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antikristes · 11 months ago
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30 faces for illustration class. And all of my dnd gang is there!
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wikipediapictures · 1 year ago
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Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art
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rainingmusic · 9 months ago
Jonathan Davis - Final Days
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atumblogger · 1 year ago
My answer to:
Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live? Yes, certainly. I miss my years as a student. I studied visual communication in Ramat Gan (Israel). I was in my early 20s, and although the courses were very demanding and stressful for me, I miss those four years back in the early 2000s. Why? Because I was single (most of the time) and met two of my best friends (unfortunately, we’re…
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j-femmescoli · 8 months ago
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happy pride
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boggysbitch · 1 year ago
watching the bloodkeep behind the scenes and REHKA COULDVE BEEN ONE OF THE INTREPID HEROES?! like the 6 we have are perfect but just imagining how good rehka would be in the intrepid heroes seasons are just nrgghh !!!
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yamayuandadu · 3 days ago
I've read *somewhere* ( i dont exactly remember where i think it's possibly from you tho) that some central asian/sogdian(?) temples were supposedly built in a mesopotamian like fashion and I've read a Russian paper that actually briefly brought up something similar..
based on your knowledge on the sogdians would you please give your insight on this piece of information? and perhaps if possible can you please give some sources that might talk about this subject?
"Mesopotamian type" is a genuine term for a well attested, recognizable style of Iranian temples, yeah; the most famous examples have been excavated in Ai Khanum in Afghanistan, for a survey of relevant literate see Michael Shenkar, Intangible Spirits and Graven Images, p. 61 footnote 144 (note that multiple works of art from Ai Khanum match Greek style as opposed to Mesopotamian, though). Based on Kushan textual evidence from Surkh-Kotal Shenkar suggests that in addition to an architectural model being borrowed, at least in the eyes of Kushan rulers the temples were literal "houses" of the gods like in Mesopotamia on top of that (Intangible spirits..., p. 12). I'm not aware of any excavated Sogdian temples following the "Mesopotamian" style though, the examples seem to be clustered in Bactria.
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shape · 4 months ago
Kann es sein, dass Politik gerade den Platz der Kunst einnimmt?
Sicherlich – und das nicht im positiven Sinne. Nach dem 7. Oktober tauchten viele Bilder auf, die eliminatorischen Antisemitismus verherrlichten. Statt dass man sich von ihnen abwandte, wurden sie im künstlerischen Kontext teilweise sogar positiv aufgegriffen. Künstler*innen begannen, Bilder von vor Hamas-Kämpfern auf Paraglidern Flüchtenden, von Bulldozern, die den Grenzzaun zu Israel durchbrechen, oder von fliehenden »Nova«-Festivalbesucher*innen zu Bildern des Widerstands umzudeuten. Einige stellen sich bewusst in den Dienst der Propaganda der Hamas. Ich begreife das, was an den Hochschulen passiert, nicht als Politik im demokratischen Sinn, sondern als Rekrutierung für eine faschistische Bewegung. Es geht um den Rausch der Entgrenzung und Gruppenbildung. Aus der Masse initiiert scheint das Individuum erlöst von der Verantwortung für antidemokratische, gewaltsame Parolen, die die Tötung von Jüdinnen rechtfertigen. Das ist eine Absage an Intellektualität und Demokratie. Gleichzeitig findet auch keine Kunst statt, denn Kunst ist frei und individuell. Dafür soll die Jüdische Kunstschule Platz schaffen.
Der Name »Jüdische Kunstschule« ist sehr plastisch. Ich stelle mir sofort ein Gebäude vor, mit einem Eingangsportal, dahinter junge Künstler*innen in ihren Werkstätten. So wird es zunächst wahrscheinlich nicht aussehen …
Der Name ist zunächst Ausdruck des Traums eines anderen, freieren, sichereren Rahmens der künstlerischen Ausbildung. Die Jüdische Kunstschule Berlin mit einem eigenen Gebäude wäre natürlich fantastisch. Als feste Institution könnte man Impulse setzen. Zum Beispiel würde man ganz gezielt israelische Künstler*innen einladen, die derzeit überall boykottiert werden. Die Jüdische Kunstschule startet im Herbst zunächst als Projekt für ein Semester, in Zusammenarbeit mit der UdK, in wechselnden Räumen und Onlinesitzungen, finanziert von der Berliner Kulturverwaltung. Wir haben für diese erste Phase Lehrende angestellt, außerdem Räume und Ateliers angemietet. Wir haben Klassen für unterschiedliche Disziplinen wie Malerei, Bildhauerei, Performance, Theater und Literatur. Wie es nach dem ersten Semester weitergehen kann, werden wir sehen.
Eine vollwertige Ausbildung können Sie zurzeit nicht anbieten?
Nein, aber vielleicht kommen wir noch dahin. Neben der Ausbildung ist uns die Vernetzung wichtig. Deswegen lassen wir zunächst auch Künstler*innen zu, die parallel an einer anderen Hochschule studieren oder den Abschluss vor Kurzem gemacht haben. In der Kunst hat Vernetzung einen sehr hohen Stellenwert. Wir beobachten, dass jüdische und israelische Künstler*innen stark marginalisiert und boykottiert werden und so aus vielen Zusammenhängen rausfliegen. Wenn man diese Netzwerke verliert, kommt man nicht weit. Dem möchten wir etwas entgegensetzen. Wir hoffen, dass sich zwischen den Studierenden über das gemeinsame Lernen hinaus Freundschaften und Arbeitsbeziehungen bilden.
Woher kommen die Professor*innen?
Wir haben acht Masterclasses mit sechs Professor*innen aus Israel und zwei aus Deutschland. Die meisten der israelischen Professor*innen kommen von der Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem, einer der renommiertesten Hochschulen für Kunst im Design im Nahen Osten, deren Geschichte bis in die 1930er Jahre zurückreicht, als zahlreiche Künstler*innen aus Deutschland vor den Nazis in die Region geflohen sind.
Wen haben Sie für das Projekt gewinnen können?
Da wäre zum Beispiel David Adika, der an der Bezalel das Department für Fotografie leitet. Seine Masterclass widmet sich dem Themenkomplex Fotografie, Identität und Menschenrechte. Ebenfalls thematisch wird die Klasse der Bildhauerin Hillal Toony Navok arbeiten. Sie unterrichtet an der Bezalel, aber auch am Shenkar College, in der Nähe von Tel Aviv. Es wird um Verletzlichkeit, Zuflucht und Schutz gehen. Die Studierenden werden performativ, installativ und plastisch im öffentlichen Raum experimentieren. Man merkt, dass diese Klassen sich Themen widmen, die gerade in der jüdischen Gegenwart virulent sind. Das Thema der Schutzräume wird hier aber nicht auf die konkreten jüdischen Erfahrungen etwa auf dem Campus begrenzt, sondern sehr viel offener verhandelt werden.
Wie lief die Bewerbung?
Das Zeitfenster war wegen der Förderzusagen sehr schmal, das machte es für die Bewerber*innen sehr schwierig. Teil der Bewerbung waren sowohl ein Motivationsschreiben als auch ein Portfolio. Uns haben sowohl die künstlerische Leistung als auch die politische Motivation interessiert. Wir wollten auf Notsituationen reagieren, in denen sich Studierende in ihren Lehrzusammenhängen befinden. Die Anzahl der Bewerber*innen war sehr hoch und wir mussten die Auswahl lange diskutieren. Wir hoffen sehr, das Vorhaben im nächsten Jahr fortsetzen zu können. Die meisten Bewerbungen kamen aus Deutschland, allerdings kamen auch viele aus Israel und den USA, außerdem aus ganz anderen Ländern, wie etwa der Ukraine oder der Türkei.
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radgritty · 2 years ago
There's actually a (clearly joke-written) bookcabout the philly phanatic and gritty exoloring each other's bodies. It's called "city of brotherly love a philly phan phiction". I know about it thru college humor / dropout's erotic book club, i swear i'm normal
(This is actually a rec to listen to it on youtube / watch it on dropout, it's led by the wonderful rekha shenkar and jess ross, both such funny comedians who talk about erotic books so candidly and without shame and i honest to goodness learnt a lot from this show and also. Funny and pretty women i'm so down. It is very much libfem but what csn ya do, yk) (both are philly natives and proud of it btw)
Hi, I love you. This, this is the stuff of dreams.
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fresne999 · 8 months ago
Per my policy to -repetitiously- repost with ways to take action when I see a post like this:
-Introverted/can write legibly? Postcarding and letter writing are a good no contact way to get out the vote. https://postcardstovoters.org (postcards - more writing) or https://votefwd.org/ (letters - less writing, but you need a printer). If you’re looking for a specific campaign, you can also check out, https://linktr.ee/grassrootsdemhq
-no $ or printer, go to mobilize and look up letter writing / postcard parties in your area. Someone else will provide supplies/ postage, you provide writting. https://www.mobilize.us/
-Extroverted (or at least enough to talk to strangers): Look up your local Sister District https://sisterdistrict.com/volunteer-activities/ or Swing Left (https://swingleft.org/) and see what phone banking or canvassing opportunities they’ve got going. I also sometimes volunteer through Grassroots Democrats (https://linktr.ee/grassrootsdemhq) when the above don’t have events that fit my schedule.
I also really recommend listening to anything with Anat Shenkar-Osario explaining how to persuade. Especially her podcast https://wordstowinby-pod.com/
-Not up to phone banking? Both of the organizations above (or really any get out the vote organization) need volunteers to a) help organize phone banks and canvasses, b) call volunteers to remind them about events they’ve signed up for.
Not sure that's how you want to go? Volunteer with a voter information hotline. All you need is a computer. They will train you on how to answer questions. I've done this several times and it can be very satisfying.
Protect the Vote: A national, non-partisan organization that works to inform voters about their voting rights. Several types of opportunities includeing voter information hotline.
Here's one for Az
-have $? Donating to the top of the ticket is less effective than donating down ballot. Your $ goes farther and if someone votes for state assembly/senate or house of reps, they are going to vote up ballot. The reverse is not necessarily true.
Sister District and Swing Left have funds to help down ballot candidates. I mean, you’ll still end up on mailing lists, but not from a specific candidate. https://movement.vote/ also has pretty good credentials
–Want to go non partisan, https://www.voteriders.org is working with https://dragoutthevote.org/ to provide valid voter IDs.
There are so many ways to help out and it really does feel good to take action. Many small activities can lead to large results.
I try my best not to be a doomer but dear lord if today’s SC decision didn’t bring my mental state right back to 2020
I completely 200% feel you, but I'm trying to think of it like this. Since all of the most awful people in the world are doing their utmost to help Trump win, think of how incredibly satisfying it will be if we all put in the work and make him fucking lose anyway. So many truly horrible people, especially Trump himself, are going to have a Real Bad Time if he loses this election again, with work and effort on our part this is still completely possible, and I for one vote we give it to them without delay. So. Yeah.
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kriosv · 5 months ago
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I just got the greatest youtube reccomendation out of fucking nowhere id never even heard of this channel, but BotCT with Brenna Lee Mulligan, Rekha Shenkar, and Aabria Iyengar?!?!?! How did the greatest video of all time get made without me getting any hint of it ahead of time!
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anibal11 · 5 months ago
The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.
What is the connection between Social Networks and Being Lonely? Quoting the words of Sherry Turkle from her TED talk - Connected, But Alone. (ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together.html) Also Based on Dr. Yair Amichai-Hamburgers hebrew article -The Invention of Loneliness.
Script, Design & Animation: Shimi Cohen Translation to Portuguese: Letícia Dabés (vimeo.com/leticiatranslation //[email protected]) Translation to French: Marie-Caroline Braud (mariecarolinetranslation.jimdo.com/)
Final Project at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design.
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maximuswolf · 9 months ago
Rajhesh Vaidhya ft. L. Shankar Shenkar - Rajesh [Carnatic]
Rajhesh Vaidhya ft., L. Shankar — Shenkar - Rajesh [Carnatic] https://youtu.be/ejYa-co7aZs?si=WgXi771GMhi9N_eg Submitted June 10, 2024 at 03:46AM by TheProcrastafarian https://ift.tt/Hwye7Tg via /r/Music
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digitaltariq · 1 year ago
Feminine Management Powering Insurance coverage Technique at Novidea
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In the present day, we're privileged to converse with Maayan Cyzs, VP Technique at Novidea who generously shares her insights as we observe Worldwide Girls’s Day.
Feminine management on the coronary heart of insurance coverage technique
“I'm obsessed with my endless studying journey,” Cyzs says. “It’s how I consider I used to be capable of advance and develop my profession in Insurtech – at all times curious, at all times in search of new angles, at all times constructing relationships, at all times gaining insights to broaden my data. I confer with it because the ‘octopus observe’. Accumulating data in expertise generally, and within the insurance coverage business particularly, was at all times part of my pure behaviour, my DNA. Maayan Cyzs serves as VP Technique main cross organisational tasks and infrastructure to offer unity and advantages throughout the enterprise to assist the corporate’s hyper development. Beforehand, Maayan held various different positions at Novidea, together with Head of International Supply and Buyer Success. Cyzs has been pivotal in serving to to solidify Novidea’s world buyer base together with her in depth data of the corporate’s platform, collaboration with groups from throughout the enterprise, and expertise managing enterprise-scale tasks. Beforehand, Maayan served as Internet & Software program Challenge Supervisor at each Matrix and Netwise. Cyzs holds an MBA from Bar-Ilan College in Human Sources Administration and Personnel Administration, and BSc in Industrial Engineering & Administration from Shenkar School. Our insurance coverage distribution platform is constructed to digitalise insurance coverage companies. Which means fuelling speedy development, optimising buyer expertise, gleaning real-time insights and actionable intelligence, and extra. “As VP, Technique at Novidea, I've constructed a formidable crew over the previous few years,” she continues. “I discovered myself searching for like-minded individuals. Whereas it wasn’t intentional, my crew is 75% girls. I’m not shy in saying that I merely consider in girls. They possess the successful mixture of abilities and love of studying to make them profitable. Working collectively is at all times inspiring as all of us proceed to develop and be taught from one another.” Novidea leverages the ability of Salesforce’s Large Know-how. It offers an entire ecosystem spanning each side of an insurance coverage enterprise, enabling full integration between customer-facing coverage transactions and the center and again workplace. In the meantime, Novidea gathers buyer information, turning it into actionable insights for delivering larger buyer worth by means of tailor-made services and products. All this occurs in a single platform which you could entry anytime from anyplace. ************** Ensure you try the most recent business information and insights at InsurTech Digital and likewise signal as much as our world convention sequence - FinTech LIVE 2024 ************** InsurTech Digital is a BizClik model  ************** Be careful for the Prime 100 Girls in FinTech launching quickly! ************* Read the full article
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shlufim · 1 year ago
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Shenkar College of fashion and Design's Annual Fashion show. July, 1994. Photographer: Gideon Markowicz.
Source: ארכיון דן הדני, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית Dan Hadani Collection, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel
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fresne999 · 8 months ago
Democrats like to sell the brownie recipe and not the brownie. Certainly a problem I struggle with. As well as a desire to focus on the problem first and then the solution.
Which is why when I phone bank or canvass I listen to Anat Shenkar-Osario in either Words to Win By (here's the talking about "the economy" episode) or the time she was on How We Win because it helps me reframe how I talk to people.
"The narrative predetermines not only what information you receive, but how you interpret it and order it within the larger story. As Duncombe writes, 'We understand our world less through reasoned deliberation of facts, and more through stories and symbols and metaphors.' Received in a community of devotees, such stories and symbols often morph into esoteric codes only true believers can see, from 'Q drops' to signs that Louis Tomlinson’s baby is fake." [color/ emphasis added] --Aja Romero
I've often thought the way that extreme fans (or "stans") form communities centered around celebrity "narratives" and conspiracies is very much a similar phenomenon as what we see with certain Trump voters. Aja Romano does a great job of describing the troubling parallels between celebrity "stans" and Trump's MAGA followers. Below are some excerpts from the article:
It’s a common observation that modern-day politics increasingly resembles fandom: Both feature communities created around and united by passion, and both are often heavily fixated on a single public figure. [...] In both subcultures, the rise of social media echo chambers has fomented toxicity, extremism, and delusional thinking. [...] OUR EMOTIONS INCREASINGLY SHAPE HOW WE VIEW REALITY AND WHAT WE’RE WILLING TO DO TO PRESERVE THAT VIEW Applying the concept of a shared narrative to political activism imbues that activism with all the heady intoxication of a fantasy role-playing game, whether it’s a fantasy of progress or a fantasy of extremism.... [A]uthor Stephen Duncombe observed that Trump won the 2016 election not based on facts — he lied often — but upon his ability to create fantasy masked as truth. “Facts, it seems, are not things that are verifiably true or false, merely components in a story,” Duncombe notes.   [...] This distortion of reality is partly inadvertent slippage. After all, when all your friends are playing the RPG with you, it can be hard to re-enter reality. And when all your friends are creating the narrative with you, it can be hard to remember what parts are real and what parts you constructed together. That communal narrative is crucial connective tissue between politics and fandom; it unites people around not just a shared sense of identity, but a shared story and the idea that they’re building that story together. These narratives aren’t just entertainment. To their proponents, they have a higher moral purpose, whether it’s “draining the swamp,” rooting for your favorite characters in a series to get together, or freeing Taylor Swift from the oppression of the closet. [color emphasis added]
I highly recommend that you read the entire article at the link above.
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