatment, huh...?”  At least one of them could relax.  He may be trying to learn, still, but recent news had him on edge.  He made a vow to seek out that snake and not only put an end to him but to add the fool to an exclusive collection.  Just as the Third kazekage fell ill and now the Fourth, he’d use them to end that snake.. but he shouldn’t worry too much about it.  Hinata was his prime focus.  He was a doctor right now... Sort of.
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feraliix · 4 years
@shinobistories​ ;; 🌸
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 “oi,” the raven stepped in front of the akimichi, one hand in his pocket while the other waved around a slim paper---a coupon? menma extended it toward him, eyes glanced away with a slight pout. “you like grills, right? i got a coupon for one of ‘em places, if you wannit.”
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tsuyokuma · 4 years
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a demonstration: various ways to hold your partner, ft. these dumbasses.  ( @shinobistories​​’ sui )
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firestcrm · 4 years
starter for @shinobistories​​ - for anko 
After being released from the hospital, Sasuke had met with Kakashi to discuss the implications of Orochimaru’s seal. Only his mentor wasn’t able to provide much, but he mentioned he knew someone who might. A few days later Sasuke received word from Kakashi to stop by the tea house a few blocks away from Ichiraku. Someone would be meeting him there, to look for purple hair. Seeing the name of the place he remembers Sakura mentioned it. She wanted to try their dangos. 
He steps inside and looks around to find no-one with purple hair, so he takes an empty table. He orders a tea and props his elbow the table as he looks around. It’s busy he notes with a wrinkle of his nose. Why couldn’t Kakashi pick a different location? 
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breakthecage · 4 years
@shinobistories said: "Neji, may I touch your hair?" Lee asks, hope in his voice.
His nose scrunched up, a grimace crossing his face.  “Why?”
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sharkfinx · 4 years
⥂ @shinobistories // Akatsuki’s newest brat; Anko.
◆        Meeting in person always took a while when they were about organizing their next missions, talks about their targets as well what they had done during their trips required detailed reports. Kisame and Itachi team had finished early, not that their missions took that long after all. The sound of the rain outside echoed in the chambers of the cave, as Itachi went outside for mysterious reasons to enjoy it right under his head. Typical of him, all the shinobi could do is hope he didn't get sick. He never liked to be alone so, as soon he saw  the woman's main partner entered the room with Pain, Kisame approached Anko; that seemed to doze off in thoughts. Bowing politely while greeting, sitting besides them right after.   "Oiii, Anko san! Glad to see you're healthy and didn't died by biting on your own tongue, ne. How was your last trip? How’s the body count? "
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cunningpeach · 4 years
@shinobistories liked for a starter
Leaning forward to rest her elbows on the small table at which she sat, a pair of daffodil yellow eyes surveilled what could be called the outskirts of town, the smell of fish strong in the air as it drifted from the nearby port. There weren’t many people out and about at this time of the afternoon, most of the workers still out on the sea, bringing in their catch. It seemed rather peaceful, though not warm. Port cities never seemed to be very sunny. Still, it was relaxing.
Eyes drifting closed, she tried to remember back to the dossier she’d viewed of the man she was meeting. It wouldn’t be hard to pick him out visually, judging by the description. But it wasn’t his supposed odd appearance that she found curious; a taijutsu user, well not just that, but one that was incapable of using ninjutsu. She didn’t think it was possible but he was strong enough that the Mist had an intelligence file on him so he must be something special. In the end she supposed it didn’t matter whether he used ninjutsu or taijutsu. Both were equally useful for physical strength, which was really what she needed with her on this particular mission. A Mist shinobi would have been better in her mind, someone more like herself, but orders were orders. Things were different after the war, after all.
Momo took another sip of her tea, realizing that she’d finished it off without thinking. She set the cup down and looked around, stretching her arms behind her head and yawning in an attempt to wake herself up. The serene surroundings were getting to her. “Ah… wake up wake up,” she mumbled to herself.
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raichoose-moved · 4 years
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send “you okay?” to find my muse sitting alone on a roof at night. - Not Accepting
@shinobistories​ asked: “you okay?” //To Kabs from Hinata!
He wants to lie and say he’s fine. After all, in this post-war, post-Orochimaru world, there’s a role Kabuto is being made to play: that of Konoha’s success story, its perfect little parolee who became a peaceful civilian, who defected from the Sound to join the Leaf and to raise their orphaned children. 
Because, Kabuto thinks bitterly, this place is too incompetent to raise them on their own. They’re lucky Naruto and Sasuke didn’t ever team up against them ... In a way, they’re lucky they didn’t make more monsters than they already have.
He does like working at the orphanage, admittedly. He loves the children, he loves his brother. But he doesn’t love Konoha. He doesn’t like its hypocrisies, or the way most of its inhabitants treat him, or how he’s forced to be perfect, lest the ones he cares about be punished for his own flaws. 
Because it isn’t home, and Kabuto knows that it’s far beyond the point where it could be.
At least I have a friend, now.
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“ ... Hi, Hinata,” he says, though he doesn’t look back at her. “I ... suppose the easiest thing to say is ... that I’m not feeling very well. And as things are now, I ... I’m not sure there’s anything that can be fixed, about my - situation.” 
And then, he adds something that might get him in trouble.
“Hinata, can I ask you something?” Kabuto swallows thickly. “What do you - like, about the Leaf?”
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mccnliight · 4 years
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fe3h { not accepting ! }: @shinobistories​ caught her attention - “ i actually envy the size of your heart ” From Suigetsu?
;-- ✦ With her back against the stone cold wall, his voice tickled her ears as the two stood opposite of each other with a corner being the border between them. Pale eyes took much attention to the wet dirt floor beneath, her toes curling at the feeling of being exposed and possibly get stained with the muddy dirt itself if she stepped the wrong way. Her hands pressed themselves against the wall as well while fingers gently gripped onto any ledges it provided.
         Why did she feel naked all of a sudden?
        ‘ there are times where i wish it didn’t take up so much space . . . ’
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         A breath escaped and created a puff of ‘smoke’ from the cool air around them. Perhaps it was the gloomy atmosphere that made her so solemn out of the blue, but something in her wanted to reveal some truths she hadn’t had the courage to say otherwise. 
        But to Suigetsu?
        Why him?
      ‘ sometimes . . . i believe it is best to be numb than feel way too much. ’
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shinobistory · 5 years
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Shinobi Story Roleplay Project progress 1 - we added the vest model! Stay tuned for more! 
Shinobi Story is a Naruto-Inspired game 
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The years had been an interesting turn for one that became not only dubbed as the greatest puppet master but one named After the blood-stained sands. With his return to home came the passing of knowledge of what he gained throughout his time helping out a village they once sought to destroy.  He had not only been very vocal to the elders of his home about the foolishness of their choices but to the teachings of the village as well.  It was their own weakness that led them down this idiotic path, and now they had so much to rebuild and rethink. 
Throughout that time, Sasori had focused harder on his puppetry along with medical studies as well to not only improve healing but death dealing as well. His studies had not only advanced his skills but created techniques deemed impossible.   With a village running with no Kage and a lack of possible candidates, the strength that Sasori held would eventually have them eyeing him for the role.  With his improvements and feats of strength along with the battlefield knowledge, the puppet master took the role of Kazekage and began the proper rebuild of the village’s pride. 
What better way than with an artist’s touch?
It had been a little over three years since he had stepped foot or thought about steeping foot in Konohagakure.  With how busy the new job had him, he barely had time for the letters to read and return to one particular citizen.  His old patient that had improved greatly due to his help and teachings.  If it wasn’t for her, there was a chance that he wouldn’t even be where he was now.  Not to mention that helping her also helped him understand a shinobi’s mindset more.  Mental health was such a strong factor for any shinobi, and some of his work went into improving or helping those suffering.  No doubt that the village was quickly becoming something more than it was before.  Better, perhaps?
So now he stood at the village gates of the village that taught him so much.  He had decided to wave off his escorts for the time as he was expecting someone to meet him at the gates.  He hadn’t been informed of who he would be looking for, and he had arrived rather early.  Punctual on his time as he hated to keep others waiting, he would find himself waiting quite often due to how often he would prepare and show up with plenty of time to spare.  It was a curse of his, but he knew he was to blame on that.  He hated waiting ... but he would hate to keep others waiting even more.
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“Heh... What do you know?  The Slug Princess really is Hokage here, huh?” Eyes had noted the mountain with a new face.  It was very amusing considering how vocal Chiyo was that her rival took the role.  It was almost befitting for him to have the role of Kazekage, himself.  It was fitting, but it was also awkward to be meeting with his grandmother’s rival for peace.  Perhaps he could tie up some loose ends and try to get the two to get along.  ... If Chiyo ever allowed such a thing.
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kahenn · 4 years
Miki and Anko joint proctor chuunin exams NO you can’t change my mind
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breakthecage · 4 years
@shinobistories said: “I don’t want to think what would have happened if you didn’t show up.” From Hinata?
While Hinata didn’t want to think about it, Neji knew exactly what would have happened if he hadn’t arrived to save her.  She’d be dead and he wouldn't be standing there annoyed with how foolish she was to take a mission so far out of her league to begin with.  Part of being a shinobi was knowing one’s limits, but then, she’d never been skilled with that.  “It’s my responsibility to protect you.  I will always be here,” he reassured her.
After double checking to make sure the enemy was good and dead,  he leaned down, offering his cousin his hand to help her up.  “You’ve been improving.”  Still not enough.  She was going to get herself killed, sending a small panic through him.  Perhaps he could train her more if he ceased his breaks for lunch.  It was a lot to manage but he could just about fit in an extra training for Hinata.  He couldn’t calm himself if he didn’t.  If only Hiashi didn’t insist on sparring him personally in the evening when Neji was good and tired already.  His bones ached thinking about it.  “I wasn’t aware they were allowing you to take A rank missions.  Perhaps we should try some training to suit a style for multiple enemies.”  There was a small smile as she helped her up.  “Let’s go back to Konoha.  The medics need to look at your wounds.  Then I will buy you some noodles, hm?”
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yuruse · 4 years
Suigetsu taps Hinata on her left shoulder before darting to her right side, hoping she'll miss seeing him when she turns.
@shinobistories / unprompted 
Just like their first encounter, Hinata turns in the direction she’s tapped only to spot no-one there. Then she turns to the other side and blinks. Blinks again before finding herself smiling. 
“Suigetsu-san,” she greets, “ano...it’s been a while.”  A mission that lasted far longer than anticipated had her out of Konoha for a few months. Her eyes take him in for a moment. Ah but she had something to tell him! A sight she witnessed, and upon seeing it her first thought went to him. 
“Feral chickens Suigetsu-san,” she says, only to close her mouth right after. Oh that didn’t make sense! Her mouth hadn’t waited for her thoughts. Now her words made no sense! Her heart jumps for a moment, distressed at her blunder. 
“I...I m-mean I saw feral chickens.” Inwardly she winces at her stutter. 
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