askeon · 4 years
(wake me up) WAKE ME UP INSIDE (I can't wake up) WAKE ME UP INSIDE (saaave meee) CALL MY NAME AND SAVE ME FROM THE DARK
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{ Oh. Nevermind, they’re definitely awake now.}
[ @askeon ]
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askeon · 4 years
Eon: How curious! You look like a flareon yet you're a mimikyu correct? Are you a mix? Is this your chosen form? Or were you born like this?
The Mimikyu circles the odd Pokemon before her before plopping down in a perfect little loaf. Beady eyes hone in on the matronly figure, making snap judgements. An odd aura seems to shuffle through the leaves--an air of covetous envy.
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“This is my Glamour, or, as some others of my kind call it, my disguise. It is how I choose to appear those of this domain and how I am most comfortable presenting. Knowing what I truly looked like may deter potential allies... It is better this way.” 
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“... Is it working? Do I seem approachable? I can always make adjustments. Perhaps I would make more friends if I looked more like you...”
The Judge’s words seem a bit lonely...
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askeon · 4 years
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Eon’s ref has been updated!
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askeon · 4 years
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All of these already sold and have new homes but I still wanted to show the Eon adopt designs I did today!!!
Little Eon lore, their gems can be arranged however they please!! how my Eon has them is just the default when they first evolve!
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askeon · 4 years
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Us having an egg together... Well, it’s a result of nurturing and growing that bond together. Neither of us could’ve seen it coming had you told us we’d end up here when we first met. But we compliment each other and it just... works.
Deva has worked incredibly hard to make up for his past and has shown true growth. It’s part of why I’ve been calling him Deva instead of Aku now. It’s because he’s not the same Pokemon he was back then.
I’d rather love him for who he is now, than dwell on and hate who he was then.
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askeon · 4 years
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{ Falling }
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askeon · 4 years
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Since she won’t be open for asks for a little bit, have an Alpha! She’s an Eon/Dusk Lycanroc Hybrid!
Credit for Eon goes to @cheeziesart / @askeon (Please check out askeon it’s the blog that got me back into this! <3 )
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askeon · 4 years
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< Eon seems to have gotten distracted and overwhelmed by the presence of another Eon. She seems happy though >
@askteamshelds​ @ask-umbreon​ @ask-another-clone​ 
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askeon · 4 years
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...Smeargle? Hardly. Me, Amor and Eon built this land from the ground up when we found this area. There’s enough room here for a decent sized family at least, which is what she’s aiming for. The children have their sleeping dens and play rooms next to the house while we hunt nearby and bring food home when necessary. 
The house is mostly finished, still some patching up to do...
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askeon · 4 years
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 { Deva seems to be sulking in the corner for some reason...} 
Dwayne & Cooper 
 { Dwayne and Cooper used Helping Hand! }
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askeon · 4 years
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 Don’t you ever get tired of beatin’ that dead horse? 
 ‘Cause I know I am.
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askeon · 4 years
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< Deva’s sub took -1 damage >
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askeon · 4 years
Merged the Refs and Relationships Page and gave relationships an overhaul
Updated Champion’s ref
Updated Deva’s ref link
Added a chronological EonQuest link so you can read the blog from the very beginning!
Updated Relationships page with unlockable characters + the children and Odd Egg
Updated the FAQ
Updated Mod and Support page
Updates Coming soon
Kids Ref pages
House layout
Unlockable characters TBA as they appear on the blog
Ask Hints (so far yall have been SUPER AMAZING with the asks but if things come to a lul I’ll add a hints page!)
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askeon · 4 years
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You’re not funny!!
Anyway, Just the egg is ours!! The rest of the children have different fathers... and mother.
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askeon · 4 years
Oh, OOC but! I've been meaning to ask if we'd be allowed to make our own Eon/any of the Fakemon Eeveelutions you've made? The FAQ was a tad out of date so I wasn't sure if anything has changed or if we still have to ask you personally!
oh woops!!! ye I’ll be digging through the blog soon to add and update character info and such lol
but yes!! you are allowed to make your own fakeevees!! I just won’t interact with them on this blog until they’ve been “unlocked” in this timeline via her children evolving so as of right now she’d only be interacting with other Eons canonically
Also a heads up that I’m revamping Papeon before it debuts on this blog!
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askeon · 4 years
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Sorry about that!!! Their hunger is ravenous;;;; Thank you so much for the food though! Looks like we won’t have to go hunting this morning.
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To be honest, we’re still not settled on a name quite yet. I mean, we’ve gotten a few we’ve liked between us but nothing set in stone. 
I personally would like to name her after the 45th black star in the ⍜⋔⟟☊⍀⍜⋏ galaxy I made myself, while Eon likes the name “Ophelia”. I suppose we’ll settle on a name eventually.
@pikafe​ @askpoketravels​ @askthehalfshiny​ 
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askeon · 4 years
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< The kids have woken Eon up whether she’s ready or not >
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