#sheogorath approves
i am not osha approved
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I sent an ask to the OSHA-2 blog, which I described the entire Shivering Isles dlc main quest, and then asked if it was OSHA approved and then said that if not, my previous employer had some things to answer for.
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Last night someone asked me to choose between a green and a purple egg in some hypothetical question. Intelligently, I answered cheese. This feels like something you would approve of.
This story is approved by Sheogorath! *stamps your forehead*
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nientedenada · 11 months
Your Mixed Beastfolk/Human and Beastfolk/Elf OCs are Morrowind-approved
Reporting in from the r/teslore trenches, where Fyraltari noticed there's a Morrowind source for inter-species reproduction that no has apparently noticed in the last twenty years!
The dialogue on Humanoid races in Morrowind reads:
Offspring of inter-racial matings have the racial appearance of the mother, but may occasionally share inherited characteristics and abilities of the father. Sloads, dragons, and other sentient races cannot mate with Men, Elves, or Beastmen, and are not considered 'human.' Exceptional accounts of matings between men and daedra do not fit smoothly into this scheme. Elves consider themselves the only 'truly human race,' being descended directly from the gods, and regard the Manish and Beast races as highly intelligent animals. On the other hand, Imperial scholars consider Men, Elves, and Beastmen as 'men,' on the basis that individuals of all three groups can mate with one another.
[bolding by op]
This seems to be a reference to our world's Biological Species Concept
The biological species concept defines a species as members of populations that actually or potentially interbreed in nature, not according to similarity of appearance
to quote a Berkeley evolution explainer. Of course, defining species is more complicated than that, when you get into the nitty-gritty, but it's a popular definition that I think Morrowind's dialogue is working off.
Of course, nothing was stopping you from making your OCs whatever mix of TES species you like, but you've now got a source to point to if someone turns their nose up at it! Previously, everyone referred back to Notes on Racial Phylogeny which says:
After much analysis of living specimens, the Council long ago determined that all "races" of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring. Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present. It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring.
In this newly discovered context, Notes seems to represent an earlier state of knowledge. By the late Third Era, scholars accept reproduction among the beastfolk, humans, and elves.
There is one Argonian/Altmer mentioned in lore, the son of the Count of Vitharn, who was born in the Shivering Isles. Morrowind's dialogue makes it more likely that he really was the naturally born child of his parents, rather than an oddity of Sheogorath's making. I hope we will eventually meet npcs who are a mix of Khajiit/Argonian and Elf/Human.
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wispstalk · 2 years
prompt from the @nirnwrote discord server - "the world" from this list
There is a storm somewhere on Nirn. The Madgod’s name is called within every gust of wind, with every crack of thunder. One voice rises above all other supplicants. The name is wrong, no offering given, no call for succor, no carefully-induced hysteria. But still, the Madgod has been summoned, and so it must appear.
Sheogorath sets foot on alien soil for the first time since… since something. It can’t remember. But it sets foot because it has feet, not illusory but real flesh and blood, because this summoning called for a mortal body, and the body remembers things.
So that must be how it finds itself in a familiar city by the sea. In front of a familiar door, looking into a familiar face. It can’t remember why the door is important, and the face isn’t quite right. Too many lines and creases, a few wiry strands of silver frizzing out from the mop of blond curls. But the eyes are the same, wide and green as moss.
“Just like you to show up in a typhoon,” mutters the face. “Well, come inside, scuttlehead, you’re getting drenched.”
Typhoon, it thinks. That means something. All the houses in this city by the sea are built of stone, with sturdy storm shutters, because the typhoons come every year. It knows that because it had intended to live here once, but this place— Anvil, it remembers now— made it raw and skinless so it left, and the house now belongs to the one in front of him.
There’s a sound that goes with that face, so Sheogorath rasps it out. “Coradri.”
“I ought to throw you out. I ought to kick your ass.”
“You’re… angry.”
“I’m furious.” She grins. “Did your ears itch?”
It sort of remembers what an itch was. It reaches up to touch the ears— lopsided, the tip sheared off one and ridged with scar tissue. So fragile, these containers of flesh and blood, and they heal about as well as stone. “My ears…?”
“They say your ears itch when someone’s telling stories about you. And I was.” She folds her arms. “Since when can you grow a beard?”
“OUT, you rascals! Bottomless pits!” A shriek from another room, a woman’s voice, and three children come tearing out of the kitchen, laughing and cramming mango tarts in their mouths. The Madgod gives an approving nod— pastry theft is an honorable pursuit.
One of them skids to a halt. A grey-skinned lad with dark floppy hair, distrust coiled in his chest and his lanky arms, cold eyes sizing up this unexpected guest. “Ma, who’s this?”
“Your deadbeat uncle, I guess. Give me that, you’ll spoil your appetite.” She snatches the tart from his hands and shoos him off. The boy shoots one last suspicious glance at Sheogorath before running off to rejoin his friends.
“Ma?” says the Madgod, and stares after the three children— the Dunmer boy, the little girl with deep brown skin and beaded braids, the stocky Orc teenager with glossy black hair streaming down his back.
“They all call me Ma,” says Coradri with a shrug, licking crumbs from her fingers.
Something comes to the Madgod, then. A fluttering in its chest. It points after the Orc child, who is now fleeing upstairs. “One of the Makobs,” it declares confidently.
A strange look comes over Coradri’s face. “Big Makob’s grandson,” she says. “That’s his youngest daughter in the kitchen. He’s in Orsinium now, and Little Makob joined the weavers’ guild. I buried Rona three years ago, in the back garden. We had twelve children come and go through this house before she passed, and half of them have children of their own now.
“Sixty years, Tanis.” She looks it up and down. “Sixty fucking years. I thought I’d buried you too. But somehow I get the feeling no one on Nirn will live long enough to do that.”
The Madgod blinks in surprise. Its eyes are dry. It has to remember to blink.
Tanis, it thinks, turning the sound over in its mind. Smooth and worn as a river stone. Not a summons that it heard after all— just a woman telling stories by the hearth, to entertain children during a storm. The wrong name, an old name, but hearing it has stopped that squirming sensation beneath his skin, as if this body can’t decide whether to hold together or not. As if this world could push him out like a splinter.
“Well, never mind,” Coradri sighs. “Stay for dinner?”
Another typhoon whips itself into a frenzy off the coast of Anvil. The strange non-summoning comes again, this time in a sly singsong voice.
The Madgod materializes inside the familiar door this time, so it doesn’t get rained on. After her initial shock passes, and she delivers a good sound smack with her wooden spoon, Coradri ushers Sheogorath to her table.
The children are beastly, eating with the furtive speed of street urchins, leaning all the way across the table to snatch up the butter or the salt cellar. The adults swap stories, talking over each other, laughing loud. It’s a madhouse. Not a worshipful display for Sheogorath’s sake— it’s just the way things are here.
Only Coradri is quiet, surveying her brood like a contented lioness, sitting just to Sheogorath’s left. She cuts a slice of dark sour bread, slathers it with butter and lemon curd, and thrusts it into the Madgod’s hands.
“Rosemary bread. You always liked it.” Coradri watches closely. She’s testing it; she did this last time, too. “Brother Martin taught me how to make it, all those years ago. Do you remember?”
The Madgod doesn’t remember that yet. Or it doesn't want to remember. Or something. It reaches across for another slice, just to be sure.
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elscrolian-academy · 4 months
Elscrolian Academy- ESO fan school
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The Academy of Draconic Bloodline- despite this title, races and beings of all backgrounds and magical skills- even the magicless, are accepted.
The school has a 100% acceptance rate, however students have to undergo a pilgrimage to be accepted and climb the mountain to the school unassisted (by non applicants).
Escrolian Academy embraces the potential in all their students and teaches them to function in the world with and without the reliance on magic- it is a school that focuses less on power level but rather personal growth and goals. Rather than focusing on outreaching internships like other colleges, they focus on growing within and offer jobs and positions based on legacy companies from former students who graduated in the past.
The Conflict of the School
At Escrolian Academy, there is no playful competition, each dorm has an us against them mentality towards each other and often try to sabotage one another in order for their dorms to succeed. However, this doesn't stop other dorm leaders or members from planting or recruiting spies in other dorms under the pretense of that person being allowed to transfer to the dorm eventually and get special privileges from the heads of the dorms(however this rarely goes as planned as the one things the dorms hate more than a snitch is a traitor). The Dorms all collectively hide the conflicts from the Headmaster as they know that should he find out, that each dorm will be punished and the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders will be replaced, while this may seem like incentive for some to expose the truth to the headmaster, they also know that this will lead to them being hated by their entire dorms for being a traitor and snitch and get their self governing system taken away as the Headmaster has made it clear, “self governance is not a right, it is a privilege” in the school.
The Dorms
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Crocomis- the Dorm of Individualism, inspired by the Green Dragon (Peyrite)
Dearil (Head), Euna (Vice)
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Glutani- the Dorm of Indulgence, inspired by the Golden Merchant (Clavicus Vile)
Sam (Head), Gayle (Vice)
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Gyrafis- the Dorm of Creativity, inspired by the Shimmering King (Sheogorath)
Mortimer (Head), Blythe (Vice)
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Salavol- the Dorm of Ambition, inspired by the Red Devil (Mehrunes Dagon)
Marnie (Head), Widow (Vice)
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Vyperir- the Dorm of Order, inspired by the Silver Knight (Jyggalag)
Cosmos (Head), Eclipse (Vice)
The MC
On account of all the TES games having pushovers for MC’s that typically enable the Princes, the best MC for this would most likely be the Vestige, which means the only requirement for a Vestige-sona student would be the character would have had to die and then come back. The Vestige doesn't get placed in one dorm but rotates between the dorms every week, they get a personal room in each dorm that is left clean and untouched for them in the dorms, however if the Vestige grows attached to one dorm in particular, they can petition with that dorm leaders approval to stay permanently in that Dorm. Vestiges are popular in the dorms as they are fairly rare and are known to boost the Dorm's reputation and GPA if the dorm is chosen as when Vestiges in the past had chosen a specific dorm, that Dorm managed to surpass others in performance and popularity.
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Enough oblivion sexymen when are we getting an oblivion sexyladies poll I need my massive crush on Antoinetta Marie to be validated by public approval
(And to a lesser extent my crush on Arriana Valga)
Weeeelllll, we did have a fair number of ladies in the Sexyman Poll. It was more of a Sexyman (gender neutral) Poll, if you ask me. The issue is, people really like Sheogorath. A lot. Like more than Martin. Or at least the redditors do.
*shakes my fist at the redditors for what they took from me*
Ahem, but hey, I love Antoinetta Marie too and your love for her and Arriana Valga are 💯 validated here, Nonnie!
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crys-makes-art · 1 year
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??? (ESO, minor OC) - oc: cringeship child (to be named) ---
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rosemorningstar · 2 years
Idk maybe the reason Boethiah hates her followers and Mephala and Meridia just uses them as game pieces and Azura only uses them for validation and so many others just torture them is because you’re not supposed to worship them at all. Some might want you to, many are ambivalent, but really Boethiah is probably the most honest. She tells you that you are dust in her eyes and in the eyes of all gods and to prove yourself beyond their approval. They’re not supposed to be Gods that you grovel for like a dog. They’re meant to be emulated perhaps, learned from definitely, and perhaps allied with on occasion, but I think the true goal is for them to be usurped. Take Sheogorath for example. Giving into him, worshipping him, giving everything to him, is to just be left with madness. He can’t give you anything. You must conquer madness not submit to it. Hell, in the same way that conquering Molag Bal is to conquer domination, perhaps conquering Azura is to conquer willful submission. You’re not meant to give in to her design of your fate; you’re meant to defy it. As for the Divines, I think they teach you a different lesson but a similar one. They’re dead and gone. Their domains left as ghosts to form the illusion of a world. Their ambitions and visions for their own worlds left as mere whispers on the wind after they let themselves become ensnared in the ideals of another. In this way, Lorkhan’s duality coalesces. He was evil in that he tricked them all into their demise but good in the way that he taught a lesson to their descendants using their remains as evidence.
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sheogorath does NOT approve of WEEZER
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moonmadmalk · 4 years
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I dug up this outfit… wearing it feels… maddening… it also makes me CRAVE CHEESE.. wonder why?
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t00thpasteface · 3 years
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my friend @grunkiekong got THE BEST Cameo from the one and only Wes Johnson for our rp squad and long story short our beloved pastime of noclipping in eso is officially Sheogorath Approved
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witchyfroggins · 3 years
A/N: haha, i had this idea in mind for awhile so seeing that people havent taken the holden opportunity for a oneshot or reader insert i guess my time has come!
Also the reader is said to be female but you can change it otherwise i dont mind.
Summary: in the unlikely events of an adventurer coming across the gate to the shivering isles in hopes of stopping the infinite loop of the greymarch a ball is to be hosted as a last hurrah.
Warnings: Emotions (possibly)
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Everyone in the Isles gathered in Sheoth at this evening dresses in bright or dim clothes dependinf where they rein from. Mania or dementia. You were from (Mania/Dementia) you wore a (Favorite Dress) along with your hair pinned up by a white flower from Mania's garden that you managed to sneak or just take.
The normally deserted streets were littered with people in creative masks and beautiful gowns. You had a white owl mask with real soft feathers. It only covered your eyes so you had a deep (Favorite color) Lipstick on your lips.
You were new to the isles so the reason for this beautiful Mascerade was a mystery to you but you'll enjoy it nonetheless.
Everyone was enjoying their time. Chatting with eachother, drinking and eating as they waited for the arrival of their very special guest. You knew who it was of course, the famed daedric prince of madness, sheogorath.
When you had arrived for the first time. You were confused and scared, the white bearded man welcomed you with a surprisingly warm smile on his face. Why did you not kill you? You never found out.
After that, in time you managed to serve under him from (Mania/Dementia). You always admired him. Your fear faded as soon as you looked into those golden cat like eyes. You, for a lack of a better word, interested in this prince. He could also say the same for you.
Presenting yourself so rawly to him. It was if he could see a fraction of himself in your eyes. You were nothing like the other mortals who had been sent to him after a a gruesome death. He wanted to get to know you better. So you stayed.
Back at the ball you navigated your way to the small bar that had been set up to get a drink. You were a nervous wreck, you weren't one to always wear fancy clothes. Let alone be in a fancy ball. This might as well be your first time.
As you were sipping on a glass of red wine the noise of the ball faded as everyone gazed upon the stairs as a figure appeared wearing a rather unfitting suit for the prince of madness. It was purple and styles like your normal Tuxedo but it was decorated with a golden floral pattern on one side while the other was a black thorn pattern. He dawned a golden feline eye mask above his nose.
Of course he was accompanied with his Chamberlain Haskill in his normal attire despite the event.
Everyone soon stopped their conversation as the mad prince raised both of his arms in the air with a wide cat grin on his bearded face.
"Let the Mascerade begin!" He Declared earning a cheer of approval as the floating orchestra began to play a tune on their own.
Everyone went back to their business as the mad prince stood from the top of the stairs gazing at what could be the last heart filled moment in a long time. The greymarch was upon him and he didnt have the courage to tell (y/n). But he couldn't find the right time.
As if by coincidence his eyes landed on her form. Awkwardly shuffling to the back of the room in her beautiful (Favorite color) gown and white owl mask. As if a predator was drawn to its prey he couldn't take his eyes off her.
Normally he would refrain himself from dancing with the locals. It wasnt good for reputation. But he may not get another chance. He cringed at the thought of becoming Jyggalag and hurting her.
As if battling with his own mind he had finally come to a conclusion. You only live once, as mortals say even though he was a daedric god. She could only live once.
Before he could even register what he was doing he found himself moving down the stone stairs. Grabbing the attention of his loyal followers as they fearfully cleared the floor for him as he strided confidently towards you.
It was only when he was a few feet away from you, you realised him. Almost choking on your wine as he stood in front of you in an almost intimidating way. But when you looked up to him as he was taller then you. You could see his eyes. The pupils weren't their usual shape. They were wider, his beautiful yellow irises shy of disappearing.
Quickly you placed your glass down and bowled.
"L-Lord sheogorath, how can i help you?" You asked forcing the words our of your mouth joping to play it cool. However your voice betrayed you at that moment.
You awaited his response. The simplest things could tick him off bu tonight there will always be an exception. He looked down at you, he just laughed. Not his usual maniacal laugh. It was soft almost inaudible to the people around him. But he made certain you heard it.
He hooked a finger under your chin grabbing your attention as he guided your head to look at him. You could feel the heat rise on your cheeks as you gazed up at him. A kind smile on his face.
After a moment he steppes back giving enough space between you two for him to bow to you! A mortal. The crowd began to stir, whispering among themselves as he reaxhed out with his hand.
"A dance? Mi'lady?" He asked in his usual scottish accent that sent a shver down your spine.
You by all means would jump at the chance of dancing with him. But with the people staring and whispering behind their masks she felt as if it was wrong.
"Are you certain my lord?" You asked in an accent of your own. Oh how he loved to hear you speak. It made him feel as if he were flying. Well he can fly but it was different.
He didnt speak a word sending a glare to those around them. And with one swift movement he took you gently by the hand pulling you towards his chest. One arm sliding around your waist with ease.
"Don't mind them my dear. Tonight it's just about you and me" he whispered in your ear. He waited to long for this moment for so long and it was finally here.
He couldn't help but bask in your presence. Your smell, the feeling of you in his arms. It was beautiful. He guided you to the dance floor. Your dress swaying with his movements.
The band began to play once again. The lamps that hung on strings between the buildings changed into a beautiful red hue as it focused only on them.
You averted your eyes from him. To embarrassed to look his way. He wasn't impressed by this and with a small 'tsk' freeing one hand only to hook it under your chin once more as if it never left.
"I dont much like people averting my gaze (y/n). If it wasn't for your exquisite beauty i would have had you displayed as a carpet in my throne room" he stated his voice staying the same mono tone. It almost scared you if not for his hidden compliment.
He enjoyed dancing with you. Having you entwined with his own dark soul as he spun you around. However his glee wouldn't last long. There was still the dire situation to come and he has yet to tell you. Maybe he doesn't.
Sheogorath had a beautiful idea. A way to show his affection for you and get you out of danger.
With one simple movement he spun you around once again before dipping you low enough for your hair to become undone and hit the stone floor. He kept you their for some time. Just admiring how you looked. The red of your cheeks brought out your beautiful (eye color) eyes.
You couldn't hear anything above your own racing heartbeat as the close proximity of your face and his. His breath mingling with yours. Drawing you ever so closer to him.
With out a warning his lips connected with your own. It was just as you imagined it, soft, warm and slightly chasped but it was perfect.
Both of your lips moved in perfect sinc with eachother. As if you were made for him. A perfect mortal molded into his liking without his torment. You were perfect. He couldn't let you call to his lesser half.
He pulled you back onto your feet. Never removing his lips from yours. Spinning you around fast enough that you couldn't see straight. Then the last words you would probably ever hear from him in some time.
"I'm sorry"
His words confused you but as soon as you regained your balance and the world stopprd spinning you realised you were not in the isles anymore. You were in nirn.
All done!
Wow! That took longer then i though and it is longer then i thought.
Anyway part 2??
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Hrod’s awake, time for Elder Scrolls hilarity. Funniest shit in Elder Scrolls is doing ALL of the quests that get your soul claimed by an Aedra, Daedra, etc., because think of what happens when the Hero of Kvatch, or the Dovakhin, or whoever, dies. They have all these fucking gods arguing over who gets the soul. Who the fuck gets it at that point? And I do one hundred percent believe some of the protagonists would do that on purpose to fuck with the gods, etc., for all the shit they go through.
Considering the Hero of Kvatch almost definitely canonically ascends to godhood and becomes the new Sheogorath on completing the Shivering Isles DLC, and even references events from Oblivion in his Skyrim Daedric quest, then I can absolutely see HoK-turned-Sheo laughing his ass off whenever the subject comes up during visits from the other Daedric Princes.
I personally favor Hircine over most of the Princes (with good ol' Sheo at a close second) and because Hircine approves of his prey outwitting its hunters and coming out victorious, I can also easily see the Lord of the Hunt folding his arms and nodding in approval while Sheogorath's slapping his knees over how the Dovahkiin pulled a fast one on all the Daedric Princes; this isn't even like that time Sheo beat Hircine in a bet, he's just loving how clever the Dovahkiin is.
(Even if the Dovahkiin doesn't actually know what they're doing, it's just hilarious.)
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Hello Lord Sheogorath! A very happy Sunday to you!
I'm curious, is there any event going on in tamriel right now? Just wondering if the jubilee activities have any effect on the world.
I hope the Court of Madness wasn't too difficult to deal with and that you had a good week? What have you been up to?
As always I'm sending you the best of wishes for the week to come! May it bring you, all you care for, and your loved ones lots of joy, good fun, and laughter!
(My week and month are going well so far, thank you for asking! )
Have an enjoyable Sunday Lord Sheogorath, and take good care of yourself!
Hello, Sundas Anon!
I've never heard of "Jubilee". What is that? Is it some sort of Earthling celebration? Is it something that happens in that game of yours?
The Court of Madness is always difficult to deal with, but I'm on top of things. We finally approved the final project for the expansion of the Isle of Lusty Bards. Soon, it will be transformed into a small archipelago, and it will be home not only for lusty bards but also for any sort of lusty artist.
My week has been pleasant enough, except for that time that my alfiq form got brain freeze from having too much ice cream, too fast. Such strange things can happen to mortal forms.
I hope you've had a good week! Thank you and take good care :3
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