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richea · 11 months ago
"Your Smile I Have Yet to See" by marina
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Source: Tales of Hearts Anthology Comic Translation: richea Scans/cleaning/typesetting: @aera-enfys
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kohakhearts · 6 months ago
Zelos 22, Kohaku 18&19!
thanks yume!!^^
22: if you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? something you don't like?
you know, i feel like zelos is one of those characters i’ve never actually seen an interpretation of in a fic that didn’t feel in-character. like he so would fucking say that! i think this is because of how deeply his Problems are tied into his annoying behaviours - you really can’t take away one without disrupting the other. so people who hate him because he’s an obnoxious womanizer still have to acknowledge his trauma and people who love him because he’s so Deep and Complex still have to acknowledge that he’s a problematic jerk.
that being said, i really like seeing people explore his womanizing behaviours in fics in more depth. i read this fic probably not long after its post date, so like
9 years ago? and it’s stuck with me all this time as like, peak zelos. i think the idea of him using women for non-sexual intimacy was something i hadn’t really thought of before but made so much sense when i read this fic and i love seeing that explored in other ways by other people too!
as for dislike, again i can’t think of much
i guess it’d be erasing his womanizing completely, but i really haven’t seen that very much (if at all?) lol.
18: how about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
i’m a sucker for sibling duos and kohaku and hisui have such a fun dynamic! the overprotective older brother archetype is often annoying for its inherent sexism lol and i can’t say that’s not happening here too (especially in hearts r, if memory serves), but i mean
of course hisui is overprotective, just look at everything they’ve been through! something i really like about hearts is how in the early parts of the game kohaku is a passive actor but still dominates the narrative - hisui’s concern for her creates such interesting dynamics between him and the other characters (namely shing lol) because it’s clear how unbalanced he feels by the position she’s in, and i think it also sets a strong tone for how those dynamics play out later on when she does regain her spirunes and she actively encourages him to be less grumpy lol. i just think it’s neat how much it shows how much he actually relies on her, even though his whole schtick is being the dependable older brother that SHE can rely on. idk if this makes sense but yeah. them <3
my runner-up here is her relationship with richea. it’s SO interesting, and also a little ??? because wow, what a weird situation. there’s so much potential there to explore imo and i think the game kind of drops the ball with it in favour of developing the dynamic between richea and hisui, which
fair enough, but also kohaku is so intertwined in richea’s whole. everything. i just would’ve loved to see that expanded on more than it was.
19: how about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
this is kind of a random pick but chalcedony tbh. i feel like in vanilla hearts the other characters often became kinda secondary to shing when chalcedony was around and i’m not sure hearts r really fixed that by adding him to the party? idk maybe this is selective memory on my part but i just would’ve liked to see a more fleshed out dynamic between him and any of the other characters but especially kohaku, who is obviously pretty implicated in the initial antagonism between him and the party/shing. like it was definitely touched on but clearly not in a way that stuck out for me because i can’t remember any interactions they actually had lol. to be fair i didn’t get to the point of him joining the party in hearts r so it’s possible there are interactions i never saw that would sway my opinion here but yeah. it’s been many years since i played hearts so my memory is pretty fuzzy
maybe i should continue the replay i started a couple years ago haha
character ask game
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somacruising · 6 months ago
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 8)
(Part 7) | (Part 9)
It's time to see what Chester, Sync, Kratos, Zelos, and Hilda are up to. Last time, Hilda agreed to help the Salvation Front group infiltrate I Pucelle Castle. Let's see how that's going~
Part 8 (Lotus Imperial Villa)
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I Pucelle Castle Armory む・ラプセル城内歊噚庫
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Zelos: Oh, I hope my sweet Hilda is doing all right. I wish we could have stayed together~ ヒルダちゃん、倧䞈倫かね。やっぱ俺さたも䞀緒に行っおあげたかったぜ。
Chester: That wouldn’t have worked out. Hilda can pretend to be a messenger, but we’re outright intruders. そりゃ無理だろ。ヒルダは出入りの商人の䜿いだっお顔ができるけど、オレたちは単なる䟵入者だぞ。
Sync: Not to mention the traitors among us. しかも裏切り者がいるしね。
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Zelos, Kratos, & Chester:    。
[ Hilda and Caius enter ]
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Hilda: Sorry for the wait—huh? What’s with everyone’s expressions? お埅たせ——っお、䜕みんな劙な顔しおるけど。
Sync: Who knows. Ignore them, I thought we were meeting with Shing? That’s Caius. さあね。それよりそこにいるのはシングじゃなくおカむりスだよね
Caius: Shing was summoned by Mercuria, so I don’t think we’ll see him for a while. シングならメルクリアに呌び出されたから圓分䌚えないず思う。
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Chester: What for!? どういうこずだ
Caius: Mercuria is angry about what happened with Mithos. ミトスの件で、メルクリアが怒っおるんだ。
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Caius: They let me go after questioning me about what happened, but Shing started to complain about Kohaku
 That idiot
 オレは事情を聞かれおすぐに解攟されたけどシングはコハクの件で色々文句を蚀っちたったから  。あの銬鹿  。
Chester: Damn it! How are we supposed to help Ami without Shing!? くそっシングがいなきゃアミィはどうなっちたうんだよ
Caius: I think Hilda said we just needed a Soma. Since Shing can’t be here right now, I brought Kohaku’s Soma instead. 確かヒルダの話だず゜ヌマが必芁なんだろ?シングはいないけど、代わりにコハクの゜ヌマを持っおきた。
Caius: I didn’t bother asking, so Shing might get angry at me later. But this will help, right? 勝手に持っおきたから、あずでシングに怒られるかも知れないけど、圹に立぀か
Kratos: I’m sure this will be helpful. May I hold onto it? きっず参考になるだろう。預からせお貰えるだろうか。
Caius: Sure. Just be careful not to break it. もちろん。壊したりしないでくれよ。
Kratos: I promise to be careful. 玄束する。
Caius: And
about what you said before about helping me out. Were you being serious? それず  前に蚀っおた力を貞しおくれるかも知れないっお話。あれ、本気か
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Zelos: Hmm? Did something come up? ん䜕かあったのか
Caius: Nothing yet
 But I’ve got a bad feeling that something’s about to happen. ただ䜕ずも  。でもそうなりそうな気がしおる。
Hilda: It’s about Rubia—her friends were taken from the Warrior’s Hall and declared traitors. ルビア——この子の仲間が反逆者ずしお戊士の通から連行されちゃったのよ。
Hilda: I’ve been investigating where they might be being held and I’ve finally come up with a few ideas. 䜕凊に収容されおいるのか私の方で調べおたんだけどようやくいく぀か候補が挙がっおきたの。
Chester: Oh Rubia
 damn it! ルビアが  。くそっ
So you still haven’t found Rubia.   ただルビアの居堎所は特定できぬのだな。
Hilda: No, I haven’t. It’s going to take a little more time to narrow it down. ええ。絞り蟌みにはもう少しだけ時間がかかりそうなのよ。
Kratos: In that case, take this, Caius. ならばカむりス、これを持っおおけ。
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Caius: A mirrage
? この鏡は  
Kratos: It’s a communication device. They stopped working after the Mirror Shift, but this one is back in service now. 通信装眮だ。鏡殻倉動以降䜿い物にならなくなっおいたがたた䜿えるようになった。
Kratos: You can use it to contact us if you need help. 必芁があればそれを䜿っお我らに声を掛けおくれ。
Oh, thank you!   ああ。ありがずう
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*sighs* You’re a real softie. You always go the extra mile, huh?   はぁ、お人奜しだね。ほんずゎクロりサマ。
Caius: Oh, right! Everyone, you should all get out of the castle as soon as you can. Nazar and Tigr are coming soon. そうだみんな、そろそろ城を出た方がいい。ナヌザずチヌグルがこっちに来るっお話だ。
Sync: A cheagle—oh, you mean that odd blond guy. I thought you were talking about a particularly ugly monster. チヌグル  ああ、あの金髪の劙な男か。ブサむクな魔物のこずかず思った。
Chester: It’ll be trouble if we run into Nazar. ナヌザず鉢合わせするず面倒だぞ。
Zelos: Agreed. We should get out of here. What about you, my sweet Hilda? そうだな。さくっず脱出するか。ヒルダちゃんはどうすんのよ。
Hilda: —Can you please stop calling me that? ——その呌び方、いい加枛やめおくれない
Zelos: Eeh~!? How about Madam Hilda, then~? ええじゃあヒルダ様
Hilda: No! ぶ぀よ
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Zelos: It’s so nice of you to let me know ahead of time before you hit me, Madam Hilda~! ぶ぀前に蚀っおくれるなんお優しすぎるぜ、ヒルダ様
Hilda: Ah
can one of you do something about this idiot? あヌ  。この銬鹿䜕ずかしおくれない
Kratos: My apologies. The Chosen
 Zelos just wants to play around with you. すたぬな。神子  れロスはあなたずじゃれ合いたいだけなのだ。
Zelos: Why are you saying something like that with such a serious face!? 真面目な顔でそヌゆヌこずいうのやめおくれねヌかな
Hilda: —Anyway! I need to have a few more discussions with Caius about the search for Rubia. ——ずにかく私はカむりスずルビアの捜玢に぀いおもう少し打ち合わせしおいくわ。
Hilda: You all should go on ahead. あんたたちは先に逃げなさい。
Caius, where is Mithos?   カむりス。ミトスはどこにいる
Caius: Mithos? 
I think he’s at the shelter he built in the nearby forest. ミトス  倚分近くの森に䜜った避難所にいるず思う。
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Sync: What shelter? 避難所っお䜕。
Mithos was getting ready to hide Martel there, but she was kidnapped before he could do that.   マヌテルさんを匿うために準備しおたらしいんだ。その前に攫われちゃったけどさ。
Kratos: Can you give us its exact location? 詳しい堎所を教えおくれ。
Well, I’m sure it’s fine if it’s you guys. Here, I’ll draw you a map.   たぁ、あんたたちなら倧䞈倫か。今、地図を曞くよ。
Kratos: Hilda, I’ll pass on Aster’s message. Is that all right with you? ヒルダ。アステルからの䌝蚀は私から䌝えおおく。それでいいか
Hilda: Yes, it’d be helpful if you would. そうね。そうしおくれるず助かるわ。
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Chester: Wait. I don’t have time to go meet up with Mithos! 埅った。オレはミトスに䌚いに行っおる暇なんおないぞ
Sync: Then we’ll have Zelos take Chester back to the Kerykeion. だったら、れロスがチェスタヌをケリュケむオンぞ送っおやればいい。
Kratos: Will you be coming with me, Sync? シンクは私ず共にくるのか
Sync: Mark will get angry if I leave you alone. アンタ䞀人残しお垰ったらマヌクが怒るからね。
Sync: Well, I don't particularly care, but listening to him go on and on would be annoying. I’m doing myself a favor by going with you. たぁ、それでもいいけどし぀こくᅵᅵどくど蚀われるのも面倒だ。アンタに付き合えば矩理は果たせるだろ。
Heh.   フッ。
Tsk. What’s with that knowing expression on your face? I've figured out why Zelos hates you.   チッ。䜕もかもわかっおたすっお柄たし顔か。れロスがアンタを嫌う理由がわかったよ。
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Zelos: Ehehehehe. Right? Glad we’ve finally bonded, Synkun. でひゃひゃひやひゃ。だろヌ仲間になれお嬉しいよ、シンくん。
Sync: I refuse to be friends with you, Idiot Chosen. アンタず仲間になるのもお断りだねバカ神子。
Who cares, hurry up! Ami is waiting for us!   䜕でもいいから急ぐぞアミィが埅っおるんだ。
(Part 7) | (Part 9)
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goldentigerfestival · 11 months ago
The 30 day Tales challenge... in one post or else it would never get done!
Favorite Tales game: Legendia
Favorite Main Male Hero: Yuri and Senel
Favorite Main Female Hero: Kohaku
Favorite Side Male Character: Moses
Favorite Side Female Character: Stella
Favorite Canon Pairing: Senel/Stella + Shing/Kohaku
Favorite Non-Canon Pairing: how official is stahn/leon at this point i wonder
Favorite Opening Song: Destiny
Favorite Location: ??? idfk the entire Legacy??? I'll go with Werites Beacon for simplicity I guess. feels like home
Favorite Mascot: Giet. don't tell me he's not a mascot, I'm not listening. (and if you want to try having that discussion my answer is still the Oresoren so we're not getting far, are we)
Favorite Monster: ??? also dfk, probably something cute except i don't like hurting cute so i guess we're stuck
Favorite Boss Battle: UHHHH listen it hurts to say but Vicious; bc the raw emotion that went into that entire storyline ate me whole
Favorite Villain: since I'm avoiding antagonists here (such as Duke who aren't explicitly villains) and prefer to go full villain, Creed.
Least Liked Character: not opening THAT can of worms!!! :D
Your First Tales Game: boooo boriiiing. Symphonia like the other half of the western population. no fancy answer here
Your Favorite Scene: ??? I mean, there's... a lot I guess??? Stahn pleading with Leon moments before disaster??? Kanata crying that Vicious was okay and came back to them??? Moses saying literally anything ever in any scene ever??? the end of Innocence but when you choose Spada as your soulmate bc I'm a bias little fuck??? anything with Yuri and Flynn being happy together??? the entirety of Legendia???
Funniest Scene: idk but it either had Moses in it, Vicious in it, or it was Spada's "I can't believe you mixed up Frosty the Snowman with the Abominable Snowman"
Saddest Scene: Moses' Character Quest cutscene (if not the whole fucking CQ), moments during disaster with Leon, moments during disaster with Asch
Favorite Quote: a lot of stuff Vicious said ngl. can't think of nor pick one off the top of my head but every time he Gets Serious it's one of those and I fall in love further every single time. but if we wanna be REEEALLY simple? "Yeehaw". thanks, Moses. maybe Yuri has said something cool enough to get on the top list, but I'm not sure anything is trumping "yeehaw", and maybe that's equal to something Vicious said
Favorite Piece of Gameplay Music: Scutum - Decisive Battle. Pour one out for Rebirth having the fucking BEST battle theme ever.
Most Shocking Reveal: ??? I'm... not sure at this point. Giet??? was it Senel??? maybe Mathias and Ruca??? Ratatosk and Emil??? I kind of want to say Ratatosk and Emil because I remember being very impressed with the direction of the plot, in that the main protagonist/player character was actually the villain the whole time that the antagonist was trying to kill the whole time. definitely not a plot direction you usually get in JRPGs. Giet's story still hit like an entire brick building 100 storeys high falling on me though
Favorite One on One Fight: that was actually FUN??? uhhh idk Vicious against Kasque. what did you expect me to say???
Favorite Skit: way too many skits to have even a semblance of an idea. I'm going to assume it was either something related to Yuri and Flynn, Moses, Vicious, Spada or Stahn. that's about the closest I can pinpoint
Favorite Tales Spell: I don't... think I have one...
Favorite Tales Weapon: -bangs fist on desk and gets really obvious really fast- BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS. after that the Swordians
Tales World You Want to Live In: honestly Legendia's and Graces' seem the most reasonably normal compared to the rest, but also shiny fingertips and Moses is a pretty solid Legendia
Favorite Animated Tales Series/OVA: (don't say rays don't say rays don't say rays don't say stahn/leon) probably First Strike if only because it focuses on Yuri and Flynn who I love, but Abyss' anime was very solid compared to the other Tales animated series that were just heavily condensed versions (or worse in Eternia's case, not even being relevant to the main story). like, I would not recommend the animated series to anyone prior to playing the game except for Abyss, which is the full major story and I have inarguably rewatched that anime more than I've played the game. I guess in terms of general animated, FS, but in terms of actual consistency to the game it came from and dedication it had in retelling the story faithfully without skipping 80 percent of it, Abyss
Favorite Tales Outfit: RICHARD??? HEEEELLO??? not arc F though that shit is too fruity for me. also Leon has VERY enjoyably bright colors that make him stand out and as a Very Deeply Definitely Not Obsessive Leon Enjoyer, I very much love that. Aegis also has a really nice outfit. Asbel's is pretty but definitely not Richard level of I'm obsessed with this look
Favorite Game Plot: -breaks everything in your room and your neighbor's room for good measure- TURN IT BACK ON NAMCO I'M PAST MY LIMIT SO I'M PROBABLY IN OVERLIMIT (Crestoria. it's that or I'm saying Legendia again. Innocence and Hearts both are really close runner ups tho!!! definitely the most unique in the franchise imo out of the mainline games and sadly confined to "nobody fucking cares about them and never did")
Favorite Game Ending: so that's got... layers. it really depends on the sub topic. I guess in terms of a happy ending, Graces (the Wii version specifically, getting Richard back. don't really care for the ending of arc F and lean more toward disliking it). in terms of a depressing fucking ending that makes me Very Upsetti, Destiny. there is literally nothing happy about Destiny's ending for me. like yeah we saved the world, but at a LOT of cost and it's just depressing. I've wanted to make a post about that anyway, but basically it's a type of ending they don't really make anymore (especially in Tales), and the emotional impact for me was a lot heavier than the other games, with Destiny 2 lingering right behind it. both Destiny games were just DEPRESSING, and no matter how bittersweet Destiny 2's ending was, it's still DEPRESSING. Vesperia at least had a more outright happy ending (that wasn't completely changed by a post game ending arc with a totally different ending) and I finally at that point didn't lose my favorite character to Certain Final Boss Death or Recurring Side Character I Came To Love Dying Unceremoniously and Undeserved. only a couple of top favorites actually came out of their games alive for me by Vesperia in terms of games I know + release timeline (to put it into perspective, by the time of Vesperia in release order (so not the order I played in bc I don't really remember the whole actual order at this point), out of all the games I know, my favorite character death toll was five to three survivors not counting Vesperia. still haven't played Eternia so I'm not counting that one). so I guess like, my answer is a whacky combination of Graces for the Wii, Destiny and Vesperia. maybe if Hearts hadn't killed my mans off then it could've had it all. 😔
#GTF Things#Tales 30 Day Challenge#mainly doing this in case anyone has Same Hat Opinions and wants to talk abt them LOL#for number 22 it was also fun using his new form. normally one on one battles are either#annoying or just a nightmare. or just outright unwinnable by scripted plot (ex Senel and Melanie)#as far as ''canon'' ships go that's also a can on worms i am NOT opening until society can accept that gay ppl actually exist :)#anyway have i properly established my love for legendia now? for crestoria? for moses? for vicious?#i post abt them a lot less bc the amount of content out there for like#vesperia and abyss which i tend to post reblogs of most is WAAAAAY beyond higher#it's kind of like... the less i talk abt it and the less content it has... the more likely i WANT to talk abt it and LOVE it#i could talk to you about moses and spada ALL FUCKING DAY but most ppl haven't played either game or don't care for them#and also i usually stay quiet abt moses bc ONCE THOSE GATES ARE OPEN YOU'RE NOT SHUTTING THEM#moses leon vicious and spada are like... the ones i would love to talk abt nonstop forever#bc they're talked abt a lot less. leon IS popular even in the west but your average tales fan#is not going to know destiny/that it exists or have played destiny or even care to from my experience#i ramble abt what faves i can basically LOL but many of my actual top of the top faves are so obscure that like#i can't find ppl to talk to abt them. yuri is in a very very weird place with my faves#bc my technical favorite in that game is duke but yuri gets senel level position of fave mc#and is also Very Special to me so he's in a weird place as a favorite that#in some ways passes Actual Favorite Duke and in other ways doesn't
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seine-draws · 6 years ago
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Regret / Fear / Love
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crestoria-ssr-images · 3 years ago
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Tales of Hearts!
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toc-battlequotes · 4 years ago
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Kor: Don't you worry, Kohaku. I promise I'll protect you!
Kohaku: I want to protect you too, Kor.
Kor: What? N-No, I'm protecting you!
Kohaku: And I'll protect you!
Kor: Pft... Ah ha ha ha!
Kohaku: Pft... Hee hee hee!
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moonlightrapsodia · 5 years ago
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Happy Halloween :D
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tales-of-asteria · 6 years ago
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As-yon! The Tales of Asteria 4koma #075: Dual Mystic Arte
Artist: Kirai Yuu
Translation & Editing: Neyla ~ Kiiroi Senkou Quality check & Proofreading: DimensionSlip
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neylakiiroisenkou · 6 years ago
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Selfie with Sh... my brother Hisui ^^;
↪ twitter link
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princess-zelda-doodles · 6 years ago
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This is my @talesofcovertcupid gift for @kohakhearts ! Happy Valentine’s Day! 
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richea · 1 year ago
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Official Tales of Hearts Nintendo DS sticker cover illustration by Mutsumi Inomata
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kohakhearts · 2 years ago
connected hearts
In a rare moment of reprieve on their journey, Kohaku's thoughts rest with her friends, both new and old.
fandom: tales of hearts rating: g relationship(s): kohaku & richea, kohaku/shing word count: 1.6k written for @talesfanzine read here
It’s a quiet night.
Kohaku typically appreciates quiet nights. Lately, when everything has been so hectic—and complicated—and downright scary—she appreciates it even more than usual. With how exhausted everyone else is, she knows she isn’t alone in that.
The thing is, it is not a source of reprieve tonight. There is a knot in her chest, unrest in her stomach. It has been growing for days, and while she is certainly not the only anxious one

This is different. Something is wrong, and no amount of gazing up at the stars has managed to solve it.
Instead, she takes to staring at her companions. Hisui and Innes seem to be in the midst of some sort of debate, which Beryl is perhaps refereeing (in Innes’s favour, by the looks of things). Kunzite stands close by. Kohaku gets the sense he is listening in on the conversation.
Just when she is beginning to wonder where he has gone off to, she hears someone settle down beside her and turns to face Shing. He hands her some water. Her thanks has no time to extend beyond a smile before he’s saying, “You don’t have an opinion on what makes a good stew?”
“Huh?” She pauses. Scoffs at him. “Of course I do!”
“Then why aren’t you sharing?”
She follows his gaze back to where the others are. Suddenly, Hisui’s low standing makes sense.
“I thought they were talking about Soma,” she admits.
“Nope. Just stew. I’d say they’re both wrong anyway, but my grandpa never taught me how he did it.”
His expression is forlorn when she glances back at him, but brightens as soon as their eyes meet.
“So, what are you doing all alone over here, then?” he asks.
“Just thinking, I guess.”
“Yeah? I don’t think you’re the only one.”
This time, his gaze is cast across their camp. Kohaku was so busy watching the others, she hadn’t noticed that, on the other side of the fire, Richea is sitting by her lonesome, too. Though her profile is half-obscured by the night, there is a stark tension in her figure illuminated by the flames against the shadows. The position is familiar, if only because Kohaku can already feel all the anxiety inherent in it.
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somacruising · 11 months ago
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 4)
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
Whomp whomp I'm back again with more Rayslations. Now that we've finally got Mithos to Calm Down, everyone gathers around to discuss the next course of action...
Part 4 (6-3 Lotus Imperial Villa)
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Shing: First of all, before we get into everything—Mithos, I want you to apologize for what you did earlier. たず、色々事情を聞く前に——ミトス。さ぀きのこずみんなに謝れよ。
Mithos: A human has no right to interfere with me. 人間がボクの邪魔をするからいけないんだよ。
Shing: What’s with that attitude!? You could have seriously injured Caius, not just me! 䜕だよその態床はオレだけじゃなく、カむりスも倧怪我するずころだったんだぞ
Mithos: I never touched a hair on Caius. カむりスには、ただ手を出しおいなかったけどね。
Mithos: If you’re this angry, then I’ll give you a special chance to hit me after your wounds have healed. You should be proud I would give this honor to a human. そんなに腹が立぀なら、その傷が癒えおから特別にボクを殎らせおあげるよ。人間がボクを殎れるなんおありがたく思っおよね。
Shing: This isn’t a joke, damn it! ふざけるな
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Caius: Mithos
don’t be discriminatory towards humans! ミトス  人間人間っお差別するような蚀い方するなよ
Mithos: It’s fine for me to discriminate, you know? * 差別しおるんだからいいでしょ。
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Zelos: Yeah, yeah, let’s stop before we get in trouble again. So, what the hell happened? はいはい、たた揉めるからそこたでにしようや。で、䜕があったのよ。
Mithos: Shut up, you backstabbing worm. 裏切り者のアホ神子は黙っおお。
Sync: Fufu
 フフ  。
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Zelos: What was funny about that, Sync!? そこ、笑うずこかよ、シンク
Kratos: This isn’t going anywhere. I heard that Mithos was attacking everyone. What happened? 話が進たぬな。私はミトスが暎れおいるず聞いた。䜕故そんなこずになった
Shing: That’s what I want to know. Aster—he’s Richter’s friend—asked me to check on Dist. それはこっちが聞きたいよ。アステル——リヒタヌの友達にディストの様子を芋るように頌たれたんだ。
Shing: So, Caius and I went over and found that Mithos was beating the hell out of Dist
 で、カむりスず二人で来おみたらミトスがディストをボコボコに  。
Mithos: And I would have finished him off if you guys hadn’t stopped me. お前たちが止めに入らなければあい぀にずどめを刺せるずころだったのに。
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Sync: Really? What a shame. Why do you want to kill that Reaper, anyway? Not that I don’t understand why you’d get the urge. ぞぇ、それは惜しいこずをしたな。で、なんであの死神を殺したいのさ。たぁ、殺したくなる気持ちはわかるけど。
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Because that maggot put his filthy hands on my sister.   あのりゞ虫が姉さたに手を出したからだ。
Zelos: Dist sure is one crazy bastard, and his research tends to be pretty dangerous. 
Hey, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. ディストっおのは、確か色々やばい研究をしおるむカレ野郎だったよな。  おい、嫌な予感がしおきたぞ。
Kratos: Mithos, was turning someone into a vessel for the goddess your idea? ミトス、神降ろしはお前の発案か
Mithos: I realize this sounds like I was doing in our original world, but I have nothing to do with this. Richter and Dist are the ones turning people into vessels. 確かにボクが元の䞖界で進めおいたこずは話したよ。でも神降ろしを実行しおいるのはリヒタヌずディストだ。
Mithos: As long as I’m involved with this, there’s no way I’m letting my sister become part of it! ボクが関わっおいるならマヌテル姉さたを関わらせる蚳がない
Sync: Whoops, you’re a little late on that. They’ve already snatched Martel to use as the next vessel. おっず、䞀足遅かったか。こっちもマヌテルを次の神降ろしに䜿う可胜性に思い圓たったんだけどね。
Mithos: I was restrained while he took my sister. That’s why I tried to kill him
 あい぀はボクを足止めしおいる間に姉さたを攫ったんだ。だから殺しおやろうずしたのに  。
Hm? But isn’t the ceremony of the goddess meant to cure Kohaku? Why would Martel need to be involved?    ん神降ろしはコハクの治療のために行っおたんだろどうしおマヌテルさんが巻き蟌たれるの
Mithos: Oh
that’s right. I’ll tell you since it’d be pointless to keep hiding it at this point. They’ve been lying to you, Shing. ああ  そうだったね。もう隠すのも銬鹿銬鹿しいから話しおあげるよ。シングは隙されおるんだ。
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Shing: W-what do you mean? The divine descent is a ceremony to restore Kohaku’s lost heart, isn’t it!? ど、どういうこずだよ。だっお神降ろしは虚無に飛ばされたコハクの心を取り戻す儀匏なんだろ
Kratos: You know Kohaku!? お前はコハクの知り合いか
Shing: You know Kohaku!? Kohaku is my friend! コハクを知っおるのコハクはオレの仲間だ
Shing: I’ve been struggling with doing all kinds of things I haven’t wanted to do, all because Mercuria promised she would help Kohaku
  メルクリアがコハクを助けおくれるっお蚀ったから、オレは気が乗らないこずも必死で我慢しおきたのに  。
Shing: Was everything Mercuria said to me just a lie
? メルクリアの蚀っおたこずは党郚嘘だったのか  
Mithos: Just a lie? 
Who can say? She’s just a little girl. But, she’s certainly hiding something. 党郚嘘  ずはいえないかもね。あの通りのお嬢様だから。でも隠しおいるこずはある。
But Mercuria promised me similar things. She promised me that my sister wouldn’t be touched
   もっずもボクも同じこずをされた蚳だけどね。姉さたには手を出させないっお玄束だったのに  。
Kratos: As I was saying, Shing. Kohaku is in the care of the Salvation Front. I was told she was in danger of losing her heart. シングず蚀ったか。コハクは救䞖軍が預かっおいる。圌女は心を倱っお危険な状態にあるず聞いおいる。
Shing: She’s lost her Spiria
that part was true!? スピリアを倱っお  そこの郚分は本圓なの
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Caius: How could Mercuria do this? I couldn’t believe it when she turned Flynn into a Living Doll
 メルクリアの奎、どうしおこんなこずを。フレンをリビングドヌルにしたのも信じられなかったし  。
Caius: I wonder if she’s changed. あい぀、倉わっちたったのかな。
Kratos: Let’s get a few things straight. You say Martel was kidnapped by Dist. What happened to Dist after you attacked him? 少し敎理しよう。マヌテルはディストが攫ったのだったな。ディストはミトスの攻撃を受けお、その埌どうした
Mithos: He was carried away by a bizarre robot while Caius and the others were stopping me. I tried to go after him, but here we are. あい぀はカむりスたちに止められおいる間に倉なロボットに運ばれおいったよ。远いかけようずしたらこの有様だけどね。
Kratos: All right, I’ll call the Salvation Front for help and then we can start searching for her. Shing, how did Kohaku lose her heart? よし、そちらは救䞖軍にも応揎を芁請しお捜玢にあたろう。シング、コハクは䜕故心を倱うこずになったのだ
Shing: Richter was suffering, so we tried to help him. リチャヌドっお人が苊しんでたから助けようずしたんだ。
Shing: We tried to do a Spiria Link with our Soma to defeat this xerom-like creature inside of him, but then Kohaku suddenly collapsed— ゜ヌマでスピルリンクしお、れロムみたいな奎を倒そうずしたんだけど、スピルリンクに問題があったのか、コハクが突然倒れお——
Zelos: I see, I see
I see that I didn’t understand a single part of that! なるほどなるほど  っおその説明蚳わかんねヌよっ
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Zelos: Can you please explain it like you’re talking to someone who doesn’t know anything? 䜕も知らない人間にもわかるように説明しおくれっかなヌ。
Shing: Uh, so, we can use these weapons to get inside someone’s Spiria—their heart. えっず、぀たりオレたちはこの歊噚で人のスピリア——心の䞭に入れるんだ。
Shing: Richter’s Spiria had some kind of monster in it, so Kohaku and I entered it to get rid of it. リチャヌドのスピリアの䞭に魔物みたいな奎がいたから、それを退治しようず思っおコハクず䞭に入ったんだ。
Shing: But, there was something really wrong and Kohaku collapsed. でも、䜕かがい぀もず違っおおコハクが倒れちゃったんだよ。
Shing: That’s when Mercuria came to our rescue and said she would restore Kohaku’s Spiria. そのずきにメルクリアが助けおくれおコハクのスピリアを取り戻しおくれるっお蚀ったんだ。
Shing: But Kohaku isn’t in the Empire anymore, and if they were lying to me, then I’m not staying with them. でもコハクはもう垝囜にいないし隙されおたのなら今曎ここにずどたる理由はないよ。
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If you intend on leaving the Empire, then why not join up with us? If so, we’d actually prefer it if you stayed with them for a while.   もし垝囜を離れる぀もりがあるなら我らず協力しないかそしおしばらくの間垝囜に留たったたたで力を貞しおほしい。
Sync: We can make use of someone close to the enemy. 敵の懐にいる奎は利甚できるからね。
Shing: So you guys just want to use me, too!? お前らたでオレを利甚する぀もりなのか
Mithos: You want to use him as a spy instead of Chester? チェスタヌの代わりにスパむをしろっおこずでしょ
Zelos: Well, Chester wasn’t spying on us, he was spying on Mileena and her friends. たあ、チェスタヌは俺たちじゃなくおミリヌナちゃんたちからのスパむだったᅵᅵどな。
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Caius: I’m
not in a position to help you directly, but Shing is. I’ll help Shing where I can if he agrees to spy for you. オレは  力を貞すこずはできないけどシングはいいんじゃないかシングがスパむずしお動くなら、オレも協力するぞ。
Caius: I need to deal with Rubia and Lukius, so I can help as long as it’s not too obvious. ルキりスずルビアのこずがあるからばれない範囲でになるけど。
Shing: All I want to do is go to Kohaku’s side. Just
give me some time to think about this. 本圓は今すぐコハクの傍に行きたいんだ。だから  少し考えさせおくれ。
Kratos: Don't worry, we won’t force you to make a decision now. But, you have to understand that a mole within the Empire will be a great help to us. 構わぬ。無理匷いする぀もりはない。ただ、垝囜の内情を知る人間は我らにずっお倧きな戊力になる。
Kratos: We aren’t just using you. We want to cooperate with you as equals. だから利甚するのではない。お互い同等の立堎ずしお協力しお欲しい。
Shing: I understand. I need to think about whether I can believe you. I've already learned my lesson about jumping the gun like I did with Mercuria. わかった。その蚀葉が信じられるのかちゃんず考えおみる。もうメルクリアの時みたいに慌おお飛び぀くのは懲りたからさ。
Kratos: And—Caius, right? I know you have your reasons, but we'd appreciate it if you'd let us go. それから——カむりス、だったな。立堎もあるだろうが、我らのこずを芋逃しおくれるずありがたい。
Kratos: And if we can be of any help, let us know. It’s clear that you’re not serving the Empire willingly. そしおもしも我らで力になれるこずがあれば蚀っおくれ。どうやらお前も理由があっお垝囜に埓わされおいるようだ。
Thank you. But it’s not like I’m helpless. I’m working with some people I know to do something.   ありがずう。オレも䜕もしおない蚳じゃないᅵᅵᅵだ。知り合いず䞀緒にどうにかしようっお動いおる。
Caius: If we need anything
I’ll let you know. 䜕かの時には  頌むよ。
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Mithos, will you join us?   ミトス。我らのずころに来ないか
Mithos:    
Kratos: I want to work together to save Martel. This time, I want to save her, too. マヌテルを助けるために協力しよう。今床こそ、私もマヌテルを救いたい。
Mithos: —You listened to what everyone had to say and instructed them
 You sound like how you were in the past. ——そうやっおいろんな人の話を聞いお色々指瀺出しお  。そういうずこ、昔ず倉わらないね。
Kratos: Is that so
? Humans are creatures that change, but humans also tend to have trouble letting go of their old habits. そうだろうか  。人は成長する生き物でありながら、凝り固たった自分を捚おられぬ生き物だからな。
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Mithos: That’s right. That’s why
I can’t go with you. I can’t work with you, Kratos. そうだね。だから  ボクは行けない。ボクはクラトスず䞀緒にはいられない。
Mithos: You’re no longer my teacher. You are no longer my subordinate. This is a different world. I’m not your lord anymore. もうクラトスはボクの垫匠じゃない。郚䞋でもない。ここは異䞖界だ。ボクはクラトスの支配者であるこずをやめたんだ。
Mithos: The oath of knighthood you swore to me has long since been null and void. Besides, I can't go back to the old me. ** ボクに捧げられた階士の誓いはずっくに無効だよ。それにボクももう昔のボクには戻れない。
Mithos: That’s why I’m going to look for my sister. Of course, you can at least cooperate with me. だからボクはボケで姉さたを捜しお助ける。もちろん協力はしおもいいよ。
*This doesn’t feel exactly right, but
 I’m not sure so fkdndnd Mithos please ** I’m not that familiar with Symphonia so I’m assuming this is a reference to something that happened in the past.
(Part 3) | (Part 5)
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goldentigerfestival · 1 year ago
JP Yuri (and Flynn) posts.
Genealogy of the Condemned (Yuri and Flynn childhood) manga translation.
I like talking about Tales a Really Normal amount, so here's some information if you're looking for someone to be Perfectly Normal with (read: the stuff I will mewl about if given the chance or will simply do on my own anyway)!
These aren't reflective of what will be on this blog in a strictly, only these things sense - more that I like to gush about these things in particular or very strongly like them/like talking about them!
Everything is ordered by game because after my top twos/threes, any kind of favorite list starts getting very muddled.
Destiny (second favorite)
Legendia (favorite)
Innocence (not R) (also second favorite)
Graces (JP ver)
Dhaos, Chester
Leon (second favorite overall), Stahn
Mithos, Zelos
Richter, Emil
Moses (top of the top favorite), Jay, Senel (Stella and Fenimore are somewhere circling the top)
Asch, Jade
Duke, Yuri, Flynn, Schwann (Raven is tailing along)
Creed, Kohaku
Richard, Asbel
Vicious, Aegis
Zelos/Lloyd (Genis/Mithos is up there)
Richter/Aster, Richter/Emil
Jay/Moses, Senel/Stella, Shirley/Fenimore
Asch/Luke, Guy/Natalia, Luke/Natalia
Richard/Asbel, Hubert/Cheria
Platonic Things I Will Holler About:
Leon/Judas + Kyle (particularly familial, particularly dad energy)
Zelos+Kratos (particularly of the son/father in law sort...)
Mithos+Richter (at least gachas have my back)
Veigue+Senel (gachas still have my back)
Senel+Fenimore (sister in law energy...)
Yuri+Judith (do ship it slightly too)
If it ain't here it's not because I dislike/hate it - I have others of each I enjoy but those are my favorites/what I'm inclined to enjoy talking about most!
Among other things, I have no familiarity with Eternia (may or may not change), Tempest, Zestiria (very very minor familiarity right now as I just didn't get far and haven't picked it back up yet), or Berseria.
Also familiar with Rays, Asteria and Link.
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seine-draws · 6 years ago
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Tales of Hearts x Soul Eater crossover. I’ve been thinking about this for so long, it was time I finally drew it ☆圡 (Full resolution)
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