#she's my a-mancer
feymaid · 1 year
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Sebastian really out there killing Hawke with all the face holding despite the no kiss rule.
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i-mode · 10 months
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princehendir · 1 year
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I think a lot about how this is the literal first piece of Alistair dialogue I ever heard
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sunshineandviolets · 14 days
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Introducing Shark Tooth, a future rock star in the making. Is known to be rather quiet and stoic , with that blank stare that can make others uneasy. Unfortunately it seems she is still in love with her ex and well, be getting too close and comfortable around her own idol.
Meera Achari (she/her) // now currently residing in Infamous IF !!!
[other mcs: Shanaya / Rahul / Bianca ]
[ Template here ]
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nightingaletrash · 4 months
I nearly did the Ride the Tiger ending in this run... until it turned out that you had to kill Elton to get it. so uh, get fucked Katherine, you suck.
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rosykims · 1 year
actually ok. a-mancers reblog this and tell me in the tags if your detective went for the kiss or not and why
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syfynjavall · 1 year
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Sashaying onto the stage in a corset and thigh-high boots, Sacha Rayne may seem a one-note bombshell - until she opens her mouth. With powerful vocals and a commanding stage presence, she and the rest of Forgotten Web look set to weave their way to the end of the competition - if they can avoid getting tangled up with rivals Seven Lawless and Blake Winter, that is.
go play @infamous-if
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queen-scribbles · 6 months
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I let Indi max out her bug-boy's influence. As a treat. :D
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lelianaslefthand · 8 months
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stephschoices · 11 months
Yes Havu-Mancer! If you do, tell us what she‘s like and why you chose to make her that way! Whole MC Profile 🐍💚
I willll 🥰🤭😏
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fellhellion · 2 years
Wow the old adage rlly is true (you will, by no fault of ur own, create M-mancing detectives with trust/commitment issues)
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i-mode · 1 year
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been thinking about rory's scar alot
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firstdove15 · 9 months
Me every time I try to get my genuine/friendly M-romance detective to be besties with A but it always ends up being N or F
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N and F are just so easy to befriend. So easy. ♥️💕
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asterroses · 2 years
did i just come up w a da2 red hawke for my eventual third replay when i havent even finished my second inquisition replay . yeas <3
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dragons-and-ages · 4 months
I am well aware that I’m delusional, but here’s how Varric-mancers can still win in 2024
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But he’s not a companion.
Yeah, so? While he may not be an active companion, he appears to be taking an advisory role. Perhaps he’s a liaison between the Veilguard and the Inquisition remnants. If he is an advisor, that wouldn’t preclude him from being a romance option. See: Josie and Cullen.
But BioWare is going to kill him off.
ngl this prospect scares me.
I’ll admit that he is giving one-week-to-retirement vibes. But maybe he’s just tired of being in the field after so many years. He’s getting older; He doesn’t need to be slogging through the muck with us when his most formidable weapons are pen and paper.
But if he was going to be romanceable, he’d have been an option in an earlier game.
Not necessarily. Again, see: Cullen. It took three games for Cullen to be romanceable, which made sense! Cullen, as a character, was very much NOT mentally in a place that he would be open to romance in DAO and DA2. I’d argue the same for Varric, which I’ll get into below.
But it makes more sense for Varric to romance Hawke.
It’s true that Hawke and Varric are besties. Varric is clearly ride-or-die for Hawkes of all flavors. Varric has also known Hawke longer than any of the other protagonists. However, during those formative years in Kirkwall, Varric was very much still stuck on Bianca. (And let’s not deny that Hawkes of all flavors are also messy). Varric built an intentional wall between himself and Hawke or, you could argue, between himself and the character, the Champion of Kirkwall. See, Varric is a writer and he has a way of idealizing and romanticizing life and the people around him.
Being the teller of the story allows him to be in some kind of control.
Ok, but Varric couldn’t romance the Inquisitor.
That was even more implausible than Hawke. Again, Varric seems to see the people around him like story characters. The Inquisitor, the Herald of Andraste, is this big, potentially tragic, hero figure. DAI takes place over a shorter period of time than DA2, and while you may be able to build a friendly relationship with him, there is still clearly a wall there. Not to mention, he’s still comfortably pining for Bianca until the ‘Well, shit’ quest.
But Varric is in love with Bianca.
Bianca Davri. Gorgeous and brilliant dwarven woman voiced by Laura Bailey. It’s hard for my bi ass not to love her on those points alone. She has an amazing mind and is the only surface dwarf ever to be nominated for paragon status because of her inventions. She and Varric had a romance and were forced apart by the Merchant’s Guild before she was betrothed to a guy in the smith caste. And in the years since, the two of them have kept up a secret correspondence. Tell me all of that doesn’t smack of tragic storybook doomed romance. Of course Varric was stuck on her. Not to mention, he has carried around one of her inventions ever since; one that he named after her.
I think that, in the years since they were forcibly separated, Varric built up an idealized version of Bianca in his mind. You can see he does that to a certain extent with everyone. He separates himself, the writer, from the characters. Sometimes an old hurt is safer than opening up again and Varric has been safe and comfortable with not entering into a new romance. And there’s always that sliver of hope, fed by secret letters, that he and Bianca could be together in the end.
But then ‘Well, shit’ happens in DAI and Varric walks away angry with Bianca after it is revealed that SHE is responsible for leaking the location of the red lyrium. I think (I hope) that this event has shattered the idealized version of Bianca that lives in Varric’s mind. I don’t know how much time has passed since DAI, but I hope that that revelation has started a chain reaction where Varric has reevaluated his relationship with Bianca and is finally ready to put that chapter behind him.
And here’s where my batshit delulu theory starts:
I propose that Bianca the crossbow breaks early on in the game. This would be symbolic of Varric moving from active companion to an advisor status. It’s a sign to Varric that it’s time for a change. On the romance front, it’s the final nail in the coffin of his pining after Bianca.
Rook and The Veilguard are a smaller group than the Inquisition. Stakes are still high, but there’s not this strange reverence for Rook like there was for the Inquisitor. And the group is small and intimate, not a massive, world changing machine like the Inquisition was. I can see Varric being surprised, but cautiously open to flirting overtures from Rook.
It has been so many years since Varric has really allowed himself to love and be loved. It’s been too long since he allowed himself to be a part of the story rather than telling it. He’s getting older now, maybe it’s time to let that chapter close and really try to live and love again.
It has the potential to be a very mature, slow burn, beautiful romance and I know I’m deluding myself but I want it so bad.
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lalizah · 3 days
Was thinking about having a second snarky m-mancer:
M: she just wants to see me naked
MC: my guy, I don't even wanna see you clothed
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