#sheet metal box supplier
steelboxmaker · 1 year
Sheet Metal Production Machine In India Factory
sheet metal, sheet metal manufacturer, sheet metal supplier, sheet metal machine, Sheet metal enclosure roll forming machine manufacturer.
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Tandem (Levi x Reader)
Synopsis: The two of you work together seamlessly. Your clear intimacy was usually left unspoken... that is, until Eren asks the stupid question.
Word Count: 2.8k
Tags/Warnings: Language, Fluff, No Reader Pronouns
Notes: I think it’s funny that my last Levi fic was about Levi and reader like... hating each other hahaha. I guess I simply must bring balance
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“Do you have the—”
“Right here.”
Watching the two of you in action was fascinating. 
Levi tossed you a canister from over his shoulder. The metal container flipped through the air, nearly smacking Eren directly in the face. He ducked just in time. The canister landed perfectly into your outstretched hand. You didn’t even look up from the crate of supplies you were tending to. Eren sputtered.
“Hey, watch it! You almost hit me!” 
“Don’t be in the way.” You spoke the command in unison. Neither you nor Levi missed a beat. Eren caught a mutual eye roll as you and Levi continued to organize the new cargo shipment. 
You secured a thick wooden lid onto your crate and made a tick on your clipboard. You maneuvered out of the way just in time for Levi to heave over an equally massive wooden box. He stacked it on top of yours.  
“Tell me that’s all of it,” Levi grumbled, placing a familiar touch on your shoulder as he peered over your amassment of papers. You flipped the pages with a solemn shake of your head. 
“Between what we brought back from the expedition and the disaster that was this last shipment, I’d say we’re done with barely half.”
“Fucking hell…” 
Immediately after expeditions, your leftover supplies would be checked and consolidated into storage to prepare for the next outing and regular patrols. That had always been an undertaking and typically took the whole night. But when you were away, a new shipment of supplies had come early. A disorganized mess of various crates and trunks, Commander Erwin nearly hit the roof before he stormed over to the supplier’s office to complain. 
The company had apparently shifted management, and the new owner thought he could cut corners. At least, that’s what you guessed. 
Levi slowly turned to Eren as you made a few frustrated scribbles in your notes. The crease in his brow deepened, and a vein above his eye twitched. 
“What are you doing just standing around, Jaeger?” Levi stepped forward, gesturing to the chaos of stacked and scattered materials across the room. “You think these big-ass boxes will grow legs and walk to storage by themselves?”
“Section Commander Zacharius sent us in here to help. He’s finishing up outside.” A bead of sweat formed on Eren’s temple. Levi stared wordlessly, scowling. “Sir!”
“You can help Jean,” you said, glancing up from your attempt at an organization sheet. You gestured over to where Jean knelt by a mountain of wooden crates. Heavy pouches and metal parts poured out of the sprawling containers. “He’ll need all the help he can get separating the flour sacks from the deconstructed ODM gear.”
Jean met Eren’s eye, exhausted and annoyed at the prospect of working with Eren on top of his menial task. Mikasa carried three boxes stacked on top of each other somewhere in the background. 
The entire regiment worked into the night. Empty crates were slapped with proper labels, refilled with the correct material, and sent to storage. The rate at which you and Levi put together a plan was astounding, and you quickly ordered your exhausted soldiers around in teams to get the job done. 
Jean and Eren worked to separate the flour sacks from the gear, moving gingerly to avoid crushing anything. Some bags were broken. Eren blew white particles off of a grip and onto Jean’s slacks. Jean scowled but was too tired to complain. The two of them took to sorting out the pieces of gear quietly, Jean placing the parts in their respective bins as Eren sifted through the mess of metal and wires. He was left with a small box of screws at the end of his work.
“Um, do we have a box for screws?”
“Screws?” Jean repeated, glancing over the closed crates. “No?”
Eren shrugged and put them in his pocket. 
You and Levi continued to work seamlessly together, racing throughout the room and ensuring everything was sorted. You passed your clipboard back and forth as you elapsed each other. Eren could hardly see the handoff. He chased after you after he closed the last crate of flour. 
“Section Commander!” you turned with a stack of random materials in your arms. The soldiers from your squads gathered around you, deliberating with each other over the orientation of the storage. “Jean and I finished. Where else can I be of assistance?” You handed your supplies to one of your team leaders, giving instructions before returning to Eren. 
“Captain Levi has the list,” you said, moving another set of boxes down to the floor. Your team took to opening them. You looked down and groaned at the sight, running a hand over your face. Inside, the supplier had packaged together explosives and yeast. “What a mess.”
Eren ran off to find Levi, who stood in the courtyard supervising the organization of horse feed. Levi gave two firm slaps to a neat assembly of boxes as he addressed a group of six. The compilation had been mislabeled as “bread grains.”
“You’ll take these to the stables. You hear me? The stables. If I see a lick of this shit in the kitchen, you’ll eat horse food for the rest of your life.” Eren approached him cautiously, offering him a salute.
“Sir! How can I be of assistance?” Levi huffed, blowing a tuff of his bangs away from his forehead. 
“I just gave the list back. Go ask the Section Commander.”
“Uh…” Eren croaked, having just spoken to you. “Well, I just spoke to—”
“Eren!” Armin appeared in the doorway out to the courtyard with a wave. The torchlight made his blond hair shine even more golden. “We need your help with the swords!” 
“There you go,” Levi snorted, gesturing down the hall where Armin disappeared. He bumped Eren’s shoulder as he passed.
Luckily, things were beginning to wrap up by the time Eren nearly dropped from exhaustion. After the swords came lentils mixed with the smoke-gun pellets and then the tangled ODM wires. You and Levi were powering on at the same pace you had been for the night— perhaps even more rigorously— but Eren could see the burnout on your faces. A rule of thumb whispered among the cadets dictated that the two of you appeared visibly grumpier with tiredness, not that anyone would dare tell you that. 
Levi maneuvered around you, snatching something you offered wordlessly in your hand. He sent off the last of the cargo boxes with a small team of drained recruits, and as he turned to you, he didn’t have to say a thing before you tossed the clipboard to him. He caught it like a frisbee. 
“That’ll do it,” you announced. Your voice echoed off the stone walls of the now-empty room. “Thank you, everyone, for your hard work. I’m sure you’re very tired. Dismissed!” 
Eren breathed a sigh of relief as you marched out of the room. He quickly took his leave, filing out with the rest of his friends as they trudged back to the barracks in exhaustion. No one said a word as they crossed through the courtyard, too drained from the expedition and the organization disaster to say anything. 
Eren stuck his hand in his pocket, stopping short when he felt the small box of screws he had put in there earlier. Armin shot him a worried look as he started back toward the packaging room, too fatigued to ask where he was going. Eren said nothing, jogging back so he could return as quickly as possible. 
You and Levi sat on the stone floor, back to back, as he read over the materials list. Your head tilted back to rest on his shoulder. He did the same, his short hairs brushing against your cheek. Two cups of tea sat on the floor next to you. That must be where you went when you dismissed everyone.
“The twenty units of ODM wire—”
“Southwestern storage with the grips,” you yawned. You closed your eyes, letting yourself slouch back into Levi. He said nothing as you nuzzled into the shoulder of his jacket.
“Updated uniforms and linens—”
“Forth floor. They need to be organized, but they can be distributed soon.”
“Great. Like we haven’t had enough of that tonight.”
Eren stood frozen in the entryway. He clutched the box of screws in his hand, stepping off to the side to avoid being seen. Something inside told him that he shouldn’t be there, that the scene in front of him was too intimate for his prying eyes. He watched on anyways, wondering if he should just wait until tomorrow. 
You finished your tea, placing it on the ground with a disappointed hum. You reached for Levi’s and took it in the pads of your fingers. Levi brushed his cheek against your hair and tilted his face to look at you. He didn’t get very far with your head in the way.
“Excuse you,” he frowned. “You have your own.”
“Finished mine,” you muttered, half asleep. Levi shook his head before returning to read the rest of the list. He flipped a page. 
At that display, Eren decided that he could definitely wait until the next day. Stealthily, he returned to the little, lit hallway to take his leave. 
That was until the little box of screws clattered to the floor. The sound reverberated off the stone, causing both you and Levi to turn to the noise. You sat up straight with eyes snapped open with alertness. Eren cringed, picking up the box, and with no choice, he revealed himself. 
“The hell are you doing up?” Levi snapped with a deep scowl. “You were just dismissed. Or do you want more work?” Eren almost flinched.
“I forgot about this.” He held up the forgotten cargo, giving it a rattle. You yawned again, a strangled noise of affirmation escaping you.
“Oh, thank you, Jaeger. You can leave that with me.” Eren scampered across the room to your outstretched hand. It dropped with the weight of the tiny container. With a simple thanks, you once again sent him on his way. 
“Do you think the Section Commanders are, you know, together?” Eren asked in a hushed tone at the dinner table the next day. Armin’s forehead wrinkled in thought.
“Which ones?”
“Yours and Captain Levi.” Eren played absentmindedly with the leftover stew on his plate. The entire table seemed to stiffen. A few nervous eyes glanced around the mess hall for any leadership within the radius to overhear. Eren hardly noticed the way the former members of the 104th seemed to lean forward.
“I think they’re all together,” Reiner finally spoke, eyes darting around the room again.
“What? You mean like all at once?” Bertholdt laughed nervously, swiveling his head as he spoke. He rubbed at the back of his neck with his large palm.
“Yeah!” Reiner exclaimed in a hushed tone. The table leaned closer. He gestured emphatically with his hands. “I mean, you’re in this line of work. Everyone’s ripped and sexy—”
Connie let out a roaring cackle.
“You did not just refer to Captain Levi as ripped and sexy!” 
Reiner sputtered as cheeky grins and bouts of laughter spread across the group. Reiner clutched the edge of the table as his pale skin turned a bright shade of red.
“You know that’s not what I meant!” he stammered, just about standing up to slam his hand on the table, causing various utensils to clatter. The noise was not too out of the ordinary for the cafeteria. “That’s not what I meant! I meant my squad leader!” Connie propped an elbow on the table, counting his fingers to accent his words. 
“Section Commander Levi: ripped and sexy. Section Commander Miche: ripped and sexy. Section Commander Hange—” Reiner slapped Connie’s hand from across the table, causing Connie to just about go into hysterics. He collapsed into Sasha’s shoulder. Bertholdt tugged the back of Reiner’s shirt, urging him to sit back down. 
“That is the opposite of what I meant!”
“You said everyone, Reiner!” Connie had nearly burst into tears. He heaved between labored breaths. “What— what if they…! What if they made— Hahaha! A calendar?! What if they made one of those sexy calendars?!” His deranged delirium was contagious, the taboo notion enough to make Mikasa cover her face with a shake of her head. She continued small bites of her food. 
“Shirtless Levi calendar just for you, Reiner.” He stood at a loss as Jean reached up to knock against his bicep. Reiner sat down in defeat, hands rubbing over his face as Bertholdt gave him a heavy-handed pat. 
“What made you ask, Eren?” Christa’s gentle voice somehow made it down to the other side of the table. He craned to be able to see her before looking off, wondering if he should say anything. He didn’t think for long, if at all.
“I walked in on them last night—” An eruption of astonished gasps and cries cut him off—a jumbled chorus of sounds molded over each other. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute!”
Sasha’s voice carried over everyone else’s. 
“Levi and Reiner?!” She exclaimed. Reiner somehow grew redder. 
“Of course not!”
“No, he means our captain and Levi, right Eren?” Armin clarified, and Eren nodded. 
“When you say walked in on them—” Jean glanced around the room, eyes widening with emphasis. “Did you mean walked in on?”
“No, no,” Eren stuttered, running a hand through his scalp as he thought of describing what he saw. “I’d say they were more cuddling.”
“Cuddling,” Reiner repeated with a single downward nod. He crossed his arms over his chest as he squared his shoulders back. “You walked in on the squad leaders… cuddling.”
“Well, they weren’t really cuddling. They were sitting back-to-back against each other more… nuzzling. And sharing a cup of tea.” Eren trailed off, face contorted in a pained expression as he continued to play with his hair. Armin nudged him under the table, barely picking up his head to offer him the contrite look painted on his expression. 
“I think it’s kinda romantic!” Christa brushed a few hairs behind her ear. “Two soldiers fighting for their lives with no one to lean on but each other! I could see them together. Maybe Captain Levi would loosen up a bit if he was dating.” Ymir grumbled something incoherent. 
“I think we’ve all been in a room where Captain Levi’s shared a cup of tea with all the leadership.” Reiner glanced around the table, unimpressed. “Is that supposed to be a euphemism or something?”
“It was the same cup!”
“Things sure are lively over here.” Everyone froze. “What are we talking about?”
You placed a warm hand on his shoulder. Eren’s eyes followed the length of your sleeve to your smiling face. You glanced over the group, slightly taken aback at the sudden silence. Levi came up to Eren’s left with crossed arms. 
“We heard from everyone coming the other way that you couldn’t shut up, and now you decide to be quiet?” Connie met Reiner’s eye from across the table.
“The calendar,” he mouthed, and Reiner resisted the urge to throw a spoon at him. 
“We were just talking about Sasha’s dating life!” Eren exclaimed, much to Sasha’s horror. You beamed.
“Oh, how fun!” Levi rolled his eyes, maneuvering around you. 
“I’m grabbing food. You want the usual?” He leaned in slightly, a gentle touch on your back. The table watched with bated breath. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, please!” With your confirmation, he left. You turned back to the table, your hand still on the back of Eren’s chair. “Dating! That’s so exciting! You have to tell me!” The group exchanged looks. Normally, they would tell you. That is if there was anything to tell. 
“Are you dating, Section Commander?” Sasha quirked an eyebrow, hoping to turn the heat onto someone else. 
“Oh, uh—” You stuttered, thrown off at the sudden question. You could feel the heat of their intense stares. —“No, not really.” You let out a nervous laugh. Surely you were missing something. You missed the silent eye contact Eren made with Armin.
“Not really?” Eren repeated, twisting his mug in his hands as he stared at his water. Reiner studied him, wondering that perhaps Eren had been onto something after all. Mikasa kicked Eren under the table. He flinched, composing himself just before Levi returned with your food. 
“You guys are sure acting strange tonight.” Bertholdt refused to look you in the eye. You let out another nervous chuckle before taking your plate from Levi with thanks. 
“They ran out of the rolls, but I got you the—”
“The baguette?” Your face lit up at the sight of the tiny baguette on the corner of your plate. You faced Levi with a grin. “Have I ever told you that you were the best?” 
“Sure, sure.” He didn’t acknowledge the rest of the 104th as he stormed toward the exit. You offered them a wave goodbye.
“Sorry, we can’t stick around. I’ll see you all later! Good luck, Sasha!” With one last wave, you hurried after Levi and left together. 
As soon as you were well down the hallway, the table erupted in debate.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: Ah, I love writing young Eren as the stupid little baby he is 🙏 Heavily channeling Bluey “do you have a wife?”
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antaxzantax · 4 months
Umbrella Pharmaceuticals - Chapter 45
Alexander Ashford and Alexia land at the Antarctic base.
Turbulence shook the plane as if it were going through a wormhole. One of the jolts spilled Alexander's unscrewed thermos. He and Jonathan scrambled to clean up the puddle of coffee on the floor and the droplets scattered on the wooden folding table. Alexia lulled herself sleepily into her thick, hooded fur coat, indifferent to the slip.
Stress had kept her from sleeping more than two consecutive hours for the past week, and the lack of sleep sharpened her irascibility. Five days before take-off, Elizabeth insisted that her granddaughter not go to Antarctica. Alexia replied so aggressively that her grandmother was struck dumb with surprise. Alexander sat down with her on the bed in her bedroom and asked her to explain what had happened. Alexia refused to answer. Surrendered, Alexander left for a moment. Alone, Alexia activated the mechanism of the music box and sat back down on the bed to listen to Berceuse.
After the incident with Elizabeth, Alexia met Dr. Sarah Charleigh, her new psychologist and specialist in gifted children. They only met twice. In the first session, Alexia filled out a personality questionnaire. In the second, Charleigh delved into her dreams and expectations. For the third, Charleigh would contact her by radio to start working on stress management and her newly acquired insomnia.
Alexander wiped his coffee with the handkerchief Jonathan passed him, chalking the slip up to fatigue. The last month's preparations had exhausted him.
He had to approve several lists of employees drawn up by the Institute. A research team of young, competent, ambitious and open-minded scientists. A trusted cleaning and maintenance staff. And a cadre of subordinates who were promised a higher base salary in exchange for their confinement at the South Pole. In terms of transporting personnel and materials, Alexander cut the lower quintile's allocation to tighten the budget. Harman turned to the Wilson brothers to scavenge Newcastle's municipal rubbish dump for bunk beds and lockers. For extra pay, the Wilsons took chairs, tables, desks and kitchen appliances. For a second allowance, the Wilsons collected food from local suppliers and soup kitchens.
Alexander reinvested the savings in one last decision. He ordered Martin to fly to Antarctica to dismantle and seal that site. Martin returned with the last report of the Code: Veronica project and photographs showing the lab's demise. He had destroyed the machines and sealed off the two entrances with a thick layer of reinforced concrete. Alexander glanced at the report.
“My children.”
He felt a sudden unease, similar to that of the Spencer mansion. The words he reread choked him.
He threw the report into the burning fireplace. The flames disintegrated the document.
He would die keeping the secret for the memory of his father and to protect his family.
The airplane landed on a makeshift runway cleared by snowplows. With the engines shut down, the five crew members descended the ramp in a line. The cold froze the ends of their hair and flushed their cheeks. Alexia, hood up, led the group to the entrance. Alexander set the two suitcases he was carrying on the ground and helped his daughter pull the frozen latch. The metal sheet gave way, and they stepped inside a half-buried building: first, Alexia, chief researcher; second, Alexander, director of the base; third, Martin, security chief and bodyguard; fourth, Jonathan, assistant butler, domestic assistant and cook; and fifth, Michael, pilot and staff supervisor.
It was hot inside. Alexia took off her hood. Alexander shook the ice from his beard and hair.
“Ready?” Martin nodded affirmatively. “Go.”
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podjewellery · 2 months
Australian Jewellery Supplies: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring and Professional Jewellers
Australia boasts a vibrant and dynamic jewellery industry, supported by a robust market for jewellery supplies. Whether you're an aspiring jeweller or a seasoned professional, sourcing high-quality materials and tools is essential for crafting stunning pieces. This article provides an overview of the types of jewellery supplies available in Australia, the benefits of sourcing locally, and tips for finding the best suppliers. australian jewellery supplies
Types of Jewellery Supplies
Metals: Precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum are foundational to many jewellery designs. Australian suppliers offer a range of options, from raw metal sheets and wires to ready-to-use components like clasps and findings.
Gemstones: Australia is renowned for its rich deposits of opals, sapphires, and diamonds. Local suppliers provide access to these exquisite gems, as well as a variety of other precious and semi-precious stones sourced globally.
Beads and Crystals: For those specializing in beadwork or embellishments, there is a vast selection of beads and crystals. From natural stones to Swarovski crystals, the variety caters to all styles and budgets.
Tools and Equipment: Essential tools for jewellery making include pliers, saws, hammers, and polishing machines. Advanced equipment like laser welders and CAD software are also available for professional jewellers looking to enhance their capabilities.
Findings and Components: These are the building blocks of jewellery, including items like earring hooks, jump rings, and chain. High-quality findings are crucial for ensuring the durability and functionality of your pieces.
Packaging and Display: Presentation matters in the jewellery business. Suppliers offer a range of packaging options, from elegant boxes to custom display stands, helping jewellers present their creations in the best possible light.
Benefits of Sourcing Locally
Quality Assurance: Australian suppliers are known for their commitment to quality. Local regulations ensure that materials meet high standards, giving jewellers peace of mind regarding the integrity of their supplies.
Supporting Local Industry: By purchasing from Australian suppliers, jewellers contribute to the local economy and support small businesses. This fosters a sense of community and helps sustain the domestic jewellery industry.
Faster Delivery: Sourcing supplies locally often means faster shipping times and lower shipping costs. This is especially beneficial for jewellers who need materials quickly to meet customer demands or project deadlines.
Personalized Service: Local suppliers are more accessible for personalized service and consultations. Whether you need custom orders or specific advice, local businesses can provide tailored support.
Finding the Best Suppliers
Reputation and Reviews: Research suppliers online and read customer reviews to gauge their reputation. Look for businesses with a history of reliability and positive feedback from other jewellers.
Product Range: Choose suppliers that offer a comprehensive range of products. This makes it easier to source all your materials and tools from a single provider, simplifying the procurement process.
Price and Value: While price is important, consider the overall value. High-quality supplies may cost more initially but can lead to better results and fewer issues down the line.
Customer Service: Good customer service is invaluable. Suppliers who are responsive, helpful, and willing to go the extra mile can make a significant difference in your jewellery-making experience.
The Australian jewellery supply market is rich with opportunities for both emerging and established jewellers. From high-quality metals and gemstones to essential tools and packaging, local suppliers offer everything needed to create beautiful and unique pieces. By sourcing supplies within Australia, jewellers can enjoy the benefits of quality, community support, and efficient service. Whether you're starting out or looking to expand your capabilities, the right supplies are crucial to your success in the dynamic world of jewellery making.
For more info visit here:- soldering kit
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swarishjewels · 3 months
925 Silver Jewelry Making Process: From Mine to Market
The journey of 925 silver jewelry from its origin in the earth's crust to the display cases of jewelry stores involves several intricate steps. Let’s explore the comprehensive process, from mining the raw material to crafting the final piece for sale.
1. Silver Mining
Exploration and Extraction
Location: Silver is found in various regions worldwide, including Mexico, Peru, China, and Australia.
Mining Methods: Silver can be extracted through both underground mining (shaft mining) and surface mining (open-pit mining).
Ore Processing: After extraction, silver-bearing ore undergoes crushing, grinding, and chemical processing to separate silver from other minerals.
2. Refining and Purification
Reduction Process: The silver ore is heated in a furnace to melt the metal.
Separation: Impurities are separated from the molten silver through chemical reactions and filtration processes.
Purification: Electrolytic refining further purifies the silver to achieve the 99.9% purity required for 925 silver (92.5% silver + 7.5% alloy).
3. Alloying
Adding Alloy Metals
Strengthening: Pure silver is too soft for jewelry, so copper or other metals are added to improve durability and hardness.
Ratio: The ratio of silver to alloy metals (typically copper) is precisely controlled to achieve the desired 925 silver composition.
4. Casting and Forming
Mold Creation: Designs are first created in wax or clay molds.
Pouring: Molten silver is poured into the molds and allowed to cool and solidify.
Finishing: Once cooled, the silver pieces are removed from the molds and cleaned of any imperfections.
Sheet and Wire Production: Silver ingots are rolled into sheets or drawn into wire of various thicknesses.
Stamping and Cutting: Sheets and wires are stamped or cut into shapes required for jewelry components.
5. Jewelry Design and Fabrication
Design Process
Conceptualization: Designers create sketches or digital renderings of jewelry pieces.
Prototyping: Initial designs may be prototyped in cheaper metals or 3D printed to refine details.
Fabrication Techniques
Soldering: Pieces are joined together using high-temperature soldering techniques.
Stone Setting: Gemstones may be set into jewelry using techniques like prong, bezel, or pave settings.
Finishing: Jewelry pieces undergo polishing, buffing, and sometimes oxidation processes to achieve the desired appearance.
6. Quality Control
Purity Verification: Jewelry pieces are tested to ensure they meet the 925 silver standard.
Hallmarking: Authentic pieces are stamped with a hallmark indicating their silver content and maker’s mark.
7. Packaging and Distribution
Presentation: Finished jewelry pieces are packaged in boxes or pouches that protect them from scratches and tarnishing.
Documentation: Certificates of authenticity and care instructions may accompany higher-end pieces.
Retail Channels: Jewelry is distributed through wholesalers to retailers, including online stores and physical boutiques.
Global Market: Jewelry made from 925 silver is sold worldwide, catering to a diverse range of tastes and preferences.
Sustainability and Ethical Considerations
Recycled Silver: Some jewelers use recycled silver to reduce environmental impact and support sustainable practices.
Ethical Sourcing: Increasingly, consumers and jewelers are prioritizing suppliers that adhere to ethical mining practices and fair labor standards.
The journey of 925 silver jewelry from mine to market involves a meticulous process that combines artistry, craftsmanship, and technical expertise. Understanding the complexities behind each stage highlights the effort and care invested in creating each piece of silver jewelry. Whether handmade by artisans or mass-produced, 925 silver jewelry continues to captivate consumers with its timeless beauty and enduring appeal.
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radianceelectrical · 3 months
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rongchentechnology · 4 months
Custom Ticket Vending Machine
The Ticket Vending Machine enables the passenger to purchase a ticket for travel in a station. It also allows recharging stored value cards and the checking of card details. The Ticket Vending Machine can issue contactless smart cards, contactless single journey tickets, or QR-coded paper tickets. It also accepts cash payment and changes giving (Banknotes and coins), mobile QR-coded and other payment platform means, and bankcard payment too.Zhejiang Rongchen Technology Co., Ltd is China Ticket Vending Machine Manufacturers and Ticket Vending Machine Suppliers. The products have been supplied to more than 40 subway lines across the country, mainly producing subway ticket vending machines, ticket inspection machines, screen doors, various communication equipment chassis cabinets, machining center sheet metal covers, various casings, and other sheet metal shell parts, various advertising stations In addition, it also provides optical communication products such as stainless steel optical transmission boxes, cable transmission boxes, indoor and outdoor distribution boxes.
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integrating-sphere · 5 months
Choosing the Right High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber for Your Testing Needs
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High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber are used in electronic and electrical components, automation components, communication components, automotive parts, metals, chemical materials, plastics and other industries, as well as in the physical changes of national defense industry, aerospace, military industry, BGA, PCB base plates, electronic chip ICs, semiconductor ceramics, and polymer materials, Testing the repeated tensile force of its materials against high and low temperatures and the chemical change or physical damage produced by the thermal expansion of the product can confirm the quality of the product. It can be used from precision IC to heavy machinery components, and is an indispensable test chamber for product testing in various fields. The High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber for Your Testing Needs simulates the alternating changes of high and low temperature environments, exposing products to problems in harsh environments. It is a very important testing equipment in multiple industrial manufacturing fields. How to choose a suitable high and low temperature shock test chamber? The selection of equipment is not as expensive as possible, but rather to choose products that are suitable for oneself. The manufacturer of the High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber will tell you how to choose the equipment reasonably: 1. Two chamber vs. three chamber The two chamber shock only has high and low temperature shocks, while the three chamber shock has a room temperature transition in the middle. For products, there is no transition at room temperature, which is more destructive and imposes stricter requirements on the product. 2. Water cooled vs. air cooled Normally, a temperature of -40~+150 ℃ for 50L-100L is sufficient for air cooling. A larger capacity and a lower temperature (100L/-70 ℃) for water cooling provide more stable performance. 3. Material and inward dimensions The cold and hot shock chamber usually has two materials: stainless steel and baking paint, which can be customized according to needs. The stainless steel material is beautiful and easy to care. The baking paint color can be selected by yourself, and can be matched with other equipment colors. The thickness of the board has an impact on the quality of the equipment, because the thickness of the board is too thin, and the equipment is prone to deformation when the bearing weight is too large or the temperature is too high. Most equipment suppliers choose qualified sheet materials. The board of conventional equipment is generally 1.0mm or 1.2mm, so the thickness of the material is important for the quality of the equipment. When selecting equipment, it is important to have a clear understanding. From the perspective of internal chamber size, the specification requires that the product must be placed inside the testing area. Some The manufacturer places the product inside the air duct, although it is only 10cm away from the testing area, this energy difference is quite significant. And it cannot truly reflect the temperature changes on the surface of the test object. So choose the appropriate inner box size. On the market, the conventional capacity of the cold and hot shock test chamber is 50L, 80L, 100L, 150L, 225L, 408L, 800L, 1000L, etc. It is recommended that you choose the capacity based on the long-term test demand. 4. Impact temperature Pay attention to the large range of temperatures that can actually be reached in the testing area. Note that it is not the limit temperature for preheating and precooling chambers. The test load directly affects how many test items can be placed. Generally speaking, the larger the weight, the better. Select appropriate temperature impact range of cold and hot impact test chamber according to relevant test standards of product materials (national standard/military standard/European and American standard), generally - 40 ℃~+150 ℃- 55℃~+150℃;- 70 ℃~+150 ℃, of course, different impact ranges can also be selected for different products. High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber can be used in the temperature shock test and fast-changing temperature test in a wide range such as aviation, air space, electronic components and material research. HLST-500D has two separate chambers: high temperature chamber and low temperature chamber. HLST-500T has three separate chambers: high temperature chamber, low temperature chamber and test chamber. Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab. Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test. Please feel free to contact us if you need any support. Tech Dep: [email protected], Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381 Sales Dep: [email protected], Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997 Read the full article
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Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Manufacturer and Suppliers in India
Fiber laser cutting machines are a highly efficient and versatile cutting technology that can be used in a variety of industries. They offer high precision, high speed, low operating costs, and can cut a wide range of materials. The fact that laser cutting technology offers reduced contamination of the workpiece presents certain advantages over traditional mechanical cutting techniques. Laser cutting also allows us to cut small diameter holes with complex detail and good edge quality in either sheet, plate, tube or box section. These lasers can also cut both metallic and non-metallic materials – for example, plastic, glass and wood. A fiber laser machine is also the best type of laser for cutting reflective materials, as there is no danger of the laser being reflected off the material. The precision levels and edge quality achieved with laser cutting machines are better than traditional cutting methods, as the laser beam will not wear during the laser cutting process.
For more details clicks here - https://www.indiantradebird.com/product/fiber-laser-cutting-machine
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navneetmetalcorp · 5 months
Titanium Gr 9 Pipes & Tubes Manufacturers
Navneet Metal Corporation is a well-known name in the global market. Today we are the best manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of the very good quality of wider ranges of products that are highly demanded for the industrial and engineering purposes. We are specializing in manufacturing and distributing extensive ranges of Titanium Gr 9 Pipes & Tubes to our esteem global clients. To help our clients meet their demands we make the same available at various specifications, dimensions, sizes, and schedules. The types in which Titanium Gr 9 pipes & tubes are available are LSAW, seamless, fabricated, ERW and welded. The forms are rectangular, hydraulic, round, square, etc. The lengths are single/double & cut lengths and ends are plain, beveled and threaded. With regards to several national and international product quality standards like ASTM, ASME, API these WNR 3.7195 pipes and tubes are provided in custom-made specifications & standards.
We only design the UNS R56320 pipes and tubes by using a premium quality of alloy that adds greater strength to the quality of the same. The properties because of which Gr9 pipe and tube have become high in demand are high mechanical strength, very good resistance against seawater corrosion, very good strength to weight ratio, good weldability and formability and quite a low thermal expansion. It too has resistance ability against stress corrosion cracking in sour gas and chloride containing atmospheres, excellent resistance to crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion and erosion-corrosion.
Many applications are there wherein the usability of the same is seen to a greater extent due to all excellent properties found in it. Some applications are oil and gas processing, heat exchangers, power generations, condensers, paper, and pulp industry, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, seawater applications, specialty chemicals, and chemical industry and constructions and buildings.
Titanium Gr 9 Pipes & Tubes is well tested and then supplied to the clients to make sure that only the high quality of the product is delivered. The tests performed are tensile tests, pitting corrosion tests, radiography tests, macro tests, mechanical tests, etc. The pipes and tubes are packed in wooden boxes, wrapped into plastic sheets for safer shipment.
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Some Hacks for Moving Your Essential Goods during the Rains
As soon as the rains arrive, what do most of us feel? It is a very happy and amazing experience that many people enjoy every year whereas for few of them it is like dirty and filthy surroundings full of water everywhere. You just want to sit and enjoy the feeling of monsoon season. Besides this many individuals love to do many activities outside in this pleasant weather. But what if you have already planned your move and suddenly rainfall happens. How to cope up with this situation? If you are so willing to change your home or office in the weather when rains are expected to happen then it will be very much challenging for you. Packing and moving in a water logged roads will definitely affect your shifting and delay it for longer duration. To help you with movement of goods, many Packers and Movers are present in the market who offers all types of relocation within cities or across the states. As exceptions are always there, some people deliberately prefer to move in this season because sunny day and hot summers are not bearable for them. It is the most non-feasible option to move. In addition to this many seasoned movers are also available that work according to your requirements so that you do not have to undergo unnecessary pains.
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Not all moving companies are available at your doorsteps for assisting you with packing and moving. Ultimately you have to do it from your own. Such packing and moving firms either try to extract large amount of money from the pockets of innocent customers or they offer exclusive offers for the same to attract their customers, yet reliable service providers have the provisions to help you in any situation, no matter whatever is the season type, conditions of the roads. They do not allow any kind of hurdle to come in their path of process.
Few convenient tips that prepare you when the situation goes worst will be discussed in this section. It will turn out to be very useful when you have to handle the packing and transportation for your side.
Check The Weather Conditions 
It is important to check what kind of weather it will be when you have to move. It can be done by using weather forecast applications or directly through the internet because you cannot afford to cancel your plan. Hence, making the plan in advance is the only solution for this. Do not forget to compare and contrast at least three websites so to have accuracy with predictions. It is recommended to verify the weather until the last moment.
Early Arrangements For Packing
One of the systematic ways to pack your belongings is to follow the inventory list that you have made before actually executing the process. It is also the professional method to do as done by only reliable Packers and Movers Kolkata.Whatever is the goods type, it is suggested to always use fine-quality packaging supplies that are durable in nature.  This ensures safe movement of goods and places them intact in their position even if traveled over rough and bumpy roads. Using of hard carton boxes bought from nearby supermarket will help to store the small items like- clothes, papers, books, spare electronics etc. You must keep the used newspaper to fill the gaps between the two items. Before packing them in boxes, wrap them in bubble or plastic sheet.
Secured Movement of Metallic Items
Thunderstorm is most likely to occur along with the rain and when you have goods made from metals it becomes really back-breaking job because the probability of getting things damaged is on the higher side. They might get affected when come in contact with electric current. Whenever you start packing, wear gloves, rubber boots and raincoat that will keep dry material away from the current. Be careful with the driving, if you are driving your vehicle with goods avoid being in a hurry otherwise chances are high that you would meet with any mishap or road accidents. Hence, hire skilled packing and moving suppliers.
Connect with Responsive Insurance Firm
Though by keeping this thing in mind that you will be careful while driving during monsoon season if you are taking your things by yourself, but still there are choices to hire authentic transportation company in Kolkata who can do it for you. Insurance services are provided when your goods get harmed because of any damage or theft.
Some Complementary Tips
It is possible that your process could be delayed because of heavy traffic, so having an extra spare time in your relocation process will keep all your plans on time. Also keep some cleaned boxes in extra so that if any box gets torn in between the transit, you can immediately change it and move ahead smoothly.
Moving during rainy weather can be a challenge, especially when it comes to transporting essential goods. Here are some hacks to help you out:
Waterproof Packaging: Use heavy-duty plastic bins or waterproof containers to pack your essentials. Double-bag important items like documents or electronics in sealable plastic bags.
Plastic Wrap for Furniture: Cover furniture with plastic wrap or large plastic sheets to prevent water damage. Seal the edges securely with tape.
Use Tarps or Tarpaulin: Lay down tarps in the moving truck or over packed items. This extra layer provides protection from leaks or water seepage.
Elevate Items: Keep boxes and furniture off the floor of the moving truck by using pallets or wooden planks to create a barrier against potential flooding.
Umbrellas and Rain Gear: Have a stack of umbrellas and rain gear handy for both you and the movers. This ensures everyone can stay dry while loading and unloading.
Strategic Loading: Load the most water-sensitive items last, so they're the first to be unloaded. Place them away from openings in the truck where water might seep in.
Dry Cloth and Silica Gel Packets: Keep a few dry towels or cloths inside the moving truck to quickly wipe off any moisture. Silica gel packets can also help absorb excess moisture in sealed containers.
Plan Ahead: Monitor the weather forecast and plan your move accordingly. Try to pick the driest periods for transportation, if possible.
Seal Doors and Windows: Ensure that the truck you're using has functioning doors and windows that seal properly. Use additional sealants or tapes if needed to prevent water from getting in.
Communication with Movers: If you're hiring moving company, communicate your concerns about the weather and the need for extra care with your belongings.
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Remember, despite precautions, some moisture might still find its way in. So, it's crucial to unpack and dry your belongings as soon as possible after the move to prevent any lasting damage.
With these tips on hands, hopefully your relocation process will be clean and simple. Still if you wish to have hassle free move then rent Packers and Movers Kolkata.
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metaldivine · 7 months
Stainless Steel 309 Sheet & Plates Suppliers in Chennai
Stainless Steel 309 is a profoundly alloyed austenitic steel utilised for its exceptional oxidation resistance, high-temperature strength, and creep obstruction. The lower nickel content of SS 309 Plates further develops protection from sulphur assault at high temperatures. SS 309 sheets are intense and malleable and can be promptly created and machined. SS 309 Sheets and Plates have high consumption, obstruction, and strength compared with 304-Stainless steel. Stainless Steel UNS S30900 Plates are hot worked at 1177 degrees C (2150 degrees F), followed by warming at 982 degrees C (1800 degrees F). It tends to be extinguished quickly. Post-work tempering should be possible to reestablish its erosion-resistant property.
Stainless Steel 309S Sheets and Plates are the lower carbon adaptation of grade 309 and have high framing and welding qualities. These SS 309S Plates can undoubtedly be welded utilising any opposition and combination strategies. SS UNS S30900 Sheets are suggested for applications where refinement and ensuing consumption by high-temperature gases or condensates during closure might represent an issue. These SS 309 Sheets and Plates can be utilised for different applications like Kettle baffles, furnace components, oven linings, fire box sheets,other high-temperature compartments, and so on. A portion of the properties that are present in the sheets and plates are extraordinary rigidity, high sturdiness, malleability, solidness, and soundness at the raised temperatures. We furnish different test declarations alongside our items as per EN 10204/3.1B: a 100 percent radiography test report, an outsider test report, a natural substance declaration, and so forth, to guarantee harm-free items are conveyed to our clients.
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Specification Stainless Steel 309 Sheet & Plate
DimensionsASTM, ASME and APIStandardASTM A240 / ASME SA240Width1000mm, 1219mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 2000mm, 2500mm, 3000mm, 3500mm,Thickness4mm-100mmStandardJIS, AISI, ASTM, GB, DIN, EN, etcSurfacethe surface and finish of stainless steel 301 sheet: 2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, checkered, embossed, hair line, sand blast, Brush, etching, etcBrand:Indian Origin, European Origin, Japanese Origin, US Origin, Korea Origin, Thailand Origin, Taiwan OriginManufacturer:POSCO, Aperam, Jindal Stainless, DKC Korea, Thyssenkrup, Baosteel, TISCO, Arcelor Mittal, VDM, Nippon Metal, OutokumpuFinishes2D, 2B, 4Pol, BA, X10, XL, Buff, XL Blend S, SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated), NO(8), Hairline, NO.1, NO.4, Mirror FinishExport toIndia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Oman, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Italy, UK, Brazil, Russia , Egypt , Kuwait , Taiwan, Australia
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midseo · 8 months
Meter Boxes, Sheet Metal Meter Boxes, Manufacturer, Pune, India
Meter Boxes, Sheet Metal Meter Boxes, Sheet Metal Components, Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Pune, Maharashtra, India, Japan, Bahrain, Iraq, South Africa.
Meter Boxes, Sheet Metal Meter Boxes, Sheet Metal Components, Cable Trays, Cable Tray, Industrial Cable Trays, Industrial Cable Tray, Perforated Cable Trays, Perforated Cable Tray, Ladder Type Cable Trays, Ladder Type Cable Tray, Cable Tray Accessories, Cable Tray Accessory, Cable Tray Ducts, Cable Tray Duct, Cable Tray Trunking, Cable Tray Covers, Cable Tray Cover, Dome Type Cable Tray Covers, Dome Type Cable Tray Cover, Perforated Cable Tray Covers, Perforated Cable Tray Cover, Plain Cable Tray Covers, Plain Cable Tray Cover, Coupler Plates, Coupler Plate, Fish Plates, Fish Plate, L Type Side Couplers, L Type Side Coupler, Coupler Hardware, GI Earthing Strips, GI Earthing Strip, Copper Earthing Strips, Copper Earthing Strip, C Channels, C Channel, Z Channels, Z Channel, GI Junction Boxes, GI Junction Box, Stainless Steel Cable Trays, Stainless Steel Cable Tray, SS Cable Trays, SS Cable Tray, FRP Cable Trays, FRP Cable Tray, GI Threaded Rods, GI Threaded Rod, GI Threaded Fasteners, GI Threaded Fastener, Bend Cable Trays, Bend Cable Tray, Vertical Inner Bend Cable Trays, Vertical Inner Bend Cable Tray, Vertical Outer Bend Cable Trays, Vertical Outer Bend Cable Tray, Horizontal Bend Cable Trays, Horizontal Bend Cable Tray, Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Pune, Maharashtra, India, Japan, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, South Africa.
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shopsignbd · 9 months
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LED Sign bd Name Plates Board Advertising in BD
LED Sign Acrylic Top Letter, LED Lighting, Neon Lights Box Led, Sign acrylic SS Sign, Name Plates, SS Sign Board, Indoor Signage price in Bangladesh.
Explore online marketplaces such as Alibaba, Made-in-China, or TradeIndia. Many suppliers list their products on these platforms, and you can find a variety of options.
Visit local electronics markets in major cities like Dhaka. These markets often have a concentration of electronics suppliers and manufacturers.
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SS Sign Board SS Top Letter Acrylic Top Letter SS Metal Letter LED Light Box Stainless Steel Signage SS Display Stand SS Plates Sign Acrylic Channel Letters Laser Cutting Signs Board LED Module Light Water Proof LED Power Supply Waterproof Indoor Signage Outdoor Signage bd.
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podjewellery · 6 months
Exploring the World of Jewellery Making Supplies in Australia
Jewellery making is an art form that allows individuals to express their creativity and craft unique pieces of adornment. In Australia, the availability of high-quality jewellery making supplies has fueled a thriving community of artisans and hobbyists passionate about creating beautiful and personalized jewellery. Let's delve into the diverse range of jewellery making supplies available across the country.
Beads and Gemstones:
Beads and gemstones are fundamental elements in jewellery making, adding color, texture, and sparkle to designs. Australian jewellery enthusiasts have access to a wide variety of beads, including glass beads, gemstone beads, metal beads, and seed beads, sourced from local suppliers and international markets.
Findings and Components:
Jewellery findings are essential components that provide structure and functionality to pieces. These include clasps, jump rings, ear wires, bails, and connectors. Australian suppliers offer an extensive selection of findings in various metals, sizes, and finishes to suit different design preferences and budgets.
Tools and Equipment:
Quality tools are indispensable for jewellery making, facilitating precise cutting, shaping, and assembly of materials. Australian jewellers can find a comprehensive range of tools such as pliers, wire cutters, mandrels, hammers, and soldering equipment to support their crafting endeavors.
Wire and Metal Sheets:
Wire and metal sheets serve as versatile materials for creating wire-wrapped jewellery, metalwork, and soldering projects. Sterling silver, gold-filled, copper, and brass wire are popular choices among Australian jewellers, offering durability and aesthetic appeal for various designs.
Packaging and Display Supplies:
Presentation is key in the world of jewellery, and Australian suppliers offer a range of packaging and display solutions to showcase finished pieces. Velvet pouches, jewellery boxes, display stands, and tags add professionalism and elegance to the final product.
Specialty Materials:
For jewellery makers seeking unique and unconventional materials, Australian suppliers also offer specialty items such as resin, polymer clay, leather cord, and recycled materials. These materials allow for innovative designs and eco-friendly creations that appeal to conscious consumers.
Workshops and Education:
In addition to supplies, Australia boasts a vibrant community of jewellery making enthusiasts who participate in workshops, classes, and online tutorials to hone their skills and learn new techniques. These educational opportunities foster creativity, collaboration, and skill development within the jewellery making community.
Conclusion: From beads and findings to tools and packaging, jewellery making supplies Australia cater to the diverse needs and preferences of artisans and hobbyists alike. With a wealth of materials, tools, and educational resources at their disposal, jewellery makers across the country can unleash their creativity and bring their design visions to life with passion and precision. Whether crafting for pleasure or profit, the world of jewellery making supplies in Australia offers endless possibilities for creativity and self-expression.
For more info visit here:- jewellery making supplies
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radianceelectrical · 4 months
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