#shes too tall for this game bro
i chopped off alcinas forehead
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billthedrake · 3 months
This is kind of a bisexual-content retelling of my Senior Week story, inspired by @pagespermer 's posts, as well as some hetero porn stories.
It was a joke at first. The guys on the team having guy talk, talking about the hottest moms in our friend circle. Apparently my mom was a MILF in the top 3 of fuckable moms in our high school. I felt like I should take umbrage, but I was already odd man out on our lacrosse team and maybe desperate to fit in.
Besides, Tate's mother was the main object of the leering jokes. Mrs. Walsh wasn't a typical MILF, she was like a hot sorority girl who refused to act her age. Big tits, bleach blonde hair, lots of make up, skin-tight jeans and skimpy tops. And, I don't know, she kind of doted on her jock son. Even though Tate was a senior, a tall strapping defender who was definitely scholarship material, Mrs. Tate doted on the poor guy. Showing up at all the games and hugging him after, planting a kiss on his cheek, that kind of thing.
Tate would blush and take the ribbing from the guys after.
It was consensus that Mrs. Walsh was hands-down number one fuckable mom. Like, not even a close contest. Even Tate stopped objecting when we started talking about how hot Mrs. Walsh was, and he'd shrug and admit that yeah, his mother was a real MILF.
Still, it caught us off guard one night we were partying at TJ Evanchick's place when his parents were out of town. He'd been busted for having a big party once before, so it was just four of us - me, TJ, Tate, and Mac Baroni, an attacker on the team and a dude who I thought was a complete douche at first but who I'd gotten to become friends with. It was Mac who brought me into the circle of these guys over senior year.
"Truth or Dare?" Mac asked. It was Tate's turn.
Walsh took a swig of hard seltzer and shrugged. "I dunno. Truth, I guess."
Mac got a naughty grin and asked. "Ok... you ever fuck your mom?"
It was our running joke of course. Maybe because Tate didn't seem put off by all the hot mom talk. It just egged us on to talk about banging Mrs. Walsh.
But even Mac was caught by surprise when the hunky defender got a naughty smirk of his own. "Truth, right?" he asked. Tate was probably the most conventionally good looking of us all, and if I even let my lust drive to the guys on the team he was the one I was most attracted to. Brown hair, soulful brown eyes, perfect smile, and just a killer bod, tall and built at 6'5". "This fucking stays between us," he warned.
"Oh shit," TJ exclaimed. He was saying what we were all thinking. There's no way that Tate and Mrs. Walsh could be...
"Yeah, I've fucked Mom."
In any other context we would assume it was a joke, but from the forced bravado on Tate's face and the darting look in his brown eyes, I could tell, we all could tell, the guy wasn't bullshitting.
"When, how?" Mac stammered. Then. "Fuck!"
That got a laugh out of Tate. "You have to wait till my next turn, fuckers." I could tell he was enjoying our stunned reaction. He turned to me. "All right, Mullins... Truth or Dare."
I thought for a second. "Dare."
Tate smirked. "Suck Evanchick's cock."
"Fuck no!" TJ interjected. His face grew red, and he shot me a contrite look before confronting Walsh. "Dude, that's way fucking out of line."
Tate held up his hands. "OK, OK, sorry, bro," he said to me. "That was a dick move..." he took a drink and thought for a second. "All right... three tequila shots. In a row."
My tolerance wasn't quite with these guys, but it was more than a high schooler maybe should have. I'd be hammered, but if I kept my wits about me I'd pace myself after. "Line em up," I said.
TJ picked up a shot glass and poured one. I tossed it back, pretty easy. The second one went OK, too. I had to pause for the third, my head feeling tipsy already. "Fuck it," I said, and drank that one too.
I was gonna be fucked-up drunk. Good think I was crashing at TJ's. "Truth or Dare," I slurred to Teej.
"Truth," he said.
"You ever fuck an older woman?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Nah. Total bucket list though."
Tate hissed. "Dude that was a fucking layup question."
Mac laughed. "Not all of us are motherfuckers like you Walsh."
Tate shot him the middle finger but laughed. I could tell he was strangely proud of his incestuous conquest and maybe relieved he'd shared it with us.
TJ turned to Mac. "Truth or Dare."
Mac leaned back in the chair. He'd been bulking up a lot lately and had some beefy genetics to work with. The result was more of a football player-like build that showed underneath his loose T-shirt. "Dare," he said with a "bring it" attitude.
TJ grinned. Even if he was a senior, the midfielder still had a young look to him: dimples, baby fat clinging to his cheeks, shorter frame. "All right... go in the other room and jack off to a picture of Mrs. Walsh."
Mac laughed, then pushed his chair back from the table. "You got it."
Tate shook his head. "Don't you need a picture first, doofus?"
TJ grinned. "Mac has a couple on his phone."
"You assholes," Tate said. "Is Luke the only guy not perving on my mom?"
"Pretty much," Mac said. Already he was walking behind Tate to make his way to another room.
Tate got a real naughty look on his face. "Dude... I have some better pictures if ya want..."
That stopped Mac in his tracks. "Shit... for real?"
Tate was blushing now, but that didn't stop the big jock from pulling out his phone and finding a hidden photo album. He swiped a couple of times and handed it to Mac. "For your eyes only, bro."
Mac's eyes went wide. "Fuck! OK, yeah... this isn't gonna take me long at all." He almost scurried out and down the hall.
TJ seemed flustered and horny now. "Dude, we gotta wait to get the fucking details? Come on!"
Tate looked over at me. "You OK with this Mullins?"
"Yeah," I said. "Doesn't faze me." It was crazy as fuck of course, but it wasn't my mom. And between porn and some exploratory times getting head from dudes, I was very much open to sexual self-discovery. Most of all, I loved how this secret was a bonding time between us.
My answer seemed to satisfy Walsh. "I won't tell you how long it's been going on, but yeah, we're having sex pretty regular now."
TJ's face grew pale and I thought he was getting freaked out, but it turned out that was him growing hornier at the idea. "Like, how regular is regular?"
Tate got a sly look on his face. "Bro, like every fucking day. I'm pretty sure Dad knows, too... it's fucking wild." He paused and looked intently at TJ, who I gather he trusted less than me. "Not a fucking word to anyone about this, right?"
"Scout's honor," Evanchick said, crossing his heart. "I'm just impressed, bro. You're living the dream."
Tate leaned back, a little calmer now. "You ever think about doing your mom, Evanchick?" Mrs. Evanchick was not on the fuckable moms list. She was, I dunno, just a normal mom.
"Yes and no," he admitted. "Sometimes when I jack off I go there. But in reality it would probably be too weird and fucked up."
Tate nodded. "It's totally weird and fucked up, dude." Then leaning back in, he said, "But damned if that doesn't make getting your dick wet in your own mother's pussy even hotter."
Just then Mac walked in, face flushed. He handed Tate his phone back. "Walsh, I owe you SO much for that just now... I mean... WOW!"
"Can I see?" TJ piped in. He saw Tate's hesitation. "Come on, Walsh... pretty please..."
Tate relented and pulled up the picture again before sliding it to TJ. "You want a look too, Mullins?" he asked. Not pointed or hostile, but genuinely curious.
"Nah, I'm good," I said with a drunken shrug.
Mac sat back down and took a drink. "I know you keep clammed up around us, Luke... but you ever make it with an older dude?"
I nodded, not sure how far I could go. "Sometimes, yeah," I admitted. "I think I prefer em older, actually."
"Yeah?" Mac asked. "What's the equivalent of a MILF?" Maybe Mac was the stereotypical dumb jock.
"Um, a DILF," I replied as diplomatically as I could.
That got a big laugh out of TJ. But instead of chiming in he got out of his chair. "I need a minute with Mrs. Walsh fellas."
Tate wasn't offended as TJ took his phone and walked into the other room like Mac just had. I think he was proud of showing off his hot mom.
"So... you're into DILFs, Mullins?" Tate asked.
I was. But I didn't want to get into my daddy issues. Still, my reply was the truth. "Yeah... they're really into young dudes like me. You can kind of have your way with them, actually." I was drunk now and that's probably why I was opening up.
"For real?" Tate responded. "Shit!" Then, "Good for you, bro."
"Yeah," Mac said. He was a macho dude, like most of the guys on the team, but the gay thing didn't phase him as much I expected. But he chimed in, "But can we set a new rule? No talking about who has the most fuckable dad, OK?"
"Bro, you're the one who brought it up," I reminded him.
"Touche," he said.
"You speak French now, Mac?" Tate teased. He could be an asshole, but I had to laugh.
It was inevitably going to happen, and maybe deep down I knew it. But it was early June and we were two weeks away from graduation. The guys on the team had somehow become even tighter lately, maybe because we'd all be going off to different colleges. Add a good dose of senioritis and the shorter leash our parents had on us, and we were partying several nights a week. We couldn't drink or get high around Evanchick's parents, but even my folks were OK with it as long no one drove. It was a real sign of something that none of the dudes made a crack about sleeping over in my bedroom.
Friday night was at Tate's house. The Walshes were pretty loaded and had a sweet backyard with a pool. That's where Mrs. Walsh found us when she came in. She was still dressed in a skirt and business attire blouse. Tate's mom was a realtor. Hell, maybe she was a good businesswoman, but those tits had to have sold half of the houses she put under contract. Even with a professional blouse, she was buxom as hell. It was pretty late in the evening and she'd probably stopped for wine with her friends or something, she just had that relaxed look about her.
"Tate," she said. "I don't want you boys in the pool, OK?" She was in Mom mode, and it didn't take me long to figure out why. We were pretty buzzed and White Claw cans were strewn around. And Evanchick had just done a cannonball into the deep end.
"Yeah, OK, Mom," Tate said, embarrassed some but he looked at us and shrugged.
"Where are my manners?" Mrs. Walsh said. "Hello Luke, Evan... Mac..."
"Hello Mrs. Walsh," Mac said dumbly. I didn't know how straight guys were wired, not really, but I had a good sense of what was going through his mind then. He'd seen a picture of Mrs. Walsh's tits, maybe more. It was impossible for him to get THAT out of his mind.
TJ was already hoisting himself out of the pool. The doofus was definitely trying to show off for Tate's mom, letting the water run down his toned athletic bod. He was shorter and more compactly muscled than Tate, but his real asset was that he legendarily had the biggest cock on the team. I'd just seen it soft in the locker room, but talk was that he had a real horse dick that was outsized to his smaller frame. His wet trunks clung to a thick lump.
I could see Tate's mom laugh some since she could read what TJ was doing as well as me. Turning back to Tate she added. "You can use the hot tub if you want." Then turning to the rest of us, she added, "Just keep the noise down fellas, OK?"
"Yes Mrs. Walsh," Mac chimed in. He was still beneath the water but his eyes were fixated on Tate's mom as she walked back inside.
"Fuck," he finally said.
"Easy, Baroni, that's my mom," Tate laughed. Kind of serious, but kind of joking.
"It's no fucking fair, man," Mac shook his head. But there wasn't really much else to say. Especially because none of us were sure we were completely out of earshot.
I could tell Mac was boned when he finally got out of the pool and I felt bad for the guy. Especially because he sheepishly looked over my way to see if I was checking him out. I'd done a lot of compartmentalizing over the last few years, but in the buzz I had going on, I was thinking, yeah, I'd like to see Mac's hardon. That realization made me blush I did my best to look away without seeming like I was getting caught red handed.
Tate was already firing up the hot tub, testing the temperature, since it was already a warm summer evening out and we didn't need the water too hot. The hot tub itself was pretty nice, almost a mini pool that could hold 6 easily. We'd used it a couple of times before, it was kind of nice after a game or a hard workout actually. TJ popped open another hard seltzer can and asked if I wanted one. I held off, wanting to pace myself, but Mac readily agreed. I saw his dick had gone down as he stepped into the water. He was looking extra beefy, and Tate would rib him about getting his freshman 15 a year early. I dunno, that bulk kind of looked good on him.
We talked about our college plans. I mean, we knew each other's college plans, but there was all that boring shit... orientation, move date, dorm and roommate plans. Mac and Tate were D1 scholarship players, whereas TJ planned to play on a lacrosse club in his college. I looked forward to taking a break from trying to fit in with the jocks. From being the odd man out. I had no idea what my true scene was, but I was eager to find it.
We were all relaxed sitting in that hot tub, just talking about some dumb shit, I can't even remember what. Then, Mrs. Walsh came out.
"Is it OK if I join you gentlemen?" she asked, a half-filled plastic wine glass in hand. Her tone was kind of flirty but almost in the way that a hot chick talks to all guys. It's just her normal.
That bikini wasn't normal, though. It was like sorority-slut Spring Break skimpy. Those tits made it even more obscene, as two triangular patches of fabric barely covered half of those boobs. As a gay dude, I wasn't a connoisseur of tits, but I suspected Mrs. Walsh had some augmentation done at some point. They were not only big but firm.
The guys muttered their OK in stumbling words, but already Tate's mom was stepping into the tub. She turned to Tate. "You don't mind me joining, do you, honey? Your momma's had a long day."
Tate had a shit-eating smirk on his face. For all of his mother-fucking talk, part of me didn't believe it. I believed it now. My teammate had the look of a man very much sexually obsessed with his mom and very open about that obsession. "Of course not, Mom." He scooted to the side to let his mother take the seat in the water next to him.
I could hear Evanchick gulp in horniness beside me. And from the ashen look on Mac's face, he was having a hard time figuring out how to react.
It was weird as fuck to me, but I was feeling more detached and amused. Not my circus.
"Hmmm, that water feels nice," Mrs. Walsh said, relaxing her neck back and rolling her head around a little as if to relieve the stress. The action just made her boobs jut out more.
"Tough day, Mom?" Tate asked.
"Fraid so, hon...." Mrs. Walsh said as he turned her head back to look at him and at all of us. She had a dreamy look on her face. "But don't let me stop the party."
"Thanks for letting us come over, Mrs. Walsh," Mac piped in. It was so wild to me the way a confident jock could all of a sudden act like a doofus around a hot woman.
"Anytime," she said. "As long as you boys behave."
Oh fuck, she was flirting. And I could see the smirk on Tate's phase. He knew what his mom was doing and seemed to approve.
Leave it to Evanchick to have more game than Baroni. "I don't always behave, Mrs. Walsh. But I know how to respect my elders."
Mrs. Walsh giggled. She was enjoying this. Like a hunter lioness circling her prey before pouncing. "Oh TJ, you make me sound so OLD!" she teased.
"It's not that, Mrs. Walsh," TJ stammered, trying to keep his game face on. "It's just.."
She smiled. "Oh I'm just teasing. But there's something about seeing you boys go off to college that isn't make feel any younger."
Tate put his arm around his mother's shoulder. "You know I'm going to be back to visit a lot, Mom, right?"
"You better, Tate," she mock-chided.
I gulped. It was uncomfortable, like us guys were watching something private between Tate and his mom. But I also knew that TJ and Mac were getting horned up by it, too. In my own way, I was as well.
Especially as Tate got a certain goofy grin on his face. I couldn't tell exactly where Mrs. Walsh's hand was but I had the feeling she was feeling him beneath the bubbling water.
My teammate turned to us. "Mom's a little upset I showed you those pics," he stated flatly.
Mac started to stammer an apology. Evanchick just grinned.
Mrs. Walsh let out a little giggle. "Tate's too old to ground, but I gave him a lecture about keeping secrets." She turned from a loving glance at Tate to look at us as well. "But I'm flattered you liked the photos."
Mac was blushing red. TJ was gonna shoot his shot. "No disrespect, Mrs. Walsh, but you're a very attractive woman. Any guy would be crazy not to notice."
Tate let out a little laugh.
Mrs. Walsh played along. "That's very sweet TJ." The surreal thing was she just seemed to be in her normal ex-sorority "nice" mode. Even as she got that relaxed look on her face and casually took off her bikini top.
I thought that swimsuit was pretty obscene and barely hid anything, but as those tits popped out, the temperature was definitely being turned up. I now knew that she and Tate had planned this.
Mrs. Walsh gently tossed the bikini top aside and leaned back, letting those big jugs stick out just an inch above the water. Definitely fake. Not that any of the guys cared.
"How does the real thing compare, gentleman?" she asked.
Baroni finally got past his shyness. "They're incredible, Mrs. Walsh. I'm gonna dream about them, actually."
Mrs. Walsh smiled. She seemed to love the attention. I was watching Tate, who was watching his mother. He was enjoying this, maybe enjoying showing off his hot mom.
But Mrs. Walsh's gaze was now directed across the hot tub. "Want to feel them, Mac?" she asked. A little more sultry but somehow Mrs. Walsh didn't make it sound slutty. Or it was slutty in a mom-next-door way. Totally fucked up.
Mac was already moving across the water. All eyes were on Mrs. Walsh's boobs, except mine. I was eyeing up Mac Baroni's football-like beef and trying to see if I could make out his hardon in the wet board shorts.
"Fuck," he hissed once his big paws cupped those hooters. Mac half massaged the fleshy globes, half just held onto them. "You're a lucky dog, Tate," he growled, then stopped himself. "Sorry..." he apologized. "I'm an idiot." I could see in Mac's face a real worry he'd fucked this up by bringing up the incest so explicitly.
Mrs. Walsh put him at ease. "Tate's very familiar with my breasts... aren't you honey?"
"Yes, Momma," he said. It was so wild to see my jock buddy use that term with his mother. Already his hand was easing over to one of his mom's breasts, nudging Mac's out of the way.
Mrs. Walsh let the guys feel her up for a minute then said softly. "Don't you boys know how to share?" she asked. "Maybe Luke and TJ want a turn."
"Luke's gay, Mrs. Walsh," Mac asserted.
"I'm sure as hell not," Evanchick kind of boasted as he stood up in the hot tub. Not just scooting over like Mac did, I realized he wanted Tate's mom to see his endowment. Indeed, that massive cock rode up high and hard in his swim trunks.
"Why don't you sit up on the edge, Mom?" Tate asked.
Those tits bounced, but barely, as she did just that. Mac was following to take one side while TJ took the other side.
I was feeling odd man out now, and I pushed myself out of the tub.
"Not gonna stay for the show, Mullins?" Tate teased. Already he was sitting in the tub and between his mom's legs, pulling the swimsuit bottom down.
"Pussy weirds him out, bro," Mac chimed in, referring to a statement I'd made while drunk one night about being turned off by straight porn.
All right, these guys were in obnoxious jock mode. I did my best to ignore them as I dried off and found my flip flops.
The air conditioning inside was cool, cold even. I wished I'd put on my T-shirt, but I didn't want to go back out there. These guys were having their dream sex fantasy handed to them on a silver platter, and part of me respected that. I wasn't gonna spoil it for them. But I just wished they didn't have to be dicks, and I wished I could stick up for myself more.
I opened the fridge and found one of the craft beers that probably was Mr. Walsh's. Tate and the guys were into hard seltzer or tasteless beer. I laughed to think they gave me shit for being into fruity mixed drinks when we first started partying. I stopped drinking those now.
I popped open the can and took a sip. The kitchen window had a pretty good view on the hot tub area. I wasn't gonna watch but figured what the hell. The guys wouldn't notice but even if they did, fuck 'em.
Tate had his face buried between his mother's thighs and was really going to town. Apparently my teammate was really into eating pussy. Mrs. Walsh was kind of going wild, kissing Mac then TJ, back and forth, while both of them mauled her tits like it was the first rack they'd ever felt up.
As fevered as those guys were in the group scene, they weren't rushing things, not pushing to the next step quickly. But eventually, TJ pulled back from his kiss and reached down to push down his trunks. Up popped that huge dong, long and fat and hard. Evanchick was hung as much as his reputation and on his compact frame it looked even more massive.
I'd been so engrossed in the show that I didn't hear the sound of someone coming into the house.
"Hey Luke... the guys out back?"
I turned back, like a kid caught with the hand in the cookie jar. There was Mr. Walsh standing in his golf attire, the dry-knit polo clinging to his meaty pecs and draping more loosely over the dad bod midsection. He had a reddish hue and tan line from his day on the links and he had that nineteenth hole buzz vibe to his expression. I always thought the man was handsome, kind of a classic "dad" masculinity to him.
But now the nervousness kicked in.
"Hey Mr. Walsh," I said, blood draining from my face. "Um, you might not want to look out back, sir."
The man stopped, and it took him just a second to figure out what I was talking about and for that affable smile to leave his face. "Oh," he said. I think he was more worried that I knew than anything, and I felt bad for the man. He let out a loud sigh. "I've probably seen worse," he said. Then nodding down at at my beer, he asked, "Mind if I join you?"
"Sure," I said. It was fucked up. Here was my buddy's dad, basically cucked by his own son, and I felt it was my job to be the guy's friend. "I think I raided your beers, sir. Sorry."
The man walked over to the fridge and got himself a cold can. "Glad you did," he said. "Make yourself at home, Luke." Mr. Walsh was very laid back about us drinking, the opposite of Evanchick's or Baroni's folks.
He popped the can open and took a long sip. Maybe it was all the sexual activity earlier, but I was definitely grooving on Mr. Walsh's thick bod. Total hot daddy, but in a real way, not in an Instagram DILF kind of way. Still, I tried not to seem weird around him.
The man took a look out the window finally. He didn't seem too bothered, but he turned to me. "Yep. That's pretty messed up," he said.
I laughed, and I hoped Mr. Walsh didn't think I was laughing at him. It was just how he acknowledged the absurdity of Tate and my teammates all doing Mrs. Walsh.
He turned to me. "I'm surprised you're not joining them Luke. You have a girlfriend?"
I shook my head. "Nah, Mr. Walsh... it's not my thing."
He misread what I was saying. "You're not going to get them in trouble are you?" he asked. For as cucked he was, it was clear that his wife and his son had his blessing.
"I mean, I'm gay, sir," I said. A year ago I would have hid this, but something about the situation and the fact I was going off to college soon had me more blunt.
Mr. Walsh nodded. "Wouldn't have guessed, buddy," he said. He took another look out the window. Then with a grin he added, "You check out your buddies' cocks?"
Fuck. Maybe Tate's dad was just messing with me, or just trying to show he was cool with the gay thing. But I was getting the vibe it was something more.
I felt my face grow hot now. "That goes against the bro code," I replied.
Mr. Walsh looked back at me with a smile. "Hell, they're not my bros," he said and turned to look back out.
OK, Tate's dad had at least a big homo streak. I laughed and walked over to stand beside him at the window. As wild as the scene was earlier, this was incredible in its own way. Standing beside Mr. Walsh's warm body, both of us playing voyeur, watching his own son and my teammates have a four-gy with his wife.
"TJ is hung like a fucking mule," the man said, taking a sip of beer. I decided I liked Mr. Walsh, a lot. "Look at that huge dick."
I did. Mrs. Walsh was doing her best to suck it, while Mac jerked his dick and waited for his turn. Tate was still munching his mom's snatch.
"I prefer Mac's," I said. Blushing as I admitted it, but it felt good to let it out.
Mr. Walsh turned to me. "Yeah, bud?" he said. I could read so much understanding in his face. He knew what it was like. "You don't have to worry about the bro code around me," he added.
"Thanks, Mr. Walsh."
"Tom," he said. I knew his first name but never used it.
"Thanks, Tom," I said. I turned my attention out back again. Tate was now bare ass naked and thrusting between his mom's legs.
I could tell Mr. Walsh was horny watching. I couldn't begin to guess the situation here. But he watched intently and asked. "What do you think of my son?" he asked, a horny edge to his voice.
Talk about fucked up. But Tom didn't judge me, and I wasn't gonna judge him. "Tate's kind of a dick, but he's hot," I admitted. Something about the situation made me feel freer to speak the truth.
Mr. Walsh chuckled. "You don't go for the cocky ones do ya, Luke?"
"No sir," I said. "Not normally my thing."
He nodded, still watching the sex scene out book. "Good for you."
We watched a little while longer and sipped our beer. It was hot but was also a strange bonding experience. Both of us odd man out.
Finally, Tom spoke again. "Sorry you're not having your fun tonight, Luke."
I was feeling buzzed now, and anyway I figured I'd channel Evanchick some. Shoot my shot. "If you gave me a chance, Tom..." I said. Throwing it out there.
I could tell Mr. Walsh was surprised. And also into the idea. He turned to me with a twinkle in his eye. "I'm afraid I've gone to seed," he said.
I stood my ground. Posture erect, my dick firming up. "You're totally hot, Tom. I'm not just saying that."
He still seemed cautious. "You, um... you know, you ever done anything?"
I wanted to make stuff up but I told him the truth. "I've gotten a couple of blowjobs. Older guys, too. It's always hot."
Tom smiled. Maybe teasing me as he replied. "So YOU like the be the cocky one?"
I chuckled, out of nervousness and horniness alike. "I don't fucking know, Tom," I complained. "I just love men, you know?" I put the emphasis on men because, the Mac Baronis of the world excepted, I knew I'd prefer someone older than me.
"I wish I'd realized earlier," he said and I felt him put his arms on my waist. I was shirtless and the contact of his warm hands felt amazing.
We kissed. For all the no-strings sex I'd had, I now realized this was missing. It didn't have to be romantic, though ultimately I'd want that too. But feeling Tom Walsh's lips against mine, our tongues slipping together, me trying to follow his lead and anticipate it, the warmth and scent and breath from a MAN pulling close to me. I fricking loved it.
His hands were now feeling me up, running up and down my bare back. I didn't have Mac's beef or even Tate or TJ's muscle but I was a fit athlete. Mr. Walsh seemed to appreciate what I had going on.
For my part I was pawing at every bit of Tom's dad bod, feeling the hard back muscle and the softer love handles and enjoying it all. I was realizing that my preferred body type really was a man with some meat on his bones. I knew it was visually, but in person too it drove me wild to feel that hard-softness of a bigger man. Greedily, my fingers were now running underneath Tom's golf shirt to make skin contact.
Mr. Walsh moaned into my mouth. We were clinging to each other like horny teenagers. Well, I was the horny teenager, Mr. Walsh was just plain horny.
We finally broke the kiss, smiles on our faces. "You are quite an attractive young man, Luke," Tom said.
"This is SO against the bro code," I joked. "My buddy's dad."
Mr. Walsh laughed. "I'm sure," he said. "But Tate's having his fun. It's my turn now." He gave me a quick peck again. "Take this to the guest room?"
We were already down the hall before I realized I'd forgotten about the hot tub orgy going on. Mr. Walsh led me into the guest room, and I felt bad as I realized this is where he slept now. But he pulled down the covers and peeled off his shirt. God, that meaty bod was incredible. He wasn't overweight, really, and the top of his torso was all firm round pecs and broad build shoulders and arms. His middle had a little beer belly. Not quite round, not quite a spare tire, but something in between. His chest hair wasn't heavy but it looked fitting for his age, sprinkled with some gray flecks.
"You don't have to be shy, Luke," he said.
I realized then I was hesitating to take off my trunks. But I did now. This felt naughtier than getting my dick sucked by some random dude. This was my friend's dad, and I was now showing off my boner to him and stripping down naked.
"Very nice," Tom smiled, now undoing his own golf shorts.
I realized I hadn't seen Tate's cock just now, so I don't know how his dad's compared. But it was a perfect dick. Average in length and fatter in girth. Whereas mine had an inch on him but was more normal in width. We stepped toward one another and embraced again. Our cocks touching and battling a little.
We didn't kiss right away but enjoyed the playful intimacy.
"I gotta warn you, Tom," I admitted. "I don't really know what I'm doing. I mean... I've watched a lot of porn, but for the real thing..."
He nodded. "You up for sucking me some?" he asked. Tone respectful but horny.
I nodded. "Um, yeah... fuck."
"Sit down on the bed," he urged.
I did. From that vantage, Tom Walsh's body seemed girthier and more muscular too. I wondered if this is what Mac would look like when he got older. It was a thrill of a thought. I leaned forward and started licking Mr. Walsh's perfect dick, which twitched against my tongue.
"Nice, buddy... feel free to explore it."
I did. Working up from his balls to his dripping cock slit and back down. It was incredible to have another man's genitals pressed against my face. Finally, I got up to the top again and opened up. My first dick to suck and I was going for it.
"God, yeah, man... easy buddy.... that's it, nice and slow... get used to me."
Walsh wasn't overly hung but for my first dick the size seemed pretty big. But I relaxed and focused on sucking in addition to bobbing. Once I got the groove, I heard grunts of approval from Mr. Walsh. Then his hands on my head, gently pulling me into his crotch with a steady pace matched to my sucking.
"Your first cock, buddy?" he hissed. "You're doing amazing."
I was glad of that, but my jaw and throat were tiring, mostly from the newness of the sensation. Thankfully, Tom pulled out, his prick looking bigger and fuller and definitely wetter with my thick spit.
The man had a big smile on his face as he leaned down and met me for a tongue heavy kiss. Already this was beating the quick BJs I'd gotten before. The man patted my shoulder as he relinquished our lip lock. "Lie back, stud," he urged.
As I did I felt Tom's lips kiss along my abs and then further down.
"Oh yeah!" I hissed once he started taking me into his mouth.
This wasn't Mr. Walsh's first dick. He swallowed about four inches of me and worked me before he began deep throating. His pace was slow, almost gentle, but his nose mashed against my pubes with each go. Felt his throat gently milk my boner and saw the way his sun-lightened brown hair was thinner on top and had some gray flecks on the side. I wondered if he wanted to suck Tate like this.
I was starting to cum. Only Tom pulled off right before I did. His hand on my spit wet cock felt great but it was going to keep me on the boil, not push me to completion.
"I take it you're not up for getting fucked," he said. More a statement in tone, but I knew he was throwing the idea out there.
My body shook in nervous energy. "I don't think I'm ready, Mr. Walsh.... sorry, sir."
He grinned. Mayne being called Mr. Walsh made him feel like a dirty old man. Maybe he liked that. He leaned in and gave my balls a quick swipe of his tongue. "If you ever change your mind, Luke, I'd love to take your cherry."
The words were horny and lewd and the intensity of his proposal turned me on. "I'd love to lose it to you, sir," I replied. "Maybe another time. OK?"
He seemed pleased with that response as he pulled back and reached over to the nightstand. I saw the lube come out. For a second I got mad, like he was still going to pressure me to do this. But then he slicked up my hardon with his lubed hand and quickly did the same with his own.
I grinned. We were gonna jack off together. The idea seemed appealing. That way Tom and I could cum at the same time, maybe even while we were kissing. I took my dick in my hand and started the familiar motion up and down.
But as the married man scooted up in bed, he knocked my hand away, off my dick. My heart pounded as I saw his dad bod position himself over my midsection, straddling me.
"Man, we gonna...?" I asked, unable to believe it.
Tom got a big grin on his suntanned face. He nodded and reached over to pump out more lube into his palm, before reaching back between his legs to slick his ass up.
"You done this Mr. Walsh?" I asked. I needed to know. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, other than imitating porn, and I worried a real ass would take more effort to fuck.
"I got a golf buddy," he said with an impish grin. "We help each other out."
"Hot," I said. "You gonna help me out?" I teased.
Tom responded to my playful tone. "Well, your buddies left you high and dry, it's the least I can do."
The middle aged dad nestled his slick crack on my boner and let it nudge against his pucker for a second. "You OK going bare?" he asked, his blue eyes now meeting mine in a horny, almost dreamy expression.
"Fuck yeah," I hissed.
Then I felt the most amazing sensation of penetration. My first ass. My first dad hole. My buddy's father. Mr. Walsh.
"God..." I hissed.
The man was letting out some air, relaxing his body. But he was taking my dick pretty well, sinking down it. "You're a big boy, Luke," he said in his naughty bedroom voice.
"Bigger than your golf buddy?" I had to ask.
"Bigger than my golf buddy."
I almost made a crack about being bigger than his son, but held off. Tom paused at the bottom, having taken me all the way inside. His guts felt tight and hot and alive. I loved this. I'd want a LOT more fucking from here on out.
I was patient and in any case took the chance to run my hands along his body, along thos thick thighs and up over his dad bod stomach.
The man chuckled at my clear admiration. "You really like my body don't ya, Luke."
I looked up at him. At his handsome face and his raccoon eyes from the day of golf. I wanted to fuck him so bad. "Yes, sir. Fuck, is that weird?"
"Not at all, stud," he answered. "I'm glad."
He let me run my hands over his body some more then rose up. About four inches, then settled back down. And again. Mr. Walsh was fucking himself on me. I loved this, but my teen horniness kicked in. I held onto the man and started thrusting up into me.
"Yes!" he hissed. "You're hitting my fucking spot, Luke... right there, buddy!"
Indeed as I fucked into his meaty body, his cock jerked in a regular rhythm. It made me want to fuck faster. So I did.
"Yes, yes," the man urged. The fact Mr. Walsh liked this made me feel like a fucking king.
I knew I was going to have trouble holding off but the second he reached down to touch his own dick, his insides just did a crazy clench and unclench wave on my thrusting prick.
"Oh SHIT!" I gasped. Already orgasming. My hips a frantic blur, my whole lacrosse jock body tensing as I gave it up.
Maybe I was hitting Tom's spot just right. Or maybe he liked the idea I was breeding him. Because I wasn't finished with my release when I felt his hot sperm land on me in heavy blotches.
"FUCK!" he grunted, his body flush and his dick jerking as he milked out the last seed. He regained awareness and our eyes met. We laughed.
"Your first fuck?" he asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"And...?" he prodded. I loved Tom's playful side.
"You've totally spoiled me, Mr. Walsh."
He leaned back, feeling my cock buried inside. "You're still hard as a rock," he laughed.
"Fraid so," I said.
"I need a break, OK?"
I nodded and he eased off. Our bodies were hot and sweaty as we connected for a kiss. We made out for a while, our hearts still racing. My dick wasn't going down but I was just enjoying this intimate connection.
Tom finally patted my chest. "I was not expecting THAT, Luke Mullins," he said.
"Expecting what?" I chuckled.
He shrugged. "You to be into men. You being able to fuck like THAT. First time out, too."
I smirked. "Yes, sir," I said. Now proud of my sexual performance. I didn't realize I'd done anything special. It felt like it was all Mr. Walsh.
He seemed to get a concerned look finally and he nodded his head back in the direction of the backyard. "You sticking around for the rest of the show out back?" he asked.
"Think they're done?" I asked. I was now nervous about the guys knowing about me and Tom. I didn't care for myself but I didn't want to get Tate's dad in trouble.
"Knowing Tate, probably not," the man said. Not jaded or bitter, almost impressed.
"I'm not gonna ask, Mr. Walsh," I said. "But I have SO many questions."
Thankfully the man had a sense of humor. "I bet. Maybe later, OK?" He leaned up and looked over at the clock.
"Did you drive here?" he asked.
"Nah, TJ picked me up."
"I can take you home if you like. Unless you want to crash here."
I didn't know if he meant in his room or with the guys. Either way, it seemed awkward now. "No, I'll head home, Mr. Walsh. Thanks." I sat up, feeling my energy surprisingly drained. I was going to sleep very well after that fuck. My dick had calmed down and softened and I enjoyed seeing Tom's eyes follow it as I got out of bed and slipped back into my swim trunks. "I gotta get my clothes out back."
Tom laughed. "All right. Meet you out front?"
When I got out back, the guys were out of the pool. Mrs. Walsh was on a lounger while Mac's powerhouse body fucked her. Tate was doing laps in the pool, while Evanchick sat in a chair, his huge dick hard but otherwise he was clearly resting between rounds.
He looked up as I walked over to get my shirt and flip flops nearby.
"Hey," he said. "Sorry we forgot about you Mullens," he said, leaning back in his chair. He wasn't self conscious about his nakedness around me, and I realized TJ liked showing off his big dong, even to me. "But you know..." he looked over at Mac going wild on Mrs. Walsh. "...fuck."
I looked over too. I wanted to memorize the vision of Baroni, naked and having sex. I turned back to Evanchick. "It's OK... I had my fun this evening."
TJ laughed and held up his fist in a mock jerkoff motion. But I shook my head no.
The guy's not as dumb as Mac, and he picked on what was going. "For real?" he asked. Looking back to see if Mr. Walsh was in sight.
"Yeah, for real," I boasted. I hated being an asshat, bragging about Mr. Walsh like that, but I was sick of being the odd man out. "Don't tell Tate, OK?"
TJ did a cross-his-heart gesture. I took one more look at Mac's magnificent backside and ass and then gave TJ a buddy pat on the shoulder. "See ya later, bro."
Mr. Walsh drove me home and was the total gentleman. He asked me if I was interested in a date, maybe golf on Sunday. He pulled up to my house and we exchanged phone numbers. And Tom kissed me before I got out of the car.
"Everything OK?" my mom asked when she saw me home early. She'd given me some ground rules for the summer but they were pretty lax. 11PM curfew unless I was staying at a friend's house chaperoned. She wasn't used to seeing me before 9 these days.
"Yeah, Mom," I said. "Just tired from my workout today. Mr. Walsh drove me home," I added.
I made some small talk and went to grab some water to rehydrate. Then I made my way up to my bedroom. There was a text from Mr. Walsh.
"I had a great time, young man," it read.
I smiled and typed. "Me too, Tom. Amazing." I was nervous texting a man much older than me like this, afraid I'd get him in trouble. But with all that was going on in the Walsh household maybe that was the least of anyone's worries.
"They're still going at it, by the way," Tom wrote.
"I wish I'd stayed for round two," I wrote. The man could tell me if I had to be more discreet.
"Ha, I bet. I don't think I could have handled a second round. Sorry, Luke."
"Nothing to be sorry about sir. I'm still on cloud nine."
We sent each other some more texts, but soon called it a night.
Tate found out the following week. He gave me the silent treatment and it was the end of our little posse. Or at least my participation in it. I hung out some with Mac still, but mostly the guys spent their summer together, without me. I was a little bummed, but it was inevitable. I was moving away in a couple of months anyway.
And, yeah, I did lose my cherry to Mr. Walsh. We didn't become boyfriends or anything. But we had a hell of a lot of fun that summer. Including a few time with his golf buddy joining.
It was an auspicious start to my college years, but that's another story.
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peaches2217 · 3 months
“You’ve gotta take a nap, bro.”
“Then I’d have to stop looking at her.”
“She’ll be here when you wake up.”
“But I gotta make sure, yeah?”
“That’s what I’m here for, you big doofus. You know I won’t let anything happen to her!”
Luigi knew better than to take it personally, his brother’s protests and the silences between them. Reasoning with Mario when he was short on sleep was always an ouroboric cycle; the key to victory was to wear him down, tail him relentlessly in endless verbal circles, until at last he was tired enough to believe that dropping everything for a quick break was his own idea, at which point he would happily concede.
He’d always been stubborn like that. And as Luigi was quickly learning, the only thing more stubborn than an exhausted Mario was an exhausted Mario with a sleeping newborn in his arms. But he’d procured a nap himself and was armed with an endless supply of coffee and a foot-tall stack of Better Toads and Gardens. He could play this game all night long.
When another silence fell over them, he peeked over from an article on propagating winter roses and watched for a moment. Nothing new to observe. Mario still cradled his daughter’s head to his heart, his thumb stroking her cheek; his eyes were heavy yet soft and full of wonder, an equally soft (if slightly dopey) smile on his lips.
Luigi felt a similar smile creep onto his own face. He’d be lying if he tried to deny how precious the sight was, or how it made him want to melt into the loveseat they shared like gooey candy left too long in the sun. Fatherhood looked good on his brother. He’d always suspected it would.
Of course, it would look a lot better once Mario wasn’t visibly on the verge of passing out. And maybe after he took a razor to the stubble prickling his chin and cheeks and neck. And a good shower wouldn’t hurt, either. But for now, one hurdle at a time.
“Remember that talk we had?” Luigi leaned to his opposite side to fetch his drink from the end table, overcrowded with magazines. “You’ve gotta take care of yourself if you’re gonna take care of anyone else.”
“I know,” Mario groaned, dragging the last syllable out like a petulant child who’d been asked to clean his room, “and I’m gonna! You know that! But I gotta make sure she gets rested up first, yeah? All these new sounds and sights; that’s hard work, taking it all in! She’s too little for all that excitement.”
That dopey smile widened, and as Luigi polished off his fifth cup of coffee, Mario began cooing beneath his breath: “Sì che lo sei! Mia bellissima principessina! Mia albicoccetta sonnolenta! Papà adora così tanto la sua bambina! Sì! Sì!”
That was a good sign. A babbling Mario was a Mario desperately trying to keep himself awake, and thus a Mario mere minutes from giving into sleep. Luigi set his cup back onto the table and draped his reading material over the loveseat’s arm so he could commandeer baby duty at a moment’s notice.
“You can barely even keep your eyes open. It’s not safe to fall asleep holding a baby,” Luigi reminded him. “I’ll hold her for you. She’ll probably still be snoozing away by the time you wake up!”
Mario’s smile gradually faded, and he squinted down at his little girl, as if contemplating every divot of her visage. Luigi swore he could hear the squeak-squeak-squeak of rusty, overworked cogwheels rotating deep within his brother’s brain.
“What if she isn’t?” Mario eventually asked.
“Isn’t what?”
“Snoozing. You know? What if… what if she wakes up before I do? What if she needs changed, or…”
“Then I’ll change her. No sweat.”
Mario shook his head. “I can’t do that.”
“Mario, I’m a plumber. You think dirty diapers scare me?”
“No, I mean—” he gulped, catching a quiet, heavy breath. “Won’t she be scared? If she wakes up and she needs something but her mama’s asleep and her papa’s asleep, she’s gonna think she’s all alone, and—” His voice cracked as he spoke, and as soon as he stopped talking, his bottom lip began to wobble, fat tears pooling in his eyes.
That was also good. A weepy and irrational Mario was a Mario on the precipice of surrender. This would be over soon.
“No!” Those tears leaked out as he buried his face into the crown of her head, planting little kisses to her hair between affirmations. “No no no, Papà non andrà da nessuna parte, albicoccetta! Non ti abbandonerò mai!” Mwah! “Mai!” Mwah! “Mai!”
“Stars’ sakes, Mario, you’re not abandoning her.” Luigi made a point to keep his voice even and sympathetic as he scooted closer, draping an arm around his emotional brother’s shoulders. “I can wake you up if she needs anything,” he promised. “But you know she’ll be okay! As long as she’s clean and cozy, she’ll sleep like a— well, you know.”
Mario sniffled. “You’ll keep her cozy?”
“The coziest. She’ll be so cozy she won’t even know you passed her off to me!”
“...But we don’t smell the same! She’ll smell you and know it’s not me!”
“Bro. She’s a baby, not a dog.”
“But she’s so talented! So smart!” Mario hiccupped and turned to wipe his face across his shirt sleeve, already stained and crusty from the fifteen times he’d used it as a snot rag prior. “She stopped crying as soon as she heard her mama! She opened her eyes when I talked to her for the first time! She knows these things!”
If she already knows your smell as well as she knows your voice, then you really need that shower. Luigi bit back a chuckle and cleared his throat. No, he’d be every bit as incoherent and emotionally raw in Mario’s shoes. Comfort now. Snark later.
“Look at me, bro.” He pulled back just enough so that Mario could look up at him, and that alone was a victory, because he hadn’t looked away from his daughter in hours. And looking into his eyes now, red from tears and foggy with fatigue, Luigi knew with even greater conviction that he was on the right track. “If she wakes up — the second she starts acting scared or sad or needy, I’ll wake you up.”
“You promise?”
“On Polterpup.”
“You won’t just grab a nurse, or make Peach—” Something like horror flickered across Mario’s face, and suddenly he leaned in, his brows scrunched and his tone sharp. “Swear you won’t wake Peach up. No matter what. Don’t even think about it! Swear that on Mama’s grave!”
Luigi blinked. Well, if he’d been entertaining thoughts of waking a new mother after she’d spent all day in labor (which he wasn’t, at least not too seriously), those thoughts went flying out the nearest window. Mama Mario would personally descend in a chariot of angels to smack him with a rolling pin for committing such an act in the first place; what wrath would he incur if he also spited her name in the process?
Yeesh. That was an intense request, even (or maybe especially) for Mario.
Still, he clapped a hand against his brother’s shoulder, nodding firmly. “Sulla tomba di Mamma. Lo giuro.”
Finally, Mario’s face softened, and he lowered his head with a sigh. Luigi met him halfway; he cupped the back of Mario’s head and touched their foreheads together, and there they savored a moment of quiet resignation, taking in each other’s calming presence.
Wow. It had only taken three hours to reach this point. Honestly, Luigi was quite impressed with himself.
“Alright.” With one last sigh, Mario broke free and turned his attention back to the bundle in his arms, kissing her forehead gently. “You be good for Zio, okay, sweetie? He’s gonna take good care of you.”
Even in the weariest depths of acute oxytocin intoxication, Mario knew (with minimal convincing) that his own child was just as safe with his twin as she was with him. Luigi cleared his throat again, some fluttery but not unpleasant feeling bubbling in his chest. He knew better than to take that for granted.
Zio. Oh, he loved that title.
He found himself uttering his own stream of soothing nothings as he plucked the baby from Mario’s arms, leaning back against the couch cushion so he could prop her against his chest. Stars Almighty, she was her papa’s spitting image. Her chubby cheeks, her strong jaw, her dark hair — she was Mario if he had Peach’s eyes and nose and shaved off his mustache and was also thirty years younger. A little Mini-Mario.
Luigi clicked his tongue softly at his precious little niece, resting peacefully in his arms, entirely unphased by the transfer. Another trait she’d picked up from her father, it seemed: she was one heck of a heavy sleeper.
He would tear down the sky and blow up the stars for her. Funny, how quickly one can devote their entire being to something so small.
“C’mon,” he said, facing his brother again, “let’s get you somewhere more—”
Mario was out cold. He hadn’t even laid back or made himself comfortable; he just slumped forward, his mouth open slightly, his eyes lightly shut.
Great. Speak of the devil…
“Hey.” He glanced back down to the infant in his arms, ensuring her neck remained stable as he nudged his brother with his shoulder. “Come on. Don’t do this! There’s a perfectly good sofa literally right across the room!”
His rationale went unheard. Mario swayed in place for a moment, eyes still closed, and then slouched into Luigi’s side, his head landing square on his shoulder. A quiet snore escaped him as he made contact, and then nothing.
Luigi stared down at his unconscious twin in stupefaction, eventually casting a longing gaze at his gardening magazine, still open and waiting for him on his opposite side. Mario wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. He could, in theory, free himself, but given how the hypervigilant dad-to-be had trained himself these past months to startle awake at the slightest sudden movement…
Well. Their shared moment of resignation hadn’t just been for Mario’s sake, then.
Ah well. Best not divide his attention while babysitting. With a lighthearted huff, Luigi carefully repositioned himself, pulling his legs beneath him and leaning against the loveseat’s arm (and creasing his poor abandoned magazine in the process) so he could more appropriately support Mario’s bulk. Both father and daughter remained undisturbed as he shifted into a more comfortable position.
“Starai una rompiscatole come Papà?” he whispered to the bundle in his arms. He tried to sound annoyed, if for no one’s sake but his own, but he couldn’t possibly drop the grin that tugged at his cheeks.
His niece smacked her tiny lips, nestling a bit deeper into her blanket with a quiet noise. At the same time, Mario snored again, settling against his brother in his sleep.
A Mini-Mario indeed.
“Oh, sì!” Luigi nuzzled his nose into the crown of her head, planting little kisses to her hair as she snoozed. “La rompiscatole preferita di Zio! Sì che lo sei! Sì!”
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
First Encounters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc (I MEAN HEAVY. forgive me, it gets a bit better later chapts i swear), bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
Rin Itoshi was always overshadowed by his older brother, constantly being referred to as “Sae Itoshi’s lil bro”.
He’d be lying if he said it didn’t bother him
Even the girls at school were only interested in him for the fame
But you were “nOt LiKe ThE oThEr GiRlS 🤪🥺” (lord save me)
You’ve seen several of Rin’s games, including the most recent one. He wasn’t quite playing as well as he usually did, but this went relatively unnoticed by fans
After the game, you took a gamble and decided to approach the boy
“Hey… Rin Itoshi right? Great game!” she tried to optimistic and complement him
“...Huh?” He just stared 😭 “Who are you…??”
“We’re classmates…? I just wanted to say I really liked watching you play! That last move was amazing, I can see why you went down the left side instead of the right, with defense being so tight and all..” she was starting to regret talking to the dry boy and laughed awkwardly “Well… Good luck with your next game!” she bowed and left
Rin just kinda stood there ;v;
“Huh… someone actually was watching me…” Bro had the smallest smile on his face  
You and Sae were roommates, everything worked out pretty well between you two
In fact, half the time, he wasn’t even home. Like now, for instant, he was out on a business trip and wouldn’t be home for another day
So imagine your surprise when you were peacefully watching Chainsaw Man in the living room, and your front door flies open
In the doorway stood a tall tanned man with blonde hair and pink eyes
“SAE MY LOVEEEE~ IM HERE FOR YOU” The man practically chanted, you had no clue if he knew whether or not you were there 
He finally notices, and you two have a moment of awkwardnes
“... Wtf are you doing iN MY HOUSE???”
Mentally facepalming at this man’s stupidity- “Sae isn’t home right now, also how did you get in??”
Shidou just shrugged “There was a key under the doormat” he spun it around his finger
You looked this man up and down, tbh, if he was an intruder, there was no way you could take him “You’re Shidou Ryusei right? I remember you from one of Sae’s games…” you said, mentally recalling the guy scream about dopamine
“Yessirr~” he grinned “Best striker in the world right here!”
 You could do nothing but sigh as you reached for your popcorn and prepared to get back to watching, “the tan man will sort himself out…” you wished thought
His eyes shot to the screen as you resumed the show, “Are you watching Chainsaw Man?” he asked
And before you knew it, he was curled up beside you eating your popcorn as you two binged the night away
Sae’s perfume had ran out recently, and he found himself strolling through the mall for a new one
You, on the other hand, were called in for a last minute shift in the store since your co-workers cancelled on you. So, here you were, sitting in your little store, all by yourself
That is, until a ashen-brown haired man walked in
The first thing Sae noticed is you. You in all your beauty, standing behind the desk, sifting through the perfumes
He wondered why you worked for a scent store and not a modeling agency. That was until he actually got closer. 
Your sweet smell embraced him, instantly feeling comfortable in the small store
“Hey, you sell perfumes, yea?” he asked, with a small tilt of his head
“Mhm! One for every occasion, how can I help you?” you replied with a warm smile
“An everyday sort of thing. Nothing too strong…”
You thought for a bit, then one particular scent came to mind, you shuffled through the store to get it “Here, try this one.” 
It was a simple one with a slightly stronger undertone. It was a bit on the pricey side, but seeing how he was dressed, you were sure he could afford it
He tried it out on his wrist, and b the look on his face, you could tell he liked it
“Hm. Quite nice, I think I’ll take it.” he handed you back the bottle with a nod “Actually, I’ll take two.”
You smiled, just happy to make some sales “Great! I’ll get that packed for you.”
You bagged the two perfumes and handed it to him with a bow “Thank you for your purchase! Please come again!”
Sae walked out the door feeling much lighter than before, “It must be the perfume…” he thought, but why was it that he wished to know your name… 
He comes and asks you to join his soccer team (Niko 11)
You had heard about what happened in one of the other classes, a boy named Niko had challenged the soccer team to a duel in 100 days. From your knowledge, Niko was not one to put himself out there “hm. Those Yu-Gi-Oh cards must mean a lot to them…” you though “Surely I won’t get dragged into this… right??”
Oh how wrong you were. You knew that he was recruiting teammates, and being one of the fastest people on the track and field team, it only made sense that he came to find you
Niko knew that you were pretty, but he didn’t know you were that pretty. Especially now that he was standing in front of you. “Uh- Hi….” he tired to keep his composure 
“...Hello, Niko, right? I have a feeling I know what you’re gonna ask…” You said, looking the boy up and down. His face was tinted with a bit of blush, it was clear the boy was not used to talking to people
“Y-Yea…” He muttered, he couldn’t tell if you were happy or not “So then- would you be willing to play on a soccer team with me?”
The way those teal eyes looked at yours, you just could not say no ;)
Ness has been spending less time with him, and he’s wondering why. He soon finds out it’s you
“HUH?? What do you mean you’re ‘busy’ tomorrow??.” Kaiser demanded an answer from the poor boy.
“I-uhm… I’m going out with a friend…” the magenta boy gave him a weak smile “You should come with, I think you two would get along great!” 
Kaiser only rolled his eyes and scoffed “Your ‘friend’?? You mean the same one you’ve been texting for the past TWO WEEKS???”
Ness flinched “Y-Yea…” he looked up at kaiser “Is there a problem with that?”
Kaiser glared at him. Usually Ness would bow his head and spit out a thousand apologies. This new found “rebellion” was NOT supposed to happen. “It’s probably the doing of that ‘friend’ of his…” The blue haired boy thought
“Fine.” he looked Ness in his eyes “Let me meet them. Let’s see if they really are worthy of my prescance.”  
He’s sent to a vending machine by Kaiser to fetch some food, but he forgot his wallet. Lucky, you’re a decent person :D 
“Ness.” Kaiser glared at the scared boy “Get me a drink. Anything but milk. Go.”
“I-Yessir!” Ness bowed before running off. Kaiser was in a bad mood, he didn’t want it to get any worse.
“A drink… where’s the vending machine…??” He looked around. And finally, he found one.
He leaned on the glass of the machine, catching his breath. “Hm. An energy drink maybe?? Or does he want some juice… no no, he had juice this morning. An energy drink it is.” he said to himself and reached for his wallet
“... oh sh1t-” 
Ness had been in such a rush that he forgot to bring money. He feel to his knees and let out a silent cry of despair
You, on the other hand, stood right behind him, trying to contain your laugh from the events unfolding in front of you. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping, which you quickly tired coved
“Uh- Are you… alright??” you looked the boy up and down. He stared at you, eyes wide and mouth agape 
How could he embarrass himself in front of someone so pretty!! He covered his face with his hands, still on the floor.
You could only laugh “Forgot your wallet right? Here, let me pay” you felt kinda bad for the boy, but also slightly amused, which just made you feel worse.
You could practically see stars in his eyes. 
As you paid for the drink, he gave a grateful bow “Thank you so much, you saved me!” and before you knew it, he ran off
You could only shake your head and laugh at the interaction 
^Reader is assigned Otoya for secret Santa, and reluctantly gets him some gifts. He’s quite shocked when you get him things he actually likes
“Otoya” The teacher called, “Your Secret Santa gift.”
“Oh?” the boy took the gift from her hands. It was a gently wrapped box with a feeble attempt of a bow, which he could only laugh at. He noticed that the wrapping paper used was a green that was similar to the streak in his hair, and the ribbons to the rest. He had never seen such a carefully packaged gift. Even the ones he had gotten from his girlfriends exes were usually lame store bought ones.
That's why when opening the gift, he was so careful to not tear the paper.
As the teacher went around passing the other gifts around, Otoya opened his box and inspected the contents 
Inside he found 2 churros (his favourite), a set of headphones (he broke his a few days ago), a small phoenix (his favourite animal) figure, and a handwritten note.
He wondered who could know him this well, to have gotten him such personalized gifts. He deduced that it could only be his best bud, Karasu.
“Yo” Otoya approached the crow boy “thanks for the gift.”
Karasu could only stare “Gift? What gift? I didn’t get you anything… sorry”
Otoya showed him the box “These, did you not get them for me?” he was confused.
Karasu picked up the letter “Why don’t you try reading it? Maybe it’ll tell you who it is”
The white haired boy neatly tore open the note and read it.
“Hm. It’s nothing but a simple ‘Merry Christmas!’ and whatnot…” he muttered. Now he kinda wanted to know who it was from 
Karasu took the card and analyzed the handwriting “Oh. That’s their writing” the observer said and pointed at you, watching them from across the room
“Ungrateful brat…” you swore under your breath, of course Otoya thought it was from Karasu. But come on, you hated getting gifts for a fboy like him. You should’ve at least got some credit
you sighed and left the classroom, considering that you got a crappy candle as your Secret Santa gift, you were pretty frustrated
Otoya caught up to you outside the room “Hey, [Y/N] right? Thank you for the gift” he flashed the best smile he could manage
“Yea…” you muttered, still sad about your candle “Hope you like it… Least you didn’t get something lame like this…” you turned the saran wrapped gift in your hands “Actually, how do you know my name? I’ve always tried to avoid you…”
“Oh uh…” he laughed awkwardly “I was your Secret Santa…”
You take notes very interestingly, using a different font for every subject. He tries to decode one of your notes, you catch him in the act and teach him
You always had a silly habit of encrypting your notes. They were simple observations you made on your classmates, but if anyone read them, you might be in a bit of trouble…
“Nagi keeps looking at Isagi… But isn’t he with Reo??” you quickly noted, automatically translating into your encryption. It wasn’t anything too complicated, it was pretty easy to get used to, it was just for an extra layer of protection. Surely once someone saw it was encrypted, they’d just give up reading it… right??
Wrong :p 
Karasu had been watching you write these for quite a while, but couldn’t figure out the pattern. But he never had the chance to actually see one up close
And that’s why he took the chance after class while you were in the bathroom.
He quickly pulled out your notebook from your bag, and flipped it open. He sat on the desk and got to work, trying to figure out the code
“Could it be numerical… no- that wouldn’t work…” he muttered to himself, unaware of the figure standing behind him
To be honest, you found this quite amusing. The class analyzer struggling to decode your notes. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
The look of fear and shock on this mans face as he turned to face you, it only made you laugh harder
“LMAOOOO- having a hard time, Mr. Genius?” you teased 
Karasu could only frown “Shut it…”
You smiled, and decided that this was too funny of a story you could tell your friends later. It was only fair you taught him your encryption in return
You sat down on the desk beside him, and started pointing out the pattern
He seemed to finally get it, everything clicked together like a puzzle in his mind “Ohhh, I get it. That’s really dope.” 
You could only laugh “I know right?”
He’s practicing his soccer at school, and you stop by and judge him. You then point out everything he’s doing wrong, and leave. Man is stunned XD
You were just grabbing a drink from the vending machine before you left the school campus to go to your soccer team’s practice. 
Being in such a prestigious school meant only academic extracurriculars were provided, you you had to play club
As you grabbed your drink from the slot, a sound caught your attention. “That’s definitely the sound of a soccer ball…” you thought to yourself, having heard that sound several times “Who from this school would play soccer??”
You walked towards the campus exit, which just so happened to be the same direction as the field. And there he was, a purple haired boy, practicing his shots on a make-shift goal. 
You recognize him as Reo Mikage, I mean, the whole school knew him. You decided to get a better view and move closer
Upon further observation, it was clear that he was new to the sport, you could help but feel a bit bad as you laughed
Reo turned to you the second he heard your tease. He frowned “What.”
You composed yourself “Sorry sorry, I was just… admiring your soccer… skills. Yes.” You said, sounding more unsure of yourself than he was of you
He scoffed, “Please, what do you know about soccer?”
“Enough to be a starter on a good team” you shrugged smugly “You on the other hand… You could work on your passing. The ball’s trajectory changes every time, try making contact with the ball on a more consistent spot, and put more speed in it. Also- when you dribble, make sure to at least be somewhat aware of the field in front of you. I could take that ball off you instantly.” you laughed and left, remembering you still had practice to go to.
Reo on the other hand, was left there stunned, “No way… Someone else here plays soccer!” He made a mental note to find you tomorrow, before packing up. 
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razzzzberrysorbet · 7 months
So uhhhh this is my first post lemme know if you liked it or want more!
My Modern! Atwow Headcanons!!!!!
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Includes: Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri,,Tsireya, Ao’nung +y/n ofc 💜
(I edited this btw so if you alr read this and it’s different that’s why 😉😉)
Darker skin then lo’ak
He had dreads about shoulder length
Probably has his hair tied up alot
Baggy cargo pants + hoodie/baggy tee are his go to!!!!!
Can def see him thrifting
Not really a teachers pet but is very respectful and does his work! Is a fav amongst teachers
Is probably in a bunch of advanced classes
Can see him doing track in the spring and football in the fall
Puts his jersey in your locker so you can wear it when you go to his games!!!!!!
Can he him being pretty toned and lean rather than buff
Is such a sweetheart to everyone!!!!! He loves helping people, very nice person (mom taught him well)
Can see him working at a sneaker store + lifeguarding in the summer with Lo’ak
Skincare queen 🩷🩷🩷
He loves when you come over so you guys can do face masks and watches movies (bro needs to confess already)
Is popular at school but I feel like he would be oblivious to the fact almost the whole school knows him😭
If his class is close he will wait outside of the room so he can walk you to class!!!!(so nice)
Out of all his friends he probably talks to you the most
Is so smiley around you!!!
Is so oblivious to other people’s crushes on him it’s kind of annoying
Smells soooo😫😫😫😫😫😫
Is a class clown for sure 😬😬😬😬
But he’s actually really funny!!
Is best friends with like all of his teachers
Def listens to rap or soul/funk
Light skin
Keeps his dreads short
Can see him having sum blondes pieces tooooo
He is totally a “where my hug at” and “hey mamas” type😪
Screams “AYO WHERE MY HUG AT” from across the hall way sometimes Tsireya will run away from him😭😭
Basketball + Track 😛
Probably only keeps his grades up so he can keep playing sports….
Has many friends very popular!!!!!!
His snap score is like a million 🥲
Gaslights the teachers into thinking he doesn’t have his AirPods in
Is loud…..
Is a trash talker during 🏀 fosho and is extra with celebrating
Honestly has THE WORST diet but somehow is really fit?
Checks himself out and flex’s 24/7 💪 💪
Is actually pretty famous on tiktok????
Charlie Damelio who????😍😍😍
Earth tones on her>>>>>>
Pretend to not to know lo’ak😭
Sleeps in all her classes yet is passing???
Room filled with crystals/incense
Has like 2 or 3 close friends
Wears waist beads !!!!
Wolf cutttt
Probably dyes her hair lot
Sassy queen
RBF for sure
Is such an artsy person can see her painting and sculpting
Has her 1,000 year old beat up converses 💀
Keeps trying to get you and neteyam together!!!!!
Not super popular or into popularity tbh
Her desks are always covered in random drawings
“🙄”go to face 😭😭😭😭
Is actually the sweetest girl ever!!!!
Such a girls girl
Def has a big sweet tooth and alot of candy
Gifting is her love language
Does very well in her classes!!!!! Can see her doing extra curriculars too!!!!!
I see her doing volleyball and dance w/you
You and her are besties for life!!!!!
You guys have been dancing together forever!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Does lo’aks makeup/ he pretends to not like it but is secretly loving it
She deff loves pastels and pink!
Omg her makeup and outfits are so cute!!!!
Loves matching with Lo’ak and you ofc
People pleaser to the max just wants people to like her🩷
Has 3 or 4 close friends but she’s honestly friends with everyone!!
You guys talk one time now she’s saying hi to you everyday 😭🥹🩷
Very girlie and feminine
Her room came straight from Pinterest
Polynesian baddieeeeee
Never ever excludes anyone makes people feel so loved
Cheers for lo’ak at his basketball games
Tries to convince you neteyam is crushing on you
Sleepovers with her 😚😚😚😚
Um RBF much????
Since you and Tsireya are childhood besties that means you and Ao’nung have known each other for so long!!!
Whenever you are over in tsireyas room he will come in and flex in her mirror 😒
Basketball for sureeeee
Parents forced him into learning piano and hes actually so good???
Might not seem like it but such a caring brother
Oh no?? Tsireya forgot her lunch
Don’t worry! Ao’nung already brought it!
She needs money? He’s handing her his wallet while rolling his eyes “🙄🫴💳 “
He’s honestly so protective over you
Barely tries in class but is super smart
Probably wears muscle tanks to school-
Plays basketball with Lo’ak in thier driveway
Ok but his biceps….
Quiet but known 🩷
Is friends with neteyam but mostly for your sake
Sarcastic king
Lifeguarding + teaching swim lessons
Deffffff wears puka shell necklaces
He’s pretty tall and teases you for being short
Natural smirk 😫😫
Triangle method ummmm???????😧😧😧
Always offered to get you something whenever he goes out
“Hey im going to the gas station, want anything??”
Has all of ur baby pics😭😭😭😭
Plssss ur so embarrassed whenever he shows Neteyam
(Sorry if that was long lolll)
U and tsireya do/did dance together 🩷
Omgggg there are so many videos of you guys dancing
Straight A student cuz ur a baddie
Oblivious to neteyams fat crush on you?????
Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry
Ao’nung and Neteyam probably have ur bracelet on their wrists
Ur house is THE ultimate hang out spot
You and lo’ak do so many tiktok dances together 😭😭
You always cling onto neteyams arm when you guys walk together don’t let ao’nong see🫣
Unlimited amounts of clothes…….
Y/n ur literally so popular and you don’t know it!!!!
Helppppp you have guys falling to ur knees 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Lip syncing queen?????
Everyone loves you you’re so sweet and genuine🩷🩷
Ur photo album is full of pictures of all your friends
Wearing neteyams jersey to his games (y/n how have you not figured it out yet????)
I see you working with tsireya and Kiri at the mall
Dancing your whole life your so good!!!!!
AirPods in 24/7
Girl you got so many boys wrapped around your pinky how to you do it??????
Weekly hangouts with neteyammm
Omggg k ur baby pics are all over tsireya and ao’nungs house like?????
You and the girls filming Grwms😭😭
U love kids and babies (tuk)
Um imma need that workout/makeup/skincare routine pls 😁😁🤲🤲🤲🤲
(You can totally change dance to whatever sport/hobby you want I just put dance cuz I love it!)
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dabuggh3 · 6 months
ugh i need an imagine of you n hamzah at a house party and yall meet for the first time, n he's trying to spit game🫣🫣 and maybeee he takes u homeeeee 🙏🏽😫
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It’s Halloween and you get invited to a party of a close friend. You spent the whole day before trying to chose a costume and end up going with Betty boop. Not your first choice but it’s was simple so oh well.
You arrive you with a friend, then meet up with your other friends. It was a house party so things weren’t too crazy. You sit down on the couch with your friends as you catch up with what’s been going on with your lives recently. You slowly see more and more people coming in, some you recognized and some you didn’t. You decided to get yourself some food, you excuse yourself.
You’re getting yourself some food as you reach for the spoon and someone next to you bumps into you reaching for the bowl too. “ Oh shit my bad, sorry” says a tall Frankenstein with curly hair. “ Dudeeee, I’m so sorry about my friend” says a tall vampire. “ It’s okay, did you want to get some?” you say with a smile. Frankenstein stares at you, “ Oh no no it’s okay you can go first, all you” he says with a smile gesturing to the bowl. “Thank you uhhh??” “ Hamzah” “ Thanks Hamzah, here you go” you hand him the spoon. He smiles and you walk away.
You head back to your friends and finish your food. “ Do you guys want to go play beer pong” “ Yesssss” you say. You guys all walk into the next room and set up to play. You and your friends are playing, as you go to pick up your ping pong ball, someone picks it up for you. You look up and it’s Hamzah, you smile kinda blushing.
You walk back to your friends, “ who was thattttt” “ask him if he wants to play” “ he’s cutee ” they all say giggling and teasing. “ NO STOP”, you knew what was coming,“ HEYYY FRANKENSTEIN DO YOU WANNA PLAY?” Hamzah looks over at them then you, “ Yea”. “ Great you can play with y/n”, you stare at them in disbelief.
You and Hamzah set up the game refilling the cups. “How many rounds?” he asks ending the silence. “Huh!?, oh as many as you want” you say. “ How many can you handle?”, he says looking up at you, you stare at him, “ Didn’t mean for it to sound like that sorry, y/n was it?” he says chuckling. “ You’re good and yea y/n” you says laughing nervously.
You guys begin the game, and later on you win. “ AHHHHHHH” you scream in excitement with your friends. Hamzah leans on the table, head down, as Martin pats him on the back, “ bro it’s okay”. You laugh staring at him defeated, “it’s okay Frankenstein, here “ you walk over to him with open arms. He accepts the hug and you pat his back.
You and Hamzah end up talking more and sit on the couch together. You sit down and Hamzah hands you a pillow, “ for your lap, I saw you fixing your dress”. You smile ,“ so observant, thank you”. “I like your costume by the way” “Thanks me too, you don’t see too many Frankensteins” “ Yea huh, sooo do you live by here”. “Yea not too far like 15 mins, I’m close friends with the host, how about you?” “ I’m about the same, like 18 mins away from here, I was invited so I don’t really know many people but I’m glad I came” he says staring at you.
You giggle, “Is this you trying to flirt with me?” He smiles tilting his head, “If its working, yea”. “ Never thought I’d have Frankenstein flirting with me but you’re cute so I’ll let it slide” “ Yea?!” “ Yea” you smile making eye contact with him. You and Hamzah keep talking about different things, your interest, what you do as a job, your dreams, just getting to know each other.
It’s getting late now and you’re ready to go home. You call your friend that you carpooled with and she doesn’t answer and appears to have left. “ Fuck” you say as the phone call goes to voicemail. “ What’s wrong” Hamzah says. “ My friend that gave me a ride here isn’t answering her phone and I don’t see her anywhere” “ I could give you a ride if you want” “ Really!?” “ Yea, I don’t mind”
You say goodbye to your close friend and thank her for inviting you. You and Hamzah walk outside to his car and get in. As your driving Hamzah gives you the aux and you blast your music. You guys arrive to your apartment. “Thank you Hamzah” you smile at him. “ No problem” You exit his car and start walking toward your apartment but then you walk back ,” Wait I just realized we didn’t exchange contacts” “ I was just about to tell you that too” you both laugh and exchange phone numbers. “ Well thank you again,I hope we can hang out soon” “ Me too, I’ll see you soon” You walk back to your apartment and look back seeing he’s waiting for you to walk in. You wave goodbye and walk inside.
Hope this lived up to your expectations 😭🙏
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purplepixel · 9 months
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What if the turtles were in the pokemon world? And what if they were never turtles, but in fact, mutated pokemon? What if they lived in the Castelia sewers of Unova instead of New York?
Meet my Rise/Pokemon AU!! Waaaah this has been on my mind for MONTHS now. Pokemon is that one fixation that'll never leave me. I'm THAT pokemon fan that knows WAAAAY too much about the games and lore. For those that don't know,
Raph is Drednaw
Leo is Wartortle
Mikey is Torkoal
Donnie is Lapras
Yes. They are all shiny. I started with raph, since him as drednaw is pretty much a no brainer. The shiny form fit too well with him and his color scheme. Than I realized if I made him shiny, I had to make the other bros shiny as well so THEY ALL SHINY. (draxum shiny hunter confirmed?) Also dual rock typing fits well with raph's character.
Wartortle for leo was also a pretty obvious choice. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. Long flowy tail? Yes please. I had to keep his markings somehow. Wartortle has little dark cheek spots, so I just changed them to be leo's markings. Water typing leo. Go with the flow, think on the spot, it worked out too well.
Torkoal for Mikey was another easy one. Fire turtle? Passionate, warm, also DANGEROUS (he can be a menace ok) Say no more. His powers in rise are already pyro related. Also having him shiny helped a lot with the color scheme. Torkoal is normally orange so having mikey be the yellow shiny form meant I didn't have to mess with his mask colors
Donnie on the other hand....OHHH BOI I STRUGGLED WITH YOU. I went through 4 DIFFERENT POKEMON, before deciding on the least turtle like of them all. I am aware that we do have a softshell pokemon with enamorous, but it's a legendary so thats not happening. But it was really important for me to keep donnie's soft shell and battle shell. I wanted this to be a RISE au and donnie's battle shell is pretty tied into his character. (there's also tirtouga which I almost went with, but I didn't like that both he and raph shared the exact same dual typing) Soooo, Lapras. Its more of a loch ness monster but it also draws inspiration from a placochelys (prehistoric seaturtle esque species) so IM COUNTING IT. Very unconventional but I have my reasons. Ice typing is a good offensive type, but is pretty bad defensively. Which ties into rise donnie's fighting style. If I wasn't a coward, I wouldve made donnie the biggest of the bros. Since lapras is like 8 feet tall compared to the others being like 1-3 feet. But uhhh, I swear I have an in universe explanation for why he's so small ok.
And than there's April. She is not a pokemon trainer in this au. At least not in the traditional sense. I've been with pokemon for all of my 26 years of life, and I always wanted to know what the normal people of the pokemon world are up to. Not everyone is out here collecting gym badges, travelling, or catching them all. How do non-trainers interact with the pokemon world? So that's where I'm at with April. She will get a pokemon partner, but other than that, she's just an average high schooler who befriended the turtles from a young age and takes part in all their shenanigans. I took some design elements from rosa and hilbert with her outfit, but otherwise its pretty much the same.
We'll see how far I'll take this. I've been using this as a break from my many other projects, but like everything I do, it grew too many legs and is slowly becoming its own thing.
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delcakoo · 2 years
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sunghoon with a short gf‧₊˚.﹅♛ 。‧₊
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requested <3 ! jay ver ! jake ver ! niki ver !
PAIRING ! sunghoon x f!reader
WC ! 1.2k
GENRE ! fluff fluff fluff, crack + slight suggestive
WARNINGS ! none just hoon being the most annoying ever <3
a/n: bejdhjd this was in my drafts for a while sorry T-T i hope u guys enjoy hoons ver, my man fr :D
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well you’ve got yourself an absolute menace for a boyfriend i’m sorry
mf is so tall that you don’t even make it into his line of sight and he’s rEVELLING in this fact
you’re standing right in front of him and he just
“hmm, where’s y/n? i can’t seem to find her..”
“anyone seen my girlfriend? she’s like.. 4’2.. careful you don't step on her!”
probably has your contact name as thumbelina or smthn
please just punCH him please
kidding he wouldn’t even feel your tiny fists 🧌
when you’re trying to y’know
mind your dAmn business
having a peaceful conversation with literally anyone BUT sunghoon
the big baby gets all annoyed that you aren’t paying attention to him so guess what he does
“—and so i explained that i wasn’t going to go with her!” sunoo exclaims to you with crossed arms
“yeah of course,” you agree, “why would you? that’s totally—“
you don't even get to finish because soMEONE has laid a bulky arm on your head like you’re his own personal armrest??!£<%!]?
yup, there's your boyfriend in his stupid white muscle tank top looking down at the two of you
“hey guys 😎😎”
you give him the ‘why am i dating you’ stare
“what?” he smirks, literally challenging you to TRY and fight back, “go on, keep talking tiny people”
you and sunoo take turns punching him ❤️
it has no effect
damned muscle pig
don’t even get hoon started on how much he secretly LOVES his ability to pretty much do whatever he wants with you
“babe, want me to give you cuddles?”
“what? 🤨 not right now, i’m in the middle of cooking this—heY!“
suddenly you’ve been snatched up bridal style as if you’re a ragdoll
“ahh, if you insist, i guess i can spare you some time 😇”
proceeds to throw you on the couch before juMPing ON YOU
giggles the whole time too
“i don’t think i should hug you too tight, how are you so small?”
you wouldn’t mind dying to one of his hugs anyway <3
but please don’t tell him that
hoon never misses an opportunity to make fun of you for being whipped
another example. playing board games and he loses? bro throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
then he takes you to the nearest couch or bed and tickles you WHILE HOLDING BOTH YOUR WRISTS WITH ONE HAND. 😢
he needs to get his ego back somehow after such an embarrassing loss 💔
watches you squirm under him with a dumb smirk, “you’re so pathetic jagi, i need to take you to the gym with me, seriously”
you don’t know if you should be blushing or scowling
speaking of blushing
eventually sunghoon discovered another one of your weak spots
with your height, all you can see is his chest unless you crane your neck up
that is, unless he takes the initiative to bend forward and get right up in your face like some kind of siREN trying to seduce you??
“sunghoon i don’t know how many times i have to tell you,” you frown, rummaging through your empty pantry, “that was MY ramen, and it was supposed to be for when—“
you have to pause because when you look to your left, sunghoon has an elbow on the counter, bent forward to finally be at your height with his face all in in your personal bubble
and on his lips is a big, FAKE innocent pout, brows furrowed and puppy eyes staring straight at you
you know exactly what he’s doing
trying to flirt his way out of his mess as usual
not that it isn’t working of course, especially due to how weird it felt being face to face with your boyfriend without having to practically break your neck
but you still attempt to stand your guard 🙁
“what do you think you’re doing? you think your pretty face will make me forgive you?” you move away nervously, continuing to reorganise the cupboard
that lasted about 2 seconds before the idiot grabs you by your waist and pins you against the kitchen counter
he leans down even further, whispering in your ear, “c’mon.. i said i’m sorry baby, what else should i do to get you to forgive me..?”
you see where this is going and quickly push him away
“okay okay! whatever, buy me some more ramen and i’ll forgive you..” you mutter in defeat
he releases you right away at that, cheering in victory ☹️ sigh
your weak spot for him never fails to resurface at the worst times
even when other people tease you and he just JOINS IN
you’ll be at the dorms laying on the couch with hoon and niki (the absolute WORST combination, god bless you) watching a movie
and conveniently enough it just happened to be ‘tall girl’
it was for the shits and giggles, but of course mr dumb and mr dumber next to you took every opportunity to make fun of you
niki would punch your shoulder (for what reason sir??) “y/n, she’s like you in an alternate universe!”
your BOYFRIEND immediately laughs in agreement, “maybe if you stack 3 y/n’s on top of each other, it’d equal the height of this girl”
eventually you save yourself though <3
“sunghoon if you make another stupid comment you’re sleeping on the damn couch tonight 😊”
niki ofc is all “ooOoooooOooHh 😱😱😱😹😹”
meanwhile bro is flabbergasted, “what?! but niki was doing it too!”
“is he my boyfriend??”
“you wish i was—“
sunghoon punches him 😁
but but every once in a while hoon makes sure you know he really does love you for how you are despite all the teasing :c
it’s usually in pretty subtle ways like just. trying to be your one and ONLY assistant
“hey hee, can you reach that plate for—“
“DID somEone SAY hoon can you get that plate? why of course princess!”
before you can protest it’s in your hand already 🧌
“…thanks hoon”
heeseung in the distance shakes his head, muttering about how whipped this man is for you
another time hoon found you crying in the bathroom after a rather unfortunate incident earlier that day
someone SOMEHOW thought you were his little sister due to your height difference
hoons usually very shy with strangers but this time he was NOT pleased
of course he didn’t wanna start anything in public
but he was absolutely passive aggressive
wraps a protective arm around your waist, “uh, no this is my girlfriend actually.” 😐🤨
when he found you crying he literally felt his heart shatter and quickly ran up behind you
back hugs you and whispers softly against your neck
���who cares what those single losers think, you know you’re perfect for me right? you make me feel so useful, always failing to reach everything.. needing my help..”
you laugh through your tears at that, making sunghoon smile as well
“.. it’s okay when i tease you right?”
you quickly nod, “yeah, just not when anybody else does it”
inside his heart just bursts :c
he nods in agreement, “damn right”
hugs for my shorties part 3 🫂🫂🫂 !!
if you enjoyed, reblogs n’ comments are always appreciated and motivating for me to write more :)
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @lov3niki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @l1lac-dreamer @kodzukii @yjjungwon @miou45
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harlowtales · 12 days
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Jack has to deal with a cruel twist of fate 🤵👰🏻‍♀️💍🤰🏻
18 + ONLY - Adult Content
“Yo my girl is coming over tonight behave yourself” Clay said to his brother
“Couldn’t care less bro” Jack said as he checked his messages totally preoccupied as they were sitting on the couch together watching the game.
“Ok boys she’s going to be here soon. Clay set the table, Jack just behave yourself” their mom said shaking a spatula at Jack as she finished cooking
“Whys everyone saying that?” Jack said in fake bewilderment. He knew damn well why. He would get to cracking jokes and pouring on charm or just being goofy and the girls would fall for him leaving Clay with a broken heart.
Clay had come into his own. He had matured and grew tall and handsome and was a super producer living on his own. The family was gathering for Labour Day long weekend dinner and Clay was introducing his mystery woman to the family.
“Must be serious bro. I’m happy for you.” Jack said sincerely. He decided he wasn’t going to do anything to upset his brother. He had matured too and he had nothing to prove by stealing yet another girl. Jack made a mental note to not play around because he wanted to see if this girl was trying to date Clay to get near him.
Just then the doorbell rang but it was his grandparents. Then it rang again and it was his dad coming back from a run to the liquor store for the festivities. Then it rang again and again filling the house with aunts and uncles and cousins. No girlfriend. Clay started nervously checking his phone. Tonight he was going to propose in front of the whole family. His family was just meeting her but Clay kept her under wraps for almost a year.
Jack would tease him about his imaginary girlfriend but Clay wanted to make sure she was with him for the right reasons. Tonight be was making it official and they were basically eloping. He didn’t want the whole big fuss. His family was big and could get to be a lot, and him and his girl were low key. They always talked about a ceremony at City Hall, small dinner party and quick honeymoon in Jamaica. He was busy finishing up his brother’s album.
As everyone was getting hungry waiting for their new guest they decided to start eating. Jack was watching his brother out the corner of his eye concerned as he was frantically texting her back and forth. He vowed to keep quiet so he said nothing. Finally the doorbell rang. It was Stefanie. Clay jumped up to let her in and she was a mess!
Stefanie had caught a flat tire on the way over. She insisted on driving over herself because she was hyper vigilant about not looking like a gold digger or Clay spoiling her. She had an old Acura that worked on a good day but refused Clay buying her a new car. She knew how to change a tire but it had also rained a bit ruining her look. She didn’t want to look like a “baddie” so she had on jeans, a tank top with a light crisp white shirt and sandals with a slight heel.
Her hair was in a ponytail with light makeup. Perfect for a family Labour Day affair. That is until she had to get dirty. She had hazel green eyes being mixed Puerto Rican and beautiful olive skin with one dimple and a big smile. She also had a great sense of humour and was studying at a small University in Ohio majoring in international law. She told Clay she was having “car trouble” knowing full well Clay would rush over to where she was to help.
“Baby!” Clay exclaimed “What happened to you?” He whisked her in the house and Maggie their mom grabbed her a towel.
“Come with me Stefanie I’m going to clean you up you poor thing!” Maggie and her sister fussed bringing her upstairs.
Jack hadn’t yet got a good look at her. He had to go stand a bit away as he got a business call. When he returned he was confused. “Didn’t your girl walk in?” He asked Clay looking around.
“Yes and she’s a mess! Mom’s cleaning her up and giving her a change of clothes.” Clay explained. He was mad because Stefanie was always making something worse by not calling for help. It wasn’t the way he hoped dinner would go tonight.
When they came back down from upstairs Stefanie was all clean and freshened up with a pair of Maggie’s tights and a hoodie. Perfectly comfortable while her clothes were cleaned and dried. “Thank you so much everyone! What a way to meet you all. Geezus that was a heck of a way to kick this off. Hi, I’m Stefanie with an “f”” she beamed at all of them. Clearly this girl was different. She was outgoing and confidently shook everyone’s hand.
Then she got to Jack and paused “I guess saying hey what’s poppin? will get me eating all the coleslaw” she chuckled making reference to the times Jack has said in his songs he hates coleslaw. She had a goofy little laugh and was so jovial Jack chuckled too immediately impressed but keeping joking around to a bare minimum so nobody could accuse him of flirting.
“So Stefanie with an “f” please sit. You must be starving.” Jack’s dad said “eat up because we’re about to play some games.”
“Ooh! I love games! What kind of games?” She asked enthusiastically her eyes brightening as she dished out her food.
“Well I don’t mean to brag but trivia games are kind of my thing.” Jack’s dad Brian said leaning back confidently in his chair satisfied from the big dinner he ate.
“Sounds awesome Mr.Harlow.” She said sweetly with impeccable manners
Jack leaned over and whispered in his uncle Ben’s ear “This has to be a paid actor. No way Clay bagged this dime.” Clay shot Jack a look from across the table to which Jack responded with a look of innocence.
After dinner they all settled in for the big game. Board game that is. It was a serious thing in their house and nobody took loosing well. Clay was feeling the velvet of the small ring box in his pocket waiting for the right moment. Everyone seemed to be absolutely in love with Stefanie. Everyone except Jack. He had been unusually quiet this whole time.
“Ok get your partner and let’s get started with the first round.” Jack’s grandpa ordered
Clay and Stefanie snuggled into one another on the floor with a blanket ready to play. Clay was sure they would win. Stefanie was his secret weapon.
“First question for the lightning round.” Grandpa said “What Chinese state has the Great Wall of China? Everyone was silent.
“Can I Google this?” Cousin Ben said as arguably the smartest person in the room
“OMG!” Stefanie finally exclaimed jumping up “I know this one! It’s a trick question!”
“Baby calm down” Clay said laughing pulling her back down. They were so cute together. Jack watched their interaction to see if it was real. Stefanie would have been a dream girl for him. How did Clay land her? Where did they meet? Did she have a sister? But he vowed to behave and behave he did.
“China has provinces not states so any answer would be wrong. Am I right?” She asked the room excitedly
“Um how did you know that?” Jack’s dad asked her in awe.
“Stef’s an international law major.” Clay said slyly as he proudly put his arm around her as she sat back down
“Unfair!” Jack’s cousin Sean said “I’m not playing. This is rigged.”
“Ok everyone that was beginners luck. Next question!” Grandpa announced loving being the host of these shenanigans.
“What is the law of energy?” He said dramatically in a hushed tone.
The room went quiet. Clay squeezed Stefanie’s hand to stop her from answering. Eventually one of Jack’a cousins said “Give it to us Stef. We know you know.”
“Um ok and this is just a guess. The law of energy is energy is never lost just transferred.” She said adorably squeezing her eyes shut and crossing her fingers to which Jack looked away.
“Correct.” Grandpa said as the ringmaster
“I’m tapping out they’re going to win.” Jack’s uncle said walking away in a huff.
“Oh no I’m sorry everyone how about this next round I won’t answer. Zippy lippy.” Stefanie said with a giggle. Jack couldn’t take it anymore.
“Bro.” He gestured to Clay “Can you help me grab snacks in the kitchen?”
“Sure” Clay said happy his girl was making such a great impression.
“Who is this girl?” Jack said immediately as soon as they were out of earshot
“What the fuck bro, what’s up your ass? You don’t like Stef?” Clay said annoyed
“No. She’s great. Almost too great. How did you guys meet?” Jack asked as he grabbed some chips and dip
“I played a little gig on her campus and as you can tell she’s not shy. We hit it off and went for drinks after and that was it I was hooked.” Clay said lovingly looking over at Stefanie biting her tongue to not further upset his family.
“She got a sister?” Jack pressed Clay
“No and even if she did I wouldn’t let you near her.” Clay said defensively
“I’m not an asshole bro” Jack defended himself
“No you’re just…you.” Clay said and Jack knew what he meant. Jack had stolen too many of his girls only to have them crying to Clay later how Jack just stopped showing interest.
“Stef’s the real deal. Look what I got her.” Clay said taking the ring box out of his pocket and cracking it open for Jack to see. It was a cute little diamond just like Stefanie. For some reason emotions were coming up for Jack he couldn’t make sense of.
“That’s great bro just be careful.” Jack cautioned as they returned to the gathering. His head started pounding.
Jack pretended to have to leave early after getting a phone call. He left with warm goodbyes and a salute to his brother who was nose to nose with Stefanie. Clay decided to take Stefanie on a drive around his neighborhood and as he shared his childhood memories he popped the question in private. They called Jack right away on FaceTime. Stefanie was beaming and holding up her ring for Jack to see. Will you be my best man at City Hall tomorrow bro? Clay asked.
Jack was in shock. “Of course I’ll clear my calendar. Congratulations you guys.” He said slightly deflated. He couldn’t shake this cloud that had settled above his head and he tossed a d turned all night. In the morning he awoke groggy to pups licking his face.
“What’s the fucking rush?” He said to himself as he fixed his breakfast “Whys he getting married so fast?” But he had agreed to be his brother’s best man so he picked out a nice suit as it was too short notice to buy a gift so he had his assistant run out and get a card and a wad of cash for the happy couple.
Jack arrived to find his parents beaming and a relative of Stefanie’s. Her parents were in Puerto Rico and could not make it. “Hello brother!” Stefanie said to Jack flinging her arms around him already tearing up.
“Baby watch your makeup.” Clay said lovingly dabbing under her eyes. To see Clay like this shook Jack to his core. Urban was serious with someone, even his other buddies were all getting booed up. It wasn’t as regular for them to all be hanging out in their free time. Jack relied on his day ones and he was feeling just plain lonely. When would he meet someone like Stefanie? How was that even possible with his lifestyle?
The club girls he was having threesomes with were not fulfilling anymore. Girls were getting left on read as he had started to question his life. Fans were upset because he had been so M.I.A. Feeling like he was losing his brother to a fantastic girl he felt he couldn’t compete with was causing him an inner struggle to be happy for them. Plus if he was being honest… he was attracted to Stefanie. Her goofiness, her giggle, her smarts, her eyes, her boldness, the way she was helping his mom do the dishes when he left last night… and that one dimple, had intrusively entered Jack’s mind all night as he tried to sleep. His brother one upped him and got THE girl.
Jack blushed shyly as Stefanie shot him a grin and a goofy shot gun for the shot gun wedding happening with his brother. She had her natural curls flowing with little babies breath flowers strategically placed in a half-up do and a simple white summer dress she ran out bought that morning that delicately graced her slim frame. She looked like an angel. As they recited their vows Jack’s stomach began to tighten up.
“Hunny are you ok?” His mom asked as Jack shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
“I’m fine. I think that macaroni pie last night didn’t agree with me.” Jack explained it away
“That’s because you’re always eating all that healthy shit.” His dad leaned over and whispered
“Thanks dad appreciate it.” Jack said rolling his eyes. He couldn’t wait for this to be over.
As the happy couple jumped into Stefanie’s old Acura and drove off dragging rattling cans and a “Just Married” sign headed to the airport for their mini-honeymoon, Jack made an excuse and quickly bolted. He turned the key to his condo excitedly greeted by pups and nuzzled his whole face in her soft curly fur falling onto the couch in exhaustion. He picked up his pad and started to write a song about a girl he wished was his but didn’t deserve.
The weeks went by and as Clay returned tanned from the Jamaican sun him and Jack got back to work on the album. Jack braced himself for Clay talking his ear off about his new wife but Clay just kept his head down working hard to get everything perfect.
“You know you can talk about her. I’m ok with it.” Jack said late one night with his brother in the studio.
“Stef?” Clay said as he looked up from the computer screen “Aww you know Stef bro she’s back at school and here on weekends. Ain’t much to say we just us. With Stef everything is just natural. When she’s done her degree she’ll move here and that’s pretty much it.”
“What about kids?” Jack asked as he tore open the package of a Nature Valley Bar.
“I would love that when it’s the right time. Stef has dreams of working at the UN.” Clay said proudly
“So why the rush in getting married?” Jack asked
Clay squirmed and hesitated to answer. Jack looked directly at him and waited for a response.
“Uh, no reason.” Clay said “I mean if you know the one is the one…why wait?”
“I guess so.” Jack said suspiciously
“Ok you want the truth?” Clay said looking at Jack now
“That’d be nice for a change.” Jack said sarcastically
“I didn’t let anyone get to know her…well you, until I was about to ask her to marry me so it didn’t give you time to do what you do best stealing my girlfriends.” Clay finally said with a hostile tone
“I fucking knew it.” Jack said getting up and pacing “I knew something was different about you this past year.”
“Yeah different like I wised up. Stefanie is totally your type. I had to work smarter not harder bro.” Clay said tapping his temple indicating his intelligence.
“Playing chess not checkers I see.” Jack said sitting back down
“I’m happy for you bro honestly. No funny shit.” Jack said
“Thank you bro” Clay replied “Now let’s get this hook done I have to call Stef. I miss her already.”
Jack caught the far off look in Clay’s eyes and decided he better get on board and get to know Stefanie. If she hurt Clay it was game over. Their family was worth a small fortune and had to be careful who they let in.
Stefanie had her nose in a book chilling with her cat when she was jolted out of her story by her phone pinging. It was a text from Jack. How he even had her number she didn’t know. “Look out the window.” She read aloud and looked to see Jack Harlow standing there waving at her. Stefanie froze. Clay had warned her about Jack stealing his girlfriends. “Jack?” She called down to him. “What are you doing here?”
“You gone let me up?” Jack said in his smooth drawl back up to her. Stefanie ran down to let him in. It was Jack Harlow after all.
“Nice little place.” He said as he entered her apartment looking around. He had his puppy with him who immediately her cat didn’t like.
“Let me put Ms.Pumpernickel in my bedroom.” She said
“Of course her cat has such a cute name.” Jack said in his head. He drove to Ohio to hang out with her without telling Clay because Clay would have stopped him. He fully planned on telling Stefanie to keep his visit a secret.
“Listen Stef, I wasn’t here ok?” Jack said to her as she returned to the living room
“Of course you weren’t.” She agreed not sure where this was going
“Look, our family is kind of a thing.” He started explaining
“Yeah just sort of.” Stefanie said sarcastically, fully aware of her new status as a Harlow
“I needed to get to know you without Clay around.” Jack said raising the hairs on Stefanie’s neck.
“Jack I don’t do well with ambiguity. What’s all this for?” Stefanie asked throwing Jack off with her change in demeanour. Had Clay warned her about him?
“Can we just talk?” Jack asked so sincerely Stefanie’s walls came down a bit.
“Sure. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude.” She apologized “Can I offer you a drink?”
“Water please.” Jack said as he sat on the couch
Stefanie started to sweat. She never told Clay she had a crush on Jack for years. She didn’t just happen to know song lyrics. She deeply loved Clay as she had heard Jack was a major player, and now alone with him she could see he didn’t have to try very hard.
“Thanks” he said as she nervously watched him drink it down and wipe his mouth
“So shoot ask me anything.” Stefanie said wanting to get to the point
“What movies do you like?” Jack asked her throwing her off
“Um well I like science fiction mostly.” She said to no surprise to Jack as she seemed a bit nerdy which he found irresistible
“Stef I didn’t drive here to ask you what movies you like. As you know our family has some money.” Jack said cautiously
“I’m aware and I don’t want it. I’m going to work for the UN done day.” She said so adorably Jack had to regroup in his mind
“Ok” he breathed “I had to hear it from you. I don’t want anyone taking Clay for a ride.”
“Relax Jack. Really. I’m not a gold digger. Like at all.” Stefanie said patting him on the leg to which a sensation traveled up his body.
“Stef?” He asked “How did you know a deep cut like the coleslaw line?”
“Um no reason I mean who hasn’t heard Dark Knight?” She said off handedly
“A lot of people.” Jack said leaning back on the couch making himself more comfortable
“Look I like the music salute.” She said abruptly
“Is that all you like?” Jack asked trying to dig deeper
Stefanie blushed and felt warm. “Cute dog!” She blurted out “What breed is she?”
“Stefanie. Answer the question.” Jack insisted
“Every girl has liked you it’s not a big deal.” She said tossing her hair as if to toss away his accusations of what he had felt. At dinner at his parents, Jack caught a glimpse of Stefanie looking at him as he chatted with family at a distance. He said nothing to Clay but it bothered him.
“Every girl likes me but I don’t like every girl.” Jack said lowering his tone making Stefanie uncomfortable
“I’m married to your brother Jack.” She asserted
“I know that. I’m sorry I should go. As a matter of fact it was wrong for me to come here. I felt something and I thought you felt something and wanted to make sure so I know how to play this whole thing. I can’t say it’s easy watching Clay with you.” He couldn’t believe he just said the quiet part out loud.
“Jack you should go.” Stefanie said embarrassed “I shouldn’t be having this conversation with you alone like this. I love your brother.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself not me.” Jack said as he left.
Stefanie closed the door behind him double checking through the peak hole to make sure he was leaving. She felt dizzy and went to lay down with her cat patiently waiting for her to come and snuggle. It took Stefanie days to shake Jack’s presence it was powerful. At dinner she tried not to let on she was struck by how gorgeous Jack was in person. Was it ok to crush on your husband’s brother just a wee bit in your mind?
Her phone pinged one day as she was painting and listening to classical music making her jump. It was Jack. “Before I go do you want to come by my hotel for dinner? Sorry I have to eat privately as it causes less of a stir. No funny stuff.”
Against her better judgment she texted back “Sure.” Wondering what he was still doing in Ohio.
Stefanie decided to look casual so as not to give Jack the wrong impression not realizing he found that even more sexy. She showed up in baggy jeans and an off the shoulder button up shirt with her hair in a bun and just one long curl hanging down with her tortoise shell rimmed glasses on. Jack gulped when he saw her. “Come on in” he said feeling a bit weak. “Wine?” He said holding up a nice selection for her.
“Please.” She replied as she kicked off her shoes. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. In fact dinner was lovely. She got to know Jack better as they talked well into the night about so many different things. She realized some of Jack’s true feelings about politics and music, but especially being famous and how hard it was. “I better get going.” She yawned. Jack this was awesome. I think we got off on the wrong foot”
“Stefanie stay.” Jack said putting his hand on hers. “He doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Jack what??” She said in disbelief but not moving her hand away
“Just hear me out. We get this whatever this is that we know is there out of our system and that’s it.” He suggested breathing hard his heart pounding. He had to have her just one time.
“Jack no” she said getting up to leave. He stopped her and kissed her gently pulling her in close and pressing into her. She pulled away and grabbed her shoes not even stopping to put them on, but he blocked the door.
“Tell me you feel nothing and I’ll move.” He said desperately savouring the taste of her on his lips.
“Jack please let me go we can’t do this to your brother.” She pleaded
“You didn’t tell me you feel nothing for me.” He said not moving from in front the door
“I have a silly school girl crush.” She admitted “Now let me go. You really want to ruin your whole relationship with your brother? Tear your whole family apart?”
“No I don’t you’re right.” He said slumping down “Stefanie I can’t get you off my mind.”
“I can’t get you off my mind but that’s not helping anything! Jack I have to go. Call me before you leave tomorrow but tonight…I can’t stay here and this never happened.” She helped him up and he walked her out of the hotel and flagged down a taxi to take her home.
As Stefanie opened the door to her apartment she noticed a light was on that she remembered turning off. She felt a presence, grabbed a candle stick, and tipi toed around. She went to her room to find Clay fast asleep. He had come to visit and surprise her. She quietly washed Jack off of her and shampooed him out her mind.
Once in her pyjamas she settled in next to her husband and kissed him on the forehead. No more of this. As soon as she was done her studies in a few months she would suggest her and Clay move to another state. She had strong feelings for Jack and getting to know him made it worse, but Clay was no consolation prize. He was incredible in his own right. Stefanie decided she had to do what she had to do. She started feeling on Clay in his sleep. “It’s time to make a baby.” She said to herself.
Clay never knew what transpired between his wife and Jack. Jack never texted Stefanie again and their encounters were brief at family gatherings. “You not really warming up to Stef are you?” Clay said to Jack at one such gathering as they looked on as Stefanie animatedly chatted with Jack’s mom.
“Stef’s alright I ain’t got no issue.” Jack lied. By now he had gotten over what happened and got no further signs from Stefanie, but if he did, it would be impossible to resist her.
“Well that’s good cuz we got some news.” Clay said “Can I get everyone’s attention!!!” He said dinging a glass “Me and my beautiful wife have an announcement.”
“We appreciate you all very much.” Clay said reaching for Stefanie’s hand who all of a sudden looked pale Jack noticed.
“We are pregnant and moving to New York so Stef can make her UN dream come true and I can put my career in turbo.” Clay shared as he rubbed Stefanie’s stomach. She stood there half-smiling not saying a word.
Jack retreated to the basement den to watch tv while everyone cheered for them and cornered them talking excitedly asking them tons of questions. He didn’t want to leave abruptly and draw any negative attention but he could always make the excuse he was on a call.
Well this was it. Stefanie and Clay were as good as gone. Maybe now he could really move on. He kind of already had as he was spotted at a Louisville club with a new girl since the incident in the hotel in Ohio. Stefanie heard about it and reassured herself she chose the right brother. It was no life for her to cheat on Clay with Jack. She noticed Jack had walked away but preoccupied herself talking to family. Maggie and Brian were disappointed Clay was moving so far away, and Brian noticed Jack had quietly slipped away. Something wasn’t right.
“Hey son. Everything ok?” Brian said catching Jack in the Lazy-boy watching soccer.
“I’m just tired is all.” Jack said quietly not looking at him
“Weird to see Clay doing all this so fast huh?” Brian said
“Tell me about it. Weird is the right word.” Jack replied sullenly
“Listen son, it’s hard for all of us all these changes.” Brian offered
“Yeah I just need to find someone like what Clay’s got.” Jack said sadly
“You will son. It’s harder for you is all but you will.” Brian said encouragingly “You’ll find your Maggie one day or your Sugar.”
“Dad?” Jack asked “What made you know mom was the one?”
“I couldn’t get her off my mind.” His dad said
“Yeah sounds about right. I think I met my soul mate but it’s not meant to be.” Jack mused almost like his dad wasn’t there.
“That’s tough son. I’m sorry to hear that. There’s lots of great gals out there.” He said “I better get back don’t stay down here too long.”
Jack resigned himself to rejoin the celebration after the first half of the game. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Stefanie. “Hi Jack. May I sit?” She said kindly
“Ah sure Stef…or should I say mom.” Jack smiled and touched her stomach “I wish..”
“I know. Part of me wishes that too. Are you ok?” She asked
“Are you happy Stef?” Jack asked
“I’m so happy.” She smiled
“That’s good. I’m happy for both of you really.” He said
“I’m glad because I feel kind of bad.” She said starting to tear up
“Oh no shhoooosh I’ll be ok really.” Jack comforted her holding her as she sobbed
“I have no idea why the universe works the way it does.” She said “You should be the father not the uncle.”
“Stef stop this, what’s done is done. I should have left you alone.” Jack said regretfully “I’ll always be there for y’all you hear me? We can’t help how this worked out.” He said pecking her on the forehead and catching her perfume. “I’d rather have it eat at me every day than ruin my brother’s happiness. He thinks I don’t like you so make like we’re all good with each other ok?” Jack said with a wink.
“Ok Jack. Thank you, and for what it’s worth…I…I came down here to tell you…I do love you, but you would break my heart. I can’t compete in your world.” She said earnestly
“Stef, you on a pedestal. Nobody can touch you.” Jack said swallowing hard “and nobody better or imma catch a case.”
They both laughed and headed back upstairs. Stefanie went over to Clay and gave him a kiss and nodded to Jack from across the room. Clay sent Stefanie down to talk to Jack hoping if they talked a bit Jack would soften up to her. He had no idea and would never know what almost happened.
@itsyagirljaz @jackharlow502
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
Hey, if you don’t mind the question. What’s your opinion on Undertale Yellow?
8/10 game. pretty good at being a game, not so much at being an undertale story. the gameplay itself was fun, the area/puzzle designs too, the soundtrack was untouchable it literally gave me the same rush i felt hearing sburb initiation for the first time. minor NPCs designs were fun but the primary cast was too monotonous, tbh. (all the main characters have tall gangly very detailed designs save for like, axis). its attempts at landing Undertale's humor were quite often successful, but it held back on exaggeration and caricaturing its original characters which took away that oomph from the canon game. the character writing was... lacking. which is a pity.
i love fucked up women so i was really disappointed that every single one of ceroba's actions/ideas/influences on the story were nothing but an extension of her dead husband. when you take chujin away she's just... A Good Wife and Mother. or starlo's past love interest ig. i mean both dalv and martlet's backstory were tied to her family and we never see them interact at all. but they do have an established dynamic.... with the dead husband. again. UGH. she's just really wasted as a character (she and chujin should've BOTH been scientists and she should've continued the project AGAINST his wishes after he died. she's the main cast character, she should be the driving force in the narrative, not him—even if chujin sets the plot in montion by inventing the serum first).
I'm not a huge asgore fan—not that i dislike him, he's just not a character i care about all that much—so congrats to this game for making me say "he would NOT fucking say that". the "fuck the royals" subplot thing was really unnecessary. actually, that was a bit of a recurring thing in the game. suddenly introducing these Huge Social Dilemmas like labor exploitation, anti-monarchic sentiments, misogyny (bro who on earth "needs to take a wife" this is Undertale) everyone realizing that clover is a child, over exaggerating the violence at stake... while also attempting to maintain Undertale's careless, bouncy treatment of the situation. that's... not how things work. undertale is able to maintain its light tone BECAUSE it doesn't let you take those topics seriously, they're not meant to be. the fairytale-like king, the battles, the child protagonist, they're all set dressings for the REAL story and REAL power imbalance it wants to highlight: that between player and game characters. everything is in function of that. you take that layer of separation and make everyone aware that theyre violently attacking and killing a literal child... that's not. a good thing dude. if it's not gonna impact the tone of the story, why acknowledge it in the first place? it's just unnecessary
anyway flowey neutral run was really, really fun. his dialogue writing all throughout the game was very solid and i had a blast having him around. however, they shouldn't have tried to anticipate his character development. this game is a prequel, you can't do that without undermining his arc in the canon events. pacifist should've had him doubling down on his frustration from the neutral ending. i do all this work for you keeping you alive and you make the same mistake i did sacrifice yourself for them??? are you BRAINDEAD???? what I'm saying is he basically should've thrown the biggest tantrum of his LIFE. oh and in the NM run he should've been terrified when he lost control of the SAVE file. this is the first time it's ever happened to him and now he's gonna die for good. he wouldn't have gloated like he did.
if you want to hear more criticism along the lines of what i said then this post by the fantastic @andreabandrea covers a lot of what i also felt during the game. i know this might sound like a lot of negativity, but the fact remains that UTY was an absolutely phenomenal work of fan creativity the likes of which we have never seen before in the fandom. considering the quality and polish, i thought it only fair to approach it as the piece of art it is and give it my genuine thoughts on the matter.
overall, still a really fun way to spend the afternoon with a pal. so. thumbs up
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purerae · 1 year
— ROOM 42
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SYPNOSIS ;; Y/N, surprisingly, in detention for missed homework, teams up with the school's delinquent to investigate a mysterious door. Unable too explore further, Y/N and her friends devise a plan to sneak into the classroom after school and explore the hidden space. Their curiosity leads to a sinister game of secrets and betrayal. As they and their friends go deeper, the consequences grow. How far will they go to hide their sins? How far will they go... for her? (click on master list for more details)
(keep reading for chapter one.)
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??? POV
"Why is it always me?" Zion groaned, frustration etched across his face. “The teacher's pet constantly snitches on every bloody thing I do." He slammed his fist into the wall, causing more chips to fly off the already ruined surface.
For the seventh time, Eliza, the teacher's pet, had reported Zion Minh for skipping class.
"Bro, she just doesn't like you. I skip class all the time, and she never bothers me," his friend Adrien chuckled.
Zion rolled his eyes. "She just wants to suck your dick, shut up."
"I mean, who wouldn't? Just look at me~" Adrien teased.
Zion gave him a blank stare and narrowed his crimson eyes. Adrien snickered at his own joke.
Despite their banter, Zion and Adrien were actually close friends. They had known each other since they were babies due to their parents' close work relationship.
Zion, with his dark crimson red hair and matching eyes, had a reputation as a high school delinquent. He was always ready to confront anything that seemed like a threat. Everyone in school knew better than to mess with him, except for his gang and Eliza.
Adrien, with his dirty blonde hair and khaki green eyes, was also a delinquent but less intimidating than Zion. He had a reputation as the school's playboy, often flirting with the girls. Teachers liked him, but they knew he could be mischievous at times. Only Zion and his dad had seen Adrien at his worst.
"Alright babe! Enjoy your detention, I'll see you later," Adrien chuckled, running off to the main entrance and leaving the building.
Zion grimaced at the mocking pet name and muttered a quick goodbye before heading towards Room 42, the designated detention room at the back of the school. He preferred this room to avoid the other students, as he was often tempted to pick fights with them.
Upon entering, Zion noticed a tall woman with long blonde hair sitting on a desk at the front of the classroom. He rolled his eyes, recognizing her as the one who often gave him detention.
"You're here again, Mr. Minh? You really need to step up your game before you get excluded from this school. Also, surprisingly, someone else has a detention right now in this room," she sighed, looking him up and down. "Please don't annoy her. I'll be gone for half an hour to attend a meeting. You better still be here." With that, she trudged off, her footsteps gradually fading away.
"You better still be here," Zion mimicked in a high-pitched voice, raising his hands mockingly.
He made his way to the back of the classroom, his usual spot, and started playing with his pen. After a while, boredom set in, and he decided to explore the classroom. He rummaged through the books, broke some pens, and generally acted nonchalant. Finally, he went up to a tall bookshelf and grabbed a boring science book, which he despised. With a sense of rebellion, he began vandalizing it, scribbling all sorts of things and profanities.
However, he soon noticed something in his peripheral vision. A girl with her hood up and earphones in was staring straight at him. The sound of music bled through the buds.
Feeling awkward, Zion looked up and made eye contact with the girl. She quickly rushed to the front of the class and took a seat. It then dawned on Zion that this was the person he had detention with. He rolled his eyes at the realisation, 'Great, some freak i have to share the room with for a whole ass hour…’
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Y/N L/N
Y/N was ten minutes late to detention because she couldn't find the isolated classroom. 'Of course, I'm the one who has detention at the stupid creepy classroom,' she thought with a groan, tilting her head back out of frustration
This was her first detention, and she was panicking. It happened because she had failed to submit her math homework three times in a row. It wasn't entirely her fault; she lacked the motivation and struggled to understand math for fucks sake!
As Y/N entered the room, she noticed a red-headed boy crouching down, aggressively defacing a book. He already gave her an odd impression as she wondered why he was torturing the Science book meant for younger children. She stopped her music and put her hood up, hoping to avoid any attention from him.
The boy's face was visible to her, but he seemed too absorbed in his task to notice her. It dawned on her that this was Zion Minh, the scariest person in school and Eliza's one-sided enemy. At that moment, she wished she could just run out of the classroom to avoid any potential conflict.
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A/N ;; The first chapter is awful I am so sorry!! Please trust me, and it will get better as the chapters go on. comments and reblogs heavily appreciated <33
purerae &lt;3
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cream0fwheat1998 · 7 months
Girl from the Band 2 (Dark!Jason Carverxreader)
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Dark! Jason Carver, Non-con, isolation, sexism/misogyny, manipulation, fear, I prefer soft!Dark! so thats more of the direction im going in.
Y/n waited at the abandoned lunch table in the woods. It seemed like an an unsafe place but it wasnt. This is where her DnD club would me every so often to talk about their new campaign, schedules and other stuff. Sometimes Eddie would trade weed for money; not to be a pearl clutcher but Y/n denied that stuff everytime it was offered to her. She wasn't interested in any of that.
The crowd eventually gathered; everyone laughed and cherished these fleeting moments. Y/n somewhat regretted the thought she hadn't joined sooner but back then she was too scared.
Some voices from the direction of the school caused the group to look away from their plans. There stood some of the basketball team, always in their jersey's even when the season had ended.
"What are you freaks doing?" Jason asked, eyeing Eddie.
"Bro we're just playing our game. Just like you played yours'. It's no different now run along." Eddie said, his pals backing him up in unison.
While y/d knew she'd be on Hellfires side if it came to a fight, she couldn't help but feel the red-hot heat on her cheeks with Jasons boldness. He stood tall and it made him seem dominate.
Y/d cringed at her thought and put it away in the back of her mind. Embarrassed that her mind even wondered in that direction.
"Well pack it up, the boys and I are using this spot for now on." Jason said, high-fiving one of his minions.
Everyone looked to Eddie, to Jason then back to Eddie. The tension was palpable.
Eddie sighed. "Alright, we can use one of the classrooms. Maybe the utility room in the schools basement." Everyone gathered their books and bags, not in defeat but rather in a 'for now' way.
Y/n was the last one to leave and Jason seemed surprised to see the girl he was determined to make his next 'woman'. He shook his and stopped her by a light grab of her shoulder.
He swallowed nothing. "You shouldn't hang out with them. They're freaks. They're into weird shit and they could hurt you." He said, for some reason not looking her in the eye.
The physical contact is what paused Y/n completely. She wasn't use to touching me. nor men touching her. But she knew overall, this wasn't okay because he was trying to stop her from something that wasn't his business.
Y/n put her hand ontop of Jasons' and put it off of her shoulder. "I think i'll be fine, Jason. You don't even know them. You dont know me." She said, a loose smile following.
Before Y/n could leave, Jason grabbed her arm with an iron grasp. His lackies busied themselves; not concerned about his behavior towards an innocent girl.
"It's not a suggestion. I don't want to you with Eddie Munson again. Do you hear me?" Jason told y/n, getting very close to her face.
Y/n looked side to side but her attempt to see any escape or call for help was fruitless. "Okay, just let me go." She whispered.
Jason looked her firmly in the eye, trying to decide if she was lying or not. With a quick, harsh squeeze, he let go of Y/n's arm and watched her scurry away. He couldn't have his future girlfriend hanging out with the scum of Hawkins. She'd need to learn her place (with him) soon.
Jason genuinely felt entitled to the attention of a woman now that the one woman who broke his heart had moved on; with a pal of his no less.
The next day, y/n contemplated the ways she could get out of going to school. She could fake a fever or a cold but with a nurse mother, she figured any faking she'd do would be seen through immediately.
She also didn't know about skipping class; no she wasn't a goody-two shoes but there was no reason to break rules if it isn't necessary. Being scared of Jason Carver wasn't necessary. Y/n did think about going to Eddie but that seemed, pathetic, honestly.
She and Eddie weren't great friends; she only hung out with him through Hellfire but he appeared to be a good guy. Y/n also got to thinking what could Jason Carver do?
Yeah his family had some money but no tremendous pull in the town. She straightened herself out and decided to endure the day as normal. There was no reason to be afraid.
It happened at lunch. Eddie was riled up for the campaign we'd been planning for a month. He was so excited that he jumped onto the lunch table and made a fool of himself infront of everyone. But he didn't care; he never did.
Y/n couldn't help but cover her mouth as she laughed at the long-haired man bouncing around. She admired his attitude even during intense times.
But Eddie got too loud and Jason had yelled at him to stop acting out; like a parent scolding a child.
After some childish exchange of words, Eddie simmered down and laughing at Jason. They were all giggling but y/n stopped when Jason zoned in on her. He looked.....angry at her for laughing at the silliness of her friend. Unknown to her, he assumed she was laughing at him. While hanging out with the exact people he told her not to.
He'd show her where and to whom she belongs to later.
By the time last period rolled by, Y/n felt confident. Regardless of lunch, the day wasn't bad. She felt foolish really. Thinking that Jason Carver had been serious about her not hanging with her friends anymore.
Tonight there was no Hellfire meeting and her parents had a business dinner with coworkers so the house was hers alone.
*Ding Dong *
Almost alone....
Y/n opened the door to Jason Carver. With a large smile plastered on his face. "Hey, Y/n right? I know this is sudden but can I come in?"
The only sound between them was wind blowing outside and a car or two driving by. The siren were blaring in Y/n's head to not let him in.
"Oh, well I don't think so, Jason. My parents aren't home so I shouldnt have anyone here." She said but regretted it a second later. WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT???!!? The girl yelled at herself.
Jason put his foot in the door before Y/n closed it. His smile was gone but his eyes held a confident light.
"Listen. This can go two ways. Way one, you let me in and we can go about what I have planned, peacefully or.....I'll force my way in, in every meaning of the word." Jason explained in a low, raspy voice.
Y/n finally took a complete look at Jason. His once finely combed hair was disheveled. His usually neat clothes were wrinkled. He had bags under his once bright blue eyes.
Y/n tried to shut the door with force but she was no match for a guys strength. Y/n ran to the kitchen with a plan to escape through the back door.
Jason slammed the front door shut and smirked. He felt content with option 2; this is going to be fun, he thought to himself.
Y/n reached the door knob what was grabbed by the waist and thrown back to the ground. Jason stood above her, unwavering and ready.
"I expect you to listen to my words for now on; like an obedient girlfriend should." Jason said lifting Y/n back up by the arm and dragged her to the stairs.
"Where's your room?" Jason asked, his lips in a thin line.
Y/n shook her head, "Jason please. We don't know each other, don't do this." Y/n cried while trying to free herself from Jasons grip.
He shook his, "No. I've decided you're my next girlfriend. Don't pretend to be shocked; i've seen how you look at me. You should be grateful you get to live out your school girl crush."
Jason dragged the girl upstairs, "Now tell me which room is yours. You're already getting punished for hanging out with those freaks after I told you not to; don't make me add more."
Not wanting to make him angrier, she said, "That one." while hanging her head low.
Jason led her to her bedroom; he threw her in there and locked the door behind himself.
"Take off your clothes."
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transmascaraa · 2 months
random but yes my final thoughts on all the new natlan chars with a conclusion in the end lmao
mualani .
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i love her she's so cute help i knew i would love her ever since her first appearance i literally can't wait for her drip marketing tmrw
the tattoo typa things on her skin help?!????!??!? beautiful?!!?!!?!??
hydro women>>
kachina .
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i love all the genshin children sm they're so precious i swear even dori /p
i love her hair a lot tho
kinich .
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I WILL REFRAIN FROM SAYING TOO MUCH BUT BASICALLY I LOVE HIM. (and ajaw lmfao that little thing about to become like boothill)
citlali .
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she's so cute i love her
something about her reminds me about hsr fu xuan but either way she's probably the cutest char from the trailer imo^^
xilonen .
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help me i can't do this anymore the women are literally top tier(offtopic but she's almost identical to one of my ocs which i won't rant about rn lmao)
SHE'S THE DEFINITION OF SMTHN LIKE "in war rn but at least i gotta look hot" AND IT'S TRUE
iansan .
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somebody help why did we only get like 0,6sec of her😭
still i'm very excited for her
for the design at least since i truly have no idea of her personality lol
chasca .
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i love this woman already
also the mole she has on her shoulder bro i have the one on the same place
cowboy vibes from her btw??
capitano . and ororon(olorun?) .
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about capitano; first, i'm very excited, and second, i wish he said more than just "hmph."
about ororon(olorun?); heard that he turned out very bad based on who he references and even his name is very messed up i'm pretty sure?? basically the same situation that happened with candace/kandake EITHER WAY i'm excited to see him more and like will he be the first tall male anemo help lol i like his design
can't wait for them although i have other preferences for now
~ ~
mavuika .
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i absolutely love her design and everything sm about her literally please don't die and yeah she's now my third favorite archon along with furina and nahida
also despite the outfit not being revealing and all and literally a 10/10, i have a feeling she's gonna get very sexualized because of that zipper😭
in conclusion, i absolutely love the characters.
the only problem is that there's not really many dark skinned characters aside from iansan and kinda tanned mualani and xilonen ig
here's a link to a petition to try and stop hoyo from making the skin colors as light as they always do😭 i personally didn't look into it too much at first because of which countries the nations were based off of, but now this is supposed to be africa/south america and there's not really much skin representation
yeah, sure there's representation, but not of skin color other than iansan(and mualani and xilonen too)
finally, i think that all the designs are truly 10/10 it's just the skin colors bothering me aka hoyo's typa racism due to them being a chinese company. again, don't get me wrong, shitty company and i hate racism(as a white person) but the characters are great in all honesty and all the other types of representation are great^^
(good thing i personally don't play the game because of my phone storage and i'm just in the fandom from it's release bro and i love the lore so that's how i know the characters and story in the first place)
my honest thoughts on the drip marketing(no pictures)
(is it just me but do they look like they all have the same skincolor on their drip marketings???? like are kinich and kachina a bit darker OR is mualani lighter than she looks???)
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gnc-valentine · 1 year
The older brothers with child reader
AN: I’ve never once posted something like this so bear with me. I made this for a friend of mine who is silly goofy. This is platonic obviously. This only has the older bros but I’ll eventually make hcs for all the characters genuinely I promise please. Reader is Gender neutral. Also She/He levi in this :3
• you are 1 more added to the 7 how good for you !! But not really !
• nah it’s fine tho really. Just as long as you don’t start/get in much trouble you’ll probably be fine. Oh you’re a kid being raised by a bunch of demons? Nvm then alright.
• genuinely moving on though, I’d say Lucifer would be one of those dads that would show up to whatever sporting event you may do, and just stand arms crossed with like a whole other row of dads watching the game intensely. Not even saying anything except for maybe the occasional jab at the other team and or referee.
• certified shaky camera holder. I don’t care what you wanna say. This man CANNOT record shit steady (me too fr). Might also forget the camera is still on and would just walk around with it in his pocket recording everything. He Denies it ever happened but it definitely did.
• in the anime, there was an episode where Lucifer and some of the brothers went on a camping trip. Working off of this, he definitely wakes you up at 6 in the damn morning just to fish for 3 hours then asks if you wanna hike after you’ve been sitting in a chair or standing for a while and your limbs are all tired. He definitely has one of those back packs that has like a packet for water with a straw coming out of the bag and will drink out of that instead of stopping to drink out of a water bottle for 30 seconds.
• he probably makes the best grilled cheese known to man and if you ask really nicely, he’ll even wake up in the middle of the night to make it for you :3
• oh my fucking god. He is so uncle core you don’t understand. Tacky fashion? Check. Nearly the same if not more energy than the kid? Check. A car to blast music in on the way to get some junk food? Definitely check.
• he has a pool table in his room. I don’t know what else to say. You two probably against each other if by yourselves. He probably purposely shoots for the 8 ball to knock it in and lose if you’re feeling or looking too sad about being behind or losing. He’s cool like that. He plays it off like he didn’t purposely do it. what a good ball. If y’all play against like let’s say beel and belphie or something similar? Y’all are unstoppable 100%. Diavolo and Lucifer? Lucifer would try to win genuinely but diavolo makes trash shots on purpose cause he likes seeing you happy :3
• you two constantly jump to touch door frames or various other stuff near the ceiling. If you’re to short he’ll tease you and kinda brag about being tall but then you bite his knee or something and y’all start a full rough housing session that has Lucifer yelling from across the house telling y’all to calm the hell down before he finishes the fight himself no matter who started it.
• if you’re eating candy in his car or something like he’ll do that dad arm thing where he reaches behind the chair asking for some. He probably calls it the uncle tax or something but yeah
• you play poker with him. Not like real money poker, but poker nonetheless. Y’all are betting fucking candy probably. Stuffed animals too maybe if it gets intense. Again, if he sees you sad about losing most of your candy, he’ll purposely lose so you’ll be happy. He’s just so real like that
• he’s definitely the family member that shows you games and movies that he obsesses over, that eventually you yourself obsess over (speaking from experience cough cough)
• if you like the things she likes? Oh boy. You are gonna have the best Halloween costumes of all time I’ll say that much. Hand made too.
• she definitely will watch kids shows with you and like try to get as much into them as you are. Gravity falls? She will go as mable/dipper with you for Halloween or a convention. Adventure time? He will watch any and every piece of media regarding it and will try to have lore convos about it with you. Pokémon? Bold of you to assume she doesn’t already like it you idiot (her fav Pokémon is milotic :3).
• if you suck at games she’ll try to help you but like if it’s a game he is super serious about and you wanna play he’ll probably just give you a fake controller or like let’s you play a mini game exclusively sorry.
• Mario party is always fun with her, you, belphie, and probably beel or mammon. He refuses to steal your star or coins or just do bad things to your character on the board. On the mini games however… she’s destroying you/hj. Mario cart is just as intense if not more intense. She will get a tad bit salty if you somehow get 1st place against her but she’ll be proud at the same time so it evens out.
End X3
Hope you enjoyed and I hope I make another part lol !
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x0llaz · 10 months
Bro code. K. Gyuvin
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chapter 1) slam dunk bro
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Y/N never went to her brother’s basketball games. She thought it was too noisy for her liking. If she wanted to be around loud, smelly, sweaty boys, she’d go hang out with Hanbin whrn he had his friends over.
She never tended to pay attention to the team members when she was there, unless it was Hanbin. She was really only there for Hanbin. But today she couldn’t take her eyes off of the flash of brown hair sticking out the highest of all the players. She never saw his face, she was simply impressed by his height.
She was broken from her observations when jaeyun came back to their seats with some popcorn. The two of them barely payed attention to the game. At halftime, Hanbin ran up to them to greet them, and talk briefly before running back to his team. Yn couldn’t help but tilt her head when she saw the side of thr brown haired boys face, leaning in a bit to try and get a better glimpse. But soon enough, halftime ended.
She watched with half of her attention, mostly wanting to leave. But the teams score was dropping, falling ever so slightly behind. Throughout the end of the game, the home team was constantly just under the opposing, they could break their winning streak.
The time on the clock was getting smaller, the last minutes turned to last seconds, tense, stakes high as they’d ever be for the game.
That was when the particularly tall brown haired boy was passed the ball. Y/N leaned forward as he made his way across the court, looming through the competitors, passing the ball from hand to hand, keeping it out of the teams grasp.
When he approached the sidelines, so close to the hoop, he froze a bit. Y/N froze too. They now saw each other, both frozen in the moments of tension. Neither of them reacted immediately when the ball was stolen from gyuvin, but he quickly ran to rectify his mistake. In the last moments of the game, from a distance that had a slim chance of making the shot, he jumped up and made his shot, hoping he could make it.
The screams that erupted only confirmed that he did it. It didn’t seem real, didn’t seem possible, but somehow he’d done it. The last seconds of the game were filled with cheers as the home team won by two points.
Y/N watched as the team swarmed the tall boy, Hanbin throwing his arms around him before they all shouted for their victory. The stadium was cheering, the win left all the students in good spirits.
But all that stuck with y/n was how pretty the boy who won the game was.
All that was on gyuvin’s mind after the game was how pretty that girl in the stands was.
Even as he said his goodbyes to his classmates who came to support him, thanking them for their attendance, his mind wandered back to her. Even as he changed out of his stinky jersey and into his casual clothes, he thought about her. She was pretty.
As he walked out of the locker room, ready to celebrate with his team, he heard Hanbin. Hanbin and someone else. Hanbin and… a girl??
He smiled to himself as he approached, but his movements halted as he saw who he was with. She was pretty. She was the pretty girl he saw. The pretty girl he saw, was standing there, hugging Hanbin.
“You did really great, bin,” he heard the smile in her voice.
“Couldnt have done it without the guys,” Hanbin replied, to which the girl punched his arm lightly.
“Let me compliment you normally,” he watched as she leaned towards him and grinned up at him.
Gyuvin decided to get his exit over with. He stepped back and purposely made his steps a bit louder so they’d hear him approach. They both turned to see him, gyuvin didn’t notice how the pretty girl’s lips parted as she saw him.
“Gyu, you did really good man,” Hanbin says for the tenth time that night.
“Yeah, uh, thanks,” gyuvin smiles at the older boy.
“You’re the one who won the game!” The girl said. “You did great, I couldn’t believe you made that shot!”
Gyuvin hated the way his heart fluttered upon hearing her talk to him, seeing her smile up at him so prettily. “Thanks,” he smiled back at her.
“Gyuvin, this is yn, yn, this is gyuvin,” Hanbin introduced the two and they both nod, taking in their names. “We’ll, gyuvin and i are gonna go, okay?”
“Yeah, okay see you later,” yn agrees with that pretty smile. “See you around, gyuvin,”
“Yeah, sure, see you,”
Gyuvin knew he was screwed. He couldn’t have a crush on hanbin’s girlfriend.
Masterlist. Next chapter.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year
Humbling Him
Henry was a real jerk, but he could afford to be. Being rich, tall, and the star of our college's soccer team made many overlook his irredeemable qualities, but I hadn't overlooked them. I've been scheming a plan to humble him ever since the day we met.
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Stepping into my dorm room, I'm greeted with the smell of his body odor and the sight of my messy roommate lounging on my futon. His sweat is soaking into the fabric and the remnants of his lunch are tossed carelessly across my rug.
"Hey bro," he calls with a stupidly boyish grin.
Henry had been chill with me so far, but it's just a matter of time before he finds out I'm gay and beats me up like he did the other guys.
"Hey, man," I mask my annoyance, "Could you not leave food on the rug?"
"Whatever, bro," he doesn't look away from the game on the flat screen, "Your sis stopped by a minute ago. She's fine as hell by the way."
"You talked to my sister?"
"Yeah, bro. And that rack on her!" he goes on, "She was so easy too, but she said she worked in the cafeteria."
"Don't call her easy, man," I try to stay cool, "And whats wrong with making money?"
"Whatever, I'm not banging the lunch lady."
"Shut up, Henry!" I finally snap.
It was time to put my plan into action. This jerk needed to realize the world didn't revolve around his money, his good looks, or his athleticism.
Since my first night with him, I've blasted binaural sound waves as he sleeps. It's a technology that installs weaknesses into one's psyche, and Henry's brain now had a trigger word that would open his subconscious to anyone who used it on him.
"Bro, I thought you were chill!" he sneers, standing in front of me. He's trying to intimidate me with his height and muscle. It works a little.
"I am chill," I stand my ground, "As long as you know your place, boy."
He scoffs at the word, but I see his furrowed brow relax a little, "Why'd you call me that, bro?"
"Why'd I call you a boy?" the jock cringes at my words, "Because you are a boy."
"What the hell, bro," even his voice relaxes a little.
"Don't call my 'bro,' boy. I'm not your bro, and a boy like you shouldn't be calling me bro."
Seeing him flustered is empowering. Finally, Henry isn't being cocky or assertive. He takes a step back as I step towards him. His bulky frame is still impressive, but it feels smaller as his shoulders drop and knees quiver.
"Whatever, br...," he corrects himself, "Whatever."
"That's it boy," my own voice sounds more confident, more assertive.
"Then what the hell do I call you!" The jock growls in frustration.
"Call me boss if you need to call me something," I answer. I hadn't expected to say that, but it felt so natural to demand.
"Whatever, boss," he mumbles in defeat.
"Good boy!"
Henry swears at me under his breath, clearly feeling his masculinity become more and more threatened.
"Woah! Good boys don't swear!" I raise my voice, "And you're a good boy. You won't curse anymore. Will you?"
"No, boss," he mutters, looking at the floor.
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you, and speak up!"
"Yes, boss," Henry's voice cracks.
I think I've actually broken the bully. Letting out a victorious chuckle, I examine his well-defined muscles beneath his sweaty tracksuit. Without, a second thought, I grab a handful of his perfectly rounded glutes.
"Woah, boss," he recoils with disgust, "Are you homo?"
"Sure I am, boy, and that doesn't bother you at all. Does it?"
"No, boss," he answers honestly, staring into my eyes respectfully.
"You're going to let me touch you when I want to. Right?"
"Sure, boss," the former bully replies meekly.
"And if I bring some guys over, your going to let them grab at you too. Right?"
"Yeah, boss. It's whatever," he frowns.
"And you aren't going to talk badly about them, or anyone ever again," I continue instructing him, "Especially not my sister. Did you insult her when she was here earlier?"
"No, boss!" he assures me, "I told her how fine she was."
"And that's it, boy?" I press.
"No, boss," he hangs his head in regret, "I told her to get lost when she said she was a lunch lady."
"That's what I thought," I reply, hatching a plan in my head for how to degrade him even further.
A couple weeks later, I see Henry behind the counter in the cafeteria, dishing out the greasy mac and cheese. His soccer buddies had just left, but they did nothing but tease their friend for his new menial job. Henry, took all the jokes with a smile, but I knew that spoiled rich athlete was dying inside.
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Stepping up to the counter, Henry's eyes widen nervously at my presence. The jerk has become semi-aware of the control I have over him, but he still can't keep himself from obeying my words: no matter how humiliating they are.
"Boy," I address him.
He checks to see if anyone is near before replying, "Boss."
"I have friends coming over tonight. You know what that means."
"Yeah, boss. I'll clean our room when I get off."
"Bring some snacks and drinks back for us too," I add, knowing he gets a discount from working in the cafeteria.
"Sure, boss," he gestures to the pans of steaming lunch, "So do you want some or not?"
My stomach lurches at the smell.
"Nope, just keep working hard, boy."
"Wait, boss!" he calls me back, "Your sister has been all over me today."
"So what, boy?"
"So what do I do, boss?" he casts a nervous glance to my sister working at the cash register, "She keeps flirting."
"What do you mean, 'what do you do,' boy? You'll wine and dine her. Treat her to every expensive thing you can afford," I command.
"So I can take her out?" he grins that dopey smile of his. I've forced him to quit hooking up with random girls without my permission, so he's a bit pent up.
"You can, but she calls the shots, boy," I snap at him, "If she wants to mess around with you on the side, you'll make yourself available whenever she wants it. If she wants a guy to dump all her emotional baggage onto, you'll listen and comfort her whenever she wants it. Hell, if she wants to marry your ass, you'll be the most devoted husband a boy like you can be!"
I watch as the words sink in, and he accepts his fate as my sister's bitch.
She has a strong personality. I know the kind of guy she needs, and even if she doesn't need Henry, she can toss him aside without any worries.
As I leave, I see my sister cast a glance over at the stud with a hairnet, serving lunch to a line of freshman. I have to admit that I hope she drags that cocky rich athlete down the aisle. She'll have his money, status, and body to boss around.
And I'll have even more fun when he's my brother-in-law.
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