downs1de · 4 months
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@sheldoney liked for a canon line starter
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"Like I always say, there's no 'I' in 'team.'"
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"There is a 'me,' though, if you jumble it up."
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pinkwritings · 29 days
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plotted with @sheldoney
She got up early and hit chinese market to get her craving. Why did she want duck so much? She was pregnant, but completely unaware of it just yet. Either way... it awoke blood lust for a rather specific recipe that will more than likely traumatize her tightly wound husband.
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It was just past 7 when she came home, having taken her car and only needing a whole duck and few spices. Sheldon should be getting up soon, for his scheduled bathroom occupancy, so-- Penny rushed to open the paper bag the duck rested in, pulling out the carcass and rinsing it out in the sink, before going to quickly pee before Sheldon appeared and started his morning ritual.
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sacredpyre · 5 months
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"Where do rainbows go when they're bad? Prism. It's a light sentence. But it gives them time to reflect. "
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chaoticjoke · 3 months
Are they comfortable cursing? Do they do it under their breath or outloud?
II Minor Details About The Muse– Ask Meme // ACCEPTING
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The Joker is comfortable with literally anything if it suits him and his needs at a particular moment or situation. Cursing is not an exception.
He curses more under his breath though and mouths profanities or mumbles the foul words to himself, like we see in the movie at this very moment:
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However, sometimes he can curse out loud, bellowing the obscenities as an example of intimidation tactics or when he’s really, REALLY pissed. I can’t say his vernacular is littered with swear words, and he doesn’t use the word ‘fuck’ instead of commas in his speech, but he 100% will use the f-, c-, and sh- words to emphasize his point. And the Joker is hella good at making points. I also believe that if The Dark Knight wasn't rated PG-13, we would have definitely heard him curse. A lot.
Imagine: TDK, rated R: "What the fuck happened? Did your fucking balls drop off? Hmm?", "It's simple, we fuck the Bat-man."
There's also this thing about the Joker, that he can say any word in a certain way that it will sound utterly gross and obscene. It doesn't even need to be a swear word. He can utter your name and it will sound dirty. He can pronounce a number and it will make your skin crawl:
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Because our imagination immediately goes wild and what we see and hear is:
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I can't picture him say 'God dammit', 'Jesus fucking Christ', or 'Oh my fucking God', though. It has nothing to do with his views on religion, I just think it would sound out of character.
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jewelstole · 2 months
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sheldoney asked: "Why do cats hate laptops? They don't have a mouse."
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" cute. does that joke normally work for you ? "
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sialiia · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊@sheldoney - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓗and sanitizer?❞ Sydney offered the small portable bottle.
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hexsreality · 28 days
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@sheldoney inquired: 🌹
send 🌹 or [rose] to see how my muse(s) would react to receiving a rose from your muse. ⤷ Accepting!!
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"Why, Sheldon Cooper, you are quite the romantic." Wanda mused softly as she eyed the flower, then at the man holding it. She extended her hand to take the rose, her fingers brushing against his as the exchange was made. She looked down lovingly at the gift, still in awe at Sheldon's thoughtfulness in giving her the rose. Violet eyes shifted from the rose then to Sheldon, staring at him with endearment and admiration.
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
[ silly starters ] ⸻ clint's new tenant is @sheldoney, god help them all
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❝ Look....❞ He's rummaging through cupboards, losing his train of thought ❝ Really? You haven't gone grocery shopping yet. ❞ This is not the best way to judge a new genius tenant who he's asking for help from to avoid calling in a favor from Tony.
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bitofthisandthat · 6 months
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"Eheheheheheheheheee! This is the greatest thing ever. If I could boop myself I would boop myself all day."
No one tell him.
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sookiestackhcuse · 6 months
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❝ I don't really think you'd fit into the FANGTASIA crowd. ❞
✞ ───── @sheldoney liked sookie's starter call !
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vyrulent · 8 months
continued || @sheldoney
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"It's fine. It's just a burn from making my kid a cake last night." Why she was explaining, the detective wasn't really sure. Regardless, Chloe slipped on her jacket to hide the Band-Aid. She'd been warned about him. "You're boss sent me your direction. He said if anyone could help me on this case, it'd be you."
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morethanweseem · 9 months
"What the frick, you're a what?!" Penny threw her cup of water into Sheldon's face, a defensive reaction that just came to her.
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therelentless · 30 days
{ @sheldoney ;;
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"This attitude of yours? so not very demure, not very mindful."
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chaoticjoke · 3 months
If they hear a song they like what do they do? Do they tap their foot? Quietly dance? Nod their head? Etc.
II Minor Details About The Muse– Ask Meme // ACCEPTING
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He is like "Ooooh, dis is ma song!"
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JK, jK :D
Well, if he likes a song, especially if he's in a car, I can picture him turn up the volume and just sit and listen to that song with the lids of his eyes half-shut and a self-satisfied smirk pasted on his face. If he vibes with the song's lyrics, he might also hum along.
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madxwonderland · 9 months
Send 🥂 to share a toast with my muse on New Year’s Eve.
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@sheldoney 🥂
"I'm not really a fan of alcohol. It makes people into vile beasts. Though I suppose since it's the new year, I can live with one sip. Though I never saw the point of celebrating the new year. It's just another year closer to death and the possible end of humanity."
Alice pauses, champagne in hand. "Actually now that I think about it, maybe it is a holiday worth celebrating. So cheers."
She held her glass up in toast them put it to her lips, taking a small sip. Her nose immediately wrinkled and she sat the glass down. That was enough for her.
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sialiia · 23 days
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @sheldoney - liked for a small starter!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓓o you have any plans for Halloween?❞
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