k00283645 · 2 years
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I started working more with the shilloutte cutter. I made some test stencils to get a better idea of that my design would look like off the computer screen. I found it really helped, and I saw some ways I can improve my design.
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gayrui · 10 months
Hmmmmmm I don’t think those precure leaks going around are real
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amia7z · 2 years
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marsmarvel02 · 6 months
"What Manny Can't Fix" Review: Chapters 24 and 25
Welcome back and welcome again to my review of "What Manny Can't Fix" a Handy Manny fanfic that- dare I say it- is just not very good.
Last time, Iron Grip fell for a Wisp trick that he really ought to have seen through and ended up rusting in a rainstorm. Unable to bear having to reveal his ruined appearance to Carrie, Iron Grip ran away- on the day the two were supposed to have their wedding. (Wow, what a soap opera-esque plot.) Today, we find out where the runaway groom decides to go.
(And as always, if you'd like to start this review series from the beginning, Chapter 1 is here.)
Chapter 24
Iron Grip didn't look back as he made his way away from the garage. Once he was a few blocks away, he stopped to catch his breath.
Leaning against a trashcan he let out a few heavy breaths before tears started rolling down his cheek.
So are the tears going to make him rust more, or…?
He slumped down against the can and started crying. What am I even doing? Ugh, I'm so stupid! I have nowhere to go and I'm a mess! And….and...Carrie….
Iron Grip sighed deeply. Poor Carrie….I just left her! Oooh, she's gonna hate me!
Looking to his side, he caught a glimpse of himself in a puddle, all covered in rush.-
Insert joke about Rush the band here.
- Oh, who am I kidding? I can't face her again….not like this….and not after...after….. ditching the wedding….
Iron Grip shivered a bit as realization of his situation sunk in….He was all alone now.
Forcing himself up, Iron Grip continued down the sidewalk, looking for a place to take temporary refuge.
After walking for what felt like forever, Iron Grip saw a large sign: Welcome To Sheetrock Hills!
Sandiegorock Hills, you mean.
Sheetrock Hills, huh? Cautiously he approached the sign and paused. He looked back for a moment. I guess I don't have anywhere else to go.
Iron Grip sighed as he made his way into town.
Oh my god that chapter was short.
Chapter 25
The sun was almost set when Iron Grip made his way into town.
Geez, how much distance is there between the sign and the actual town limits?!
Desperately, he looked for a place to take shelter for the night. A pet store caught his eye as he made his way over.
Try a trash can. Hey, it worked for Turner.
He leaned against the door and winced as it opened with a small creaking sound. Iron Grip paused for a moment, making sure no one would run in.
When he was sure the coast was clear, Iron Grip hopped in. Although dark, he could see shillouttes of the animals in their cages.
And the animals were immediately awakened by his intrusion and started howling, meowing, barking, squawking, and yammering to high heaven.
Also, “shillouttes”. A+ spelling there, author.
Iron Grip inhaled and exhaled deeply and entered the store. He went to the corner of the store, under the rabbit cages. Snuggling into an old rag decorated with butterflies, he tried to make himself comfortable enough to sleep.
Sleep didn't come. Iron Grip laid there, listening to the atmosphere of the pet shop. There was birds squawking and flapping their feathers.  
The fish splashed around and the hamsters scurried around restlessly. 
Geez, can anything sleep in this pet store?
Up above him, the rabbits hopped around their cage. Curious, Iron Grip peeked out to look at the bunnies.
They were snuggled together sleeping,-
Oh. Earlier snarky comment retracted.
- except for two in the corner of the cage. The dark gray and bright orange rabbits were grooming each other.
There are few things in life funnier than blatant, ham-handed attempts at symbolism.
Iron Grip sniffled, thinking back to Carrie.
Aaaand here comes a flashback.
Iron Grip and Carrie were snuggled under an old rag, looking at the stars through the old, dusty window.
You’re in San Diego. The sky should only contain about five stars, tops.
"Oh look at that one!" Carrie giggled pointing out a bright star. "It's pretty isn't it!?"
Iron Grip nodded. "Yeah ..it's so...bright…"
"Gee you've got such a way with words." Carrie teased, nuzzling under his chin.
Iron Grip laughed a bit and kissed the top of her head. "Well….I...I mean it is…"
Carrie gave him another kiss on the cheek before heading over to the window again. "It is pretty bright though….." She squinted. ".....and fast?"
"Fast?" Iron Grip joined her by the window and watched as the star they were watching zipped through the sky. "Stars don't move? ….. Do they?" 
A laugh escaped Carrie's throat as she leaned against him. "Honey, I think it's a helicopter."
If it were a helicopter, it would be loud as frick. You saw either a plane or the International Space Station.
"Oh." Iron Grip paused before letting out a small laugh of his own. "I guess it is."
Iron Grip felt a dry laugh force it's way out as he remembered. When he looked back at the two rabbits grooming each other, tears rushed out of his eyes.
Ah yes, a dry laugh that forces “it is” way out. I hate when that happens to me.
He forced his face into the butterfly towel and sobbed into it. "Carrie...Carrie…." 
I can't believe I just left her...I...I abandoned her! He screamed into the towel and cried loudly until he couldn't anymore. Slowly, his throat sore and his cries now hoarse he drifted off to sleep.
What throat? Seriously, author, you had to pick the one tool whose mouth doesn’t connect to some food-destroying pocket dimension or anywhere to give a sore throat.
(The next part of my review has now been posted.)
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cosmictulips · 2 years
No need to interact with this post I just have weird dreams and need to write them down before I forget. typing is the fastest way I do this and I'll be sure to like, write it down later.
first dream ::
I was in the back of an audience. two figures sit a bit ahead of me. almost looking lifeless, blobs. like lavalamps. they were all shadowed because there was little lighting in the space. we were all in this sort of theater. but it was a funeral. it wasn't one that I truly recognized but I felt like I knew the person.
the thing is, the body wasn't there. they weren't dead just yet, but we were waiting for them to show up. we were acting as if they were already there. it was heavy, I was crying . and typically when I have visions of someones death, their spirit was reaching out to me, in this case, this could've been a dream someone had and they realized they couldn't reach it. OR they are unaware they are going to die.
Either way, the stage was set with this beautiful fall theme. couldn't see much of the decorations but there was a banner that I could actually read but don't remember the message. there were two leaves that came to me. the first was on the ground by my feet. I picked it up and someone asked if they could have it so they could put it in the casket. I was told not to do it. so I kept it and said no. they were so sad about it. they said that the person loved autumn.
the second leaf came from a... ??? somewhere. it flew from offstage and landed perfectly in my hand. it was this golden orange. it was the only thing in the room that had light outside of the main stage where the coffin was.
Second dream:: I was in the mansion again. this time it focused more on the stairs and one bedroom. someone kept breaking in and I actually fought them off. not aggressively but I would send them back outside. it almost seemed like it was planned. like they wanted to notice me so I'd fight them.
Like I was gaining confidence from kicking them out. but if anything I was getting frustrated that I was having to do this so many times. and so I changed the rooms I was hiding in because the child I keep having to watch in these dreams involving the mansion woke up. he wasn't supposed to but he said he felt like he had to so he could help.
this time, I faced the intruder just as the door was broken into. the child told me to check to make sure the other door wasn't open. and sure enough, it was. it had been broken previously and that's how the intruder kept coming in. it was because I didn't check all the exits. so I forced the door shut this time and heard the glass crack as it snapped back into place.
for the first time ever in these dreams, the intruder actually said my name. he said Taryn, you can't fix a broken door. and I said no, but you can at least reinforce it. and around me I used like a large table and a book shelf to hold the door together.
the colors in this were all dark blue and white. the child looked almost like my nephew but I knew he wasn't. it was the same child as before and we recognized each other. interestingly enough my friend picked up on him during an intuitive reading she did for me when we met. she thinks hes my creativity or my inner child. and I just picture it as my nephew because I love him perhaps more than myself.
and the intruder was a shilloutte. as he always is. but it was male this time, and not female like the last time.
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catzgam3rz · 3 years
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*gestures to “Are You Alright?” Album cover* I just think he’s neat....
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alwan-thecolorist · 3 years
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46/100 day art challenge For my little princess..... A sweet family playing with there daughter at sea side.... Beautiful sunset By @alwan_thecolorist And for The tutorial video is upload on our YouTube channel @alwan_thecolorist .. Pls do support our channel... Link in my bio... Pls do check it out... support@ @alwan_thecolorist 😜😍🌈 @alwan_thecolorist Stay creative 👩🏻‍🎨❤️ #photography #gouachepainting #beautiful #art #painting #artistoninstagram #illustrationartists #drawingart #gouacheart #gouache #acrylart #shilloutte #shillouttephotography #shilloutteart #shilloutes #ig #instaart #instagood #dailyartist #arts_help #explorepage #explore #acrylicshilloutte #love #family #parents #syblings #familybonding #loveofmylife #alwan_thecolorist https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbemBdhuFD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hart269 · 2 years
Pairing : Michael Langdon x GN!Reader
Summary : When Michael returns, he is not same man who went missing and you like him more for better or for worse.
A/N : Second and final part of Blasé.
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Michael didn't return that night or the next morning. So, when you woke up all groggy, you tried to call him but to no avail. His phone was just outside your backyard and while you did try to search for him you couldn't find him anywhere.
Worry began gnawing at you as more time passed by. Seeing no other way out, you called the police, they came in for questioning. You explained what happened not going into the details while they reassured that he wouldn't have been gone far and would be found soon.
The police investigated the whole area and questioned the neighbous but no one had seen him wandering in the dark. And so the whole day went and the next but there was still no sign of him.
It was a small town so news travelled fast, some came to reassure you that Michael will return and everything will be fine, and some came to give their condolonces. There was even a search party led out.
You didn't know what would you do if he wasn't found. Michael was a big part of your life, you didn't even have many friends that you could rely on.
You could try to focus on your job but every part of your daily life was so connected with him, that you felt untethered without him.
Moreover you would mourn over the loss of someone you love, a thought you were trying to avoid.
It was the third day when they found him, the police dog had led them to an unconscious Michael laid under the same tree you usually visited. The only thing strange was that thepolice had searched that place multiple times but to no avail.
But that was beside the point, Michael was rushed to the hospital, he had a cut on his hand, he was extremely dehydrated and he had a concussion.
When he woke up, the first thing he did was call for you, an ask you were quite surprised by. You went to the hospital room he was at, you could see his shilloutte laying on the bed as the police was there questioning him of his whereabouts.
Michael didn't seem to remember much only that he had stumbled in the dark and hit his head. He then apologized for the inconvinience that he had caused. After a few more questions the police left and you fully entered the room.
Micheal's gaze shifted to you as you sat near the chair beside his bed. "How are you feeling" you asked gazing at him.
"Like someone hit me with a baseball bat" Michael groaned with a cheeky smile taking your hand in his unwounded one, gently caressing with his thumb.
"Michael, don't do that again, ever" You pleaded in a stern tone not exactly sure which incident you were referring to.
"I won't, I promise, I'm sorry for what I did"He said with such sincerity that you had no reason to not beleive him.
There was a peaceful silence as he gazed fondly at you with a gentle smile, something you admit, you had missed for some time.
Michael was released soon. Even after you two went home, his new changed behaviour continued. It was like he was a completely different person now, like he was before everything started to go wrong and much better.
You two even ate dinner together a rarity among itself. Michael tried to make conversation and soon the evening was filled with laughter instead of the usual cold silence that echoed through the walls.
You weren't quite sure how you were feeling about the whole thing or Michael's new persona, but as you realised your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, you realised maybe things were turning out to be better.
The night dawned while you two get ready for bed, that's when you noticed it. It was strange, so small you could have missed it if you didn't know it was there, was it a bruise, you moved closer to Michael to inspect it better.
"What's that" you questioned out loud.
"Hmm?" Michael turned around to look at you quizzically.
"You didn't have that before" you said turning him back, gazing at the 666 behind his ear.
"I don't know" Michael replied as he went look in the mirror. "Maybe I scratched myself in the woods or something"
"That's weird, does it hurt?" you glanced at him with concern as you ran a finger over the mark.
"No, I don't think so"
"Okay then"
Sensing your slight hesitation, Michael pulled you close, and wrapped his arms around you in a warm hug making you bury your face in his chest.
"Don't worry love, everything's going to be alright" Michael reassured kissing your forehead as his eyes went black.
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nepxthe · 2 years
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Modest Coquette Fashion
Coquette fashion doesn’t have to be revealing! There are so many ways to wear the style to fit your own comfort levels, culture, and the weather. 
Some ways to make coquette outfits more modest!
- Wearing loose dresses, skirts, and tops. 
- Wearing cardigans/jumpers over tight clothing.
- Layering! Layer long sleeves shirts under revealing tops or dresses. I personally love turtlenecks and tight long sleeves under shirts and dresses. 
- Stockings/tights. They can easily be layered under skirts and dresses, sheer, textured, and coloured tights are super cute. 
- Jeans! Blue denim jeans are a cute coquette staple. 
Coquette staple colours: pink, red, blue, white, black, cream, and grey.
Coquette fabrics: gingham, cotton, denim, silk, sheer fabrics, lace, florals, and satin.
Some key elements of the style: girly, vintage influence, playfullness with the style and boundaries. 
The shillouttes of clothing don’t nessecarily have to be ‘coquette’, you can call back to the style with fabrics, details, and colours.  Styles like cottagecore, japanese lolita, and pink/girly aesthetics can be great inspo as well! 
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k00283645 · 2 years
Since I've a nasty cold and can't come into studio, I had to work with what I had at home.
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I used the shillouttes I made yesterday as a stencil for a patch design.
I feel my use of patches in my clothing relates to the theme because as they degrade they will eventually be covered up by other patches not to be seen again.
I also like how my patches were used to fix a hole which relates back to my theme of brokenness.
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imageeditorials · 4 years
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. . . #251 . . . #shotbyswapnilb #image_editorials . . . #natgeo #world_photography_hub #shutter_bong #photowalkglobal #nustaharamkhor #camerawalebhaiya #world_photography_hub #madwonders #travelwithsg #wanderwithsumeet #world_photography_page #mrphenomenaldiaries #bnw_lightandshadow #storieswithbips #photographerlife #photographersofindia #shilloutte #indianclicks (at Solapur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEt3qg5FXAR/?igshid=1alwocr6utme2
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modmamono · 3 years
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A Venn Diagram of my three character design appeals.
Top left: Shilloutte characters.
Top right: Spooky ghosties (preferably wisp tailed)
Bottom: Bird imagery.
The Chozo Ghost is a stretch. 
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6ikdesign-blog · 5 years
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Sample development designed @6ikstones Sleeveless max jacket made from 100% natural linen with incorporated black cotton blend Designer Caroline Torisheju #breakingout #onestepatatime #fashiondesign #detailing #workingprogress #studiowork #sampling #patterncutting #stitching #shilloutte #fabric #toilefitting #conceptualtoreality #designersworkshop #mannequin #unisexwear #everydayisdifferent #lovemywork #fashionismyworld #mysafeheaven #masteringskills https://www.instagram.com/p/B2s0fEqngW-/?igshid=51wcweojg3jq
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bauxny · 3 years
Why did the Moschino S/S 2022 collection get so much hate. I fuccing love it!!
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The colors, and patterns give crybaby era Mel. AND THE SHILLOUTTES OMFG they're like my fav thing rn.
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side || Luke Patterson
Chapter twenty-five~ we played the Orpheum
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Her lifeless body vanished out of the sight for everybody besides the boys themselves. The three fell next to the girl studying her body until Luke decides to carry to the only safe place he knows; his muscular arms slung around her fragile figure.
Mellow he places her on the couch, her head resting on his tight, her back facing the room. Luke put some strands of hair behind her ear, caressing the side of her face. When he looks closely, he could see her chest raising and falling. “Brina, I know we didn’t had a real conversation lately, but I want you to know that I’m really enjoying to play with Julie, yet it will never feel like the way it did with you. You’ll always be my favourite to sing with,” gently he kissed her temple, “I heard you singing the song and it was amazing, whoever it's dedicated to, lost a really precious girl..” his eyes glued on her, “damn you’re so attractive,” he mumbles.
A batter on the door distracts the shaggy haired boy from the blonde. Reggie and Alex entered the room, puffy eyes and red noses suited their faces. Their eyes focused on the younger Mercer laying on the couch, a navy, woolen blanket covers her.
“Will!” her brother rushes to her side kneeling in front of the furniture, “is she..” Luke shakes his head and Alex gasps in relief.
“What should we do?”
“We can only wait.”
“I just can't sit here while this evil man is still out there, we could end anytime like her!”
The boys attention was soaked by singing outside the garage indicating that Julie and her family is back.
Julie steps into the studio, “I.. I know I already said this but, uh.. thank you guys.!
Reggie answeres her out of the dark, “you’re welcome,” her eyes trailed to the voice just able to make their shillouttes out in the dark. She lights the room up and Alex groans.
“Why.. why are you here? I.. I thought..” she steps to the group, “what’s wrong, is she alright?” her graze falls down on the sleeping body.
A jolt buzzes through the boys, “no.. no! I thought you crossed over. Why didn’t you crossed over?”
“I.. I guess playing the Orpheum wasn’t our unfinished business.”
“Point Caleb.”
“We wanted you to think that we crossed over, so we pretended to. We just… we didn’t know and had nowhere else to go to with Sabrina, this was the first I thought about. It's bad, really bad,” he sighed, his eyes glued to the blonde next to him.
“We thought you’d go straight to bed.”
Alex was the first back on his feet after the hurtful jolt, “yeah well, I knew she was gonna come out here, but nobody ever listens to me.”
Another jolt erupts in their body sending Alex back to the floor.
“You have to save yourselves right now. Go join Caleb’s club. Please. Sabrina would want it like that.. and when she’s conscious again I’m making sure she’ll come and rescue you and herself. It’s better than not existing at all. Please just go. Go! Poof out! Do something! Please. Do it for me.. for her,” she points towards Sabrina on the couch, “please,” tears were already streaming down her cheek as she sobs again.
“We’re not going back there,” argued Reggie, anemic.
“No music is worth making, Julie if we’re not making it with you.”
Yeah? Sounded different minutes ago Mr. Pattinson! Sabrina hoped he did not heard this thought of herself, too much anger and jealous were along the sentence.
“No regrets.”
She throws her arms around his body, picturing them flying through his body. But then she felt the pressure of his tough on her body, they both sniffle into their shoulders, “I love you guys.”
Alex’s as well as Reggie’s eyes welled up as they saw the two interacting. And then it hits Julie like a train, Luke began to shine, his frame outline with rays; they both looked his body up and down, “how can I feel you?”
“i.. I don’t know,” he stutters.
She brings her hands up to his cheek, holding onto them; this scene didn’t past her green eyes as she rotated on the couch without them perceiving it.
“I..,” he mirrors her action, his thumbs drying the tears off her cheeks. He grabs her hands, spinning to his friends, “I feel stronger.”
“Alex, Reggie, come.”
Before nearing the girl Alex made sure he carries his sister there too, “good morning sleepyhead,” he mutters to her when he saw her eyes opened into slits.
He had one arms resting under hers and Julie sling hers under it too, the other rested around Reggie’s back.
All the other were framed by rays too and Sabrina comes to herself, her thoughts assorted and clear.
They let go of each other, “whoa.. I.. I.. I don’t feel as weak anymore.”
“Yeah, me neither,” their grazes fell onto the blonde girl who nods slowly, “not that, you know, I was ever that weak,” Alex comments making everyone chuckle.
Their wrist shining brighter than any other part and they saw the stamps disappearing.
"What do you think that means?"
"I think the band is back."
"You guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?”
“Yeah” they closed the gab between them and Luke let his hand rest on Sabrina’s back, his thumb rubbing on it and she squeezed his shoulder.
“Hugs are good.”
Reggie smiles from ear to ear, “I like this,” he states chuckling.
“Me too,” they all closed up again, “we played the Orpheum,” the young girl shouts. All of them began to jump as they rotated in a circle.
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alwan-thecolorist · 3 years
45/100 day art challenge For my love... Our journey.... Then now and our future By @alwan_thecolorist And for The tutorial video is upload on our YouTube channel @alwan_thecolorist .. Pls do support our channel... Link in my bio... Pls do check it out... support@ @alwan_thecolorist 😜😍🌈 @alwan_thecolorist Stay creative 👩🏻‍🎨❤️ #photography #acrylicpainting #beautiful #art #painting #artistoninstagram #illustrationartists #drawingart #acrylics #acrylicpaintings #acrylart #shilloutte #shillouttephotography #shilloutteart #shilloutes #ig #instaart #instagood #dailyartist #arts_help #explorepage #explore #acrylicshilloutte #love #family #parents #syblings #familybonding #loveofmylife #alwan_thecolorist (at Busaiteen, Muhrraq, Bahrain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQavykPBCzM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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