#she's so desperate to be herself again that she can't admit she doesn't know who “herself” is anymore
duckapus · 8 months
Thinking about the inevitable progression from Doppelganger Arle to Dapple.
The slow shift from not knowing How To Cat to the cat behavior being so engrained in her that it bleeds through into her true form at the most embarrassing times whenever she's back in Arle's world home enacting another one of her schemes.
Learning about and immersing herself in Harmonia's culture, at first to maintain her cover and then out of genuine interest.
The moments when she catches herself thinking of herself as Dapple instead of Arle, and the dawning horror and maybe a hint of something brighter that those moments grow longer and more frequent as the months go by.
The nights where her dreams are filled with the endless void, or the horrible bloody war that led to it, and she finds herself more and more often seeking out Peony or Bolero for comfort rather than run from sleep by throwing herself into her work.
The days where she doesn't think about her plans or what she's lost at all, only for guilt to consume her when she finally notices.
The moments where she purposely forgets about her endless schemes and just lives for a while. Studying magic with Peony, putting on one of her shows in town, curling up next to Bolero and letting him regale her with stories of his adventurous youth, exploring the ancient ruins and mystical caverns that dot the landscape (TCS is an Open World game after all), commandeering a corner of the kitchen to introduce the cooking staff to her favorite Curry recipe, even just finding some little hidey-hole in one of the castle gardens to take a catnap in.
Eventually, there will come a breaking point, where she'll either accept that she's finally moving on and is allowed to be happy and embrace her new life as Dapple...or she'll double down, and find some way to reclaim her identity once and for all, no matter how poorly it may fit her now.
And I think we all know which will be more narratively interesting (:
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pia-nor481 · 2 months
Dating Advice
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Lando Norris x Reader x Daniel Ricciardo 18+
Lando is in desperate need of advice in securing a date. He does so, just not in the way he expected
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"Don't laugh at me. It's not funny." Lando groaned, pouring himself another drink. "It is a little bit. You're a rich formula one driver who many women think is attractive and you can't get a second date. Are you sure it's not your personality." Daniel jested, arms behind his head as he leant back on the bed. "I'm being serious, asking for dating advice and all I get back is you laughing in my face. Is that not a turn off for your girlfriend?" Lando pouted, bringing the glass to his lips. "Hey don't start on me. You don't know how long it look me to actually get a girlfriend; who, may I add, wasn't easy to win over." Daniel said, reaching for his beer on the night stand. "Oh really, like you had to work for it. Rich formula one driver." Lando was a little bitter, he hadn't been laid in months, and it wasn't from a lack of trying. 
"Tell me what you're actually doing, maybe we can find the problem." Lando was convinced that he was meeting the wrong kind of woman. "Well, you know, usually I'd pick her up from her place, bring flowers...Don't act surprised I'm not evil. Go out to dinner, of course I pay, again I'm not evil, plus this is Monaco so it's kind of required of me...Then you know..." Lando trailed off, reaching for his drink, desperately trying to ease his nerves. "Are you kidding me. You really are a dog." Daniel laughed, almost choking on his beer. "I am not. You're acting like you weren't when you first started racing." The brit finally sat down sighing. "Not really, I didn't have much game back then. Plus, if that's how you're ending the night, why are you acting like you've not gotten any in months?" Lando just looked down at his glass, not acknowledging Daniel's presence in the slightest. "Oh my, you've slept with them all. Every eligible woman in Monaco you've already had sex with. What are you? Some streetwalker?" Lando's face contorted as he heard the Australian's voice, it didn't matter how the sentence was worded, it always sounded horrific. "Maybe. Look it's not that bad. I asked for advice didn't I? We've been friends for years. So...Help me, please." His voice almost whined in desperation. "It doesn't matter what advice I give you. There's no one left to exercise it on." Daniel laughed, getting up to grab another drink. 
"Please don't ask me if I know any good doctors." Daniel muttered, looking to the side at Lando. "I don't have an STD. I'm a slut not an idiot." Lando crossed his arms as he spoke. "Good."
"Anyway, we know what you've done wrong. She is automatically assuming that she's just a hook up. You've created that idea. " Daniel stated with his hands back behind his head. "One good thing you're doing right is the flowers, the rest must come from what you say." Lando was slightly hurt, but he had to admit it now that his friend pointed it out, that he was the problem. "To be honest I don't really remember what I said." Lando muttered into his glass. "Enough to get her into bed clearly...Sorry that was a low blow." The Australian was quick to sip on the alcohol before beginning to speak again. "So one of the best things you can do is really get her talking, mostly about herself. But put in a few double questions if you will; a question specific enough that it gets a slightly personal or unique response but also generic enough that she can ask about you. But first you have to complement her, 'You look gorgeous tonight', 'Those earrings are really pretty', one thing I will say about jewellery, don't ask where it's from or where she got it in case it's a family thing and you know talking about dead relatives ain't great chat. Anyway make sure it's specific, if she's wearing a gold necklace make sure you mention it's gold, it shows that you're actually paying attention to her." Lando payed attention to every word that left Daniel's mouth, taking mental notes diligently. 
"Then move onto DHA. Her dreams, hopes and aspirations. Trust me... panty peeler." Daniel stated like it was the simplest thing in the world. Lando shook his head slowly, trying to fathom how that would work in securing him a second date. "Seriously? What happened to not having game?" Lando said, astounded at Daniel's advice. "Hey, I have a girlfriend don't I? Plus it took six dates to even get her to my place so, I think I did pretty well." He spoke hand on his heart, clearly offended. "So, was it a panty peeler?" The brit rushed out, quickly downing the rest of his drink. Daniel rolled his eyes before speaking again. "Obviously, but definitely later than six dates. She wasn't easy." He was smiling just thinking about her. "Alright, don't rub it in."
"You know what?" Daniel started, almost jumping up from the bed. "You need to test your newfound knowledge." He slurred, stumbling slightly as he got up. They had been talking at Daniel's flat for hours, mostly about the recent Bills game and the next quadrant video, so talking for hours lead to plenty of alcohol. "What are you on about?" Lando wasn't particularly sober either, but that didn't stop his curiosity. "You need a fake date, where I can help guide you a bit." Lando's eyes widened hearing Daniel's proposal. "I'm not going out with you and you're girlfriend." Lando stated, shaking his head, he didn't drink as much as Daniel, he never did, but even he could tell that Daniel was in no state of mind for this conversation. "Nah man. We do it here. You can practice, get it right with some help, and maybe you can travel to Nice and find a lady there." It was clear Daniel was getting too excited about the thought. "I need to get home. We'll talk about this later."
When she came home from work the following morning she was surprised to find Daniel laying askew on the sofa. She made quick work in the kitchen, pouring a glass of water and looking for some pain killers. "Danny." She whispered, shaking him slightly. "Danny, wake up." He slowly began to stir, meeting her eyes with a smile. "Morning, Darling." He almost groaned, taking the water but not the pills. Exhaustion painted her face as she sat beside him, curious about the night he had. 
"So, did you and Lando do anything interesting?" She spoke softly, mindful of the state Daniel is in. He bought his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into him before speaking. "Mostly stuff you've already heard from me or I know you don't really care for." She got up once again, not worried for her boyfriend anymore, and ventured back to the kitchen, desperate for a warm drink in what now was the morning. "But?" She asked as she opened the cupboards. "I found out he's slept with every single lady in Monaco, and possibly Nice, but he didn't say anything about the French." Daniel said as he got up, following her into the kitchen. "No." Her disbelief was apparent in her tone, even as Daniel slid his arms around her waist and mumbled a quiet 'I know' into her neck. Her cheeks warmed at the feeling. "So you spent hours talking to Lando about his love life?" She wanted to distract herself from the feeling of him against her, thinking about anything that would keep her thoughts away from the fact his cock was pushed against her ass. "Maybe a little bit of you...Anyway Lando was asking for a little bit of help with actually dating women." Daniel stole the mug out of her hand and took a sip, burning his tongue slightly. "Serves you right." She laughed, turning around in his grasp. "So what did you say?" She was curious, they spoke about past relationships before, Daniel mostly about his lack of them, so she was slightly shocked that Lando would go to her boyfriend for advice. In his younger days he was very focused on racing, to a point that he had no time for relationships, so at the time he was supposed to be learning the best way to woo a woman, his mind was filled with a steering wheel and how to use DRS. "Exactly what I did to win you over." His hands met her cheeks, pulling her in for a sweet kiss. 
"How kind of you. Considering he has already been with every woman in Monaco, is he going to be traveling to find himself a girlfriend?" Upon hearing her statement Daniel become slightly nervous, perhaps asking his partner to go on a fake date with one of his best friends was not the best idea. "Well I may have made a suggestion." His hand left her waist and found the back of his neck rather quickly as his eyes shifted from her face.  "I think Lando should practice before he travels to Italy to find a girlfriend." He said in a slightly higher tone. "Let me guess, you're brilliant idea was for me to be the date?" She pondered out loud. At this point she was really considering it, it didn't really have any impact in their relationship. So realistically what could go wrong? "Has Lando already agreed?" She asked with a small smile, easing Daniel's nerves slightly. "Not yet, I was pretty drunk when I suggested it, to be fair so was he, so maybe he doesn't even remember. We will see. The worst that can happen is he says no." A small shred of excitement ran through her. "Call him later, you know how long it takes him to get up after he's been drinking." 
She went to bed both peaceful and enthused. She was hopeful that Lando says yes, and this quickly led to a spiral of questions: Where would they be? What would she wear? What was he going to ask her? How would she answer? It almost concerned her, she probably shouldn't be feeling so excited to go on a date, even if it was a pretend one, with her boyfriend's friend. 
Daniel grabbed his phone almost immediately after she fell asleep. Lando struggled to pick up his phone while still laying in bed. Lando was smaller than Daniel so alcohol always hit him faster and for longer. "What do you want?" Lando groaned into the phone, eyes still closed. "That's no way to speak to the friend that secured you a practice date." Daniel huffed down the line, playfulness practically bubbling out of him. "Are you being serious? You actually remembered asking me to go on a date with your girlfriend, and have somehow convinced her?" Lando was both shocked and amused. He sat up slightly, running his hand through his curly hair. "I didn't actually do any convincing, if I'm honest she figured it out." The brit's jaw fell open slightly, not only did he not expect Daniel to remember, he especially didn't expect his girlfriend to agree. "When?" He we was unsure as to what made him ask, but if it was going to help him then it was a good idea. "Tomorrow night, around eight." Daniel spoke softly, not wanting to cause his friend anymore stress in an already immensely stressful situation. "Alright." He hung up and threw his phone back on the bed as he stood up. At this point in time he was mostly nervous and a little bit confused. There was a lot he needed to do before going to their house. Most of it being mental preparation. 
She awoke a few hours later with Daniel by her side. "Morning Love." He whispered as soft as possible. He said morning although it was a few minutes until it could be called afternoon. She moved in silence so her head was resting on her chest, leg over his. "What did he say?" She mumbled, interlocking their hands. "Yes." Her eyes widened, realising that she actually had to go on a date with Lando Norris. "It's tomorrow evening, here of course. I'll be you're chef and waiter." He giggled, squeezing her hand in his. "Okay." She whispered into his chest.  "Can I ask you something...It's unrelated but still important?" He questioned, avoiding her eyes once again. She hummed, looking up at him. "It's about what we talked about before." His nerves where sky high, they shouldn't have been considering it was his suggestion. "What's her name?" Daniel was extremely lucky that his girlfriend was okay with almost anything, well actually she was more willing to try almost everything. "First of all, never said it was a woman, second I've not found anyone. I was wondering if you have, or if you were maybe changing your mind." Daniel was sweet in more ways than one, he always asked, even if he think he knew the answer. "I haven't and no I've not. We talked about this months ago, have you changed your mind?" He shook his head, it was hard to find someone you trusted to have a threesome with. "What brought this about then? This is about Lando. Do you want to ask him?" Daniel would have asked Max if he wasn't in a committed relationship. But to think, he wanted to have a threesome with his former team mate. It sounded weird when he put it like that. "Maybe. I've only really thought about it for all of ten minutes, and to be fair, I have seen his nudes in his camera roll before. But hey that's a conversation for another time." His small rant sent a wave of curiosity through her. Would Lando be the right fit for them. "Lets take some baby steps. He asked for some dating advice, not to fuck us. We'll see how that goes, then we can see if he's willing." She stated, a rather wide smile painting her face. 
The following day Lando began to panic slightly as he slipped his arms through his shirt, and made work on the buttons. He felt as though it would be really awkward and that worried him. Would this sour his relationship with Daniel slightly? Lando didn't think he could cope with that. His hands shook slightly as he got out of his car, flowers in a lose grip. He knocked on the door a few times before she finally answered. "Hello Lando." He wanted to lightly kiss her cheek, as he usually would but hesitated, he needed to remember this is Daniel's girlfriend, not a random date. "Go for it, nothing is off limits. We need to see what you're doing." Daniel stated matter of factly. The word 'Nothing' worried Lando further, because what did nothing really mean? Lando pulled her in for a short hug as he kissed her cheek softly. He handed her the bouquet with a sweet smile. "Thank you, they are lovely." She almost whispered walking through the flat towards the kitchen, reaching for the vase. "How are you?" He asked, voice low. Lando never considered himself shy, but tonight he was struggling. "I've been good, looking forward to this evening with you." Lando thought her acting was all to convincing, no one's girlfriend should seem this enthusiastic about going on a date with their boyfriend's friend. "And how are you?" She was quick to question as she turned to face him. "Well, I've been looking forward to seeing you too." He stated sweetly. Soon the silence was interrupted by Daniel making an almost 'wrong buzzer sound'. "You can't just repeat what she just said, It looks like you're not really bothered. Try again." He turned back around, stirring the sauce for the pasta. Lando sighed before speaking again. "Really good actually. I've been excited to see you." He turned to the side, looking at Daniel for conformation, who just nodded slightly.
Lando linked their hands as he guided her to the table. Daniel came over and poured the wine and gave the brit a slight nod. "Start with step one." Lando's chest was rising and falling rather quickly, he had never been so anxious sat across the table from a lady before. "You're earrings are really pretty, I like that the stones match you're dress." He stated as a light blush painted his cheeks. Daniel helped her get ready, from choosing the dress to helping her put it on. He wanted her to be as she would if they were on a date, which included a gorgeous dress, pretty earrings and a lovely pair of heels. He loved getting ready with her, especially when she would button up his shirt for him. "That's good, you're being specific enough that she feels noticed." Daniel could read her like a book, he could tell that she was becoming flustered already. He complemented,  no practically worshiped her, all the time, yet she couldn't help her reaction to hearing it from Lando. "Oh, Um...Thank you." She was shocked in her own reaction and reached for her drink, taking a rather large sip.
 "So tell me, what have you been doing these past few days?" She questioned, leaning forward. Lando began to panic, he knows exactly what he did for the whole of the week, yet he just couldn't answer; he wasn't prepared to be asked a question so soon. He licked his lips before he began speaking. "I've spent some time with my sisters and my friend Danny. I think keeping up with family and friends is really important, so I try to do it as much as possible." Lando said with a small smile, looking back at her. "So what about you? Surely a pretty Lady like yourself must have had other dates." He asked, nerves rising once again as he brought his wine closer, almost cuddling the drink. "You have to be careful with that, depending on who she is, she might take that in a really bad way. Rephrase the sentence so you're not painting her as some kind of slut." 
Lando necked the glass for a small amount of extra confidence. "So what about you? A pretty Lady like yourself must be busy." He looked up to her again, a small smile on her face. He let her talk for a while, repeating the last few words of some sentence in an almost questioning tone, showing her that he was engaged. Daniel came over again, placing the bowls of pasta in front of them. "DHA." Was all he said as he looked at Lando, who's blush deepened at the thought. She was quickly confused by the acronym. This must have been 'How Daniel secured her'. "What do you plan to do in the future?" Lando was becoming slightly less nervous by the minute, until Daniel repeated the dreaded sound. "That's not specific enough. Show her that you're paying attention." The Australian stated, pulling himself on the counter. Lando was beginning to get frustrated. "What do you plan to do in the next three years?" Lando's tone was slightly sweeter, he waited until she said something small that could be expanded on. Daniel continued to eat the remaining pasta out of the pot as he listened to his girlfriend talk about her dreams, her answers have of course changed, but he felt almost a little hurt that he didn't know most of her answers. "Oh wow." Lando was genuinely surprised with what she wanted to achieve, it made him excited to see her again. Quickly he realised how wrong that was. He shouldn't find her as attractive as he does. Is he a terrible person? 
"That's all you've got to say? It's a good thing you're good in bed." She giggled out as Daniel choked on the pasta. "That was a bit mean Darling." Lando's blush deepened to a red. Was he supposed to become flustered when his friend spoke that was? Probably not. He shouldn't be reacting this way, he knows that, yet he can't help but feel slightly aroused. "Oh come on. He must be." She turned back to him with a sly smirk. Lando was confused, he knew if he told Daniel something then it was likely that she would be told too, and he didn't have a problem with it. But now he was surprised, he'd never heard her say such a thing. Lando felt as though he needed to match her, "Well I've not had any complaints." Her eyebrow furrowed before she lifted up her glass, finishing the rest of the drink. "Is that so?" Daniel mirrored her smile.
"Well it's hard to not be good at something you been doing for years, It's pretty easy to adapt woman to woman." Lando stated as his head tilted to the side. "Hold on. Hold on. You do the same thing...Every time?" Daniel jumped down from the counter in shock , while she was slightly taken aback and disappointed; Surely that couldn't have been fun, then again it was with different woman who would have all reacted differently, so maybe it wasn't as boring as it seemed. "You've got to spill, especially if none of their friends have said not to go out with you." The Australian practically begged. He pulling her out of the seat as Lando began to speak again. "You don't need those details." She was pulled into Daniel's lap during Lando's embarrassment. "Oh come on, please. It will help. You know what? Maybe it's not what you're saying, maybe it's the reputation you've created. They expect you to take em home and fuck em good." Daniel was a little tipsy again and Lando wasn't too far behind. "That's not gonna help me secure a date that is willing to come back." This so called 'date' quickly became an interrogation of friends. "Oh come on, we're curious, if every woman in Monaco wants to sleep with you, you must be good." She smiled, stealing her drink back from Daniel, who's arms were tight around her waist. "Well, I guess so, but it's not as fun as you think. Always being Dominant, always doing the work. It gets, pretty boring." 
They could finally see why he was so desperate, and although Daniel would disagree that always being dominant was boring, he could still sympathise. In a relationship there is more trust and willingness to experiment with one's partner, always keeping things interesting. Yet with dates accompanied with sex, that would be almost impossible to do.
"Okay then, why don't you be good and listen to what I have to say?" She whispered out in a rather seductive tone, leaving Daniel in the seat as she made way to the brit on the other side of the table. She pushed her knee between his legs as she began to speak, "Will you be good for me Lando?" Blood rushed to his cock as he finally made sense of the words that left her mouth. He shouldn't be as turned on as he was, he didn't know if he was even allowed to be. "Well Lando, are you?" Daniel repeated. How long had Lando been thinking? How long had he been focused on the feeling of his hard cock? Too long if it meant his friend gave him permission. "I promise, I'll be good." He almost whimpered , avoiding her eyes. She was quick to straddle him, grabbing his neck as she did so. "Yeah? Are you going to do everything I ask?" She whispered before lowering her lips towards his neck. "Yes, anything." Lando said followed by a low moan. Daniel was surprised to see this part of her. The Australian was quick to get involved. His fingers threaded through Lando's hair as he appeared behind him. "Good." Daniel said, voice dropping an octave. 
She pulled Lando out of the chair and towards the bedroom, Daniel quick to follow. "Strip." Was all she said when the brit reached the bed, and as he said he would, Lando listened. He made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, although struggling to begin with. As he reached the final button he looked up, eyes met with the sight of them kissing; Daniel's hands roamed over her slowly, first groping her ass shamelessly, before working his way up her spine, dancing over every vertebrae. Her hands rested on his jaw, almost as if she was pulling him in as close as possible. Lando was getting harder by the second, to the point it was almost painful. "Lando...Come take the dress off her." Daniel spoke in an almost condescending tone, and he knows it should not be as attractive as it is. Lando almost rushed over, pulling her hair out of the way before slowly sliding the zip down. She let the dress fall as she turned, looking at the desperate man before her. "I thought you said you were going to do everything I said. It seems you've decided to go back on your word already." She said shaking her head. Lando was confused for a moment, until he looked down, he only managed to take his shirt off, not the trousers. "So how are you going to punish him Darling?" Daniel asked, hands now resting on her hips, he pulled her back slightly, so her ass was resting against his hardening cock. "I think, since it was his first mistake, we go easy." She started, looking back at her boyfriend. Lando was slightly relieved until he heard her voice once more, "You don't get to cum. Not until you've made me and Daniel cum with your mouth. It's only fair since you can't follow simple instructions." She glanced back at Daniel and was pleased with the small nod from him. She knew she couldn't go too hard as didn't know what he could handle. Lando on the other hand didn't think he could cope any longer. His left hand could only get him off so much. He wanted to feel someone else, that's what he needed. So having that taken away from him was devastating. 
She moved towards the bed and sat at the edge, looking Lando in the eyes as she spoke. "Come here." She beckoned him over. The brit was quick to drop to his knees as he spread her legs further apart. He knew it wouldn't take him long to make her cum. That had almost become his specialty. Lando preferred to have multiple rounds so keeping foreplay as short as possible was almost a necessity for him, yet he still needed her well prepared. "Go on." Daniel whispered in his ear, pushing his head down lightly. Lando licked a long stripe up her cunt, looking up to see her reaction briefly. He wasn't told what she actually like so he wanted to find out as quick as possible. He first started by applying a light pressure with his tongue, circling slowly. He didn't even get so much as a gasp. As he began to lick up and down at a faster rate he let his thoughts come back.
 "A little faster." Daniel whispered again, feeling a little sorry for his friend. The Australian's hand travelled down from Lando's abs down to his cock, squeezing lightly, he could feel it throb in his hands. Lando moaned into her cunt, temporarily losing control of himself. He soon felt her leg over his shoulder, pulling his body closer to hers, and was quickly brought back to reality. He laid his tongue flat on her clit and shook his head side to side, conscious of the speed he was doing so, almost thankful for Daniel's help. "That's it Lando, make me feel good." She moaned, head falling back slightly. If Daniel was still touching him, he was sure that he would have come, even with the smallest touch. Lando continued his relentless movements even as she closed her thighs around him. He groaned once more knowing it would push her over the edge. "Yes. Yes. Yes Lando, fuck." Her hands met the sheets in a desperate need to steady her self as white clouded her vision. Lando slowed the movement of his tongue, letting her ride out the orgasm. Her moans became quieter the lighter the pressure Lando applied. "So good for me." She whispered, looking down at him. Lando blushed at the praise as it sent a wave of pleasure through him. "Do you like when I tell you how good you are? How good you make me feel? Does it get you off?" She questioned, leaning forward with a smirk. Lando was almost struggling to get his words out, mind fuzzy as he tried to think of a way to say yes. He was quick to nod his head extraordinarily quick. 
"I think that was a yes Darling." Daniel stated, pulling Lando back by his hair. "Take em off." He demanded, letting Lando catch his breath, Daniel was also aware of how overwhelming this could be for his friend. The brits hands came up quick, unbuttoning Daniel's jeans before pulling them down. Lando was slightly more worried about this, not just because he knew it would take him longer but because there was a high chance of him choking. Lando didn't know how to approach this as he'd never sucked dick before. Sure he had plenty of blowjobs but he didn't know how to give them. "You'll get praise when you do something worthy of it." Daniel said, pushing Lando's head closer to his cock.
"You need to spit a little." Lando felt her hands on his shoulders as she spoke. She was doing exactly what her boyfriend was doing before, guiding him teasingly, and Lando was both thankful and resentful of it. Although this time it was more of the former. "Wrap your hand around him, just below the head. Yeah that's it." She whispered, fingers tangling in his hair as she pushed his head so his lips were almost kissing the tip of Daniel cock. "Go on. You said you'd do everything I said." Lando was not ready for what ever punishment she was prepared to give him if he didn't comply. After coating Daniel's cock with his spit, Lando began to rub his thumb over the tip, teasing slightly. After a few seconds he let his hand form a fist and began stroking up and down slowly, never quite reaching the base. "I thought she said get us off with your mouth." Daniel stated, looking down at Lando with a smirk, who's nerves were rising by the second. "I'm not going to blow him for you. Start by licking the underside and take the tip into your mouth." She instructed as she slid her hand up his back, resting it between his shoulder blades. "So good. Be careful, don't take him too deep." She was quick to pull Lando back, making sure to teach him properly. "Breathe though your nose Baby. Start slow." She said, pushing his hair out of his face. 
Lando did as she said, taking an inch at a time, mindful of not holding his breath. He began to bob his head at a slightly faster pace, taking another inch or two. "Good, so good for me Lando." Daniel muttered, watching his cock disappear into the brit's mouth. Lando moaned as he did before, sending vibrations through Daniel's cock. "Careful, watch your teeth." Lando just didn't know what to do, it was almost like the praise was overriding his brain. He wanted to make them feel good, he wanted to see them cum but he wanted to be praised, he wanted to be told what to do. He was getting close, feeling her hands on his skin wasn't helping. Her fingers were tracing over every divot and it was driving him insane, so much so that his trousers were becoming impossibly tight. Lando almost pulled off fully before swallowing around the tip. "Fuck Lando, sure you haven't done this before?" Daniel gasped, hand now resting on Lando's head. He pulled off with a pop, gasping for air. "Promise I haven't...Please, hurts so much." He groaned, chest rising and falling quickly. "Not yet, you need to make me cum first." The Australian said, hand coming down to his face, rubbing the spit off of Lando's jaw. "Be good and you get to cum." Lando was quick to bring his mouth back to Daniel's cock, sucking the best he could as he began to bob his head again. In the meantime, her hands left his back and came down to his front, unbuttoning his trousers. She squeezed him rather tightly before undoing the zip. Lando moaned feeling the limited release of his cock, Daniel threw his head back in pleasure as he felt the vibration. "Focus on the head Lando, he's very close." She demanded, kissing and biting his neck, leaving distinct marks. Daniel came down his throat quickly, taking Lando off guard, who pulled away, attempting to catch his breath again. 
"You didn't have to swallow." Daniel stated, pulling Lando up from the ground. "I didn't have much choice." Lando whined, face contorted into disgust. "Don't get bratty, I'll leave you high and dry." He threatened looking towards his girlfriend with a large smile adorning his face. "I won't. Promise. Please, I need to cum so bad." He said, giving his best pleading eyes. Daniel's hands made contact with his skin before he pulled the remainder of Lando's clothes off. "Get on the bed, I want you against the headboard."
"And you, come here." Daniel pulled her in, kissing her passionately, letting his hands roam her skin once again, squeezing her tits and hips every now and then. He guided her to the end of the bed, pushing her down, watching her tits bounce as her back made contact with the mattress. Daniel was quick to climb on top of her, sliding his hands down her abdomen. She didn't realise how turned on she actual was. Did watching Lando give her boyfriend head really arouse her that much? "Fuck, you are so wet Darling." Evidently so. Daniel wanted to tease her slightly, even if they were both in control of Lando, he was still the one telling her what to do. He grasped her thigh with one hands, pushing her legs further apart. His fingers circled her clit slowly, waiting for her tell tale gasp of pleasure. "Oh please." Lando whined behind them, pulling on his hair slightly. "You're not allowed to touch yourself Lando. You have to wait." Daniel muttered, pushing a finger into her cunt slowly. "But it's not fair, I made you both cum." He said, sitting up straight, desperately wanting them to touch him. "Don't be a brat." She said in a pointed tone, turning her head towards the brit. Her demand was followed by a loud moan as Daniel pushed a second finger in. "She needs to be preped properly, too hard to fit you're dick in otherwise." She quickly became bashful and covered her face as Daniel began pumping and scissoring his fingers. His other hand rose from her leg and came to rest on her neck, squeezing lightly.
 "That's enough Darling, I can see how much he needs you." Daniel said, smacking her ass as she made when to Lando. "Be good for me baby." She whispered, holding onto his shoulders as she straddled his lap. "Finally getting what you need." She lined his cock up with her cunt as she spoke. Lando's hands came to rest on her hips, squeezing lightly. "Don't touch." She chastised, taking him fully. Lando's cock was hitting places Daniel's usually didn't and it was intoxicating. The feeling of having complete control over someone was almost taking her over, she could finally understand why Daniel always preferred to be in charge, it was so thrilling. "Please, faster, need it so bad." Lando was already moaning uncontrollably, his eyes closed and head fallen back.  She obliged and began bouncing faster, hands covering the bite marks she made earlier, making him wince loudly. As she began rocking her hips Daniel spoke, "Open your eyes Lando, you need to see." He did as he was instructed and was immediately met with her blissed out face and it pulled a low moan from his mouth. "Lando, look at me. Give me you're hand. That's it, You can touch her with your other, make her cum." His left hand was enveloped in Daniels, while his right came down to her clit, rubbing slightly harsh circles. Lando wanted to feel her cum around him, and this was the fastest way to do it. At the same time, Daniel was guiding his friend's hand back to his cock. "Come on, jerk me off. You must be really good at it now." Lando was stunned for a moment, brain struggling to comprehend. There was just so much happening, the overwhelming feeling if her cunt, the sound of her moans and Daniel's demands, it was all so thrilling to the brit. Lando made a fist around Daniel's cock once again, this time stroking faster than before and focused more on the head. The Australian was mindful of the state his friend was in and lead closer, grabbing his cheek softly and kissed his lips slowly, he felt every moan that wanted to leave Lando's mouth, and it jus riled him up even more. 
"Fuck Lando, that's it, a bit harder." Every part of him was occupied yet he wanted them ton take more, he didn't want anything left. Daniel was edging closer the longer he watched the scene before him; His darling girlfriend ruining Lando. "I'm gonna cum, fuck keep going." At this point the only thing Lando could do was follow instructions Daniel painted their skin white as her moans grew louder, and Lando's grip harshened. "So good for me Lando. Fuck." He lengthened the last few syllables as he came down from his high. Daniel's hands made way to his girlfriend, resting on her back to keep her steady. Lando could feel her tightening around his as his hand on her clit was replaced with Daniel's, giving her what he knows she needed. "Take a break Lando, just enjoy the feeling of her cunt. You deserve it." Lando's hips bucked without warning meeting her bounces. "Oh Please, let me cum. Please, please please." Lando begged loudly, voice practically bouncing off the walls. Daniel began to guide her hips bringing Lando ever closer. "Cum Darling, I know you're close." The Australian whispered in her ear, giving her clit one last harsh smack before she began convulsing around Lando, no longer in control of her own body. Lando was quick to follow, cumming inside with a loud groan as his back arched slightly, eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
They were both seeing stars as Daniel forced them both to ride out their high, he slowed the guiding of her body and began to kiss her neck softly. The only sounds in the room was their heavy breathing as she climbed off of Lando. They laid on either side of the brit, just enjoying each others presence. As she began to slip out of the haze, she let her hands trail over Lando's skin, draw shapes with feather light touches. His body was still twitching from the immense pleasure of her cunt. "Thank you...So good." He could barely from a sentence, still so fucked out. "You were so good for us, you deserved it." She whispered into his neck, shocked with the bruises she left. 
They could tell just by the look on Lando's face that he was already on the verge of being overstimulated and decided that just one orgasm was enough for now, especially with the amount of cum still spilling out of her cunt. "When was the last time you even came?" Daniel questioned, rubbing his thumb over Lando's forehead, brushing away the messy curls. "I don't...Know." He rushed out between heavy breaths. "It's been months since I been with anyone, and a while since I jacked off. Maybe a few weeks, could be a month...I really don't know." He said, turning his head so it was buried in her neck. A blush began rising to his face when he realised what he admitted. "So you really needed someone else to get you off huh. Interesting." Daniel said with an almost teasing tone. "It's a good thing we could help you then." She whispered into his hair. "And I think, we'd be more than willing to help you again."
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This took me way too long to write as I clearly went a little overboard in the build up. I hope you enjoyed.
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gay-jesus-probably · 8 months
I like the general fandom trend to just take the plot of Hyrule Warriors as a loose guideline at best and just use the whole concept as a good excuse to get blorbos to interact across timelines, BUT I'm very disappointed that everyone is missing the comedic potential of a very specific squad of characters:
Young Link (aka Mask), who walks out of the nightmare of Majora's Mask and immediately gets portal kidnapped into a temporal war, takes one look at the whole mess and decides that you could not fucking pay him to admit to being the resident expert on Time Shenanigans. He introduces himself with the title of Hero of Termina, and definitely doesn't have any other ones, that would be crazy. Hero of Time? Never heard of him.
Tetra, who is a kickass pirate captain with zero patience for people trying to shove her into the Designated Princess role, and realizes immediately that Oh Fuck, this Hyrule has a lot of Ideas about how the Hero and the Princess are supposed to properly play their parts, the second they realize she's technically a Zelda they're gonna shove her in a goddamn dress and damsel her again, that's not happening. So she's definitely just a really cool pirate captain, nothing else going on here at all, definitely not the heir of the Hylian royal family in her time, that'd be crazy.
Ravio, who is literally just a palette swapped Link, meaning that the second his hood comes off, things are gonna get Awkward. There's no way in hell he's dealing with all that Hero baggage, that's Link work, so that giant bunny hood/mask is practically superglued to his head, and he's not taking it off for love or money.
Spirit Tracks Zelda, who is just in the Phantom Armour the whole time, and passing herself off as just a friendly ghost posessing a suit of armour to help the Hero of Spirits. Of course she isn't Princess Zelda, that's ridiculous, if she were a Zelda then people would start getting really weird about her technically being dead, and boy does that ever sound like a whole Thing she doesn't want to deal with, so she can't possibly be Zelda, she's just a nice ghost knight. Also, her teenage grandma is here, and that's kinda weird, so it's easier to just not admit to being royalty and avoid that awkward conversation.
Finally there's Sheik, who is not the Princess Zelda of the era straight up abandoning her war torn country for months at a time so she can risk her life in extreme cosplay for no clear reason, but is instead the actual Sheik from Ocarina of Time, who just beat Ganondorf like a month ago and is still trying to process what the fuck to do now. Also, he's been pretending to be a boy since he was ten, and is realizing there's a pretty good chance that he isn't pretending anymore, so that's a whole other can of worms. But for the last seven years of his life, being Princess Zelda meant certain death, so he's not really inclined to introduce himself like when in a new and stressful situation (not to mention he might actually just not be a girl named Zelda anymore), so he automatically introduces himself as just Sheik the spooky ninja man, and fuck he's in too deep to back out now, looks like he's committing to the bit. If you think you sense the Triforce of Wisdom on him, no you don't.
Cue shenanigans as the five of them attempt to hide that they're all actually kind of A Big Deal. The group motto is "Nobody says shit", which is usually delivered as a frantic hiss whenever someone slips up. Just the reunion between Sheik and Mask alone would be absolutely buckwild given how they parted, and how they're both frantically pretending to Not be involved with each other. For added hilarity and/or drama, Sheik gives his semi-bullshit cover story of having just been a friend of the Hero of Time, then runs into said Hero of Time and they both have to desperately pretend not to know each other, because if anyone picks up on the mountain of baggage between them then Mask is busted, and he won't hesitate to drag Sheik down with him out of sheer spite. Not to mention the weird balance of Sheik being used to this Link being a teenager that's actually a small child, and now has to adjust to Link who is a small child that's actually a teenager.
Also, i really feel like we're all missing out on the comedy potential of Ganondorf recognizing Young Link on sight and the two of them immediately launching into a grudge match with some extremely personal and specific insults on both sides. Meanwhile literally everybody else is just standing there watching, trying to process the fact that out of every single person that's been pulled out of time, Ganondorf only has personal beef with a literal nine year old.
I just feel like we're all really sleeping on the potential for Shenanigans here. The whole thing is an absurd mess, why not have some fun with it?
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babydipper · 3 months
“Hey, you!”
At first, Jason doesn’t turn. What are the chances that someone in the Crime Alley is calling out to him? Okay, fair, rather big, but usually it contains more slurs/threats and at least, his name, so he is fairly sure whoever is screaming their lungs out is doing just that.
“Hey, on the staircase, I am talking to you! It will take just a minute, I promise.”
Or maybe they are not. Finally, Jason turns to look down at his newest headache, swinging his feet. He hasn't got any chances to beat the shit out of anyone yet, so he dare says that this might be his one and not only occasion.
The person, a girl, if Jason was to take a guess, is standing under the fire escape, looking directly at him with her arms crossed. She doesn't seem particularly dangerous, but she also doesn't look particularly scared of him and it's Gotham and looks can be deceiving, so Jason stays where he's sitting and waits for the next developments. Maybe she will be his punching bag, after all.
“What's your name?” she shouts to him again. Well, it makes sense now that she doesn't look moved by him. She must be some fucked up college tourist if a backpack and her clothes tell him anything.
“Red Hood,” he decides to humour her because fuck him if that's not more entertaining than waiting for some dickheads to show up. A nice escape from getting rid of scum. Or a prologue to doing so.
He can't see that well from his beam, but she must roll her eyes before going, “Your real name. Don't you happen to be Todd maybe?”
Jason freezes for a millisecond, and then, “No.”
“The fuck you lying about?” she says, then covers her mouth right after, startled by herself, which is amusing. She has a weird accent, something from outside the state. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. This is the longest week of my life, trust me, it means something, and I just really need to find this Todd guy and the only lead on him was you, apparently. I was told you are good at finding people, so if you are not Todd, please tell me you know something because, frankly, I will lose my mind soon.”
He jumps down in front of her, but she doesn’t even flinch. She’s tall, but not Jason-tall and from up close he can see deep bags under her eyes. “Sorry,” he says, “can’t do, can’t help. There’s probably a thousand guys named Todd in Gotham.”
“More. I checked.”
Jason raises his eyebrows under the mask. She is unbelievable. And slightly delusional. And desperate. A deadly combination in Gotham, truly. “Why are you looking for him anyway?”
“I owe him a favour.”
“You owe a favour to someone you don’t know?”
“Yes,” she doesn’t falter.
“Look, you are not from here, so I will go easy on you. I am Red Hood. I am a crime lord, not an errand boy. I don’t know shit about this Todd of yours, so admit your defeat and get back to whatever hole you’ve crawled from.”
“Sorry, can’t do,” she deadpans, parroting him. The look she gives him tells him she couldn’t even if she wanted to. “Thank you for your help, anyway. I won’t bother you anymore. Have a nice rest of the night.” Just like this, the tourist girl turns and walks away into the alley, unbothered by the darkness.
Jason closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, gathering the facts.
Firstly. The girl is from outside of Gotham and with Jason’s luck, most certainly looking for him, but that’s TBA.
Secondly. She doesn’t seem outwardly hostile or dangerous, but she has shown no signs of fear during the impromptu face-off with him, so there has to be something more to her, some sort of training or experience. She doesn’t seem like an assassin, but who knows these days?
Thirdly. She’s a girl wandering around Crime Alley alone in the dark.
Fourthly. Keep your friends close, but random girls who know your past self closer and all that.
With facts against his better judgment, Jason calls out after the girl, making her stop and turn under a streetlight, “Hey!” She tilts her head, encouraging him to talk. Her eyes reflect light weirdly. “Do you need a place to crash?”
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vidavalor · 10 months
Hi! I loooove your blog. What's an underrated GO moment that you like?
Hi! Thank you. :) Nice to meet you. I have green tea and raspberry scones for snacks today as I just got back from the bakery. *sets up plates*
You know what little scene I love? I love the bit where Shax comes to the bookshop when Aziraphale is in Edinburgh and, in the middle of threatening Crowley, asks him how to fix the hot water boiler in the apartment. It's a little moment and funny in your first pass watching it but it plays even better on rewatch and once you think about it a little beyond just the initial laugh.
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In the attack on the bookshop, we see that Shax is one of those demons that is like the angels in that she thinks of food as human and beneath her. She makes fun of Aziraphale for his human hungers-- for food, for Crowley (who isn't in the bookshop when she's saying this stuff.) So, she's not exactly teaching herself to become a gourmet chef in that apartment now that she's on Earth. She doesn't cook and she doesn't do dishes, really, but... she needs the hot water working badly enough that she's willing to swallow her pride and ask Crowley for help in fixing it, which means her human indulgences are hot showers and honestly? If I'd spent millennia in Hell and got to escape to Crowley's place in Mayfair, you couldn't drag me for a hundred years from whatever tropical rainforest paradise shower Crowley had in that place lol so I can't really blame her. Not to mention that there's not exactly a lot of privacy in Hell, if ya feel me? A lady demon who has finally escaped topside of the fiery pits of Hell might be reluctant to admit it but she might have found one or two things about having a human corporation are not completely horrible... maybe so not completely horrible enough that she's desperate enough to go to the being who has not taught her what Google is for his own amusement for assistance with getting that hot water boiler operational again as soon as is demonically possible lol. (Crowley's canonically excellent taste in showerheads is absolutely the most top of mind meta you're going to find today, I know lol.)
Anyway, this means that Shax interrupted Crowley's afternoon of Operation Lovebirds: Shop Lesbian Vavoom to ask him to make it rain for her in the apartment.
He really hasn't done this much weather in ages.
It's also funny to me that the hot water boiler has rebelled against Shax by giving her two yellow lights (Crowley's eyes) and the solution for it, according to black-clad, silver necklace Crowley, is to turn a black tab on a silver loop. Whether Crowley's apartment is just in revolt against Shax or whether we're poking fun at the fact that Shax appears to have a little thing for Crowley or both, it's amusing.
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Not to mention that Crowley's little lesson in locating the "hot water boiler tab" involves finger movements the likes of which have never been used to fix a hot water boiler in all our days lol. Crowley's a free-thinking Cupid. You gotta vavoom with your own damn self sometimes-- he gets it, girl. He's all the flavors of Baskin Robbins, Shax, and he's been on Earth for ages. He knows what he's doing. Take notes lol. If you find the black tab on the silver loop, it'll turn the hot water back on and then if you follow his non-verbal instructions here...
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Besides the humor, though, this little moment is also happening in the segment of the story in which Crowley and Gabriel have been puzzling out the origins of gravity together. The heaviness of watching Crowley unable to remember building the universe is balanced a bit here, when they remind us through this scene in which he appears to be explaining something he built to fix his problematic hot water boiler that his curiosity and his need to take things apart to see how they work are not things that can be taken from him and that he rebuilds by literally rebuilding things.
(Aziraphale, we all know you've been breaking things around the bookshop for the last two hundred years and then calling Crowley and telling him that you couldn't possibly use another frivolous miracle to fix it or Gabriel will send you another strongly-worded note and would he please come over... and yes, it is a pipe under the sink again, how did he know? lol)
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
In my head I'm constantly rotating around the idea of Ranchers and Pearl... This is largely unfounded but I just. can't help it... I just think they'd make such a cute trio and it's what all of them deserve in DL especially. Further thoughts below but please also have this from Pearl's POV
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I have never been able to stop thinking about how Pearl was the first person to genuinely help the ranchers when they requested it, and the way she only asks for food in exchange because she's hungry, gets some steak thrown at her and she immediately gobbles it up. Then Pearl watching them try their best to get goat horns, doesn't even judge them for their complete incompetence (does snicker to herself a little but that's just cute), offers to try it herself, gets it immediately followed by Jimmy's unbridled joy and Tango's unbridled praise
Then Jimmy went and broke my heart by shooing Pearl away in session 3 like everyone else </3, but then pearl comes back later offering him a horse and this time she only asks for friendship in exchange <3. But then she HAD conversed with Scott before and Scott basically just said "I've emotionally reduced Jimmy into nothing before and you can too". In the end Jimmy gives her the horn that she got for him in the first place </3 Then Pearl and Martyn steal the horse back but Pearl pretty quickly feels remorseful and returns to Jimmy to once again ask for friendship in exchange for the horse. Jimmy refuses but Pearl gives him the horse anyway and RAHH Jimmy being genuinely surprised like, baby... he just doesn't expect much at all from anyone at this point does he lol. And Pearl all "No, that's not me, I felt too bad" and Jimmy still asking for reassurance "You sure? Are you sure?". Then they kind of established a friendship before parting ways when Pearl admitted she no longer had Jimmy's horn (had given it to Martyn already)
So obviously that didn't amount to much, they didn't interact a lot before Tango and Jimmy died but COME ON THEY'D BE SO CUTE... The ranchers who are most everyone's laughing stock and Pearl who has been largely ostracized for not even doing anything wrong, and completely alone. Except she does have Tilly, she loves her dogs and she also ushers a donkey into her tower all "here you go my little lovely", ALSO housing Oreo, the very horse that'd been traded back and forth and that the ranchers had so desperately wanted. Oreo WAS left there by Scar because he had to make a swift escape from the top but... you know. Anyway point is I think her and the ranchers have a little bit in common in that, I could totally imagine Pearl enjoying taking care of the animals. Also don't forget how she was struggling for food in the beginning just like the ranchers. But they managed to make do because they had each other, unlike Pearl. So the ranchers could give her supportive company!! Can you imagine how delightful they'd be towards her... The same way Jimmy would usher Tango into the ranch as he fled from mobs, scared and starving
That's about it but PLEASE. SURELY I'm not the only one who can see this. Ranchers housing Pearl would be the absolute cutest, they don't judge each other etc... Imagine an AU in which she does score a proper allyship with them, finally finding happiness in some human company only for them to die first and Pearl being left all alone again with all the other Lifers who considered her crazy
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b1ackoutartist · 1 year
Secret Parentage
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natasha romanoff x reader
kate bishop x yelena belova
it´s kinda long, I´m sorry
The scent of macaroni and cheese wafted through Yelena's apartment, a thick blanket of comfort that wrapped itself around the kitchen. Yelena stirred the simmering pot, a relaxed grin tugging at her lips. She'd always been fond of the simple pleasures, cooking being one of them. But the sudden shrill of her phone disrupted the peaceful tranquility.
"Kate," she answered, recognition coloring her tone with a touch of warmth. The speakerphone echoed throughout the room as she returned her attention back to the stove.
"Hey Yelena," Kate's voice came through, a hint of excitement behind her usual cool composure. "Just wanted to let you know that Y/N just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl."
The spoon Yelena was stirring with clinked against the pot, the news sending a wave of delight through her. "That's wonderful! Are they both okay?"
"Both are fine and resting," Kate assured. "I'll swing by in a bit to fill you in on the details."
A silent laugh escaped Yelena, and she shook her head in bemusement. "Kate, you always sound like we're in some sort of spy novel."
A shared chuckle passed between them before Yelena's curiosity piqued. "So, the million-dollar question, who's the father? You've been incredibly cryptic about that."
There was a pause on the other end, Kate's hesitance almost palpable. "I promised Y/N I wouldn't tell anyone," she finally admitted.
"But, Kate," Yelena objected, her tone a mixture of surprise and a bit of hurt. "We're practically family."
The sound of a deep breath was heard over the speaker. "It's Natasha."
The name hung heavily in the air, a phantom weight that stilled Yelena's movements completely. For a few seconds, the only sound in the room was the gentle bubbling of the mac and cheese.
"Yelena?" Kate's voice was tinged with worry, breaking the silence.
Yelena shook herself out of her stupor. "Kate, I can't... I can't just not tell Natasha. That's not fair."
"You have to," Kate pleaded, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice. "I promised Y/N."
"I don't understand," Yelena admitted, her voice trembling slightly with the strain of it all. "Why wouldn't she want Natasha to know?"
Kate sighed audibly over the phone. "Because Natasha is Natasha, and Y/N doesn't want her child to grow up with someone who... who doesn't commit, you know?"
Behind Yelena, the front door of the apartment creaked open, and in the hallway, the silhouette of Natasha Romanoff froze, the remnants of their conversation drifting towards her, tugging the ground from beneath her feet.
"Yelena, you cannot tell her," Kate's plea echoed through the speakerphone again, the urgent tension of the request clinging to each syllable.
The stress bubbled up within Yelena, boiling over into exasperation. "But Natasha... Natasha could be a great mother, Kate."
"I don't disagree, Yelena," Kate admitted, her voice softening a little. "But this is Y/N's wish. She doesn't trust that Natasha will be there in the long run, not with her lifestyle."
That hit Yelena like a punch to the gut, and she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips. This was not a conversation she wanted to be a part of. Yet, here she was, stuck between the woman she loved and the sister she would do anything for.
"Kate, I..." Yelena's voice faltered for a moment before she gathered herself. "Okay. Fine. But only because I love you, Kate. This...this doesn't feel right."
She knew that this promise could strain her relationship with her sister, but Yelena also knew that she had to respect Y/N's decision. After all, it was Y/N's life, Y/N's child, and Y/N's secret to keep.
Meanwhile, Natasha was still frozen in the hallway, her mind racing to process everything she had overheard. The sting of reality hit her like a cold wave, taking her breath away. Y/N, the one woman who'd managed to sneak past her walls, the woman she had shared a single, reckless night with, had just given birth to their child.
And no one told her.
A sense of betrayal gnawed at her heart as she tried to grapple with the fact that Y/N, her own sister, and even Kate didn't trust her enough to be a part of her own child's life. It was a pain far deeper than any physical wound she'd ever endured.
The realization dawned on her that Y/N didn't just keep her in the dark; she didn't trust her enough to shine a light on their shared secret. That hurt more than anything, and Natasha was left standing in the dimly lit hallway, nursing a wound that would take more than time to heal.
Silently, Natasha picked up her keys from the small table near the entrance, the metallic jingle echoing ominously in the silence. She quietly slipped out the door, making sure to leave no trace of her presence. As she descended the staircase, her heart seemed to mirror the sinking feeling within her.
Her car, parked on the side street, offered refuge from the turmoil of her thoughts. She got in and made a snap decision to go grocery shopping, a task she'd planned to do later. The distraction was needed now.
As the cityscape passed by her car window, Natasha’s mind wandered back to Y/N. The multiple rejections stung, but she could handle that. She'd been through worse, after all. What she couldn't wrap her mind around was that one unforgettable night when the lines blurred between friendship and something more. The memories were hazy, coloured with the fog of alcohol, yet the feeling was unmistakable - a connection she hadn't felt before.
But when morning came, Y/N was back to keeping her distance, the wall between them rebuilt seemingly stronger than ever. And now, this revelation... it was all too much to take in at once.
Natasha squeezed the steering wheel, the leather creaking under her grip as she navigated through the city traffic. "I'd be a good mom," she muttered to herself, her voice a hollow echo in the confines of her car. "I’d be there for my kid."
Money wasn't an issue, she was fortunate in that regard. And love? She knew without a shadow of a doubt that she could and would love her child fiercely and unconditionally.
Natasha sighed, a long, drawn-out breath that spoke volumes of her turmoil. She couldn't fathom why others doubted her ability to be a good mother. Was her reputation that tarnished in their eyes?
She wished she could make them see that she was more than her past, that she was capable of loving and caring for a child, her child. But wishes, as Natasha knew all too well, were often far from reality.
And as she pulled into the Target parking lot, the reality of her situation settled heavily on her heart. Her world had changed in ways she could never have anticipated, and now she had to figure out how to navigate through this new reality, one where she was a mother, but not quite yet.
Natasha navigated the familiar aisles of Target, her usual efficiency replaced with a somber pace. Every shelf she passed seemed to hold a memento of Y/N, memories hidden within the mundane. The rich, dark chocolate Y/N preferred, the soft, oversized sweaters she loved to curl up in during colder months, the very specific brand of tea she swore by... each item pulled at Natasha’s heartstrings.
Without a second thought, Natasha picked up each one, letting her fingers trace over the packages as she placed them in her cart. It wasn't rational, she knew. But it felt like a silent ode to the woman who unknowingly held a part of her heart, and now, a part of her life in a way she never imagined.
As she reached the baby section, Natasha found herself frozen in her tracks. Rows upon rows of tiny clothes, baby bottles, soft plush toys, and an endless variety of baby essentials stretched out before her. Her gaze landed on a small teddy bear, its brown fur soft and welcoming.
She picked it up, her fingers running over the plush fabric as she examined it. Her heart clenched at the thought of her child, her and Y/N's child, holding this teddy bear, finding comfort in its softness the way she wished she could provide.
Biting her lower lip, a habit she indulged in when deep in thought, she made her decision. The teddy bear went into the cart, nestled between the chocolate and the sweater, a poignant symbol of the new reality she was coming to terms with.
Each item in her cart was a silent promise, a commitment to Y/N and their child. A promise that despite what others thought, she would prove herself worthy of being a part of her child's life. And maybe, just maybe, she could make Y/N see it too.
Much later that evening, Yelena and Kate found themselves navigating the sterile hospital corridors to visit Y/N once more. The glow of the evening sun filtered in through the hospital windows, casting long, warm shadows. Their steps were hushed, each tread careful, wanting to respect the silence in case Y/N was still asleep.
They reached Y/N's room, the door slightly ajar. With a cautious hand, Yelena gently pushed it open. The sight that greeted them made her heart stop.
There, cradled in Natasha's arms, was the baby. Natasha's face was soft, vulnerable, her green eyes shining with unshed tears as she gazed at the newborn in her arms. A gentle smile graced her lips as she murmured soft words to the baby, her posture protective, her aura radiating warmth and affection.
The scene was so tender, so intimate, that it took Yelena's breath away. She could not resist capturing this moment. She quickly pulled out her phone, and with a silent click, the moment was immortalized.
Kate glanced at Yelena and the phone in her hand, her eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and indignation. "Yelena!" she hissed, quickly pulling her girlfriend away from the scene. The glare she sent Yelena's way spoke volumes.
Yelena just grinned sheepishly at Kate, tucking her phone away with a shrug. "What? It was a cute picture."
Kate only shook her head, a sigh escaping her lips. "You're in so much trouble," she muttered, not really angry, but worried about the consequences of Yelena's impulsive act.
The room was filled with a hushed tranquility as Natasha held her daughter, a soft lullaby whispering through the silence. Natasha's heart swelled with emotions she couldn't put into words. The tiny bundle in her arms felt so right, so perfect that it made her heart ache.
"Hello, little one," she whispered, her voice barely audible, her gaze transfixed on the sleeping face of her daughter. "I'm Natasha. I'm your mom."
The baby let out a small gurgle, as if in recognition, her tiny hands reaching out and Natasha held her breath as she felt her finger being grabbed.
A tender smile stretched across her face, as she continued, "I want you to know, I love you so much already. You're my little girl, my beautiful miracle."
Her gaze flickered to the bag resting on the chair nearby, filled with the day's purchases from Target. "I got you something today," she said, her voice catching in her throat as she gestured toward the bag. "Your first teddy bear. It's soft and cuddly, just like you."
With that, she pressed a featherlight kiss on the baby's forehead before gently laying her back down in the crib. Her fingers traced the outline of the baby's face one last time, her heart aching at the thought of leaving. But she had to, she knew. For now, at least.
Her gaze lingered on Y/N, sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, a mix of longing and regret shadowing her eyes. She wanted so much more, wanted to be a part of this new family she unknowingly created. Yet, she respected Y/N's decision, no matter how much it hurt.
With one last look at her daughter and the woman she loved, Natasha quietly exited the room, her heart heavy yet filled with an unspoken promise.
"I will be back," she whispered to the silent corridor, a vow hanging in the quiet air. "For both of you."
As Natasha navigated the labyrinth of city streets, the glow of her phone screen lit up the car's interior. A new message. From Yelena. She pulled over to the side of the road, her heart pounding in her chest. She wasn't sure what to expect.
Unlocking her phone, she opened the message. It was a photo. The picture filled her screen, and for a moment, Natasha could hardly breathe. It was her. Her and the baby. The soft light of the hospital room painted a warm, tender tableau of a mother and her child.
A small smile played at the corners of her mouth, her eyes welling up with emotions as she stared at the photograph. It was real. It was tangible. It was her – holding her daughter.
Without hesitation, she quickly set the picture as her background. Now, every time she'd unlock her phone, she'd be greeted with the image of her and her daughter. A constant reminder of what she now had in her life, and a promise of what she was willing to fight for.
With that, she took a deep breath, the simple act seeming to fill her with newfound determination. She put her phone away, her eyes lingering on the image a moment longer before she focused back on the road.
As she continued her drive home, her mind raced with thoughts, plans, and dreams, and her heart filled with a love she had only just begun to explore. And every time doubt crept into her mind, she would just glance at her phone screen, at the picture that held her world in its frame, and she would know that she was ready to face anything for the sake of her daughter and the woman she loved.
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eicrisis · 2 years
*:・゚lose the crowd
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characters; childe, alhaitham, beidou.
warning(s); minors do not interact. female AFAB reader. public sex & semi-public sex. modern au.
summary; they really can't help themselves when it comes to you, even if it's where anyone can see.
not proofread, but nonetheless i hope you enjoy my midterm stress-induced porn.
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He's much more secretive about it than most would bother to be, but you can tell that he enjoys seeing you squirm.
It's not something he would ever outright admit—that he loves seeing his precious, beloved girlfriend get red in the face when he touches her on the crowded subway car. He doesn't say a word about how much he adores it, but you've learned to read his mannerisms.
"Tell me to stop, and I will," he warns, the heat of his voice warm against the crook of your neck. It's almost as distracting as the warm press of his fingers against the heat of your pussy. His hand was shoved haphazardly up your skirt, trembling lightly with what must be desire.
This had all started because you had teased him about foregoing underwear for your little date. You should know better than to provoke his overactive libido in public, but you honestly couldn't help yourself—not even in a space full of people. Your boyfriend's actions are only concealed by the closeness of everyone's bodies. A woman's elbow pokes your back as she types something out on her phone. A man's shoulder is pressed against Ajax's, their bodies jostling in unison as the subway moves.
Everyone is so preoccupied with themselves that they don't even bother to look down and notice the way Ajax's fingers are playing with your clit, heavy and teasing in their movements. You come just like that, your little noises muffled into Ajax's hair.
Did anyone notice? Did everyone notice? You would never know for sure, although you can't help but admit everyone was probably suspicious of how conspicuously Ajax wiped his fingers clean afterwards.
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The University's library was not a place Alhaitham often found himself. Usually, he preferred to study within the walls of his own home, where the little tics and movements of others around him would not interfere with whatever he was thinking.
It also allowed him to avoid prying eyes. Although, he supposes he's inviting that kind of attention right about now.
"Haitham, stop teasing," you groan, somehow so quiet despite the annoyance in your tone. "If we're going to do this, you have to put it in, now. Please."
"You don't want me to take my time?" He asks dryly, as if his cock was not pressed against you, hard and quite clearly very willing. "You are the one who asked me to do this here instead of waiting to get home."
You're pressed face first against a bookshelf, your weight being supported only by your propped up arms and his hands at your waist. It's almost maddening, how good you look like this—engulfed in the low light of the library with your pants shoved to your knees. If anyone were to peek into this secluded corner and see the sight of you, Alhaitham would think they were quite lucky.
Someone may get to see you, reddened and desperate to come, but that doesn't matter to him. Not when he is the one who gets to fuck you against piles of dusty old books, taking you apart in every way he knows how.
He tells you so, while he's fucking you so hard up against the shelf you're seeing stars.
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Beidou does not particularly enjoy losing her cool.
It takes a lot for her to forget the rules she put in place for herself. Rules like keep your dignity and don't get blackout drunk where impressionable children can see. She may not appreciate it, but she does have a reputation to uphold.
A reputation you don't mind grinding to dust, it seems.
Business dinners. A rare thing for Beidou to participate in for sure. And she may never get to be apart of one again, with the way this one is turning out.
She isn't even sure how you managed to get underneath the table without anyone noticing. Your pretty dress is being soiled with wrinkles as you crouch on the floor, your hair tangled into knots from where Beidou has a hand twisted into it. Her eyes are pointedly not staring at the way your tongue is lapping at her exposed skin.
The table is large, and each person has a wide girth of their own personal space. Beidou herself sits at the head of the table, as a venerated guest. She almost wished her hosts were less accommodating so you did not get this damned idea in the first place.
However, she has to admit coming on your tongue while onlookers speak to one another ignorantly did make the evening much more enjoyable.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
For the romantic dialogue prompt 11. “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.” Nat is in love with reader but doesn’t want to say it because she doesn’t think reader will feel the same/she’s insecure and doesn’t think she deserves reader. Ofc reader loves Nat (who wouldn’t?) and they get together and live happily ever after. lots of hurt/comfort
Authors note: sorry its so late, but I hope you enjoy it!
Authors note 2.0: requests are still closed. I’m trying to clear my inbox before opening them again. Thank you for your patience 💖
Word count: 3251 Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
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 Natashas heart hammers in her chest as she runs down the compound's various hallways. The quinjet landed only minutes ago so she's racing to make it to the med bay where she knows the team, and therefore you will be.
   As she enters through the double doors the sound of Peter sniffling coupled with the crestfallen looks on Tony and Clints faces tell her all her worst fears are coming true, and she almost doesn’t want to face that. But she knows she has to. If not for herself, then for you. She can be strong for you.
   “How- how is she?” 
   Tony lowers his gaze, “Not good. She got hit really hard out there.”
   “We honestly didn’t think we’d get her back in time. She's very lucky.” Clint admits, looking at Nat in a way the billionaire had never seen before. If he had to describe it he’d say it  was a mix of stern disappointment yet hopeful encouragement. How a person can combine those looks is beyond him, but he's sure it's some sort of signal. A way for the two spies to communicate without words like they so often do.
   “Y/ns strong.” the redhead proclaims, trying to calm herself, “She’ll be ok.”
   Clint looks away from her then too and she can feel her stomach drop and her mouth go dry at his lack of agreement and comfort. She swallows harshly, desperate to keep her tears at bay. If she doesn't cry then she can act like this doesn’t affect her, like none of this is really happening. You aren’t in some operating room right now hanging on against the odds, fighting for your life. She's not head over heels in love with you, desperate to be yours and be by your side forever…But you are, and she is.
   She very much is, and right now she can’t help but feel like an absolute moron. Despite her fears and insecurities she should have risked it. Maybe then she would have had time with you. To hold you, to cherish and love you and get the same from you in return. But now…no, no she can’t think like that. You’ll be ok. You have to be, because if you're not, then she won’t be. 
   “I’m so sorry Miss Romanoff” Peter whimpers, and her head swivels to look at him, “I really messed up. Y/ns hurt because of me….I’m so so sorry”
   Natasha doesn’t know what happened out there, but she knows your affinity for the boy, how you became attached to him nearly the second Tony brought him in. So much so that your protectiveness for him rivals the fatherly instincts the billionaire himself has for the young hero. And she knows Peter, she's been training him, so she knows him better than he even thinks she does. He doesn’t always watch his six and he would never hurt a teammate on purpose, least of all you. This was an accident. Sometimes missions just went wrong, it wasn’t anyone's fault but the enemies and she knows you wouldn’t want Peter to be blaming himself for this.
    “Malen'kiy pauk(little spider), Y/n would do anything to keep you safe. Whatever happened was not your fault, because you've done nothing wrong.” 
   Faster than humanly possible Peter launches himself into her arms, and as his head comes to rest against her shoulder she finally lets her resolve crumble. Hot tears run down her cheeks faster than she ever thought imaginable, and she hopes Peter can't feel the sheer volume that's landing against his neck, though she knows he wouldn't say anything about it even if he did.
   “She's hurt really bad” Peter whimpers out through his sobs, “She might be dying”
   Natasha desperately shakes her head, “No. She'll pull through.”
   A few moments of silence pass before she's brave enough to speak again, “She…she’ll pull through. She has to. I- I need her to be ok.”
   Finally Clint comes over and wraps his arms around the two of them. He knows by the way Natasha trembles that she’s close to her absolute breaking point. And he's not sure that she’d be comfortable being that vulnerable in front of Tony and Peter, even if the genius absolutely knew about the not so secret pining. And of course the teen had his own suspicions. Nat was secretive when it came to emotions, and she had her reasons to be. So he’ll do what he can to help her keep some comfort.
   She clutches onto the archers shirt as if it were her lifeline, and he tentatively squeezes her shoulder to prove he's there for her. He’ll be her rock whenever she needs him to be, it's been this way since she opened up to him all those years ago and he’ll happily let it stay that way until the very end. He considers it an honor that she trusts him enough to let him see this perceived weaker version of herself.
    “Tell me she'll pull through Clint, please.”  
   He sighs, the answer won’t be what she wants to hear and it will break her further, but he owes the truth to her. He can’t give her false hope. She needs to be prepared. “I wish I could Nat, truly. But she really was in a really bad state when we got her here. If Tony hadn’t flown her here from the quinjet I don’t know if she would have been breathing”
   Sure enough a sob escapes her, and her trembling only worsens as Peter all but collapses against her. Clint holds them up to the best of his ability while sparing an urgent glance in Tony's direction. The older man quickly makes his way over to the three and gently loops his arms under Peters.
   “C'mon kid. I got ya. Let's get you sitting down, alright?” 
   Peter only manages to nod as Tony walks away with him, leading him back to where he’d first been sat. Natasha allows Clint to fully envelope her in his embrace then, and she finds the guilt of all the possibilities that could have been between the two of you is crashing down on her shoulders with the weight of cinder blocks.
   “I never told her” she whispers into his chest, and he doesn’t ask for clarification because he knows all too well what she means. He'd been trying to convince her to admit her feelings for years now, “I need more time…I just wasn’t ready, but I should have pushed myself. I should have found a way to make her understand even if I can’t say the words.”
   He pulls back from her, places his hands on both her shoulders and looks her dead in the eyes, “Then Natasha, if she makes it through this, that's exactly what you do, ok? You march in there and you do whatever you have to to get your chance.”
   Her lower lip quivers, “B- but what do I do if she doesn’t? What if…what if I never get my chance because I was a coward?”
   “Oh honey” he coos, pulling her back into a hug, “You were scared. Scared to be loved and to be vulnerable. Scared Y/n wouldn't feel the same. Scared that you wouldn’t know what to do. Scared you didn’t deserve her. And all these are normal feelings somebody has in this kinda situation. Unfortunately the circumstances of your past made those fears even worse for you, that doesn’t make you a coward.”
   She looks at him, tears streaming down her reddened face with her lower lip trembling. His heart sinks in his chest seeing her like this. So open and with her feelings, so scared to lose you. He gently wipes her cheeks with his calloused thumbs, “You're the strongest and bravest person I know Nat.”
   “I second that statement” Tony speaks up from next to the teen, “And I’m lab partners with the Hulk so i know a thing or two about strength.”
   His reply gets a small twitch of her lip and roll of her eyes in response, and he knows that with the way she feels right now that those actions were worth more than a Hollywood actor's showstopping grin. And the fact that he was able to gain that response makes him beam with pride. He cheered her up, if only just a tiny smidge, but he’d gladly take it.
   Before anything else can be said by anyone the med bays main doors open, and a doctor steps through. Natashas attention is on him at once, and she quickly approaches, “Is Y/n- er, Agent Y/l/n alright?”
   “We’ve got her stable now. It was touch and go there for a bit. Her heart stopped on us once but- ”  That's all she registers beforese zones out of the conversation. The same words playing on repeat are all she can focus on.  Her heart stopped. 
   You had died. If anything had happened to slow the quinjet down and keep it from bringing you in then the doctors wouldn't have been there to revive you, and instead of worrying in the med bay she would have been mourning your loss at the landing platform. And that fact terrifies her.
   She isn’t even aware that she zoned out for as long as she had until Tony's hand grasps her shoulder, “Nat?”
  “W- what?” she stutters, blinking her previous thoughts away while looking around, “I’m sorry”
   The doctor nods in understanding, “It’s alright. Agent Y/l/n was successfully resuscitated and though she's currently stable she's still in critical condition. She's still sedated, so that coupled with her original trauma will most likely keep her unconscious for at least the rest of today and potentially into tomorrow.”
   “But she’ll be ok, right?” she asks, needing to hear something hopeful
   “I'm afraid it’s still too early to tell. For now all we can do is wait and see if she makes it through the night. But if she wakes we can properly assess her.”
  The Russian can feel her chest tighten, “If…if she wakes? I don’t understand?”
   “She acquired a lot of head trauma. Alone that trauma is enough to potentially keep her comatose, but when you add in the use of anesthesia that risk becomes even higher.” he explains, “Now normally we wouldn’t have used any, but with her multiple stab wounds we were left with no other options.” 
   Her lower lip trembles as she swallows the lump in her throat, “Can I see her? Please?”
  He nods, “Follow me”
   When she arrives in your room a feeling of nausea fills her. The room is dull, with its lights dimmed and blinds closed but she can still see you clearly. Your skin is paler than normal, lacking its usual glow and she can already see the swelling and bruising settling in on your face, arms and collarbone. The steady beating of the heart monitor is the only noise that fills the small room, and while normally such a noise would put her on edge she finds it calms her this time, because it tells her that you're still here. You're alive.
   Tears roll down her cheeks as her hand makes its way to yours, “Y/n, I...I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m here. I’m right here dorogoy(sweetheart), so please don’t go anywhere.”
   As the hours pass by she continues to sit with you, she's too afraid to leave your side or let you out of her sight. She worries that if she allows either of those things, then the worst will happen to you. Which rationally she knows is ridiculous, her presence and vigilante watch wouldn’t be enough to stop death from taking you if that's truly what was in store for you. But still, being here with you gives her some small comfort and right now she needs all the comfort she can get. 
   At some point she had fallen asleep, it had been rather restless as she didn’t want to risk sleeping through anything that may occur, so she forced herself to stay out of her REM cycle. So what little rest she did manage couldn’t even be classified as such really, but it did end up working the way she intended it to. 
   The faint beeping that she'd become accustomed to suddenly picks up in speed slightly, and her eyes immediately shoot open. She quickly scans the machine to make sure it wasn't malfunctioning and once satisfied they move to you. Nothing appears different, at least not in a bad way. Your skin seems to have gained back a bit more of its natural color and though this relieves her she's still uncertain about your heart rate. Before she can worry any more, a nurse enters.
   “What's going on? Is she ok?”
   The nurse smiles kindly at her while checking your chart, “She's doing just fine Agent Romanoff, the slight increase in heart rate is a good thing. It means she's trying to wake up”
   Natasha can’t hide the excitement that takes over her features, and she grabs your hand once more, “Pozhaluysta, vernis' ko mne. Ty mne nuzhen zdes'(Please come back to me. I need you here.)”
   As if hearing, and understanding, her whispered words, your eyelids begin to flutter and though the room is nearly completely dark you still groan at the way the light affects your sensitive eyes. Sensitive or not though there's no mistaking that bright red hair, or who it belongs to. Even if her form is a bit blurry.
   “Uggh…Nat?” you rasp out, and she immediately moves closer
   “I’m right here” she responds, hoping you don’t notice the tears rolling down her cheeks, “How are you feeling?”
   “Like shit”  
   Your honest reply pulls a laugh from her and she gently squeezes your hand as the nurse walks over to your other side to begin checking you over. Once she's done with her various tests and writing notes in her chart she leaves the room, leaving you alone with the Russian you've come to love. Your eyes glance at your hand to see that your suspicions are correct, the weight you feel in your hand is indeed her own. You gently squeeze it before allowing your gaze to meet hers.
   “You've been crying” you state, allowing your free hand to brush against her reddened cheek. The way she nuzzles her face into your palm takes you by surprise, but you allow to seek comfort this way and cup her cheek. You watch in awe as her whole body relaxes at this embrace
   “I thought…I thought I was going to lose you” she admits in a whisper and her lower lip trembles as she closes her eyes. Despite this another tear slips down her face, but you quickly brush it away. A small whimper leaves her at this gesture, and she leans further into your hand
   And that's when things start to click. Sure, you've had your suspicions that the Russian spy had feelings for you, but she's so closed off to emotions that it's hard to get an accurate read on her. If you were reading too much into her friendship and just projecting your own feelings you didn’t want to make things awkward by confessing your love for her, so you stayed quiet. Those suspicions never quite went away though. And now yearn to know if there's any validation to your thoughts.
   “Nat, I- ” you start to talk but she cuts you off with a shake of her head
   “No Y/n, you don’t understand. When you got here, your heart stopped. You….you died” she trembles slightly, “And you never would have known…”
   You look at her softly, the weight of what she said sinking in. You knew the dangers of this job when you took it, still you're glad to be alive and you can’t help but feel guilty for what Natasha has gone through since you decided to throw caution to the wind and blow your own cover in a means to get attention away from a stuttering and fumbling Peter that had just raised suspicion by admitting to be a Stark Industries intern. 
   “What wouldn’t I have known?”
   She thought that by now, after everything she'd be able to get those three words out, but when she tries her throat goes impossibly dry and her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. 
   “I-  I…” she huffs, “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.”
  You smile at her sympathetically, “How about you show me then? Think you can do that?”
   She eagerly nods her head, desperate to prove to you how much she cares. She moves even closer and you remove your hand from her face to give her full freedom of movement. She removes her hand from yours and gently cups your face. Her thumb brushes over a small bruise while her other hand tucks a stray hair behind your ear, and her eyes swim with a multitude of emotions as they take in your appearance close up. She takes one last deep breath and surges forward, allowing her lips to meet yours.
   It's sloppy, full of desperation and tears, but it's also full of other things too. Regret, fear, and most importantly, love. She finds she needs air far too quickly for her liking so she relents in breaking the kiss. She doesn't move away though, instead she rests her forehead against yours and lets her nose bump yours too. You melt against her, grateful for her open show of affection, her way of saying she loves you without having to actually say it. That will come when she's ready, and you won’t push.
   “I love you too Natasha”
   She gives you a wide watery smile, gratefully that you not only understood her gesture but that you felt the same way she does. She carefully and quickly crawls into the bed next to you and gently wraps an arm around you as she buries her face against your neck.
   “I was so scared” she admits as your own arm wraps around her waist
   “I can imagine. But I’m ok, Natty. I’m here and I’ve got you.”
   She sniffles, “You promise?”
   You tighten your hold on her and plant a kiss to the top of her head, “I promise”
   She nods against you but you can tell she's still not fully at ease. To help calm her fears you take the hand that's around your waist and place it on your chest. She can feel each strong beat of the muscle under your sternum and it's only then that she relaxes against you.
   “You're ok” she says, more to herself than you
   “Mhm, I’m ok” you reply, “Great actually, now that I have you”
   She moves her face away from your neck to look at you with a softness you've never seen before but know is only reserved only for you, “You mean that?”
   “Of course I do. This is all I’ve ever wanted, you're all I ever wanted.” She smiles widely before settling against you once more, kissing your collarbone affectionately and you somehow know what that means, “Love you too Natty, love you too.”
   By the time Clint comes to check in he finds you both fast asleep, intertwined with each other in the small hospital bed, and he happily smiles because you were ok, and now all was as it should be. 
Taglist:@wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight
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kseung · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Better Timing
Pt. 2 of Bad timing
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Warnings: Wednesday being Wednesday.
Words: 815~
Now, before you read. I apologize for making this drabble too short.
After some good sleep, now that you and Wednesday were doing okay, you decided it was time to talk to her. You were doing much better. That day you had spent your classes with her, as per usual. She seemed to like having her schedule back to normal.
Your friends were all glad stuff was better. They were happy you weren't gloomy anymore. At least not gloomy alone. Enid was particularly thrilled. But can you blame her? Her favorite ship was sailing again.
You knocked three times in a waltz pattern, letting Wednesday know it was you who knocked. You then opened the door, finding her sitting in front of her typewriter. You smiled, settling for her bed. You took off your shoes, and sat cross-legged. Maybe now you'd get to think about what to say.
—I was talking to you.
Wednesday's voice is usually stoic, but with enough potential for deadpan jokes. Even if she doesn't admit it, she's quite the funny gal. You then realized she had stopped writing, as you heard nothing but silence. You looked at her, nodding.
—Sorry. I was thinking. What did you tell me?
—I can't concentrate with you here. It'd be better if we could talk now.
Oh, yeah. That. It made sense, really. Wednesday was, most probably, thinking about what you'd say. Then she wouldn't be able to concentrate, of course.
—Sure, Wens.
She couldn't help but tug upwards the corners of her mouth. The nickname you had for her always made her feel. That in itself was a great accomplishment. One you were happy to achieve.
You started. —First of all, I want to apologize for being mean to you. I needed space, but I went the wrong way when trying to get it. It's completely okay for you not to accept it—. You sighed. Things were sprawled all over the table, with no sign of order whatsoever.
You guessed it was time to kick the elefant out of the room. —I really like you, Wednesday. I really, really do. Seeing you with Tyler crushed me. I was actually planning on confessing that day—, you said after laughing nervously. —I know you aren't exactly keen on showing feelings, so seeing you kiss him was shocking.
She was thingking about your words. By the way her face looked, you could see that she thought it was logical, in a way, that you felt what you felt. She nodded.
—I was not trying to make you feel bad. I apologize for that—. You smiled at what Wednesday said. You knew. She wasn't quite as keen on hurting you as she was with others, much less in non-physical ways. She was silent then for some moments. Expressing herself out loud was always uncomfortable for her, so you patiently waited. —Tyler tried to kiss me before, so I thought that maybe it was what I had to do. The ambience did not help either—. You nodded, almost imperceptibly. She saw it and took it as a sign to continue. —I don't know what I feel. But I knew that kissing him felt wrong. Maybe later I could feel how it is when I kiss you?
She and her way with words. Speaking was not her forte, but you still smiled. You moved until you were sitting closer to her, at least at arm's reach. Emotions suit her well, she just doesn't want to acknowledge that fact.
—So... you're saying you want to kiss me?
—Quite obviously.
—Take your chance—, you shrugged.
You smiled when Wednesday pulled you towards her, gripping onto your necktie. She may be small, but she's also quite strong. It made you feel things akin to her very own sentiments.
At first you were just face to face, keeping up the most intense yet meaningful stares. Until her eyes wandered off, downwards to your lips. Your hand traveled to her waist, as she gripped the fabric tighter.
—I'll be taking it gladly.
She moved forward, finally kissing you like you so desperately wanted. You pulled her towards you, getting her out of that uncomfortable chair. She settled better on your lap, finally circling your neck with one of her arms.
—Why did we take so long to do that?
—Such a regret...—, she trailed off. She stilled, looking at you. —No words about this to anyone or I'll break your neck.
—Hmm. No thanks. Seems like you like my neck too much to allow it to break.
She pulled on your tie.
—Shut it.
You were more than happy to shut up if it meant kissing for a little while more.
—Enid screamed. My ears are hurting now. Lovely.
You looked at Wednesday as she sat across from you at the table. Her eyes looked particularly alive that day, beaming but still Wednesday. You swallowed your piece of bread.
—And hugged you too. You seem extra stiff—, you said. She nodded. —You're such an adorable creature. My creature, hmm?
Oh, that she was.
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anastacialy · 4 months
actually, fuck it, i AM writing the essay, even if no one will read it.
my thoughts on penelope, how she sees herself, and why the carriage scene's ending is the most important thing in the whole wide world under the cut. and bridgerton season three part one spoilers, obviously.
penelope featherington hates herself. bit of a strong start here but, there we go. that's what you get when i'm going feral about her again at three in the morning. (it was eleven a.m. when i finished writing this post. i rewatched all four episodes of season three...)
i'll start from the beginning — she isn't a confident person. i think that's what a lot of penelope hate really comes down to, not relating to her in that way at all. not understanding what being treated the way she has can do to you. so let's start here:
imagine for a moment, no one fucking listens to you.
this includes her favorite people in the world. her family, for one thing, that's obvious, but her best friend, too. many times we hear eloise discover and re-discover what penelope's interests are in the series because, as she says, "i didn't really hear it." she was so frequently not really listening to her. they've been friends for years, but huge aspects of her friend's personality were completely unknown to her. this isn't anti-eloise by the way, i love her too, but we're adults who can admit our favs are all flawed people. the show wouldn't be nearly as fun if they weren't. eloise continues to belittle others for their interests when they don't match up to hers (like that poor girl who was just really passionate about embroidery) and she's done so to pen, however unknowingly, for ages.
penelope tried to beg marina to not fool colin into marriage. she had so, so many other suitors, so many other choices she could have made. all pen wanted was to not have her other best friend slash crush make that life altering of a mistake. but for this, she was called a child. immature. talked down to as if she knows nothing about the world. (she had been mostly right, by the way, in her insisting that george must still love marina, would still want to marry her, discovering that the letter had been forged. if he'd not died on the battlefield, penelope would have been the one to secure a happy ending for marina.) when she wasn't listened to then, she got more desperate, telling colin that marina was in love with someone else to deter him from the marriage while still careful to not ruin marina's reputation and expose her pregnancy in the process. she tried. but no one would listen.
so only when the situation became dire, she did the only thing that she could, and took matters into her own hands.
which brings us to lady whistledown.
it's interesting, really, that she chose that name. to specify lady so she might be taken seriously, yet not hide under a pseudonym completely removed from herself (i.e. using a masculine pen name or implying she's not a part of the ton at all) it's clear that lady whistledown is, for the most part, what penelope wants to and yet fails to be: someone who commands attention, who people admire and trust for an opinion, someone who gets listened to.
by the time we find her in season three, she's fresh off hearing her crush saying he'd never, ever court her, and her best friend finding out that she was lady whistledown all along and had exposed a secret of hers — only after penelope had, of course, also begged eloise to stop seeing theo, to stop raising the queen's suspicions, and was once again ignored. her only friendships have been destroyed, and she has resigned herself to a loveless marriage of convenience because she can't stand to be ignored, controlled, and belittled by her family any longer. she's ready to take the devil she doesn't know over the devil she does.
so, when i say her self confidence is on the floor, i mean it.
yes, a sliver of hope remains in her, and we can see that in her decisions (wearing parisian fashions, for instance) but her plan remains, she is simply going to marry someone, anyone, because she has to.
but even still, her confidence has not taken it's last hit.
let's imagine some more: no matter what you do, people are going to laugh at you.
penelope finally, finally gets her big moment. people stare at her as she enters the room. she still immediately hides herself in a corner because that's who she's always been, but still. she has a moment. not quite what she'd imagined, i'm sure, as she bought all new gowns, but attention and awe nonetheless. but it cracks almost instantly when her social awkwardness comes out, failing to get anyone to ask her to dance, and shatters completely when cressida destroys her dress before she can ever take to the floor.
colin tells her she looks nice, and her immediate reaction is "do not mock me, please."
it's only after this that she confronts colin about what he said, only after this that she speaks ill of him as lady whisteldown — not saying any more than what his sister had already pointed out earlier in the episode, mind you, that his change in personality seemed disingenuous — only after she has been publicly humiliated that she lashes out in her anger.
and, this anger, she also immediately regrets after colin has proven himself to be kind. it's a bit like making a snide comment online without the ability to delete it after.
but when penelope has hope, she is kind. she writes of the promising ladies of the ton and wishes them well with their matches, when she has hope she speaks positively of would-be spinsters and their successful marriages. many of her earlier musings in previous seasons were to call the women of the ton beautiful, to speak to their skills.
but hope for penelope does not last long. she manages to successfully speak to one suitor at the next ball (which, though this is another argument entirely, is backed by a string quartet version of "jealous" as colin re-approaches her at the drinks table — any arguments that his feelings start at their kiss isn't paying near enough attention) but the entirely true rumor about her having help from him spreads through the vine and penelope is hopeless once more.
and a hopeless penelope is a cruel penelope, as we've seen, and this time, she turns that cruelty inward, publicly. while she later says it would have been suspicious if lady whistledown hadn't commented, in truth, she has proven time and time again that her emotions rule lady whistledown's writings. in that moment, eyes tearful, she was embarrassed and ashamed of herself, she decided to say so. she repeats the same sentiment to colin when he comes to visit her:
"in truth i brought this on myself. a sad, stupid girl who believed she might actually have a chance at love."
and here is where lady whistledown continues to be someone penelope sees as different to herself, because penelope doesn't see herself as a lady. not just for lack of title — she does not see herself as worthy of or requiring protection. to call back to antony's season one romance: "every woman is not afforded such gallant protection." "every woman is not a lady."
she says nothing of him bribing her maid to give them time alone. like most of the ton she doesn't think the time they spend alone together could be anything other than platonic, at least on his end. they spent extended time unchaperoned at the bridgerton house and not once did she speak on impropriety. he'd been alone with her in the previous season and even when they were caught no one had a thing to say about it. no one questions it because penelope is not recognized as desirable, not seen as needing this protection, not seen as a lady. she is seen, even by herself, as a spinster already.
when she asks colin for a kiss, she reassures him that she would ask nothing of him for it, she would not entrap him in a marriage citing impropriety, she doesn't even think about whether someone might see. she does not care in this moment if she is to be "ruined," she only wants to feel some illusion of intimacy, some imitation of being wanted. even her running back inside immediately after, and the subsequent conversation under the willow tree, are further proof that she doesn't believe he could have kissed her for any reason other than pity.
and, even after all she goes through with lord debling, she is still not the only object of his affections. the entire time she pursues him, cressida is there, hot on the trail, ready to sweep him away on a moment's notice. penelope writes of their dance that his choice of her is surprising. though her feelings for colin have not simply fluttered away once debling's shown interest, her possible engagement to debling is on a wavering tightrope. not once in this can she feel wholly at ease with lord debling, only afforded a bit of security once he asks her mother for her blessing. and amongst this, her mother still belittles her, saying she should not become greedy for wanting to marry someone who actually cares for her.
she asks lord debling if he might ever love her, in all the years of marriage they may have ahead, and he says probably not.
and when colin breaks up her proposal, insisting debling isn't right for her, still penelope does not even consider, can not even conceptualize that it might be done out of jealousy. colin having feelings for her is laughable, she says as much, and it is the same thing she has been told over and over since the start. he chases after her carriage out of breath asks to be let in, gets on his knees and tells her he can't stop dreaming of her and she tells him "please. do not say things you do not mean." she cannot imagine that any of this is real. it is confusion that prompts her to repeat the agreement they had in episode one, "but, colin, we are friends."
and while an entirely separate essay could be written about the rest of the carriage scene, it is what happens the moment the carriage arrives at bridgerton house that stands out to me. they have this moment, colin asks "could the carriage driver not keep on driving?" and they both laugh, the way they always do with one another, and he fixes her dress (carefully, avoiding using a select few fingers as he does so) and they kiss again, and he gets out of the carriage.
and for a single, heartbreaking second, penelope's face falls, and she calls after him: "colin?"
it is so clear in her demeanor that she thought that was it; that's all she gets. the fantasy is over and it is back to reality. for a split second, she believes he is no longer hers.
for a single second, it's as though she thinks he is going to shut the carriage door on her, and walk away.
but he turns around, hand outstretched, asking if she'd like to come in. and she's once again confused, "what?"
do not say things you do not mean. do not mock me please.
and when he says: "for god's sake, penelope featherington, are you going to marry me or not?"
she looks so relived she could cry.
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allwormdiet · 18 days
Insinuation 2.6
Onward and upward, right?
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Good faith gestures aside, this is a good call with the mentality Taylor has. She doesn't want to put herself at risk any more than she has to with a couple of unknown villains, and her face would definitely be a risk.
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Again, a really fucking cool description of Taylor's power and how it works for her. The sensory overload is a motherfucker but hey, she managed to crack that one eventually.
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Enchanted by her eyes, ehh Taylor?
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Little funny that Regent gets the most words in his description and most of it is about how Taylor doesn't really go for his type, sandwiched on both sides of the narration with what I assume are, in fact, her types.
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Yeah, see, exactly. In order she looks at the Undersides like "hellooooo" "hey" "helloooooooo"
I know there are reads of Taylor as a lesbian but I'm gonna be real this immediately scans as bi, no I'm not automatically choosing that bc I'm also bi, leave me alone
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Literally who bets against a Thinker, like c'mon now
Also interesting that Grue is described as sounding like an adult. Wonder if that just means that it's deep, or if he's trying to talk in a way that makes him sound older than he is
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Fansites aside I'm somehow not shocked that Rachel would be against meeting new people
Also, interesting that she keeps thinking of the Undersiders as their cape names rather than the names provided, although it makes sense if she expects them to be somehow bogus
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Oh hey the change in reference is actually diegetic, I totally missed that the first time through
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Taylor you fuckin nerd ilu
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I don't know why they decided to hide two thousand dollars in an Alexandria lunchbox, but I kind of love it. I'd offer all my friends thousands of dollars inside of lunch boxes if I had that kinda money, it'd be my thing
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Here's the pitch, and it almost goes sailing right past Taylor bc after eighteen months of hell she doesn't believe that anyone would invite her to join their group.
I wonder how intentional this is. I don't know enough about what Lisa knows with her power to be like "she knows Taylor is desperately lonely and would probably bite down hard on any hook that came with a promise of camaraderie," but I'll admit the thought's occurred to me.
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There we go, the man behind the curtain made explicit
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And here we get a little bit more from everybody. Brian seems to really like putting his cards on the table with these conversations, which means he's not shy about explaining why they want Taylor on the team.
Taylor, meanwhile, still doesn't get why anyone would want her, as a person or as a cape. It has to be laid out for her.
Speaking of laying out why she's strong and terrifying,
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Aww, she called Taylor honey
But also god fucking damn, good job on the overkill Taylor, you fucking rotted Lung's dick off with spider venom on your first night as a hero. This is why I'm so charmed by her, she's got this constant vacillation between "huge dork" and "idealistic hero" and "biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you" that feels like a nightmare to balance properly.
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Brian trying so hard to both be the Mature One and also trying to get the other two to stop helping, poor kid
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In the grand tableau of world events, I believe this is this is what's called "a historically significant occasion"
Current Thoughts
I can't wait for her to grow close to these people and then break all of their hearts for the sake of the greater good, all while I read along and also get my heart broken watching these kids hurt each other
I need to take a bit of a break, I've been reading kinda nonstop, but I might get some more in after dinner tonight. Really wanna see where this goes
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fanfoolishness · 1 year
I've been meaning to dive into how much I love Cal and Cere's tension, and their relationship, in Fallen Order. It's so well-written and well-acted, and I love how much both of them grow throughout their time together. Buckle in, folks, this is a long one!
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Here, Cal's just been rescued by the Mantis crew after being kidnapped to fight the Haxion Brood. This is something he has every right to be furious at Greez about. Greez's gambling debts led the Brood to put out bounties on him, and when they couldn't get him, they snagged a kid who just happened to fall into Greez's orbit. Cal and BD-1 were both at risk of losing their lives for Greez's mistakes. While Greez is appropriately apologetic, Cal barely even pays attention. He stares at Cere, his shoulders slumped, expression barely hiding his hurt.
He's still reeling from what he learned on Zeffo the day before. From who he learned it from.
The Second Sister cornered and nearly killed him, goading him about being a weak Padawan, about Jaro Tapal. But she also revealed that she was Cere's former Padawan, that Cere had lied to Cal, and that Cere was responsible for what had happened to Trilla.
This devastates Cal.
He holds it together as much as he can. While still on Zeffo, he allows himself a moment of real vulnerability, asking quietly, "Cere, why didn't you tell me?" But by the time he's rescued from the Brood, that vulnerability shifts into disappointment and a desperate hope that somehow Trilla was lying to him.
I love what they do with him here. He's sarcastic. Angry. "I had a nice chat with the Second Sister." He waits a second to drop the bomb. "Trilla." This is Cal Kestis at his most teenaged, snarky and hurt and venomous. He still keeps it reeled in -- he did grow up a Jedi, after all, he's not gonna cuss her out or anything absurd like that -- but he's so human here, and so young.
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There's that desperate hope. He asks Cere if it's true, if she really betrayed Trilla to the Empire.
But Cere, for her part, can't go there yet. How she can explain to this traumatized Padawan whose connection to the Force is still so fragile, that not all masters sacrificed themselves for their Padawans? How can she admit it to herself? She tries to deflect and to tell Cal that Trilla would do anything to compromise their mission, because she can't yet say "Yes. I tried to protect her, and I failed, and she paid the price." Because who can just say that? Who can take a look at the lowest they have ever been and stare at it with the cold light of honesty and say yes, the bad things you've heard about me are absolutely true? And imagine trying to do that when you're also trying to make amends, to move forward, to protect other children -- and you know that that protection starts right here, right now, with this one boy, and you've got to do anything you can to earn his trust?
So she deflects, and avoids saying anything of substance, and Cal's having none of it.
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Check the subtitle here. We got the ?! in the house!!! Cal has to know, how can she not know how important this is? Because now that he's off Bracca, the safety valve's gone. He's got to do something of meaning now, got to help people the way he should have been doing all along. His own survival? Fine. Who needs it now. If he can just do something meaningful, if he can just keep someone else from having to go through what he did, then by the Force he's going to do it. Once in motion a Cal Kestis in motion must stay in motion, for the alternative is terrifying.
"Is it true?!" and he doesn't know what to think about the former Jedi before him, if he can trust anything she'd told him so far, if she'll protect him if the time comes, if she'll give in to the Empire again. He's pissed off and wounded and scared. Cere and Trilla's relationship has nothing to do with him and everything to do with him.
And Cere just acquiesces that Trilla was her apprentice, and Cal snaps, "You should have told me."
They don't get any more time to deal with it, because Kashyyyk needs them.
If you keep having Cal and Cere interact after this point, Cal is noticeably brittle. Cere tries to apologize, but Cal has thrown up his walls, deciding that fine, this is how it is now, and the trust they were starting to share is over. He doesn't want to talk about it when Cere tries to bring it up... but he lets Greez see how hurt he still is. That's safer than trying to talk to Cere about it directly.
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Compare Cal asking why she couldn't tell him, and sharing how he feels like she broke their sense of being a team...
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... To Cal's response after Cere admits she should have told him the truth from the beginning. That's what he said earlier that he wanted, but here, he's having none of it. It's too hard to get into with her. He's too afraid of what he'll find if they're really honest at this point, so he tries to shift the focus back to the mission. Things are broken between him and Cere, fine, but they can still do their work. He clings to that. As hurt as Cal is, he knows what they're doing still makes sense, and he still wants to fight against the Empire. If he has to do that with someone he can't trust, well, so be it.
And Cere understands. Despite her fear of going into the truth, she knows she's the one with greater wisdom and experience here. She doesn't tell him he's being a petulant child about something that has nothing to do with him, or tell him he needs to get over it. If she can't be fully honest with him, not yet, she does an admirable job of being otherwise open and accepting of his feelings. She knows he'll either come around, or he won't, and all she can do is offer the space for him to do so.
By the end of the second Kashyyyk mission, Cere's hoping that enough time has passed that maybe Cal's ready to hear more. Perhaps she's also guilty that Trilla went after him again, and that the Ninth Sister also put Cal's life in danger. Whatever the reason, she tries to reach out to him again. She gives more explanation that she has so far, and you can see just how difficult this is for her. All three characters are acted so well here -- Greez awkwardly in the middle putting way too much salt on his food, Cere's halting explanation, and Cal's completely closed off body language. H
ell, we practically even get an eye roll from him. Yeah. This dude's still a teenager.
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...but one who's acting this way out of hurt, and out of not knowing/being afraid to know the whole story. Once you know everything that happened to Cere and Trilla, it's not wrong to want to shake Cal and tell him to be more understanding! They were in an impossible situation! There was no way to win and they both lost!
But he doesn't know that, and at this point, it's easier -- less painful for him -- not to know. So he tells Cere it's okay, but the message is, I don't want to hear it. He's been thinking about it all along when he goes off on his missions, and he's come to the conclusion that yeah, Cere probably did the best she could, there's no point dwelling on it, and that's good enough to go on with the mission. It's fine. (He's fine.)
And then we get... Dathomir and Kujet's Tomb, and all of Cal's efforts to move forward in the Force, to be strong when Cere let him down, to focus on the mission, it all goes to hell.
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Suddenly Cal's the one overwhelmed by regret and self-blame. He's forced to examine his own darkest day, and when confronted with it, he falls apart. He's heartbroken all over again and convinced that what happened to Master Tapal was entirely his own fault, even though Cere tries to absolve him by telling him the truth, that he was just a child. Cal can't hear a thing she's saying.
Both actors here are so, so good. Cal is scared and small and a hurt, grieving child so desperate to find a sense of control about what happened that he blamed himself. His voice breaks, he hunkers down into himself, he holds his ruined lightsaber as tight as he can. And Cere finally lets the poison spill out, the self-hatred she's been carrying so long, she gets down on his level and manages to say everything she's been holding in. It comes out in a frantic, breathless rush, and honestly, both of them bring tears to my eyes in this scene.
So she's finally open. Finally lays it all out. What happened to her, how she used the dark side, how she failed both Trilla and herself.
More importantly, both for herself and for Cal, she reveals how she kept going. How she found a new hope. How she decided that this was not the end of her story.
Now we see what Cere was like as a Jedi truly. She's compassionate, but commanding. She instructs Cal to get up. Tells him he's going to make a new lightsaber. That it isn't over. That he can move on. He just has to take the first step.
And Cal wipes the tears from his eyes, and nods, and he believes her.
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The lesson stays with him. He always was a fast learner. He goes to Ilum and rebuilds his lightsaber, goes to Dathomir and confronts his past again and this time succeeds. He learns that failure is not the end, but a part of the path. He starts to thaw towards Cere, grateful that she didn't turn away from him when he fell to his lowest and confessed what had happened to Master Tapal.
Then Trilla confronts him on Bogano, and he sees what happened first hand.
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The entire sequence is gutting. Trilla's fear and agony are palpable, and Cere's devastation -- both emotional and dark side -- are so painful to see. Cal's utterly overwhelmed by it, sent into a partial seizure from the intensity of the flashback. (That dazed expression afterward sure looked post-ictal to me.) And when he gets back to the Mantis, bereft a Holocron, instead of telling Cere the next thing they need to do for the mission....
Cal Kestis halts everything because he has to apologize.
He wastes no time. He tells Cere immediately he saw what they went through. He says "I'm so sorry." And he takes responsibility for his own behavior, that arrogance that he clung to that told him he would never fail someone that way.
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The thing is, Cere was comfortable never hearing this apology from him. She had started making peace with it, ever since Dathomir, with what she had done. She never expected him to empathize like this, but hearing it must have been such a powerful, emotional feeling. It's only after Cal apologizes and makes things right between them that he goes forward to discuss what happened to the Holocron and what they need to do next.
When it's Cere who takes the news hard, who blames herself... look who's there, reflecting his master's teachings right back at her. He tells her that mistakes are in the past, that they're in this together, that she won't be going after the Holocron alone; he even reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, starting to grow from a mentee to an equal, to someone who can support her as she's been supporting him.
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Seeing how Cal lifts Cere up during her darkest time, both here on the Mantis and later in Nur, as a reflection of what she did for him after Dathomir... I could scream about it, okay??? In fact I have been screaming about it! Right here! In this post! For several thousand words!!! Just seeing these two respect each other! Care for each other! Lift each other up!!! I can't even with it! They have both grown SO MUCH!
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and then she KNIGHTS HIM and my heart just bursts with pride at how far they've both come, Cere finally embracing the Force again, Cal kneeling to accept a Knighthood he thought he would never, ever see....
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you can't tell me he wasn't tearing up here. I saw how bright they made his eyes look in this split second. YOU CAN'T FOOL ME. Damn, I wish I could gif the little looks on his face right at this moment, because you can see so many emotions wash over him. Cameron Monaghan over here just exploding my heart. This kid!!!
anyway, I think that's all I've got. Just... CAL AND CERE! They mean a lot to me, okay???
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
hiya!! can you make an hc for aemond and aegon for when they’re jealous because reader spoke to another man or just pent up from the day so they release it on reader? 🫣
Stress Relief
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader x Aegon Targaryen
Minors DNI
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The door slammed behind the three figures, feet shuffled on the floor and soon the Lady was thrown to the soft fur rug.
"What do you think you were doing?" Aegon commanded an answer. He paced in front of her, his eyes never leaving hers. She stared at her hands in her lap, then looked up to Aemond who was standing in front of the door.
"Don't look at him, he won't help you." Aegon rushed forward and grabbed her jaw to make her look at him again.
"You're such a whore, dancing with another man. So blatantly flirting. Does my cock not satisfy you? I know Aemond's doesn't." the King ranted, his grip never softening. The Lady felt her jaw beginning to bruise.
"Brother, perhaps we show her what she's missed since we've been gone." Aemond placed a hand on Aegon's shoulder.
The men had been away on a political trip for 3 weeks, when they returned a feast was held. The Lady did admit that she felt a bit neglected. They had been home for 3 days and they hadn't even touched her.
Aegon pushed her back as he released her face. He turned to his brother, "How do you want to teach her a lesson?"
"Why not make her cum for us, one orgasm for every day we were gone." Aemond suggested. The Lady's cunt throbbed at the idea.
"No, not the way she acted tonight. She doesn't deserve it. Why don't we tie her up and edge her?" Aegon suggested, his brother shook his head. The two continued to talk about the absolute filthy and unholy things they could do. The Lady got hotter by the second listening to them, she placed her hands between her legs. Trying to seem inconspicuous, she rubbed her cunt with her knuckles.
She stared up at her lovers, doe eyes looking between them. The men had begun arguing, nearly forgetting she was even there. The Lady picked up her pace, her clit throbbing at the friction of her knuckles. She let out a sigh, then immediately regretted it.
Both men looked at her abruptly. Aegon then slapped her "What a fucking whore, can't even help herself and we're standing right fucking here." she fell to the side and looked up at Aemond.
He looked at her with pity, "Oh be easy on her, she doesn't know any better."
"Always defending her." Aegon rolled his eyes and leaned down to pull the Lady up. "You wanna touch yourself so bad? Strip and get on the bed."
She looked at Aemond, almost for permission. He gave a small nod, and she began working at her bodice. Piece by piece her clothes hit the floor, and soon she was on display for the men.
Aegon devoured her with his eyes, her tits perky and cunt already dripping. Her thighs were slick. The Lady crossed her legs in an attempt to hide.
"No, you've never been shy before pet. Show us how much you've missed us." Aemond stepped forward and grabbed her arms. He slowly moved her back towards the bed helping her lay against the pillows.
"No wonder she's a brat, you're too nice to her." Aegon scoffed.
"No wonder she crawls into my bed begging for my cock. You don't please her." Aemond retorted causing his brother to roll his eyes.
"Now come on pet, touch yourself and show us how you pleasured your cunt while we were away." Aemond stepped back and took a seat in the chair by the foot of the bed.
The Lady slowly slid her hand down her body, her fingers dipped into the folds of her cunt. She spread herself open and started to rub, sticky sounds filled the room. She sighed out moans as she touched herself. Her whole body flushed as the men before her stated intently at her.
Aegon drug a chair over next to his brother to enjoy the show. Rubbing his cock through his pants as he watched their lover get off on her hand.
The Lady got closer to her orgasm, she was so desperate. Whining and closing her legs around her hand.
"Ah, my pet. Remember what we talked about. I'll get the spread bar again." Aemond crossed his legs, cock hopelessly hard, but he kept his composure.
The Lady shook her head and tightened her legs. Aemond scoffed. "Look what you've turned her into." he stood up and went over to her. Yanking her legs open and flipping her onto her stomach. Aemond then lifted her ass in the air, and placed a sharp smack on her bare cheek. She yelped and Aegon laughed at her dilemma.
"Be good, you know how." Aemond rubbed the red mark he left on her. She wiggled her ass, begging him to touch her cunt without words. He hummed then stepped back. "She's needy, and dripping all over the bed. What do you want to do with her?"
Aegon continued rubbing his cock through his pants as he thought.
(Yall get to choose what the boys do to the Lady. Send in some suggestions and I'll make a part 2!)
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Frustration (Part 12)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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The weeks passed by and you grew more and more confident with your girlfriend Rhea. For example that you spoke up when something wasn't right.
But you still didn't dare to show her your body. Sometimes when you felt good and confident enough, you would let her see your upper body only wearing a bra, but it didn't happen very often.
As time went by Rhea grew more and more frustrated, she wanted you desperately but you didn't let her, always telling her to "help herself".
So one evening Rhea made a decision.
"Hey baby" she says, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck as you stand in front of the kitchen isle slicing some cucumber for a salad.
"Hey" you smile "How was your day?" "Mmh just the usual" she hums in response. She continues to kiss you until you finally put the knive away.
You turn around, wrap your arms around her neck and kiss her on the lips. Oh how you loved it. You pull away and she pouts a little.
You chuckle and turn back around to finish cutting the cucumber. "Hey, uhm, I think we need to talk y/n.." Demi says hesitantly.
Please don't tell me it's about what I think it it.. "Ye sure, what is it" you say, trying to sound as confident as you can.
You set the knive aside and turn to face Rhea. She was leaning against the counter looking down and fidgeting with her hands.
"You know I.." she lets out a sigh trying to calm down a little. "Don't get me wrong okay, I know about your past and everything but- it's just.. "
Uhh it's what I think it is.. ".. I'm a little.. Frustrated you know? Like.. Sexually.."she almost whispers the last word.
You take a deep breath and run a hand through your hair. "never mind, I shouldn't have brought it up.." Rhea quickly says and walks away.
"No, Rhea" you say desperate and follow her into the bedroom and sit down next to her. "Hey baby" you speak calmly.
"It's good that you brought it up, it's something we need to talk about sooner or later anyway." She nods.
"Okay so, I know I'm not easy when we get to things like that but.. Maybe we could start of slow?"
"We're already taking things slow don't you think?"
"You know what I mean"
Rhea sighs "okay, so what about you start by finally taking off your bra in front of me?" she asks.
"I think I could handle that" you reply and kiss her cheek. Rhea smiles and pulls you in for another kiss on the lips.
It gets heated pretty quickly and Rhea pushes you down onto the bed. She straddles you and deepens the kiss. You tense up as her hands move too far down.
"Fuck" she curses "sorry babe" she gets off you and runs a stressed hand through her hair. "I'm sorry I just.."
You laugh. "it's okay, don't worry" you get up, walk towards her and kiss her again. "I liked it.. until your hand took care of itself" you grin.
"Oh you did?" she smirks. She leans down to whisper something in your ear "wait till I can show what else this hand can do"
She backs away leaving you flustered. You got to admit, that was pretty damn sexy.
You return to the kitchen to finish your salad and then join her on the couch, watching a movie.
At one point you lean over to her and whisper "I can't wait to see what else this hands can do to me" Demi immediately tenses up, trying not to show how excited she got at that.
"Hmm I bet I will need to carry you around for the rest of the day then. Maybe even for a week cause I bet that'll be the best sex you ever had" she claims.
Paaaart 12.. I think.. Anyway, enjoy. The smut isn't that far away anymore ;)
Taglist:@babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000
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cherryjuicegf · 1 year
"Will you forget about it?"
She feels Jaskier's soft breath on her stomach and shivers as his lips curve on her skin. He shoots her a questioning look as though he's too occupied tasting the night off her body to hear her. "Forget about what?"
A sigh.
She closes her eyes for a moment. Swallows the pain down to her heart. It doesn't matter. It's the last night. "This." A twitch of her lips, and she doesn't dare look at him now. Instead, she looks out the open window. "Us. These past months."
At once, Jaskier stops paying all his attention to the poems he is stroking and looks at her, a frown between his eyebrows. He lays his head on her belly, and it's so warm, so heavy with tenderness. What will she do with all this tenderness, all this poetry?
His voice sounds a little hurt as he speaks. "How can I?" Before his certainty has time to echo, Yennefer's tongue turns again to blade, and she laughs.
"You're lying."
Her body is tense under his head, his touch, but he doesn't move, as though insisting on the softness. And his eyes, huge and staring and, oh, the complaint. Did she already forget about the softness?
She keeps her lips from quivering, her voice from trembling. Shakes her head as though pleading. "You don't fool me, bard. We aren't in the keep anymore. You're leaving tomorrow." His hand is lying between her breasts, and she tries to rebuild the wall they had so desperately wrecked. "You will be sleeping around again. Never staying afterwards."
Jaskier is almost out of breath now, out of words, and until now she had never taken pride in stealing his voice with pain, only with pleasure. Something wet on her skin. His lashes brushing against it, she realises. But he can't speak. Not to say anything of importance, at least.
He knows she is right.
And yet he doesn't seem to admit it. A silent chuckle. "You know a thing or two about leaving, don't you?"
He means it as an insult. Still, Yennefer smiles and looks him in the eye, deadly. "As well as you do, bardling, yes."
"Why wouldn't I stay?"
"Because you can't." He parts his lips to speak again, but suddenly, oh, she is so tired. She lets herself slump and lets him look, and the sharpness in her voice breaks. He knows how it's supposed to go. There is no point in arguing over it. "Because I can't. I have somewhere else to be right now." Then, a whisper, a plea. "You know that."
Slowly, she threads her fingers through his hair, and as though she pulls loose a thread, he lets out a breath and closes his eyes. The line between his eyebrows now runs deeper. "I know."
He catches her hand and places a kiss on the inside of her wrist. Then he crawls up to her, up to her lips, like a worshipper who thinks he is forsaken by his god, while he himself has forsaken his faith. He kisses her.
He kisses her.
Then, he hides his face in the curve of her neck and breathes her in. "Can a heart forget a love?"
Can you pass by an empty room without remembering the time it used to be full of life? Does absence grieve for its present or its past?
A sigh, broken. "If it can't afford otherwise."
She feels his smile against her skin, his muffled voice. "You don't really believe that."
The breeze blows in the room, and the curtain shivers like an awakened ghost.
Yennefer shakes her head and softly, almost absent, she places a kiss on his hair. "It doesn't really matter anymore."
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