#shinku clan
barragerofarrows · 1 year
I am quite assured to find some details...I am related to the Emperor of Japan. That royal blood in me. ALL THAT Japanese Duolingo. Including the sushi. Final Fantasy. And hardcoring Brave Frontier Global. Animes Galore. #Japan
I also got into the Wei Dynasty. #WeiDynasty #AncientChina
EDIT | Yes, the dudes are quite sexy...whistle while you work *tries to whistle* (ty)
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kyuremking · 1 year
Not so lonely whirlpool! au - Team 9 descriptions
- Akira Uzumaki
Akira checked his clothes and equipment on impulse. He was wearing his chain mail armor underneath his white sweatshirt with purple dashed lines and his dark green trousers with pockets along with blue sandals.
He put his hands to his forehead checking that he had put on his headband and brushed aside several fluffy red locks that had fallen over his Hitai-ate. His weapon pouch was strapped to his belt and next to it were a couple of small sized scrolls also strapped to his belt. He did carry everything.
It doesn't say it because this is from a fic I'm writing and the perspective is from Akira, but Akira has blue eyes.
- Hanae Hyuga Her long straight black hair was pulled back in a complex bun and her white eyes had a slight cobalt tinge on them. On her forehead she wore the Hitai-ate of Konoha but underneath it she had bandages, most likely to cover the seal of the caged bird.
She wore a white poncho with copper embroidery and very long sleeves that hid her hands (perhaps that made the soft fist more unpredictable?), along with a long black skirt that flared at the sides for mobility and grey tights underneath the skirt along with ninja sandals.
- Isamu Sarutobi Isamu had shoulder-length brown hair that was styled in a way that reminded Akira of a mane. His eyes were brown with red lines painted underneath them.
On his forehead was the Hitai-ate of Konoha and he wore a long-sleeved ochre-coloured T-shirt over which he wore a sleeveless waistcoat. Hooked on the back he carried a Bo and had a weapon pouch strapped to his belt. Over his black trousers he had some armour pieces and unlike most ninja he wore combat boots.
- Xiao And this-" Isamu continued as something began to move inside his robes, Akira didn't have to wait long to see a white fur monkey wearing a brown waistcoat with the kanji 桃(peach) embroidered in pink emerge from Isamu's robes and stroll over his shoulder. "It's Xiao."
- Shinku Yuhi Shinku sensei was a grown man with a stern expression on his face. He had a head scarf with the Hitai-ate of Konoha on it draped over his head that covered his hair, but it was still possible to see his sideburns and the back of his spiky black hair. He had very noticeable red eyes as they bore a similarity to the sharingan.
He wore a standard jounin uniform, a black shirt and long trousers with a dark green waistcoat and a series of straps that served to hold a sword sheath on his back.
Of course this are just their genin clothes so in the future will change.
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woodblxssomcrowned · 2 months
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No but this sword is her baby. 
She'll care for that sword before she cares for her own injuries. 
She have been gifted or offered other swords, new ones made especially for her, but she have either declined them, or they have ended up as decoration.
When Ashina Uzumaki gifted this sword to her when she was just five years old, he did tell her that it had a name Shinku no hana no ame - Crimson flower rain 
The samurai enjoyed giving names to their swords, to further add distinction to them as something alive and a part of their souls. Kaname doesn't talk about her sword with that name though, she thinks it's a bit much. During the era of warring states and the first few decades of the village era, chakra blades were incredibly rare to see in the hands of shinobi. The method of forging such blades had been created and largely safeguarded by the Samurai, and it was a craft that demanded immense skill and rare and expensive materials that few shinobi clans could get their hands on. (A few shinobi clans had by one way or another figured out the method, and were known to experiment with it in combination with ninjutsu to create blades with a far greater variety of characterizations. The samurai, who viewed ninjutsu as detrimental to the soul and a gross bastardization of chakra, were repulsed by these clans and their activities, seeing it as a unimaginable insult of their craft and philosophies, and they would be severely punished for it. This experimentation sometimes created truly deadly monstrosities few could wield, and other times it ended with disastrous results. The swords later posessed by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were swords created by such clans long before the group was formed. ) Few could commission such weapons, and having them was a mark of status. Not even all samurai had them or could commission them, and those who did have them had usually acquired them through inheritance or a battle trophy. In certain regions of the continent it was even illegal for anyone who was not noble or a samurai to be in possession of a chakra blade. When shinobi were able to obtain them, it was usually in the form of payment for a job (these blades were extremely valuable), or picked up from a corpse on the battlefield. When the samurai fell from grace after the founding of the hidden villages, chakra blades started appearing more frequently among shinobi, and with the knowledge how to forge them acquired, were often reforged into other types of weapons aside from the most commonly found katana. Kaname's sword had originally been made for a samurai, but had over time found its way into Ashina Uzumaki's extensive collection of swords and eventually gifted to her. The only thing that was changed for her was the tsuba - hand guard, which he had made to include imagery related to strength, nobility, tenacity and persistence against adversity.
Although she spent her life mastering kenjutsu, in my main verse, Kaname doesn't get much use of it, keeping it on display and carefully looks after it to make sure it stays clean and sharp and free of rust. But in my WS au, it is the only sword she uses, even if she often carries a second one into the field with her. Although she has no intention of letting go of it long enough to need a back-up, and she's more than lethal enough with just one blade. If you get to to touch it, it's probably because she's in a position where she can't stop you for one reason or another. It's her baby. A very deadly baby.
And they make for a very, very deadly pair.
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darkclouud9 · 2 months
why does SHINKU get a canonical age but not Sakumo.
Shinku appears for ONE scene. he's 45, which means he was 30 when Kurenai was born.
which is then funny because it kind of means both the Yuhi and Sarutobi are very slow paced, easy going clans.
Kurenai would've been 32 when she had Mirai (and Asuma would've also been 32 if he didn't die at 31)
Hiruzen was like. 42 when Asuma was born. Biwako would've had him at 40. which is funny to me because the parents of Kakashi's gen would usually fall in Jiraiya's gen?? but Asuma is the only one with old old parents.
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lonely-void-flower · 5 years
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“Shinku’s True self” 
There isnt much to say about the true form of this being, only that it is rare to see shinku in such form and prefers never to use it.
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Hisoka!AU of DOS, Rokudaime(whoever you pick to end up with that job in this verse), A Steady Hand (NOTE: For Hisoka!AU, see Recursive forum pg 489 #14,655 - Snapshots From The Past Of Hisoka by donahermurphy pg 489 #14,665 - A Meeting While Fleeing The Garden & Desert by Tirfarthuan pg 491 #14,716 - A Name & A Gift Passed On by Tirfarthuan)
A/N: Thanks for the biblio [1+2, 3], dona--I did not know who Hisoka was before this, so those helped a lot! I did, also, have to reread the Lone Wolf 'verse since from what I understand Hisoka is an AU of that 'verse specifically? If not, please let me know.
Anyway, on rereading Lone Wolf 'verse, here are the facts that I gleaned:
Danzo is Hokage
Hiruzen died of "natural causes" several years before canon
Kakashi "betrayed the village" somehow and is being called Comrade-Killer more prevalently than canon
Asuma is probably dead
Yuuhi Shinku isn't an entire dick (since Uchiha Uzume can think about him without an automatic insult attached)
Shin is still alive (but very slowly dying)
and Kurenai is helping the Uchiha at the very least cover up a meeting with Kakashi outside of the village.
The facts of the Hisoka!AU are:
Shikako was taken to be ROOT
in order to protect those she cared about she mentally/spiritually maimed herself to the point where she no longer counted as "a Shikako" to Gelel
her partner for the final exam was Sai
she escaped/convinced Sai that the point of the final exam was to fake her death and became a fishmonger on the coast of Wind
when Shikako!Prime leaves via Gelel she "wakes up" from said previous mental/spiritual maiming
Kakashi finds her and they're a lovely wolf and cub pair who aim to kill Danzo (and get rid of their loneliness and maybe heal)
... okay, now that I typed all that out, did you mean Hisoka!AU of canon DoS instead of the Hisoka!AU of the Lone Wolf 'verse? Because those are different things, I think. But I kinda figured Hisoka!AU was intrinsically tied to the Lone Wolf 'verse, so, uh, here's a couple of ideas I had in mind:
1) Akimichi Chouza as Rokudaime.
Because after the absolute worst sort of "warmongering, self-cannibalizing, Konoha first" bullshit that Danzo spewed, the village needs someone who recognizes that being the village leader means making and protecting a home worth living in, not just a harsh taskmaster sending his soldiers out to die.
I considered Shikaku!Rokudaime for a similar sort of reason, but it's not as thematic and, also on a personal level, he can't. In a Hisoka!AU, he has to reconcile the fact that he gave one of his children--willingly or not, even if Danzo wiped his memory later--to a man who he already knew would exploit her horrendously. Maybe he didn't know the full extent of ROOT's training (surely not the final exam) but the fact that he was apprehensive and still went through with it is not a good look.
Even if Hisoka and Kakashi do not return to the village proper (and part of me is like, hey! They shouldn't! And I will go into that more in a little bit) he has to make amends to at least her, if not both of them, and he can't be Hokage and bound to prioritize the village over her if he ever wants to succeed.
Chouza, on the other hand, is the only one of the three who never made that decision (I'm still a little side-eyeing the Yamanaka clan, because surely a clan whose whole deal is KNOWING WHEN MENTAL SHENANIGANS IS GOING ON should have seen that with Fu, especially since he was allowed to keep his name and also, probably, had to have clan training to learn the clan jutsu, but maybe it wasn't Inoichi who made that deal? Maybe it was his predecessor. Either way, still mega sketch. I'm a little hand-wavy with Shibi and the Aburame because I headcanon that the Kyuubi largely wiped out what power they had the most out of any of the clans and they were like. Desperate to survive. And didn't have allied clans to bolster them.) And yes, probably that's because as far as fighting styles are concerned, they rely on their clan jutsu which is very recognizable and thus not great for ANBU (in the same way that I imagine the Inuzuka aren't often recruited into ANBU) but it's still a notable fact. The Akimichi are trustworthy pillars of the village and have been since the beginning.
And it helps that of the Nidaime's team, Akimichi Torifu was one of two of the full six who didn't turn into an old corruptible asshole. Sure, we don't necessarily know what happened to him, but he wasn't specifically seen as an old corruptible asshole so I think he's winning. It reflects well on his clan as a whole. Also, given my headcanon of the Akimichi actively cultivating their ties with civilians and also possibly the Daimyo's family they have, alongside military might, financial and political clout.
Anyway, while a possible Tsunade as Rokudaime would have similar vibes (and does, you know, match canon and have those canon reasons for working) in terms of "healing the village" etc. etc. This is a Tsunade whose most bitter cynicism was proven right? And there's no inspirational Naruto to convince her otherwise. And also, Tsunade shouldn't HAVE to clean up Danzo's mess. Like, the minuscule obligation she had to clean up Hiruzen's mess does not apply to Danzo. (It's a little like... Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru were raised to be the ultimate team to take over for Hiruzen except they didn't know it and were dysfunctional. The fact that Hiruzen's death was by Orochimaru's hand and between her and Jiraiya she is the better choice is the only reason why she has that slight obligation to go back to Konoha. Whereas, with Danzo? FUCK THAT NOISE. That's a mess the village needs to resolve on their own. THEY'RE the ones who let it get so bad. THEY'RE the ones who need to deal with it)
And also, another reason why I don't really want Tsunade as Rokudaime is because I kind of like the idea of Kakashi and Hisoka sort of orbiting/paralleling her and Shizune. Like, there's a not-so-secret society of Konoha expatriates who aren't actually missing-nin and both love and hate the village and Tsunade is exasperatedly fond of those two disasters whereas she is sickened by the village. Maybe one day it will have fixed itself enough that she'll go back and visit and whip their Medic Corps into shape, but that is not any time soon!
Also, also, also, and I don't know if you remember this, dona, but in your In Which Someone Attempts to Kidnap Shikamaru, Instead, Inoichi brings up something called the Regency Protocol with Ino in regards to Danzo kidnapping Shikako and brainwashing Shikaku to forget and originally I thought it was some kind of Ino-Shika-Cho contingency plan where the three clans take over the village BECAUSE DANZO IS KIDNAPPING AND MURDERING CHILDREN AND THE SANDAIME WAS LETTING IT HAPPEN ON HIS WATCH? And of the three clans, the Akimichi really do have the traditional fighting prowess to wear the hat, so that's part of this too.
I just think an Akimichi Hokage would be pretty chill about it. Like. They wear power well and are good at managing people without crushing them in the fist of tyranny.
2) Maito Gai as Rokudaime.
This one actually for similar reasons as Chouza. Although, in terms of lineage, Gai could be Shichidaime, not that we're particularly holding to that Hokage teacher-student lineage so much.
In terms of semi-parallels where canon goes Tsunade to Kakashi, that means Gai also is a candidate. And in regards to showing the village/world a new kind of Hokage, he's as far from Danzo as one could get. He's straightforward and kind and draws out the potential from everyone and honestly real great but also wouldn't send someone into a mission he himself wouldn't do. Obviously, being a Hokage would mean delegating and sending shinobi on missions, but he would never send them out to die just because. Yes there are risky missions, but he would send those best suited to succeed with every tool available to them so they can succeed. Whereas Danzo would just throw bodies at a problem and kill the survivors for not doing it good enough.
The main difference between a Rokudaime Gai vs Rokudaime Chouza is that Gai's Konoha would rely less on the clan system. Of his three students, two were not from clans and the third is from the Hyuuga Branch (AND YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT'S GOING TO BE SOMETHING FINALLY ADDRESSED BY A HOKAGE BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK). Yes, his sensei was Akimichi Chouza, but neither of his teammates were clan either. A Konoha under the rule of Rokudaime Gai is a Konoha that builds up those who don't have the same infrastructure as clans, who strengthens civilian-born and clan-born alike, who make sure that talented civilian-born students aren't only noticed by predatory old men who can sweep there existences under the rug.
Because truly one of the many ways that Danzo's weird self-hating megalomania harmed the village was by draining away the talented civilian-borns of Konoha. He who hated that the Shimura were a near-civilian clan, committed the worst crimes against those who could have proved that bloodline wasn't everything. He was so obsessed with the power of the Sharingan that it became a self fulfilling prophecy. Any talented non-bloodline student who could have proven a challenge were stolen and smothered before they could prove themselves.
Because imagine this: one day some random student with the ubiquitous last name of Satou or Tanaka or Honda beats Uchiha Itachi in a spar. Maybe its an accident. Maybe they got lucky. Maybe Itachi wasn't taking them seriously (after all, what could some no name civilian born do to him?). But those maybes don't matter. Satou or Tanaka or Honda gets in one good hit. Surprises the prodigy of the Uchiha clan. Knocks him out.
The teacher takes a note of it. Talks about it in the teacher's lounge. One of Danzo's spies brings news of that notable spar.
By the next week--maybe even the next day--Satou or Tanaka or Honda is gone. No one beats Uchiha Itachi in a spar anymore. And ROOT adds another nameless, faceless soldier to its ranks.
BUT NONE OF THAT HAPPENS UNDER HOKAGE MAITO GAI. Because it is civilians that make Konoha a village and not just a loose coalition of clans. Because a name and a bloodline are not necessary to make a person great.
3) And here's the angsty/semi-bleak option: Yuuhi Kurenai as Rokudaime.
And I wrote a little bit for it, but I'm a little... mreh... about it because it does revolve a lot around the various men in her life which I'm not exactly proud of, tbh, but aaaaaaaaaagh this is endemic to a lot of Naruto fic. D:<
Yuuhi Kurenai is nobody's first choice.
(She was Asuma's first choice, and he was hers, and that had nothing to do with either of their fathers. Except now Asuma is--)
Her father wanted a son. A proper heir. Someone to elevate the prestige of the Yuuhi clan.
(In another universe, Yuuhi Shinku will think the only way his daughter can benefit the clan is through marriage, not her own merits. In this universe Yuuhi Shinku is a little bit more open minded enough to make do. He's still a dick, but not as much of one as he could've been. This puts Kurenai in an interesting position.)
The Uchiha clan are pursuing another ally with a little more fire power, a little more name recognition, and all the intimidation and influence that entails.
(But look at where that got Kakashi, exiled and with his reputation in tatters. Look at Gai who so eagerly and overtly wants to follow. Look at Asuma who--)
The rest of the village would prefer someone who didn't look so much like the clan of would be traitors. Someone who didn't have black hair and piercing red eyes. Someone who didn't specialize in genjutsu, an art for liars.
(Oh, but they were fine quietly suffering under a man who lied and stole and murdered. A man who manipulated and cheated and framed others for his crimes. A man who ruined everything he touched and Asuma tried to stop him, gods, but then he--)
And the world doesn't quite know what to do with a Hokage like her. Or a Kage that is a her, for that matter.
Yuuhi Kurenai is nobody's first choice.
But that's fine. She can make do.
She can make miracles out of nothing.
So the thought process to get to a Rokudaime Kurenai went kind of like such. Obviously, the Uchiha would prefer an Uchiha Hokage. However that largely depends on whether they succeed in their coup or not. There's the distinct possibility that Kakashi plus Shikako!Prime or Kakashi plus Hisoka will just kill Danzo and then leave, forcing the rest of the village deal with the consequences... AS THEY SHOULD... and thus also sort of cutting the coup off at the knees.
If the coup doesn't succeed (whether out of failure or because Kakashi and a Shikako kills Danzo first before they're prepared to do the rest of the coup) then if the political climate actually matches the one they perceive themselves being in (although, I don't think the Uchiha are as hated as they think they are, but its hard for them to see that isolated as they've been forced to be) then they're unlikely to get an Uchiha Hokage especially if news of them actually seeking an alliance with Comrade-Killer Hatake Kakashi comes out. Much less the aborted/failed coup. 
Anyway, no Uchiha Hokage without a successful coup... although, if there were a successful coup, the three Uchiha I would think would be even feasible would be Fugaku--boring, bland, but that's what they know. Shisui--friendly, well liked by those outside the clan, has an international reputation. Mikoto--this is largely based on fanon/headcanon, but she was ANBU Captain? That's pretty neat.
But, uh, to get back to the no Uchiha Hokage... Kakashi's reputation is still in tatters. Maito Gai could be a good option, but while his lack of clan is a good thing for future Konoha, he doesn't quite have the political backing necessary to get there. (Namikaze Minato was an undisputed war hero. Maito Gai hasn't quite proven himself that level yet)
If its brought up that the Ino-Shika-Cho were compromised (ie, Shikaku would have worked closely with Hokage Danzo as the Jounin Commander and also one of Danzo's top ROOT agents is Yamanaka Fu) then even Chouza's candidacy would be suspect.
The village wants Tsunade. But Tsunade does not want it. I have no fucking idea what Jiraiya has been up to, but if he didn't want the hat after Hiruzen died he sure as fuck won't want it after whatever Danzo's done with it.
The Hokage's Council is suspect. Yuuhi Shinku, for all that he is similarly important to the infrastructure of Konoha while also not being part of Danzo's corruption (in another universe, he very well would have been, desperate for power), isn't actually that strong and is old, besides. (The village has had enough of old men entrenched in positions of power telling them what to do).
But he does have a daughter. Genjutsu specialist, yes, but with potential and room to grow. And Sarutobi Asuma loved her (and, fuck, what a shitty campaign to run on, the would-have-been-widow of the Sandaime's son, but you know Shinku would be ruthless in pushing that. Remember, not as much of a dick in other 'verses, but still a dick) so she has that tether to the old regime, tentative as it is.
No one really has any major objections, but no one is really all that gung-ho about it either (except for maybe Anko who will punch all detractors in the face and may very well be a one woman Hokage's Guard).
Kurenai least of all. Because she doesn't want to be Hokage, but she'd rather step up and do it than watch her village tear itself apart even further. And maybe she doesn't know who she is just yet, and maybe it sucks that she's going to have to discover that while also being Hokage, but gods she's going to try her best because at least she knows what Danzo was doing was wrong and that there's no way she can do worse than him unless she just actively slaughtered children in the street.
Hm, yeah, kinda bleak ending. But as I said. The Rokudaime Kurenai one is the angsty-bleak option. I mean, it gets more hopeful, but it is a struggle I think for both her and the village.
I know its not a proper ficlet fill, dona, but hope you enjoyed this brain storm / meta anyway. :D 
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Seiyuu Challenge (#1+2): Favourite and Least Favourite Male Seiyuu
Least Favourite?
I’ll start by saying that I don’t have a least favourite. I just have a lot of seiyuu that I don’t like as much as the rest of you like. Those ones will be revealed in question [blank].
We’re going to be doing this in the form of a top fifteen list.
I’m going to try to put a “keep reading” line because this is SUPER DUPER LONG. This took me quite a while to complete, and I’m too lazy to proofread, so whatever happens happens.
Honourable Mentions:
Takehito Koyasu 
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(the hate for him transcends animation; no gif of Takehito Koyasu on Tumblr)
Here’s to the guy who almost always gets cast as the villain. Seriously, his voice suits it too well. He even looks like an action-movie villain in real life. Some people are just born with a resting villain face I guess. But he’s not just that, he has played a nun, Deadpool (for Japanese dubs), and Excalibur from Soul Eater. All his other roles are mostly villainous stuff though in things like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Gintama, Re:Zero, and others. I still need to watch a lot more of his stuff. He is the voice behind the infamous Dio. I think that’s enough to get him onto this list.
Roles | Singing
Kenichi Suzumura
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(Maaya Sakamoto and Kenichi Suzumura would make a god-tier kid)
I know him best for playing Okita from Gintama. Okita is a great character though who I know will get a lot of development moving forward in Gintama. He also surprised me in Osomatsu-san since he was responsible for the “SHEEEEEEH”. He won an award for that too. Hikaru from Ouran Host Club was a role that surprised me a little because he wasn’t expected to be a love interest from my perspective. Speaking of love interest, I may be a bit bias towards him because he has a really cute relationship with one of my favourite seiyuu Maaya Sakamoto. They also acted in the Kara no Kyoukai franchise together where they took on the two main characters. If it wasn’t for that movie’s timeline (eight movies, all out of order), I might’ve finished it. I love his work in Honeyworks. He’s good at singing, and I plan on watching more of his stuff in the future (especially D. Grayman)!
Roles | Singing | The Full 1080p “SHEEEH” Experience
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
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(The news that he had a child surfaced a while ago. Congrats to him!)
He just won the best lead actor award at the Seiyuu Awards a few months ago for his performance in Yuri On Ice, and he fully deserves it. He’s a talented musician, and he has such a soft-toned voice at times that can go to really deep in a matter of seconds. I haven’t seen him in shows like Free, SAO, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Karneval, or Code: Breaker, but I have seen him in Yuri on Ice where he exceeded my expectations and definitely deserved that award (his speech was great too). He played Mikado who was a fun unexpectedly interesting character  in Durarara, he shocked me in Zetsuen no Tempest where he Mahiro Fuwa who I didn’t like, he had an appearance in Bungou Stray Dogs as Tanizaki, he was Takeru in Kamigami no Asobi, and I really liked his role in Kimi to Boku as Shun Matsuoka (I really liked that anime in general).
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Seiyuu Award Speech, “Day You Laugh” Durarara OP, Zetsuen no Tempest Duet (ft. Kouki Uchiyama)
Daisuke Ono
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(He looks like he forgot the rest of his lines)
He either gets those roles like Sebastian from Black Butler where he’s smooth and charismatic, or he gets those roles like Shizuo from Durarara where he’s the rugged thug. He is the fifth sextuplet in the notorious Osomatsu-san. Jyushimatsu is the loudest of the six, but he has the best episode in the entire show. If I remember correctly, I think it’s the second half of episode nine (I watched this a year ago). He has his own little episode where he falls in love, and it was nice to watch. My favourite roles from him personally are Sinbad from Magi, Shizuo from Durarara, and Handa from Barakamon. All of those anime were really enjoyable, and my favourites wouldn’t be the same without his voice.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Kokkuri, “When you’re left with everyone’s bill” (Seiyuu Event Subbed), Barakamon (Highlights), Magi (Sinbad Highlights)
Ryouhei Kimura
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After watching Silver Spoon and Kids on the Slope, I just had to include him here. I first knew Ryouhei Kimura for playing Judar from Magi, and even though he did well playing the heavy eyeshadow magi, when he takes the spotlight as a really well-developed character, it makes it that much better. After watching him in shows like Gekkan Shoujo, Akame Ga Kill, Tokyo Ravens, Kimi to Boku, Grand Blue, that BNHA OVA with the zombies, I can say that he earned the spot on his list.
Roles | Singing | Silver Spoon clip (WARNING: CONTAINS COW BIRTH)
Miyu Irino
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(This whole thing is quite extra and overdramatic, isn’t it?)
His role in A Silent Voice left me shocked. Saori Hayami and his performance blew my expectations. They are both really talented individuals, and that movie was packed with feels. Even though I like Saori better, I think he deserves a place here. Sugawara from Haikyuu reminds me of a mom, and I think that’s kind of common. He gives the character a kindhearted voice (with a few exceptional moments). Todomatsu is another sextuplet in Osomatsu. I mention this show often because it’s really crazy. I can’t say I would recommend it to everyone, but the seiyuu definitely make the show funny at times. Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100 is a character that is one of my favourite in the show because he is such a relatable person who just gets a little lost at times. And I’ve got to say that Miyu portrayed him well. I enjoyed that show a lot. Jintan from Anohana continues to be a show that I remember because it gave me the feels. I won’t get deeper into that because of spoilers and digging up old wounds and feels. But to end on a lighter note, if you like Osomatsu, I recommend checking out Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou because it has a hilarious cast in a bunch of sketches that can be quite funny.
Roles | Singing | Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou “RPG Quest”, Koe no Katachi SPOILERS
Jun Fukuyama 
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(You can see the moment the failure seeps his soul)
Koro-sensei and Lelouch would not be the same without him. He has given these two characters life. He was Souta Takanashi in Working!!, Ichimatsu from Osomatsu, Shinra from Durarara, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, and King from The Seven Deadly Sins. I recently watched him as the Dark Flame Master-- I mean Yuuta Togashi. The way his voice went from Dark Flame Master to Yuuta was funny even if it wasn’t realistic for a first-year high schooler. Same goes for Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan (which I haven’t finished). Bundo from Deadman Wonderland was fun to watch since he was a twist that I probably should’ve seen coming. Kassim from Magi is one character that I will never forget from him though because that backstory was sad, but his character along with Yuki Kaji’s performance really laid out one of the most exciting parts of season one of Magi.
Roles | Singing Compilation | Ichimatsu Compilation (Season One), Koro Sensei’s Weak Points
Satoshi Hino
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I first saw him as Sai in Naruto, but since then, he has been in so many anime that I’ve seen as all types of characters. He’s Kineshi Hairo in Saiki, Ash Landers in Black Butler, Momonga in Overlord, Emil in Yuri On Ice, Akito Takagi in Bakuman, Daichi in Haikyuu, Shinku from Yowamushi Pedal, and the renowned Tomoda from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (the real MVP and hero we do not deserve). But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m looking forward to watching him as Kamui in Gintama.
Roles | Singing
Top Fifteen
15. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
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Despite being one of the most sought-after harem seiyuu, I can say that I don’t watch any of those. I haven’t watched The Pet Girl of Sakurasou or Food Wars or that Dungeon anime. I watched him as Sora in No Game No Life, but I didn’t like that anime. I put him on this list because of his smaller roles that I see him on. Titus from Magi is a perfect example. He may not get the most screen time, but when he’s on, he does a wonderful job playing his characters. His range is outstanding from playing the infamous Kirito to a crazy monster to an alleyway cat that got stuck (if you’re curious, watch Saiki). He also made me laugh quite a bit as Lubbock from Akame Ga Kill. Ah, that anime is just a tragedy. But speaking of tragedy, he apparently has a tough time talking to the people he works with which I relate to. Especially when he does harems (which have a lot of girls), you really can’t blame him. Plus, they make fun of him too. 
Roles (This one is a little longer, but it includes extras and everything) | Singing  
14. Toshiyuki Morikawa
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I first saw him as Minato in Naruto, but I didn’t realize how prolific he was until I watched him play a wide range of characters from the villain Boro in One Punch Man to the crazy priest Azuma in Deadman Wonderland. He has such a calm and soothing voice too. This is especially apparent in Magi where he plays Ugo. He has so many miscellaneous characters in so many anime, and I just like his voice in general. 
Roles | Singing
13. Akira Ishida
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(This is almost the only gif??)
He has said that he turns down a lot of roles now, but he has still done so many. He is Katsura in Gintama. That in itself is enough to land him on this list. Katsura is one of my favourite characters in Gintama. Name a more iconic duo than him and Elizabeth. Exactly, it’s impossible. He’s also Gaara from Naruto which is where I first saw him. Yunan from Magi is a polar opposite. He’s such a mysterious kind soul. He has been in Danganronpa, the Fate series, Mirai Nikki, Fairy Tail, Kekkai Sensen, Parasyte, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Evangelion, and so many other shows. He’s been around since the 80s, so it’s really no surprise that he is in so many shows. His voice is so versatile that it’s almost scary. He inspired Aoi Shouta to become a seiyuu too because he was a “beautiful woman with a beautiful voice”.
Roles | Bonus: One Man, Seven Voices, Katsura Raps, Trivia
12. Sakurai Takahiro
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He plays too many characters to count, and like Akira Ishida and Satoshi Hino, he has been around for a long time. He has characters that I’ve hated, loved, and wanted to “accidentally” push onto the road for them to get hit by a truck. I’ve watched him as the leader of Osomatsu-san who is just too insane for works, Fitzgerald from Bungou Stray Dogs who probably doesn’t know how it feels to be broke, Suzaku from Code Geass who I liked and hated at the same time, Yukiatsu from Anohana who you can’t help but pity, Jafar in Magi ho made me laugh lots, Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 who made me laugh so much with his antics, and Sakurai from (one of my more recently finished anime) Net-juu no Susume. He’s also kind of funny to watch in Ad-Live, but there aren’t any clips of that.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Cringy Pick-up Lines, Anohana Festival, Osomatsu
11. Kensho Ono
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I first saw him as Hakuryuu from Magi where he gave a great performance. He’s a talented singer as well as a stage actor. But besides Magi, I’ve liked his role in A Silent Voice where he plays Tomohiro (who is just such a precious character). His role as Akutagawa in Bungou Stray Dogs eventually did grow on me as I got used to him being the edgy, scarcely eyebrowed Port Mafia member. But one of the most standout characters I’ve watched from him (besides Hakuryuu and Akutagawa) is Arata Kaizaki from ReLife. He seems like a useless NEET that couldn’t stand the world at first, but then we find out that he’s a useless NEET who couldn’t handle the really tough world. But in all seriousness, he’s a character that seems really bland at first, and now that I’ve finished it, I can say that he gets some development that makes you realize that he might be that same average guy, but the plot and the people surrounding him make things really interesting. Kensho Ono is also a part of Ad-Live.
Roles | Singing | ReLife Clip, Magi Clip 
10. Kaito Ishikawa
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(I just read a fake article about how he was attacked with shuriken during a home invasion. Fake articles are wild.)
I know Kaito Ishikawa for playing characters in a lot of new shows. A lot of the roles are the ones that I haven’t watched, and some roles were a miss because the anime was a miss (Tokyo Ravens wasn’t excruciatingly bad, but even with the good cast, they couldn’t save a lot of its flaws.) Some people didn’t like Zankyou no Terror, but I still enjoy it. The performances were quite strong even with the cringy “Engrish”, and the music was phenomenal. His portrayal of the colder part of the duo “Sphinx” was one of the highlights of the show. Kouto from Noragami didn’t get too much of a chance to show what he’s truly capable of (since they ended it when his role was becoming more apparent). And even though his time on Bungou Stray Dogs was short, I certainly enjoyed the time that we got to see his character Rokuzou. Kageyama from Haikyuu is a great main character from him. He’s such good friends with Hinata’s seiyuu Ayumu Murase, and he’s so involved in the My Hero Academia cast as Iida Tenya (as we’ve seen from many of the highlights of the cast). His role as Iida was really good especially during the Hero Killer arc. His role as Genos had me laughing a lot of the time even though it’s ironic because he was a very stiff serious character. I hope to see him a lot more in the future.
Roles | Singing
9. Junichi Suwabe
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(I relate to this too much because I don’t know where I am unless I’m inside my house)
His role as Aizawa-sensei made him too relatable. I’ve seen several pictures of him cosplaying as his characters which I have massive respect for. His role as Viktor in Yuri On Ice has probably wooed a lot of fangirls, but what stands out the most for me (besides Aizawa) is his role as Odasaku in Bungou Stray Dogs. That performance left me shaken up (especially from the storyline), and I’m sure a lot of Bungou Stray Dogs fans feel the same way. That scream near the end of the arc sent chills. He is also in a bunch of other things that I haven’t watched from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Kuroko no Basket, Black Butler, Fate, Food Wars, Nana, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Space Dandy, and a few others. I have watched him in some supporting roles like Jamil from Magi (that was a great three episodes where he appeared as a spoiled rich guy), Jae-ha from Akatsuki no Yona, Freed from Fairy Tail, Juuzou from Danganronpa, and Junichi (yes, Junichi) from Sakamichi no Apollon. That was rollercoaster of a role, but his singing was so good.
Roles | Singing
8. Tomakazu Sugita
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You would think that with a voice like that he would be voicing a lot more serious characters. I guess that’s because I first watched him as Karasuma in Assassination Classroom. In reality, he’s a real jokester (especially when around Yuuichi Nakamura). His role in Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou was funny. It was thirteen episodes of craziness, and it features many of the regulars from Gintama. Speaking of Gintama, the reason why he’s on this part of the list is quite simple. Gintoki. If you’ve watched Gintama, you’d know that Gintoki is such a vibrant character with so much dick jokes and screaming that you really can’t imagine anyone else playing him. I say this as a compliment when I say that he yells just as much as Nobuhiko Okamoto. Just watching Gintama mentally strains your vocal cords. 
Roles | Singing | Bonus: “Voice Acting Meme”, Gintoki Exclusive, Yukana helping out Sugita, Sugita x Nakamura (Seiyuu’s Little Forest)
7. Mamoru Miyano
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I know everyone knows him for voicing Light from Death Note, but I haven’t watched that anime (don’t judge me, please). His evil laugh was good though. Speaking of other characters I haven’t watched from him, there’s also Rin Matsuoka from Free, Kiba from Wolf’s Rain, Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter, or Konoha from Mekakucity Actors. There’s probably a bunch more too, but let’s get to the stuff that I have seen. He has been around for so long, and his best characters are the types that appear goofy on the surface but have inner anguish and more depth to their personality. Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs is such a character, and he’s the main reason why he’s high on this list. Dazai is such a funny weirdo. Kida Masaomi from Durarara is kind of like Dazai in an odd way too, and I don’t just mean his voice. He has humour that seems to hide something... or maybe that’s just me. Okabe from Steins;Gate (even though I haven’t watched that anime in its entirety) and Ling Yao also seems to keep up this trend. Shuu Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul is just crazy though. It was fun to watch though. He brings so much fun to the characters, yet when they finally show a more vulnerable side to themselves, he still portrays them well. Not to mention, he has a great sense of humour and an awesome singing voice.
Roles | Singing  
6. Hiroshi Kamiya
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He’s way too easy to identify. Honestly, the first role I remember him for is probably Otonashi from Angel Beats. That gave me a bit of feels too, so I had to mention that. Besides that, he has had too many other notable roles, but I’ll try to mention a few supporting roles: Takeda from Haikyuu, Mephisto from Blue Exorcist, Araragi from Monogatari, and Ranpo Edogawa from Bungou Stray Dogs. Some roles I want to expand on are Natsume from Natsume’s Book of Friends. His chemistry with Kazuhiko Inoue is great, and they make for such an entertaining show. Izaya from Durarara is insane and neurotic, but he seems like a character with so many underlying insecurities. I haven’t watched the full series (only the first two seasons), but I still remember them (whether it’s because I hate him or not). Levi is a badass that I’m sure a lot of people know from Attack on Titan. He’s proof that short guys like me have a chance. Choromatsu is just crazy. He’s the most productive out of his siblings, but that’s like saying he’s the tallest among dwarves (shout-out to Veronica Sawyer for that quote). With that being said, my best role from him is easily Yato from Noragami. The cast of Noragami is strong, and he is the protagonist. He has so many funny moments and maybe serious ones as well. I could go on all day how he does a good job voicing Yato, but I’ll just leave it at that.
Roles | Singing
5. Yuuki Kaji
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He truly does have the voice of a main character. Sometimes his voice is a bit too recognizable for me, and sometimes I think that he does get some roles that don’t fit him as well as I’d like, but I think that’s more up to the casting director than Yuki Kaji. I didn’t like his portrayal in Ao Haru Ride and found it really cringy. A lot of the other anime I don’t like him in is because I don’t like the anime in general. Diabolik Lovers, Guilty Crown, and High School DxD are a few examples of that. Besides that, he has had many outstanding performances. His roles as Takami from Deadman Wonderland and Ayato Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul were okay. Eren from Attack on Titan which just from the clips I watched were epic and emotional. The amount of strain you can feel for his vocal cords (especially considering that he takes hours for a single episode). Yukine from Noragami was not liked by many at the beginning, but I actually really liked this character, and he portrayed his hardship really well. Todoroki from My Hero Academia sounds like a complete badass. And even though he’s really stoic, he had made me laugh as the “Hand-crusher”. Sonic from One Punch Man made me laugh a few times (RIP his nuts). Shion was great, and his chemistry with Nezumi (Hosoya Yoshimasa) is almost touching. When he got bitten by the wasp, I felt bad for him. This anime does not get the credit it deserves as a nice post-apocalyptic anime). But above all, my favourite role is Alibaba from Magi. I read the manga (slowly but still), and I still hear him doing Alibaba’s voice. He nails the character’s strength, goofiness, positivity, and his overall personality. I’m looking forward to watching Kouichi from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Soramaru from Donten ni Warau.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Kaji100 Staff, An Interesting Conversation with Hiro Shimono, Slippers
4. Yuuichi Nakamura
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Okay, so maybe he has had a few questionable roles that I won’t bring up, but we’re going to ignore those for now. I first saw him playing Gray from Fairy Tail, but I later saw him portraying Nozaki from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun which made me laugh more than it should have. I haven’t watched Clannad yet (partially because I still want my soul intact), but from the funny clips I’ve seen, he certainly does a good job playing Tomoya. Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Sanada from Kimi ni Todoke (who I relate to on a personal level because names just don’t stick in my mind), Ren Kouen, and that dude on a bike from One Punch Man are his other notable roles I’ve seen in the past. But for the most recent ones I’ve seen, Sweetness and Lightning and Poco Udon’s World are two anime that I just finished. They are both very similar, and they bring out his fatherly side which he even said himself cleanses his soul a little. Sure, he has a lot of not-so-family-friendly-or-morally-right-roles, but he also has a lot of good ones too. A lot of these recently watched shows have given me a lot more respect for him too. I actually watched his full Ad-Live performance (only one of them since he has been a part of a bunch), and the fact that he was able to put up with the costumes, ridiculous lines, and everything else also brought him into a new light. Seriously, he was stuck acting as a moving truck guy who’s a robot.
Roles | Singing | Ad-Live: Download link (Subbed by Anokoe)
3. Kouki Uchiyama
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Let’s just skip Raku from Nisekoi. I didn’t like it. But onto the good roles. Hiroshi from Barakamon is a supporting character who doesn’t get a whole lot of screen time, but when he does, he certainly provides a lot of laughs. Tsukishima from Haikyuu is a character to rival the king of the court himself. Yuri(o) from Yuri on Ice is so edgy and butthurt all the time. He’s a salty ballerina, and his fans are supposedly very motherly which is fitting since he’s going through teenage angst. Takumi from Anthem of the Heart is a role I wasn’t expecting to like, but he actually kind of pulled it off. Shout-out to Hosoya for telling him about the movie! Gin from Hotarubi no Mori e is a role that brought me feels. If you haven’t watched it, you really should. Akira from Devilman: Crybaby is a role that was too intense for me to get through. It was an extremely demanding role which is kind of funny because he thought he was going to end up as Ryo. Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia (I call him “The Man Who Needs a Hand”) is another one of my favourite roles from him because he has such a creepy aura thanks to character design and his voice. Soul from Soul Eater (who I like despite not being original). I really want to see more roles from him (preferably edgy).
Roles | Singing: Honeyworks (Vocaloid cover ft. Nobunaga Shimazaki), Zetsuen no Tempest Insert Song (ft. Toshiyuki Toyonaga) | Bonus: Yurio “HAAAA” Compilation, Horror Movies (ft. Ryouhei Kimura and Nobuhiko Okamoto)
2. Yoshimasa Hosoya
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Some people are just not like the people they portray on-screen. Number two and one are just like that. Here, we have a guy who usually plays brash characters actually being a timid softy whose backbone seems to be made of silly putty. I’m going to try to name a few of his roles that I’ve liked without drowning this whole post. Tokoyami from My Hero Academia whose quiet darkness I really respect especially with these new episodes. We need to see more of him! Asahi from Haikyuu who is the closest to him personality-wise that we will ever see. Daiki from Anthem of the Heart whose ending shocked me. Masmur from Magi who’s an underrated character. Braun from Attack on Titan who I know is a titan, and that shouldn’t count as a spoiler because everyone knows that by now. Saiki from WWW.Working whose his English wasn’t as bad as some shows. Seriously, Hosoya took an exam for English proficiency. He’s not that bad. In terms of outstanding roles, Nezumi from No.6 who is one of my favourite openly gay characters. He’s a badass, and along with Shion, they are an iconic duo in an anime that I found really enjoyable. Kunikida Doppo from Bungou Stray Dogs is the Armed Detective Agency’s soccer mom. He is responsible, keeps his ideals in check, and deserves happiness and a nap. 
Roles | Singing Compilation | Bonus: “Ghost Story” (First 5 minutes), Guess the Profile (ft. Yoko Hikasa), Inu x Boku Radio
1. Nobuhiko Okamoto
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This is a bit of an odd choice comparing to the usual popularity polls, but hear me out. This dude has range. He shares my love for sweets and chocolate. He does all kinds of crazy characters. He can voice the angry Katsuki Bakugou from My Hero Academia whose screams a lot. Let’s be real, he is not what we expected when we heard “Hero”. Some of his scenes can send chills down spines. The charismatic Karma from Assassination Classroom is another kind of crazy. He is quite popular in the series, and he has this personality that makes people scared and allured by him. Even in an anime I didn’t like, Juuni Taisen, he did an amazing job portraying the flamboyant crazy Usagi who only kills in fabulous stilettos, suspenders, and bunny ears. He voiced the best version of Obi in Akagami no Shirayuki with his laid-back attitude and confidence. I guess that’s why he’s cast for Otome games? Anyway, Obi was probably my favourite character from that anime, and he was just such a likeable dork who’s going to lose out in the end. Poor secondary love interest. Speaking of likeable, Rin from Blue Exorcist was fun to watch. Not for the story or anything (since that was lacking at times), Nobu provided a performance that was really enjoyable. He nails Nishinoya’s energetic personality in Haikyuu (”ROLLING THUNDAAAAA”), and he does a good job with Mikorin’s bashfulness and awkwardness in Gekkan Shoujo. Honestly, Mikoshiba is my favourite character in Gekkan Shoujo along with Seo who’s a legend. I haven’t watched Taoru Kagaku no Railgun, but Accelerator looks like such a fun character who I would like. Too bad I couldn’t get myself to like that anime.
Roles | Singing Compilation | Bonus Runniart Compilation Video 
7 notes · View notes
Can the Matron “grant” some gifts? Like some way to see for the blind, a way to “hear” for the deaf? Also, does everyone in the clan have the curse?
Actually she can grant gifts. For the blind she grants a Kind of Guardian creature to be their eyes and for the Def (sorry if i misspelled) she grants them new ears made of Shadows. She is quite merciful with those who have had a hard life since she knows very well how it feels like. To one day have everything only to lose it all the next and be left with nothing. And even those born with out some normal function can still reap her gifts.
And no not everyone in the clan has a curse, some are actually hand picked by the matron to join.Like Shinku the Fire demon/Elemental. He use to be quite the threat to humans ages ago causing mass destruction in the form of chain fires in dry seasons,volcanic erruptions and even sudden human combustion. But after lilith aka the Matron found him and took him to Obsidia she changed his evil ways and now he happily cooks for the clan, apparently he secretly enjoyed cooking food and Lilith took advantage of that and extended that skill making him a master chef. *cough cough* Rumor has it that shinku has a Crush on Lilith.
16 notes · View notes
theolddarkmachine · 7 years
I’ll Take the Blame, You Take My Conscience- Ch. 7
“You love him.”
It wasn’t a question. Panic burned the back of Shiro’s throat as his eyes widened at the statement. He had known his feelings for Keith for some time now, but he knew better than to act on it, aware that he was nothing more than a friend in his best friend’s eyes. It was better for everyone if he just kept it to himself. At least, that’s what he had thought. Then he’d started noticing small things, like how sometimes Keith would let his hands linger on his skin for a fraction longer than he needed to, or how he could feel his gaze tracing the long line of his body when he thought Shiro wouldn’t notice. He’d been planning on telling Keith how he felt at the party. It was amazing how quickly things could change.
“Let him go, Shiro. He’ll need a tool, not a lover. And your love will only make him weak.”
AKA the one where Keith is the leader of a Yakuza clan, Shiro is his ever loyal tool, and they’re caught in a gang war.
Amazing commission by prllnce!
Previous Chapters
AND I'M BACK! Honestly, I'm never gonna wonder if any of my chapter plans are gonna be long enough or not, because they always end up being sooooo long. Oops. Fun drinking game: Take a drink every time I use repetition. haha just kidding please dont do that you may die
Helpful terms: Sumiyoshi-kai- The second largest Yakuza family. Rivals of the Yamaguchi-gumi family. Shinku no Raion- Keith's clan. Means Crimson Lions. A clan in the Sumiyoshi-kai family. Oyabun- Clan leader. Saiko-komon- Chief advisor to oyabun. Waka gashira- Middle men between oyabun and clan members. Kobun- Clan members
The hospital room was shrouded in darkness and filled with the sharp scent of antiseptic and the solitary sound of Shiro’s heartbeat. Keith sat beside the bed, body slouched against the hardened synthetic cushioning of a generic recliner, eyes veiled with the shadows of exhaustion. It had been five days since the rescue, and of those 120 hours, Keith had slept a total of 15 of them, most of them coming only when his body forcibly shut itself down long enough to recharge to get him through another day of sitting at Shiro’s side.
Adrenaline and pure, unadulterated fear had fueled him through the first 24 hours as he and the rest of his waka gashira had sat in the too bright waiting room. They were battery acid in his veins as their energy made him buzz against the confines of his skin as he counted the minutes that passed. Each tick of the clock had been another boxcutter between his ribs as the surgeons worked on Shiro, the blades digging deeper and deeper into his skin until he felt he’d bleed out. That same volatile combination of acid and blades was what had caused him to push Shiro’s doctor against a wall when he’d finally emerged and told him only family was allowed to visit in the ICU.
I am his fucking family, he’d spat, words nothing but razorblades and barbed wire as he’d pressed his forearm into the man’s throat.
Keith rubbed a tired hand over his eyes to push down the vision of the doctor’s purpling face as he’d stared at him in fear. After being pulled off by Hunk and Pidge, Lance had pulled the surgeon to the side flashing an apologetic smile and a wad of money that the doctor quickly pocketed before begrudgingly leading them towards where Shiro was.
You’ll have full visitation rights, he’d stuttered as he’d eyed Keith as if he was a feral beast before he disappeared. Each time he’d returned since, he had given the oyabun that very same stare as if he wasn’t sure Keith would be able to keep himself from attacking again.
Truth be told, he wasn’t entirely sure either.
The exhaustion and fear had worked his nerves until they were nothing but raw, frayed ends that had Keith constantly dangling over the edge of his own sanity. It was the exact reason he found himself alone now, having already lashed out at his companions as if they had anything to do with Shiro’s dormant condition. Echoes of their raised voices still rang in his ears as he’d spat acid filled nonsense, seeking only to destroy whatever it was his words could hit. It didn’t come as a shock when they finally stormed out, one-by-one, each throwing one last lingering look over their shoulder before their forms disappeared through the door. He knew they kept at least one in the waiting room at all times in case any trouble should arise, but none of them had returned since, leaving him alone with nothing but his thoughts and the quiet of Shiro’s dimly lit room.
The silence was deafening the longer he sat there, watching the rise and fall of his saiko-komon’s breath and keeping track of the sharp spikes on the heart monitor.
It’s just a matter of waiting now, the doctor had explained when Keith had asked why he still hadn’t awoken. There was no way of knowing for certain what traumas Shiro had been through, x-rays and CT scans only showing the physical damage. It was the mental traumas that kept him deep within sleep as his body attempted to protect him from the agony he had been through. So Keith waited, fear and anger forming a deadly combination in his veins as he sat dutifully at Shiro’s side keeping time by nothing else than the beeping that echoed off the bare white walls.
“C’mon, Takashi,” he breathed, placing a careful hand over his best friend’s, trying to ignore how cool it felt under his touch. “Come back to me.”
Beep. Beep. Beep.
His own heart beat painfully in his chest as Shiro continued to lay as still as the dead, no other proof that he was alive other than the shallow rise and fall of his breathing. Keith’s vision started to swim in and out of focus as he started to count the breaths, the room falling way around him as he allowed himself to fall into a trance.
Rise. Fall. One.
Rise. Fall. Two.
Rise. Fall. Three.
In a perfect world, Keith would never understand the kind of oppressive weight that came from waiting. It was a heavy stone on his shoulders, draining his energy and filling him with all the thoughts of things unsaid that stood between him and his best friend. His fingers tightened around the cool hand under his as he bit back the frustrated sound that was quickly rising in his throat. If only there was something he could do. He’d kick and scream and kill whoever he needed to if it meant he could pull Shiro from deep within himself.
“Come back to me.” The words were fragile and cracked as they dripped from his lips like glass shards.
The sharp rap of knuckles against the door startled him as he jumped back from the bed, spine hitting the back of the seat as he pulled his hand away from Shiro’s.
“Now what did you do to the hospital staff?” A familiar voice asked, accent lilting over the words filled with curiosity and subtle humor. As his heart calmed, Keith couldn’t stop the weak smile that tugged on the corners of his lips as he turned his attention to the doorway.
“Nothing they won’t recover from,” he rumbled, eyes appraising the red-haired man that was striding into the room. It had been years since Keith had seen Coran. After Daiki’s death, the former saiko-komon had become a weak shadow of what he had once been, having lost the sun that had made him strong. He’d offered only to stay with the clan long enough to help settle the new oyabun into his position before stepping aside for Shiro to take his place. The request of a mutual excommunication from the clan was one Keith was more than happy to give him as one of his first duties as the Shinku no Raion’s head. Coran had earned the peace after all he had given to the clan, and all he had lost. When he’d last walked out of the temple, leaving nothing behind but a weary smile cast over his shoulder as he went, the older man had looked tired. The kind of tired that turned men into card houses that could be knocked down by the first breeze. Keith hadn’t recognized the man that had left. He had become a perfect stranger, only familiar thanks to the comfortable foreign tone of his voice and his copper colored hair.
Standing before him now, he almost looked as if he were whole again, standing taller against the the hospital room backdrop. Though grey tarnished the sides of his ruddy hair, his azure eyes had regained a hint of the spark that they’d once carried when he’d stood side-by-side with his father.  The mere sight of him mad Keith feel like a child again, looking up at his father’s righthand man with admiration as he waited for Coran to tell him what to do. For just a moment, he allowed himself to imagine that nothing had changed, and that his father would still come striding in with all the answers that would lead his lost soul.
“I’m sure they would beg to differ. That doctor about cried when I let him know who I was here to see,” Coran replied with a small chuckle, stopping just on the opposite side of Shiro’s bed. It sounded strained, almost as if the older man had questioned at the last second if laughter was welcome in the room. Keith watched as he looked sadly over the sleeping Raion between them, noting the way the small laugh died on his lips and his breath turned sharp when his gaze landed on the stump of Shiro’s arm.
“They tried to keep me from him.” He said it as if it was the only reason he had needed, all too aware of how it would sound to the former saiko-komon. At one point he might have cared. The ticks of a heart beating filled the silence as they both waited for the other to speak over the building intensity between them. It was the type of quiet that preceded a lecture, filled to the brim with a calmness befitting the moments before a storm.
“I heard about the rescue,” Coran finally said, taking the initiative as he turned his attention back to the oyabun. Keith could tell by the way his shoulders tensed that he could see the dark circles under his eyes. They stood so angrily against the pallor of his skin that even he had started to avoid reflective surfaces to keep from seeing them. He wasn’t sure if it was the pitying look that they warranted or the words the ex-Raion had spoken that put him on edge, pushing more acid into his mouth and coating his teeth with it. His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest.
“You know, when you’d asked to leave the clan, I had been under the impression you were cutting ties with everyone.” Keith’s voice was flat as the terseness of his exhaustion turned the words into blades. Another pregnant pause stretched before them as Coran sighed, raising his palms in the universal sign of surrender.
“The last time Shiro came to the hospital instead of just being seen by the doctors at the temple was when I brought him here just after I found him,” he said, speaking slowly as if Keith was an animal he was trying to calm. “I was still listed as his emergency contact in the system, and I saw Lance just now in the hall.”
It was a perfectly good explanation, yet he still felt the adrenaline stirring low in his gut, filling his body with the urge to fight. Keith gave a curt nod, not trusting himself to speak for fear his tone would be filled with the fangs he’d been unable to sheath since arriving at the hospital.
“You two always were inseparable,” Coran continued, a ruddy curl falling over his forehead as he looked fondly between Shiro and Keith, seeing them as they once had been and not as they were now. To an outsider, he may have even looked like the father neither of them had anymore. A small shudder in his chest caused his breath to hitch ever so slightly. They both ignored the sound it made over the sound of the machinery attached to their companion.
“That’s what it means to be a part of the Shinku no Raion. Even now, we would protect you if you wanted it.” Eyebrow quirked, he watched Coran like a guard dog waiting for any false move that would justify an attack. Coran’s shoulders tensed, alerting him to the fact that something was on the older man’s mind, and the fanged beast within his chest already knew it didn’t want to hear what it was he had to say.
“What you did wasn’t protection, Keith. It was revenge.” His truth revealed itself in those three words, shining a spotlight on the monster that had nestled itself deep within Keith’s skin and controlled his every move since Shiro had been taken. It was an ugly, snarled thing that had bred nothing but fury into his veins. Even now, he felt it snapping at the confines of his ribcage. He tried to ignore the sting of betrayal as he imagined what his waka gashira must have told him.
I don’t even recognize him anymore.
He’s a monster.
He’s a killer.
“They haven’t seen my vengeance yet,” he snarled, thrusting the sting of the imagined words into his voice. Keith’s tone was clipped, leaving no room for anything else to be said. Lance, Pidge and Hunk had all already made their cases on the same point. It was what had created the divide between them before he’d forcibly pushed them away. There was nothing that could be said now, the monster already had his mind made up. With the location Hunk had gathered at the warehouse, he would be able to end this war once and for all. Zarkon had a debt, and he would pay it with his life. His thoughts were made of metal and blood as he glared up at the former Raion, jaw set in defiance.
“Just,” Coran’s voice faltered. “Don’t do anything crazy.” Worry nestled deep in his tone as he dropped his gaze. That one word made Keith’s hackles raise. Crazy. Shoulders tensing and nails cutting into his palms as his fingers curled into fists, he glared at the older man, unable to push back the angry fires that were raging within him like hatred powered furnaces.
“Crazy would be letting the Akuma get away with what they did to him.” The words were shrapnel, looking for the soft flesh of any that lay in their way. Hidden within the depths of his anger, he knew his fury was misplaced, only lashing out at Coran for being the only person there to receive it, but he couldn’t stop himself as he coated his tongue with acid.
“Daiki would not have wanted this. He would not have wanted the Raion to fall victim to your revenge.” Coran’s statement was a well aimed arrow that landed its mark. It burrowed deep inside Keith’s heart as if meant to destroy, seizing his breath as he stared at the ex-clansman just on the other side of Shiro’s bed. Keith knew how Daiki would have done things. He could always feel his father’s shadow looming over him like a phantom reminder of everything he needed to be. Everything he did was with Daiki’s legacy in mind, but this was different. The Akuma had already taken someone he loved from him once. He would not allow them to take another. Lashing out like a dog backed into a corner, he growled out his response.
“My father is dead, and because of his inability to finish things, Shiro nearly was too.” It was all venom as he spoke. “I will do what needs to be done to protect what is mine, and any who disagree are not welcome here.”
The dismissal was harsh, hanging over their heads like a guillotine as the oyabun averted his glare down to the man that lay between them, trying to find anything that would anchor the rage rising dangerously behind his sternum. Keith could feel the way Coran’s gaze bore into him as he trained his eyes on the IV nestled in Shiro’s arm. He didn’t need to look to see the way the older man’s mouth would be twisted downward in thought, worried disapproval muddying the blue of his eyes. It was the same look he’d grown all too familiar with during his early teen years when he went through what Shiro had deemed as Keith’s Rowdy Years. The burn of his concerned displeasure was hot on his skin as the steady beat of Shiro’s heart filled the divide that stood between them. Keith knew he would regret the way he spoke later, regretted it already as he heard the resigned sigh and the sound of Coran turning to leave. Tears stung the corner of his eyes as he stared, unblinking, at the tubing that tethered Shiro to saline and pain killers. The older man had to understand the feeling of the dying star that was filling him with radiation. Keith had seen the way Coran had mutated before their eyes after his father’s death.
He must understand why he had to do what needed to be done.
“Be careful, Keith,” the older man said, voice thin as paper as he spoke from the doorway. “Love can turn people into monsters as easily as hate.” Coran’s footsteps faded with the words as he left the room, leaving Keith alone with nothing more than the sound of the heart monitor and his own breathing.
“It’s too late,” he whispered to the empty room. Time passed indefinitely, lost on him as he replayed Coran’s words over and over in his mind. They were angry spirits sitting on his shoulders, their claws sunk deep into his shoulders as they pushed down into him in an attempt to crush him into the ground.
Keith had been born into a world of monsters. Had been trained by the former saiko-komon’s own hand to be one himself. It was an inevitability that he would become one, the certainty of it as obvious as the color of the sky or the changing of the seasons. All he had needed was a catalyst for him to shed the humanity his father had believed in so deeply. His breath hitched as he ruminated on the four letter spark that had lit the fuse.
Whether it had been hours or minutes that passed, he was unsure as his eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion and the weight of his revenge. Sighing deeply, he lowered his forearms against the mattress of Shiro’s bed as if pushed down by the burden of his thoughts. Dropping his head onto the crook of his arm, ear pressed into his flesh, he let his gaze take stock of his best friend’s sleeping form before settling on the fingers just inches from his elbow. Glimpses of memories past danced over his vision as he saw those very same fingertips pressed to the bow of his lips as he chastely kissed them.
Those same fingers digging into his hips, hard enough to bruise.
Those fingers caressing the sharp peak of his cheek.
Keith’s breath wobbled as he blew it out with an unsteady huff, his eyes fluttering shut at the thought of the ghost touches. Shiro would wake up soon, he thought to himself as the room started to slip away into darkness.
He needed to wake up soon, and when he did, he would be okay. Then I can kill them all.
As sleep finally took him, wrapping her strong feathered hold around his shoulders, he timed his breathing by the digital ticks of Shiro’s heart.
Footsteps echoed under the awning of the temple as Shiro made his way around the garden like a jungle cat stalking its prey, his eyes hungry as they flickered from the two bodies sparring in the courtyard and the path before him. Lined around the open hallway, standing shoulder-to-shoulder were clansmen that watched the test of strength taking place before them. Copper and onyx twisted around each other, throwing fists and dodging moves expertly as Keith and Coran fought. The latter’s hits designed as a test, while the former’s made up its answers.
If it had been a normal day, it would be Shiro in Coran’s place, enjoying the way his best friend’s eyes would drag over his body as he planned where he’d strike next. On a normal day, he’d be the one that threw his arms around the future leader, ignoring the shock that would run over his ribs at the contact. Normally, Shiro would be the one on the receiving end of a the cocky smirk that pulled the corner of Keith’s mouth up in the most tantalizing way.
If it were a normal day, he’d even imagine what it would feel like to throw Keith onto the ground and kiss that smirk off of his face.
He concentrated on each footstep as he watched the way the sun glinted off the sheen of sweat that coated Keith’s bare torso as he threw another punch. Shiro’s mouth went dry as he imagined the way it must be rolling down the track of his pulse and pooling in the dip of his collarbones.
Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.
Today was Keith’s final test. The one that would prove he was ready to take on the responsibilities of an oyabun. Though he wouldn’t take his spot at the head of the clan until Daiki stepped down, he’d now make calls about jobs the clan went on and headed meetings when the oyabun was away. It was the first step towards becoming everything he was meant to be. Shiro’s breath caught in his throat as he watched the way Keith’s muscles rolled under his skin as he sparred with Coran.
Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bundle of nerves, sapping the anxious waves of emotion that had been rolling off his best friend that morning. It was what kept him walking his circles around the courtyard, unable to stand in line like the kobun that watched the display. Whether they were uninterested, or didn’t even consider the possibility that Keith could fail, Shiro couldn’t tell as all their faces were fixed in blank masks as the pair continued to dance around each other before them. They didn’t truly understand the weight of the test they were privy to.
What looked like any other sparring match, just a saiko-komon training with the next oyabun, could knock everything down as easily as a tempest with a house of cards. Failure would mean excommunication. No clan of the Sumiyoshi-Kai could be led by a leader that didn’t pass, nor would they be allowed to remain within it. Shiro was sure Daiki wouldn’t go so far as to cut ties completely with his son, but Keith would be forced to leave the temple and his father would start grooming a new successor to take his place. A frozen hand gripped his heart at the mere thought of the halls void of Keith’s presence. It was his unfailing smile and liquid eyes that he thought of whenever his mind danced over the word, home. It was the only one Shiro truly knew, having lost his so early. Without him, the temple would lose the one thing that had kept him from being lost. Failure couldn’t be an option. As his breath quickened in his lungs, he counted another set of steps.
Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.
Flashes of his best friend and the man that had taken him in flickered in the gaps of the clansmen and their heavy breathing started to fill the air. A wry smile had twisted Keith’s face into a look of sheer determination as he dodge a kick from Coran, the force of it bringing him close enough to his charge for him to catch the saiko-komon’s wrist and twisting it into a painful looking angle. The sickly rust taste of blood filled Shiro’s mouth as his canine bit deep into his lip as he watched the display, the rhythm of his steps faltering with his anticipation. Keith’s gaze shot up to meet his own through the space between the kobun, a full smile splitting his concentration in two as he held Shiro’s stare. Warmth spread through his chest, its stifling heat nearly choking him as he was blinded by that grin filled with nothing but starlight.
Shiro wasn’t sure when he’d started to feel the shift in their friendship. It had been a slow change, so gradual in its transformation that he hadn’t noticed the sun that burnt behind his ribs until he’d already been left charred. He wasn’t even entirely sure it had completely finished metamorphosing, the plates around his heart still shifting so slowly that he ached with it. All he knew was that everything about Keith was blinding, and yet he didn’t want to look away.
Time stretched for what felt like an eternity as his steel eyes held Keith’s mauve, the swollen star trapped within his ribcage bordering on a supernova.
Neither of them noticed Coran move until Keith landed on his back in the dirt with a thud and a shocked cry. Shiro’s fingers curled into his palm as if his fist could do anything to help the lean body gasping for air on the ground. The thought didn’t stop him from taking a step toward the wall of kobun that stood between him and his best friend, but the heavy hand that landed on his shoulder did.
“Now you’re just the person I was looking for,” a commanding voice said at his back as a thumb dug into his shoulder blade. Shiro felt himself tense beneath the warm palm as he turned to face Daiki. The man’s smile was oxymoronic against the assertiveness of his tone as he loosened his grip and allowed his hand to fall from where it rested as he nodded his head towards the temple’s doors.
“Let’s go for a walk, Shiro.” The command was hidden behind the thin veil of a request as the oyabun started to walk before letting Shiro respond at all. He bit his tongue as he cut his eyes from Daiki’s retreating frame to the match in the courtyard, breathing a sigh of relief as he saw Keith back on his feet. The solid sound of a fist against skin saw him off as he followed his leader through the oak wood doors, stepping out into the clearing that surrounded the temple.
Soft, blush colored buds created a pastel backdrop behind Daiki as he stood waiting for Shiro in the clearing, smile warm and expectant. The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, standing around the temple like flowered guardians, only moving with the wind that carried its petals over the green grass stretching below them. They were one of Shiro’s favorite things about the temple. Even when they weren’t in bloom, there was something to protective about the way the trees stood, bowed slightly inwards towards the building as if it was the sun.
My dad planted them after mom died, Keith had once told him, whispering conspiratorially as they’d sat on the roof on yet another night spent gazing up at the stars. They’re supposed to remind the clan that life is beautiful, but fragile.
They were beautiful in their meaning, if a bit ominous in their setting. Yakuza knew all too well about the fragility of life, whether they were the ones taking it or having it taken. At the time, he hadn’t realized the significance of the symbolism, only appreciating the beauty of the trees and the purple gaze that admired them. Now he couldn’t help the shiver that ran down his spine as his mind drew back towards Keith standing in the ring of clansmen with his chest heaving and fight burning brightly in his eyes.
“Our boy is doin’ pretty good, huh?” Daiki asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling as his obsidian gaze fixed on Shiro as if he was lifting his thoughts straight from his head. The oyabun’s smile only grew wider as he watched the younger man slowly nod in agreement, eyes twitching towards the temple as if he could see through the walls to the boy he referred to. It was a quick shift, a lost moment before he returned his gaze to Daiki’s glowing form as they exchanged appraising looks.
Everyone always talked about how much Keith favored the mother he’d never known. Having seen a photo of Hikaru, he couldn’t deny the resemblance that was set in the violet of their eyes and the sharp cuts of their cheekbones. Yet as Daiki looked down on him, the sunlight highlighting the flecks of white in his black hair and his mouth quirked upwards, he couldn’t help but think Keith was very much his father’s son. It was more than just a resemblance, but it showed in the way he carried himself, emulating the kind yet strong demeanor that made Daiki such a great leader.
“You know, I was worried when Coran brought you to us,” he said thoughtfully, referring to that night all those years ago that Shiro had lost his parents. The sudden change of topic left his head spinning as he tried to catch up. Daiki’s eyes shone with the light of some inside joke that the younger man wasn’t a part of, and something about it made his chest tighten.
“This life isn’t for everyone, especially after all you went through.” A somber timbre rooted itself in his words as his mouth bent sadly. He dropped his hand on Shiro’s shoulder again, giving it another squeeze. The touch, meant to comfort, twisted a knife of panic deep in his gut as he tried to piece together what it was that Daiki was trying to say.
“He had a lot of convincing to do for me to believe that you joining the Raion would be good for you, but he was certain we could help you.” Breath blew through his teeth in the form of a chuckle as his hand slipped from where it sat and he started to walk the path around the temple. “Imagine my surprise when it was you that ended up helping us.”
“I’m not sure I follow, sir.” Shiro stutter stepped as he followed, confusion thick in his words and veins.
“Did you know Keith wasn’t much of a kids kid?” He paused for just a second, changing his mind almost instantly as to whether or not he needed an answer. “Granted, he didn’t have too many options for friends in the clan, but he never really got along with those he had. Didn’t really get along with anyone to be honest. But then you came around, and boy, could that kid not stop trying to figure you out.”
Husky laughter filled the space Shiro kept between them, listening to his leader’s words as the blistering heat in his chest created a vacuum that crushed his lungs. Trying to drag air into the crumpled muscle, he concentrated on his steps, measuring his breaths against their rising number.
Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.
“You really got him out of his shell, Shiro.” His name was wrapped with fondness as Daiki spoke it. It was the same kind of tenderness his own parents had filled the syllables of his name with, causing his heart to swell with admiration for the man.
“I’m sure he’s just stubborn and wasn’t used to people telling him no,” Shiro laughed, ignoring the way his voice rasped with the dueling affections for the leader and his son. The retort earned him a bark of mirth, Daiki’s shoulders shaking with it as they started another lap around the temple. He watched as the older man shook his head.
“While he is quite the stubborn ass, I don’t think that’s quite it.” Silence preoccupied the air, punctuated by nothing but the occasional rustle of grass beneath their feet as they walked. Several moments passed before he spoke again, his strong voice filling the clearing with sincerity.
“Your parents would be proud of the man you’ve grown to be.”
Shiro’s reaction was immediate as he bit down on the bitter taste of sorrow, imagining what his parents would have been like if they could see him now. Would they have supported the life he’d become a part of? The very same that had ripped them away from him? What would his father think of the clan that had taken him in and taught him everything he knew from his fighting skills to the philosophies of their blood soaked compassion? What would his mother think of the lean boy with the unruly black waves and galaxy filled eyes?
“And I couldn’t have asked for a better saiko-komon for my son.” The sentiment interrupted his string of thought, thick with implication as they kept to their path. Pink petals blew over the breeze, dotting the air around them as Shiro tried to digest the second meaning that had stoked the fires in his chest. Daiki’s onyx gaze sparkled as he flashed a knowing look over his shoulder. Shiro’s mouth opened and closed, arguments dying on the tip of his tongue as he tried to think of anything to say in return. Anything at all that might counter the underlying current of his statement.
He’s just my best friend.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
I don’t lo--
Loud, raucous cheers stilled the lies that were running through his mind as the joyous sound carried over the roof of the temple. The elated noise marked the end of Keith’s test, and the end of his and Daiki’s conversation as the oyabun continued to walk ahead of Shiro back towards the temple.
“Let’s go congratulate our boy, Shiro,” his voice carried back towards the stunned kobun, dancing around him like the blossoms in the wind. Shiro’s pulse continued to ricochet within his veins as he began to follow, throwing his concentration back onto counting his steps in an attempt to calm it.
Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.
Left foot. Beep.
Right foot. Beep.
Left foot. Beep.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Sharp, digital intonations cut through the haze that had settled over Shiro, pushing everything else deep within an inky black pool. Trapped between memories and an unsettling darkness that chilled him to his core, he would occasionally catch low rumblings that sounded both unbearably close and impossibly distant.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
One voice stood out amongst the rest, cutting through the shadows and roaring over all else. Each time he’d heard it, he’d fought against the ropes of consciousness that held him trapped within the darkness, calling out for the one person he so desperately wanted to see.
Shiro repeated the name like a mantra, clutching the syllable to his chest as he worked against the hissing blackness that continued to drag him back down each time he’d made his way close to the surface.
Keith. Keith. Keith.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Falling into unconsciousness had been a slow and calming thing, his heart slowing and his vision fading until there was nothingness, just pieces of memories, darkness and his name.
Keith. Keith. Keith.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Waking, in comparison, was much more violent. It started with an ice like freeze in his lungs that created an ache so deep it felt as if the space the muscle should have been had been excavated completely. Sharp static rolled over his limbs, stinging his flesh as it concentrated itself in his right arm. Bright flashes of light sparked against the darkness as he crawled against the crushing weight of the shadows that had held him down for so long.
It was with a painful gasp for air that Shiro finally opened his eyes.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Welcomed by the the staccato cadence of his heartbeat, kept by the machine by his bed, he fought to drag air into his lungs as he frantically searched his surroundings for a sign of where he was. Plastic tickled his nose as the tubing of the cannula stretched across his face shifted with his movement as Shiro tried to push himself further up into the pillows behind his head. Bags of saline and unmarked liquids hung next to the monitor keeping track of his heart, connected to his arm by more tubing and long needles buried into the vein of his left arm.
Moving to push himself upwards with his right arm to avoid jostling the wiring, he felt himself falter, falling back into the pillows as the mattress was met with the nothing where his hand should have been. Nausea rolled through his stomach as he tried again, praying to feel the sensation of the paper like sheets underneath his body and only feeling the sharp static that was buzzing where his elbow should have been.
His breathing was deafening in his own ears as he looked down at the stump that peeked out just below the hospital gown he was in. Its blunt edge was covered in white gauze, ending just above where the crook of his arm would be. Then it all came back in a crash of memories that blinded him.
The shattering pain of metal against his hand, cracking it apart from the inside like it was nothing but glass.
The angry burn of heated iron pressing into his skin, sizzling as the flesh bubbled around the brand.
The unexplainable agony of a saw’s teeth biting into his muscle as it tore his arm from his body.
A whole new type of fear grew within him as moisture stung his eyes and sobs blocked his airways. Shiro could still see the sinister edge that sharpened Zarkon’s smile as he watched Sendak have his way with him. He could still hear the laughter as the Akuma entertained themselves with his pain. The skin behind his ear was still warm with the acrid breath of Sendak’s words as he’d whispered the horrors he had planned for him, and for Keith.
His jaw screamed out against the pressure as he ground his molars together against the phantom sensations. Short breaths lined up with the quickening beat of his heart as he fought to escape the terror rushing through him.
They would do anything to ruin him. Anything to Keith. He had to warn them. He had to--
A soft hum pulled his senses down to one singular point by his left hip where he noticed the unruly black waves and angled jaw for the first time.
“Takashi,” Keith’s voice was nothing more than a whisper as he sighed and pushed his face further into his forearm. “Stay with me, Takashi.”
The monitor picked up the stutter in his chest as he took in his best friend’s sleeping form just a mere inches from his fingertips.
Keith was there. He was safe.
Shiro allowed himself to trace his profile with his silver gaze, struggling to count the freckles that spread over the bridge of his nose in the dark room. Keith’s breathing was even as he slept, the beat so steady that Shiro began to time his own by the rise and fall of his back until his heart rate slowed and the ache in his lungs settled. The oyabun sighed his name once more as he pushed the upper half of his body into the mattress, his elbow meeting Shiro’s thigh with a soft prod.
“Keith,” he tried to say, voice so hoarse it barely came out as more than a rasp. Frustration drew his eyebrows together as he tried to swallow enough saliva to wet his throat so he could speak.
All he wanted to see was the deep violet of his eyes, desperate to get lost in anything else besides the ghost pains and residual fear that were nipping at the borders of his consciousness.
“Keith,” he tried again as he stretched the fingertips of his left hand out towards the sleeping man and only succeeding in brushing the soft curl of hair that had fallen over his brow. He was so close. Ignoring the uncomfortable pull of the needle in his skin, Shiro pushed his reach further until he felt the heat of his best friend’s skin on his palm and the soft brush of his hair between his fingers. He was rewarded with a soft sigh as Keith pressed up into the touch, eyes fluttering open as his nose found the juncture of his wrist and his lips ghosted over the blue tracks of his veins. Shiro felt himself tremble with the touch, watching as the moment froze around them, the kiss tickling his skin.
Then sharp amethyst stared up at him before Keith pushed himself back into the seat and away from his grasp. His whimper over the sudden loss of contact was disappeared beneath the sound of his own name.
“Shiro?” Keith’s voice was sandpaper, sleep turning his tone into grit as his wide eyes stared at him. Fear sparkled over the mauve as he reached a shaking hand towards his, hesitant as if he was scared any touch would prove that the awakened man before him was just a mirage. The sun caged by his ribs roared to life, its flames licking his insides as Shiro held the stare before he let himself smile.
“Hi,” he rasped. It was nothing more than a single syllable, barely there as he pushed it through the thickness of his throat and passed his teeth, but its effect was extraordinary. The legs of the chair screeched against the linoleum as Keith stood, a hand grasping Shiro’s as he leant into his space, reaching the other hand up to caress his cheek before pressing their foreheads together. A drop of moisture rolled down the tip of his nose and landed against Shiro’s, creating a slick seal between their skin.
Soft sobs shook Keith’s shoulders as he kept them pressed together, his grasp feather soft as if he worried that Shiro would break. He let him cry, pushing his forehead against Keith’s and breathing heavily to bite back the stone that had swollen in his throat. A cruel voice at the back of his mind warned him that it could all be a dream, something conjured by his mind to ease the suffering. If it is just a dream, what a sweet one it is, he thought against the stray voice as he nuzzled into the touch.
“I knew you’d come back to me.” The words were shaky and waterlogged, thick with the emotion that had overwhelmed the smaller man. Warmth was crawling lazily through Shiro’s veins as he breathed him in, smelling the cheap hospital coffee on his breath and the sharp tang of the antiseptic that had sunk into his clothes. This close, all he could see were the black lashes that swept against Keith’s cheeks, soaked with the tears that were falling from his eyes. Shiro went to card his fingers through the dark waves of his hair only to be met by the stinging reminder of their absence. His anger left him in a single hiss of bitterness, the sound pushing Keith back.
Following the line of Shiro’s glare as he stared down at the stump, he made a strangled noise.
“There wasn’t--” he stopped, eyes crushed shut as he dragged in a steadying breath. “There wasn’t anything we could do for it.” Keith remained standing with Shiro’s hand still clutched in his grasp, both ignoring the moisture that still slicked his cheeks. Even in the dim room, he could see the bruise like marks that were spread beneath Keith’s eyes.
What he would give to be free of the wires that kept him from wiping them away.
When he opened them again, Shiro couldn’t help but notice how much older he looked, an unknown burden heavy on his shoulders.
“What happened?” More gravel as Shiro spoke around the dryness in his throat. He watched as Keith’s mouth turned downward in a near snarl, his eyes cutting away for a moment as he gathered himself. It was just a fleeting moment, the strange twisted anger falling away almost as quickly as it had shown itself before Keith launched into a near clinical analysis of that had happened when they’d rescued him from the Akuma. As he spoke, Shiro became lost in the words as he drank Keith as if he were an oasis, standing before him like salvation after he’d walked the desert for so long. Even with the obvious strain of the past week on his shoulders, he still shined with a ferocity that captivated him. Fingers brushed softly over his cheek again as he continued to talk, drawing a small mewl from Shiro’s lips.
“I really should call the doctors in,” Keith said lowly, breaking the spell that he’d unknowingly cast on the saiko-komon. “They’ll want to check you out.” Their skin brushed together as Shiro shook his head, fixing his silver gaze on his love as he spoke.
“Just give me a few more minutes with just you,” he said, voice cracking over the words. Shiro’s eyes were already growing heavy again with the medications that were dripping through the IV in his arm, and he tried to fight against it. He felt the way Keith’s grip on his hand softened as he sat back in the chair with a nod, violet eyes catching the way his eyelashes had fluttered against his cheek.
“You wouldn’t think being unconscious would make you so tired,” he attempted to joke before the oyabun could point out the way his eyelids were drooping. Just a few more moments, he silently begged as the drugs pulled on him. I just got him back. Shiro rubbed his thumb over the joint of Keith’s, enjoying the way it made his fingers twitch with the contact. A lazy smile unfurled over his lips as the darkness between each of his blinks grew longer.  
I don’t want to sleep just yet.
“Don’t worry, Takashi,” Keith said lowly, answering the words he hadn’t realized he’d slurred. The mattress groaned as Keith propped his other elbow on the mattress and settled his chin onto his open palm. “Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
His words were thick with promise, replaying in Shiro’s mind as he slipped back into the shadows, this time anchored to the world by the warmth of Keith’s hand in his.
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Hace más de cinco mil años, el ‘Tao’ era un estilo de vida que todos los seres del mundo seguían, pues gracias a él, el mundo espiritual podía encontrar la armonía perfecta junto a las almas mortales. Conforme la modernidad llegó a las vidas humanas, muchos recurrieron a lo material para encontrar su felicidad, dejando en el olvido las enseñanzas del Tao y el equilibrio del universo. No obstante, aún en estos tiempos, existe un territorio oculto que vive bajo esas costumbres y protege el delicado equilibrio de la vida, es un sitio oculto del mundo humano, solo los espíritus y seres de gran poder, pueden ingresar a él.
Es aquí donde inicia la historia del clan Amaru.
El clan Amaru se encuentra en el centro del mundo espiritual (llamado Agartha), rodeado de las cuatro corrientes elementales que se ocupan de mantener el balance en el mundo terrenal.
                                                 “Tierra, agua, viento y fuego”.
En el centro Agartha se encuentra el Templo de Amaru, donde aún permanecen las Diosas, realizando su labor como sacerdotisas al encargarse de proteger el fuego místico que mantiene el equilibrio sobre el reino espiritual y terrenal.
Gracias a esta labor, la tranquilidad reinó perfectamente en Agartha durante estos tiempos. Sin embargo, los engranajes del destino comenzaron a moverse y el equilibrio que se sostuvo por años empezó a colgar de un péndulo. Kalet, el General Elemental de las tierras del Viento, se corrompió por la ambición de obtener un poder que los demás pudieran temer, dado que sospechaba que lo consideraban un gobierno vulnerable por su naturaleza apacible. Fue entonces cuando comenzaron las masacres, primero con clanes pequeños y poco a poco con todo el Viento. Sembró tanta oscuridad que las Diosas no podían seguir ignorando lo que allí sucedía, por lo que intervinieron con su magia para contrarrestar su poder. Kalet fue exiliado hacia un universo alterno conocido como Shinku, junto a todo su séquito corrompido. Pero en lugar de haber detenido la maldad residente en él, el efecto fue inverso. Cada día que transcurría, la mente, así como el corazón de Kalet se fue enfermando de más y más odio.
Así pues, el séquito de Kalet, contagiados por la misma maldad, se convirtieron en un ejército más poderoso y Kalet adquirió más fuerza, alcanzando el nivel de un Oráculo. Después de tantos años, uno de sus seguidores, que había logrado librarse de aquel exilio a través de magia negra (prohibida por las Diosas), trajo de vuelta a su amo con el fin de que continuara con sus ideales. Una vez de regreso, Kalet se convirtió en el líder supremo de los ahora conocidos como ‘Akuma’, criaturas destructoras que solo buscan la calamidad en el mundo para desestabilizar el equilibrio que alguna vez dominó las tierras de Agartha.
Desde el momento en que las almas encerradas en Shinku fueron liberadas, el equilibrio del mundo ha sido afectado dramáticamente Cada espíritu exiliado se ha convertido en un demonio envuelto en un chi maligno que solo busca la destrucción de todo lo que existe a su alrededor. El objetivo de Amaru es contener esta energía nuevamente dentro de la prisión bajo cualquier costo. ¿Podrán hacerlo?
                      .:  More History //  Characters & Rules :. 
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fairasmorninglight · 7 years
Such is the Way of Things
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. So many stories go like this, and some tales are not meant to be told until it comes to an end, or in some cases, one volume of an arduously read history does and another begins.  Many and more would go unknown and whole legends lost to the tides of antiquity were it not for those like me, a bard and a keeper of worthy memory. I would tell you the tale of a troubled and oft troubling man; he who came to this realm under the name of Konner Kinkaid, born Ryo Akaime, a man who both tried to escape and held onto his roots so tightly that they bound others up in their sprawl on the other side of a vast ocean from whence the seeds of his life first unfurled.  This tale comes from all he ever told me of himself, and my own experiences with him. Bitter circumstances born of selfishness brought him first to Eorzean shores some years ago.  Before then, he was a loyal retainer to a noble Doman family, a samurai of great talent, but arrogant enough to bed the noble Lord’s wife and, with her, sire a child believing no one would ever come to realize it, save for one trait this child inherited - her true father’s red eyes.  And in his rage, the noble Lord slew his adulterous wife, and Ryo in retaliation slew the other retainers and servants of the house and set it ablaze to cover his escape.  In so doing, he left his daughter behind, believing she perished in the fire or that his now former Lord and enemy had killed her as well. He fled alone by way of ship out of port by night, and in casting off from his home land he also cast off his name, never to return.  Or so he thought.  Still adorned with a crimson kabuto adorned with the likeness of a crouched rabbit on top, the likes of which heretofore unseen on this realm, he arrived here and chose a new name.  The helm would be the sole reminder of where he’d come from, an emblem of both his pride and his shame, and began forging a new life.  His arrogance set aside, he made it a mission to help others who needed it, for he now knew what it meant to be alone. “Hitoride wanai” - Not Alone - became the motto by which he founded the Order of the Sword and Rose, and many came who were drawn by its purpose and the hope it offered.  I, too, crossed paths with this man after leaving a rained out stage one day, shortly after ceasing five summers of wandering.  Oschon had made our paths to cross in Gridania. And trial after trial did we endure.  Many who came also went on their own ways after a time.  I lost count of how many faces there were, and I’ve forgotten some of their names, but their tales will be told by others like me one day, for weal or for woe. Among these trials, we stood fast against surviving members of his former clan who had pursued him from Othard.  We prevailed over Shinku, a powerful fire demon sleeping in Konner’s sword.  But what we did not always weather were ourselves and each other.  The Order has been as a phoenix, burning and renewing itself time and again, but persevering, and Oschon has long since placed His wind at my heels again and sent me on a different path. Now, at last - and so I’ve heard - as the eastern skies wax crimson, Ryo Akaime has parted from Eorzea to the land of his birth.  Alone, mayhap, and if so contradicting the very foundation of his Order, but I would like to think his wife and their child were with him.  Time will tell if Oschon will cross our paths again.  There may be many red rabbits in Othard, but there will never be another in Eorzea like him. Such is the way of things.
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kyuremking · 1 year
Not so lonely whirpool! au
Not so lonely whirpool! au presentation of team 9.
This au came from the idea of Minato and Kushina being older than in canon and having a son (Akira) much earlier, because of the Third war there is a big age difference between Akira and Naruto. And unfortunately it will be a long time before they can call each other brother.
Akira becomes a genin at the age of 9 even though his parents wanted him to wait a little longer, but because he wanted his little brother to be proud that his older brother was already a ninja when he was born, he insisted on graduating early.
After the Kyubi attack, Akira and Naruto are orphaned. Naruto becomes a jinchuriki but this is hidden and Akira is proclaimed to be the jinchuriki to protect Naruto. Naruto is adopted by Teuchi who in this au was Minato's teammate.
Akira's goal is to become strong enough to protect Naruto once it is revealed that he is the jinchuriki and son of Minato and Kushina.
Now let's move on to team 9:
Jounin Sensei - Shinku Yūhi - 39 years old.
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Kurenai's father and in this au he did not die during the Kyubi attack but he does lose a leg so he wears a prosthetic. He has decided that this will be his last genin team and after that he will retire to be an academy master or an assistant to help in some department of the ninja forces.
His genin often leave him exhausted but he is willing to give his all for them even if it means agreeing to prepare his genin to take the chunnin exams a year after the Kyubi attack.
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Akira Uzumaki .- Son of Minato and Kushina, recently orphaned and supposed jinchuriki of the Kyubi. Despite his young age (9 years old) he dreams big with the goal of becoming the strongest and not having something like the Kyubi attack happen again (yes he is traumatized).
He is in a hurry to become a chunnin and managed to convince his teammates to take the chunnin exam in a year's time. Fuinjutsu is his favourite subject and he tends to get distracted by it so he needs someone to keep his feet on the ground.
Luckily for him he doesn't have to grow up alone as Rin's parents keep an eye on him along with Jiraiya who makes occasional visits to check on him and Naruto.
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Hanae Hyuga - (10 years old) A member of the secondary branch of the Hyuga family with the seal of the caged bird on her forehead. She hates her own weakness, desires to become the strongest in the clan and break free from the chains that bind her, and is willing to cross several dangerous lines.
It infuriates her that children younger than her are able to keep up or surpass her, so she trains until she is exhausted (which is bad for her body).
She has an uncertain path ahead of her but is willing to push forward without stopping. Her parents died during the Kyubi attack so she hates the beast.
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Isamu Sarutobi - (11 years old) Member of the Sarutobi clan and belonging to a branch of the clan much more closely linked to monkeys so he is accompanied by a white-furred monkey.
He is forced into the position of maturity and mediator in the team even though he hates it. He is still not sure what he wants to become apart from making the Sarutobi clan proud.
He is not sure how to feel about kids younger than him who can keep up with him so he tries to keep improving and getting stronger. He loves his clan's old tale of a monkey who managed to become the most powerful.
He thinks Asuma has no chance with Kurenai.
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Xiao - Isamu’s monkey companion, a small white-furred monkey enjoys jumping between members of his partner's team. He is not yet able to speak but possesses above normal strength and performs collaborative ninjutsu with his partner.
He loves all kinds of fruit, accepting or stealing treats from anyone, which often gets him into trouble.
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 And here we have the members of team 9, who are usually accompanied by Kurenai and by extension Asuma who trains with them and helps them improve. We can say that the current goal of all the team members is to become stronger.
Their rivals are team 7 consisting of Shisui Uchiha, Natsu Hyuga and Daisuke Akimichi.
The stamina means the amount of chakra, not the stamina, I think that the stamina should also be included but since it is not in the databook it stays that way although maybe I will modify it later.
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darkclouud9 · 9 months
okay I'm being silly just a few hermits and what naruto clan I think they'd be part of if they were in that universe (plus some explanations bc. non nart moots)
Etho would obv be a Hatake. the only two known members are Kakashi, and his father, Sakumo. they're known for their silver hair and white chakra blade (that Kakashi breaks). Etho's got silver hair and looks like Kakashi I mean what do you expect.
Pearl would be a Yuhi. again, very few known members, being Kurenai, her father, Shinku, and her daughter, Mirai. this one's based on the Pearl plush because her eyes resemble the Yuhi red eyes (also just as a small thing, Kurenai and Shinku's names both mean 'deep red'. their eyes are two shades of red, plus Kurenai has red lipstick. 5am Pearl skin, do you hear me.)
Stress would be an Uzumaki. there are a few named Uzumakis, being Naruto, his mother, Kushina, Mito, Karin, and Nagato. (all the females have more pinkish red hair, while Nagato, the only male, excluding Naruto, has more base red hair.) they're known for their insane healing abilities. so not only do I think Stress would fit in as a healer, the whole pink/red hair just suits her <3
now here me out. either, Uchiha Tango (which doesn't quite fit. Uchiha are known for their fire jutsu, but their hair is mostly black with a blue tint) or Terumi Tango (we only know Mei Terumi, but she has both, lava release and boil release, and I just think that heat/acidity is very Tango coded) my first thought was Terumi before I remembered Uchiha also have flames <3 also the colour of Mei's hair is more Tango than the Uchiha blue.
those are all the ones I thought of
but I wanted to think of someone for Senju
and honestly. Impulse and False are perfect for that imo.
firstly, both their hair colours are found within the Senju clan (in Hashirama and Tsunade respectively). I already thought about Impulse being similar to a character with no mentioned clan, being Yamato. (the reason that's even remotely relevant is because Yamato has the same wood release as Hashirama (but not nearly as strong) and people speculate he may have Senju blood in him that made him compatible (because every other test subject died but him.))
Hashirama's wife was Mito, and he had at least one kid with her. so beyond that line, kids after that would have INSANE healing abilities, bc. Uzumaki. and hundred healings. so I propose False being somewhere in that family, after Hashirama and Mito, so she'd be part Uzumaki and have those healing abilities.
Impulse would be somewhere along the line of 'the Senju split up and he was born into "another clan" to hide the strength of the Senju'. (to explain a little bit, an example: people had come to form theories that the Hatake developed from specifically Tobirama Senju, since those three characters all have silver hair. but they changed the last name to split this line from the Senju. there's almost no mention, no history, and no special characteristics of those from the Hatake clan. so it makes sense for them to have descended from some other clan. again, this is only a theory.)
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lonely-void-flower · 6 years
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“Origin’sTale:Gates Of Obsidia- Shinku Hellfire “
Shinku hellfire is a Fire devil and also a member of The Crimson Clan, he is the head Chief and one of the best teachers of the Obsidian Academy, the only school/collage in the the realm of Perpetua.
he is also the most trusted servant Lilith has.
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Incidental Equilibrium, 1/? (2020-06-18)
Incidental Equilibrium
In which Ringo is proactive, Zakuro is stubborn, and Tetsuki needs a little help with some legal matters. 
The whole friendship thing? That kind of just happens.
(Or, the Counterpoise and Externality mashup that literally nobody asked for)
1) on the matter of becoming genin
It could have gone like this:
The Uzumaki twins attempt the Academy's graduation exam two years before their age mates. Naruto is ambitious, Konran is anxious, and neither of them get what they want.
That's because the Uzumaki twins do not pass the exam. They do not graduate:
She does. He doesn't.
Konran gets put on a team with two boys practically slated for the corps and a jounin who has to be literally dragged into the role of sensei. Ringo and Zakuro are known for not getting along with strangers, but this time they're willing to take the risk. Somehow, perhaps out of spite, the newly formed Team Five actually passes Riichi-sensei's ludicrous test and make him face the consequences.
They are, if not happy, then paving their way toward it.
Naruto gets sent back to the Academy, placed in the class who are slated to graduate next year. Nobody knows him, but they already don't like him--the rumors and Yanagi-sensei's cold demeanor the only information they have to work with. He meets Tetsuki who, even though kindness doesn't come naturally to her, takes a chance and helps him graduate.
They get put on a team with Komadori, a neutral classmate which is the best they can get really, under the command of a displeased Kakashi-sensei.
Like the formation of Team Two, their happiness, if it exists, is temporary.
Ringo and Zakuro help Konran find herself despite everything working against them all. Naruto and Tetsuki learn enough from each other before their divergent destinies tear them apart.
... But becoming genin is only the start.
It should have gone like this:
There are no Uzumaki twins. (Perhaps that night of the Kyuubi it was otherwise. Or perhaps a few years later, even, until an ambassador from Cloud saw an unprotected child with bright red hair. Or perhaps it was always as such.) Regardless, there is only Naruto.
Ambitious, he attempts the Academy's graduation exam two years before his age mates and fails.
Ringo and Zakuro, assigned a third teammate they're incapable of cooperating with, also fail their jounin sensei's test. They go to the corps as expected and must learn to become content.
Naruto is placed in Yanagi-sensei's class where nobody knows him or likes him. That stays true the entire year. When it comes time for the graduation exam, he fails again.
Maybe he would have passed with a little help from a classmate, even one ill-suited for kindness, but none take that chance. (And if Yanagi-sensei vaguely remembers a missing student, an orphan who held her own even against clan kids until her mysterious disappearance years ago, well. Orphans disappear in Konoha all the time.)
Naruto is placed in Iruka-sensei's class where destiny finally sinks its teeth into him and doesn't let him go.
Sometimes he's happy, he thinks. He must be.
But it actually went like this:
On a random morning a few months before graduation, Ringo's parents talk over breakfast about his future.
"Your cousin Suzuka is due for a promotion soon," Ringo's mom says while he blearily chews on egg and rice. He's not the best after just waking up, true, but he has time still before he needs to train the weakness out of himself.
"She could have an apprentice" she continues, as if he answered verbally. "I can ask her next time I'm on shift with her."
"Would be better than wasting time by going through the corps' prerequisite classes," his dad says, "Honestly, why they don't allow exemptions or testing out of those--so inefficient."
Ringo's dad is of the opinion that simply being part of the Nohara clan means they are naturally better at being medics than outsiders: as if medical knowledge and jutsu were akin to other clans' blood limits or secret techniques.
Maybe they're a little better at memorization and chakra control, but Ringo thinks his advantage has more to do with being raised by and amongst an entire clan of medics than anything he was born with--wait a second...
"Ask Suzuka what?" Ringo asks, belatedly, quickly shaking awareness into his head.
"Ask her to take you as an apprentice, of course," Ringo's mom answers easily, "I won't have you squandering your time in the Medic Corps or, heaven forbid, the Genin Corps."
Ringo blinks, uncomprehending. "I could end up on a jounin led team," he says, mildly.
His parents' response are less mild: his mom's light smile immedately twisting into a harsh frown, while his dad's hands clench into fists.
"No, no, no," his mom says, almost horrified at the idea.
"They'll try to put you on a team with That Man," his dad says, warningly. "It's what happened to your older cousins."
"They failed purposefully, of course. They know better than to trust their safety--much less their education!-- to That Man. But still," Ringo's mom closes her eyes, as if pained by the very thought, "Why the Hokage even tries to put a heartless creature like that in charge of young shinobi--and at the expense of our clan! Oh, no, Ringo, I couldn't lose you, too."
Then she reaches out for his hand, for comfort, and he tries to do his best.
Ringo's not stupid. He knows who That Man is: Comrade Killer Kakashi Hatake. Aunt Rin's murderer.
He doesn't think the Hokage would allow an actual psychopath to teach children, genin though they may be, so Kakashi Hatake can't still be a comrade killer. But he knows better than to bring it up in front of his parents.
It's not a battle he will win and honestly, not one he particularly wants to win. He doesn't want to be on a team lead by the man who killed his aunt--whether murder or manslaughter--and bore no consequences. If anything, and here his mom might have a point, the Hokage's continuous attempt to make a Nohara one of his students has prevented Ringo's cousins from following any career path but the Medic Corps or, apparently if the timing is right, an apprenticeship from another cousin.
But that's not what Ringo wants for himself. If he enters the Medic Corps, or apprentices under cousin Suzuka, then he won't be able to be on a team with Zakuro.
Maybe a compromise is in order.
On a random morning a few months before graduation, Zakuro tries to sneak out of the house only to be caught.
"Zakuro," says Uncle Shinku behind him, and Zakuro tries his best to hold in the annoyed sigh that desperately wants to escape. Last time he didn't, Uncle Shinku lectured him for thirty minutes about how disrespectful and ungrateful he was.
He turns around, "Yeah?"
Uncle Shinku glares. Well, that's just his default face, but it gets more glare-y. "Yes, Uncle," he says flatly, pointedly.
Zakuro holds in another annoyed sigh, "Yes, Uncle Shinku."
The man hums. Zakuro has no idea if that's approval or not.
"You will be graduating from the Academy soon," Uncle Shinku says, which is... true? Obvious? Not something Zakuro knows how to respond to.
He nods. "Yes, Uncle Shinku," he says, because maybe if he just repeats himself, the conversation (does this count?) will be over faster.
"I will not have you shaming us..."
Which is, wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
"Our arrangement with the Kurama clan still holds, for all that their heiress remains... reclusive. I will not have you embarrassing the Yuuhi clan," Uncle Shinku continues.
Great. Cool. This is why Zakuro needs to work on his stealth.
"When you join the Genin Corps, I will turn you into a shinobi worthy of our name, unlike your mother."
He sees an opening. "Thank you, Uncle," Zakuro says swiftly, bowing deep enough so as to hide his scowl. "I will go train so as to improve myself! Please excuse me!" Then, without waiting for a dismissal, Zakuro leaves.
If Uncle Shinku responds, he can't hear it. Not over the angry rush of blood pounding in his ears. He meets eyes with cousin Kurenai, her equally red eyes wide with a complicated mix of relief and guilt.
Why is she even here? She has an apartment. If Zakuro could live away from his asshole of an uncle, he would never set a single foot inside this house.
"Zakuro," she says, quietly, "I wanted to--"
Meanly, he interrupts with a loud, "Good morning cousin!" He spitefully enjoys the twist of annoyance on her face before bolting for the Academy.
It's early still but it's not here and that's all that matters.
If he's lucky, maybe Ringo will be there, too.
On a random morning a few months before the end of her fifth Academic year, Tetsuki sits alone in a room in T&I.
She's been here since yesterday afternoon, so by this point any adrenaline and fear have long since been replaced by bitter exhaustion.
And anyway, this is not her first time in T&I, so the novelty has worn off.
Although, at least, the room is nicer. Last time it really felt like an interrogation room: stark walls, hard chair, cold lighting. This time, they've put her in something almost comfortable. There's still an obvious viewing window, though it has a tasteful decorative frame, and she could almost fall asleep in the cushioned seat she's in.
She hasn't slept since they brought her here and, ostensibly, she's alone right now. But still, she resists. She can sense at least two other people watching her from the observation room on the other side of that fake mirror--three, maybe. There's two distinct rectangles of body temperature metal standing about a meter apart. Forehead protectors, if she's interpreting it correctly, each with a matching pouch of kunai and assorted weaponry. And while she can't sense a third one, the door knob in that room opened and shut nearly thirty minutes ago with neither of the other two leaving.
So someone who doesn't carry metal on them, maybe? Unless it was just someone delivering a message... better to err on the side of caution.
She sits, exhausted eyes half-lidded, and waits for her fate to be decided.
Last time she was here, she thought no one would care if she disappeared. No one to miss her or notice--certainly no one to speak up if they did--just one of many Konoha orphans who mysteriously vanish.
This time, she knows it to be true.
She knows why she's here, this time around--or, at least, she can make an educated enough guess. Yesterday, Yanagi-sensei and Hinoura-sensei had distributed elemental chakra paper wearing nonconductive gloves. Gleefully, everyone in class grabbed at their papers, eager to find out their elemental nature in hopes that this would lead to lessons in ninjutsu.
Tetsuki didn't have particularly high hopes--such things hardly led to anything as exciting as her classmates would hope, probably just more lectures--but she certainly hadn't expected it to go this badly.
For the most part, everyone's paper reacted in an expected way. A lot of ash from the fire natured people, some crumbled to pieces or soaked through entirely--earth and water respectively. She thinks she saw one or two slice in half; wind natured, which is rare but highly appreciated in Land of Fire.
Hers crinkled.
She thought maybe that just meant she didn't have an elemental nature, there were some classmates whose papers did nothing--Neji Hyuuga for example, but everyone knows that Hyuuga chakra is weird--it wasn't too out there.
That was, perhaps, too optimistic.
Lightning natured chakra isn't unheard of Konoha. That alone would not have gotten her here, surely.
But that combined with her previous visit--where she was interrogated on whether or not she knew Cloud nin and if the light haired, dark skinned boy she used as her henge model was a real person that she knew--probably doesn't look that good.
Her paper crinkled, Yanagi-sensei dismissed everyone for lunch, and Hinoura-sensei brought shinobi wearing the T&I uniform to take her away.
They took her blood, put her in this room, had a sweetly smiling old lady ask her a bunch of questions, and then left her here.
The door to her room opens up. The person that enters is not someone she recognizes.
He's in his fifties maybe, quite old for a shinobi which he must be considering he's in this room and not a prisoner. She's not much of a danger to anyone, given she's only an Academy student, but they wouldn't bring a civilian in. Not that she would have a chance--for him to have survived to his age, he must be quite skilled.
He stares at her and says nothing, so she stays silent as well.
"You are Tetsuki, yes? Of the... Ryokushoku orphanage?" He asks almost hesitantly.
She doesn't know why, he clearly has access to her file. And it's not like a hesitant old man will get them any other answers than the sweetly smiling old lady did.
She nods in response.
"I'm Kunugi Mokume, conservator of the Utsugi clan holdings," he introduces himself. She nods again, because she doesn't know what else to say. "The Utsugi clan has been largely believed to be wiped out during the Night of the Kyuubi. Clearly, that is not the case," he says with a small smile.
She doesn't smile back.
Perhaps chagrined, perhaps not, Kunugi Mokume continues, "Unfortunately, we're under something of a quandary and a deadline on top of that: The decade of reservation is nearly up before the Utsugi clan holdings reverts to Konoha's possession. You are the sole heir but, unfortunately, due to your legal status as a minor your guardian would be the one to receive your inheritance."
Her guardian being the Ryokushoku orphanage, which just goes back to Konoha. Unless...
"Given the news of your possible inheritance, any applications for your adoption would be denied at this time. For your protection," he says.
Sure. Okay then.
"So I started with nothing and I will continue to have nothing," Tetsuki says with a nonchalant shrug.
Kunugi Mokume flinches. She doesn't know why. It's the truth. What is a clan name if there is no family to go with it? And anyway, she has long since abandoned the hope of having one.
"There is one possibility," he says, as if this were some kind of planning session and not just some stranger telling her nonsense after she's spent hours in Konoha's T&I, "If you become a legal adult before this October, you can inherit without any issue."
"Ah, of course. I'll just age a few years right now then," she snipes because she's tired and angry and something in her hates this man more than she's ever hated anything in her life for giving her this hollow, useless hope.
Weirdly enough, that makes Kunugi Mokume smile. "When you become a genin, you become a legal adult in the eyes of Konoha."
Tetsuki stares at him in confusion. "I'm only in my fifth year at the Academy," she says slowly, which, given how frequently her teachers have ratted her out to T&I as a potential spy is frankly a miracle.
He looks back at her, equally confused. "It's been a while since I've been at the Academy," he admits. 
That's fair. He's old. And she knows during wartime the length of Academy schooling is shorter.
"I have another year before my class is up for graduation," she explains. "It won't be in time for this October." She doesn't know why she's bothering, this is all nonsense.
"Maybe your class won't be ready," he argues, "but you could be. If you take the upcoming graduation exam and pass..."
He doesn't need to say any more, but he does anyway. "You have nothing, right? So what do you have to lose?"
A/N: I saw this post and I don't know why my brain responded by immediately smashing together two (arguably three? if you include (In)difference) still incomplete concepts as a response but I guess I wanted it enough to write the above.
I may continue this? I don't know.
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obsidiantrancearte · 6 years
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ARCHIVE- Eternity: Laodicea 3 Protagonists 1 Nabis Alexander Shinku Genbu Petila Magus Tulamar of the Moon
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