#shes made it clear she could fucking careless
hermitdrabbles56 · 1 year
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0 notes
notmyneighbor · 4 months
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sway | female doppel reader x francis mosses
rating | explicit
words | 4.2k
alcohol, cigarettes, sexual content
ao3 link
The hotel cocktail lounge is like an open buffet for doppelgangers.
You’d really lucked out cloning that young, attractive, newly hired lounge singer, disposing of the original before she could cause any trouble. While so many of your brethren struggled to get into the heavily guarded, overcrowded apartments for shelter (and food, of course) you had the better fortune of landing a job at the swanky city hotel with the added bonus of a room upstairs to reside in. Working smarter, not harder.
Sure, you might not enjoy the aftertaste of all that alcohol that’s saturated the humans’ systems but hey, it’s still easy pickings for a hungry invader like yourself. You have a set of genuine documents that verify your identity, pilfered from your victim. No one even bothers to screen in the lounge, because if you’ve made it that far inside, it was too late to worry about it. The identification cards are still required, though, ensuring you’re the legal age to drink. Funny, what humans thought important, when their world was being devoured right out from under them.
Perhaps the most impressive feature of your stolen life is the fact that you actually like your new employment.
At first you’d balked at the idea of working for the humans, but you’ve really started to warm to it lately. You enjoy the music. The pretty gowns you get to wear. The admiring stares which you return easily. Meat regarding meat, right? The ones you liked the least became your next meal, lured to the parking lot, the side alley, hell, you’d even snacked on one in a housekeeping closet. You were careful to space feedings apart, though. Discreet. You’re not going to fuck up a good thing like this.
There’s a new customer at the bar tonight. You’ve been here long enough now to recognize who’s a local and who’s passing through, the regulars and the fleeting visitors. Another reason this was such a good place to hunt for prey—so many people coming and going. You tried to leave the locals alone and fix your sights more on the traveling folks instead. Their absences could be more readily explained. No one would notice them missing right away, and by the time they did, well, it was much too late.
In spite of the fact that he’s a newcomer to the establishment, you recognize the milkman that’s seated at the far end of the bar as a local. He looks as if he’s come straight from his job, with undereyes so smudged it seems as if he’s been working in a coal mine, not delivering dairy products. The bowtie around his neck is loosened and draped in careless wrinkles, the top button of his shirt undone. His cap is on the counter, next to a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches. After a few rounds the man serving alcohol had finally just left the bottle. You’ve been served free vodka between sets, clear like water but damn, that taste. You’d have to be pretty desperate to force that down straight on the regular.
Still, you nod your thanks and glance at the stranger again. He’s completely focused on the drink. Shame that, because the more you look at him, the more you find yourself appreciating his appearance. As wretchedly exhausted as his features are, there’s still something oddly appealing about his face. You study the way he swirls the liquid in the glass before taking a contemplative sip, the movement of the pronounced arch of his throat as he swallows it down. You’ve never thought of the humans as attractive before, but this one…
It wasn’t completely unheard of for doppels to have some fun with the inhabitants of this planet. It wasn’t always just copying, killing, eating. You yourself have never indulged. No one has captured your attention like this. Maybe it’s because he disregards you so strongly. Immune to the charms you’ve replicated. What was it he liked in a girl? You could make yourself look like anyone he might desire. The ideal lover, really. A new face and body to suit every mood.
There are other customers already gathering at your elbows, praising your singing talents, your beauty. You smile and murmur polite gratitude but you’re not interested in any of them. It’s that milkman you want.
Your target polishes off the last of the glass in front of him, dragging the back of his wrist across his mouth. He reaches for the sealed pack of cigarettes now, tapping the box against his palm to pack the tobacco tighter before peeling off the plastic wrapper and flipping the cardboard top open. He withdraws one of the cylinders inside and tucks it between his lips, next seeking out the book of matches. Red phosphorous struck, you can detect the faintest scent of it as the match is lit, the end of the cigarette now aflame, the match shaken violently until it’s extinguished, then tossed into the ash tray nearby.
Now your eyes follow the path of that lit paper roll, tucked between the middle and index fingers, brought to his mouth, the deep inhale and then exhale, a thin white stream of smoke clouding the air in front of him.
For a moment you allow yourself to indulge in imagining yourself sitting next to him. Lifting that cap off the counter and placing it on your own head, teasing him to retrieve it, staying just out of reach. Getting closer. Walking your fingers up his sleeve. Playfully tugging the cigarette free from his fingers and slotting it into your own mouth. You don’t truly understand the humans’ fondness for the nicotine laced tubes. You’ve never tried one yourself, only in a second hand kind of way after you’ve chomped on someone who indulges in the habit. But this man made it look appealing. You’re wondering at the taste. At the way it feels to breathe those substances inside.
Your name is called—not your real name, of course, but the identity you’d stolen. The manager, reminding you it’s time you retook the stage, break time over. There is some polite clapping, some whistles. The lighting changes as you take up your position behind the microphone on the stand, nodding to the musicians behind you. You have copies of all of the artist’s whose songs you’re covering in your room, an extensive selection of records. You’d learned the lyrics easily, and if you messed up during performance, no one seemed to mind much. The place was more about a feeling. A relaxed, languid kind of atmosphere. Unwinding after a long day of work. Taking a respite during travel. It’s Dean Martin’s sultry crooning you adopt now, your fingers stroking the stand as gently as if you might caress a lover.
When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more
You move your hips gently in time to the music. The light catches on the sequins of your emerald gown, making them sparkle. It’s low cut, molded to the curves of your body. You glance over at the man still seated with his back to you. You’re going to get this man to turn around and pay attention, one way or another.
Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me
You’ve descended the stage, bringing the microphone with you. Each table is draped in a white cloth, with a candle centerpiece. You move around the room, gifting attention to patrons at random, batting your eyelashes or blowing kisses from your painted lips. It’s all for show, all smoke and mirrors, concealing what your true intentions are.
Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have the magic technique
When we sway I go weak
The range for the wireless mic is limited, so you can only travel so far. Your milkman is frustratingly out of reach, for the moment.
I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
You return to the stage, and the tired looking human has finally turned on the bar stool to regard your performance. He hadn’t been here during your first set. It seems you’ve finally made him take notice. Your eyes lock with his as you sing the chorus.
Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have the magic technique
When we sway I go weak
The stage lights snap off in time to the music, your fellow artists pausing for a dramatic effect before resuming playing as you reach the final verse, the lights now focused solely on you.
I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Applause. More wolf whistles and cat calls. You smile and thank the patrons, your gaze once again flicking toward the man at the bar. The cigarette in his mouth has been forgotten, the charred end lengthening, threatening to drop off on its own. He hasn’t touched the glass that he’d poured before you began singing.
You’ve got him.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about the males of any species, it’s that the more you ignore them, the more they pursue you.
So you don’t follow up on the progress you’ve made with the milkman that first evening. Truth be told, you’re starting to get hungry, and the sweating man with the shifty eyes at the rear of the lounge looks like he’ll keep you satisfied for a couple of days, at least. It’s all too easy to convince the human male to follow you into the recesses of the alley between the hotel building and the warehouse next door, your actions concealed by the rows of dumpsters when your impromptu ‘date’ turns into a meeting with teeth and claws.
You get a night off from work in between sessions, allowing other acts the chance to perform, but word of mouth is quickly spreading your borrowed name as the favorite. It’s you the customers really want to see.
Wednesday evening arrives and your milkman is back. A beer in front of him now. No cigarettes today. He looks a little less rumpled. Bowtie fastened. His eyes are still bruised looking, though. Did the man ever sleep?
You’ve got a little time before you’re due to begin. You’re not supposed to favor any one particular patron, but you figure you’re a big enough attraction now that you’ve earned a little autonomy. You saunter to the bar—he’s chosen the same seat again—and lean against the counter. Today you’re clad in ebony. Same shape as the dress you’d worn previously, hugging your figure and leaving little to the imagination with its tight fit, the teasing bits of skin exposed through the slit of the skirt, the low dip of the bodice and the narrow straps keeping the sparkling garment hooked on your otherwise bare shoulders daring anyone to resist that offered temptation.
This delivery driver doesn’t look. He’s too polite for that, apparently, even though the way you’re leaning would allow him a great view of your décolletage. Or maybe he’s too shy. There’s a nice bit of color in his cheeks, blossoming after you’d approached, and you don’t think alcohol is solely responsible for that effect.
You reach for the ID card he’s left beside his cap, dropped there after entering the lounge. “Francis Mosses,” you read out loud, thumb smoothing over the DDD logo in the corner, eyes roving over the expiration date. The cards and the entry requests were tricky to get just right, especially if you didn’t know your target well enough or if the doorman was too astute. Or just plain overzealous. You wonder how many innocent humans had been unintentionally eradicated by the very person that was supposed to be screening for invaders and protecting them from harm.
“You go by Frankie? Or Frank?”
“My…my mom used to call me that. Frankie,” he adds for clarification. His cheeks are scarlet now.
You smirk, tapping the card on the counter. “Hmmm. But you’re not a little boy anymore, are you, Francis? All grown up now.” You boldly reach for the beer on the counter, taking a swig directly from the bottle. It tastes as putrid as all the alcohol you’ve sampled thus far, but that’s not why you’re imbibing it. The milkman stares at you, transfixed by your every movement.
“Better keep this somewhere safe. Wouldn’t want this to fall into the wrong hands—or claws—would we?” You rest a hand on one shoulder, tucking the card into the pocket of his work shirt. You see the nervous gulp of his throat, feel the warmth radiating from his body in that brief touch.
You complete your first set—five songs, running your total time performing just under a half hour—and begin making your rounds again, schmoozing with the attendees. Saving Francis for last.
“Wait for me by the elevators after I’m done. You know where they are?” Your lips are close to his ear. You can still smell his aftershave from what must have been early that morning. You hate rising before dawn. You much prefer the nights. Easier to hide. Take what you want. Feast.
“Yes,” he manages to croak out softly.
“Good. See you then, honey,” you purr into his ear, making him shiver.
The man sticks out like a sore thumb.
Francis is pacing restlessly back and forth in front of the elevator doors when you arrive later that evening after your last set, rubbing the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable until you approach and then he freezes, standing rigid. Maybe a little of his natural instincts were kicking in, prey sensing predator. You’re not going to harm him; at least not unless that’s what he wanted. Maybe shy boy liked it rough. You would soon find out.
Wordlessly you push the button for the elevator and step into the carriage, gesturing for him to join you when it seems as if he is truly welded in place, forever stuck to the hotel’s carpets. You reside on the third floor, at the rear of the building. The room is generously sized and nicely furnished. You step out of your high heels gratefully as soon as you’ve cleared the door, one of the nuances of fashion that you don’t appreciate quite as much. They were really quite uncomfortable to walk in.
The human male hovers just inside the doorway, his nervousness radiating from him. You’re starting to wonder how much experience he has with females in general. Maybe you should have waited for a night when he’d been a little more intoxicated, when his inhibitions had been a little lower. But you’d been impatient. Careful about all those other details when it came to consumption, but this type of hunger, this lust, is a demanding mistress you aren’t accustomed to dealing with.
“Have a seat. Get comfortable.” You switch on the living room lamp and gesture towards the plush white couch and he sits stiffly at one end, his cap clutched by the brim in his fidgeting fingers.
You pull the hat away gently and toss it onto the coffee table, then sink down at the opposite end, not wanting to intimidate him too much just yet. You can see the pulse jumping in his neck. Such a lovely throat. You’re willing to bet the blood inside would be sugar sweet.
“You got a girl?”
“Uh…no. I’m single. I live alone. I have a daughter. Her mother and I…we all live in the same apartment building.”
“Hmmm.” Your polished nails drum on the arm rest. “That delivery job of yours stresses you out, huh?”
“It’s just the hours. Longer days. A lot of people don’t want to leave the house anymore, now that…” His voice trails off.
“Now that the doppelgangers have invaded,” you finish for him.
“You ever see one?”
“No. I mean, not that I know of. Kind of seems like the last thing you’d ever see if you did. That’s another part of what makes the job difficult. You don’t really know what’s on the other side of the door. Have you ever…?”
Every day when I look in the mirror, you think. You merely shake your head for his benefit.
“You know how to give a massage? My feet are killing me.”
“I, uh…”
“It doesn’t take much skill. You’re just rubbing.” You lift the train of your dress and shift positions so your nylon clad feet rest on his lap, stretching out across the length of the couch. You see the slightly alarmed look on his features and your voice is soothing, patient. “It’s okay, Francis. You’ve got this.”
His hands reach tentatively for one foot, placing one over the top and the other underneath. His movement are stiff, brisk, awkward, until you begin to hum that Dean Martin song he’d seemed to enjoy, making his hands slacker, softer, caressing the sore areas. You interrupt the melody to groan appreciatively, stretching further, letting your heels grind against his thighs. It’s starting to feel good. He has nice hands. You want them on you in other places.
You slide one foot closer to his crotch, gently stroking. He’s gone immobile again, startled. You drag both feet back and stand, now moving in front of the seated man, lifting your dress so you can straddle his lap. His hands reflexively reach for your waist. You dig your hands into his thick russet hair, tugging his head back slightly.
“You ever have any of those lonely housewives ask you to come in? Make a special delivery?”
“N…no. It’s just business. No one notices…”
“You sure about that? Maybe you’re just too polite to notice when a woman is hungry.” Your free hand tugs on the bow tie, loosening it. You undo the first two buttons of his shirt. You want a taste of that gorgeous throat of his, even if it’s only the top layer and not the succulent fluids below that you’re after.
The pleasant scent of that aftershave assaults you again as soon as your face bends to sample the arch. His skin is slightly rough, the facial hair he’d scraped away reclaiming its territory at this late hour. You lick from the base all the way up to his jaw, and the fingers on your waist tighten.
“You think maybe you’ve got one more batch you need to deliver, honey?” Your hand dives straight for the fly of his pants, pleased to feel he’s already becoming aroused.
A choked sound escapes the man’s lips. Maybe an attempt at a word that becomes garbled with incoherent pleasure. Your impatience is growing. Too many layers. Earthlings insisted on wearing so many. Your species didn’t care about that, in your natural habitat. You could shred them to pieces so easily with your claws, but that would mean revealing what you truly are, and you don’t want to do that just yet. The man is anxious enough as it is.
So you settle for using the human hands you’ve replicated to unfasten the belt and zipper and undo the button, reaching beneath the waistband of his underwear and dragging his cock free. Ample. Leaking. You stroke over it and he hisses, a feral sound not unlike one a male of your species might make. Your teeth nip his earlobe, tease his bottom lip before you finally sink your tongue inside his mouth. There’s the faint, lingering taste of alcohol, but you ignore that and instead concentrate on the feeling of that wet maw, stroking cheeks and tongue and teeth and palate, exploring thoroughly. You don’t even have to guide him to the straps of your dress, feeling them slid over your shoulders, then moving to the front of your dress to knead the further exposed globes of flesh there.
“That’s good, doll. That’s really, really good.” His fingers are beneath the fabric, pinching and rolling your nipples, making them erect. You like it, but it’s not where you need him most. There’s a wet heat between your legs that’s throbbing. A hollow space waiting to be filled, and the prick in your hands is perfect for the job.
You gently push on his forearm and he takes over from there, snaking beneath the slit of your dress, the seam ripping a bit as it’s still partially tucked beneath you. He pauses. “Shit, sorry…”
“I have plenty of other dresses. I don’t care. Touch me, Francis.” The lingerie you’re wearing is skimpy. Nearly indecent. Clinging, and he tears more fabric in his urgency to work beneath the pair of panties. His digits find moisture and you moan into his mouth. That was what you needed. The pads of his fingers rolling across your clit. Parting your lips. Digging into your entrance. He’s becoming bolder now. The desire coded into DNA so long ago to ensure the propagation of the species continues taking over.
Your head tips back as you gently ride a pair of his fingers. You’re still stroking him, keeping him slick and hard. Back at his mouth again. You like kissing him. A lot. It makes your insides flutter. You’re getting even wetter.
Eventually you move away. You have to, if you’re ever going to get what you need. You lift your dress and bend over the armrest of the couch, your panties dragged down just past the lace edge of your thigh high stockings. The milkman’s dick finds your opening and slides in smooth, straight to the hilt, stretching and filling you. Your nails dig into the fabric of the couch. You’re so tempted to let the natural claws peak out, to allow the gentle incisors lining the front of your mouth shift to the genuine, sharper cuspids. It takes tremendous effort to keep the monster within restrained. The bloodlust mingles with the other, surprising you with its intensity. You’d fed so well. You shouldn’t be this hungry again so soon.
The man’s hands grip your hips, aiding him as he thrusts in and out. He’s still holding back, still gentler than what you’d like. “Fuck me harder, Francis. I want that cock in as deep as it can go.”
He grunts, maybe a little surprised with how aggressive your words are. Nice young women didn’t talk like this. Then again, you’re not a nice young woman. Not really. You just look like one, bent over with your ass cheeks spread, letting a virtual stranger violate you. You fucking love it.
His hips slap against you a little faster now, a little rougher. You push back to meet him, matching his rhythm, driving him in even further. So good. He’s hitting a tender spot inside just right. You’re getting close to achieving orgasm.
Francis is, too. You feel it in the tremors that make his hands shake on your body, the breath that stutters in rasping pants.
“Fill me up, honey. I want every drop of that milk.”
Spurred on by this last request, he moans and you feel the wet heat of his release painting your insides. You tip over the edge at that exact moment, the walls of your canal contracting and squeezing his cock, making sure to extract every bit of his seed.
If the man had looked tired before, he looked absolutely exhausted now. Spent. Drained. He flops wearily onto the couch after pulling out. You drag your panties back into place and let your hem fall down, sliding the straps of your gown back over your shoulders as you join him. You’re a little tired yourself, after that brief, intense session.
“What time do you have to get up in the morning?”
You clench your tongue with your teeth, sucking in a sympathetic draft of air. “It’s midnight now.”
“You want to stay? I’ll make sure to wake you up on time. Set the alarm.”
“No. It’s too far from work. I still have to load up the truck in the morning. I’m better off going home.”
“Alright.” You’re not particularly upset at him declining your offer. You are curious about something else, though. “Are you coming back to the hotel on Friday? That will be my last performance of the week.”
He looks over at you. “Yes, I will.”
“Maybe you could stay over that night. You don’t work on the weekend, do you?”
“No. Someone else has that shift.” He reaches out tentatively to touch your cheek, his thumb stroking your bottom lip. “I’ll stay that night, if you want.”
“Yes. I want.” You lean over to kiss him, the gesture gentle this time. Soothing, like the song you’d hummed earlier. “Go get some sleep, doll. You’re going to need the energy for Friday night.” For just the briefest, fleeting moment, the glamour shielding your true eyes from view slips, and the milkman’s own flare in alarm. But then you’re disguised again, so swiftly you know he’s questioning if he’d really seen what he thought he’d seen, or if it’s just fatigue that’s making his eyes play tricks on him.
You couldn’t possibly be a doppelganger.
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starlightdreaming · 6 months
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader! Ch. 4!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel!
Content warning: more blood! *Niffty’s manic laugh* i guess maybe some comfort this time (not from Lucifer lol) also more angst but a smidge bits of it, also LONGESTT CHAPTER YET and small implications of Season 1: Ep. 2 of Hazbin Hotel. (not proofread)
Synopsis: after waking up in hell, you try and find help of any kind.
Chapters!: Chapter 1 ✧ Chapter 2 ✧ Chapter 3 ✧ Chapter 4 (you are here) •<•)b ✧ Chapter 5
this chapters song is:
(optional but recommended to improve reading experience!!:!)
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“Lucifer, do you want to play with the stars with me?” You ask him, him turning to you and taking your hands into his, him looking at you with loving and caring eyes, you looking deeply into his as well, “I’d love to!” He says, dragging you to the oak tree you had agreed upon to be your hangout spot from now on.
You both rolled into the grass together, told stories at night and used magic to display your dreams of creations, everything was perfect, he was perfect, everything felt perfect.
“I never want to see you again,” He snapped, “And I fucking mean it.” He says as he looked at you with pure hatred in his eyes, oh those eyes, once full of love now full of hatred. Your heart began to beat harder as it ached, ‘this whole mess was your fault wasn’t it?’ you thought as your breath hitched, staring at those eyes he gave you, oh how you never wanted to see them again but here you were. You tried to breathe again but you just couldn’t, those eyes were staring deeply into your soul, you just couldn’t find a way to breathe as you began to hyperventilate, your body felt frozen in terror as you stared back into those careless, dull, hatred fueled eyes, breathe, breathe, breathe!
You sit up quickly, coughing out golden blood before gasping for air desperately, coughing out again before regaining your composure, groaning from the metallic taste in your mouth, you looked down at your hand to see the lavender blue star Emily gave you, seeing that was your only comfort now, it was stained in gold blood as well as you winced in sharp pain behind your back, you look at your back to see a lot of damage was done to your wings, golden blood covered all your feathers as you can see the clear cut Sera did, she attacked your two middle wings as they now seemed split, it made your skin crawl from how horrible they looked, you then looked up to the sky, your stars were barely raining anymore stardust, trying to heal your injured state, they began to fade, if it weren’t for the sentient stars you made during the extermination, you don’t think you would have survived the fall.
You looked at your stars with a tired and weak smile before they could crumble away into dust, thankful that your creations saved your life, you then looked at your surroundings, seeing cities in the distance, followed with screams and cars crashing, you sat for a moment trying to endure the pain that was coursing through your body, you held a wing to ease the pain but all you felt was a wet liquid that now covered your hands, more blood. You needed to find help or something but who in Hell would want to help? Maybe you could try and find a place to stay or hide so you could focus on healing yourself, you didn’t have any attributes to regeneration, so you needed to try and find someone or something to stop the bleedings.
You recovered a bit of mana from resting but it wasn’t enough for you to completely focus on healing since you weren’t very good at it, you decided to try and finally get up but your body was so sore you stumbled a few times before you could manage to even stand, you slouched to your side, limping as you tried to walk out of wherever you even were.
You decided to try and seek help in the city, hoping there might be a blessed heart willing to assist you but just a precaution, you made a little bit of stardust and with Emily’s star she had given you, you made it sentient with the little bit of mana you had left, thankful for her gift and her warm comforting smiles.
The little star chimed to life, floating around you, it was your only sort of defense it wasn’t much but it can for sure pack a punch you wanted it to, you hugged yourself as you limped toward the city, a trail of golden blood dripping behind you as your wings dragged behind you. The lavender blue star floating next to you calmly.
Upon entering the city, you expected monsters and sinners to be in chaos but… no one was here. “Hello?” You called softly, walking into the city, the emptiness making you feel uneasy, the star chimed next to you for comfort, floating around you as it kept watch of your surroundings, “Is anyone here?” You called out again more loudly, “please, can anyone help me?” you begged, not receiving a single answer in the abandoned city.
You held yourself more tightly as you walked, leaving a trail of gold as you looked around, high and low, left and right, you’d hear a sudden noise but it the source or cause would be long gone before you could turn around, I guess it only makes sense seeing as you were an angel and it was extermination day to them, the lonely and uncomfortable silence made you feel like an outcast, something you were used to in a way but it still hurt nonetheless, tears formed from your eyes but you tried to not let them escape from how lonely you felt in your situation and once again, you feel completely helpless as you walked down the empty streets, the silence was completely loud.
You wiped your tears as you passed by stores, broken glass and blood, it really showed a difference between Heaven and Hell, it made you wish you were back in your bed for all eternity, it was better than the pain your were enduring currently. You passed by a store full of televisions, you looked at it- it being the only thing that was making noise in the silent city, you watched the screens as it showed a thin waisted lady in red, her voice loud and clear, “Greetings, my name is Katy Killjoy, here to discuss to you about last weeks extermination, after deep analysis and investigating, we can officially confirm it was canceled thanks to an none other than an Angel itself!” She says before it showed a video of you making it rain stardust in stars in Hell’s skies, dragging every exterminator back into Heaven, your eyes widened as you didn’t expect to be shown to all of Hell.
“And thanks to that, we now have more information about how our deadline is cut in half, down to six months! do you know what that means Tom?” She says as she turned to face him, giving him the chance to finally speak, “yes it-“ “it means we are completely fucked!” she shouts through the screen, your mouth agape from shock, Adam and Sera- despite trying to stop them, they decided to continue this meaningless chaos? the thought of Sera ignoring your words, your voice, it made your blood boil unexplainably, especially on how she tried to kill you behind Heavens back.
You were so frustrated and in so much pain because of her, it made you want to cry and lash out at her angrily but trying to kill her back, the thought of killing her made a smile crawl to your face but you shook that thought out immediately, it was not the answer. If you tried to use violence like she did, you were no different than her and that’s worse than the thought of her death. You snapped out of thought to look at the television again, it was another video of you, of how you fell from the sky, you stared in shock again, they really have their eyes on the skies don’t they? It was you falling practically to your death! but that made you realize, oh- they evacuated the city because you arrived.
That alone, made you realize how lonely you are now, no one was going to help you, familiar feeling eh? history just doesn’t seem to stop repeating itself with you. Your head began to ache as your stomach grumbled, all that stamina you had used was getting to you for sure now but there was nothing you could do, you didn’t have food, shelter or any help, there was nothing here in this place of damnation for you. You were pathetically helpless, at rockbottom, completely.
You wiped the tears that escaped, your lavender blue star pressing against your cheek for comfort, it chimed to you, trying to tell you something, you gave it it’s attention, floating toward the window full of televisions, “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, where all sinners are welcomed and redeemed, if you want to escape the extermination and get up into Heaven, please head to the building on the top of the hill in the pride ring.” A White haired woman spoke, with other figures who stood there and a glitched out man who was facing away from the screen which was quite concerning- but that wasn’t important, what was important was that they were willing to help and once again, that small sliver of hope reignited in you as you smiled to yourself weakly, you just had to go find that hotel, if they didn’t accept you then… maybe you could just live in a box? that thought made you shudder, not the box but the fact you would be out of luck.
You tried to find the hotel, quickly limping down the streets as you tried to find that said hotel, “Can you help me find it?” You ask your star as it chimed, swiftly floating up in the air, looking around, it wasn’t long before it went back down to you and started guiding you as followed, gold blood still following behind you, you tried your best to keep it together, try to make it to the hotel, it wasn’t much long as you panted heavily up the hill, once upon making it, you collapsed in exhaustion and pain, you sat at the door for a moment to recollect yourself.
It took awhile but the sentient star waited with you patiently and that was enough for you to get back up on your feet, you took a deep breath before knocking, stepping back from the door, hugging yourself in anticipation, shaking a little from exhaustion.
The door opened and you saw a tall blonde female, she looked down and gasped in surprise, “Welcome!- oh- oh my gosh, are you alright?” she says quickly, cutting her introduction off after seeing your terrible state, “Is… this the Hazbin hotel?” you ask politely and kinda desperately, “Yes, yes this is! do you need uh, do you need to come in for a moment? theres a trail of blood coming from you.” She pointed out with concern, “please.” You say weakly and nervously to the stranger in front of you, feeling completely light headed from the blood loss, you felt like you were going to faint any second.
“Oh goodness, just sit here for me okay? I’ll go get something real quick-“ she stammers before running back inside after making you sit and lean on to the door, you waited as you heard the same voice shout “Vaggie!” and “Emergency!” You rested your eyes as you leaned your head against the door, you began to hear static, and it got only louder the longer you had your eyes shut but as soon you opened your eyes the static disappeared, ‘that was weird’ you thought as the tall lady came back and immediately tended to your wounds with another person behind her, you backed away when the blonde tried to touch you, “Oh don’t worry, i’m just trying to help.” She says as she waited for your permission this time to tend to you, her smile was oddly calming and it let you give in as you slowly turned your back, allowing her to touch your wings, the purple female also assisting her, you winced in pain after some places they touched, a “sorry” escaping one of their mouths as they kept going, you all were silent the whole time before the blonde moved to sit in front of you, leaving the other lady to focus on your wings.
“My name is Charlie.” She smiled at you, reaching her hand out for you to shake, you looked up to her, her red eyes staring back at you, “Y/n.” You say as you took her hand to shake, “Nice to meet you, Y/n! Now if I may ask, why were you so injured?” She asked, you looking away, “Oh uhhh, I fell..?” You say not tell her the full truth, she tilted her head confused, “fell? fell from where?” she said confused, “Uhhmm, fromm.. Heaven?” You laughed coyly, as she gasped, “You’re fallen?” She says quietly, “I guess,” pausing now acknowledging that you were actually fallen now, “yeah, I guess so.” you finished, feeling a little ashamed.
“Vaggie, are you almost done?” Charlie asks as she looks over your side to see that she wrapped your last wing up, a tug was felt and you winced a bit, “Yup, finished.” She says after she tied the last knot, Charlie bend down to help Vaggie up before they both helped you up, “Thank you.. for helping me.” You say with a tired smile, your star bouncing on your head, “Oh who’s this little guy?” Charlie says pointing to the star that chimed, “Oh this one of my creations or like a child of mine, same thing.” You say as you put the star in your hand, “I could only make this one sentient because im so tired.” You say, your eyes obviously showed that to them, black circles and all, “Well we can give you a place to stay in the Hotel!” Charlie smiles as she walks in the building, you following after Vaggie but as soon as you stepped into the building, your exhaustion you endured collapsed all at once, making your face plant into the ground with a ‘plomp’
The stared at you in surprise, “Oh, she was that tired.” Charlie responds, walking up to you, “are you alright?” she asks as you just muffled a reply, “foof.” “Uh, what was that?” Charlie asks, turning you to the side, “food.” you say, falling back into place, “Oh, okay just one sec.” She says before getting up to running off, leaving Vaggie to watch over you, she crossed her arms as she stared at you, “So uhh, who’s dis?” A new voice spoke, “Fallen angel, probably same one from the extermination on the news.” Vaggie replied as someone spat out their drink of something, you didn’t bother to get up to look up who was talking, too tired to care, “the hell you mean the angel from da news?” the voice shouted as you heard something rapidly approaching your body but your tiny star pushed them back, launching whatever was going after you, “That thing just launched Niff across the parlor! why are you allowing angels into this place?” The voice shouts again, “Angel, look at her, she’s defenseless, well, except that thing.” she pointed to your star.
Your star stuck to your back, trying to move you but it ended up just dragging you across the floor as everyone silently stared, “Okay i’m back!” Charlie says with a plate of food, walking to you and giving it to you after your star dropped you to the floor again.
You raised your head, resting your arms as you ate on the floor, not caring who’s watching, she also gave you water and that made you feel all the more better, with something finally in your system you managed to sit up, looking up at your surroundings, seeing everyone stare at you in silence, “uhh, hi.” you say awkwardly, with a small wave, as one of then waved back at you.
“Are you feeling alright now?” Charlie asked as you nodded, “Yeah, I just really need to rest, if you would let me please?” You ask as she gave you a hand to help you up, you thanked her as you tried to pat down your tattered dress, it was completely stained with blood from sinners during the extermination and your own as well, “Maybe let’s get you cleaned up?” Charlie asks as she took your hand to help you up the stairs, Vaggie following, “We can introduce you to everyone else once you’ve recovered.” She offers as she guides you down a hall, taking you to a room that was themed with red and black, “you can rest here,” she says as she walks into the room, you following suit along with your star.
You sat on the bed before falling back into it, your sore body finally feeling that euphoric comfort of a bed for who knows how long, your small lavender blue star rested on your head as you stretched a little, feeling your muscles ache, it hurt so bad it felt so good, “Do you need spare clothing or anything?” Charlie asks, Vaggie standing at the front of the door to the room, “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.” You say shyly, sitting up again, you weren’t used to such hospitality, “thank you.” You say genuinely, extremely grateful that you found this place in this upside down world, “It’s no problem, you just get some rest alright? Vaggie can you go get something from my dresser?” She says, Vaggie nodding and leaving the room.
“So, can you tell me what happened? about why you’re here perhaps?” She questions, trying to start a conversation in the meantime, waiting for Vaggie to return, “Oh.. that..” you say looking down, away from her gaze, “oh! you don’t have to tell me anything if you want to,” she says, seeing how your expression has changed, “no, its just- it’s kind of a lot? I’ll just cut it short.” You smile at her, waving off her sudden intrusion of a question, “long story short, I asked for for a job and my, err, ‘manager’ gave me one,” you say scratching your cheek, the thought of Sera made you itch, “it was the extermination and I was so shocked on how Heaven was allowing the people to slaughter, so I used up so much of my power to drag every exorcist back to Heaven, leaving a bit of healing, hoping some sinners would recover,” You say as you as you rub your shoulder, still feeling guilty about the lives you witnessed being lost from the angels attack, “I’m really sorry about that by the way,” you apologized on behalf of the angels, “I tried to talk to my leader and it just got.. messy.” you sigh, Vaggie walking back to the room with clothes in hand, Charlie held your hand into her own, making you look up her, her comforting and sympathetic smile made you feel at ease from your riled up stress and tension, “hey, its alright,” she says, trying to soothe your nerves, “i’m just surprised an angel actually went out of their way to stop the extermination, it’s a complete first for anyone in hell to witness,” She smiles again, “i’m really glad you did, it shows that maybe not all angels are as bad as they seem.” she finishes, Vaggie walking up to you both giving, putting the clothes next to you, on the bed.
Charlie stood up, taking Vaggie’s hand into hers, “We’ll leave you alone for now, feel free to join us when you’re ready.” she waves as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
You got up from the bed after she left the room, changing out of your tattered dress and robes, the clothes they gave you were kind of big on you, the shirt was maybe too big, it was like a short night gown on you but you weren’t complaining since it was comfortable, the pants didn’t even fit so you tossed them to the side along with your tattered dress, wanting to deal with it later, you jumped into the bed, sighing in relief again, you laid on your stomach as you hugged the the fluffy pillow, the coolness of the sheets making you feel relaxed, best feeling ever.
Your star chimed as it floated off your head again, it was telling you it was going to keep watch as you slept, that was enough for you as you quickly drifted off to sleep, hugging the pillow as comfort.
“look at that one, it looks like a duck!” Lucifer says under the oak tree, pointing to the clouds that drifted by, “Yeah, it does!” You say in awe, “that’s cause I made it be.” he giggles, showing you his pure golden light in his hands, you admired it as you giggled as well.
He laid in the grass as he continued to stare at the sky, his smile was so pure and full of life, “I’m so glad you came into my life, Luna.” He says before looking at you with adoration in his eyes, you stared back at him with a sparkle in your eyes, sitting up next to him, “everyone in my life thinks i’m a problem and avoids me cause of that,” he vents, looking back up at the blue sky, “and ever since you came along, everything just feels so… right.” he smiles, as you continued to stare at him with doe eyes, “I don’t think I could ask for anyone better, you are the first person to believe in me and my dreams for so long and I don’t think I want to lose you,” he says, sitting up and looking back at you, taking your hands into his own, “ever.”
You smiled at him comfortingly, “I don’t want to lose you either, Lulu.” you say as you look back into his eyes, you both stared into each other’s eyes, the silence between you was calm and comforting, “hey I know!” he says, brightening more from an idea, “lets make a promise,” he says, leaning closer to your face, “let’s promise each other that no matter what happens, we will stay together, we will help each other out in the time of need.” he says, pulling out hand in front of you, his pinky finger out, waiting for you to intertwine your finger with his.
You look down at his hand, back to him, you smiled more, “okay, I pinky promise.” you say as you brought your pinky out to hold into his, you both stared at each other with admiration for one another before he quickly pecked your forehead, leaving a warm kiss, your eyes widening in surprise at the sudden gesture, “I love you, my Luna.” he says, you felt your face heat up as he gave you a closed eyed smile, it became silent for a moment again before you spoke, “what’s a love?” you ask, breaking the silence as he looked at you bewildered, going back to smiling at you gently, “maybe one day, you’ll understand.”
Your eyes fluttered open, as you groaned from a nights rest, you laid there for a moment before sitting up, groaning from the soreness in your body, you rubbed your eyes as you looked around, beginning to remember where you were. Upon waking up, your lavender blue star chimed as you awoke, happy to see you awake, you put your hands together for your star to rest in your hands, “oh, hey there,” you smiled tiredly, as it floated down into your hand, your used a bit of your mana to make cosmic dust, feeding the little star as it began to glow brightly again, after feeding it, it went to rest on your hair, seeing as your aren’t completely defenseless anymore.
You say in the bed looking around again before turning to your dress, it wasn’t filthy or dirty anymore, it looked clean and new, curious, you shifted out of the bed and went to collect it, they must have cleaned this for you while you were resting, you smiled, thankful for that, seeing as walking around in a shirt and undergarments in public was rather… explicit and embarrassing.
You turned around in the, realizing there was another door in your room, you went to open it curiously, behind the door was a sink and a tub, a personal bathroom, you smiled about that, you can take a bath without any worries now. You went into the bathroom, locking the door, deciding to take the chance to clean the blood and grime that stained your body. You sat on the hem of the tub, your clothes and bandages discarded, you were now scrubbing yourself clean, trying to avoid your wings soaking into the water, after cleaning your body, you focused on your wings, trying your best to not make them sting in pain as much as they already did in the contact with water, you washed them carefully and delicately.
After your relaxing bath, you changed your set of clothes, careful to not hurt your wings that looked like an absolute mess, the feathers were everywhere but you didn’t really bother with them, you’d groom your wings when they were healed up enough, with that thought out of the way, you went to leave the room, walking past a dresser with a mirror, you halted for a moment, stepping back and looking at the glass, your reflection showing, your hair was absolutely frizzled, your eyes were covered with black circles, like you just put black eyeliner around your eyes, you looked like an absolute mess and thing is, you were, emotionally and physically.
You saw a brush on the dresser, you decided to try and brush your hair, trying to look a little more presentable, a small chair sat underneath the dresser, pulling it put to sit down, focusing on your tangles.
You sat the brush down, looking at your now somewhat more clean state, there was nothing to do about the bags under your eyes, so you would just have to let that go, you got up from the chair, pushing it back under the dresser and walking to the door, exiting the room.
You explored the vast empty halls, taking in the details the hotel had, heading down the hall to the lobby, recalling that Charlie said you could join them anytime when you were ready, when you turned the corner, you saw some of the demons gathered in the corner of the lobby, you stood there quietly observing the people who were doing their own things, after scanning around the room, you saw Charlie talking to Vaggie in the parlor, on a sofa, it wasn’t long before Charlie spotted you as well and waved, “Over here, Y/n!” she calls to you, getting up to walk toward you to the stairs, you smiled nervously as everyone’s attention turned to you as you walked down the said stairs.
“How are you feeling?” she asks after you took your last step down, “I’m feeling much better, thank you,” You replied with sincerity, “and thank you for your hospitality.” You say as you bowed a little in respect, “just to make sure,” a male voice spoke as you turned away from Charlie’s to follow the voice, “you ain’t here to kill us right?” a tall feminine male asks, approaching you. You were taken back by his question but it made sense for them to worry, seeing as angels were sent to slaughter the poor souls, “what? no, i’d never-“ you tried to explain, being cut off quickly, “seeing on the news, she was the one who stopped the extermination, I don’t think those are her ideals, Angel.” Vaggie deadpanned to him, defending you.
Charlie laughed awkwardly, “Before we go into details any questions or details, how about a few introductions?” She asks, seeing how the atmosphere quickly turned, she guided you to the parlor, calling everyone to gather around, “Okay, so we have a new uhh,” she pauses trying to think, “guest at the hotel,” She says pointing her hand toward you, you waving shyly, “This is y/n, she arrived here yesterday as we all know and saw but welcome her nonetheless.” she smiles, only you getting stares and glances, “And these are our staff and residents,” she says, showing you the other three that were there, “this is Husk! our bartender,” she pointed to a cat with wings, who only stared at the distance, unfazed, “this is Angel, who is our single resident aside from you,” she says, pointing to the tall male who only scrolled through his phone before smiling and waving at you, “this is Niffty.” she says, pointing to a short woman with one eye who was staring into your soul, she ran up to you quickly, “are you an actual angel? why do you have so many wings? do you casually just wear eyeliner like that?” she says, pointing out your darkened eye bags, intruding your space, you only smiled nervously at her, she was asking to many questions before you could answer them, “and lastly, this is Alastor,” she says as you look at a man covered in red she pointed at, you were surprised about the male since you hadn’t seen him at all until now, he looked at you with an intimidating and intense gaze, smiling at you, making you feel uncomfortable, “he is our facility host.” She says, clasping her hands together with a smile.
Alastor walked up to you with a cane and his hands behind his back before bending down slightly to greet you properly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you, dear.” He says, stretching his hand out for you to shake, his hands had red sharp like claws making you hesitatingly take it with a nervous smile, “pleasure..” you say, shaking his hand lightly, you got more nervous than before when you began to hear radio static coming from him, the same static you heard when you first arrived here.
“With that out of the way, I was wondering- since you’re an angel and all- what do you think about sinners and redemption?” Charlie asked as Alastor backed away, trailing off to do his own thing as Charlie began to speak to you again, “what do you mean?” you asked curiously, requesting she’d go into more detail, “Well as you see, I began this project a few days ago,” she says, sitting next to you, summoning a pile of paper before taking one in her hand to show you hand-made drawings.
“What I want is to save my people and I thought maybe if they were given a second chance they could be redeemed and go to Heaven,” she says as she points to the drawing but your mind trailed off as soon as she said, ‘my people’ “wait- wait-“ you tried to cut her off, “your people?” you asked, “uhh, yeah?” she answered, confused about your reaction, you then stared at her, noticing her facial features, red cheeks, white skin and blonde hair… Your heart began to twinge a little from the thoughts that began to bubble your mind, “What’s your name..?” You ask, hesitatingly, afraid to find your suspicions might be correct. “Charlie… Morningstar.” she answers, putting down the drawing to respond, your eyes widened as you leaned back from her for a moment before leaning toward her, “You’re Lucifer’s daughter?!” you shouted completely shocked and somewhat… hurt? You felt a pain that couldn’t be explained in your stomach.
“Yeah, my parents are Lilith and Lucifer Morningstar,” she states, answering the truth you tried to avoid for so long, you were just lost in thought as she began to ramble about then both, “and that is why they call me the princess of hell- oh, are you alright?” Charlie asks genuinely, seeing the hurt expression on your face, you snapped out of your thoughts as you shook your head, putting up a facade, “huh? yeah- yeah, I was just surprised, sorry.” you tried to exclaim, “I was just not told about any of this is all, y’know? since being in Heaven and all?” you tried to excuse, not really convincing yourself, Alastor gave a side eye to you, interested on how you were baffled from the mention of Charlie and her parents, “Where are,” you trailed off, hesitating to finish your next question, “your parents?” you asked, nervously.
Charlie looked away from you, thinking momentarily before speaking, “My mother has been gone for quite a while,” she says as she looks back at you with a tinge of sadness in her eyes, “she’s only been gone for like.. seven years now? but i believe she’s off on some sort of business trip,” She says as she tried to smile and wave it off like it wasn’t a big deal, “and my father… we don’t talk much.” she says as she hugs her arm, rubbing it slightly and awkwardly at the topic of her parents but to you, knowing that they don’t have much contact, it all just put your nerves at ease, you don’t think you could handle randomly seeing either of those two… ever.
You sighed, regaining composure, “sorry if I intruded on your personal life,” you apologize, looking at Charlie, “I uhm,” you paused, thinking if you should tell her anything about you, “you see, I used to be best friends with Lucifer,” you smiled, “and I am just happy to know that he’s alright.” You say with a half lie, you weren’t happy about him and Lilith, you never were and you never wanted to let him go like you did, like you had to.
Charlie smiled from surprise, “wait, are you Luna?” she asks, the name being said in so long, you felt rather uncomfortable with it, “I don’t really go by that name anymore but yes, I used to be..” You admit, trying to avoid saying the name yourself as it became more of a haunting of the past. She jumped in her seat on the sofa with a radiated smile, “my father told me so many stories about you when I was younger!” she says as she began to shake in happiness, “it’s so nice to meet you! I didn’t even know it was you!” she continues as she shook your hand suddenly, surprising you with her sudden enthusiasm, “he told me how you’re the daughter of the universe, the way you make stars and constellations align,” she began to ramble, “he even told me about the stars you make are always and are more beautiful than any other angel would ever create.” She smiles as she leaned in toward you with admiration.
You sat there with mixed feelings again, Lucifer said all this about you? the compliments she stated out made your heart flutter and you didn’t know why, surely he’d hate you by now after everything you did? the thoughts began to stress your mind and you just didn’t want to deal with them, you look down at the desk and remembered Charlies hotel project, so you decided it was best to change the subject, “I’m glad he seems to see me that way,” you smiled, “but how about you tell me about your project? I think we trailed off.” You stated, pointing to her drawings, she gasped as she picked up her paper drawing again, “that’s right! as I was saying before, I was thinking of maybe we could try and redeem sinners and try to bring them to Heaven! that way we can stop overpopulation in Hell,” she continued as you listened, taking a liking to her idea, “and if we find a solution to the overpopulation,” she says, bringing up another paper for you to see, “we can end all these exterminations and everyone will be smiling and happy!” she finishes as you smiled to her ideals, “So what do you think?” she asks as she puts down the drawing and looked at you eagerly awaiting your answer, “I actually think this is a great idea!” you say as you sit up in your seat eagerly, loving the idea of second chances, Charlie smiled more at your response as she squeed in excitement, having an angel finally agree on her passion project, “I’m so happy you believe in my cause!” she shouted in happiness, Vaggie smiling that someone else agreed who was the same as her.
“I was so upset when I found out extermination was allowed, it’s completely terrible as a whole.” you say as you leaned back into the sofa in distaste for the thought of ‘divine judgment’ amongst Charlie’s people, “So do I! None of them deserved what was given to them.” she says as she frowns, “I agree,” You say empathetically, “If you would let me, I’d like to stay and help with your cause.” You offered, Charlie smiling once again, “Really?” She asked with pure joy, “Yeah! I believe this could work!” You say with full confidence.
This made Alastor raise a brow at you and Charlie as he subtly listened in your whole conversation, he turned away with a ‘hmm’ as he thought to himself, he then shadowed up behind the sofa you and Charlie sat, nudging Vaggie away a little, “So we have a new staff member now?” Alastor smiled, Vaggie rolling her eyes at Alastor and walking around the sofa to sit next to Charlie, you blinked at him in surprised from his sudden join in on the conversation, “Yes we do!” Charlie says as she sat up, to gain everyone’s attention to announce you were now part of the crew, “everyone, everyone, I’d like to announce that we have a new staff member on our team!” She says as she points to you, they weren’t very enthusiastic as you had expected but not really expected them to but it really didn’t bother you since you preferred to avoid attention. Not to mention that Alastor had left the lobby before Charlie even began.
“We can discuss what you can do later,” Charlie says to you, before heading toward the middle of the lobby to pace around, “right now, what we need to do is discuss how we can try and bring sinners in,“ she began as Husk walked off to the green creepy area at the back of the lobby, drinking whatever green glass he held, “extermination is coming in six months instead of a year, it’s no big deal, just a little set back,” she says as a cat appears and follows her before jumping over to the sofa to sit next to you, you stared at it in surprise as it tilted it’s head at you, blinking its one eye and all you could process in your mind is- oh my stars its so cute.
You stared at the cat as it walked further to you, you didn’t want to move to touch it, afraid it might run off, she sat right next to you, you hesitated to pet it but it leaned into your touch and you never felt so much serotonin fill your body all at once, you pet her head gently as the kitty purred and you were squealing on the inside as you continued to pet her. You picked up the black cat, carrying her in your arms as you walked toward Charlie and Vaggie, “don’t you think if the next extermination deadline is sooner than expected, wouldn’t sinners be desperate?” you asked, while petting the cat in your arms, “yeah,” Vaggie thought, “maybe desperate enough to try and do anything to escape the extermination.” Vaggie spoke with a smile appearing on her face making Charlie gasp, getting the idea she was leading on, “this is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!” she shouted, raising her arms in the air, you smiling as you thought the same as well, only to frown when the kitty jumped out your arms, feeling the world shatter again inside your soul.
“Cute idea and all,” Angel says, tapping through his phone, “but you really going to go out in all of this?” He asks, showing a video of demons screaming through the city with fire everywhere, “well, it’s not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep-“ she says before being cut off from a loud explosion, making you jolt in surprise, hiding behind Charlie and Vaggie.
Everyone ran outside to see what the ruckus was about, you following last, you weren’t sure what to expect being new in Hell and all but when you saw outside was a massive war machine and Alastor at the top of one of the hotels balcony, talking with the attacker who damaged one of the hotels walls.
Well, needless to say, your ‘first day’ in Hell was going to be quite the ride to your new step in your new fallen life but you couldn’t complain, it was much more freeing than it ever was in Heaven.
@ag-cookiebat800 @meow-meowo @kyo-kyo1 @darling-may-i @pink-apples001 @sparkleyfishies @mollzaj @glowymxxn @hyperkaiperrose
thank you for reading!!:!/!
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dianesdiaries · 3 months
first day, nervous? | Homelander x Y/n
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-Homelander is introduced to his newest assistant after Ashley went AWOL, and Y/n's expectations were more then she knew
-Soft foreplay/tension
NOTE: this is a draft so I might finish it later!!
"Hey, you're finally here! Took long enough".
His teeth creaked into a wide smile, almost as forced as the wide floor-to ceiling doors that ringed in my ears. I shuffled quietly towards the curved slim table, as the slender man ran his fingers along the rims. Blonde silky streaks ran through his hair, his eyes squinted as he pushed his strands back. Homelander was a peculiar choice for a leader. As I sat down and watched him glide around the table, he leaned daringly close into my presence. "So what made you decide Vought? I checked your resume you know, you seem pretty-under qualified. Sorry", Homelander chuckled away the awkwardness of his sentence. It was pretty clear he thought I didn't have the brains for it. "Well", I pushed my glasses back into my face, avoiding the gaze of the daring supe. "I've been in association with many government institutions and have worked for-"
"Blahhh Blahhhh"
It took a minute for me to take in his approach. So far, in the past six minutes we've gotten to know each other I can already see how 'bright' my future will be at Vought. "I want the real truth. Everybody comes here looking for fucking power- whether they have it or not. So, again. Why are you here?" he asked, his voice became stern as he ran his fingers across my shoulders. My body bolted at the feeling, his gloves curving along my collar. The one thing I could be sure on was his need for praise. He wanted me to tell him how great he was. He needed to hear exactly what I thought of him so he knew how to approach me. And he found exactly how. By fear.
I chuckled nervously, "Well, I-uh.. Was looking for a new job because I guess I got tired of the same... form after form stuff, you know?", sweat leaked like a tap from my temples, streaking through the bright curtains that swayed back and forth. Homelander dove into the next chair, quickly spinning mine to face him. My legs became entrapped between his, his arms leaning between my seat. "I think.. You'll find just what you're looking for here. Besides.. you work for me. Right?", his eyes asserted a cold shiver through my body. "That's right, sir". "And you'll do whatever I say?", the air became still with his words. my breaths encased into my cavity, the struggle to find wiggle room became worse. Of course he's my boss but.. God, he was so close. I bit my lip at the careless thought of us, I'd already had fallen for what he had planned before I walked into that room.
"Yes sir".
"Anything?", curiosity sparked in his words as he leaned closer, his hands barely caressing between my legs.
"Yes, sir", the yearning in my voice grew louder, my back arching to the sharp feeling of his fingers climbing inside my shirt. His lips pressed into mine, his passive hand making its way through my pencil-tight skirt. The soft hum of his grunts buzzed against my lips, it drove me crazy. He knew exactly what I wanted. He knew the words to say. He felt my heart pace before I had the chance to sit down. An unpredictable supe is never good news, so why do I want it so bad?
253 notes · View notes
wuaxoi · 27 days
tattooed my heart
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synopsis! you were getting a new tattoo, obviously it was exiting… but your new tattoo artist was more exiting than the process itself tho.
TATTOO ARTIST! minjeong x SIMP! reader GENRE! suggestive, strangers to lovers, non!idol au TW! reader is getting a tattoo ( obvi ), mentions of sex, reader is drunk, kisses, making out, dry humping, reader being jealous, chaewon ( lessera ) mentioned.. that’s it ig NOW IS PLAYING! . . middle about by chase atlantic
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you were so excited to get yourself a new tattoo. you’ve been waiting to get it for almost three months since your tattoo artist was so busy with work, but when he said that his friend is available to do your tattoo, you obviously couldn’t resist. the sooner you get what you want the better.
the inside of the tattoo shop was pretty cold since it was crazy hot outside and it made a nice contrast of temperature to cool down. you entered the shop all sweaty, greeted the girl sitting behind the counter and she walked to the last door in the hallway with you.
“your artist’s name is minjeong, she’s already waiting for you” the girl said and walked back to her seat and you knocked on the door before opening it. you came inside the room and closed the door behind you.
“y/n?” you hear a girl’s voice from the other side of the room right when you were looking around. your gaze stopped on the girl turned to you with her back.
“mhm” you nodded and walked to the chair where she was sitting. minjeong turned around and looked up at you. she noticed you were a bit sweaty even though you were wearing a revealing and light outfit, that means the weather outside was extremely hot.
your eyes widened slightly as soon as you got a chance to look at your new tattoo artist. she was hot. she was doing something with tattoo machine and her hands looked so attractive.. her light soft skin, the way her hands was shaped and the veins were visible like that. oh and her face. you’ve never seen someone prettier in your life. the way her puppy-like eyes were looking at you, her a bit tired and careless gaze makes her look so handsome..
“you’re staring” minjeong chuckles at the way you were checking her out and scanning her face. well she did the same, but you were too busy looking at her to notice that.
“oh! sorry.. im sorry” you quickly realised that you were being a bit weird with checking her out like that, you didn’t even know each other. you felt how your hands started getting sweaty and you looked down at minjeong again. “should i sit on the couch?” you asked.
“yeah, sit down. i’ll get the paint..” minjeong nodded and stood up from her seat to walk towards the cupboard to get the rest of the materials. she searched through it and took a little bottle of the black tattoo paint out and showed it to you. “you’re getting a black tattoo, right?”
“yes, just a simple black one” you answered and placed your bag on the couch next to you. minjeong get back on her seat and gently grabbed your hand to transfer the sketch she did earlier on your skin.
“it’ll be a bit painful, try not to move, darling” minjeong said and before you could close your eyes you felt a slight pain on your skin. fuck why would she call you darling that was so hot.
“so you wanna fuck with her?” you were already outside, drinking alcohol with your friends in some stupid club. you got your tattoo done almost 7 hours ago and now you were talking about how hot minjeong was and how she called you darling.
“what?!” you looked at your friend, eyes full of shock and mouth wide open to say anything else but you couldn’t find a word.
“of course she does” your other friend rolled her eyes and chuckled at your reaction since it was pretty clear from your words and the way you were acting all day that you liked minjeong. you find her very attractive. well who wouldn’t tbh.
“i need you both to shut the fuck up that’s so embarrassing!”
“nothing embarrassing about the fact that you have a crush on your new tattoo artist! that’s completely normal.” your friend said and took a sip of her drink. you just wanted to say something in response but you spotted her. sitting on the sofa in a private zone of the club with the less people around, drinking her cocktail or whatever it was, talking with some good looking girl… you suddenly felt jealous. you needed minjeong to get all her attention on you. only you. you wanted her, she looked so handsome in this casual ass outfit with black t-shirt and gray jeans.. what the fuck? why does she have to look this hot right now when you were drunk and couldn’t control yourself?
“gotta go” you said before you finished your drink in one sitting and stood up from your place. your friends already knew where you were going and what you wanted to do because they spotted minjeong right after you started staring at her like obsessed puppy.
you walked to the private zone through the crowd of drunk people. not so suddenly you were stopped by a security guard and tried to explain that you knew the girl sitting right there behind his back, but he won’t listen until minjeong spotted you. your eyes met and she smirked almost unnoticeable for your vision. minjeong stood up, walked to the security guard and whispered something to him and he finally stepped back to let you in.
“hey, what are you doing here?” minjeong leaned closer to your ear and touched your lower back gently to lead you to the sofa where she was sitting before. you looked at her, the way she was touching you so gently and so slightly so you could barely feel it.. you needed more. maybe you drank too much or maybe you liked minjeong even though you met her just few hours ago. it doesn’t matter right now. all that matters was her hand almost on your ass.
“i was just drinking with my friends” you shrugged your shoulders and sat down on the couch where minjeong led you right next to the girl she was chatting with when you spotted her. “and you..?”
“just having fun” minjeong answered and helded you a drink.
“i can tell, yeah” you looked at the girl. she was wearing shot red dress, you couldn’t help but admit that she was gorgeous to say at least. you felt another pinch of jealousy.
“oh no, no.. it’s my friend, chaewon” minjeong introduced her friend to you and you nodded at her with a slight smile to not look like a crazy jealous jerk. chaewon smiled at you as well. you could tell by the way she was looking at you that she knew something. knew why you came here when you saw minjeong.
you don’t remember how you ended up like that.. maybe you drank too much and forgot about everything, maybe you didn’t want to remember because it doesn’t matter. all that matters now is the fact that you were sitting on minjeong’s lap, your legs on the both sides of her lap, your hands wrapped around her neck. you wanted to kiss her so bad. you wanted to taste her, hear those wet sounds while you were kissing her so passionately.
“please let me kiss you... minjeong, please..” you literally begged her. you wanted more of her touch, wanted her lips on yours, wanted to feel her lips on your skin.
“so you’re begging now, darling? so impatient, huh?” minjeong moved her hand lower on your back to harshly grab your ass. you gasped in surprise but that doesn’t mean you weren’t enjoying the way she was touching you. minjeong was scanning your face expression, the way your body was reacting to her touch and she smirked. “wanna kiss me?”
“yes minjeong, yes” you nodded quickly. you looked so pathetic. the way you were asking for her kiss like that, the way you were looking at her with those needy eyes.. you wanted to make her know you wanted her so badly.
“you’re so cute” minjeong pulled you closer to her face and kissed you. you closed your eyes immediately, pulling her closer to you, you wanted your body to be pressed against hers as close as possible. your hands moved from the back of her neck to her shoulders, you tried to keep yourself still on top of her.
nobody was paying attention to you two. people were drunk, they were dancing and who the fuck cares about two girls on the vip section eating each other’s faces? it happens all the time.
you felt minjeong’s another hand on your ass and opened your eyes in shock when she moved your upper body on top of her lap. you started rubbing on her lap almost instinctly.
“such a nasty girl..” minjeong spoke against your skin. she was kissing your neck, slowly moving lower to your collarbone and biting it slightly as she continued moving you on top of her.
“couldn’t help it” you let out a quiet moan. the fabric of her jeans against your thin underwear and your wet clenching pussy felt so nice. how could you manage to get so wet by just kissing her? fuck she was so attractive like that, so gorgeous under you. the way she touched you just like she was born for that, like you were made for each other.
minjeong suddenly stopped your movements and hold you on top of her, but she couldn’t stop kissing you. “we need to get somewhere more private, don’t you think?”
you groaned annoyed which made minjeong chuckle at your reaction and gently stroke your cheek. “come on” she helped you stood up and you both started walking towards the exit of this stupid club. oh this night is gonna be fun.
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author note: it’s my first time EVER writing something more into smut and suggestive related and i know that was short and maybe poorly written and the relationships between those two were super quick but lol i tried
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sidekick-hero · 7 months
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(steddie | teen | 2.5k | tags: different first meeting, emotional hurt/comfort | summary: What happens when Steve meets Eddie Munson, who has just failed his senior year for the first time, during one of his nightly drives? | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is asking, "do you want a blanket?" by @thefreakandthehair | AO3)
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Steve's life was completely turned upside down (theoretically he sees the humor in this, but in practice the trauma trumps the pun) six months and six days ago when he came face-to-face with a honest-to-God inter-dimensional monster and barely survived to not tell the tale thanks to an airtight and frankly scary NDA.
He should be over it by now, right? He shouldn't be waking up screaming, drenched in his own sweat and shaking all over, his heart racing in his chest and his stomach in his throat.
Well, he's not. He doesn't get over it. The nightmares don't go away. If anything, he feels like they're getting worse, his mind adding horrible details and things that didn't happen, but could have, to keep torturing him.
He's a fucking mess.
Steve Harrington is a mess. His grades are slipping, on their way to joining his social status at rock bottom, and even his performance as co-captain of the swim team and basketball team is suffering from lack of sleep.
The only thing he has going for him is Nancy. Nancy, who doesn't understand that Steve just wants to get over the horror and the paranoia, just wants his life back, just wants to be normal again.
She doesn't say it outright, but he knows she thinks he's selfish, too self-centered to care about anything but himself. Sure, he's made amends with Jonathan and cut ties with Tommy and Carol, but deep down, Nancy doesn't think he's changed all that much. He's not Jonathan, he's not mature and monosyllabic and introspective. Just dumb little Steve, pretty to look at but not much else to offer.
These are the things he ponders during his late-night drives when another nightmare keeps him awake. It's impossible to fall asleep with terror pumping through his veins, so instead he climbs into his car and just drives. Some nights he will drive for hours, music playing softly from one of his tapes, Queen, Springsteen, Tears For Fears, Bon Jovi.
Tonight his drive takes him to the edge of town, right where a dirt road leads to the quarry. Steve has no idea why, but something makes him actually leave the main road and turn onto it. He follows it where it leads into the woods, slowing down on the bumpy road until he sees the dense cluster of trees open up to reveal a glimpse of the starry night sky. The path seems to open up into a clearing, and just there, to the right, Steve spots an old van.
He knows the car, has seen it often enough in the parking lot of Hawkins High to know that it belongs to none other than Eddie Munson, local drug dealer and freak.
At least that's what everyone keeps calling him, and sure, the guy seems a little weird, with his speeches on cafeteria tables, his dramatic antics in and out of class. He certainly doesn't look like most of the other kids, with his ripped jeans (clearly from wear and tear rather than fashion sense), long, unruly curls, and loud shirts advertising bands Steve has never heard of. People also shit on him for his father and for living in a trailer park, but none of that sounds particularly freaky to Steve.
Knowing what he does now, though, it worries him to think of Munson all alone out here where anything could happen to him. He doesn't know Munson, just about him, but Steve couldn't live with himself if he came to school on Monday and found Munson missing. One person has already died because of his carelessness, and no one deserves to suffer the same fate as Nancy's friend Barb.
Parking his car right next to Munson's, Steve climbs out and walks around the car to the trunk to pick up the nail bat that saved his life and the lives of Nancy and Jonathan. Then he makes his way to the opening of the clearing ahead.
Stepping out of the trees, Steve stops to take in the sight before him.
Above him stretches the inky expanse of the night sky, a seemingly endless void painted with a myriad of distant stars. The moonlight danced along the jagged edges of the quarry, revealing the vastness of the rocky landscape below in a silvery glow. The only sound that broke the silence of the night was the occasional soft rustle of leaves. The air was crisp and clean, carrying with it a hint of earthiness from the rocky terrain. In this secluded enclave, far from the lights of the city, the stars were front and center, and Steve felt unbelievably small.
With his shoulders hunched over his ears and his arms slung protectively around his knees, the figure sitting on the edge of the cliff looks even smaller than he feels.
It seems that Munson didn't even hear his car approaching, and that makes Steve's hair stand on end because it means that anyone, anything could have snuck up on him. It's not safe.
Steve approaches cautiously, trying his best not to startle the other boy and cause him to fall to his certain death.
"Munson?" He asks softly, quietly, but to no avail. It still causes Munson to flail in surprise, and only Steve's quick reflexes keep him from falling over the edge. With his knees still smarting from the sudden drop to the ground, Steve has his arm wrapped around the other boy, and both of them are panting from the shock.
"Fuck, man, are you trying to kill me?" Munson's voice quavers too much to be truly biting.
Steve carefully loosens his grip on Munson and leans back to sit on his haunches. Running a slightly trembling hand through his hair, he can't help but bite back. "If you paid more attention to what was going on around you, you would have heard me coming. I wasn't really trying to be subtle. It's like you want to get killed."
Munson scoots away from the edge of the cliff and climbs to his feet to look down at Steve and the nail bat he dropped when he made a grab for the other boy. He raises a judgmental eyebrow, causing Steve's defenses to go up in an instant.
They look at each other, brown meeting hazel, until Munson breaks the silence. "By someone walking around with a nail-studded bat, you mean?"
"I wasn't going to hit you with it!" And crap, abort Harrington, abort.
Now both eyebrows look at him questioningly. "And who, pray tell, pissed off King Steve enough to deserve this kind of treatment?"
"No one! For God's sake, I thought you might be in danger and wanted to be prepared in case you were." Then he adds, "After what happened to Will Byers and Barbara Holland, you'd think people in this town would be more careful instead of hanging out in the woods in the middle of the night."
Ed-No, Munson's eyes soften at his explanation. "Shit, sorry man. You're right, I guess." Shuffling his feet, he offers his own explanation for his harsh reaction. "Just had a shitty day, I guess. I shouldn't have bitten your head off for trying to look out for me. Although I never thought King Steve would ride in on his white horse to save the school freak from unimaginable evil."
"White horse? What, like a knight? Does that make you the damsel in distress, Munson?"
Munson gets a strange look on his face at Steve's words, and before he knows what's happening, the guy pretends to faint right into his arms. He catches him just before he hits the ground and feels how cold the boy's body is in his thin t-shirt. "My savior," Munson croons, and Steve rolls his eyes at his antics. Still not a freak, but definitely weird.
Instead of dignifying this with an answer, Steve says, "You're freezing, man. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night anyway?"
Dark brown eyes search his, and Steve thinks he's never seen such expressive eyes. He can read a myriad of emotions in them and he doesn't even know the guy. Sadness, caution, defeat, and something he's seen in the mirror a lot in the last few months: fear.
"I bet you have better things to do than listen to my sad little problems. Can't imagine you're just running around town rescuing damsels in distress now, I'm sure you have places to be, a kingdom to rule..."
"Could you just drop the whole 'King Steve' crap, man? I'm not him. Not anymore. Even if nobody seems to have gotten the memo."
"Okay, woah, sorry, man. I didn't know this was such a touchy subject."
"Do you want me to call you a freak and make assumptions about you based solely on high school gossip?"
"I don't know, don't you?"
"I'm trying not to. You don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want to. I'm just saying... I know what it's like when you can't stand lying in your bed staring at the ceiling any longer. Wanting to get out and leave whatever it is that's bothering you behind, but no matter how fast you drive, it keeps catching up with you."
He's rambling, he knows he is, he didn't plan on unburdening his heart to Eddie Munson of all people, but here they are.
"I failed senior year." Eddie finally admits in a small voice, not meeting Steve's eyes.
"Fuck, man. That sucks. Can you repeat it?"
"Sure. But I... God, everyone was right all along. I'm a failure, a fuckup. Just like my dad. A good-for-nothing waste of space. I haven't even told Wayne, I can't stand the look in his eyes when I tell him". There are tears in Eddie's eyes and Steve's heart breaks for him.
"Fuck!" Eddie shouts across the quarry and a flock of birds takes flight somewhere in the nearby woods. He's shaking again, and this time it's not from the adrenaline. Steve can't really take away any of the things that are weighing on Eddie, but he can offer him something else.
"Do you want a blanket?"
Eddie's doe eyes blink at him slowly, as if he's not sure he heard him right.
"You're only wearing a T-shirt, you must be cold." Eddie doesn't deny it. "Let me get you a blanket, then."
Another slow blink, and then, "If you're...sure?"
Steve gives him a smile that he hopes is warm and reassuring. "I'm sure." He walks over to his BMW and takes the nail bat with him, exchanging it for the blanket that he keeps in the trunk of his car at all times. Tommy H. calls it the "baby maker blanket," which is so typical of Tommy that Steve wonders why he was hanging out with him at all. Maybe because he was a friend to Steve when no one else would be.
But maybe he won't tell Eddie about the blanket's history. Anyway, it's freshly washed and smells only of his detergent.
Handing it to the boy, Steve says, "There you go," before turning to walk back to his car.
"Where are you going?"
When Steve turns back, Eddie is sitting on the ground with the blanket around his shoulder, one end held open as if inviting Steve to join him.
"Back home?" It's not supposed to sound like a question, but some of his reluctance to leave seeps into it anyway. He doesn't want to go home to his empty house and bed, afraid to close his eyes in case the nightmares come back.
"Look, you don't have to, of course, but if you want, you can stay and tell me what brought you here in the middle of the night. Or not. We could just sit here in silence, totally fine with me."
Steve snorts, because even though this is the first time he's had a conversation with Eddie, he can already tell that silence doesn't come easy to him.
"If you're sure," he repeats Eddie's words back to him as he makes his way over to him.
"I'm sure," Eddie says firmly, wrapping the blanket around Steve as soon as he sits down next to him.
Many things surprised Steve that night, but most of all how comfortable the silence between him and Eddie had felt as they watched the stars until they gave way to the rising sun.
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They never talked about that night again, the polite nods in the halls all the acknowledgment they allowed for what had happened.
But when Steve walks across the stage to receive his diploma in 1985, he notices Eddie's absence and his heart aches for him. He had been looking forward to seeing Eddie walk across the stage next to him, to give him a smile, a wink. Maybe even ask him out for a celebratory beer, if he's being completely honest with himself.
The sad truth is: Steve had no one to spend his graduation with, no girlfriend, no friends, just a 13-year-old know-it-all whose bedtime didn't really allow for any kind of grown-up celebration. Eddie was his only hope of not being alone tonight.
That's probably why he's heading out to the quarry again that night, bat and blanket in tow.
It's a shot in the dark, and at the same time it's not. Because there Eddie is, sitting on the edge again, small and defeated, and just as alone as Steve. Without a word, Steve joins him on the ground and wraps the blanket around them both.
"I'm sorry."
Eddie's warm weight settles against him. "Me too." Silence falls between them, and Steve thinks that's all they'll say, but then Eddie nudges his shoulder with his own and says, "I'm sorry, too. About Wheeler."
"Me too."
Steve thinks that even if he's not a poet, there's something symbolic in the way they both watch the sun rise again over the quarry.
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The next time he wrapped the blanket around Eddie, it was again in the middle of the night. Only this time, Eddie is unconscious in the back of his car while Steve races to the hospital, praying to any God who will listen that this will not be the last time.
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It isn't. Not by a long shot. Getting the blood out is not easy, but with Joyce's help he manages. The blanket is there when physical therapy is especially grueling, when they both sit on the porch of Eddie's new trailer, Steve holding Eddie under the blanket's protective cover.
It's there when Steve moves in with the Munsons and gets a special place on Eddie's bed, though they never make love on it. The blood was hard enough to get out, and the material doesn't look like it can take much more deep cleaning.
They take it with them when they move to their apartment in Chicago, and it's there for every bad day either of them has.
Their blanket finds its final purpose, however, with the arrival of their daughter, April. From the day their little bundle of joy moves in with them, she sleeps wrapped in the foundation of Steve and Eddie's love.
Steve may not be a poet, that's Eddie's job, but he appreciates the symbolism all the same.
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gurugirl · 1 year
A Good Boy | The Morning After
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Summary: What happens the morning after Harry and Y/n wake up together. Did Leo hear them? Has their secret been exposed?
A/n: This is the first little check-in to give you guys something to hold on to until I get into some more substantial ones. This is a glimpse of what happens the morning after they've made a commitment to one another while they're still on vacation in Greece. ALSO - This is stepmon!reader x stepson!harry - both are adults in this story but don't read if you don't like it.
Word Count: 2360 (she's short but relevant)
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, cheating, lying, smut, age gap (-7 years)
A Good Boy Masterlist
The morning after Tyler had caught them Y/n snuck out of the room first, leaving Harry with a soft kiss and blazing hot cheeks after what they’d just done.
“Where were you?” Leo’s voice suddenly caught her off guard as she gripped the coffee carafe so it didn’t fall from her already shaky hand. Shaky because she had no idea what she was going to be facing once she saw Leo. Had he heard her and Harry?
“I slept in one of the guest rooms. Didn’t want to disturb you when I went to bed because seemed like you really needed to sleep,” she half lied. She was definitely in one of the guest rooms. But she was most certainly not sleeping alone.
“I called for you and everything. Was downstairs looking for you too,” he scratched the back of his head and chuckled, “but I guess I was pretty sloshed. Barely remember much else.”
She gulped down the sand in her throat and licked her lips. So he didn’t hear them. Or if he did he couldn’t remember it.  Either way. This bought her time to get her affairs in order and figure out the best way to break to him the news.
They had been careless the night before but part of her thought that if he did hear them, that would get the ball rolling. Surely that would be one way of delivering the news to Leo. But she preferred to tell him on her own time when they were both ready, prepared. The truth was going to come out. She was in love, and playing around with his son in secret needed to come to an end as soon as possible. Because it was no longer play. They were serious about one another. It was insane but they were going to make it work. However, best after vacation, she figured.
“He didn’t overhear us.” She closed the door to the room Harry was in and stepped toward him.
He let out a breath in relief, “Thank fuck. But now what? What’s the plan for the rest of our time here? And then after?”
Y/n stood to her toes and draped her arms over his shoulder as he grabbed her by her waist, “We’ll tell him after vacation. Once we figure out a plan. I’m not going to be sleeping with him or next to him again. I do need to at least make that clear to him soon.”
“You could bring up Parker to him? Tell him you heard him talking to her.”
Grinning she nodded, “Actually, that’s a great idea. Tell him I know he’s started to get feelings for her. That can be the excuse.”
Leo did try to initiate sex, as was expected, but she’d already made up her mind that she was with Harry. She wouldn’t be sleeping with Leo again. Ever again. And Harry’s idea about using Parker as an excuse was perfect.
“What’s wrong?” Leo asked after she nudged him away from her. He’d tried hugging her and kissing her neck but she moved out of his arms and said no.
“I just…” she had to really put on her best act. Even though she didn’t care one bit about Parker she needed to state what she was about to say in such a way that it would put the kibosh on his advances again, “overheard you on the phone. With Parker. And… you’re allowed to do what you wan–“
“What? How?” He stopped in his tracks, a surprised expression, eyes wide.
“I was in the bathroom the other morning and you were on the balcony and I heard everything you said clearly because the window was open.”
Leo let his eyes wander to the edge of the bedroom in thought as he began to nod.
“And anyway… you can sleep with whom you want. We agreed to that but, Leo,” she paused until he finally looked back at her, “it sounds like… I don’t know… kind of like it’s more than just sex with her. And if that’s true then that crosses a boundary I’m not comfortable with.”
Leo was quiet for a bit as he paced back and forth. Y/n could see he was figuring out how to respond. He finally stopped and turned to look at her, “What exactly did you hear?”
She sighed for dramatic effect, “That you missed her, called her honey, said something about how many more days it would be, and that you wished it was her that was here with you.”
Blinking his eyes and looking down at his feet he nodded to himself, “Wow. I…” he looked back at his wife and ran a hand through his hair, “Y/n I’m sorry you heard that. It wasn’t… I don’t know what to say. Maybe we can talk about this when we get back home,” he took her hands in his, “Let’s not let this ruin our vacation. Okay?”
It was a sweet gesture, she felt. He wasn’t normally so gentle about things and she could tell he felt bad. Perhaps this could work in her favor. In their favor.
It was also the perfect excuse to not sleep in bed with him. She moved her clothes to the guest bedroom and Leo didn’t question it once.
And Harry was relieved his dad hadn’t overheard them. Having a little more time to figure out everything would be ideal for them both. He was set to graduate at the end of Fall that year, which meant he’d have his degree and he could get a good job. He imagined both he and Y/n renting a small apartment, whatever they could afford because he was sure his dad would cut him off once he did find out the truth.
Everyone, including Tyler, noticed the sudden change in Leo. He withdrew slightly but was polite and kind. Y/n felt a little guilty about it but it was better than Leo knowing about her and Harry and trying to finish off the vacation with that hanging over them.
But both Y/n and Harry couldn’t have been happier deep down. They maintained a healthy distance from one another during the day or anytime Leo was around. Which turned out to be a bit harder than they realized. Because once they’d both admitted their feelings they just wanted to indulge in the newness. It didn’t stop the lingering glances or quick whispers with promises, a cheeky hidden pinch, or hot stolen kisses.
And once the lights were off and everyone was in their rooms, Harry would join Y/n in her room, or she in his with the door closed and locked.
Keeping quiet was no fun but being able to imbibe in one another every night and every morning before they parted was worth covered mouths and muted moans.
Harry woke up feeling warm with Y/n’s back against his chest. She was sighing and slowly fidgeting under the sheets as she was just beginning to rouse from her own slumber.
He grinned to himself as he inhaled her scent and brought a hand up over her bare arm, “Morning.”
Her eyes were still closed when she heard his raspy tired voice in her ear, “Morning.”
Waking up early was not something either of them enjoyed, but it had been worth it to savor one another before the day began. Before anyone else woke up.
Harry’s warm hand traveled down her hip and over her thigh with purpose as she felt his mouth sponge wet kisses on her neck. Reaching behind her to pull his arm to her front she brought his hand up to her bare breasts.
They didn’t even need to say a word to know what would come next. Y/n reached down to lazily rub her clit when she felt Harry’s cock digging into her bum.
She barely even needed to touch herself to get worked up. Harry’s lips on her neck and his hand manipulating and pinching her nipples were quite enough.
Angling her hips and pressing herself back onto Harry he felt her wetness and groaned softly as he lifted her thigh and placed his cock to her wet hole, pushing through the tight muscle as he continued kissing the sensitive skin on her neck.
Stunted thrusts into her pussy were met with her own hips pushing herself down over him. Harry began to whine at the way his tip was being fucked and how tight she felt on him. It was hard to get in long deep strokes in that position but for Harry, it was sending him over the edge too fast, “Gonna come… fuck!” He spoke his words in a frantic whisper.
Y/n’s mouth dropped open when she felt him suddenly throbbing and pumping into her as he stilled his hips and tightened his grip on her thigh. He gasped and pasted his lips over her neck to keep himself quiet as he came inside of her embarrassingly fast.
When he lifted his face from her neck he groaned, “Sorry, Y/n. I didn’t mean to come so fast. Felt so good…”
Grinning she turned her head and moved herself so she was on her back and Harry was next to her, “It’s okay. You’ve been so good.” She spread her legs as a hint for him to finish her off.
Harry breathed out a shallow laugh as he watched her lift her hips and lick her lips, “I try to be good for you. I can still make you come,” he grabbed her thigh, positioning himself in between her legs, pushing them apart to watch his orgasm slowly drip out of her pussy. Pressing his fingers into the warm come he pressed it back into her, watching the filthy act as his fingers disappeared into her.
She moaned as he began to curl his fingers and stroke her insides slowly. He looked from her eyes to where he was fingering her, his digits coated in her arousal and his creamy come. A bit of sperm dripped down her ass he plunged his fingers in and pulled out.
“Fuck, baby. You like fucking your come back into me with your fingers?” She whispered her words.
“It’s so pretty,” he moaned his words and then lowered his face to suck on her clit and lick over her in wide, flat strokes with his hot tongue.
The moment his head was in between her thighs she pushed her hand into his hair and gripped a hold tight, “Good boy… right there. Don’t let your come go to waste, baby.”
She loved watching him eat her out. But he was good at it too, now that he’d learned exactly what she liked the most, “Yes… Lick it like that. Uughh… fuck…” She didn’t dare throw her head back like her body wanted. Instead, she kept her eyes locked on Harry’s lewd act. His mouth sucking and licking her (and consequently himself) up, his fingers pumping into her.
Harry pressed his shoulders into the back of her thighs and began digging in as deep and hard as he could like she liked. Her soft pants and gasps in the room, and the slick, sticky sound of her pussy being eaten were surely quiet enough for the early morning stillness of the house.
 And when she came she covered her mouth and squeezed her eyes closed, dropping her head back into the pillow against her will. She had wanted to keep her eyes on her pretty boy but he had her coming so hard her body shook and the will to keep her eyes open wasn’t strong enough to overcome her body’s natural inclination.
Harry softly licked over her as he watched her heave and tremble under him. He loved gently tonguing at her clit until she pushed him away when she couldn’t handle it anymore.
She softly giggled and bucked her hips up, sliding away from his mouth with droopy lids and a lopsided smile as Harry sat up, “How was it?”
Rolling her eyes she pulled him over her body to glue their mouths together as an answer. It was good. It was always good. She and Harry had an intrinsic connection. Something that couldn’t be forced or imagined. It was real and natural. This was her lover, her man, her soulmate.
Ending their vacation in Greece was bittersweet. Of course, it was time to get back to reality.
“I’m gonna be sad when I can’t have you in my bed every night,” Harry spoke as he sat on her bed next to the suitcase she was stuffing with her clothes. They had another hour before the driver was to pick them up and bring them to the airport for their long day of travel back to California.
“I know, baby. Me too. I think Leo isn’t going to question me being gone more often, though. Knowing what I know about how he feels about Parker. So I was thinking maybe every couple of days I could go to your dorm? Stay with you?”
That would have to do. Until they could figure out how to tell Leo.
“And how long do we do that until we finally tell him?” Harry watched her put her shoes into a shoe bag before placing it on top of the pile of clothes.
“I don’t know. Maybe Tuesday night I can come over and you and I can really discuss our plan. With you graduating soon, that might be something to factor in, you know?”
He nodded, “Yeah. We could rent an apartment together. I’ll get a job.”
“And me too. I’m gonna start looking for work,” she looked at the young man and stopped what she was doing, placing herself in between his legs and sticking her fingers into his curls, “This won’t be easy but it’s gonna be worth it. I love you.”
Harry tilted his head back and closed his eyes to bask in the feel of her fingers on his scalp. He smiled and hummed before opening his eyes to look back at her, “I know it’ll be worth it. I love you too.”
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oneofstarkskids · 6 months
don't say that (part 2)
part 1
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
genre: angst angst angst!!
warnings: cheating, lying, !TOXIC RELATIONSHIP!
summary: based on taylor swift's song question
*not my gif*
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You had decided to stay with Bucky, if only to keep him from damaging himself.
Even if it meant you were being broken down in the process.
He kept true to his promises, insisting that he break up with her. It should've made you feel better, but it didn't.
Seeing how much pain she was in only made you feel worse.
It didn't help that you'd lost sight of who you were and now your whole world seemed to revolve around him.
Neither of you were fit to love one another. It was as if you were pieces of broken glass and your shattered edges didn't match up.
You hated the whole fucking situation.
And given the circumstances, how could you really be happy?
You'd thought that you'd made it obvious that you didn't want your friends to know about the relationship just yet.
His break up was fairly recent still and you didn't want them to think badly of you.
Bucky had even agreed, but somewhere along the line he'd told Sam and Sam told everyone else. Natasha hadn't spoken to you in weeks.
A part of you wanted to be upset with Bucky, but the other part just blamed it on miscommunication.
You didn't need an explanation.
It was late and Bucky had just had a long day of assignments. His arm was draped over your side and his cold nose was pressed against your neck.
He was already half asleep, but you were staring into the darkness of your bedroom, wide-awake.
"Can I ask you a question?" You whispered.
He hummed sleepily.
The words rolled over in your mind for a moment. You didn't want to upset him, but you thought you'd made your stance clear. What he did today proved otherwise.
You were hanging out with the team. Steve had just gotten back from his solo mission and wanted to tell everyone about it.
Bucky walked in and saw you sitting on the couch. Natasha was standing against the wall watching him.
Bucky leaned down and kissed you in front of everyone. It was so sudden and you didn't know how to react.
At first, the team was shocked. They'd heard the dating rumors, but they didn't expect this level of public affection from the former Winter Soldier.
After a few seconds though, Clint started slow clapping. "Real cute, now get a room." Clint Barton, always the sarcastic jackass.
You turned your head away from Bucky and focused on what Steve was saying. However, Natasha's disapproving expression didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Why did you do that today?" You asked quietly.
Bucky still had his eyes closed. "Do what?" He asked in a sleepy voice.
"Kiss me in front of everyone like that."
"Because I love you," he kissed your shoulder.
"I know, but I thought we agreed to keep the relationship thing a little private," you said with a sigh.
Now Bucky was awake.
"Why does it matter? Everyone already knows," he said in defense.
You sat up, annoyed by his careless attitude, "It matters because we agreed! Did you see Natasha's face?"
Bucky sat up too and pulled you onto his lap. He rubbed your back as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I didn't want to hurt her, Bucky," you said guilty.
He kissed your temple, "I know, doll."
You got up and went into the bathroom, needing time away from Bucky. Every second you spent in his arms made you feel worse and worse.
Of course, he got up and started knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"
When he didn't get a response, he opened the door anyway.
You were sitting on the edge of the tub with your head in your hands. You were regretting everything.
He stood in front of you not knowing what to do, "C'mon babe, can we please go back to bed. We can figure this out tomorrow."
You shook your head and ignored his pleas, "It's all too much."
"What's too much? I'm here. Tell me. I'll fix it," he crouched down to your level and held your hands in his.
"No, Bucky. You can't fix it. I just...I need to be alone tonight," you told him with tears in your eyes. "Please."
His jaw twitched, but after a long moment he got up without a word and went into the bedroom. You came out a few minutes later to see him, fully dressed, and grabbing his keys.
He walked out before you could say another word, making sure to slam the door as he left. He hadn't even put up a fight.
The only sound left in your apartment was the soft shuttering breath of your sobs.
tags for those who asked in part 1:
@immyowndefender @ozwriterchick @vicmc624 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer
thanks for reading, guys! <3
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txttletale · 8 months
Overly long disclaimer incoming: This is not anon hate. This is not an argument. This is not accusation. This is not agreement with anyone directly involved. Any feelings of hostility that may be gleaned from this ask are most likely because I struggle with maintaining a professional tone. Because this is not intended to be read as hostile.
This is solely intended as a statement of facts regarding who said what, mixed with light speculation on their intent. It is being sent because I feel that misinterpretation has occurred, and I firmly believe that one should always be as informed as possible on situations they are directly involved in. I hope this ask can make a positive difference.
Okay. Disclaimer over. Sorry it was so long.
I do not think roadhogsbigbelly accused you of being a pedophile yourself, and I don’t believe it was because of your stardew valley take.
I have seen several of his posts on this matter, and it seems he doesn’t like stardew valley (found it boring), his beef with your take was frankly minor and inconsequential, and it was intended to be separate from the larger critique he had of you. He made a few posts saying rather explicitly that they were separate issues, and I believe his initial post was a vagueblog that, on accident, conflated the two issues.
As for the main issue: if i recall correctly, you had reblogged a kink-positive post that turned out to have been made by an open zoophile (and also pedophile?). The zoophile in question is a clear danger to others, as they have a community of pedophiles and zoophiles that welcomes so-called “pro-contact” people.
This was where his accusations originated from, and this was what he focused on. He is concerned about how dangerous people like that are able to infiltrate into kink-positive spaces (is “infiltrate” the right word? I don’t know). His harshest critique of you seems to have been that you did not interrogate the intent of the person when you reblogged, and even that seems to have been mostly expressed in order to turn this into a learning moment for others. I don’t have precise wording (curse you tumblr mobile, for not letting me factcheck myself), but i believe he shared the sentiment that we all could stand to be a little more discerning?
- and I know he knows you have already responded to that criticism. For those unaware: txtlletale’s response was that she cannot be expected to vet the OP of every post on her dash, and that this criticism is thus unreasonable. His response to that response? … I forget, sorry. But I don’t think what you said was unreasonable. Again, my intent is to clear misunderstandings.
The point here is that, I don’t believe “accidentally reblogged a pedophile” and “is a pedophile” are the same statements, and roadhogsbigbelly had made the former statement. In short… I don’t think he was pedojacketing you. Whether he had unfairly judged you, and done so out of a transmisogynistic bias is, of course, a different question entirely. And if anyone else used his words to directly accuse you of pedophilia? Well, fuck em. Assholes.
I hope this makes sense. This ask is anonymous because I do not wish to become the focus of this issue. I am solely presenting information as I understand it. Feel free to fact check for yourself.
I think your anger is valid. These situations are infuriating, as is the culture of distrust that they bring. People on social media are, in general, far too swift to condemnation. You see it all the time, with pedojacketing, with qanon, with countless petty internet arguments. I try my best to reverse this tendency, at least with my own behavior. I don’t think you are a careless person, nor someone with a pattern of spurious accusations against people. I know you’re an intelligent and discerning blogger, which is why I trust you enough to send this ask. I hope I can have a positive impact.
have a good day, and take care of yourself.
(Considering sending an ask about this to him as well, so if you see a weird anon on his blog talking about misinformation hi its me)
i just don't agree with you--like, i don't say this aggressively either but this is just not an honest description of what he said. he called me, verbatim: "a tumblr user who markets incest and loliporn as an inherent part of queer sexuality". nothing in the screenshot mentioned "loliporn" -- nothing i have ever posted about in my fucking live mentions "loliporn" -- and for that matter, obviously, in none of my posts have i ever said that any kink, 'problematic' or not, is 'an inherent part of queer sexuality', and most fucking evilly of all, i don't 'market' these kinks.
like, think for two seconds about the implication of saying i, a trans woman, am "marketing loliporn". i think that goes beyond criticizing that i didn't vet my reblogs (which would obviously be insane in and of itself but i agree would not be pedojacketing). it's literal grooming/social contagion rhetoric. and again i can't emphasize enough he "just assumed" that "loliporn" was involved, despite it having no connection to anything i have ever posted! that + in his absolutely laughable double-down he says "99% of the people who make these sorts of posts are actual fucking pedophiles" as well as "pedophiles are agreeing with you! that’s not great!" which.
like wow that's crazy hey if 99% of people who make "those posts" (about "not being mean to sex freaks", or as i would phrase it, "criticizing the double standard leveraged to initiate mass sexual harassment campaigns against queer people but especially trans people for what they do privately and consensually with other adults" are "actual fucking pedophiles", what is that implying about me? can sherlock holmes get on this case with me?
idk i don't appreciate being told that "he never said 4" when he sure as hell was repeating "2+2" over and over again. & if his critique was 'intended to be separate' then why would he bring it up at all in his original post, multiple times, to clearly imply he doesn't think i should have 'takes' or 'opinions' on anything? regardless of what he did and didn't say about me i think it is pretty fucking clear that this:
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is not 'seperate or unrelated'. i think it is really really difficult and requires totally unearned levels of good faith to read this as anything other than explicitly confirming that the point of this post is to use transmisogynistic rhetoric as a cudgel to shut up me up.
you can believe what you like but i know what i read and what was said about me and i will not be lied to.
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Chapter 1 - Security breach
Note: My very own addition to Arkhamverse fics. The chapters would only loosely follow each other, so consider them to be more standalone ficlets. The reader is Catwoman's sidekick/adopted family with a bit of a background of her own. Special thanks to @thinkingofausername for discussing this fic with me. Adding @heavysighing-dreamyeyes and @deimks post-posting.
Warnings: mentions of abuse and torture
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You stalked through the dark and eerie corridors of Arkham Asylum. Weeks you have waited for this opportunity. After weeks of preparations, intel gathering and scratched furniture you’re finally here. You waited long for the perfect night, and it came today. The Arkham staff was busy locking Joker away and preening in front of Batman. They won’t even notice a small intervention. Funny, usually people would give everything to get out of Arkham Asylum. Not you though. There was someone locked away in the endless halls of the psych ward that you need to get out.
How could Selina be so careless?? Getting caught by Batman is one thing, but to get locked away in Arkham when usually she would outsmart the cops long before that would happen. Either she’s getting sloppy, or there’s more to it than meets the eye. More than worried though, you’re offended that she’s keeping things from you.
You were thieves, sure. Lying, stealing, conniving bitches… but you always had each other's backs. Ever since she found you curled up in a wet cardboard box in one of the nameless alleyways of Gotham City. The thought of her keeping things from you had you feeling uneasy.
You slinked through the vent into the much nicer corridor than the rest of the hallowed rooms in Arkham. This was a hallway leading to the director’s office. technically, you should have taken a different route through the ventilation system, but there was something you needed to take first. You’re sure Sel would more than appreciate this.
With the cameras momentarily disabled, you needed to be quick but as you walked through the corridor you heard voices getting closer. Quick as a wink, you leaped onto the ceiling, claws holding onto the wooden pilaster. You hoped the guards were stupid enough to not look up, you don’t have much time to play with them today.
Thankfully, the men armed with rifles stalked through the corridor pretty briskly, almost as if in a hurry.
Once the coast was clear, you dropped down onto the red carpet and looked around once more. Your tiny fleshlight dancing on the glass showcases.
You smiled in triumph once you found what you were looking for. The headpiece, the glasses, the gloves. All places are carefully arranged like a museum exhibit.
“Oh, a pressure-sensitive iron mantle, whatever shall I do?” You whispered to yourself dramatically before drawing a quick circle in the glass with your claws. You quickly watched the newly made glass disc as it fell out and started stuffing Selina’s belongings in your bag. Your pointy ears were perked for any upcoming sounds of danger but the place grew eerily quiet.
A shiver went down your spine. Something’s off. You couldn’t tell what but it was like a quiet before the storm.
Just as you were to hop on the ventilation bus once more you heard a voice through the speakers, and you’re as hell not one of the directors.
“Ladies and maniacs, I apologize for this interruption in your regular entertainment…”
Ah, fuck.
What seemed at first like the best night at infiltrating Arkham soon chose to be the worst. The asylum was on fire. There was no better way to say it. Joker took over the place and soon there were madmen everywhere. To your dismay, the shitstain also took over the security gates.
You kept running through the dark halls full of ingrates of the asylum and SWAT members, you weren’t particularly thrilled with meeting either of those. You sidestepped the bodies, trying to not ponder too much about the slaughterhouse you found yourself in.
Finally, you enter the Decontamination room, holding cells should be closed now. You hear some yelling as the room fills with prisoners.
“Oh, we’re gonna have with you, kitty cat.” One of them gives you a slimy sneer.
You smirk, “Oh, so do I.”
They all run up to you expecting and easy fight. Soon the room fills with their wails as your claws slice their flesh to ribbons. A well-aimed kick to the chest of one sends you flying onto the head of another. You use his head as a lever from which you kick everyone standing close. You bounce back off of him and let on your feet with grace. You straighten up hands raised but they’re all lying down. How disappointing…
A shadow passed over you and you recognize the bat-shaped cape. Shit, hopefully, he didn’t see you there. Relfexivelly you roll over to the next sliding door. The deeper you progress into the asylum the more you encounter green glowing graffiti of smiling faces.
Ugh. This is bad.
Thankfully she’s not in Extreme Isolation. Let’s see… section B2…section B2…
Your ears pick up on the sound of quiet, ragged breathing. All night, you heard the blasting of sirens, the thudding of boots, and maddened shouting. This is a new one. You keep listening to the stranger's stumbling steps, accompanied by strange shuffling. He must be leaning up against the wall.
You lower your head and raise your hands in a fighting posture, whoever it is they better not try anything funny. You hear them stumble, followed by a loud thud, then a small pathetic whine. You roll your eyes and round the corner. Whoever it is, they are more likely to threaten rats scuttling around than you, you just quickly knock them up and head to…
The moment your eyes lay on the stranger splayed on the floor, your stomach churns. It’s a man, rather small and frail one if you had to guess by the way the asylum uniform hangs on his body. A mop of matted, black hair sits on top of his head. Whatever skin you can see is either red or purple. You tentatively step closer, almost scared of what horrible things will closer proximity give you. At the sound of your heel clicking against the iron flooring, the stranger shakily pulls his head up, one blood-soaked eye staring at you in horror. He starts writhing uncontrollably, probably trying to shuffle away from you, but his body is so brutalized that all he can do is fumble in place.
“Hey…hey…calm down.” The soothing edge to your tone surprises even you, but it's hard to be intimidating when the man is so beaten up he might as well be a corpse.
Your words do not make him settle down, if anything, they agitate him even further. His movements get more erratic a quiet sobs that almost sound like a ‘no’ fall from his mouth.
You sigh. I don’t have time for this.
Nevertheless, you crouch in front of him, carefully placing your hands under his armpits to at least sit him against the wall. He tries to fight you, but there is no strength behind it. When you hold him so close, you note how bony he truly is.
“What the hell happened to you??” You mumble more to yourself than him, because at this point, you gave up hope of any conversation with him.
You grasp his chin, angling his face to get a good look at him. You try to keep your cool as you look upon a black eye so swollen you doubt he can see something, a broken nose, split lip, and sunken, bloodied mouth.
Your stomach lurches and you have to look away for a second, but then only draws your attention to the scarred arm desperately pawing at you. You notice a bloodied fingertip and upon closer inspection, you realize that this man’s nails were ripped off.
You have to squeeze your eyes for a moment, doing your hardest not to throw up or run away. You’ve seen your fair share of violence as Gotham’s criminal, but you’ve never encountered such blatant brutality.
The man’s ragged breaths bring you back to the present. Without further thinking, you put down the small backpack you brought with you and start pulling out the first aid essentials. You brought those for Selina, in case she’s roughened up from Gotham’s inmates, but whatever state she’s in, you doubt it’s as bad as this guy.
He’s mostly calm when you start wiping off the blood. No, not calm, unresponsive. He’s whole body is slack and he’s looking miles away, as if he’s mentally in a different place. Considering the naked fear in his eyes, it’s probably not a good place.
But you can’t do anything about that. You’re not a trained therapist. Hell, you’re not a trained medic, but here you are, wasting away precious resources on someone you don’t even know. Maybe he even won’t survive this night.
Yet, you continue. You find the reason behind his fall. His ankle is badly twisted. Thankfully you have experience with this type of injury.
“Uh, hey… your ankle is broken. I have to set it back. It’s uh…gonna hurt bad.” You shrug hopelessly because there’s no point in lying to him. Still, he doesn’t respond. You carefully lift his foot and place it against your thigh. You firmly grasp his ankle in one hand and his instep in the other and as quickly as you can, you twist. The bone falls back with a pop and he chokes out a painful wail. He tries to, at least. His scratched throat won’t allow more than broken wheezing. He probably wrecked his vocal cords from screaming and groaning.
You swallow bile in your throat and instead of dwelling on these thoughts, you start hauling him up. As you walk, you decide to drop this dude off somewhere safe, as safe as anywhere on Arkham island could be, and then speed off to Selina. Just a small detour. She spent two months at Arkham, she could wait another hour.
A bunch of criminals drop from the ceiling.
Or two.
Jason wasn’t sure if the girl was real, or if she was just another hallucination born from his broken mind.
This whole day could be just a dream. When the clown didn’t show up for his usual bound of torture, he assumed that the inmates of the asylum would take their turns with him. He had presented a perfect opportunity for anyone to have fun with him, with the injuries he sported from his last torture session, but the inmates he met on his way from his wing of the asylum, just passed him without even a glance. For whatever reason, that made his eyes sting with fresh tears. He’s not worthy of even that after all. Batman left him for dead, and so did Joker. What had kept him from curling up in a ball and waiting for death?
Because he waited for death for months now, and it didn’t come. Only pain pain and more pain on the top of sick games the clown played on him. He hoped that if not freedom he might as well end it on his own ends. Jason will greet the grim reaper halfway.
Instead of a skeleton with a scythe, he met a small girl with cat ears. And now said girl is throwing his barely functioning body onto a nearby hospital bed while Gotham's worst is running towards her with raised fists. Jason had to suppress the involuntary whimper that dragged its way through his throat. Too many times they walked up to him, tied to a chair, itching for a fight. This time, it wasn’t his nose getting smashed in or his head put in a swivel.
He watched as you beat up every single man who approached you, body fluid, and shoulders relaxed. Like a dancer, or a cat. One man that got too close to him got his throat garroted by your whip and thrown away like a rag doll.
A glint in the corner of his eye caught his attention. One of the prisoners feigned unconsciousness while he pulled a knife, drawn to stab you in the back while you were preoccupied with his friends. With the strength he didn’t know he had, Jason tackled the man with a yell. That surprised the ruffian enough to drop a knife, and he threw Jason to the ground like a pesky fly. Jay grunted in pain when his back hit the floor. The man stood over him but before he could do anything, a well-aimed kick pinned him to the wall beside Jason, and then he dropped to the ground.
“Nice work! We’ll make a sidekick out of you yet.”
Your voice was sweet. The amused and carefree lilt was so out of this place. No one has spoken to him like this since the Clown caught him. No one has touched him without intent to hurt him. Yet here, you are, pulling him flush to your soft body and once again walking him somewhere.
“You…real?” He looks at you through the bruising of his eye.
You adjust him against your side as you sneer down at him, “Your knight in black leather, sweetheart.”
That was the last thing Jason heard before he lost consciousness.
Carrying an injured man is fucking hard. Carrying an injured, unconscious man is even harder. You seriously considered dropping him off multiple times, but every time, you decided against it considering how much work it took to get him so far.
No good deed goes unpunished.
The network stopped working a while ago, so you had to rely on orientation signs and a few screens that still worked. You rounded the corner at the utility room. Once you make it there it should be easy. Based on what you remember from extensive studying of Arkham infrastructure, you should appear at the east of the island. You were a few feet from the door when the speakers blasted the voice of that disgusting clown. His bullshit didn’t phase you, the same can’t be said about your companion. The moment Joker’s deranged laughter reaches his ears, he completely freezes, and then starts trembling uncontrollably. It gets so intense he slips out of your grip and slides down the wall.
“Hey! No no no, not now!”
You tried to tug him up, to get him moving. But it was like his soul left his body. His breathing grew more ragged, the trembling got even worse, and a thin sheen of cold sweat coated his entire body. The man was losing control right in front of you, and you were hopeless at what to do.
Sudden frustration rose in your chest. Sel is somewhere out there, maybe hurt, definitely scared, even if she wouldn’t admit it. And you’re losing time with a man who can’t even…
Because the guy decided to lose it right under the corridor lightning, it’s the first time you see his face properly. His head lols down in defeat and that’s when you notice the letter J branded on his cheek. Fresh blood oozing from the wound, the flesh around it red and puckered. Suddenly things clicked into place. What other sick fuck would brand their name upon their victim's flesh? Several actually, at least when it comes to Gotham. But you knew only one whose name started with J. Your frustration went away.
“Listen to me… erm… what’s your name again?” No answer.
You grasp his shaking shoulders and shake him gently.
“You need to knock out of it. We’re almost out.” You try to sound as encouraging as possible, but he’s not moving or saying anything.
Instead of shaking him, you opt for taking his face in your hands.
“Look at me. Breathe.” He’s looking at you, but he doesn’t see you, eyes glazed over, bloody mouth slack-jawed.
You’re looking at this man, this boy, and wonder if he’ll ever get over the horrors he experienced in this place. If there’s even anything you can do to bring him back at this point.
Hopeless about what to do, you resort to the last thing that comes to your mind.
You kiss him.
It’s not fun, with all the blood and missing teeth, but despite it all, you notice his lips are stupidly soft and plump for an Arkham inmate.
At first, nothing happens. The shaking and labored breathing stops. You think he lost consciousness again, but when you pull away, his eyes are clear and present and he’s staring right at you.
“Now. Lets. Go.” You growl firmly as you wipe his blood from the corner of your mouth and the boy is in too much stupor to protest. He lets you take his hand and drag him towards the door.
When the cold, salty air hits your face, you almost collapse and your feet from relief. But at least one of you has to be the stable one. You take him by the shoulders and sit him on one of the concrete blocks lying around.
“Have you any idea how much time I lost because of you?!” You nagged him even as you pulled a water bottle out of your bag and pressed it to his lips.
“If you get out of here, you owe me big time.”
The guy is probably still recovering from that kiss because he was unresponsive again. At least this time you knew he was sane.
You sigh. No point standing there bitching.
“Either hide till sunrise or go to the port and sneak onto the boat. Think you can manage that? Scratch that, you don’t have any choice. I can’t coddle you anymore. I’m not here to be someone’s savior. I mean I am but not… you.”
You turn around if you take a shortcut over the buildings roofs, you should drop down to Selina’s cell unit. Hopefully, she hasn’t met Crock or Clayface on her way out.
Of course, the moment you turn away is the moment he decides to speak.
“Your… name?”
Your name? You do have one of those. The one you use as you scale rooftops and lockpick safes and break out dumb cat burglars.
With a cock of a hip and wink you blow him one last kiss.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 4 months
Hear me out instead of a jealous Ruhn it’s a jealous FRIEND reader.
This is sad… sorry 🥲
I give up on us
He wasn’t necessarily an attention whore but Ruhn loved when the whole room had eyes on him. At time of course. And while there were moments where you could laugh at his behavior. The careless sense of freedom he radiated. Much more often his actions just made you jealous. It was stupid. You knew it. Because what could you possibly be jealous of? He wasn’t your boyfriend. Had made it painfully clear that you both were friends. “Love having you as a friend you know”, those words still made your gut reach.
Walk into the kitchen you try to shake off the crappy mood. After all the boys had given you a heads-up about the party. So you had come home prepared to walk into chaos. While you weren’t a fan of Sea of People you could understand why boys loved it. It was great to disappear in the sea of people and equally as much bask in the attention.
Spotting both Declan and Flynn you slowly make your way to them. Letting the comfort of their embraces chase the tension in your body. “Where is Ruhn?”, your eyes scanned the living room over and over again. Trying to find the shit-eating grin. “Oh you will not like it, doll”, Dec whispered, down another shot while Flynn shot daggers at his friend.
“What is that supposed to mean?”, you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Look, he is pretty high…”, “I didn’t ask for the back story. I asked where he was”, you cut him off, frowning. Flynn’s eyes grow sympathetic as he nods towards the back terrace. You take a deep breath before yanking the door open, heart tumbling to your heels almost immediately. The blonde jumped back. Lips puffed as she glared up at you.
“What the fuck, bitch”, she grumbled, pulling her shirt back over her breasts. “Y/N”, Ruhn growled, rubbing a hand over his face. “Oh, don’t let me stop you”, you hissed, shaking your head. You knew that the fact that he had been slithering into your bed for cuddles for the last month meant nothing. But there was still that stupid part of you…
“Baby, come on”, Ruhn pushed the girl off his lap. “Baby? You said you were single”, the blonde shrieked.
A part of you wanted to unload a shit tonnes of hell on her but she wasn’t the one to blame. So you turned on your heels. Walking past your two other friends who looked as sad and disappointed. But you raised a hand at them not wanting to listen to anyone. You were done. You should have moved out a long time ago. Should have put a stop to this mess.
“Get out of the car”, Rhun growled right as you started your engine. You fixed him a glare, daring him to try you but he stepped right in front of your car. Messing the only way out was to drive him over. “Kill the engine, Y/N”, he grunted. “Fuck yourself backward, asshole”, you slapped your hand on the signal. But you barely managed to blink before he rounded the car. Leaning in through the open window and yanking the keys out.
“Go back to your pussy of the night”, you hissed, trying to grab the keys out of his hands, failing miserably. “What the fuck is up with you tonight”, Ruhn grumbled, eyes blazing. “What’s wrong with me?”, you chuckled bitterly, kicking the door shut behind you, “you know what’s wrong with me”, you bit back.
Ruhn’s face blanched slightly. Of course, he didn’t realize it. Fucking boys. “You and your games and all this shit”, you pushed at his chest, “why the hell have you been coming to my room, hm?”, you pointed a finger at him. “Because I… you bring me comfort”, he shrugged. But you just shook your head, “Can’t that blonde bimbo do the same? Or am I some pity booty call to you”, you hated how fast your eyes started stinging. But you weren’t gonna break. No. You would not let him take the last bit of your dignity too.
“What…”, Ruhn huffed, “You’re my friend we are always there for each other”, he lifted his hands in the air. You let out a grown, “That fucking word!“, it felt like you should be ripping your hair out, “I have feelings for you, idiot!”, you whimpered.
You could practically see the moment all the puzzle pieces finally fell into place for him. He swallowed thickly, turning away from you. But that only made the anger bubble up more. Yanking his shirt you pulled him back, “Look me in the eyes when you break my heart at least”, you hissed. But his eyes were lost and dazed as he looked back at you, “Y/n”, he muttered as if it physically pained him.
Fear flushed through you in that moment. A realization that you actually couldn’t watch him break you apart. “Forget it”, you breathed, “Just save it. I already know what you will say”. You snatched the keys from his hands, moving back towards your car. “Let me fucking talk”, Ruhn pulled at your arm but you yanked it free from his grip. “I gave up on you… on us tonight”, you whispered, lip wobbly, “Nothing you will say will make me change my mind”. Ruhn pulled back as if you had physically burned him, jaw clenched tightly. He opened his mouth one last time and you hoped he would not listen to you. To fight regardless of your words but instead, he turned back, practically running back into the house.
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blue-slxt · 8 months
The Game
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: So this was inspired by crazy, horny ramblings from discord. I just love my man and threesomes are pretty fun (even if they are a monster to actually write lol). All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Na'vi!Reader x Fem!Na'vi!OC
Warnings: Smut, P in V, Threesome, Oral (M and F receiving), Face Riding, Sapphic Kissing/Touching, Creampie
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Neteyam gets caught up in you and your friend's "game".
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Everything about this whole situation was just so unusual. Neteyam couldn't believe he found himself in this scenario. It was so unlike him to get caught up. But he had been distracted. It was supposed to be another regular trip through the forest. But something was different tonight. He got careless; he got distracted. He smelled a scent he wasn't familiar with. As many times as he's walked through this forest, he knew it inside and out and he knew that whatever this scent was, it didn't belong here.
He hushed his own breath and lightened his footsteps as he moved closer to the unfamiliar smell. It was floral, but with a hint of some type of fruit that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Peeking through the bushes, he noticed your crouched form next to the river. Your back was turned towards him and it seemed you hadn't noticed him approaching you.
He almost called out to you, but when he saw your face, his voice was lost to him. To say he thought you were beautiful was an understatement. Your features were soft and round, but there was a hardened edge to your expression. Clearly a gentle and nurturing soul, but a heart made of steel and no fear.
That's where he fucked up. He got so lost in his musings about you that he let his guard down and didn't notice the second presence coming up behind him until a strong hand grabbed ahold of his kuru and a cool blade was pressed against his throat.
"Move slowly..." the second voice speaks lowly to him.
She stands to her feet and brings Neteyam with her and moves both of them through the bushes into the clearing. "Who did you find this time, Ìze?" you say brushing your braids out of your face.
With a sly grin, she walks him closer to you, "We got a big catch this time. None other than the prince of the Omatikaya himself."
"What is this?" Neteyam asks, trying to piece together the unfolding situation.
"Why don't you tell us? You were the one watching me, weren't you?" you say walking up to him and trailing your fingers over his broad chest.
His ears pin themselves to his head feeling embarrassed at being caught and called out. "Fine. So what do you want?"
Ìze chuckles behind him, "Same thing that you want, pretty boy." Her hand on his kuru eases its grip and starts to lightly stroke the base making Neteyam's breath grow heavy.
"It's okay, Nete~..." you say his name with a sweet tease. "We just want to play with you a little bit..."
"How do you know my name?" he asks, trying to not let the quiver in his voice show.
"Oh, you are famous even among other clans, Mr. future olo'eyktan." Ìze answers finally lowering her knife from his throat. And yet, Neteyam still makes no attempt to escape.
"I've been dying to find out if the Omatikaya prince tastes as good as he looks", you continue letting your fingers dance along the waist of his tewng.
Ìze slowly circles around to his front letting his kuru slide sensually through her hand before letting it fall. Now that Neteyam could clearly see her face, he could see that she was beautiful too, but in an entirely different way. Where your beauty radiated nurturing warmth and hidden power, Ìze was beautiful in an intimidating way. She was clearly the hunter type and everything from her posture to her voice commanded respect.
"So take your pick, Nete~" Ìze teases the nickname.
Neteyam tries desperately to quickly rework his malfunctioning brain to come up with some kind of a response. But any words that come to mind, die in his throat before they ever make it to his lips. His eyes just flicker back and forth between the two of you trying to make sense of at least some part of this.
"What's the matter?" you ask, stepping closer and running your hand along his perfectly chiseled jaw. "Yerik got your tongue?"
Neteyam's not sure why he did what he did next. Maybe it was how sweet you smelled or the shiver he felt all the way down to his tail when you touched him. Regardless of why, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in close against him.
Your eyes go wide with excitement and a devilish grin plasters itself on your face. Ìze's expression mimics your own at the unfolding situation in front of you both. You're not quite done having your fun yet, though. You lift up on your toes and press light kisses to his cheeks, his nose, the corners of his mouth, his chin, everywhere except where he really wants you. When his patience runs thin, Neteyam uses two fingers to hold your chin and keep you in place so that he can properly place a firm kiss on your lips. 
His lips are in perfect sync moving against yours, but before you can fully comprehend anything, his tongue is swiping at your lower lip begging to be let in. You eagerly grant him entrance just as you feel another set of hands wrap around you and cup your breasts. Neteyam’s tongue dances with yours where he clearly sets the tone and takes the lead and you’re more than happy to submit to him. You sigh into the kiss feeling Ìze give your earlobe a playful nip. You finally pull back from the kiss leaving a thin string of saliva connecting your lips together. 
“My turn” Ìze says still groping at your body that was thoroughly trapped between the two of them. 
She leans in over your shoulder pressing her lips to Neteyam’s and the kiss is a fierce battle of wills between the two of them. Their tongues fight for dominance as you let your hands trail lower down his toned body and you feel the outline of his dick through his tewng. Feeling how big and stiff he is right now has your breath growing heavy with anticipation. Your eagerness clearly overtakes you when your fingers get busy untying his loincloth. 
When they finally break their kiss, both of their chests are heaving for air. Neteyam locks eyes with you and his blown pupils and half lidded eyes match your own. He lets you continue on your mission to rid him of the offensive cloth until it falls while he licks and nips at your neck. He breathes in deep, heady breaths of your intoxicating scent and you make no attempt to stop him from scenting you. Ìze says in your ear, “looks like the prince has taken a liking to you” with a giggle in her voice. 
“It would seem so. I’ll take the first round and then we’ll switch?” you suggest with a slight moan escaping when his tongue glides just below your ear. 
“Sounds good to me.”
Neteyam is so lost in leaving little marks on your otherwise perfect skin that he doesn’t even hear the two of you scheming. It’s not until you push him away by his chest that he finally breaks out of his trance. Neteyam focuses on the two pairs of eyes trained on him. More specifically, on his thick cock standing tall and proud in front of him. 
“Lay down” Ìze instructs. 
His ears twitch back and forth signaling that he heard her, but his tail sways in hesitation. 
“Relax, your highness. Let us take care of everything.” you say tail practically thrashing behind you with excitement.
Neteyam feels like he’s having an out of body experience, watching himself follow your instructions as he lays down on the soft, glowy moss.
He watches on in curiosity and amazement when you and Ìze strip off your own tewngs in front of him leaving the three of you bare together. You approach him from the bottom while Ìze walks around to the top of Neteyam’s head. Getting down on your hands and knees, you crawl over to him and settle yourself between his thighs that twitch and jump under the gentle caress of your fingertips. It feels like you could start drooling when you finally hold him in your hand. He’s so thick and heavy in your grasp, your fingers can just barely fit all the way around. 
Dragging the flat of your tongue up his length, you can see Neteyam’s abs tremble with the shuddering breath he releases. Your tongue travels up his whole length and then you take his tip into your mouth. Beads of tangy precum coat your tongue and you hum around him in satisfaction at the flavor. 
The beads in his braids clink together as Neteyam’s head falls back to the ground. When he looks up, Ìze is crouched over him grinning like a devil at him. 
“Ah ah ah, eyes forward, pretty boy.” She says, grabbing his face and pointing his eyes back at you. You hold searing eye contact with him while you slide him all the way into your mouth, making small gagging sounds when he brushes the back of your tongue. 
“She’s doing such a good job for you, isn’t she? Doesn’t she just look so gorgeous swallowing your cock?” 
If your lips weren’t currently occupied, they would be tugging into a smirk watching the prince’s composure crumble. Ìze always loved taking the lead in these situations. Meanwhile, you were more of a pleaser. Nothing compared to the rush you felt when you would watch a strong warrior or proficient hunter melt under you. 
Neteyam finally can’t hold your gaze any more when you shoot a wink his way. It’s more than he can handle. His eyes squeeze close while you continue to bob your head up and down on his length. Ìze takes the opportunity to turn his face back to her and capture his lips in another heated kiss. 
Neteyam moans into her mouth when you hollow out your cheeks and he swallows the small chuckles she lets out. 
When you and Ìze lock eyes, a silent understanding is shared between you. You pull off of Neteyam with an audible ‘pop’ and Ìze pulls back from their kiss and Neteyam is left with his head still spinning figuring out what’s happening. 
“Time to see if the prince lives up to his reputation. What do you think?” Ìze teases.
“Oh, I’m sure that he won’t disappoint us” you muse, stalking closer to him and stealing a quick kiss. His lips try to chase after you when you pull away. He watches you intensely when you straddle his hips and hover right above when he really wants you to be. His hips buck beneath you trying to chase your heat. Every time he comes close, you lift your hips a little higher, keeping him from fully getting what he wants out of you just yet. He lets out a low growl of frustration, but it only amuses the two of you. 
“Now, now, don’t be such a tease. I think we’ve made him wait long enough, don’t you?”, Ìze purrs walking behind you and placing her hands on your hips.You let her help guide you to finally sit down on Neteyam’s stiff cock. The stretch is even better than you imagined. 
Every curve and ridge seems to fit perfectly inside of you. Neteyam can’t help but watch you sit down on it and watching the way his jaw falls to his chest is the exact sight that you love to see every time. 
You move your hips up and down at a steady pace, coaxing small groans of pleasure from the man under you. Ìze takes her hands off you and makes her way to Neteyam’s face.
“Don’t forget about me just yet, prince.”
She uses two fingers on Neteyam’s forehead to gently push his head down for her to straddle his face. Neteyam wastes no time having his fill of her. 
Both of you roll your hips in perfect time with each other on top of him. Your walls clench and hug around his thick cock while Ìze covers his face in her slick that he’s steadily lapping at. 
“Ahn~! Nete!” you cry out when his hips snap up to meet yours. One of his hands holds on to your hip for more leverage to rut up into you. His other hand holds Ìze in place for his tongue to reach all the right spots. 
“Haah…ah, right there!” she croons. 
“Ìze…” you breathe out, reaching your hand towards her. A smirk crosses her lips already knowing what you wanted. She leans forward towards you and uses her fingers under your chin to tilt your face up to hers and press her lips to yours. Her tongue invades your mouth, muffling the sweet moans you make from every buck of Neteyam’s hips. 
The night air is filled with the various sounds of wet skin slapping against skin and muffled sounds of pleasure from all three of you. 
Your head is swirling with all the stimulation that almost borders on being too much. The smell of arousal thick in your noose, Neteyam’s tip knocking against your cervix, and Ìze playfully licking into your mouth has you quickly approaching your peak. 
You finally break the kiss to catch your breath and notice Ìze’s glazed over eyes. It’s a look you’re all too familiar with from having done this so many times. It’s the look she gets when she’s close. She pants against your lips; the two of you practically sharing the breath. Below her, Neteyam attaches his lips around her clit and sucks on it lightly sending shock waves through her body. Her normally hardened, confident expression has melted away into something needy and wanting. Thankfully, you knew exactly what she needed. 
Your hand reaches around the back of her head and grabs ahold of her kuru. Gently stroking the base of it, you lightly purr to her “let go for us, Ìze”. 
As if you had directly spoken to oher core, her hips twitch and her thighs shake with her release that coats Neteyam’s face and runs down the sides of his mouth. Her pussy desperately clenches around nothing as she continues to ride out her high until she can come down.
Watching her like this always riled you up more. Made you go harder, faster, deeper. It was beautiful to watch every time. She was beautiful. 
Her body relaxes and she drops her full weight down. Neteyam lightly taps her thigh to signal to her that he finally needs to come up for a breath and she climbs off of his face. 
“Have fun~” she says with a slightly tired lilt to her voice, leaving the two of you to finish. 
In one fluid motion, Neteyam sits up and lays you on your back on the ground. He throws your legs over his shoulders and ruts into you with more force than before. Lightning flashes through your body. Without even realizing it, your tail coils around his bicep in a subconscious attempt to help keep your mind grounded. 
“Ah! Mm! Haah…Nete!” 
“Cum for me, tanhì” he quietly commands you, knowing that he’s probably just as close as you are. 
Your toes curl and your nails dig into his skin when your release rips through you.Your walls vice grip around him and Neteyam can’t hold back anymore. His hips stutter and lose their previously steady pace as thick ropes of white spill into you making warmth spread in your lower belly. 
His lips crash into yours, still fresh with the taste of Ìze on them. It’s disorienting and addicting in the way it seems to drag out your high and make you see stars. When he breaks the kiss, you’re both trying to catch your breath. 
“So?” Ìze inquires from somewhere behind you.
A smile spreads on your lips and you simply respond, “I told you he wouldn’t disappoint us”.
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Taglist: @soleilmoon @netemoon @fifia-writes @strangersav11
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whenlostinthedarkness · 8 months
Afterglow: Chapter 4 - After
Lead Singer!Reader x Lead Guitarist!Ellie Williams
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Summary: Confronted with the realization of what you and Ellie have done brings on conversations, unexpected outcomes, and flashbacks from the past.
Warnings: Angst, Infidelity, and super SUPER small amount of sexual content.
WC: 3.9k
A/N: This chapter goes hand in hand with the song 'After' my MUNA. Listen Here. ALSO, I made a playlist for this series that I will be linking below.
✮ Ways that you can help Palestine
✮ taglist: @diddiqueen
✮ Series Masterlist
✮ Playlist
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Ellie POV
I could feel my bones shaking underneath my skin like a bird with a broken wing left to fend for itself in the dead of winter. 
The door was mere moments away, yet every move was agonizing as I relished in the feeling of my own stupidity and carelessness.
I always thought I was a selfish person. If things weren’t to my liking, I wasn’t afraid to change it regardless if that meant someone else was dealt a losing hand. I would often boil this down to me simply knowing what I wanted and not being afraid to set boundaries, which, I suppose in a way that’s what I was doing, but that didn’t dismiss the level of egotistical thinking that also came along with it. 
It’s funny. My selfishness got the better of me years ago when I broke the heart of the girl I was now ushering into the hotel suite where our infidelity took place. That very same selfishness was what drew me back to being entangled with her body last night with very little thought to who I was hurting in those moments..all I cared about was what I wanted.
As I closed the heavy door that spoke a moderate screech as it latched to the door frame, she began to sob. I didn’t know what to do.
I rarely cried because I didn’t know how to deal with my own emotions, and here, in front of me, was someone who I fucked everything up with- who was crying because of something that I initiated and something that I promised was going to be okay. I knew they were empty words, yet I wanted it so badly. I wanted her so badly.
I wanted all of it, I wanted the sex, the lack of clothing, the closeness..but specifically, I wanted it to all be with her. 
She was like an addiction that I couldn’t control when it was within reach which is why the distance we both silently agreed upon was working so well, until it wasn’t. Until it was dangled above my head within reach and I had no other choice than to grab it and devour every inch of her.
My mind exited it’s blur as I came into focus of her and the surroundings. On the very bed where I fucked this person, she was now sat down & desperately pulling manual breath after breath through her pursed lips as she tried to calm the tears that were running out of control.
All I could think to do was stand over her with a palm laid flat on her shoulder. It was the only comfort my mind could muster up enough courage to allow my body to display with another person.
Her hand was dampened slightly from her tears, yet I didn’t mind the way she grasped onto my arm that was connecting the both of us together.
“Please Ellie”, She choked out between sniffles and the clearing of mucus out of her throat. What was she pleading for?
“Please what?”
“Please just make it stop.”
The realization was now pelting me as the guilt and the emotions and the shame were building and building and building until I too felt a single drop of water trickle out from my eyelids. Of course, I was quick to wipe it away.
“I want to- I really wish I could.”
That didn’t seem satisfying to her, and hell, I would’ve rolled my eyes as well if someone who was a large factor in a mess like this was saying the obvious.
Still, her grip on my arm got more severe as her tears started coming back down with force and speed. My inability to handle emotions didn’t make me a monster, I promise. I knew when I needed to set my own discomfort down, even if I only did it for a select few.
She was my select few.
It was like a switch flipped as I sat down next to her with each arm wrapped around her sobbing body as she let her emotions drip down the front of my shirt. 
We rocked back and forth as I gave her the time to let out what she was forced to hold in all throughout the morning.
Envy was a word to describe how I felt as my eyes watched her empty out all of her harbored feelings, yet a single tear from my own eye made me feel like a fucking coward. I was pathetic.
“It’s okay,” I cooed against the side of her head as my hand came to cradle the side of her face against my chest- Something that made me feel safe and I hoped it did the same for her as well.
After several minutes, her eyes became dry and her sobs turned into sniffles.
I allowed my hand to relax against the top of my thigh as she blew her nose into a tissue that was in a box nearby. Her cheeks were as red as a mistletoe - I wanted to kiss it and make it all better.
But that’s foolish, right?
That’s incredibly stupid to think about engaging in that sort of intimacy with the very person who I caused fresh harm to and yet…the selfishness ensued. 
“Thank you”, she spoke with puffy eyes that avoided mine as she clasped her hands in the center of her lap.
I nodded in what felt like slow motion as I observed her like some sort of experiment that was teetering on the edge of explosion. Why didn’t I feel like she did? Why wasn’t I the one sobbing? I’m the one who's hurt not one, but two people who are very close to my heart and yet I couldn't feel what a person who did what I did should be feeling. 
All I could feel was remorse due to the pain I was causing to the beautiful daisy in front of me - I was plucking away the petals that she’d clearly worked hard to grow during our time broken up. 
“Sorry I uh..I lost it i guess.” She ended her sentence with a laugh that was so masked, even a stranger would’ve known she was lying through the pain.
“You’re fine. It’s uh-understandable.”
She nodded reassuringly as she slowly moved her body a centimeter away from mine. She didn’t think I'd notice, but she was all that was on my mind. 
She was pulling away from me physically and mentally.
“Sorry for how I was acting earlier-” She interrupted with a slow hand being waved, which made me pause my words.
“You have every right to act that way Ellie. What we did was..” she trailed off, obviously not wanting to say the sin out loud and I couldn’t blame her for it.
However, one thing I wasn’t going to allow her to do was take the blame.
“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have come on to you like that and put you in that sort of position.”
She shook her head fervently, “I wanted it to. I wanted it just as much as you did…I could’ve pulled back at any time, but I chose not to. This is something we both did Ellie.”
Now it was time for me to shake my head as both of my hands instinctively went to clutch around her still folded ones. “No..no. I won’t let you take the blame for this! I was stupi-”
“We were both stupid El!” Her voice rang out in contrast to how small and weak she looked.
I found myself chewing on my lip as I tried to think of what to say next. What could I possibly say that could make this thing magically disappear or feel like nothing…even though it meant everything.
“How about we just forget about it, alright?”
This clearly wasn't the solution she was looking for.
“Forget about it huh? Just like that?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” I grimaced as I shook my head. A surge of energy brought me up to my feet as I began to aimlessly pace the floor in an attempt to release everything that I was feeling inside. Except none of it worked. None of the pacing or chewing or mental swearing at myself was working and I began to convince myself that this was going to be my new normal.
“Do you think we should tell..”her voice trailed off as our eyes met. I could see the answer all over her face.
“Kat? You think we should tell Kat?!”
She joined me as she rose to her feet while her body visibly shook. “I don’t know! I don’t know what else to do and she deserves to know!”
Our bodies were parallel as we stood in front of the other.
I knew she was right, yet I didn’t want to say a word to Kat. I didn’t even want to think about her. “That’s my decision if I want to tell her or not.”
She groaned as her hands met her hips that were hugged nicely with a medium wash denim. My eyes couldn’t help but travel and remember the lust that my eyes got to take in last night.
“You’re kidding me right?”
I shrugged my heavy shoulders as my hands rubbed themselves together. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Ouch. The word made her flinch as if she had forgotten or was convincing herself of my life being different than it actually was.
I could tell she was furious as she tried to gather the words she wanted to say. “How could you not say anything to her about this?”
The way her mouth enunciated every harsh word- The way her chest moved as her hands spoke alongside her words- I found myself enamored again, just as I had felt last night.
“Because..” I felt the urge getting the best of me and I didn't want to give in. Instead, I allowed my body to move closer to hers; too close for the occasion between two people who’d engaged in immoral things the night before.
This made her eyes move up to mine as she held our gaze with a slightly gaping mouth. Her lips were taunting me.
I continued moving forward until we were almost touching which made her begin to move backwards until eventually her back was against the wall and my palm was moving past her shoulders to rest against the same wall.
Surely she could feel the warmth of my breath and the smell of the green tea coming off of my tongue. That’s how close we were as we watched the other in silence.
I could tell that she wanted to give in just as much as I did; The real question was who would have the guts to do it first?
She gave me a shock as she quickly moved towards me so our lips ran into each other. Without skipping a beat, I latched onto her mouth as her hand grabbed onto my bicep and mine on her waist.
This kiss was strong, yet so slow. Too slow for someone to consider it to be simple quick lust. 
However, I had already convinced myself that I just wanted a good fuck with someone who was familiar and close and she happened to be closer than ever and so fucking familiar. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I could tell that there was something else there-some other feeling.
Our kisses turned hot as her mouth followed along with me. My tongue was buried deep down her throat as she shamelessly allowed herself to break the barrier of the hem of my shirt and rest her hand on my bare stomach.
Everything felt familiar and close, just like I had wanted, yet there was something missing and I wasn’t sure what. I figured continuing to practically fuck with our clothes on would suffice for now.
My hands were wandering every inch of the clothes that were set on her body as I pulled the fabric around her waist closer...until there was a knock on the door.
Our lips broke apart with loud breathing and all I could bother to care about was the way her lips were turned up in a smile I would allow to shoot me in the head had it held me at gunpoint. 
I smirked at her while my hands went to smooth down my hair and adjust my clothing that her hands had bunched up before opening the door to find the same person I had seen this morning at this very door.
“Sup D?”
Dina's eyes looked worried and they should’ve been.
“Me and Jesse are about to head out and I wanted to check if you guys wanted to go with us.” She spoke slowly as her eyes searched behind me while she, what I assumed, was trying to decipher what was happening.
“Yeah, yeah sure. I think I'm basically packed.” I spoke so casually, yet instantly my mind began figuring out how I could pack up my belongings that I hadn’t touched as quickly as possible.
“Okay”, Dina nodded, now searching my face for any evidence, but i’d never let her see through me that easily.
We both stood there with my hand silently still holding the door open and Dina continuing to look around the room. That is, until the girl behind me gave Dina the clarification that would put her mind at ease. 
I turned around to find her with a hand on the handle of her suitcase as she wore a warm smile. “I can head down now with you guys. Ellie, can meet us.”
My mouth parted as I nodded and licked my lips. “Sounds good.”
“Great!” she said with a voice so damn cheery, it was whiplash from how she had been an hour or so ago at breakfast when we were both acting as if the other didn’t exist and that what we did didn’t exist as well. 
Dina eyed her suspiciously, then glanced back at me as I moved myself to the side to allow her to exit down the hallway with our fellow bandmate.
“Don’t take forever El,” she said with a smirk that felt like an inside joke that was only between me and her. In some way, it was. 
I shook my head and flashed her a smile as I watched the way her ass moved with every step she made. No doubt she was teasing me by the over-exaggerated movements and I was buying into everything she was selling.
After the both of them disappeared down the hall I let the door shut behind me as I took in the silence for the very first time.
I should’ve felt guilty. I shouldn’t feel like a school girl with a little crush that no one knew about besides me and her, but I did.
I didn’t care that I was cheating on my girlfriend and entwining her in this mess and I certainly didn’t entertain the thought of this ending any time soon. Not as long as she was a willing participant.
. . . . . . . . .
The ride to the record store was nothing short of normal. You and Dina sat in the middle two seats & Ellie and Jesse took the very back ones just as usual.
The conversation between Jesse and Ellie was flowing as the noise of whatever video they were amused by played gently in the background. It was as if everything was right and neither of you had done anything wrong.
Usually car rides were your time to chat with Dina, except this time she was silent with her head resting against the frosted glass and her eyes gently closed. It felt odd.
The wave of paranoia was inevitable, but you tried to assure yourself that it was nothing to worry about. Maybe she was something as simple as tired or not wanting to do this signing. That’s what you told yourself in order for your face not to feel warm and your stomach not to feel a drop of dread.
“Are you ready for this?” You said in an attempt to clear the air and your anxieties, which seemed to work in some way.
Dina opened her eyes, “I guess? Not sure what to really expect honestly.”
“I assume it’ll be chill.”
Dina nodded, her hair getting smothered against the window that still held the weight of her dark hair that was laying in its naturally wavy state.
“We’ll see..do you think they’ll let us shop?”
You giggled, “Maybe if we beg.”
There was that smile that you were needing. That expression that Dina normally wore when something was humorous was much more to your liking than that indecipherable other one that was leaving you a mess.
The conversation between you and Dina began to go on as it normally would. The both of you discussing the latest albums you would want to pick up if you did in fact get some time to browse the store you would be signing at along with other current event topics. 
It felt normal. It felt like you could breathe.
Eventually the SUV came to a halt and you and the rest of your bandmates were piling out of the car and onto the sidewalk that was directly in front of the record store.
A long line greeted you with squeals and smiles as the people in single file wrapped around the brick building. Wide eyes looked at you and the rest of the band with an awe that you never got tired of seeing.
With a small welcoming wave, the band started walking their way to the front door which seemed to intensify the reactions of the crowd.
One person held their phone out to try to get a photo with any of the beloved members, another shouted out Ellie's name and how much they loved her..along with some other obscenities that you would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a tinge of jealousy from.
The group finally made it through the threshold of the front door that was unlocked by an employee that was waiting inside the empty record store.
The space was massive, something resemblant of an old warehouse, which it very well could’ve been considering the square footage and the large ceilings.
You looked around the rows and rows of thin cardboard that was contained in a shelf customized to hold the size of the covered records. The smell was comparable to a bookstore; you only wished you could bottle up the scent and turn it into an immortal candle.
Once the initial fixation of the place wore off, your eyes moved to Ellie. She was standing next to you with the biggest, brightest eyes and the most gleeful smile as she took in the space. It was like a kid in a giant toy store.
. . . . 
4 years ago
“God damn it Ellie”, you let out a deep breath as you set the heavy duty box on the ground a little too harshly for Ellie’s liking.
“Careful,” Ellie winced as she walked over to the box and set her hand on top of it as if she were giving it comfort.
You almost busted out laughing, but decided to hold it in as best as you could. However, Ellie instinctively knew you were masking the urge to chuckle at the amount of love she had for her vinyl records. You were always one to playfully taunt and she loved that about you.
With soft eyes, Ellie looked up to find your massive grin, one that she knew too well.
Her arms went around your waist as she lifted you a couple inches off of the ground and spun you 180 degrees. Both of your eyes held one another as the love you felt for this girl was throbbing red and raw and all the insanely wonderful feelings that came with being young and in love for the very first time. 
“Be nice.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
Ellie rolled her eyes, but still kept a friendly disposition. “I know you’re thinking about it.”
You shrugged your shoulders as your hip bumped the side of Ellie’s body. “You’re just cute is all.”
Ellie gazed at you with the same raw love as her arm wrapped around your body from the side as the both of you stood in silence.
The two of you stood in a bare apartment with nothing but a welcome mat set at the main door. People said that you both were moving too fast, that being together for a year was too short of a time to move in with each other, yet you both decided against everyone's opinions and scrutiny. Because you were in love for the very first time and being in love feels like the sting of a tattoo gun. You anticipate the needle punching ink into your skin, yet when you sit in the chair and the needle is buzzing in your ear you feel a sort of hesitation and fear, but at the end of it all you see the art decorating your skin and somehow the pain of it all was worth it. 
That’s how your love with Ellie felt. Regardless of the arguments and petty mumblings of words that both of you would regret, it was always worth it. 
“How about we christen this place.”
Ellie made her way over to sit in front of her beloved record player that sat in the corner on the wooden floor. She began thumbing through the box of her records, but she couldn’t quite find a record that would be fitting to this occasion-that’s when she got a better idea.
“Hey,” Ellie looked at you over her shoulder, “Come pick one.”
You smiled and set the plate back into the box you had began emptying as you exchanged unpacking for entertaining your girlfriend's little ritual.
“What genre are you thinking?”
“Whatever you feel drawn to. I want you to pick babe,” Ellie said as she plugged the turntable into the nearest outlet, meanwhile you couldn’t help but feel honored, not just to pick a record when you knew Ellie had stern music taste, but also because you were getting the opportunity to live with someone you wanted to spend your life with. 
“How about this one?” You pulled the record, that had become a favorite of yours, out of the box and held it up in front of your chest.
Ellie’s mouth turned up into a bright closed lip smile as she nodded. “It’s perfect.”
Soon the music began to flow through yours and Ellie’s new home as you both busied yourself with unpacking various belongings, not that either of you had very much to begin with. 
It felt like a home and that’s what mattered. It’s a shame neither of you knew what would become of your relationship in such a short time.
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igotanidea · 3 months
Betrayal: Jason Todd x reader (college AU)
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warnings: Jason is an absolute piece of shit in this one, swearing, sexual content, vulgarity. MDNI!!!
College!Jason Todd with his reputation as playboy, bad boy and heartbreaker.  Cold and distant, obviously carrying some sort of mystery in him. Smoking his cigarettes on campus without giving a damn about the rules and/or no smoking signs.
So many rumours about him, starting from the one where he was a mafia boss, ending on the one in which he was a demon, who only waited to make a blood pact in exchange for one's soul.
And is there something hotter for a girl than a man of legends?
Is there anything more enticing than a guy a woman can fix?
So all the female students are almost offering themselves to him on a silver platter, just waiting to get a piece of that legendary huge ---
Jason couldn't care less about the rumours about himself, but he never did anything to clear them out. If anything - he made sure they stuck with him for a little longer, maintaining the reputation.
And slowly starting to take pride in them. Even boosting a little 
Until he took interest in Y/N. She was neither a mouseburger nor a beauty queen. Just somewhere in the middle.
But her brain--
Her smart remarks and on-point observation during the classes? That was fucking HOT.
So the bad boy Jason Todd was having hots for the average girl. Real hots.
And it was bad, forcing him to take any precaution possible to avoid this feeling spinning out of control.
Obviously, ending up more and more enamoured with her with every other class.
And to make things worse - she noticed that. And clearly did not care about the facade and pose he was putting on in public. Y/N focused on his eyes, absorbing every word of the novel they had been reading during the lecture. On his hands, almost twitching with the need to write annotations on the margins. Of him biting his tongue to not, under any circumstances, answer the question correctly and profoundly.
And every time it made her smile.
And that smile was making him crazy.
And that craziness ended up in some very careless decisions and very accidental meetings. Accidents neither of them regretted after six months of secret dating.
It was hard though.
Hard to pretend like he didn't care about her, when they were passing in the hallway and he was with his buddies.
Hard to act like he didn't want to scream his feelings for the entire college to hear.
Hard to put her through constant pain and heartbreak.
But he couldn't stop. She was like a drug to him, and apparently - he had the same effect on her.
Two people in love, lost in the web woven out of lies and deceit. Unable to just be themselves in the world where everyone seemed to be too focused on false pretences.
But how long could young adults with bursting emotions, yearning for each other last?
And one night, it simply became too hard for him to stop himself from pressing her against the bookshelf in the library on their late night dates, when no one could see them.
Or so they thought.
So the next day, when she stepped into the corridor, immediately welcomed by suggestive stares from people watching some video on their phones and laptops, it was obvious something was wrong.
And then came laughing at her. Followed by not-very-subtle remarks about her body.
Twisting and turning to get even a glimpse of what was on that camera recording everyone seemed to be very acquainted with, Y/N finally had her dream come true.
Someone did see her and Jason in that empty library.
Recorded their encounter.
And published the video.
Y/N's naked body, with her legs wrapped around Jason's waist, with books shaking above her head from the sheer force of thrusts, was on full display to the camera and - subsequently - for everyone to see.
And she could swear that for the longest moment her heart simply stopped beating.
But that was not the worst.
The worst part was seeing Jason with his buddies and with some popular girls, watching the same video at the other end of the hallway.
Laughing at it together, him too, probably the loudest.
He didn't do a single thing to defend her or stop the clip from expanding.
Instead - he was laughing and throwing even worse remarks, publicly posing as the well-known playboy and bad boy who just happened to score another chick.
Their eyes met for a single moment, her own filling with tears at the betrayal, as she turned around and withdrew to her dorm room alone. Without a single soul to comfort her. Humiliated and stripped of dignity and privacy.
He saw her and his heart broke. He wanted nothing more than to chase after her, get her in his arms, hug her, hold her, shield her from everyone and protect her.
But he didn't.
Living up to the persona, while simultaneously tearing up everything he had built with her.
Getting almost vulgar in his comments while wailing from guilt and shame deep inside.
Hating himself for this play pretend, for being someone he wasn't, breaking the only woman he loved.
But he still didn't stop.
His buddies followed him across the campus for the whole day. Girls were all over him like he was some sort of hero,  waiting to be another one to get some. 
After all, if Jason was ready to put his dick in that pathetic, worthless, little fatty Y/N, he sure as hell would do the same for the prettiest, hottest girl on campus right?
And it made him sick to his stomach. Everyone seemed to treat him like a hero, while slandering Nes and calling her a hose. The woman Jason loved, even if only in secret.
Y/N hasn't been seen on campus the entire day.
She didn't show up to her favourite classes and the literature lessons were oddly empty, dull even, without her challenging, intellectual input.
No one heard a word from her and the students were smart enough to keep the leak away from the faculty, so no lecturer took interest in the case. 
The doors to Y/N's room were decorated with the printed print screens from the video, very vulgar drawings of dicks and a lot of offensive words.
And that was the sight Jason saw, when he finally got the guts to come to her door in the middle of the night with face covered tightly by the hood.
There was no way to miss the bright red, fluorescent pain there.
And that was the moment he knew. It was over between him and her. She would never forgive him for letting it happen. From watching it happen without even lifting a finger to help her. 
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heartbreakgrill · 1 year
stiles stilinski: breakable heaven; pt. 8, “i’m always waiting for you to be waiting below. angels roll their eyes. what doesn't kill me makes me want you more.”
a/n: still sad boi hours, sorry not sorry. violence in this one, so be warned <3
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“i’m gonna be honest with you guys-“
y/n turned in the passenger seat to face scott and stiles. she tapped a hand against the center console to emphasize her point, brows lifted on her face. scott and stiles gaped back, awaiting her response to the very long, very winded explanation they had just given her. all she’d wanted to know was why had scott’s eyes glowed, and why the fuck were they red?
then, they proceeded to talk over one another, scrambling out details to circumstances that she had no clue ever existed in the first. something about, like, kanima’s? druids, magic, ash made from a hill or something? her brain was fuzzy, her lip and hands still hurt, and she was sitting in wet clothes.
she wasn’t exactly in the best situation to hear about all of this.
“i’m drunk as fuck right now,” she made a wary, silly face.
stiles slammed back in his seat, huffing frustratedly. he rubbed his hands over his eyes, before pointing an accusatory finger at her, “drink your water.”
y/n rolled her eyes at his response, but cracked back open her water bottle, nonetheless. she was sobering up as the time passed, and as she downed two or three water bottles. but, she’d drank a lot. the alcohol wasn’t going to magical disappear from of her system just because.
scott leaned between the front seats, balancing his elbows on the headrests, to ask, “did you understand anything we just told you?”
y/n pursed her lips. she turned her head to look him up and down, “you’re a werewolf?” that, she had gathered.
scott nodded slowly, encouraging her to continue on.
“and there’s a pack of alpha werewolves killing a bunch of people?”
stiles waved his head side to side, “not even close.” he dropped a hand through the air.
she shrugged, “honestly, i’m probably gonna wake up tomorrow and you’re gonna have to tell me it all again. i don’t think anything is going on up here right now. y/n tapped a hand on her forehead. her expression had changed to a careless one, mirroring the fact that she really didn’t understand the amount of danger they were currently in. she really, honestly wanted to laugh out loud. she wanted to snort and say, “no fucking way.” but she at least knew that wouldn’t help stiles’ frustration.
stiles tapped his nervous fingers against his steering wheel, the bandages adorning his cuts shifting from the movement. scott had taken away stiles’ pain, but his other hand was definitely broken. he held it in his lap carefully. y/n had suggested they go to the hospital, but he insisted that they had more important things to take care of. he tried to cover it up, but y/n could still see him wince, every so often, as the pain slowly appeared again.
“i still don’t think this is a good idea- bringing her with us,” stiles admitted.
scott agreed with a nod of his head, “i really don’t think it is either.”
y/n turned back to stiles as she crossed her arms, “maybe it’s just me here, but lying to someone is never a good idea either.”
“i was protecting you!” stiles exclaimed, carelessly tossing his hands in the air. it wasn’t the first time this evening that he had declared this unwarranted position. though, this time, the volume of his voice raised a little higher than he wanted it to, making y/n itch away from him slightly. stiles caught himself, cleared his throat, lowered his tone, “do you seriously think things would have been better for us if you had known about everything all along?”
“i don’t know the answer to that! you couldn’t have known the answer to that question! it doesn’t even matter- you don’t just get to decide what’s best for me, okay? you don’t get to decide what i’m allowed to know. you don’t get to protect me from things without even telling me about them! besides, i’m not in anymore danger than anyone else in this town just because i now know about scott being a werewolf! you shouldn’t have lied to me. about anything.”
y/n was drained from the evening. her eyes were growing heavier and her stomach growled incessantly, making her even grumpier. she was already pissed off at stiles for having kept so many secrets. her physical sickness just made it worse.
having learned what he had been truly keeping from her made y/n only slightly better. so, he wasn’t seeing lydia- that was great, honestly. she wasn’t the other woman. maybe, they actually had a chance at something here.
but, the fact that he lied to, consistently, on, pretty much, a daily basis? that didn’t feel so good. she didn’t know what he was being honest about, now. like he had created some illusion of who he really was when they were together. she was held distant, isolated from his real life. and she just didn’t know stiles as well as she thought she did.
on the other hand, stiles was angry, too. angry that she’d looked at his phone, taken his private texts way out of context, and assumed the worst of him- only to be completely wrong about everything! y/n was, up to that point, special to him. she was so different than everyone else in his life. it felt like his friends, his family, his teachers, they all expected him to fail, constantly. they expected him to be late, they expected him to ruin things. she never did that. she never made fun of him for laughing too loudly, for telling the wrong jokes at the wrong times.
all his flaws, everything he thought was wrong with him- she looked through them. she appreciated them. she unconditionally trusted him and- he hoped- loved him.
as his anger swelled in his chest, stiles reminded himself of these facts. he controlled his tone, his volume. stiles licked his lips, formulating a softened response, “it’s not that simple, y/n. you just don’t get it, okay? you haven’t been around this shit before. it’s destructive. it literally kills people, y/n. even if you weren’t out here with us, every night, defending this town, you’d still be in more danger. you’d be a target, you’d have a giant red x over you. and, god forbid, i want you to be safe, away from all that. god forbid.”
y/n rolled her eyes, held up a hand, “don’t even start with the fucking romantic confessions right now, in the middle of all of this. you think confessing some bullshit feelings will fix things? i can’t even fucking believe you.”
stiles bit his lip, rolled it between his teeth. he knew if he said anything else, he would snuff out whatever flame was already slowing dulling between them. so, he didn’t respond. he could only stare, blankly, at her.
she shook her head and turned towards the window. y/tugged the hood of stiles jacket up over her head, sinking from his view, so he’d stop staring at her like she’d just killed his dog. she lay her head against the glass, squeezed her eyes shut, and willed the tears pooling in her eyes to just go away.
scott, listening patiently from the backseat, knew y/n was anything but coherent right now. he could smell her pheromones, could hear her heartbeat- it was all over the place, and she reeked of anxiety and confusion. her consciousness was manipulated by the alcohol, making her unaware of what she was saying. it was just a mess, really. the more stiles pressed, the more venom she’d spit.
honestly, he was shocked that stiles hadn’t pushed harder. usually, his best friend argued his point until the other person gave in. stiles always thought- knew, he would insist- that he was right. he struggled to put himself in other peoples shoes. and, maybe he wasn’t doing that right now, but…he was exhibiting patience. and, scott knew, somehow, that if this conversation continued when y/n was sober, she and stiles would reach an agreement. she’d forgive him- and stiles would actually apologize. call it werewolf’s intuition. or call it- scott knew stiles was very much in love with her.
scott continued to watch as stiles took in the sight of her, drunk, battered, exhausted, and gave up the fight. he was really proud of the growth he’d seen in stiles these past few months. y/n was indefinitely a part of that process.
scott gently patted stiles’ shoulder, hoping the solace would comfort his anger, his frustration. communicate that scott noticed, and was validating his efforts. stiles glanced over his shoulder at his best friend and shot him a tight-lipped smile. it was a struggle because stiles felt like literal shit. he felt like shit for lying, for losing her, for getting her drug into this mess. but, he would feel even worse if he’d push to her to a breaking point and never get her.
soon enough, they pulled into the parking lot of beacon hills high school. the benefit concert had been earlier this evening. a few staff members’ cars were still here, cleaning up the auditorium. lydia had stayed to help, to get volunteer hours. her car was still here.
the benefit concert was part of the reason why jack had thrown such a blowout party. it was supposed to be a night full of the celebration of life, to remember all of the people they’d lost over the last year. but, as things usually went in beacon hills, that was no longer the case.
instead, it was, now, turning into a apparent bloodbath.
“where’s it coming from?” stiles asked scott as the three of them climbed out of the jeep.
y/n pulled her hood down, processing this new bit of information, “you can smell blood?”
scott nodded. he looked around them, at the parking lot, the exterior of the building, in case his eyes could make up for his smell. “except i can’t pinpoint it. it’s- it’s everywhere. it’s on you guys, it’s coming from a classroom, the auditorium, i think? i don’t know.”
“okay, well, let’s just call lydia and see where she is. she’ll probably find the body before than us. she might already be with it,” stiles suggested, pulling his phone from his back pocket.
he eyed y/n as scott led the three towards the front door of the building. as the light hit her face, he could see the tears glistening in her cheeks. his breath bitched. she met his eye as she glanced around, and quickly looked away. with the hoodie sleeves down over her hands, she wiped her face clear.
she’d finally just got the tears to stop pouring. now, though y/n wouldn’t admit it, her sadness was smothered by fear. she off-put by the dark, eery atmosphere of their high school. the grounds were usually full of life, students, laughter, noise- it was desolate now. all of the lights were shut off. the wind whipped past them like a warning. still damp from their accidental dip in the pool, y/n shuddered, goosebumps littering up and down her skin.
stiles ran a hand through his drying hair, then planted it on his hip. he tried to meet y/n’s eyes again, concern plastered on his face. she was freezing cold, crying. and she looked really scared. stiles’ shoulders slackened as she turned away.
his phone rang, ten tones dialing in his ear, until it sent him to lydia’s voicemail. he huffed and sent her a text. “she’s not answering,” he tapped his phone against his hand before shoving it back into his jean’s pocket.
so, scott opened the door to the school for them. stiles ducked inside, y/n following close behind. they would search for her.
stiles stepped back to her side as soon as she was in the building, his shoulder close to hers. he wanted to take her hand, to keep her right at his fingertips, so he knew she was really there, so no one could take her from him.
in all honestly, he really just wanted to drive her home. tuck her into bed. kiss her forehead. pray and hope that she’d wake up and forget about all of this. he didn’t want to put her life in danger like this. he didn’t want to lose her.
but, she wanted to be here. she insisted. and, stiles felt he had to prove to her that what he was saying, now, was the truth. maybe she’d grant him back the trust she’d given him before all of this. maybe things would go back to normal- as normal as they could and would be. maybe she’d even deny everything, not want anything to do with this part of his life after she realizes it’s terrifying and traumatizing. they could pretend like it never happened, if she wanted to keep this a secret. he would do that, if she asked.
of course, they weren’t going to get the chance for any of stiles’ hopes to come true.
only his fears.
lydia was nowhere to be found. the three students searched the north and west wings of the school. y/n sometimes just watched as scott and stiles popped open every single classroom door, peeked inside every closet, called out lydia’s name. she wasn’t sure exactly what to do, so she just followed closely behind stiles, eyes darting across every corner of every room, on guard. other times, she’d open a door, nearly feeling like she would vomit, and look inside for the red-head.
y/n really wanted to grab onto stiles’ hand, wanted to hold it so tight that the blood rushed out of her fingers, turned her knuckles white, broke his other bones. she was terrified, and he seemed to be the only thing to ever really bring her solace, comfort. but, she resisted the urge to clutch onto him.
if he asked, she would go home. she was sobering up now. she was facing the reality of the situation.
and she didn’t want anything to do with this. she trusted him- of course she did. he knew her better than danny, than her parents. in such a short time, he’d been able to discover every inch of her, body, mind, and soul. and, she had done the same. she knew, deep down, that he meant what he said- he’d done this to protect her.
and she loved him for it. she trusted him for doing just that. things would be fixed, in the blink of an eye, if only one of them would just open their mouth again.
stiles kept an eye on her. he’d catch her worried gaze every so often. stiles would give a short nod, a half-hearted, sad smile to try to encourage her that she was safe with him. that everything would be okay. though, it was starting to feel like everything was actually very much not okay.
y/n didn’t know what expression to wear, didn’t know what to say, if she should even pierce the uncomfortable silence bracing all of them. if she said that she wanted to go home, she’d sound like a baby. but, her intuition, her gut, told her that something bad was about to happen. and she didn’t know what she was going to do when that storm caught them in it’s winds.
scott eventually changed the course of their plan, “okay, let’s just find lydia’s locker. maybe i can grab a scent off of her stuff.”
stiles perked up, knowing he would be of best use here. he led y/n and scott down the next hallway, right to lydia’s locker. she knew he had told her that nothing was going on between him and lydia, but she was still a jealous person, made worse by the fact that he still wasn’t really hers. so, the idea that he could find lydia’s locker like he was tracing a map on the back of his hand- it was discouraging to his cause. stiles didn’t really notice this, a little caught up in the newfound part of their plan. he set his hands on his hips, watching as scott examined the exterior of the locker. y/n tried not to wear her heart on her sleeve.
“do you know the combo?” scott tugged at the lock, glancing over at stiles.
the dark-haired boy pointed a finger, took in a deep breath to allow his lips to say that, yes, he knew lydia martin’s locker combination. of course he did: he’d known it since freshman year.
then, he met y/n’s eye, and noticed a deflated hope lying just inside her pupils. stiles dropped his shoulders, let his hands fall to his sides. he knew, now, how she seemed so sure that stiles and lydia had been together. he was no help to the rumor.
he kept her eyes in his as he stated, “no. i don’t.”
y/n let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. she knew that this wasn’t true. she had his body language memorized better than her own locker combination. besides, stiles always seemed to know everything. but, the fact that he had answered no? that made her feel better, knowing he had picked her in that moment.
she was sure, after this moment, that they would be okay. she was positive. she knew it. they’d just have to get through this, then she could tell him. she could tell him everything she felt.
scott sighed softly before ripping off the lock. it made y/n jump, and she ripped her eyes from stiles’.
“holy fuck.”
so, he really did have super strength.
scott chucked slightly, “sorry.” he proceeded to rifle through lydia’s things- textbooks, a few sweaters, pencils, loose papers- smelling each and every one of them. y/n watched with furrowed brows as he tried to find the one with the best scent.
stiles kept his eyes on y/n. the cut on her chin was patched with a bandaid. it looked cute, as morbid as that thought must be. her damp hair, nearly almost dry, was messy and tangled over her shoulders. but, he still admired her beauty. he was lost in the daze he normally fell into whenever she was near.
scott snapped him out of it, literally. he held up one of lydia’s sweater, “i’ve got it. this way-!”
stiles, caught up in the moment, turned on his heel, leading himself and scott back down the hallway where they’d come from. y/n took a step to follow them, but a piercing whisper caught her ear. she turned towards the sound, a hush she couldn’t quite decipher.
at the end of this side of the building, y/n saw a shadow, cast across the floor. it poured out of the open door to the english classroom. another whisper echoed down to her, sliding across the lockers, “y/n…”
she knew she shouldn’t, but y/n couldn’t stop her feet as they slowly dragged her forward. her brows furrowed, head tilting at the sound of her voice being called out, so softly, so enticingly. she seemed to be pulled into some sort of trance. and scott and stiles were so caught up on lydia’s trail, the sound of their sneakers hitting the tile flooring covering the noise, that they couldn’t save y/n from it.
y/n continued setting her careful steps, one at a time, before her, until she reached the door to the english room. she turned her body, and immediately lay eyes on lydia. the red-headed girl sat on one of the classroom chairs, hands and feet duct taped to the limbs of it. y/n gasped, rushing into the room, “oh, my god!”
lydia sobbed in response, cheeks glistening with mascara-ridden tears, “no, no, no! you have to go! you have to leav-“
“we’ve been looking for you! stiles and scott- they’re-“
“see, stiles was right.”
y/n jumped on her feet and twisted around as the door to the classroom was slammed shut. she faced miss morel, her english teacher, who wore a satisfied smirk.
y/n took a shuddering breath as she noticed the wire swinging from her teacher’s hands. she remembered how stiles had told her the killer was using a weapon like that.
this was the bad thing that she had felt in her gut.
“you really have no idea about any of this. if you did, you would know not to follow a creepy voice just whispering your name down a dark hallway. and to think, you’re such a good, smart student. guess we don’t really cover common sense in our senior english class, no?” miss morel tilted her head as she spoke, drawing a fear out of y/n that she had never felt before.
y/n’s entire body was shaking. the tears, unwillingly, gushed back out of her eyes. she didn’t know what to do. words simply wouldn’t form in her mind. she took a step back and grabbed a hand at lydia’s shoulder, “let us go.”
miss morel snorted out a devilish laugh, “that’s the best you can come up? hm…i give you a d- for lack of creativity. now, get out of my way so i can finish what i started.”
y/n couldn’t move away fast enough as miss morel shot out a hand and sent the girl flying across the room. she slammed into the wall, banged her head off of the concrete, and crashed onto the floor in a heap. lydia screamed as she watched y/n fly.
across the school, scott and stiles stopped, dead in their tracks, at the sound of lydia’s scream. stiles spun around and took a few steps back in the direction they’d been heading from. he skidded on his feet when he noticed, “where the fuck is y/n?”
scott sighed heavily, slowly, a worried look crossing his face. “stiles…wait!”
stiles shot off faster than scott had ever seen him move. he ran towards the screams, calling out y/n’s name. he was breathless, but he persisted. lydia’s scream only ever meant one thing- someone was dying.
a gust of wind blew past stiles as scott transformed into his werewolf state. a roar rolled through stiles’ ears, too, a determined, pissed off roar. stiles ran after him, wishing, for the first time in his life, that he, too, was a werewolf. he knew once he reached scott, y/n, lydia, he’d be of no use.
and he was right.
for once, he wanted to be the hero. for once, he wanted to save the girl- his girl. he didn’t even care about lydia, or anybody else in this godforsaken town. he just wanted to turn the tides of the story, once, on his own. he needed things to be in his control.
just as he turned the corner, stiles heard another roar escape from the back of scott’s throat. then, the sound of desks crashing echoed out of the english room. stiles headed for the room, slowing his pace as he reached the door. as he went to step inside, he met eyes with miss morel and the shock made his feet trip over each other. she held out a hand and the door slammed shut before him. stiles crashed his body against the door, pounding his fist against the glass, rattling at the locked doorknob.
his eyes darted around the room, taking in lydia, tied down to a chair, scott, spitting up blood on the floor. he finally found y/n who was sprawled across the back of the room, a deep gash on her forehead, chin lolled to the side. stiles yelled louder.
then, stiles saw his dad. miss morel stepped in front of the sheriff, blocking stiles’ view.
and they disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
scott finally pushed himself up off of the floor, stumbled to the door, and pushed the desk that was blocking it away. stiles bounded into the room. he looked between lydia and y/n, glanced at the spot where his dad had been, where his gun was now the only evidence of his presence there.
stiles quickly raced to y/n, dropping to his knees at her side. he pressed two fingers to her neck, letting out a shaky loudly when he finally felt her heartbeat, weakly thumping somewhere inside her body.
“i’m here, y/n,” he sat on the cool floor, tugging her still body into his lap. stiles lay a shaking hand to her cheek, brushed the bloody hair away from her skin. she looked so pretty, still. he was convinced she could never look bad. she was just…angelic. that’s the only word he could think of. stiles caressed her skin, dazedly. he didn’t even notice the tears slinking off his face.
it all sounded distant, drowned, but he could hear scott somewhere behind him, calling the police, untying lydia. allison and isaac, derek, too, eventually showed up. their muffled conversation was drowned out to stiles, their plans and battle moves meaning nothing to them him right now. he just kept clutching y/n’s limp body like a prayer.
he didn’t know what to do, but he knew he couldn’t let her go. if he let go, then he would fall apart.
because his was dad had been taken. his dad was probably going to die. and stiles was powerless.
there was nothing he could do.
he mumbled, just loud enough for scott to hear to it, “please wake up.”
he needed her to hold him and to run her fingers through his hair and to kiss his cheek and to hush his sobs that were now racking his body and to tell him everything would be okay.
but then, the paramedics were pulling her body from his lap. they were strapping her onto a gurney, and they were loading into an ambulance. stiles followed them, closely, like a zombie. they asked for her name, her age, and he murmured it all out, subconsciously.
he climbed inside the ambulance with them, and when he finally had her hand again, when his skin was finally against hers, stiles didn’t feel so cold. stiles didn’t cry so hard.
scott watched as the doors to the ambulance shut, closing out his view of stiles. he looked at allison, at isaac, lydia and derek. but, nobody knew what to do.
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geminibsworld · 7 months
fingertips- t.b
chap: 2
warnings: smut, cussing, drinking, smoking, & infidelity
⭐️this is hella long SORRY⭐️
priscilla had been avoiding mike all day. she felt guilty. flirting with his best friend? bad. wanting to fuck his best friend? also bad. she had a boyfriend, a perfectly fine boyfriend, priscilla really had no complaints other than sex. sex isn’t even important, she loves mike so she doesn’t mind. they have intimacy, romance, respect, and excellent communication. what can be worse? nothing, that’s why she’s so mad at herself. mike is perfect in her eyes, she loves perfect things. she works hard to view herself as ‘perfect’ and mike is already perfect to her.
but tom? he was a mess. so chaotic, all over the place, careless, reckless, doesn’t care, the list goes on. those things annoy her unbelievably so, she couldn’t stand to be with someone like that. the fact that she was responding back to him that night? made her feel disgusted. she didn’t even reply back to his text. she hated the way he talked to her, treated her, existed around her.
she felt so conflicted that she avoided not only mike, but tom. even in the classes she has with tom, of course, she could feel his eyes on her. they basically burned a hole into her. she hated it, the way it made her body feel. that was different. she felt.. turned on. she wanted him, physically. to the point that she’s touched herself every night soaking her sheets to him. that’s the main reason she felt disgusted, the way he talked to her made her feel dizzy and warm.
the bell rang signaling class was over, she grabbed her bag and sprinted out the door. she was speed walking towards the doors, pushing past some.
“priscilla!” she recognized that voice, she wanted to throw up.
she pushed past the glass doors. cursing to herself as she hears a shout again. she was annoyed, she had been avoiding both tom and mike all day. but now, the avoidance is over.
“priscilla? hello?” tom’s voice is next to her ear, she groans loudly. she can hear tom let out a laugh.
“why are you ignoring me?” he asks, his brows furrowed. she looks at him, scoffing. he raises his brows at her, a small smile now on his lips.
“why do you think?” she snaps, looking around making sure no one was around. tom shakes his head, messing with his hair.
“oh maybe, because i said some things and you actually responded back?” he asks, quietly. priscilla’s cheeks burn, she could feel herself blushing. she cleared her throat, avoiding eye contact with him. he laughs, she internally is screaming.
“i knew it,” he laughs, “she’s embarrassed.”
“oh piss off,” priscilla yells, turning and looking at him.
“i have a boyfriend, and he’s your best friend asshole,” priscilla hisses pointing a finger at his chest, tom looks down at her. for the first time ever he looks annoyed, he’s holding his jaw in this way that makes him look likes he’s got something to say.
“you’re a bad person for going after me. your best friends fucking girlfriend, do you know what that makes you? a terrible, terrible friend. what if i told mike, huh? you’d be done, you’d be over with. do you know how happy that would make me?” she seethed, tom stares at her his eyes never leaving hers. she was so angry at him, of course she was just as guilty and maybe that’s why she was so mad.
“you’re an asshole tom, a genuine asshole.” she said, her voice hard cracking like she was about to cry. tom looks away for a split second before he starts speaking.
“im the asshole, huh? you were responding. edging me on. you never ONCE told me to stop, besides your weak ass reply, something the lines of ‘i have a boyfriend’ or whatever the fuck you said. you are just as guilty as me. you’re an asshole to,” he snaps, her eyes widen at him. anger and anxiety coursing through her making her feel like she was about to cry. he stares at her, before his eyes fall to her lips back to her eyes.
“fuck you, tom.” she says, dryly. she turns around to walk away before tom grabs her wrist pulling her into a kiss.
she gasps, she bumps into him as his hands cup her face. kissing her in a way that makes her knees feel weak, he kissed her with desire and hunger. she felt dizzy, her hands grab his uniform tie pulling him closer as her hands grip his hair tightly. the kiss felt so electric, her body had shock waves all through out her body. she could feel herself melting into his body as his hands roamed her body. his hands gripped her waist, pinching at the skin. she suddenly felt conscious all the sudden, her eyes snapped open and pushed herself away.
tom and priscilla both breathing heavy, chests heaving. she clears her throat, trying to regain her breathing. tom shakes his head laughing a bit.
she looks over at him, she couldn’t help but admire him. his lips a darker pink, his messy brown hair even messier. she thought he looked so attractive, the messy after kiss look was definitely his look.
he looks at her, her cheeks pink, her lips swollen and puffy. her glasses fogged slightly, she smoothed down her shirt. he couldn’t help but want to kiss her more.
“you’re an asshole,” she speaks, softly. tom nods, before walking up to her again.
“you kissed back, and look at you now. you want more,” he says, his brows raised slightly with a amusement in his voice. unfortunately he was right, she was fighting the urge to kiss him. she wanted more, so much more. she imagined what it was like kissing him, and it’s so much more than just a kiss. she knew she was wet, she was turned on. no wonder why girls love kissing him.
“oh, fuck off. you’ve done enough.” she sneered at him, rolling her eyes beginning to walk towards her house. he follows after her, jogging slightly.
“i clearly haven’t, you’re still being a cunt.” he spat, she turned around. she clenched her jaw, and marched up towards him. they were in the middle of her yard now.
“fuck you fuckhead,” she seethed, flaring her nostrils slightly. tom rolled his eyes, a smirk slowly revealing itself.
“nice one, genius,” he scoffed, she takes off her backpack and shoves it in his chest. he grabs her bag, letting out a small ‘ugh’ he sets it down by his feet.
“yeah because you’re so fucking smart?” she snaps, her fists balling up at her sides. he glances at her fist, and steps closer. his scent invading her senses, she took a deep breath her eyes flutter shut before she stares at him again. his face doesn’t look upset, she knows he’s going to try something.
“yeah i am, going after my best friends long term girlfriend? priscilla, you’re so angry. know why? because you need to be taken care of.” he says, his hands reaching for hers. she looks down at his fingers gently grab her wrist, she gulps quietly before looking back at him. he nods, almost like reassuring himself before talking again.
“let me be the one who takes care of you? please? mike doesn’t have to know. we can be bad people together,” he says, softly much more gentle than before. priscilla groans, yanking away from him. her eyes meet his, suddenly she wants to kiss him again.
“please- just go home,” she said, she was tired and done with this. done with him. done with all of it. she leans down to grab her bag, she begins to walk away. as she reaches the porch, she turns around and he’s still there his hands in his coat pockets.
“go. go home tom,” she says, reaching for her keys in her coat pocket. she looks at him, seeing him nod and walking away.
her stomach hurt, she entered the home. she chewed her bottom lip, anxiety making her shake. she threw down her bag in the chair before she jogs up to her room.
she danced on mike, grinding into him as his hands lay on her hips. the music vibrating the room, lights flashing, sweaty bodies everywhere. she felt like she was on cloud 9. she was so drunk at the moment, she just felt so good. she moved her hips back into his crotch, his hands occasionally gripping her tighter than normal.
some 2000’s song played surrounding everyone, priscilla was pretty drunk and she missed mike also. after everything that happened, she needed a break. she never goes to parties so when mike invited her, she agreed. mike was actually surprised that she agreed but he was happy. priscilla thought about the kiss all day long, she couldn’t help it. she still felt like her lips were tingling now, several hours later.
“babe!” mike shouts in her ear, she looks up at him from the side slightly moving her ear closer.
“i’m gonna go get us more drinks okay?” he shouts again, she nods smiling as he walks away in the crowd. she continued to dance, in her own little bubble. she twirled around and shook her hips to the music. she closed her eyes letting out giggles as she bumps into someone.
“fuck! i’m so sorry-“ she starts, sorry written across her face before she looks at tom. his hair was messily flat on his forehead, he was holding a red cup probably filled with liquor, the cup looking so small in his hand. he leans in closer to her.
“oh. it’s you,” she groans, tom lets out a laugh throwing his head back slightly. priscilla begins to walk away before tom reaches for her, grabbing her wrist her mind flickered to when he did this earlier. pulling her close so they could hear each other.
“never seen you so… relaxed? have you been drinking ma’am?” he asks, with a teasing tone. she can’t help but smiles as he begins to smile with her.
“i had a bad day, so yes sir, i have been drinking,” she laughs, winking at him. he raises his brows, and he begins to chuckle at her.
“are you having fun?” he asks, taking a sip of his drink. she grins, nodding.
“so much fun, i guess i should ask if you are?” she says, he shrugs smiling slightly.
“it’s nothing new,” he laughs a bit, shaking his head slightly. her eyes glance to his hand, he had such big hands, never had she wanted a hand as necklace so bad till now.
she then glances back to tom, his eyes were on her. watching her, he seen her look at his hands. she didn’t feel embarrassed this time, in fact, she wanted to see how far she could go with this. mike was going to be back- she began to wonder about mike. where the hell did he go?
“you okay?” tom asks, furrowing his brows. she nods looking around, not seeing mike.
“i’m okay, did you see where mike went? he was supposed to get me a drink well the both of us drinks.” she asks, trying to peak around everyone. not seeing much due to her height obviously, tom begins to open his mouth before looking around.
“i don’t see him,” he says, his face showing worry yet something else lingered. she couldn’t read his face, that bothered her. he was normally expressive facially anyways.
“you saw something?” she asks, yanking him a bit. he shakes her off, grimacing before his face changed to amusement.
“i didn’t see anything- how about we go get drinks together?” he asks, she nods. he places his hand on her lower back walking slightly in front of her. his hand felt warm against the thin fabric, so warm she felt like her skin was burning. she loved the feeling at the moment.
they reach a table by the kitchen. bottles on bottles on the table, every type of liquor that anyone could think of was probably there. plus several other shooters, including soda, juice, and energy drinks.
“what do you want?” he asks, extremely close to her ear. she shivers, looking over the options.
“whiskey and coke?” she asks, biting her bottom lip hiding her smile. he gives a half smile before grabbing the two drinks and mixes them together pouring them in a purple cup then pouring another in another cup.
“here you go, gorgeous,” he smiles, handing her a drink. she rolls her eyes, a playful smile on her lips. she grabs the drink from his hand, their fingers graze slightly and she wanted to burst into flames.
“shut up, big nose,” she laughs, taking a sip. he laughs, looking down shaking his head.
“do you not remember what doja cat said about big noses or are you uncultured?” he asks, bumping his arm into hers. she chokes on her drink, looking at him wide eyed. he laughs, before placing a hand on her back slightly smacking her back. she coughs, and looks at him again. she regained her breathing tom stared at her almost concerned.
“did i knock the wind out of you with that one?” he says, before throwing his head back giggling. she groans, taking a sip again.
“dude, i hate you,” she laughs, quietly. he raises his hands up in defense smiling.
“no you don’t, quite the opposite kind of?” he makes a face of confusion, before laughing slightly. she stares at him, scrunching her nose up.
“here, follow me,” he reaches a hand out to her, she hesitantly grabs his hand. he pulls her into a hallway, opening up the bathroom she slowly entered. he lets go of her hand, closing and locking the door. she watches him taking a drink again, before hoping on the sink counter. she kicked off her heals, got comfy on the sink.
“i do hate you, ya know.” she says suddenly, he looks at her making a face. he waves her off, shaking his head.
“no, no you don’t,” he says, shrugging. she sits up slightly, he stands only a few feet away from her. she could still smell him.
“you don’t, you might not like me but when we kissed earlier. i don’t know, feels like you’re hiding something,” he says, nonchalantly leaning against the counter next to her. she scrunched up her nose shaking her head brushing her hair behind her ears.
“think whatever you want, but remember i have a boyfriend,” she shrugs, “plus, you kissed me,”
“you kissed back pri,” he says, the nickname causing butterflies to appear in her stomach. she’s never been called a nickname like that before.
she smiled softly, grabbing her drink and taking a sip. he looks at her, she meets his gaze.
“i did, but it was a mistake tom,” she says, looking away down at her feet. they swung as thoughts anxiously ran through her mind. she wanted to kiss him again, she couldn’t help it. his lips were soft and plump. his mouth had tasted like mint.
“was it such a mistake?” he asks teasingly, turning to look at her with a boyish grin on his face. she clears her throat, grabbing her drink downing her last swig.
“yes, it was and you know it to,” she says, stern.
“oh come on, really you’re being this way?” he says, his voice dry. she shrugs, before rolling her eyes. she hopped down from the counter, and began to grab her heels from the floor.
“yeah. i am because my boyfriend who just so happens to be downstairs probably looking for me so im going to find him,” she says, slipping on her heels and reaching for the door.
“you won’t find him,” he says suddenly, priscilla looks at him making a face.
“what do you mean?” she asks, raising a brow at him. he sighs, placing his drink down. he looks at her, she crosses her arms giving him a stern look.
“i saw him leave with another girl, when he was getting your drink,” he sighs, she laughs. he almost looks shocked at her laughing.
“you don’t believe me? i saw them, remember you even asked me?” he says, pushing himself off the counter. her heart thumped in her ears, she didn’t want to believe him, but she still felt anxious.
“you’re pathetic,” she says, scoffing. he puts his hands up in a defensive way.
“i’m just saying, some blonde girl walked out with him, and isn’t it funny how we didn’t see him at all?” the last part came out sarcastic. she scoffed rolling her eyes.
“sure, tom, sure. like id ever believe you anyways. mike would never cheat on me. he loves me.” she responds sarcastically grumbling the last two sentences.
“oh, like you love him? remember we kissed. you cheated on him remember and you’re supposed to love him.” he says, crossing his arms a smug look spreading on his face.
“fuck you tom, you’re an asshole.” she spits, scrunching her nose up. she unlocks the door and walks out of the bathroom. the music still louder than ever, and lights flashing, but all she could think about was the fact that what if mike left?
she turns a corner, peeking around trying to look for mike. she doesn’t see him, or anyone she recognizes at all.
she makes her way through the crowd heading for the front door, she grabs her jean jacket and putting it on before opening the door. her hot breath causes a vapor to come out of her mouth. she shivers slightly, reaching for her phone.
hey. where did you go?
she stared at the screen, when the message didn’t deliver she began to worry. she chewed her bottom lip anxiously, picking at the skin on her lip.
she decided to call him, the phone went straight to voicemail. she began to feel more anxious then ever before. what if tom wasn’t lying?
“hey, it’s cold out here.” tom spoke, opening the door and stepping out behind her. she snapped her head to look at him.
“yeah,” she mumbles, she continued to try and send the message over and over.
“is that him?” he asks, peaking over her shoulder. she pursed her lips.
“yep.” she says flatly, she turns off her phone. she felt sober now, sober enough anyways. she was beginning to get upset. her boyfriend left without her? he was her ride?
“do you need a ride home?” tom asks, looking at softly.
“i guess i do need a ride home,”
it was sunday. the night after the party, and she still hasn’t heard from mike. she hoped he wasn’t just going to ghost her, which would be stupid because they had been together for a year, but mike was never the talk it out type.
her phone vibrated next to her, she picked it up quickly and answered it without even knowing who it was.
“mike?” she asks, she heard shuffling on the other line.
“no- it’s tom- wait you still haven’t heard from him?” he asks, confused.
“what? yeah, no haven’t heard anything thing. have you?” she asks, sounding hopeful.
“no, my calls go straight to voicemail, also i’m coming over,” he says, she shuffling again.
“what? no?” she says, grabbing a big t shirt to cover her shorts. she puts her phone on speaker as she slips the shirt over her head. it falls right below her shorts.
“well, i’m here so let me in,” he says, then hanging up. she groans, throwing down her phone and rushing downstairs. she opens the front door, and sees tom in a hoodie and sweatpants.
“why are you here?” she asks, annoyed. he smiles at her.
“well, good morning to you too,” he grins, sliding past her. she slams the door shut, and crosses her arms in front of her chest. he turns and looks at her. taking time to admire how simple, yet angelic she looked. her long dark hair, and hazel eyes. pale as snow skin. make up still smeared around her eyes, but in a way that it didn’t look like raccoon eyes.
his eyes travel down her body and couldn’t help but notice her legs. her thighs were the most exposed he’s ever seen. the shirt barely covered her, he pictured her curves under her shirt. he wondered what she would look like naked, a lot actually.
“stop checking me out, and answer me,” she snaps, he shrugs putting his hand in his pockets.
“i don’t know, just felt like i should come over. we can watch your favorite movie or something. i just felt bad about last night,” he says, looking around before giving her a small smile.
her face softened. she was worried about mike. he never does this. tom was trying to be nice, she rolled her eyes playfully.
“fine,” she mumbles, before walking towards the stairs. she glanced at him, he smiled before following her up the stairs.
his eyes wondered of course, he thought her shirt covered nothing, but so did her shorts. she walked up the stairs, he couldn’t help but watch the shorts ride up as she walked.
they approached her room, before she opened it. he’s never really been in her room before. the walls covered with music and movie posters. fairy lights hug around her room. her dark curtains keeping the sunlight out of her room, then his eyes went to her bed. it was covered in blankets and pillows.
“i like your room,” he says, glancing around. before taking off his shoes and sitting on her bed, making himself at home. she chuckled watching him, before grabbing her remote and turning on netflix.
she turned on the murder documentary she’d been meaning to watch. she brings her remote into bed with her. she climbs in next to tom, they were so close she could feel his body heat and smell his cologne he always wears. she felt immediately drenched in him.
“you watch these?” he asks, pointing a finger at the screen. she smiles and nods.
“they’re my absolute favorite thing to watch on days where i can do nothing, i typically watch them by myself. mike hates murder documentaries, he says they’re creepy.” she laughs, returning her eyes to the screen.
the two sat in silence watching the documentary for about thirty minutes. she was kind of leaning on him, and he didn’t mind. in fact he wanted her closer. he adjusted his position slightly, moving his arm around her yet not touching her. he glanced at her, he admired her bone structure. to him, it looked like she was sculpted from the gods.
her phone vibrated, she reached for it pulling away the cold air touching her skin. she turned on her phone.
sorry babe. got sick and left last night. hope you got home safe.
she sighs, rereading the text over and over.
“everything alright?” tom speaks up, she turns and looks at him and turns off her phone.
“yeah. mike said he got sick and left last night,” she says, tom scoffs next to her.
priscilla frowns at him. tom lets out a small laugh, and sits up. priscilla now facing him sitting cross cross, stares at him.
“what?” she asks, raising a brow at him. he rolls his eyes, a smile creeping up on his face.
“you believe that shit? also really shitty of him to be like ‘hope you got home safe’ like what?” he scoffs, priscilla rolls her eyes.
“he does get sick from drinking sometimes,” she shrugs, tom shakes his head beginning to stand up.
“you’re so stupid,” he scoffs, priscilla cocks her head at him disgust written all over her face.
“excuse me? i’m stupid? the fuck?” she spits, following after him. he stands up, and she scrambles to stand up getting off the bed.
“yes, you are stupid. he’s clearly lying to you.” he snaps at her, she puts her hands on her hips. a stern look on her face. his nostrils flaring slightly.
“oh like you’re lying to him?” she snaps, tom shakes his head scoffing.
“please. how am i lying if i haven’t even said anything or he knows?” priscilla wanted to punch him so bad at the moment.
“you don’t have to say anything you’re lying to him. you kissed me, remember?” she crosses her arms over her chest.
“and you kissed back.” he states, staring at her sternly. priscilla lets out a deep breath.
“okay. what’s your point? we’re both not innocent.” she says, nonchalantly.
“so, you’re ’technically lying’ as well.” he spits, she scrunches up her nose. she puckers her lips before chewing anxiously on her bottom lip.
“i don’t want to lie to him anymore that i have, tom.” she says, softly. he frowns down at her.
“what do you want then?” he asks, moving down to her height slightly. she looks down at her feet. her thoughts race through her mind. she wants to kiss tom again, but yet thinking mike and what if he was lying to her?
“i want mike,” she says, looking up at him. her hazel eyes meeting his blue ones. he nods slowly putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.
“i want you,” he says, she stares at him. her lips fall open slightly, before she closes her mouth into a tight lipped expression.
“i don’t want you tom. i want mike,” she says, sounding sure of herself. tom takes his hands out his pockets, taking a step towards her.
his cologne invaded her senses, she felt like she was falling under his spell. he stares down at her, she tries to hold eye contact. she can’t, she’s looking at him, past him, around her room, everywhere but him occasionally.
“are you sure?” he asks, softly. his gaze searching her face. she feels nervous. her heart was thumping in her ears. his hand reached for her hip, she tried to fight him off but it was weak. her hands pushed against him, as he pulls her close. her hands keeping a distance between them. he leans down to her height, before whispering into her ear.
“why aren’t you fighting this?” he asks softly, she shivered. he lets out a quiet chuckle. she chews her lip nervously. both of his hands on her hips now, he sits up to his full height.
“look at me,” he says, she looks up at him finally holding eye contact. his eyes bore into hers.
“you make me feel insane,” she says, finally. tom peers at her carefully. his hands on her hips distracting her, she removes his hands from his chest dropping them to her sides.
“in the worst… and best way,” she sighs, he raises a brow at her a smirk creeping onto his lips.
“tell me more, c’mon,” his thumbs rub into her hips. she lets out a deep sigh, and looks down. she purses her lips and grabs his hands on her hips and pulls them away from her. he frowns at her, and she takes a step back.
“i really can’t do this.” she says, meeting his eyes. he nods slowly, trying to understand.
before he can even respond, her bedroom door opens. tom looks towards the door as priscilla spins around, her eyes widening and her cheeks turning pink.
“mike? you’re here? hi?” she says, trying to muster excitement. he grins at her, grabbing her wrists pulling her into a tight hug.
she hears shifting behind her as tom begins to leave, mikes arms brought priscilla comfort yet it still bothered her about tom. what could’ve happened, what she wanted to happen.
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