#not so lonely whirpool! au
kyuremking · 1 year
Fuinjutsu Theory - Hiraishin
Study of the Hiraishin and differences between Tobirama's and Minato's, with a bit of plot, ups!
"So what's the difference between the Nidaime Hokage's Hiraishin and your father's?"
The question took Akira by surprise, Han wasn't usually interested in hearing about him talking about Fuinjutsu, when Akira would have one of his bouts of inspiration that would lead him to sit for hours sometimes days to think and structure the new seal he had come up with, Han would usually find something else to do or just leave.
"Why do you ask?" He asked back curiously. Regardless of the answer he would still explain to him of the differences of the Hiraishin.
"The Hiraishin is the jutsu that killed more Iwa ninja during the last war, I want to know why your father's was more feared than the Nidaime Hokage's."
"You mean other than because my father used it more" He added, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe Han was just asking because Onoki had ordered him to do so to find out if there was a weakness. "Are you going to explain it or not. I thought you loved throwing up Fuinjutsu on people, you've done it to me enough times" Han grumbled and it was clear that this wasn't something he wanted to do but that his grandfather had ordered him to do it.
If Onoki wanted to know about the Hiraishin he could have asked Akira himself, he would have told him. Not that anyone in Iwa would be able to come close to the masterpiece that was the Hiraishin.
"I never said I wasn't going to tell you, I was just surprised by the question" He liked Han, was direct, something rare to find in most shinobi. But by some miracle of Kami most Iwa shinobi were direct and stubborn. So even if their villages were enemies he still liked to sneak into Tsuchi no Kuni to hang out with Han.
"To begin to explain the differences of the Hiraishin of the Nidaime and my father it is necessary to start with, what is Hiraishin?"
Han groaned at hearing that but didn't interrupt him, this explanation would be long and it was obvious Han would rather they were doing something else.
-The first thing: A prerequisite for the Hiraishin to work is that the user must be a sensor, I'm not talking about a simple sensor, but a high level one, otherwise the Hiraishin is impossible to perform.
-Now let's move on, the Hiraishin is a space-time Fuinjutsu. Which means that it is a seal that allows us to interact with the space around us in a certain way in a different space of time than would normally be necessary.
"Now explain it in a way that I understand" Akira gave Han a pout but continued explaining.
-All right, I'll give you an example: -Let's say I have to go somewhere. Let's say I start at A, go through B and arrive at C and it takes me one minute to go that way. A->B->C
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-But with the Hiraishin, if I already have a seal mark at point C that means I go from point A to C without passing through B and it takes less than 1 second. A->C.
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"Now that you understand that, because you do understand that, right?"
"I'm not stupid Akira, the problem is that when it comes to Fuinjutsu you speak in another language."
"No what happens is when I talk about Fuinjutsu I'm either talking to someone who knows what I'm talking about or I'm ignored, which is what you always do."
Han rolled his eyes. "Fuinjutsu is not the reason I hang out with you."
"I don't like you for your brains either. Now let me continue, you're the one who asked."
"Not because I wanted to."
"I know. Let's continue"
-Now that you know what a space-time seal is, it is time to explain the basis of the Hiraishin, the original seal of the Nidaime.
-What most people don't know is that the Hiraishin is not a single seal as many people think, but two. And these work through the Queen Bee system.
-The Queen Bee system is a sealing system under which the seals work as a team, in which a main seal that functions as the leader interacts and communicates with other secondary seals that obey the orders.
-Here let me draw it for you so that you can understand it better.
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-The main seal of the Hiraishin is placed on the user, while the secondary seals...
"They are put on the Kunai" Han guessed.
"Exactly, you're beginning to understand."
-The main seal indicates who should be transported and the secondary seals are by how many you indicate where they should be transported to.
But how does the seal know when to activate or which of the kunai to teleport the user to?
Akira laughed, it seems Han was getting into this, maybe there was still hope and he could get Han into the complicated but fascinating art of Fuinjutsu.
"That's a very good question and it's from here that the differences between the Hiraishin begin, remember I said it was necessary to be a sensor ninja?"
Han nodded.
-Well the first model of the Hiraishin the Nidaime’s worked through his sensory ability, the Nidaime was able to teleport to any of the kunai marked with his seal that was within his sensory range creating a path of chakra from him to the seal he wished to teleport to.
-However this had a couple of flaws to begin with his teleportation was very slow compared to my father's as he needed to create the chakra path beforehand and was limited to his sensory range making him unable to teleport to kunai that were outside of it.
-So the Nidaime's teleportation process can be summary on, choose which kunai with a seal he wanted to teleport to, create the chakra path to be connected and at the moment he is connected with the kunai is when the teleportation takes place.
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"And from what you're saying your father's Hiraishin consisted of improving on the existing one."
"Exactly, you seem to be starting to like this" He said mischievously, Han averted his gaze in embarrassment.
-Now let's talk about the improvements my father made, the first thing was to adapt the original formula so he would be able to use it since the previous one was customised for the Nidaime. From there he added the upgrades.
-My father tried to speed up the teleportation by speeding up the creation of the chakra path within his sensory range and after he did that, he decided it was still too slow, so he improved it again and improved it again. 
-So, until he decided that it was still too slow, he threw that method away and decided to create a parallel pocket dimension that he could use so that he would always be connected to the secondary seals on the kunai.
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-And from there-
"WAIT WHAT, Akira come down to earth!" Han interrupted. "What the hell is a parallel pocket dimension!"
Akira looked with confusion at Han. "You know a space separated from our timeline and stabilized with fuinjutsu anchored with my mother's adamantine chains in the web of space-time."
"Oh, right now it all makes so much more sense" Han said sarcastically then his fist slammed into the ground creating cracks in it. "That shit you just made that up!"
"Just because Iwagakure's fuinjutsu can be summed up as “kunai puts on seal and seal absorbs kunai”, doesn't mean that fuinjutsu is so backward elsewhere. I remind you that Uzumaki were exterminated because our Fuinjutsu," said Akira with a threatening tone.
That silenced Han. Akira preferred not to bring up my clan was exterminated card, but sometimes it needed to be brought up and being accused of lying about fuinjutsu was one of those times. "Now let's move on."
-After creating that pocket dimension my father realised that he had to modify the Hiraishin's main seal so that during the brief moment he passed through that dimension he would not die when his body was forcibly removed from the timeline and returned to it in a few milliseconds.
-He could have been torn to pieces if he hadn't, after that all my father had to do was modify the main seal so he could be always connected to the secondary seals all the time no matter how many he made and he would never have a problem choosing which one to teleport to or when he wanted to teleport to.
-Along with that he had to modify the main seal again to be able to transport other people.
-That's not to mention that unlike the Nidaime my father wouldn't have to worry about how far away the seals were since the pocket dimension always existed meaning that distances didn't matter.
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"And that's how the Hiraishin works and what are the differences of it between the Nidaime's and my father's. What do you think?"
"You're insane. What kind of deranged Kami came up with the idea that it would be a good idea for people like your father or the Nidaime Hokage to exist, what do they throw into the water in Konoha?"
"Hey, that's offensive, I haven't even told you the extent of the Hiraishin's formula."
"The extent of the formula?" Han asked with a hint of fear.
"Yes, you know, the space taken up by the sealing formula written in full."
"I know I shouldn't ask but...how much is it?"
"Well," Akira put a hand to his chin. "The original Nidaime formula was placed on a large sized scroll meaning it's about three meters wide while the length of the scroll was about twelve hundred meters, which is three thousand six hundred m²"
"You're killing me" Han complained.
Akira continued as if he hadn't heard him. "Whereas my father's with all his upgrades and customization for him comes to about three thousand meters and it's set on a large scroll just like the original which means it takes up about nine thousand m²"
Akira looked at Han, now he had really finished the Hiraishin's explanation, he was curious what Han had to say. It was quite nice to have someone ask him about fuinjutsu and he always liked to share it, he usually only had Jiraiya to talk to about it so being able to share it with Han was great.
Han didn't respond in the way Akira expected, he had expected Han to react by complaining that this was absurd as before, instead he got up from where he was sitting and started to take off his armour.
Han's armor was heavy and complicated to remove, composed of separate plates and with his great height Han was as always a strange sight, completely unlike what ninjas were supposed to be.
"What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously.
"You've bombarded me with the most insanity I've ever heard in my life, I need to not think for the next six to nine hours" Han's chest armour and arms dropped to the floor.
"Oh!" He exclaimed knowing what Han wanted and mimicked him by taking off his clothes. "Then we are gonna fuck each other's brains out. I like that" He hoped Han would ask about Fuinjutsu again, maybe next time he would tell him about the improvements he had made to his version of Hiraishin.
"I'll start" And with that said Han dropped the kama from his armor.
I decided to take Han as the other character because the guy is the most overlooked jinchuriki and deserves more love luckily Akira is there for him. If anyone wants the explanation of the Hiraishin without the whole Han and Akira thing ask and I'll put it.
Which is your opinion?
I also made some memes.
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kyuremking · 1 year
Sage mode consequences
I've been thinking about sage mode, specifically the consequences of failing to control it.
The general consequence is supposed to be that you turn to stone, but with snakes it seems that you turn into a half-snake half-human monstrosity and then the big snake devours you for being weak. 
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I've also been thinking about slugs but I want to focus on monkeys.
As I'm thinking of a fic where the theme of the sage mode of the monkeys is dealt with, I've been thinking about the consequences and how to show them. And I have the perfect character, Konohamaru's father.
What if the consequences of failing to train monkey sage mode is that your face/body is deformed by monkey features?
I could use that to highlight what could happen to someone who fails to train, that maybe death isn't the worst thing but permanent deformation like with snakes.
Perhaps this is why the members of the Sarutobi clan are so reluctant to train the sage mode because they know the possible consequences and Konohamaru's father remains in Ambu hiding his face out of shame for having failed.
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kyuremking · 1 year
Not so lonely whirpools! au Memes
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kyuremking · 1 year
Not so lonely whirpool! au
Not so lonely whirpool! au presentation of team 9.
This au came from the idea of Minato and Kushina being older than in canon and having a son (Akira) much earlier, because of the Third war there is a big age difference between Akira and Naruto. And unfortunately it will be a long time before they can call each other brother.
Akira becomes a genin at the age of 9 even though his parents wanted him to wait a little longer, but because he wanted his little brother to be proud that his older brother was already a ninja when he was born, he insisted on graduating early.
After the Kyubi attack, Akira and Naruto are orphaned. Naruto becomes a jinchuriki but this is hidden and Akira is proclaimed to be the jinchuriki to protect Naruto. Naruto is adopted by Teuchi who in this au was Minato's teammate.
Akira's goal is to become strong enough to protect Naruto once it is revealed that he is the jinchuriki and son of Minato and Kushina.
Now let's move on to team 9:
Jounin Sensei - Shinku Yūhi - 39 years old.
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Kurenai's father and in this au he did not die during the Kyubi attack but he does lose a leg so he wears a prosthetic. He has decided that this will be his last genin team and after that he will retire to be an academy master or an assistant to help in some department of the ninja forces.
His genin often leave him exhausted but he is willing to give his all for them even if it means agreeing to prepare his genin to take the chunnin exams a year after the Kyubi attack.
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Akira Uzumaki .- Son of Minato and Kushina, recently orphaned and supposed jinchuriki of the Kyubi. Despite his young age (9 years old) he dreams big with the goal of becoming the strongest and not having something like the Kyubi attack happen again (yes he is traumatized).
He is in a hurry to become a chunnin and managed to convince his teammates to take the chunnin exam in a year's time. Fuinjutsu is his favourite subject and he tends to get distracted by it so he needs someone to keep his feet on the ground.
Luckily for him he doesn't have to grow up alone as Rin's parents keep an eye on him along with Jiraiya who makes occasional visits to check on him and Naruto.
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Hanae Hyuga - (10 years old) A member of the secondary branch of the Hyuga family with the seal of the caged bird on her forehead. She hates her own weakness, desires to become the strongest in the clan and break free from the chains that bind her, and is willing to cross several dangerous lines.
It infuriates her that children younger than her are able to keep up or surpass her, so she trains until she is exhausted (which is bad for her body).
She has an uncertain path ahead of her but is willing to push forward without stopping. Her parents died during the Kyubi attack so she hates the beast.
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Isamu Sarutobi - (11 years old) Member of the Sarutobi clan and belonging to a branch of the clan much more closely linked to monkeys so he is accompanied by a white-furred monkey.
He is forced into the position of maturity and mediator in the team even though he hates it. He is still not sure what he wants to become apart from making the Sarutobi clan proud.
He is not sure how to feel about kids younger than him who can keep up with him so he tries to keep improving and getting stronger. He loves his clan's old tale of a monkey who managed to become the most powerful.
He thinks Asuma has no chance with Kurenai.
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Xiao - Isamu’s monkey companion, a small white-furred monkey enjoys jumping between members of his partner's team. He is not yet able to speak but possesses above normal strength and performs collaborative ninjutsu with his partner.
He loves all kinds of fruit, accepting or stealing treats from anyone, which often gets him into trouble.
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 And here we have the members of team 9, who are usually accompanied by Kurenai and by extension Asuma who trains with them and helps them improve. We can say that the current goal of all the team members is to become stronger.
Their rivals are team 7 consisting of Shisui Uchiha, Natsu Hyuga and Daisuke Akimichi.
The stamina means the amount of chakra, not the stamina, I think that the stamina should also be included but since it is not in the databook it stays that way although maybe I will modify it later.
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kyuremking · 1 year
I don't know what to do with Obito in my Not so lonely whirlpools au
I have two ideas and in both he suffers a fate worse than death, in one of them he gets the rest of the dead and in the other he suffers for a long, long time for being a piece of garbage.
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kyuremking · 1 year
Not so lonely whirpools! au
Naruto fic - Chapter 1
After the death of his parents during the Kyubi attack. Akira Uzumaki supposed jinchuriki of the Kyubi, son of the Yondaime Hokage and the bloody Habanero aspires to become the most powerful shinobi to protect his little brother and avenge his parents. But first he must start from the bottom, luckily for him he is not as alone as he thinks.
Post Kyubi attack, Genin Teams, Genin Era, They may be little killers in the making but they're still kids at heart, Minakushi feels
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kyuremking · 1 year
Study of the Hiraishin and differences between Tobirama's and Minato's, with a bit of plot, ups!
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kyuremking · 1 year
Not so lonely whirlpool! au - Team 9 descriptions
- Akira Uzumaki
Akira checked his clothes and equipment on impulse. He was wearing his chain mail armor underneath his white sweatshirt with purple dashed lines and his dark green trousers with pockets along with blue sandals.
He put his hands to his forehead checking that he had put on his headband and brushed aside several fluffy red locks that had fallen over his Hitai-ate. His weapon pouch was strapped to his belt and next to it were a couple of small sized scrolls also strapped to his belt. He did carry everything.
It doesn't say it because this is from a fic I'm writing and the perspective is from Akira, but Akira has blue eyes.
- Hanae Hyuga Her long straight black hair was pulled back in a complex bun and her white eyes had a slight cobalt tinge on them. On her forehead she wore the Hitai-ate of Konoha but underneath it she had bandages, most likely to cover the seal of the caged bird.
She wore a white poncho with copper embroidery and very long sleeves that hid her hands (perhaps that made the soft fist more unpredictable?), along with a long black skirt that flared at the sides for mobility and grey tights underneath the skirt along with ninja sandals.
- Isamu Sarutobi Isamu had shoulder-length brown hair that was styled in a way that reminded Akira of a mane. His eyes were brown with red lines painted underneath them.
On his forehead was the Hitai-ate of Konoha and he wore a long-sleeved ochre-coloured T-shirt over which he wore a sleeveless waistcoat. Hooked on the back he carried a Bo and had a weapon pouch strapped to his belt. Over his black trousers he had some armour pieces and unlike most ninja he wore combat boots.
- Xiao And this-" Isamu continued as something began to move inside his robes, Akira didn't have to wait long to see a white fur monkey wearing a brown waistcoat with the kanji 桃(peach) embroidered in pink emerge from Isamu's robes and stroll over his shoulder. "It's Xiao."
- Shinku Yuhi Shinku sensei was a grown man with a stern expression on his face. He had a head scarf with the Hitai-ate of Konoha on it draped over his head that covered his hair, but it was still possible to see his sideburns and the back of his spiky black hair. He had very noticeable red eyes as they bore a similarity to the sharingan.
He wore a standard jounin uniform, a black shirt and long trousers with a dark green waistcoat and a series of straps that served to hold a sword sheath on his back.
Of course this are just their genin clothes so in the future will change.
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kyuremking · 1 year
Chapter. 2 - Ascending embers above the tree
Summary: D-rank missions and weapon training
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kyuremking · 1 year
If my writing skills allowed me I would like to capture the differences in the charisma of the Uzumaki brothers in not so lonely whirpools au!
To start Naruto has a greater ease in attracting people to his side and in greater numbers.
Whereas Akira needs more time to attract people and is also quite selective as he doesn't trust easily and prefers to stick to people he really considers his friends.
You won't see Akira empathising or talking about his life with a stranger like Naruto would.
And then it's the effect they have on those people.
Naruto makes people want to be able to see his back and strive to be better than they were before they met Naruto.
With Akira that effect is much greater as Akira never stops inventing or improving something that allows him to be stronger and enjoys the feeling of knowing that if he strives he can always do better and he will. This makes Akira a person who always moves forward without waiting for anyone although he will help if asked for help.
This causes a division in the people affected by Akira.
There are those who desperately want to improve themselves to be able not to see his back but to walk beside him which makes them continuously improve or invent things never seen before. They want Akira to recognise them.
And then there are those who hate what Akira provokes in them. These are people who were happy with their strength at the time but because of the effect Akira has on them, they are forced to improve by force. Because it activates a pride in them that makes them unable to stop improving.
Saburo Nara would be the greatest exponent of this because he hates that Akira doesn't allow him to be a normal ninja even though he is a nobody.
I would also like to touch on the different elemental rasengan because even if Naruto and Akira use the same element to create a rasengan, it doesn't mean that they will work in the same way.
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kyuremking · 3 years
My AUs
Storm Raiser! 
Fic:  Break the thread
"It's not one life for two" declared the old woman on the right.
"But different opportunities" Said the one who had broken the thread.
"With a new life comes change" Smiled the one on the left.
Fic:  60 Drachmas per hour
After the World Wars the underworld cannot cope with all the souls that enter it and the threat of absolute chaos is ever closer. To avoid this the King of the Underworld resorts to desperate measures. The offspring of his employees (Set in the middle of the 20th century and will progress from there)
Senju-Uzumaki Family Tree
Fics: Survival training,  Forgotten sprouts,  And the Mist turned red,  Conversations under alcohol influence(zero recommended),  Love at the first dish
Focused on the children and grandchildren of Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju.
The Uzumaki are considered true monsters thanks to the Fuinjutsu that can do anything and their ideology is very different from the Will of Fire, causing many changes in the original story.
“Every day the Uzumaki choose chaos and chaos chooses them”
Derivated fic:  Kabuto's biggest mistake
Not so lonely whirpools!
Fics:  Hiraishin's Madness, 
After the Kyubi attack Konoha is still recovering.
But for Akira the most important thing is to get stronger to protect his little brother Naruto. Luckily for him he is not alone nor will his little brother be.
-Saint Seiya
Angst Pegasus
Based on the angst and horrible consequences that can bring the imbalance in a soul.
“Tearing out a person's soul and that person forcing his soul to return can have terrible consequences for the next reincarnation”
Aries Legacy
Fics: The Ram's Legacy
"I will protect the Earth" declared Shion with the statue of Athena, the Cloth of Pegasus and the corpse of Kairos as his only witnesses.
Shion makes a decision, 242 years later the Sanctuary is stronger than ever.
Myth War 
Map of Rodorio village
Fics: Ocean Tears
It can be considered a prequel to the other two.
Focused on the years previous to and during the First Holy War against Hades. Explains the creation of the Sanctuary and the decisions of Athena, Pegasus and Hades concerning to the future.
“Rodorio could tolerate living near to Athena and the group of freaks the goddess called her army, but her attempt to claim Bellerophon for herself was a line he wouldn't allow her to cross”
Black Clover 
Genesis au!
1200 years before the present time humans are newcomers to the continent but quickly increase their numbers and spread across it, intruding into the lives of the elves and dwarves.
As tensions begin to rise between the races the leader of the elves Druella receives a vision that warns her of the invasion of devils and the destruction of the continent.
Reluctantly the most powerful beings on the continent are forced to unite if they wish their descendants to prosper.
Star Wars
Fics: Cuy'val Dar interviews,  Felines, clones and their miscommunications
Cuy’val Dar interviews
When Jango Fett died, the clone trainers left Kamino. Everyone?
One of them is still here and Shaak Ti has the dubious honor of interviewing him. But he is just the first of many Mandalorians. Poor Shaak Ti
Fic: Old Luke Skywalker Crechemaster Time Traveler
Luke Skywalker in his 50s or 60s travels (accidentally) through time by the will of the force.
He is sent sometime between 4,000 BBY and 1,000 BBY and achieves the same kind of immortality as Master Fay. What does he do? He pretends to be a completely normal Jedi and becomes a crechemaster at the Jedi temple.
These are just ideas that anyone can use and I welcome suggestions.
Builders the stark are!
Fic:  Builders the Stark are
Queen Visenya seeks engineers to build the fortress that will become the home of the Targaryen dynasty, Torrhen Stark sends his third son.
One Piece
Dawn Film Company
The basic premise of the AU is that Garp has a second son, who doesn't formally join the Navy but works as an actor and began his career as the face of Marine recruitment posters.
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