yooosei · 11 days
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don't seem to get along
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kos-tyan · 11 months
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this pairing is kinda controversial but I can't help myself but like it….
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hei3355 · 1 year
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
I'm working on a comm right now but after that's done I'm gonna post another MP100 fic bc I have no self-control SO it's poll time again ✨
(Ship names are not an indicator of top/bottom dynamics given that most of these don't contain smut and the ones that do are mostly ambiguous. I just like the way the spelling looks so they're the ones I use most often 👍)
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aftokrator-official · 2 years
MP100 x text posts/tweets
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cadriox · 2 years
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Be careful of what you wish for
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mappapapa · 2 years
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tr0llskog · 1 year
Shimateru date idea:
Teru and Shimazaki go shopping for clothes. Teru tries on and shows off various outfits while Shimazaki keeps smiling and giving thumbs up to all of them.
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aladris21 · 2 years
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You’re a lot of fun, aren’t you?
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mobupis · 2 years
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Working on… candymaker au… 🥺
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misinininining · 2 years
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yooosei · 4 months
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Bro au
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pompoison · 2 years
Happy 30th birthday, Shimazaki! 🎉 Now all your ships with the local twinks have an even bigger age gap, you sly bastard!! 🙀🙀
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copyspaghetti · 2 years
Someone please explain why shimateru is a good ship I want to get into it but I don’t really Get It yet but I want to get it! I am all ears for anyone who wants to talk endlessly about why they like shimateru! Pspspsp?
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
10, 11, 12, 19, 42, and 45 for Shimateru? 🥺
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
The girls are fiiightiiiiing 💅✨
Nah but fr, fist fighting and sparring with their powers are a big point of quality time for them. It's how they met, it's how they "made up" (read: became attracted to each other), it's how they start and resolve arguments, it's how they let off steam, and oftentimes how they start sex. Fighting as foreplay my beloved 🙏
It's cathartic for both of them Shimazaki finds it fun, a way to let loose, and Teruki feels the same, but with more relief, because Shimazaki is the only person he can go all out against. Not because he's strong, but because he knows Shimazaki's not afraid of hitting back and giving as good as he gets.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
Oohhh Shimazaki loves to use petnames for Teru, and Teru fucking hates it, especially in the beginning. Shimazaki's favorites to use are Kitten (and all it's variations), Sparky, and Sweetheart—all incredibly condescending. At first, anyway. He likes the way Teruki's aura flares when he says them, his little lightning bolt gets so pissed off >:3 He eventually adds on Lovely once they're closer and those nicknames don't sound quite so mean anymore; if anything, they're almost -gasp- affectionate? 👀
Teru himself has a few nicknames for Shimazaki that he uses later on, standard stuff like Love and Darling. He uses them sarcastically at first, much like Shimazaki, but then he too falls into the trap of affection 😔🙏 RIP unattached Teru he will be missed.
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
Ahh, not really? They've both been on their own so long that I don't see them ever really becoming codependent that way. They're people that like their space and need alone time, so they work pretty well together in that respect. So yes, fairly independent.
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
THIS one is fun, because while Teruki absolutely probably steals Shimazaki's leather jackets and pants from time to time, Shimazaki can't really,,,,,see, what he's picking up when he handles Teru's clothes. He can see the shape and cut of it due to Teruki's aura being all over it, but he can't exactly see the colors or designs on them. He has no way of knowing that Teru has the brightest, neon fashion sense known to man unless someone tells him, and you can bet your ass that absolutely no one is going to.
Shimazaki steals Teru's jackets and scarves and even his shirts sometimes, maybe a watch or two, and then you have this intimidating emo-looking guy waltzing around with a neon yellow scarf with like green triangles all over it. An inverted blacklight Hawaiian button-up. Occasionally a bright, hot pink wrist watch. Teruki actually thinks he looks nice though, is the thing, so I guess it works for them 😭
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Well, Teruki is kind of a runaway? At least in my head he is, rather than his parents just,,,voluntarily letting their fifteen year old live alone. So Shimazaki likely never really meets Teru's family, unless he decides to take advantage of Shimazaki's teleportation abilities and send messages to them back and forth that they can't technically track. Even then I think it would be kind of awkward for Shimazaki to interact with them given how genuinely worried they seem for their son—I think it would skeeve him out.
As for Shimazaki's family....well, I kind of have an angsty headcanon for him where his mother actually purposefully blinded him as a kid and that's what sparked his psychic awakening, so he's ALSO been a little vagabond skirting from town to town so he doesn't get put in the system, so he knows what it's like. His father was out of the picture and his mother is still in jail for, you know, maiming her kid so Shimazaki doesn't really have any family for Teru to meet now beyond the Ultimate Five, and even they don't really fuck with Shimazaki much because of how much of a dick he was 😅
I guess in that vein Teru's Meet My Parents meeting would probably just involve the Kageyama brothers, Reigen, Tome, and Dimple :')
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
Ack, this one is weird for me. Because again, they're fairly independent and that's because they're both very prideful and they both needed to know how to survive on their own, which they do and think they do well. It woul be hard for either of them to support the other because both of them think they don't need support.
I think the biggest thing that Shimazaki "supports" Teru through is sparring. When his anger issues start flaring up, when the guilt starts creeping in, when he feels Old Teru start bubbling back up in sneers and insults, he can count on Shimazaki to run him through the wringer until he feels right again. To take every bit of his rage and aggression without flinching back from him or thinking he's weak for it.
For Shimazaki, I think Teru mostly supports him physically. Leaning against him when he gets all quiet, dragging his hands along the walls and furniture in the apartment to make sure Shimazaki can see the shape and limits of them, holding his hand when they walk through large crowds, sometimes even combing his fingers through Shimazaki's hair when the man can't get to sleep.
Neither of them acknowledge that they're helping the other out loud, and neither of them acknowledge that they're being helped, because that shit Embarrassing™
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cadriox · 2 years
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Island tel
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