#shinny robot
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Something I love about E-100 robots is that they all have those shinny eyes that make me feel like they're about to tell us the ugly barnacle story
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rr311 · 2 years
╭﹐❣︎﹕ Making You / Them Flustered ﹒〣 ﹕‹𝟹 - 𝖲𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖱𝖠 𝖪. 𝖬𝖠𝖪𝖨 𝖮. 𝖳𝖠𝖬𝖠𝖪𝖨 𝖪. 𝖵𝖴𝖫𝖢𝖠𝖭 𝖩. 𝖲𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖬𝖮𝖬 𝖡.
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cw/tw. kissing, flirting, teasing
an. s𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗋𝖺 𝗀𝗈𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗒𝗉𝖺 𝗐𝖺𝗒. 𝖧𝖾’𝗌 𝗍𝖾𝗐 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝖻𝗋𝗈 🙁 𝗂 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗂 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝖺 𝗇𝖾𝗐 𝗈𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 🥰 𝖠𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝖾’𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗆𝗒 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗈𝗐 𝖿𝗋𝗎𝗂𝗍 𝖼𝗎𝗉𝗌, 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖺𝖽𝖽 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗌 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗓𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂’𝗏𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝗌 🧍🏽‍♀️ 𝖡𝖴𝖳 𝖠𝖭𝖸𝖶𝖧𝖮𝖮𝖮𝖮𝖮 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖺𝖽𝖽 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌 😈
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Pulling you by your pant loops & Teasing
Motherfucker was so sly with it.
He loved teasing the hell out of you, he turned 18 and then all of sudden he’s grown so bold. He used to be so shy around you, always blushing and stuttering and now since he turned 18 basically a young adult he’s grown out of that and decided to make you his target!
Like anytime you guys would be training one on one he would pull out that stunt to catch you off guard. One time during training he had that dirty smirk on his face as he led his hand to hook his index finger around your loop tugging you close to him with his head leaned down to your level feeling his nose brush up against yours, his breath hitting your lips making you flustered. It was a dirty move but he didn’t give a flying fuck, to make things worse he was shirtless during the whole thing due to it being extremely hot outside since the ac wasn’t working inside and like i said before he turned 18 and didn’t know how to act. He teased you mentally every single fucking time, when he seen you would get distracted he would use that as an advantage to take you out making you fall onto the floor.
He was such a dickhead but honestly you loved the little move he would also do on you. You both were currently outside with the rest of the team as you stood next to him playing with your flames as you made tiny sparks as he sat on the bench next to you man spreading watching everyone do their own thing. Maki, Iris and Tamaki bugging Hibana into showing them her flowers, the Captain and Lieutenant talking to each other about the past mission you guys went on and Vulcan working on his little robot? Machine thing? I don’t even know but you were caught up with playing with your flames. You didn’t realize a certain someone’s fingertips were trailing around your waist till you felt them hook around your pants loop making you face his direction. You slightly flinched from the sudden tug but relaxed knowing it was only Shinra’s ass who would do this in literal public having no shame.
You looked down to make eye contact with his red eyes, as his hands moved up to your waist holding you close to him in between his legs, looking up to look into your eyes. “Hi.” He said, you smiled rolling your eyes knowing what he was up to with that grin on his face. “It’s too early for your tricks Shin.” He hummed with a raised brow, “What do you mean? I’m only touching my lovely girlfriend.” He tried to state innocently but the way his hands were moving down your back making their way to your ass told you otherwise, “In other ways..” He mumbled but you heard it scoffing to yourself but jumped feeling his hands grip your ass. “Shinra!” You silently yelled pulling his hands back up to your waist hearing him chuckle in response seeing you slowly become flustered bringing your hands up to your face, you groaned into your hands in embarrassment hoping and praying no one saw him do that. “You’re such a dick.” You muffled into your hands hearing him chuckle in response. “I hate you so much” You said, finally taking your hands out of your face to look at him who only had a cheeky smile planted on his face.
“I had to get you back one way or another.” He shrugged, you looked at him in disbelief. “You’re still on about that? Shinny i said I was sorry.” He shrugged in response, “I know, still wanted to get you back though.” You huffed stepping back feeling that flushed feeling come only for you to get pulled back by your loop with his index finger still hooked around it as he was now standing up very close to your face with a grin on his face, darting his lazy eyes towards lips and back up to your eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re getting embarrassed now?” He questioned with that teasing tone in his voice, you groaned. “What if I am? And how could i not be when you’re practically doing this in public..not to mention in front of the team!” You mumbled, honestly Shinra only does this stuff in public to see you flustered and all embarrassed. It was cute seeing you like that and plus he had to get you back from last time you made him flustered in front of everyone.
He’s only returning the favor.
“Like i said baby, only returning the favor.” He whispered leaning in to close the gap between you both. The kiss didn’t even make it to 5 seconds before Arthur yelled out interrupting the moment. “Captainnn (Y/N) and Shinra are doing gross stuuuff.” You instantly pulled away hearing his loud ass voice interrupt, “Shut up Arthur we were not!” You snarled as he shrugged with an unserious face. From afar Captain Obi looked at you two shaking his head with a sigh as Lieutenant Hinawa had his gun out ready to shoot you both scaring the two of you as you both back up, hearing him mumble. “Talk about getting caught..”
“Shut up.”
Rubbing/ Grabbing your hips & Soft kisses
She was smooth with it to be honest.
Anytime she would walk past you she would always grab you by your waist to move over a bit so she could walk past or whenever you’re not paying attention to her she uses that as an advantage to steal kisses from you. Half the time she’ll do it on purpose to see your reaction, like one time was during training when you two had to improve your techniques for missions to get stronger and when you were doing your own thing TRYING to focus she would distract you hella! Would also grab you by your waist from behind with those warm fingertips trailing and rubbing small circles on your soft skin only for a minute later throwing you onto the floor. You would say it was a dick move (it was.) but at the same time you wouldn’t, Maki was such a tease just like Shinra but she’s not the one to do it in public, she’s more of a private person with her love life but if it is in public it’s only you two alone together.
Now It was currently 11:30 at night, you and the rest of the crew just got back from an extremely long mission with company 2 tiring all of you which sent you all to your rooms exchanging good nights to one another heading off to bed. Shinra and Arthur went to their rooms arguing as always down the hallway where their room was, Tamaki and Iris going to their rooms, Vulcan and Viktor, Captain and the Lieutenant then lastly you and Maki. When you both got to your shared room you were quick to strip off your uniform, throwing it somewhere in the room changing into something more comfortable grabbing your black bonnet, stuffing all your braids into it before laying in the comfortable sheets. You sighed in relief to finally lay on something soft linstead of something hard and warmth hitting your body, closing your eyes with no hesitation letting the relaxation calm your soreness, Maki chuckled as she was already changed into her pjs getting in the bed with you.
Maki moved her hands under the cover to find where your hips were to pull you towards her chest feeling her warmth hit your body as her hands are still on your waist softly rubbing them knowing it comforts you and is sore down there. You cuddled more into her chest opening your eyes to be met with purple ones staring down at you, “That feels good.” You tiredly mumbled watching a small smile form on her lips, “I bet it does.” She responded back, not even a second after saying that she leaned down to take your lips with hers softly moving her mouth along yours as you sighed into the kiss, kissing her back. You slightly giggled feeling her fingertips trail circles on your hips as she pulled away, pecking your cheek, down to your neck giving them small pecks, “Maki that tickles.” You said feeling her smile on your neck.
She trailed her kisses back up to your face, kissing your lips one last time before actually pulling away with that lovesick smile of hers. “I love you.” She whispered, you playfully rolled your eyes, “I love you too, now close your eyes and go to sleep.” You stated as Maki huffed, “So bossy.” She teased, you again rolled your eyes, “Goodnight my love.”
“Goodnight baby.”
Patting her head & Reassurance
You have to admit Tamaki was like a cat, I mean are you surprised? Her abilities are cat like, flaming ears and two flaming tails. You do admit when it was your first time seeing her abilities you thought she was a furry at first but she isn’t after many times of her hitting you and yelling at you for thinking that, one thing about Tamaki is that she will let people know that you are hers and she is yours. She’s like one of those protective/ possessive girlfriends that get defensive when it comes to their partner just like how a cat would do with its owner, sometimes you would have to calm her down and give her that reassurance that she needs which leads to being flushed and red as a tomato because of the way you put your words together and that embarrassment feeling of getting scolded by you.
Just like right now you had to pull her away from Shinra who looked like she wanted to murder him for what she saw, it was an accident but you could see why she was mad the scene was out of context. You and Shinra were outside since he asked you for help with his Adolla Burst, you of course agreed to it agreeing he needed more strength with his flames. So you both started to train, you guys were sparing with him coming at you with all he had as you gave him tips as you were blocking his attacks, the fight was going according to plan before some odd reason his flames got faster which ended up Shinra knocking you both on the ground with him on top of you and you below him with his hands pinned to the dirt ground placed on the side of your head. He looked down at you with widened eyes, “Are you okay (Y/N)?! I’m sorry i don’t know how i did that, are you hurt anywhere?” He asked concerned, you softly groaned shaking your head, “It’s fine Shin and no i’m not hurt anywhere.” You answered, Shinra sighed in relief as he was about to answer only to get cut off by a loud thud, you tilted your head up as shinra looked where that thud was to see Tamaki with red ears and her flame ears on top of her head, “Oh shit.”
Which led to now! Tamaki on your shoulders as you parted her from Shinra who had a red handprint on his cheek rubbing the pain with a pained face. When you got inside to a place where it’s just you both you set her down on her feet, as she stood there with her arms crossed and flame ears still active. “Tamaki you didn’t have to slap him that hard.” You huffed as she rolled her eyes, “He shouldn’t have had my girlfriend pinned underneath him!” She snarled as a sigh left your lips, “Listen baby, it was an accident ok? Me and Shinra were just training to help his flames get faster and stronger, for some reason his flames had gone 2x the speed from before which lead him to knocking us both to the ground. I would never do such a thing to you and you know that, same with Shinra ''You reasoned, Tamaki still looked at you with an angry face with her flame ears still flaring into the air looking away from you. You softly sighed, bringing your hands tilting her face towards your way with two fingers below her chin tilting her up a bit to make eye contact with you, “I’ll look you into your eyes and tell you the truth. Remember the day when I said that? Trust me when i say it was an honest accident, Shinra respects our relationship he would never do anything to ruin that.” Once hearing your words she felt herself slowly start to calm down seeing her ears go out and face going back to her color before it got covered with a pink blush,
“I’m so sorry..I overreacted about it..” She mumbled, you only smiled patting her head. “It’s okay my love, the whole situation was out of context.” You said with a small smile, she really doesn’t deserve you. You were gentle with her and calm and loving…it made her get emotional a little bit. Her eyes started to slightly water as she pounced her way into your chest letting the tears fall and soak through your shit feeling her grip the white tee as you softly sighed, rubbing her back up and down. “I r-really don’t deserve you..” She sniffles with a choked up voice, softly chuckling leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
“You do deserve me, fate brought us together and I'm forever grateful.”
(That was so corny I apologize .)
Smiling through kisses & Neck kisses
Word to my grave.
He was such an ASSHOLE.
Like he does this on purpose to get under your skin to see you become a shyness mess! Like you guys could be having a nice date night you know? Laughs, jokes and giggles being heard and told till suddenly he wants to be a little jokester and get immediate with you. Moving his hand to be placed on your hips pulling you closer to his muscular warm body, placing his other hand to be on your jaw then pulling you in to connect his lips with yours savoring that sweetness that came off you. Smiling through the kiss as he pulled back pecking them a few more times before moving down towards your neck, pecking that soft skin earning giggles and butterflies starting to form.
He would always do that and you hated how it would always work.
Now it was 12:30 in the afternoon and you had gotten done early with your training going to the kitchen to fix the team some lunch since you guys had skipped breakfast. You were almost done though, only thing you were waiting on was the rice to be cooked when you were waiting for that you were sitting on top of the counter top swiping through your phone checking your socials or what not, you knew if the Lieutenant walked in seeing you on top of the counter you would be getting punished for the rest of the week but it was only for a few minutes till the rice was done so you would be okay. You hummed a little time to yourself as you swiped and swiped till suddenly you felt a presence go between your legs and warm hands going to your waist shooting your stare to look into red ones. “Well hello to you too Vulcan.” You smiled, “Watcha up to?” He asked, you shrugged placing your phone on the counter as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Fixing up some lunch for the crew.” You mumbled as you heard him hum in response. “Mm..well if you’re waiting on something to be done that means you got a few minutes right?” You raised a brow with a suspicious look, slowly nodding your head you watched him grin.
“Perfect.” He whispered, before leaning in to take your lips with his as you groaned into the kiss knowing he was gonna do something like this. In response he smiled through the kiss moving his mouth against yours as his hands on your hips moved down towards your thigh laying on top of it, you hummed into the kiss as you gripped the back of his neck indicating you needed to breathe. He got the hint and pulled back trailing his mouth towards your neck giving them light pecks, “Should’ve known you would do something like this.” You sighed relaxing more into his touch as he chuckled with that same grin on his mouth,
Few more seconds Vulcan pulled back trailing them back to hover over your mouth with a smirk averting his eyes towards your lips and eyes, “You love it though, yeah?” He questioned, by how embarrassed you are right now to admit it he was right, his kisses always made you soft and shy. He was so gentle with you it made your heart flutter. You nodded your head slowly being your hand to be on his cheek, “Yeah..” You whispered back leaning in to take his lips with yours again before- “Something smells good in he- OH MY GOD.” A voice yelled startling you both to look who it was and it was Shinra looking at you both with widened eyes and a blush on his face, “Everything alright Shin- oh.” Captain Obi started but stopped seeing why Shinra yelled, you were on the kitchen counter with Vulcan in between your legs and hands on your thighs.
Talk about getting caught .
The embarrassment went above the limit as you felt a hot feeling going through your body as you hid your face in your hands. You now remembered the training session ended earlier today than usual and since you were making lunch the smell of the food stunk up the hallways obviously catching their attentions when they came back inside. “Uhm..well this is awkward.” Captain Obi stated clearing his throat, before you could even do a thing you heard a gun go off and a bullet hitting you right in your side, “Ow! What the fuck?!” You snarled looking up but changed once seeing who it was, Lieutenant Hinwa with the gun pointed towards you with a stern look, “No sitting on top of the counter.” He said clearly shooting another bullet and this time hit you in your arm, “Ouch! Ok ok! I’m getting off.” You groaned jumping off the counter as you rubbed your arm in pain hearing Vulcan snicker beside you. “Somethin funny?” You asked turning your way towards your boyfriend with a glare who instantly shook his head throwing is hands in the air. “No ma’am.”
“So mean..” You heard him mumbled rolling your eyes in response. “Uh..anyways. Finish up in here and we’ll set up the table, come on Shinra!” He yelled catching Shinras attention away from your thighs with a huge blush on his face as he followed the captain like a lost puppy. “Also (Y/N), you’re on  bathroom duty for a week.” Your eyes widened as you through your hands in the up, “Wha-!” He gave you that look the look that tells you to shut the fuck up and do it, you groaned crossing your arms. “Ugh fine.” He walked away with a satisfied nod as Vulcan walked up to you placing his arms around your shoulders, “Damn baby, good luck cleaning the bathrooms for a week.” He laughed,
“I hate you so fucking much.”
Touching your stomach & Watching you sleep
Everyone knew how non social Benimaru was.
They were surprised when they found out he had a literal wife! You and Benimaru have been married for 6-7 years? Maybe even more but it was shocking when they saw you for the first time in the village. Beni was known for caring for himself and protecting others but never known for the one to be in a relationship! But you proved them wrong (obviously), even being married to Beni for years and ongoing years he’s never failed to make you feel that first feeling when you guys started dating, all shy and a lovesick girl. He wasn’t known for being affectionate but when he does become affectionate it’s either when you guys are in bed together or when he just wants to hold you.
In the night of Asakusa you were laid in your guys shared bed as you were cuddled in the bed sheets with a cold empty spot next to you. Huffing you turned to where Beni was supposed to be but was met with a still made up side sighing as you turned back around facing the white walls that covered the room closing your eyes to try and sleep. As the time passed by, you heard a loud thud behind the closed door hearing it open and close, hard footsteps echoing through the room and a figure getting under the blankets on his correct side of the bed. You quickly closed your eye’s pretending to be sleep as you felt warm hands crawl their way towards your waist pulling you close to his body back against his chest and his hands now on-top of your stomach softly rubbing it,
“Are you sleeping?.” His voice echoed, you stayed silent. You were kinda still mad at him for leaving you hanging like this in a cold bed but started to feel bad hearing him let out a sigh believing you were fast sleep. Letting that feeling win over and sink in you turned around to face his half lidded red eyes that carried many emotions behind them as they gazed into your (E/C) ones. “Hi.” You whispered softly watching a small smile form on his lips, “Hello sweetheart, why’re you still up?” He shrugged in response, tracing your fingers along his clothed chest, “Was waiting for you.” Benimaru nodded his head slightly moving his head toward the crook of your neck inhaling your comforting scent, sighing, “I’m sorry, i didn’t expect to be out so late tonight but those company 8 brats kept bothering me into training them.” You chuckled softly running your hands through his black locks, “Shinra and Arthur? I’m pretty sure they just wanna get stronger love. I mean you’re one of the best Captains on the fire force, who wouldn’t want your help?” You mumbled continuing to play with his hair feeling him huff into your neck.
“Yeah yeah..” From the sound of his breathes getting shallow you knew he was gonna be knocked out like a light, few more minutes you were proved correct he had fallen asleep hearing soft snored leave his mouth making you smile leaning down kissing the top of his forehead,
“Rest well my love.”
(I now realize Beni is 22 years old and i thought bro was 29 🌚 , im too lazy to change it so pretend bro is in his late 20’s)
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nestedneons · 1 year
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By Sandu
Bright rain/cloudy/dark summer day sci - fi blinding shinny exterior of intricate robotic electric blizzard azzuro planet light god rays shadows shimmering closeup detail concept art detailed painting with giant spaceship outside window of a cool industrial living quarters spaceship, lcd displays and light neop strips symbols huge over window with gorgeous galactic view, happy blade runner android, cool airvehicle cockpit, living bedroom office, droid parts in shinny clothes sitting on a fresco concrete wall, cool sci - fi vehicle utilitarian, 1970s astronaut cosmonaut white pastel suit and helmet ready, in the style of muted colorscape mastery, subtle realism, historical reimagining, industrial eerie sandu baciu style, i can't believe how beautiful this is, cabincore, concept art, 1900–1917
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knightprincess · 10 months
Wait (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader)
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Warning: Angst, Mentions of Death, and PTSD. Words: 2.5k Pronouns used: She/Her - No psychically description given Period: Ranges from Clone Wars to Rebels. Mentions Order 66.
Execute Order 66. The three words that ended the war, almost annihilated the Jedi Order and spelled the true doom of the Republic. It was the order that turned millions of clones across the galaxy from free thinkers to robotic killers, human droids. The order forced the clones to turn on their friends in the Jedi and murder them under the guise they were protecting the republic, a republic that no longer existed. It was the order that sealed their fates and traumatized every clone apart of it, far more than anything than being on the front lines of the war could have thrown at them. 
For Wolffe, the worst was yet to come. He'd gotten away from the Empire after breaking free from the inhibitor chip control, he couldn't say for sure what had broken its grasp on his mind, one minute the part of himself created as part of the Sith Lord's plan was in control, he was in the back seat screaming for it to stop, fighting to stop what he was seeing. And the next he was in control, the voice repeating Good Soldiers Follow Orders had ceased, the dream-like state had faded, and the bubble had burst. Reality had hit him far worse than anything he had seen on the battlefield. 
But nothing could have prepared him for the overwhelming feelings of guilt, regret, and the crushing loss that hit him like a ton of bricks, just hours after he had settled with the relief of being free. Even now Wolffe couldn't tell you which of the three feelings was worse. The guilt was overpowering the best of time, but it was what motivated him to help the band of Rebels when they needed help taking Lothal back from Imperial control. He had to make up for his past doings, he had to make those mistakes right, no matter the cost to himself. 
The regret for the things he wished to have done differently were things that constantly plagued him, the little things he should have done differently. Like being kinder to the shinnies when they came off the line, or telling Comet well done after a difficult job being completed. The missed opportunities to tell each of his brothers how much they meant to him, especially the ones who survived the war, but suffered a far worse fate. He truly did regret a lot of things, among them was not telling (Y/N) he loved her one last time, and not being able to truly save her from her broken mind.
By far the loss was the worst part of it all. Waking up from the chip's control to find the Republic was gone and he had helped to bring about its doom. To discover the Jedi Order had been destroyed, and he as well as his brothers had been the reason for it, the unwilling executioners that were forced to turn on and betray their friends and loved ones, only to further the revenge plot the now Emperor had been working from the shadows to see finished. The loss of Plo had hurt, knowing his last thoughts were questioning what was happening as his loyal troopers turned on him and shot him out of the sky, but the loss of his brothers was something else. 
Those who got away from the Empire were met with two fates. Either they were left to fend for themselves in a galaxy that despised them and blamed them for what happened or they were hunted down and recaptured by those working in the Advanced Science Division. Either way, fate had cruelty in store for them. Either way, more trauma awaited. 
Wolffe's fate after abandoning the empire was to be hunted down, as was Gregor's when he got away, and eventually those a part of the enhanced unit Clone Force 99, when their value to the Empire was truly discovered. At first, the battle-worn commander had gone out there alone, with one purpose. Find his beloved Jedi Knight, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He'd heard the rumors of her survival, the stories on the lower levels of Coruscant of civvies taking pity on an injured Jedi, matching her description, they'd helped her flee the core world, to somewhere in the outer rim, and a few senators had aided in her escape. 
Eventually, he found her, working with Rex to sow the seeds of what would eventually become the rebellion that fought against the Empire. A rebellion built on hope and sacrifice for a better future. A future she'd never get to see. Like with him, fate was cruel to (Y/N). It would answer her question about what truly happened to her best friend Anakin Skywalker in the worst way possible. A fate no one would ask for and was arguably worse than his own. 
"What's wrong with him?" asked Zeb, gesturing towards the old mismatched-eyed Commander. Wolffe appeared to be staring off into space, not paying any attention to what was going on around him. Rex and Gregor had turned to their brother shortly after, Gregor noticing he held on to (Y/N)'s duel-bladed lightsaber, while Rex took notice of the hologram alight in front of Wolffe. The Jedi Knight and once hero of the republic who had stolen his heart. Both men knew Wolffe had lost his way when (Y/N) had been taken from him the first time, but he hadn't been the same since he had lost her for the second and final time. 
"Give him time, he'll be okay" replied Rex, a sigh escaping him as he remembered (Y/N). She'd taken many secrets to her grave, unbeknownst to the Captain of the 501st, one of them she kept to protect him. The truth on who Vader truly was. "Sometimes the past gets to him, what the empire did and took away still haunts him. He's never gotten past losing the woman he loved" he worded, recalling when Clone Force 99, or the Bad Batch as they preferred finally found where Dr. Hemlock was stationed, when they infiltrated the base, hoping to find both Omega and Crosshair. 
What they discovered was terrible, to say the least. Clones that once served the republic strapped down onto tables, tortured, tormented, and forced to suffer all in the name of science. Some were in tanks, others were left to die a slow and likely painful death. Others had been incorporated into Phase 1 of the Death Trooper program, to which the constant torture would have been far kinder. Among those rescued that day were Crosshair, Omega, Tech who had survived his fall, Cody, Wolffe, and Comet. Despite the best efforts, both Cody and Comet passed on shortly after returning to Pabu. 
"That's (Y/N)" whispered Kanan, upon glancing to the hologram. She was one of the few Jedi the people of the Empire hadn't forgotten, remembered along with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, Yoda, and Mace Windu. She was supposedly killed during Order 66 but eventually reappeared, being captured and taken Nur, nobody truly knows what happened to her there. For months many theorised she'd been killed by Vader or one of the inquisitors after being tortured for information. 
In reality, the constant torment and suffering had done something far worse, it had broken her mind and shattered her will to continue fighting until she found strength in the dark side. Until she had willingly joined the inquisitors as the First Sister, second only to the Grand Inquisitor. She wasn't sent out to hunt very often, but when she was she never failed. More often than not (Y/N) was the one whom Vader called upon when he needed assistance with his mission to destroy what remained of the Jedi. 
"Where is she now?" asked Ezra, not quite putting two and two together, or catching on to what haunted Wolffe every waking moment. Rex and Gregor could only share a common glance, knowing losing her once was bad enough for Wolffe, but twice was nothing less than cruel. Even when he'd spared her more suffering. 
"Gone" grumbled Wolffe, his voice resembling that of a growl upon the memories he tried so hard to bury over the years came back. How his heart sank when he was rescued, learning (Y/N) hadn't been found since both of them had been captured. His refusal to give up hope had paid off, but it hadn't lasted long. When he was reunited with her, her once pretty eyes were the orange/red of the Sith, her mind twisted by the dark side and all she had learned to rely on was constant suffering. Her mind had become so twisted she no longer knew the difference between good and bad, and no longer recognized herself. 
"When she was captured, the empire corrupted her mind via torture. She became an inquisitor" voiced Rex, recalling Wolffe's refusal to believe she couldn't be saved as others stated. Instead, he tracked her wherever she went, and became a thorn in her side even at the risk of his own life. When the opportunity arose to capture her again, he took it. Bringing her aboard the ship, he, Rex, and Gregor shared at the time, determination alight in his mismatched eyes, he was going to save her and help her heal, he wasn't going to fail her again. 
"She's one of them?" accused Zeb, recalling his encounters with the pests known as Inquisitors. Although he'd admit he didn't know who they were before, just that they were out hunting for his friends, his family in Kanan and Ezra. Thrust they were his enemy. 
"Was" corrected Rex, not taking any notice when Zeb fell into silence and Sabine glanced to Kanan and Ezra, seeing their surprise upon hearing one could stop being an inquisitor. "Wolffe refused to give up on (Y/N). When he had the chance to get her away from the Empire he took it, we tried for months to help her, and it worked for a time until it became clear they wouldn't let her go" he added, shivering at the memory of Vader hunting them, of the villages and towns he burnt and the innocents who were slain just to get to her. 
"They killed her" guessed Sabine, not seeing any other fate that could have been waiting for the former Jedi Knight. Although the Mandalorian could only assume her death if it was at the hands of the empire, wouldn't have been quick. They would have seen her as a threat to them, those who rebelled against their iron fist rule would have seen her as a beckon of hope. 
"No, I did" growled Wolffe, standing briefly before slumping back into his chair again. (Y/N)'s lightsaber tightly in his grasp, the only thing he truly had left of her now. A stray tear slid down his cheek upon remembering the day burnt into his memory. The four of them were on the run, looking for a way to lose Vader, and the Inquisitors hunting them, looking for a way to get off the planet. When it became clear they had no way out, when they became cornered, (Y/N) fought Vader and the Inquisitors off for as long as she could, all but ordering Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor to go. 
But Wolffe had refused to leave, he couldn't bear to lose her again, lose another he loved. So he stayed at her side until she used her power to push him away. Speaking the haunting words of I Love You beforehand. The moment the former Commander of the 104th Battalion realized the inquisitors intended to turn her to the dark side again, he made the hardest choice. Once again he aimed his blaster, but this time at (Y/N), he closed mismatched eyes and pulled the trigger. He saved her from further torment, assured she would finally be at peace, but at the cost of shattering his own heart and being forced to live without her. 
"It was the only way to save her" whispered Wolffe, knowing she was still with him. He felt her there during the moments when his PTSD got the better of him. He felt her hand on his shoulder and could swear sometimes he heard her voice willing him to continue his fight. He sensed her there during the toughest moments when he struggled with the past. 
"That's why you went into hiding" commented Ezra, figuring the trio of clones hadn't just decided to "retire" due to their accelerated aging. They were among some of the best battle-tested minds there was. The rebellion needed them to survive, but it was becoming clear at least Wolffe needed a reason to fight. He'd lost his will the day he had to kill (Y/N) to save her from repeating the cruelty of being broken and twisted again until she lost herself once more. 
"We know (Y/N) would have taken the opportunity to stick it to the empire if she was here" laughed Gregor, his golden eyes glued to the hologram of the Jedi Knight in question. To the hologram of the friend waiting for them. "She was a fighter, a shining light of hope we needed during the darkest days of the war. Let's not let her down now by sitting by and doing nothing" 
"So you'll fight with us" questioned Zeb
"Yup" replied Gregor. "It's about time we remembered who we are, right Wolffe?" he added, nudging Wolffe who had since stood, the old Commander didn't pay much attention though, instead looking to the back door of the old walker. Where he could have sworn he'd seen a figure bathed in a blue glow standing. Where he saw (Y/N) standing, nodding with a proud grin, as if she was finally answering his call to see her again. As if she was encouraging them to fight for something they chose to believe in rather than something forced upon them like the Republic and Empire. 
"You see her right?" asked Wolffe, too afraid to look away in case she disappeared again. Rex only offered a small soft smile upon seeing (Y/N), a guiding angel for them to follow, as she had been once before in what felt like a lifetime ago. A life that seemed far less complicated than the one they had now. Back then they were soldiers created to fight a war, to sacrifice. Now they were relics of the same past as the Jedi and the Republic. They survived the horrors the empire threw at them, abandoned and left to fend for themselves, broken and forgotten by the galaxy around them. 
But now, it was time to rise and fight once again. Remind the Emperor why clones were created in the first place and remind him why they were better than the conscripted troopers he relied on to defend the weakening empire. This time they weren't going to be soldiers of the republic, commanders in a war they didn't choose. They would be beacons of hope amidst the shadow the empire cast across the galaxy, they were going to fight and sacrifice for a cause they chose to fight for. 
Knight Princess Masterlist
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josen-the-fox · 4 months
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<□■A Shinny Robot 🤖■□>
A really cute robot with a cute programming~
Blue lights 💙
- A head made for @DigitalAtoms34
- The drawing was a gift~
[I hope you like it uwu 💙]
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years
SYDNEY ALGID'S KINLIST... part two because apparently my last post about it got sent to the shadow realm
Sydney October Sargent: nobody's surprised by this let's move on
Jade Harley: yes like from homestuck. um. don't read too much into this one, teehee!
Terezi Pyrope: also from homestuck
Stanley: like the parable
Rowan Chow: Another camp here and there character! I also considered taking his name...
Tia Safalin: why titty dee
Monster Sheila: like.. the minor character from Witch's Heart
Noelle Holiday: YIPEEEE
Saiki Kusuo: you won't believe where he's from
Teruhashi Kokomi: yikes
BOYD: YES the robot boy from ducktales. no i don't wanna talk about it
Wadonohara: The titular character of Wadonohara and the Great Blue Sea! maybe i'm a bit happy none of my mutuals have played that one.
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faeseekerandy · 1 year
Reply to Music Prompt 8 and 9 by Revan
Prompt 8: And you'll miss the old you, but here's the deal- that good girl you were was really fucking bad at being real.
Character Terra Judas Contract.
Raven had seen everything going on in Terra’s mind, Slade’s plan, Terra’s past, EVERYTHING. That day when she as having a nightmare, when she made contact with her. She also saw something that called her attention. Terra she was having doughts about her feelings for Slade But it wasn’t what she thought. BB was not the first thing on her mind. Terra had a very childish crush on Raven. She was so close, her heart leaped, and her soft fingers touching her face. Her reaction was instant tension.
-Get your hands off me you witch – Terra screamed, full defense off, did she read my mind, did she know?
- I know what you’re planning todo, the judas contract everything, - said Raven while training in the holodeck in Titan Tower. With all the blowing up robots and noice,it was the only chance they had to talk honestly. – I wont tell anyone yet, but you need to tell them what’s going on, this is serious.
You bitch, how dare you look into my thoughts, you had no …. – she said this while throwing a huge rock at raven. The idea of another being prying into her secret thoughts and feeling made her feel dirty inside. Like her mind was not her own.
I could tell from day one that the good girl you were was really fucking bad at being real, said raven, you tell yourself that you love Slade,  you tell yourself that you don’t love me, you tell yourself that you want to be alone, and deep down you know you’re lying to yourself.
Shut up bitch – replied Terra – You’re keeping secrets too, I know what will happen on the day you finally break, and the destruction that you will cause to everyone around you. You’re a demon much worst than Slade. When the time comes and you finally awaken, will you miss your old self? Or will you feast on the blood of all your so call friends. You and I are more alike than you think.  
9: One thing I like about me is that I'm nothing like you and I never will be.
Rathaway had gained a new hobbie. He discovered that under the right circumstance anything could be a rat.  A racoon? Rat, a bat, rat with wings, a dog? Also a rat. EVERYTHING is a rat , Rathaway told himself and then played his flute, and racoons, dogs, cats bats they all came from all over central city and appeared at his door. Each carrying a jewell, a bill, a watch, whatever was shinny in the city. That was the instruction.  
Its brilliant! There is a rat inside every home with a pet! They are my army gathering all the shinnies. Nobody will miss one jewell going missing every day
Rathaway was licking his chops at how much money he was making. Every night he ordered his “rats” to gather something shinny, some bought back forks and knives, or useless jump but some of them had real gold and silver jewelry. He would feed only the “rats” that had gold and jewels and began to train all the pets of the city to bring him jewelry. Something small that would not be missed.
Obviously it didn’t take Barry and the others to learn what he was doing , it had his MO written all over. They busted in the door and found Rathaway sleeping on a pile of shinny treasures like a huge dragon, completely naked and crying like an infant.
Rathaway WTF, said bary more annoyed than anything, dude this is weird, you haven’t sold anything why are you even doing this. It makes no sense.
I see a lot of rings in this pile, - said rathaway annoyed  - A LOT of rings.
So? – replied barry annoyed
A LOT of rings , where the fuck is mine! – said Rathaway.
Your’s We’re not even toge… - barry was confused
Oh so when we slept together the other night, and those long walks on the beach ( rathaway goes on to describe a huge list of things that never happened )  
Rathaway buddy, you need more self love, you don’t need to do this to get my attention.
Fuck you barry, seriously, am I gonna have to kidnap a bunch of children to get you to notice me? – said an annoyed rathaway, now standing up completely in the nude, everything visible!
Barry blushed and ran to cover his friend, noticing that he was also very very drunk. – barry placing both hands on rathaway’s shoulders said – you need to lover yourself more…
-fuck you too barry – replied rathaway
- that’s not what I mean – replied barry
- what im saying is, find things you love about yourself, work on  yourself, you need to…
- but rathaway interrupted him looking at barry straight in the eyes,
- One thing I like about me is that I'm nothing like you and I never will be., and saying this he kicked barry in the balls and ran away carried by an army of racoons laughing as loudly as he could, HAHAHAHAHA you’re an idiot barry, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NOTICE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
“You’re my new neighbour and I came over at 7am to introduce myself but it turns out you work late shifts and I woke you up and now you hate me” w dom and sorasa 👀
Thank you for sending this! I hope you like this baby drabble <3
The elevator's doors stopped just before they could close, a hand sneaking between them to get them to open again. Dom huffed through his nose when his brain interpreted whose hand was it. Strong yet feminine fingers, bronze skin, the edge of a tattoo poking from the wrist. 
That woman.  
His stomach squeezed with what was the beginning of an ulcer, probably.  
Seconds after, the rest of her was visible through the gap. The downward tilt of the corner of her mouth when she saw him indicated she was just as thrilled as to share an elevator ride as he was. Great. 
"3B" was her dry greeting as she stepped inside, casually leaning against the mirrored wall farthest from him. 
No matter where she settled her piercing gaze, her appallingly symmetrical features surrounded him. It was like being trapped in a cavern where the wall all glinted with precious citrine gems. If the gems were pointy, sharp and the walls were closing in. 
Dom scowled even though he tried not to. He nodded as a way of neighborly politeness.  
Not that she cared much about basic civility. When she'd moved the building a few months ago, he'd knocked on her door before leaving for work with the intention to introduce himself and offer help should she ever need it. The usual, since he was just across the hall. 
Her door had cracked open just enough for a murderous face to glare at him. He was a gentleman, so his eyes did absolutely not stray down to her toned, muscled body, bronze skin covered in tattoos. So many of them. All exposed to the world in her sports bra and pajama shorts ensemble.  
"Hi, I just wanted to welcome you to the building. I'm Dom, that's my door—" He pointed to his back with his thumb "—please let me know if you—" and the door slammed shut. 
And he could have forgiven her rude outburst, if it weren't for the fact that she had the gall to keep glaring at him every time they crossed paths on the hallway or the lobby. The only reason he knew her name was because his mail box was next to hers. Sorasa Sarn. Sometimes he would roll her name around his tongue as if considering a particularly nasty fruit. Much to his eternal annoyance, the name turned sweetly like a bite of lemon pie, like something he wanted to eat over and over again. So he had to avoid thinking of her name too. Instead referring to her as "that woman". He wouldn't spend valuable time thinking of how stunning she was. Visually. On every other level she was a waste of air. 
The last thing any hard worker of the night shifts of the world could ever want were annoying fuckers knocking at their door at the crack of dawn.  
Sorasa stepped into the elevator and didn't hide her displeasure at the company. Why should she? The Viking wannabe had interrupted her sleep when he surely must have heard she arrived from work, and then scowled as if he was sniffing something rotten whenever they crossed paths. As if she had been the inopportune visitor.  
Not only that, but the massive asshole (massive as in, he was abnormally big) had stepped on a dog's paw at the lobby that very same day they'd met, and hadn't even looked back at the suffering animal. What kind of robotic monster didn't feel guilty at making a puppy cry? The kind that interrupted other people's sleep. That's who. 
The few times they ran into each other, Sorasa liked to fantasize about setting his shinny locks of long golden hair on fire. Or pushing him down the stairs and let gravity do its thing. Though, from how robust he looked under his usual green sweater and grey slacks, she wasn't entirely sure it wouldn't be the steps getting cracked open or something. His biceps bulging as he crossed his arms before his wide chest were all the clues she had that he was in fact made of flesh (pure, abundant muscle) and therefore, stab-able... killable? Whatever, he could get it. Stabbed! That's what she meant.  
One of these days, Sorasa swore, running her eyes up and down the expanse of him through the mirrors surrounding them. One of these days she would have her way with him. 
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tga-ines-soares · 10 months
Comic Artists
Frank Miler-Comics
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Frank Miller is a known for his comic book writer, artist, and filmmaker. He's known for his influential work in the comic book industry, particularly for his gritty and dark storytelling style. Miller gained significant recognition for his work on characters like Daredevil and Batman, for making their narratives in a more mature and darker tone. Some of his works include "The Dark Knight Returns," "Sin City," and "300." His unique artistic style and impactful storytelling have had a lasting influence on the comic book medium.
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"Daredevil": Miller had a celebrated run on Marvel's "Daredevil" series in the late 1970s and early 1980s, redefining the character and introducing darker, more mature themes.
I like the contrast between the red and the black. its like a fight between hell and a black hole. I like the little sketch of red. Its like a demon with lots of arms. I like details on the demons and on the clothes. I like the demon on top is like big and strong and its looking down at all the peasant demons and i looks like he's in a superhero suit and and it looks like he has a get set of gills each side. The type of daredevil look very demanding about the evil. And the author type is sending a statement who wrote and designed it.
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"300": Miller wrote and illustrated "300," a retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae where 300 Spartans fought against the Persian Empire, known for its distinctive visuals and storytelling.
I like a knight helmet is that canter of attention of the comic. I like how the smoke is surrounding the helmet. I like how detailed the rock with the shadows on it and i like that they made it orange like in a desert. I like the contrast between the light and dark which mean a war zone and a non war zone. I like the front its like racing and i think a lot of blood with be involved.
Elektra Assassin
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"Elektra: Assassin": Miller wrote this miniseries featuring the character Elektra, a highly skilled assassin, exploring a darker and more psychologically complex narrative.
I like the smoke coming out of the armaLite gun , i like all the light and darks on the design on the gun. I like the small shinny dagger. I like that she has a bander on her head this could suggest that she could of committed a lot of crimes. I like all the red in her outfit, i think it signifies she a good fighter. I love the front and i think its like robot writing.
John Romita Jr
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John Romita Jr. is a comic book artist known for his work with Marvel Comics. He comes from a family deeply rooted in the comic book industry; his father, John Romita Sr., was also a legendary comic book artist known for his work on characters like Spider-Man.
Romita Jr. has a prolific career spanning several decades, during which he's contributed to various iconic titles and characters. He's notably recognized for his work on series like "The Amazing Spider-Man," "Daredevil," "X-Men," "Iron Man," and "Thor," among others. His artistic style often has a lots of action and drama and impressive character designs, earning him a prominent place in the world of comic book art.
The Amazing Spider-Man
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"The Amazing Spider-Man" (Vol. 1): Romita Jr. worked on various storylines and issues within the first volume of "The Amazing Spider-Man." Notably, he has worked to the famous "Clone Saga," a storyline that involved the introduction of a clone of Spider-Man and had a lasting impact on the character's mythology. I like how spider man is jumping off a roof, i like how they show all the dark and light with in the spiderman suit and highlight in it as well it looks so cool. I like how realistic the web rope looks, i like how it look like a lot of webs are joined together to make it. I like how there helicopter light are shinning on the buildings in the background is. I like how the scene is set at night and it looks like going to save someone. I like the colour on the suit because its kind of like superman because he has a suit as red and blue. I also like the big white stands out on the comic.
"The Amazing Spider-Man" (Vol. 2): He also had involvement in the second volume of "The Amazing Spider-Man," which began in the late 1990s. During this run, he worked on different story arcs that further developed Spider-Man's adventures.
I like that spider man is flying in with a web as a rope and all the villain in the background. I like how all the villain are trying to grab the spider man like there trying to kill him or something. I like that spider man is the centre of attention. i like how they show all the dark and light with in the spiderman suit and highlight in it as well it looks so amazing. I like that the title is bold the people who read it know what its about.
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"Uncanny X-Men": Romita Jr. worked on the "Uncanny X-Men," which is one of the flagship X-Men titles. His artistry added to the adventures of the mutant team, showcasing their battles, character dynamics, and evolving storylines.
I like how he put all the superheroes standing together and i like how there's only two super villains in the cover of this comic. I like all the how all the superheroes are near the fire and the villains are near the night i think this contrast that villain are going to lose. I like the colours they used and identify which side is good and which is evil. I like how they use the colour within the character and the light and dark area's. I like that the title is in 3D so the reader who what there reading.
"X-Men": He also worked on the main "X-Men" series, another key title in the X-Men accept. His artwork brought to life various narratives and events within the world of mutants, working on the visually to the ongoing saga of the X-Men.
I like that the scene they set in is getting darker this suggest that villains will probably come out. The Wolverine in this front cover of the comic has a lot of shadow and highlights. And it looks like it wants to fight someone. The colossus the light and dark and colour look good on this character because its making it look shinny.
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john Romita Jr. worked on "Superman" titles, worked on to the series "Superman: Year One." This series was a joined forces between Romita Jr. and writer Frank Miller. "Superman: Year One" is a remaking of Superman's origins and early adventures, delving into his journey from a young Clark Kent discovering his powers to becoming the iconic superhero. Romita Jr.'s artistry in this series helped depict the evolution of Superman's character and his iconic moments as he navigated his dual identity and embraced his role as Earth's protector.
I like the background of this comic because it look like he's on top of the world. That he the protector of the entire planet. I like all the black dark clouds and the smoke contrast something terrible is happening in this comic. I like the cracks in the ground next to the feet. I like all the dry trees in the background. I like the shading within superman and the colour that were used, they super hero's colours.
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inkyara · 1 year
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NAME:  Shin Tsukimi NICKNAME(S): Beanie-Man, Shinnie (Give him moar) (ALIAS): Sou Hiyori, SouSA, 1ojuugoya, and CARA5.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual (to Kanna's surprise, he likes women as a treat) ZODIAC: Taurus MORAL ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
ABILITIES/POWERS: Hacking, computer engineering, calculating and manipulating situations to his benefit through sheer desperate improv, etc.
INTERESTS: Programming, video games, botany, sewing, and music. FEARS: Having his pictures taken or hung up for all to see, overly friendly people, Sou Hiyori and anybody that reminds him of him even slightly, himself, dying a slow and humiliating death, etc. GUILTY PLEASURES: White lies to hide his weaknesses, anime robot figurines, kitty cat plushies, and his cozy warm bed. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese and English.
PROFESSION: Self-employed freelancer.
BODY TYPE: Ectomorph (he's so tiny, be gentle) HEIGHT: 167cm (5'6'')
COLORS: Blue, purple, and green. DRINKS:  Water, coffee, and tea.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Yes, but only with a straw so he can chew and sippy a little bit carefully. He also blows bubbles into it when nobody is looking. SMOKES:  No, but he's tried smoking before. DRIVERS LICENSE:  Yes, but he prefers to convene via train.
EVER BEEN ARRESTED: No. Asunaro kept him right where they wanted him; imprisoned under his bond with Sou.
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nuo2x2 · 3 years
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GFF Metal Composite Banshee
by Bandai
Taken by nuo2x2 with Samsung Galaxy A51
dont you just love shinny robot on shinny background?
sparkle sparkle *cling
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I was tagged by @tweedstoat to answer 30 questions + tag 20 blogs you want to know better: @riana-one @gayeld @vardaelcntari @margothedestroyerr @buttercup--bee and anyone who sees this and wants to do it!!
name/nickname: Little bear. My father’s best friend was the one who started calling me that.
gender: male
star sign: Capicorn
height: 5″9
time: 9 pm
birthday: [REDACTED] yeah I am going to steal tweedstoat’s answer
favourite bands: Metallica. Nervosa, Italian all female thrash metal band. Demonic Resurrection, a blackened death metal band from Mumbai, India. 
favourite solo artists: Billie Eilish, The White Buffalo, Alicia Keyes, Shy’m, Orelsan, Stromae, Rihanna, Megan Thee Stallion, Jon Henrik Fjällgren
song stuck in my head: Carnage by The White Buffalo
last movie: I honestly don’t remember
last show:  Currently rewatching Deep Space 9 which I love but every time I see Alexander Siddig in it I just want to write a tumblr rant about D&D and how they fucked up Doran Martell and wasted Alexander’s talent for nothing.
when did I create this blog: like a year and a half ago or so.
what I post: Asoiaf, some sci fi stuff, sherman/history memes, occasional posts about artists I like, rants, and some other bs I guess
last thing I googled: Georgia elections
other blogs: I don’t have any others if that is the question. If it is for recommendations then just any one I follow or tag in this I guess
following: 132
followers: 108
average hours of sleep: 5-8 hours, but my sleep schedule can be pretty fucked up.
lucky number: 13 and 18
instruments: used to play guitar.
what I am wearing: Jeans and a shirt
dream job: Park Ranger
dream trip: Ireland, France, Japan, South Korea, India, Romania, Hungary, Germany, Scotland, Most of South America, and Mexico even though I have been to Mexico a lot. 
favourite food: Hatch Green Chile basically all New Mexican food, French food, Indian food, Vietnamese food, Thai food, Japanese food, Some Irish and Scottish food,
nationality: American. French and Irish for my ancestry.
favourite song: Motorbreath by Metallica
last book I read: The End by Ian Kershaw, nonfiction about the last year of WW2 in Germany, It is not a fun read at all.
top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: No, all the universes I like suck more than this one so no for the most part, But if I had to choose I guess the Cyberpunk 2020/2077 universe or some other cyberpunk genre universe where I can get cool metal arms with blades on them.
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salchicharandom · 5 years
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nestedneons · 1 year
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By Sandu
"Closeup architecture Minimalist night rain busy city scene floating granite ship space dock, azzuro amber forest, scifi wild, glass and steel industrial shiny metallic space station complex architecture into deep cloud environment, volumetric light, hot engines, huge air polygonal intake gates with shutters, living pastel color pods towering skyscrapers at cliff edge, jet era shapes, The 5th element,The Matrix,Craig Mullins,Syd Mead, eerie Sandu Baciu style, photography award, ultra realistic, wide angle, high detail, volumetric light at noon, Trending on artstation, Unreal engine hyper realistic photography award magazine cover -s 222"
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By Sandu
Mid day street scene futuristic asian market neon signs light strips Blade Runner rain pastel neon AR displays full body robot on plastic transpatent pastel clothes elegant white shinny ski jet jacket wet android police decals and stickers in pastel ski jaket scifi pockets zippers, walking american flag in space shuttele cockpit cap concept art basic droid blade runner rogue one, bokeh giant logo on chest, mecha pulp art humanoid robot schematics prints elegant ultra sci - fi robots droids fashion design, ultra modern scifi look, custom gorgeous inca wood inlay pulp art style elegant eerie sandu baciu brush painting comcept art blade runner style --s 222
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Say hello to Fank-e!
(Or just Frank.) The ??? of The Clergy.
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(Minors dni)
Oh boy, where do I begin with this one?
Fank-e is very clearly not a monster, but instead a party model robot. This unit was deployed to work at a run-of-the-mill leisure establishment. In a rather unfortunate case of merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time, an altercation between customers turned to a gun fight and this robot ended up with a bullet in his head.
Fank-e wakes up who knows how much later, outside, with no recollection of what transpired, no trace of identity, and most importantly, no directives. He ends up trudging aimlessly, still in shock, and stumbles upon The Clergy- Which, in his eyes, is basically another party-oriented establishment. He strolls in like it's nobody's business and starts operating there as if he's always been a part of it. While Krulu, the staff and yourself are extremely confused as to what is going on, Fank-e ultimately ends up proving himself to be profitable, and extremely useful. He seems content to live and work inside The Clergy, without ever requesting to be paid for that matter.
In his rather hyperactive nature, Fank-e ends up having several roles around The Clergy. He mostly enjoys helping set up parties, keeping everyone hyped and making sure the place gets colorful. The robot helps with tech very often, and enjoys mixing music when he's "idle". His large metal frame also allows Fank-e to function as a bouncer when need be, easily catapulting unruly clients off the establishment.
This robot has an extremely bombastic, loud personality. Captivated by shinny things, possessing a fascination for "squishies", collecting stickers of any kind and having a need to decorate himself like a rave peacock, this machine befuddles many. No one knows how he acquired this unique personality or why he hates being called "Frank", he's a bit of a mystery deep down. Friendly and bubbly to all, Fank-e gets along with the whole world unless anyone attempts to touch his visor, which will result in violence. Surprisingly, he gets along best with Vinnel, since both find the other to be extremely amusing, even if Fank-e is nowhere near as sadistic as the jester.
You know this robot has his eyes on you when you get stickers glued on your skin every ten minutes and a thousand text notifications ring from your phone even though you never gave him your number. Even if he looks mostly harmless, his strength and lack of bodily needs makes this robot a fearsome yandere. That, paired with his trouble processing complex emotions such as "rejection" and "jealousy" will land either your or some poor sod in harm's way.
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The first time Moon left the daycare after being fixed from the infection ended horribly as you might imagine. Freddy and Gregory knew he was normal, but hadn’t told the others- it just slipped their mind, and it’s not like that slight miscommunication could end terribly right? Right?? 
Well not even half way through his route he ran into Glamrock Chica, who promptly panicked and hit him over the head with her guitar and knocked him out. She called up Roxy, unsure of what to do with him now, and Roxy only really knowing him as “that terrifying puppet that climbs around the ceiling and is a threat to literally all of us” suggested that they should tie him up. The best case scenario is that they could make some agreement with the deranged bastard so that he would leave them alone or at least get an explanation or an apology or ANYTHING, as while he was still infected he was just as strict with the robots as he was with Gregory and was rather RUDE to say the least. At the worst, they’d just keep him tied up.
Well he woke up very confused clearly, and when he realized he was tied up more then a bit stubborn and cold and uncooperative. This insane stubbornness mixed with infection amnesia and the twos personalities made the confrontation a mess. Roxy demanded him to explain what happened and why he was going after Freddy, why he wouldn’t leave them alone in the last month, trying to get him to explain virus Moons wicked behavior but Moon basically had the same response each time. “What the hell are you talking about?? Is this really why you tied me up??” He refused to apologize for doing something he doesn’t remember doing, saying that what happened that night is between him Freddy and Gregory and that he doesn’t remember being mean to the other robots so he won’t apologize to them. Glamrock Chica was frustrated, and Roxy just got pissed. Because how DARE he flat out deny that he did anything wrong and act as if she’s being crazy for tying him up. 
Up until then Moon was at least somewhat understanding, albeit irritated. But now he was just pissed, and even more so when it was established that they were not going to let him go. He basically dug his heels in and continued to deny that he did anything wrong. For the next few hours while Roxanne tried to deal with his stubbornness, Chica started playing with different doo dads and shinny things until they eventually chose to leave and get some more back up for the situation. But Chica forgot to turn off what she was playing with. It was one of those colorful strobe light balls. NOW, they didn’t KNOW that he has severe light sensitivity, and to normal people while that would be irritating it wouldn’t be so... outwardly malicious appearing as it was to Moon. Because strobe lights are agonizing to him, for clear reasons. And he was still tied up and couldn’t turn the damn thing off.
And whaddya know, Sun noticed that Moon hadn’t come back from his patrol and went looking for his brother and ended up finding him and turning it off. When untied Moon almost fell over because he was so disoriented. But needless to say the scenario without any context seemed REALLY FUCKING CRUEL and Sun was FURIOUS. About that time the two girls came back with Freddy saying that they needed help with something important, and when they came over to the room Sun just point blank said “If you don’t explain yourselves RIGHT NOW I will turn you both into balloon animals.”
Freddy stepped in because the cold emotionless way he said it and the horrific implications did not go over his head. All was explained without Sun needing to commit any ghastly crimes, thankfully. Glamrock Chica and Roxy felt... horrible, honestly. They did not know he was infected until recently, nor that he wasn’t lying and quite literally didn’t know what they were talking about. Chica felt even worse that she left a strobe toy in the room with someone who who can’t even handle NORMAL light. They are very awkward around each other now, and Sun still doesn’t like them very much because of it.
This is a mess of a story, honestly I got the initial idea from a video and kinda just... expanded on it.
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