#shifting tutorial
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bitter-cherie · 2 years ago
♥shifting realities♥
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- What is shifting?
“shifting” is a term now used to describe the act of moving your consciousness from this current reality (CR) to your desired reality (DR). This idea uses the multiverse theory, stating that every decision or action we make shifts us into a new reality!
For example, say I have a book and a Paper to choose from. Choosing the paper would shift me into a reality where I chose the paper, while at the same time creating alternate realities where, for example, I chose the book, or I chose both, or maybe I chose neither. these infinite possibilities, anything we can imagine exists in some faraway reality. Many people say they have shifted to a reality where they’re a student at Hogwarts, with the ability to use magic and fly on broomsticks or some say that they have shifted to the marvel universe where they defeat Thanos..etc etc
While I have not shifted myself — still working on it — I've gathered a lot of information from people who have successfully shifted. Whether or not you choose to believe in shifting, This does sound like a wild idea, almost too good to be true, but trust me, it is real
There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about shifting here are the answers to those frequently asked questions:
- does shifting go against my religion?
No. It is not religious whatsoever, it's more science than anything, another term of shifting which is "quantum jumping", it's a complicated sience theory that I honestly still don't understand, But overall shifting has no ties to your religion.
- is shifting dangerous?
Shifting is not dangerous, some Creators on TikTok claim that you could get stuck in your DR , but that's false, you can make a Safe word to come back to your CR, no matter what you do, if you choose to stay in your DR for lifetime, you will come back no matter what, Dying In your DR will result in you waking up in your CR.
Here are some tips for your shifting journey:
1. Take breaks, attempting to shift and Shifting successfully can be extremely draining, it's good to let your body and mind rest from time to time, you can take long breaks if needed.
2. Stay positive! The more you think badly of yourself and your ability to shift, the less likely you will be able to reach your goal, it's completely normal to have doubts, it's what we humans do, however, as long as you keep hope and Reaffirm that you are capable of shifting,
3. Be clear about what you want! This means knowing your goals and desires!
4. Don't expect results overnight! It's important to remember that shifting to your DR takes time, it may take days, weeks, months for your goals to manifest.
Now! Onto the real deal!
This is the action of writing down details about the reality you want to go to. This is done to finetune which specific reality you would like to shift to as there are infinite possibilities. For example, I could write down in my script that I’m 7’3” and have infinite money so that I shift to a reality where this is true. You can be as detailed or as brief as you want. It’s important, though, that you write in the present tense. Doing this will basically trick your brain into believing that what you have written has actually happened, making it easier to shift. Most people write out their script like a first-person story, detailing what happens in their DR as if it really happened. Scripts can be written anywhere: in a journal, in the notes app on your phone, etc. Some important things to script include immortality (unless you want to die in your DR, up to you), high pain tolerance, and your way of returning back to your CR (very important!! You can script, for example, that closing your eyes and saying “I’m going back to my CR” will take you back. These safe words/actions are used in case you want to leave on the fly). While scripting is not necessary whatsoever (you really only have to think about your DR), it may help you visualize your DR and focus on specificity.
Relaxing / Mediating
One key part of being able to shift is staying calm and relaxed, From personal experience, I find that if I meditate and relax my body and mind before starting a shifting method, I feel closer to shifting than I do when I don’t meditate. all you need to do is find a quiet place where you can sit and let all your thoughts flow out of your brain, focusing on your breathing or your heartbeat. I recommended using earbuds and listening to guided meditations or subliminals (music infused with hidden frequencies to target your subconscious mind) on YouTube to help relax your mind.
Finding a method
There are loads of methods that people have made up in order to visualize your DR, some of which require that you fall asleep in order for it to work, some of which don’t. A few of these methods include the Estelle Method, Staircase Method, Train Method, Alice and Wonderland Method, Julia: I Am Method, Seren Method, Falling Method, Melt Method, Pillow Method, and Raven Method. These same methods can also be tailored towards those who struggle with visualization. Instead of picturing your DR in your mind, you would focus more on your five senses, trying to trick your brain into thinking that your body is experiencing things from your DR. I’m not going to get into the specifics of each of these methods, if you’re looking for more information, both TikTok and Amino provide amazing explanations on the methods people have shared. In the end, though, you shouldn’t be hyper-fixating on which specific method you’re going to do. Shifting is different for everybody; one method might work well for one person and not work so well for someone else. You can change around the methods and form your own method that is the easiest for you to relax with, But, you can also shift without using any methods.
Noticing Symptoms of shifting
There are certain symptoms when you’re trying to shift that will let you know that you’re getting close. Some of these symptoms include feeling weightless or heavy, tingliness, feeling as though you’re spinning or falling, hearing voices or sounds associated with your DR, seeing flashes of light, etc. Not everybody will experience the same symptoms. For example, I sometimes experience weightlessness, spinning, flashes of light, and hearing voices, but that does not mean that everybody else does. Once you notice these symptoms, it’s important that you remain calm and focus on your visualization/senses. These symptoms will likely prompt you to get excited, and rightfully so! It’s very exciting to finally feel that you’re getting close to your DR, but try not to let them take your focus away from shifting. The last thing you want is to feel the symptoms and then get too excited and completely wake up (trust me, it's a bummer!). Just note that you feel these symptoms and try to keep them in the back of your mind as you continue with your method, some people shift without feeling these symptoms.
Entering your DR
some of the shifting methods will have you go to sleep in order to work and some will have you stay awake. For sleep methods, obviously, you will wake up inside your DR after using the method before bed. For awake methods, however, it can be a little bit more tricky to know when you’ve made it. When should you open your eyes? A common tactic that people use in order to figure this out is to script that your eyes will automatically open when you’ve successfully shifted. Others script that they smell a specific scent when they’ve shifted, such as mint or cinnamon. With this, you’ll know for sure when you’ve shifted, instead of just trying to guess and likely opening your eyes too soon!
This covers just about everything I’ve learned about shifting. Overall, don’t focus too much on the process! You don’t want to be thinking too hard about your script or what method you’re going to use and completely forget about your goal. This is meant to guide your own personal process. Do what you find works the best for you and allows you to be the most comfortable!
A/N: I gathered these informations from websites and Amino!
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tofupixel · 7 months ago
⭐ Pixel Art Fundamentals - Hue Shifting
This technique is not uniquely specific to pixel art, but it's a very common term to hear when starting out watching those "dos and don'ts" videos. So what is hue shifting?
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Hue shifting basically means to change the hue when making your shade darker or lighter. In this context, 'hue' = colour!
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You may hear 'you need to hue shift more' when getting feedback on your art, but what does that mean really? Here are some examples:
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We can see even with just a bit of hue shifting, we have quite a different vibe for each drawing. In warm / daylight settings, no hue shifting can sometimes look a bit muddy or grey.
If we swap the image to grayscale, you can see that they look much the same:
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As long as the hue shifted colours have a brightness that makes sense, they usually will work. You can get quite wacky with it.
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But is hue shifting always good? Not necessarily.
Below is some of my art where I intentionally didn't hue-shift at all. You can see it gives them an uncanny, digital, or photographic kind of look. As always, techniques are about your intention, or personal style.
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I recommend trying different hue shifting methods! I especially love to use a cool blue or teal for the lighter shades.
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Thanks for reading and I hope this helped a little! Have fun with it!!
⭐ Read my full pixel art guide here!
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premiumbitch · 8 days ago
How do you make these Gradient texts in your post? and the different colored texts? I wanna know 😭😭
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Hi love! thanks for your question, here's how:
1- go to this website: www.stuffbydavid.com/textcolorizer
2- once you've typed your text and chosen the colors copy the HTML code for your text (just scroll down the website a bit & you'll see it, it's hard to miss)
3- then go back on tumblr and create a post, click on the gear (top right corner), when you see the "text editor" part, click on it and choose "HTML" then paste and HTML code you copied on the website
4- then click on "preview" and you'll see the gradient text! hope this helped <3
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ilovecatfr · 4 months ago
You don't need more advice
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What is it that you want? Think of it and own it. Truth is you already have it and worrying why are you not seeing it is useless. Stop searching for advice and tips and methods. You are falling into a trap of convincing yourself you need more information. You already know what to do, there's no specific way to do anything so why are you so certain you have to do this and that...
You ALREADY have everything you want. Anything you want is not even a finger lift away, it not in front of you because you are already in it. We are born with a gift given by ourselves to have everything we want.
If you really need a easy explanation on how (I) shift/manifest im going to simplify it for you:
Decided what you want (where do you want to go, what do you want to change..) and affirm it and then persist no matter what you see, hear or feel. It is yours, it is for you to claim it and persist till you have in your physical world.
Happy shifting loves <3🎀
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heroshifter · 2 months ago
How to make your own notion script ?
You guys had really cool reaction to my post about my scripts so here is a step by step tutorial to make a script like mine :
1. First step is to find a main color for the aesthetic
I often just pick the color from my aesthetic in my dr (i have no idea if you understand what i mean but be used to my nonsense, this post will be long)
for instance : I'm a goth so I'll choose a goth aesthetic with dark red as a main color
2. Then it's time to pick everything for the aesthetic
An icon for the main page (I often simply use the logo of the place I would like to shift when there's a logo or a symbol)
A cover for the main page
A divider, pretty easy to find, just tap the color you want and "divider" on tumblr and you'll find EVERYTHING (I often, just use line dividers)
Back to icons but now it's for all the pages of the scripts (keep in mind that it will be small, you won't have all the details you see when you find the pic. That's why i usualy choose paterns or simple forms) (or you can just don't upload pics and choose the notions icons)
2 new icons and a divider (we will talk about it later)
TADAAAAMMM you have everything for the aesthetic say goodbye to pinterest for now
3. Clean it, do the basics
Go to the settings in the upper left and put the full width
Also change the police, Sherif is just so pretty
if you want other police for the title you can use this site
2 callout
-> One for a quote, something you or anyone in your DR would say
-> The second for your safeword and your time ratio (I always color them)
so in the end it must look like this odd thing
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empthy and boring let's fix that.
4. Your real script
If you already have a script, you must have everything but here's the pages I usually have
Wardrobe (because I'm fashion, i need an whole page for it)
general facts
you have penty of pages now.
5. Move everything
pick the first three and put them all next to each other (if you don't know how to move, just point the page you want to move and click to the points next to the +, now you can drag it whereever you want)
drag the callout with your safe word and your time ratio as down as possible
add a gallery view
-> go to the seetings then layout
-> turn down "show database title"
-> at "card preview" pick "page cover"
-> at "card size" pick "small"
put 2 of your pages in your gallery view
remember when i told you to find 2new icons ? put them in cover of the two pages in the gallery view
drag all the others pages right next to the gallery view (except extra, put that down, just on top of your safeword and timeratio
add two notion dividers
-> put it on top of gallery view and the pages next to it and on down of it
add two tumblr dividers
-> put it on top and down of the pages next to gallery view
you should end up with something like that :
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the last part is to add a header (or just an icon that you crop) in the middle and TADAAAMMM you have your script !!
I might not have be clear on some part, so DON'T HESITATE to ask anything, on comment or in my inbox
also, i can make another tutorial to show you what i put inside the pages
I hope i've been able to help XOXO dear shifters !!
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anadorablekiwi · 2 months ago
@silvercaptain24 @onceuponaladye
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Does this look good? (With the assumption of the stickers actually being stickered on there lol)
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jxmey · 10 months ago
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been a second so have a kaeya :)
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spinosacha · 15 days ago
Les Miserables adventure video game. Is this anything.
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years ago
Provide us commonfolk with your wisdom
in most graphic design programs, holding down the ctrl key while scrolling up or down makes the image zoom in or out, respectively
but what you might not know is that holding down the shift key in most programs while scrolling up or down lets you scroll left and right, a power so infinitely useful that I can't believe I only found this out a couple of years ago
and this isn't just limited to art software - it also works in audacity, and in some video editors! so try it out, and let the world of side-scrolling become your new normal
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itzphynix · 7 months ago
My brain is so full of Bees about Post-Shift 2.
It's a fan game that was delayed for 4 years -- by the time it released, fnaf fangames as a whole were not as popular as they had been, & most people in the scene had forgotten about Post-Shift 1, so not a lot of people heard about it/played it.
Worse still is the people who did talk about the game. Pretty unanimously, the consensus was this: this game is the craziest, most insane fnaf fangame. It's overly difficult with mechanics that have no rhyme or reason to them & tutorials that are wordy, unhelpful, & sometimes actively mislead the player, meaning you need to comb through a lot of text only to be misinformed. It's not as infamous as some other fangames, but it definitely was talked about very poorly.
In general, I think most of these criticisms were blown up out of proportion, but I can't really disagree with most people's problems -- it is difficult & wordy, & rather hard to understand. I think, however, that the game is still 1. Really fun, 2. Not a bad game at all, &, most importantly, 3. Is a free fucking game that was clearly a passion project. Most damn fangames never get off the fucking ground when made in groups because the creators will never make a red cent off the thing -- this game was made by one dude for 4 years & delivered to people for free. It didn't ask anything of you except to accept it as a difficult game & to not go in with wild expectations. The dev just wanted to make a game that was rough, but he also wanted to make a game that felt unique & was fun. & It is fun, too, is the damn thing.
#em.txt#ps2 post#post-shift 2#i obviously am biased#i also obviously have more to say#but for now i think this is a start. i think this is fine so far.#i got counter arguments i was gonna type about the problems#bc tbh i think the difficulty isn't as big a problem as the difficult curve -- it starts very high for a fangame#bc it assumed you know what they're like. you know how fangames work. but it over assumes that all the mechanics#work at the same frequency as other fangame#the difficulty curve of night 1 is pretty tough place to start which turned a lot of people off#especially with how long & unclear th tutorials are & of course night 1's tutorial starting with a character that is unused in that night#it's rough. night 2 is even tougher. but night 3 is a cakewalk once you beat 2 bc it only adds 2 threats#so you might expect the next night to be as easy or even easier & in my eyes yeah -- night 4 is easier than 1 even#except that it's completely different & is asking the player to learn a new game entirely which is its own difficulty#but i can crank out a night 4 easy peasy no prolem. so you might expect night 5 to be even easier right? WRONG#WRONG WRONG WRRRONNNGG even people who know what they are doing struggle#because a mechanic in the game actively increases the difficulty as the difficulty is increased which is EVIL#& night 6 is even harder i have seen 3 people beat night 6 it is absurd#i sat in a call with another PS2 fan who clearly played thr game s lot & loved it but they could not beat the night normally#& this night has fucking optional difficulty modifiers when you finish that make it harder it is hell on earth#there is no checkpoints it is bad it is so bad I haven't beaten it i talk abt this game every day i play all the nights#i do not fucking play this night bc the way the tutorial works is unreal & unhelpful it wants you to remember#all this shit but it removes the 'walk around & click things before the night starts to see how they work/where they are'#& then it changes every 2 hours to something new so you won 12-2 but you hit 2 & forgot this one person's mechanic#but the only way to read the tutorial again is to close the game bc it automatically puts you back into the night#& will not take you to the home screen to view the booklet for night 6 it's insane#so yeah. there is difficulty. but the difficulty curve being this inconsistent is worse tbh#i get night 6 is meant to be like a 'everyone is here!' bossfight but it's overwhelming & there is too damn much
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teeayohess · 3 months ago
i love hopping from wip to wip like a deranged little gremlin*
*person with adhd
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flippythedoodle · 1 year ago
-introductory post-
hi yall, its me
made this thing so i can post stuff im proud of on more than one account, specifically ambigrams
... if you're gonna be respectful ab it. i won't do bigoted, harmful, mean shit. the words of an ambigram are united into one beautiful work of art, and as should we. i can do most any type of ambigram, symmetrical or asymmetrical, conventional or nonconventional, or maybe one you made up! that would be really cool.
----------but flippy, what are ambigrams????------
the definition is quite hard to pinpoint, as it either is too vague to properly distinguish it from something entirely different (like synonyms, heterograms, etc) but the main thing is:
an art form where one or more words are taken and combined with respect to each other such that both are visible from different perspectives/orientations
symmetrical means it uses a single word, while asymmetrical (or symbiotic if you prefer, although that makes them sound like theyre alive) means two or more words.
----------------------flippy, i can't read them!!!!!!----------------------
yeah, it takes a really really really good ambigram to be able to be read clearly both ways. if you can't, and i mean really cant read an ambigram, it's ok, its likely nobody else does either, and i or the ambigram creator is biased to the reading bc they already know it. this is why i made this account, to try to learn how to make mine better :D
-------------but flippyy, what do they look like?????????--------------
examples include:
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correct readings in order of top to bottom, left to right:
astound, healing, houses, dumber, 👦/happy, hi!/hey, frick/fuck, hiding/plain sight, stay/leave here, inside out/outside
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stari-hun · 6 months ago
All game tutorials are on a spectrum of Post Shift 2 and Oxygen Not Included.
Post Shift 2 is 20 paragraphs of information that functionally boils down to “hear x sound go to y place.” Then Oxygen Not Included an arrow towards each menu as if that’ll somehow explain the 45 things you need to juggle so you can begin to breathe.
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jdorian · 1 year ago
love how I will look up the smallest details for a fic, doing deep-dive searches into professions, laws, procedures and regulations... just so I can say: I did look it up before I threw it all out the window, because it's fiction and it didn't work with the story I needed to tell
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ekranaz · 10 months ago
Spectrum of Grace: A lady’s gown flows in a rainbow of colors, with each layer telling a story of beauty and art.
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vv-ispy · 11 months ago
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blender my misunderstood beast, why won't you parent the bone to the cherry mesh plane thing
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