#shes a sass master ok lmao
kordyceps · 8 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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cosmicyeehaw · 5 years
OC questions Tag Game
Choose an OC. Answer the questions as that OC and Tag 5 people to do the same
Tagged by @dolphinitley and @shellibisshe thank you so much! 💖 This was super fun to do!
Tagging: (if you wan to c:) @deputyshitlordsantana @highwvymen @johnathot-seed @thatjessopgirl @themysteriouslou
Doing this for my Dep Eleanore!
1. What's your name?
Eleanore Rivera. You can call me El.
2. Do you know why you are named that?
My mom never told me and I never asked.
3. Are you single or taken?
With how many hunts he goes on it feels like I'm single...
*gets the side eye from Jacob*
4. Have any abilities or powers?
*shrugs* I dunno? I can kick ass and take names? Wish I could fly though.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Stop being an asshole.
6. What's your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
Um you are looking right fuckin at me... Its dark brown.
8. Have any family members?
Yeah, my mom and my big brother. He passed last year though.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Heh, I have a turtle and... I named it Yertle. Shes back at home safe with my mom.
10. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you dont like.
You guess? Bitch my turtle is awesome. Right now i'm not liking that attitude hun.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I like to train and spar. Oh, I also like to dance whenever I have the time.
*Jacob in the background* "She's lying, I'm her favorite activity. She likes to do me."
Ugh, Jake I swear to god.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Yeah.. And I hate myself for it.
13. Ever... killed anyone before?
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14. What kind of animal are you?
Uh an animal? What is this a buzzfeed quiz?
15. Name your worst habits?
Hm, I'd have to say biting my nails. But if it gets really stressful around here, Jake doesn't like it but I smoke.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Yeah, Jake cause he's fuckin tall.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Bi as hell baby!
18. Do you go to school?
Yeah. Never went to college though, I joined the academy right outta high school.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
Marriage, yeah for sure. Kids? No way.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Sure do. To bad they're stuck back home behind the cold concrete on Rikers.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Definitely has to be hurting someone I love dearly.
22. What do you usually wear?
I think I've spent more time in uniform that I do regular clothes these days. Sometimes I wear jeans, a plaid shirt and my boots.
Oh and my aviators. Always gotta have those on.
23. What one food tempts you?
I love a good slice of cheesecake. You know those platters you get at the store? Yeah I fuckin ate the entire plate one time.
I'm lactose intolerant...
24. Am I annoying you?
*whispers* Jake please tell them they're annoying me cause if you dont I might slap the shit outta them.
25. Well, it's still not over!
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26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Why do you need to know?
27. How many friends do you have?
I got a few. I like to keep my circle small, so most of 'em are back at the precinct at home. I do get along quite well with Sharky though! We share quite the knack for explosives.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Fuck yeah! Cheese, pepperoni, olives, hell even pine- wait why are you looking at me like that? OH you mean the dessert.
Uh yeah, I love the apple pie here.
29. Favorite drink?
I love a good Prickly Pear. Extra tequila. *wink*
30. What's your favorite place?
Heh yeah Jake's thighs. FUCK- I mean my couch. Yes! My couch, underneath a cozy blanket.
*Jacob's just busting up in the background* "Told ya! She likes to do me!"
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Interested in you... leaving this goddam house.
32. That was a stupid question...
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
The lake, since that's the only thing around this fuckin place.
34. What's your type?
*Points to Jacob who's smiling like an idiot* Apparently him.
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35. Any fetishes?
That sweet, sweet affection babey!
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors. I've spent so much time stuck in an apartment back in New York, it's nice to lay outside and watch the stars.
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cjskribblez · 2 years
I just finished Rebels s2, so i wanted to dump a few of my random thoughts here; if anyone is interested lol.
I knew something bad was gonna happen to Kanan gosh dangit him and Hera had too sweet of a scene beforehand, and sure enough. BOOM guys. He did not in fact get to see her again lmao I hate it here
At least he's alive tho lol
Honestly I lost the capacity to hate Maul a long time ago so I just felt really bad for him this whole time. HE FAILED AGAIN. SHOCKER. and honestly except for that main part of removing a certain someone's retinas he didn't really do anything super evil. He didn't lie to Ezra at all, he didn't drop Ezra or try to kill him a single time either. Respect (but also dude wtf rude)
And Maul taking about how he was no longer a sith... Maul lore. Very good methinks.
"Two Jedi and a part-timer" LOL he genuinely sounded so happy to actually see people. Who knows how long he was there-
That first elevator ride up the temple had to have been awkward AS HELL for Maul and Ahsoka though I'm so upset they took that from us that would have been so funny (ik it's been 10+ years ok I just think it would be hilarious if they were just 🧍🧍*elevator music*)
Honestly right before they all split up though I was sitting there like "gee Ezra how come Dave Filoni let's you get 3 masters"
no wait Kanan is now but still
Why did the temple lady sound like Ventress?? Was that intentional?? Hm🤔🤔 I'm probably reading too much into this but. Sus.
We almost had Maul and Ahsoka vs Vader.... But the world wasn't ready for that ig
And don't even get me started on the Ahsoka and Vader scene. The only reason I'm not on the ground sobbing right now is because I've seen it in edits and such. STILL HURT THO.
I actually think the only reason Ahsoka knew. Knew it was Anakin was because of his scar. She might have even aimed for that part on his mask to check... Yeah :(
I was not expecting those inquisitors to die there JEEZ rip ig but not really they were annoying LMAO
It isn't really clear on who's ship Maul stole but IMAGINE IF IT WAS VADERS. HAHAHA. THE AUDACITY .
Speaking of audacity. Ezra sassing DARTH. FREAKIN. VADER. (And living to tell the tale) I love him guys😭
They really all lost something that episode huh :((
Rex literally told her to wait for him before she went too :'(( bye I'm sad
In conclusion; I hate StarWars (/hj)
And I really loved s2 so WHOO I'm excited (scared) for the rest!
And ofc my lovely beans, these r just my opinions.
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LMAO i accidentally unfollowed u when i tried to send u this ask,,, sorry,,, ANYWAYS for the dialogue thing. 6 with albert? or 9 with spot!! :D
Omg you’re all good!
Now let’s get this show on the road:
It was an odd occasion, for starters. It was rare that David ever trusted Albert with… well… anything. Sure they were buds, but since Les was determined to be like ‘one of the big kids’ he aspired to be on the level of none other than Albert Dalsilva.
Now Les was just like any other kid, believed in magic, saw wonders in small things, yet he had a lot of sass in that little body, and perhaps that was the appeal in Albert. Albert saw a lot of himself in Les, the way the kid jumped around and butted in on conversations. Since he lost touch with his own brother he reluctantly warmed up to the kid within a few weeks and found refuge by his side.
So that’s how Albert got stuck with the kid for the day. Was it a good idea? Absolutely not no. David had protested the arrangements with his mother that morning. “But Ma, are you kidding? Les’ll end up dead.”
“Now David it can’t be that bad”
Les skipped along by the scrawny redheads side, humming some Disney song to himself while the grown man looked down on him. He wasn’t quite sure what to say, they weren’t quite close, and to be fair he wasn’t quite sure how and why David allowed him to be with the child. Sure he had experience with kids but he wasn’t a master with them.
“So, Shortstuff, got a girlfriend?” He asked completely sarcastically trying to make a joke and conversation.
“Yup! Sally! She’s my sweet plum, like a rose on a fine spring day-”
“Jeez ok I was just kidding… do you really- are kids seriously?” Who was he to judge? He had met his boyfriend when he was 9 and had a crush on him from that very first day without even knowing it. He shrugged his shoulders brushing the foreign thought from his mind.
Now what would the two do for the day? David was off at school and for some reason Les’s school had a pupil free day, leaving the kid without any chains to hold him down. To be fair, there was only one job Albert really had to do. Keep the kid alive. It shouldn’t be that hard… right?
As they approached Central Park they came to the iconic bridge that overlooked the lake. “You dance much, Kid?”
Les looked up at Albert as the tall boy climbed onto the rails of the bridge. “Yeah, Ma signed me up for Tap a few years back, why?”
Albert did a little Diddy with his feet, leaping across the rails. It didn’t seem safe at all. He reached out a hand to the young child, who looked up at him with dazzled eyes. He reached for his hand to be hoisted up before hesitating.
“I- I don’t know about this…” Les pouted, looking at the ground and then up at Albert.
“That’s why you’re not the one in charge.” Albert blatantly stated, pulling the kid up. He flipped a few moves which Les copied enthusiastically. It was fun. They were having fun. A little too much fun…
It was a split second. One moment Les was dancing with the coolest guy he knew in the middle of the coolest park in the coolest city, and the next he found himself in the coolest water he had ever felt. It swarmed all around him, swirling cold through his warm blood. His feet kicked frantically as they were on the surface reflecting Alberts every move.
Albert followed a split second after Les fell in, diving in to retrieve the child.
When they got to the surface and onlookers cleared, the boy chattered wearing the oversized coat of his friend… friend.
Albert awkwardly pat the child on the back. “Let’s uh… not tell David about this..”
“Yeah. I can do that.” Les smirked, hoping it wouldn’t be the last day he got to spend with his cool new friend.
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kittyanonymity · 5 years
Team Miraculous
So uh, this was actually an accident. IDK about you guys, but I cried like a baby writing this. Always Find me Here by Transit was a heavy inspiration so maybe listen to that; also Already Over by Red. Uhhh, sorry for the angst?? 
Also this IS mlb X DC. Also also probably a one shot. 
Nevermind, here’s Part 2 lmao Part 3 
And the Actual Story: Ao3
The Ladyblog goes live with a video.
Rena Rouge sits in front of what has to be a go pro, given the video quality; the girl is battered, bruises marring her skin, and tears are running down her face, mixing with the blood leaking from her lip. She takes a shuddering breath.
“My name is Rena Rouge, but you guys know me better as Alya Césaire. I… I don’t know why I’m telling you this now. If the code is… correct, and I did this right, then this is broadcasting internationally, despite the media blackout; and I’ll never be Rena again after this.” She sighed, her breath catching, “I just… I wanted the world to finally hear us.” Rena looked back at the camera, her eyes narrowed in rage. “For four years, Paris has been under siege by Hawkmoth, a supervillain wielding a magical broach, and his accomplice, Mayura. We’ve tried contacting the Justice League for assistance, only to be met with scorn. We-” Rena’s voice broke, and she grit her teeth, “We needed the help. Today, Paris burns.” She stands, her legs shaky, and she grabs the camera, turning it to the window of her room.
And Paris is on fire.
The Eiffel Tower is half collapsed in on itself in the distance, and the seine has flooded. Screams are faintly picked up by the microphone, and then Rena sniffles, and the camera comes back to her.
“Ladybug knows who Hawkmoth is. This marks the final battle, and I-” Her voice catches again, and her tears come fresher, more quickly, “I just want my parents to know I love them; my sisters too. I don’t know if we’ll make it out of this.” Her eyes fall, “Chat didn’t. We’re just a bunch of kids, why do we have to stop a madman?!” She’s screaming by the end of it, her chest heaving, and finally, she takes a shuddering breath, and wipes her eyes. Rena’s stare hits the camera hard.
“My name is Rena Rouge, and we have a job to do. Ladybug told me this video was ok; after today, none of us will be active. And if the League is watching…” Her eyes narrowed, “This is what you called a joke.”
The camera turns again, and with a few clicks, it’s secured around Rena’s chest. The heroine opens the window in front of her, leaping out into the dark Parisian morning. She runs across the rooftopss fluidly, until she comes upon a group.
Ladybug, Hornet, Carapace; Ryuuko, Viperion, Squeak; King Monkey, Pegasus, Bunnix; even Tora.
But no Chat Noir.
Ladybug nods at her as Rena lands; their leader is the most beat up out of all of them, her suit torn in places, leaking blood from her various cuts. Yet she stands with her back straight, despite the quiver Rena notices in her best friend’s lips. The camera is staring at Ladybug, but Rena looks at Carapace; her boyfriend hasn’t stopped crying, face set in an anguished scowl.
Alya doesn’t know how they’ll ever come back from this; the team. Her friends.
Ladybug breathes.
“This is it.” She says it quietly, but they all hear her; the world hears her.
Ladybug smiles, but it’s not even close to positive, “You have all fought by my side consistently since we were 13 years old; and I-” Her voice breaks, tears swelling in her eyes, as her hand clutches at something next to her; someone who is no longer there. “And I am honored to have known all of you, both in mask, and out. Hawkmoth has- he’s-” Ladybug grits her teeth, baring her teeth, and biting her lip until she bleeds; her voice comes out choked, “He has taken someone very dear from us; from all of us. Chat- Adrien- he was my best friend. I loved him, just like we all did.” Marinette’s breath caught, “And he’s gone. But we owe it to him to finish this. To bring that man to justice.” Her fists clenched at her side, and Rena watched as Ryuuko held Hornet close to her, the two girls crying; Rena made sure the camera saw too.
Let the world witness what they suffered.
Ladybug sighed, drawing her attention once more.
“And we will. This will end today, one way or another. I…” Pausing, Ladybug’s tears came back with a vengeance, “I cannot promise we’ll survive, you guys. I am… so so sorry.”
Ladybug turns her back, “And if you’re still with me now, then follow.” And then she leapt from the building, her yo-yo swinging out, and propelling her forward.
Towards the Agreste house.
One by one, Rena watched the heroes follow her, until she was left alone on the roof. She watched her teammates, her friends go ahead of her, and finally Alya sighed.
“I’ll follow you anywhere, Bug.”
And then she was off, catching up with her team.
The fight was messy.
Knowing where to find Gabriel was easy of course, and the world watched, horrified, as this man commanded dominion over the citizens free will; demanded they fight the heroes. By the time Ladybug and her team reached Hawkmoth’s lair, the sun had risen.
They’d cornered him in the basement, next to his wife’s coffin.
And Ladybug didn’t hold back.
“How could you!” She screamed, grief coating her words as she pulled the yo-yo tighter around Hawkmoth, “He was your son! And you killed him!”
“I didn’t know!” He roared back, and Rena was fast, but Ladybug was always faster. The girl’s fist lashed out, colliding with the man’s cheek so hard he fell to the side; Mayura yelped where Tora had her restrained.
Hawkmoth’s miraculous fell off, and Gabriel Agreste was laid bare before the world. Ladybug’s chest heaved as she took deep breaths, and then she bent down, and collected the broach; cradling it delicately. Like it was reverent.
“You have murdered my master, and your son, Gabriel. What do you have to say for yourself?” The man on the floor sobbed.
“I just wanted my wife back…” And Ladybug’s heart ached for the broken family at her feet.
But it didn’t excuse what he’d done.
Rena watched Ladybug turn to Mayura next, watched her walk over, and remove the peacock pin; Nathalie was let in her place, and Marinette growled.
“You’ll both be turned into the authorities.”
She stepped away, holding the red and black speckled object in her hands; Ladybug sighed, and mournfully, she whispered,
“Miraculous Ladybug.”
The swarm of ladybugs surrounded all of Paris, undoing the damage, the death, and Rena raced to the surface to witness it. Citizens milled about, many shocked and upset.
But there was one person who would not be back.
For when someone dies wearing their miraculous, their soul is claimed by it, and they become a part of it for the next holder.
Adrien Agreste would never wake.
Rena watched from the roof as the police showed up, and Ladybug escorted Gabriel out of the house along with Mayura.
They’d done it.
They’d won.
Rena turned, and the camera was looking at Carapace as he walked up to her, and then Alya was crying.
“Nino, it’s over. We did it!” She sobbed, her hands coming up to cover her eyes, “But why doesn’t it feel like we won?” Nino pulled her into a tight hug, the camera pressed against the green of his suit.
“We’re all going to miss him Alya. There’s… There’s no replacing him.” Alya shook her head, her cries increasing.
“He didn’t deserve that, Nino! He- he-!” Nino held her tighter, burying his head in her shoulder.
“I know babe, I-I know…”
That was how the others found them, each hero joining them until finally Ladybug did as well. She only nodded, and they all left together, heading for the warehouse district.
Once they were secure, Ladybug turned to them, her expression pained.
“It’s time, guys.”
Rena watched as, one by one, each of them removed their Miraculous.
Kim and Max were first, King Monkey and Pegasus falling away; next was Tora, Juleka taking her place. Squeak goes next, and Rose is giving Mullo a teary good bye. Bunnix sighs, and then Alix is standing there, rubbing at her eyes. Luka hands his over with no preamble, giving Ladybug a small smile, and bidding Sass farewell. Ryuuko and Hornet both go next, and Kagami and Chloe hold hands while they give Ladybug their Miraculous; Pollen hugs her Chosen one more time before fading away. Nino goes next, handing Marinette the bracelet with a sad smile.
“Is… Is his ring safe?” Ladybug bites her lip as her eyes well with tears, and she only nods. Nino nods and moves aside, and now it’s only Ladybug and Rena, the others watching.
Rena smiles.
“You know I love you right, Nette?” And Ladybug’s eyes go wide behind her mask, and then she’s crying again. Alya reaches up, and removes the necklace, the magic falling away from her. The camera continues to roll. She hands over the jewelry, giving Trixx one last hug as they go.
But Alya is crying, staring at the girl who has been her hero and best friend for the last four years; the girl who has literally carried the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Ladybug finally nods, a pained look on her face.
“I know, Alya. I love you too.”
And then Ladybug is turning, a portal opening up in front of her.
“I’ll… see you guys sometime.”
And then the portal closes and Ladybug - Marinette - is gone; and Alya’s knees hit the concrete of the warehouse as her body shakes with the force of her cries.
The stream ends as the battery on Alya’s go pro dies, and the world echoes with the cries of a broken girl.
It is silent otherwise.
Bruce Wayne clutches the remains of a shattered glass in his hand as the broadcast ends. The blood on his hands has long since dried.
He needs to make a call.
Part 1 :HERE: Part 2 Part 3
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creed-of-cats · 4 years
The Kingmaker Notes
-Erinem and Peri are great omg
-"i promised myself I would stop doing that [talking to himself]" *looks at Eight* my dude really dont know how to regulate his bouts of insanity huh
-this is very meta and we are ten minutes in
-the inuniverse explanation for "Doctor Who" cracks me up "some idiot at the publishing house didnt spot the comma" doctor honey, I got news for you
-the doctor's continous denial about his meddling is a constant dear god
-oh hi Four
-King Richard sounds like Christopher Eccleson and the sass and "oh give Ricky a hand" line is giving me a lot of nostalgia for Nine rn
-King Richard is a little bitch
-lowkey shipping Erinem and Peri
-Doctor Who's annual reminder that life in medieval England was a goddamn nightmare with lap dances and a 14 year old
-peri is like "shh shh I got dis, I saw it in a movie" like pfffffft aND THEN IT WORKS
-time travel shenanigans are hilarious when involving the doctor and his companions, and the tardis is an absolute shit.
-Why didnt he pick them up in a future body and take them forward to fives time??
-so Peri and Erminen just gonna...chill in medieval england for two years...they are both women and one of them is black doc, and they have no money, this is a terrible idea oh my god
-but also...shipping fuel...the tardis ships them that why she left them there together
-there are so many lines in this that are absolutely bonkers and its great
-Five: "Who told you something as deft as that?"
Five: *sweating*
-"One Mr. Satan." Uh ok
-lmao Peri is like "fuck it's his ex :/"
-The Doctor is like "Fuck it's my ex :/"
-why is Richard so funny this isnt fair
-damn that speech tho
-a companion who has a completely different set of morals due to the time they are from?? Sign me UP
- wait that doesn't sound like the master
-"These years in the tower with you have been the happiest in my life" well that adds more fuel to the shipping flame
- "William Shakespeare"
Me: *blinking guy meme*
-oh my God he spiked Five's drink with ginger oh no
-how the fuck did he figure out the ginger thing
-isn't Shakespeare gay for the doctor in canon, and Five is like...one of the biggest twinks in the doctor lineup...like
-um wat
-kudos to that Woman who shouted "No, I'm Richard the Third!!"
-pffffft Richard the Third running after a screaming shakespeare with a sword is a great image
"it's my electric toothbrush" oh my god
-so...shakespeare just fucking died and Richard the Third is writing the plays? Pffft
-I knew Erinem was serious but dammnn
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
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Mysterio’s and Chameleon’s canon friendship 
I’ve limited myself to comics and indisputable panels, but if you’re really thirsty for Mysteleon content like me, there’s also the fact that (almost) every time they both appear in the same story, they are either directly working with one another (for example in cartoons like TSSM, 90′s Spider-man, Marvel’s Spider-man...) and often express interest in the other’s work or at least they are standing close to each other (ha!) or usually get mentioned one after the other (HA! thats what desperation smells like). And of course, unlike other villains, they are often unexpectedly polite and v professional in their team ups, no dick measuring contests and almost no backstabbing! 
Click on the pictures for the source (and to be able to read the actual lines lol) and on the read more for some context and explanations ~
Bonus from the Sinister Six novel trilogy:
Cham suggesting to politely wait for Beck to finish his newest murder show : 
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Once Beck’s plan inevitably fails, not only Cham (disguised as the talkative cop) is there the Second he gets arrested but he immediately reminds him of the more successful part of his performance and praises n thanks him for it!! AND “GENUINE UNMISTAKABLE WARMTH”?? LIKE ARE YOU KIDDIN ME.
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Cont. from the previous part, Beck is “practically hopping” with excitement to see his buddy ok this one could be debatable but after genuine unmistakable warmth and “wont spend so much as a single minute behind bars” im. 🤔🤔🤔 
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Here’s the promised context  and some crying in the order of the photoset
1) Avengers Academy: Pretty much self-explanatory, Cham in disguise kicked Beck so hard his helmet shattered in order to fool some kids, once he can reveal himself he helps him up and apologizes. And you can practically smell that shared interest in acting :3
2) Grim Hunt: Sasha Kravinoff wants to bring Kraven back from the dead, she enlists help of Chammy and manipulates some villains n spiders. Listen, i get that they had to hire Electro for the actual necromancy but MYSTERIO?? For what, the little confusion mist and spooky effects he added to the graveyard??? For the animated spiders on Cham’s disguise? Like the he couldnt pull that on his own? Mysti didnt even need to be motivated for the Gauntlet challenge, his plans were already in motion! Cham got him purely because it’s “a pleasure to work with him” you cant change my mind
3) Ends of Earth: Most of the Mysteleon stuff comes from this arc or the preparation arcs that tie into it, Otto is dying and he regroups the Sin Six for Something Big. Mysti and Cham have a frikin Blast the whole time. How does that saying go about finishing each other’s sentences.. :3 
4)  Fantastic Voyage: One of the EoE prequels, Beck n Cham are on their own on an island, tryin to distract the fantastic four and do somethin reality-shattering for Ock while pretending the entire squad is there. Mmmm look at them compliments, sure, Mysterio praises Everyone if he’s impressed but damn Quentin that’s not how you help someone up, what even are you doing? :’D and Dmitri’s “MY HEART BLEEDS FOR YOU, BECK” both as sassing him or the lil chance it’s genuine is Excellent
5)  EoE: ok i’ll admit it, this one is open to interpretations BUT they have nicknames for each other! And their own private octobot they share! And Beck wants to know what Cham is thinking!! (and im reaching i know let the girl dream)
6) More of the Ends of Earth shenanigans, Chameleon disguised as Doc Ock versus Spidey+Black Widow+Silver Sable in order to help Beck keep having fun up the illusion going.  “No I’m not being a baby” fdjkagj love their bickering but please note that Beck DID make the suit padded and sturdy enough to withstand a bomb near head.
7) Gauntlet: Prequel for the Grim hunt, Cham goes to hire Beck with a Personal joke HE THOUGHT BECK WOULD LIKE! for comparison, this is how he recruited Electro lmao:
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8) EoE, Spidey+Sable+Widow got stuck on Mysterio’s set and Beck n Cham are watching and roasting them.( It’s slightly before Cham attacks spidey disguised as doc ock.) Anyway FRIENDS!!! Talkin about their shared interests of acting and being bastards!! Nicknames! Mysti coming up with an idea and Cham immediately following through! Skill praising sorta! Them makin fun of Otto! This page has it all. 
9) Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil: This whole issue is a gift but Mysti asking Cham to borrow his car is the cherry on top. 
Bonus Bonus for gettin all the way here: According to wiki, this guy is a fusion of Mysterio and Chameleon, idk how they got that information since Mysti’s helmet can as well be opaque like this even without Cham’s influence BUT who am i to look into the gift horse’s mouth right
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dolphin-enthusiast · 5 years
Can I trouble u with la squadra or bucci gang (idc which) with a really flirtatious fem crush? Like she uses her charm on enemies and to distract people (even her team mates lmao) sorry if i broke rules and thank u in advance !!
I'm gonna go w the bad bois for this one because y e s
- Ok but this man loves it. He loves their entire personality and how easily they can distract others by using only their natural charm.
- He can be lowkey flirty too when he feels like it, so these two would be like a match made in heaven. Although he usually goes for the shy type because he loves flustering others, his s/o's bold nature and how they aren't afraid to retort with a flirtatious comment never fails to intrigue him.
- Honestly??? When they would go around distracting others ESPECIALLY the other teammates he may or may not get jealous. He is usually a controlled person but their behavior might just make him snap from time to time. Not that s/o minds it anyway, in fact they love it.
- He LOVES it. Like no joke he's fucking infatuated with them. Someone like his s/o is all that he ever wanted honestly, he likes people that aren't afraid to test him and sass him/flirt back.
- Put him in his place and he's going to be the happiest man alive. Like his bitchass would act bratty just for them to flirt back twice as worse and he'd be thriving. His teasing would only increase as he'd test their limits.
- But surprise surprise he also tends to get jealous sometimes. He'd be clenching his jaw as he'd watch his s/o flirt with others, but would quickly calm down and melt once they approach him and tell him that he's their one and only.
- A match made in heaven 2.0 What happens when you put 2 chaotic flirty bold people together?? Pure chaos.
- These 2 would be flirting/teasing eachother constantly to the point where the other members would just roll their eyes and cringe (insert Ghiaccio having fits of anger here). Of course that they wouldn't give two shits and continue as always.
- He doesn't really get jealous when they use their charms on others. In fact, he'd be cheering them on as he'd watch them flirt with enemies and distract them then proceeding to absolutely destroy them.
- Oh now you got him. Literal fucking tsundere. He would be blushing madly all while telling them to knock it off. The others would just stiffle their laughs (Melone and Formaggio not so much).
- He'd always fuck up whenever his s/o would come to tease him. Say he's carrying something, he's going to drop it on his feet once his s/o comes in then have a full on mental breakdown.
- S/o would just chuckle and call him cute each time he'd huff and puff and that would only make him blush even harder and grumble in annoyance. And yeah he would lowkey get jealous of them flirting with others (which would only earn him EVEN MORE teasing).
- Master at keeping his cool around them. Little to no teasing phases him and he'd often retort with his own flirtatious comments. But he loves their personality though.
- And when they do manage to make him blush it would be priceless. He wouldn't entirely lose his composure but he would sure as hell blush a little and chuckle nervously. He'd only look away and blush more after s/o calls him adorable.
- Thinks their charms are very useful especially when it comes to undercover missions. He'd proudly watch over them as they would charm the enemy and lure them into their trap.
- This man highkey loves it. If you thought Formaggio was the master of flirting you were wrong. These two would be the ultimate flirty couple that would tease eachother 25/8. The only difference is that his flirting is more subtle, but still effective.
- The way in which they always uno reverse card him with flirty remarks sometimes leaves even him shook. He loves their charming and flirty nature and would always let them know that.
- Honestly??? These two would be the best undercover agents together. They are both charming flirty individuals that could easily lure people in then assasinate them without anyone ever knowing. These 2 together are the ultimate killer couple.
- Ghiaccio being easily flustered??? Yeah multiply that like 9837473 times and you have Pesci. Rip to him because he's goes red in the cheeks from literally anything.
- S/o could even just compliment him with a wink and he'd already be stumbling over his words while trying to come up with a proper answer. Their chuckle when seeing his reaction would only make him cover his face more.
- He'd be lowkey shook once he'd see them going around and charming enemies. He only wishes that he could be as awesome as them really, boi would ask them to teach him their ways and they would just laugh and kiss his cheek because he can be too innocent sometimes.
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aldbooks · 5 years
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What the everloving hell did I just watch?
Beware the salt... also the GIF use lol
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Basically... I fucking hated it. The entire time I watched it, the majority of the words coming out my mouth were some variation of “what the fuck? This is excruciating!” I honestly can’t believe I actually watched it twice 🤦🏻‍♀️
Ok so, first we start off with some quality Lukanette and even Marinette’s friends are all “Wow! Marinette and Luka are so cute together. What a good match they make. Maybe she should give him a shot instead of Adrien?!”
But then of course, Adrien shows up!... with Kagami. And Marinette, predictably, becomes Disasternette. At this point, we’re not even two minutes in and I already kinda wanna turn it off.
So then the gang goes above stairs to see what’s going on and Disasternette becomes even worse when Jagged Stone asks her to help him find a new guitarist. Everyone of course expects her to say Luka, cuz duh. But no. She picks 🥁... Adrien.
Who doesn’t even play guitar.
Then Jagged says “what about that kid wearing my face on his shirt with the guitar strapped on his back?” (Lol) and Mari’s like “oh, of course!” Cue short lived sigh of relief, cuz it’s immediately followed by “Luka can let Adrien borrow his guitar!”
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At this point I’m actually kinda angry. Because not only are they once again making Marinette look like an absolute fool, they made beautiful, selfless Luka look like a complete push over because he just gives the guitar to Adrien to please Marinette. Wtf??
And still, we’re not even four minutes in. At this point, I know this is going to be a very long episode.
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So, now the introduction to this episode’s akuma, Desperada. I ain’t mad it. Cool costume design, semi legit reason for akumatization, also, we now know what that random akuma from the Gamer 2.0 episode is that we were all like who the heck is that?
Fast forward a little here: Mari has a bit of an ah-ha moment with Tikki like “omg why did I give the guitar to Adrien? Why am I like this?” (Unfortunately it isn’t the development we’re hoping for though, as we find out very soon)
There are some quality Lukadrien moments as they both try to hide from Desperada and help Ladybug.
There’s a moment where Luka plays his guitar and both Ladybug and Adrien go all dreamy eyed, which I loved (Lukadrinette for the win) but my salty ass kinda wanted Adrien to see Ladybug getting goo-goo eyed over someone else and get jealous. Lmao
Anyways, so Lucky Charm gives her a gong and we all know that means it’s time for a new miraculous holder. Yay! Of course it’s obvious now this is Viperion’s episode but there’s a moment of confusion (and an epic face palm) when Marinette is all “I know the perfect person for the job! 🥁 Adrien!”
Seriously? Wtf.
Upon hearing that Ladybug wants to give the miraculous to Adrien, Chat Noir distracts Ladybug long enough to destransform so he can accept it.
Also see here how he pushes Luka back into the locker like “why don’t you just stay here 😉” so she won’t think to give it to him instead, when she can’t immediately find Adrien.
So Adrien and Plagg debate (read: Plagg tries to talk some sense into his idiot holder who completely ignores him cuz “omg ladybug needs me!” Um, yeah dipshit, she needs you to be Chat Noir) and for a hot minute I think we’re gonna get Snake Noir. But, Adrien wants Ladybug to fall in love with him as ‘himself’ 🤦🏻‍♀️ So never mind.
Also for a hot minute I think Adrien is going to actually do the right thing and refuse, but of course not, because this is ML...
Side note: Adrien’s acting when he opens the box and pretends to be surprised to see a kwami is on point.
Side side note: I don’t know what I expected Sass’s transformation phrase to be, but it def wasn’t “scales slither” 😒 and also, his transformation sequence is terrible and that costume is a travesty. (His end pose also kinda reminds of the gif of the guy from Road to El Dorado aggressively playing the mandolin😂)
Anyway, so for basically the first time ever, we actually see Ladybug explaining the miraculous rules and powers to the new holder. Adrien tells a corny joke and basically acts just like Chat, to which Ladybug giggles
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Again I think Adrien is about to do the right thing when Ladybug basically tells him to his face that Chat Noir is an unnecesary part of the team; so, naturally, he doesn’t.
Basically both of these kids act like selfish little shits so they can spend time together. For once I’m actually very proud of Plagg for calling Adrien out. “You’re supposed to be saving Paris, not flirting!”
What happens next is a montage of Adrien epically failing to save Ladybug with the Second Chance (do I sense a metaphor here? Is this foreshadowing? Ha! As if). He finally gives up the miraculous and good lord, thank you!
Then we find out he failed over 25k times before he finally made the right call...
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So Luka shows up and of course it’s Adrien who is all “Luka should have the miraculous” not Ladybug (because she can’t actually chose Luka herself for anything) And of course Luka just stands there while she kisses Adrien and thanks him for his help, blatantly letting Luka know he was the second choice (def a metaphor). *sigh*
Luka’s transformation of course is hella dope. I really wanted Ladybug to have an “oh no. He’s hot” moment, cuz let’s be real...
Also, why is Ladybug suddenly completely cool with civilians knowing the identity of a miraculous holder???
We’re now over 17 minutes into the episode, nearly the end, and I’m just now realizing that the episode where Luka is introduced as Viperion, isn’t even about him.
Luka then, after a couple of tries, actually is the one to figure out how to win, proving he was the right pick for the snake from the get go. He plays the damn Lyre, because of course he does, and they use Ladybug’s second Lucky Charm (a saddle btw. What the actual hell. This is some more weird, 50 shades type shit (see Reverser)) to defeat the akuma.
Back on the boat, Jagged again apologizes for being a diva and instead of getting some resolution to the Lukanette mistreatment at the beginning of the episode, we get Kagami once again being all “better step up Marinette before I steal your man” which is just the cherry on the cake really
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Other notes:
- in my opinion, this entire episode was essentially Adrien/Ladrien fan service
- as another poster astutely pointed out: Adrien acted basically exactly the same while Aspik as he does when Chat Noir, essentially blowing up Tom’s whole theory about Chat being the “real” Adrien
-Master Fu: this miraculous should be given to someone who won’t abuse it
Ladybug: gives it to Adrien- who proceeds to abuse it
- all I think we learned from this episode, is that both Adrien and Marinette need to get over their obsessions with Ladybug/Adrien because it severely impedes their ability to make rational, sensible, non-selfish decisions.
Also, that knowing each other’s identities really isn’t a good idea. Yeah I hear you, “what about Oblivio?” In Oblivio, they literally knew nothing about each other, other than they cared about each other and they worked well together. There was no ‘hero worship’ ‘he/she’s so perfect’ mentality to get in the way, just good old fashioned trust. So does knowing who the other is actually work for them?
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Ha! I’ve been dying for a good opportunity to use that set
I don’t think I’ve said it before on here, but def in my comments on my fic I Wanna Be Bad: I loved Adrien when this show started. Of the cast of characters, he def had the most potential. Lately though I’ve kinda given up on him.
He’s had zero growth. In fact, some times I think he’s actually gone backwards, especially as Chat Noir. He’s become increasingly petulant and childish and hasn’t learned a damn thing about respecting Ladybug’s boundaries or how to take being a hero seriously. It’s honestly killing the love square for me.
The writing on this show in general has become atrocious. For instance, this episode (according to reported production order) takes place after Silencer. Meaning Mari sat there and listened to Luka confess to her twice, and then goes and says he’s “just a friend” (yes, literally. She pulled an Adrien) and continues to humiliate herself for a guy who’s openly shown an interest in another girl.
It’s so painful to watch. Just as it’s painful to see Chat continually rip his heart out for LB even when she keeps turning him down.
Enough is enough already. We get it. Let them move on. Just because they date other people, doesn’t mean they won’t still end up together. That’s called reality.
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armandyke · 5 years
hallo here are the hc's i whipped up for the teacher au!! i'm sorry this turned into an essay i'm just a dumbass who loves soft teacher au a lot!!
“not sure what the others would teach in this teacher au tho-” *wakes up in the dead of night with cold sweat* *kicks down the door* I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS!!
oh boy…get ready….cause it’s A LOT
- Submitted by @katgreeves
luther: physics teacher, cause you know…spaceboy……everyone is scared at the beginning of the year when they get him as a teacher cause he’s TALL AND HUGE AS FUUUUUCK, but then fast forward two months later and everyone is chill because turns out he’s a really easygoing and soft teacher…just really socially awkward and lowkey dumb sometimes
asshole kids in his classes use his softness to his disadvantage and pull pranks on him constantly, poor guy….the other kids tho always tell them to shove it tho because he may be soft and dumb and socially awkward but he’S OUR SOFT AND DUMB AND SOCIALLY AWKWARD TEACHER DON’T TOUCH HIM!! the first time they protected him he had to remind himself not to tear up because HE FELT SO LOVED!!!! 
he gets them snacks even if they’re not supposed in the science classrooms because “eXPeriMENts and CHEmIcALsSsSsssSS!!!” and will rant for hours about space and starts and THE MOOOOON cause when he was a kid he always wanted to be an astronaut ( :’))))))) ) and his kids get fed up one day and go “why don’t you just make an astrology club mr luther????” and he does and IT’S A REAL SUCCESS WITH THE SCHOOL BODY YAY!!!
(five when he grows up also becomes a physics teacher and pesters luther all the time like “I AM 10 TIMES THE TEACHER YOU EVER WERE-” “NO YOU AREN’T STFU” and he’s technically wrong and right because material wise??? yes he’s 100% the better teacher and he always has answers to the kids questions and teaches them extra content cause he’s always been a genius but as a physics teacher that kids really like????? no siree that title goes to luther because he was a soft teddy bear to his students and they trusted him while five is eccentric and strict the the point where his kids are scared the FUCK out of him)
diego: pe teacher, SWEARS SO MUCH IN FRONT OF THE KIDS IN CLASS OMG HOW IS HE NOT FIRED YET?? is tough on the kids sometimes so push harder but IS ALSO SOFT AND REALLY ENCOURAGING THE KIDS TO WORK AND TRY THEIR BEST BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN THEM!!! (except for the group of cocky assholes he’ll get in every class and don’t want to listen to them…he has personally removed their rights in the class)
whenever the self-defense unit comes around he’s sooooo dedicated to it and makes sure that the kids master everything to a t, cause who knows when it might come in handy??? he wants to make sure that the kids know how to protect themselves as the world is a shitty place and you never know when shit will go bad (except he does…he’s had enough bullshit and scared happen to him and has gotten involved in so many fights that he wants to make sure that the kids won’t hurt like him :“’))))))))) ) 
he’s a secret softie that will protect the kind kids that are not as good at pe and get bullied by the cocky assholes in the class becAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT HE WOULD DO NO IM NOT SELF PROJECTING OF WHAT I WANTED OUT OF MY PE TEACHERS SHUT U-
also eudora is a pe teacher and the two of them are very competitive to be the best pe teacher and this rivalry turns into playful flirting and big ass crushes that they’re way too stubborn to admit, the entire school still ships it anyways (the entire school also ships klaus and dave because gay rights!!!!!)
allison: either school counselor or principal i can’t decide because she can be super kind and open to talk and gives advice that helps a LOT but she’s also a hbic THAT CAN AND WILL run the place. 
anyways, whatever job she has, she also helps with the drama club and school plays, and literally every year the theatre kids BEG HER to kick out the current drama teachers and replace them because allison>>>>>>>>>>>> all of the existing drama teachers there  
ben: is either a literature or philosophy teacher. super smart and knowledgable but is also really laid back and fun to talk to. he’s got a dark and snarky sense of humor and his students always have sass battles with him. the number of INSANE inside jokes his students and him share is HUGE.
anyways…he is really considerate to what students need and makes them as relaxed as possible because school is HELL. students LOOOOOVE HIM. HE’S THE ONE TEACHER BESIDES DAVE THAT LITERALLY EVERYONE LIKES. (highkey inspired by my philosophy and lit teachers because they’re also really smart but sassy and cool like ben and I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT)
vanya: strings orchestra teacher for obvious reasons. she was real shy at first when she first got hired but the the strings department at that time was soooo small and crappy that she went “oh HELL no,” rolled up her sleeves, and set to revitalize it just because she cares about music so much.
she recruited more students, got more advanced music so the kids could feel a challenge and be motivated to improve, and collaborated with the choir and band departments to provide more clubs, events and opportunities outside of class for kids to do music.
she is a no business type of teacher when it comes to arrogant people that put other players down or people who don’t practice and goof around and will snap at them SO HARD because everyone needs to be at their a game for a concert and in an orchestra no single person is bigger that the collective. she’s however SOOOO SOFT with really soft playing and shy kids because she understands how it feels when you think your playing isn’t good enough, so gives them extra help, gives them solo lines or solos to play so they gain more confidence in themselves, all while constantly giving encouraging words about how much they’ve improved that always makes them feel better and more motivated to improve.
she’s an absolute anxious and cranky maniac a week before the concert but she throws parties with food, drinks, and games afterwards to celebrate with her kids. she constantly gets them to play music related games and challenges that they do as a class for team bonding to make things more entertaining in class. she makes dumb music puns a lot too! 
she also will in the class say crazy stories of her childhood and the crazy shit she and her siblings did and then somehow always relate it back to the lesson and make it some sage advice…the kids never understand how she does it
(me???? self projecting more of my teachers into this au cause they’re cool??? more likely than you think)
also one day she chops her hair real short and cute and the conversation with her students basically went like this:
students: miss vanya you cut your hair???
vanya: yes kids I’m a lesbian
students: !!!!!!!!!!!!
vanya: ;))))))))
vanya: HELL YE I DID!!!
bonus grace yayyyy!!!!!: is the school nurse…she’s so sweet, so soft….has precisely whatever people need when they feel sick/injured…helps them calm down in they’re freaking out…always has a couple of beds in the nurse’s office so people can lie if they feel dizzy…gives out candy/sweets/food to people so they feel better!!
diego meets her a lot because a lot of kids in his class gets injuries and he takes them to the nurse and he jUST LOVES HER SM!!! INSTANT MOM FIGURE!! THEY TALK AND JOKE AND LAUGH TOGETHER AND GRACE WILL ALWAYS GIVE HIM A PASTRY SHE MADE WHENEVER HE COMES BY AND HE JUST IS SO SOFT AROUND HER ITS GREAT (his students find his sudden change in his demeanour amusing “hey mr diego is nurse grace your MMMmoooOoOooOOOmMMMMMMmmmmmM??” “kid your a good one but say that shit to me one more time and I will beat the sh-”)
she always has a smile on her and everyone LOVES HER…..except for the administration that always want to get her fired because they are assholes and they think she’s too weird to stay. however, every time they try to fire her, a certain teacher comes by the office for what they claim is a civil discussion...and after an hour of yelling, death threats, and the door getting 10 knife marks they go “you know what grace…you can stay" 
those assholes are persistant though, and one time though not even a certain teacher could get them away from firing her so once the news breaks out that nurse grace is leaving the whole school is FURIOUS and throws a 1 week riot and the administration get so scared and tired that they just go "OK WERE SORRY JUST KIDDIN- OK OK SHE’S STAYING FOR GOOD JESUS”
grace is so grateful that she makes a whole bunch of cake for everyone and everyone with tears in their eyes just goes “this…is why we love you sm nurse mom”
~~okkkieee that’s the end of it sorry it’s a literal essay I just got very passionate about this au lmao rip!!! I’m slowly tempted to write a fic about it even though i’ve never written a fic before in my LIFE and I already have like 3 other au fic ideas in my head already smh
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tenrose · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @sopheirion​ thank you!!!
Favourite Doctor: Ten, ten and always Ten. I just love David’s portrayal’s of the Doctor more than I can say. I love the good, and I love the bad. I love when he’s being an idiot, when he’s flirtatious as hell with Rose (omg the memories) like you two get a room, when he finally snaps, when he’s a dumb oblivious as fuck and you want to smack cause he’s being an asshole, I love when he’s heartbroken. The faces David pulls are the best thing in the world. Like his ‘I don’t want to go’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME DAVID??? And the whole Doomsday episode, his blank face against the wall omg I’m gonna cry right now. And when this bitch has the audacity to disappear before saying it aaaaahhhh. But also the way he talk quickly and absolute nonsense. His ‘er’. When he’s being silly as hell with Donna, those were the good times. When he’s angry yelling, but also when he’s cold angry in the end of The Family of Blood. When he realize things and make the ‘oh i’m so stupid thing’ but also when he’s realizing sad thing like with the end of Donna. Bitch when he cries under the rain like some edgy boy, I cry too. His smile when things are getting exciting, but also the smile going into his eyes that is just for Rose and only Rose Tyler The various face he makes with Donna, all  the non verbal communication. Also when Martha decides to leave and you can see that he’s (too late) proud of her, and after that when he sees her again he’s being honest with her..The way he pronounces certain words if that makes sense???? Also David’s whole acting in Midnight, that was insane on so many levels. And least but not last : his iconic hair. I don’t think I need to tell more. And aside from that, I love all his season’s arcs, all his companions are my top three favourites. And of course, my close second favourite is Nine, cause without Nine, Ten wouldn’t be the Doctor he was.
Favourite Master: tbh I’m not that much into the Master, but I guess it’s Simm!Master cause I love his arcs. But I also love Missy as a character (not sure about her arcs though)
Favourite Sonic: I love both Nine/Ten’s sonic and Eleven’s sonic. 
Favourite Companion: aaaaahhhh not this question lmao. So I can’t really choose between Rose and Donna. I just love them both too much. So I’m not even a hardcore shipper of anyything by tumblr’s standards at least lmao, but the Doctor and Rose (both Nine and Ten) as been the first fictional couple I deeply rooted for (like I’ve enjoyed a lot of other ships before but never as harder and deeply) and that I still root for after all these years (in fact Clexa is the only other one that goes that hard, but everything else is just phases, they come and they go but they never stay). I love the tragedy of them, bitch who am I kidding, I love it that much cause it’s a tragedy lmao. I just love how they both make each other better, but also how they flirt like dumbass teens, how they communicate, how they cry for each other. BUT, and it’s very important, I love Rose for herself. She’s not just interesting because of the Doctor. She’s so relatable for instance? Like she’s not from a wealthy family, she clearly doesn’t give two fuck about fashion (or was it 2005 who was like this?), she’s not too smart, too pretty (ok she’s definitely is for me), too much of anything, she’s average. And I love this a freaking lot you can’t imagine. She has flaws, and yes that’s exactly what we want in a character. Yes she has moments when she’s being selfish (but who doesn’t? especially when in love), and yet she has some of the most beautiful selfless moments,sacrificing herlself in Doomsday is the best cause she was literally gonna end up in the void but she didn’t hesitated for one second. Also when she’s showing empathy for other people, she’s being caring and understanding. And she doesn’t take anyone’s else bullshit, she call them out, and that include the Doctor first. Just because she loves him doesn’t mean it’s gonna stop her from telling him to stop being a punk ass bitch. Also she evolved so much between s2 and s4, and I don’t think it’s character inconsistency, it’s just that it happened off screen. BY THE WAY I WOULD VERY MUCH A SPIN OFF ABOUT ROSE TYLER HOPPING WORLDS THANK YOU VERY MUCH @BBC!!! 
Now Donna? Where do I start? She’s also average, and also very relatable. In fact, personnally I think she’s the most relatable for me. Using humour, snark and sass to hide 10 thousands insecurities? Yes that’s the most relatable thing ever. Donna is the funniest character but she’s also the one who has the saddest ending in my opinion. Cause she grow up, she sees the world, and she understand that she is THE shit, she matters, she is important, and then she forgets all about it. That’s so cruel, and heartbreaking and angering, cause she deserved everyfuckingthing, she deserved the world. And her departure hit me so fucking hard. She’s going back to her life, thinking she would be not enough, I can feel that so deeply. Aaaahhh I’m hurting myself writing this. But she’s so amazing, she’s smart, thinking out of the box really make her so great, and she’s the one who take the least shit about anything. She stands up, yells, makes a scene, but she get straight to the point. Also she’s not the young and conventionally attractive companion and she knows that. And she’s so funny and sassy, and close to the Doctor. I mean she’s the Doctor Donna for a reason, she’s like a human version of the Doctor, with the sass, the babbling, the clumsiness. God I love Donna so much, I wish I had so much more of her. Also she has absolutely zero romantic feelings for the Doctor and the fact that they are the bitchy bffs of the universe is the best. 
Favourite Story: I love a lot of stories, but my favourite is The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End no doubt. The story is a perfect mix of happiness, having every RTD’s characters together, all my fave working together is the absolute best, and of sadness, the departure of Donna (I won’t re talk about it ok) and Ten letting Rose go AGAIN. And the fact that there’s everyone he loves in these episode but then he ends up all on his own. God why do I love being hurt so much??? And the Daleks are also my favourite villains (it’s just such DW bullshit as a villain tbh lmfao) so I have everything I want. Generally speaking I love RTD’s arcs, cause the sign are here the whole seasons (Bad Wolf, vote Saxon, the bees disappearing and she’s coming back) but it’s not a ‘HEY LOOK THERE’S SOMETHING FISHY TO SEE HERE HEYYYY’ or ‘WE ARE STARTING THE SEASON WITH ONE QUESTION, ONE PLOT POINT AND THAT’S WHAT YOU’LL WANT TO BE RESOLVED BY THE END OF THE SEASON’,  it’s subtle, it’s casual mention, and it’s when you’re in the last three episode that you’re starting to realize something is wrong...That’s one of my favourite type of writing ever (that’s probably why I love Sanderson’s books too). It’s not some mystery to solve, cause there weren’t any mystery to solve, because me, a dumbass viewer, weren’t even paying attention at first. But it’s here, it fills the plot. And when you see it you’re like ‘of course’. It’s not forced on me if I can say it like this. It allows me to see other stuffs. It’s not attention seeking I guess? But yes the end of s4 is my favourite story, all is in place. All characters do what they do best. There’s laugh and there’s tears, and I love it.
Favourite Soundtrack: everything Murray Gold has been doing for the show is pure gold and I think that’s a thing the whole fandom can agree upon. My artist of the decade according to Spotify is him, and considering I haven’t listened daily to his songs (except for some still regularly) I think that say a lot about how much I used to love both his music and the show at some point. My favourite of his are Doomsday’s Theme ofc, Love Across the Distant Stars, I am the Doctor, Rose’s Theme, Amy’s Theme, Clara’s Theme, Vale and cry. All of them. And that include the one soundtracks for episodes I don’t even like lmao.  
Dream Actor for next Doctor: I don’t know, why not John Boyega? He deserves to be the main character and be treated well, of a sci-fi show. 
Dream Composer: Murray Gold come back to me. Or I would love a glimpse of what Lorne Balfe could do.
Dream Story: Something that involves seeing Rose and Tentoo, and Martha as the Earth counselor, with Thirteen still having feelings for Rose. And Rose too.  But the plot? Idk lmao. However the end would be sad cause Thirteen would have to see Rose and Tentoo coming back to their world, and I would cry. Also Thirteen would aknowledge Martha as the smarter companion the Doctor had ever had lmao.
A Companion You’d like to see back:  Martha, but like not as a companion cause she made it clear that she would not come back, and that wouldn’t be fitting her character if she changed her mind. But she could always be accidentally stuck in the TARDIS, I mean it happened once. But really I would just love to have her coming to the rescue when shit on Earth goes too far and the Doctor needs help of a specialist. That’s Martha you need Doctor.
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: I’m always here to see the daleks. 
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: Ten? Because he’s my fave, but also Thirteen because I’m gay and I would like to take my chance lmao
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How would they react (minus the babies) to their SO surprising them by making them sit down and then stripping for them?
Shoutout to Sami and everyone else on discord who did all of this stuff while i literally fell asleep lmao
Most are below the cut because of naughty bits
Xemnas doesn’t often as his S/O to do things for him. He rarely is in the mood because of how busy he is with the Organization. But when he’s horny, he DEMANDS it. “Y/N, strip for me. Right there. Nice and slow” and will dominate the entire process, giving commands of comes off when and how quickly.
His domineering personality is something you fell for, and when he is like this, you can’t help but feel the tingle of thrill running up your spine. And as you strip, he usually likes watching on from a chair of or sitting on the edge of the bed, palming himself through his pants or stroking his cock. Everything in this strip tease is about how slow and torturous it could be for the other person. It truly is a game of restraint.
This man wants action 24/7 and everyone knows it. He’s always horny and up for going at it. Because of how high his sex drive is, usually the two of you just jump into the sack and go at it. There isn’t much to it but to do it. But on those special occasions, maybe getting new lingerie or clothes, you decide to make the night special. And before the nights festivities begin, you decide to push Xigbar onto his bed and tell him to wait there.
He watches in amusement as you turn on the music and start to dance around the room removing your clothes. This kinda strip show is about presentation. Looking as hot as possible and seeing how long it takes until Xigbar just decides to jump you. Spoiler; you never finish your dance. Usually before your bra comes off, he cant resist the urge of just ripping it off himself and things quickly devolve from there
Xaldin works hard. He’s a serious man who takes everything seriously. But it makes him tense, so you decide to treat him and strip. You pull him into a kiss and ease him down into a comfortable sitting position. He would object that he doesn’t need this but you insist and put a gentle finger to his lips. You slowly start to remove your clothes and make eye contact as you do so. Like Xemnas, the dance is about how slow it can be, but with this comes intimacy.
The eye contact and the occasional words of affirmation just build the emotion behind the gesture. Once you’re down to just your panties, you decide to ease yourself onto his lap and kiss him gently and deeply on the lips before the night of nonstop lovemaking begins.
Vexen works way too hard. But unlike Xaldin, Vexen could go days without stopping his work, and he will destroy himself in the process. He is too busy and too invested in his studies. But sometimes you want to just need him to stop and take a break. You drag him out of the lab telling him that there was sometime very urgent that needed his attention, and then sit him down on the bed before running to the restroom and threatening that if he goes back to the lab that he would seriously regret it. He’s tempted but too afraid of what you’d do to him.
You emerge again from the bathroom wearing one of his lab coats and he quickly realizes what you’re up to when you start to unbutton the jacket and reveal the lingerie underneath. His face goes red almost immediately. Even though he’s seen you naked before, he always gets flustered like he’s seeing it for the first time. He stammers as you slowly remove the coat and start to remove the other layers. He keeps his hands to himself as you slowly remove your clothes. He’s very stiff and not just his dick which by now is painfully obvious. He’s sitting up straight and his movements are rigid as you sit into his lap and kiss him. Tonight he was going to relax and you are going to MAKE him
Lexaeus is all about that emotional connection as well as tender loving. But because of how large and strong he is, he usually asks you to strip for him. Not exactly in a sexual way but because he is so paranoid about destroying your clothes accidentally. That doesn’t mean you don’t like to play and make the view a little more interesting. 
You often like to take your clothes off in a playful and graceful manner. This kind of stripping is less of a dance and more of a graceful removal of clothing, but still just as meaningful. And here’s a secret, he LOVES it. When you move around and ease out of your clothing, he just feels so much love in his heart. It’s like you’re a nymph or a goddess. No one should possess such elegance, but here you are.
Super distracted with reading his books that he really doesn’t often notice when you’re near, let alone when you are slowly rolling your shirt up and over your head. But this setback quickly turns to your advantage as you quickly slip out of your clothes and down to your underwear before Zexion can notice. And then, once you are bare, you decide to gently tip the book in Zexion’s hand down, tearing his eyes from the pages and onto you.
He first tried to react in irritation from being torn from his book, but as soon as his eyes come to you, he stops mid sentence and quickly turns beet red. He has gone silent as he looks at you. “Surprised?” You ask “uh… yeah. You could say that.” You then slide down into his lap and gently bookmark the page your partner was reading before tossing it onto the floor. No more reading tonight. His eyes and hands were needed for much more important activities.
When he’s in the mood, Saix is often the one to rip your clothes from you, so on occasion,  you like to mix things up. You catch Saix in his room alone and quietly shut the door. He knows you’re there but chooses not to reaping because he is reading important documents. Which honestly is good because you know if he wasn’t occupied, your clothes would already be in tatters. So, you do what any sane person would do and get your lovers attention by calling his name in a sensual tone.
As he looks up from his clipboard, he sees you looking at him with sultry eyes and removing your clothes. Now the battle of wits has begun, for now Saix must barter in his mind of what side he must choose: finishing his work, or succumbing to his own lust. This is purely strategic of course and eventually Saix gives in. Luckily, you’ve already removed your clothing before he gets to you so they were able to be saved. The same can’t be said for your panties.
SO down when his partner tells him to sit back and relax. He is just thrilled to bits. “All right! Nice! This is awesome.” He continues to chuckle and amuse himself as you slowly ease out of your clothing while attempting to seduce him with your eyes and silvertongue along with your body.
All the honey-laced words and doe eyes almost worked, if he didn’t keep sassing you from every angle. Seriously where are all these retorts coming from? Ugh. Soon into your dance, you give him with this dumb asshole and kiss him. “Aww wait no go back I’ll be good!” “Nope too late! You’ll just have to settle by having sex with me” It’s then when his eyes roll and he lets out a chuckle “oh no,” he smirks, “how could I live with such a horrible punishment as to have sex with you”
Such a giant child, he and his s/o always have the most fun of the guys. The afternoon starts as any other, maybe just making out in his room or laughing about some kind of joke, and you get a brilliant idea. You ease Demyx into sitting up on the bed and you turn on the music. You’d think you’d want some kind of smooth jazz or something romantic, right? NO WAY. Definitely not. It’s always some kind of silly old song like Ocean Man by Ween or Doing the Sponge from Spongebob. Something completely asinine. 
And as you start to goofily dance around the room, you start making terrible faces at Demyx and mouthing the words like a dramatic asshole, taking your clothes off in the process and watching Demyx laugh hysterically. This strip is less about being sexy and more about the fun.. by the end of it, you’re in your panties and you throw yourself into the bed in fits of laughter and Demyx, still laughing, just pulls you into a big embrace as you kiss between the bursting giggles and fun. It’s just such a perfect moment. “You call that a dance?? Oh man I can’t wait for it to be my turn. I’ll show you the best dance you’ve ever seen!”
Here you were, standing in Luxord’s room in this tacky maid getup, as he stares at you from the edge of his bed and already palming himself through his pants. You shouldn’t have made that bet. You REALLY shouldn’t have thought you could try and beat him at any game.
But as you slowly make your way out of your clothes, you take on your role and start to have him with it , pulling out the old “master Luxord” routine and he starts slewing it back to you. And suddenly this isn’t just a striptease anymore, and that was a-ok. And then the rules changed and soon he was on top of you, kissing you and sliding his hand up your skirt. And things quickly devolve from there
An appreciator of all things beautiful, Marluxia holds aesthetic beauty above many other things.  Sometimes taking off your clothes isn’t enough and the usual sexiness needs to be kicked up a notch.  So you spend a little munny and buy some nice clothes, maybe some lingerie decorated with floral decoration.  And when he comes home, you are there waiting for him.
This strip isn’t about time of sex appeal but being as elegant as humanly possible: sliding straps over your shoulders and gently tugging at clothing parts until they just slip off effortlessly. And trust me, Marluxia appreciates you like a goddamn art piece. Hell he might just pour some wine and just observe and enjoy.
Okay Larxene both loves and hates surprises. Like she loves getting them but hates waiting for them and not knowing what it is. So you have two options; not tell tell her and hope she doesn’t figure it out, OR tell her you have a surprise for her and watch her just pull her hair out over it and BEG you for hints. Well either way, when you get her into the room, she still has no idea what you’re up to until you come out of your bathroom wearing some very very tasteful clothes/lingerie/underwear. I only say this because as long as it’s tasteful, she’s putty in your hand.
She’s an angry woman but if you get her flustered she turns so red but is also SO mad about it. As you strip you can see her face go more and more equally awestruck and frustrated. “What’s wrong, love? Is something the matter?” “Th-The only thing the matter is YOU and your STUPID FACE not being on my face right now!” “Now now. can’t I finish?” “No. Now get over here.”
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chats-noir · 6 years
So here’s my review on the newest MLB episode (Chris Master):
Although I was lowkey disappointed in this episode ngl, cause one, I thought there would be more ig, and two, cause I feel like it was kinda a filler episode if you yk what I mean (??) I still liked it for multiple reasons and here’s why:
Chris is probably the cutest kid they ever put on this show (although August is vv cute ok)
*In future episodes I want some more Nino and Chris content just saying cause ugh I can see lots of brotherly love there, and we just don’t get enough Nino in this show*
Going off what I said about Nino, he’s literally so pure and cute in this episode. (And I have so many questions for Santa and why the hell Nino is so low on the list like??)
I love Marinette, Nino, and Alya’s friendship it’s so cute, and I love how they immediately go to Mari to watch Nino’s little brother while they go on a date. (love them :’) ) Marinette really is THAT babysitter.
And I LOVE whenever Alya calls Marinette ‘girl’ like idk why but friendship goals right there y’all.
Although Chris was kind a a brat to Mari at first, Marinette and Chris’ little friendship is sweet, and even if Marinette lied to Chris and stuff about her being an elf and making up the whole story about Santa, it was still a cute moment where Chris was so fascinated and paid such close attention to Marinette and her words.
I wish Carapace was in this episode only for the fact that Chris is Nino’s brother and I want to seem him get protective and such over Chris although then it might get too personal and Carapace might just get in the way. (Then again, it would probably add a little more suspense to the episode too)
I read a post about how someone thought the Santa Claus in this episode was fake cause he would know who Ladybug and Chat’s identity is and Ladybug would not be the best kid in the world (lol true) and I agree. Adding on to that theory, I feel like Chris subconsciously made that Santa to make his ‘dream’ come true (even if Santa denied that he was the best kid). And this could also be because he heard everything Marinette told him and believed her.
I honestly really liked the whole concept with Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting ‘toy versions’ of them idk why I just found it interesting.
Although I wish there were more sentimental Ladynoir moments there’s one point when they’re fighting their toy selves, and they’re talking and Chat sees his ‘toy version’ coming towards them and he grabs and pushes Ladybug away. uwu my heart !!
AND WHEN CHAT SASSED LADYBUG AFTER SHE WAS LIKE “don’t you think this whole thing is kinda strange?” AND HE DEAD RESPONDED WITH “Stranger than fighting a pharoah’s reincarnation or a pigeon overlord empowered by magical butterflies you mean?” AND HE HAS THIS SMIRK ON HIS FACE WHILE SHE HAS THE MOST BORED LOOK IVE EVER SEEN ON HER FACE WHEN HES TALKING TO HER SKSKSKS
Love how Santa was over on the side of the ice rink pouting about all the hatred in the world I laughed so hard when the scene cut to the toys, Chat Noir, and Ladybug flailing across the ice as Philippe is gracefully skating across it sksksks
When I was watching this episode, I was just watching really closely at the details for some reason, and can I just say no matter how good any episode is or how good the plot is, the animation is always so beautiful ? Like I was just watching Mari in the beginning and you can notice her little ticks whether it be just little twitches or the way her hair moves or she moves, it’s just always so good.
Chat Noir in a Santa hat that is too big for his head makes my heart go swoosh. The only emoji to describe that is this 🥰 (rip to anyone who can’t see that emoji I’m sorry it’s the new blushing emoji with hearts around it if you must know.)
This episode is actually so colorful and I love it like wow.
I love Nino and Ladybug’s interaction (new friendship please??) and I love when Santa lets his list fall on the ground they’re completely ~shook~ reaction lmao
Nino was so concerned for his brother and was begging Ladybug to help find Chris even while everything was going on and it was freaking snowing in Paris, like this kid is so oblivious but I love him.
When Ladybug used Nino’s back to lean on as she wrote what she wanted for Christmas was adorable especially because Nino had this little confused kind of smile on his face omg
The fact that Ladybug literally asks Santa Claus for whatever Chris wants even when it’s the only thing she could have all year from Santa is the most selfless, wholesome thing to happen in this episode ugh
Chat was the cutest thing ever, he is pure and he radiated Adrien vibes the whole time I watched this.
When Ladybug sniffs Santa’s hat I was like ‘wtf’ but then when she described the basic smells of Christmas it made me want December to come faster.
^^which also made me wonder what month is it supposed to be in the mlb timeline rn??
Ngl, Philippe kinda annoys me normally, but I loved the moments with him and Chat begging for presents from Santa Claus in this. Comedy g o l d .
The fact that Marinette actually made gifts for Adrien’s next thirty five birthdays. This kid better embrace his feelings for her soon before it becomes even more borderline creepy lmao
I feel like also at the end it just shows how much growth Chris went through between the beginning of the episode and him being akumatized considering it’s in a span of like a day.
When at the end the mischievous little shit Chris still wanted to know what was inside Mari’s trunk even after technically getting akumatized by his curiosity about it and after Marinette tries to explain its has stuff for her crush in it and he ended up cutting her off saying it was ‘gross’ anyways
^^and how all this time Marinette was thinking about his whole elaborate response to it and how he would probably go back to his brother to tell him, who would go to Adrien and tell him, and it would be hella awkward at school but she didn’t even get that far into telling him before he stopped her.😂😂
Marinette chasing Chris around at the very end and teasing him is just proof she will be a great mother and amazing aunt to Nino and Alya’s kids.👀
And Marinette’s denial and utmost confusion throughout this whole episode just ties it all together and makes it better than it already is.
Overall, this episode was very cute. (As I stated twenty billion times already in my reasons of liking this show)
I seriously psychoanalyzed this episode w o w but it’s fine these are just my observations on everything.
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mestos · 6 years
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BnS act 9 was perhaps the worst thing ncsoft did to jyansei/cricket and OOF im still feeling it. as if cricket hasn’t cried enough in the whole story (when master hong dies, when hajoon dies, when they see master hong in a flashback, when the old pupils bid them farewell, when ayona dies) this was too much oh my god!!! this was sthe worst
spoiler ramble undercut
alright ill try talk abt the act in chronological order so starting off, 1) why chundoon’s voice so deep lmao. in kr it was such a soft boy’s voice then in NA its like hansen from fgo where they gave him a 40 year old chainsmoker’s voice SLKGJSDKGH 
the other thing i liked tho from the start is the whole premonition thing where it ends with cricket’s death
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me, internally: why is it ALWAYS zaiwei
but anyway i loved how this led up to going into the backstreets of the hao bazaar and beating up some punks, leading up to this golden exchange with yunma fei. i laughed SO HARD
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empress: you were illegally street fighting in hao bazaar? cricket: (sweats) .....sorry empress: that’s cool i did too at one point
YUNMA FEI IS HONESTLY SO COOL. best empress (sorry ms cyg) 
anyway the whole exchange with yunma fei was pretty nice, because she lets you read a letter. cricket’s hesitation was so cute! i can imagine them being rlly flustered, and yunma fei just shaking their head like “dude you saved the continent like twice? why wouldn’t you have authority” sgksjdgh
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so the letter is basically dowager tayhu (her name was ak in kr? idk) passively aggressively asking for HM Hero to show up and yunma fei and cricket both almost agree to decline the invitation...till nuya shows up with news about ryu. then cricket does a complete 180 and is like “sorry. i have to go” which is kinda....omg....i get that u love your kids but its due to these impulsive decisions that lead to disaster!!! its why your efforts are erased in the end!! just decide to decline for once sweetie!!
even yunma fei tries her best to convince you, but you and her both know that there’s no stopping you once you made your mind to go somewhere. but yunma fei’s concern was nice enough, i love the friendship and bond you share with her-- she cares about you a lot, and so do you. other than the fact she is an empress, cricket is gentle with her too
anyway so you go to dasari palace, after a bit of a scuffle with an old captain who worked in the stratus empire, which led to a very pretty map as i posted briefly before. when u arrive at the banquet...everything is super suspicious lmao!! even from just stepping in you can feel that this was so set up to go against you. bns story rule of thumb: someone invites you to someplace, they’ll be after ur life. 
one thing tho is i love how cricket is so caring of their students,, when jinsoyun was feeling sick, they offered to be by her side the entire time and hold her hand..but of course, soyun can’t take the room and runs off. cricket chases after her but is stopped by the guards, and i find their frustration rlly cute sdjkgh
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then you meet the dowager and ryu! ryu, no memories ryu. who wasn’t hanging with ken after all LMFAO anyway he asks to spar with you and cricket is forced to act like this is the first time theyve met and u can feel the pain in their responses
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so sparring with ryu was easy enough. afterwards general hondu wrecks the party, then cricket decides to go rest. but of course, not before seeing their lovely darling daughter soyun! they decide to check up on them and their concern for their wellbeing was sweet (a lot more doting in kr but i digress lmao) 
afterwards, in typical blade and soul fashion, the minute u go into your resting room shit hits the fan and assassins, stratus soldiers, fiends all go after you and your pupils. after a frustrating (i’m a flame gunslinger! i don’t have any mobbing skills for crying outloud!) escort mission you meet choi jina, who i BARELY remembered but you meet her briefly at the start of act 2 and she helps you with the wraithbloom mess
she’s also pretty much jung hado genderbent but we won’t talk about that
with the help of choi jina cricket and fam go into a hidden chamber...a place they’ll be in for a while give or take LMAO. after some discussion, cricket decides “my amnesiac kid can’t be left in this shithole so i have to go back to him” (although in kr, cricket refuses but is eventually persuaded by bunyang) and choi jina and cricket go through....a fucking stealth mission, because after the murder of the minister (which was NOT cricket’s fault--they were just doing their job of eliminating demons) they become a wanted man! 
now, it wouldn’t be so bad if i had a functional laptop but i don’t so, that shit took me an entire hour and a half. i gave up at some point and just walked on the ground rather than roof to roof, because that is the WORST stealth mission in the entire game!! why!!! holy crap!!! i could rant over and over about the stealth mission but ill save that for twitter...
anyway after stealth mission, you knock out ryu, choi jina carries him, and back in the hidden chamber you go. ryu suddenly ~remembers~ all the fun times and tells you dowager tahyu’s planning a war! cricket, not finding it suspicious at all that ‘suddenly son remembers me? wow!’ is like ‘ok ok my boy, take me away, i gotta warn, yunma fei’ then they act like prisoner and shit and it was hilarious with lyn walking sprite cause you can’t walk in front of him HGJKG
ryu catches a spy - one of yunma fei’s - and after cricket writes their letter, they give it to senha and go. then there’s another escort mission! when you’re back with the fam, its a team effort to go to the great dragon pulse. and hell, i wouldve just made ryu do all the fighting cause my computer really hated that whole mission and i barely got through HA
anyway, shortly before the escort mission, bunyang and cricket have a small argument--bunyang is always so worried about their master, and cricket can’t do anything about it; it’s their job to do all these things, they can’t refuse because of the bigger picture. cricket promises to come back safely and they can be a family again, and in general the whole argument is really heartbreaking because HA. guess what happens after the escort mission
before i get to that, yunma fei actually arrives - alone, so no jung hado with her - shortly before shit hits the fan. she plops through the dragon pulse and it leads to some horrifying revelations. she said that cricket’s letter told her to come alone because they are sick and need help, and cricket says they never asked for that? and then its a mess because now yunma fei, talus empress, is alone and it’s all in the dowager’s plan. 
quickly running back to their students with the empress... but they were too late.
ryu betrayed them. and bunyang...
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pays the price.
as if to make matters worse, cricket really was ill, they had been poisoned shortly before and 
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they wake up in prison - goddamn! this is the third time i’ve woken up in jail! as if im not constantly falsely accused of crimes already! and witness an empress-to-empress showdown. yunma fei is really best empress. she sassed dowager tayhu hard LMAO
choi jina arrives and lets you and yunma fei out but cricket’s mind is in shambles because holy fuck!!!! my son just died!!! and unfortunately they cant find the time to mourn because 1) they’re in jail and they are breaking out like fugitives. the next segment is cricket and co. break outta jail to find the rest of their kids. 
when cricket does find them its so OUCH because their kids are obviously traumatized - especially bunah!!!!!!!! the flesh and blood sister of bunyang who just fucking DIED and really ... it was just too much,
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yunma fei tries her best consoling you but obviously cricket can’t think properly. but they don’t have time to be crying, because there’s too much on the line, so they swallow their feelings and keep moving. 
i’ll continue on a second post...
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Recap Pt. 3
WARNINGS: SPOILERS; not a D@€n€r¥$ fan; Jonsa shipper.
8.- Back in Winterfell Lord Royce and Lord Glover are the North’s Mean Girls, talking shit about Jon to his back and regreating not naming Sansa QitN when they had the chance (OK as a Sansa fan I saw lot of my fellow fans were pissed that she got no credit whatsoever for retaking WF and that she should have been queen, I agreed that she deserved to get recognized but didn’t feel she wanted to be queen, but nevertheless it was good to see she has won her people’s respect after all she went through) Sansa thanks them but defends Jon’s claim in a very polite way. Arya watched all the scene, and she walks with Sansa to her chambers (Jon won that argument, good to know) that are her parents’s chambers while Sansa is like I warned Jon the North wouldn’t wait on him like Ghost (my shipper heart is pleased that they disscused this sort of things), Arya is clearly not happy about how Sansa managed things and Sansa being the observant girl she is immediately picks up on it and prompts Arya to speak her mind about what’s bothering her, because that’s what she did with Jon: she talked things through even if they didn’t agree on everything they were never afraid to speak clearly about it they loved and appreciated the other so much mere disagreements would never come between them. Arya is very different though and she is very harsh and unfair to Sansa,I understand her personality is different from Jon and Sansa, she is a more action type of person, she has taken revenge and now she is at home she can’t bear the thought of this people disrespecting her beloved big bro and her sister, the one she had a lot of friction with, just standing there and listening without screaming or hitting them, but Sansa is right she can’t do those things without repercussions, Arya is like there won’t be repercussions if you kill them (tell that to Robb) and Sansa (bless her soul) tries to explain the situation they are in, and how much Jon and the North need this people and that is much better working together than killing everyone (gosh now I really want Sansa to meet D) she gives Arya a reality check on how WF wasn’t just handed to them. Honestly Sansa Queen of everything 2kforever. Arya retorts in a very childlish way about how Sansa just wants to make sure people will accept her in case Jon dies, and Sansa is horrified that her sister would say such a thing (also I think she is horrified by the thought of Jon dying) and Arya keeps taunting her. No fuck I’m out of here, never wanted this Starkbowl stuff, didn’t wanted it with Jon don’t want it with Arya, why do the writers make her Sound like every Sansa hater ever???? Sansa does not deserve this (Dickon come back pls and sweep my baby off her feet in those amazing arms of yours) I understand Arya hasn’t still procesed Sansa’s changes and she loves Jon and hates to see people trash talking him but no sorry, Ned already had told her she and her sister needed each other even if they were so different, and Arya said she didn’t hated Sansa Back then, I just hope this nonsense is over quickly because I Love the Stark Sisters too much.
9.- So the magnificent plan of Tyrion starts with convincing Jaime to tell Cersei to grant the Suicide Squad an audience so they can show her the WW, and they will need to go to KL, Davos smuggles them and then goes off to find my boy Gendry.
My boy is Back on the blacksmith business, and Davos makes a joke about rowing (he is the daddiest dad of the 7 realms) and he is trying to explain their super amazing mission but Gendry is like dude idc I just wanna go away from this shit hole and fight some Lannisters on the way with my magical Baratheon Hammer like the one my daddy had.
Tyrion apparently convinced/payed to Bronn so he would take Jaime to creepy dragon basement, Jaime is clearly conflicted at seeing Tyrion, but still he listens.
Back on the boat some gold capes found their boat, Davos is a Master of manipulation and manages to fool them ‘til Tyrion shows up, fear not cuz Gendry puts that Hammer to use (he is epic guys) and Davos is practically signing those adoption papers.
10.- Jaime goes to Cersei’s chambers, she was talking with Qyburn and sasses the heck out of Jaime when he asks what was Qyburn doing there, anyway Jaime tells Cersei about his talk with Tyrion and the WW, Cersei is very dismissive (must be real easy when she hasn’t seen the Dragons or the WWs) but she thinks she can use this in her favor, also she is preggo (oh god why do I feel this is emotional manipulation or she is reaching menopausia?) they kiss and god Jaime stop.
11.- Our boat buddies are back on DS (traveling doesn’t make any sense what is time? What is distance? Who knows? No really jokes aside I understand they have to advance this plot fast as possible cuz they have only 2 episodes left this season) and Davos warns Gendry not to mention his dad or real name to King Jon, and that’s the first thing Gendry does!!! LMAO, this friendship is epic already (RobertxNed2.0) and Jon smiles for the first time in the south (dude he was almost dead all his time in DS but his bastard buddy shows up and he immediately jokes and laughs) this is my favorite bromance, and Davos is worried for this unruly sons of his (so he is Jon Arryn 2.0 right???)
So the very next day? Week? Who knows? They depart, Jorah gets a sad goodbye with D, and Jon a very awkward one, for real D is tryin to flirt and Jon says 'good fortune in the wars to come’?? Wasn’t it the same thing “The Sword of Morning” told Ned before they fought to death??? I mean one can clearly see Jon can’t wait to get the fuck out of Dragonstone, D makes goggly eyes at the boat (Jon) while Jorah turns back makes puppy eyes at D, and Jon is pushing harder to go as soon as possible.
11.- Back on the Citadel, Gilly is reading (I miss Shireen so much, she would have been so proud) some stuff of a Maester obssessed with registers, and discovers a prince Ragger (Imma call him that forever, thanx Gilly) got an annulment and married someone else in Dorne. We all, know this is about fuckboi Ragger Tupperwere and his rightful wife Elia Martell princes of DORNE, so you tell me this fucker not only humilliated her publicy on Harrenhall’s tourney but also re-married in her homeland?? And made her children bastards???? Seriously most of you don’t know how hard it is as a PoC and specially a WoC and watch this stupid bullshit where a woman of color’s suffering and humilliation just serves to further a white character’s (Jon Snow) storyline, while Raggers gets this beautiful memory lane stories about him singing the Poor, and people justifying his selfish bullshit with OMG he didn’t Love Elia he did it for true wuv!!! Miss me that bullshit who said Elia loved the bitch??? Yet still beared with dignity all the awful stuff he did, not only that but her and her children died (awful, awful deaths, not in a battlefield glorified as a song ones) scorned and set aside by Rhaegar while he was protecting new wifey and his new white super speshul babe.
I am beyond angry at this.
Anyway, Sam doesn’t care (nobody does really, they don’t even say her FUCKING name) cuz the maesters just won’t listen, so he steals some books and fucks out of the Citadel with his family.
12.- Yeah so in WF Arya is the worst spy ever following LF around, and he is purposefully as shady as he can be, Maester Wolkan gives him a copy of a letter and LF very loudly thanks him in Sansa’s name, he get’s the letter inside his chambers and goes away, Arya enters his chamber and finds the letter you know that one Sansa was manipulated into writing to protect her dad and the rest of her family, and Arya buys it. Honestly I am too empty now to care, Arya got played by a obvious stupid scheme but I can’t find the enrgy to care about all this drama.
13.- On Eastwatch, Jon and co. Talk with Tormund, who talks about the Dragon Queen and the one who fucks her brother (tha made me laugh a lot cuz Jon’s uncomfortable expression and Gendry’s smile) and he is frustrated cuz why didn’t they brought Brienne??? Jon’s smile is amazing and I am glad he is among people he is comfortable with. The moronic plan is laid, and Tormund is like well we are not the only ones who wants to go beyond the wall Tormund takes them to the cell, the Bannerless Brotherhood is there, and everyone hates each other suddenly, but the Hound hates everyone and makes them shut up, Jon frees them and they go to their stupid ass mission.
———– *sigh* Yeah so this is all, next week (May the gods help me) I’ll try to stop being so repulsed so I can Watch the next episode.
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bleusarcelle · 7 years
Find Yourself (And Be That)
*Voice crack* I just wanna cry, lmao. 
Okay, so, after a week, kind of? Writing between work, tesis, school, and stuff, I was finally able to finish this small (yah, small, sure) fic, LANCE CENTRIC, based on wonderful amazing tumblr mutual of mine: Waffle-Walks who had the amazing prompt: http://waffle-walks.tumblr.com/post/158575588090/i-am-a-slut-for-the-idea-that-lance-finds-his
Ok, I’m done, I honestly have nothing to say expect this was inspired by her, and well yeah, basically. 
I really really hope you enjoy! 
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn’t belong to me and neither does the prompt. Just, u know, OCs and stuff.
Lance wakes up to the sound of Blue’s soft cries in his mind.
He can feel her gently pushing against his thoughts, as if nudging gently but with enough force to make him come back to reality slowly.
He blinks groggily, his eyelids heavy but he pushes through to finally open them fully. It takes him a few ticks to get his surroundings, his cabin being too dark to make his vision clear but soon enough, the glowing blue light of his Lion appears and it’s enough for him to see.
“Blue?” He calls quietly, voice small and hoarse , “Hey, beautiful, you with me?”
Blue purrs inside his head and it makes him sigh in relief.
“Glad to see you’re okay too, beautiful.” He chuckles before hissing in pain when shifts in his seat.
He looks down and he groans when his eyes catch the small but deep gash on his left side, his armor half ripped open and blood dripping from the wound.
“Great.” He mumbles sarcastically, his hand hovering over the wound shakily, “Just...just great, fuck.”
He feels Blue worry and Lance sends a comforting feeling back to her.
“It’s okay, girl. I’m okay, It’s just a small flesh wound.” He jokes weakly, raising his right arm enough to tap the nearest compartment and taking a small white box from it.
The move itself is enough for Lance to grit his teeth in pain and it’s not a tick later before Blue’s concern purrs echo in his mind once again.
“Blue, I’m fine, it’s fine. It’s just a scratch, okay? It doesn’t even hurt that much –” He gasps when his hand brushes against the red sensitive flesh and Lance hisses in pain.
“Ow.” He whines softly and Blue sends him a wave of exasperation.
“I can feel you roll your eyeball-less eyes, Blue. Stop, I don’t need your sass.” He grumbles, scoffing indignant when Blue sends him a mocking purr. “Did –Did you just imitated me mockingly?”
Denial waves comes to him and Lance scoffs once again. “Sentient Lions these days, I swear.”
Lance’s mouth twitches fondly when he feels the soft amused purrs in his mind and it makes him to crack a small smile as he turns to work on his wound. He winces when the cotton covered in Altean’s gel meets his flesh but he takes comfort in Blue’s gentle and warm waves in his mind as he keeps going.
“Okay.” He breathes out as soon as he finishes wrapping his wound, “Okay, okay, okay. Alright, baby girl, what’s the damage?”
The Blue Paladin of Voltron stays in silence as he listens to Blue’s analysis inside his head. He hums and nods from time to time, acknowledging the new information and then he sighs, leaning back on his pilot seat.
He allows himself a few minutes in silence, gathering his thoughts, before he nods to himself.
“Alright, the comms are out and there are no signals of the other’s lions near us. That means we alone, beautiful.” Nodding to himself, Lance rubs his wounded side gently before he sighs, “Then let’s send out the beam and find the others.” He decides, groaning as he straightens up in his seat and starts pressing his screen. “I’m sure they are worried.” He mumbles quietly, an unsure feeling inside him and ignores Blue’s soft concern purrs at his words.
He works on his screen for a few minutes but nothing comes up. There’s no message, no notifications, no history of a reaching beam from the outside.
There’s nothing.
“Wha –” Lance breaths out in astonishment, “No, come on. I’m sure that they would have done something to find me by now…”
He frowns, his shoulders dropping along with his stomach. “They – They would right?”
Ten minutes. Nothing.
Twenty minutes. Nothing.
Thirty followed by forty and then sixty.
Frustration and anger starts building up inside him and he pushes away Blue’s comfort waves.
There’s nothing. There’s no trace of his team, there’s nothing that indicates that they had been looking for him.
Did they left him? Were they relieved? Maybe this is what they wanted, to finally cut connection with Lance by accident? Maybe – Maybe –
Lance yelps when he feels Blue’s sharp wave. She’s scowling and a feeling of disapproval fills him entirely.
“Blue, just stop!” Lance shouts, angry small tears lingering in the corner of his eyes, “Just stop, okay? It’s fine! I get it! It’s such a relief that I’m finally gone! They can get a new Paladin now! They can come get you after I’m gone and that’s fine! I will just leave and the Team can finally move on! You can have a better pilot, someone who is really worth it –”
The Cabin shakes but it takes him a tick to realize that Blue hasn’t moved in the least. Blue was shouting and furiously reprimanding him in his head loud enough that it made him dizzy.
My Pilot. My Paladin. Mine. Mine. Mine. Worth it. Always. Stop. Mine.
Lance chokes up and shakes his head vigorously. “No, no. You deserve better, you –”
Stop. Mine. Stop.
“I’m useless, Blue, I’m doing you a favor –”
Mine. Mine. Stop.
“I promise you, Blue. I promise there’s someone out there for you –”
Lance’s breath stops him and he feels the faint feeling of someone punching in the gut.
“W-What –?”
Blue stays silent. Lance tries once again, reaching out and softly patting her screen but nothing changes. She goes to sleep. There’s no longer the warm feeling of Blue’s presence in his head. There’s no longer her soft purrs of affection and comfort.
There’s no more Blue.
“B-Blue?” Lance chokes out, the lump on his throat making it hard to speak, “A-Aw, Blue, no. Baby girl, come on, p-please.”
Silence is the only thing that answers him.
“Looks like I’m on my own then.” Lance sighs as he presses the glowing blue barrier that keeps him out of his Lion, “Fine. Alright, I will explore and come back later. Just stay safe, alright?”
No answer and Lance suppress a shiver at that because he has grown so used to Blue’s comfort and warmth that it’s weird not feeling her presence in his mind all of the sudden.
He steps away from the barrier and then turns around, bayard already activated on his hands as he walks around the perimeter.
It’s not long before a cry out of pain catches his attention.
Bayard held up high, the Blue Paladin of Voltron makes his way in hurry towards the sound until he meets an unfair encounter.
A young humanoid alien lays on the ground, their golden hair falling into a mess from their bun on their head and it's enough to cover their face but not to cover their hard heavy pants.
The slender figure tries to stand up, but their arms shake under their own weight and they fall to the ground once again.
The two extra figures in front of the fallen one just stand and laugh smugly. One of them has the audacity to kick the weak figure on the ground in the ribs, making them to shout once again in pain and that’s enough for Lance to intervene.
He doesn’t announce himself. He moves around with stealth until he’s facing both attackers and Lance’s able to get a better look of them.
Both of them are big buff humanoid aliens, their skin dark and yet pale, looking hard and rough at the touch. Their eyes are almost white except for the pale amber pupil in the center of them and both of them have sharp fangs on the corner of their mouth.
So, alright, they might not be Galra but they sure have the same aura in them: something that screams anger and hate.
The brunet holds his breath as he watches one of them raising their arm, weapon held up high to deliver the final blow to the fallen figure on the ground.
Lance doesn’t hesitate to shot.
It’s only a few ticks later when both figures stay down on the ground that he exhales and straightens up in his place and then makes his way towards the young alien.
“You okay?” He asks gently, kneeling in front of them and when a pair of violet eyes meet his own blue ones, Lance is left confused on why they gasp.
“Voltron.” The young alien whispers starstruck, “The Blue Paladin of Voltron. We are saved.”
“Uh…” He starts unsure, “Yeah, hi? I’m Lance, pleasure to meet you…” He trails off and the alien is quick to fill in.
“Princess Arya of Laualenty, Master Paladin.”
“Uh, just Lance it’s okay.” He chuckles, helping her carefully to sit up before pulling her up.
Arya nods. “Master Lance, then. Thank you for saving me.”
Lance limits himself to nod at her, offering a small smile. He ignores everything else including the way she sighs in relief at his presence and the way she keeps on explaining and tugging him forward towards the village, saying about how he needs to met her Father and that the war in their kingdom could be finally over thanks to him.
He lets himself be pushed.
Lance blinks in concern as he follows the young Princess, his eyes scanning every corner of the empty village they are passing through.
“Where...Where is everybody?” He asks uneasily, yelping his feet trip over a rock.
“Careful, Master Lance.” Arya chimes in concern., turning around and raising her arms as if to catch him, only dropping them once Lance waves her off gently, “The village has been evacuated; with the daily attacks and lack of supplies, they were forced to leave. Some of them stayed but hide the entire day, just to be safe.”
“And yet...You’re here outside.” Lance mumbles softly and frowns when Arya nods strongly but her eyes waver for a millisecond.
“It’s my duty as their Princess to provide as much safety as I can.”
He leaves it at that. He quickly notices the tremble in her voice and the shiny spark her violet eyes get. The brunet limits himself to nod, offering a small smile for comfort and he’s pleased when Arya returns it gently.
“But now you’re here, and everything will be okay.”
Lance stomach turns unpleasantly at the words but he doesn’t have a chance to voice his concern before the Princess takes him by the wrist and starts pulling him towards the castle’s entrance.
“Blue Paladin of Voltron.” A strong deep voice says as soon as Lance steps into the throne room, “Allow me to be the first one to thank you for saving my daughter, the Princess of our Kingdom, and that you grace us all with your presence at the moment.”
“King Dionysius.” Lance greets back, glad that he asked Arya about the important title and how to address each person before she went off her own way. He nods and bows slightly towards the Royal, “The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for hosting me in such a short notice.”
“Nonsense. Your presence is a ray of hope for all of our people.” The old King reassurance, his voice turning sad and quiet as he continues, “This war...has taken a big part of our people’s happiness, but now that you are here. We have a chance.”
Lance’s breath hitches at the statement and he winces softly when the figure on the corner narrows his deep green eyes at him, clearly catching the move.
“Your Majesty.” Lance starts, “I’m not sure I …”
“Father.” The shadowy figure on the corner cuts him off abruptly, stepping out of his spot and walking to stand besides the King, “The council is growing impatient, your presence is needed.”
“Cyprian.” The King snaps exasperated before turning to Lance, “Please excuse my son’s rudeness, Master Lance.”
“It’s...It’s fine.” He answers softly, a hint of confusion lingering in his voice as he catches from the side the prince’s untrusting look he’s giving him.
“We shall meet shortly after my meeting, Master Paladin, then we shall talk comfortably about your staying.” The King declares, nodding at him firmly, “Please excuse me.”
Lance bows and watches him leave. He waits until both royals are out of the room before he sighs defeated and takes a seat on the steps that lead to the thrones in the middle of the room.
“What have I gotten myself into.” He mumbles as he presses his forehead against his bended knee.
He waits in silence.
The room turns silent as soon as Lance speaks.
Both the King and Prince’s expression are neutral at his sudden outburst. It’s only Arya who blinks and frowns softly as if confused. “Master Lance, what are you –?”
“Stop calling me Master.” Lance snaps, eyebrows furrowed angrily, “Stop calling me your savior. Stop calling me your salvation, your hope, your miracle.”
“B-But Master –”
“I’m not your master.” Lance stresses out harshly and Arya visually flinch, making Lance to take a step back in surprise, features softening. “I-I’m sorry. I j-just – I can’t help you.”
“I’m sorry.” Lance whispers, looking away from her sad desperate eyes as he turns around and leaves the throne room.
Lance’s not even outside the castle’s entrance before the attack starts.
The screams follow right after. It doesn’t take long to panic to take place and then the world’s a mess. Everything around him is smoke and screams and suffering.
He coughs and kneels to get a clearer vision of his surroundings. Every Lauale around him is running in panic and horror as more bombs keep falling from the sky. There are already so many bodies on the ground, bleeding and unmoving that it takes him a minute to compose himself enough to not throw up right on the spot.
His eyes are tearing up, his breath is becoming hollowed and he’s suddenly panting. He’s in the middle of everything, there’s nothing he can run, nowhere he can hide.
There’s nothing he can do.
But then there’s a cry that catches his attention. It’s right behind him and Lance head whips so fast that he hears his neck crack at the movement.
His eyes fall on a small Lauale child, her back against a half demolished wall and she’s crying. Lance’s heart skips a beat as his ear catches the easy knowledgeable sound of an incoming bomb.
His body moves before he even acknowledges what’s happening.
It only takes a second for the bomb to fall and that’s enough for Lance to gather the child in his arms, apologizing repeatedly and praying for those Lauales that weren’t lucky enough.
The small Lauale child whimpers against his chest and Lance gently hushes her as he covers her small body with his own. The bombs keep going off, the screams of the Lauales grow louder and louder before everything turns quiet and Lance’s stomach drops.
“Momma –?” The child whispers, raising her head from Lance’s chest but Lance stops her before she can even look up and catch the bloody body of her mother in the ground a few feet from them.
“I-I’m sorry.” He whispers, hand over her head, keeping her close and tight against him, “I-I’m so sorry.”
The Lauale child sobs, “M-Momma.”
“I’m sorry, pequeña.” Lance mumbles against her hair, his voice cracking with emotion, “I’m so sorry.”
Lance stares silently at the small crying Laule child in Cyprian’s arms as Arya wraps a cotton bandage around his head. The brunet hisses in pain when she press with too much force.
“Apologies.” Arya whispers, applying some more of their gel in his head wound before continuing with the wrapping.
Lance just hums, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ when Arya’s done with his wound and steps away from him, taking a seat by his side.
She follow his gaze and Lance hears her long sad sigh once her eyes fall on the scene in front of them.
Cyprian is pressing his forehead against Elena’s small one in hopes to calm her down. It does help a little, because the child starts to sniffing instead of sobbing but her tears are still falling and no matter how much nuzzle she gets from the Prince, she’s inconsolable.
“What is he doing?” Lance asks softly and Arya hums.
“It’s an old traditional Lauale greeting that involves pressing foreheads and inhaling at the same time. This symbolises ha, or the breath of life, being exchanged between both parties.” Arya explains quietly, staring fondly at the scene in front of her, “The feelings exchanged between both parties are meant to strengthen their bond as species and family.It’s meant to comfort and show affection.”
“Ah.” Lance says quietly, subtly sniffling as he stares at the show of affection between the two Lauales before he turns towards Arya when the Princess hums to catch his attention.
“Thank you, Mas - Sir. Thank you, Sir Lance.” Arya says softly, leaning on her tights as she rubs her hands shyly, “Thank you for saving Elena. Thank you for sticking around enough to help.”
Lance’s eyes widen in surprise at her words and glance at small Elena a few feet from him before turning back to the Princess incredulous.
“N-No.” He cracks, “No, no, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I couldn't do more. I’m sorry I –” His breath hitches when Arya gently grabs his hand and squeezes tight.
“Thank you, Sir Lance.”
Lance’s eyes water and Arya offers a soft understanding smile.
“As soon as we are done here I can take you back to your Lion, Mas - Sir. We can help you re-bond with her and –”
Arya’s words are cut off when a sharp squeal followed by a sudden yelp. Both young adults turn in time to see Elena break out from Cyprian’s hug and runs towards them.
Lance’s confused by that but his confusion only grows when the child ignores Arya’s open arms and run straight into his arms, sobbing and whimpering on the crook of his neck and Lance’s heart does a flip.
“Elena.” Arya calls softly but Lance shakes his head, sniffling softly as he gathers the small Lauale and picks her up.
“It's okay.” He reassurance gently, stroking Elena’s silver hair, “It’s okay. I got her.”
‘I got you. I’m here to stay.’ He says with his eyes, determination and promise inside those big blue eyes and Arya can breath.
“Thank you.”
“And why should we listen to him? He’s just a human! He’s so fragile and weak, he has nothing to offer! Nothing!” Cyprian snarls, his face close to Arya’s face, “We’re going to put our people’s lives in the hands of an alien who claims to be a Paladin of Voltron? Who claims he can helps us? This is outrageous! I will not stand by to see our people being massacred just because this small human think it's going to help us!”
Arya frowns deeply at her brother. “Sir Lance is more than capable to help us, you need faith. He’s willing to help us! Our people can be free at last –!”
“You live in a fantasy world, Arya! This is war! This is a losing war! Just death and suffering has been happening since he got here! It was his Lion that altered the Rudavs about our location! It was him who caused that attack two days ago and made us lost a third of our army! We lost so many innocent people that day, Arya! Just because of him!”
“That’s not true and you know it, Cyprian!” Arya exclaims, angry tears on the edge of her eyes, “He saved me that very first day when I found him! He saved Elena! He tried to save so many of our people but there’s so much he can do! He’s doing his best to help us! He’s sacrificing himself to save us!”
“It doesn’t mean anything! It doesn’t mean anything if he’s only bringing pain and death to our people!”
“Sir Lance –!”
“Enough.” King Dion’s voice echoes around the small room as he glares down at both of his children, “Sir Lance is a guest, whenever he wants to stay or leave, that is his choice but you shall not disrespect or belittle a Paladin of Voltron in my own Kingdom, Cyprian. No matter if you are the Prince or not, Sir Lance is a royal guest and you shall treat him as such.”
Cyprian glares up at his father with his own deep green eyes before he sighs in defeat. “Yes, Father.”
The small family continues with their own private meeting, the three of them oblivious to the soft steps of Lance as he walks away from his hiding spot behind the wall.
“The south east is surrounded, we need to strike now before it’s too late.”
“Our priority is the people. We need to evacuate the few Lauales that are still in that zone.”
“It’s too dangerous –”
“We need to try –”
King Dion sighs as he rubs his forehead. He leans back on his chair and looks around the room. The meeting is taking longer than planned and no progress has been made.
Humming to himself, the King’s eyes glance towards the slender figure on the corner of the room. The Blue Paladin of Voltron is facing the sunset just outside the terrace and King Dion can’t see his face from where he seats but he wonders what may be passing through the brunet’s hair as his shoulder tense by every passing second.
“Sir Lance.” The King calls, his voice echoing around the room, “Is there anything you would like to add to the meeting?”
Lance turns at calling, eyes wide in surprise and looks both of his sides in confusion before he shakes his head softly.
“No, your majesty.”
The plan they came up with had flaws, like everything in this universe, but Lance can't shake the feeling that he could have avoided this.
It had been a trap, of course it had been one. Lance knew that they could have avoided this. He knew that because he had been there when they explained the situation and the strategy. He was there to pick up the small flaws and the holes on the plan. He was there.
And he didn’t say anything.
Lance curse under his breath as he dodges another attack from the Rudavs and scowls when the screams around him just keep increasing. They are losing, their last commander had just been killed in cold blood right in front of their eyes and every Lauale soldier is either afraid or reckless, running around without an order to follow.
There’s no one to lead.
“Sir Lance! Sir Lance! What do we do? They have us surrounded!”
There’s no one to establish control.
“Sir Lance! Our signal is down, we can’t communicate with the castle! What –”
There’s no one to guide.
“Sir Lance! Our troops! Are out of control! We need –!”
There’s no one but him.
“Sir Lance!”
The Lauales keep calling. The ringing sound in his ear keeps getting louder. The enemy keeps gathering ground around them, successfully corning them.
Lance’s snaps and narrows his eyes in determination.
“Everyone go back! Retreat! Re-group in the north and then head towards the camp!” He shouts, not wasting time and gathering the wounded soldier in his arms as they retreat from the battlefield. “No Lauale left behind! Now, now, now!”
There’s no one but him and that’s enough.
Lance sighs tiredly as he helps carrying a wounded Lauale soldier back to the camp, making sure he was taken care off before he walks away from the Medbay tent.
“Excuse me! Excuse me, Sir Lance!”
The brunet stops short at the calling and suppresses the urge to groan. He just want to lay down and sleep, is that too much to ask?
“I’m sorry to bother you, Sir Lance.” The young Lauale nurse says softly, hands pressed against her chest, “But you need treatment. We can not allow you to go around without getting that wound on your head checked.”
Lance blinks in confusion before he raises his hand towards his head and winces when it comes back bloody.
“Oh.” He mumbles, offering a sheepish smile, “Oh, Okay, alright. I’m all yours, my lady.”
The small nurse smiles gratefully and takes him by the arm, guiding him towards the inside of a tent and making him sit on a small box.
She hums in thought as she inspects the wound carefully and then sighs relieved. “Fortunately, it’s nothing too grave but you may need some stitches, Sir.”
Lance shrugs. “Alright.”
“We also need to cut your hair.”
Lance gasps loudly, “You what?”
“Your wound  on your head re-opened during battle and expanded a little further down your hairline.” She explains calmly, softly poking at the wound carefully, “We need to redo the stitches if we want to seal it completely.”
Lance whines in defeat as he drops his forearms against his tights. “Just...just make sure to make me look awesome. Maybe an half under cut look? That would be cool, right?”
The Lauale nurse just hums, humoring him as he keeps rambling and whining about his hair. She limits herself to smile amusedly as she watches the tired Blue Paladin being so free with his words and expressions.
She’s just glad of being able to help him somehow. Hope is not lost yet, not with their Hero here with them.
Lance hums quietly to himself as he leans against the wall, his eyes firmly placed on the sunset in front of him. The royal garden is quiet enough and yet he doesn’t hear the strong footsteps behind him until King Dion is standing silently besides him.
“Sir Lance.” The King greets respectfully and Lance nods at him.
“Your majesty.”
“I wanted to thank you personally for guiding the troops back to safety. Without you and your quick thinking, my men wouldn’t have been able to come out of that trap alive. I’m forever grateful.”
Lance opens his mouth to respond but closes it right after.
He wants to waves the words away. He doesn’t deserves them. He hasn’t been helping as he should. He could be doing more, he know he can do more but the feeling of failure linger inside him.
What if what Cyprian’s had said in the beginning was true? What if he only brings pain and suffering? What if there’s nothing he can do –?
“Sir Lance.” King Dion’s words brings him back to reality, “I have a meeting with the council.”
“Oh, right, I’m sorry for taking your time –”
King Dion shakes his head patiently, “I want you to be there with me.”
Lance blinks and stares. He stares at the King’s big expressive amethyst eyes and the trust and hope they hold in them. He feels the pressure of the King’s hand on his shoulder and it’s heavy and comforting at the same time.
He stares and stares before he smiles.
“It would be my honor, your majesty.”
Lance sighs in relief as he takes off his helmet, wincing slightly when the move upsets his bleeding shoulder.
Their surprise attack had been successful. Their strategy had small holes on it but they were able to surpass them at the right moment. A feeling of pride spreads in Lance’s stomach as he watches the Lauales soldiers gathering around their camp, safe and sound from another battle.
Not lives were taken today.
Grumbling to himself, he makes his way towards the Medbay tent, waving off the nurses’ concerns with a tired smile.
“I got this, don’t worry.” He reassurances softly, smiling grateful when one of the nurses gives him a small box with supplies, “Thank you.”
The brunet flops himself on the nearest bench he can find and blinks in surprise when someone grunts besides him.
Blinking in confusion, Lance turns his head to the side only to meet Cyprian’s eyes on his left, looking at him half annoyed and tired.
“Oh, sorry man, didn’t see you there.” He apologies, offering a small smile that the prince doesn't return.
Cyprian’s just hums unamused, eyeing Lance carefully before he sighs and takes the box from Lance’s hands.
“What –?” Lance mouth but then Cyprian turns to face him and opens the box, taking out some bandages and the medical orange gel.
“Stay still.” He commands, voice tired and frustrated but his touch is soft and gentle as he starts treating Lance’s shoulder wound.
Lance stays quiet, slightly pouting when the Prince doesn’t offer an explanation for his random nice action. He waits patiently for a few minutes as Cyprian cleans the wounds before Lance has had enough.
“Why are you helping me?” He asks quietly, eyeing Cyprian from the side and he catches the brief surprised pause the Prince makes before he continues with his task.
“Because you are helping us.” He answers just as quietly, gratitude dripping from his voice, “I...It was thanks to your strategy that our troops were able to success with their mission. I was...wrong about you and for that I am sorry, Sir Lance. I hope you can forgive me.”
Lance blinks in astonishment before he smiles. “Nothing to forgive my dude. Thank you for helping me wrap this. Tanali just keeps reprimanding me for getting hurt.”
Cyprian grins in amusement at the mention of the young nurse. “Ah, she’s...she’s quite the character, isn’t she?” He asks, a soft golden blush covering half of his face and Lance blinks before he smiles mischievously.
“Oh.” He says, smirking when the Prince jumps startled, “Oh, I see what’s going on.”
“No. You don’t see anything.” Cyprian says dryly and Lance laughs.
“Oh, man, you have a crush – Ow! Dude! Mean!” Lance complains as Cyprian press too hard against his wound.
“Ups.” The Prince says, his smirk showing just how sorry he felt.
Lance mumbles grumpily at him. “You’re so mean. I can finish this on my own.”
The young warrior shakes his head. “No way. You are probably going to stab yourself with the needle and Father will kill me.”
Lance blinks in confusion before he smiles amused.
“My dude, didn’t you know? I’m known as the Tailor for how I thread the needle!”
They won today’s battle but Lance thinks he won two battle when he sees the corner of Cyprian’s mouth twitch upward.
“What in the four skies is a ‘tailor’?”
“Shiro’s our leader. He’s level headed and always has a plan even in the heat of the moment. His skills as a leader are flawless and he always encourages us to do better every time! Princess Allura and Coran are amazing, they are the last of their species but they keep fighting, day by day, to ensure that the Universe is a safe place and to honor the fall of their loved ones.”
Lance huffs as Elena jumps on her lap in excitement and he laughs, ruffling her silver hair before continuing.
“There’s also Pidge! She’s a tiny genius that can hack into anything and everything, no matter the foreign language it may come with. She’s so smart, just like Hunk! Remembered that I mention a big soft amazing guy earlier? That’s his name! He’s the best cook in the universe, Elena, and I would know, because I have traveled all over it!”
Lance smiles as he watches the small five years old Lauale giggle at his words. “Is Sir Hunk big and strong just like you, Sir Lance?” She asks in awe and Lance chuckles.
“No, pequeña, he’s even more so than me!!” Lance exclaims, opening his arms wide as a demonstration and it makes Elena to gasp.
“There’s someone even stronger than you?” She asks quietly and Lance nods proudly.
“He’s so strong and powerful but he’s as gentle as a flower.” He smiles softly as he picks on of the nearest flowers around him and places it behind her ear, “Physical strength doesn’t define the character, pequeña, remember that.”
“It’s what’s inside that matters.” Elena whispers softly, beaming brightly when Lance nods at her proudly.
“Ah, so you have been listening to me, huh?” He jokes, poking her in the cheek playfully and Elena giggle as she pushes his finger agway.
“Of course! Sir Lance is the best to tell stories!” She confesses loudly, leaning forward and squishing his cheeks together, “Sir Lance has heart of gold!”
Lance heart skips a beat at the declaration before he’s smiling softly at the child before him. “Thank you, pequeña.”
Elena giggles and bumps her forehead against his, something he accepts happily.
“But what about Sir Grumpy Fluffy Red ?” Elena asks confused, “You said he was the especial one!”
“He is the special one and let me tell you why –”
“Sir Lance!” Arya’s call cuts him off suddenly.
Both Lance and Elena  look up as the Princess jogs towards them, “Sir Lance! The Council request your assistance for today’s meeting, please.”
Lance suppresses the urge to smile amusedly when Elena whines besides him at the news.
“But I wanted to talk with Sir Lance, Princess Arya.” She pouts but giggles as soon as Lance tickles her below her chin.
“We will talk later, pequeña. For now, go back to Tanali and listen to her, alright?” He says, pushing her gently towards the exit of the Royal Gardens.
“Okay, okay, but don't forget about Sir Grumpy Fluffy Red!” She says sternly, “You promised to tell me about the bonding moment, Sir Lance!”
Lance laughter echoes around the garden as he looks back to the young Lauale and winks.
“I won’t forget, pequeña.”
“If we cut the already small supplies we have we might not survive the next attack. We need to –”
“No, we need to cut them so out next come attack is stronger, that way they won’t be able to attack back before we will defeat them once and for all –”
“They outnumber us! You can’t possibly think –”
“Outnumbered doesn’t mean impossible we just need to gather our strength and –”
“And attack only to lose half of our army and the little supplies we have left? I think not.”
“You are not listening, we need to –”
“Enough.” Dion’s strong deep voice echoes around the throne room and every Lauale quiets down.
The King suppresses the sigh that threatens to escapes and turns to his right, eyes falling on the quiet Paladin of Voltron who just keeps staring at the strategic table in front of them, eyeing every option they have traced on the kingdom's map as their next possible surprise attack.
“Sir Lance, any input you would like to make?” King Dion asks and waits patiently as the Paladin keeps staring at the table in silence.
Lance blue eyes run every corner of the table, scanning and planning in his head before he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes for a second and then pulls his hands away from his lips, face stoic and determined as he stands up.
He meets the eyes of every Lauale in the room before they fall on the King’s bright amethyst ones and then he speaks. “Your majesty, if you allow me to share my thoughts.”
King Dion nods at him proudly and Lance smiles gratefully before turning to meet the rest of the room.
“Tomorrow is the big day, huh?”
Lance looks down from the dark sky to meet Cyprian’s deep green eyes on his left.
The brunet offers a small smile and nods as a greeting, something Cyprian returns quietly.
“Yeah, after tomorrow your people we will be free. No doubt.”
“How are you so sure?” The Prince asks softly, taking a seat besides the Paladin on the ground, hesitation and worry in his voice and Lance has a quick flashback of when his team had first tried to form Voltron.
He can understand the Prince’s insecurity.
“We fight together,” Lance starts, echoing Shiro’s words from that time with a soft proud smile, “We win together.”
Cyprian’s eyes widen at his words before he nods firmly and with determination. They sit in silence after that, both of the looking at the dark sky above them.
One of the planet’s suns is still setting, and the color it leaves behind remind Lance of Keith’s eyes. He has always said that the black haired man had the eyes of the dusk back on Earth.
Now that he sees this different sunset, Lance decides that Keith just have the color that nothing in the entire Universe can be compared with.
Lance’s heart does a flip as he remembers Keith. The planet’s sunset doesn’t do justice to his eyes, quite honestly. It takes all of him to admit that he’s sorry he might never be able to tell Keith all of this.
It’s a few ticks later when Lance turns his head towards the Prince nervously before he gulps, deciding to speak before it may be too late.
Just in case, he tell himself.
“Cyprian.” He calls softly and the Prince hums, not meeting his eyes, “Do me a favor: if I...somehow, for some reason, don’t make it tomorrow, I – There’s this guy that I like –” Lance frowns in confusion at the Prince’s sharp intake of breath before he continues, “Might even be in love with for a time now, and I just want to make sure he knows so, can you –”
“Uh, Sir Lance? I-I’m honored but– but I don’t feel the same way.” He confesses, a soft golden blush covering his sharp ears, “I–I mean, you are incredible, our entire Kingdom owe you so much but there’s Tanali and we just started courting each other and –”
“Okay.” Lance interrupts, not unkindly, fighting back the urge to laugh as he holds up his free hand to stop the Prince’s rambling, “Okay, buddy, first things first: Ouch? You suck at rejecting people and secondly: I meant Keith. You know? Red Paladin of Voltron? Sir Grumpy Fluffy Red?”
Cyprian blinks in confusion before his eyes light up. “Oh!”
“Yes, oh.”
“Ooh!” Cyprian smirks and Lance scowls.
“I regret this decision. I will just make him a note.”
“Go, go, go! Group B and R, stay together and follow the Prince! Group G and Y, head towards the south east and then follow Princess Arya’s intructions from there! Group C and A, with me!”
The army quickly disperses at Lance’s orders and soon enough the entire Lauales are in their commanded place.
It doesn't take long before Lance’s group arrive to their section. Group C and A take their own individual places around their assigned roof, all the way up from the ground, a perfect spot for their long distance attack on the battlefield below them.
Group C hold their bows loosely in their hands, fists opening and releasing tension with rhythm as they wait for their signal. Meanwhile, Group A take their place and prepare their own weapons, their long range gun settle on the ground near the edge of the roof.  
Lance scans every group carefully, making sure every Lauale is in place before he nods pleased, turning around and taking his place in between the two groups.
The Blue Paladin of Voltron keeps his breathing steady as he drops to the ground and takes his position, bayard held up high.
“Remember your training, soldiers.” Lance mumbles into his coms, making sure his entire group heard him, “Steady beat and breathing held as you fire. Follow with your eyes and don’t hesitate.”
Catching Arya’s signal from the corner of his eyes followed by Cyprian’s battle cry, Lance smirks.
“Weapons high, my men.” Lance whispers with confidence and pride, “Time has come to end this war.”
Lance groans weakly as the voice above him screams at him, shouting and pleading him stay awake.
He can’t.
“You can’t just save me and die!” The voice screams, getting louder by the second, “You gotta stay awake! We won! We won the war! You have to stay awake!”
He gave it all. He doesn’t have anything more to give.
“Yes, you do! You– You have to stay alive, you moron!”
They won. Everyone will be safe now. They will be okay without him.
“You promised Arya! You promised Elena! You promised me!” The voice shouts, frustration and panic clear in their tone, “You promised yourself that you will find your team! You told me that you bowed to find them and prove your worth and you did! You promised, Lance.”
A pair of colors flash through his head before the color red takes over and then it fades slowly until there’s nothing left but a pair of dark blue eyes staring at him and a soft playful smile and Lance gasps.
He promised.
“O-Okay.” Lance mumbles softly, squeezing his eyes shut before opening slowly, catching Cyprian's misty eyes above him, staring at him wide and terrified, “Okay.”
“Thank the god Talyryn.” Cyprian curses under his breath, dropping his head in relief, “You –you damn moron, let this be the last time you take a deathly arrow for me.” He scolds, pointing a finger at Lance’s dirty face and the brunet laughs weakly.
“D-Dude, you didn’t noticed the bad dude behind you,” Lance explains quietly, voice hoarse and raw as he tries to shrug his shoulders nonchalantly, “And my bayard was out of commission, what was I supposed to do?”
“Not die?” The Prince suggests dryly and Lance rolls his eyes.
“Ta-da; granted. I’m not.”
“Let’s keep it that way.” Cyprian says strongly, pressing the already blood covered cloth even further into Lance’s wound, “The wound is not deep, it barely missed your organ but you will need immediate attention.”
“Oh, a date with Tanali, nice.” Lance jokes and chuckles when Cyprian scowls at him.
“You done?” He asks unamused as he wraps Lance’s wound as best as he can before pulling him up carefully, holding him close to his side to support his weight.
Lance groans at the movement but is able to shake his head in amusement. “Hell no.”
“Wonderful.” Cyprian deadpans.
They walk in silence, taking in the serene atmosphere around them that comes only after a won battle. They have finally succeed and gain freedom for the kingdom.
They won.
“Dude, ugh, I’m fine!” Lance insists for the fifth time, “I-I’m okay.” He mumbles, suppressing a hiss of pain as he laughs weakly.
Cyprian scoffs at the statement, “Yeah, okay, Sir Lance.” He says, dropping Lance’s title in mock, “That’s why you’re leaning against me as we walk back to the castle?”
Lance pouts against the Prince’s dirty shoulder pad, “I...have no excuse but your armor is comfy.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Lance snickers softly at the Prince’s dry response but then his eyes fall for a second before he’s raising them once again and looks around him.
There’s death. There’s so much pain and loss. They have won. They won and their kingdom is finally free. Freedom and peace has won and the battle that took place to archive them will be known for the years to come.
It’s a beautiful victory, but it cost them a lot of lives. Lives that won't experience the peace their sacrifice brought. Lives that won't be witnessing the relieved smiles on their people as they walk safely down the streets.  
Lance’s heart aches for those lost lives. He aches for their lost opportunities and their sacrifice. He aches for the death around him and the grief and mourning every Lauale is facing.
“Sir Lance!”
But death is not the only thing present –
“Hey, pequeña!” Lance greets and smiles as catches Elena’s small form running towards him from the entrance of the castle, “Hello, hello. Everything okay?” He asks, leaning away from Cyprian’s hold and then he kneels down to meet Elena’s eyes.
The young Lauale nods, her small shy smile widening as Lance grabs her by the wrist and hugs her close to his chest.
“I’m glad.” He whispers in her hair, suppressing his tears as Elena nuzzles her face on the crook of his neck, “I’m so glad.”
There is also hope.
“Why, hello there, beautiful.”
Lance grins wide as he feels the familiar wave of Blue’s purr of affection against his mind.
The Blue Paladin chuckles softly as he taps against the glowing blue barrier around his Lion.
“I get it now, Blue.” He whispers, pressing his forehead against the barrier, closing his eyes and reaching out to her, “I get it.”
The barrier disappears and Lance’s eyes get misty as he feels Blue nuzzling against him in his head, purrs of love and affection making him feel warm all over his body.
“I’m sorry, baby girl. I’m sorry I didn’t get it before.” He apologies gently, taking small steps towards her, patting her in the paw once he’s close enough.
“I promise I will do better now.” He declares, determination dripping from his voice, “I’m still learning but I know I’m capable. I can be the Paladin you deserve. I know I can.” He laughs when he feels Blue’s soft nudge in his mind, a few tears falling down. “I know now that I can be worth something.”
Silly Paladin.
“I know. I know what you are going to say, that I –”
Always been worth. She finishes for him in his head and Lance smiles.
“Father! Father!” Arya calls loudly as she runs into the throne room, apologizing softly once she’s in front of the King and Lance, “I’m sorry for interrupting but the beam had a response!”
“A response?” The King echoes in disbelief, “The war is won, there’s nothing else to –”
“The beam came from Sir Lance’s Lion.” Arya cuts off urgently, eyes flashing towards Lance’s surprised eyes, “It finally made contact with your crew!”
Lance opens his mouth to respond before there’s cheering and sounds of celebration just outside the window. The two royals and Lance steps out in the terrace and Lance eyes widen at the sight of a familiar Altean Castle, making its way down to the surface near the Lauale Castle.
Lance beams as he leans against the terrace’s bar, crossing his arms over his chest, “There they are.”
Lance wipes his formal robes as he walks down the stairs, making his way through the Lauale crowd to meet the Team.
His heart beats loudly against his chest with every step he takes. He can hear the King’s speech as he greets the Paladins and he can hear Allura’s gentle response followed by Shiro’s gratitude.
He’s almost there. His eyes catch a speck of yellow, green, black, followed by pink and orange spots.The sounds around him disappear and there’s only the hard beating his heart does against his chest.
He takes another step and then he catches a speck of Red.
Lance smiles fondly and watery when Keith’s anxious expression turns and meet his eyes, different shades of blue meeting for a tick before Keith’s blue navy eyes widen, realization taking over his face.
“We owe it all to our hero, your Paladin, Sir –”
The King’s speech is suddenly cuts off by Keith’s shout and then he’s running.
Lance huffs in surprise as Keith slams his body against his but then he laughs, wrapping his arms around the black haired man.
“Why, hello there, Mullet.” He whispers fondly and tender against Keith’s ear as the Red Paladin chokes on his own words, face pressed against Lance’s neck and Lance just hugs him tighter, “I missed you too.” He mumbles into Keith’s hair, closing his eyes and taking a deep breathing, his body relaxing when it catches the familiar smell of Keith.
He was home.
It doesn’t take long before the rest of the team snap out of their shock and join the hug and then they are a crying mess on the ground.
“So then - pff, Keith that tickles – Then, when we discovered that the enemy had a - Pidge, stop poking me – they had a secret base. We were able to strike without them kno- Hunk, buddy, my shirt is not a tissue.”
Shiro chuckles softly at the cuddle pile in front of him. “Guys, let him breath.”
“Psh, no, never.” Keith scoffs, nuzzling his face deeper into Lance’s crook in his neck, earning another snicker from the brunet, squeezing their intertwined hands together.
“Your mullet tickles.”
“Deal with it.”
“You got so many scars, dude.” Pidge muses from Lance’s right side, frowning as she pokes at one of Lance's scars on his arm, “Did they gave you an armor at all? Don't get me wrong, they look hella cool but you got the right treatment right? For them to heal properly? Rover II can check that for you and –”
“Oh, man! Lance, buddy, you have no idea how worried we were! We couldn't get a hold of your Lion anywhere! It was almost as if something was blocking its beam and we were freaking out!” Hunk exclaims, grabbing his friend by the shoulder and shaking him, “We didn’t know where you were and –”
“What Hunk’s trying to say,” Shiro cuts off gently, patting Hunk in the shoulder, “Is that we were worried something had happened and you didn’t have a way to contact us. We didn’t know were you where and the dangers around you.”
Shiro smiles and beams proudly at Lance as he leans forward and places his hand on the brunet’s free shoulder. “Guess we worried for nothing. You had it all under uncontrol.”
“Oh, boy! You had it more than under control, dude!” Hunk exclaims, opening his arms wide, “The way you lead an entire army and they followed your plan on point? That’s amazing! Your word was basically law and you managed to save so many lives!”
“Not to mention that you trained half of the new soldiers that volunteered themselves. They had no experience whatsoever and yet you turned them into soldiers in mere weeks of training!” Keith adds, staring in awe at the brunet.
“Wait, wait, but are you forgetting the fact that he was the one who discovered that the Rubavs’ barrier was the thing blocking our sensors and didn’t allows us to catch Blue’s beam? If it weren't for that, Lance, we never might have find you!” Pidge says, pushing herself forward until she’s hanging from Lance’s shoulder from behind, “How did you manage to take down the entire barrier? What was their technology like? Where they advance like Altean’s? Or maybe Galra –!”
“No, wait, wait! That’s not the most impressive thing!” Shiro says, laughing cheerfully, “All the Lauales were basically bowing to him and yet Lance just smiled and pull them up straight. Lance, I noticed the way you addressed the soldiers when you were saying goodbye and I have never been prouder; the way you held yourself and stood there like a real leader, that image will never leave my head! I have always known you had it in you, buddy.” He declares smiling brightly at the blushing brunet.
“You have come so far, My Paladin.” Allura says softly, standing besides Shiro and leaning down to pat his cheek, “I’m so proud of you.”
Lance’s lip wobbles slightly but he’s still manages to smile, laughing wetly when Coran ruffles his head from behind.
“We all are.” The Altean man says, beaming at him with pride.
“Thank you, guys.” Lance whispers, his smile wavering with emotion as he meets everyone’s eyes, “Thank you for believing in me.”
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