#shes smart so she seeks him out after her escape
evilsciencebox · 2 years
i kinda feel like crash may not have known he had a sister until just before the 2nd game when coco escapes. like, i don't think he's the kinda guy who would've just left her there had he known. he went back for tawna after all.
i feel like thats what the flashback tapes may have been implying, i can't be completely sure on that of course but that's what it feels like to me. coco knew about crash but he didn't know about her.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Part 2 of charmed serial killer Simon. (Part 1 is here.)
This part is heavily inspired by this particular Badjhur audio “Surviving the Slasher” from, like, a long time ago. Where he’s a killer. Easier to find than expected, thank you masterlist. It permanently has a room in my pea brain, no rent, utilities included.
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You’re out with your little friends again. Simon scoffs to even call them that. You give them so much more than they even try to give you - support, encouragement, time, energy.
One of them has a shitty deadbeat boyfriend that’s throwing a flat party, so they’ve dragged you along per usual. You’re still swearing off alcohol after the last time you went out - when you got a ride home with him. So you’re totally sober when the rest of the idiots suggest “investigating” the abandoned hospital on the other end of the block.
You go with them as the only fully-sober one, but spend the whole, stumbling trip trying to convince them to go somewhere, anywhere, else.
Apparently the boyfriend fancies himself something of an urban explorer because he knows just how to get in, bragging that he’s going to start some stupid internet show looking for ghosts there. You end up getting knocked into a half dozen times just trying to keep your woozy friends from getting tetanus.
It doesn’t take long at all for someone to suggest hide and seek. You try adamantly to put your cute little foot down - reminding them that it’s dirty and structurally unstable and there could be people just trying to camp out in peace in here. You’re adamantly ignored and your friends scatter.
And Simon starts to hunt.
Oh, he wishes he could have seen your face when the screams first started. If you recognized the shriek of Addy, the one who yanked you away from a proper apology when you first bumped into him at the bar. Wonders if you felt anything when Simon stabbed her boyfriend in the stomach and sent him stumbling away to incite more terror.
Of course you did. His pretty little chatterbox, coming to the rescue as soon as you heard their cries.
You get yourself lost trying to find someone, anyone. He picks off your group one. By. One. He finds you trying to triage a nasty slice to Heather’s thigh. She was talking shit about you just two days ago to Addy.
And oh, how brave you are, trying to stick with her to the very end. All it takes is one well-placed throw and you’re scrambling back as Heather burbles blood.
He takes a single, loud step towards you - and you bolt. Such a smart thing, you don’t even glance back to see if he’s following. He’s not; there’s still trash to take care of.
You find one more friend - one he doesn’t mind so much, mostly because you just met tonight. She’s crying, making a fuss and you’re trying to soothe her while still focused on escape, letting her cling to your arm.
Simon starts herding you both towards an easy exit. A few well placed foot falls here, a jaunty whistle there. He loves watching your big eyes dart toward the noises, how you get low like a bunny hiding in brush. Always put yourself between your new friend and wherever you think he could come from.
Your friends’ blood is beginning to dry when he decides it’s time to wrap things up.
He appears in a doorway, and you shove at your fellow survivor, make her squeeze through the rusty door first. You’re just starting to follow when he snags you around the middle. You yelp, feet kicking at air, tugging at his soaked hoodie sleeve.
He shoves your back against a wall and presses close, the flat of his knife against your pretty cheek.
“What did we learn tonight, hm?” he mocks.
You’re flinching away, but know better than to struggle or scream. So clever.
“W-why are you doing this?” you ask.
How sweet, that you can’t understand the motivations of monsters like him. He indulges you.
“To teach you a lesson,” he answers. “Get better friends.”
You look furious, even as tears well in your eyes. He coos over them, tugs the bottom of his mask up enough to lick them as they fall down your cheek.
“S-Stop, that’s - that’s so gross,” you hiccup, pancaking yourself to the wall.
He snorts in amusement and tugs his mask down again.
“Now, I know you’re a good girl with good manners, so let’s see them.”
You blink at him, eyes soooo big. Don’t understand what he means.
He tuts. “Say: thank you, ghost, for teaching me a valuable lesson.”
You press your lips together in a tight, pouty line. He wants to bite them. Instead, taps the point of the knife against your jaw. A silent threat that’s he’s still debating if he means.
But you manage to get the sentence out, stuttering, voice breaking halfway through. Mm, he’s missed hearing your gratitude. It’s almost sweeter this way than all the times you said it in his car.
“You’re very welcome, sunshine. Now, off you go, before I decide to teach you something else.”
You don’t hesitate when he steps back. Peel yourself off the wall and wriggle out to freedom.
Simon chuckles. What a fun little playdate, he’s so glad he let you go that first time. He’ll have to arrange another one soon.
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adiraargent · 9 months
He doesn't deserve you - Mattheo Riddle
Synopsis: Mattheo is your best friend and doesn't like your boyfriend Warnings: swearing, suggested toxic relationship
Requests are open :)
The Hogwarts corridors buzzed with students rushing to and fro, their chatter and laughter filling the air. Amidst the bustling crowd, you tried your best to navigate your way through the bustling crowd, feeling a weight on your shoulders that wasn't just from your bag full of textbooks.
"Hey, Y/N!" A voice called out, and Mattheo Riddle appeared at her side, a small smile on his face, one that he pretty much reserved for only her. The two of them had been best friends for years now, trusting each other more than anyone else
"Hey, Theo," you replied, trying to match his enthusiasm, though your smile faltered slightly. Thoughts of your boyfriend had been weighing on your mind for the last hour after one of the Slytherin girls had muttered a few words under her breath at the beginning of potions class.
You hadn't heard what she had said word for word, but you did manage to make out the part where she had said 'why is he even with her, he could do so much better?'
"What's wrong?" Mattheo asked, his voice holding a joking tone "Someone take a shit in your coffee this morning?" but his grin faltered a little as he caught the sad glimpse in her eyes, "hey? What's wrong?"
You hesitated, glancing around to ensure no one was listening before you spoke in a hushed tone, almost like you were embarrassed or ashamed. "It's just… I don't know if I belong where I am."
Mattheo's gaze softened, and he leaned in slightly, an intent yet confused look in his eyes. "What do you mean?" His earthy eyes flickered over her face, switching between her pretty eyes, her slightly chapped lips which he could tell she had been gnawing at (something she did when she was anxious) and her cute freckles.
"It's just… my boyfriend, you know," you began, your voice filled with uncertainty. "He's in the year above us and he's so smart and popular, and… sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for him. Like he's too good for me, ya know what I mean?."
You forced yourself to look up at your best friend, curious as to what his reaction would be. You felt your cheeks flush red in embarrassment as you noticed the unreadable look on his face. Maybe I'm just over thinking? You opened your mouth to say something, hoping to put it behind you and escape an awkward situation but Mattheo cut you off.
"Too good for you? Don't be ridiculous. They don't deserve you." Mattheo's expression shifted, his eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and disbelief.
You chuckled weakly, feeling lucky to have someone like Mattheo as your friend, but you know he was only saying it because he felt like he had to. "You're biased, Mattheo. You're my best friend."
"I'm not biased," he insisted, a hint of urgency in his voice. "I know you, love. You're kind, smart, and one of the most genuine people I've ever met. Anyone would be lucky to have you."
You met his gaze, feeling a mix of gratitude and doubt. "I wish I could believe that."
"You should," Mattheo replied firmly. "You're worth more than you give yourself credit for."
As they walked, you couldn't shake off the doubts that lingered in your mind, wondering if you truly belonged with someone like your boyfriend. He was a year older, had beautiful green eyes and nice brown hair too, plus he was one of the smartest Slytherins in his year.
Mattheo, on the other hand, couldn't fathom why she would ever doubt her worth. He hated that she didn't see what he saw.
Days passed, and you found yourself spending more time with Mattheo, seeking solace and comfort in his conversations. He was always there to lift your spirits and now that exams were coming up, the two of you could help each other out with study.
One afternoon, the two of you sat by the lake, the sunlight dancing on the water's surface as you sighed, feeling the weight of your insecurities pressing down on you. You played with the hair tie on your wrist, your head slightly sore from the ponytail that you had your hair in the whole day, happy that you could let your hair down now.
"y/n/n," Mattheo began, his tone gentle but firm, "you need to stop doubting yourself."
"I'm fine Theo," you sighed, letting out a soft sigh as you gazed out at the lake in front of you, your eyes lighting up slightly as you watched some fish jump out then back in, playing around.
"You're not," Mattheo insisted, he bumped your shoulder softly, making you look over at him, his eyes locking with yours. "Your boyfriend is a dick and you're sitting here wondering if you're good enough for him? He stands you up all the time, laughs at you and doesn't stick up for you when his friends say shit about you."
"I know you wont listen to me cause you're stubborn as shit, but believe me when I tell you, you're better off without him," Mattheo sighs
The conversation lingered in the air, but before they could delve deeper, footsteps interrupted their moment. Your boyfriend approached you both, a smirk on his face as he greeted you.
"Hey, babe," he said casually, barely acknowledging Mattheo's presence.
"Hey," you replied softly, feeling a twinge of discomfort.
"Ready to go?" he asked, already turning to leave.
You glanced at Mattheo, who met your gaze with a subtle look of concern. You winced slightly as you subconsciously bit the inside of your cheek, going to stand up
Mattheo looked up at him, a blank look on his face, "Actually, mate we were kinda in the middle of talking about the potions assignment we're working on together."
Your boyfriend scoffed, "cant you talk about that shit later man? My mates and I were gonna go down and grab some food and shit from the kitchens and the elves always give us more when y/n is there since they like her."
"Well as I said, we're kind of busy," Mattheo snapped, his voice dangerously low.
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and looked at you, "get up, lets go," he grumbled waiting for you to stand up, but you didn't move.
Her boyfriend raised an eyebrow, a hint of annoyance crossing his features. "Fine. Suit yourself."
As he walked away, you felt a mix of relief and uncertainty wash over you. She turned to Mattheo, a silent question in her eyes.
"You deserve better than that," Mattheo said quietly, his voice tinged with frustration. "You deserve someone who sees your worth and values you for who you are. Plus he's just a dick overall"
You swallowed hard, feeling a knot form in your stomach. "Do you really think so?"
"I know so," Mattheo replied firmly, his gaze unwavering. "You're one of the best people I know, and you deserve someone who sees that."
You nodded, feeling a surge of conflicting emotions as you watched your boyfriend disappear into the castle. Mattheo's words echoed in your mind, a voice of reason amid your doubts.
Days turned into weeks, and you found yourself reassessing your relationship. Mattheo had been consistent with his whole 'I hate your stupid ass boyfriend' thing, which didn't really help any of your doubts.
However it had seemed to have opened your eyes a bit. You began to notice how close your boyfriend would get to other girls, picked up on his snarky remarks that he would mutter under his breath when you would say stuff, the way he'd just sit there and even sometimes laugh when his friends would say something about you.
One evening, as you sat in the library, your boyfriend approached you, his expression plain and care free.
"Hey, Y/N," he began, a note of hesitation in his voice. "I've been thinking… I'm not sure this is working out."
You felt your hear skip a few beats, a mix of emotions flooding through you. She looked up to meet his gaze, surprised yet oddly relieved
"Okay," you replied softly, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside you. In all honesty, you saw it coming.
"Okay?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked down at you, "that's it?"
"What? Did you expect her to beg you to stay?" a voice spoke up. You felt your eyes widen at the familiar tone
"Theo?" You asked in shock, turning in your seat to see Mattheo standing behind you, glaring at the boy who was standing in front of you
Your boyfriend ex-boyfriend scoffed, rolling his eyes, "fuck off Riddle," he sneered, taking a step forwards. Mattheo took a step closer to him, not cowering in the slightest as he dug his hands into his pockets, a cold look on his face
"You said your point, you can leave now," Mattheo said plainly. Your ex rolled his eyes, huffing a 'whatever' before turning around and leaving.
You sat there, feeling a sense of freedom mingled with uncertainty.
"Are you okay?" Mattheo asked gently, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"I think so," you admitted, your voice trembling slightly. "It's just… unexpected."
Mattheo's hand squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "Sometimes unexpected things are for the best."
They sat in silence, the weight of the moment hanging between them. You found yourself feeling a mix of emotions—relief, sadness, and a tinge of regret. You glanced at Mattheo, feeling grateful for his unwavering support.
"Thank you," you said softly, meeting his gaze. "For everything."
"Always," Mattheo replied with a small smile, his eyes filled with understanding and support. He had been there for a long time, stuck by her side through everything.
And all he could do was hope that one day, she would love him just as much as he loved her.
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guzhufuren · 10 days
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New posters, message, part of a soundtrack and information about upcoming chinese BL The General's Son, show from the director of Word of Honor
"Green mountains are hidden in the distance, the waters are far away, the bright moon is always shining, the world is full of happiness."
Genres: wuxia; revenge Number of episodes: 24 Episode runtime: 18 minutes
Lead actors: Li Kaiwen as Li Jianwei; Dong Zifan as Chen Xiaoxi
Director and executive producer: Ma Huagan (Word of Honor, The Legend of Anle, Sword Dynasty) Art director: Liu Jingping (Love and Redemption, A Dream of Splendor, Wonderland of Love) Screenwriter and chief producer: Zhou Shucheng Executive producers: Zhuo Zuoqing, Yang Qi Co-producers: Jiang Yuxin, Li Shike, Dong Xinyu Co-director: Wang Xue Producers: Jiang Zhengpeng, Liu Wei, Xu Heni Planning by: Luo Yuting, Luo Gaoqiang
Filming finished this June. Will not be broadcast in mainland China. Original script.
Synopsis: General Li's family were killed on New Year's Eve. Li Jianwei, the youngest son of the Li family, escaped death, but disguised himself as a courtesan and went to Wei Mountain to seek revenge. Chen Xiaoxi, the young master of Guigu, has a lively and eccentric personality, becomes increasingly close to Li Jianwei, who has tried his best to win him over. Chen Xiaoxi's sister, Xiao Hetao, is simple and kind. She discovers that Li Jianwei came for revenge, and dies to resolve the hatred between the two.
Li Jianwei. Twenty years old, the youngest son of General Li Fei, he is loved by the whole family, standing like an orchid and a jade tree, smiling like the bright moon. He should have had a bright future, but his fate changed overnight. In order to get revenge, he went undercover to Weishan, enduring humiliation and patiently executing his plan step by step.
Chen Xiaoxi. At the age of twenty, we meet the young master of Weishan Guigu. He was born pure but had evil eyes. Under his lively and sunny appearance, his face looked like that of a devil's. In fact, he was rough but kind, and treated people with sincerity. Unfortunately, fate played a cruel joke on him and his mother died.
Xiao Hetao. At the age of seventeen, Chen Xiaoxi rescued a human child from a wolf pack. Innocent and romantic, she was very simple and naive. Gui Rong and others gave Xiao Hetao the purest and most innocent living environment, but she hoped to resolve the hatred of everyone with her own power.
Princess Qingyuan. Thirty-four years old, a graceful and elegant lady, smart and tenacious. She was in love with Chen Dawang when she was young. After Chen Dawang's death, she firmly refused marriage arranged by the magistrate's office and spent many years in Zhejiang. While helping Li Jianwei to take revenge, Qingyuan, the deputy envoy of the Chang'an Supervisor Zi Ke, has been trying to find out the truth about Jian Jishan from 20 years ago.
Chen Dawang. At the age of 38, we meet the leader of Guigu in Huishan. Twenty years ago, he was a major general in the Loyal and Brave Army led by Chen Weishan. Entrusted by the general, Chen Dawang and his party lived in seclusion in Guigu for twenty years, just to avenge the Loyal and Brave Army and reveal the truth to the world one day.
Sizhou. 24 years old, a descendant of the Loyal and Brave Army, he was a martial arts expert but became blind in two days. Because he was indebted to the Lord of Qingyuan, he stayed by his side and waited for investigation. While helping Li Jianwei to get his revenge, he also hoped to find out the truth of the old case of the Loyal and Brave Army from 20 years ago.
Wan Qianhong. Thirty-eight years old, owner of Baihua Villa, with mysterious martial arts and deceitful tricks. When she was young, she fell in love with Li Pu, who concealed his identity. Later, Li Xifei and Huang Jueda broke off all ties with Wan Qianhong. Since then, Wan Qianhong deeply hated Li Pu and all men in the world. Behind the hatred, Wan Qianhong missed her daughter so much that she mistakenly recognized Xiao Hetao as Zaotian's daughter. In the end, they ended up loving each other but not being able to be together.
Shi Tou. Eighteen years old, a good martial brother of Chen Xiaoxi, grew up in Jianweishan. He is the beloved son of Uncle Hua and Aunt Hua, with a simple and straightforward personality. He was happy and naive until Xiaohe died. The joy he did not even have time to express became the biggest regret in Shi Tou's life.
*text from informational brochures was converted with image to text online programs, translated through google translator and edited by me with some help of online dictionaries. i do not speak chinese, so there are most certainly mistakes in the text. purpose of this translation is to give you the general idea
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anundyingfidelity · 7 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy/Ben (Part I)
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Summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 1,536.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Notes: As soon as I saw him my feminism left my body immediately and my inner voice agreed that I'd let him take away my human rights with no question. He's an absolute idiot, would sleep with him 100%.
Heads up as English is not my native language sooo, yeah you know what follows. Lord pls give me inspo to finish this fic, amen.
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
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Part I: For The Common Good
Two months.
Two months ago Grace Mallory decided to put the former greatest supe into sleep. Somehow, you managed to get in her head, explaining your new project to her and finding a new use for Soldier Boy, who had enough rest for 40 years.
You knew what happened at the Seven Tower, how Soldier Boy and Butcher's team ended up there to finally kill Homelander. Grace tried doing some shit against Vought before, but she never managed to win. It wasn't different this time. What was better then, that to develop a cure for supes like you, who didn't ask for it? People who never used their powers in public, nor seeked fame and money.
As a doctor in Chemistry, you were developing a cure for Compound V with a secret team. Suitable for you, you were in the same CIA tower Colonel Mallory decided to encapsulate Soldier Boy to, initially, spend the rest of his days in. You had luck Grace gave green light to the project, even though your team was already working on it without her approval anyway. But it was so much better if she found out properly.
Making your way to the super secured wing where Soldier Boy was held out of his sleep, you gripped the folder in your hands. You were scanned thoroughly before going inside a cold space, where two different crystal windows and metal doors separated the place. The armed guard guided you to the first room to check first through the window. You sighed, seeing a man sitting down, hands cuffed to a harsh steel table, gaze lost. It was him.
"The keys," you requested the guard by your side.
"I said, keys. He doesn't need to be cuffed."
He complied to your order, clearly annoyed but with a straight face and you walked to the closed door.
"If something happens, I can take care of myself. Don't let anyone inside understand?" you said.
He gave a nod. With that, he let you inside the room, the doors closing behind your back.
The prisoner observed you carefully as soon as you entered. His gaze was tired, but he seemed ready to attack, and it was completely hard to ignore his rough stare on you as you made your way to your seat in front of him. Soldier Boy observed you, placing the folder on the surface, and you held his gaze, not flinching for a second. Until you decided to talk first.
"I am glad you're awake. My name is Y/N, I am a doctor at the facility. Just wanna know how you're doing today," you spoke in a calm and soft way, so he could see you were not a threat.
He saw you roaming through the pages of the file, which he recognized as a copy of his file, and you took a pen from your lab coat to make some anotations.
"Not a smart move to let a fucking doctor here," he said with a deep voice, lips forming a straight line. "What do you want?"
"I want to help you."
"Cut the bullshit."
"I want to talk. If you let me, I will uncuff you so we can have a chat, like civilized people. Just don't try to escape, you won't go too far."
He raised an eyebrow as you reached his wrists and carefully, you set him free from the metal grip.
"I know what happened with Butcher and his boys," you said, confident that he would not try anything else. "About Homelander and your relationship with him."
"What the fuck do you know?" Soldier Boy tensed visibly hearing the name of the bastard. Still, he remained on his seat. "Want some info? You can lick Grace's pussy for that."
"She is, actually, the one who approved me to be here right now," you answered, brushing off his vocabulary. You used to deal with assholes like him all the time.
He scoffed. "Why?"
"Ben," you called his real name softly. "You've been sleeping for four decades. You deserve a second chance, I am offering you that. In some sort of way."
"I'm not going to be part of that freakshow-"
"This has nothing to do with Vought," you cut his words, his tone rising and you knew perfectly why. "You just need to be here in the facility, awake, in a dignified place we will give you so you can learn everything you missed. We can give you therapy, a comfy room, anything you want that's legal, of course..."
His jaw clenched, feeling you would ask for something more. "In exchange of what?"
"I know it's hard, unfortunately you won't be able to get out, but you don't deserve to sleep forever again," you sighed. "I will pay you visits and follow your improvements because you're human, after all. That's all I ask from you," you gave him a smile for the first time.
For a few moments, he said nothing, as if making up his mind about it. "Alright, anything but coming back to that shit hole. I need reefer though."
"Lucky you, that's legal now. We can certainly make it happen."
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He looked around the room as you let him go inside first. Not the fanciest, not the shittiest. It had the basics: a bed, a sofa, a TV, a closet, a bookshelf with different books, magazines and newspapers he wasn't sure would read any time, a separate door for a bathroom, enough privacy, and no windows though. It wasn't really a cell, but he did look and felt somehow like a hostage. Just a little less if he could say.
"This is what we have for now, I am all ears if you request something else to have in here," you began as he paced around and tested the bed, sitting down on the mattress.
Ben still wasn't convinced on why you offered this to him. Sceptic, he gave a good look at you, roaming his eyes at your standing figure in a fucking lab coat. Christ, he hated those. Too pretty for a doctor, but too dumb to be locked with a supe like him. He was so tired that he didn't try and hit on you like he normally would with any walking pussy that appeared in plain sight. He was too exhausted to even give a shit.
"Lemme think about it, doctor."
"Of course, take your time," you replied as he walked toward the bookshelf, scanning through the titles there were. He recognized only half of them.
"So, I will be imprisoned here instead of a fucking eggshell," Ben said, turning around to meet you. "Charming," he smirked, dragging the words out of his mouth. "Doing charity."
He watched your face drop as you shook your head. "It's not like that-"
"Then why keep me awake?" Ben insisted as he gave steps to get close to you. "I can't die, it's much easier to force my sleep in a capsule your boss made specially for me."
He stopped mere inches in front of you, your eyes never turned away from him. He thought you were fucking brave just by keeping his dark gaze.
"Ben, I told you I will be watching your progress. You can grow from all of this with our help-"
"What kind of doctor are you?"
"A psychiatrist. That's why I'm here."
Ben scoffed with a grin showing on his lips. He didn't believe in that kind of shit, but oh, well. What was he gonna do about it? He was tired of sleeping, Mallory captured him, and you were here, giving him a shelter for no cost, but his freedom. In his mind, that was temporary of course. With time, a plan would come. Right now, he just needed to keep up with the fucked up things of the modern world.
"I guess you would come and babysit me then," he said, going back to take a sit on the bed.
"Wouldn't use 'babysit you' but I will come to see you, that's for sure."
He nodded. Silence was his answer, so you continued.
"Just general rules. Our people will bring you three meals a day, if you're missing something that you need then just push the button by the door, there will be guards outside to assist you on that. Also, there are clothes your size on the closet and personal products so you can change and take a shower," he stayed silent again, just taking in your words. "If you don't need anything then I leave you to get comfortable," you said, about to leave.
"Wait. I do need something," he hesitated for a moment, but he continued anyway. "Don't use those lab coats when you come in."
Your eyes widened, he quickly realised you already knew why he was requesting that when you started to take off the coat, revealing your formal attire. You wrapped the coat on your arm and cleaned your throat.
"I totally understand, I will keep that in mind when I come tomorrow. And I will ask for your reefer too."
You flashed a final polite smile and left him to get settled. Ben breathed out. Fuck, he really needed a shower.
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Chapter 1
(Eddie Munson x PlusSize!Fem!Reader)
Follow my new blog for future chapters & fics @eddiexmunsonlover
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WC: 2.8k Warnings: MDNI. Explicit language used. Parental alcohol abuse, toxic family relationships, and bullying mentioned. Author's Note: This first chapter is on the shorter side as it is mainly set-up, and provides a lot of information on Reader's background and friendships with other main characters.
Sunday, September 15th, 1985
The warm September air engulfs your face, blowing through your hair as the familiar streets of Hawkins pass by. Sitting in the passenger seat, head leaning against the door frame, and Led Zeppelin playing on a cassette tape as your mom drives the route home. Your new, and old home. It still didn’t feel quite real that you were back here, not so soon, and not to stay. Though you weren’t born there, Hawkins has always been the place you think of when you hear ‘home’. It wasn’t just the town or the trailer you’d lived in, but the people here that you held the fondest memories of in your heart and formed the deepest bonds you’ve ever had with anyone.
You were born in Virginia, and lived there until you were 8 years old. Until Dad’s drinking led him to lose yet another job, leaving your mother at a loss for what to do. She was smart and skilled, but didn’t make nearly enough money to support the family at the time. Her sister, Aunt Patty, encouraged your family to move out to where she lived in Hawkins, Indiana. Maybe a big move and change of pace was just what your family needed, she suggested. So, the summer before the start of 4th grade in 1976, your family made the move to the Forest Hills Trailer Park in Hawkins, Indiana. Your uncle helped your dad get a job with him doing construction, while your mother managed to find a decent paying receptionist job. 
Your home life wasn’t great. Your parent’s relationship was tumultuous at best, largely due to your father’s drinking problems. You and your mother at times were the best of friends, other times she made you feel like you were never good enough to meet her standards, whether it was with your weight, your grades, or how you dressed. Your school life had never been great either, and that didn’t change in Hawkins. You occasionally dealt with bullies that liked to make fat jokes, but it wasn’t all bad, you also formed some good, solid friendships too. 
Meanwhile, the issues at home and with your parents’ marriage only intensified after the move. After 6 years in Hawkins, your mom had finally had enough of your dad’s bullshit, kicking him out and planning to divorce him. A couple days later, he landed in Jail for a DUI, his 3rd one to be specific. A week after that, 3 months into your 10th grade year in late 1982, a UHAUL was packed up with all your belongings, moving your mom and you back to Virginia to stay with family. 
While the events of your home and school life were sometimes painful, you were grateful that they led you to seek out music for comfort and coping. Music is the love of your life, and what you always turn to when life and your thoughts feel like it’s just too much to bear. It started with the classics that your family raised you on, from Patsy Cline to Jimi Hendrix to Lynyrd Skynyrd to Johnny Cash. You loved all kinds of music, expanding your taste and catalog to a huge variety throughout the years, even beginning to work odd jobs in your early teens to fund your musical exploration. Music wasn’t just a way for you to escape, but became a way to express yourself as well. You learned how to play guitar and bass, and began songwriting as well as a means of emotional release and self-expression. It was the only thing that kept you sane through your life transitions, especially during the years living in Hawkins when problems at home intensified. Music, and him… Eddie Munson.
*Oh, all of my love, all of my love
Oh, all of my love to you…*
Your chest tightened as your thoughts inevitably went to him, how could they not? You tried your best to steer your mind away from him during the move back to Hawkins, but it was pointless. Eddie had been your best friend all those years you lived here, some of the hardest years of your life. Honestly, he was the best friend you’ve ever had. You liked to think you were the same for him, at least then. Your trailer was right across the street from Eddie’s Uncle Wayne’s trailer, Eddie oftentimes staying with Wayne for weeks or months at a time whenever Al Munson disappeared on a bender, some crime scheme, or his stints in jail. Though, you didn’t end up meeting Eddie until a few months after you moved and started 4th grade at Hawkins Elementary. 
A soft smile creeps across your face as you remember 5th grade Eddie, coming to your rescue when you tripped in the hallway at school, other students standing around and laughing at you. Your 9 year old self was mortified, so embarrassed, until Eddie appeared and told them all where they could shove it, effectively clearing the halls of students and helping you up. From then on, anytime he was at Wayne’s you two would hang out; playing make believe in the woods next to the trailer park, Eddie teaching you how to play DnD, sharing books, music, and watching scary movies. You two bonded over your pain caused by your family and Hawkins’ residents who’d branded you as outcasts. You both harbored a lot of pain and anger, sharing a love for metal music as the perfect cathartic release for those emotions. You’d become so close over the years. You often missed him during the times you didn’t get to see him as much, like whenever his Dad returned home and he wasn’t at Wayne’s as much, or when he moved on to middle and high school, being a grade ahead of you. Your friendship remained strong during those times regardless. 
But all of that is in the past. He was your best friend… though in your heart he still is, and always will be.
*I get a little bit lonely, just a little, just a little
Just a little bit lonely, just a little bit lonely*
You sigh as the song comes to an end and the sign for Forest Hills Trailer Park came into view. You hold your breath as your mother turns onto your road, Uncle Wayne’s trailer and yours coming into view. You don’t know why you feel anxious, Eddie would have graduated in ‘84, and likely gotten the hell out of Hawkins as soon as he could. Probably out in LA trying to make a name for himself in the music industry. You shook the thoughts from your head, noting the unfamiliar van in Wayne’s driveway as your mother pulled into your own across the street.
She sighs as she puts the car into park next to yours, a black ‘81 Chevy C10 truck that your father so generously gifted you upon hearing of your return to Hawkins. It’s the LEAST he could do. Your mother looked at you with a small smile, “Home sweet home”. You return her smile before both exiting her station wagon and begin unloading the last of your belongings. Your mom and you had already been back in Hawkins for a few days, staying with your Aunt Patty while coming to the trailer everyday to deep clean before moving back in. You could only assume your Dad had hit a rough patch when you heard he was being evicted from the trailer, missing a few rent payments. Around the same time back in Virginia as you were starting your senior year, your mom got laid off from her job. An old coworker from Hawkins then just so happened to tell her about an open position at her new job in Indianapolis, one that paid more than either of your Mom’s old jobs in Hawkins or Virginia. When she heard about your dad, it was decided, circumstances aligning perfectly. Upend your life and move back to Hawkins, again. You can’t say you were really upset about it, Hawkins has been home for you since that fateful day in 4th grade.
Eddie groaned in frustration. Searching his vest pockets, under his blanket, on any flat surface in his room for his goddamn cigarettes, patience quickly wearing thin. He huffed, looking along the floor of his room, around dirty and clean clothes thrown about until he saw the familiar package peeking out from under his bed. “There you areeee” a cheeky smile adorning his face as he grabbed it from the floor, swiftly removing a cigarette and putting it between his lips. He sat down on a chair he had propped next to the open window in his room as he lit the cigarette, taking a puff before looking out his window. Eyes landing on what appeared to be new neighbors moving into the trailer across the street. Your trailer. Wayne had told him about your dad, a small voice of hope in the back of his head wondered if you’d come back. A voice he’d quickly squashed. It’s been nearly 3 years since you’d left, and though he knew better than to think the thoughts of you would ever stop popping into his head, that certainly didn’t stop him from trying to keep them at bay.
Taking another puff from his cigarette, his attention was captured by the girl he saw across the street. Her back to him as she looks into the trunk of the station wagon in the driveway. He unashamedly lets his eyes take her in. Short, thick, curvy. Black shorts, cropped tank top, hair up in a messy bun. She didn’t look like most of the girls in Hawkins or in the magazines… and he liked, no, loved that. He couldn’t help but notice how much her body resembled yours, or atleast how he’d imagined it’d look now after the few years. He watched as she started to squat to lift a tv console out of the trunk. Being the gentleman his Uncle Wayne raised him to be, he was about to sprint over; introduce himself and help her, knowing how damn heavy those fuckers could be. Just as the thought passed his mind, she lifts it almost effortlessly, his eyes practically bulging from his head. He wasn’t expecting that to turn him on so much, but goddamn. He admires the thick arms and legs exerting that strength, unable to not notice the pronounced curve of her ass as she climbed the steps into the trailer. 
Before he could pop a semi, a burning sensation on his thigh grabs his attention. The cherry from his cigarette falling into his lap as he drooled over his new neighbor like a virgin.
“Shit, Jesus H. Christ!” he grimaces, stomping out the cherry just as the telephone begins to ring. Groaning, he rose to his feet, nearly tripping over the clothes on his floor as he stomps down the hall. 
“Yeah, what?” he answered unceremoniously, greeted by Jeff’s voice reminding Eddie to pick him up on his way to band practice at Gareth’s. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m on my way” Eddie hung up the phone, dramatically exhaling as he turned back to his room to grab his sweetheart, and his van keys off the counter before leaving the trailer. He glanced across the street as he descended the porch steps, hoping to catch another glimpse of the new neighbor only to be disappointed as the trailer door was closed, with no one outside. 
You sigh, dropping the last box of your belongings on your stripped bed, glancing around at your bare bedroom, deciding on where to start. You rummage through one of your boxes, finding your radio and setting it on your dresser. You press play on the cassette you’d titled Chill Mix #3, smiling as All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix began playing. You decide to start on the biggest feat, unpacking and putting away all your clothes. You let your mind focus on your task and the sound of the music as you move, singing along to each passing song. It was only a matter of time before thoughts and images of him slipped through the barrier, being back in the exact place that held so many memories of him and your friendship. It made your stomach turn and a lump form in your throat. You attempt to cough it away, forcing yourself to think of your other friends here in Hawkins you were excited to see again. The toothy, goofy smile of one of your youngster friends, Dustin Henderson popped into your head, effectively putting a smile on your face.
You’d known Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will for a couple years now. First meeting Will through his mother Joyce, who was good friends with your mom. It’d started sometime when you were in middle school, going over to Joyce’s to hang out with Jonathan and Will while your moms’ went out to shop and vent about their relationship issues. The other boys showing up a handful of those times turned into Dustin’s mom and Lucas’s parents asking you to babysit in the summer months, which often turned into babysitting all the boys at the same time.
The boys and Erica came to view you as an older sister figure, and them, your sometimes annoying but loveable younger siblings. The same quickly became true for the newer member of the party Max, over your visit to Hawkins this summer. Taking a liking to you as the ‘cool’ older girl the boys often spoke of and hung out with. Though you were flattered but dismissive of the ‘cool’ label, you learned quickly that like you, Max didn’t give a damn about societal ideals of ‘cool’ and what or who a young woman should be. They were freshman this year at Hawkins High, one of the few positives you looked forward to starting your senior year here.
As you move on to hanging up your posters and decorations, you think about your other, newer friends, Steve and Robin. To be fair, Robin wasn’t exactly a new friend, you’d met her in school when previously living in Hawkins, but were never more than casual, friendly acquaintances. Steve, on the other hand, you never expected to become friends with before this past summer. You’d visited Hawkins every summer since you’d moved back to Virginia; staying with your Aunt Patty, babysitting, spending time with the kids, your cousins and your Dad.
When you came to visit this summer in May, you’d picked up a job working at Scoops Ahoy with Robin and Steve. Your once casual friendship with Robin blossomed into a close one, both taking pleasure in teasing Steve day after day, watching him fail in his attempts to pick up girls after his break-up with Nancy and declining position in the social hierarchy of Hawkins. You were surprised to witness the change in Steve’s character from the Steve you knew of through middle and early high school, into someone actually likable. When Robin confessed her sexual identity to you two, it marked a milestone in you three’s friendship, along with the events of the mall fire that happened soon after. You three were nearly inseparable for the remainder of the summer after, until August rolled around and it was time for you to go back to Virginia. Robin was the first friend you called when you learned about your return back to Hawkins. Thrilled to go through her Senior year with you, considering Steve graduated this past May.
A few hours after you’d started and the sky now dark outside, you sigh loudly laying back on your bed as you finally finished putting away and organizing all your belongings. Looking around your room, you feel a wave of comfort hit you. Your room has always been your safe space, and it just feels… looks so right here in this room, compared to your room of the past 3 years in Virginia. Even with all the new decorations and posters you’d acquired since you last lived in this room years ago. You feel a sense of hope overtake your thoughts. Maybe this year things will finally work out and go right for you, feel right for you, for the first time in years. You let those thoughts linger as you walk out into the kitchen, deciding to make a sandwich for dinner. Feeling the exhaustion from the last week of moving weigh on your body, you kiss your mother goodnight, and take a relaxing shower before crawling into bed. You let the songs playing on the local ‘soft rock’ radio station lull you as exhaustion overtakes you. As you fall asleep, you cling onto that hopeful, comforting feeling before your first day back at Hawkins High tomorrow.
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saint-ajax · 2 months
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“I WISH TO SEE YOUR LOVELY SMILE.” Wanda had heard from the wonderful mind of her clandestine significant other who sat across her. She knew Wanda could read her mind or hear her thoughts, which is why she whispered little cheers for her. While the Secretary of State discussed the accords that half of the Avengers seemed to disagree with.
   She knows what Wanda's going through right now, and she wants nothing but to be there for her. Wanda forced a little smile for her to assure her she was fine. Before she looked away to read a book Ross had handed them. 
   She was solely focused on Wanda. She was watching how her expressions changed as she read the book before handing it to Natasha. She didn’t care about the material everyone was frowning on and passed it to Steve when he asked for it.
  “Everything okay? ” She asked Wanda in her mind. When Wanda looked at her, she met Wanda's gaze with worry. She subtly shook her head, indicating that she didn’t know.
   In a world where saving people could paint you as the hero and the enemy at the same time, where chaos and battles are the muse of the system, they could only find peace and order in each other’s company.
   Perhaps no one in the room truly knows what’s between the two of them. Perhaps it’s forbidden, or it may not be. But the holy truth is that they do not care for it. 
   To feel, to hold, to cry, and to laugh beside one another is all they care about. For as long as the world can only bring anything but unkind nature to them, they will always lean on and seek each other.
   The meeting was left with an indefinite answer, which Secretary Ross and the United Nations wished for them to create a smart and cooperative decision.
   Everyone was gathered in the living room. They were scattered around to discuss the proposal of leaders from different nations. Yet she was only worried that Wanda was blaming herself for an inevitable incident. 
   She sat in between Vision and Wanda. The atmosphere was getting heated the more the group dove into the conflict they were challenged to solve. Meanwhile, Wanda listened to what the veterans had to say, while her girlfriend was busy watching and playing with her slender hands. Entwining their fingers and placing them in between their thighs to hide them from everyone's view.
   Wanda was used to her gestures like this one, and so she wasn't fazed as she absorbed the points everyone had to point out. Finally, she was all caught up.
   “You're saying they'll come for me.” 
   “I wouldn't let them. I will protect you.” Wanda gazed at her as she squeezed her hand three times and gave her a reassuring smile.
   “We all will protect you.” Vision had commented on the side as they continued to exchange thoughts.
   She rubbed Wanda's hands with her thumb as they continued the discussion until Steve left. “I have to go.”
   Everyone followed after Steve to attend their respective errands. 
   The look Tony gave Wanda before asking Vision to talk in private did not escape her sight. They spent the whole afternoon in Wanda's room as she remained suspicious of it. Eventually, she had to chase Natasha to borrow a car for the late-night drive she planned. 
   “Where are you going? ”
   “Attend a conference. Why? ”
   “Can I borrow a car? ”
   “Sure.” Natasha tossed her keys before leaving. 
   “Thanks.” She ran back upstairs to see Vision cooking and Wanda tasting it.
   “Spirit lifted.”
   She stood by the hall as she watched the two exchange laughter. Something inside her spiked and poked her, and it felt close to pain. And anger. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head before having the courage to steal their attention.
   “Hey, Wands, ready? ” 
   “Oh, yes. I'm sorry.” Wanda immediately went to her. Something about watching Vision frown upon Wanda coming to her instead of him was satisfying.
   “Apologies, but may I know where you're going? ” 
   None of your business. “Don't worry, Vis; I just want to show her something. We'll be quick.” She didn't even bother to hear what he had to say and carried Wanda away with her, hand in hand.
   Wanda didn't protest, and she let her drag her away. “I heard that,” she remarked.
   “Surprising.” She scoffed as she played with the keys.
   Wanda frowned at her attitude. “What's wrong, darling? ”She was supposed to ignore it, but Wanda made them stop walking and made her face her.
   “Talk to me properly. You're not letting me into your head. I can't understand.”
   “Nothing's wrong.” She avoided her gaze as she denied the truth.
   “I'm not asking again.” Wanda took her hand back harshly and crossed her arms. 
   “Fine. It's.. it's Vision..   and you.”
   “What's wrong with Vision and me? ”
   “Nothing! See? Nothing wrong. Let's go.”
   “Are you jealous? ”Wanda squinted at her when she finally put the puzzle pieces together.
   She puffed air as an act of dismissing her accusation. “No. I'm not.” Me? Jealous of a synthezoid? No way.
  “Darling, you are jealous . ” Wanda smiled to hide her laughter at her charming girl.
   She rolled her eyes. “Yeah? What if I am? ”
   “I like it. Even though you have nothing to be jealous of.”
   “I was trying all day to lift your mood, but with him, one paprika, and you're all giggling like a little girl,” she frowned. Now that she thought about it, it actually hurt.
   “Oh, baby, you have no idea how calm you've made me the entire day.” Wanda had cupped her face for her to directly look into her emerald eyes. “I have been on edge all day, and you've kept me sane.” And there it was; her lovely smile had finally shown up, and it was beautifully contagious.
   Wanda looking so pretty and smiling while staring into her eyes made her knees weak and her cheeks pink. “You have to stare at me like that? ”
   “Like what? ”
   “Like you want to kiss me.” Wanda let out a wholehearted laugh. It was a scene to behold. She watched the redhead with shiny eyes, appreciating her beauty when she smiled.
   “Oh, you know very well how to read my mind,” Wanda uttered before pulling her into a kiss that sent butterflies into her stomach.
   She received the kiss well and responded with the strong passion they both possess. Their lips were crashing in sync as their heads angled in a pattern while their hands roamed.
   “Oh, there you are—” They both stopped and looked at the owner of the voice, which interrupted them. It was Vision. “Oh...” He tilted his head as he studied what was happening. He blinked it away and proceeded to state his business. “I'm glad to catch both of you. I'm afraid you're not allowed to leave the building.”
   “Let me guess, Tony's orders? ”She said, making Wanda frown in confusion as she looked at her.
   “Correct,” Vision responded. 
   “That's not happening.” Another familiar voice came from the other side, and when they looked, they saw Clint. “Come on, kids, pack your bags. I'm here to pick you up.”
   “I'm afraid I can't let them go.” Vision begged to differ. 
   “Oh my god! What are you doing here? ”Wanda said in surprise.
   “Disappointing my kids.”
   “In whose orders, Clint? ”
   She questioned.
   “Captain. Cap needs our help. Come on.” She looked into Wanda's eyes to consult their plan. Wanda looked hesitant.
   “What's wrong? ”
   “I’ve caused enough problems.” She and Clint frowned at Wanda.
   “You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you want to mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass. We gotta go.”
   “Come on, Wanda. It'll be okay.” The girl holding Wanda's hand and giving her assuring eyes and comfort was what helped to convince her.
   Wanda nods and lets her drag her along as they follow Clint. “Stop! Clint.. You should not be here.” Vision interrupts and Clint rolls his eyes.
   “Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit.“
   “Please consider the consequences of your actions.” He started to elevate as he turned his guard on.
   “Okay.. they're considered.   Okay, we gotta go.” They immediately turned their backs on Vision while he was held back by a force field. It was sparkling and crackling between the two arrows. None of them had the time to notice when Clint had shot them.
   Just as they reach the exit, Vision catches up to them. As they were caught off guard, he punched Clint, but he quickly recovered. “I knew I should've stretched.” Clint groaned.
   He extended a baton in an attempt to hit Vision, but it was useless as the blows went through him. He resorts to punches and comes back to the baton until it breaks. Clint doesn't give up and tries to kick Vision, but as expected, his kicks pass through him. They ended up with Vision having Clint in a headlock. Completely naive about the existence of the two ladies.
   “Clint, you cannot overpower me.”
   He was still able to speak, but it was crooked. “I know I can't, but they can.”
   Vision's eyes found Wanda's glowing ruby orbs. “Vision.. That's enough; let him go.” As the energy from Wanda's hands falters Vision, Clint manages to slip from his grip.
   A yellow, sparkling circle opened beneath Vision caused by her. The body of water in the area of HQ was seen on the other side of the portal.
   “If you do this… they will never stop being afraid of you.”
   “The thing is... She cannot control their fear,” the sorcerer answers Vision.
   “Only my own.” Wanda buries Vision through the water and passes the ground, and her sorcerer closes the portal just in time for the water to not splash at them.
   She finds Wanda's eyes; their glow is starting to fade as she calms down. She walks over to her and holds her hand. “I'm proud of you,” she whispers as she touches her chin to make Wanda look at her.
   She managed to make Wanda smile lightly and entwine their fingers together. “Thank you.”
   “...Alright, what the hell is this? ”She and Wanda forgot about Clint and looked at him before chuckling lightly. “What has Nat been teaching you two? ”
   “Looking over my shoulder should be a second nature. And I’m starting to think she's right.” Wanda chuckled at her own remark of being caught in the moment and kept forgetting there were people with them.
   “So, you two? together? ”Clint asked to confirm.
   Both of the ladies chuckled as they held hands and followed Clint to the van.
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blueiight · 3 months
“Armand as theater director comes up w “My Baby Loves Windows” to break Claudia & drive her to madness/suicide.” Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on this!!
I thought it was the coven being POS and “hazing” her and Armand was too busy with Louis to even stop it. Plus, he probably didn’t give a shit. But the moment I read your post everything started to make sense!
You’re so incredibly smart and I am going to cry about all things Claudia again.
armand promises to spare louis , but does not promise him mercy, and the sparing of louis to armand necessitates the exclusion of both sparing and mercy toward claudia.
She doesn't need looking after. She won't be here very long. You made her at 14. A most turbulent chemistry. Her mind, as fierce as it is now, will not endure. It will break apart in time.
this line being followed by the sequence of events where we see the infant’s dress and claudia being put back on stage in the role she crossed oceans to escape to begin with…armand is with who he wants to be, and moving pawns too.
mblw fails to drive claudia into mad suicide, but drives her into a complex web of self-preservation meets self-doubt. she doesnt want to die, she just wants an out from this role. just watch how layered delainey’s acting + the expressions on her face, the crack in her voice when when claudia tries to tell the coven the truth of why this role reminds her of her biggest prison, only for her to be disciplined into embodying that role constantly by armand + the subsequent convo devolving into an interrogation on louis& armand’s love life. then her seeking out madeleine to make a woman’s dress to both defy that ruling (rightfully so) and find someone who’d simply hear her out: how madeleine offers her such plain and heartfelt reassurance, then how that fortifies claudia when armand drags her out the shop through the street. only does armand pinning her in the alley & telling her he knows about lestat is she stunned into silence…. and isnt it convenient that the coven is now mutinous! armand is powerless to stop them, even as they move to do what he wants.
also compare what armand told louis to what he later tells madeleine. armand even holds some admiration for madeleine’s ruthless survival instinct, to the point of finding her to be a more suitable vampire than claudia is, and in the show-trial, shes offered an ‘out’, but madeleine has chosen claudia to begin with and will not be swayed.
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he treats claudia’s death as a such an assured inevitability, constantly spoken in terms of when and not an if, which is why i think ppl miss how cruel it is — to armand, claudia is just the mechanical flea whirling around in his circus-freakshow.
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lacedinweb22 · 1 month
I don't wanna let you go ❦︎
inspired by Enhypen’s “Bills” - Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader (angsty chapter from my Wattpad series Vampire Next Door)
Miguel’s mother wasn’t gentle. His personality attests to that.
She was abusive, resentful, lacked any empathy, just overall shitty. Not much of a mother at all.
Miguel didn’t thrive at home, but he did thrive at school.
Though he was sarcastic, talked back to any authority (to be fair, he usually had a point), and had a hell of a mouth on him, his teachers gave him the validation his mother didn’t—academic validation.
He was a genius, really, and school was his distraction from the hell hole he lived in.
High school was far too slow-paced for him. And university, he found slightly challenging, but when he looked around to see everybody else was really struggling, having breakdowns, begging for his tutoring, he realized he found his courses quite easy. He realized he was different…
socially and academically.
He’s only ever had three friends, Vel being one of them.
He surprisingly found a friend in the hard-shelled vigilante, an acquaintance, someone he could banter with, argue, fight. They were there for each other.
Is it impossible to turn back time? No time.
So when he realized in addition to you possibly being hung up on some girl you used to live with, his own acquaintance had made a move on you, he came in swinging.
He reflects, remembers:
“I know you already hate me… already don’t trust me, but I need to tell you something else,” you muttered.
“Dios, what?”
“Vel… has been flirting with me. When you left, after she hurt herself, she… she kind of admitted her feelings to me.”
“Vel? Vel. Vel as in Velvet, Vel as in—”
“Yes, Mig. The only Vel we both know.”
“Oh god.”
“After I cleaned up her messes, after I patched up her knee? After I—”
“I know.”
“And you did what? You said what?”
“I was kind of in shock, and I know— I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming… I just, I said I wanted you, and that’s when she brought her up. She said you were in the way like my roommate’s boyfriend was. Struck a nerve, struck several, so I left.”
One day, the invoice that you stuck on me, the pain that became my share,
He nods.
“Funny. Thought you were still hung up on her, thought you were going to abandon me and move back with her, meanwhile, the only real threat was my own fucking friend. Adds up.”
I’m sure I paid for it.
He shakes his head, forehead resting on his own big hands. He doesn’t look up at you.
He realizes he has mommy issues, abandonment issues, every issue in the book really.
Getting closer to you scared him. He worried he was a burden, that you’d have to deal with all of the weight that came with him. But you were reassuring, seemed like you could handle it, like you wanted to handle it.
You made him trust again, made him a better person.
He sits on the fire escape, slouched, head hung in thought.
It takes everything in him not to go to your bedroom window, just right there, he wouldn’t argue, he’d just embrace you. It’ll fix everything he thinks.
But he doesn’t. Instead, he sits, continues to think.
He never really had space for insecurity, or reason for it really, being at the top of the class with no threats ever, made him secure in himself, gave him a strong sense of confidence.
Besides… maybe the insecurity stemming from the rejection and neglect from his mother—but he refused to count that. He accepted their fucked relationship at a young age, and decided he’d become smart, build his way out of there. Fuck her. He didn’t need her. It was a lost cause,
but you, he could never give up on you. He does need you.
New emotions, love, being loved by you, this, however, brought forth a new sense of insecurity.
For once, he didn’t have control over everything, over himself.
He seeks your love, attention, wants to make you feel loved, understood, and the idea that you could find someone else to do that, made him insecure, made his heart race, body temperature hot.
Maybe his mom did have something to do with this, Vel always said so anyway. Maybe for once she was right. He feared you’d abandon him—emotionally, physically—the way the one person in the world who was meant to love him abandoned him.
He wonders how he—
Your window slides open. He turns back to see you. You look exhausted—he hates to think he’s to blame—tired, and still beautiful.
The sad way you say his name makes his stomach drop. You sit on your window sill, fiddling with your jacket.
“I’ve been thinking.”
I thought about it, it’s not paid.
He looks up at you, desperate to know what you think.
“Maybe… maybe we need a break, maybe we just need time apart,” you say, weakly.
He exhales, like he’s been punched in the stomach.
You continue, “Maybe I’m still not healed from her, and I know—I see that it hurts you.”
You sniffle, tears rolling down. You rest your head against the brick wall.
“I don’t want to let you go,” you sob, gently.
He wants to hug you, but it’ll only make this harder.
The price of parting keeps getting more and more expensive. I just wanna let it go.
Maybe he deserves to be abandoned. Maybe you’ll both hurt less this way.
Why don’t you just let me go?
He wonders if this is permanent, if it’s really the end, but it only makes him feel dizzy. He stands up, wipes the tears he didn’t realize were falling, and gives you one last look,
“If that’s what you want.”
The right price I only learned through tears. 
ughhh angst
anyways yeah shocker I'm an Engene ❀*ੈ  go stream Romance: Untold
time-skip chapter coming soon ₊ʚïɞ 
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! More of wy as female mxy married to lz please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Jin Guangyao isn't expecting his sister to seek him out for tea, because she's mostly been treating him as if he isn't here, but when she comes knocking at his door - or, well, Xichen's - he doesn't have any reason to deny her.
She fidgets as she sits across from him and he takes the opportunity to look her over as he pours the tea.
Xuanyu – as she insists everyone call her, regardless of propriety – looks much the same as she had before. She wears the pale cream and gold underrobes of the Jin still, but he’s pretty sure it’s just so she has something to get dirty while she’s studying or training. Her Lan overrobe always managed to escape unscathed from her worse disasters.
Her hair is a mess, held in a barely presentable ponytail, and she doesn’t bother with any makeup even though she’d been sent to Cloud Recesses with a whole case of it. She follows the Lan rules of subtlety and minimalism of appearance well, even if she can’t quite make her actions do the same.
Everyone is talking about her spars, and her form, and how the weak, pathetic wife that had been forced on Hanguang Jun might be a match for him after all.
Jin Guangyao finds it very suspicious. Xichen tells him that he finds everyone suspicious and so it’s not a useful assessment.
Xichen had slept on the floor that night. In the morning he’d thanked him for his concern in realigning his spine. Lans could be so infuriating.
“What do you think of Jin Guangshan?” Xuanyu asks abruptly.
That hadn’t been what he was expecting.
“Our father?” he asks.
She makes a face, realizes part way through that she shouldn’t do that, and reaches up to rub her nose in an attempt to hide the reaction. “Yeah.”
“Why do you ask?” Is his father getting suspicious of him? Is that why he blocked his marriage to Xichen and pulled Xuanyu into this at the last second?
She shrugs. “I just don’t know him very well, is all. But you’d know better than me, right?”
“What relevance does our father have in Cloud Recesses?” He’s not going to say anything until he understands her motive.
Xuanyu snorts. “He’s the only reason I’m in Cloud Recesses.”
This is true, and something in her tone rings true. “You seem to be settling in well.”
Technically he’s supposed to have been helping her do that, as its the justification of his many months away from Koi Tower, but she’s hardly seemed interested. She’s never asked for anything.
He supposes she’s asking now.
“I was settled where I was,” she points out, then winces, obviously knowing that’s not quite true.
He’d asked around. The Mo family had not treated the bastard daughter of an out of favor sister as anything but exactly like she was.
He feels the first stirrings of sympathy that he doesn’t quite manage to suppress. Their circumstances aren’t all that different. Her mother hadn’t been a whore, but she’d been treated like one. “Why do you think Father picked you?”
She’s not the only bastard daughter he has. Claiming Qin Su would be problematic, but there are others even still.
“Because of you, I guess,” she says, but it doesn’t come out as accusing. “I don’t understand why he didn’t just use you for the alliance.”
“I suppose he decided I was someone he couldn’t control,” he says, both because it’s true and to check her reaction.
Xuanyu throws her head back and lets out a bark of laughter. He blinks, but she meets his gaze head on and her grin is wide and sharp and oddly familiar. “And he decided that I was controllable instead? That’s not the decision of a smart man.”
“No,” Jin Guangyao says slowly, looking her over in a new light, “I suppose it isn’t.”
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
our daughter
sully family x human daughter
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Sully stick together was the phase that Jake had taught all his kids when they were young, and now it was his turn to make sure that happens. It had been time to come clean with the truth that the other half of the omatacayia clan had been left behind, and that their families and clan were missing them so much. It was time to being families and friend back together after being apart for so long.
Jake " ......"Jake was going to meet with Tonowari today as he wish to ask him, for refugee for his daughter and everyone else that had stayed behind. He was not only was tsu'tey had came as well hoping to speak with tonowiar on the matter and give his story as well. Moat and neytiri were going to seek a meeting with ronal and ask for her approval as well.
Tsu'tey " are we sure about this what if he say no and send us all away"
Jake " then we will leave and make sure the RDA never finds any of these people, we have to do this for the kids and everyone else" Tsu'tey nodded his head in agreement knowing Jake was speaking the truth. They soon reached the where tonowair was both man taking deep breaths before walking closer to him.
Jake " good afternoon tonowair"
tonowiar " welcome Jake and tsutey what do I honor this visit for"
Jake " we came to talk to you about our clan there some news I will like to share with you"
tonowair " come sit there is something else I will like to discuss with you all as well" The two man soon sat down with tonowari at his home to speak with him.
Tonowari " I know this none of my business to dress with you two, but my sons and daughter had brought it up to me and ronal that the kids seem sad talking about someone who was important to them" Jake and tsutey knew of this person right away and kept quite and bit longer.
tonowiar " they said there was more then one person but they mention this person was a she, and she she was not with them it seem very concerning"
Jake " my kids are talking about my eldest daughter"
tonowair " eldest daughter I thought kiri was your eldest daughter"
Jake " no she not she my second eldest my eldest daughter is name y/n she was born after neteyam, she is the one her siblings were talking about"
Tonowari " ......"
Jake " my daughter had been born human unlike her sibling she had no navi body"
tonowair " so she look like a sky person"
Jake " yes but she I still my child"
tonowari " I have a son and mate who are sky people as well, most of our sky has humans in thier family"
Tonowari " i have heard that these humans had helped you all fight against the demons"
Jake " yes they had and they gave up their safety for us to escape here, I watched as my daughter made a mature decision to stay bakc for the safety of her family"
tonowair " you really care for your daughter that much do you"
Jake " yes I care for her deeply it been months since I see her and my family need her back, we are not whole without her here with us"
tsu'tey " no of the families here are whole without all their members here"
tonowair " if these human come not all the clans will welcome right away do to what has been happening in our ocean"
Jake " we understand"
tonowair " can these humans help us as well like your clan"
tsutey " they are smart and good fighters they will land a hand in battle and help all the clan here if you give them a chance" tonowiar took a deep breath in and out.
Tonowari " I will approve of them coming I don't wish for your family or any other family to suffer with missing them anymore, and I will like to see what these humans can offer"
Jake " thank you so much"
tonowair " You and your clan have done enough for us since you arrival here I will like to return a favor, but you most know they will all be watched closely by my warrior and other clan warriors until future notice"
Jake " we understand"
tonowair " I hope you all family will be reunite no one should be away from family this long" tonowari had asked the two man more questions about their kids and these humans, he came to understand the omatacayia clan a bit more then before and wish to understand them more as well.
somewhere else in the village
Ronal " so you daughter is human along with your nephew"
neytiri " yes even due they are humans they have proven themselves time and time again"
mo'at " my granddaughter had acted mature and made decision an adult will make by staying where it dangerous so we all had a change for getting safety"
ronal " this girl is very important to your family"
neytiri " yes she my eldest daughter and I done care if she human she my kid, and I need to go back there to be with her and keep her safe I will do so"
ronal " then they can come but I wish to learn about these humans"
neytiri " ......"
ronal " I'm a mother as well I care for my three kids as well you, have gone threw alot to leave a child behind"
neytiri " thank you ronal"
ronal " I hope you and your daughter can be reunited neytiri, and I hope I can learn something from here as well and see the good side of these sky people or humans you call them"
mo'at " we will make sure that you can learn from them ronal and thank you once again for letting them come"
ronal " thank you" the adult had re group and share the wonderful news with each other, all four of them were happy and soon share the new with the clan as well everyone was happy to be reunited with the humans soon. The metkayian and many other clans had many question about the said human, as many of them feared that these humans will be evil. once the new was share with you and everyone else everyone was happy as well on base finally getting the chance t see everyone again and share how much everyone had changed over the months. You and spider were over joyed to finally show your families and clan that you two have navi bodies now. Over the weeks everyone was having everything packed up while some inland was being approved for the humans base and everything else. There were sample and other stuff being collect over these time, that had been asked for that took travel with the group but could come with you all. Soon enough you will be the arms of your family again and then the family and clan will be hole again.
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daughterofcain-67 · 10 months
𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓉𝑜𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈
(Alec McDowell x Female Reader)
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𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: Thank you so much for your request, Love, and I hope that you enjoy! 💖
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Alec isn’t really into the holiday season but when Max forces him to go to a party, he starts to get curious about certain traditions. Little does he know that you’d be willing to show him.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: This is not accurate to the show, sorry to those who know if Alec has already celebrated Christmas or not. This is in essence Alec’s first real Christmas without having to train or be on any sort of mission.
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It was a cold, honestly ugly day in Seattle. There were piles of muddy snow where people would walk, and people would complain about freezing their asses off. Meanwhile some other people would talk about the upcoming holidays and how they should enjoy the time while it was there. Even when that may have been easier said than done for some people.
Alec never would have thought in a million years that he would be standing right here. He knew of what Christmas was because of how Max had described it to him sometime after Manticore blew up. But he never thought he’d actually get around to celebrating it. Not really.
Most of his Christmas’s growing up on the military base were spent either training or working on some kind of undercover mission. He’s never experienced the whole decorating a Christmas tree thing or making gingerbread houses, or anything like that. And since he escaped, he wasn’t necessarily sure that he really wanted to be a part of the holiday activities. He didn’t really see the point.
At the moment Alec had just arrived to the post office to clock in for the day when Max caught him. He lifted a brow as he looked down at the fellow mutant soldier and smirked.
“Isn’t it a little early for you to be seeking me out?” He asked and Max nudged his arm and rolled his eyes.
“It’s way too early for you to be a smart-ass.” Max said, “Anyway, I only came over because Original Cindy and I are going to have a Christmas party at our place and she thought that it would be a good idea for you to swing by.”
“You mean you aren’t going to your little boyfriend’s place for the night? That’s a first.” Alec smirked.
“Logan is coming by too.”
“Right, and you think I’d actually go to a party like that?”
“Why not? You seem to be the type to go to any other party. And it’s not like there won’t be any girls there for you to flirt with.” Max reminded.
“How dare you?” Alec feigned offense by placing a hand over his heart, “You really think I’d only go to a party for girls?”
“You would if you thought the girls were hot. And I know for a fact Y/N is gonna be there.”
Alec’s brows raised up for a moment, “So?”
“Oh don’t act like I don’t know what I’m talking about. I see the way you look at her and the fact that you have talked to literally all of the girls here except her kind of speaks volumes.”
“No one ever said those statistics always have a positive outcome.” Alec commented. “Besides, I don’t care who’s going. And I just haven’t gotten around to talking to her yet. I’ve been talking to some others first, is that so wrong””
“Uh, little on the defensive aren’t we? Okay well, you’re going whether you like it or not. It’s not like you have any other plans other than hitting the bar or the strip club tomorrow night, right?”
Alec rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little called out since that would likely be the only plans he would have. “Tomorrow night? Yeah, I guess it won’t kill me to make an appearance.”
“Good. Now I’ll see you around.” Alec watched Max leave.
Honestly, he hated how much Max was starting to be like a sister - in the sense that she was starting to know him a little too well and she’s starting to read him like a book. But he supposed it wasn’t totally a bad thing. She did tend to have his back the more they got to know each other. He was thankful for that kind of sibling bond - even if she was a pain in his ass most of the time.
While Alec was heading to his locker, he caught a glimpse of you taking some packages and put them in the basket of your bicycle.
So what if he hadn’t talked to you yet? He’s seen the way that you were with people. You were so optimistic about so many things even if this world was shit. You have a certain charisma that pulls everyone towards you and they like you almost instantly, whether you care to talk to them or not. You were just approachable, likable.
Not to mention beautiful.
Sure, Alec has talked to several women and yes a lot of them were attractive. But none of them were quite like you. You had the most beautifully colored eyes he had ever seen, and the way your hair frames your face so perfectly. Everything about you was stunning, but he knew that you had to have some kind of boyfriend already.
Just because Alec talked to a lot of women, that didn’t mean he was the kind of guy to go after someone else’s girl.
In the midst of his thoughts, he didn’t realize he had been staring at you. Not until he saw you wave and he blinked before he looked away, slamming the locker door shut and he went to go deliver packages.
You were a little stunned when Alec abruptly slammed his locker door and walked off. That was a little unlike him.
Then again, you weren’t necessarily sure what he was really like at all. You barely knew a thing about him, much to your dismay.
“You good?” Max asked and you glanced over just to see her and Cindy standing together.
“Yeah, just wondering if Alec’s alright. He was staring at me, I don’t think he realized that he was. But when I waved at him, he slammed his locker and went to start his route.” You explained and Max chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry about him. I’m sure he’s fine. He has his random moments, I swear he’s not normally that awkward. Maybe he had something on his mind.”
You shrugged it off, but you still couldn’t help but wonder what he was staring at you like that for. It was a little creepy if he just did it for no reason. But you turned back to your basket to make sure your packages were secured while Max spoke again.
“You’re still coming to the party tomorrow night right?” She asked.
“Yeah! It wouldn’t be a party without you there.” Original Cindy smiled and you grinned. How could you let your two best friends down.
“I didn’t exactly have anything else planned now did I?” You replied, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Great! Now don’t forget that it’s at six tomorrow.” Max reminded and you nodded.
“I won’t forget, and I’ll see you there.”
As Max and Original Cindy walked off, you grinned at them. You never thought that you’d have this sort of camaraderie when you started working here at the Jam Pony. Max and Cindy took you. Under their wing practically from the first day you started working here three years ago. You had gotten to the Jam Pony two years before Alec did.
He was certainly an interesting character you had to admit. Attractive, sarcastic as hell, but he never failed to make you smile even if he didn’t intend to. He just had that kind of personality you supposed.
You wondered if he would be at the Christmas party, or if he’d find different ways to spend his time.
Honestly you hoped that he would decide to come to the party. Maybe that would be the chance you would have to actually talk to him and maybe get to know him a little outside of work.
After all, everyone could use a friend.
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You were enjoying yourself at Max and Original Cindy’s party. There was some faint Christmas music in the background but it was mostly overshadowed by people talking amongst themselves and having a fun time.
You couldn’t help but notice how Max seemed to really let down her walls around Logan. He seems really sweet to her and you hoped the best for the two of them.
In a way you envy them. You’ve never found someone that made you feel the way Logan made Max feel. You simply figured that it wasn’t your time yet.
Anyways, you were leaning against the counter top in Max and Cindy’s kitchen while Cindy and Sketchy were talking. You heard about half of what they were saying, yet the other half just went straight though your other ear.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Sketchy waved the palm of his hand in front of your face, causing you to look up at him and then at Original Cindy.
“Girl, whatcha thinkin’ so deeply about?” Cindy asked you and you shrugged.
“Nothing, just watching people enjoy the party.” You insisted.
“Oh come on, now’s not the time for people watching! Here, let me pour you a drink.” Sketchy said and he grabbed one of the solo cups from the counter to make some kind of concoction.
“She’s got it bad for him, doesn’t she?” Cindy asked as she looked at Max and Logan.
“I’d say so. They have their cute moments. Although Max should lighten up a little more and let something come out of whatever it is they’ve got going on.” You let out a sigh.
“Yeah well I give it another hundred years before those two become official.” You heard a different voice chime in. When you looked over, you and Original Cindy saw that Alec made an appearance after all.
“About time you showed up.” Cindy said with a smirk, putting a hand on her hip, “What took you so long?”
“Better late than never, right? Besides, I had to make a pit-stop.” Alec said as he held up a couple of six packs.
“Ah great! We’ve got some extras.” Sketchy said when he came back with your drink and he handed it to you, then he took the six packs from Alec to put them somewhere with the other drinks.
“I didn’t think you would show up.” You said with a chuckle and Alec looked down at you since he was significantly taller than you were.
“I mean I thought about it. But you know Max. She can be awfully…”
“Persuasive?” You completed and Alec chuckled before he nodded.
“So, where’s your boyfriend? Didn’t he come to this thing?” He asked you, and you were confused.
“Was I supposed to have a boyfriend to come to this thing?” You asked with a chuckle, then you realized he looked confused for a moment, “Who told you I had a boyfriend?”
“No one, just an assumption.” Alec said with a shrug then he looked over at Sketchy, “Here, let me help you with those so you don’t spill anything.”
About an hour went by and it was starting to get a little late. Some people left a little early because they had earlier shifts, but the ones who had later shifts or had days off tomorrow stayed behind. Alec happened to be the ones that stayed behind.
Although something caught his eye.
There was a green plant with red ribbon pinned on the doorway separating the kitchen and the living room of this place. Anytime two people lingered beneath it and they were either caught or they noticed it for themselves, they would kiss.
This happened a couple of times and it was starting to puzzle him, did people kiss under the mistletoe on purpose?
“You’re doing that thing again.” Alec heard your voice.
When he looked at you, you were holding two styrofoam cups full of cider and you offered him one.
“What thing?” He asked you before thanking you for the cider. It felt warm in his hands and he took a sip of it.
“That staring thing. I wouldn’t make it too much of a habit. Some people might get creeped out by that.” He heard you chuckle and he figured you meant about the previous day.
“Sorry about that. I guess I should break that habit.” He chuckled and you smiled at him.
“No worries. Just wondering if you’re alright.”
That was… oddly sweet of you. Then again, he knew that it was in your nature from what he had observed about you, “I’m alright. Just a little confused by the amount of make outs that have taken place under that doorway.”
He watched you glanced over to the corridor and he heard you chuckle before you looked up at him, “Do you not know what happens under the mistletoe around this time of year?”
Alec shook his head and he saw a look on your face, maybe shock? “I’ve been told I live under a rock.” He explained.
“Ah… well typically when a couple stands beneath mistletoe, they kiss. It’s one of those Christmas tradition things.” You replied and Alec lifted a brow a little.
“How did you not know that?” Alec heard the curiosity in your voice and he let out a nervous laugh before he rubbed the back of his neck, covering up the barcode.
How was he supposed to say that where he came from, he was a soldier and Christmas traditions were the last thing the soldiers of Manticore were concerned with, “Where I come from, we didn’t really celebrate Christmas or indulge into those traditions. So I’m a little bit of a late bloomer with knowing what some of the traditions are.”
You gazed up at him as he talked to you. This was probably the longest conversation you’ve ever had with Alec, and you honestly hoped that it wouldn’t end anytime soon.
“I see.. well there’s nothing wrong with that. I mean I know of some traditions but I don’t really indulge in them either. I’ve actually never made a gingerbread house, but that’s a big thing that some people do around Christmas time.” You confessed.
“I’ve heard of gingerbread houses. Sounds like it could be… interesting I guess? Unfortunately I’m not much of a baker, not exactly an architect either.” Alecs laughter made your heart swell but you grinned at his response.
“Guys! Come on, you’re gonna miss watching the Grinch with us!” Sketchy called to you and Alec.
“Well, you heard him, Alec! Let’s go.” You smiled and you took his free hand before the two of you ended up sitting together on the floor to watch the movie together. It was the version of the Grinch with Jim Carrey and it happened to be one of your favorite Christmas movies.
“Have you ever seen this before?” You asked Alec and he shook his head before you grinned. You supposed he would have quite a few firsts the more he hung out with Max’s group.
You continued to watch the movie yet you couldn’t help but to wonder what else Alec had missed out on if he’s never heard of the mistletoe thing, never made a gingerbread house, or even seen the grinch. Then you wondered what exactly he had done.
Meanwhile Alec watched the movie for the first time and he could see why you liked it. It was actually pretty funny. Although it was kinda pathetic that an entire town bullied a kid into self isolation. What a shitty thing to do.
When he glanced down at you, he noticed that you seemed to be off in your own little world while you enjoyed the movie. He noticed that this is probably the happiest he’s seen you, surrounded by Christmas related activities and parties. Even at work you seemed to smile more.
Honestly, seeing you like this was uplifting in a way. It gave him a break from the shitty job he had or the memories of those past Christmases with missions he had to deal with. He wouldn’t mind if you taught him some traditions or even did some of those traditions with him.
He wondered what experiences you’ve had with the holiday growing up, it kind of made him wonder what he and so many other transgenics like him missed out on because of their upbringing.
On the flipped side, Max had been in the very same shoes that he was in, and now here she was hosting Christmas parties and having fun. He was excited to be out of that military base so he could experience all of these things too, really experience them without worrying about blowing some kind of cover he was under.
While he turned his attention back to the movie on the screen, he placed his arm around your shoulder, deciding to make a move now that he knew you didn’t have a boyfriend - a fact that still shocked him - and he could feel you relax beneath his touch. He grinned to himself the moment he felt your head on his shoulder.
Unfortunately, every year you felt like when you watch the Grinch, or any Christmas movie for that matter, the film got shorter and shorter. It felt like only thirty minutes had gone by and it was over. When the movie ended, some people said their goodbyes and decided to call it a night.
You decided to stay behind with Sketchy, Logan and Alec to help clean up the place so it wasn’t too much of a disaster to deal with the following morning.
You were in the kitchen washing some of the dishes so Max or Original Cindy wouldn’t worry about them, and while you were doing that Alec happened to come in with a trash bag full of cups and cans and other trash guests left behind.
“Can I ask you something?” You finally spoke.
“Yeah, shoot.”
“How come you’ve never talked to me before tonight?” You asked curiously. That question had been in your mind for a while, even before that night had even started, and you couldn’t help but wonder about it.
“Honestly, I dunno. You seem friendly and I know I’ve had different opportunities to talk. But I guess at work all we really get is a quick ‘hello’ before we go on our routes. Never had the time to have more of a conversation than just that.” He said.
And you supposed that could be a fair argument. It was rare that the two of you have had the same shifts. And when you saw each other any other time, it was like he said: if you two were to actually talk, you didn’t really get a word in before it was time to go on the routes. Normal was a little relentless with how he runs things at work.
“Yeah, I guess with Normal being up everyone’s ass it kind of makes it hard to have longer talks.” You said, but it still felt like he was holding the truth back - whatever his truth was. You wouldn’t push him though. Honestly you weren’t sure if you wanted to know what his truth was.
“Now it’s my turn to ask you a question.” You heard Alec say as you finished up with the dishes.
“How come you didn’t have anyone to bring you to this thing?” He asked, causing you to lift a brow.
“Anyone meaning a boyfriend sort of anyone?” You laughed and he shrugged as he tied a knot in the trash bag so it could be taken out.
“Well, it could be any mixture of things I suppose. Maybe it could be because I haven’t really been talking to guys at work and caught their interest yet. Maybe it’s because a the one person I would have an interest in hasn’t asked me out yet. Maybe it’s just because I don’t quite get out much and my life is mostly between work and home.” You shrugged.
“A mixture of those, huh?” Alec chuckled.
“And since you brought that up, how come you didn’t have a girlfriend to come along with you? I mean you’re bound to be someone’s type.” You said with a teasing tone and a smirk, causing Alec to chuckle a little.
“Well, maybe I have the same predicament.” Alec said.
“Yeah right! That’s so not what I’ve heard. You have no problems talking to other girls, and how come you didn’t have a little arm candy?” You dried off your hands with one of the kitchen towels.
“Honestly? Felt like coming by myself tonight. Yeah I talk to different people but obviously that’s empty flirting and I can do that anywhere I want to. Just didn’t feel like it this time around I guess.” He replied and went to the sink, washing his hands to get whatever gunk was on the trash bag off his hands.
You hummed a little at the explanation, leaning your back against a random wall before you handed him the towel to dry off his hands and he thanked you for it.
“I’m glad you came, even if Max may have had to persuade you to come.” You admitted and he looked at you once more.
“It was actually pretty fun. I didn’t think she knew how to throw a party that was fun like this.” He commented and you rolled your eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” You grinned, “You two really are like siblings, huh?” Then he laughed.
“Sort of.” He said but then he noticed something about where you were standing.
“Well, we’ve established that couples kiss under a mistletoe, but you didn’t explain when a one person is beneath.” Alec commented and he watched you look up above you just to see the plant above your head. Then he saw the way your cheeks seemed to flush in color.
“Well… you’re a smart guy. I’m sure you can figure it out without needing someone to explain it.” He heard you say and he smiled a little before he tossed the hand towel onto the counter next to the dishes before he carefully walked towards you.
“Well, I can’t keep a damsel like you waiting alone, now can I?” He said as he carefully placed a hand on you hip. You could tell that he was being cautious and trying to give you the opportunity to push him away if this wasn’t what you wanted.
A sweet gesture, really, but how dumb could he be to think you didn’t want this? And how dumb could you be to push him away?
“I suppose it wouldn’t be that heroic of you to keep one waiting beneath mistletoe.” You chuckled and one of your hands found a spot on his shoulder.
Then, he carefully leaned down and placed a soft and quick kiss on the corner of your mouth, as if he were trying to be a tease about it. You weren’t surprised that he would be a bit of a tease.
When you moved your hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck, however, he looked down at you for a moment before he smirked slightly. Then he leaned down and kissed your lips and lingered this time.
You knew that this wasn’t anticipated, and honestly you didn’t think you would be standing beneath mistletoe and kissing a man you had barely spoken to, but Alec took your breath away with his kiss. This kiss was different than you had expected from him; surprisingly sweet and gentle and he handled you with care.
His lips were a little chapped but they were warm and soft nonetheless. It took you by surprise when you felt his other hand cup your face but the moment that he did it felt like it was just the two of you. You had honestly forgotten that you weren’t even in your own home.
Then, the kiss ended too soon for your liking but you knew you couldn’t stay there forever, even though you would have loved to stay like that with Alec.
“Wow…”You whispered breathlessly and Alec grinned, noticing your cheeks were redder than before.
“It’s about damned time you two did something!” Original Cindy’s voice broke through the atmosphere between you and Alec.
You and Alec both glanced over and noticed that you had a little audience, consisting of Cindy, Max, Alex and Sketchy.
“How long were you guys standing there watching?” You asked with a chuckle.
“Long enough to know that if something doesn’t happen between you two after tonight, I’ll be sorely disappointed.” Cindy said.
“Same here. Alec, you had better take care of my girl, Y/N, otherwise I’ll be kicking your ass straight to the moon.” Max said with a playful smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Wait, you two have been waiting for something like this to happen?” You laughed.
“Waiting? More like manifesting. Max has told me about you two and what she’s hoped to happen.” Logan said with a little chuckle as he adjusted his glasses.
“Awe, so you do think of me outside of work.” Alec teased and Max rolled her eyes and shook her head, smirking.
“Yeah, whatever. Now would you guys get out of here? Cindy and I will finish up with the cleaning.” Max said.
“Personally, I’m wiped. I’ll see y’all around. Thanks for the party, guys. That was great.” Sketchy said with a smile and he held up a peace sign before he walked out of the door.
“I’ll stay and help you finish up.” Logan insisted, but that wasn’t too much of a surprise there.
Then Alec looked down at you for a moment, “You want me to walk you home?”
You smiled up at him, “I’d like that. Maybe on the way we can talk about more of those traditions. I’ll even look into getting some gingerbread houses or something.”
“Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart.” Alec said and he held your hand before the two of you walked out of the apartment.
Never in a million years did Alec think he would be in a place where he would be kissing a girl under mistletoe, or even talk about something like building gingerbread houses. But he knew that this year would be different and he couldn’t be more excited to what this season held for him now that you were there.
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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! This will be the first of hopefully a plethora of holiday themed one shots and I ok forward to sharing them with you! Wishing you all the best~
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch
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tg-pilled · 5 months
How TG characters would react to being in Saw traps:
(These aren't specific traps because I haven't seen enough movies to torture my pookies properly yet 😾😾😾)
Pre-Jason: Cry, shake, throw up. Would probably die from the stress and overthinking before that cunty Billy Puppet could even Think about rolling in
Post-Jason: Would not hesitate to break a bone but would also act in rash ways. Would probably manage to escape the trap but wouldn't seek for help after because he's emo brocken core 🥀🥀🥀
Approaches it from a logical perspective. 100% escapes but tries not to injure himself (or others if it is a joined trap)
Would probably curse out whoever put her in the room the entire time while solving the puzzle / getting through it. Like. "YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH, I'M GOING TO GET YOU" *solves the puzzle* She 100% beats the fuck out of the Billy puppet when he rolls in once she's done like she is Not gonna have it
We all know our boy is SO smart, but he doesn't have the healing properties of a ghoul so he would have to be extra careful with it
Gets his swearing out BEFORE he starts solving the puzzle which ultimately costs him time so he dies. He's definitely smart enough and rash enough to do ANYTHING to get out but I feel like his attitude would get in his way
Tries but ultimately decides he doesn't give a fuck so he just opts to die
Definitely tries but realizes he also doesn't give a fuck. His only motivation would be to keep protecting those he cares about but if the creator of the room told him they were dead then he'd probably just die too
Like Touka, he gets mad except he sits there for a while stewing in his anger because he hates when people boss him around and he'll prove he's the best by escaping with only a little time left
Solves it SO quickly and kicks serious ass once she's out
Solves it and then serves absolute cunt while hunting down the guy
Considering how he reacted when Kaneki turned the tables on him, he'd probably lay down and cry
Acts like he knows what he's doing and then dies because he does not in fact know what he's doing
Compliments the person who made the room while solving the ever loving fuck out of it
I honestly have NO clue what he would do. He seems like the type of guy to say, "You're under arrest!" in a situation where he does not have the ability to arrest someone 😭 He's definitely smart enough to solve it, he would just probably be saying, "Do you know who I am??" the entire time 💀
Solves it and then complains that it ruined her schedule for the day 💀
Doesn't give a fuck probably. That or she would cry. Or both. She'd cry and then not give a fuck.
I'm sorry but that man is NOT surviving. He's smart but he definitely is a different type of intelligent to what Saw traps might require. I think in a physical one, yes he would. In one that required more attention to detail and shit...maybe not.
Cries and then beats the ever loving fuck out of the trap and kills the person that did it
Solves it and just goes about it silently, unphased, and logically. He can't let his kidnapper know he's scared
This is for shits and giggles, don't take it too serious and I'd love to see other characters you guys think about in Saw traps. All the characters are def smart enough to solve them but it's funny to imagine them in there
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fluidbinary · 2 months
you guys really like my pure vanilla awakened concept !!! It makes me super happy.
I should probably talk about my au, finally, and provide wips/images about it.
Before you read:
Just to note, this includes OCxCC and CCxCC. There’s also character death, angst, and all that fun jazz!
soooo if you’re good with that, just continue on.
Deceit in Silence. The interlude/au for Episodes 1 and 2.
In the shadow of the Silver Tree in Beast-Yeast, within the midst of the Silver Kingdom, a cloaked figure stood solemnly, their doughy hand gently caressing the tree's silver bark. Salt particles, remnants of their previous adventure, fell like sand grains to the tiles below. Despite White Lily's protective seal, a visible crack marred the tree's surface, hinting at its past vulnerability. Nothing could escape the grasp the seal held, for now, at least. Their pink-hued eyes gazed at the tree in thought, glued to it. Elder Faerie had passed away due to the first occurrence; how could his power be transferred so easily? Would their plan even work?
Their panicked senses were calmed by the breeze that passed them. They had to remember why they were doing this—it was for them. They had missed so much, after all. Sighing, their hand parted from the bark as they began to walk away. After all, they couldn’t miss their recital; they had so much to show them again.
With the hourglass of salt overturned, time was ticking until the seal would inevitably weaken, freeing the beast within once again.
You probably wonder: who is this figure? Cloaked, salt from their attire? That’s none other than my oc: Sugar Plum Cookie. A faerie cookie based around the Nutcracker Ballet. She knew Shadow Milk Cookie in his pre-corruption. She had lost her wings through an accident and he was there to comfort and accompany her through the trial and error, having been on foot his whole life. She’s a close figure to him, wanting to do any and everything in her power despite his corruption and wrongs to bring him back.
She seeks the power of Silent Salt Cookie, traversing across Beast-Yeast by foot to find the since released cookie. Informing them of Shadow Milk’s current position, they agree to return to the kingdom.
After all, White Lily Cookie is there. They have to take back what’s theirs, after all.
Returning to the kingdom, Sugar Plum Cookie would wait in the shadows, watching the queen take foot in front of the Silver Tree. It was if she knew something was off. Looking around cautiously, but every turn she made to observe gave a futile answer, until the last turn. The Light of Freedom would speak.
WL — “…”
WL — “My… My head… Why does it hurt so much?”
LOF (Light of Freedom) — “Freedom… It’s what you strive for, is it not? What drives you.”
WL — “What..? Yes, yes it is what drives me… Freedom for all cookiekind.”
LOF — “If that is what drives you, then why keep some kind locked away?”
WL - “Locked away… Shadow Milk Cookie needed to be locked away. I fear about the other beast cookies… They
must be kept away to ensure safety.”
LOF — “Trapped for many years… The original holders of the Soul Jams…”
“Perhaps you do not deserve it, for holding some back. It is not in the name of freedom… Maybe you should be kept of yours.”
WL — “This…! This is not my Soul Jam. But who…”
??? — “You are not as smart as most cookies make you out to be…”
She stood face to face with the opposing holder of her Soul Jam when she made her last turn.
The power they held was overwhelming. Catching her off guard and overpowering her. White Lily Cookie’s staff would fall to the ground. She would attempt to reach for it, but they would push it towards themselves.
The Soul Jam was secured. Within that moment, they ripped it from her staff.
The guardian powers fading and her form being taken back to normal. Her eyes stared up at him in horror as they passed her figure. Sugar Plum revealed herself, uncloaked, as Silent Salt stared down the weakened seal. To further the process, they took a final blow to it with their sword.
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And there stands the first portion! Right there is the WIP art. This is all I plan to give for writing, but… I will provide the other images!
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So, you probably wonder who the two there are that are colored in/kinda. The one in the top right is Party Popper Cookie, the other fully rendered is Periwinkle Cookie. Both are fan kids of Shadow Milk and Sugar Plum Cookie. They are both present in the story.
And, the jar?
That’s where White Lily Cookie is held:
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Finally, PV’s awakened form will be present in this story, too, to which I’ll provide the image once more. More info regarding it is in a different post of mine. I will go in-depth regarding my ocs in separate posts, too.
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I hope you all enjoy my au, and be sure to follow for more updates.
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ornii · 2 years
I don't know if you have a romance planned for My Bitter Half but I really hope it's Enid.
Hear me out: Y/N Addams is crushing hardcore in Enid but, like his sister, does not really speak from his mind or his heart. So all he can do is be happy as Enid chases after Ajax even though it's painful to paint a smile on his face because she's his best friend and he has to he happy for her regardless of how he feels.
I did plan on Enid ending up being the hall of sunshine in (Y/n)’s dark world, but yes much like his sister his ability to speak his feelings is, lacking.
My Better Bitter half, Part 4
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“So, you two have aspirations correct? An author? And actor?” She says, Wednesdays novel seems to be fast growing, and (Y/n)‘a infamous career of acting has head him to be a prodigy of the stage.
“I understand you've written three novels about a teen girl detective, Viper De La Muerte.” Kinbott says
“Can you tell me about her?”
“Viper is smart, perceptive, chronically misunderstood.” Wednesday said.
“Any luck getting your work published?”
“Editors are short-sighted, fear-based life forms. One once described my writing as gratuitously morbid, and suggested I seek psychiatric help.”
“Hmm.” Kinbott notes the info and jots it down.
“Ironic, isn't it?” You say.
“How did you take that?” Kinbott said.
“I sent her a "thank you." I've always been open to constructive criticism.” Wednesday said, only god knows what fate had ended for the citric.
“I'm glad to hear that.” Kinbott said, “And (Y/n), your performance as the star actor of “Hamlet” and “Death of a Salesman.” Were amazingly well received.” Kinbott says, “But your… Performances We’re always a bit, overwhelming in energy.”
“I see that as an absolute win.” You say.
“Good Because I was sent manuscripts and videos as part of both of your psych evaluations.
The relationship I found most intriguing was that of Viper and her Brother, Asriel.” Kinbott Said, you slowly turn to Wednesday, who’s eyes quickly divert from your gaze. “And (Y/n), I watched a Stellar performance of yours in “The Piano Lesson.” Which tells the story of a Brother trying to convince his sister of selling a piano, and it seems your performance was, very impactful.” She says, the siblings grow uncomfortably quiet.
“Why don't we dig into that? Part of this journey requires us going to uncomfortable places emotionally.”
“I don't travel well.” Wednesday begins.
“I get car sick.” You say.
“Would you mind if I use the powder room first?” Wednesday says, and Kinbott nods, Wednesday leaves to the room and he and the therapist are alone.
“Now, (Y/n), I noticed that the play was heavily impacted by your performance. Perhaps you and Boy Willie have more in common?”
“He’s a character I play, nothing more.”
“Are you sure? You both might be older brothers trying to create a better future for your siblings, but fail short, and feel that you have to be perfect in every way, to feel that you’re worthy to be called a “Brother.” She says, (Y/n) stares coldly at her, trying not to show any emotion. He quickly stands up.
“A question, does that Bathroom have a window?” He asks.
“Yes?” Kinbott replies and (Y/n) growls a bit, he storms over to the door and grabs the handle.
“Uh.. (Y/n), your sister is—“
“No, she isn’t.” (Y/n) opens the door to show Kinbott that his sister has escaped, (Y/n) storms off to the door without another word. Exiting the building (Y/n)’s eyes search like an owl, his head twists around to search. The only thing he notices was a coffee place, and saw a shadowy figure enter the facility.
“You little—“ (Y/n) angrily walks over, after sharply bursting into the cafe his eyes quickly lock into his sister, who sits calmly at a booth. The two stare each other down and he slowly slithers over and sits across from her. They say absolutely nothing to each other for what seems to be an eternity.
“Silence.” He said, “i told you what I said at the entrance, your attempts to escape end here. If I have to watch you while you sleep so be it, but you will not step out of this school.”
“As amusing as it would be for you to try and stop me, I have more important things to do than Argue with an impudent child. It is my decision that you cannot make for me.”
The tension between the two grows more and more intense.
“Take one step out of Nevermore and I will Drag you back.”
“I’d loathe to see you try.”
The two are ready to burn Jericho to the ground in their squabble, luckily a trio of teenagers, dressed as pilgrims decide to draw the ire of the twins.
“Hey, boys, check it out.” One says, they finish their argument and turn to the three.
“What's a pair of Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?” One says, “ This is our booth.” Another chimes in, rather take them seriously the duo do what they do best.
“Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?” Wednesday asks.
“We're pilgrims.”
“Same thing, murderous crusaders.” You say and Wednesday chimes in.
“Potato, Po-ta-to.” She says.
“We work at Pilgrim World.” One boy says. Annoyed.
“It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide.” Wednesday hardly jabs at them.
“My dad owns Pilgrim World.” One says.
“Wow. Making a theme part based off of Genocidal egomaniacs, that’s just stupid.” You say.,
“Are you calling is stupid?” One said.
“We’re you Not here for the first part of this conversation?” You respond. The trio slowly turn to you and you rise out of your booth.
“So tell me, freak... your sister ever been with a normie? Or is she all yours like all weirdos?” They laugh and (Y/n) folds his arms.
“Sorry i don’t participate in the same chromosome adding rituals that your parents did. Not my forte.” (Y/n) responds, and one boy has finally had enough. He swings with a punch which was caught effortlessly by (Y/n), who twists his arms. He kicks another halfway across the room. He slides along the ground and he hurls the other away. One leaps and puts him in the choke hold, (Y/n) hits him with an elbow straight im the rib cage, he begins to elbow him over and over, he lurches over, gasping for air and (Y/n) calmly slams his head into the table where Wednesday said, slightly enjoying the carnage. The three lie on the ground, spiraled.
“Good Talk everyone.” You say and sit back down across from Wednesday. “As I was saying, I will drag you back to Nevermore if you won’t go willingly.” (Y/n) says, before the doors open and is greeted by a middle aged man, the sheriff of these parts possibly.
“Dad!” The barista working there rushes over, and the sheriff turns to him.
“Tyler, the hell's going on in here?”
“They were harassing a customer, and he put them in their place.” Tyler says.
“This scrawny thing took down three boys?” The sheriff said.
“I don’t need help.” You say as you turn to The sheriff, suddenly Weems enters as well, seeing the mess.
“Apologies, Sheriff. These two slipped away from me.
Come on, Addams, time to go.” She says and the twins rise to leave.
“Wait a minute, hang on. You're both Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father? That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessin' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you two.” He says, the twins seem unbothered by this and leave with Weems. The drive back to Nevermore was a bit, colder.
“Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar. Wish I could say I was surprised.” Weems says.
“What did he mean about my father?” Wednesday asks.
“A Murderer, dear sister. It seems Nevermore has more hidden, wouldn’t you agree Principal Weems?” You say, and she seemingly acts oblivious.
“I have no idea, but a word of advice. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends. You're going to need them.” Weems said, their drive was halted by an accident further up, a crashed truck.
“Looks like an accident. I hope the driver's okay.” Weems said, peering further ahead, but an ominous energy radiates though the truck.
“He's dead. Broke his neck.” Wednesday said, almost sure of it, they finally drive by, seeing how scarily right she was. (Y/n) turned to his sister.
“How did you know? It wasn’t a lucky guess.” You say, and Wednesday simply turns her head back forward.
“There is Something i must Tell you, Brother.”
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rim-draws · 8 months
Faerûnian Writing Challenge
Day 6 | SFW
Teaching each other how to do something
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Tav strums the strings. Everyone immediately groans.
“When will you just give up? You do realise you and that are never going to work out?” Astarion motions at the instrument and Tav.
“I like how Alfira made it work.” Tav strums again. Another audible groan from the whole camp. “I will make it work, somehow!” They had the same mentality about themself and Astarion at one point. It didn’t work out.
Shadowheart groans on her side of the camp. “Where is Halsin when you need him? They always listen to him!”
Halsin was a few metres away from camp gathering berries and selecting wood for his new whittling project.
The gang are on their own with this one.
“Tav, I don’t think instruments are something you can just… ‘make work’.” Wyll, finally revived, spoke as soft as he could, potentially to not offend Tav - potentially again.
His soul was trapped somewhere within death and living for about a week. On the verge of coming down to Hell but also not yet their time to be allowed to leave. Only to become, on technicality, a citizen of Hell right after being revived.
Life is cruel. Or perhaps he’s just stuck with lunatics.
Tav strums again. Even the little owlbear covers its small ears, hiding behind Scratch to escape the noise. “I made this operation work, I can make this instrument, or any instrument, work!” They can’t and they won’t. They just don’t know it yet and have the audacity to try.
Wyll pinches his forehead. Is it the horns, the tadpole or the horrid music that is making his head hurt so badly??
“Ok, Gale, you’re a good teacher. Maybe assist our friend here before the spider lyre is reduced to ashes.” Wyll quickly shoots Gale a pointed look who shoots back an equally pointed one.
A beat of silence.
“You don’t know how to play an instrument, Gale?” Karlach asked offhandedly.
Gale turns to her, then to Tav. Another beat of silence.
Astarion immediately bolts up. “You don’t know. You seriously don’t know. Oh finally, we found something the wizard can’t tell stories about.”
“Hold on, hold on. I never said I know nothing!” Gale quickly jutted over, yanking the lyre of Tav’s hands. “I watched many plays in my years, it’s nothing out of the ordinary…” His hands hovers above the strings, sweat is beginning to form.
Tav’s eyes trail up slightly. His fingers are shaking. His arm is trembling. He has his tongue out and he’s seconds away from biting it clean off out of stress. His hair is sticking to his forehead.
He strums.
It’s chicken scratch against a board.
A collective groan, hands covering ears.
Tav yanks it back, finally understanding the reason why everyone has been throwing rocks at them all morning.
“That was… certainly an attempt!” Karlach smiles, a lot more lopsided than how it usually is.
“No need to sugarcoat it. That was trash. Absolutely horrible.” Astarion rubs his ears as if that would help him forget the collective horrible sounds Tav and Gale had forced him to endure.
“He does magic, he’s smart and he can cook. At least with this, we can confirm Gale is still human.” Shadowheart teases, playing with the fire with her stick.
Gale perks up a little.
“He is as human as they come. Frail, egotistical and knows not of his limits.” Lae’zel hisses. “You are lucky you are still of use. Do not indulge this buffoon further,” She’s clearly talking about Tav with the way her hands move, “You have nothing but knowledge while they have none. You’ll only make them worse.”
Gale deflates again. “It’s not often our friend here seeks out means of hobby other than stealing, lying and looting. It’s healthy to have a lighthearted skill, for once.” Gale tried to defend. Tav strums. His defense is crumbling.
“Well, maybe this is not the right hobby. Perhaps a different one would be healthier for all of us.”
Tav strums again. It’s proving Lae’zel’s point.
Wyll charges forward, “Maybe if you’re looking for a hobby, I could… teach you a dance or two? I did take a few classes back in my youth.”
“No. I don’t like dancing.” Tav strums again. Another collective groan.
“How about some magic? I can show you the basics! Show you the power and the embrace of Mystra once you enter the Weave—”
“I’m not interested. You know I’m not good enough to figure that stuff out.” Another strum. Groans.
“Gods, someone make it stop or there will be blood on this night!” Astarion stands. His voice softens as he leans onto the lyre, putting on his seductive charms. “How about you drop this lyre and I’ll show you something much more interesting later tonight?”
“Too late on that. And I know too much about you to wanna fuck.” Tav strums again.
Astarion physically recoils. “Are you doing this out of spite??”
“Okay, how about we put down the lyre and I’ll show you, um… some of the teachings of my Goddess I serve? Maybe show you a cantrip or two?” Shadowheart has never sounded so defeated.
She knows she has no chance even before she started but she just needed to at least try. Tav strums again, as if to rub it in her face. “I have speak with animals. That’s all the cantrip I need.”
Lae’zel pulls out her sword, large and long. The type of sword only her and one other camper can use. “Cease your strummings or I will cut it into pieces!”
Unfortunately for her, the other person happened to be Tav. “You won’t dare! I will fight you to the death for it!”
“This will not be like the fight between Shadowheart and I! We will settle this with no mercy!!”
Karlach jumps in between them. “Woah woah, hey! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, alright?” She places her hand on Tav’s shoulder. It burns. “Say, I don’t really have anything to teach you but maybe you’re… going too quickly. All skills need time and careful practice, right? Can’t expect things to just go your way immediately! Reminds me of the time when I was still serving under Zariel. Was still young at the time. I had been trailing the tail of this particular demon,”
Tav slowly lowers their sword along with the lyre. They latch onto Karlach’s words and stories of her misadventures.
Everyone shared a look.
“At first I thought I had it but it slipped right under my finger! So I had to re-adjust. Learn about the species, the weaknesses, the strengths and once I cornered it… BAM. Easy as pie!”
Gale jumps in. “Oh yes, reminds me of the time back when I first started studying magic. It must sound crazy now but I wasn’t good at it the first time I started. My first spell was fire bolt. Simple and easy. Yet at one point I couldn’t figure, for the life of me, how the fire element worked. I poured over it days and nights trying to get that in my head otherwise the spell just won’t manifest! And finally, I figured it out! But, shamefully, I didn’t put enough hours on aiming!”
Just as one finishes, another jumps in. Wyll tells tales of his youth, days spent as the son of the duke, standing in his shadows, struggling to find a place to stand on his own. Lae’zel speaks of her time spent at camp, slowly figuring out the life and habits of Faerûnians, how different it is to her people, how lively and seemingly strange yet… interesting they can be. Shadowheart expresses her slow and steady learning curve of taking on more than just a cleric, learning spells from both Wyll and Gale, wanting to pull her weight. It then circles back once more to Karlach. Then continues as the campfire crackles nearby.
Tav didn’t learn how to play an instrument that day, or any day soon. But the time spent with their new found friends, family?, taught them more valuable lessons than stubbornly working at an instrument they can’t play ever could.
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